HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-01-05Monday- January 5, 1970 Regular Meeting The PLANNING BOARD held their regular meeting on Monday evening, January 5, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Buildingwith the following members present: William Chepulis, Jr., Chairman; Robert J. Burke, George B. Farley, Charles W. Trombly, Jr. and Donald N. Keirstead. The School Building Committee and Selectmen also met with the Board relative to the statement made by the Planning Board as follows: "At a meeting held on December 22, 1969, the North Andover Planning Board voted to oppose the taking by the town, for the purposes of building a high school and related facilities, of land owned by the Trustees of Reservations. The best possible use of this land would be to preserve it in its natural state, as a green belt of open space, in an otherwise increasingly congested and developed area. Furthermore, to take land that has been left as a legacy for future generations by a former public spirited resident of this town, would be a breach of faith. Such a land taking at this time would discourage other residents from similar generous acts, so necessary to the preservation of the open character of our town. The town must act to encourage open space preservation, wherever practical and desirable. The unfavorable impact of a significant concentration of increased traffic to an already dangerou~ intersection, also seems to be undesirable. While the proposed location may meet all the criteria of the School Building Committee, as a school site, and alternate locations might be slightly less desirable from that point of view, the Planning Board feels that long range con- siderations of land use and other factors should take precedence over the expediency of selecting a site in time for March Town meeting action." Mr. Chepulis explained that the Planning Board felt they should take a stand on such an important matter as this since it has to do with the planning of the town. Mr. Harriman read a statement of the School Building Committee at its meeting held on Friday, January 2, 1970 as follows: "At its meeting held January 2, 1970, the School Building Committee agreed that it must go before the Selectmen to straighten out the records once and for all. The Selectmen and the citizens must be acquainted with the facts to date. 1. The Committee screened and interviewed a number of applicants prior to selecting an educational consultant to prepare the educational specifications for the new high school. 2. After much deliberation and review, an architect was chosen from a field of some 14 applicants. 3. Six sites were chosen as possible sites for the new high school and after careful consideration, the number was narrowed to two sites. However, on the basis of the number of acres needed, only one site -- Stevens-Coolidge Property -- met all the criteria. The site was recommended most highly by both the architect January 5, 1970 - cont. amd the educational consultant as being the most appropriate site on which to build the new high school. In all three instances ~ the selection of the educational consultant, selection of the architect, and selection of the site w the Committee's vote was unani- mous. The Committee did not act hastily. Such Committee actedonly after careful deliberation and study. Because the Stevens-Coolidge Property is an historical site and under control of the Trustees of Reservations, proper legislation must be filed to ac~i~e such land. However, it should be noted that the School BuilSiug Committee is considering a possible exchange w Town Farm Property for the Stevens-Coolidge Land. It was the consensus of the Committee, at its meeting held Monday, December 29, 1969, to submit to the Selectmen two articles relative to the acquisition of the Stevens-Coolidge Land for inclusion in the warrant of the next special town meeting, if one is to be held. If a special town meeting is not scheduled, then these two articles should be included in the warrant for the annual town meeting in March, 1970. However, in view of the action taken by the Planning Board -- which acted without a majority vote of the Board ~ the School Building and School Committees found it necessary to request a special town meeting. The purpose of such a meeting -- to allow the town citizens to tell the School Building Committee if they concur with the Committee's opinion regarding the construction of the new high school on the Stevens-Coolidge Land. It is imperative that the Committee know as soon as possible how the citizens feel in order that the school building program will not be delayed. It must be pointed out that under no circumstances do we intend to take the Stevens-Coolidge Mansion, gardens, serpentine wall, etc., containing approximately six acres." Mr. Farley said he was not present at the last meeting and that he would like to make a motion that the Board reconsider the whole thing; Mr. Burke seconded the motion. Mr. Chepulis explained the Board's action and thinks that the Boards should be working together. He spoke about the traffic problem; concentration of popula- tion; open space areas are needed and is concerned about the town 5-10 years from now. Mr. Keirstead said this area is dedicated to open space and should be kept that way; open space is valuable; this is an opportunity for the town not to set a precedent. Atty. John Willis said he thinks this is beyond the province of the Planning Board 'to take this position. After' further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion; which was unanimous. Mr. Burke made a motion that the Planning Board back the School Committee 100%; Mr. Farley seconded the motion. A discussion was held as to whether or not Charles Trembly, Jr. should disqualify himself from voting. Mr. Trembly, Jr. January 5, 1970- cont. said he is not personally involved and will not disqualify himself. Mr. Farley, Mr. Burke and Mr. Tromblyvotedyes; ~. Keirstead voted no and Mr. Chepulis did not vote. REQUESTS FOR RE-ZONING: Letters were sent to the Board requesting hearings to be held on re-zoning of parcels of land as follows: 1. Mangano land on Chickering Road. 2. Land of George Rea on Route 114. BEN OSGOOD SUBDIVISIONS: Ben Osgood showed a plan of Raleigh Tavern Estates to the Board and wants to release 6 lots; Nos. 16, 17, 18, 24, 25 & 26. He would like to have 600 ft. of the roadway bonded~ which he will f~m~sh in the spring. Mr. Keirstead said he should get a let%er from the bank for our consideration and approval byTown Counsel. Mr. Keirstead said we should request a report from the Highway Surveyor and Board of Public Works as to the bond amount to cover work for completing the road and other necessary installations from Station 1400 to 1950 and refer this action to the Subdivision Control Committee for a report at the next meeting. JOHN BROWN & RTE. 114-125 STUDY COMMITTEE: The Board discussed the bill sent to the Board for the payment of $1250. Mr. Chepulis said nothing has been presented yet to the Route 114-125 Study Committee. Mr. Keirstead made a motion to pay $1250 and notify the Rte. 114-125 Study Committee of our action. Mr. Trombly seconded the motion and the vote was unaninous. ARTICLE FOR MASTER PLAN: The Board discussed the wording of an article to be inserted in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting for a master plan. They feel they should request $35,000 for the purpose of preparing and developing a comprehensive planning program. Mr. Trombly made a motion to insert the article in the warrant; Mr. Keirstead seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. A discussion was held on future planning and Mr. Keirstead spoke about apartments saying there are still many apartments to be built in town and it should be left that way for awhile and in the future come up with a good plan. Cluster zoning was also discussed and this should be part of the master plan. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. · (William Chep~ Jr.) (Anna Donahue) Chairman Clerk