HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous - Quail RunFORM I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS G.L. C. 131 a. 40 REQUEST TO DETERMINE APPLICABILITY OF THE WETLAND PROTECTION ACT the undersigned, hereby request that the North Andover Conservation Comm. (name of Conservation Commission) make a determination as to whether or not * the Act is applicable to the area, or work to be performed on said areat*a description of which is submitted herewith and made a part of this request. 2. The name(s) and address(es)of the owner(s) of the area are: Helen Louise Hanson 369 South Lake Drive Palm Beach, Florida 3. 1 hereby certify that all abutters (attached list) to the area described above which is subject to this written request, and the owner, if not the person making the request� have been notified that a determination is.being requested of the Conservation Commission .under the Act. 4. 1 have filed a copy of this request w - ith the appropriate regional office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, (see map for regions and addresses). Northeast x Southeast Central Western 5. Is the area subject to this request in, or within 100 feet of: a coastal dune no coastal bank no coastal beach no ; salt marsh no land under the ocean a salt pond no anadromous/cat7a—dromous fish-run,no do not know I Signature John Tuttle, Exec. V.P. LANDSAIL, INC., 292 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Address December 6, 1978 . Date May 23, 1979 Mr. Thomas B. Powers Deputy Gtneral Counsel Department of Environmental Ouality Engineering 100 Cambridge Street - Room 1901 Boston, Massachusetts 02202 RE: Ouail Run, North Andover - Request for Determination Dear Mr. Powers: I wish to thank you for your proirpt reply (April 20, 1979) to P�v letter (April 12, 1979) regarding the above referenced matter. Since that time the North Andover Conservation Commission has considered the matter further and discussed it with Mr. Gregor I flcGregor. This has resulted in the Coninission requesting that I write to you again to communicate at least two (2) points which I failed to note or emphasize in my.earlier letter. The first point is that while it is true that there is no work proposed within areas subject to the Wetlands Protection Act, it is povposed to create a 11pondinq area" on site in order to attenuate the increased peak rate of surface runoff,caused by thp less frequent storm events, leaving the site. This aspect, as proposed, would cause a floodinn condition to be created on site which does not exist at the present time. in addition there still exists an increase in the volume of surface water rundff from the site as I outlined in my earlier letter. The second point is that the Commission wished to eRphasize that the pro- posed connection of this new drainage system will be a direct connection to wetland areas located athhhe discharqe point of the tQVn drainaqe approximately . If the drainage were to travel in natural ways we believe 2000 feet "downgipe that there may e an unwarranted extension of the concept of "alter", but since the water travels in a man-made system we believe this altering comes under the definition of "alter" contained in the Regulations. :1 TO: Mr, Powers FRO7,1: H.A. Cons. Comm. RE: Quail Run DATE: 5/23/79 At this time the North Andover Conservation Commission has Issued a deter- mination which states that if the applicant takes such rwasures(Abich will prevent the altering of the drainage and flovi tharacteristics (flow rate and volume) leaving the site a Notice of Intent will not be required. If these measures are not Implemented then a Notice of Intent will be required based on the North Andover Conseraation Commission's definition of the word "alter". Ile have also supplied the applicant with specifications on havi this requesteday be satisfied. Thus the North Andover Conservation Commission wishes to request that you consider the additional information I have outlined above and inforn. us if this information alters the opinion expressed in your letter of April 20, 1979. Thank you for any consideration given to this request. I have included our previous correspondence for your convenience. Very truly yours, Vincent S. Turano, Ph.D. Chairman VST/dlp enc: a/s I CONSI,�RVATIOTNI COMMISSION NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSEWS 01845 4 APIRILY" April 27, 1979 Mr. John Tuttle, Exec. V.P. LANDSAIL, INC., 292, Beacon Street Boston, Mass. Dear Mr. Tuttle,p In r'eply'to your request