HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-01April 1, 197~ - Monday
Regular Meeting
The PLANNI~ BOARD held its regular meeting on Monday evening, April 1, 197~
at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Building meeting room. The following members
were present: ~illiam Chepulis, John J. Monteiro, Fritz Ostherr, Paul R. Lamprey
and newly elected member ~illiam N. Salemme.
There were 16 people present for the meeting.
Mr. Ostherr made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; Mr.
Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The following nominations were made:
Mr. Monteiro nominated Mr. Chepulis for Chairman~ Mr. Ostherr seconded the
Mr. Monteiro nominated Mr. Ostherr for Vice Cb~4~man; Mr. Lamprey seconded the
Mr. Ostherr nominated Mr. Salemme for Clerk; Mr. Monteiro seconded the nomination.
Motion was made that the Clerk cast one vote; Mr. Ostherr seco~Med the. motion
The following nominations were made for the Sub-committees.
1. Long Range Planning:
2. Capital Improvement:
3. Subdivision Control:
&. Administration:
Lamprey& Monteiro.
Salve & Ostherr.
Ostherr & Lamprey.
Monteiro & Salemme.
Mr. Monteiro asked that he remain as representative to the Merrimack Valley Planning
Commission - and he was so nominated. It will be recommended to the Selectmen that
Mr. $alemme be appointed as the alternate member to the MVPC.
Mr. Ostherr was nominated for the Capital ~udget Committee.
It was decided that the Housing Study C~mmittee and P.U.D. Study Oc~ittee would
be discontinued for the present.
The ~atershed Study Committee and ~ continue to exist with Mr. Ostherr as the
Chairman and Planning Board representative.
The vote was unanimous on all of the nominations.
April l, 197~ - cont.
1. Howard Thomson & Sidney Coleman, Farnum Street -Mr. Ostherr made a motion
to endorse the plan as not req-~ring approval under the Subdivision Control Law;
Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
2. Atty. Michael Stella, land on Grey Street -Mr. Ostherr made a motion to endorse
the plan; Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
3- Joseph Doherty, Jr. representing Carl Porter, lend on Stevens St. - Mr. Lamprey
made a motion to endorse the plan; Mr. Monteiro seconded, the motion and the vot·
was un~OUS.
~. Chester Sullivan, Tewhebury-Mr. Sullivan brought back the "Salem Garde~"
subdivision plan with the chan~ee that had been recommended by the Conservation
Commission %~ requested the Board to up-date the signatures on the plan so that
they could be recorded. He stated that he has not received the final orders from
the Dept. of Natural Resources. He agreed to do whatever the Cons. Comm. had
Mr. Monteiro said he is concerned about the existing problems ~ith the front lots
on Salem Street and he wants to wait until notification is received from D~
before he signs anything.
Mr. Chepulis noted that the l~ens did not agree with the plans in the Planning
Board files..Mr. Sullivan will have to straighten out the plans and then return
to the Planning Board for signatures.
Mr. Ostherr suggested that the plans be straightened out with the engineer
brought back to the Board~ then the Su~division Control Sub-committee will look
at them for report to the next meeting.
5. Old N. A. Realty Trust, Norningside Lane - Mr. Ostherr.made a motion to endorse
the plan; Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Monteiro reported'that Hr. Wilson had discussed the development with the abutters
and were in accord as far as the drainage was concerned. The engineer had not been
in touch with Mr. Cyr aud he doesn't know if the plans have been corrected. He'has
asreed to change the ~me of the street. Mr. Wilson is willing to ~ive the Board
more time to make a decision;
Mr. Wilson said he would grant an extension of one month. This would be enough
time in order to arrive at an agreement with the abutters. The surveyor is
surveying the la~M to see what can be dOne~ he wants to change the plans. The
extension would be until the May 6th meeting.
Mr. Ostherr said the sub-committee is in accord with Mr. Wilson's request. He
stated that the revised plan w~uld be in the office by April 29th. Mr. Wilson
agreed and stated that the request for the extension mould be submitted in
April l, 197~- cont.
Atty. Collins, Jay Road, sta~t, ohna~ on behalf of the abutters, they are opposed
to any extension of time. H~7~ ~Ad plenty of time to contact the abutters and
has not done so. They would like the Board to vote on the develo~nent at this
time. (Several of the abutters were present).
Mr. ~hepulis read a letter received from the residents of Mark Road in opposition
to the development.
The following people spoke ag.~ in oppositi~n~ Mr. ~oodcock, Rea St.; Mr'
Sullivan, Jay Road; Mrs Savukinas, Mark Road and Don Scott, Rea St.
Bldg. Inspector Charles Foster felt that it should be a continued hearing if new
evidence is submitted by the applicant.
Mr. Ostherr made a motion to accede to the applicant's request for an extension
of time to May 6th; Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Ostherr submitted a list of several suggestions. The secretary suggested that
cert-t- forms be revisedS the Administration Sub-committee ~ill review the forms.
Highway Surveyor WilLiam Cyr suggested changes in hot-top requirements.
Discussion was held on culverts and how to control the~ when on private property.
Mr. Ostherr suggested appointing an Ad Hoc Committee to study culverts and existing
drAt~age ways; the committee to be comprised as follows: William Cyr~ B.I. Cb-wles
Fosters Paul Lamprey,. Planning Board rep. S Pat Trombly, Cons. Comm. rep.; a Board
of Health rep. and a Board of Selectmen rep. It. was decided to hold a meeting
on Tuesday, April 9th, at 7:30 P.M. in the Highway Surveyor's office. Letters
will be sent notifying everyone.
Subdivision Rules and Regulations will be discussed ag~tn at the M~y 6th meeting.
Mr. Cyr discussed the conditions on Morris Street with the Board and he doesn't
feel that it should be accepted as a town way.
Mr. Ostherr made a mOtion, seconded by Mr. Monteiro and voted unanimously to
notify the Selectmen as follows: "That the Plam~ Board concurs with the High-
way Surveyor's report and to recommend that Morris Street not be accepted as a
Town May in its present condition.
Perhaps the proper course ef action would be a 0hapter 80 betterment by the
petitioners to put the road in proper condition for acceptance. According to
Mr. 0yr, the cost to hot-top the entire 56~ feet of roadway would be approximately
$3,~8 and the necessary installation of two additional catch basins would be
$~OO, making a total cost of approx. $~,7~."
April 1, 197~ - cont.
Notification of proposed National Registernominatibn was received from
the Mass. Historical CommiSsion that the Parson 9arnardHouse, 179 Osgood Street,
is being considered for nomination' to the National Register of Historic Places.
Mr. Monteiro made a motion that the Planning Board concurs with the nomination~
Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The Commissionwill
be so notified of the Board's action.
The Board received notice of a hearing to be held by the ~oard of Appeals
on the petition of Trombly Bros., Sutton St. to -llOW the addition to the
existing garage, using only One lot.
Mr. Lamprey made the motion that the petitioner has not applied under the
appropriate section of the Zoning By-Law and to so notify the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Salomme secom~ied the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Chep,]:~s read the decisions on the Giard Petition and on the Archdiocese
Boston, ~
A Notice of Intent was received from the Dept. of Natural Resources. The
0onservattonOo___w~is~ion had denied the "Appledore" petition.. The developer has
appealed the decision to the DNR.
The meeting adjourned at ]!:00 P.M.
(William Chep,,l~ ~/ -