HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 285 REA STREET 4/30/2018 (3)L11Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1 WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:60 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town:NORTH AT A. General Information 1. Conservation Commission NORTHANDOVER 2. Issuance a. o 00C b. 0 Amended OOC 3. Applicant Details a. First Name JOSEPH & AMANDA b. Last Name RAMOS c. Organization d. Mailing Address 285 REA STREET e. City/Town NORTH ANDOVER f. State MA g. Zip Code 0 4. Property Owner a. First Name JOSEPH & AMANDA b. Last Name RAMOS c. Organization d. Mailing Address 285 REA STREET e. City/Town NORTH ANDOVER f. State MA g. Zip Code 5. Project Location - a.Street Address 285 REA STREET b.City/Town NORTHANDOVER c. Zip Code 01845 d. Assessors Map/Plat# 3 8 e. ParceYLot# 118 f. Latitude 42.66763N g. Longitude 71.09564W 6. Property recorded at the Registry of Deed for: a. County b. Certificate c. Book d. Page NORTHERN ESSEX 9540 127 7.Dates a. Date NOI Filed: 9/27/2013 b. Date Public Hearing Closed: 10/9/2013 c. Date Of Issuance: 10/23/2013 8.Final Approved Plans and Other Documents a. Plan Title: b. Plan Prepared by: c. Plan Signed/Stamped by: d. Revised Final Date: e. Scale: SEPTIC DESIGN SULLIVAN PLAN, 285 REA ERING JOHN D. SULLIVAN 111 10/15/13 1" = 20' STREET, NORTH GROUP, LLC ANDOVER, MASS. B. Findings Page I of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY 605 5072 OVER 1845 01845 Page I of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau o Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 MTA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:605072 i City/Town:NORTH ANDOVER Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 I.Findings pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act Following the review of the the above -referenced Notice of Intent and based on the information provided in this application and presented at the public hearing, this Commission finds that the areas in which work is proposed is significant to the following interests of the Wetlands Protection Act. Check all that apply: c. o Prevention of Pollution d. o Private Water Supply c. o Fisheries f o Protection of Wildlife Habitat g. o Ground Water Supply h. o Storm Damage Prevention i. o Flood Control a. o Public Water Supply b. o Land Containing Shellfish 2. Commission hereby finds the project, as proposed, is: Approved subject to: a. o The following conditions which are necessary in accordance with the performance standards set forth in the wetlands regulations. This Commission orders that all work shall be performed in accordance with the Notice of Intent referenced above, the following General Conditions, and any other special conditions attached to this Order. To the extent that the following conditions modify or differ from the plans, specifications, or other proposals submitted with the Notice of Intent these conditions shall control. Denied because: b. o The proposed work cannot be conditioned to meet the perfon-nance standards set forth in the wetland regulations. Therefore, work on this project may not go forward unless and until a new Notice of Intent is submitted which provides measures which are adequate to protect interests of the Act and a final Order of Conditions is issued. A description of the performance standards which the proposed work cannot meet is attached to this Order. c. 0 The information submitted by the applicant is not sufficient to describe the site, the work or the effect of the work on the interests identified in the Wetlands Protection Act. Therefore, work on this project may not go forward unless and until a revised Notice of Intent is submitted which provides sufficient information and includes measures which are adequate to protect the interests of the Act, and a final Order of Conditions is issued. A description of the specific information which is lacking and why it is necessary is attached to this Order as per 310 CMR 10.05(6)(c). 3.0 Buffer Zone Impacts: Shortest distance between limit of project disturbance and the wetland resource area specified in 310CMRIO.02(l)(a). & linear feet Inland Resource Area Impacts:(For Approvals Only): Resource Area Proposed Permitted Proposed . Permitted Alteration Alteration Replacement Replacement 4. o Bank 5. o Bordering Vegetated Wetland 6. 11 Land under Waterbodies and Waterways a. linear feet b. linear feet c. linear feet d. linear feet a. square feet b. square feet d. square feet c. square feet a. square feet b. square feet c. square feet d. square feet e. c/y dredged f c/y dredgea Page 2 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 'ATA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:605072 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town:NORTH ANDOVER To Bordering Land Subject to Flooding a. square feet b. square feet c. square feet d. square feet Cubic Feet Flood Storage e. cubic feet f cubic feet g. cubic feet h. cubic feet 8. o Isolated Land Subject to Flooding a. square feet b. square feet Cubic Feet Flood Storage c. cubic feet d. cubic feet e. cubic feet f cubic feet 9. o Riverfront Area a. total sq. feet b. total sq. feet Sq ft within 100 ft Sq ft between 100-200 ft Coastal Resource Area Impacts: Resource Ayea 10.o Designated Port Areas 11. o Land Under the Ocean 12. o Barrier Beaches 13. o Coastal Beaches 14. o Coastal Dunes 15.o Coastal Banks 16.0 Rocky Intertidal Shores 17.o Salt Marshes 18-o Land Under Salt Ponds 19. [1 Land Containing Shellfish c. square feet d. square feet 1854 1854 g. square feet h. square feet e. square feet f. square feet i. square feet . j. square feet Proposed Permitted Proposed Permitted Alteration Alteration Replacement Replacement Indicate size under Land Under the Ocean, below —sq—uarefeet b. square feet c. c/y dredged d. c/y dredged Indicate size under Coastal Beaches and/or Coastal Dunes below �7squarefeet 7 —square feet c. cly nourishment d. c/y nourislunent �. —squ—arefeet c. c/y nourishinent d. c/y nourishment linear feet b. linear feet a. square feet b. square feet square—feet �. —square feet c. square feet d. square feeit square feet b. square feet c. c/y dredged d. c/y dredged Page 3 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:605072 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town-NORTH ANDOVER L� i a. square feet b. square feet c. square feet d. square feet Indicate size under Coastal Banks, inland Bank, Land Under the 20. o Fish Runs Ocean, and/or inland Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways, above 21.o Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage 22. Restoration/Enhancement (For Approvals Only) c. c/y dredged d. c/y dredged a. square feet b. square feet If the project is for the purpose of restoring or enhancing a wetland resource area in addition to the square footage that has been entered in Section B.5.c & d or B. 17.c & d above, please entered the additional amount here. a. square feet of BVW 23. b. square feet of Salt Marsh [i Streams Crossing(s) If the project involves Stream Crossings, please enter the number of new stream crossings/number of replacement stream crossings. a. number of new stream crossings b. number of replacement stream crossings C. General Conditions Under Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act The following conditions are only applicable to Approved projects 1 . Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this Order. 2. The Order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights. 3. This Order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all other applicable federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, bylaws, or regulations. 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within three years from the date of this Order unless either of the following apply: a. the work is a maintenance dredging project as provided for in the Act; or b. the time for completion has been extended to a specified date more than three years, but less than five years, from the date of issuance. If this Order is intended to be valid for more than three years, the extension date and the special circumstances warranting the extended time period are set forth as a special condition in this Order. 5. This Order may be extended by the issuing authority for one or more periods of up to three years each upon application to the issuing authority at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the Order. 6. If this Order constitutes an Amended Order of Conditions, this Amended Order of Conditions does not exceed the issuance date of the original Final Order of Conditions. 7. Any fill used in connection with this project shall be clean fill. Any fill shall contain no trash, refuse, rubbish, or debris, including but not limited to lumber, bricks, plaster, wire, lath, paper, cardboard, pipe, tires, ashes, refrigerators, motor vehicles, or parts of any of the foregoing. 8. This Order is not final until all administrative appeal periods from this Order have elapsed, or if such an appeal has been taken, until all proceedings before the Department have been completed. Page 4 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:605072 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town-NORTH ANDOVER 9. No work shall be undertaken until the Order has become final and then has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds outhe Land Court for the district in which the land is located, within the chain of title of the affected property. In the case of recorded land, the Final Order shall also be noted in the Registry's Grantor Index under the name of the owner of the land upon which the proposed work is to be done. In the case of the registered land, the Final Order shall also be noted on the Land Court Certificate of Title of the owner of the land upon which the proposed work is done. The recording information shall be submitted to the Conservation Commission on the form at the end of this Order, which form must be stamped by the Registry of Deeds, prior to the commencement of work.. 10. A sign shall be displayed at the site not less then two square feet or more than three square feet in size bearing the words, " Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection" [or'MassDEP"] File Number:"242-1605" 11. Where the Department of Environmental Protection is requested to issue a Superseding Order, the Conservation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and hearings before Mass DER 12. Upon completion of the work described herein, the applicant shall submit a Request for Certificate of Compliance (VvTA Form 8A) to the Conservation Commission. 13. The work shall conform to the plans and special conditions referenced in this order. 14. Any change to the plans identified in Condition # 13 above shall require the applicant to inquire of the Conservation Commission in writing whether the change is significant enough to require the filing of a new Notice of Intent. 15. The Agent or members of the Conservation Commission and the Department of Environmental Protection shall have the right to enter and inspect the area subject to this Order at reasonable hours to evaluate compliance with the conditions stated in this Order, and may require the submittal of any data deemed necessary by the Conservation Commission or Department for that evaluation. 16. This Order of Conditions shall apply to any successor in interest or successor in control of the property subject to this Order and to any contractor or other person performing work conditioned by this Order. 17. Prior to the start of work, and if the project involves work adjacent to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland, the boundary of the wetland in the vicinity of the proposed work area shall be marked by wooden stakes or flagging. Once in place, the wetland boundary markers shall be maintained until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Conservation Commission. 18. All sedimentation barriers shall be maintained in good repair until all disturbed areas have been fully stabilized with vegetation or other means. At no time shall sediments be deposited in a wetland or water body. During construction, the applicant or his/her designee shall inspect the erosion controls on a daily basis and shall remove accumulated sediments as needed. The applicant shall immediately control any erosion problems that occur at the site and shall also immediately notify the Conservation Commission, which reserves the right to require additional erosion and/or damage prevention controls it may deem necessary. Sedimentation barriers shall serve as the limit of work unless another Emit of work line has been approved by this Order. NOTICE OF STORMWATER CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 19. The work associated with this Order(the "Project") is (1) o is not (2) a subject to the Massachusetts Stormwater Standards. If the work is subject to Stormwater Standards, then the project is subject to the following conditions; a) All work, including site preparation, land disturbance, construction and redevelopment, shall be implemented in accordance with the construction period pollution prevention and erosion and sedimentation control plan and, if applicable, the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction General Permit as required by Stormwater Standard 8. Construction period erosion, sedimentation and pollution control measures and best management practices (BWs) shall remain in place until the site is fully stabilized. b) No stormwater runoff