HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 11 BAYFIELD DRIVE 4/30/2018 (4) 11 BAYFIELD DRIVE , 210/025.0-0073-0000.0 I I I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS. _ SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL ACTION NO. 2004-00428-D KONSTANTINOS E. BALOS, ) Plaintiff, ) V. ) WALTER F. SOULE, ELLEN P. MCINTYRE, ) JOSEPH D. LAGRASSE, and RICHARD D. BYERS, ) as they are Members of the TOWN OF NORTH ) ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS; ) ALBERTO ANGLES, JR. and JOHN SIMONS ) as they are Members of the TOWN OF NORTH ) ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD, THE TOWN OF ) NORTH ANDOVER; THE CHANNEL ) BUILDING COMPANY, INC., and ) MATERIAL INSTALLATIONS, INC. ) Defendants. ) DECISION ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Defendant Material Installations,Inc. ("MI")has moved for summary judgment in favor of all defendants on all counts of the Complaint of plaintiff KonstantinossE:Bal-osy(`=Bolos") in this action. For the reasons stated below,MI's-motion for summary judgmenvis ALLOWED on all counts as to all defendants. MI is in the business of assembling and distributing office partitions fand has operated in an industrial park located at f I Bayfield Drive in Nortlx Andover(the "Ml.faci11ty")"since the early 1980's. Balos.has resided in a property abutting the MI facility, 66 Meadowood Road, since in or about January 2003. 66-Meadowood Drive is part of a residential subdivision that r was created in or about 1993., , Beginning on or about June 12, 2003, Balos complained to the Town of North Andover that MI's operations at the MI facility were not in compliance with the North Andover Zoning By-laws or with a Planning Board Special Permit of August 31, 1987 (the "1987 Special ' Permit") that, pursuant to the Site Plan Review provisions of the North Andover Zoning By- laws,permitted MI, inter alfa, "to expand the assembly and live storage areas in [its] existing building by 18,200 square feet" and, additionally, set certain conditions regulating operations at the MI facility. Specifically, Balos complained of excessive noise from trucks operating at the MI facility, particularly early in the morning, and further complained that such activity was in violation of conditions of the 1987 Special Permit and the North Andover Zoning By-laws. After an investigation of Balos' complaint that included site visits to the MI facility, the North Andover Building Commissioner and Zoning Enforcement Officer, D. Robert Nicetta ("Nicetta"), issued a decision on August 25, 2003 (the"Nicetta Decision") that determined that NII was in compliance with the North Andover By-laws and the conditions of the 1987 Special Permit; specifically,Nicetta found that: i • The [1987 Special Permit] did not place a definite time of operation for [MI]; Y • In 1987 and presently the North Andover Zoning By-law does not address hours of operation; • The [1987 Special Permit] does not place any restriction on the type of business [MI] conducts at the Industrial-I site. In fact, the [1987 Special Permit] gave the business permission "to expand the assembly and live storage areas in an existing building by 18,200 square feet"; • In 1987 and presently the North Andover Zoning By-law does not address "noise levels" in any zoning district; and • On site investigation reveals that the "row of planted arborvitae to the rear of the building and the six (6) foot closed stockade fence erected along the property line"are in place as required in paragraph 5 of the [1987 Special Permit] 2 Balos appealed the Nicetta Decision to the Town of North Andover Zoning Board of Appeals (the "ZBA"). In evaluating the Nicetta Decision, the ZBA was charged by the North Andover By-law with deciding whether"[the] order or decision of the Building Inspector [is] in violation of any provision of[the Zoning] By-Law." North Andover Zoning By-Law, § 10.4. The ZBA then held two duly noticed public hearing sessions on Balos' appeal, on January 13 and February 10, 2004. During these hearings, Balos requested, both to the ZBA and separately to the North Andover Planning Board (the "Planning Board") that the 1987 Special Permit be modified or annulled. The ZBA rendered a unanimous decision that upheld the Nicetta Decision as consistent „ with the North Andover Zoning By-laws and the 1987 Special Permit (the "ZBA Decision"). r Specifically, the.ZBA found, as Commissioner Nicetta had,that MI was in compliance with the conditions of the 1987 Special Permit and had not violated any by-law relating to Balos' complaints. In addition, the ZBA also found that"The Zoning Board has no authority to modify r a Planning Board decision," i.e., the 1987 Special Permit, and that""The ZoningrBoard has no authority to order