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WARRANT '. NWl ALI'H OF MAssACHUSETTS Essex .' ~' To e~ther o£ the Constables o[ the Town o[ Norm ,Andover: . ' ~E~I'INGS: In the nam.c, of the Com.~monwealth o£ Massachusetts are hereby directed to notdy and wa~n the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the ;¥cterans Memorial Auditorium o£ the High School in said:' North Andovcr on Saturday, the thirtieth day o£ 2.5 jUne, t05§ at one-thirty o'clock P.M., then and there to act on thc following .business: 2.6 1. To sec if the Town will vote to amend both the !9q3 zoning bylaw wot. ds and the 1943 zoning map as hitherto 2.7 :nded ~om time to tame, 'by substituting in their place all or so o£ thc May 1956 revised zoning map. arid all or so many of May":i956 revised zoning bylaw provlslons stated below as 2.8 Town may adopt or £urther amend and adopt, provided it any portion et the May 1956 revise& map _and. pr.ov!si~ not be adopted or. not tur.~.her amended and ado. ptea, nearly corresponding provlsxens of the 1943 .zoning words ~.9 zoning map as preOiously amended shall conunue in force supplement to and not in conflict with so much et the }5'6 revised provisions and map as may be adop?.d .or.furth. c~ 2.10 e~ ded. -and. adooted~ . by. the Town, and ~°r°mded mat tnet~ '~v t Meeting shall have liberty to a.dopt, am. end and. a. dopt, or. ,,ct any or all ot the May 1956. rewsed~ . zomng, h utPr°v~sl°nSlimitin andlthe? 2.11 map proposed below, ~nc~ud. xng wit. o . g ty 'St ~he'foregoing. the lot sxze requirements pro, p.o.sea,i :zoning~district boundaries proposed, the land use regmauonsl 2.12 '"' ~osed'/and the number, kind and, names et zoning d. istrictsl ~osed. NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BYLAW ;cotton:' 1: ' Section 2: · .Section 3: Section 4: CONTENTS Purposes Definitions Zoning Districts and Boundaries Building and Uses Permitted and Application of Regulations 4.01 In All Districts 4.02 Lot partly in North Andover, part elsewhere. 4.03 Lot partly in one zone, part in another. 4.04 Non-conforming Uses. 4.05 Non-conforming Uses. 4.06 Non-conforming Uses. 4.1All Residence Districts. 4.2Neighborhood Business Districts 4.3General Business Districts Section Section SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS 3.3I~URAL RESIDENCE D~SIRI(~TS. Every part of the Town For the purposes of this Bylaw, the .fol.low!ng words an.d te.rms ? of North Andover not otherwise hereinafter designated Court- try Residen.ce, Village Res!denc~, .Neig. hborhood fused herein shall have t.he meanings or hm~tatmns of meaning nereoy Business, 'defined, explained or assigned: .. . ....... General Bus~ness or Industrial D~strmt ~s hereby expressly 2.1 F ..AMILY. Any numb. er of lndiwdu~s hvm. g togemer, in onedeclared to be in Rural Residence District. !3.5 VILLAGE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS . state of rooms as a tangle housekeeping urn. t, and having one 3.4COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICTS. . 3.51 That built-up northwesterly portion of North Andover, principal cooking and food storage outfit ~n common i~ong 3.41 That part. of North Andover township surround!ng the mainly northerly of Greene Street and of Massachu- them in such suite. ,. . . 2.2ONE-FAMILY DvtrI~LLING. A dwelling built sln. gly_~and old colonml Nort.h. Andover Cen.ter and. extending be- setts Avenue and mainly westerly of Chickering Road, · apart from any. other building and inten.ded .arid designed .to yond to the partmular boundaries feinted below, .ex-I more particularly bounded and described below, except be occupied and used exclusively for remdentml purposes 0y cept such areas, within said Country Residence zomng'~ such are. as within said Village. Residence zoning distri.ct district boundaries as may subsequent, ly be d.uly de-i boundaries as may subsequently be declared to be one family. . . . . any other kind of zonin.g, district. 2.3 TWO.FAM,L¥. DWELLING. A. free standing bm!ding ~n- clared to be in any other kind of zomng distract. [ tended and designed to be occupmd and used excluswely for N6rtheasterly an.d easterly by the thread of Stevenst .N. ortherly by that. porhon .of the North Andover t.ownl. residential urposes by each of not more than two f..a~nil.ies. Mill Pond beginmng at Stevens street; . . ' hne between the intersection of the Shawsheen R~ver 2.4LO.T. An are. a of land m one ownership w~th defimte boun- Easterly and nort.heasterly by th.e location hne of. thei with the Boston & Maine Railroad location line at the! City of Lawrence boundary, and the intersection of. dames ascertmnable by recorded deed or plan and used or set former railroad r,ght of way (~n 1955, used as an! ..... er' the North Andover town line with the center line aside and available for use as the site of one or more buildingselectric power hne right o~ way) from ~ts crossing nv I the thread of water, inflow to Stevens Pond to a point Marblehead Street extended; · on said location hne 250 feet northwesterly from Easterly by a portion of Marblehead Street center line; 3.1 3.2 or for any other definite purpose. STREET. A public way, or a private way open to travel 'by~ the general public, or a way shown on a plan of a subdivision~ theretofore duly approved by the Planning Board. BUILDING. The word "building" shall include the "structure," unless the context unequivocally indicates other- wise. ERECTED. The word "erected" shall include the "built," "constructed," "reconstructed," "altered," "enlarged," and "moved." STORY. That portion of a building contained between any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not including lowest portion so contained if more than one-half of such tion vertically :is below the mean finished g~ade of the gTound adjoining such building. HALF STORY. A stor~ dirccily under a sloping roof in which the points of intersection o! the bottom of the rafters with the interior faces of the walls are less than three feet: above the floor level. FRONT yA~..D. An open space extending across the entire width of a lot between any building thereon and the street lot line of the'lot on ;vhich such building' stands. REAI~ YARD. An open ~vuce extending across the width of a lot between the rear of any building thereon and the rear lot line of the lot on which such building stands. SIDE YARD. An open space between the side line of a lot. and the adjacent side of any building thereon, such open space being understood to cover the entire extent between the front yard and the rear yard on such a lot. SECTION 3: AND The Town of North districts designated as follows: RURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICTS VILLAGE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS In the event of any discrepancy between the boundaries of the zoning districts as shown on the official map and as here- inafter described or defined, the descriptions hereinafter set forth shall govern, as amended. ZONING DISTRICTS BOUNDARIES And0ver is hereby divided into zoning Marbleridge Road center line; Generally easterly by a line parallel to and 250 feeti westerly from the center line of Marbleridge Road tween said former railroad location line and a point i on the center line of Johnson Street, 250 feet north-! westerly from the center hne of Marbleridge Road; Southerly by a straight line connecting the point afore- said on the center line of Johnson Street and a point on the' center line of Turnpike Street 250 feet north- westerly from the center line of Hillside Road; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 250 feet north- westerly from the center line of Hillside Road, between Turnpike Street and the Andover town line; Southwesterly by the Andover-North Andover town line between Hillside Road and Waverly Road; Northwesterly and westerly by the various courses of the North Andover town line, from the Andover- Lawrence-North Andover common boundary point on or close to Waverly Road, to a point on the North An- dover town line about 150 feet southerly from the center line of Greene Street; Northerly and northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly from the center line of Greene Street, between' the Lawrence-North Andover boundary and Linden Avenue; Easterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet westerly from the center line of Linden Avenue; Southerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from the center line of Woodstock Street and said line extended tangent easterly to Massachusetts Avenue; Northeasterly by that portion of the center line of Massachusetts Avenue between its intersection with a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from Woodstock Street center line extended, and Checkering Road; Southeasterly by Chickering Road center line between Massachusetts Avenue and Phillips Brooks Road; Northerly by the center line of Phillips Brooks Road between Massachusetts Avenue and Osgood Street; Westerly by the center line of 0sgood Street between Phillips Brooks Road and Bay State Road; Northerly by a tangent extension easterly of the cen- ter line of Bay State Road between Osgood Street and Court Street; Westerly by the center line of C~urt Street between said Bay State Road center line extended and the junc- tion of Pleasant Street. Court Street, Osgood Street and Park Street; Northerly by the center line of Pleasant Street between Northerly by Belmont Street center line between Marblehead Street and a point on Belmont Street center line about 200 feet easterly along said line from its intersection with the center line of Patriot Street; Westerly by a portion of a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between Bel- mont Street and May Street; Northerly by the center line of May Street; . Easterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet westerly from the center line of Main Street; Northwesterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet south- easterly from Sutton Street center line; Northwesterly by a portion of Main Street center line; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street be- tween Second Street and Merrimack Street and by a small portion of the center line of Merrimack Street and Elm Street and by a line parallel to and 225 feet southwesterly from the center line of Water Street between Merrimack Street and Elm Street and by a portion of the center line of Elm Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street and said line extended between Elm Street and Clarendon Street, and by a portion of the center line of Claren- don Street; Northeasterly by the center line of East Water Street between Clarendon Street and Chickering Road, by a portion of the center line of Chickering Road, by the center line and the center line extended of Wayne Street, so-called, between Chickering Road and Osgood Street; Southeasterly by a portion of the center line of Osgood~ Street between Wayne Street and a point on Osgoodl Street center line 350 feet from its intersection withI Phillips Court center line; Northeasterly by a line onrallel to and lc~5 feet north- 'easterly from that llne of Phillips Court that trends approximately S 35°, 26' E, and such line extended to Osgood Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet south- easterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends approximately S 44°, 33' W; Southerly by the center line of Pleasant Street be- tween a point on said center line 120 feet southeasterly from its intersection with the center line of Phillips Court to the intersection of center lines of Pleasant Street and Court Street; Southeasterly by the center line of Court Street between Pleasant Street and the center line of Bay . NOTE--The Plan.ning Board may reeom.mend that othe. r !businesses already in exmtence be zoned as bYe~ghborhood Bus~- ness ff and when proper descriptions by metes and bmmds of such properties now used ~s neighborhood businesses can be obt,.ined, providing they meet the requirements, for such neighborhood. . Greene Street and the intersection of the Shawsheen Ii businesses as are recommended m the proposed rewslon of the mw~ with th~_ Boston & Maine Railroad location line at]! Zoning Bylaw. If they do not meet these requirements such bust- the C~ty of La. wrence boundary. ]i nesses may be placed m General Business dmtrmts. A small area both redes of Saunders Street near Sutton Pond, 3.7 GENERAl.. BUSINESS D~.STRICTS.. bounded: 3.71 Porhons of both redes of Mare Street and of Water Northerly by the northerly sideline of that portion of i' Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Saunders Street that trends approximately E 7 , 30 Northerly by a port~on of the former Salem Railroad and said line extended easterly to the shore of Sutton. location line; . Pond; ~ Easterly by a hne parallel to and 165 feet easterly Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton i from Ma!n Street .cent? line between the former Pond; Salem Rmlroad location hne and Saunders Street; Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Saunders Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- Street eente~; line at its southerly terminus; westerly from the center line of that portion of Saun- Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet north- ders Street that trends in two courses about N 24°, 3.53 i3.6 !3.61 easterly from Main Street center line between the line: across Saunders Street..southerly terminus and the~ southeasterly side line of the Town of North Andover Bradstreet School lot; Northwesterly by a.short portion of said Bradstreeti School southeasterly lot line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet south- westerly from that portion of Saunders Street center line that trends in two courses aSout N 45°, ff W and N 24% 30' W, between the aforesaid Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and the aforesaid Saunders Street northerly sideline trending E 7°, 30' N; That small north central portion of North Andover bounded: Northerly and northwesterly by that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point 125 feet from Thorn- dike Street center line and a line parallel to and 125 feet easterly from Moody Street center line, extended to intersect Sutton Street; Southerly by Prescott Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet north- easterly from the former Salem Railroad right of way location line between a point near the junction of Prescott, High and Elm Streets and a point 'near the southeasterly end of Thorndike Street and thence by a l!ne parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from the i center line of Thorndike Street. NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS. Land within the districts described below is hereby declared to be Neighbor- hood Business Districts. At North Andover Center south of the Common both sides of Johnson Street bounded: Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 90 feet north- easterly from the northeasterly sideline of Johnson Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly side line of Andover Street and said side line extended tangent all the way across Johnson Street between its west and east side lines; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 75 feet south- westerly from the southwesterly side line of Johnson Street; Northwesterly by that portion of the southeasterly side line of Andover Street and said line extended tangent all the way across Johnson Street, between a point on said Andover Street line approximately 75 feet west- erly along it from its intersection with the southwest- erly side line of Johnson Street and a point on said Andover Street line about 90 feet northeasterly along it from its intersection with the northeasterly side line [72 3.73 30' W and about N 45° 0' W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Sehoo! southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet · easterly from Main Street center line, and some 700 feet or more in length between said Brad- street School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection of Second, Main and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Southeasterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of Merri- mack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street be- tween Merrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by the center line of Elm Street; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south- westerly from Water Street center line between Elm Street and Merrimack Street; Northwesterly by a short portion of Merrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street center line between Merrimack Street and Main Street and by a short portion of Main Street center line near Second Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet easterly from Second Street center lines; Southwesterly and westerly by a line parallel to and 224 feet southwesterly from Main Street center line , between Second Street and May Street; Northerly by a portion of May Street center line; Westerly by a portion of Main Street center line be- tween May Street and the former Salem Railroad location'. In the northerly sector of the intersection of Turnpike Street and Andover Street, a tract of land bounded: Northeasterly by a stone wall marking the property line of Town of North Andover; Southeasterly by Andover Street center line; Southwesterly by Turnpike Street center line; Northwesterly by Peters Street center line. West of Chickering Road near its intersection with Massa- chusetts Avenue, a tract of land bounded: Northerly by a stone wall trending approximately due east-west between the former location of Wood Lane and the intersection of Chickering Road and Massa- chusetts Avenue: Southeasterly by Chickering Road; Southerly by a line parallel to and 885 feet southerly Section 7: 4.4Industrial Districts. ';' the aforesaid junction and Stevens Street; State Road extended tangent easterly from Osgood of Johnson Street. ~ from the northerly bounding stone wall aforesaid; 4.5Motels . . ' :' Northwesterly by the cente.r lin. e of th.a.t sho.rt portion~. Street to Court Street; . [3.62 Land in North Andover with the buildings thereon bounded {3.74 The Planning Board recommends that the following 4.6Outdoo. r L~ght~ng of Stevens Street between ~ts ~nterseet~on w~th Pleas-1 Southerly by the center hne of Bay State Road ex- ~ - and described as follows: ~ .already in existen, ee be zoned as General Bus. ines]. In 5: Earth Matermls Re.m. oval. . ant Street and its crossing over the outflow thread of~ tended easterly between Court .Street a~d Osgood Beginning, at a p.oint on the southwesterly side of t,on, the Board w. ll recommend that other businesses, likewise 6: Lot Areas & Lot Widths Reqmred and Stevens Mill Pond, to the point, of b.e~i, nning. Street; . - Middlesex Street, m the northeaste.rly corner of the in existence, be so zoned ff and when proper descriptions by ' . , .~ · Easterly by the center hne of Osgood Street between premise.q in question; thence runmng southwesterly Specific Exceptions ,.42 'rnat part of North Andover townsh_~ adjmmng the westerly metes and bounds of such properties now used for general bust- side of Osgood Street and Stevens Street extending from Sut- Bay State Road and Phillips Brook$ Road; 180 feet to a point at the intersection of Waverly Road ness can be obtained. Rural Residence Country Residence Village Residence Neighborhood Business General Business Industrial Motels Yard Spaces Required Rural Residence Country Residence Village Residence Neighborhood Business General Business Industrial Motels SectiOn ~:: Building Heights Permitted Section Board of Appeals, Powers & Duties Sectiofi 10: Zoning Amendments Section 11: Enforcement Section 12: Conflict of Laws, Validity and Severability. l' NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BYLAW ~ i' May,. 1956 ., SECTION 1..PURPOSES !i~.i~.' i F°r the purposes set .forth in 1Vlassachusetts Gen. eral .L..a. ws .'.' . 