HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-05 -.November 9, !973 Regular NOOt~ The P~ BOARD held its regular meeting on Monday evening, November 1973 at 7=30 P.M. in the Toun Office Dp_~41~-~ Beoting teen. The foXlo~ members vere present and vo~4.n_~: Willian Chopulis, Chairmen; John J. Monteiro, Vice Chairman~ Paul B. Lamprey, Clork~ D~n=ld N. Weirstead; Fritz 0stberr was out-of-town and arrived about 9:00 P.M. There uore 20 people present. Hr. ~Aro uade a motion the~ items 2 & 5 of tho agoada be held up untA1 Mr. Oothorr arrives at the meeting. There was n~ eoeon~ ~o the .motion. Mr. Mon~eir~ uado a motion to accept tho mina's of ~he pro,lous mooting~ Mr. Lamprey secondo~ the mo~ion ~ the vote was unaniuous. J. & V. REALTY- Plan Not Req~.riag Approval: Mr. Vinceat NOAlo~n appeared before the ~oard as reprezentiag J. & V. Realty, with plans for a toenhouee dovolopuent in tho area of Cotuit Street, Peters St., Leyden 3t. & 0hickeriag Road; eont-4w4~g approx. 19.21 an~ to~mhouse units. Mr. McAloon showed a plan +..~et 'the Board had signed as "not requiring approval" on last November, 1972 ; all ~treotz have been on an approved plan since t926. Cotuit amd Leyden Streets are 90 ft. wade, the rest are ~0 feet uide. He said all lots conforu as to area and frontage and streets Fill be according to the subdivision rules and regulations. He said all req-~ ~e- merits for townhoueas are f-~eilled. Mr. ~onteiro asked if these are paper streets. Mr. McAlo~n said they are approved streets and will conforu to all Planning Board requirements. They will provide whatever services are noeeesary, dr~4n~e~ wotor~ soeer~ otc. The entire area was recorded on three plans, No. $729, $730 & 6731, 'at the Registry of Deeds on November, 1972. Mr. Ohepulis pointed out that the plans the Board signed were large lots, not requiring p_~.n~n~ Board approval. Mr. £eirotead added that all the Board was certifying was that certain lots showed frontage. He d~es not feel that this plan can be endorsed as not being a subdivision. Mr. £eirztead then ~de a motion t~ notify the petitioner that tho plan does show a subdivision. Hr. Lamprey seconded the motion. Mr. £eirotead then eme,,,~ed the motion that the Board notify the Town Clerk and ~he petitic~er that this plan does req-~e approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Hr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote was -~-~ous. Mr. Ohe~,~e noted that the plan does not have an~ ~mensions and there is no~hing te show where the. boundaries are. 1. ~, Foster ~troet - Mr. Keirotead na~e a motion to eudoras~ the plan, Mr. Honteiro Seconded the motien and the vote was unanimous. 2. Normon Schroeder, Johusea St. - Mr. Honteiro made a motion to endorse the plan; Mr. Lamprey eae~mded the motion and the vote was unanimous. LA~CE A~= Cole ToI 9avia, ~port ~aaager and Fred ~s~ ap~ed b~ e~ t~ ~k A~ti~-~ ~ to ~ect the ~ ~ ieee ~he ~,41~4~g Iuspector Fester had suggested that they appear before the p]~n,.~ Board because he thought they weuld be conce~aed ~ith a~ expaneioa a~d proposed uses for the air~. Be also felt that siace they ~ere deeigmsti~g a cer~=~n area of land for a private concern, that whether it is leased er sold, it is still foruing a lot. He wauted t~ get the Planning Board's feel~-~s on whether or not this ~ould ~e~u aubdivi&tn~ the land and if they must meet the'-t~n's zoning requirements. Mr. Keirstead and Mr. Chep~lis vere concerned that a lot ~as being e~tabli~hecl · for leasing purposes that did not coaform ~o She zoaing regulations. They felt leasing is a form of o~aership. Lengthy diseussi~n ~as held e~ this. Col. Davis felt that t. he ,i~m~ ~so exempt from ~eeting zo~ regulations. The Plan~, Board and Mr. Fester £elt that the to~n sheuld be coa. cer~ ~ith the develePeemt of the airport. No final dstsru~nation was made on the matter. The airport re~sontatives ~ seek legal advice sines they still feel they are exempted frem meeting zen~-~ requirements. Hr. Hontaix~ made a noti .o~ to pass oval, items $ .and 5 of the ageoda fer the time being; Hr. Lamprey 8eeended t.he motion and .the vo%e was unaninoas. Ite~ & of the agenda -~GAR Corp. re bond for Johnson Circle subdiviei~~- was tabled since no one was present to speak on the ~stter. Legal notices were received for t~ heariags to be held by the ~erd of Appeals up~a potiti~aa of Rieherd ~mmn and J. P. ~teveus Co., on N~ve~er X2th. The Board discus~ the peti~i_a~___- and found they had no eeeIeat te ~ake e~eer~_4w2 either of the~. STATE ~ISTO~IOAL Notice was received fr~ the State ~istorical C~ssiea that the Sa~el Osgo~d ho~e