the Building Commissioner/Zoning Enforcement Officer to act outside the North Andover By-laws." The ZBA Decision was filed with the North Andover Town Clerk on February 19, 2004. On March 9, 2004, Balos, proceeding pro se, timely filed a Complaint in this Court against MI and the ZBA to appeal the ZBA Decision under M.G.L. ch. 40A, section 17. The complaint in large part,related more to the propriety of the 1987 Special Permit rather than the 2004 ZBA Decision. On or about July 26, 2004, Balos filed an Amended Complaint adding as defendants the Town of North Andover, the Planning Board, and The Channel Building Company, Inc. 3 ("Channel"), the owner of the MI facility at the time of the 1987 Special Permit. The Amended Complaint prayed for the annulment of the 1987 Special Permit, and for injunctive relief halting MI's business operations. MI filed a motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint, with prejudice, and this Court held a hearing on the motion, attended by counsel for MI, Town Counsel, and Balos, proceeding pro se. The Court denied the motion to dismiss (see Order on Defendant Material Installations, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss, dated February 1, 2005) on the grounds brought by MI, but ruled it would treat MI's motion as one for summary judgment and established a schedule for all parties to submit additional papers if they so chose. MI then filed papers in support of the instant summary judgment motion, and Balos likewise submitted an opposition with supporting papers. This Court held a hearing on the summary judgment motion on March 15, 2005, again with counsel for MI, Town Counsel, and Balos present. Summary judgment is granted where there are no genuine issues of material fact in dispute and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Lindsgy v. Romano, 427 Mass. 771, 773 (1998); Kourouvacilis v. General Motors Corp., 410 Mass. 706, 716 (1991);, Mass. R. Civ. P. 56(c). As a matter of law, Balos cannot now challenge the 1987 Special Permit. Once a permit granting authority decides to issue a special permit, then files its decision with the town clerk, that "final action," G.L. c. 40A, § 17, is subject to an appeal period of 20 days. Id. Any such challenge to the special permit must occur within that twenty-day period. "Th[is] remedy shall be exclusive," the statute says. Id. (emphasis added). "[B]y its plain language, Section 17 establishes that a person aggrieved by a decision of a special permit granting authority must seek reviewsofthat decision, if at all, within twenty days of the filing of the decision in question." 4 a Iodice v. City of Newton, 397 Mass. 329, 333 (1986). A permit holder"should be able to rely on the decisions of... special permit granting authorities which have not been challenged within a i limited period." Id. at 334. , Here, the Planning Board granted Channel and MI the 1987 Special Permit, unlimited in time, in September 1987. No one appealed the 1987 Special Permit by the 20-day appeal deadline of September 23, 1987. Therefore, Mr. Balos, who did not become an abutter until 4 2003 --cannot-now attack the 1987 Special Permit. , It is noteworthy that many of the concerns voiced by Balos, e.g.,truck traffic, noise and hours of operation, were aired by North Andover citizens during the Planning Board's public hearings. Pursuant to the by-law provision for Site Plan Review under which the special permit application was submitted,the Planning Board was charged with considering "uses and structures which may have significant impacts" on the surrounding area should the proposed application be permitted. The Court reviewed the affidavit of an abutter filed-by Balos who reportedly participated in these hearings and voiced those concerns to the Plannipg Board. In short, it is clear that the Planning Board undertook careful consideration of the concerns of the neighbors long before Balos became an abutter, and then issued its decision, with conditions it deemed appropriate, e.g., requiring MI to install a row of planted arborvitae to the rear of the building as well as a six foot closed stockade fence along the property line. That permit by the Planning Board then became final after the statutory appeal period expired in September, 1987 without any appeals being filed. MI has thus appropriately relied on that final permit since that time, and has operated its business thereunder. 