HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 153 MILL ROAD 4/30/2018 (4) 1 5 a f I i �I I 0 STOCK No. 7521/3 O O MADE IN U.S.A. i i l a M U �V Legal NotiZe'.. TOWN OF — NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS NORTH Of,��eo ,6gtiQo F A SACHUS���� September 18, 1980 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give a hearing at the Town Building, North Andover, on Tuesday.evening the 14th day of October 1980, at 7:30 p.m., to all parties interested in the appeal of Henry 1. Bodenrader requesting a' variation of Sec. 4.121 Par. 16 of the Zoning By Law so is to permit an in-law apart- ment on the premises,located at the south side of Mill Rd. and known as 153 Mill Rd. By Order of the Board of Appeals Frank Serio, Jr. Chairman Publish N.A. Citizen: Sept. 25, Oct. 2, 1980, Legal WoticE TOWN OF ' 'NORTH ANDOVER . MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS t ; t NORTH I O CTI EO $69+ 3? e 6 OL O T �9SSACHuSE��y September.18, 1980 !Notice.is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give as hearing at the Town Building, North Andover,on Tuesday evening the 14th day Of=October 1980, at 7:30 .� p,m:,.to all parties interested/ in the appeal of Henry 1. Bodenrader requesting a j 'variation of Seca 4.121 Par. . 16 of the Zoning By Law so is to permit an in-law apart- j ment on the premises,located at the south side of Mill Rd. and known as 153 Mill Rd. By,Order of the Board of Appeals Frank Serid,f"Jr. .Chairman 'ublish N.A. Citizert:,Sept._ .• :5, Oct. 2, 1980. ) LeqalNotice. i TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS NORTH q 0 1S't? + ,bsb C0 0 F C l0 O 1 79SSACMUSE��� September,18, 1980'I .Notice is hereby given that :the Board.of Appeals will give 3ohearing at the Town Building, North-Andover,on Tuesday evening the 14th day .of October 1980, at 7:30,; p,m.',"to all parties interestedy i in the appeal of Henry I. Bodenrader requesting a variation of Sec. 4.121 Par: :' 16 of the Zoning By Law so is to permit an 1n4aw apart- . ment on the premises,located at the south side of Mill Rd. and.known as 153 Mill Rcl. By Order of the Board of Appeals Frank Serio,Jr. :Chairman ' 'ublish N.A. Citizen: Sept,.;,,, ,5, Oct. 2, 19180- �L_ egaM tice TOWN OF 'NORTH ANDOVER . MASSACHUSETTS BOARD 6F. `+ APPEALS E NORTH O`,t�co "gti0 0 9SSACHUSE��y : . September.18, 1980! Notice is hereby given:that ,:the Board.of Appeals .will .give a-hearing at the Town Building, North Andover., pri Tuesday evening the14th day :of=October' 1980, at 7:30,, p m;to all parties interestedi in the appeal of Henry L, Bodenrader requesting a variation of Seca 4.121 Par: -16 of the Zoning By Law so is to permit an in-law apart- ment on the premises,located at the south side of Mill Rd. and known as 153 Mill Rd. By,Order of the Board of• Appeals Frank Serio,Jr. Chairman ; 'ublish N.A. 'Citizen: Sept. :5, Oct. 2, 1980 Lea,iiNotice TOS:N. NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS CF NORT,4 q ES"10 " ti A 9q pAA TEp�PP`y�y 9SSACHusES September 18, 1980 .Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give a hearing at the Town Building, North Andover, on Tuesday evening the 14th day .of October 1980, at 7:30 P.m., to all parties interested in the appeal of Henry 1. Bodenrader requesting a variation of Sec. 4.121 Par. 16 of the Zoning By Law so is to permit an in-law apart- ment on the premises,located at the south side of Mill Rd. and known as 153 Mill Rd. By Order of the Board of Appeals Frank Serio,Jr. .Chairman 'ublish N.A. Citizen: Sept. '5, Oct. 2, 1980 ncc . m . .".0 rte: AvafL9M :�+ s►�y SACHU- i•4 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE Septennber 18. . .19.�Q Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give a hearing at the Town Building,North Andover,on. .Tuosday. . . . ex.Tel.1nv . . . . . . the .14it.4 day of . .October . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. .80, at7.:.3Q'clock, to all parties interested in the appeal of . . . . . .Henry .I. . o;ienrader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . requesting a variation of Sec.. .4.121. Tlar. .16. .of the Zoning By Law so as to permit. . . .aa.in-tali .apartment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . on the premises, located at. . hra 3 F.li. " the. .,outh . . Pi.dl� .of I•Til.l .Rd, .a�1d �oti�zi. �;�'.1.53 Ki 11 Rd. . . . . By Order of the Board of Appeals frank Serio, Jr. Chairman Publish I.T.A. Citizen: Sept 25 & Oct. _ 2980 Send bill to: henry I. Bodenrader, 153 Mill Rd., No. tindover, Hass. Send 5 proof's to: Jean White, Town Building, N.A. t µORTF1 . 