HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-11-07November 7, 1960
Regular Meeting
Tho regular monthly meeting ef the Planning Benr~ was held en Memlay, November 7, 1960
at 7:30 PM at the Town Building. Members present ami veting were: James M. Baw~a~,
Chairman, Rehert Burke, Secretary, Oeerge Farley, and Nicholas Nicetta.
Mr. Marine appeared hefere the Bear~ asking them te release easements es Green Hill
Avenue. Mr. Nicetta said he would like to leek at the street first. He them asked
Mr. Marine if the water end sewerage were tied i~te each individual let. Mr. Marine
said these utilities were net tied into each heuse let yet.
Mr. Burke moved te re~ase the cev~uenants. Mr. Farley seconded the metien. Mr. Nicetta
said hewe~ld like to leek at this befere voting. Veto: Yest~ Bannan, Farley and
Burke. Net Voting: Nicetta.
Mrd. E~ith Howard, 445 JeWasen Street asked te Rave the minutes ef Jm~e 6, 1960 read.
Mr. Burke read the~utes as requested.
Mr. ~arleymeve~ the minutes ef Jume 6, 1960 be accepted as read. Mr. Burke seconded
~ha motion. Unanimous vote.
Mrs. Howard stated at the meeting- en June 6, 1960 seven people objected te the street
because ef the water problem in the area. She pointed out a percolation test has net
been passed yet en these prepese~ lets.
Mr. Howard teld the Beard Mr. Burke was present when a percolation test was being mede
and he felt Mr. Burke would recall that the hole never emptied.
Mrs. Heward said Mr. Nicettawas the enly man te come te see the cen~itiemexisti~g.
Mr. Nicetta was net present at the Ju~e 6 meeting.
Mr. Farley said he had gene te view the area four er five ~k~ age but there had been
ne rain them.
Mrs. Howard said the read has net been dry for appreximately feur weeks.
A discussion was held cn the drainage problem on the Jehnsen Street area. Mr. Howard
discussed the plans and peinted out his house is where the leeching field will he.
The Howard pointed out the lets in the Sub-division de not meet the sorting requirements.
A discussien was held em the plam sho.~ing the lots.
Mr. Nicetta said he could not understand hew the plans could be approved as the lets
de not meet the ByLawrequirements.
Mr. Howard stated Mr. Sh~lds has not permit for the three lets yet lea~., has been removed
from these 'lets and it has been replaced with fill. He stated he would like te see
houses built but would like a guarantee that there will be no mere water.
Mrs. Howard told the Board only three houses Mr. Shields has built ::ave cellars all the
rest are ew slhbs. The area has a lot ef learn, little gravel and then hard pan.
· Mr. Farley asked if the Howards get water all the time and were told they have been
having water since they built there seven years age. Pumps are get-E continually at
their house, the Merrisens ~ud the Gaske~zls.
Mrs. Heward~l~the Beard this street wes started before Mr. Shields came in te the
Board. She stated she felt Mr. Shields knew he would get the ekay as leam was
taken off lemg beffore June 6.
Mr. Burke moved te take this matter up with Town Counsel. Mr. Farley seconded
the motion. U~animeus veto. Mr. Barman said he would write a letter te Mr. Salisbury.
Mrs. Howard told the Board she had taken this up with Mr. Salisbury and was told
she should get counsel. She stated people veto for Town 0fficiers and she feels
this should g~ before the Boards of the Tewm and she should net have te hire Counsel.
She also stated she would like te see percolation tests made as they had trouble
with their septic t~-_k withim three years.
A letter was read free the Beard ef Health regardimg ~ercolatiem tests.
Bills were signed for
Mary Doherty $ 36.75
N. E. Tel. & Tel. 9.70
Mr. Burke moved the meeting adjourn at 9:25 PM. Mr. Farley secoaded the motion.
Unanimous vote.
~ Chairmam