9 To the extent that Balos' pleadings.constitute an appeal of the 2004 ZBA Decision, he hos failed to present any evidence at summary judgment that raises any genuine question of disputed 5 A material fact that the Decision -- in finding, after a hearing, that the Nicetta Decision was correct and, additionally, that the ZBA could not direct Commissioner Nicetta to act outside the North Andover By-laws and, further, that the 1987 Special Permit could not be disturbed by the ZBA was "based on a legally untenable ground or was unreasonable, whimsical, capricious or arbitrary." Roberts v. Southwestern Bell Mobile Sys., Inc., 429 Mass. 478,486 (1999) (citations and quotations omitted). Accordingly, MI's motion for summary judgment on all counts as against all parties is ALLOWED. b t Patrick J. Rile Justice of the Superior Court Dated: March 30, 2005 a v a b 6 URBELIS&FIELDSTEEL, LLP 155 FEDERAL STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110-1727 t - THOMAS J. URBELIS Telephone 617-338-2200 Andover e-mail tju(uufbxom Telecopier 617-338-0122 Telephone 978-475-4552 April 5, 2005 North Andover Zoning Board of Appeals RECEIVED 400 Osgood Street APR 0 N. Andover, MA 01845 6' 205 RE: BALOS V. SOULE, ET AL. BUILDING DEPT. C.A. No. ESCV2004-00428D Dear Board Members: Enclosed please find copies of: 1. Decision on Motion for Summary Judgment; and 2. Order of Judgment Mr. Balos has 30 days within which to file a Notice of Appeal. Please call if you have any questions. k Very truly yours, Thomas J. Uybelis Enclosures TJU/kmp cc: Board of Selectmen (w/enclosures) Mr. Mark Rees (w/ enclosures) Mr. D. Robert Nicetta(w/enclosures) 4 Ms. Heidi Griffin (w/enclosures) a s:\wp511work\n-ndovelbalos\zaning.boad.letter.doc - x l� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS. SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL ACTION'NO. 2004-00428-D KONSTANTINOS E. BALOS, ) Plaintiff, ) V. ) WALTER F. SOULE, ELLEN P. MCINTYRE, ) JOSEPH D. LAGRASSE, and RICHARD D. BYERS, ) as they are Members of the TOWN OF NORTH ) ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS; ) ALBERTO ANGLES, JR. and JOHN SIMONS ) as they are Members of the TOWN OF NORTH ) ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD, THE TOWN OF ) NORTH ANDOVER; THE CHANNEL ) BUILDING COMPANY, INC., and ) MATERIAL INSTALLATIONS, INC. ) Defendants. ) ORDER OF JUDGMENT On Defendant Material Installations, Inc.'s Motion For Summary Judgrrlent On All Counts As To All Defendants, after hearing, IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that judgment on all counts of the Amended Complaint shall enter for all defendants in this action, and this action shall be and hereby is dismissed with prejudice. t Patrick J. r4ey Justice of the Superior Court 4 Dated: March 30, 2005 p s TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER OFFICE OF TOWN MANAGER 120 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01845 NORTF1 Of ti�eu`�7tiO Mark H. Rees Telephone(978)688-9510 Town Manager ►° , FAX(978)688-9556 SSACHUSE MEMO RECEIVED TO: D.Robert Nicetta, Building Commissioner APR 1 4. 2003 Michel Glennon, Board of Appeals Julie Parrino, Conservation Administrator Ntsi4'rH.ANDOVER P(,ANNING DEPARTMENT Jnstin�Woods, Town Planner , Sandra Starr,Health Administrator Donna Mae D'Agata,Adm.Asst., CD&S Richard Stanley, Police Chief William Hmurciak,Director,Public Works Joyce Bradshaw, Town Clerk 03 FROM: Karen A. Robertson, Administrative Assistant DATE: April 14, 2003 RE: Request for Information Enclosed please find a Public Records Request from K.Dino Balos, 66 Meadowood Road, North Andover. Please provide this office with copies of the information requested in the attached correspondence pertaining to your office. We would appreciate receiving this information at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me. Cc: Mark Rees, Town Manager y . .^.. � MUM fflfltt" O ;WN ,.Oh+ NORTIi AN n0DIr!- R M S S A C I1 U S E T T S SEP 3 II II fti;°1 17 0, Na I. Any appeal shall be filed o r ' within (20) days after the F p date of filing of this N • �' OtICP . ••�''�y in the Office of the Town ,SSAC NUStI Clerk. NOTICE OF DECISION Date. Sp-ptembaL .2. . 1.9.$7 . . . . . . . . Date of Hearing August .31,. 19$7 Petition of . . ,Channel.Building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . Premises affected ,11. Bayfield .Drive . . Industrial=1 . (I-1)_ .Zoning.District Referring to the above petition for a special permit from the requirements of the , ,North.Andover. Zonin. g. Bylaw,. .Section. .8 ;. Para. . 3, . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so as to permit . . to.exjpand, the .assembly, and .live .storage .areas .in. an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . existinq. building bX. 18,.200. square, feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After a public hearing givcn on the above date. the Planning Board voted Conditionally to APVrove. . . . . .the . . .Site. Plan. Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . based upon the following conditions: Signed Erich, W,., ,Nitzschc, , c:Y}airmap: John Simons Clerk . . . . . George Perna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Paul Hedstrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John J. Burke . . . . . . . .plaAnhr g 13oard . . . . . . . . Of 4. OFFICES OF 0 TOI1of 120 Milill Stt('('.t North Alld(wer, APPEA1,S NORTH ANDOVER If BUILDING Nl,'iss;ichusults 1845 T'!MVISION(!I CONSERVATION , us (617)685.4775 HEALTH PLANNING PLANNING & COMM[JNITYI ME V ELOPMENT KARE-k H.11. NELSON, DIRECTOR September 2, 1987 Mr. Daniel Long, Town Clerk Town office Building 120 Main Street North Andover, MA 01845 Re: Material Installation 11 Bayfield Drive North Andover, MA Site Plan Review through Special Permit Dear Mr. Long: The North Andover Planning Board held a public hearing upon the application of Channel Building Company, 23 Main Street, Andover, MA. on Monday evening, August 3, 1981 in the Town office Meeting Room. The hearing was advertised in the North Andover Citizen on July 16 and July 23 , 1987 . The following members were present and voting: Erich W. Nitzsche, Chairman; John L. Simons, Clerk; George Perna and Paul Hedstrom. John J. Burke was absent. The petitioner seeks a Special Permit under Section 8 , paragraph 3; Site Plan Review. The purpose of the Site Plan Special Permit is to review the proposal to expand the assembly and live storage areas of the existing facility by approximately 18 , 200 square feet of land on the North side of Bayfield Drive known as 11 Bayfiled Drive in an Industrial-1 (I-1) Zoning District. John Simons read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Letters were received and read from the Fire ' Department, Board of Health and two (2) letters from the Conservation Commission. Jim Bourgeois representing Channel Building, Material Installation and 114 Associates presented the proposed plans. MOTION: John Simons to continue the public hearing until the August 17 , 1987 meeting. SECOND: George Perna VOTE: Unanimous On August 17 , 1987 the public hearing was continued. John Simons read a letter sent to Mr. & Mrs. Redman from Material Installation with regards to lighting and traffic issues. Jim Bourgeois of Channel Building presented the Planning Board with revised plans . 1 Page 2 . ", ' MOTION: By John Simons to close the publi. Ir paring. SECOND: George Perna SEP v ►�`3 11: VOTE: Unanimous On August 31 , 1987 the Planning Board held a regular meeting and voted to approve the Special Permit application by Channel Building to construct an 18 , 300 square foot addition to the existing building located on Bayfield Drive at the intersection of Willow Street. Three issues of concern were discussed at the Public Hearing that should be addressed in this Conditional Approval are as follows: 1 . The unfinished Cul-de-Sac at the end of Bayfield Drive does not allow for adequate fire protection and access- egress for the existing building. It was discussed that the Cul-de-Sac was not finished by the developer of North Andover Business Park prior to this date because of a pending application to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to create an entry onto Route 125 . The Planning Board is in receipt of a letter from the Division of Public Works dated November 14 , 1986 denying the request for emergency access onto Route 125 and is concerned that no work has taken place on Bayfield Drive thru 1987 . 2. Concern by abuttors to the North of Material Installation property of truck noise and lights during the night. Proponents for the project stated that the newest dwellings are 200 feet and 400 feet respectively from the building, but admit that into the winter months, a lack of foliage in the intervening woods may be cause for concern and have suggested that truck traffic be directed onto the locus by way of the Willow Street entrances thereby minimizing headlights being directed to the North by the present access from Bayfield Drive. 3 . There was a concern by the Planning Board of the increased rate of runoff being produced within the North Andover Business Park by the inclusion of additional impervious pavement and building additions . The applicants Engineer, Mr. Tom Neve, has submitted drainage calculations stating the peak runoff has been decreased from the locus due to the fact that percentage of impervious area on the lot has been reduced from the overall Master plan of the Park and that the lot size has been reduced. Notwithstanding these factors, the Planning Board recognizes that if this lot size has been reduced, another lot. in the Park must have been increased, and that Mr. Neve nor the Planning Board has an accurate accounting of the present impervious area versus the original Master Plan impervious area of the Business Park overall. Therefore, the Planning Board renders this Conditional Approval for the construction of the proposed building additions for Material Installations: Page 3: • TZ 1, Bayfield Drive will be construpte0ls,ii-1ccordance with the Subdivision Plans of North 'AndoV0r� Business Park and be brought to at least bindb'Y pavement to the satisfaction of the North Andover Fire Department and to the Division of Public Works prior to construction of the building addition. 