HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 1538 TURNPIKE STREET 4/30/2018 (2)I ^y 00 6-1 OrA. ~~ \J \J \ L ' ^ . ~ ' ' ~~~ � 0 `l epl Notice } =4'7CWN OF z ' NORTH ANDOVEfl BOARD OF APPEALS . ` 1sSacNusE� ;,' -- r Febrriary 21, X984 Notice is hereby given. that he i-nf Aooeats: will give' 2i "-Chairman Publish N A Cd¢en. February 23andMardh 1, 1984: s27--30: � COMIT' Arra7�+ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE February. 2.1 ...19. 8.4 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals will give a hearing at the Town Building, North Andover, on... Monday. . ......evening.. the .12thday of .... Marsh.......... . 19. 8.4 , ag : 3.Vclock, to all parties interested in the appeal of ..................JEFFREY. T.. fIASS................ . ab requesting a variation of Sec..?, . Pax'... 7...1. &. of �ie�onmg By Law so as to permit... re lie f ..from . the. area . re.- quirement and extention..of ..a . variance.... . .previously. granted., ............................ ...................................................... on the premises, located at... 1..538..Tur4pike..Street ...................................................... By Order of the Board of Appeals by; Frank Serio, Jr., Chairman Publish: Citizen: 2/23 and 3/1, 1984 Send bill to: Atty. Richard T. Cuffe, Jr. One Washington Mall Boston, Rsass. Serino, Harrington & Vernaglia Attorneys at Law One Washington Mall JOHN G. SERINO Boston, Massachusetts 02108 ROBERT W. HARRINGTON (617) 720-1970 JOSHUA J. VERNAGLIA, JR. T. RICHARD CUFFS, JR. CLARK W.YUDYSKY February 14, 1984 Board of Appeals Town of North Andover Massachusetts 01845 Re: 1538 Turnpike Street, No. Andover Gentlemen: On October 7, 1983, our clients, effrey T. Hass ar)d Robert P. Hass, took title for the above- -fir pperty from Llyod Plotkin via deed -dated October 7, 1983 and recorded in Essex North Registry Book 1732, Page 270. At the time of the conveyance there was a zoning variance in effect for the property. (See attached copy of Notice of Decision dated March 25, 1983). The purpose of this letter is to request an extension of said variance in accordance with the provisions of G.L.C. 40A, SS 10 & 11. The petitioners seek a variance from the provisions of Section 7, Paragraph 7.1 and Table Z of the Zoning By Laws of the Town of No. Andover to permit the use of land having less than the required lot area on the property located on the north side of Turnpike Street. The petitioners submit that their predecessor in title (Edward Plotkin and subsequently Lloyd Plotkin) were initially granted a variance for the same parcel by the Board of Appeals on March 8, 1982, being Petition No. 4 - '82, and subsequently granted an extension of said variance on March 25, 1983, being Petition No. 13 - 183. Because the Plotkins were unable to market or otherwise develop the property while they held title, a building permit was not issued within the statutorily - prescribed twelve month period. This application is for the same variance. Our clients purchased the property with intention to develop it via the construction of an office building. The conditions on the site, being the size, shape/and area of the parcel, have remained unchanged since the gra is of the original variance and extension thereof. A denial of this request for a further extension of the variance would impose a substantial financial hardship upon the petitioners. V / I +r 1 I ', { 4L�3 �l !� 4���f N� �� i� �� - -l��Ii i � � � � �� ��� ,� �, t Serino, Harrington & Vernaglia The location of the parcel and petitioners' intention and ability to develop it into tax producing property enables the Board to grant this petition without detriment to the public or derogation from the intent and purpose of the Town's Zoning By Law. Kindly place this petition on the agenda for the Board's next public hearing and notify us as to any additional information or materials required in connection herewith. Please provide timely notice of the time and place for such hearing. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, T. Richard Cuffe, Jr. TRC/slw cc: Jeffrey T. Hass Robert P. Hass Ms. Karen Pomroy - -- ; i. pass7. ..,,W.. 51 1111 X83 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF DECISION r11-Iy oElpual Jriuir v� ri within (20) days after date of filing of this Nc In the Office of the T, .Clerk Date ....?`'Larch. 2:5,, ,198.3.... . Petition No.. . . . 1 3. .7...