of det-erminatioTl regard i inf the proposed subdivision known as Quail �un and P'ljrs,uant to all agreement betlqeen your representative Frank Gwlinas and t�e North Andover Conservation Commission as of 4/11/79, thp North Andover C6nservation Commission has detqrpined th�,t providing the work is dpne in compliance with a letter, copy enclosed, dated 4/2/79 to the North Andover Planning Board, the propo!ied area will not be pubject to'the-act. Sincerely yo�rs' George Stern Member GBS/meb cc: MT. Fran� Gelinas North Andover Planning Board 17 -747 -7 7W TX'4%7r�' ('0 - NSERVATION (�O.NIIIISS16N N,01�1'11 ANjW1J.:R, %1AS--,.A(AfU-Frrs 01845 t 4A -0 PkIL April 2, 1979 Pl,anning Bo�rd North Andover Town Hall North Andovpr,,",1'jassachusetts 01845 RE: Quail Run Dear Sirs and Madam: -teet! - orth Andover Consepation. At the 11 31 .1979 11 _np of the ? . C) t1he CO,ril-iission recelv,�d and- reviewed the Pitainage qetails ��nd j.,eiated calculations associated vji'L-,h t�e above PpPerenced subdi- w'-h ',,r. Frank Gelinas, the appiican�'s engipeer. Baled on* s c) n , he subi-riitted subdiv1sion plans and proposed drainage changes , the ;,orth Andover Conservation Commission wishes 'Go make the follpwil-Ig i,-,-_'cojmi-,endatJLons: 1. An additional outlTall apd assoc ' iated beadwall be provided .bet..w.e-e.n.Lots 8 (eight) and 9 (nine). The Commission feels this will aid in attenuating and dissipating any increase in runoff from the entire site. According to Mr. Gelinas th1s proposal is in line with the liigb�,,,�a y Surveyor's S u s t 10 1'] S In o_r'der to adl�tross the problem of an increased rate and volurrie of run( t _)ff from the site, particularly in the vicinity* of Lots 5 (five) and 0' (six), a retention storage area be establl-sh,--d Gn T.ots � (five) _ff uld , 11 G and/o�_6­ s_x�_____This wo- entail only a m1nor chanc-e in control details as suggested M the submit1ted pl-ns the Commission reviewed with Mr. G e 11- na s . I - (j- I I dcs116-r based on a o­)e-in-t,,.;enty-f ive 3 E, c e e uL hen �:-pi:,opii.Jate chanf17-s be in - .(25,) y--av t I -p t I _`1 6 j ner-c-ased voluMe and rate, of run - v c-, s T e d t o n d I e t Y e i off of the rinore event. AE-,aln it appears only minor chancres need be ]n,2c)-L,j_.1orat.(_-d in the submit1toed plans in Order C:, ')Ieve this ob e c, 1c. i "0 ::c! I " I -ve. i TO: Planning Bc.ard -2- Fi�1,014: Cons e -,i --vat ion RE: Quail Run DATE April 2 1979 4. The drainage system associated with this subdivision not be directly connected to Town drainage along Chestnut Street. The Commission feels that such a connection may zlesult in increases in runoff which are not necessary or warranted if the recommendations outlin--d above are incorporated In the plans. If the Planning Board wishes to meet to (1,1-3cuss these recom- qntact mendations, or has any questions, please do not hesitate to c the Conservqtion Connfm.Iss.lon. For the Conservatipn Commislion, Vi ncent S. Tu,,-ano, Ph.D. , C�pirman V, ST/d 1p C— : j� �r 1i !,shA,ay Surveyor /o F Larid Sail Inc. . q prank Geltnas 11 f f '"ITTIN "777 V, JOHN J. WILLIS, SR. Town Counsel OFFICE OF TOWN COUNSEL ' 160 PLEASANT STREET TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 North Andover Town Hall North Andover, Gentlemen: April 24, Conservation Commission MA 01845 Ri�': Quail Run.-' North Andover The authority that the North Andover Conservation Commission has to regulate comes specifically from the statutes, namely Chapter 131, Section 40. This statute gives you jurisdiction over a development only in a "wetland area". According to your letter of April 12, you indicate that the subdivision in question is not within the "wetland area". It necessarily follows there- fore, that you have no further jurisdiction over this subdivision. qE 685-3551 You seem to have assumed a position that you have jurisdiction over flooding. The only jurisdiction you have over flooding is where as spelled out in the statute.. a person attempts to Itemove, fill, dredge ..... o..