4GA and all act~ :n amendment thereof and in addition 31 ~naprer ...... ".il:thereto and under the authority thereof and of General Laws Chap- ?l!ter 143 and any other enabling laws, the inspection, materials, eon- "-' ~+-,,,,-tion alteration and repair, height, area, .loeati. on .an~,d_us,,e_..o_.f '}ii ~)mldmgs and structures and the use of land t.hrougno, u~ me · ;' ~f Nor.th Andover are he. reby .regu. lated as he.mn provld.ed, and the iltown ,s hereby, divided mtn dmtrmts as her.mnafter designated, .de- l .fined and described, and shown on an offimal, copy of the zoning map, dated. June, 1956, as amended,, on file unth the Town Clerk, ~, which map is. hereby made a part of this Bylaw. ton Street towards Stevens Mill, as more particularly bounded and described below, except such portions of the area within said Country Residence zoning district boundaries as may subsequently be duly declared to be in any other kind of zoning district. Northwesterly by Sutton Street center line; Northeasterly by Osgood Street center line bet~veen Sutton Street and Stevens Street, and by Stevens Street center line between Osgood Street and the loca- tion line of the former Salem Railroad right of way at Stevens Street; Southwesterly by the location line of the former Salem Railroad right or way between Stevens Street and Chickering Road; Northwesterly by a portion of Chickering Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet north- easterly from the location Ene of the fo:mcr Salem Railroad right of way between Chickering Road and Prescott Street; Northerly by Prescott Street center line; Westerly by line parallel to and 125 feet easterly from Moody Street center line and said line extended across Chadwick Street from Prescott Street to Sutton Street. Southerly by the center line of Phillips Brooks Road between Osgood Street and Chickering Road; Southeasterly by a portion of Chickering Road center line; Southwesterly by that portion of the center line of Massachusetts Avenue between Chickering Road and a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from Woodstock Street center line, extended; Southerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from the center line of Woodstock Street; Westerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet westerly from Linden Avenue center line. Southerly by a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly from Greene Street center line; Southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly by that winding portion of the North Andover town line be- tween a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly from {3.63 and Harold Street; thence turning and running south- westerly 80 feet to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 200 feet to a po'mt in the south side of Middlesex Street; thence turning and runn!ng .north-il easterly 66.5 feet to a poirt; thence running in E.a. sterly direction along the .s°uth. westerly, sid. e of!f M~ddlesex Street 94.95 feet to the point of beglnmng. A parcel of 'land in North Andover, togethe~: witl, i. he build-i ings thereon, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly side of Middlesex Street at the intersection of Middlesex Street ar:~d Waverly Road in the southwesterly corner of the premises in question; thence running northeasterly 120 feet along Waverly Road to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 193 feet to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly 90 feet to a point in the northwesterly side of Middlesex Street; thence~ turning and running northeasterly along the north-' westerly side of Middlesex Street 136 feet to the point of beginning. (1) (2) -The land in North Andover with the buildings thereon presently known as Thompson's Restaurant, and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound on the Salem Turnpike, so. called, and then running northerly 35°- 44'-55" west two hundred and eighty feet to a point, thence; in an East- erly direction two hundred and ninety-five and 53/100 feet by land now or formerly of Ethel M. Freeman to Andover Street, so-called, thence; Northerly 20-27'-05' east one hundred and eighty-seven and 50/100 feet to a stone bound on Andover Street, thence; in an seventy-four and 99/100 feet to the bound first tioned, being the point of beginning, containing 35,567.4 square feet. The land in North Andover, with the buildings thereon, presently known as Charles Steak House,. located on the westerly side of OsgOod Street, boufiiled and (3) (4) ~5) ~6) ~7) (8) A' parcel of land, with the buildings thereon~ presently'~ used for a gasoline filling station situated in North:~ Andover bounded and described as follows: South-i westerly by Massachusetts- Avenue 73 feet; northwest-! erly by land now or formerly of Cahill 124.56 feet; northeasterly by land now or formerly of Molloy 110.37' feet; and southeasterly by Perry Street 66.50 feet. And also a parcel of land with the buildings thereon, presently known as the Town Line Restaurant, situatecl on the northeasterly side of Massachusetts Avenue in North Andover and bounded and described as follows: Beginning on Massachusetts Avenue at land now or formerly of T. E. Foye; thence running northwesterly by the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue 14) . .I(19)A certain parcel of land in North .Andover; together A parcel of land in North Andover, together with the[~ with the buildings, thereo..n presently utihzed as a buildings thereon, presently known as Campbell's:.' market, bounded and. described as follows: Northerly Market, bounded and described as follows: Beginning 50 feet by Union Street; thence easterly 105 feet by at a point on the westerly side of Waverly Road 14 land now or formerly of one McNiff; thence southerly feet northerly from the northerly line of Union Street; ;' 75 feet by lot numbered 4, as shown on said plan; and thence running northeasterly by said Waverly Road, westerly 120 feet by Lot 2, as shown on said plan. described as follows: Northerly 200 feet by the south- about 273 feet to the southeasterly pier of the bridge erly side of Sutton Street; easterly by the westerly side~ on Massachusetts Avenue over the Shawsheen River; 86 feet to land once of Michael J. Dooley; thence turning li~ A certain oarcel of land in North Andover, together thence turning and running northeasterly, easterly and at a right angle and running northwesterly by said land i!'--' with the b~lldings thereon, presently known as Lund's by once of Michael J. Dooley 63.7 feet to a point by land Garden Center, bounded and described .as.. follows: of said Osgoood Street 330 feet; southerly 200 feet southeasterly by said River about 420 feet to land now · now or once of Thomas and John Dooley; thence turn- I Starting at the Boston & Maine Railroad right of way other land of the said Effie C. Kostandin; and westerly or fo. rmerly of said T. E. F.oye; thence turning and lng and running by said land now or once of Thom. as t oa Chickerlng Road and running 300 feet m a north- 330 feet by land now of the City of Lawrence.running southwesterly by said Foye .land abo.ut .225 - ' ' Land in North Ando.v. er with the buildings thereon, feet to. .Massachusetts Avenue at the point of beginning,and John Dooley 107 feet to Waverly Road to the point ,~ easterly direction to the land of Alice B. Colgate; thence of beginning. [ n.orthwesterly along the land of Alice .B. Colgate a presently known as Little Red School House bounded Containing about 44400 square feet. /(15) First Parcel A certain parcel of land in North An- i distance of 250 feet; thence southerly a distance of 400 and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound And also a parcel of land with the buildings thereon, in the westerly line of Osgood Street, which stone situated in North Andover on the northeasterly, side dover, together with the buildings thereon, presently ! feet to the Boston & Maine Railroad right of way; bound is at land now or formerly of Hayes; thence of Massachusetts Avenue and bounded as follows. Be- known as the K. M. Crawford Company, bounded and ! t.hence 236 feet alon.g the Bo. sto.n & Maine Railroad running westerly by land now or formerly of Ha.yes ginning on said road at the southeasterly corner of said described as follows: North 50 feet by the southerly i right of .way to the point of.beg~nmng. 210 feet to a stone bound; t~ence turning and running lot and land of John Carey; thence, northeasterly by line of Middlesex Street; thence east 100 feet by lot i(21) A certain parcel of land m North Andover, together northwesterly by land of said Hayes, 125 feet more or said Carey's land 150 feet to a point; thence north- No. 42 on said plan; thence south 50 feet by lot No. ~iutthO ~heervibcUeil~ionugnSdet~ea~e~sPcrr~talsy fokl~o°wW~.. ~3~uBn~le'~ less, to an iron pipe; thence turning and running westerly by land formerly of J. L. Webster by a straight 64 on said plan; thence west 100 feet by lot No. 40 on easterly by Chickering Road, 250 feet; southerly by southerly by land now or formerly of Steinberg, 141 feet to a stone bound; thence turning and running south- easterly by land now or formerly of Steinberg 156 and '5/10 feet to a stone bound; thence turning and running southwesterly by land now or formerly of Steinberg -66 feet to a stone bound; thence turning and running southeasterly by ]and now or formerly of Steinberg. 206 feet to a stone bound at Osgood Street; thence turning' and running northerly by the westerly line of 0sgooct Street about 285 feet to a stone bound at point of be- ginning, containing about 59,000 square feet. The parcel of land presently known as the Blue Fox, in North Andover, on the more or less northerly side of Great Pond Road, being shown on Plan of Land owned! by Stefanowicz, North Andover, IvIass., Charles E. Cyr,. C. E., April 1947, which parcel is bounded and described~ as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the northwesterly inter- section of Osgood Street and Pond Street, and thence running northeasterly along said Osgood Street 404 and 11/100 feet to a stone bound in the more or less southerly side of Osgood Street; thence turning and running more or less southeasterly by lots numbered 61, and 60, as shown on said plan 203 and 36/100 feet to the westerly side of a proposed street as shown on said plan; thence turning and running southwesterly along said westerly side of said proposed street 330 and 17/1.00 feet to Great Pond Road; thence turning and running along the more or less n:' rtherly side of Great Pond Road 347 and 60/100 fee~. ~,.:: a stone bound in said northerly side of Pond Street; ~hence .turnin~ and running northwesterly 44 and 82/100 feet to the stone bound, the point of beginning; containing 2.2 acres, more or less. The land in North Andover with the ~uildings thereon presently known as Faro's Diner located on the south side of Osgood Street, beunded and described as fol- lows: Southeasterly by Barker Str~:et 590 and 15/100 feet; southwesterly in two cours~,s by Osgood Street 221.85 feet and 145 feet; northerly by land of Barker along the bed of an old wall %2 feet; and northeasterl.v again by land of Barker ~.99 feet, all of said measure- ments being as shown on plan of land owned by Stefano- wicz, North Andover, Mass., August 1947, Charles E. Cyr, C. E. Land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, located on the southeasterly side of Chicker- lng Road presently known as the Hi-Spot, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the. northwesterly corner of the premises in question on the southeasterly side of Chickering Road; thence running Southeasterly 150 feet to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 155 feet to a point; than turning and running northwesterly 155 feet to a point on the southeasterly side of Chickering Road; thence turning and running northeasterly along the southeasterly side of Chickering Road 155 feet to the point of beginning. The land in North Andover, with the buildings thereon, presently known as Woody's, bounded and described as follows: Northerly 226 feet, more or less, by land now or ]ate of Coolidge, southeasterly, 280 feet, more or ]ess, by Chickering Street, southerly 30 feet, more or less, by land now or formerly of Schruender; and westerly, 178 feet, by land now or late of one Melamed. (9) (10) (11) i,(12) (13) line to and through a maple tree standing near the edge of the Shawsheen River to said river; thence up said river bounding by said river to a line drawn from a point in the northeasterly line of said road to said river, which line is parallel with an 150 feet distant north- westerly from the northwesterly line of said Carey's land and bound first mentioned; thence southwesterly by said parallel line on other land formerly of $.L. Webster to said road; thence southeasterly by Said road 150 feet to the point of beginning. The above three parcels are all included in one tract. Land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, presently known as Bulger's AnLmal Hospital, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of Chickering Road in the .northwest corner of the premises in question; thence running southeasterly 125 feet to a point; thence turn- ing and running southwesterly, 200 feet to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 125 feet to a point on the southeasterly side of Chickering Road; thence turning and running northeasterly 200 feet along the southeasterly side of Chickering Road to the point of beginning. A parcel of land in North Andover with buildings there- on, presently including Hollins Service Station and the Middlesex Market located on Middlesex Street, Massa- chusetts Avenue and Perry Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the junc- tion of Perry Street and Massachusetts Avenue and running southwesterly on Massachusetts Avenue 200 feet, more or less, to the junction of Middlesex Street, thence southeasterly 83 feet; thence northeasterly 95 feet to a point; thence northwesterly 75 feet more or less, to a point; thence northeasterly 65 feet to Perry Street; thence northwesterly 145 feet to the point of beginning. A parcel of land in North Andover wi~.h buildings there- on, now or formerly the property of C. D. Glennie, bounded and described as follows: Starting at Shawsheen River along Beechwood Stree~ 150 feet northeasterly to Beechwood Street; thence easterly 300 feet to a point; thence northeasterly 335 feet to a point east by northeast 115 to a point, thence southwesterly 85 feet to a point; thence easterly 115 feet to a point, thence southwesterly 640 feet to a point; thence to the Shawsheen River following the Town Line of North Andover 790 feet more or less to the starting point at Beechwood and Shawsheen River. A parcel of land in North Andover with buildings thereon, presently the Glennie's Milk Plant, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of Massachusetts Avenue in the southeasterly corner of the premises in question thence running northwesterly 290 feet along Massachusett~ Avenue to a point; thence turning and running north- easterly 200 feet to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly 268.8 feet to a point on the westerly side of Marblehead Street; thence turning and running southerly 28.8 feet to a point on the northwesterly side of Williams Street; thence turning and running south- westerly 180.5 feet to the point of beginning. A parcel of ]and in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, presently known as McAloon's Pack- age Store, bounded and described as follows: A cer- tain parcel of land at the junction of Pleasant Street and Franklin Street, beginning at an intersection at the southerly line of Pleasant Street with northerly line of Franklin Street; thence running southwesterly 77.95 feet by the northerly line of Franklin Street to beginning curve of said street line; thence southwesterly still by said northerly line of Franklin Street ~y a curve ' of 72.22 feet radius to end of said curve; thence W~sterly 'still by northerly line of Franklin Street 59 feet more or less to easterly line of Chickering Road; thence northerly by easterly line of Chickering Road about 52 feet to remaining part of Lot 59; thence northeasterly by said Lot 59, 39 feet more or less t0 southerly line of Pleasant Street; thence by said southerly line of Pleas- ant Street Westerly 120 feet to point of beginning. 16) i(17) ~(18) said plan. Second Parcel A certain parcel of land in North An- , dover together with the buildings thereon, owned by f Kenneth M. Crawford and Esther R. Crawford bounded (22) and described as follows: Beginning at a point in an~ t easterly line of Marblehead Street 100 feet northerly. from the intersection of the easterly line of Marblehead Street with the northerly line of Union Street at land now owned now or once by Lillian M. Schmottlach and Alfred G. Schmottlach and thence running northerly 190 feet more or less, along said easterly line of Marblehead Street; thence running easterly 287 feet by lot "A" on (23) plan of land designated "Division of land belong to heirs of Peter Reeves," R. H. Ellis, Engineer, April 7, 1923, recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds, Plan number 502; thence running southerly 100 feet by Baldwin Street on pla~ of land of Davis and Furber Machine Company made in 1897; thence running west- erly 97 feet by lot numbered 5 on said plan of Davis and Furber Machine Company; thence running south- erly 90 feet more or less by lot No. 10 on plan of Green~ Farm recorded with Essex South Registry of Deeds, book 708, last leaf; thence running Westerly 188 feet more or less to the point of beginning; being 'a certain portion of the premises conveyed to the said Arthur A. Park Street, 150 feet; westerly by lots #13-43 and ~{'; thence northerly by Franklin Street, 225 feet. A certain parcel of land in North' Andover, together with the buildings thereon, presently known as Lake- side filling station, bounded and described as follows: Bounded northerly 180 feet by Osgood Street; north- easterly 70 feet by Great Pond Road; easterly 125 feet by other land of m~ne; southerly 185 feet by other land of mine; and westerly, 125 feet by other land of lows: Starting at the northwest corner of the premises in question at a corner of the wall at the junction of Berry Street and Turnpike Street; thence running east- mine. A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, bounded and described as fonows: First Parceh Being the land situated in North Reeves and Mildred B. Reeves by dee~ of Andrew Reeves dated September 16, 1939. t now of Carbonero. A certa;.n parcel of land in North Andover, togethert(24) A. certain p~r.c, el of land in North Andover, together w~th the bmldings thereon, presently known as Man- with the buildings thereon, presently known as Farn- gano's, being bounded and described as follows: Be- ham's Nursery, being bounded and described as fol- ginning at the easterly line of Chickering Road at a point about 225 feet north from the northeasterly line' Andover, and bounded northerly 30 fcct by land now of .Gau.mond southeasterly 40 feet more or less by Chickenng Road; and westerly 40 feet more or less, by land now of Melamed, being triangular in shape. Second Parcel: Being the land' with buidings thereon situated in North Andover, and bounded northwesterly, 325 feet more or less by Chickering Road; easterly, 219.25 feet more or less by Dufton. Court; southerly 45.6 feet, more or less, by land of Srmth; southeasterly, 209 feet, more or less, by land now of Smith and Mc- Murray; southerly, 39 feet, more or less, by land of Nelb; and westerly 135.4 feet, more or less, by land of Pleasant Street; thence running northerly along.said easterly line of Chickering Road 305.62 feet to a stake; thence turning and running northeasterly by land N/F of V?lage Land .Company 35 feet to a pipe; thence turning and running southeasterly 263.9 feet to a s~ake; thence turning and running southwesterly by land. of Subatch 275 feet to a stake; thence turning and runmng erly 445 feet as the wall stands to a stone bound by said Berry Street; thence turning and running south- erly 160 feet to a stone bound on Turnpike Street. The land and premises southeast of this bound being owned by Mr. Farnham and his wife; ~hence turning and running northwesterly by the wall on said Turnpike Street 432 feet to a cross wan at the junction of Berry Street and said Turnpike Street; thence northerly 16 feet more or less together with any rights or title we may have in the triangle north of the described premises at Berry Street and Turnpike Street. A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, presently known as Saul's gasoline filling station, bounded and described as fol- lows: Said piece of land bounded on the northeast by State Highway Route 114 for a distance of 364.38 feet opposite State Highway Stations #178-179-180-181 and bounded on the northwest by Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts 29.48 feet on the southwest 363.46 feet; and by land owned by Edward W. Saul on the southeast 85.67 feet said bounds having been surveyed by Mr. Brasseur and marked by iron pipe. A. certain p~r.c, el of land in North Andover, together w~th the bmldings thereon, presently known as Louis H. McAloon's, Building Contracting, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the north- erly line of Third Street in said North Andover, bl land now or formerly of Stevens; thence running west- erly by said northerly line of Third Street 80.0 feet more I(25) or less to a point which is 60.0 feet easterly of the t(26) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, togetheri ea.sterly line. of Lot 16 on a plan of Moody Bridges, t with the buildings thereon, presently known as the~ said plan being recorded at Salem, Book 589; thenceI D&F Concrete Products bounded and described as tol- l lows: Beginning at an iron pin on'the northerly side of northwesterly by land of Messina 76.18 feet to point of beginning, containing 50,000 square feet, more or less. A certain parcel of land in North Andover, presently known as Verda's Garage together with the buildings thereon, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an oak stake set in the westerly line of Salem Street, 240 feet more or less north from the intersection of the westerly line of said Salem Street with the northerly line of Abbott Street; thence running westerly 228.40 feet by land now or formerly of Victor Verda et al, to a. stake set in the ground; thence turning and runmng southerly by land heretofore conveyed by us to Leopold Michalski 136 feet more or less to a stake set in the northerly line of said Abbott Street; thence turning and running easterly by said Abbott Street, 227.30 feet to another stake set in the ground on the said northerly line of Abbott Street; thence turning · . and[ running with the curved contour of the mtersechon o~.~ said Abbott Street and said Salem Street to the left| and in about a northerly direction 50 feet more or less. to another stake set in the said westerly line of said Salem Street; thence running northerly by said Salem i Street 184.40 feet to the point of beginning. turning and running northerly in a line parailel with said easterly line of Lot 16, and 60.0 feet distant there- from to a point in the southerly line of Lot 14; said point being 60.0 feet easterly from the intersection of the easterly line of Lot 16 with the southerly line of Lot 14 on said plan; thence running easterly by said L.~t !4 154.0 feet more or less to land of Ken~ston; thence southeasterly about 132.5 feet; thence north- easterly 4.0 feet both by Keniston and Stevens land; thence southeasterly by Keniston land 206.0 ·feet to the point of beginning, or however otherv~se said boundary lines run. Hillside Road at land of Frank P. and Katherine Hen- nessy and running in a northwesterly direction along a wire fence and. a stone wall 187.62 feet to an iron pin; thence turmng and running in a southeasterly 6 (28) (29) i(30) (31) direction by other land 'bf the grantors being pa.l, cels! #2 and ~3 as shown on said plan. 135..85 feet to an' iron pin; thence turning and running in a sot~tllerly direction by a hedge and also by lot #3 aa shoWl~ on said plan 61.93 feet to an iron pin on the nol, therlY side of I-t. illside. Road, which pir¥is 30.95 feet westerly ~rom an ~ron pin on the westerly side of the AndoveU ~y- Pass; thence turning and running southweaterly_qlong the northerly side of the said Hillside Roaq 95.9~ feet to the point of beginning. Parcel I. A certain parcel of land in North &Pqover with the buildings thereon, presently kn. own ~a the North Andover Paint & Hardware and I)es~'.Oaier's Variety bounded and described as follows: t~.egirgPhg, at a point 160 feet southeasterly from the huter~%tlon of Massachusetts Avenu. e and Commonwealth j~Venue on the sout. hwesterly mdc of Massachusetts Aq.