may be discharged to the post- construction stormwater BMPs unless and until a Registered Professional Engineer provides a Certification that: i. all construction period BMPs have been removed or will be removed by a date certain specified in the Certification. For any construction period BMPs intended to be converted to post construction operation for stormwater attenuation, recharge, and/or treatment the conversion is allowed by the MassDEP Stormwater Handbook BMP specifications and that the BMP has been properly cleaned or prepared for post construction operation, including removal of all construction period sediment trapped in inlet and outlet control structures; ii.. as -built final construction Page 5 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 eDEP Transaction #:605072 '"TA Form 5 - Order of Conditions Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town-NORTH ANDOVER BMP plans are included, signed and stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer, certifying the site is fully stabilized; W. any illicit discharges to the stormwater management system have been removed, as per the requirements of Storinwater Standard 10; iv. all post- construction storinwater BMPs are installed in accordance with the plans (including all planting plans) approved by the issuing authority, and have been inspected to ensure that they are not damaged and that they are in proper working condition; v. any vegetation associated with post- construction BMPs is suitably established to withstand erosion. c) The landowner is responsible for BMP maintenance until the issuing authority is notified that another party has legally assumed responsibility for BMP maintenance. Prior to requesting a Certificate of Compliance, or Partial Certificate of Compliance, the responsible party (defined in General Condition 19(e)) shall execute and submit to the issuing authority an Operation and Maintenance Compliance Statement ("O&M Statement") for the Stormwater BNIPs identifying the party responsible for implementing the stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Plan ("O&M Plan") and certifying the following: i.) the O&M Plan is complete and will be implemented upon receipt of the Certificate of Compliance, and ii.) the future responsible parties shall be notified in writing of their ongoing legal responsibility to operate and maintain the stormwater management BNTs and implement the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. d) Post- construction pollution prevention and source control shall be implemented in accordance with the long-term pollution prevention plan section of the approved Stormwater Report and, if applicable, the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Multi- Sector General Permit. e) Unless and until another party accepts responsibility, the landowner, or owner of any drainage easement assumes responsibility for maintaining each BMP. To overcome this presumption, the landowner of the property must submit to the issuing authority a legally binding agreement of record, acceptable to the issuing authority, evidencing that another entity has accepted responsibility for maintaining the BMP, and that the proposed responsible party shall be treated as a permittee for purposes of implementing the requirements of Conditions 19(f) through 19(k) with respect to that BMP. Any failure of the proposed responsible party to implement the requirements of Conditions 19(f) through 19(k) with respect to that BMP shall be a violation of the Order of Conditions or Certificate of Compliance. In the case of stormwater BMPs that are serving more than one lot the legally binding agreement shall also identify the lots that will be serviced by the stormwater BMPs. A plan and easement deed that grants the responsible party access to perform the required operation and maintenance must be submitted along with the legally binding agreement The responsible party shall operate and maintain all stormwater BMPs in accordance with the design plans, the O&M Plan, and the requirements of the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook. g) The responsible party shall: I - Maintain an operation and maintenance log for the last three (3) consecutive calendar years of inspections, repairs, maintenance and/or replacement of the stormwater management system or any part thereof, and disposal (for disposal the log shall indicate the type of material and the disposal location); 2. Make the maintenance log available to MassDEP and the Conservation Commission ("Commission") upon request; and 3. Allow members and agents of the MassDEP and the Commission to enter and inspect the site to evaluate and ensure that the responsible party is in compliance with the requirements for each BMP established in the O&M Plan approved by the issuing authority. h) All sediment or other contaminants removed from stormwater BMPs shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 1) Illicit discharges to the stormwater management system as defined in 3 10 CMR 10.04 are prohibited. j) The stonirwater management system approved in the Order of Conditions shall not be changed without the prior written approval of the issuing authority. k) Areas designated as qualitring pervious areas for the purpose of the Low Impact Site Design Credit (as defined in the MassDEP Stormwater Handbook, Volume 3, Chapter 1, Low Impact Development Site Design Credits) shall not be altered without the prior written approval of the issuing authority. Access for maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of BMPs shall not be withheld. Any fencing constructed around stormwater l3MPs shall include access gates and shall be at least six inches above grade to allow for wildlife passage. Page 6 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:605072 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town:NORTH ANDOVER Special Conditions: SEE ATTACBED Page 7 of 10.* ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction 9:605072 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town NORTH ANDOVER A Findings Under Municipal Wetlands Bylaw or Ordinance 1. Is a municipal wetlands bylaw or ordinance applicable? o Yes o No 2. The Conservation Commission hereby(check one that V12lies): a. o DENIES the proposed work which cannot be conditioned to meet the standards set forth in a municipal ordinance or bylaw specifically: 1. Municipal Ordinance or Bylaw 2. Citation Therefore, work on this project may not go forward unless and until a revised Notice of Intent is submitted which provides measures which are adequate to meet these standards, and a final Order or Conditions is issued. Which are necessary to comply with a municipal ordinance or bylaw: b. 0 APPROVES the proposed work, subject to the following additional conditions. NORTH ANDOVER 1. Municipal Ordinance or Bylaw WETLANDS PROTECTION BYLAW 2. Citation CHAPTER 178 3. The Commission orders that all work shall be performed in accordance with the following conditions and with the Notice of Intent referenced above. To the extent that the following conditions modify or differ from the plans, specifications, or other proposals subn-dtted with the Notice of Intent the conditions shall control. The special conditions relating to municipal ordinance or bylaw are as follows: SEE ATTACHED Page 8 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 E. Signatures This Order is valid for three years from the date of issuance, unless otherwise specified pursuant to General Condition 44. If this is an Amended Order of Conditions, the Amended Order expires on the same date as the original Order of Conditions. Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File #:242-1605 eDEP Transaction #:605072 City/Town.NORTH ANDOVER 1. Date of Original Order Please indicate the number of members who will sign this form. This Order must be signed by 4 a majority of the Conservation Commission. 2. Number of Signers The Order must be mailed by certified mail (return receipt requested) or hand delivered to the applicant. A c opy also must be mailed or hand delivered at the same time to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office, if not filing electronicaUy, and the property owner, if different from applicant. Signatures: Xi by hand delivery on IdIO��J3 Date F. Appeals u by certified mail, return receipt requested, on Date The applicant the owner, any person aggrieved by this Order, any owner of land abutting the land subject to this Order, or any ten residents of the city or town in which such land is located, are hereby notified of their right to request the appropriate MassDEP Regional Office to issue a Superseding Order of Conditions. The request must be made by certified mail or hand delive'ry to the Department with the appropriate filing fee and a completed Request for Departmental Action Fee Transmittal Form, as provided in 3 10 CNR 10.03(7) within ten business days from the date of issuance of this Order. A copy of the request shall at the same time be sent by certified mail or hand delivery to the Conservation Commission and to the applicant if he/she is not the appellant Any appellants seeking to appeal the Department's Superseding Order associated with this appeal will be required to demonstrate prior participation in the review of this project. Previous participation in the permit proceeding means the submission of written information to the Conservation Comi-nission prior to the close of the public hearing, requesting a Superseding Order, or providing written information to the Department prior to issuance of a Superseding Order. The request shall state clearly and concisely the objections to the Order which is being appealed and how the Order does not contribute to the protection of the interests identified in the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. c. 13 1, § 40), and is inconsistent with the wetlards regulations (3 10 CNIR 10.00)..To the extent that the Order is based on a municipal ordinance or bylaw, and not on the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act or regulations, the Department has no appellate jurisdiction. Page 9 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File #:242-1605 WPA Form 5 - Order of Conditions eDEP Transaction #:605072 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 13 1, §40 City/Town:NORTH ANDOVER G. Recording Information This Order of Conditions must be recorded in the Registry of Deeds or the Land Court for the district in which the land is located, within the chain of title.of the affected property. In the case of recorded land, the Final Order shall also be noted in the Registry's Grantor Index under the name of the owner of the land subject to the Order. In the case of registered land, this Order shall also be noted on the Land Court Certificate of Title of the owner of the land subject to the Order of Conditions. The recording information on this page shall be submitted to the Conservation Commission listed below. NORTHANDOVER Conservation Commission Detach on dotted line, have stamped by the Registry of Deeds and submit to the Conservation Conunission. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... To: NORTH ANDOVER Conservation Commission Please be advised that the Order of Conditions for the Project at: 285 REA STREET Project Location Has been recorded at the Registry of Deeds of - County for: Property Owner JOSEPH& AMANDA RAMOS and has been noted in the chain of title of the affected property in: 242-1605 MassDEP File Number Book Page Book Page In accordance with the Order of Conditions issued on: Date If recorded land, the instrument number identifying this transaction is: InstrumentNumber If registered land, the document number identifying this transaction is: DocumentNumber Signature of Applicant Rev. 4/1/2010 Page 10 of 10 * ELECTRONIC COPY DEP FILE 4 242 - 1605 Therefore, the North Andover Conservation Commission (hereafter the "NACC"') hereby finds that the following conditions are necessary, in accordance, with the Performance Standards set forth in the State Regulations, the local ByLaw and Regulations, to protect those interests noted above. The NACC orders that all work shall be performed in accordance with said conditions and with the Notice of Intent referenced below. To the extent that the following conditions modify or differ from the plans, specifications or other proposals submitted with the Notice of Intent, the conditions shall control. GENERAL CONDITIONS 20. The proposed work includes: replacement and expansion of an existing septic system including septic tank and leach field and re -paving of the existing driveway. The proposed system is located within Riverfront Area. The closest point of the system is approximately 140 feet from Mean Annual High Water of Mosquito Brook. Removal of an unauthorized play structure within the 25' No -disturb zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) and brush/landscape debris within the BVW is required, 21. The work shall conform to the following (except as noted in the remainder of this document where revisions may be required): Notice of Intent filed by: Applicant/ Property Owner: John Sullivan, P.E. Sullivan Engineering Group, LLC 22 Mount Vernon Road Boxford, MA 01921 Joseph & Amanda Ramos 285 Rea Street North Andover, MA 01845 Site Plans prepared by: Sullivan Engineering Group, LLC Title: Septic Design Plan Dated: September 23,.2013, Revised: 10/15/13 Signed and Stamped by: John D. Sullivan 111, P.E. Wetland Delineation by: Sullivan Engineering Group, LLC Delineated: September 2013 22. The term ""Applicant"' as used in this Order of Conditions shall refer to the owner, any successor in interest or successor in control of the property referenced in the Notice of Intent, supporting documents and this Order of Conditions. The NACC shall be notified in writing within 30 days of all transfers of title of any portion of property that takes place prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC I NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE # 242 - 1605 23. The conditions of this decision shall apply to, and be binding upon, the applicant, owner, its employees and all successors and assigns in interest or control. These obligations shall be expressed in covenants in all deeds to succeeding owners of portions of the property. 24. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this Order. 25. This Order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of property rights. However, the NACC, agent of the NACC or the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) reserves the right to enter and inspect the property at all reasonable times until a Certificate of Compliance is issued, to evaluate compliance with this Order of Conditions, the Act (310 CMR 10.00), the North Andover Wetland ByLaw and Regulations, and may require any information, measurements, photographs, observations, and/or materials, or may require the submittal of any data or information deemed necessary by the NACC for that evaluation. Further, work shall be halted on the site if the NACC, agent or DEP determines that any of the work is not in compliance with tl-ds Order of Conditions. Work shall not resume until the NACC is satisfied that the work will comply and has so notified the applicant in writing. 26. This Order does not relieve the pern-dttee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all other applicable federal, state or local statutes, ordinances., by-laws or regulations. 27. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within three years from the date of tl-ds order. 28. This Or ' der may be extended by the issuing authority for one but not more than two periods of up to one year each upon application to the issuing authority at least Lhirty days (30) -prior to the expiration date of the Order (Refer to Section 8.3 of the North Andover Wetland Regulations). 29. The NACC reserves the right to amend this Order of Conditions after a legally advertised public hearing if plans or circumstances are changed or if new conditions or information so warrant. 30. Where the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is requested to make a determination and to issue a Superseding Order, the Conservation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and hearings before the Department. 31. Any future project which proposes a wetland crossing in order to access certain portions of the property will not be qualified as a limited project roadway under 310 CMR 10.53(e). 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC 2 NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE 9 242 - 1605 32. The following wetland resource areas are affected by the proposed work: Riverfront Area. Temporary disturbance of the 100' Buffer -Zone is proposed for the over -dig of the system. This resource area is significant to the interests of the Act and Town ByLaw as noted above and therein. The applicant has not attempted to overcome the presumption of significance of this resource area to the identified interests. 33. The NACC agrees with the applicants delineation of the wetland resource areas within the property of 285 Rea Street (Wetland Flags 313-6B, RF18-RF22) as shown on the site on the plans dated referenced herein as well as the buffer zone associated with off-site resource areas. 34. The NACC finds that the intensive use of the upland areas and buffer zone proposed on this site will cause further alteration of the wetland resource areas. In order to prevent any alteration of wetland resource areas a twenty five foot (25") No - Disturbance Zone and a fifty foot (50") No -Construction Zone shall be established from the edge of the adjacent wetland resource area as shown on the herein referenced plan. The Conservation Administrator and/or other agents of the NACC do not have the authority to waive these setbacks as established under the local bylaw. No disturbance of existing grade, soils or vegetation is permitted in the No -Disturbance zone. (See Section 3.4 & Appendix F of the local Regulations). 35. This document shall be included in all construction contracts, subcontracts, and specifications dealing with the work proposed and shall supersede any conflicting contract requirements. The applicant shall assure that all contractors, subcontractors, and other personnel performing the permitting work are fully aware of the permits terms and conditions. Thereafter, the contractor will be held jointly liable for any violation of this Order resulting from failure to comply with its conditions. 36. Issuance of these Conditions does not in any way imply or certify that the site or downstream areas will not be subject to flooding, storm damage or any other form of water damage. 11 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 37. No work shall be undertaken until all administrative appeal periods from this Order have elapsed or, if such an appeal has been'filed, until all proceedings before the' Department or Court have been completed. 38. This Order shall be recorded by the applicant at the Registry of Deeds immediately after the expiration of all appeal periods. No work shall be undertaken until the Final Order has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds or the Land Court for the district in which the land is located, within the chain of title of the affected property. In the case of recorded land, the Final Order shall also be noted in the Registrys Grantor Index under the name of the owner of the land upon which the proposed work is to be done. 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE # 242 - 1605 In the case of registered land, the Final Order shall also be noted on the Land Court Certificate of Title of the owner of the land upon which the proposed work is to be done. The recording information shall be submitted to the North Andover Conservation Conunission on the form at the end of this Order prior to commencement of the work. Any Order not recorded by the applicant before work commences may be recorded by the NACC at the applicant's expense. 39. A sign shall be displayed at the site not less than two square feet or more than three square feet in size bearing the words "'Massachusetts DEP, File Number 242-1605." 