HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-04Regu.~ meetin~ & hoar'A=~ at 7~30 P.M~ in the Te~a Office ~wa~._~ meeting tees. The fe~__g monbera ~ere ~reee~t and v~t ~ Chep-]!s~ Cheiraa~i John J. Montei~e~ Vise ChA~-~an; Paul R. La.preyt Clerkj amd De-mid M. Xeiretead. Fritz Ostherr ~as cut-el-tees and unable te atteed. There r~ 20 people p~eaent for the meeting. Mr. ~mt~o ~ a motAen to ascept tho =~-utea of tho previous meetinga~ Mr. Xeireteed seconded tho motion and the vete ~as ~noninou.. ~ARX~G: Joseph J. Barba~ Forest Street Subdivision. Mr. Las~rey reed tho legal netice upe~ the application of Jeeeph J, Berb~_ll~ for & ~ubdiviainn of land on Far, at ~treet eez~&A~n4,xg apprex. 37 acres of laud a~d subdivided into 9 lets. Mr. Barhbpllo appeared on his eun behalf and presented plans and profiles to the Board. Mr. Xeirstead neted that t_~ere ~as net a sufficient q~antity' of p~--,; that the Board ~a~ta 12 espies of ever~hing a~d a ]4,~ of tho prefilet ceateura a~d tape- graphic up. Mr. Borbagello said the Board of Health has a plan showing the leeation of the seepage testa. He said that the houses will seat frem ~0 to $~0,000 Mr. ~enteire reperted that the ~ttrision Central Sub-cee~ttee reee~ee~ appreval ef the ~m~iviaien. Hr. Barba8~.lo a~Ld be made all of the eerrestions that' the Board and ether depart- manta ~ requested. He said the swamp area will not be touehed~ he ~ probably give that land to tho te~m in a fe~ yea~e there ar~ about 30 &eras. Mr. Chepulia neted that the plans should ~hoe a revised date. Mr. #onteire uk~t what ho ~ fer ~' ~tee~, ~. ~b~A~l~ s~ tb~ d~n't a~ ~ ~ t~t e~be d~; t~ ~lbe~ t~t~ tho~. ~. K~et~d Mr. Chep~lia read the letters fre~ the several departments reperting en this sub- divisten. The Police Ch4of and Bldg. Tn,p. reperted it wu ail right. B.P.M. had n~ reco~endatien because there is ne to~n water. The Fire Chief ~as seacerned as to where he was geiag te get water fer fire preteetion. ~ighway Surveyer Cyr was present and said he did not sub.it a eritton repert because Mr. Barba~ teak care ef ~hat he had resea~eaded on the pre~m~W~.y pla~s. A diasussiea was held on fire preteetten- Mr. Barb$~o said it is m~at impassible to get fire preteetion in a welled area. He stated that let ~ ~ never be built upen. ~ Mr. geira~ad said it eeuld be sade a eenditiea that befere eenstruetiea is started en let ~, er a~ ethe~ lets, a Netiee ef Intent be filed ~ith the Conaer~atiea Ce~iseie~. ~r. Che~ added that ch-.~es ~J~ the pi&ns e. aesed b7 the Ce~servatien Ce~issisn heari~, 'plans sheuld be r~b~itted to the pl~.in~ ~Beard as a mather ef reeord. Mr. Keirotead ~ade a ~etien that befere appreval of this pla~ is ~ade, a eenditisa be 4-pesed that before a buildiag per~t is issued e~ Lots ~, 8 or 9t a Notiee of I~ut u~der the Metlande Preteetien ASt be suh~ittod te tho Censervatiea Ce~-iasien .w~ a~ changes e~ the plan Mast result fre~ these pre- cee~n;% the plan b· re-~h~itted to the Pl~n~-8 Beard. Mr. Monteire ascended the ~etien A.~ the vets ~as u~mi~eua. Mr. Xeirstead said ~ ~eed a report fre~ the Board of Health befere the Pla~e~i~ Boar~ eau appreve tb~ eubdt.