HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-24Mouday - March 24, 1975 Regular Meeting Public ~ing The PLANNI~ BOARD held its regular meeting ou Mouday evening, ~arch 24, 1~75, at ?:30 P.M. in %he Fire ~tatic~ Meeting Room. The followLug members were present ~nd voting= William Ohepulis, Ch~ir.~-I Fritz 0stherr, Vice Chairman; William N. ~alemme, Clerk; Paul R..Lamprey and John J. M~nteiro. There were about lO visitors. The clerk read the notice. 1. A~end the Zoning B~-Law to include the I~ustriaI 3 District. The 0~i~ ~ired if ~ ~d ~ ~esti~ or needed cl~ifi~i~ ~ ~h~ ~~ this propo~l. ~ epee $o ~. ~ ~t s~e accep~ble ~ppr~ch ~o ~ ~re of ~ fi~ if pen~; ~. ~ ~id he ta~ed ~th the ~re ~ief ~d feels the rotter c~ ~ t~ o~ of ~e~te~ by a ~en~i~ p~d ~d a ~ ~t. Joseph D'~lo ~n~i~ ~g the ~a. ~.. ~ th~$ $~t ~$er o~d ~ ~stalled ~ t~$ a~ ~$h~ the ne~ 2 Mea~er Ostherr ~de a aotic~ to take the matter of creating the Zcaing District (T-3) with its uses and dimensions under advisement. Mr. ~le~me seconded the mo~ioa and the vote was unaniaouse 2. A~end the Zouing Mep to design-_ate I-3 District. Mr. Ostherr chose to ol~i~ the ~11 pie~ of ~d ~ich is p~posed to ~ ~s~ ~ the a~tte~ prefer it nos ~o ~ ~ed to I-3. ~ z~ ~iole e~ludes t~s piece, ~ ~he ~iole to ~ee ~ol~es it. It o~d ~ ~ ~l~ble f~ $~ ~. ~. Che~is felt t~$ now is the ti~ to ao~re title $o ~he ~d for ~oe for the ~t~e. ~. ~he~ ~minded the ~ t~t when they ~d sp~en of ~s ~tter l~s2 f~ll, t~ey ~ ~e ~ decisi~ to en~or~e ~~ of the ~iole iff ~se ~s ~e ole~ a2 To~ Meet~g. He then a~ed ~. O~ the status of ~bjeot article. ~. ~ s~id he ~$ ~iting for ~lts ~ apprai~l ~d ~11 then t~ She ~$ter o~r $o the ~lectmen who ~11 t~e ithaca there. Zt will be p~s~$ed at ~ ~ee$ing ~th a price, ~d all l~d~ers are wil~ sell. Ho~ester N~ti~l ~-k ad~sed t~$ they ~d some~e eho ~d ~ opti~ to ~, ~$ ~11 hold t~s up ~til April 3~h. ~. Che~lis ~lled for ~e p~s~t who a~ts the prope~y. ~e~ P. ~lx identifi~ hie~lf as ~ ~2er ~d ~i~ he w~d sell if ~d wh~ he ~ows all the fi~$. ~. ~ ~, ~lls ~., a~ed w~ is ~i~ done to pro, de a ~fer ~d ~s ~8eered ~ ~. ~ t~t a 2~ ~. ~fer of ~al fores~ ~s Being ~ta~ed. Member Ostherr made & motien to take reoo~ae~dati~n en this article under advisement and ~tr. Monteiro seconded. The vote ~s unanimous. 3. Amendment to sec. 9.13: The BOARD explained that in the Earth Removal ~oti~ the~ ~e speoi~o ~ee~ $~ ~ ~er %o eli~$e c~si~ ~ ~e ~d~ %he p~se, "~ept as ~ Be othe~se specifi~lly pr~d~ ~h~". ~. ~he~ ~e a ~oti~ to c~ol~e the h~tag ~ ~s ~icle ~d t~e the ~$er ~der adviser,S. ~. ~rey seceded ~d the vote ~s '4. Amend Sec. 1 of the Z~ing 3y-Law= Add paragraph 10. This particular enbjeot is basic- ally iu 2 parts - ou~wl~ich doesn't require a public hearing, is to ask the To~n to vote the Flood ~nsur~noe Progr~ and the second is to make available maps, ~de by 'the Federal govex'A~ent, sho~Ang the flood hazard sections. ~here ars t#o maps, I~)1-08. If we accept the flood insurance an~c~e can Build with federal monies~ and, further, if the To~n does not join this program there will ncrt Be any lo~ns for cen~tr~otic~ or improvements within March 24, 1975 --oonto ~hose areas. T~eTM will Be rather striot oentrol over wha~ will Be Built due to the possibility of flooding. The insurance itself will be subsidized b~ the federal government. If we do not join, regular insurance rates will Be muoh, ~uoh greater and there is no other ~y to get the. subsidized insurance unless the to~n votes to. jgin the prog~w~. We are essentially reoommending %hat the T~m pr~eot the land' owners who happen to Be within the boundaries at no oost. Mr° Nc~teiro~s m~tien ~s. that the ~ BOARD take favorable aotic~ on the~ above a~t[ole. Mr. Ostherr seconded. John ~reenwood, 40 Great Cak St. aR~ed, if the Town votes 't;o' join this pro~;-,-m will there be any restrictions on the land~? Mr. Ch°pulis answered saying, the restrietic~s are for %he future, no~ on an~hing Built there now° Ex~r~ precautions have to Be taken in the future in case of contamination of the ~ater supply by flooding. It does not stipulate that y~u oannot build, just oontrol for the protecti~a of the Builder, the To~n and the lending ~genoy. The Board of Health aad the Board of Public Works m~t include this in their regulatisuet and the l~ild,~ Inspector has to enforce oert~in construotion stm-_dards also. Loo~ far into the fature, it oould be v~lu~ble for ~'A~en a~eae~ °toe The v~te on the ~otic~ ~s ~ma~imous. Mr. Ostherr e~le a m~tic~ that ~he PLANNIN~ BOARD reoo~aend ray.able a~tion ca ite~ ~, 2, and ~ above at To~n Meeting. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote ~s unanimous. Mr. ~lenea~ wished to disousa .~eotion ~, Earth Nater~&ls Rem~l, ~d the fir~ $~ce of ~o~i~ ~.4. ~ a~ ~ ~o l~ve ~ ~ ~he ~-~w~use it ~s n~ avote off ~e ~ to 1~ it ~.~ ~. Che~is ~ed t~t it o~ld Be ~ ~ the floor of To~ Meetly, if neoes~. ~itz ~therr ~il~ ~lieves that it ~d ~ deleted ~e it is net cl~r as to w~t pr~ed~e ~11 ~ t~. ~r ~le~ ~11 ~ the Ccam~ittee to arrive at a decision and advise the ~ Before To~n Ne°ting. Salemme is to take a poll of the Co~mtttee. The meeting adjourned at 8=.30 P.M. (Willia~ Chepulfs)