40. Any changes in the submitted plans caused by the applicant, another Board's decision or resulting from this Order of Conditions must be submitted to the NACC for approval prior to implementation. If the NACC finds said changes to be significant, the NACC will call for another public hearing (at the expense of the applicant). Within 21 days of the close of said public hearing the NACC will issue an amended or new Order of Conditions. Any errors found in the plans or information submitted by the applicant shall be considered as changes. No work shall begin on a project until written approval has been granted by the NACC. 41. It is the responsibility of the applicant, owner., and/or successor(s) to ensure that all conditions of this Order of Conditions are complied with. The project engineer and contractors are to be provided with a copy of tl-ds Order of Conditions and referenced documents before commencement of construction. 42. Prior to any work commencing on-site, the applicant shall subn-dt to the NACC for approval, a detailed and dated sequence of construction, including installation of sedimentation/ erosion control devices, clearing, excavation, construction and revegetation/ stabilization. 43. Wetland flagging shall be checked prior to start of construction and shall be re- established where missing. All wetland flagging shall remain visible and enumerated per the approved plan(s) throughout the life of the project and until a Certificate of Compliance is issued so that erosion control measures can be properly placed and wetland impacts can be monitored. The proposed limit of work shall be shall be clearly marked with erosion controls or temporary fencing and shall be confirmed by the NACC. Such barriers shall be checked and replaced as necessary and shall be maintained until all construction is complete. Workers should be informed that no use of machinery, storage of machinery or materials, stockpiling of soil, or construction activity is to occur beyond this line at any time. 44. A compost filter sock shall be placed between all construction areas and resource I areas as shown on the herein referenced plan. Erosion control will also be installed down - gradient of any work undertaken to repair/re-pave the existing driveway. The erosion control barrier will be properly installed and placed as shown on the plans approved and referenced herein and shall be inspected and approved by the NACC or 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC 4 NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE # 242 - 1605 its agent prior to the start of construction and shall remain intact until all disturbed areas have been permanently stabilized to prevent erosion. All erosion prevention and sedimentation protection measures found necessary during construction shall be implemented at the direction of the NACC or its agent. The NACC reserves the right to impose additional conditions on portions of this project to mitigate any impacts which could result from site erosion., or any noticeable degradation of surface water quality discharging from the site. For example, installation of erosion control measures may be required in areas not shown on the plan(s) referenced in this Order of Conditions. Should such installation be required by the NACC, they shall be installed within 48 hours of the Conu-nission�s request. 45. The applicant shall have on hand at the start of any soil disturbance, removal or stockpiling, a minimum of 25 -feet of additional filter sock or 8 hay bales and stakes for staking. Extra erosion controls shall be used only for the control of emergency erosion problems and shall not be used for the normal control of erosion. 46. A check payable to the Town of North Andover shall be provided in the.amount of $1,000 which shall be in all respects satisfactory to Town Counsel, Town Treasurer, and the NACC, and shall be posted with the North Andover Town Treasurer through the NACC before commencement of work. Said deposit of money shall be conditioned on the completion of all conditions hereof, shall be signed by a party or parties satisfactory to the NACC, and Town Counsel, and shall be released after completion of the project, provided that provisions, satisfactory to the NACC, have been made for performance of any conditions which are of continuing nature. The applicant may propose a monetary release schedule keyed to completion of specific portions of the project for the NACCs review and approval. This condition is issued under the authority of the local ByLaw. 47. The applicant shall designate a Wetland Scientist (or other environmental professional as approved by the NACC or its agent) as an "Erosion Control Monitor" to oversee any emergency placement of controls and regular inspection or replacement of sedimentation control devices. The name and phone number of the erosion control monitor must be provided to the NACC in the event that this person has to be contacted, due to an emergency at the site, during any 24-hour period., including weekends. Proof of the retained monitor must be submitted to the Conservation Department on letterhead by the retained consulting firm. This person shall be given the authority to stop construction for erosion control purposes and the Environmental Professional will immediately notify the Conservation agent of any matter that requires attention by the Commission or the agent. The erosion control monitor will be required to inspect all such devices and oversee cleaning and the proper disposal of waste products. Cleaning shall include removal of any entrapped silt. 48. At least once during each week in which construction activities occurs on-site and for as long thereafter as ground remains unstabilized, the applicant shall submit a written report from the ""Erosion Control Monitor" to the NACC certifying that, to the best of 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC 5 NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE 9 242 - 1605 his/her knowledge and belief based on a careful site inspection, all work is being performed in compliance with this Order of Conditions and that approved setbacks are being adhered to. The erosion control monitor must visually inspect all sedimentation/ erosion control measures and assume responsibility for their maintenance on a weekly basis and that they are functioning as intended. In addition, all wetland resource areas must be visually inspected for siltation, turbidity, and/or other water quality impacts. The Erosion Control Monitor shall be on site during and/or following a major storm event of 1"" inch of rain or greater (24 hour event) to ensure that soils remain stable, and erosion controls are adequate and secure 49. Prior to construction, the applicant shall permanently mark the 25 -foot No -Disturb Zone with signs spaced every 30 feet incorporating the following text: "Protected Wetland Resource Area" and the associated rules (3 rounds for every 1 square). This will designate their sensitivity and assure no further inadvertent encroachment into the wetland. These permanent markers are subject to review and approval by the NACC. The applicant shall instruct all agents to explain these markers to buyers/ lessees/ landscapers and all persons taking over the property from the applicant.. These markers shall remain posted and be replaced as necessary in perpetuity. Markers are available from the Conservation Department ($2 round and $3 square). 