HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-22Tuesday - June 22, 1971 Special Meet~_ug The PLANNING BOARD held a special meeting on Tuesday evening, June 22, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. in the Fire Station meeting room with the following members present and voting: Charles W. Trombly, Jr., Chairman; Donald N. Keirstead~ Vice Ch.; and John J. Monteiro. John Brown and Constantine Constantinides~ of the Dept. of Community Affairs, were also present. Also present were: Willis~ Foster, Ostherr, Leavitt, Stekert, Schena, Osgood, Fink, Nicetta, Stemke, Fart & Tom Broadhead. Mr. Willis said he is concerned about what the P.A.C. wants and the responsibilities of the planner. He had hoped there would be a new direction and specifically what would be put in Phase II. Mr. Brown said he explained everything in a memo. Mr. Constantinides said official notification of ~he grant was received this morning. There is no contract on Phase II with Mr. Brown yet. His responsibilities end March 31, 1971 for Phase I. Mr. Brown expl~iued his contract with the state. He continued working but not very hard because official notice had not come from the federal government. He will proceed in earnest upon receipt of a letter from DCA to do so. Mr. Keirstead said h~ thought some of the things had been done that were suggested by the PAC. They went over each item separately; some of the items come under Phase II. He thinks we are moving in a good direction. Mrs. Stekert th~_~uks the PAC should meet with Mr. Brown more often. Mr. Keirstead listed the ~ most important points: 1. Regulatory Controls. 2. Specific zoning. 3. Meetings of the PAC with John Brown. ~. PAC member at every meeting of the Planning Board and Jo~u Brown. Mr. Willis thinks the money has been wasted~ we have got nothing for the money spent. John Brown read No. 7 of Phase II having to do with regulatory controls. Mr. Con- stantinides said we have to try and find some of the areas that have to be limited. Mr. Ostherr discusses p. 7 of the summary and thought #3 could be cut down and more put into ~1 & "Connie" said he has ne objections. Mr. Wi 11~ s said ~]l effort should be put into accomplishment of the PAC desires - primarily concerned with regulatory controls and future land use. #3 does not seem to be necessary now. Money has to be provided first. Alot of this material and data is available and ready now. Mr. Keirstead said the soil survey could also be reduced - this has been completed by the Conservation Commission. Mr. Osgood said Mr. Brown should tell us what can be cut to get what we want done. June 22, 1971- cont. Mr. Brown thinks it can be accomplished; the DCA has something to say; thinks he ~ill be w~lling .to come to an agreement; he can make adjustments in ~3. Mr. Willis asked if it could be eliminated entirely; Mr. Brown said it could not be. Mr. Brown explained ~6, the capital improvement program is-different from what the Capital Outlay Co...,ittee in town does and it should be left as it is. Not more than $100 should be taken out. #5 soil survey is tied in ~ith land use; could be reduced by $1100 or $1200 and still go in with regulatomy controls. These amounts could be taken from those items: ~3 - $500-$600: ~6 - $100: - $2oo. The plan has not been up-dated for about 10 years; there should be a complete Job done on a 10 year basis and nothing should be left out, to see inter-relationships. Could take money out of some other items and put it in regulatory controls. The zo~g by-law and map would be revised . Not much time will have to be spent on subdivision rules and regulations; this has already been done by the Planning Board. Revision would also include residential zoning. Mr. Brown said the entire zoning by-law and map will be revised. He said not included will be the time that w~11 have to be spent regarding hearings, meetings, etc. and adoption. He can produce a document but it will still be subject to change. Mr. Trombly asked if he could have it ready for March town meeting; and Mr. Brown said he could. Mr. Keirstead said She PAC would like to be strongly involved in public relations having to do with re-zoning, etc. Mr. Osgood said departments suChas Board of Public Works will not bother with any recommem~iations Brown makes; they will just go straight to Camp, Dresser & MCKee. The. schools do what they want. Nobody will listen to you. Mr. Brown said meetings are very expensive and time robbers. 