$ 3_ ...... . Dai.e of Hearing.. March .14.,.. l.9 83 Petition of EDWARD PLOTKIN ........................................................... Premises affected ..1538 .Turnpike . S.trcet...................................... .... . Referring to the above petition for a variation from the requirements of the . 2oni.ng. J�y..Law Section ...,.. P.ara.gra.ph..7, l..an.d . Table . 2 .................................. . so as to permit ..the . use of..land . h.aving..les.s . t.han..th.e . require.d . l.ot..are.a . and an extension to a previously granted variance .............. .......................................................................... After a public hearing given on the above date, the Board of Appeals voted to .. G.P? N.T the extension of variance . and hereby authorize the Building Inspector to issue a permit to ..Edward Plotkin ............... ........................................................ TWO is to ce"A" !het r. ,•, • (:':� �-ps kPR 6iapsad hx" c,, cf "MOWA *KM of f �-3 Signed Alfred E. Frizel.le, Esta. , Vice Chairmar . ;'. , _ATTEST: A true P0p7 Toirii; C 1 e rl ,. Richard J. Trepanier, Esq., Clerk William J. Sullivan WalterF. Soule Maurice S. Foulds . ...... ... Board of Appeals NORTh _ . O FO 9 r k- ♦ i # tSSAC1IUS�S TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS February 15, 1984 - Attorney T. Richard Cuffe, Jr. One Washington Mall Boston, Mass. 02108 Re: 1538 Turnpike Street, North Andover - Dear Attorney Cuffe: I have received your letter dated_ February 14, 1984 regagrding the variance granted for land at 1538 Turnpike Street. I am enclosing an application form which must be completed and returned to this office no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, February 21, 1984 in order to be on the agenda for the Board's next meeting, which will be held on Monday, March 12, 1984 at' 7:30 p.m, in the Town Office Meeting Room, 120 Main Street, North Andover., Mass. - A "list of abutters" must accompany this application in order for me to process it. In addition, I will publish a legal notice in our local news- paper, The Citizen, and a bill will be sent directly to you from the newspaper. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 685-4775 between 10:00 a.m, and 3:00 p.m. Sincerely, BOARD OF APPEALS Jean E. White, Secretary 7w Enc. TO FROM 0 f NORTH , O ,Jo •� ti0 f p t I�SswcHus�t L9 lii"l I TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF APPEALS "PARTIES IN INTEREST" BOARD OF APPEALS PETITION OF JEFFREY HAAS March 21, 1984 The above captioned petition was withdrawn without prejudice by the applicant. Therefore, no decision will'be rendered by the Board. Serino, Harrington & Vernaglia Attorneys at Law One Washington Mall JOHN G. SERINO Boston, Massachusetts 02108 ROBERT W. HARRINGTON (617) 720-1970 JOSHUA J. VERNAGLIA, JR. T. RICHARD CUFFS, JR. February 24, 1984 Ms. Jean E. White Secretary Board of Appeals Town of No. Andover No. Andover, MA 01845 Re: 1538 Turnpike Street, No Andover Dear Ms. White: My clients, Jeffrey and Robert Hass, were issued a Special Permit for the construction of footings and founda- tions on the above -referenced property by the Building In- spector on February 21, 1984. Said permit was issued under the existing zoning variance granted to Edward Plotkin on March 25, 1983. Since the granting of the permit locks in the variance for a six month period, we request that the recently filed application for the extension of the said variance be withdrawn without prejudice. Please notify me if there are any questions or problems regarding this request. Thank you for your time and attention. Very truly yours, 7--Z � � 4 - v4 Ci T. Richard Cuffe, Jr. TRC/bac CC: Jeffrey & Robert Hass OE NOP7, I �Rec-'i-Nd by -Town Clerk: Dater �� d,VWW";� NORTHOAPEALS NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS . BOARD F ;, °,.,...• A T1 me :: NO m . dE Noti ce.,: >�hils application must be typewritten APPLICATION fF9VRE?I 7F 1RQWMj THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE Applicant Jeffrey T. Hass 1. Application is hereby made P.O. Box 310 Address A-shland,MA 01721 (a) For a variance from the requirements of Section T. Paragraph 7.1 and Table Z of the -Zoning By -Laws. (b) Fora Special Permit under Section Paragraph of the Zoning By -Laws. (c) As a party aggrieved, for review of a decision .made by the Building Inspector or other authority. 2. (a) Premises affected are land X and building(s) numbered 1538 Turnpike Street. easterly (b) Premises affected areproperty with frontage on the North/(X ) South ( ) East ( _)_ West ( ) side .of Turnpike Street, and known as No.1538 Turnpike Street. (Q Premises affected are in Zoning District Indus -J and the premises `"'-.affected have an area of 43,500 square feet and frontage of 215 fleet. 