50. Prior to the start of construction, the applicant shall move the play structure up - gradient of the 25' No -disturb zone to BVW and shall remove any brush/landscape debris from the Riverfront/ BVW area and dispose of it at a proper recycling/ composting facility (Cyr Recycling Center on Sharpners Pond Road). Work shall be done by hand unless other methods are proposed and approved by the Conservation Department. 51. The applicant and/or the legal owner of that portion of land upon which these Orders of Conditions have been placed shall provide to the NACC prior to transferring, or assigning any portion of said land to another party, subject to said Orders of Conditions, the ""Compliance Certification Form Affidavit" attached via "Appendix A"" signed under the pains and penalties of perjury, stating that said applicant and/or owner has read these Orders of Conditions and is in compliance with each and every condition. This document shall apply to each of the conditions referenced herein and shall be provided to the Conservation Department at least five (5) business days prior to the closing of said land transaction. 52. Once these above mentioned pre -construction requirements are complete, the applicant shall contact the Conservation Office prior to site preparation or construction and shall arrange an on-site conference with an NACC representative, the contractor, erosion control monitor and the applicant to ensure that all of the Conditions of this Order are understood. This Order shall be included in all construction contracts, subcontracts, and specifications dealing with the work proposed and shall supersede any conflicting contract requirements. The applicant 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC 6 NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE 9 242 - 1605 shall assure that all contractors, subcontractors and other personnel performing the permitted work are fully aware of the permit's terms and conditions. Thereafter, the contractor will be held jointly liable for any violation of this Order of Conditions resulting from failure to comply with its conditions. The applicant or contractor shall notify the NACC in writing of the identity of the on-site construction supervisor hired to coordinate construction and to ensure compliance with this Order. A reasonable period of time shall be provided as notice of the pre -construction meeting (e.g. 72 hours). STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONDITIONS 53. There shall be no changes in post development conditions that alter the post development watershed boundaries as currently depicted in the Notice of Intent and approved by this Order of Conditions, unless specifically approved in writing by the Commission. 54. Water quality in down gradient BVW's shall not differ significantly following completion of the project from the pre -development conditions. There shall be no sedimentation into wetlands or water bodies from discharge pipes or surface runoff leaving the site. DURING CONSTRUCTION 55. Upon beginning work, the applicant shall subn-dt written progress reports weekly (as part of the erosion control monitoring report Condition #48 above) detailing what work has been done in or near resource areas, and what work is anticipated to be done over the next period. This will update the construction sequence. 56. Dewatering activities are not proposed as part of this project. If emergency de- watering requirements arise, the applicant shall submit a contingency plan to the Comrnission for approval, which provides for the pumped water to be contained in a settling basin, to reduce turbidity prior to discharge into a resource area. 57. Any fill used in connection with this project shall be clean fill, containing no trash, refuse, rubbish or debris, including but not limited to lumber, bricks, plaster, wire, lath, paper., cardboard, pipe, tires, ashes, refrigerators, motor vehicles or parts on any of the foregoing. 58. All exposed soil finish grade surfaces shall be immediately landscaped and stabilized, or loamed, seeded and mulched, with a layer of mulch hay. All disturbed areas must be graded, loamed and seeded prior to November 1st of each year. Outside of the growing season, exposed soil finish grade surfaces shall be stabilized with a layer of mulch hay until climate conditions allow for seeding. During construction, any area of 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE # 242 - 1605 exposed soils that will be left idle for more than 30 days shall be stabilized with a layer of mulch hay or other means approved by the NACC. 59. No re -grading in the buffer zone shall have a slope steeper than 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Slopes of steeper grade shall be rip -rapped to provide permanent stabilization. 60. The engineer stated in the public hearing that no stockpiling would occur on site. If an emergency need arises, there shall be no stockpiling of soil or other materials within one hundred (100) feet of any resource area. All stockpiled material shall be stored within the proposed erosion controls, Excess material shall be disposed of properly in accordance with state and local law. 61. Crushed stone shall be installed at the construction access for the project to minimize sediment tracking. Paved areas shall be swept daily to remove sediment deposited by construction vehicles accessing then site. 62. Washings from concrete trucks, or surplus concrete, shall not be directed to, any drainage system, or wetland resource area. If truck washing is required a location for such activity shall be approved by the Conservation Department. 63. All waste generated by, or associated with, the construction activity shall be contained within the limit of work, and away from any wetland resource area. There shall be no burying of spent construction materials or disposal of waste on the site by any other means. The applicant shall maintain dumpsters (or other suitable means) at the site for the storage and removal of such spent construction materials off-site. However, no trash dumpsters will be allowed witl-dn 50' of areas subject to protection under the Act or local ByLaw. 