HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-02-25Honday, leebruary 25, 1963 The Plan-~-g Boe_~rd held speei~l hearings on l/onday evening, February 25, 1963 at 7~30 P.M~. in the T~n ~,~l~ with the following members present and voting: Jaz~s M. Bennan, Ch~rm,~; Robert J. Burke, Secretary; I/o~ard 041ma~ and George Farley. Mr. ChePUl. ia could not attend due to a death in the f~y. There were approx~,~tely 20 people present for the four re-zoning hearings. 1st Hear~g: 7:30 P.M. Petition of John C. Fern,m= This hearing ~as to eh,,nge froB Rural Residence to General Busines~ a triangular parcel of land on Johnson and Turnpike Streets. Secretary Burke read the legal notice of the hearing. Atty. John ~. Willis represented the petitioner. Be e~.l-~ed th~__t this se~e parcel of land was presented last year for re-zoning but was turned d~n. The old Farvh~_~ school building stands on this property, which consists of one roon and was abandoned in 1936. Mr. Farnham has had difficulty in using this ]e~. If this parcel is re-zoned the only commercial use would be an antique furniture and refinishing business. It can't be used for anything else. It couldn't be used for a~hing that would create any hazardous traffic conditions. Across the street is the ski-tow. Few residents would be affected by this re-zoning and asks the Board to reeo~ re-zoning. Fred Chase, 165 Boston Street, seAd there was not enough land for business, he needs 25, ~000 sq. ft. Mr. W~s said the re-zc~4-8 was not denied because of size and that it can be done by the Town. There was no one recorded as opposed. Mr. Burke made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. O~-~ seconded the motio~ and the vote was unanimous. 2nd Bearing: 7:45 P.M. Petition of John J. Willis. · This hearing ~as to change fr~m Rural Residence to General Business a parcel of land owned by Mr. W~_llis on Turnpike Street, directly across the street frc~ the triangular parcel of land. Secretary Burke read the legal notice of the hearing. Atty. John J. Willis ag-~ spoke as representative of the petition and exp]--l,~ed that this parcel of land also ~s presented last year for re-zoning but was turned do~n. It contains approx~ 20 acres and is divided into 3 parcels. Two homes were built on one parcel .but the character of land was such that it was not suitable for further residences. One parcel contains 2 acres and another 3 acres. Boston Brook runs through the land. The area at the front on Turnpike _a~ Johnson Streets is the only land that can be used. ~ has had inquiries as to uses of it for commeroial l~rposes such as c~n shop, electronics, ret~l furniture store, etc. It is directly across from the Boston ~w] ski area. The nearest house is about 350-400 feet a~ay; at the rear there is a distance of 1800 feet fro~ a~ existA-8 buildings. This ~a~d is on a well-travelled and high. speed road and would appeal to commercial use. Be asks the Board to w~e the ~ reco__w~,~.ndations as last year .to re-zone the land. Mrs: John DeLtsle, 1084 Johnson St. asked several questions regar~4~ and types of business, etc. There was no on_~ recorded as opposed. February 25, 1963 - Cont. Mr. Gi]w~ made a motion to take the petition under advisement. ~r. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was 3rd. ~-ing: 8:00 P.M, Land on Turnpike St. o~ned by A~Bert C. Day~ This hearing was to chapge fro~ Rural Residence to Industrial a parcel on land on Turnpike Street at the Middleton line own_~d by Albert C. Da~. Secretary Burke started to read the legal notice and then the Board botod to dispense with the reading of the description because it was too leng~ Atty. Ralph E. Finck represented Mr. Day, who was also present. He explained that Mr. Day desired this land to be re-zoned in order that he may construct a new Eastern Tanks Corp. which would comprise two buildings; the .main building w~uld be 7Ox120 ft. l~ng, constructed 100 feet from the street, the building in front would contain the offices and measure 60~5 ft. This would be a light industry which would be .general repairing, building of bodies £of tanks for truck~, etc. Parts are formed and then assembled, very little noise. The operation would he from 8 to 5, 5 days, Monday through Friday. Mr. Day has been in business since 1945, incorporated in January of 1946. He has never had any com~S.R~e as to the operation of his business and has ma~y places throughout ~ass. They showed pictures of the buildings. Trucks will not come in and out and cannot be considered a term~. This would be no expense to the to~n since he will use his o~n water. There will be no operation outside at all, the operation is entirely taken care of inside. W~ll help the tax base, the town has had no large industry since Western Electric. The Industrial Develo~aent Commission is in back of this operation 100%. This is a pr~-~_ area for rezoning to Industry. Would like the Board to rac~mm*nd favorable acti~ Entrances: enter by one road s~d leave by another. Mr. Berry, 2251 Turnpike St. said houses are being ~_t around there, this would be spot zoning. He speaks for his brother also who could not be present. Would drop the value of the houses. Mr. Finck said this operation would enhance .the area. Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle, 2324 Turnpike Street, asked several questions of Mr. Dey regarding location of the buildings, drainage, excess water, fence protection, etc. Mr. Day said that the land is not worth much now; it ~ be ~urth more when a business is there. Land on the high~ay depreciates for residential area. Mr. Berry asked what would be do~a about entrances. Mr. Banyan read,a letter from State Commissioner Ricciardi about constructing on highways. Regulated by State and have to meet their approval. Mrs. Doyle asked what provisions would be made as to control of ~aste. Mr. Day said they would use very little water and no chemicals. Mr. B-~an said the by-law prohibits the use of chemicals. Mr. Harold Whipple, 2237 Turnpike St. was opposed, because he has Just built a home in that area~ and wouldn't ~ant spot zo~Bg to continue along this road. He is across the street from Mr. Day. February 25, 1963 - Cont. 41 Mr. Allan Doyle, Turnpike St., said good luck to you; I have a big s~amp. Mr. Barman explained that to~ay we have to plan for not only the development of residential areas but for business and industry also. Mr. Phelan, Chairman of the Ind. Development Corn. and Board of Assessors explained that Mr. Day came in to see him about the land a_~_~_ said that the need of Industry is great. The airport has taken all industrial land for its own use. This area is assessed at the lowest possible rate of ~10.00 an acre. This area has the hacking of the T~d. Com. 100%. . . Mrs. Bootw~, 1625 Turnpike St. was opposed and read a letter fr~m Howard Thomson and Sidney Col~,~- who were also opposed against all re-zoning. Mr. Bare, an explained that the Planning Board has nothing to say about sewerage. Mr. Day will use bis own water. Mr. Berry asked if they had any protection against every kind of industry coming in. Mr. Barman explained that it is all spelled out in the By-law. Mr. Day explained that the area will be fenced in and possibly a watch man will be necessary. It is not noisy. Everything is assembled like an automobile, there is some hammering. Mr. Burke made a motion to take. the petition under advisement. Mr. Farley seconded the m~tion and the vote was unanimous. 4th Hearing: Land on Turnpike St. P1Ann(n~ Board in conjunction with Ind. CoL This hearing was to change from Rural Residence District to Industrial District a parcel of land containing approx. 80 acres, on Turnpike St. near the ~tddleton line. Mr. Burke read the legal notice. The Board voted unanimously to dispense with the lengthy description. Mr. Phalan explained as Ohairm~n of the Industrial Com. they are in conJ~mction with the Planning Hoard to have this area re-zeroed since there is a great need of industrial area in to~n a~ they would like to have this re-zoned for an Industrial Park. The c~ners of the ~_,~ involved favor the re-zoning. The to~n needs a tax base. ~ave had inquiries as to available land. Mrs. Boo.an and Mr. Berry asked questions regarding the re-zoning. Mr. Burke made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Hr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. _STP~ET ACCEPTANCE The Boa~d read a letter fro~ the Board of ~aleet~en m~ the ~igh~ay Dept. The ~g~y ~. a~ro~s of W~ St~t. T~ ~ ~d ~ ap~ W*~ St. ~ to r~o~ to t~ Sel~ t~ ~ ~ t~ r~~o~ of ~ ~g~y ~yor. T~ ~ ~ ~ ~ action ~ B~ S~ ~d ~ ~ ~ B~e~ ~ea~ t~ is ~t ~icient i~o~ti~ ~fo~ ~ ~ for t~m ~ dO 80. February 25, 1963 A letter ~ll be sent to the ~hool Building 0ommitte~ to appear before t__~e ~ Board o~ P~rch 4~h to show more eomplete plaz~ a~d explain to the Board Just what will be done regarding the streets. Mr. & Mrs. Giard appeared before the Board regarding the same two streets ami were ag~-et-them beimg accepted as they are. The matter of the streets will be taken ~p ag~ o~ ~reh 4th. The meeting adjourned at 9:~O P.M. 7 AD ~ / ,~, ~ .,~ Clerk