~; the Board eantt act u~til t~i~ i~ reeetvOd. Tho seals ef tho key map legend has to be changed to ~"~i t~e date eu tho plan should be ehenged and ~ filed on the profile, eentour ~& tapographie pXon. Mr. Keiretoad made a motion to take the petitien under advisonent~~ Hr. Heateiro so~ouded the motion and the vote wes A letter of eee~emdation was received from the ~err4miek valbey Ce~aiseien cee~eadi~ Jehn ~axteior for his servieee as Ch-4~a~ on that Ceead~si~n. Mr. Chap~lis alas eee~e~ded Mr. ~onteire en ~bs~* of the Atty. De.state Bo*foe appeared before the Beard tb request the release ef Let ~2 en ~remt~eed Cirelet the la~ r~.~.~.g let to be released. He ~ ~e to put up a sash bend i~ erder to release the let. Mr. Xeirstond meted that the fire alara ~yetea is still mot preperly iaat~-~ ed. Highua~ SUrVOyer' CFr 'said there is a p~eblon en that read. Sonebod~ tere up the read surface and put in a eulvert, eitheut toun perniesion. The street was aecepted ih 1~. It was noted that a bend sheUld onver everything that needs te be dene to con~lete the readwa~. Hr. Xei~stmad ~de a motie~ ~e refer the matter to the Subdivieien Ceatrel ~ub-' ce~Xt%e'ej Mr. Monteire ascended the metien and the vete vas ~. Ja~ Burke requested a reduction in the oneunt of the b,,n~- beek being held by the Board fer the eonpletien ef the ~k on Cheataut 'O~'t. ~ one. at is $10,1~) emi he vislms %0 recluse it to $~',~00. A letter ~as received freu ~ 5~rveyer Cyr agreeing to the amount ef $~,$00 £er the eonpletien ef the readwa~. Mr. Xeirstond sade a motiea te reduee the amouat ~f seenrity to $~AO0, that the be~k beck be refereed to ~ake the necessary reductien amd then refereed to the p'~m,,~4~ ~ e%~d that the werk is to be cempletod before ~ept. l~t 1~73. Hr. Menteire secended the matien and the vete was unanimous. Mr. Hmn~ appeared bofere '~the ~er~e~ ~. ~ ~r ~ re~ ~t ~re is s+.~ ~ te be c~l~ but ~ rec~ the r~ ef ~ ~e ~t; ~ ~e r~ ~ts ~e e~ sec~ty for the r~-~- ~rk. A B.P.~. stat~ e~3 ~ sat~a~e~. ~. ~ ~ re~ t~t~t~ f~s~ coat ~ ~p v~ put ~ Mr. Xetrstead read a report fre~ Mr. Oatharrt '~he ~ unable te be preoe~j net to release the covenant ~itheut the finished coat of hot-top. Discussion vas he~ as te an me~% sufficient te ceaplete the ~ead~y and as t~ the location ef stone beunds. Mr. Cyr said $~,000 eeuld b'e sufficient~. Mr. Xeirstead ~ade a motion te reY2mne the eev~m~% 'ea all r~,_ *~'~,,4~,~ lots en gm~watn Drive ~ith the condition that ~e receive aece~able security in the meun~ ef $~,000 and ~ha~ all ~wrk be canpleted 'by Sep~eaber 15, 1973;. Mr. Nonteire seconded the action and the ve~e was Mr. Cyr aisc sub~it~ed specs for heed~allo, a~ he requires rhea. Atty. Victor ~etm appeared be&ere the Board and preseated ne~ ~ p~en_= en the -Appledere# sul~liviaian, te the Beard. He said the entire area ~ n~ be seeered ~ith a lift station. The systea has te be approved by the B.P.#. and Bal. o~ Health. It ~ puap back to the sewer at ~atten ~4~ ~ead~ There will be soae9v slopes in acne areas. The pipe ~l~ be dropped dean rrm the resarveir ne that -~B,~ M.ll be § ft. below the gr-_de of the ~d. It ~as noted that the key ~ap is net shema en the plato. Atty. Hate~ 8aid one large booster pump ~ servXce all of the h~as; the aXter- native ~euld be to have wells..- Mr. Canty asked ehe would bear the expense of the booster pump. Atty. Hates said it weuld coae under the B.P.