64. Accepted engineering and construction standards and procedures shall be followed in the completion of the project. 65. During and after work on this project, there shall be no discharge or spillage of fuel, or other pollutants into any wetland resource area. If there is a spill or discharge of any pollutant during any phase of construction the NACC shall be notified by the applicant within one (1) business day. No construction vehicles are to be stored within 100 feet of wetland resource areas, and no vehicle refueling, equipment lubrication, or maintenance is to be done within 100 feet of a resource area. AFTER CONSTRUCTION 66. No underground storage of fuel oils shall be allowed on any lot within one -hundred (100) feet of any wetland resource area. This condition shall survive this Order of 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE 9 242 - 1605 Conditions and shall run with the title of the property. This condition is issued under the authority of the Town's Wetland protection ByLaw. 67. Fertilizers utilized for landscaping and lawn care shall be slow release, low -nitrogen types (< 5%), and shall not be used within 25 feet of a resource area. Pesticides and herbicides shall not be used within 100 feet of a wetland resource area. This condition shall survive this Order of Conditions and shall run with the title of the property. This condition is issued under the authority of the Town's Wetland Protection ByLaw and shall remain in perpetuity. 68. There shall be no dumping of leaves, grass clippings, brush, or other debris into a wetland resource areas or associated buffer zones. This condition shall remain in perpetuity. 69. Upon completion of construction and grading, all disturbed areas located outside resource areas shall be stabilized permanently against erosion. This shall be done by loaming and seeding according to NRCS standards. Stabilization will be considered complete once full vegetative cover has been achieved. 70. Upon approved site stabilization by Conservation staff, the erosion controls shall be removed and properly disposed of and all exposed unvegetated areas shall be seeded. 71. Upon completion of the project the applicant shall submit the following to the Conservation Commission as part of a request for a Certificate of Compliance: a. WPA Form 8A - ""Request for a Certificate of Compliance." b. A letter from the applicant requesting a Certificate of Compliance. c. The name and address of the current landowner. d. Signed statements from the individual property owners shall be submitted with the request for a Certificate of Compliance indicating that they read and understood the recorded Order of Conditions prior to purchasing their property. e. The name and address of the individual/ trust or corporation to whom the compliance is to be granted. f. The street address and assessor's map/parcel number for the project. g. The DEP file number. h. A written statement from a Registered Professional Civil Engineer (and/or Registered Professional Land Surveyor) of the Commonwealth certifying that the work has been conducted as shown on the plan(s) and documents referenced above, and as conditioned by the Commission. i. An "As -Built" plan prepared and signed and stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer (and/or Registered Professional Land Surveyor) of the Commonwealth, for the public record. This plan will include: "'As -Built" post -development elevations of all drainage & stormwater management structures constructed within 100 feet of any wetland resource area. NOTE: If portions of the stormwater systems exist partially within the 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE # 242 - 1605 Buffer Zone than the entire structure must be depicted to accurately verify compliance. "'As -Built' -post -development elevations and grades of all filled or altered wetland resource areas including the encompassing buffer zone which is regulated as a resource area under the local Welland Protection Bylaw. Distances from structures to wetland resource areas. Structures include (but are not limited to) septic systems, additions, fences, sheds, stone walls, pools, retaining walls, subsurface utilities and decks. > A line showing the ' limit of work and the extent of existing erosion control devices. "'Work" includes Any disturbance of soils or vegetation. )> Location of all subsurface utilities entering the property. 72. The following special conditions shall survive the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance (COC) for this project: > 25' No -Disturbance Zone and a 50" No -Construction Zone shall be established from the edge of adjacent wetland resource areas as approved under DEP #242-1605. Future work within 100' of existing wetland resource areas will require a separate filing with the NACC The Conservation Administrator and/or other agents of the NACC do not have the authority to waive these setbacks as established under. the local ByLaw; > Resource Area Markers (Condition #49); > Discharge or spillage of pollutants (Condition #65); > Prohibition of underground fuels (Condition #66); > Limitations on the use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides (Condition #67). Prohibition of dumping of leaves, grass clippings, brush, or other debris (Condition #68); 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC 10 NACC 10/24/2013 DEP FILE 9 242 - 1605 APPENDIX A - AFFIDAVIT 11 on oath do hereby depose and state: (authorized agent applicant and/or current owner) (PLEASE CHECK AT LEAST ONE BLOCK) I am the of (position with applicant) (applicant name or company name) the applicant upon whom Order of Conditions have been placed upon by (DEP or NACC number) the North Andover Conservation Commission. 2. 1 am the &/or of (position with owner) (owner name) the owner upon whose land Order of Conditions have been placed up by (DEP or NACC number) the North Andover Conservation Commission. R-4 3. 1 hereby affirm and acknowledge that I have received said Order of Conditions and have read the same and understand each (DEP File #) and every condition which has been set forth in said Order of Conditions. 4. 1 hereby affirm and acknowledge that on this — day of 20 1 inspected said property together with any and all improvements which have been made to the same and hereby certify that each and every condition set forth in Order of Conditions are presently in compliance. (DEP File #) I & 5. 1 hereby affirm and acknowledge that this document will be relied upon by the North Andover Conservation Commission as well as any potential buyers of said property which is subject to said Order of Conditions (DEP File #) Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this — day of 20 (Signature - authorized agent of applicant or owner) 242-1605, 285 Rea Street OOC NACC 10/24/2013