* .... any land subject to tidal action, coastal storm flowage, or flooding" .......... In the instance of Quail Run, there appears to be no area subject to flooding. That is another reason that you gain no further jurisdiction over this development. Now with respect to the omission of the ultimate drainage onto land of other persons, you might gain jurisdiction in that area if the drainage to be installed again goes into the jurisdiction area that is granted you by the statute, namely "the alteration of wetland". In the description that you give me regarding Quail Run, it would appear that the area of the Trustees of Reservations to be affected will only be affected by the disposition of town drainage onto their land. It is my understanding from the Highway Surveyor that he intends to obtain an easement from the Trustees of Reservations to particularly define the area into which the drainage is to be deposited. You are of course aware that even a municipal department must North Andover Conservation Commission April 24, 1979 Page ......... 2 Re: Quail Run, North.Andover comply with the provisions of the "Wetland -s Act". I would however suggest that in the spirit of cooper- ation and in light of the need of as little interference as possible where the Highway Surveyor is concerned in his attempt to solve serious drainage problems in this communi- ty, your Board should make every effort to cooperate. The formalities for obtaining permission to enter wetlands and the limitations that you impose upon such development, should be minimal. V ry truly yours, h J W n J. Ilis Town Counsel J,Jlq: psw 0 ANT ONY D. CORTESE COMMISSIONER I - J�� - 71e lea YzImtl W,,j 161il e22t,)2 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, ROOM 1901, TELEPHONE 727-4658 April 20, 1979 Vincent S. Turano, Ph. D., Chairman North Andover Conservation Commission Town offices husetts 01845 North Andover, Massac Dear Mr. Turano: I have received your letter to me of April 12, 1979 concern- ing Quail Run in North Andover - Request for Determination. The situation you outline is certainly a difficult one. However, believe that the answer from the point of view of the Wetlands Protection Act is clear. As I understand your description, there are no wetland areas within the site itself, no work i . s proposed to be done within 100 feet of any wetland or body of water, and the site is not subject iew is that the work is not to flooding. In that situation my v To hold otherwise would be within the jurisdiction of the Act. to expand the concept of "Alter" far beyond what the Department� feels is the appropriate interpretation of that term. Since nearly every project changes drainage'patterns and discharges water that will eventually find its way to a stream or wetland, such an in- terpretation,taken literally, would bring nearly every project in the Commonwealth within the jurisdiction of the Act. That inter- pretation would also make.administration of the Act extremely difficult for every Conservation Commission ....-Tbe _Department does not believe that the Legislature ever intended or contemplated such a result. All of this is not to say that the problem you identified is not real. I would suggest, that it is within the authority of the Planning Board. in granting subdivision approval, to consider run- off effects. An alternative would for the -Town to re-examine and Or ' perhaps change the Town drainage. pe�hap!�- the Trustees of nt with -the Applicant here. Reservations can work out an agreeme In any event, however, a project must meet the initial threshold test of being within the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act before a Conservation Commission can look at the consequences of the work, require a Notice of Intent, or take any other steps under the authority of the Act. 4 -6 i - 2 - I hope that you find this useful. If you would like to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me or write to me again. TBP/em cc: James Colman William St. Hilaire Sincerely, U'nW4 V. Pe")Z�4s Thomas B. Powers Deputy General Counsel ADril. 12, 1979 Mr. Thomas B. Powers Deputy General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality Engineering 100 Cambridge Street - Room 1901 Boston, MassachLisetts 02202 RE- �Quall R North Andover - Request for Determination Dear Mr. The North Andover Conservation Co�­Ilfflqission is in receipt of a Request fo�r Determination, under the Wetlands Protection Act, for a Proposed subilvision in Noi,th Andover. There apupeavrs to be no wetland areas" within tlie subdivisjoy, 14 -s -L that the 3t0r"'rwater drainage System be d" elf, but it is proposed I Portion" of the Town drainaage sys�ejn. irectly connected to a U At the Point Of connection the applicant has based his design on a 1 in 25 year runoff event, and a-11 flows equal to or greater than this magnitude will be "backed -up" into an'adjalcent on,7site detention area. Thus, in accordance with this design there will be no increase in the rate of runoff at the point of