HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-19Monday - May 19, 1975 Regular Meeting The PLA~ BOARD held its second regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, 1~ 19, 1~75 at 7:30 P.X. in the To~n Office Meeting Room. The following members were present ~nd voting~ ~illiam Chepulis, Chairman; Ritz Ostherr, Vice Ohair~ William N. S~len~ne, Clerk; P~ul R. Lamprey and John J. Xc~teiro. There were approxim~tely 10 visitors. The minutes of April 3, 1975 were unanimously approved upan motion by Mr. Nontiero and second by .Mr. 0stherr.~ 1. Oeorge l~arr - land'ca .CamPbell Rd,~ Mr. Ostherr m~de a motion to endorse as no~ requiring approval under subdivision control law the Pla~ of Land sho~ing a portion of Campbell Forest dated M~y, 1~7~. Mr. ~onteiro seconded the motion and the vo~e ~as unanimous. 2, ~enohm~rk Construction - ~inter ~t.: E~h of.the ~ lots ~ve ~ ~r~. ~les ~o~er ~ir~ aB~t ~he ~ ~ the whole ~ok lo$. th~ 2~ 1~ i~'~ ~ i2 ~ill ~1~ ~s ~0 ~. ~t~e ~d p~tice to appr~e ~his ~e of ~y~t, ~. ~l~s, sp~ for ~nc~rk, ~d t~t ~ ~ ~ ~der~ ab~$ a ~ ago ~d t~ ~he B~ cf A~Is ~s no ~ght to ~e ~e a ~l~ble 1~. ~is is ~e ~s~ f~ ~e~s~ ~a~ ~ ~he ~doreemen~ doe~t~ neoes~ly ~ ~ o~fo~s to z~, ~id ~. ~he~, ~. ~s~er ~id, it is ~ ~ practice ~o all~ t~s possibility ~d ~he ~ the pl~ ~less i~ all c~fo~s $o z~. ~. Che~lis a~ h~ deeded ~d ~, ~l~s ~d, al~ the ~ius. ~. ~e~is n~ed no ~erseo~i~ ~he~ ~d ~. ~l~s ~plied $~ ~he ~l~e~ive is ~$ the pl~ ~s ~itt~ ~th a ~roposed ~ r~d". ~. ~eiro ~e a ~i~ ~o~ place ~g the a~e ~ which ~. ~ ~d ~. ~l~s ~oth ~e th~ sh~ld ~ all~d to do this, ~t if ~he ~ fel~ othe~se ~d ~d $~bled they w~ld ~ve $0 $~e ~~ of ~he ~ ~s ~ She pe$i$i~er[s est. A ~te ~ ~he m~i~ ~s ~ as folly: ~. ~e~is, ~rey vot~ ~ favor ~d ~. ~he~ ~$ed a~. (~. ~le~ ~s ti~.) ~e ~i~ ~ried. DIS~SSI~ WITH P~~~ (~ ~IL1T~ C(~ANIES~ Mr. O~the;~-.; reviewed the reason for the request for a meeti~ - to discuss the BOAHD'S requirement of utilities in subdivisions - and asked if this ~as uneconomic for the BOARD to require such. ~essrs. J. ~orkeski and John J. Weir represented the ~as Cc. and Mr. Richard Hiledbrand attended for the Telephone Co. The Mass. Electric Co. was not represented. The representatives from the ~as. Co. stated that due to an economic analysis the~ will now put the lines in if the Builder will pay for it. It can be put in if the builder will give them the inform~tien as ~o number of .dwellings, etc. sc an economic analysis may Be made. They go on record as being in favor of off-shore drilling. Mr, Nildebra~d stated that the Telephone Co. has a policy in which they have to give servioee and if the law requires underground facilities we have to do what the law re~fttire s e Mr. ~eir, ~s. Co., s~id that they are going to increase the pressures alc~ Osgood M~y 1~, 1975 - coat. from Suttc~ ~t. and there is a possibility of swapping g~s with t~verhill. Mr. Monteiro maple a motion to table the matter and Mr. Ostherr seconded. The vste was Frauk Geliums had r~ised the question of whether or-no~ the "Rules & Regulations" in effect at the time of submission of preliminary plans or definitive plans were proper according'to law. He felt tb_a_t those in effect on submission of preliminary plans were the proper set to go 1~ and the BOARD felt differently. He stated-that it Basically would render Oanterlmary Village useless on the Basis of those in effect on Dec. 1, 1974. Ben Osgood read the section in ~h. 41 of the Generml L~ws which ~tipulmtes that the Rules & Regulations on sulmzission of preliminary plans are effective. Nr. Ostherr made a motion to reconsider his motion of'N~y 5, 1975 and Mr. Nonteiro seconded. The vote was unanimous. Mr. Ostherr amended the portion of the motion of Mawr 5 which ~tates the RUles & Regulations apply which were in effect when the definitive plan was appr,wed to state the Rules in effect en the signing of the preliminary plan are applicable. Mr. Nonteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Nr. Gelinas stated that he will do everything in his power to make his client abide 1~ most of the new regulations on the hot top. o~ IEqIVE - ~ ~lMY~S BlY~DIV~$ION: The Chairman signed the forms for release. DIHCUSSIC~ C~ CA~PIC~ BALL & OTH~ RELATED Mr. Nonteiro ~sted that the Town should find a feasible way to purchase this property as