HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-01l~exlay - November 1, 1965 Regular Meeting The Planmtng Board held their regular meeting on Monday evening, November 1, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. in the To~n ~uilding. The following members were present and voting: Willia~ Chepulis, ¥. Chairman & Secretary; ~oward Gilman, Robert J. Burke a~d George B. Farley. Chairing- James M. Ba,,an ax~-lved after the meeting had started. ~r. 0hepulis read the legal notice on behalf of the X. of ¢. As,ociation, Inc. who petitioned to -me. nd the Zoning By-Law by cb~-2~-8 frc~ Country Residential to General Business a parcel of ml~ on Sutton Street bounded by land of the Lawrence Airport Commission and ~ostandin. Attorney Awtho~y ~ndazzo and Joseph Senia represonted the X. of C. The organ4 zation desires to build a new building which would he a Oolonial-type buildingoof brick a~d cemaut bloek. Louis ~bAloon would be the contradtor, F~.. Nicetta described the building further saying it would be one story and the basement. They have to h=ve a Iow building because of the airport. Mr. Edward Y~Cme, Ohed~lek Street was recorded as opposed because he felt that eventually the entire tract of airport land would be re-zoaed to business. Mr. Ltuders said that the town was interested in bu~-8 a portion of the land the Airport Con~issi~n for a playground. Mrs. Moran, 145 Chadwick St. was opposed. Ed. Ryan, Cot. Chadwick & Osgood Streets was opposed. They were concerned over what the future of the remaining ~ would be. Mr. M~Cue vas eonoerned because be felt that eventually there would be liquor facilities there. ~. Barman said that the question of liquor is not vnder the Pi~ ~oar~.es Juriadictioa. Mr. Ran~ass~ explained that the organization is pr~ religious. A Speeial Town Meeting is being held on Nov. 8, 196~ for the Town vo~ers to decide whether or not to rezeae this parcel of land. The Planning ~oard o~ reeommends favorable or unfavorable action. Mr. Burke made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Farley seconded the ~oti~n and the vote was unanimous. OLD NORT~ ..A~D0VER REALT! TR~ST: Atty. Victor ~atem appeared ~fo~ t~ B~ re~esent~ t~ Old No~h ~d~ Retry ~st ~~ a ~s~ Su~s~n ~g Static. ~. Cl~ton GoUda ~ ~ the ~e~. T~y s~ a~t t~ t~~ ~d ~. ~m s~d it ~d ~ get s~ ~rk d~ ~fo~ ~e cold ~t~r sets ~ ~et~ ~%h d~e~at p~ for t~ Nove~er 1~ 1965 -Cont. The Board voted on th~ heariag held earlier in the evening. Mr. 6ilmn ~de a mot~o~ to recommend approval of the re-~oning. Mr. ~nan seconded the motion and the vote was ~us. 1~. B~.u'ke disqualified h~elf ~ voting because he ~e~t he could ~o% vote because he ~s a member off the N. ~. ~.of C. S~c~al Town N~eti~ The Board member~ lef~ to attend the meetiag with the Sel®c~ a~d ~r. Peter~, Chairman of the Advisory Board, to discuss the artiele su~_tted by the Board ~o transfer a ~u~ of m~ey to ~e used with the Central ~=~-i~aek Valley Pl--~*-g C~: The Board feela that this plan would benefit the To~ ~ore rather thaa using Federal aid, which w~uld be very ~-volved. The Board signed the fo~lov4-~ l~t.~.s: New F_,~].~nd Telephone $ 8.45 The neeting adjourned at 9:00 P.~