HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-28July 28, 1975 - Monday
Regular Meeting
The PLANNING BOARD held a meeting on Monday evening, July 28, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting:
William Chepulis, Chairman; Fritz Ostherr, Vice-Chairman; and Paul R. Lamprey. Members
Monteiro and Salemme were absent.
There were 7 persons in attendance.
The legal notice was read by Mr. Ostherr. The Chairman requested taking Plans Not
Requiring Approval at this time if there were no objections. There were no objections.
1. Benchmark Construction - Frank Gelinas appeared for the applicant.' He stated that
there have been 3 plans with respect to this parcel of land and reiterated that they
desired to get the frontage recorded. Now, the remainder of the land is going to be
deeded to Robin Monroe leaving only frontage lots to be subdivided. Rather than see the
situation confused at the Registry of Deed, he said, they did all the lots over,ag-in.
This takes care of the entire 21 acre parcel - frontage lots to be subdivided into house
lots and the rear to be conveyed to Robin Monroe. Member Ostherr made a motion to endorse
as not requiring approval under subdivision control law a plan of land o~ned by Benchmark
Constructio~dated July 1975 on Winter St. Mr. Lamprey seconded and the vote was unani-
2. Scott Properties - Penni Lane: The foundation for Lot 17A was put in the wrong
location by being placed off the property line. Mr. Ostherr made a motion to endorse
as not requiring approval under subdivision control law a plan of land showing Lots 16,
17A, am~ 18B for Scott Properties, Inc. dated July 26, 1975. The motion received a
second by Mr. Lamprey and the vote was unanimous.
George Farr, owner and developer, was present with Frank Gelinas representing. Mr. Gelluas
explained that this is a 39 lot subdivision located on Salem St. westerly of Ingalls Rd. and
in the rear it' is bounded by Mr. Fart's property, on the north and south by the Commonwealth
of Mass. He told the BOARD that the property is going to have all communal services except
sewerage. It is hilly terratn on a 3-6% slope. The only large cut and fills that are
located there, as far as roadwork is concerned, are at the entrances and egresses to Salem
St. and when you cross,the railroad easement at the proposed road. The 39 lots do not
include the meadow area and the 2 knolls that surround this area. Access to the rear land
has been provided through a meadow, and the width of this access is 150' at thefront. It
will be serviced 10~ by drainage - the main line starts at the Steer property. There are
3 major drainage points. The soil structure is somewhere between an 8 and 15 min. per in.
rate. There is a dam adjacent'to the pond which controls the elevation of the pond. Mr.
Chepulis inquired about how many perc tests had been made and Mr. Gel/nas said about a
Mr. Ostherr stated that the subdivision control subcommittee had walked the property and
there were a number of test pits dug at that time. The electric and telephone utilities
are planned to be underground. On Sheet #4 they show a future street and Mr. Chep, dts
asked, how much into the future is it? Get,nas said that it leads to the dam~a~that
they are putting a headw~l~ there so that the drainage won't erode this location.
The subdivision control subcommittee will walk the land again before they make a recommenda-
tion. Mr. Geli~ms stated that this plan is basically the same as the preliminary except
July 28, 1975 - cont.
that the drainage and water have been changed and they have removed Lots &O and &l.
The Chairmen ~ea~ the letters from the various town depts. - Fire, Police, Tree Warden,
Board of Public Works and Highway Surveyor - which are on file in the PLANt, lNG BOARD
The slopes will have to be according to PLANNY~ BOARD regulations. Mr. Gelinas felt
that the regulations did not pin anything down. Mr. Chepulis questioned the drainage
and head wall coming out from the future road - whether or not the 12" was large
enough. Mr. Cyr said there was n~t any problem and Mr. Gelinas added that there is
much storage in the meadow.
Richard Doherty, Salem St., ch-llenged Mr. Gelluas's statement about the considerable
amount of storage in the "swamp". ~He didn't .feel that it would absorb it all and that
water would be going into his lot. He thought that with the build up of the lots, the
storage capacity of this area would decrease. Gelinas stated that they do not presently
plen to improve the culvert under the railroad right-of-way. They are putting in a
36" pipe in place of a stone culvert and homesites are located approximately 200 ft.
away from the meadow. We are not placing before the BOARD any new plana for that
meadow, said Gelinas. The Highway Surveyor thinks the Town should have control over
all the water flow and ~ould like an easement through the meadow. Mr. C~pulis noted
that this comes under the purview of the Conservation Commission.
Mr. Ostherr's motion to take the plans under advisement until the next meeting at
which time the subdivision control subcommittee will have a recommendation was seconded
by Mr. Lamprey and the vote was unanimous..
NOTICE OF ~TING TO ELECT TOWN COUNSEL - election for Town Counsel will be held Aug.
11, 197~ at 7 P.M.
QUESTIONNAIRE FROM AM~ICAN LUNG ASSO. Re Pollution - secretary to make copy 'for each
member to be returned for a consensus at the next meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT - PAUL L. SECCARECCIO, JOHNSO~ST.: Notice was received, noted and
LETTE~ TO HISTORICAL CO~SSION RE CAMPION H~.~. - Re elegibility for Nation~zl R~gister
of Historic Places.
The meeting adjourned at 9 P.M.
(Gilda Blackst~ck)