HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-17Monday -March 17, 1975 Regular Meeting The PLANNING BOARDheld its regular meeting on Monday evening, March 17, 1975, at 7:30 P.E. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting: William Chepulis, Chairman; Fritz Os~herr, Vice-Chairman; William N. Salemme, Clerk; Paul R. Lamprey and John J. Monteiro. Chairmn Chepulis wished everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day and welcomed back Mr. Monteiro who won the election with the largest plurality. Upon motion by Mr. Ostherr and second by Mr. Monteiro to accept the minutes of February 2, 1975, the vote was unanimous. REORGANIZATION OF BOARD: Mr. Chepulis stated that he would appreciate being considered for re-election as chairman and will, also, run for re-election to the Planning Board in 1976. CHAlq~: Mr. Lamprey nominated William Chepulis and Mr. Monteiro nominated Fritz Ostherr. Mr. Lam- prey's motion to close nominations was seconded by Mr. Monteiro. The vote was as follows: Salemme, Lamprey and Chepulis voted in favor of Chepulis; Monteiro and 0stherr in favor of Ostherr. Mr. Monteiro made a motion that the vote be unanimous in favor of Mr. Chepulis and Mr. '0stherr seconded. The vote w~s unanimous. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Monteiro nominated Fritz Ostherr. Mr. Lamprey made a motion that nominations be closed and this received a second by Mr. Salemme. The vote was unanimously in favor of Mr. Ostherr. CLERK: Mr. Ostherr nominated William N. Salemme. Mr. Lamprey's motion to close nominations was seconded by Mr. Monteiro. The vote was unanimous for Mr. Salem~ne. Mr. Ostherr spoke in favor of reviewing our Subcommittees to make them more meaningfu.1. He would like the Administration Subcommittee to be a committee of one, and that be the Clerk. Also, suggested that the Capital Improvement Subcommittee be a Regional planning Subcommittee which is made up of 2 members, one of which will be our representative to the MVPC. This would serve mainly as a liaison between the Town and the Regional Commission. He then made a motion that the former 4 standing subcommittees be replaced by 3 subcommittees and the roll of Administration be taken over by the Clerk. Mr. Lamprey seconded the motion and the vote wasunanimous. MVPC ~SHIP: Mr. Monteiro made a motion that Mr. Lamprey be the representative from the PT,ANNTNG BOARD effective April 1, 1975 and thereby a member of the Regional Plamning Subcommittee. Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Mr. Ostherr made a motion that John Monteiro become the alternate to the MVPC and Er. Salenmm seconded. Unanimous vote. SU-~DIVISION CONTROL SU~TT~: Mr. L~mprey and Mr. Ostherr voiced their desire to re- main on this committee. Mr. Salemme made a motion to re-~ppoin% Ostherrand Lamprey to the Subdivision Control Subcommittee and Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. LONG RANGEPLAN~G SUBCOMMITTEE: Mr. Ostherrmade a motion that Mr. Salemme be appointed to this committee. Mr. Nonteiro seconded. Mr. Chepulis volunteered for this committee. the vote was unanimously in fa~wr of both members. P~IONAL PL/hNNING SU~O~ITTEE: Upon motion of Mr. Ostherr and second by Mr. Salemme, Paul Lamprey and John Monteiro were unanimously voted as members to this commitee. ~rch ~7, ~975 - cont. CAPITAL B~ET COMMITT~: Mr. Ostherr nominated William Salemme for representative to this committee. Mr. Lamprey nominated Mr. Ostherr. Mr. Salemme received the votes of Mr. Ostherr and Mzr. Monteiro. Mr. Ostherr received the votes of Mr. Lamprey, Mr. S~lemme, and Mr. Chepulis. A motion wus then made by Mr. Lamprey to reconsider the vote and seconded by Mr. Monteiro. A vote was taken which was unanimously in favor of Mr. Ostherr. The following three motions were made by Mr. Ostherr and seconded by Mr. Lamprey: 1 ) to continue to mmpport the SANITARY LA.FILL COMmitTEE.. Mr. Salemme volunteered to remain on the committee. 2) the BOARD ~hould be prepared to handle the subject of SCENIC ROADS when it comes up ~gain. 3) WATERS~ STUDY COMMI~. shall be left open for volunteers. The vote was unanimously in favor of all three motions. EARTH REMOVAL AD HOC S~JDY CC~ITTEE: Mr. Ostherr made a motion to continue this committee until after Town Meeting. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Monteiro stated that there are 4 items on the next Agenda: a) Sewer/Water Assessment monies are going to be discussed; had hoped to have a com- pleted study so that we would be eligible for this. Member Monteiro would like to put the money, a special assessment at Town Meeting, in escrow in a bank for that purpose. The Chairman of the NVPC would like to use it for something else. North Andover's article stipulated that it should be used for only Water and Sewer. Would like to have this money returned to the Treasury of the Town with the accumulated interest. M~. Monteiro made a motion that the MVPC return the monies to the individual towns amd cities. Mr. Lamprey seconded and the vote was unanimous. b) A-95 Reviews - these are environmental impact reports which are made because federal money is being used. Example: the Prescott Street Nursing Home. A discussion followed in which the BOARD concurred that they probably are not aware that a subdivision is involved, and that we should advise them of this fact. The vote, Monteiro said, will be on approval of the A-95 Review in order to get the federal funding. Mr. Ostherr made a motion that they be told that 2 