HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-09 The P~a~-~-_~ Board held their regular meeting on Monda~ evening, Jan-~y 1967 at 7=30 P.)t in the Town 0flies Butl~-g. The following n~mbere were present and voting; Will~ Chepulis, Jr., Chair~; Robert J. Burke, Vice Cheir~,,; Howard G~an, Secretary, George Farley and James M. Bamm~ SHAY EEZ(~ING: The meeting adjourned to the Fire Station due to the large number of people present for the hearing, At that time there were over 25 people l~esent. Mr. G~l.;~ read the legal notice. Atty. J. Albert Bradley represented the petitioners who were also ~esent. Atty. Bradley showed the plans and said that the people present were aware of the ecatoura, ets. The Den Restaurant and Den Rock Park are acmos8 the street. The land aloag Waverl7 Road will never he built upc~ because of a severe drop. They never ex-peet any business to be oonstructed there. They have no present plans as to what may go up there. The land is not suitable for homes par~i~alarly on Winthrop Ave. Atty. ~ichard NA Sullivan spoke representing He~ry Berube and perhaps several other abutters. He said when the people in that area bought their laud it was entirely residential - then there was an open air theater - then a super market. The people are upset because they thought that area would he residen+~tal. The last ti~e the Shays had land rez~ned they gave an instrument that was recorded which said they ~uld not use abutting area in back. They assured the people that there was no future use of land in the bask. Wh~ are they here now if they have no plans for it? Clients feel that they though% they were go, w_* to have o~try living in that area. They were assured by the Shays a~ are no~ being let do~n. There is no noed for this if they have no plans for it.. See no need for this re-~-g. Frank Camperonet 6~9 Waverly Rd. - sp~_~_e ~- opposition. James Beattie, 655 Waverly Rd. - spoke in opposition. Would depreciate their Alfred DeStefano, ~averly Rd. - is opposed - wants the area to stay residential. George Laird, Waverly Rd. - Opposed. Mr. Dewhirst, 697 Waverly Rd. - Opposed. Wants it to stay residential. There was constant noise from the open air theater and wore th--~*'al when it closed. There are hazardous traffic conditions on Waverly ~ad at Winthrop Ave. This re-so~t~g would increase the potential of accidents. Mrs. Robert Hoar, 667 Waverly Road asked wby all abutters ~idn~t get notices. Mr. Chepulis explained that ~ o~ners abutting this particular piece of land were ~otified. Mr. Dewhirst pointed out a discrepancy in the number of feet in the description. Atty. Bradley noted the error and said the plans -would he corrected. Jam~y ~, 1967 - Coat. ~r. Bingham~ 701 Waverly Rd. - Opposed. Mrs. Buehanaa, Wavorly Rd. - Opposed. Land comes to her side ltue and dcesn't ears for bu~4,®ss ~n that sade or in the Back of her property. A disc~sion was held regarding the agree~nt made previously. Atty. Bradley said he dcemtt, want anyone to think he made a misrepresentation - he will give a copy of the agreement to the Planning Board for their files. They have no 4-tention of ever using the buffer sc~e. They ~uld agree to extend the line to Winthrop Avenue. They have no intention of making any access on Waverly Road and no bu~wess either. Atty. Sullivan said that the only way to satisfy the people is to withdraw the potitio~. Xastant Shay spoke aa~ing they gave protection to the people dowa to the Back of the Drive-in Theater. They never made an agreement not to ~one-another piece of land. The land should be used for somet~-E. They have no plans for the land, they ~t want it soned for Business muc~ in ~ the event that s~aeth~ may turn up in the future. -They can't sell their o~m hc~es because they can't get a b~r for tha~ Mrs. ~ar, an aButter said there would be slot of traffic involved.. Ohaix~a__n Chepuli, explained to those present that the Bonrd is in no pesAtiea to give a deelaic~ at this mc~ent - are liste~-g to all presentations. The Board acts iu the best interest, of the Tows al~aya. Personalities are left out o lstaly. ~. Caa~m~ae, an abuttor~ ~l.d that traffic is so bad that the poop.~ here applied for traf~o lights. Mr. Farley made a motic~ to take the petition ~nder advisement. ssacaded the ~ottca and the vote was uzanimou~. 