HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-01.Monday - April 1, 1968 Regular Meeting & Hearing The PLANNING BOARD held their regular meeting on Monday evening, April 1, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Building meeting room. The following members were present and voting: William Chepulis, Jr. ,~ Chairman; Robert J. Burke, Vice Chairman; William B. Duffy, Jr., Secretary; James M. Baunan and Georg® B. Farley. There were 15 people present for the activities of the evening. HEARING: 7:30 P.M. - Charles T. Matses. Mr. Duffy~ read the legal notice in the application of Charles T. Matses for and industrial subdivision of a parcel of land located on Sutton~ Street, to the rear of houses numbered 232, 234, 238, 242 and 250 Sutton Street. Atty. John J. Willis represented Charles T. Matses, who was also present. He explained that this subdivision has already been developed partially. Bride, Grtmes, United Parcel and Sears, Roebuck have constructed buildings there. Mr. Matses wants to segregate the parcels in order to clearly define the lots. He has no intention of selling any lots at present - the present lots are under lease. The gas station and sandwick shop have been sold and are not part of the develop- n~nt. There is sewerage only to the United Parcel Building. The other lots do not have sewerage available because of a gravity problem. He met with the Highway Surveyor and he had no objections at that t~. He can meet his requirements unless they are completely different from what was discussed. Mr. Mausour, the Engineer, was also present. Gordon Marshall, Sutton St., an immediate abutter, spoke saying he was not happy with the subdivision. He said the trucks were speeding and that it was dangerous for the children playing in the area. He mentioned how a fire truck had gone through the road. Mr. Chepulis read a letter that the Board had received from the Highway Surveyor which stated certain conditions that had not been corrected by Mr. Matses. Atty. Willis said he had met with Mr. Nicetta and that he had said the present 39" d_~ain was.adequate and could be continued to the culvert. Mr. Matses agreed to install 4" of hot top~ and that they wottld put curbing where necessary. They had agreed to do whatever Mr. Nicetta had suggested and they had a hard ttme getting Mr. Nicetta to meet with them. Mr. Willis was quite disturbed at the letter Mr. Nicetta sent to the Planning Board which was completely differen$tfrom what Mr. Nicetta had told Mr. Willis and Mr. Mansour. Mr. Nicetta then came into the meeting and he and Atty. Willis had a heated dis- cussion as to just what was agreed upon. Mr. Chepulis and Mr. Duffy tried to calm the men do~n and continue with the hearing. Mr. Ban_nan made a motion to take the petition .under advisement. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. April 1, 1968 - cont. CMVRPDC: Mr. Barman requested the Board to listen to Mr. Richard Young the Planning Director of the Central Merrtw~lCk Valley Regional Planning District Commission. Mr. Young presented papers to the Board for their study showing a population report. The figures are to be used in projecting the population for the region. The Commission will use these figures if they meet with the Boardts approval. John Monteiro, North Andoverts representative to the Commission, said that it was t~e for North Andover to consider a Master Plan for the town, including a popu- lation study, etc. The Planning Board can cooperate with the CMVRPDC and ~. Young could attend meetings with the Board and present plans to them, etc. Mr. Bannan, the Planning Board's representative to the Oommfssion, said he would like Chairman Chepulis to invite Mr. Young to attend our meetings and to give us some services and maps dealing with land use and application to future develop- ments of the town. Mr. Young said he woLtld be glad to help the Board and the town in any way he could. PRELIMINarY SUBDIVISION PLANS: Campanelli, Inc. Paul Casey, ConstLlting Engineer for Campanelli, Inc. appeared before the Board representing them in order to shoM the preliminary plans for a proposed subdivision. Mr.. Casey explained that the plans show 183 house lots. The roads are 70 feet wide and will go dead end to the property lines in case of future development. Ail of the roads will come off Winter Street. Mr. Duffy asked if Winter Street was an adequate road to take these new roads. Mr. Casey said they will improve Winter Street where it goes to the subdivision. They will put the water in and pave it from wherever they have to. Mr. Nicetta said he would like to have a roadway of 50 feet with 30 feet travelway. Mr. Casey said the Board can reserve lots for recreation areas. They will put in the drains; will b~ing in gas and electricity and put it underground if necessary. They will do whatever they can work out with the utility companies. They wiS_l fill in some of the swamp area and will get State permission under the Hatch Act. They are trying to avoid cutting down hills, but .will if necessary. The fill will come from other sections of the subdivision area. They have not had percolation tests made yet but assume that they will probably lose 10% of the lots due to water. He said they will try to save as many trees as possible. The people like their lots with trees on the~ They will try to fit the house on the lot leaving most of the natural features on the lot. They will burn any of the trees needing to be removed. Mr. Chepulis asked if they ever replant when trees are taken from a hill