~nue; thence running southeasterly 310 feet to a Paint; thence turning and running southwesterly 100 feet to a Point; thence turning and running northwesterly 310 feet; thence turning and running northeasterly ~00 £eqt to point of beginning. Parcel II. A certain parcel of land in North A~qover with the buildings .thereon, presently known ~s the North Andover Paint & Hardware and Desx-o~ier's Variety bounded and described as follows: The Parcel of land in question is located .on .the southwesterly side l of Massachusetts Avenue begmmng at a Point ~t the l southwesterly co. rner of land now or formerly of one] Longbottom; said poi.n.t being 100 feet sotlthweSterlyI for the southwesterly line of Massachusetts .4.venO~ and: 160 feet from the southeasterly line of Conlmon~qalth Avenue; thence southeasterly 249 feet more or lea. s by. land now or formerly of Longbottom, Desrosiers, ~-Ien-i nessy, Calabrese, Kamal and Hennessy, said line being! 100 feet from and parallel to the southwesterly lihe of Massachusetts Avenue, to a point 113 feet froff~ the westerly side of Beechwood Street; thence soutDVqest-'~ erly with an interior angle of 90 degrees 30~ feet l'aorel or less to the Shaws. heen River; thence no~hweSterlyl by the Shawsheen R~ver 280 feet more or lqss to~ land now or formerly of Turner; thence n.o.~hqaste~'lY by land now or formerly of Turner, Wflharqs, ToV/ne, Fogerty and McDonough 250 feet more or less (o the point of beginning containing 74,000 square feet ~ore or less. A certain parcel of land in North Andove~. with the buildings thereon, presently known as Welch's Flhmb- in.g .and Heating, bounded and described as followg: 13e- gmmng at a point on the southwesterly siqe of ~ain Street in the southeasterly corner of the brerai~% in question; thence running southwesterly along May Street 160 feet to a point; thence turning ahd roP-hing northwesterly 50 feet to a point; running northeasterly 60 feet (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) A certain parcel of land in North Ando.ver with the buildings thereon, now or formerly of Driver bounded: and described as follows: Beginning .at a point at,the southwesterly intersection of Park Street and Chick-' ?.ring Road; thence run.ning in a southwesterly direr, tlon 230 feet along Chickering Road; thence turning and running southeasterly 84.7 feet to a~point; thene~ turning and runnin, g northeasterly 270;feet to Park Street; thence turning and running westerly 87.2 feet to the point of beginning. A .c?.rtain parcel of land in North Andover with the buildings thereon, presently known as Young's Club and the.Dairy Queen bounded and described as follows: 13eg~nning at a point .at the westerly intersection of Park Street and Chmkering Road; thence running southwesterly 180 feet along Chickering Road to a point in Main Street; thence turning and running north- westerly 250 feet to the intersection of Park and Main Streets; thence turning and running easterly 220 feet along Park Street to the point of beginning. A certain parcel of land located on High Street, North~, Andover ntaubered Lot 44 on Assessors Plot "52, and! with the buildings thereon, presently known as Mann's! Variety .bounded and described as follows: Beginningi at a point on the southwesterly side of High Street: in the northeasterly corner of the premises in ques- tion; thence running southeasterly 100 feet to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 70.7 feet to a' point; thence turning and running northwesterly 100i feet to a.polnt; thence turning and running northeast-i erly 69.59 feet to the point of beginning. .i A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the buildings located thereon, presently known as Hilton's Variety, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe on the northerly side of Middlesex Street in the southeasterly corner of the premises in question; thence running northerly 100 feet to an iron pipe; thence turning and running westerly 50 feet to an iron pipe; thence turning and running southerly 100 feet to an iron pipe in the northerly side of Mid011esex Street; thence turning and running easterly 50 feet along the northerly side of Middlesex Street to an iron pipe, the Point of beginning. A ceytain parcel of land in North Andover with the buildings thereon, presently known as the Den Rock I)riv,::-In Theater, bounded and described as follows:. Begiicning at a point on the northeasterly side of Win- throp avenue 990 feet northwesterly from the inter- section of Turnpike Street and Waveriy Road; thence running along Winthrop Avenue 815 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly 700 feet to 3.8INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. i I3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover townshii3'83 At Greene Street and the Shawsheen River, being acer. tain parcel of land together with the buildings · north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick watershed divid~ presently known as Wipex Incorporated, bounded line, more particularly bounded as follows: described at follows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boundi dry between the Merrimack River and a point southerl~ southwest side of Greene Street, North Andover in the of OsgoodStreet; Northeast corner of .the granted premises; thence ~ running in a westerly direction in an arc 90.16 feet to Easterly and southeasterly by a line parallel to and a point; thence runningsouthweSterly along said Greene distant 500 feet easterly from the center line of Osgood Street 280.83 feet to a town bound; thence turning and Street between the Haverhill-North Andover bounda~ running in an irregular southwesterly direction follow. and Barker Street; ~ .. lng along the Shawsheen River to an iron pipe; thenc~ , Southeasterly by that portion of the center line of: turning and running southeasterly along land now or "' ' Osgood Street between Barker Street and Sutton: formerly of Ivar L. Sjostrom, Jr., 276-18 feet to an iron Street; ~ pipe; thence turning and running northeasterly 135.42 Southeasterly and southerly by the center line of that! feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing to run in a north. portion of Sutton Street between Osgood Street and easterly direction 134.88 feet to an iron pipe; thence ~ '. Main Street; continuing to run in a northeasterly direction 208.65~ Easterly by the center line of Main Street between feet to an 'iron pipe on the southwesterly side of Greene! Sutton Street and May Street; Street the point of beginning. Southerly by the center line of May Street; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly3'84 On the northeasterly side of Turnpike Street, northwest of from the center line of Patriot Street, between May Hillside Road, a tract of land bounded as follows:': Street and Belmont Street; Beginning at. a point in the easterly line of the Sal.e. ro Southerly by the center line of Belmont Street; Turnpike, said point being 138 feet northerly from Hill- Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street cen- side Road; thence northerly by the easterly line of ter line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence- Salem Turnpike 719 feet to a point; thence northeast- North Andover town line. erly by a stone wall, 34.05 feet to a point; thence east- Northwesterly and northerly by the North Andover erly, by the stone wall, 680.42 feet to a point; thence town line between the foot of Marblehead Street and~ southwesterly, 565 feet to a point; thence southeasterly the Haverhill-North Andover boundary; 200 feet to a point in the northerly line of Hillside Road; Southwesterly and westerly by the former location of. thence southwesterly, by the northerly line of Hillside Wood Lane. Road, 100 feet to a point which is 110.7 feet from the. Salem Turnpike; thence northwesterly 91.3 feet. to ' !3182 A finger of land embracing the Sutton, Osgood, Davis & point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to the point o~! Furber and Stevens Mills, being bounded: beginning. Northerly by Sutton Street center line; ' Northeasterly by a line para!lei to and 125 feet south-,j .w. esterly from the .c. enter 1,ne of Thorndike Street:! SECTION 4: BUILDINGS AND USES PERMITTED, mence by a connecting line parallel to and 200 fee~I AND APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS northeasterly from that portion of the former Salem 4.01 In the zoning districts above specified and described, the fol- Railroad right of way location line between a point lowing designated buildings and alterations and extensions near the southeasterly end of Thorndike Street and Chickering Road; thereof and buildings 'accessory thereto and the following des- Southeasterly by a short portion of Chickering Roa( ignated uses of land, buildings, or parts thereof and use ac- center line; cessory thereto are permitted. All other buildings and uses Northeasterly by the former Salem Railroad location are hereby expressly prohibited, except those already lawf,.flly existing which by the operation of this provision would hereby line between Chickering. Road and Stevens Street; become lawfully non-conforming. Easterly by Stevens Street center line between the railroad location and Pleasant Street; 4.02 When a lot in one ownership is situated in part in the Town Southwesterly by Pleasant Street center line to a point of North Andover and in part in an adjacent town or city, i thereon 120 feet southeasterly from its intersection the provisions, regulations and restrictions of this Bylaw shall ~ with Phillips Court center line; be applied to that portion of such lot as lies in the Town of ! Northwesterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet south- North Andover in the same manner as if the entire lot were i easterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends situated therein. a point; then. ce turning and running southeasterly 660 ~, approximately S 44°, 33' W; 4.03When a zoning district boundary divides a lot in one owner- feet to a point; thence turning and running easterly ~ Southwesterly by a line parallel to ,and 135 feet north- ship, all the zoning regulations' set forth in this zoning bylaw 261 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and easterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends applying to the greater part by area of such lot so divided re. ay the?ce tqrning and runnin, g southwesterly 596 feet more or less to the point approximately S 35°, 26' E and such line extended also be deemed to apply and govern at and beyond such to a point; thence thrn- of begqnning, northwesterly to Osgood Street; district boundary but only to an extent not more than lng and running northwesterly 100 feet tua P~int; (37) .A .c.e. rtain parcel of land in North Andover, with the .N. ort.hea:s, te.rly by a p. ortion of Osgood Street center .(30) linear feet in depth (at a right ang.!e.to such boundary) thence turning and running in a northeasterly dire' etlon OUlldings thereon,, presently known as. Fo. uld s Bake. fy nne. oe.gmnmg .a.t a p.o~nt th.?.eon 350 feet northeasterly into the lesser part by area of such lot so divided. 100 feet alo. ng.the Boston & Maine. RailrOad right ofi bou.nded a.nd .described as follows: Beg~n[n. ng at a point of ~ts .mterseehon with Phillips Court center line and 4.04 Any lawfo_!ly non-co.nforming buil.dj'.n.g or structure and any ,w. ay to a. poi? in the south, westerly side of Main Street;{ at the westerly corner of Beverly and Umon Streets and extending thenc.e easterly to the center line of Wayne 1.awfully. non-conforming use of building or land may be con- mence mrmng and running southeasterly along thel running westerly 155 feet more or less bv the northo~]v Street, so called, . southwesterly side of Main Street 160 feet ti~ the-Paint! line of Union Street to a point: then ru.n'ning n.orthe'rl"~r Southwesterly by the center llne of .Wayne Streetf ! hnued in' the same k~nd and manner and to the same extent ~ as. a.t. the time it became lawfu.H.y non-conforming, but such of beginning, i 90 feet more or less to a point, thence turning and so-called, between Osgood Str .~.t and Chl.ckering Road, bmldlng or use shall not 'at any tim? be ?hanged, e.Xten.d, ed .or ~A .ce.train parcel of land in North Andovel, witl~ the; r.u.nning~ e_aster.ly 1~5.5 feet to a point.on the westerly Southea.sterly by a short portion of Chickering Road enlarged except for a purpose permitted in the zoning district buildings thereon, presently known as Paupal~tUdo's si~e or ]severiy ~reet, thence turmng and running center line; in which such buijding or use is situated, or except as be Variety and Trombly Service Station bo~led_ and s. outheas, terly 90 feet more or less to point of beginning. Southwesterly by East Water .Street center line; permitted otherwise by the North Andover Board of described as f.ollows: 175 feet southerly along Main (38) 'A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together Southeasterly by a short portion of Clarendon Street 4.05 If any lawfully non-conforming building or use of a Street to a point; thence 330 feet westerlY ~long the with the buildings thereon, presently know.n, as Robin- center line; Boston & Maine Railroad to a point; thenue 50 ~eet son's Express Company, bounded and described as fol- or land be at any time discontinued for a period of two years Southwesterly by Water Street center line, extended, or more, or if such use or building be changed to one conform. northerly to a point on the southerly side of St~tton lows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of ' between Clarendon Street and a point on Water Street lng with the North Andover Zoning Bylaw in the district in Street; thence 375 feet northeasterly along tl~e sohth- Second Street, thence running northwesterly by land center line about 105 feet southerly from Merrimack which it is located, it shah hereafter continue to conform. ' Street center line; erly side of Sutton Street to the point of beginning, nov/ or f~.rmerly of Stewart 300 feet to land now or A certain parcel of land in North Andover witl~ Northwesterly,by a line .at a right-angle, to Water ~.06 Any non-conforming building or structure destroyed or dam. _ the formerly of Lawlor; thence turning and running north- Street center nne and passing through a pcmt thereon . : aged by fire, flood, lightning, wind or otherwise to the extent buildings thereon, presently known as Messina's M~'ket easterly by said Lawlor land 58 and 45/100 feet to a ~ 105 feet southerly from Merrimack Street center line; at the time of such damage shall not be r~built, repaired, re. bounded and described as follows: Beginning ~t a point; thence turning and running sou.theasterly 53 feet of sixty-five (65%) per cent or more of its reproductions cost point at the intersection of Main and Suttun strqets to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly Southwesterly by a portion of the southwesterly shore constructed nor altered except for a purpose permitted in the on the northwesterly side of Sutton Street in the sOhth- 110 feet to a point; thence turning and running south-, of the mill pond, and thence by a portion of a line zoning district in which such building is located, or except as easterly corner of the premises in question, 170 ~eetl easterly 142 and 63/100 feet to a point, the last three parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly fi'om Main Street south~vesterly along Sutton Street; thence 60 l~eet nO~th-i courses being by land now or formerly of the Village center line; may be permitted otherwise by the Board of Appeals acting westerly to the Boston & Maine Railr. oad. right of ~ay;! Land Company; thence turning and running southwest.: { ii Northwesterly.by thence 185 feet northeasterly to a point in North ~V(ain: erly by two courses 133 and 84/100 feet by land con- ' . street cent.er line aatlinethe atsoutherla right-angle.re to Saunders 4.1 under G.L. Ch.~40A, as amended. Street; thence 135 feet to point of beginning, veye.d by me to .George L. Newcomb et. ux; thence{' ders Street, Y rminus of Saun- IN RESH)ENT DISTRICTS. '~4.11 Singl.e, duplex or two-family residences and gardens, including A certain parcel of land in North Andover witl~, the turmng and running southeasterly b_v said N'owoamhl Southwesterly by the southw, est.erly shore of Sutton i the right to convert any one-family dwelling structure to ac- ..... :-~-"~ Mill Pond between .the aforesaid line at a right-angle to commodate not more than two families provided that: buildings thereon, presently known as the Vetera~ a of land 100 feet to Second Street; thence turning and{ Foreign Wars, Post 2104 bounded and described as tol- running southwesterly by Second Street 40 feet to the~ Saunders Street center line at its southerly terminus lows: Beginning at a point at the northerly intel'aec- point of beginning; containing 31,915 square feet more and the easterly extension of that northerly side line or less; being shown..as Lot "B" on "Plan of Land in of Saunders Street that trends tion .of Park Street and Chickering Roafl; thebce running northeasterly 170 feet along Chickel, ing llqad North Andover, Mass. Owned by Mary E. Robinson" E 70°, 30'N; approximately - ~ - '--~, ,. . ~.-- · , · · ~ - recorded in thc North District of Essex Registry of ~o ,x poi,,~, .dience ~urmng and running eaateriy t51 $outi~eriy by ,, ..... tha_t northe.rly side line of Saunders feet to a point on the westerly side of Avon Stf¢~*' Deeds as Plan No. 2826, being part of"the premises con- ma.t tr. en. dsa. pp. roxtmately E 7°, 30' N and thence turning and running southeasterly 1~2.24 f~:~i · veyed to me by Daniel $. Grogan by-deed dated Decem- ne ex;enae.q easterly; to a point on the northerly side of Park Street: thebe, el bet 9, 1929; recorded in said Registry of Deeds book Westerly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly~ tm~ing and running westerly in two coursej .10~,'~9t 550 page 38. from Main Street center line; feetbeginning.and 59.79 feet along Park Street to th~ ~oo~nt- -I°f{ Southerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad ': · . · location lid. e; " Westerly .b,y Main Street c.enter line between the former i " Salem Ronlroad location line and Sutton Street. (a) (b) (c) (d) The lot area per structure so converted shall be not less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, and the. street frontage width of such lot shall be not less thani one hundred (100) feet; The existing structure be of such size as to afford not,, less than seven hundred (700) square feet usable floor area per dwelling unit after conversion, and that the4 and character of a one-family dweiling41~l appearance shall be preserved; No major exterior structural changes she.~t be made except such as may be required for safety by the North Andover building by laws or by Massachusetts General Laws, and that the whole cost of such alterations shall not exceed fifty (50%) per cent of the reproduction cost of such dwelling in its condition existing immedi-4.32 ately prior to such conversion; and, Stairways leading to the second or .any higher floor! shall be enclosed within the exterior w~alls of the~.33 building. ~.34 i.12 Renting rooms for dwelling purposes or furnishing table board to not more than four persons not members of the family resident in a dwelling so used, provided there be no display or advertising on such dwelling or its lot other than a name plate or sign not to exceed six (6) inches by twenty-four (24) inches 4.35 in size, and further provided that no dwelling shall be erected. 