years ago the concept was received as a refresh- ing approach in nursing home and condominium care. The subdivision passed the BOARD and we have had a few problems since, but we recommend that it is a good idea. The motion was seconded by Mr. Salemme and vote was unanimous. c) Comprehensive Health Planning for Merrimack Valley: another A-95 Revie~ which does not give the intent of the use of the money. Mr. Ostherr suggested that the F~presenta- tire be very leary of this unless he is made aware of something we cannot see. d) -North Andover/~wrence Looalizer: (safety precaution on Airport) this is being put back and Mr. Monteiro stated he doesn't know the reason why. Route 114: they are goAng to re-evaluate the system of priorities, but it at least has gone into the top ~ priorities in the area. PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL: 1. James McGovern - Boston St.: Mr. Osther~ commented that he could not tell how much land was involved in the lot of FLary E. Cohen. He then made a motion to endorse the Plan of Land of James McGovern dated February 1975 as not requiring approval under sub- division control law. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous. N~rch 17, 1975 - cont. 2. Richard Hanson - Maple Ave.: Mr. Ostherr made a motion to endorse as not requiring approval under subdivision control law the Plan of Land of Richard Hanson~ dated January 1975. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote w~s unanimous. SAT,W~ FOREST - Decision on Preliminary Plan: Letters from Town Depts. were read by the Chairman. Also, the letter from the Highway Surveyor of March 17, 1975 w~s read ~nd discussed. A motion w~s made by Mr. 0stherrand seconded by Mr. Lamprey that the subdivision control subcommittee along with the Highway Surveyor, Enginee~and Building Inspector viewed the site and the Committee recommends tentative approval of the plan with the comments from the Town Depts, noted and that these comments be forwarded tothe developer and his Engineer. A discussion ensued in which the Building Inspector stated that inasmuch as a railroad right of way hearing is required it would seem to make sense that the developer, his Enginee~ or representative would pursue having this hearing held as soon as possible. It would not make sense to have a subdivision approved by the Town that could not be built on on all the lo~s. Frank Gelinas, engimeer representing Mr. Parr, s~id that the law specifically outlines that a public hearing must be held before a building permit can be issued and they intend to adhere to the law. It is not relative to this action, said Gelinas. The BOARD noted that this is something the Building Inspector should get a reading on from Town Counsel. A vote was takem on the above motion and the BOARD ~s unanimous in agreement~of favorable action. DEFINITIVE PLANS - GRk~00D EAST & CANT~Y VILLAGE: Mr. Gelinas presented the plans and stated that the site plan on Greenwood East was not completed as yet, but will be before the BOARD takes action. Upon Member 0stherr's motion and Member Monteiro's second the BOARD voted unanimously to hold a public hearing on both of the above plans on April 22, 1975 in the Fire Station Meeting Room at 7:30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M., respectively. NOTICES FROM CONSERVATION COMMISSION: Archdiocese -public hearing on Mar~h 19%h at 8 P.M. to alter land off Waverly Rd. for 230 units. TOPICS~- Chiokering Rd. and Osgood St. ~nd Peters Street: public hearing on same date at 7:30 P.M. for highway improvement and drainage improvements. WETLANDS NOTIFICATION ON HAROLD PARKER ESTATES dated March 12,1975 was read by the Chairman. Miscellaneous Matters: SC~%rIc ROADS: Mr. Ostherr opened the discussion by saying that the BOARD held a pu~tio hearing on onl~ Great Pond Rd. and we said we would recommend it as a Scenic Road and further establish a committee for setting up criteria. The committee didn't really accom- plish what we wanted them to accomplish. The BOARD has never been presented with a citizen's petition; s% what should we do about solving the matter. Mr. Cyr thought the BOARD should make some recommendation becaus~ as the law is interpreted, if there is no recommendation from any of the 3 bodies Town Meeting cannot take action. Mr. Cyr requested that the pro- posal and criteria he set up be considered by the PLA~G BOARD. Mr. 0stherr made a motion that the PLANNING BOARD recommend unfavorable action on the Article regarding Scenic Roads because we have nei~'her adoptedadequ~te criteria nor prepared or adopted adequate procedures for dealingwith the Law. Mr. Salemme seconded. M~rch 17, 1975 - cont. Mr. Chepulis stated his feeling that this article cannot be legally acted upon. Mr. Cyr said he is strongly opposed to this and State Rule, he likes the Town and the way we run it. The vote on the motion was take~ with 4 members in favor and Mr. Nonteiro in oppSsition' Letter by Board of Selectmen to MVPC regarding the vote on 208 Funding was read by the Chairman. Mr. Lamprey s~id that, although Mr. Salemme was probably not awareof it, his letter to the Board of Public Works w~s not an official PlannAng Boardrequest so it should not have been on our letterhead. Mr. N*nteiro reminded the BOARD that no-one has the right to use the stationery unless it Ks a PLAN~G BOARD action. The BOARD directed the secretary to notify the abutters Re the Campio~ Hall He~ring, The meeting adjournedat 10:30 P.M. (William Chepulig) Secretary (Gilda Blacks~ock)