in North Amdover is beiag co~eidered for subaissiom for historical places. Mr. Keirstead ~mde a metion that the Plan~ing Boerd e__-~_oree the action; Mr. M~teiro secoaded the motioa and the vote ese ,~a-~ous. Mr. Xeirotea~ made another motion that copies 'be sent to the Historisal Society, Improvement Society and Historic District Commission; Mr. ~onteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. November 5, 1773 - eeu%. EXISTXB~ SUBDMSIONSa Hr. Monteiro made a motiau to aoeept the re¢ommondatioms ef the special' committee on existing subdivisions amd that action be taken ma these subdivisimas. Hr. Keiretsa~ emended t~e metion to refer those s~iviaiona for action to the · ub~ivision Oentrol Sub-connittee. Mr. Lamprey secow~ed t~e motion am~ the vete vas unanimous. This uill be discussed further at the next regular meeting. A letter was received from Higheay Surveyer ~illiom Cyr and unaceepted streets i~ tram. ~& Private 20 Public am~ Private ~ ~ Public accepted ways 35 ~elassified .~ Paper er disee~iaaed 280 Streets ia all relative te private He elassified tho streets as fo~__o~s.- ~. ~yr is cc~cerme~ a~eat steppimg develepmon~ of streets ~til tho streets are properly completed. E~eryone feels a meeting should be called for complete discussion, that it is ~dite a problem and 8cmething should be done. Other teen departments should be involved. It was decided to meet on Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at ?:30 P.M. and have the follouing attend: Board of Publie ~erks, Selectmen, Planning Board, Bldg. Insp., Arthur Kirk, Advisory Boar~ representative and Highway ~arvsyor. Later on a publie meeting could be held. APPLEDORE SU-~YIV~STON: Hr. Oathorr made a motion that we wait until we have a definitive statement from the Board of Public ~orko relative to the sewage punping station, the forced =~n system, relocation of the water mm~m, ete.; A~d suggested emll~n~ a ~oetiRg for November 19th te vote on the subdivision. Mr.. Menteiro seconded the motion and the ~ote was ~*-~mOUS. Hr. Keirstead made a m~tiom to send a letter to tho B.P.M. Supt. to mappl~ ua with the above information. Hr. Mouteiro seconded the motiom and the vote was VALLEY PLANHIM~ COtOiIS~ION: Hr. Robert Catiaeau, senior pl.~ amd staff member of the Merrimack Valley P~Ann4ng Commission: appeared beforetime Board to discuss the functions of tho Commission. He said he will act as lialuson to the greater Laurence communities. He wanted to ex~A~ to tho Board wh~ the Commission is. There are various, federal and state lams that require a regional planning agency and various projects that req,,~e regional planning. He said a waste water managmeat study ia being November 5, 1973- cont. made. The government ha. said the Merrimack River needs te be cleamed up.. Nater and sewer projects can only get grants fr~a ~DD if there is a certified pl.~g process; also transportation plasaing. Solid waste is a great prc~- leto a~ no one community can foot the bill alone. They are trying to convince the coe~unitias of doing something regional. They are searching for solutions that ~ould be acceptable to the e~m~unities. Mr. Oetherr cc~ented that he would like to look to the Cemaiesion for professio-al help. N~l~sm Cyr, Highway Surveyor, resents that our duap is classified as Just "pretty good" - he thinks it is an excellent fac41 ~%y an~ not costly. Mr. [eirsteed c~ed that he can see no authority for the Merrick Valley Plalutt~ Comfl$$ion %~ tmpl~ent any plans. Len&~l~ d~scussion was held but nothin~ was resolved. TUESDAY, Nov, 13~ 1973 SPEOIAL MEETIN(} Tho p1~.~.E Board held a special meeting on Tuesday eve~, November 13th, ~o discuss~ "streets# ~i%h other to~n officials. The full PI_~n~nE Board was present; also, Selectman Guthrie, B.P.N. Supt. Borgoei, Highway Surveyor~ Cyr; Mary Packard, B.I. Foster, Bal.. of Appeals me,here DiFru~¢io & Frizelle. Discussion was held on the list of public and private streets. The general feeling was that.assessments should be made on the construction of streets, just as there are aasas~ae~t8 made for water and se~er extensions. Also, that all the streets that are now f~3y developed should he accepted by the tou' aw~ then ~ar~ to ~ork on the problem streets. It was suggested to sake up a list of streets as follo~s: 1. Subdivision streets or apartment streets. streets good enough for the to acce t now. Streets that ~ n~ ca~ p~bl~8 ~ ~t ~ ~ to accept. Streets that needettentica. Also, find out from To~n. Counsel what the procedure would be to assess for street improvements. Thagroupwillmaet ag-~- at ssmefuture~.~ AdJourned~ 9~ 00 P.M.