2. ~EA~, Doug~-s W'~'mmcxn - Subdivisioa Mr. 6ilion x~ the legal notice. Atty. Philip Arsena~lt ~m a~pearing in place of Atty. Donald F. S~ith who wa~ unable to represent the petitioner. There were 10 people present. Mr. Wilsoa, the petitioner was also presser. The plans conform to what was discussed with the Board at an earlier meeting. Mr. ~ulhail, an abutter, waw not opposed, but wanted to look at the plans pr~sentod~ and asked queatio~, pert-~-4-g to the ~ond~ay, turnaround, etc. A letter was read frc~ the B.P.W. which stated that this ~abdivial~ oa~t be e~-~eeted to the To~ water ~y~e~ because the lawd is higher. I~. ~ilwca said he received a copy of the letter and is aware of the water problem. He i* ~ to go ahead whether or not they oon~eot %o To~n water. Mr. Chepulis ~ the Board haw to be concerned with u$~4~ie~, fae~litie,, etc. Mr. Burke ~ade a motion to take the petition ~der advtse~t. Mr. 6i1~ seoonded the motion and the vote was uaeaimeue. January 9, 1967 The Board then returned to the Offioe at 8:25 P.M. Req~e~ st for NANGAN6/HEARING: Atty. Joseph F. Bacigalupo appeared before the Board with a copy of an Artiole that had been inserted in the Ammml Town Neeting Warrant and a set of plans. The area involved is where the Mangano Plumbing and N. A. Supply Co. is om Ohickering Road and bordering Bumker Hill St. The area is less than 25,000 sq. ft. but they wish to extend an existing business area. ~tr. Bannan made a motion to hold a hearing at the next regular meeting which w~11 be o~ February 6th. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion and the vote was ,~A-4mous. WALTER S. GREEN= Mr. Walter Green requested that a hearing be held to re-m~ne a parcel of la~d om Peters Street from Country Residential to General Business, which contains approx. 3.1 acres. Mr. B---an made a motion to hold tbe hearing on Februa~ 6th. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was v-a,~m~us. Mr. G~eea presented another petition requestiag a he~ing for re-zo~-g a pareel of land from Country to Village Residential. This land is opposite the airpor~ and he is under an option to b~ from the Airport Corem1 ssion. There is sewer and water avail-bio on both Sutton and Chadwick Streets. Nr. Barman made a motion to hold the hearing on February 6th. Mr. Farley seooaded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Green will have the neeessary plans for the hearings. COVENANT - FINDLEN: Atty. Harold Morley, Jr. appeared before the Board requesting that he be able to substitute a covenant for the B~nd. The Board looked at the correspondence in the files; the heari~ was held in 1959. Atty. Morley said he has a linen copy of a plan which he will record; nothi~ has changed as to the locatio~ of streets, etc. M~. Cbepulis requested that a copy of the plan be filed with the Board. OLD N.A. REALTY TRUST: Atty. Victor Naten and Ben Osgood appeared before the Board and reque~d that an In~,~-ance Company Bond be substituted for their b~ book which the Town Treasurer is holding. Mr. Burke made a motion to accept the inSUranoe compan~ ~bo~d. Mr. B-~a~ seoon~ the motion and the vote was A letter will be sent to Mr. Naker asking b~m to release the bank book and aceept the insurance oompany bond. January 9, 1967 - Cont. They also wanted the same to be d.o~e for the l~,rn'~,~gside subdiviaio~ made a motion to approve it subject to the approval of Toms Couasel. semonded the motion and the vote was uaanimous. Letters were read from the Highway Department and Board of Public Works regarding Morningside and Russet Lane. Atty. Nates wants the release of lot #?. Mr. Burke ~ade a motion to approve the release. Mr. B-~--- seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Segadelli appeared before the Board regarding the $3500 for gravel and $6500 for bit.,..~nous surface as specified by the :Nigh~ay Surveyor for Marion Drive in the subdivision off Chestnut St. 'Mr. Chepulis w~]l cheek f~rther with Atty. Corcoran, Mr. Segadellils lawyer. BOARD OF APPEALS: Decisions .and notices of hearings to be held by the Board of Appeals were read by the Chairman. S~TTON HILL CO.: A letter was read from the Board of Health regardi.g the Sutton N~11 subdivision The approval of the subdivision is subject to the regulations as ~ specified on the letter dated December 28, 1966 from the Board of Health. The Board discussed the hearing held earlier for Shay and voted to hold a special meeting on January 23rd for a more thorough dimcussion. The' Board signed the necessary bill s. The meeting adjourned at 11~00 P.M. AD Clerk