~. and ~euld be the town's e~?e~-e. ~e said a letter ~ be £ortho~ ~aking care of the ce~ecti~ problea on Je~waen Street. Mr. Hates explained that the'~ane~ied plans being subaitted correct the suggestions that were ~ade. Mr. Hate~ said he grants the Board aa extension of time to July ~th. Mr. Xairstead made a ~atien' that the P~-- Beard and reviev come,tee ~eet at the site (~tto~ Hill Rd. at the reserveir) ~n ~et. ~arn4-~, Ju~e ltth at 9:00 A.M. A lengthy discusai~ wns held ~ith ~s. ~-~*~;-, Sandra Lane, ~ f~ ~e d~r 8ho~d b~ ~ ~at ~ ]~eea~ v~ the ~ i8 ~t the dewar's ~ti~~ to ~ ~8 ~ t~t t~ P~ to put t~ ~ ~ *~ ~ it ~o ~e B~. r this develepaent in an R-~ district as it is preae~ly planaed, Mr, ~enteire aade a metien te accept the.letter .fOr the reeerd; Mr. Lanprey sugg~ s_-,~*u-~ a letter te the Archdiocese th~ ~e ~ 'net cenaider their plans unless they re-z~e the lind tO ce~fer~. Mr. Nee~Are said that tMere are 9 ether pe. ints that have to be 'cenaidered. Mr. Xeirstasd added that they e~ld cede 'in m~ler Chapter 77~. Mr. Beattie, YavarXy Rd., said they have to preve that there is a ~eed fer lee ineaae h~us~, ~r tbet devele~entb have bean t'era ~ -~ they are replacing thee. He sa~i ~A roquire8 cert*4~ needs to bo net. Mr. Ke~ratoad was not aware of HHFA requirements. The secretary uill send. for the, Operations Handbeod for ~_~ucing multi-due~w4~_~ housing printed by th® HKFA. Nr.'Xeiretead added ?.h~% we ~lon't went~ to force them into some ether S~tuat~0n'that', we would be forced to accept. Mr. L~a~rey feels ~at we sheuldn't evea eeasider the prepeealj that it is 4w~-gal in aa R-~ distriet. He said the Bldg. lnep. ~ade a deeiaiea that we aheuld have made. It is legal in ma R-~ district; let them re-sene it. Hrs. Hoar'asked uh~ do thoy koep ceech~ hack when they know Mr. ~epalis ~ ~ is n_~tMmg before the Pla~img Beard a~; the~ is a~_btwg te eeaatdar. Mr. Xei~stead seeeaded the m~ea te aceept the letter aad the vete ~as ~a~u~. Mr. Ra~' Canty asked the P~,~-~,~ B~ard to spenser an artiele te take out the ~4--~iea-~ req-~,~te ef th~d~uses in the ~ di~triet. Bldg. ?--p. Foster eTp. l-tn-d that under Seetiaa ?A of the General Leis enly the -use- of the. lend is preteeted ~ar "plans nbt requiring apprevol-. He said the diaenaleaal requirements of thm~heuses in R~+ sheuld be 'eliminated, ~ieh ~an net daae at ~he tim te~heases ~ere taken ~ut at the special te~n aeeting. It ~euld mean ~ting f~et~tes 5 & 6 frae the ~-~ distriet. 2. Seetiea ~.130' lnd~trial 2 ~lstriet as felle~: Delete ltaa (10) Reereetien areas (epeci&l pe~ait re~ed). Hr. ~ aseonded the aet~on and the vote vas unmdaous. The heariag ~ be held ea Friday, Juae 22nd, at 7~0 Po~o in the Fire The ~pec~al t~n ~eeting date has beea set fer ~e~___~_a~ June The Beard received cepieb ef de~isiens ~ade'by the Beard ef Appeal~ whieh were read and aecepted. Legal notices were received en three hearings te be held by the Board ef Appeala; the North A~dever Skating Club~ Denald Foset Jr. and A~a O'Ce~er. The Beard had ne cement t~ ~ eencerning a~ of The Attorne~ ~eneralta approval was reeeived ma the Zening S?-Law amendnen~o passed at annual toun meeting. Iteaa 'ko be plaeed en the next agenda: 1. Repert of P,U.D. Committee - Kr. Keiratoad. 2. Dis~uaalon ef Free Help Hemp4ng - Mr. HenteAre. Mr. £eiratead aade a aetieate atgn the fe~ p~-e- as n~t requt~-~- appreval uader the ~ubdivieiea Ceatrel Lael Mr. '~eateire seceaded the aetiea ThO TO~e W~S 'mmn'~mqt~. 1. Mark'Hem~ ¥~ ~treet. 2. Jeha Shields, Suttee Street. Demand Crit%engem, Furber Ave. Jeh~ Ecker~u, Bre~eed Circle; The meeting adJeurned &~ ]-l:15 P.M. $eeretary