HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-03Thursday - April' 3, 1975 Publio I~saring The PLAITING BOARD held a PuBlic Hearing ca Thursday evening, April 3, ~75, at P.M. in the Middle School Auditorium. The following members wsr~ l~esen% and voti~ William Chepulis, Chairman; Fritz Ostherr, Vice Chairman; William N. S~I~, Olerk~ Paul R. Lamprey and John J. ~nteiro. ~r. N~nteiro a~rived at 8 P.M. due to a prior c_~=.~ttment. There were approximately ~5 people present. The olerM read the legal notioe. Chat ~r~_ - Chepulis explained fha% the petitien sul~mitted in regard to the land presently o~ned By the So~isty of Jesus (Campien with an optien By Thomas Censtruotien. It is to re-zone the land to an Eavirc~mental Ccatrol Dis%rio% with olu~ter dwelling. The prodecur~ for She hearing ~ill ~e as £ollo~ the presentatic~ By the petitic~sr of his sase Before the I~ARD~ the ~ will ask questic~s of the pe$iticaer; then, anyene in the ~udienoe will Be granted the floor for ~ens, cla~Afiea~i~n, etc. l~r. De-glass ~ww introduced himself as represent~_-_~ ~r. ~or~ Co~is. ~. Chris ~d the ~ ~ f~ ~g most coope~tive. the ~~d, sta~ ~th the meeti~ in ~.' ~ey t~ed $o depts. $~her for ~t, he ~id. ~s C~st~tion ~11 ~ ~i~le $o the prope~y ~ April ~, ~ ~d t~2 ~11 de, lop it ~ some ~er. ~m~tal C~I Die,riot ~ch is ~ ~erlay z~e. ~ere is c~side~Ble'l~d arid the ~e ~oh is ~Bject to d~lop~t. ~ f~ls ~he isle of'~he fi~ ~icle is ~he The 'second a~tiole allows us to adopt a form.of cluster z~ing. ~r. O~-~ ~ed t~t the po~im lots ~e ~eoifi~l~ ~eveloped to ascents ~2 ~i-f~ily ~its ~t~ the law. ~t is essentially ~he ~law, ~id C~, ~ th~ ~ve pres~ted it to the T~ off N~h ~d~er ~use i$ ~ves proteoti~ to the ~er ~p~ ~d, also, it ~11 ~ profi~le to the~. ~. ~h~ ~e~i~ed ~2 dwell~ ~i~e ~ ~oh po~i~ lot f~ed a~ ~p~te~ 4 ~r ao~. ~. ~ ~ated t~t it is a ~efi$ ~o She To~ ~e ~oh 1~ ~'-~ ~lled a o~d~i~. ~ a 12 ~t sche~ ~ u~ili~$i~ is ~ r~ue $o She ~. D~ld Eeirstead, 103 01d Village Lane: ~aesticaed a discrepancy Between this and our existing By-law, ~ec. 2.47. ~e said it appeared to him fha% the ~y the lotis now situa- ted, it is a side lot line and not a rear lot line. Nr. Oann said this ~s dens this way Because of the T~e. Mr. ]~o~n, ~3~ ~sat P~nd Rd.~ Asked if they are going to ~ring the sewer up Before building the clusters. Cann said, "1~o, not until 200 units are Built." Mrs. Phila ~l~de~ 2~ ~ra~lf~rd ~t.: ~id she had re~d it over several times, ~ut couldn't understand original lots, porti~ lots, ets, and asked for an explaaa%ien. ~t we are talk~ about is taking a large parcel and bre~ug it up into small porti~ns~ a~wered Nr. C~-~. The Envir~mental Centrol District ~s not~-~ to do with ~ur original proposal, and the 200 ft. Buffer zene is a ~r~de-off. Joseph Cu~-~, Gray S~.; Asked how they find ,~ing an ecOlOgy di~trio% will make the area any sounder th~ it is now. As the property is now, said Cann, we c~_-_ go in and develop 64. house lots with a certain number of g~llous of effluent each d~y and all of this land around T~e ~oohichewiok is subject to this type of development. As we have proposed, %o put in the lines from the existing system, it is a sr~oh better ida~. ~hen they researched it, the number was somewhere around 200 unite that. Ca~piou U~ll eottld take in septic systems. Nr. Cushing asked if this was ecologically sound and Mr. Canu replied that a~cor~ing to their engineers it is. ~ohn Lyons, ~reat Poud Rd.~ Asked~wh~ is there an investigation going ou because there is leakage into the Lake now if the are~ can take more septic systems? You are one thing which commou sense sho~s is just the opposite. C~ seemed to feel that this is not the case and said they hire professional people to haadle questious of this k~-d. Mr. Philip L~ll said he could a~s~er the questic~ even though it is not relevant the article in the ~t. I know, e~id Nr. L~ell, that:the Septic sys~e~ %ha% relates to the dormitor~ and other Building is only a 2,000 gallou unit and is not sufficient to handle the capacity it has to $~e. ~hen people are'in on retreats it is ~Ted beyond its capacity. I believe it was 1~0 units for on-site sewer system, he s~id~ ~ut let's not relate the existing system at ~pion I~11 to what is presently in the Mr. Cushing said he still fails to see how it is ecologieally sounder. You are maintain- ~A-S that ~ units o~-~ support 64 septic systems, ~e have not perked 64 lots, but 'know that it can be done, said Mr. Cann. Mr. Eierstead inquired if he had heard correctly that Thorns Construstion will definitely not build single family homes2 Right now, said Mr. ~-~, T o~nnot see it as a potential for us as a good economic proposal. Mr. Chepulis noted that the 200 ft. strip along the Lake is called a conservation are~ and only for the use of the oondo~iniu~ owners. Mr. C~-- stated that this is specifically to remain as it is forever, but not for increased useage of the ~_~_~_ee Mr. Cushing asked, how are you going to protect the water, supply once these 300 dwel- ling units are in? Mr. Cann answered with the question, how do you protect it ng~? Mr. Cushing requested him to respond to his question and Mr. C~-- eaid~ in the condo- minium oov~-~_~-t there will be a restriction to this effect. Mrs. ~oan Fiorino, 288 Pleasant St.