4.36 or altered primarily for such use. [.13 Renting a room or rooms in a dwelling for the office of one professional person, provided there be no display o.r advertis-~ ~ lng on such dwelling or its lot other than a professional name?' plate, or sign not to exceed six (6) inches by twenty-four (24~ 4.41 inches in size. t.14 Customary home occupations, provided there be no disp!ay 4.15 i.16 1.17 i.18 4.19 [.2 4.21 IN GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS Retail and wholesale stores, salesrooms, showrooms or places for any professional, artistic or mercantile activity not in- volving large-scale manufacturing on the premises, except that retail bakeries or retail confectioneries in which not more · and sale than five pe.rsons are engaged in the manufaetm:e on the premises of the bakery or confectmnery goeds there produced, including ice cream, shall be permitfx~K Banks, offices and municipal, civic or public service h~Idings such as post office, telephone exchange, toWn' offices, School, library, museum, church, local passenger station. , Hall, club, theatre or other place of amusement or assembly. ~ Automobile service and filling stations, automobile repair' garages including automobile body repairs and painting, 'aUdi automobile sale agencies for new and used cars provided there ~ be not displayed or stored outdoors on such premises more i than twenty-five (25) automobiles or other vehicles· Restaurant, dining room or lunch room. Dwellings subject to the same lot size, yard space and all other! restrictions a.nd conditions as. would apply if such dwellings i were located ~n a Village Residence zoning district. IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Any manufacturing, processing, w1~olesaling, warehousing orI other commercial non-retail activity employing substantially noiseless and inoffensive motive power, and involving quiet! machinery and processes, and free from neighborhood disturb- and no exterio.r advertising except an announcement s~gn, ing odors or agencies, and uses of land and of buildings cus- not to exceed s~x (6) inches by twenty-four (24) inches:~.and tomarily, accessory to such activity including the bus? provided that in an.y dwelling, such customary home occupa- ness office of such activity, provided that the appli-~, tions shall be carried on by not more than five persons of cant for a permit to build, expand or alter any manufacturing whom at least one shall reside in such dwelling. :: ,.industry or other permitted activity or, any activity accessory Schools, libraries, museums, churches, hospitals and 'con-' thereto shall show by written statements or other exhibits valescent and rest homes, local passenger stations, also attache~l to the application for such permit that the activity radio, radar, television or radio-telephone transmitting or proposed will not be noxious, offensive or detrimental to the broadcasting towers but not their studios nor offices, and not neighborhood or to the Town by reason of special danger of veterinary or ani:nal hospitals except as further provided else- fire or explosion, pollution of water ways, emission of corro-~ where in this b. ylaw. - sive, toxic or noisome fumes, gas, smoke, soot, obnoxious dust, Re. al estate s,gns not to exceed twenty-four (24) inches bv disagreea.bl.e, odors, offensive noises or other objectionable l thirty-six (36) inches in size which shall adver.tise only th~ characteristics. - ' rental, lease or sale of the premises upon which they are 4·42 Farming and accessory dairy activities as specified in para-i placed. . . . graphs 4.17, 4.18 and 4.19; also farm dwellings on premises l (a) Farming of field crops., and row crops, truck gardens, acti.vely farmed; and poultry sl.aughtering, pa.cking and pro-{ orchards, plant nurseries, greenho.uses and as provided .~ cessmg but no other meat or annual slaughtering or packing.{ be!ow, stud farms, poultry batteries, fur ranches and 4.~a Premises of a bank, post office, telephone exchange or tele-j dairy far.ms; phone business office, local bus passenger station, airport. (b) The k~plng on any lot in any residence, district of a 4'~A 'On petition, subject to site pla~ review, and approval.by the total of not.more than. thr.ee (3) .o..f any kind or assort- Board of Appeals after a 'pubhc heanng thereon w~th due merit of ammal~ o.r. b.~rds in addihon to the household notice given, an automobile service and filling station, a motel, pets of the family living on such lot, but not the keep- a diner, a restaurant, a retail food store, but not other retail' lng of any ani~ als or birds or pets of persons other ~ ~ stores of any kind. t.h~an~ t~h.ose resident on such lot, except as further pro- ~'~' Expressly prohibited tn in~ustrial districts are automobile wuea oe~ow; junk yards, automobile outdoor dead storage yards and auto-~ mobile outdoor display yards· (c) ¢~ any lot of not less than three (3) acres area and situated in a not thickly settled part of a Country Real- ~.5 MOTELS deuce, a Rural Residence or an Industrial District, but Motels shall be permitted in any zoning district but only in i only on such lots in such parts of such districts, vet- accordance with the standards set forth below and only after! erinarians and others may keep more than three (3) I a public hearing by the Planning Board with due notice given I an'.n~als or birds not necessarily owned by the personsI on application for a motel building permit Or for a building! reslaent on such.lot, provided that on such lots there~ permit for a motel expansion or alteration costing more than' be. n~ slaughtering,, packing or processing of meat, l $500 and only after site plan review and approval by the Pian- enzrans, organs, sMns, hides, pelts, fur, feathers or' ning Board endorsed in writing on the site plan with or with- bones, and provided that animal hospitals, kennels, out any conditions. poultry batteries, dairy barns, riding stables and animal ~.51 If application for a permit to build a motel or to alter or add auction lots are specifically prohibited in all Village' to a motel at a cost of $500 or more shall be in writing and Residence Districts and in all thickly settled parts of shall include a diagram and a statement of the ownership, Country Residence or of Rural Residence Districts· area, dimensions, boundaries and principal elevations of the Any accessory use customarily incident to any of the above~ land for which such permit is sought, the names of all ad- permitted uses, provided that such accessory use shall be notl. joining owners as found in the most recent tax list, the loca- injurious, noxious, or offensive to the neighborhood, tions of existing public or private ways nearest such land, arid On any lot in any Residence District, garaging or off-street' a plan, profile and cross-sections of all driveways and parking areas proposed, also the true location and ground coverage parking, covered or open, of not more than four motor vehicles, outline and dimensions of every building or structures proposed' of which not more than two may be commercial vehicles, but to be erected thereon. One copy of each such application and not counting farm trucks nor motor-powered agricultural plot plan diagram and statement shall be kept on file in the imp. iements of .an agriculturally active farm or orchard on which such vehicles are parked, office of the Building Inspector. IN' NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS Stores not exceeding fifteen hundred (1500) square feet floor' area per store for the retail sale of food, drugs and other: .~ ,'~: articles or commodities for use and consumption in neighbor- ing households, but not for the sale of alcoholic liquors in any. form, whether on draft or in packages. No Ne~hborhood Business District shall be more than three (3) a~res total: land area, including offstreet automobile__ addition there may be permitted in a Neighborhood Business l District an automobile lubricating and ~asoline fillihg station! but only on petihon, subject to"~te plan review ahd approval~ by the Board of Appeals, .a. fter-public hearing thereon with~ due notice given. Automobile repair, garages and automobile sales places shah not be permitted m Neighborhood B~siness Di:t~ct~. .22 No loadi, ng platforms or. receiving doors shall be lo.c.ated 'o..n .the, street s,de of any retail store or other cornmencml braiding in a Neighborhood Business District. Dwellings, s.u.bject to the same lot size, yard space and al! other restrictmns and conditions as would apply if such dwell~ ings wer?. loca.ted in a Village Residence District, also churches,. schools, libraries, museums, local passenger stations and mu nicipal or other public or civic buildings. 4.52 ~4.53 4.55 One copy of each such application and diagram and statement: above required shall be filed with the Planning Board with a letter requesting the Board to review the site plan attached and to hold a public hearing therein. Notice of such public hearing shall be given by the Planning Board by publication at the expense of the applicant in a newspaper of general circulation in North Andover and the first appearance of such published notice shall be twelve days (12) at least before the date set for such hearing. A permit to buil~l a motel or to alter or add to a motel at a cost of $500.00 or more shall not be issued by the Building Inspector until he has received from the Planning Board a written statement of final approval by the Planning Board of the site plan for such motel~, or addition or alteration, and such state~nent by the Planning Board shall include a recital of the date on which the Planning Board held the public hear- above required, and a recital of the findings of the Planning Board after such hearing, including any conditions imposed by the Planning Board as part of its final approval, and the Building Inspector shall enforce the fulfillment of such condi- tions. In reviewing each such aplieation, the Planning Board shall study the motel site plan proposed relative to the health, safety and welfare of. the prospective occupants, also the oc- cupants of neighboring properties, and users of the adjoining highway, and the welfare of the town generally, includ!ng amenity and pleasantness of site plans. In addition to com- pliance with all of the Land. Space and Building Space Require- ments set forth below, the Board shall look for: (a) Traffic safety and ease of access at street and highway entrances and exits of motel driveways, taking account of grades, sight distances and distance between such driveway entrances or exits and the nearest existing street or highway intersections. (b) Safety and adequacy of motel driveway layout, alsot of parking and loading areas for motel patrons, and l~tn sulT~ciency of access for service vehicles such as elec-["~ tricity, gas, fuel, telephone, laundry, rubbish removal, [ water, sewer, fire, police, ambulance or other routine' or emergency vehicles. (c) Safe and adequate means of sewage, of garbage, and rubbish disposal; of water-supply and fire-fighting while~ awaiting the Fire Dept.; of heating and ventilating;' also of cooking if cooking facilities be furnished. (d) Assurance of positive storm-water drainage and snow- melt run-off from all driveways and parking and load- ing areas. Landscaping and building layout such as shall protect proposed motel bedroom windows from 5.1 constant night invasion by automobile headlight beamsI or glare from illuminated signs or driveway lights. Sound-proofing between sleeping rooms; windows not! looking directly from room to room; and lobby or office space for registration, room keys, and safe-keeping of valuables; also lounge for waiting or writing by patrons.~ Motel lot size, land coverage, yard space and building design regulations: (a) The lot for any motel shall contain not less than three! (3) acres total land area excluding any water bodies of one-half (~) acre water service area or more, provided such lot be not less than three hundred (300) feet wide at the frontage street and throughout the first two hundred (200) feet of depth of such lot, measuring from the frontage street lot line. (b) No part of any building on a motel lot shall be closer 'than fifty (50) fe~et to the front lot line, rear lot line orI either side line ot such lot. A green yard spac. e not less[~ than twenty (20) feet wide, measured at a r~ght anglet~/' to each of aforesaid lot lines, shall be maintained open[ and green with grass, bushes, flowers and trees alli along each side lot line or rear lot line of such a lot, '. and (ex. cept for .entrance and exit driveways) along the enhre front hne of such lot, and such yard space shall not be built on nor paved nor used for automobile parking. There shall be one (bituminous) concrete off-street and offmain driveway paved automobile parking space, open or roofed, directly adjoining each motel rental unit. Building on a motel lot shall not cover more than twenty-five (25%) per cent of the land area of such lot, excluding any water bodies as above specified. Not le~:: than seventy-five (75%) per cent of the land area of such a lot shall remain open and un-built on but such open space may be used for automobile off-street parking, driveways, sidewalks and motel service yards, except that such use shall not be permitted in any part of the twenty (20) foot wide green perimeter strip above specified. There shall not be erected more than twenty (20) motel rental units per acre of motel lot land area, excluding any water bodies as above specified. Each motel rental unit shall be not less than t~vo hun- dred fifty (250) square feet habitable floor area en- closed by walls and roof, exclusive of any adjoining portions of roofed or covered walkways. Each motel ren- tal sleeping room shah not be less than fifteen (15) by fifteen (15) feet horizontial dimensions, exclusive of bath or kitchenette. Each such room shall have a pri- vate bath attached. (e) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Each motel structure shall contain not less than six (6) nor more ~han twelve (12) individual motel rental units, unless each section of twelve (12) such units be separ- ated by an unbroken firewall from any further addi: tional such units. Each motel structure shall be of fire- proof construct, ion. Each such structure may be con- nected with other similac structures by a covered walk- way if of fire resistive materials. Whether or not so connected, the nearest parts of the walls or corners of such structures shall be separated by a land s otherwise open and unbuilt on of not less than thirty (30) feet, and in which, within the area bounded the intersecting projections of the side lines of adj~ buildings, there shall be no automobile parking ori loading. (h) Buildings on motel lots shall be one-story and not more than twenty-five (25) feet in height, notwithstanding any building-height provisions in the zoning district in which such buildings are situated, except that not than two apartments for owner or resident mana or other resident staff may be on a second-..s;~.ory not to exceed thi.rty-five (35) feet in height. (i) On each motel lot there shall be provided at least one apartment for a resident owner or manager or otheri responsible staff person. Each such apartment shall be not less than eight hundred (800) square feet area. Such apartment many include the rental of the motel, and a lounge or other public rooms the use of motel patrons. Such apartment may be on a second floor as provided in (h) above but only if over a lounge or office or other public rooms or storage or supply rooms of the motel. No second stow premises shall be located over any motel rental unit. Outdoor Lighting In all zoning districts other than General Business Districts, any outdoor lighting fixture whether temporary or permanent shall be so placed or hooded that the light source 'therein is not directly visible to any motorist and so that the light source therein is not directly visible to any point beyond the lot lines of the premises illuminated by such outdoor lighting fixture. SECTION 5: EARTH MATERIALS REMOVAL The removal of sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel, or stone from any land in the Town of North Andover not in public use is hereby prohibited except such removal as may be authorized in any zoning district by a permit issued by the Board of peals and except such removal as is permitted by paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of this section. No such permit shall be issued ex- copt upon written application therefore to the Board of Appeals! with copy to the Planning Board and after a public hearing on such application by the Board of Appeals. Such shall include a diagram to scale of the land concerned, ing existing and proposed elevations in the area to be excavated and stating the ownership and boundaries of the land for which such permit is sought, the names of all adjoining owners as found in the most recent tax list and the approximate loca- tions of existing public and private ways nearest such land. Notice of said private hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper published in-or of general circulation in North Andover twelve (12) days at least, before the date of such hearing. A copy of any permit granted hereunder by the Board of Ap- peals, stating all of the conditions imposed, if any, including but not limited to limitation of such removal in: (a) extent of time, (b) area and depth of excavation, (c) steepness of slopes excavated, (d) distance between edge of excavation and neighboring properties or ways, (e) temporary or permanent drainage, (f) the posting of security or bond, (g) the replacement of not less than six (6) inches of top- soil over the whole of any area from which earth mate- rials are removed where the location of such removal is afterward to become a residential subdivision, or, th) in the case of continuing sand or gravel pit operations in one general locus, recovering the finished cut banks with a minimum of four (4) inches of top-soil; or a copy of the denial by the Board of Appeals of any applica- tion for such, stating the reasons for such denial, shall be mailed forthwith by the Board to the parties in interest, in- cluding also the Planning Board and the Building Inspector. 6.5 ~--~.51 5.3 This regulation shall be deemed not to prohibit the removal of such sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel or stone as may be required to be excavated for the purposes of constructin8~ to fo.u.ndatio~s, for bui.lding or other allowable structures for¥'w which building pernuts have been issued, or for the purpose of! constructing ways in accordance with lines and grades ap-i proved by the Planning Board or by the Board of Appeals ori for the purpose of constructing utilities or other englneenng,. works for public service. Nor shall this regulation be deemedi to prohibit the transferral of sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel, ! or stone from one part of a lot, tract or parcel of land to an- other part of the' same lot, tract or parcel of land in the same6.6 ownership. 5.4This regulation shall further be deemed not to prohibit th~6'61 removal of the above specified earth materials by any per. son, firm or corporation who on the effective date of thB regu. lation shall be lawfully engaged in the business of dealing ir or with any of such materials, or shall be a party to an agree. ment for the removal of any thereof, and who shall, withi~ thirty (30) days after such effective date, apply to the Boari of Appeals for a permit for such removal, provided that th~ period within which such removal may be carried on under thi~ paragraph shall end on the date of formal action by the Boart .~ on such application or, if no such application be filed, on the! thirtieth (30) day after the effective date of this regulation. 6.62 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.4 6.41 6.42 SECTION 6: LOT AREAS AND LOT WIDTHS REQUIRED AND SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONS In determining the fulfilmuent of the minimum area and mini&63 mum width of lot required in any zoning district, there shall! not be included any land within the limits of a street upon which such lot abuts, even if the fee to such street is in the owner of the lot; except that if a corner lot at its street corner is bounded in part by a sega~ent of curved line not more than seventy-five (75) feet in length connecting other lines bound- lng such lot which if extended would intersect, the area and width required in such lot shall be computed as if such po- tentially intersecting lines were so extended; but if a curved] line more than seventy-five (75) feet in length is the whole~ of any one boundary line of a lo~, the minimum area and mini- mum width required shall be determined entirely within the lines bounding such lot, including such curved line. No lot, upon which is then located any building or with re- spect to which a permit has been issued and is then outstanding for the erection of any building, shall be sub-divided or reduced in area in any manner unless said lot shall thereafter fulfill r.1 the lot area, lot width and yard space requirements of this' Bylaw except as may be permitted otherwise by the Board ol Appeals. If land be subdivided, conveyed, devised or other-' wise transferred in violation hereof, no building permit or other permit shall be issued with reference to any of the land, so transferred or to the lot(s) retained until all of such landi and lots meet the requirements of this Zoning Bylaw. Any land taken by eminent domain or conveyed for a public pur- pose for which the land could have been or was taken by emi- nent domain shall not be deemed to be transferred in violation of the provisions hereof. 1.2 IN RESIDENCE DISTRICTS In Village Residence Districts no principal permitted building; shall hereafter be erected except on a lot containing not less i than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet' area and not less~ than one hundred (100) feet width at the street frontage, ex-?~ cept as may be permitted otherwise by the Board of Appeals9zz in Village Residence Districts as further specified in Section i'.23 6.6 below. In Country Residence Districts no principal permitted build- ing shall hereafter be erected except on a lot containing not less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet area and not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet width at the street frontage. In Rural Residence Districts no principal permitted buildin~ shall hereafter be erected except on a lot containing not less than fifty thousand (50,000) square feet area and not less that one hundred fifty (150) feet width at the street frontage. IN GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS AND IN NEIGHBORING BUSINESS DISTRICTS Each lot shall contain not le~s than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet area and be not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet width at the street frontage, and no(7.3 more than thirty-five (35) per cent of the total area of any such lot may be covered by buildings. Any yard space or area required to be kept open and unbuill upon on such lot may nevertheless be used for off-street auto- mobile parking, if otherwise lawful, except that a green stril: not l~ss than ten (10) feet wide on which to grow grass, bushes, flowers or trees shall be maintained open and green; unbuilt on, unpaved and not parked on, all along each side or rear property line of such a lot wherever it abuts land residentially zoned. IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Each lot shall contain not less than fifty thousand (50,000)' square feet area and be of not less than one hundred and fifty! (150) feet width at the street frontage and not more than: thirty-five (35) per cent of the total area of any such lot may: be covered by buildings. Any yard space or area required to be kept open and unbuilt: on on such lot may nevertheless, if otherwise lawful, be used for off-street automobile parking, or for outdoor storage of' articles, supplies and materials, except that a green strip not less .than thirty (30) feet wide on which to grow grass~ bushes, flowers or trees, shall be maintained open and gree'a, unbuilt on, unpaved and not parked on, all along each side or rear property line of such a lot wherever it abuts land residentiallyI, zoned. LOT AREA AND LOT WIDTH EXCEPTIONS The lot area and lot width requirements of paragraph 6.3 shall not apply in any Residence Districts to any lot therein con- taining less area or having less width than above required if such lot was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or. deed prior to the effective date of such otherwise applicable! requirements and if such lot be not adjoined by other land of the same owner vacant and available for combination with or use in connection with such lot, provided that the front yard, side yard, and rear yard requirements, if any, in effect on the date of recording of such plan or deed shall apply to each such lot. In Village Residence Districts only, as to older lots of record of area or width less than the above stated requirements, and only as to such lots if mutually adjoining, vacant, and of the same owner, the Board of Appeals may permit recombination of them into new lots of not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet area each, or otL'erwise as may be authorized under G. L. Ch. 40A as amended. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no amendment to this zoning bylaw shall apply to or affect the size, shape, width or frontage of any lot shown on a plan of a subdivision as defined in Section 81-L in Chapter 41. of the General Laws if the plan of such subdivision has been finally approved by the Planning Board and duly recorded pursuant to said Chapter 41 prior to such zoning bylaw amendment, for a period of two years from the date of final subdivison approval by the Plan- ning Board of such plan or until any such lot is divided, which- ever occurs first, without the consent in writing of the owner of such lot, and this provision shall apply orJy to subdivision plans approved and recorded on or after the effective date of this sub-paragraph. SECTION 7: YARD SPACES REQUIRED In al! Residence Districts there shall be provided on each lot open yard spaces of not less than the number of feet depth below stated all along the front, rear and each side property Tine of such lot, except as may be permitted otherwise by the Board of Appeals in Village Residence Districts only and only in eases therein where the literal enforcement of the number of feet yard depth stated below as to one or more of such yard spaces would cause unusual hardship or severe practical difficulty peculiar to the placement of a building on such lot but not on other lots adjoining or nearby within the same Village Residence Zoning District· No building or structure shall hereafter be erected, altered or moved so that any part thereof (except eaves, steps or un- covered porches) shall be nearer than the number of feet be- low stated from the front, side or rear line of any lot in any Residence District. Rural Residence, 30 feet. Country Residence, 30 feet. Village Residence, 15 feet, lot in (a) (b) except that the front yard on any a Village Residence District shall be either: not less than thirty (30) feet depth, or; a depth not less than the average of the front yard depths of lots adjoining or within two hundred fifty (250~ feet each side of the lot in question, if the exist- ing buildings on such lots front on the same street and are within the same Village Residence zoning district as the lot in question; (c) provided also that where such existing buildings are already more than thirty (30) feet distant from said street line, no part of any new building shall be nearer said line than the average of the front yard depth of such existing buildings on lots adjoining or within two hundred fifty (250) feet each siie of the lot in question. In Neighborhood Business and in General Business Districts there shall be provided on each lot an open yard space of not less than twenty-five (25) feet depth all along the front and along each side property line of such lot except as may be per- mitted otherwise (but only as to front yards and side yards). by the Board of Appeals on petition of the property o.wneri concerned after a public hearing thereon with due notice gzven. ~ '.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9.1 10.1 In the rear of every building or structure hereafter erected i~10.2 any Business District there shall be an open yard space unbuilt upon of not less than thirty-five (35) feet depth. No Building or structure shall hereafter be built, altered, moved, recon: structed, o,r.. extended so that any part thereof including loadl ing platforms, covered or open, but not eaves, or steps, shall bd nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from the front line or sid~ line of any lot in such district, nor nearer than thirty-five (35! feet from the rear line of such lot. : In Industrial Districts there shall be provided on each lot a~10.3 open yard space of not less than thirty-five (35) feet depth aF along the front line and along each side line of such lot, an, not less than fifty (50) feet depth along the rear line of sucl lot, except that an open yard space of not less than fifty (50 feet depth shall be provided on any lot in an Industrial Distric wherever such lot abuts land residentially zoned, and excep that any masonry industrial building built prior to June 1956 and standing and in active industrial use on June 1, 195! may be restored, repaired or rebuilt on the location where i stood June 1, 1956 ~vithout complying with the foregoing yar~ space requirements but' this exception shall not apply to other buildings. 11.1 SECTION 8: BUILDING HEIGHTS PERMITTED In Residence Districts dwellings shall not exceed twe and one half stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. : In Neighborhood Business Districts dwellings and busines structures shall not exceed two and one-half stories or thirty five (35) feet in height. In General Business Districts dwellings, business and othe retail or commercial structures shall not exceed three storie or forty-five (45) feet in height. In Industrial Districts buildings shall not exceed fifty-five (55 feet in height. 11.2 The foregoing limitations of height in feet in the zoning district designated shall not apply to farm buildings on farms of nc less than (10) acres area, nor shall they apply to ehimney~ ventilators, skylights, tanks, bulkheads, penthouses, proeessin towers and other accessory structural features usu.all.y ereete~a at a height greater than the main ~oofs of any buildings, no to domes, bell towers or spires of churches or other building~ provided all such features are in no way used for living pul poses, and further provided that no such structural feature any non-manufac[urmg building shall exceed a height of slx five (65) feet from the ground nor of a manufacturing buildin a height of eighty-five (85) feet from the ground except by pe~ mission of the Board of Appeals acting under G. L. Ch. 40A all.4 amended. SECTION 9: BOARD OF APPEALS, ITS POWERS AND DUTIES · There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members which sha'~ have and exercise all the powers provided under G.L. Chapte 40A as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matter specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the Nortl. Andover Zoning Bylaw and other matters referred to suc Board by statute. On each appeal arising under the Nort' Andover Zoning Bylaw, the Board of Appeals shall hold. public hearing of which notice sh. all .be given by publication a newspaper of general circulation in North A. ndover twel~ (.12) days at least before the date. of such hearing. The Boa~. shall also notify by registered marl all owners of property w~t~ in three hundred (300) feet of the boundaries of each lot lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to such owners the addresses appearing for them in the most recent toxxl tax listing of said owners. '12.2 SECTION 10: ZONING AMENDMENTS The Planning Board, on its own initiative, or on petition signed by not less than fifty (50) registered voters of North Andover, shall hold a public hearing on any written proposal to amend the Zoning Bylaw or the zoning map and shall report its recom- mendations thereon, if any, to a North Andover Town meeting. Each proposal to change the zoning map shall be made in writ- ing and shall explicitly state the nature, extent and location of the map change proposed and shall be accompanied by: (a) Three blaekline prints of a diagram to scale showing and stating clearly the dimensions in feet of the land area proposed to be changed as to zone, (b) also a sketch or other explicit identification of the loca- tion of such land in relation to the majority of the rest:: of the Town. Notice of the aforesaid public hearing on a zoning amendment shall be given by publication in a newspaper published in or of general circulation in North Andover twelve (12) days at least before date of such hearing and by mailing copies of such notice as published to such parties as the Planning Board may deem interested, at the addresses for such parties as they ap- pear in the most recent North Andover real estate tax records. SECTION 11: ENFORCEMENT The North Andover Zoning Bylaw shall be enforced by the North Andover Building Inspector. The Building Inspector, upon being informed in writing of a possible violation of this Bylaw or on his own initiative, shall make or cause to be made an investigation of facts and an inspection of the premises where such violation may exist. The Building Inspector, on evidence of any violation, after investigation and inspection shall give written notice of such violation to the ewner and the occupant of such premises, and the Building Inspector shall demand in such notice that such violation be abated within such reasonable time as may be designated therein by the Building Inspector. Such notice and demand may be given by mail, addressed to the owner at the address appearing for him on the most recent real estate tax records of North Andover, and to the occupant at the address of the premises of such seeming violation. If, after such notice and demand, such violation has not been abated within the time specified, the Building Inspector or the Selectmen shall institute appropriate action or proceedings in the name of the Town of North Andover to prevent, correct, restrain or abate any violation of this Bylaw. No building shall be erected, altered or moved in North Ando- ver without a written permit issued by the Building Inspector. Such permits shall be applied for in writing to the Building Inspector, and he shall not approve an application for a building permit unless the plans for such building and the in- tended use thereof in all respects fulfill the provisions of this Bylaw. Each application for a permit to build, alter, or move a building shall be accompanied by a plot plan in duplicate drawn to scale showing and stating the dimensions in feet of the lot on which such building is proposed to be erected, altered moved, also the location and ground coverage dimensions of any building already existing upon such lot, and the location thereon and ground coverage dimensions on such lot of any building or structure proposed to be erected or moved onto it. Such plot plan shall also show each street, alley or right-of- way on or adjacent to the lot in question. One copy of each such application and plot plan shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. SECTION 12: CONFLICT OF LAWS VALIDITY, SEVERABILITY In general this Bylaw is supplementary to other North Ando- ver Bylaws affecting the use, height, area, and location of build- ings and structures and the use of premises. Where this Bylaw imposes a greater restriction upon the use, height, area and location of buildings and structures and the use of premises than is imposed by other Bylaws, the provisions of this Bylaw shall control. The invalidity of any section or provision of this Bylaw shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof. THE NORTH ANDOVER PLANNING BOARD~ NICHOLAS F. NICETTA, Chairman JOHN B. OSGOOD, Secretary RALPH E. FINCK, Esq. HOWARD L. GILMAN JAMES M. BANNAN ARTICLE 2. To s.e.e if the Town will raise and appr~ or transfer from available funds the sum of $1500.00 to b by the Planning Board for publishing and printing ir form as may be determined by the Planning Board, the By-Laws as they may be finally approved at the Town M of June 30, 1956 or.any adjournments thereof, provide By-Laws are otherwise made effective by such appr°~ be required by the Attorney General and such cation of saki approved amended Zoning By-Laws as mi required. ARTICLE 3. 'To see if the Town will raise and apprO1 or transfer from available funds the sum of Four Thol ($4,000) Dollars to be used with Four Thousand ($4,000) of the Eight Thousand ($8,000) Dollars allocated by federal government for North Andover Town Planning cial Aid under Section 701 of Title 7,,~r tim Federai Ho' Act of 1954, and to see if the Town will vote to instruc Planning Board and the Selectmen of North Andover to into contract with the Commonwealth of .Massachusetts, Dt ment of Commerce, Planning Division, for planning to be rendered within twelve (12) months from the d~' execution of such contract in accordance with such pro and specifications as the Selectmen, the. Planning Board, the State Planning Division may agree tn writing. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will raise and approl or transfer from available funds the sum of Eight HU.~ ($800) Dollars to be used by the Planning Board witt $750.00 appropriated under Article 5, Item 11 of the Wa for the March 1956 Annual Town Meeting for extra op.? )enses of the Board, including but not limited to addll , postage, supplies, materials, reproductions, etc: sinned by entering into the Federally-Aided Town Pla] Program contemplated.. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town of North Andover wil to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from General dential to Business, the following described parcel of lan( A parcel of land located on the westerly side of Chicke Road, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a pein the westerly line of Ch!ckering Road, said point being at sta 22-79,34 of the State H~ghway stationing; thence northwesterl, the northerly line of a brook or ditch, 186.4 feet to a point; thi again northwesterly, by the northerly line of said brook, 110 to a point; thence southwesterly, 185 feet to a point in the nO erly line of Cotuit Street; thence northwesterly by the north, line of Cotuit Street, 130.69 feet to a point; thence northwest~ .and w.esterly by a curve of 193.01 feet'radius, 237.10 feet a point in the northerly line of Cotuit Street; thence weste by said northerly line of Cotuit Street, 332.84 feet to point; thence northerly 25,160 feet to a point; thence nOi westerly 241.23 feet to a point; thence northeasterly 50 t to a point; thence northwesterly 100 feet to a point; the~ northeasterly 100 feet to a point in the southerly line of Ipsw Street; thence northwesterly by the southerly line of Ipsw Street 117.66 feet to a point; thence northwesterly and weste by a curve of 52.67 feet radius, 30.91 feet to a point, the~ northerly across Ipswich Street, 40 feet to a point; thence nO~ easterly by a stone wall, 1315.52 feet to a corner in the w: thence southeasterly by the wall 645.5 feet more or less/ the corner in the Wall; thence southeasterly by the fence 211 feet to Chickering Road; thence southerly by the weste] line of Chickering Koad 656.9 feet more or less to the point beginning. Petition of Edward Melamed and others. mitted by Planning Board. ' NORTPl DOVER ZONiNG. MAp ARTICLE 6. To.see if the Town of North Andoverwill' AN to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from General Resi- dential to Business, the following described parcel of land. O ~ Petition re-suNorth A parcei of land located on the southerly side of Sutton Street and on the westerly side of Osgood Street, bounded andl described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Osgood Street with the southerly line of Sutton! Street; thence southerly by the westerly line of Osgood Street 873.62 feet to a point; thence westerly 197.82 feet to a point; BOgtotl~ MR88o; Deoombot' 6; 19 thence northerly 347.33 feet to a point which is 200 feet westerly C0UN3'I~¥ ~1;~. ' Tho, within ~.oning map is. i~o~eb7 of Osgood Street; .thence again northerly 500 feet to a point appz, oved¢ in the sou.therly hne of Sutton Street; then. ce eas. terly by t.he VILLAC~ 1~5. .,/// so. utherly hne of Sutton Street, 200 feet to me point of beg~n- ~, ~ ~ ,/ ' .//' ,- rang. . e mitted by Planning Board. '~ .e'* '/"~/ff~TtJCr~o~r G~ AI~,TICLE 7. 'To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from General Resv~ dential to Business, the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land located on the easterly side of the Salem~i Turnpike and on the northerly side of Peters Street, boundedl and d. escribed as follows: Beginning a.t an Ess. ex C.ounty Bo'un~!' marktng the easterly end of .a curve at the luncuon of Pete.~i Street and the Salem Turnpake, thence southwesterly, wester~i gna normwesteny ~y a crave o~ 80 feet radius, 120.83 feet a stone bound; thence northwesterly by the easterly line of th~i Salem Turnpike about 115 feet to a point; thence northeaster] a.t an angle o£ 90 degrees with the last described line 150 fe{ to a point; thence northwesterly at an angle of 90 degrees wit the last described line, 225 feet to a point; thence southwesterl at an angle.of 90 degrees with the last described line, 150 fe~ to a point ~n the easterly line of the Salem Turnpike; then4~ Lilt2 xtorutwesmtiy oy easterly fine of. the Salem Turnpike, aboul~' .75 feet 'to a highway bound; thence again northwesterly lc the easterly line of the Salem Turnpike by a curve of 4,0( feet radius, 511.6 feet to a point; thence nor.theasterly by.~ stone wall, 620.45 feet to a point; thence agam northeasterl by said stone wall, 118.49 feet to a corner in the wall; then¢ southeasterly by a stone wall, 652.71 feet to a point; thencI~ southwesterly 175 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 300 to a point ia the northerly line of Peters Street; thence souttl. westerly by the northerly line of Peters Street, 331.20 feet the point of beginning. Petition of John D. Driscoll and others. Petition mitted by Planning Board. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. HEREOF, FAIL NOT, and make due return of this. Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the eleventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six. A true copy, ATTEST: o1~ >' North Andovcr, WILLIAM A. FINNERAN t Board RAYMOND BROADHEAD( of '~ Certified to be a ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen ,.,c~ true copy: Andover, Massachusetts, June.. .... /..~. ............. 1956. · t, ,"ff.¢ OFFIOE:':o RETURN I have aotified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Towu ~.ffairs by nesting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at i'iv~ or more public place in each voting precinct. Said copies ~w~ having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. North Andover, I~ass. June 1956. ATTEST Town Clerk. 0 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER=v,,~,~~a~T~T~- BY-LAWS. JUNE 50, 1956 At ~th~ Specia~ Town Needing held in the. Veteran' s Auditorium of the North · Andover High School on Saturday the thirtieth day of June .1956 at ~:30 P.N., the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. VOTED..~o amend the 1943 Zoning By-Law words and the Zoning Nap as hitherto amended from time to tim. e, by substituting in their place~all~or~so much. of the ~ay 1956~revi.se.d zoning map and all or s~. many of the ~ay revised zoning bylaw prowszons.stated below as the own may adop.t or further amend and adopt, provided that mf any portion of ~the ~¥~ay 1956 revised map' and provisions shall not be adopted or not further amended and adopted, the most n~arly corresponding provisions of the 1945 zoning words and zoning map as pr~viously amended shall continue in force in supplement to 'and not in conflict with so much of the ~ay 1956 ~evised provisions and map as maybe adopted or further ~amended and adopted by the Town, and provided~ that the Town Neeting shall have liberty to adopt, amend and adopt, or reject any or all of the ~ay 1956 revised zoning provisions and zoning map proposed below, including without limiting the generality of the fOregoing the lot size requirements proposed, the zoning district boundaries proposed, the land use regulations proposed and 'the number, kind and names of zoning districts proposed. NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BY-LAW CONTENTS Section l: 2: 10~ 11: 12: Purposes · Definitions ' Zoning District and Boundaries' Building and Uses Permitted and Applications ~]O1 In All Districts. 02 Lot partly in North Andover, part elsewhere. 00~ Lot pa~tly in one zone, part in another. Non-conforming Uses. [~.00~ Non-conforming Uses I! Non-con.forming Uses i All Residence ~istricts 2 l%ighbo~hood Business Districts 4~$ General Business Districts I!56~NotelsIndustrial Districts Outdoor Lighting 5. Earth Naterial Removal Lot Areas ~ Lot ~idths Required and Specific Exceptions Rurzl Residence Country Residence Villa-ge Residence N~igh~orhood Ousin¢ ss General Business Industrial . ~otels 7. Yard S~aoes Required Rural Residence Country Residence Village Residence N~ighb orhood Business General business Industrial Notels °uilding Heights Permitted ~oard of Appeals, Powers ~ Duties Zoning Amendments ~nforcement Conflict 8f Laws, Validity and Sev~erability SECTION; PURP 0SES: of ~egula tions VOT~B to accept as written the following: For the purposes set forth in Nassachusetts General Laws,.