HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-04Monde, l~rch ~, 1963 ~ular ~etin~ & ~'lngs The Flanning Board held their regular meeting on M_o_~day evening, ~reh 4, 1963 at 7:30 P.M. in the To~n Building with the following -~hers present _~ voting: James M. Barman, Cheirw~; Robert J. Burke, ~ecretary; Beward G~]w~, George Farley and William Chepulis. The Board voted to adJo~n the meeting to the Fire Station w~eting roc~ ~in~e there were' over 30 people present for the re-zon~ hearings. 1st Hearing: 7:30 P.M. Petition of Al*red Bceglin. This hearing was to change fr~ Village Residential to General ~usi~ess a .parcel of land at the corner of Osgood Street and Wa~vne Street. Mr. Burke read the legal notice. ~r. Bceglin ~wed a picture and e~plainad the p~aas .su~aitted. The b~ was there before .zoning. There has al~ays been a business conducted ~n this 'area. The buil~-8 wasn't c~mpleted because he eouldntt get the necessary help to complete the b~. If the area is re-~d it can be oompleted. at Mr. Paul Bruoate, Osgced St., an abutter spoke/lea~hh ag~=t the re-~o~-8 of this area. Also recorded aa opposed ~ere: Mrs. Brueato, Mrs. Nerney, Osgood St. ~ ~arold ~oy~t~n, 257 0sgoc~ St.; Mr. Chef, lis made a motion to take the petitioa ~der advisement, seconded by 'Mr. Farley _=-_~ v~ted una~. P.M. _al Co was to chan~e ~ ~ Hesr~ential to General ~ss a parcel of land on Osgood S~reet, lE~nde~ by Great Pond ~ and S%anleyvLll® Aven~e. Mr. Burke read the legal notice. Atty. Harold Morley represented the petitioner, taking the place of Atty. John Willis who eould not attend due to illness in the f*-~y. Be presented plans to the Board and explained what land they desired to have re-zoned. The land is an L-shape surrounding the present Butcher Boy Market property and is not suitable for residence. The frontage on Osgoc~ Street is inadequate for a house lot. They have no present plans to use the area. They want the area re-zoned to have ~e complete business lot instead of having one lot divided as pa~ residence. Willta~ Burns, 653 Lowell St., ;~__wrence, objected, he o~ns some laud on Stamleyville Ave. and says notice aw~ hear~2 is out of order. Be is definitely opposed; ~ants land kept strictly residential. He stated the o~ners of the land ware not properly notified. Mr. B-~ explained that accor~*-~ to T~ Counsel on r~ c~e~s we do not have to notify ab~tters. Some of the petitioners have notified abutters on their o~n. Mr. Burke mede a motion to take the petitio~ under advisement. Mr. G41w,m seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. 3rd Hearing: 8:00 P.M. John J. Costello. This hearing was to change, from Country Residence'to General Business a parcel of land at the corner of Turnpike and Peters Streets, approx. 3 acres. Mr. Burke read the legal notice. l~rch 4, lc~,3 - Cont. Mr. Rock, ell asked the Board the purpose of the meeting as to re-zoning. Mr. Ba~n~ explained that the Planning Board ~es no re-zoning, the Town Meeting decided all that. We decidedwhether ~e consider it proper according to the by- laws and then at To~n Meeting we make recc~mendations. Atty. John Ford asked about the requirement of 50 signatures for a hearing. Mr. Barman said that now, accox~ to Town Counsel, only 10 signatures are required. Atty. Ford wanted to be recorded as objecting. John J, Costello, 88 Greene Street, the petitioner, spoke and presented plans to the Board. He explained that~ the land consists of 3 acres and that he had a representative of the A. & P. present since they were interested in locating there if the land is re-zoned. Mr. MeGontgle had sketches of what is proposed. We need additio~ area for ~usiness purposes . There have been business conducted on this tract of land for many years, even before zoning was enacted; the Furniture Ba~n and Thon~on's Restaurant. This area is desirable for business purposes. real estate Mr. Walter McGonigle, A. & P./representative, sh~od sketches. This would be 'ideal spot to be located because of the availability to it from any part of to~n. Would be a colonial type store, would face on Peters Street. Would have accomodations for mare stores, probably a Cleaning operation, beauty parlor, drug store, branch bank, etc. Will produce additional revenue for the town. Can park approx. 