connection with the Town drainage system for the 1 in 21-- year event, But, there will', be an increase in the rate of runoff for- the more frequent events - less than 1 in 25 years - and, Perhaps more importantly, an increase in the total volume of runoff at thi"s point, and subsequently down- stream, for all runoff events. These conclusions were based on information and calculations supp'lied by the applicant to the Conser- vation Commission and the Planning Board. The Town drainage, after a distance, discharges on land belonging to the Trustees of Reservations. The regional supervisor, in a letter to the Conservation Commission, has suggested that "If more water were to be diverted onto our property, we feel that we would lose the agricultural potential of this field as well as having it negatively effect Our woodland. TO: Mr. T.B. Powers, DEQE RE: Quail Run - North Andover Page Two FROM: Conservation Commission DATE: April 12, 1979 Therefore, based on the details that I have supplied above, the North Andover Conservation Commission wishes to request a legal opinion as to whether the applicant, under the conditions outlined above, should be required to submit a Notice of Intent; or perhaps you might recommend another course of action. A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the applicant scy" that he may ppoviLlIe any Infor-mation which he feels is necessary In order to make a proper jud,,,rnent or to correct any errors in the information I have provided. If he does supply co-jiments, I request that they be in and that a copy be fo-"Warded to3 the North Andover Conservation Commission. sUao, the Comimission wishes to renu--,-,t th-:�.t response to this question be forwarded so as to be received before April 25, 1979. Realizing that this reply date -is presuraptuous on our part, we feel that given the fact that this matter has been delayed we rpust make this request. Thank you for any consideration Siven to his matter. 11 Very tvu.Ly yours,, Vincent S. Turano, Ph -D, Chairman VST/dlp cc: Landsail Inc. Mr. Coleman, Director Division of Wetlands C�� April 12, 1979 Ms. Judy Pickett C.onservation Law Foundation U -reet 3 JOY S40J Boston,, RE- Quatl Run, North Andover, MA Request for Determination Dear'Vs. Pickett: The North Andover Conservation Commission is in receipt of a Request for Determina"Uion, under the Wetlands Protection Act,, for a proposed subdivision 1.n North Andover. There appears to be no 11wetland areas'! tiil-hin the -nub.,11vigion Itself. but JI -t. is proposed that the storilliviater drainage, system be directly connected to a portIon­ of the Town drainaCe system. At the point of connection the applicant has based his design on a 1 in 25 year runoff event, and all flows equal to or greater than this magnitude will be "backed -up" into an adjacent onsite detention area. Thus, in accordance with this design there will be no increase In the rate of runoff at the point of connection with the Town drainage Gystem for the 1 in 25 year event. But, there will be an increase in the rate of runoff for the more freauent events - less than 1 in 25 years - and, perhaps more importantly, an increase in the total volume of runoff at this point, and subsequently down- stream, for all runoff events. These conclusions were based on information and calculations supplied by the applicant to the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board. The Town drainage, after a distance, discharges on land belonging to the Trustee of Reservations. The regional supervisor, in a letter to the Conservation Commission, has suggested that "If more water were to be diverted onto our property, we feel that we would lose the agricultural potential of this field as well as having it negatively effect our woodland. W TO: Ms. J. Pickett, CLF RE: Quail Run, RfDeterm. North Andover FROM: Conservation Commission DATE: April 12., 1979 Therefore. based on the details that I have supplied above, the North Andover Conservation Coimmission wishes to request a legal opinion as to whether the applicant, under the conditions outlined above, should be required to submit a Notice of Intent; or perhaps you might recommend another course of action. Also, the Commission wishes this question be forwarded so as 1979. Realizing, that this reply we feel IV -hat given the 4"'act that must make this request. to request that a response to to be received before April 25, date is presumptuous on.our part,, this matter has been delayed we Thank You for any conzideration E;iven to t1his matter. VST/d'Lp Very truly yours, Vincent S. Turano, Ph.D. Chairman j 1�1 I Mr. JohR T. WiLlis North Andover Town Counsel 160 Pleasant Street North Andover, MA 01845 RE: Quail rRun,'Xorth Andover - Dear Mr. Willis: April 12, 1979 Reque,st fo.