HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-06The regular ~o~thly ~eetiag of the Ploaniag Board was held oa~, PebruarY 6, 1961 a% ?=30 1~ at t~e Tewa Offiee Building. Members presemt aad vet~--g Were= Janes M. Bamaan, Cheirna~, Rebert J. Burke, SeeretarY, Heward Giluan and Geerge Farley. Mr. Franeis B. Xittredge appeared before the Beard asking fera Publie Hea~ aa he weuld like te have a pieee ef land ewaed by Ralph V~e ea First Street re_ seined from Village Residential to General Busiaesa, He explaimed this pieee of land ia rd~rounded by land owaed by the Nerth Audever ~aepptng 0anter. Mr, Gilman moved that a Publie Hearing be held on this petitian eR TharSda~, Hareh 2~ 1961 a% ?:30 P~. Mr. Burke seeondad the motiet. U~us vete. diseussie~ was held an the six potitieas ~e aBe~d the soaing By Law that the Board is su~u!tting to TM Meettag. Mr. Giluan moved that Publie Heariags et these petitiets be bold wa Thursday, Mareh 2, 1~61 a% 7:4~ 1~, ~=00 PM, 8=15 PM, 8=30 PM, 8=45PM and 9=00 ~ Mr. Burke seeeaded tke metieu. Unaniueus vete. Mr. Bm read a letter frem Mr. Snith ef the Adviser2 Beard stattag they weuld be glad to meet with the Planning Boar~ et Tkurs~ay, February 9, 19~1 at 8=~5 PM te ~iseuss the artieles being submitted by the Planniug Beard. The Board agreed te meet with the Advisory Beard an this date. Twe bills vere signed far the followiug: Thernofax Cetpan~ Jeh ~eskiag, he. $53.39 N. E. Tel. &Tel Jebn Hos~uS, IRe. Mary Deher~y Mr. Burke moved the meeting adjourn at 8=30 PM. UBalimou~ vote. $ 8.75 2.38 Mr. Farley seeeuded tho motie~.