236 cars in the parking space. Deliveries would beg~ at 8 o'clock in the morning and be completed by 4 P.M. (He showed sketches of the front elevation, the layout the store, etc. This type of operation ~ould employ about 78 employees, at least 40 would be i~,ll time. Att~. John Ford spoke for ~rrimack College~ ag~t the re-zo~ of the area. There are 2 or 3 dozen homes constructed in that ~rea. The people rely on the Planning Board to protect' their interests. This petition was signed by 14 people all but three reside more than a m~e from the site. The people who live in this general area are entitled to protection. This would add to the traffic problem. It is ~located at a dangerous intersection. Father McQuade of Me~;z-~ck College spoke ag,~nst the re-zoning also. For the past 16 years he has seen the area develop in very fine fashion and wants it to continue that ~ay. Is not a~ous to see any kind of shoppf~g center developed in that area. Should keep that area on a high level. Would make an excellent spot for developing residences. James Milliken, 127 Turnpike Street. Definitely opposed, especially because of heavy traffic. William Rockwell, Wilson' s Corner, opposed. Albert Lotz, 209 Turnpike Street, opposed, due to hea~y traffic and deterioration of property. Mr. Costello explained that he is in this option ~ith Dr. John J. Hartigan. No food or liquor would be served on the premises. March 4, 1963 - Cont. The following were recorded as opposed: Salvatore Santore, 203 Turnpike St. Gordon Bannister, 64 T~-.~pike St. William Kilcoync, 3~ Turnpike St. Mr. & Mrs. R. Dow, Andover Street Albert Hmurciak~ 14 Cotuit St. William Kenney, 146 Cotuit St. Mr. B-~B-~ explained that t~ Planoin~ Board i~ required to hold hear~s whether they approve of tham or not. We w~e our recow~endations at Town ~eeting. Mr. Chepulis explained further that if an article is accepted by t_~e_- Selectmen, the Planning Board mast have a public hearing. Mr. Burke mede a motion to take the petition under advisement.' Mr. Gtl,~B seconded the motion and the vote ~as u~ous. At 9:00 P.M. the Board met with the School Building Committee. The members present were Mr. Livesy, Nm. Friis, Mr. Rock and Mr. Rockwell. Supt. of Schools Doughs Chandler was also present. Th~s meeting was to discuss the plans svhm4tted for acceptance by the To~n of Bay State Road and Beacon ~ll Blvd. as access to the ~ school o Mr. Barman told the School Bldg. Oo~. members that the Planning Board could not approve acceptance of these streets as they are now. The Board. cannot approve dead end streets, or streets that have not been completely finished and okayed by the High~ay S~veyor. Mr. Chandler gave a length~ explanation of the plans and What the Corn, plans to do. A lengthy di~a~ssion was held byl members of the Cca~ and Planning Board. Sca~ of the spectators from the hearings also joined in. There was noth!-~ settled since the Planning Board could ngt approve acceptance of the streets. The Board th~_~ want into e~ecutive session in th~ office. The Board made the following decisions and votes on the re-zoning hearings held on Feb~-,~y 25, 1963. Mr. Chepulis could not vote since he did not attend that meeting. ~r. B~r~e made a motion to recommend approval of the four re-zo~t~8 petitions held on Feb~,*~y 25, 1963. Mr. 6!~w~n seconded the motion and the vote was ~a~!m~us. The hearings were held for: 1. John C. Farnum to c~-~e from rural residential to General business a parcel of land on Turnpike and Johnson Streets. 2. John J. Willis to change from rural residential to general business a parcel of land on Turnpike & Johnson Streets, containing approx. 12 acres. 3. Kathleen Finck to change from Rural residentail to Industrial a parcel of land on Turnpike St. owned by Albert C. Day. The North Andover Planning Board to change from rural residence to Industrial a March 4, 1963 - Cont. parcel of land on Turnpike Street near the Middleton line, containing approx. 80 acres. The Beard rhea eonaiderod the heariags of %he eveniag. Mr. Burke made a motion to approve aceept~aee of all three The vete ~s 4 - 1 for approval. Mm. Chepulis voted 2. Aagus-Realty Corp. The Beard will vete oa this at the next moetiug and deeision will be subJeot to the opAaloa of T~ Counsel rega~ the obJeetioas ef aa abutter. 3. John J. ¢ostello. Th~ vete ~as 4- 1 for approvel. Mr. Farley voted n~. ky State ~ & _Be. acoa Hill Blvd.. The Bonrd din,~,~esed the above 'st~ee%s as explaiaed earlier ia the evening by the maabors of t~e_ School ~ldg. Co~=ittee. A letter w~l~ he seat to ~ :loard of Seleetmea that the ~ Board tee.Is ti.it, the ee~litioa~ of Bay State Road and Beacoa Hill ~l~d. are ia ao coaditic~ for aecepte~ce. Whea, aa and if the streets are ~mitahte, we are hear~Ely ia favor of their aeceptance. The Board eigaed th~ following Tel. & Tel. Co. Brasseur Associates Eagle-Tribuae Pub. Co. D~w~el Cahtll $.35 3O. OO 80.00 5.00 A7.00 170. 3~ The motinf adieu-dod at 10,30 P.~