121'3 1q ►°. A CO TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER sa MASSACHUSETTS Oho zp Co tiZ��22 ' BOARD OF APPEALS October 24, 1980 Henry I. Bodenrader 153 Mill Road Petition No. 23-180 Mr. Daniel Long, Town Clerk ` Town Office Building North Andover, Mass. 01845 Dees Sir: A public hearing was held by the Board of Appeals on October 14, 1980 upon application of Henry I. Bodenrader for a special permit to allow an in—law apartment at 153 Mill Road. The hearing was advertised in the North Andover Citizen on September 25 and October 2, 1980 and all abuttors were notified by regular mail. The following members were present and voting: Frank Serio, Jr., Chairman; Alfred E. Frizelle, Esq.; Vice-Chairman; Richard J. Trepanier, Esq, Clerk; William J. Sullivan; and Augustine Nickerson. The petitioner seeks a special permit pursuant to Section 4. 121 (16) of the Zoning By—Law to enable him to construct a family suite in the dwelling owned by him at 153 Mill Road. t The petitioner seeks the special permit to enable his mother, Josephine K. Bodenrader, to occupy the in—law apartment. Upon a motion made by Pair. Frizelle and seconded by Mr. Trepanier, it was voted unanimously to grant a special permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The family suite is solely for occupancy by Josephine K. Bodenrader, the mother of Henry I. Bodenrader. 2. This special permit shall expire at the time Josephine K. Bodenrader ceases to occupy the family suite. 3. This special permit shall expire at the time the premises are conveyed by Henry I. Bodenrader to any person, partnership, trust, or corpgration. 4. The applicant, by acceptance of the certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to this special permit, grants to the Building Inspector or his lawful designee the right to inspect the premises. I>' 2 Henry I. Bodenrader I' Page 2 Petition No. 23—'80 In granting this special permit, the Board specifically finds that all of the conditions set ford in Section 10.31 of the By—Law have been satisfied. Sincerely, ,.,BOARD OF APPEALS Frank Serio, Jr. , Chairman AEF/jw '►o N0HThr • '.O 40aAML �1T O vJ = i3:d G i •% 1855 .g•� 4 >9SSACHUSF'�• `rrr,V V',-I TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF DECISION Date . . . . .October 24, 1980 Petition No.. . 2 3-'.80. . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of Hearing. . .Oct ober. _1.4 1980 Petition of . . . . . . . . . . Henry. I.. Bodenrader Premises affected . . . . .15.3 .Mill. Road. . . . . . ., Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the . .North. ,An.dwer. . . . . . . . . . Zoning.By-.L.aW, .Sec.. .4..121,. Par., . 16.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so as to permit . .a. family-suite .(in-law_ apartment) . .on. the. .premises .located .at . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.3 .A2i11. Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After a public hearing given on the above date, the Board of Appeals voted to . . GRANT. . . . the . . . . Special. Permit . . . . . . . . . . . . and hereby authorize the Building Inspector to issue a permit to . . . . . . .Henry .I. .Bod,enrader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the construction of the above work, based upon the following conditions: 1 . The family suite is solely for occupancy by Josephine K. Bodenrader, mother of Henry I. Bodenrader. 2. This special permit shall expire at the time Josephine K. Bodenrader ceases to occupy the family suite. 3. This special permit shall expire at the time the premises are conveyed by Henry I. Bodenraddr to any person, partnership Signed trust, or corporation. 4. The applicant, by acceptance of the cer— Frank Serio, Jr. , Chairman tificate of occupancy issued pursuant to this special permit, grants to the Alfred E. Frizelle, Esq. , Vice-Ch. Building Inspector or his lawful designee the right to inspect the Richard J.. Trepanier,Esq. , . Clerk premises. William J. Sullivan . . . . . . Augustine Nickerson. . . Board of Appeals 01 TO6IN OF NORTH ANDOVER re's MASSACHUSETTS t -- BOATD .OF" APPEALSCHUS _ ;ems NOTICE:. -This application must be typewritten a . APPLICATION FOR--RELIEF- FROM THE REQUIRMENTS OF THE=Z ia1 . j ORDINANCE :_ _ .