a recreatienml piece of land, possibly .for a municipal golf course. Several possible alternatives were mentioned By the members: !. municipal golf course could be a money maker~ 2. elderly housing and/or nursing home; 3. tremen&eus asset on the Lake for a sail- ing club or rowing club. The dollars and cents of a golf course should Be looked into, said Mr. Ostherr. Mr. C~epulis asked Pat Trembly and '~wton osg°od for their input. Mr. Osgood said t~_ka__t the new Committee is going to sttu~V the whole area adjoining the Lake right now. Mrs. Trembly stated tha~ they will be stud~ every possibility of handling the land. She felt that the PLANNING BOARD could be mos~ helpful by having someone on the Committee in relation to zoning, cluster zeroing, etc. Mr. Salemme suggested that the PLANNING BOARD take a tour of Campion Nail. Mr~ Trembly told the members that Neridith and Grew promised to con%act the To~n if they kmew of any~e interested in the property. She also Brought out that it would be possible to have a sulm-comm~ttee that would just study the Oampiou Nall property and loo~ into co,ts for theme ~ioil~l developments. The sub-ceramist%es could go one step further, stated Mr. Nonteiro, and consider a specialized hospital such as Mass. Eye and Ear. The whole point of the Ooe~ittee, said Mrs. Trembly, is not ~ast to purchase the land in the watershed but to $~ud,v alternatives to purchasing it which can still serve the ~me purpose for preserv~tion~ ~ ~oseph M~rMeski felt that restrictive zoning is not al~a~s the answer although it has an effect on the land. Mr. Chepulis thought he would rather call it protective zoning than restrictive ~because its Basic purpose is to pro, eot what we have without putting a chain li~k fence around it. Mrs. Trembly felt that we should s~ all these t~s now before someone else comes in with a different type of zouing. Mr. Osgoed stated that we don~t ~-t to just talk about zoning ~e ~ant ~o do someth~-~ about it. OBviously, the zoning ~round the Lake as i~ now exists is not doing the job. We have to discover the advantages and disadvantages of all the different types of zoning and this committee is going to use all the to~n depa~me~$s and committees £or their expertise regardi~ this, ~ested ~ She ~ ~d~ee them ~e2her or n~ ~t ~t~ ~ or 2 members ~ the C~ttee or ~ ~her al~i~, ~, ~e~is c~ented t~t there is m~e ~o ~d use S~ ~st z~i~ ~d did n~ ~ the ~ ~0~ to ~ ~o%ed %o z~ mt%ers al~e, ~e ~ fel% $~t ~hey ~ted 2o ~ mc%ively ~ ~ of %~s ~u~ in s~e ~, ~. ~he~ ~st~ reoon~ She ~%er~ed ~ c~S$ee de~e~ ~ the~ is ~ need tier t~s, ~i~ ~e~l[$ ~id ~he ~b~$ i~ ~d c~i~e ~h the ~lectmen ~~ w~t we decide ~c The PtA~qZNG BOARD received and re~d Arnold Salist~r~'s applioatian for re-~ppointmen~ to the position of Town Counsel. Prescott S~. Nursing Home - Mr. Chepulie que~tioned how to tie in the conditions when the land is going to Be split off in different o~mers. The ]MM~D approved lot A and lot B. Housing Appeals Committee Decision on the Archdiocesan Project, ,k~verly Rd. - Mr. Nonteiro n~de a motion tim% Mr. ~alemme, being a memBer cf the Appeals ~oard, convey PT~,~IN~ BOARD feelings to take the Decision to a higher court. Mr. Lamprey seconded the m*tion and the vote ~as unanimous. ~enctm~rk Construction - Fr~-~ ~elim~s re'Opened the discussion on the pla~ p~evio~sly tabled. He asked if there was a~h~ the ~A_~D could do about the action they took earlier in the evening. He reasoned that it was serious for the Builder and ~ill cost him 28 days and that the ~OARD ~as being inconsistent in that they had sig~ed one plan that has one of the same problems on it that the BOARD wisl~es to study. Mr. Ostherr moved that the PLANNZN~ ~CLARD reconsider the previous action taken on a Plan of Land owned by Benchmark Construction Co. dated My 17, 1~75 and Mr. Lamprey seconded the motiou. The vote w~s unanimous. Mr. ~elin~s then stated that he would remove Lo~ 8 from the plan s~nit~ed this evening. Mr. Ostherr's next mstiou was that the-PLAN~ZN~ BOARD authorize according to its usual custom that the plaa be aPprov~A under ~uBdi. vi_- sion control law is not required provided that the plan Be revised ~c delete the ~ck lo~ line on Lc~ 8. Mr, Lamprey secou~ed and the vote was umanimous. The meeting a~journed at 10:~0 (~illiam Chepulis) /-(Oilda Bl~ek~t ock)