HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-02Monday - June The PLAI~ING BOARD held iSs regular manShly messing c~ N~nday evening, June 2, aS 7:30 P.M. in the To~n Office Meeting Room. The followi~ members were present and vo~ing~ William Chepulis, Ch~i~; I~itz O~therr, ?ice-Chairing-; ~illiam'l~. ~lemme, Clerk; Paul R. Lamprey and John J. Mr. M~aSeiro made a moSic~ So accept She m4-utes of She April ? and 22 meetings. Lamprey seconded She mo~icn and She vo~e was unanimous. 1. Soots Properties - Boston St.: The applicanS was John TuSSle for 8cett Properties, however She ~oard noticed that ~ I, ~-$ is She o~ner of the land and Sherefore her sig--~are should Be c~ the application. Mr. Ostherr made a mctic~ Sc Sable the plan unSil i~ was properly filed before the ~OAED and Mr. NonSeiro seconded. The vote Was unanimous. A copy of She application was sent to the Town Clerk wish a no~aSion regard- ing She needed signat~re. 2. ConservaSi~n Co~..~ssica - I~ay's Pond: The same si~ti~ as able ~red ~, the~f~, ~. M~teiro's m~i~ ~s to ~able She pl~ ~il it ~s properly ~fo~ She ~ ~. ~y seceded ~d ~he vo~e ~s ~~. 3, L~s.~eo - Jo~s~ ~.~ A m~i~ ~s rode ~ ~. ~the~ to ~dorse as Pi~ ~ appro~l n~ ~d ~der ~i~si~ o~rol ~w a p~ of l~d of No~ ~d ~e ~er ~$e~ ~ ~97~. ~. M~eiro s~d~ ~d ~he vo~e ~s ~m~s. ADJUSTED PLANS ~ ~OOD EAST AND C~qTE~IRY VlW~J~E~ Mr. ~2~ made a mo~ic~ tBaS the plans be reviewed ~y She subdivision control s.Abcommittee and a recommendaSi~n be made at the next meeting in order thaS She ~ can Sake action. Mr. Saleratus seconded and the voSe was unanimons. DR, ROI~T EAURER - DISCU~SI~ OF LAND Dr. Maurer relaSed Sh~$ he owns 8.9 acres and presented a plan depicting future loss ~a which he requested She ~MMi~D'S oc~ents. He proposes to locaSe a house for himself on the land plus lay ouS a potenSial subdivision in case he ever wants So develop iS or some- ~e else purchases iS So Be developed. The parcel is located near Ingalls and l~orest ~. The 20ARD felt he had ample footage and flexibility So form the lots desired. He has 200 fees frc~Sage and topography-~ise it grades Ul~mrd $~ward the hack and most of She proper~ is dry. The lstte~ which was read t~ the Chairman, stated Shat the lecture would be given by Alew~-dra Dawson and G. ABBott at the Textile Nnseum. Mr. Ostherr suggested that as many members Shat are able shOUld attend. Mr. ~hepulis thcalght ShaS since Mr. Saleratus is a me~er of She Oo~SSee he could ably represent the ~MlqRD. He also asked if an~ oSher PLANNING BOARD member wished So be on the Committee inasmuch as Mr. Saleratus is actually a oo~itSee member as a privaSe ciSizen. The BOARD consensus was to wait and see how thing~ developed and if the need arose for an official member on the C~nmittee they would appoint someone at thaS Sims. The recommendations should oo~e from the S~ud~ Committee after ~hich She PLANI~G ~ ~ould Sake part in implemenSing Shose recommendations. June 2, ~975 - cont. SCOTT PROP~TIE~: Scott Fol~A~Bee presented a to~al relea~e~of the covena-~t ~n HAROLD pA~ ~A~ ~d a ~d ~ ~he ~t of $~,~.~. ~. 0~he~ 2ook e~spti~ ~th ~he t~ is no c~ ~oo~ed ~d we ~ ~l~se a c~ t~t d~ not e~st. ~e ~A~ felt ~ there ~d ~ s~ ~o~ of ~he d~ent. '~e ~1~ ~otor ~h~ t~ the ~ needed s~e ~ud of relies. t~s ~ i~ a oon$~c~ ~ve~ the de~loper, the ~ ~d ~he ~d~er ~, Feldene ~id t~t the ~l~se ~d ~ ~co~ed ~ps, t~ f~t t~ ~he~ is no c~ ~d ~he c~t~ot is t~g its plus sh~ld ~ ~ s~i~ed ~ ~he 0~$. ~. ~r~ ~de a ~ti~ to autho~ze She ~i~ ~ to si~ 2he f~ wh~ She Sec~i~ ~ ~ ~ is deleted. ~. N~tei~ secede. ~e secti~ ~ ~e~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ated "~ o~si~mtim ~e v~e ~ ~he m~i~ ~s ~im~. ~e O~i~ deleted the ~bject w~ ~d si~ed the The plan is for oc~structing a 2-story Building according to z~n~$. Mr. Fitzgerald ~tated ~hat in complying with the conditions we find we have ended up with a very tight side and are concerned even though:Mr. ~o~ter feels we have met all the requirements. He continued-c~ By aa~_ng that %hey bare ~ee~ to the Bc~rd of Appeals and no new &~ is required because the special permit runs with the l~nd. He ~eeted ihe I~I~RD'~ ~ thinking in regard to reducinS the number of units on the townhOUSes and taking another 30 ft. of land from the previously approved subdivision. ~his would allow them $$ increase the green ~ and improve the 'parking. Nould this present a problem, asked Mr. Fitzgerald,' The~ h~d originally proposed 2 entrances connected ~o ane~eemen~ c~ the toenh~use development road which eliminated the large curve. Fitzgerald s~ated that if they go thr~agh wi~h taking the ~0 ft. fr~ the ~ownh~use subdivisic~ they still ~ee$ all the zoning requirements on the special per-it. They prefer to erect a 2-~tox~ building to sta7 in character with the neighl~rho~d. ~I~S ~ATT~S: Upon mo%ic~ of Mr. 0stherr and second By Mr. Menteiro, the ~0 B~AED ~a~im~u~ly vo~ed to hold a public hear~n~ regarding the Flood Plain Zening Amendment to the Rules and Regulations ~overning the Subdivision of Land in No~th Audover, on June 23, q~75. Letter from Peter Rossiter regarding the Bi-~entenninl Parade was acknOwledged mud read, The Chairman respectfully requested any Board member or members interested to march in the Parade. Letter from the ~rd of ~electmen concerning the appointment to Town Counsel w~s received and acknOwledged, ~nestic~uaire from the Health Planning Council ~s referred to the Long-Range Plaw-ing Committee, The ~ee%ing adjourned at ~0 P.M.