2. The lawn area to the East of the proposed building between the building and Willow Street, shall be designed as a Detention/Retention Pond to further mitigate runoff flows and to account for loss ground water infiltration due to the impervoius area. This will necessitate redirecting runoff flows into the Ponding area, preferably from the parking lot prior to discharge off site, with proper pipe sizing to detain storm water flows to the maximum possible. 3. Truck traffic flow will be required to access-egress the property from the Willow Street curb cut only and automobile egress the site from the curb cut on Bayfield Drive. This will be a condition for continued occupancy and will be implemented by the use of one-way signs and exit only signs and others as deemed necessary both installed at the two curb cuts as well as at the truck docks and pointed indications on the pavement throughout the parking and access-egress areas. 4. Upon completion of the building addition and prior to building occupancy, the applicant shall file an As-Built Plan of the total site showing at least, but-not limited to the following, pavement grades, rims and inverts, drainage size, access- egress signs, lighting landscaping and all utilities. Said plan to be prepared and certified by a Professional Land Surveyor and submitted for approval by the Planning Board. 5. The landscape plan as submitted does not show the existing row of planted arborvitae to the rear of the existing building and the Planning Board is of the opinion that the proposed planting of arborvitae will be of the same nature, and therefore will not mature to a full effective screening for many years and therefore will require that in addition to the landscaping plan as submitted being conformed to in its entirety, a six (6) foot closed stockade fence be erected along the property line from a point starting fifty (50) feet from Route 125 and extending Easterly to the Easterly line of the proposed building addition. 6 . In accordance with the Fire Department report of July 31 , 1987 , the following shall be provided: 1 . The addition must be equipped with an automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) and the fire detection and alarms form the original building must be extended into the addition. Both of these systems must have plans .submitted to the Fire Chief for approval prior to construction. Page 4: 2. The Fire Chief has requested that information regarding . the material to be stored and the amount of storage for products in this expansion be submitted to himself or the Fire Presention Officer. 7 . The North Andover. COnservation Comission' s Order of Conditions under File No. 242-193 , shall become a part of this approval and be strictly adhered. 8 - In addition to the aforementioned Conditions, the Planning Board approves only that work as shown on the submitted plans namely: 1 ., Sheet L1-1 dated 9/5/86 and revised 8/13/87 2. Sheet L2-1 dated 9/5/86 and revised 8/13/87 3 . Sheet L4-1 dated 9/5/86 and revised 8/13/87 4. Unnumbered Sheet dated 8/13/86 and revised 9/9/86 and entitled "Scheme 3" 9 . Any proposed changes and/or future building expansion will be the subject of a new Public Hearing under a new Special Permit Application and further that any changes from these approved plans and that may be shown on the As-Built Plan submitted for approval prior to occupancy will negate this Special Permit and will require a new filing of application. Sincerely, PLANNING BOARD Erich W. Nitzsckfb, Chairman /j e cc: Director of Public Works Highway Surveyor Board of Public Works Tree Warden �n Conservation Commission Building Inspector Board of Health Assessor Police Chief Fire Chief Applicant Engineer File Interested Parties 03/12/03 16:13 FAX 617 565 7528 1� 001 March 12, 2003 66 Meadowood Road North Andover, MA 01845 North Andover Building Department Attn: Michael McGuire, Building Inspector 27 Charles Street North Andover, MA 01845 Fax: 978-688-9542 Subject: Records Request Re: Material Installations, Inc., 11 Bayfield Drive North Andover Industrial Zone 2, parcel 125 Dear Mr. McGuire: Per our telephone conversation, requested are copies of any and all records related to Material Installations, Inc. Should you require additional information please contact me at 617-557-1235. The documents may be faxed to 617-557-1211. Thank-you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, K. Dino Balos