HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-22Tuesday, April 22, 1975 2 Public Hearings The PLASma BOARD held its second meeting of the month on Tuesday evening, April 22, 197~, at 7:30 P.M. in the Fire Station Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting: William Chepulis, Chairman; Paul R. Lamprey and John J. Monteiro. The Meeting ~as tape recorded in order that Mr. Ostherr, who ~as ouS of to~n on business, and Mr. ~alemme, who was ill, would Be able to listen to what transpire~ and vote on the subjects. The three members did constitute a quorum and the business before the Board was carried out. Mr. Lamprey seconded and the vote was unanimous. PUBLIC ~.A~.IN~$: The legal notice was read By the Chairman. Mr. C~linas, who represented She applicant - ~reenwood Associates - corrected the legal notice to read ~ lots and approximately ~ acres. In his presentation, Mr. Gelinas specified Shat this would be a 5 lot subdivision with ~00~ of roadway situated approximately 600' from the intersection of Chestnut St. and Hillside Rd. The drainage is 100% on the rsadway and will exit via an easement. Ail lots are in conformance with present zoning, will Be sewered and public water will be provided. He said that he has met wish the Highway Surveyor and Board of Public Works and they are try- lng to i~prove Chestnut ~t. In addition, we have met with the ~oard of Public Works to negotiate the water line recfue~t thaS the Board made to us when the preliminary plan was submitted and to date have no~ finalized anything ~ith either the BPW or the Highway 3urveyor. Chai .~r~a__~ Chepulis read leSters from town departments. The Highway Sb~rveyor, Board of Public Works, Board of Health, Tree Warden, Conservation Commission and Fire Chief's letters are all on file in the Planning Board Office. Philip BusBy, speaking for the Board of Public Works, stated that as far as the law s~ates they can tie into a 6" drain. Ail She figures on flow are in the ~ office. He felt that eventually the people up on the Hill are not going to get a~v water and we would like Se see the water main now. lie requested a set of plans on the sewer for his office. There was no opposition to the proposal. The Board nosed that the Board of Health and the Building Inspector will not issue per. its until there is sewerage on the site. A Sangent is to be placed cn Lot ~6 before the definitive plans are signed. Philip Busby, Sr.: Spoke in reference to the acreage diagonally across from the proposed subdivision which, he said, has Been observed By the Conservation Oo.w,~ssiou and in their wisdom feel it is not wet and marsh~. He stated that he had walked there the previous night and the greater part of that area is in a wet condition which necessitated the wearing of high boo~s. The drainage is m~ main concern, said Mr. Busby. This area is a sponge - area and retains water 8-9 months of the year. ~e asked Mr. ~elinas what size pipe they intend to put in to drain this area. A 12" pipe will ~e traversing the entire length of the cul-de-sac and going into the existing brook. Mr. Busby ~anted some assurance tb_~% April 22, 1975 - cont. this would not cause a problem down stream. ~ ~elinas stated that they are going to prepare something for the Conservation Commission like what Mr. Busby is looking for. ~r. Chepulis questioned why the contour lines were not on the plan and Mr. ~elinas. answered, ~cause they were on the prelim!~ar2 plan. Mr. Chepulis stated that they are required on the definitive and engges%ed that they correct the plans by placing them thereon. B7 this addition, he felt it wOUld help clarif~ such questions as Mr. Busby had brought up. ~r. ~elimas stated that a topographical plan is available thrc~ the preliminary plan. Mr. T,~mprey made a motion %o take the matter under advisement and the subdivision con- trol committee will make a recommendation at the next meeting. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote vas unanimous. 