~ Chapter 40A and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto and under the authority thereof and of the General Laws Ohapter ])l~ and any other enabling laws,'~ the inspection, materials, construction, alteration and reRair, height, area, location and use of buildings and structures and the use of land, through- out the Town of North Andover are hereby regulated as herein provided, and ~ t~ ~tc ~ ~~ into dis ~ ~ ~~*~ ~~e~ ~efine~ oeibet, on an o ioai oo z the ~oni~ map,' dated i956, on ~ii~ with the Town 0i~rk, which map in hereb7 made a part of tii~ -Saw. ~h~ ~ote ~a~: AEFIR~,~I~ a0a. ~ATIV~ 6. 14 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BY-LAWS. JUNE 30, 1956 2.) SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this bylaw., the following words and terms as 'used herein shall have the meanings or limitations of meaning hereby defined, explained or assigned:. 2.1 FANILY. Any number of individuals living togather in one suite of rooms as a single housekeeping unit, and having one principal cooking and food storage outfit in common among them in such suite. 2.2 ONE-FAMILY DWELLING. A dwelling built· singly and apart from any other building and intended and designed to be occupied and used exclusively for residential purposes by one family. TW0-FAI¥[[LY DWELLING. A free standing building intended and designed to be occupied and used exclusively for residential purposes by e~ch of not more than two families. LOT. A.n area of land in one ownership with definite boundaries: ascertainable by recorded deed 9.r plan and used or set aside and avail- able f. or use as the site of one 8r more buildings or for any other definite purpose. 2.5 subdivision STREET. A public way, or a private way open to travel by the~ general public, or a way shown on a plan of a theretofore, duly word include the "struc ture, ,1 "built" shallinclude t~e words "enlarged, "and moved." approved by the Planning Board. BUILDING. The word "building" shall the context unequi¥o~ally indicates -' d" ,,~.U~CT'~o ~he word "erecte, "reconstructed," "altered," unless '%onstruc ted", 2.8 2.9 2.10 STORY. That portion of a building contained between any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not including the lowest partion so contained if more than one-half of such portion vertically is below the mean finished grade of the ground adjoining such building. HALF STORY. A story directly of intersection of the bottom the walls are less than three FRONT YARD. An open between any building such building stands. under a sloping roof in which the points of the rafters with the interior faces of feet above the floor level. space extending acrea:s the entire width of a lot thereon and the street lot line of the lot which 2.11 REAR YARD. An open space extending across the entire width of a lot between .the rear of any building thereon and the rear lot line of the lot on which such buildin~ stands. 2.12 $~ SIDE YARD. An open space between the side line of a lot and the ad- jacen~ side~of any building thereon, such open space understood to cover the e~tire extend ~etween the front yard and the rear yard on such a lot. ction 2. DEFINITIONS was voted unanimously to accept, as read. So declared· ZONING DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES. SECTION 3.1 3.2 5.3 hereby divided into zoning districts The Town of North Andover is designated as follows: RURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS OOUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICTS VILLAGE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS ~ GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS ~ IND~S TRIAL DISTRICTS. ~ Sect_,on 3.1 was a una.nimous vote and so declared· . In the event of any d~screpancy between the boundaries of the zoning districts as shown on the officia.1 map and as hereinafter described or defined, the descriptions herez, nafter set forth shall govern, as amended. Section 3.2 wa s a unanimous vote and so declared· ~ural Residence Districts. Every part of the Town of ~orth andover not otherwise hereinafter dcs~gna~e~ Co~-~, hesidenc~ ~'~ · '"" ° "- -~ .... ~ .... ~ , V ..i...I,..,I.,.:~) ~ Residence, Neighborhood ~usiness, General Business or industrial District is hereby exp.res,~ly declared to be in Rural Residence District. Section ~.3 was a unanmmous vote and so declared· 3.4 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOUER Z0 NI NG BYLAWS JUNE ~0, 1956 3.) Country Residence Districts. ).41 That part of North Andover Town~hip surrounding the old colonial North andover Center and extending beyond to the particular boundaries recited below, except such areas within said Country Residence zoning district boundaries as may subsequently be duly deelared to be in any other kind of zoning district. Northeasterly and ea_sterly by the thread of Stevens Mill Pond beginning at Stevens Street. Easterly and northeasterly by the location line of the former railroad right of way (in 1955, used as an electric power line right of way) from its crossing over the thread of water inflow to Stevens Pond to a point on said location line 250 feet northwesterly from Narbleridge Road center line; Generally easterly by a line parallel to and 250 feet westerly from the center line of Narbleridge Road between said former railroad location line and a point o~ the center line of Jonnson Street, 250 feet north- westerly from the center line of Narbleridge Road: · outherly by a straight line connectin~ the ~oint f~~ li-e of ~ hns ~' - ~ . _ ~. ~. a ~_~~ n ~o on ~tree~ an~ a po~n~ on ~n.e cen~er.line, of Turnpike. Street 250 feet northwesterly from the center line of Hzllslde Road; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 250 feet northwesterly from the center line of Hillside Road, between Turnpike Street and the Andover Town line; Southwesterly by the Andover-North andoVer ~town line between Hillside Road and Waverley Road'; ' Northwesterly and westerly by the various courses of the North Andover Town line, from the Andover-Lawrence-North andover common boundary point on or close to Waverley ~oad, to a point on the North Andover town line about 150 feet southerly from the cen2er line of ~reene Street; Northerly and northeasterly by a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly from the center line of Greene Street between the Lawrence-North Andover boundary and Linden Avenue; Easterly b.y a line parallel to and 100 feet westerly from the center line of L~nden Avenue; Southerly by a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from the center line of ~oodstock Street and said lineextended tangent easterly to Massachusetts Avenue; Northeasterly by that portion of the center line of Massachusetts Avenue between its intersection with a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from Woodstock Stre.et center line extended, and Chickering Road; Southeasterly by Ohmckering Road center line between I~assachusetts Avenue and Phillips Brooks Road~ Northerly by the center line of Phillips Brooks ~oad between Massachu- setts Avenue and 0sgood Street; Westerly by the center line ~f 0sgood Street between Phillips Brooks~ Road and Bay State Road; . . Northerly by a tangent extension easterly of the center lmne of Bay S. tate aoad between 0sgood Street and Court Street; Westerly by the center line of Court Street between said Bay State Road ~center _line extended and junction of Pleasant Street. Cn~,. Osgood ~treet and Park ~treet; ' ~ Northerly by the center line of Pleasant Street between the aforesaid 'umnction and Stevens Street; N~r thwe ste fly · , .. . by the .center li~e of that short portion of Stevens Street oe~ween its mntersectmon with ~leasant Street and its ~.~.~.~ 'outflow thread of Stevens ~ill Pond to ~ ~* ^~ ~~7:'-~ Se.otion 3.40ountry Residence District , Sub ec. was a vote and so declared. - ~ 3.42 That part of North Andover township adjoin~ug the westerly side of Osgood Street between Sutton c__, , _ ~ Street and Chickering Road as more ~ar~.~- uiariy oounoed and described below, excel*..~ WI~4T1 ~ 2 .... ~_ ~ ._ - · ~ ~-. ~ ~ ~wzgiOllS Oi ~OG area , ~:- ~u ~oun~ry ~'eslGence zoning ~istrict boun~~ ce auly~declared to be i~ any other kind of ~oning dzstrzct. ~?thwesterly by Sutton Street Center Line . ~ Northeasterl b Os o~d a~em nm aroad at Chickerzng Road. SoUthwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the looation line of for~r S~!om -,~-~u ~ight of way between Ch~okeri~ Road and Brescott S. treet. Northerly by Prescott Street center line; Westerly by . a line.parallel to and ~ 5 feet essterly f~m ~oody Street 9enter l~ne ~nd s~d line extended aoross hadw~ok Street from Prescott ~ · . Street to Button Street. ~lwii ~. ~o.Seo, was a 5.42 ~animous vote and so declared. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BYLAWS Village Residence Districts. : ~.. ., 5.53 That small north central portion of North Andover, bounded: Northerly ~' and northwesterly by that portion of Suttoncenter line between a point 5.51 Tha~ built-up northwesterly portion of North ~ndover, mainly north- ~ ~treet er.ly of ~reene Street and of Massachusetts Avenue and mainly westerly of ~' 125 feet from ThorndikehS~eet cent.er line and a line. paralleI to and 125 feet Checkering R.oad, mor.e particularly bOunded and described below, except ?" easterly from Moody Street center l~ne, extended to ~ntersect Sutton Street; such areas w~thin sazd Village Residence zoning district boundaries as [][[~ Southerly by Prescott Str~eet center line; Southwesterly by.a li.ne parallel to may subequently.be declared ~o be ~n any other kind of ~ntng district. ~,'~i!~ and adjoining the former!~alem Railroad right of way locate_on l~ne between a Northerly by 2'~zt portion of the North Andover town line between the i~i'~i~[?l point near the junction of Prescott, High and Elm Streets a.nd a point near inter.secti.on of the Sh.awsheen River with~the ~0s,ton & M~. ne R~?.road .ili,~the southeasterly end of Thorndike Street and thence by a.l~ne parallel to ~locat~on l~ne a~t~..the~'C~ty','o£ L~wrence~.~.B!Oundary,+~and;:.t. he~.inter.~e~.tion of ~:~, and 125 feet southwesterly from the center line of Thornd~ke Street. ~h~[~ North And over town line with the center line of i~m~blehead ~treet .. iii ~ec. ~. Sub. Sec. 3.53 was unanimous and so dec 1 ar extended; . e _d. Easterly by a portzon o.f ~arblehead Street center line; Northerly by · !~[ 5.5~ A small area on the northwesterly side of Sutton Street bounded; south- belmont Street center 1.~ne between l¥~arblehead Street and a point on easterly by the center line of that portion of ~utton Street between a point Relic.ut Street center l~ne about 200 feet easterly along said line ~""~ on Sutton Street ~300 feet northeast of Methuen Street and a poi.ut on Sutton from ~ts ~ntersection with the center line of Patriot Street; Westerly Street 1~5 southwest of Thorndike Street. Northwesterly by a l~ne Parallel by a portzon of.a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot to .and 750 feet northerly from the center line of Sutton Street; between a Otreet center line between Belmont Street and l~lay Street; Northerly. by point on Sutton Street 500 feet northeast of i~iethuen Street and a point on ' ' '~ ~hornd~ke Street,, the center line of ~a~n Street; ~orthwesterly by a line. parallel to ~utton ~treet 125 feet ~outhwest<~of ~' ' '!00 and, feet sou..t, he. asterly from Sutton Street center lane; Northwesterly Sec. ) Sub. Sec. 3.54- was. a nunimous vote and so declared. by a portion of ~¥ia~n Street center line; Northeasterly by ~the center line of Water Street between Sec0ndtStreet and Merrimack Street and by 5.6 Neighborhood Business Districts. Land within the districts described a small portion of the center line of kerrimack Street and Elm Street below is hereby declared to be Neighborhood Business Districts. and by a line parallel to and 225 feet ~outhwesterly from the center . line of Water Street between Merrimack Street and Elm Street and by a 3.61 At North Andover Center south of the Common both sides of Johnson Street portion of the center line of ~lm Street; Northeasterly by the center line of ~ater Street and said line extended between Elm Street and Clarenden Street, and by a portion of the center line of Clarendon Street; Northeasterly by the center line of East Water Street between Clarendon Street; Northeasterly by the center line of East Water Street between Clarendon St?eet and Chickering ~oad, by a portion of the center line C · line line of hmckering ~oad by the center line and the center line extended . side of Wayne Street, so called, between Chickering ~oad and Osgood Street, SoUtheasterly by a portion of the center line of Osgood Street between Wayne Street and a point on 0sgood Street center line 350 ~eet from its intersection with Phillips Court center line; North.easterly b.y a li~e parallel to and 135 feet nor thwesterly from that l~ne of Phillips ~ourt that trends approximately S 35°, 26' E, and such line extended to 0sgood Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet southeasterly from that line of Phillipe Court that trends approximately S 4~°, Southerly by the center line of Pleasant Street between a point" On 5.62' Land in North Andover with the buildings thereon bounded and described said center line 120 feet southeasterly from '~ts ~_ntersection ~m~h as follows: Oeginnir~ at a point on the southwesterlv.~ side of l¥iiddlesex the center line of Phillip~ Court to the intersect!on of center line of Street, in the northwasterly corner of the premises in question; thence Pleasant Street and Court Otreet; Southeasterly by the center line of running southwesterly 180 feet to a point at the intersection of Waverley Court Street ~etween Pleasant Street and the center line of Bay State Road and Harold Street; thence turning and running ~outhwesterly ~80 Road extended tangent easterly f~m 0sgood Street to OoUrt Street~ fe.et to a point; the.rice turning and running northwesterly 200 feet t.o a Southerly by the center line of Bay State hoad ~xtended easterly[ etween p0mnt in the south sade of Middlesex Street; thence turning and runnzrg ~ourt Street and Osgood Street; Easterly by the center line of ~sgood Street northeasterly 66.5 feet to a point; thence running in an easter, ly direc between Ba.y State hoad and Phillips Brooks Road; Southerly by the center along the southwesterly side of ~Iiddlesex Street 94.95 feet to the point line of Phzllips Brooks Road between 0sgood Street and Chi~ering Road; of~beginning. ~Southeasterly by a portion of Chickering Road center line; Southwesterly Sec. 3 6 Sub Sec. ~62 was a unanimous vote and so declared. by.that portion of the center line of ~assachusetts Avenue between ' ' Checkering Road and a line parallel to and 100 feet southerly from 5.63 A parcel of ]and in ~l~orth Andover Woodstock Street center line extended; Southerly by a line parallel to bounded and described as follows: and 100 feet southerly from the center line of ~oodst~ok Street; Westerly of Nid~dlesex Street by a ~line parallel to and 100 feet westerly from Linden Avenue center line. Ooutherly by a line parallel to and 150 feet south'erly from Greene Street ~enter line; Southwesterly, westerly and~ northwesterly by that winding portion of the North Andover town line between a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly from Green Street, and the intersection of the Sha~sheen River with the Boston & ~aine Railroad location line at the City of Lawrence Oounday. Sec. 3-5 Sub.Sec. 3.51 was a nnamimous vote and so declared. 5.5.2 A small area both sides of Saunders Street near Sutton Pond, bound- 5.7 ed Northerly by the' northerly sideline of that portion of Saunders ~' ~ · .~ o O'N and said line extended easterly cularlyrbounded and described as followm: Northerly.by a portion of the ~reet that tren s approximately E7 , 5 o the shore ~of Sutton Pond; Northeasterly by the southwesterl shore of ~'~ former Salem Railroad location line; East~rl.y by a l~_ne parallel to_end '~ . ' ~ Y Y ' 'g a gl t~ Y ~" feet easterly from Main Street cen~r l~ne between the ~utton Pond, ~outheasterl b alzne at arm ht n eSaunders Street ,~i~.~'~'~;~1 165ailroad l~cation line and Saunders Street; Northeasterly by a _m.erlmneOalem center~ l~ne.at its eouth?rly terminus~ Southwesterly by a line parallel to ii~i~~ R~ ~ ~ . ., ~ ~ ~.~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ across S~aunders Street.southerly terminus and the southeasterly side line .!!?~ PaOn~tia~u~ d t n c a of the -own .of Nor th. Andover Bradstreet School lot; Northwes.terly by a short port~on.of sa~d Bradstreet School southeasterly lot l~ne; South- .... School southeasterly lot l~ne, ortheaste ly y p e . westerl.~ by a l~ne parallel t~ ~.~ 1 25 ~,~.t .~.~w~.~ter! ~ ,~^~ *~+ ~*~ 180 feet northeasterly from ~¥-~ain Street cnnter line, and extending some ~I , 0 ' W :I:~ ~ ; :[ 700 feet or more lin length between said Bradstreet School soUtheasterly of Oaun.~ers St,.r. eet center line that 2rends in two courses ~t and N 24°, 30'~, between, the aforesaid Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and the aforesaid Saunders Street northerly sideline trendi ET,° 'N;. Sec. 35 Sub Sec. 3.52 was a unanimous vote and so declared, rg bounded; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 90 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly sideline of JohnSon Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 fee't southeasterly from the southeasterly side line of Andover Street and said side line extended tangent al i the way across Johnson Street between its west and east side lines; Southwesterly by a parallel to and 75 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly side of Johnson Street; Northwesterly by that portion of the southeasterly li~e of Andover Street and said line extended tangent all the way across Johnson Street between a point on said andover Street line appoximately 75 feet westerly along it from its intersection with the southwesterly side line of Johnson Street and a point on said Andover Street line about 90 feet northeasterly along it from its interesection ~ith the northeasterly side line of Johnson Street. Sec. ~.6.~ Sub Sec. 3.61 was a;~.unanimous vote and so declared. together with the buildings thereon, B ' egmnning at~/.a point in the n~ th- ?esterly side at the intersection of ~ddleee× Street and Waverley Road in the southwesterly corner of the premises in question; thence running northeasterly 120 feet along Waverley Road to a point; thence t~rning and running southwesterly 193 feet to a point; thence turning and running sottheasterly 90 feet to a point in the northwesterly side of ~iddle sex Street thence turning and running nar theasterly along the northwesterly side of ~f, iddlesex Street 156 feet to the point of beginning. Sec. 3.6. Sub Sec. 3.63 was a unanimous vote and so declared. General Business Distri.cts. 3.71 Portions of both s_~des of Main Street and of Water Street more patti- lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton ~ ~_11 Pond ~iene~21y s.6uthe~st- er!~.h~f .the intersection of Second, ~ain · and Water Streets; Northeasterly bY '.s-ou'thwes~terly shore of Sutton ~;~zll Pond; Southeasterly by a line TOWN OF NORTH A!~YDOVER ZONING BY LAWS JUhE30, 1956 6.) Sec. 7~Sub. °ec. 3.71 Cont'd. . . at a r~ght angle to Water Street center line andilpasszng thr.ough a pomnt on abou~ 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of ~.,Ierr~mack Street; easterly by the center line of Water Street Street~ Southwesterly by a line parallel to Water Street center line between Elm Street there~ Nor th- between Nerrimack Street and Elm and 225 feet southwesterly from and Merrimack Street; Northwesterly bY a short port_on of i\~errimack Street cente~ line; SoUthwesterly by Water Street center line between I¥~errimack ~Street and Main Street and by a §ho~t portion?.of~,Nain Street Center~line n~r Second Street; Southeasterly by a li~ parallel to and 100 feet southeasterly from Second Street center lines: South- w~sterly and westerly by a line parallel to and 221.~ feet southwesterly ~rom Nain Street center line between Second Street and ~ay Street; Northerly by a portion of ~iay Street center line; Westerly by a portion of ~ain Street center line between ~ay Street and the f~mer Salem Railroad location. Sec. 7. Sub Sec. 3.71 was a unanimous vote and so declared. ~.72 In the Northerly sector of the intersection of Turnpike Street sad Andover Street the following two parcels of land: (1) The parcel of land with buildings thereon presently known as Thom~on's Restaurant bounded: Southeasterly by Andover Street center line; Southwesterly by Turnpike ~ Street center line; Northerly by land now or formerly of Ethel Freeman, (2) The parcel of land with buildings thereon presently known as the Furniture Beginning f (4) TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ing about 59,000 square feet. The parcel of land presently known on the more or less northerly side ZONING BYLAWS JUNE 30, 1~56 7 as the Blue Fox, in North Andover, of ~reat Pond Road, being shorn on North Andover, Nasa., Charles E. Plan of .Land owned .by Stefanowicz, ~yr, C.E.,~April 1947, which .parcel is bounded and described as follows.; Beginning at a stone, bound in the northwesterly interseetion of Osgo~ Street and Pond Street, and thence running northeasterly along said 0s?