HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-071~, ~_~_-y ?, 19~3 Regular ~eeting The Planning ~ard held the_ir regular meeting on Monday ev=-~-8, January 7, 1963 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Building. The follc~rlng me~bers ~ present and votAng: Ja~es M. Barman, Chair~__-_; Robert J. Burke, Secretary; ~ Gilman, George Farley and Willia~ Chepulis. The Ange~4-~ brothers (Hillereet Realty) were present to have their P~-~s approved and signed by the ~oard. The Board approved the plans subject to the follc~__g conditions: 1. Approval granted subject to filing of cove~t satisfactory ~o the To~n Counsel. 2. Water ~_d aewe~ according to the rules and regulations of the B~rd of PuBlic Works. 3. Surface drains and street Bounds ~ust be inst~ed; oonsteuctlon of street and driveways subject to the approval of Highway Dept. Roads ~nst Be hot-topped. Approval ~ubJact to the requiremsnts of the local ~r State Dept. of Publie ~ealth regarding s~tary disposal systems. The Board signed the plans. Atty. ~ohn ~. Willis was present to ask the Board for infor~;.tien regattas8 hearings for re-z~aing. Re expeets to inser~ thr~e rs-zoning artioles. ~oha ~. Coetello, 88 C~eene Street, was al~ p~esent to f~ out. what the procedmre was to re-zone a pareel of lam& ~e say~ he has an opti~ to purchase ~ nen~ Wil~on's earner for a proposed Village Shopping Center that would he styled to mstoh the area. The Board informed Hr. Costello that this ~ .-~___,~el of land was proposed for busiueas ~o years ago, but there ~s eonstderabl~ ~si%ion to it and was ~ ~u~ned do~n at A~n-~ Town Meeting. Mr. Costello asked if the Board would take it on its o~n ~-~tiative to have this parcel re-zoned and the msmhe~s said no, they wce~d not. Than they proceeded explain that an article should he inserted in the Town ~arran% fir~ ~an~ry 28th and then file for a hearing at the ~oard~s next ~eting ca Feb. with a~ the necessary inform*tion and plans. Atty. Alfred Daniels was present to ask ~-rormatAon for re-zoning a parcel of land on Waverly Eoad. The ~ explained t__he_ procedure to his. Hr. Fhela~ of th~ Board of Assessors ~as present to ask the Board r~-~2 th~ ~ of~ ~~ S~t for ~ ~~C~i~ ~ ~ ~.~ a~. ~ ~s, ab~t ~ ~e 1~, ~ Fa~'s to ~ of ~d P~k~ S~ Foist. T~ ~~ O~: ~t ~ ~ ~y ~ t~ app~p~ati~ ~ ~ ~., e~. ~t ~ ~ces~ ~ o~r to ~ a ~. ~ ~ t~ts no o~siti~ ~ t~t ~a as ~ as M ~s. ~st ~it is ~ ~y, ~ t~ ~s go ~ ~it. T~ City's C~t~ at t~ ~ ~ ~thit. Jca~a~y 7, 1763 - Ccat. After Mr. Phela~ left, the Board diSCUSsed the ~atter further. Mr. ~ said it should be required that two or more members of the Industrial C~sic~ speak at To~ Meeting for the article. ~r. Gilman ---de a motion to sponsor the artiele and appropriate the necessary money snbJeet to the outcome of the Ind~_strial ~ meeting ~n Thursday even~, as to what will be dra~n up (with the eooperation of the two ~o~rds). A letter be se~t to Town Acc't; to carr~ 1962 balanee ($338.93) over to 1763. Mr. Ba~na~ will attend the Xndu~trial Cc~. meeting on Th~ eve~. The ~ had a general discusaica ca changes is the ~y-l~e. Mr. Chapulim mede a motion that the PI~-~-~ Board ~ para. 9.1 by atrikiag ~ said paragraph the words "fUrther provided tbet ~ of ~aid ~ of Appeals Members shall he appointed fr~m among the l~embers of the North Andover Planning Board.# Mr. Burke seconded the motios and ~he vote was usanim~us. Mr. Barman will see Town Counsel about drawing up the =ecessary artielem. The Boax~ sign~ pla~ not re_q~iring The Board voted to renew membership The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.~. with the Mass. Federation of Irlanning Boards.