3. Ownership (aa Name and address of owner _(i f joint -ownership , .gi ve all names-) Jeffrey T. Hass Robert P. Hass P.O. Box 310, Ashland, MA 01721 Date of purchase Oct. 7, 1983 Previous- Own.er_* Lloyd- Plotkin e (b) If applicant is not owner, check his interest in the premises: Prospective Purchaser Lesee Other (explain) Sj_ze._of _Droposed building: 130 front; 44 feet -deep; (Xapssaaau J � sJaays Lpuo i4 tPPP asp ) The principal points upon which I base my application are as follows: - (Must be stated in detail) Property was purchased by us with the intention to develop it via the construction of an office building. The -conditions on the site, being the size, shape and area of the parcel, have remained unchanged _since the grants of the original variance and initial extension thereof. ;'-We are ready, willing and financially able to begin development of the parcel and will suffer a substantial financial hardship if not so permitted. I alree to pay for ad ertisin in newspaper and incidental expenses* Petitioner's Signature Sec. I APPLICATION FORM Every application for action by the Board shall -be made on a form approved by the Board. •These_ -forms shall be furnished by the clerk" upon request. An.y communication purporting to be an application shall be treated as mere notice of intention to seek relief until such time as it is made on the official application form. All in- formation called for by the form shall be furnished by the applicant in the manner therein prescribed. Every application shall be submitted with.a list.of_"Parties in Interest" which list shall include the petitioner, abutters, owners". of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters within three hundred -feet of the prope-rty _ line of the petitioner.as.they appear on the most -recent applicable:: tax_list, notwithstanding that the land of any such owner is located in another city or town, the Planning Board of the city or town, and the Planning Board of every abutting city or town. * Every application shall be submitted with an application charge cost in the amount of $25.00. In addition, the petitioner shall be respon- sible for any and all costs involved in bringing the petition before the Board. Such costs shall include mailing and publication, but are not necessarily limited to these. LIST OF PARTIES IN INTEREST Name Address See list provided with original application for variance and subsequent application for extension of variance. .f . - �4 JOHN G. SERINO ROBERT W. HARRINGTON JOSHUA J. VERNAGLIA, JR. T. RICHARD CUFFE, JR. CLARK W.YUDYSKY Serino, Harrington & Vernaglia Attorneys at Law One Washington Mall Boston, Massachusetts 02108 (617) 720-1970 .. ' February 17, 1984 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Jean E. 'White Secretary Board of Appeals Town of No. Andover No. Andover, NIA 01845 Re: 1538 Turnpike Street, No. Andover Dear Ms. White: As we telephonically discussed, enclosed please find an application for relief from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance relative to the above -captioned property. Kindly note that in accordance with your instructions no list of parties in interest or copies of plan of hand accompany this application as otherwise required due to the fact that there has been, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no change in the identity of abutters listed on the original petition or subsequent application for extension nor changes in the locus in question. Kindly process the application and notify us if there are any questions or need for additional information. Thank you for your time and co-operation and assistance in this matter. TRC/slw Enclosure cc: Jeffrey T. Hass Robert P. Hass Very truly yours, 6� T. Richard Cuffe,Jr. f, ABUTTERS FAnat and Nancy GauthieA 1537 TuAnpike St. No. Andovet) Mcusz. 01845 RichoAd and Joyce Quinn 1555 Tcurmnpike St. No. AndoveA, Maz s . 01845 Sophie Denautt C/0 FAancis Denautt RFD 2 WoAneA, N.N. 03278 Fz tate o6 John C. Fahnum 1370 F t. 7,,-e- No. AndoveA, MaS�. 01845 % / Hattotd and BeveAt y Wh ipp�e Faivc iet d Rd. Movvcoe, N.H. 03771 v� TheAesa Etta Btaack CIO Robent GotdbeAg et at 44 W.%Maw Ave. Hyde PaAk, Mass. 02136 1/ Estate o�) Chaktotte Rea 671 Chutnut St. No. AndoveA, Matsz. 01845 Benjamin A. FaAnum 397 Fa*ntum- St. No. AndoveA, Matz. 01845