~.zood Street ~.04 and lt/100 feet to a stone bound in the more or less 1~ ' southerly side of 0sgood Street; thence turning and _~zun_~ng more or less southeasterly by lots numbered 61, and 60, as shwwn on said plan 203 and 36/100 feet to the ~esterly side of a porposed street as shown on said plan; thence turning and running southwesterly along said westerly si~e of said proposed street 3~0 and 17/100 feet to Great Pond Road; thence turning and running along the more or less.northerly side of Great Pond Road 3~7 and 60/100 feet to a stone bound in said northerly side of Pond Street; thence turning and running northwesterly ~J$ and 82/100 feet to the stone bound, the point of beginning; bontaining 2.2 acres, more or !ess. (5) The land in North ~amdover with~the buildings thereon p~esently known as bounded and Faro' s Diner located on the south side of 0sgood Street, Barn bounded and described as follows: line of Salem Turnpike, said point being 280 feet ~iorther!y from a stone bound marking the Westerly end of a curve at the junction of Salem Turnpike~ and Andover Street; thence Northwesterly by the Easterly line of Turnpike 111.44 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly ~91.72 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly 172.03 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Andover Street; thence Southerly by the Westerly line of Andover Street 20~.95 feet to a point; said point ~eing 187.50 feet Northerly from a stone bound marking the t_on of Andover Street and the Salem Easterly end of a curve at the junc ~ Turnpike; thence Westerly 295.33 feet to the point of beginning. The vote ~n Sub. Sec. 3.72 was AFFIE~ATIVE 181. NEGATIVE 19. So Voted. at a point in the Northerly described as follows: Southeasterly.by ~ar kef Street 590 .and 15/100 feet; southwesterly in two courses by 0sgood Street 221.85 feet and ~4452 feet; northerly by land of Barker along the bed of an old wall feet; and northeaster2y again by land of Barker 8.99 feet, all of said me2surements being as shown on plan of land owned by Stefanowicz North Andover, IVlass., August 19~7, Charles E. Cyr, ~.E. , (6) Land in North Andover, together with the southeasterly side of Chickering Spot, being bounded and described as in the northwesterly corner of the easterly side of Chickering koad; the bui!dings thereon, located Road presently known as the Hi- follows: Beginning at a point premises in question dn the thence running Southeasterly on s outh- 150 3.7 VOTED That the proposed revision of the.North . ~nd feet.to a point; . the.map made a part thereof be am.en.ded by strmking a. nd removing all of a pomnt .on the southeasterly smde of Secmon 3.73 from the porposed.rev~.smon an.d by deletmn.g from .the .map ~y and runnmng northeasterly along t.he . marking of the ar~a included ~n sa~d section as a ~us~ness d~str~ct. I / R°ad 155 feet t° the p°int °f' beginning' The vote on SubI Sec. 3.73 was AFFIRNATIVE 171. NEGATIVE 24. So Voted. (7) The land in North Andover,.wmth b The Pla Board recommends tha 't the descrmbed as Andover Zoning By-Law thence turning and running southwesterly 155 feet to turning Chickering Road; thence 3.7~ nn~.ng following businesses already mn existence be zoned as General Busmness. In addition, the Board will recommend that other businesses, likewise in existence, be so zoned if and when proper descriptions by metes and bounds of such properties used (2) (5) now form general business can be obtained. The land in North Andover with the buildings thereon, presently known as Thompson's Restaurant, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound on the Salem-~.~rnpike, so-called, and then running ncr therly ~5°.-~.~'-55" west two hundred and eighty feet to a point, thence; and 53./100 feet Andover Street, hundred Street, thence; first mentioned, squarer feet. in an Easterly direction two hundred a~nd ninety-five by land now or formerly of Eh,hel ~. Freeman tQ so-called, thence; Northerly 20-27'-05" east one and eighty-seven smd 50/100 feet to a stone bound on Andover in an arc seventy-four and 99/100 feet to the bound being the point of beginning, containing 35,567.4 The land in I',[orth Andover, with the buildings thereon, presently known as Charles Steak House, located on the westerly side of 0sgo~d Street, bounded and described as follows: Northerly 200 feet by the southerly side of Sutton Street; easterly by the westerly side of s~id 0s~bod S.treet~;O. f'~'et'~"southerl~.. , . 200 feet by Other land of the s~aid Effie C. Kostandin; and westerly ~0 feet by land mow. of the City of Lawrence. Land in North Andover, with the buildings thereon, presently known as Little Red School House bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the westerly line of Osgood Street, which stone bound is at land now or formerly of Hayes; thence running westerly by land now or formerly of Hayes 210 feet to a stone bound; thence t"~~ o~ste~l~~ b~' i~ of said hayes, 125 I'eet ~---~-~o and running nor~' .... ~.~ ~ ~ -~ more or less, to an iron pipe; thence turning and running southerly by land now or formerly of~ Steinberg, 141 feet to a stone bound; thence turning and running southeasterly by land now or formerly of Steinberg 156 and 5/10 feet to a stone bound; thence turnin~ so8 running southwesterly by land now or formerly of Steinberg ~6 feet to a stone bounds;. 't. hence turning and running southeasterly by land now or formerly of Steinberg 206 feet to a stone bound at 0sgood Street; thence turning and running northerly by the westerly line of Osgo od Street about 285 ~eet to a stone bound at point of beginning, contain- southeasterly side thereon, pr Northerl~ buildings of Chickering esentl~.~ known as 2261feet, more or 280 feet, more Woody' s, bounded and follows: less, by land now or late of Coolidge, southeasterly, or less, by Chickering Street, southerly 30 feet, more or less, by land now or formerly of Schurender; and westerly, 178 feet, by land n~v or 1Rte of one ~elamed~ ('8) A parcel of !and, with the buildings thereon, presently used for a gasoline filling station situated in North Andover, bounded and deseribed as follows: southwesterly by ~assachusetts Avenue 73 feet; no~2hwesterly by land now or formerly of Cahill 124.56 feet; north- easterly bY land now or formerly of I~ooloy 110.57 feet; and southeasterly by Perry Street 66.5© feet. And also a p~rcel of land with the buildings thereon presently known as the Town Line Restaurant, si~ated on the northeasterly side of Nassachusetts AvSnue in North Andover and bonded and described as follows: Beginning on ~assachusetts Avenue at land now or formerly of T. E. Foye; thence r~ning northweste.rly by the northeasterly line of ~assachusetts Avenue about 273 feet to the southeasterly pier of the b'ridge on ~assachusetts Avenue over the Shawsheen River; thence turn- zn~ and r~ning northeasterly, easte~y and southeasterly by said River about 420 feet to land now or formerly of sand T.E. Foye; thence turni~ and running southwesterly by said Foye land about 225 feet to ~[assachusetts Avenue at the point of beginning. Contains about 4[~400 ~'q~e feet, And also a parcel of land with the buildings the reon situated in North Andover on the~ northeasterly side of ~assach~etts Avenue and bounded as follows:: Begimi~ on said road at the southeasterly corner of ~aid ~.~~ l~t and land of John Carey; thence northeasterly by said Carey~s land l~O feet to a point; thence northwesterly by land form- erly of J L. Webster by a straight line to and through a maple tree standing near the edge of the Shawsheen River to saic~ r~v~~ ~en~e up said river bounding by said river to a line drawn from a point in the northeasterly line of~ said road to said river which line is parallel with an 150 feet distant northwesterly from the northwesterly line of said ~"'~ land and ~~ ~s~ mentioned: thence southwesterly by said parallel line on other land formerly of J. L. Webster to said road; thence southeasterly by said road 150 feet to the point of beginni~. The above three parcels are all included in one tract. (9)" lO) (ii) (12) The TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BYLAWSJUNE 30, 1956 ~and in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, presently known as Bulge~'s Animal Hosptial, b6unded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of Chickering Road in the northwest: corner of the premises in question; thence running south- easterly 125 feet to a point;, thence turning and running, southwesterly 200 feet to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 125 feet to a point on the southeasterly side of Chickering Road; thence turning and running northoasterly 200 feet along the southeasterly side of Chickering Road to the point of beginning. A parcel of land in North Andover with buildings thereon, presently!in- cluding Hollins Service Station and the Middlesex ~Jarket located on' ~[iddlesex Otreet, Massachusetts Avenue and Perry Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at Street and IViassachusetts Avenue and Botts Avenue 200 feet, more or less, Street, thence southeasterly 83 a point running to the feet; thence at the junction of Perry southwesterly on Massachu- junction of Middlesex northeasterly 95 feet to a point; thence northwesterly 75 feet more thence northeasterly 85 feet to Perry Street; 1~5 feet to the point of beginning. A parcel formerly TOWN OF NORTH AKDOVEk ZONING BYLAWS JUNE 30, 1956 (14) A parcel of land in North andover, together w_th the buildings thereon, presently known as Campbell's Market, bounded and described as follows: B · eginm, ng at a point on the westerly side of Waverly Road 14 feet northerly from the nc~ therly line Of Union ~treet; thence rurming northeasterly by said ¥~averly Road 86 feet to !and once of Michael J. Dooley; thence turning at a rzoht angle and running northwesterly by said land once of Nichael J. Dooley 6~.7 feet to a point by land now or once of Thomas and John Dooley; thence turning and running by said land now or once of Thomas and Jhhn Dooley 107 feet to Waverly Road to the pDint of beginning. First Parcel--A certain parcel of land in North Andover, toggther with · the buildings thereon, presently known as the K.N. Crawford Oompany, bounded and described as fol!owx: North 50 feet by the southerly line of Middlesex Street; thence east 100 feet by lot No. 42 on said plan; thence south 50 feet by lot No. 64 on said plan; thehce west 100 feet (15) or less, to a point; by lot No. 40 on said plan. ~thence northwesterly SeCond Parcel--A certain parcel of ]and in North of land in ~orth Andover with buildings thereon, nnw or the property of C.D. Glennie, bounded and described as follows: Starting to Beechwood Street; then.ce easterly ~00 feet to a point; .thence north- and AlfredG Schmottlach and thence running easterly 3~5 feet to a point .east by northeast 115 to a pomnt, the.nco less, alon~ ~aid easterly line of ~arblehead Street; thence running southwester!7 85 feet to a point; thence easterly 115 feet to a point, easterly 2U7 feet by lot "A" on plan of land designated "Division of thence southwesterly~640 feet to a point; thence to the Shawsheen River land belong to heirs of Peter Roeves," R.H. Ellis, Engineer~ April 7, at Shawsheen River along Beechwood Street 150 feet northeasterly northerly 190 feet more following the Town Line of North Andover 790 feet more starting point at Beechwood and Shawhheen River. or less to the A parcel G!enn~ s point on easterly of land in North Andover $ith buildings thereon, presently the ~'i~_~- bounded and described as follows:inning at ~'_k Plant, Beg a the northeasterly side of Massachusetts Avenue in the south- corner of the premises in question thence running northwesterly 290 feet along Massachusetts Avenue running northeasterly 200 feet to a. southeasterly 268.8 feet to a point to a point; thence tut ning and point; thence turning and running on the westerly side of Marblehead Street; thence turning and rm~ning southerly 28.8 feet to a point on the northwesterly side of Williams Street; ~thence tu~ing and running southwesterly 180.5 feet to the point of beginning. first 'twelve (12) items of section 5.7~ were a unanimous vote and so declared~ A parcel o~f land in~.Ngrth Andgver, together presently maown as ;,icAloon~s fackage Store, with the buildings thereon, bounded and described as follows: A certain parcel of land at the jmmti~n of Pleasant Street and Franklin Street, beginning at an intersection at the southerly of Franklin Street to southwesterly still by said of 72.22 feet radius to Andover together with the buildings thereon, owned by Kenneth M. Crawford and Esther R. Craw- ford bounded and described as follows: Be,inning at a point in an easterly ~line of Marblehead Street 100 feet northerly from the inter- section of the easterly line of l'~arblehea~d Street with the northerly line of Union Street at land now owned or once by Lillian ~. Schmottlach line of Pleasant Street with northerly line beginning curve of~ said street line; thence northerly line of Franklin Otreet by a~ curve line of Pleasant. Street· westerly 120 feet to the point of begfnning. The vote on Sectmon 5.7~ item 15, was unanimous and so declared. end of said curve; thence westerly still by northerly line of Franklin .Street 59 feet more or less to easterly line of Chickering Road; thence .northerly by easterly line of Chickering Road about 52 feet to remain - .~mg part of Lot 59; thence northeasterly by said Lot 59, 59 feet more or less to southerly line of Pleasant Street; tb~ nce by said southerly or 1925, 502, land further moved and seconded under the above Item 15 by adding at Franklin and Avon Streets, as Lot ~36 on a plan owned It was thereto a certain parcel of land istua~ed North Andover, Massachusetts, being shown by George ~V. Russell and recorded with the ~egistry of Deeds, Book 182, Page 600, follows: Northerly by Franklin Street Lot #37, Southerly by Lot #35 and masterly by Avon Street, all shown on said plan ~on~a_n~ng about 5,000 square feet, more or less. Excepting therefrom that portion of the above described premises taken by the Co~mmonwealth of Massachusetts by a taki~ dated Nay 12, said North Essex ~~ and so declared. North Essex Ristrict bounded and described as fifty (50) feet. Westerly by 19~1 and recorded with Book 5 ~9, Page 4. The vote was unanimous ( 1 (1,7) o recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds, Plan number thence running southerly 100 feet by Baldwzn Street on plan of of Daivs and Furber Machine Company made in 1897; thence ru~ming westerly 97 feet by lot numbered ~iachzne Company; thence runnmng s No. l0 on plan of Greene Farm rec Deeds, book 708, last leaf; thenc 5 on said plan of DaVis .& Furber outherly 90 feet more or less by lot orded with Essex .South Registry of e running Westerly 188 feet more or less to the point of beginning; being a conveyed to the said Arthur A. Reeves and Andrew. Reeves dated September 16, 1939. A certain parcel of 1~ nd in North Andover, together with the thereon, presently known as Farnham's Nursery, being bounded certain portion of the premises Mildred B. Reeves by deed of buildings and describ ed as follows: Starting at the northwest,~corner or the premises in question at a corner of the wall at the junction of Berry Street and Turnpike Street; thence turning easterly ~J$5 feet as the wall stands to a stone bound by Said Berry Street; thence turning and running south- ~rly 160 feet to a stone bound on Turnpike Street. The land and premises southeast of this bound being owned by Mr. Farnham and his wife; thence turning and running northwesterly by the wall on said Turnpike Street ~2 feet to a cross wall at the junction of Berry Stree and said Turnpike Street; thence northerly 16 feet more or less to- gether with any rights or the described premises at A certain parcel of land thereon, presently known and described east by State State Highway by Oom~.onwealth of feet; and by land said bounds having pipe. A certain parcel of land {n North thereon, presently known as Louis bounded and described as follows: title we may have in the Berry ,Street and Turnpike in North Andover, together as Saul's gasoline filling triangle north of Street. with the buildings Station, bounded Said piece of land bounded on the north- as follows. Highway Route 11~ for a~dist~nce of 364,38 feet opposite Stations #178-179-180-181 and bounded on the northwest Nassachusetts 29 48 feet on the southwest 363.46 owned by Edward Wi Saul on the southeast 85.67 feet been surveyed by Mr. Brasseur and marked by iron ~ndover, together with the buildings H. Mc~!oon' s, Building Contracting, Beginning at a point in the north- erly line of Third Street in said North Andover, by ]and now or formerl of Stevens; thence running westerly by said northerly line of Third Street 80.0 feet more or less to a point which is 60.0 feet easterly of the easterly line of Lot 16 on a plan of Moody Bridges, said plan being recorded at Salem, Book 589; thence turning and running northerly in a line parallel with said easterly line of Lot 16, and 60.0 feet distant therefrom to a poinb in ~ =~'~~ ~ -~-' --~ point being 60.0 feet easterly from the intersection of the easterly line of Lot 16 with the southerly line of Lot 14 on said plan; thence running easterly by said Lot 1~ 154.0 feet more or less to land of w=~.~, thepee southeasterly about 132.5 feet; thence northeasterly ~_.0 feet both by Keniston and Stevens land; thence southeas~e~ by Keniston land 206.0 feet to the point of begi~_ing, or however other- wise said bo~ ary lines r~. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BY LAWS JUNE 30, 1956 ~19) A certain parcel of ]and in North andover, together with the building thereon, presently utilized as a market, bounded and described as follows: Northerly50 feet by Union Street; thence easterly 105 feet by land now or formerly of one l~'~cNiff; thence southerly 75 feet by lot numbered 4,. as shown on said plan~ and westerly 120 feet by Lot ' 2, as shown on said plan. (2.0)A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, pres.ent~y.kn.own as Lund's 'Garden 0.enter, bounded and describ~ ed as follows, ~ta~?t'~ng at the Boston & Mazne Railroad right of way on nlcxerzng Road and ru_nn~ng 300 feet in a northeasterly direction (21) (22) (25) of of 400 feet ~o feet along the beginning. to the land of Alice B. Colgate; thence ~northw..esterly~ along the land Alice B. Colgate a distance of 250 feet; thence southerly a distance the Boston & ~.aine Railroad right of way; thence 236 Boston & Maine Railroad right of way to the point of A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together with the build--. zngs thereon, presently known as Bill' s Auto Service, bounded and described as follows :~ Bounded easterly by Chickering Road,. 250 · ~, ~outher!y by Park Street, 150 feet, westerly by lots #1]-43 and 44; thence northerly by Franklin Street, 225 feet. A certain parcel of land ~.n North Andover, together with the build- known as Lakeside Filling Station, bounded Bounded northerly 180 feet by 0sgood Street; Great Pond Road; easterly 125 feet by other 185 feet by other land of mine; and westerly, ings thereon, and described nor thea s te r!y land of mine; presently as follows 70 feet by southerly 1~5 feet by other land of mine. A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon, bounded and described as follows: First Parcel: ~eing the land situated in North Andover, and bounded northerly 30 feet by land now of Gaumond southeasterly ~0 feet more or less by Ohickering Road; and westerly ~0 feet more or les~, by land now of Melamed, being triangular in shape. .~Sec°nd,. Parcel: Being .~he land with buildings ~o~th A~dover, and bounded northwesterly, ~25 Chzc,kerm_n_g, ko,a,d; easterly 219.25 feet more or soutnerl~ 45.o feet, more or less, by land of 209 feet, more or less, by land now of thereon situated in feet more or less by less by Dufton Court; Smith; southeasterly, Smith and ~'[cl',~urray; southerly and westerly 135.~ feet, more less, by ~ nd of Nelb; now of Car'bone;~o. ~ogether with the build- being bounded and described of Chickering ~'oad at a 39 feet, more or or less, by land A certain parcel ings thereon, as z ollows. of land in North Andover, presently known as I~iangan6's, Beginning at the easterly line point about 225 feet ~orth from the northeasterly line of Street; thence running northerly along said easterly line Street; thence running northerly along said easterly line Road ~05.62 feet to a stake; thence turning and running northeasterly ~.~[[':land N/For Village Land Company 35 feet to a pipe; thence tur~..r~g and' running southeasterly 263.9 feet to a stake; thence turning and running southwesterly by land of Subatch 275 feet to a stake; thence turning and running northwesterly by land of Messina 76.18 feet to a point of beginning, containing 50,000 square feet, more or less. A certain parcel of land in North Andover, presently known as Verda' s Garage together with the buildings thereon, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an oak stake set in the westerly line of Salem of the of Abb crt f orme rly feet more or less to a stake set in'the northerly line of said Abbott Street; thence turning and running easterly by said Abbott Street, 227.)0 feet to another stake set in the ground on the said northerly line btreet, 240 feet more or less north from the intersection ._westerly line of said Salem Street with the northerly line Otreet; thence running westerly 228.40 feet by land now or by land heretofore conveyed by us to Leopold ~,{ichalski I)6 Pleasant of Pleasant of Chiokering of Abbot.t Street; thence tour of the intersection to the left and in about turning and running with the curved con- of said Abbott Street and said Salem Street a northerly direction 50 feet mmre .or less ~o another stake set in the said thence running northerly by said _~u~.~,"-': '~- of begi~z~iug Aection 3.74 Items fourteen (1~) unanimous vote and so declared. westerly line of said Salem Street,: Salem Street 154.40 feet to the to twenty-fi~e (25) Incl. were a TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING JUNE 30, 1956 26. A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together ,~W_th t. he buildings thereon, presently known as the D & F Concrete Products bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin on the northerly side of Hillside Road at land of Frank P. and Katherine Hennessy and running in a northwesterly direction along a wire fence and a stone wall 187.62 feet to an iron thence ~urning and running in a southeasterly direction by other land of the' grantors being parcels #2 and ~$ as shown on said plan 135.85 feet to an iron pi.n.