HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-16December 16, 1974 - Monday
Regular Neeting
The PLAN~INa B_o~ held its regular meeting on Monday evening, December ~6, ~974,
at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and
voting: William Chepulis, Chairman; Fritz Ostherr, Vice Ohaiman; Paul R. Lamprey;
William N. Saleratus, Clerk; and John J. Monteiro.
There were approximately 5 visitors present.
Minutes of the meetings of October 23 and November 4, 1974 were accepted ~y the BOARD
upon the mo%ion of Mr. M~nteiro. Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion and a dis~ssion
followed in which it was recommended to amend page ~, second paragraph under "Raleigh
Tavern North" of November 4, ~974 meeting to read 'November 18, 1974". The motion and
amendment were passed unanimously.
Hr. Monteiro reported on the previous meeting of the 0o~missio~. A deep discussion on
land use and open space took place, lKrD is requesting it to be a budgetamy program for
1975-76. 208 l~unding was also discussed in which the vote was~ 4 nays, 4 in favor
and 3 not voting. The Selectmen have to make a fins/ decision and Hr, Monteiro would
like to request they send a letter to the Regic~ just as a matter of record. The next
meeting is Thursday, Dec. 19, 1974.
1. J & V REALTY- Johnson & Rea ~ts.: It was no, ed that this parcel is in an
District. Mr. Ostherr made a motion to endorse as Not Requiring Approval the plan of
land, Town of North Andover, John J. Burke. Hr. Mon%eiro seconded and the vote was
2. G~OOD ASSO. - Chestnut S%.: Parcel pertains to Lots I & 7, located in R-3 Dis-
trict. A motion was m~de by Mr. Monteiro ~o endorse the plan of land, Lots ~ & 7,
dated Dec. 13, 1974 for Greenwoc~l Asso. a~ Not Requiring Approval under Subdivision
Control. Mr. Lamprey seconded and the vote was unanimous.
3. GT~WO~D ASSO. - Chestnut St.: Lots 17A th=u 22A on plan of land dated Dec. 1~,
1974. The t~hwa~ Surveyor ~estioned 2he ~d%h of ~he street at b~d ~d ~ests
c~sideration of the possibility of gst~ing mo~ ~d%h for %he To~. ~. ~%eiro m~e
a ~ti~ ~o ~dorse the pl~ of l~d of ~reenwood Asso. as nos re~r~g appro~l ~der
~ivisi~ c~%rol law ~th %he s~sti~ of the ~ ~eyor. ~. O~ feels
~~ less ~ 40 ~. is in~fici~% ~ a public ~ ~d rec~nds ~ ~ the
developer's coope~ti~ ~ this ~er. Acco~ng to B~ Osg~d, noth~g definitive c~
be ~ven be~e ~he st~ies of ~he r~ ~ve not ~en done. ~. Ohepulis added, i$ is
~ to put ~ c~i~s because i~ is not a ~si~. ~ere is a d~ e~ement
~ the pl~, s~d ~. ~go~. Mr. O~ stated t~$ if we c~'~ ge~ ~he cooperation of
~he developer he w~ld ~est %~ng it ~ ~en~ d~ain in o~er ~o ~t the 40 ~.
~d%h. ~. Os~od said %hey c~ld mest ~th ~. C~ ~d ~a,~ ~l~s ~d ~ deed or
~semen%s w~ld ~ve to c~e from ~he co~ora~i~ involve~ not ~ him in~d~lt.
~. ~%he~ seconded the ~bove mo~i~. ~. Os~od s~ed ~t if t~s, ~ fac~, is ~
public ~ ~d if the lots show ~he proper fr~ acco~ing ~o ~ Zoni~ ~w ~he
B~_~ h~ no option ~ ~o si~ ~he pl~.
Hr. Ostherr then amended the motion to include, along with the endorsement of the plan,
a letter to the applicant stating Mr. cyr's point of view. The vote was unanimous.
December 16, 1974 - cont.
4. Lincoln Giles - CI~C]~G ROAD: Mr. Ostherr made a motion to endorse the Plan
of Land in North Andover, Mass. dated November 30, 1973 as Not RequiringApproval
under Bubdivision Control. Mr. Montairo seconded the motion and the vote wms unaui-
mous o
J. Bar~a~llo - Cedar Lane: The Board failed to signFormJat the last meetingwhich
will be signed at this meetin~ for reoordingpurposes.
