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The Plann~-~ Board held their regular meeting on Monday evening, Ma22, 1966
at 7:30 P.M. in the Town ~,~lding. The following members were present and voting:
William Chepulis, Jr., Chairm~; Robert J. Burke, Vice Chairm--; Howard Gilman,
Secretary; and George B. Farley and James M. Bannan.
HEARING: Arthur Collins Realty.
Secretary G~lm-, read the legal notice concerning Arthur Collins Realty who peti-
tioned to sub-divide a parcel of land of Fred Whittier and Angie Mead, on the
easterly side of South Bradford Street, 398 feet more or less, southerly from the
intersection of Great Pond Road & South Bradford Street, conts~g 24.3 acres more
or less; and in accordance with the plans submitted.
Atty. John J. Willis represented the petitioner, Arthur Collins, who was also present.
There were appro~m~tely 16 people present. Ail lots co ~mp..ly with the requiremeuts of
the Zo~g Laws and all utilities are available. Atty. Willis shewed how the turns-
round ba__d been el~m~eted, at the Board's request at the pre]~--y hearing. There
are 23 lots in the subdivision. The abutters present just asked questions of the
petitioner regarding the sub-division. Mr. 0tSullivan, Winter St.,~ asked about 01d
Sessions Road, which is an abandoned way. This will not-be affected. Atty. Willis
said they will submit a covenant.
Hr. Burke made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Barman seeended
the motisn and the vote was unanimous.
HEARING: Old North Andover Realty Tx,~_st.
SecretaxT G~lm-~ read the legal notice concerning 01d North Andover Realty Trust
who petitione~ for a subdivision of a parcel of land on Great Pond Road, on the
southerly side, a portion of the land of Edmund F. & Luci~.le Legend, Jr.
Atty. Victor Hatem represented the petitioner, Benjamin 0sgood, who was also present.
The name of the subdivision is "Coac~m~n's Forest". The lots involved are to #17 and
26 & 27. The other lots are not to he considered. 0nly the lots that appear on the
plans are to be considered by the Board. They conform sufficiently to the needs of
the Board as specified at the last hearing he~d!~ the Board.
Hr. Leland, an abutter, was opposed to the subdivision, saying that lots would drain
into the swamp and the only outlet to the swamp is by a brook that runs to the Country
Club. He questioned how the Board could accept anyth~ng that drains into drinking
water. The land is only 1/4 mile from the Lake and would drain into the Lake.
Mr. Chepulis brought up the Hatch Act and its applyi~__g to s~e_mp, land.
Atty. Hatem said he had checked it and does not believe it applies to this.
Mr. 0sgood said percolation tests have been made om lots on the first ?DO feet frc~
Great Pond Road. The brook borders but is not on their property.
Atty. Hatem said this will not affect the flow of water. Plans were drawn up' with
that in m~-d. They ame not changing the contour of the land.
May 2, 1966 - Cont.
Mr. Peterson said that the road is bound to change elevations. The elevations are not
shown on the other pages of the plans~ Where the road m~_kes the circle is all 19w
land. ~. Chandler agreed.
Atty. Hatem said they would not change the direction - it m~y impede the flow and slow
it down.
Mr. Leland said they would clean out the trees and make the land clear, so that water
Atty. Hatem said that the Board of Health won't issue permits if the land is not right.
Mr. Osgood said the Health Dept. does the percolation tests and deter~ues whether or
mot a house can be built. - it's not up to the Planning Board.
Mr. Chandler said the Planning Board should be concerned before they approve anything.
Mr. Osgood said Lets 1-7 have been approved by the Board of Health - they propose to
dr-~n water to the pumping station. Two lots on Great Pond Rd. don~t need Planning
Board approval because they front on Great Pond Road.
Mr. Peterson said the land has been for sale for some time. Thr~e reputable ~lders
and contractors looked it over carefully and decided it was not feasible to develop.
He is not opposing the subdivision, just wants to be assured that it will be developed
properly, that road is finished properly, etc.
Mr. Chepulis explained that the Planning Board doesn't have the final say. The various
departments of the town are consulted and their approval received, hot-top roads are
required, etc. Bonds or covenants are required. Lots cannot be released until every-
thing has been completed.
Mr. Bannan said there is still a chance that the Board of Health might not approve
some of these lots.
Mr. Chandler said he has seen this area in 3 feet of water - the whole back area in
completely under water. The weather of the past 3 years has been abnormal1 ly dry -
if it becomes wet, everything will float.
Mr. Burke make a motion to take the petition under advisement. M~. Gilman seconded
the motion and the vote was uuanimous.
Atty. John J. W~llis presented a plan to the Board showing lots in North Andover,
partially in Boxford. He requested the Board's approval of the portion o~ the lots
in North Andover. ~. Gflw~n made a motion to request Town Counsel's opinion as to
whether or not the Board could approve the plans as shown. Mr. Barman seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
Atty. Roland Sher~u showed preliminary plans to the Board of land off Sutton Ntll
Road coming in from Chestnut Street, of a proposed subdivision. It shows a 760 Ft.
turnaround. If there were no turnaround it would create a bad intersection. Spoke
about easement. Atty. Sherman will get more information and return at a later date.
Mr. Albert Steinberg appeared before the Board and shoed them plans about his
apartment develoPment that had been approved a few years ago by the Board of
Appeals - he wanted to make some changes. The Board info~ed h~m that he would
have to see the Board of Appeals, that it did not concern the Planning Board.
John J. Segadelli and Carl Martin, surveyor for Brasseur Associates presented
preliminary plans to the Board for a subdivisio~ on land off Chestnut Street.
They discussed with the Board the possibility of eliminating the 1600 ft.
turn~vound, but there is no other land available and they could see no way to
develop it differently. They left the meeting without coming to any conclusion.
The Board signed plans that did not require Planning Board approval under a
read a letter of a meeting to be held at
Mr. Chep~lis ~..~.~=x~.=~.~.ax._~ Essex Agricultural School
on the Hatch Act. Mr. Gilman made a motion to have Mr. Chepulis attend. Mr.
Barman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Chepulis will also attend a meeting in Lexington.
The members discussed ~bout them making site reviews of areas involved of
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.