2-3 days are consumed on meeting materials. To increase meetings would be costly. Mrs. Stekert said the PAC has not been able to get across to Mr. Brown what they want to have done. Mr. Leavitt said to stop harassing the planner and take your problems to the Planning Board if there is a problem of communication. Mr. WilS_is asked if there was ar4vthing wrong with telling Mr. Brown what we want and have him do it. Mr. Constantinides said he could possibly do something also, along with the Planning Board. Mr. Willis said the 3 primary concerns of Phase II are zoning, housing and land use. Mr. Brown said the Scope of Services could be re-written to include the changes discussed and also approved by the DCA. June 22, 1971 - cont. Mike Schena said he is not happy with what has been done to date. The first problem is land use and the second is regulatory controls. Mr. Brown said he wi~ll do everything the PAC and the town wants and that you will be satisfied with the land-use and specific zoning recommendations. He doesn't think a comprehensive new zoning by-law can be adopted - it is too complicated - it could be done in phases. He promises that it will be a good plan. Mr. Foster asked if they could communicate directly with Mr. Brown rather than go through the Planning Board. Mr. Brown said informational items could be submitted ~iwectly to him. ~Policy matters have to go through proper channels. Mr. Keirstead added that any policy matters should be acted upon as a board - any information can be sent to John Brown. Mr. Constantinides suggested that the PAC could send a monthly report, or bi- monthly, as a committee. John Willis said the town has missed m~l-lions of dollars worth of business becaUse there is no l~md already zoned - the town is losing. 114 & 125 have to be developed - taxes are going up every year - we have to do something. Mr. Brown said there will be 7 more meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for June 28th. "Connie" wants to be sure of what everybody wants before the contracts are signed. He wants to be sure everyone is in agreement with item ~7 - regulatory controls. John Wfll~s said No. 7 is not specific enough. After thorough discussion, it was agreed to revise ~7 as follows: Delete entire section, and insert the following: 7. Rea,~latory Contr. ols Existing zoning regulations will be analysed and, where appropriate, amended to reflect the planning policies and objectives of the town and future laud develop- ment patterns. Included in the analysis will be a study of the existing zoning categories to determine the adequacy of their provisions for control and flexibility in meeting changing town needs. There deemed appropriate, additional or revised regulations to strengthen the zoning by-law and correct deficiencies includ_~ug possible regulations to cover transitional zoning between residential and commercial areas will be recommended. Changes in the zoning map to reflect future land use proposals will also be recommended. An overriding consideration of the Phase II contract shall be regulatory controls for both housing and land use, in particular Routes ida and 125; specifically applying zoving Section 13, a draft of which was proposed during Phase I, per- t~i~i~ to commercial and industrial areas to the entire length of Routes 11~: and 125 located in North Andover, with maps, proposed buffer zones ~ other protective devices for existing uses and proposed zoning changes in the form of articles appropriate to present at Town Meeting. This work shall include specific changes to the zoning by-law and map related to residential (housing) and non-residential (commercial and industrial), including single family, multi-family, garden apart- ments, town houses and all forms of residential and non-residential use considered suitable for North Andover. June 22, 1971- cont. Proposals for changes in the zoning by-law and map shall be accompanied by recommended Town Meeting articles for consideration by the North Andever Town Meeting. Also: Revised schedule of work pro~ram - Phase II No. 3 -- reduce $600 No. 5 --reduce $200 No. 6 B redUce $100 No. 7 -- increase $900 $3,000 (new amount) 1,200 " " 1,500 " " 2,900 " " Everyone agreed that flood pl-!~n zoning is not necessary at this time. "Connie" asked if the Merrimack Valley Pla~n8 Commission has commented on the Phase I reports and what recommendations the P.A.C. has made on the reports.' A Letter will be sent to the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission asking for their recommendations on the reports. Mr. Keirstead said the Planning Board was concerned with the Housing reports. An addendum should be made. "Connie" said he needs a statement from the Pl~tng Board that some of the changes of Phase I will be incorporated in Phase II. Tom Broadhead, Conservation Comm~ssion, said the soil survey is 9~ complete and will be distributed as soon as possible. That could tie in with the flood plain. The meeting adjourned at iO:OOP.M. Chairman (Charles W. Trembly, Jr.) clerk