HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 460 STEVENS STREET 4/30/2018 (3) / 460 STEVENS STREET
Received by Town Clerk:
TW1 ;tj CUR{
JAN tog.
Applicant_ K_M.T.K_ REALTY TRUST, Mendan P. Address 460,-Stevens St. ,-NoAth Andove.A
- �s eh,-7'7-e ---- -------- --
1. Application is hereby made:
a ) For a variance from the requirements of Section Paragraph_4.Ja-2
and Table of tate Zoning By Laws .
b) For a Special Permit under Section 4 _Paragraph4,_122of- the Zoning
By Laws . ( 14)
c ) As a Party Aggrieved, for review of a decision made by the
Building Inspector or other authority.
2. a ) Premises affected are .land and building (Y, ) X numbered
114/116 Union Street .
b) Premises affected are property with frontage on the North ( )
South ( X) East ( ) West ( ) side of Union
Street , and known as No. _1114 116 Union Street .
c) Premises affected are in Zoning DistrictR-4_, and the premises
affected have an area of 10,938 square feet and frontage of
97—feet .
3. Ownership
a ) Name and address of owner ( if joint ownership, give all names ) :
K.M.T.K. ReoUy Thus _B&eadan_2__F At eA _ JiA t p e
Date of Purchase Oct. 1984 Previous Owner Jasewh A. O'Vowd
b) If applicant is not owner , check his/her interest in the premises:
–Prospective Purchaser _ Lesee Other (explain)
44 Size of proposed building:, __front; feet deep;
" Height stories; feet .
a) Approximate date of erection: Mahc�Aj2ja 1986
b) Occupancy or use of each floor : Re/sidenti.at
c ) 'Type of construction: Wood
5. Size of existing building: 26 feet front;_5_5 . __feet deep;
Height 2 stories; feet .
a ) Approximate date of erection: 1910
b) Occupancy or use of each floor: Ru,identi.at
c ) Type of construction: . Wood
b. Has there been a previous appeal , under zoning, on these premises?
NO If so, when?
7 . Description of relief sought on this petition Woutd tike to Aemodet thiAd
4tooA o4 existing dwett ing 4m an add i ti.onat dwe2, ng_uyi t
8. Deed recorded in the Registry, of Deeds in Book 11W( / Page ---
Land Court Certificate- No. Book Page
The principal points upon which I base my application are as follows:
(must be stated in deEai.l )
I agree. to pay the filing fee, advertising in newspaper , and incidental
TAu tee. K.Al.T K_ Roattu Tt aAt
__ . Signature of Petitioner(s�
Every application for action by the Board shall be made on a form approved
by the Board. These forms shall be furnished by the Clerk upon request .
Any communication purporting to be an application shall be treated as mere
notice of intention to seek relief until such time as it is made on the
official application form. All information called for by the form shall
-- be furnished by the applicant in the manner therein prescribed .
Every application shall be submitted with a list of "=Parties In Interest"
which list shall include the petitioner , abutters , owners of land directly
opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the
abutters within three hundred feet ( 300 ' ) of the property line of the
petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list,
notwithstanding that the .land of any such owner is located in another city
or .town, the Planning Board of the city or town, and the Planning Board of
every abutting city or town.
*Every application shall be submitted with an application charge cost in
the amount of $25.00. In addition, the petitioner shall be responsible
for any and all costs involved in bringing the petition before the Board .
Such costs shall include mailing and publication, but are not necessarily
limited to these.
Every application shall be submitted with a plan of land approved by the
Board. No petition will be brought before the Board unless said plan has
been submitted. Copies of the Board' s requirements regarding plans are
attached hereto or are available from the Board of. Appeals upon request .
Name Address
Rita V Zeman• 122 Union StAeet
FtoAenee D' Et i.a 120 Union StAeet
Fdwand Mongan 65 BeveA2y Stheet
Geon.ge A. 8 Jut i.a. M. Lydick 68 Bevvtty St.
J.R. 8 MaAgueAite M. DuxbuAy 1041106 Union St.
H.P. 8 Anne F. Re.i Pey 83/85 BeveAt y St.
MaAk D,i:Satvo 89 BeveAt y St.
Seba,sti:an 8 .Can.meti.na D.iSatvo 91 BeveAty St.
