HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-19~onda~- Novewber 19, 1~73
Special Meeting
The p]sun~.~ Beaz~ held a .special meeting on Noaday eventag, No~ember 19th,
to vote on the 'Appledere" subdivision. The following me.bets were present and
vetiag~ William Chepulis, C~-man; John J. No~teiro, Vice O~*~waa~; Pau~.
Lamprey, Clerkl Donald N. £eiretead ~d Fritz Ostherr.
There 'were ~ people present.
Mr. Oatherr made a metien to APPROTg the subdivision subject te eor~-~- conditions;
Mr. Monteiro seconde~ the motion a~ after further discussion, the vete was Gear-
1. That the record camera of the subject lmad forthwith execute a~d recerd a
#C~V~I~I~t l.,nm~ ~ith th~ 1slide, er ether~ise provide security for the cea-
atruetion of waZa and the installation of ~aicipal services within said sub-
division, all as provided by G.L.c. ~1, ~. 81-U.
2. That ~ such conetructioa sad inetallaticas shall in all respects eonferm
to the gover-~wg rules and reg~latieas of this Beard dated January 1, 1973.
3. That, as required by the North Amdover ~onrd of Health ia its report to 'this
Board, no building or other structure shall be h,,~lt or placed upen Lore No. 1
through 31, as shown on said plan, without the prior consent of said Board of
Fire h~drents shall be located at the and of 'B" road (Station 500), amd on
Sandra Lane, Stations 750, 1150, 1550, 1950 amd 2350.
5. The sewage l~ft station shall be censtructed to handle a normal daily flo~
of 2~,O00 ~ with a peak flow capacity of 120,000 gallens per da~ and a
1,000 cubic foot h~l~4n~ tank. A telemeter alarm must be supplied from the
sewage pump station to the pumping station at ~20 Oreat Po~d Eoad and a portable
generator or auxiliary etand-by m-~tenence equipment aimed to handle the lift
station shall be provided.
6. Water and sewer mai~s si'roll be installed to the specifications of the Board
of Public Works, dated Nove~her 19, 1973. The =~.~mu~ allowable street pressure
in the water mains shall not be less than 20 psig.
7. Procedure for relocatien of water mm4~s ~Ast be approved by the Board of
Public Works before work is begu~.
8. ~he sewage force ~=-~n sh-l~ be ~" cast ~ and located on the "water' side
of the street. The sewage force .n4u s~nll be laid to liae and grade aa required
by the Board of Public Works.
9. T~e additional catch basins sB~ be located at the prese~f~ end of Sa~dra
Lane. All catch basin covers shall be of checkerboard grill petter~ rather than
the b~r type.
~ove~ber 19, 1973 - cont.
The roadwey croon shall be 3/8* to the foot.
"B" road shall be n~aed 'Appledore Lane". ~ :
If the subdivision plens are modified bY the C~neervati~n ¢~seien, they
be re-submitted to the PI_~,$ Board for approval.
Mrs. OXmez~mm, tundra Lane, appeared before the Board again about straighte~tug
the turnaround ~n Saudra Lane, where she lives. Diseussiea was held on this .and
she was told that ~the Board has no Jurisdicti~a, that it is between her and the
developer. She will be sent a copy of Atty. Hatea's letter which states what
they propose to do.
Atty. John ~illi8 ~reseated to the Board a request to file a surety be~d
in the a~ount of $8~,000 a~d have .'1l of the lets reX~aesd in the #go~
Circle' subdivision.
A letter was received fro~ the F~tghway Surveyor stating that $~9,000 was sufficiea~
for ~is de~n~aeat's requireae~ts a~d a letter fro~ the B.P.~. supt. s~ating that
$35,O00 was sufficient for his de~t, thus ~aking the $8~,O00. He
that Jeh~ Circle Realty Trust is ~de up of the sa~e principals as ~ .Corp.
He presented the surety e~peny bond and for~ of bond dra~ up by To~ C~u~sel
but he said the surety company would not sign Bo~h bonds, omly ~ne, ahd that he
ess not happly eith the wording of the form~.
Mr. Oath~rr ~de a metiea to ee~d the feres to Toga Counsel for approval a~d t0
state that thetPla~ing Board has no objection t5 suhs~itutiag a sur~aty ~md for
the covenant and that the mount of the bond is sufficient. Mr. Monteiro seeonded
the ~otion and the vote ess ~.
Bldg. Insp. Foster appeared before the Board as represeating the T~a
Garage ttud~ C~aittee to ~iscuss their proposal for the z~-~-~ of the garage
site. The Comaittee ia suggesting that the re-wora~ of the By-laM, rather
than re-zc~ing, would be the simplest a~d most logieal way to handle the ~atter.
~e suggested a~e~-S $. ~.1~.~_~ Reei.-~, para. (1~) to road as follows: "Publie
building or use and public sO~-vlce corporation u~e (special per, it re~,~ed)."
and delete the words "but not i~clud~8 public works garages.
The Board meabers all said they would net go along with that suggestion. They
would be in favor of re-se~-~ the area to General ~usiness or sene it as a
special distriet for JUSt that purpose.
This ~atter is refar~ed to the Ade~nistration tub-Ooa~i%tes (Xeiretead
Lamprey) and will be ma hhe next meeting's agenda.
19, 1973- cont*
Thio matter will b~ discussed a~ %he aext mee~iag.
Mr. Keirstead made a motion to endorse the plan of Heary Van Heukolom,
Steve~a St., as aet requiriag appreval ~ter %~e Subdivisiea Oeatrel Law.
Lamprey seconded the motion. 3 members Yoted yes; 1 member not Yot~n~ and
member absent.
~e ~eetiag a~ a~ 10:30 P.M.