HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - 861 TURNPIKE STREET 4/30/2018N F Date :����........ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER PERMIT FOR WIRING �1. ff , This certifies that .....................I... ......:..,..................................................... has permission to perform �.......-..... .f...%.. wiring in the building of �D (lll f J. k%f � . , North Andover, Mass. at..:............................. ............... Fee AK. ��.... Lic. No,/—. '&'/............................................................ ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Check # 5u34 Commonwealth ofUassimftseds Depadmerlt of Fire Saviaip BOARD OF FIRE PREVEM70N REGULA,TIC APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO Pini AB wmk to be performed in accardanee with the Massa�61u d (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION] Y City or Town of.- Ale By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention 1 Location (Street & Number) oRY �a r ,, ,o k" Owner or Tenant Owner's Address WI official use 0* Pit No. J& Occ.upanq and Fee Che&ed %a0, O 0 SIS .11199] hunk CkWEIV5 )RM ELECTRICAL WORK Elearicd Code (MECL 5 7 C 2.00 Date: a /I ��V To the1 p or of Wires: perform the electrical work described below. Al14 Ge, e- �r- 1 Telephone No. d Q/ 7 7 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes ❑ No Purpose of -Building Utility. EaisbYng Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ New Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed AP4vw- -f ki4h;t9 Electrical Work: (Check Appropriate Box) ition No. Undgrd ❑ Vndgrd ❑ No. of Meters No. of Meters CoomfgamOfinwxtabkmaybewanadbydkh*ydorgfWw- m No. of Recessed rants (Pae) Fans No. of Cal-Soil,l of�— Total KVA No. of Outlets 1swism0bg No. of Hot TGG Generators KVA No. of Li0ft Fktam Pod 01ML ❑ ❑ Bdkffo` Unft No, of Receptacle Outlets No. of OR Burners FIRE ALARMS No. of Zones No. of Sw gibes No. ofGras Baraerrs N& of Deteefift and Inifisfin Doing No. of Ranges No. of" Card. TOM Toes No. of Alerting Devices No. of Waste Disposers MWOPum Toter ' Umbw eos NIL Dy ft - Alertia Devices Na of Dishwashers SpacdArea Beating KW Local ❑ C=211 ❑ Other No. of Dryers Resting °ss KW No. orEquivalent No. of Water KW Beaters NO.% of laft Wffinr No. of Devices or No. Hydromassage Baddubs No. of -Motors Total HP T Na of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach adddionat detail q aestrea, or as required by the thspecrar of ares. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner, no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including "completed operation" coverage or its substantial equivalenL The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force, and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify.) chab±j Tf- a 0 ce ) Estimated Value of E Wodc ®. O a (When regtuied by municipal policy) Work to Starr o� D Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10, and upon completion. L cord ter petits sad pedes afPgl9M d1�at die i>S%arisaeien on t ' >s is trot �c+vrrpdeta FIRM NAME: L�l�-G LIC. M. Licensee: Ct u % QL f lyt (Ifble otter �oerttpt"in tinea Bos. Tel. tet.. �GF3 if/�'3 �3%N� Address: l�Ll�, � 8 Q Att. Td. Na: OWNER INSURANCE WAIVER: 1 am aware that the li does sat Jtawe the liability instuanoe oaverag� nomnally requrged by law symy signature bearer, I hesehy iritic this iegair. It am the (amok ate) ❑ owffir ❑ owners agem. T�h�e Na PERMi3'FEE: $ Q�J. � 1 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts°"ke uge Only Party NO. Department of Public Safety Occvoancy b Foo Checkod BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS 527 CMR 12:00 310 (have blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code, 527 CMR 12:00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) DATE �/ cj S Cityor Town of N 8 k --V t1- A J To the Irupcctor of Wires: The undersigned applies for a permit to perform the electrical work described below, Location (Street &' Number) i Q ( iu, Owner or Tenant Owner's Address SA W E Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit; 1 0 Yes ZNo (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd ❑ No. of Mctcrs New Service Amps Volts Overhead ❑ Und rd ❑ Number of Feeders and Ampacity 6 No. of Mctcrs Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work &?e -A C Er G Arr P f ��jLc A, T- iX?�R Fj Asr S4 6e 7 -RI c R 6=7'Re Fr 7- ?r?e (SRA" - No. of Hot Tubs No. of Lighting Outlets No. of Lighting Fixtures No. of Receptacle Outlets No. of Switch Outlets No. of Ranges No. of Disposals No, of Dishwashers No. of Dryers No. of Water Heaters No. Hydro Massage Tubs Swimming Pool No. of 011 Bumers No. of Gas Burners No, of Air Cond. No. of Heat Pum s Space/Area Heating Heating Devices KW No. of Si ns "' No. of Motors OTHER: 3 a 13 A G c..4.r r— No, of Transformers Total rnd 11 grnd. ❑ Generators KVA No. of Emergency Lighting Battery Units FIRE ALARMS No. of Zones Total No, of Detection and Tons Initiating Devices tat. Total No. of Sounding Devices ns KW No. of Self Contained KW Detection/Sounding Devices Local Municipal ED Other KW Connection No, of Ballasts Low Voltage Wiring Total HP INSURANCE COVERAGE: Pursuant to the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, I have a current Liability Insurance Policy including Completed Operations Coverage or its substantial equivalent. YES J� NO ❑ 1 have submitted valid proof of same to this office. YES ,x1 NO ❑ If you have checked YES, please indicate the type of coverage by checking the appropriate box. INSURANCE t4 BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Please Specify) Estimated Value of Electrical Work $/� rati`S (Expion Date) WOE to Stan Inspection Date Requested: Rough ' Signed ender the penalties o1 u Final y� a o19, ` Pel ry �IRMNAME /v 101 Z AJ 1-- ELEc C 4 - Licensee im 2 D LicenseeimtD 'Drfw1-7-Rr.,,_.T LIC. NO /O6�S Sig ��� Address /,7 (�' /.l 1-4-6 w i-! /G C pr, nalure1=z ----' -- "' LIC. NOc�/ G 9� S,>tGEn. ^'A'•, eus. Tel. No..SaB' � ^'.''HERS INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not hwP — 7 /� �y� Alt. 7e1. No r 7 ;sachusetts General Laws, and that my signature on this permit application waives this re uirement. �. it 9- y �� —the insurance covorage or its substantial equivalent as required by q . Owner Agent (Please check one) nature o n or gent) Telephone No. C k tgL �L11- •• PERMIT FEE S / O a NORTH T ,SSACNU`'E� Date.........!! %1�.... TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER PERMIT FOR WIRING This certifies that .... / I..c.1..... . F.:. ? ....... . ............................................ . ........ has permission to perform .......`..f. � /M........ t..:. ...................................... g wiring in the building of ...... ' .`.-. t h % { ' S ,f at .............. ............ /......:r..'?. ?�.. ''....'..fi ................ , North Andover, Mass. Fee ../.td t,.:� Lic. No.:,1 ?(.-.i f ............................................................ ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR M WHITE: Applicant CANARY: Building Dept. PINK: Treasurer GOLD: File