(use additional sheets if necessary)
w �
r .
The pni.ncipat points upon which I base my appti,cati,on ane as goZtowz:
I punehas ed the existing bu tding at 1141116 Union StAeet
in Oc tobeA 1984 " an invatment. The cost o� thi6 invatment ha's _
cAeated a 6inanciat haA6 i,p as the ex.usti,ng tentaZ income wilt
not coven, iwsunanee; mo, tgage and tax payments. I have been unable
to amontcze the eo4t o6 the property and zubsequentty need additi.onat
income in ondeA to do z o.
There -us a 6o a 5eveAe shottage o4 moderate income howsing
in North. AndoveA. Th 6' proposed additi.ona2 dwetting unit wi�, in
some zmala way, help aZteviate thus probtem.
In requesting th.i6 Speei.a2 Penmit, ptease be aware that the
proposed uz e w,i Qt not detkaet hum the area as theAe ane otheA A i.mi can
mutts-6amiZy unit6 in the .5uAAounding ne,ighboAhood.
Thank you 6oA your eovusidenation in thiz matteA.
•BiLendan P. FosteA, Tnu�stee
KA.T.K. ReaP.ty Tnwst
Each application and petition to the Board shall be accompanied by
five ( 5) copies of the following described plan:
The size of the plan shall be 11 ' x 17, drawn to scale, 1 inch. "
equals 40 feet; it shall have a north point , names of streets ,
zoning districtt-, names and addresses of owners of properties
within a minimum of 200 feet of the subject property, property
lines and location of buildings on surrounding properties . The
location` of- buildings or use of the property where a variance is
requested and distances from adjacent buildings and property Lines
shall be verified in the field and shown on the plan . The
dimensions of the 'lot and the percentage of the lot covered by the
principal and accessory buildings and the required parking spaces
shall be shown. Entrances , exits , driveways , etc. that are
pertinent to the granting of the variance shall be shown . All
proposed data shall be shown in red .
Any topographical feature .of the parcel of land relied upon for a
variance, such as ledge, rock peat , or natural condition of water ,
brook, or river , shall be shown on the engineering plan . When a
variance is requested to subdivide a parcel of land , the dimen-
signs and area of the surrounding lots may be taken .from the deed
or lotting plan for comparison of the size of the lots in the
neighborhood , noted on the pl.an as such, and marked "approximate" .
The plan shall be signed and bear ' the seal of a registered
surveyor or engineer . Any plans presented with the petition shall
remain a part of the records of the Board of Appeals .
If living quarters are to be remodeled, or areas are to be
converted into living quarters , in . addition to the plot plan, five
( 5) copies of the following described plans s'nall be furnished:
1 . A floor plan of each floor on which remodeling is to be .done
or areas converted into living quarters ; ,
2. A floor plan showing the stairways , halls , doors opening into
the halls , and exit doors of each floor or floors where no re-
modeling or, converting is to be done;
3. Tkc plans and elevations, shall show all existing work . All
proposed- work shall be shown in red. The .size of, each plan
shall be 1.1 x 17 or. 17 x 22; it shall be drawn to scale, 1/.4
inch equals one foot .
-- --
All plans and elevations presented with the petition shall remain
.a part of the records• of the Board of Appeals .
For petitions requesting variation(s ) from the provisions , of
Section 7, Paralrpahs 7. 1., 7. 2, 7. 3, and 7. 4 and fable 2 of the
Zoning By Law fdr .conveyance purposes only, a plot plan, certified
_ by a registered engineer or land surveyor , of the parcel of land
witli a structure thereon being conveyed , will be acceptable ,to the
- Board of Appeals provided:
1 . T1I dwelling(s ) , structure (s ) , or building (s ) were constructed
pr' �8r. �to March 14, 1977 .
2. The petition is not to allow construction or alteration to
-- the dwelling (s ) , structure (s) , or building (s ) which will re-
sult in the need for the issuance of a building permit .
3. The size of the plan shall be no smaller than 8 1/2 x 11
inches and must show the existing area of the parcel , the
existing frontage, and the existing setbacks of the
dwelling(s ) , structure(s ) , or building(s ) being conveyed.
4. Proper space is provided on the plot plan for the Board' s
signatures , as well as adequate. space for the following
information: date of filing, date of public hearing , and
date of approval .