Mr. Nonteiro made a motion that the Board's secretary apply for Notary Public, Nm. La~prey
seconded and the vote was unanimous.
yWALTER R~2~ES - P~E~CO~T ST. NURSING HC~E: John J. Willis, Jr. appeared for the developer
and stated that the plans are not ready at this time. He requested being on the Agenda
for the January 6, 1975 meeting.
MATERIAL FRC~ ~ATEIt RESOURCES C(~NISSIO~: Report to be read and digested by the Chairman.
Upon motion of Mr. Ostherr to the ~above, Mr. Mdnteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous.
The Administration ~ubcommittee to check.the wording of Release Form J upon motion of
Mr. Lamprey. Mr. 0stherr seconded and the vote was unanimous°
ANDltE~ CIRCLE - Questionnaire on Contract Bond: Mr. Ostherr made a motion that the Board
reply by letter or by filling out the form advising that no work has been done on the
project since the filing of the Bond and the full amount (~37,000) remain~ Mr. Lamprey
seconded and the vote w~ unanimous. Member Monteiro then made a motion that the ~ub-
division 0ontrol Subcommittee lock into the above and report m% the nex~ meeting, Mr.
Ostherr seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Lamprey made a motion to conditionally approve the preliminary plan of a Subdivision
called Canterlmry Village subject to She following: 1) Cotuit ~t. east (at Ohickering
Rd.) shall be made one way in; 2) the cul-de-sac at LeYden St. will be eliminated and ~
two-wa~ access through Leyden St. to Ohickering Rd. will be opened up~ one-way easterly
mt Leyden. St. will be considered prior to and with the definitive plan$ 3) the definitive
plan shall show m barrier and grade separation at Cotuit ~t. west; Oo%uit ~t. west shall
not be opened to traffic from this subdivision; 4) there shall be no parking on one side
of all streets within this subdivision; the applicant will discuss the adeqaxao~ of a 2~
ft. roadway with Highway Burveyor; 5) a site plan shall be sul~,~tted with the definitive
plan; 6) drainage calculations shall be submitted with the definitive plan; 7) all oha~ges
revisions end etc. suggested to the Planning Board by other Town Boards and departments
shall be incorporated into the definitive plans.
Member Monteiro stated that he goes along with the Subdivision Control Subcommittee's
views except on Leyden St. He sees no sense in opening up that street because of ertra
flow of traffic coming in from the apartments which cOUld become a hazard. Mr. Monteiro
amended the motion to state that Leyden St. be closed to traffic. Mr. Ostherr said that
they had a meetingwith the police chief, fire chief and their engineer and felt it was
desirable to have Leyden St. opened up as access to the ~evelopmen%. Much discussion
followed in which Ben 0sgood spoke of alternatives. Member Lamprey stated that the '
corner at Peter S2. is a bottleneck and we are trying to alleviate this problem. Mr.
Monteiro asked how Mr. O~r felt about it and Mr. Cyrreplied%h~t the fire and police
chiefs have more to say than he has on this. Mr. 0stherr felt that it is a subject
which requires much discussion and a resolution can be reached prior to the definitive
plan. The vote on the original motion was taken and the Board votedunanimously.
Decam'ber 16, 1974 -conto
The 0hairman introduced Mr. Peter Hornbeck to the Boa~-d.
submitted with any plans. ~hort discussion followed.
He suggested topography to be
Ben Osgood mAbmitted letter free Poete Realt~ Trust dated Becember 16, 1974 and letter
from Prank Gelinas to Mr. Osgood. Mr. Oyr cruestioned where ~[r. Osgood had come up with
$1~0.00 per stone Bound, because he feels they are only $65.00. Mr. Cyr will inspect
the Bounds. A motion was made by MemBer Ostherr to table the n~tter until the Januam~ 6,
1975 meeting and Mr. Lamprey seconded. The vote was unanimous.
G~WOOD ASSO. - Preliminary Plans:
Plans dated Dec. 16, 1974 were referred to the subdivision control suboo~amtttee for
review upon motion of Mr. Ostherr. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Seminar at Essex Agricultural on Wed, Jan. 8 through Mr. 5, 1975. Mr. Ostherr made a
motion that Mr. Lamprey attend and the Beard to cover the registration fee of $20.00.
Mr. Monteiro seconded aud the vote was unanimous,
Sanita~ Landfill Feasibility Stud,v: Report from William N. ~alemme in which he stated
that the Boxford St. site migh2 Be just the right one aud due to the fact that his brother
lives on Boxford St. there is a family conflict involved. He would like someone else to
attend the meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec. 18, 1974. The Board discussed the matter
but did not come up with a replacement.
The meeting ~djourned at 12:30 P.N,
(Gilda Blacketock)