�� 2 Applicant �C 2 dC�'d�✓�,�a�c-k.Address / -/melee ��17 Application is hereby-made - /�la,elx I-V41,Jor/e� A-1,615:� 1�. PP y. (a). For a`variance from the requirements- of :Section ,Paragraph of-- the Zoning By-Laws. (b) - For a Special Permit under Section � ,, ,Paragraph '. - of the Zoning . By-Laws. (c)' As a. party- aggrieve' d) : for review of 'a decision made7by the Building Inspector or other authority. 2. (a) Premises affected_ are, land _ and buildings numbered �j Street. (b),- Premises affected are--property with frontage on the North S6uth / East West side of Street, and known as NO.js3 /�/jdl,C aAb Street. (c)_P remises affected are in Zoning. District• =sand the premises d have_. an are of c��and frontag e, of /S� feet. affected- have-..an ecte a . �, 3. Ownership: (a) Name and address of owner (if joint ownership, give all -naiiies) z Date of purchaseA�/'jv 2&2 Previous _owner applicant is not owner-, check-his.--interest in-_the premises Prospective purchaser_'- ' - -- -lessee -Other . (explain) 4. _ Size of proposed building: ' front; feet deep. Height: stories; eet. '/y�&j e�. �a� Approximate date of erection 'B,, p� � b Occupancy or use (of each floor) (c) _ ype o construction - j�iold 5. Size of Existing- Building: feet front; feet deep. Height LQa�S stories eet. __;r-',V �7l2dcL_s :-C `j �/GT�j6 �a��' Approximate date of erection . .11V1<h6D jN , 't-- /k6bOccupancy or use (of each floor (c) Type of construction_ Z'16164:::>w 6. Has there been a previous appeal, under .zoning, on these premises: If so, when _ 7. Description of relief- sought on this petition: Gun',y7�d2 c/ .s /N .moi -Caw ✓�?'/A`�i2a_ - 8. Deed recorded in the Registry of Deeds in Book/,4/_3F Page -,;2�3 or Land Court Certificate NO. , Book Page . • i 9. - The principal points upon which I base my application are as follows (must be stated in detail) a :j J� .moi! /vim :d I agree to p y for advertising in newspaper) and iriciderftal pe_-s- ' :.._;(_Petitioner_-'. .Si .nature) Sec. 1 APPLIC ION FORM - Every application._f_or action -by _the Board • shall _be mad6 on a form approved by- the. Board. These forms _shall :be- furnishec} _by. the clerk upon request. Any communication purporting-to-Ue-an=application shall be treated as mere notice of- interitiori to seek_re1iefsuntil such time as it is made on the of �icial application-forms :.A11-,information:.- called for;'by. the form shall-be furnished by the applicant in the mariner therein prescribed. l _ Every application shall be _submitted with a list of ")parties in Interest`.' which list shall include 'the petitioner, a�-t t'P rs-,--m,mers of land directly opposite_ ori anypublic=' private street 'or-- way and owners of land within three hundred--feet--of UH6—property line all as they appear on:-the mostrecent applicable tax:list;,;,notwithstanding that land of. any such owner is located in another city or. town, ::the planning board. of ahe tocan and the planning boazd: ;of every abutting city. or town. _ Every application shallbe submitted-�vith �arri :application fee sufficient to cover the cost. of postage of notice to_all .-parties in in- terest.' - ---- - LIST OF PARTIES -IN_JNTEREST_- .--;-a NAME - - _ADDRESS ,.J - - 46 ES 16A .6 08 -- Cr i -i ADD ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. - + TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Fp.� MASSACHUSETTS -- --BOARD BOARRD .OF- APPEA1 S . - ; ••.,:o::•� � ���a ua . -- _♦ -- SJtCHUSEt� �L- 4tj NOTICE: This application must be typewritte oti _ - APPLICATION FOR -RELIEF. FROM THE- REQUIRMENTS OF THE='ZOO ORDINANCE Applicant ,�-,1/,e6 e2 ddress A1Q 1'... Application is hereby. made_--:--:- (a) For a variance from the requirements of Section ,Paragraph of- the Zoning By-Laws. b For a S ecial Permit under Section V 1,21,Paragraph- of_ . the Zoning By-Laws.... t (e);:. As a_ party- aggrieved, ' for review, of 'a decision made:-by: the. Building Inspector or other authority. _ 2. (a) Premises affected are land - and buildings _numbered _ Street. (b)� Premises affected are-property with-frontage on the, North S�uthS'op;j East West_ side of /t��GL R.� Street, and known as N0. X5".3 �V/GLjb Street. _.. . (c) Premises affected are in Zoning- Distric d ,and the premises affected have_..an_ afea` of 4erand fronta e o ,S'Q feet. _ y _ g f . 