- Determination The North Anoover Conservation Commission Is in receipt of a Request for Determination, �Inder the Wetlands Protection Act ., for a proposed 3ubdivisil-In in North Andover. Thcre appe(n.Ars to be no lilletland arcas?, within the sub(1f.vision its(.:�11­ but it is proposed that the stormwater drainage system be directly connected to a 11 portion" of 4L*,he Town drainage, system. At the point of connection the applicant has based his design on a 1 in 25 year runoff event, and all flows equal to or greater than this magnitude will be "backed -up" into an adjacent onsite detention area. Thus,, 4j-.-. accordance with this desig;n there will be no increase in the rate of runoff at the point of connection with the Town drainage system for the 1 in 25 year event. But, there will be an increase in the rate of runoff for the more frequent events - less than 1 in 25 years - and, perhaps more importantly, an increase in the total volume of runoff at this point, and subsequently down- stream,, for allrunoff events. These conclusinns were based on information and calculations supplied by the applicant to the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board. The Town drainage, after a distance, discharges on land belonging to the Trustees of Reservations. The regional supervisor, in a letter to the Conservation Commission, has suggested that "If more water were to be diverted onto our property, we feel that we would lose the agricultural potential of this field as well as having it negatively effect our woodland. TO: Mr. J.T. Willis,, Town Counsel FROM: N.A. Conservation Commission RE: Quail Run, Req. for Determination DATE: April 12, 1979 Therefore., based on the details that I have supplied above, the North Andover Cohservation Commission wishes to request a legal opinion as to whether the applicant, under the conditions outlined above, should be required to submit a Notice of Intenlv-; or perhaps you night recorLaend another course of action. Also, The Comm.ission wishes to request that a response to this question be 'Lon-,Yardc-'-AI so as to be received before April 25,' 1979. Realizin- that this reply date is presumptuous on our part, we feel that given the fact, that this matter has been delayed we must make this request. 4-1-1 1hank you -j"or any con3lderation given to this matter, Very truly yours, Vincent S. Turano., Ph.D. Chairman VST/dI.- k lee US"'tts The Trustees of Reservations 224 Adams Street Milton Massachusetts 02186 Telephone 617-698-2066 Officers Charles E. Mason, Jr President John M. Woolsey, Jr. Vice President Henry R. Guild, Jr. Secretary H. Gilman Nichols Treasurer Standing Committee Theodore Chase, Chairman, Dover Paul Brooks, Lincoln Mrs. David C. Forbes, Sherborn Henry R. Guild, Jr., Dover John Hay, Brewster Peter L. Hornbeck, North Andover John W. Kimball, Andover Robert Livermore, Jr., Beverly Charles P. Lyman, Canton Charles E. Mason, Jr., Chestnut Hill H. Gilman Nichols, Essex Mrs. Robert G. Potter, Edgartown Andrew J. W. Scheffey, Leverett Mrs. William C. Wigglesworth Ipswich Laurence M. Charming Counsel, Boston Administration Gordon Abbott, Jr. Director Garret F. VanWart Deputy Director John C. Marksbury Projects Officer The Trustees of Reservations is a privately -administered, charitable corporation, founded for conservation purposes in 1891 to preserve for the public, places of natural beauty and historic interest within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Contributions are deductible under Federal income tax law. April 4, 1979 North Andover Conservation Commission Town Building Main Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Gentlemeni It has come to the attention of The Trustees of Reservations, the owners of the Stevens -Coolidge Place, that plans are being -formulated that may cause an increase in the amount of water on one portion of our property. The portion of land that I am referring to is bordered by Chestnutt Andover and Oak Streets. The land is made up of woodland and fields with one of the fields being used- for agriculture. At the present time this particular field does not dry up until early summer. If more water were to be diverted onto our propertyp we feel that we would lose the agriculture potential of this