HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRICKYARD REALTY TRUST *w CMR. 10._g _ Faun 8 OE?Fife No. 24Z-740 _ rro oe croviaea by OEF) �---- Norch Andover _ Commonwealth Cay-Town =�- of Maszac~usett5 Accacant Brickyard Realty Trust Lots B1 & 10B Concord St. Certificate Of Compliance Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, C.L. c. 131 , §40 Vert Andover Conser-ration Commission Issuing Autherit y 14 Thomas Avenue Brickyard Realty Trust Methuen, MA 01844 .c (Name) (Acer ess Cate of Issuance July 1, 1998 n:s ..a.,; i.-t_ sSued fcr work regulated by an Orcer of Ccnbiticns issues tc Brickyard Realty Trust r' r• c c^ dated 3/21/95 rtnd issued by the NACC It ,s heresy certified that the work regulated by the above-references Crcer of Ccndihcns pas ' ween satisfactorily completed. Z. Q It a heresy certified that only the fdllewing pertians of the wcrx reguiated by the a=,ve-reier• erced Crcer of Conditions have been satisfac:criiy ccmctetec: (if the Carttficate cf Ccmcllance Ices nct inciuce the entire project. specify what perions are inciueedd C !t ;s Harm•y certified that the work regulated by the abave-reterencec-Crcer of Ccncificns v.-a_ never cc^mended.The Crcer of Conditions has iaosed anc is theretcre no!cncer vdud. No future �crx - suciec: :o reculaticn uncer the Act may be c^ mc ^. �^ wit,e " a a,,ti• ^pct c' cf insert Ut utGC n and rece:vinc anew Crcer cf Ccn--cticns. (leave Ecace efanx) 242-740 c, Q This cerificate shall be recoiled in the Registry of Deeas or the L.;r,C Ccur, lcr the ots:;tot to wnicn the land is Iecatec. The Orcer was originally recorcea an 4/4/95 (tate) at the Re7:stry of Deeds, North Essex �I XXXX Instrument #6666 I Q The fallowing conditions of the Orcer shall continue: (Set fort any ccnCit;cns ccntatnec n the F;nal Orcer, such as maintenance or titcnitcring, which are to continue to a longer-ertcc.) Issued by ;ierth Andover Conservation Commission Signatures) When issuec cy the Ccnsaniaticn Ccrrirnlsion this Certificate must be sicned by a mmalcrr/ of is rnemeers. Or, this lst --ay at July 1 c 98 bercre iMe personally cceared Albert Manzi, Jr. to me knewr, tc be the person descri:.ed in arc was executed the feregcing instrument anc ackncwiecged 'hat he:she executa_c the same as his/her free act and Ceed. !Nc,ary =c:aiic My cc^mission excires Detacn an cattec tine anc suarnit :a 'he TC NACr.. Issuing Au:ncnry r!ease ee acvL ac neat the Cartlt.'cate of CCmcttanca tar ale Crane--'at. ;, 2_740 Deeds , Noy e_-: S ie vumcer :^as teen re_arcee at the net;tsry of ane nas teen nctee,n,ine:::atn ci !itte ct:ne artec:ea aracerty an t.re=,cec tanc. :ne nsuument numcer..vntc:::aennues:nrs::ansar.:cn s rar:c. .^•c 242-740 g, Issued By North Andover Conservation Commission Signatu els) This Crcer must be signed by a maionty of the Conservation Commission. On this 15th day of March 19 95 before me personally appeared George L. Reich to me known to be the person cescrtbed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he.she executea the same as hisi her free act ane need. Ncta-V UAC My commission expires The arcucant.;ne owner. any oeison aggneveo t:y this orcer.any owner of lana a.auning the Lana uoon wnicn fne crc:csea wcrr.,s;o oe 00116.or any ten restoen;s or the c::y or town in wntcn such Lana is tocatea.are nereoy nouheo of tneir rant to reauest ine Ceoarment ct crovieing the reauest is mace cy cerntiea man or riana cenvery to the Cecar,rrer:. Environmental Protecucn to issue a Sucerseang Orcer, with the aooroc^rate tkinc:ee anc Fee Transmtaat Form as orovtoea to 310 VAR to.ow).within ten cays from the Cate of issuance of Ims Oetermmanen.A ccpy ct the reauest snatf at the same time oe sent oy certthea mad or hano oeltvery to the Conservat:cn Comm:ss;cn anc:^e a: ucant. If you wish to appeal this decision under the Town Bvlaw, a complaint trust be flied in Superior Court. Detach on eottea line and suomrt to the tiorth Andover Conservation Comm, prior to commencement of worn. ...........................................................................................................................................8 4........... MA 01845 To North Andover Conservation Commission, 120 Main St. , No. Andover ssu:nghwncr;v Please oe aawsec that the oroer of Conort,ons for the protect at Lots 10 11 Concord rapt _ �de Numper 242— 740 rias oeen recorcea at the R_C,stry of Deeds, North _)! sex dna has oeen notes in the chain of afte of the atfecteo orooerty in accordance with General ConorGon 8 on , 19 11 recoraea tans. the instrument number wnocn raenctroas tuts transacnon is It regosterea fano. the cocument number which identifies trios transaction is .calcar' sicna:ure 5.4A