to fill. Mr. Casey said they do their best - they even try to transplant. April 1, 1968 - Cont. They have not done any drainage calculations yet. They outline the tributary areas to the culvert points and design accordingly - they consider the surface run-off to the pick-up points. There won't be any more water run-off later than there is now. They use erosion control grass or put in ground cover on swamps. They will present topo plans showing the cutting down of the hills, etc. Mr. Chepulis spoke about the turmarounds sho~n on the plans. Mr. Casey said they could b~ brought to the end of the lot if the Board desires. A discussion was held as to school needs. Mr. Casey said the houses would cost from $35,000 and up. The development pays for all roads,, utilities, etc. This development will not be overnight. They expect it to take about 4 years. Mr. Bs~B~n asked if they had given any thought about developing a small business area for stores, gasoline stations, etc. This is going to be a small Mr. Casey said that there are going to be all single homes. ~ thought the corner of Winter and Dale Streets would be a good spot if somebody was interested in having a small store. He explained that if the subdivision is approved they ~ill put npa covenant and as it progresses put up a bond and get partial releases. Mr. Bannan asked about sidewalks. Mr. Nicetta said more and more people in town are asking for sidewalks. Mr. Casey said that if the Board insists on sidewalks then they ~ill put them in. Mr. Nicetta said the grading of the streets should be put to sidewalk grade. Mr. Roberts, member of the Conservation Commission, said he was concerned because they should know something about the hydrology of this area. He thinks deeper investigations should be made - more specific investigations. Mr. Casey spoke about the Hatch Act, of their getting approvals and of the other developments of Campanelli, Inc. and how they worked. Mr. Burke made a motion to take these preliminary plans under advisement. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote ~as unanimous. PRELIMINARY PLANS: William Caf fray. Robert Goodwin, Registered Land Surveyor~ appeared before the Board with preliminary plans for a subdivision on Johnson Street for Willi~ Caffray. The subdivision comprises 4 lots. Mr. Goodwin has already met with Mr. Dully and Mr. Nicetta. There is water and sewer on Johnson Street. Lots 3 and ~ in the back are too iow and would have to have septic tanks. Drainage would flow away from Johnson Street. There will be 3 catch basins. They are now ready to go ahead with the Definitive plans. Mr. Bamr~n mentioned installing sidewalks. Mr. Goodwin said he had discussed that with Mr. Nicetta and he had suggested birm or cttrbing. Mr. Burke made a motion to take the plans under advisement. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. April 1, 1968 - Cont. PRELIMINARY PLANS: Moorefs BoxfordRealty, Inc. Atty. James H. Eaton, III appearedhefore the Board representing Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore and Mr. Pierce were also present. They showed prel~aryplans for a subdivision off Foster Street containing approx. 40 acres, comprised of 14lots. The drainage will flow to the swamp area. They have no place to extend the road - they can go no further. There is no water or sewer there. They will have wells~ leech fields, etc. Elec~tricity will be the only utility going in. Mr. Goodwin is the engineer for this project also. Mr. Burke made a motion to take the plans under advisement. Mr. B~n~ seconded the motion and the vets was unanimous. BOND RET.W~SE: Ben Osgood. Ben Osgood appeared before the Board requesting the release of this bank book for $565 which the Board was holding until Chickering Road had been repaired to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works and the Board. A letter was received from Mr. Duffy, B.P.W., notifying the Board that the road repair of Chickering Road where the sanitary Sewer connection for the "Village Green Estates" was made had been repaired satisfactory to them. Mr. Burke made a motion to release the bank book. Nr. Bannan seconded the motion and the vote was unanimoms. A letter will be sent to Mr. Maker a~lowing him to release the bank book to }~. Osgood. JOHN McLay: An applicationwasmade to the Dept. of Natural Resources byJohnNcLay to fill in some land at his garden center on Turnpike Street. The Planning Board has to act on the application and notify the Dept. of Natural Resources and the Board of Selectmen of its action. Mr. Barman made a motion to approve the proposed area to be filled in~ Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The necessary letters will be sent to the proper departments and boards, and Mr. McLaywill be notified. DISCUSSION OF P~RELIMINARY PI~IIS: Campanetli, Inc.: The Board discussed the preliminary plans and voted to reject the letter of March 1 as the application date and will use the date of April 1 that was used on the Board's formal application. Mr. Bannan made the motion that the initial application be disapproved and that the new application will be the one on which the Board will take action. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Moore - Forest Street: The prel~mlnaryplans ~ere discussed and it was v~ted that sidewalks should be installed on one side of the roadway and that the turnaround should be at the lot line. The subdivision on Johnson Street would also have a sidewalk on one side. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Chairm~ Clerk AD