~ ~ith reference to the eetablisjb~men~ of an. Environ- mental Control area, she asked, could this be cousidered nothing But se~aatics or window dressing? In order to build in this area you have to file with the Envirca~ental Protection Agency, she thought. Mr. o_~.. said the developer no longer has to file an Envireamental Impact statement. Mrs. Fiorino then asked about the watershed laws and Mr. C~-~ replied ~at they are ~oubling the required dimension. Mr. B~ asked if the Thomas Ccastruotion Compan~ would ~intain and police the a~ea of buffer and ~he answer was that it would be maintained by the oondo~itium o~ners. ]tr. Icons questioned wlmt was goin_~ to happen to ~the beautiful grove where ~y l~eople have held outings and the layout for a 9-hole golf course. Mr. Caen stated that none of their proposals even consider touchiag this la~d, But would have to check into the future use. John J. ~onte~ro, [~ - ~alem St.~ Posed questions relative to the ecological impact on this area such as protection of the La~e. Mr. ~ro~ asked if it would not be better to donate the 200 ft. buffer to the ?own and Nr. Cann stated that he would have to defer that to the attorneys. April 3, 197~ - cent. Joseph S'~shing asked, wlmS is Thomas CoaetrucSic~ gOing to do if Shey find it is no~ economically feasible So run She sewer line up tothe area? Amd, Based upou your zoning or~-A~oe, y,u. have proposed, whaS ie She building denSiSy along She ~ke ~nd how does iS check out according So She number of u~its as compared So She existing zoning? Ca~m s~id, ou~ zouing ~p-law gives uea density of 3489 p~r acre and present z~ning, is 1 per acre. Oa She issue of She sewerage, a~y approval is By special permi% of She of Appeals which can w=~e certain requiremouts; Sherefore, even if we wens ouS of ~asiness ~oever took the land over would Be Bound So She permiS and' the zouing. According So our ougineers, there will Be no putrification of She Lake fr~a any ou-site sewerage. · r. Monteiro~sked:how people can ta~k by-laws when Shey don't really understand what the whole projeoS is abc,At. Mr. C~ stated ~$ ~he ~y-law h~ be~ printed in the news- paper, we have av~led o~selves to the ~$~speople ~d no cae has c~led ~ up. you ve~ ~ch, ~$1emea, he s~d. ~. Ohe~lis showed ~he map of ~he ~viro~en~al O~rol DiStrict in ~e~l. Accor~ng %0 Arty. Eorb, they c~lled it the ~ro~ental Control District" for lack of a better n~e. It is j~s% a %i%1e ~d w~ so stated at a meeting pr~ious~. ~. Ca-- feels it ~ves tRe To~ a distinct adv~t~e~%e~se if %he 2 ~-laws ~e adopted %he B~ of Appeals has the power ~o isle or not isle a special pe~i~ for such. A~ To~ Nee~g, he said, should these ~icles pass I ~t to m~e it ve~ cle~ ~ha~ this ~ no me~s ~ves us pe~ission %o ~ild ~ ~i%s. We still have $o go to the PlYing Bo~ ~d the ~ of'Appeals. OPPOSI?I~N: Donald EeirsSead: I rise So speak in opposition to Shis article and She whole concept for Shis high density development. Page 21 of the Master Plan states very clearly,that we e~e~ld nos develop this area So more than 2/3 of a dwelling.unit per acre. If the by-law passes this developmenS would be very similar So what they propose in Sheir~state- menS. ~ould like to submiS an alternative impact statement to theirs regarding this property - ~) by Eatzmaa and 2) another is a site analysis of the property by M. Eatelle and H. Robertson. This proposal would ultimately mean 7,000 to 8,000 people living in the watershed. This is 'a poorly drafted by-law and would hate to see it added to our By-law, He also took exception with the definition in sec. 2.3iA regarding people doing their own cooking, e~c. He was opposed to the idea of.making a side lot line a rear los line simply because it is around She Lake. He pointed ~out inconsistencies in sec. 2.~9A and 7.6. He felt it a.strange provision So add something to She special permit precision Shat is not allowed in any enabling legislation~ and iS would be bad judgment to support Shis by-law. Mr. Lamprey e~ade a motion to take the ma~ter under advisement and Mr. Monteiro seconded. The vote on the motion was unanimous. Member Lamprey made a motion to Sable Item 2 on She Agenda - sign plans and form on M~rold Parker Estates. Mr. 0stherr seconded and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Ostherr made a motion to take up the Beard's recommendations on $~nigh%'s hearing on Monday, April 7, ~97~. Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and She vote was unanimous. Chairman ~illiam Chepulis / - ~~~~eoret a~ / (~ilda Blackstock)