field as well as having it negatively effect our woodland. In both Instances we feel that an unfair and undue hardship will be placed upon our property. We, ther6foret must object to any plans that would allow this to occur and ask the Conserva- tion Commission to help us protect our property and our rights. We would be Commission, developer to solution for happy to the Town try and all Dar Sincerely yours, Wayne N. Mitton Regional Supervisor work with the of North Andov come up with a ties. ect Steve McMahon Superintendent Stevens -Coolidge Place The Trustees 224 Adams St. Milton, Mass. of Reservations 02186 Conservation er and the workable ABUTTORS LIST HANSON PROPERTY Tlatley management P.O. Box 226 Braintree, MA 02184 Avis C. Comstock 39 Rosedale Avenue North Andover, MA 01845 Anita Fionte 82 Longwood Avenue North Andover, MA 01845 John B. & Elizabeth W. Harriman 231 Chestnut Street North Andover, MA 01845 Richard J. Picard George A. & Helen Camuso 45 Chestnut Court North Andover, MA 01845 Francis E. Jr. & Barbara T. Ryan 25 Chestnut Court North Andover, MA 01845 Alan D. & Dorothy E. Williams a55 Chestnut Street North Andover, YIA 01845 a (_-'O)1)11SS1ON MASSAcIlusr-rrs OIS45 LL i- APRILM April 2. 1979 Planning Board North Andover Town Hall North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 RE: Quail Run Dear Sirs and Madam: At the March 31, 1979 meeting of the North Andover Conservation Commission the Commission received and reviewed the drainage details and related calculations associated with the above referenced subdi- vision, with Mr. Frank Gelinas, the applicant's engineer. Based on' the submitted subdivision plans and proposed drainage changes the North Andover Conservation Commis sion wishes to make -the following recommendations: 1. An additional outfall and associated headwall be provided 'between Lots 8 (eight) and 9 (nine). The Commission feels this will aid in attenuating and dissipating any increase in runoff from the entire s*ite. According to Mr. Gelinas this proposal is in line with the Highway Surveyor's .-suggestions. 2. In order to address the problem of an increased rate and volume of runoff from the s * ite , particularly in the vicinity of Lots 5 (five) and.6 (six), a retention storage area be established on Lots 5 (five) and�_o_r__6 _(six)_.Th17s ould entail only a minor change in control details as suggested in the submitted plans the Commission reviewed with Mr. Gelinas. 3.- Since the drainage design was based on a one -in -twenty-five -(25) year rainfall event., then appropriate changes be in- vestigated to handle the increased volume and rate of run- off of the niore frequent event. Again it appears only minor chan ges need be incorporated in the submitted plans in order to achieve this objective. \V TO: Planning Board -2- FROM: Conservation Commission RE: Quail Run DATE: April 2, 1979 4. The drainage system associated with this subdivision not be directly connected to Town drainage along Chestnut Street. The Commission feels that such a connection may result in increases in runoff which are not necessary or warranted if the recommendations Outlined above are incorporated in the plans. If the Planning Board wishes to meet to discuss these recom- mendations, or has any questions, Please do not hesitate to contact the Conservation Commission. For the Conservation Commission, Vincent S. Turano, Ph -D.3 Chairman VST/dlp cc: Highway Surveyor Land Sail Inc.,.C/o Frank Gelinas I Planning Board North Andover Town Hall North Andover, Massachusetts RE: (Quail Run Dear Sirs and Madam 01845 Api At the March 31, 1979 meeting of the Llorth Andover Conservation Commission the Commission received and reviewed the drainage details and related calculations associated with the above referenced subdi- vision, with Mr. Frank Gelinas, the applicant's engineer. Based on the submitted subdivision plans and proposed drainage changes the North Andover Conservation Commisoion wishes to make the following recor=endations: 1. An additional outfall and associated headwall be provided between Lots 8 (eight) and 9 (nine). The Commission feels this will aid in attenuating and dissipating any increase in runoff from the entire site. According to Mr. Gelinas this proposal is in line with the Highway Surveyor's suggestions. - 2. In order to address the problem of an increased rate and volume of runoff from the site, particularly in the vicinity of Lots 5 (five) and 6 (six), a retention storag!