2. OANT~y VILLAGE: The legal notice vas re~d by the ~h~irman. There were about 30 visitors and abutters present. Fra~ ~elinas represented Fra~in S. Davis. The plans outlined 85 lots of which 82 are tovnhouses and, in addition, there are 4 accessory use lots. A buffer zone of single f~!ly housing on Ipswich St, and road barrier ~nd grade separation seen on the Utility Plan is the Buffer on Ostuit St. Cstuit St. is one-,ay with entrance fro~ Ohickering Rd. at beginning of their proper~y line, but no exit. 2-~y on Brewster St. and Acushnet and exiting out to Leyden St. Mr. ~el~s said he would then rather res- pond to questions. The one-way route vas reviewed. Mr. Monteiro said he had not cb~ed his mind on Cotuit St. - he would like to close it completely. He stated that going from 2-way to 1-~ay is going to create a deep problem. Co~uit St. is a 50' roadway with 30t pavement. The BOARD viewed the site plan. Mr. Chepulis noted that the roads within th® subdivi- sion are called driveways but really are streets connecting ~treets. It Ms also mentioned that there is a prol~lem with naming these streets Because people alread~ live on pa~t of some of the streets, suoB as Ostuit St. Mr. ~elinas said they would like. to discuss the naming of the streets with the IXIAI~D. Mr. ~elin~s explained where all the drainage vas located as per the plan on file. He felt that the flow at Chickering Rd. is not quantity enough to fill the 36" pipe capacity. The townhouses will be completely sewered. The soil is glacial till, vary wet and clay ledge was found to 7-8 f~. Below g~ade. The Chair.~ read correspondence from the town departments. These letters are all on file in the PLANNIN~ tM1ARD office. OPPO~ITIC~: Atty. ¢lifford Eli~ who sta%edhe Ms net reall~ opposed, represented the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune ~rust. Concerned about accessor2 lots and who will hold the deed to these lots and the amount of traffic,coming onto Ohiokering Rd. in reference to the general welfare and safety in the area. April 22, 1975 - cont. Bar~ara Mareha~d, 16~ Cotuit St: Concerned with the location of the open areas. Joseph M~rchand, 16~ Cotuit ~t: Feels they will ~e changing the w~ter course in the &r®ae Eaten Hesketh, Village Green; Mr. ~murciak, 14 Cotuit St.$ Mrs. Rol~t. l~oar, '667 Waverly Rdt$ Joseph Court, Brewster ~t. and ~trs. Collins, 20 ~illage Green Drive~- all were c~ncerned about the traffic and the problems related to same. Mr. Lamprey made a m~tion to take the rotter under a~lvisement and the ~divisi~n c~ntrol subcommittee is to view the site, Mr. Monteiro seconded and the' vo~e was unanimous. SCOTT PROP~TIE~ - Re Mortgage Bond: The letter i~om Town Counsel was read regarding this type cf Bond. Mr. Salisbury's letter stated that it was a legal document, but~hat the BOARD should Be aware of what par~y was supplting ~he money. Mr. Lamprey stated that, he would like to have a full BOARD present when voti~ on the subject. Scott Follansbee, representing ~cott Properties, said that he h~_e seen this form used in Andover. and Lexington. He requested arriving at a total Bond figure. The letter from the tk~ard of Public Works stipulated an e~in~te of $25,000. A discussion took place regarding the fire alarm s~stem required now. Comments regarding the type of Bond were made by Mr. Follanebee - i% enables the developer to put up more money than he pro~Bly could and. allows the Town to keeD a' cushion and still not restrict the ]~ from releasing the amount requested from the develpper. ~r. Lamprey m~de a motion to take action at the next meeting on May 5, ~75. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous. The members present could not see a~. strc~ objection to this type of Bond, But will discuss it with the other members to decide how. to operate under this new type ftrm. C¢-,~;~nioation from Federal ~nsur~noe Administratiom Re l~lood Pr~ne Comities: this was referred to the. C~ir.~. ' Mr. Chepulis read the resoluti.ns for Town Meeting. Conditions from Con. Com. on the Archdiocesan Project was received and noted. (Willi epu s) · (~il~ 31ack~ock)