3. Ownership: (a) Name and address of dwner (if joint ownership,give all nwiies) : of Date purchase Previous owner - II (b) ` If applicant is not- owners check his. interest in---the premises: .:.: Prospective purchaser --T essee Other (explain) - 4. ,of proposed building: front; feet- deep. Height: 4atories; teet. �a�' Approximate date of erection C'a�pe'-mb � fd•bOccupancy or use (of each floor) : ScC 1 /�V ZAGv 15�04 7_AI&iVT' (c) ype of construction eaoad I 5. Size of Existing--Building: feet..front; . a7 feet deep. Height Ct>a�Zs stories — eet. - �a� Approximate date of erection �;SeP7 ` bOccupancy or -use (of each floor) : L (c) Type of .construction 6. Has there been a previous appeal, under zoning, on these premises:_ ' - If so, when � _ 7. Description of relief sought ,on this petition: 416— 6&1' 7 8. Deed recorded in the Registry of Deeds 'in BookY,/4/, g Page �3 or Land Court Certificate NO;. . Book Page . _ The principal points upon which I base my application are as follows : (must be stated in detail) a :i Me e .D /N -tVAI *_.E7'ly1eA/7 - gQ�6-cVu ct /yAT%dc�L IV.6 Z,6N6ex_ 70 tet- Cis+ 1 � t 1r t Gu t Thi �s 1 7 I agree to ay for advertising 'n new paper and inc`id'ental -expenses. Petitioner-'_s -Signature) f �` APPLICATI FORK Every application Q_raction by the Board - shall be made . form approved by- the Board. These forms shall b_e furnished -by the ._. _ erk upon request. Any communication purporting tome an application ". all be treated as mere not!=ce of- intention to- seek ,reriefuntil such me as it is made on the official=application_ fDrn; Ali information:: lied for-:: by the form shall--be furnished Uy "the applicant in the manner erein prescribed. Every application shall be_ submitted with a list of "$arties Interest`.' which list shall include 'the petitioner, - a-b tters,--mmers land directly opposite_ on '"any public-'--or.-p_ryvate street 'or- way and hers of land within three hundred-- feet of tie property line all as ay appear on---the most recent,-ap�p13cable, 'tax::l.ist:--; notwithstaning that e land: .of i f any such owner is located in another city r. town,_ d-the anning board_ of--the town and the planning-_;boazd: _of every abutting city town. Every application _shall be submitted ivith Jan application fee Eficient to cover the cost of postage- of notice to ,-all _parties in .in- cest. LIST OF PARTIES _-IN,.INTEREST_--:: -_,a . -- -- ADDRESS Ie) 3C --1 t. l _ o f t -- t ADD ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. - - � ; BUILDING INSPECT®R � &ORTH, o t. ti TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTSMASSACHUSETTS3? o� �' Eo ,6 a�oL O p BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4'K • 9q 4AT60PP`"•(� 9SSACHUSEt October 14, 1980 Board of Appeals Town Office Building North Andover, Ma. Re: Henry I. Bodenrader Petition Gentlemen: Mr. Bodenrader was referred to your Board for a Special Permit to allow a family suite in his new home being built on Mill Road. Very truly yours, CHARLES H. FOSTER INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHF:ad i October 14, 1980 Board of Appeals Town Office Building North Andover, Ms. Res He= 1.Bodenrader Petition Gentlemen: Mr. Bodenrader was refe a your d for a Special Permit to allow a family s— in ew home being built on Mill Road. ruly s, CHAR H. FOSTER SPECTOR OF BUILDINGS CHF:ad r r PU1lMh1nG 80Af�0 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS f NORTH 9 ti0 P 9e DATiD 00"(5 ,SSACMUSES October 8, 1980 Mr. Frank Serio, Jr., Chairman Board of Appeals Town Office Building North Andover, Mass. 01845 Re: Petition #23—'80 — Henry I. Bodenrader — Request for in—law apartment Dear Mr. Serio: At its October 6, 1980 meeting, the North Andover Planning Board discussed the above captioned petition. On a motion made by Mr. Michael Roberts and seconded by Mr. John Burke, it was voted unanimously to give a favorable recommendation from the Planning Board for this request, provided the granting of the variance meets the Rules and Regulations of the town. Very truly yours, PLANNING BOARD Paul A. Hedstrom, Esq. � ) Vice—Chairman jw 41 -1 - - - - -- - 1 ,'17—----- - -— - --- --- ,114 y - :� � � ��—�,�,, �3�YG�_. -.o--yep•, - ----— ---- -.._ - . —— — —°-- � 37- -- - — —G� ----- - _ - .- ., .T^'2�Zi�'�J/l:�J•�r//� -y�y�-�__L��j <-/J!� ,/7'�i1'�'� ,1J/�'� l'1 // .- -_-_- -�-� J -�` � -- ,� � - �,� �-- - � �� . � �� ��� _ �� _ 1 � � -�-