�.area be established on Lots 5 (five) and/or 6__(­s:fx)_. This would entail only a minor change in control details as suggested in the submitted plans the Commission reviewed with Mr. Gelinas. 3. Since the drainage design was based on a one -in -twenty-five (25) year rainfall event, then appropriate changes be in- vestigated to handle the increased volume and rate of run- off of the more frequent event. Again it appears only minor changes need be incorporated in the submitted plans in order to achieve this objective. <P TO: Planning Board RE: Quail Run -2- FROM: Conservation Commission DATE: April 2, 1979 4. The drainage system associated with this subdivision not be directly connected to Town drainage along Chestnut Street. The Commission feels that such a connection may result in increases in runoff which are not necessary or warranted if the recommendations outlined above are incorporated in the plans. If the Planning Board wishes to meet to d:L-scuss these recom- mendations, or has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Conservation Commission. For the Conservation Commission, Vincent S. Turano, Ph.D., Chairman VST/dlp cc: Highway Surveyor Land Sail Inc., c/o Frank Gelinas January 9, 1979 Mr. John Tuttle, Exec. V.P. LANDSAIL, INC. 292 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. Dear Mr. Tuttle: In reference to our letter to you of December 22, 1978, I would like to apologize for the error made and correct the sentence to read as follows: "the Conservation Commission cannot make a determination as to the applicability of G.L.C. 131 s.40 and its effect on the statutory values within the watershed, without a definitive drainage plan." Again, sorry for the error in my previous letter. Sincere&y yours, George B. Stern Member GBS/meb December 22, 1978 Mr. John Tuttle, Exec. V.P. LANDSAIL, INC. 292 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. Dear Mr. Tuttle: In reference to your request for determination dated December 16, 1978, the Conservation Commission cannot make a determination as to the applicability of G.LLC. 131 s-40 and its effect on the statutory values within the watershed, without a definitive(determinatio� plan. As soon as this is submitted to us we will render a determination within 21 days. Sincer&ly yours, George B. Stern Member GBS/meb )�kC7, (T p P, �o !*,) fi, t, C CO w 2x — 00 a) — a CD CD 3. =1C MC An cc -3-0 w 0 cL a mc In m CA w !�L rL C-2 MCD 01) CD 0 0 =CD rn� = &0 - CD m CD ID 0 U) =r a, 0 (D CL 2. -Cc Z5 F, S 0) Co '�o CD CD 06:e CD r- O= CA m CD CD 60 CA , X (D P- t R L -0 - 0 - Er n- R 96 0 COD s o CD m E %< -C"� CA -.4 C=D m o. 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SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ......... .. A 5# F 1) 11�1� S P RE IVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50d R__ SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) ........... PS Form 3800 140 114SURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (See other side) Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL , GPO : 1974 0 - 551-454 STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER POSTAGE (first class or airmail), CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (see front) 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address .-os�e of the article, leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service 'YAldow or hand it to your rural carrier. (no extra charge) If you'do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of 4he address side of the article, date. detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. j. If you want a return receipt, write the certified -mail number and your name and -address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the back of the article by means of the gummed ends. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. 4. If you want the article delivered only to the addressee, endorse it on the front DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY. Place the same endorsement in line 2 of the return receipt card if that service is requested. 5. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. A i CONSERVATION COMMISSION NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 APRILITI 1855 44 December 22, 1978 11r. John Tuttle, Exec. V.P. LANDSAIL, INC. 292 Beacon Street Boston, Mass. T Mr. Tuttle: )ear In reference to your request for determination dated December 16, 1978, the Conservation Commission cannot make a determination as to the applicability of G.L * C. 131 s�40 and its effect on the statutory values within the watershed, without a definitive determination plan. As soon as this is submitted to us we will render a determination within 21 days. GBS/meb Sincerely yours, George B. Stern Member FORM I COHHONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS F. G.L.,C. 131 a. 40 REQuEsT To DETERMINE APPLICABILITY OF THE WEILAND PROTECTION ACT the undersigneds hereby request that the North Andover Conservation Comm. (name of Conservation Commission) make a determination as to whether or not * the Act is applicable to the area, or work to be performed . on said areat'a description of which is submitted herewith and made a part of this request. 2. The name (s) #and address (es) of the owner (a) of the area are: V Helen Louise Hanson 369 -South Lake Drive Palm Beach, Florida 3.- 1 hereby certify that all abutters (attached list) to the area described above which is subject to this written request, and the owner, if not the person making the request� have been notified that a determination is.being requested of..the-cousermation Commission -under the Act. 4. 1 have filed a copy of -this request w * ith the appropriate regional office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, (see map for regions and addresses). Northeast x Soiltheast Central Western 5. Is the area subj ect, to this request in, or within 100 feet of: a) coastal dune no coastal bank no coastal beach no salt marsh no land under the ocean a salt pond no anadromous/catadromous f ish- run,no do not know Sienature John Tuttle? Exec..V.P. LANDSAIL, INC., 292.Beacon.St.� Bostong Mass. Address x ..December 6, 1978 Date �4 �A C) 0 0 0 r+ (A rD CY) ON (A t -j o f'o (P L'i 1+ 0 td Cn L4 o n,\L �j 0 rt r+ hi (D -*1 V 13 0 SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, and i. Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. 1. The following service is requested (check one). Show to whom and date delivered ............ 150 Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 350 F1 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ------------- 63f F] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery 850 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. John Tuttle Landsail, Inc. 292 Beacon Street 3. AA&W�J� ' REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. 614761 (Alwats obtain signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above. SIGNATURE Addressee Authorized agent >4. DATE OF DELIVERY POSTMARK 5. ADDRESS (Complete only if requested) 6.. UNABLE Y0,DELIVER BECAUSE: CLERK'S INITIALS * GOP: 197&--0-203-456 I FRANK C. GELINAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NORTH ANDOVER OFFICE PARK 451 ANDOVER STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 01845 TELEPHONE 687-1463 December 6, 1978 North Andover Conservation Commission North Andover Town Hall Main Street North Andover, MA 01845 Dear Conservation Commission Members: Enclosed please find the original of a "Request to Determine Applicability to the Wetlands Protection Act" for a parcel of land located on Chestnut Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. Also enclosed is a list of abuttors to the said parcel. Please be advised that the necessary information has been furnished to the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Also all the abuttors have been notified of this request via certified mail. If I can assist you further in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours truly, Frank C. Gelinas Registered Professional Engineer /scp enclosures CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #917488 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING PROPERTY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING sch 195 C 47 30 44r C11 M z �7 4729 f— el Ma 0 v�, t 13 v_ 260 Wn Ing 0" 04 -V se Ld A r 7q ce, v 5)r'! A- 01 \j 1p 0 e-- if 0 4r '0- n r 86 N ewou 0 Fran�b SC C. Locus 290 N f Bm 2� 40 v —C,,q 0 35 .0 61 -Jill F. , . 4— �P ve C I V 48 6- Fo�\ 0./ ( V /* :2. Ll U At -7 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS South Groveland Quadrangle Massachusetts - Essex Co. Scale 1" 2000, 111-4- 0 C&II, CIM. -J 0,� -( SIP-% -S7 CL 'n r, ZG 112- sz ( "04-5 1 73 -e- k.0 L Al C�p J4- Y-> C=� LAI Z 7% WA -Pthta C - C.1 4-:5 ZI 4,. ?- i�) c Z.0 e.4 1. k- 4.Ar S-A -7A i0A -2 A ( -L q- -Y a-) t, 4 *)( , %V-) ( 4.?,) =- L c-� .-7 S( Ig-) ( 4� e.) 7-- C��5 C-7, .03 C) ,z,4t c Q= - -0, (. es) (4-- 8) = 6 - -7 S7C-:�-.S ZL 0. ( (.0 0-0-� ( 2- 3. 1�- c f --S , 4 - Ir z . 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