~ thence turning and running, in a southerly direction by a hedge and also by lot #3 as shown on said plan 61.93 feet to an iron pin on the .northerly side of Hill~ide Road, which pin is 50.95 feet westerly from an iron pin on the westerly side of the Andover By.~Pass; thence turning and rur~_~ng southwesterly along the northerly'"~.sid~:?.of~the said Hillside Road 95 95 feet to the point of beginning. Also the land adjo~n__ng ~n North Andover with the buildings thereon, presently known as Trembly Servdce Station, bounded and described as follows: Begi..n, nir~j at an iron pin on the northerly side of said Hillside Road by lot ~1 as shown on Plan ~26~.4 in North Essex District Registry of Deeds and thence running northerly 61.93 feet to an iron pin; thence turning and rurnaing northwesterly 135.85 ' D ' feet to an zron pin in a stone wall b.y land of Sarah ownmng Heirs; thence turning and running along a stone wall in a northerly direction 1502.88 fe~t to an iron pin in a stonewall; bhence turning and running in an easterly pzn by land now or formerly of the Trustees thence turning and running in a general southerly by land of the said Trustees to an iron pin on thw Andover By-Pass; thence turning and_running in a south- the westerly line of the Andover By Pass 150.0 feet direction 110.95 feet to an iron ' of Phi.llips. Academy; direction 349.0 feet westerly side of the erly direction to an iron pin on the Northerly running along the northerly side iron pin first begun at. 'Sec. 3.74 Item 26 was a' side of Hi of said H llside Road; thence turning and illside Road 30.95 feet to the unanzmous vote 'and so declared. 27, Parcel 1. thereon, zngs Des~osier' s 160 feet southeasterly Commonwealth Variety bounded and described as from the intersection Avenue on the southwesterly side A certain parcel of t~nd in North Andover with the build- presently known as the North Ando~er Pain & Hardware and follows: Beginning at a point of ~assachusetts Avenue and of ~assachusetts Avenue; thence runnmng westerly 100 feet to feet; thence turning ParcelII. A certain southeasterly 310 feet to a point; thence turning and running ~outh- a point; thence turning and running northwesterly and running northeasterly 100 feet to point of beginning. parcel of land in North Andover with the buildings there on, presently known as the North .~ndover Paint ~!~ Hardware and Desrosier's Variety bounded and described as follows: The parcel ~of land in question is located on the southwesterly side of ~assachusetts Avenue Point at the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of point being 100 feet southwesterly ~f 160 feet from the beginning at a one Longbottom: said ~assachusetts Avenue ;and A~enue; thence southeas'be of Longbot tom, line being 100 setts Desrosiers feet from ~venue, to a point the southwesterly line of southeasterly line of Commonwealth fly 24-9 feet more or less by land now or formerly , Hennessy, Calabrese, Kamal and Hennessy, said and parallel to the southwesterly line of I~assachu- ll3 feet from the westerly side of Beechwood Street; thence southwesterly with an less to the Shawsheen River; interior angle of 90 degrees 300 feet more or thence northwesterly by the Shawsheen River 280 by land now 'or formerly of Turner, '25© feet more or less to the point more or less. feet moro or less to land now or formerly of Turner; thence northeasterly Williams, Towne, Fogarty and ~dDono~h of beginning containing 7[~]000 square feet 28. A cer.~amn parcel of land mn North Andover with the buildings thereon, prese:, bly known as Welch' s Plumbing and Heating, bounded and described as follows.' Beginning at a point on the southweste~1~- .~ side of l~'ia!n Street in ~he southeasterly .corner of the premises in question; thence running south-- westerly along ~;~ay Street 160 feet to a point; thence turning and rufining northwesterly 5© feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly 60 feet to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 100 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction. 100 feet along the Boston ~'; ]~.~aine Railroad rz~ht of way to a point mn the southwesterl' side of ~,~ain Street; ~hence turning and running southeasterly along the south ~, t 160 feet to the point of beginning. westerly side of Iiain Stree 29. A certain parcel of land in North Andover wit'h the buildings thereon, presently known as Pappa!ardo's Variety and Trembly Service Station bounded and described as follows: 175 feet southerly along Nain Street to a point; thence 330 feet westerly along the boston &: I~.~aine Railroad to a point;o . thence 50 feet northerly to thence 375 feet northeasterly along the southerly side of Sutton Street to th,s point of beginning. (50) (55) (36) TO~f0F NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BY LAWS, JUNE 30, 1956 A certain presently Beginning on the northwesterly side of of the premises in question. thence 60 feet northwesterly to thence 185feet northeasterly to 135 feet to point of beginning. parcel of land in North Andover with the buildings thereon, known as ]~'~essina' s Market bounded and described as follows: at a point at the intersection of ~'~ain and Sutton Streets Sutton Street in the southeasterly corner 170 feet southwesterly along Sutton Street the Boston & ~{aine Railroad right of way; a point in North Main Street; the nos A certain preser~, tly parcel of land mn North Andover with the buildzns~ thereon, known as the Veteran' s of Fore!~.n Wars, Post 2104 bounded and described asfol!ows: Beginning at a ~oint at the northerly intersection of Park Street and Chickerin~ Road; thence running Chickering Road to a point; thence turn- feet to a point on the westerly side of to Street; thence turning and running southeasterly 192.2~ feet northeasterly 170 feet along zng and rurm'~ng easterly ~ 51 Avon a point on the northerly side of Park Street; thence turning and running westerly in two courses 102.89 feet and 59.79 feet along Park Street to the point of beginning. A certain parcel of land in North Andover with the buildings thereon, no~ or formerly of Driver bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the southwesterly intersection of Park Street and Chickering Road; thence running in a southwesterly direction 230 feet along Chickering Road; thence t~rning' and running south~.asterly 84.7 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly 270 feet to Park Street; thence t~rning and rmaning westerly 87.2 feet to the point of beginning. North ~'~ndover with the buildings thereon, Clu~ and the Dairy~Queen bounded and described point at the westerly intersection of Park thence running southwesterly 1~0 feet along in Main Street; thence turning and mnani~ng A certain pre sen t !y asfollows: Otreet and Chickering parcel of land in known as Young's · Oeginning at a Ohickering Road; Road to a point feet to the intersection of Park and ~,~ain Streets; thence eaterly 220 feet along Park otreet to the point of H' ~ North Andover numbered located on :',.~-.,'.n Street, "52, and with the buildings thereon, presently northwesterly 250 turning and running beginning. A certain parcel of Lot /I_]$ on Assessors Beginning northea s terl' land Plot knovm as ~ann' s Variety bounded ~fld described~'aSlfollows: at a point on the southwesterly side of High Street in the corner of the premises in question; thence running southeasterly 100 feet to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 70.7 to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 100 feet to a thence turning and running northeasterly 69.59 feet to the point of ~eginning. in North Andover with the buildings Ibcated as Hilton's Variety, bounded and described northerly side of ~iddle- premises in question; turning and and running of Middlesex A certain parcel of land 2hereofl, presently known as follows: Beginning, at an iron pipe on the sex Street in the southeasterly corner of the feet point; St. the northerly side of thence running northerly 100 feet to an iron pipe; thence running westerly 50 feet to an i~on pipe; thence turning southerly 100 feet to an i~on pipe in the northerly side the re on, described turning and running easterly 50 feet along Street to an iron pipe, the point of beginning. parcel of land ~n North Ando~,er with the ou~±a_ngs known as the Den Rock Drive-In Theater, bounded and thence ~idd!esex A certain presently as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly s°ide of Winthrop Avenue 990 feet northwesterly from the intersection of Turnpike Street and Waverley Road; thence running along Winthrop Avenue 815 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly 700 feet to a point; thence turnzng and running southeasterly 600 feet to a point~ thence turning and running easterly 261 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and rmaning southwesterly 596 feet more or less to the point of beginning~ A certain parcel of land'in North Andover with the buildings thereon, presently ~own a.s Fould's Bakery bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a poznt at the westerly corner of Beverly and Union S feets and running westerly 155 feet more or less by the northerly line of Union $ tree t t ' ' o a poinv, then tutoring nor~her±y 90 feet more or less to a point, thence turning and running easterly 155 feet to a point On the westerly side of Beverly Street, thence turnzno and running southeaster].y 90 feet more or less to point of beginning. T~WN OF NORTH AND0~R ZONING BYLAWS JUNE ~0, 1956 .(38) (39) (1!_o) A certain parcel of land in North Andover, together with the buildings thereon~ presently known as Robinson' s .Express Company, bounded and described as follows: Begirming at~a point on the northerly side of Second Street, thence running northwesterly by land now or formerly of Stewart 300 feet to land now or formerly of Lawlor; thence ~urning and intoning northeasterly by said Lawlor land 58 and 45/100 feet to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly 53 feet to a point; thence turning and r~mm. ng northea~terly ll0 feet to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly 142 and $3/100 feet to a point, the last C · three courses being by land now or formerly of the Village Land ompany, thence turning and running southwesterly by two courses !3~ and 84/~00 feet by land conveyed by me to George L. Newcomb et ux; thence turning and running southeasterly by said Newcomb land 100 feet to Second Street; thence turning and running southwesterly by Second Street 40 feet to the point of beginning; containing 31,915 square feet more or less; being shown as Lot "B" on "Plan of Land in North Andover, I'.~ass. Owned by L{ary E. Robinson" recorded in the North District of Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 2826, being part of the premises conveyed to me by Daniel J. Grogan by deed dated December 9, 1929, recorded in said Registry of Deeds book 550, page 38. Sec. 3.71~. Items 27 to 38 (Incl.) were a nnanimous vote and so declared. VOTED that Section 3.74 of the proposed amended Zoning Bylaws as it may relate to gen~eral business be further amended by adding thereto this 39 so that as amended there shall be designated as a general busi- area the following describe'd pa?cel of property: A certain parcel located in North Andover on of Osgood being shown as lots numbered Land in Item ness of land the northwesterly side btreet, 1,2,3 and ~. on Plan of North Andover~ [~[ass., owned by Stanley and Mary Stefanowicz, trustees, Charles L. Cyr, Civil Engineer, dated December 19[~5, bounded and described as ollows' B~~s at a stake at a wall in the said north- westerly side of Osgood Street and thence running more or less north- westerly along the northwesterly side forty-seven and 3/10 feet to a County side of Osgood Street; thence turning of 0sgood Street three hundred Bound in the said northwesterly and running along land now of Leo l~'iurphy in a northwesterly direction two hundred twenty-five feet, more or less, to a County bound; thence turning and runnmng more or 1.ess sou. thwesterly along land now or late of ~teinberg three hundred fzfty,s.~_x and 5/10 feet to a County bound in the northeasterly side of County Road, also known as Clark Street; thence turning and running southeasterly along the said northeasterly siSe of Clark Street one hundred seventy-five feet to a stake; thence turning and ~nning forty- one and 16/100 .feet along a line having a radius of twenty-five feet to a stake, the point of beginning. Being the same premises purchased efanow_c z by . frOm Stanley and ~,~ary St ~ deed dated August 23, 1951, record- ed with the Noz~th District'Essex Registry of ~eeds, Book 755, Page 6. The vote on Item 39 was unanimous and so declared. VOTED relate 40 so area Blanchard, Registry of Meeds. The vote on Item 40 was sec. 3- 75 Indus trial unanimous and so VOTED THAT THE AREA DESCRIB~D Districts and included in the declared. in Sec. 3.84 be deleted from General Business Districts as Sec. 3-75 which is as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly 1 ' .'.'~ line of the Salem T~r~p.tk~ said point being 138 feet northerly from -~sidc R~,d, thence no~ther!y by the easterly line of Salem Turnpike a stone ~4-.05 feet 719 feet to a point; thence northeasterly by wall, to a point; thence easterly by the stone wall, 680.42 feet to a point; thence southwesterly, 565 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 200 feet to a point in the northerly line of Hillside Road; thence south- westerly by the northerly !!ne of' ~_iiiside Road, i00 feel, 'to a point which is 110.7 feet from the Salem Turnpike; thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point of beginning. The vote on Sec. 3.75 was unanimous and so declared. that Section 3.74 of the proposed amended Zoning bylaws as it may to general business be further amended by adding thereto Item that as amended there shall be designated as a general business the following described parcel of property$ A certain parcel of located in North Andover, numbered 127-129-131 ~arblehead Street, land North Amdover, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the · l~iarb!ehead 'Street and IvH. ddlesex Street as now laid out, intersec tmon of - thence westerly by the northerly line of sai~'d ~{iddlesex Street ninety feet to land now or formerly of L. Greenwood; thence northerly by said land now or formerly of said Greenwood; thence easterly ninety feet by land now or formerly of Greenwood to the westerly line of Narb!ehead Street; thence southerly fifty feet to ~{iddlesex Street and the point of beginning; and being the same premises conveyed to us by Ruby $. Conservator, by deed recorded with the North District ~'ssex TOWN OF NORTH AND01 ,~nJ~ ZONING BYLAWS' JUNE ~0, 1956 3.8 INDUSTRIAL DI S~R!CTS 3.81 Ali. that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick watershed divide line, more particularly bounded as follows: Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North Andover boundary between the ~.~errimack River and a point southerly of 0sgood Street. Easterly and southeasterly by a line parallel to and distant 500 feet easterly from the center line of 0sgo0d Street between the Haverhill-North Andover boundary and Barker Street; Southeasterly by that portion of the center line of 0sgodd Street between Barker Street smd Sutton Street; 'Southeasterly and southerly by the center line of that portion of Sutton Street and between 0sgood Street 3.83 20WN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BYLAWS, JUNE 30, 1956 At Greene Street and the ~hawsheen River, being a certain parcel of land together with the buildings thereon, presently known as Wipex Incorporated, bounded and described as follows: Beginnihg at an iron pipe in the southwest side of Greene Street, North Andover in the Northe.ast c. orner of the granted premises; thence runni.ng in a westerly directmo.n mn an arc 90.16 feet .to a point; thence r~u~.nzng southwesterly along sazd Greene Street 280.83 feet to a town bound, thence'turning and running in an irregular southwesterly direction following along the Shawsheen River to an iron pipe; thence turning and running south- easterly along land now or formerly of Ivar L. S jostrom, Jr., 276-18 and ~,~iay Street; a line parallel Street, bet~veen of Belmont ~treet; Westerly line between Belmont 'Street Northwesterly and northerly and a point of Sutton Street 300 feet northeast of ~,.iethuen Street' Southerly ' feet to an . pipe; thence turning.and runnin.g northeasterly 135.42 "" by a line parallel to and 750 feet northerly from the centerline of Sutton iron .~ Street, between a point on Sut, ton Street 3~0 feet northeast of ~ethuen ' / I f. eet to an ~ron pipe; thence continuzng to run ~n a ~ortheasterly - Street and a point on Sut.ton Street 125 f.eet southwest of Thorn~ike Street, direction 1~.88 .feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing to run in a . · ~ Southerly by the center l_~ne of that port,on of Outton Street between a northeasterly dmrect~on 208.65 feet to an iron p_pe on the southwesterly point on Sutton Street 12~ feet southwest of Thorn~ike Street and ~,t'ain side of Greene Street the point of beginning. Street. Easterly by the center line of ~,.iain Street between Sutton Street The vote on Sec. 3.82, 3.83 were unanimous and so declared. Southerly by the center line of lvlay Street; Easterly by to and 200 feet easterly from the center line of Patriot I~Iay Street and Belmont Street; Southerly by the center line by a sh~rt portion of ~Jiarb!ehead Street center and the Lawrence-North Andover town line. by the North Andover town line between the foot of ~,~arblehead Street and the Haverhill-North Andover boundary. westerly and westerly by the former location of Wood Lane. The vote was unanimous and so declared. amendment to the Street from what High Bridge Brook South- Indus t~ial is now Faro~ s be kept as It was further V~TED under Sub.Sec. 3.81 an Zoning Law that the land Easterly o f Os~ood ~iner to what used to be or now is known as ~ural Residential. The vote was unanimous and so declared. 0sgood, Davis & Furber and Sutton Street Center line; fee t sou thwe s te rly from the 3.82 A finger of land embracing the Sutton~ Stevens Mills, being bounded: Northerly by Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 center line of Thorndike Road; thence by a connecting line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from that portion of the former Salem Railroad right of way location line between.,a point near the southeasterly end of Thorndike Street and Chickering Road; ~outheasterly by a short portion of Chickering Road c~nter line; A point, thence by a line parallel to and 225 feet north- westerly from High Street c~nter line, thence by the location line of the former Salem Railroad right of way, thence b~y High Street center line, thence by a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from said railroad location line between High Street and Northeasterly by the former Salem Railroad location line between Chickering Road and Stevens Street; Easterly by Stev~s Street center line between the railroad location and Pleasant Street: South- westerly by Pleasant S treet~cen.ter line to a point thereon 120 feet south- easterly from its intersection with Phillips Court center line; Northwesterly by a line parallel to and 120 feet southeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends approximately S~$o, 33W; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 135 feet northeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends approximately 135 feet northeasterly from that line of Phillips Co.u,'rt that trends approximately S 35o, 26' E and such line extended northwesterly to Osgood Street; Northeasterly by a portion of 0sgood Street center line beginning at a point thereon ~50 feet northeasterly of its intersection with· Phillips Court center line and ~extending thence easterly to the center line of Wayne Street, so called$ Southwesterly by the center line of Wayne Street, so-called, between 0sgood Street and Chickering Road; Southeasterly by a short portion of Chickering Road center line; Southwesterly by East Water center line; Southeasterly by a short portion of Clarendon Street center line~ Southwesterly by Water Street center line, extended, between Clarendon Street and'a point on Water Street center line about 105 feet southerly from i'~errz mack Street center line; Northwesterly by a line at a rm~ht angle to Water Street center line and passing through a point ~hereon 105 feet southerly from I~errimack Street center line; Southwesterly by a portion of the south- westerly shore of the mill pond, and thence by a portion of a line parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly from~,'I~ ~'~ Street center line; Northwesterly' tension of that ximately E ?0© the southerly the southwesterly shore of ' '~ ' ight gl · z~ a~ a r -an e to , , 30' Street that trends Westerly by a line line; .Southerly by a portion of the Westerly by I!'[ain Street center line location line and Sutton Street. easterly ex- trends app~o- N; Southerly by that nc~'therlY side line of SaUfiders appoximately E 7°~ ~0'N and said line extended easter.Iv: parallel to smd 1~5 feet easterly from Main Street cen~er former Salem Railroad location line; between the former_~ Salem Railroad by a line at a right-angle to Saunders Street center line at terminus of Saunders Street; Southwesterly by Saunders, Street center lzne' at _ts~ outherly terminus' and the northerly side line of Saunders Street that SECTION BUILDING Al\rD USES PERMITTED, AND ~APPLIOATION OF REGULATIONS: specified and described, and extensions thereof designated uses of land, 4.01 In the zoning districts above designated buildings and alterations &ccessory thereto and the following the following and buildings buildings, or parts and uses are hereby expressly prohibited, except and actively in use on' June 1, 1956, which by the become lawfully non-~onforming. The vote on Sub. Sec. 4.01 was unanimous and so thereof and uses accessory thereto are permitted. Ail other buildings those lawfdlly .existing operation of this provision declared. 4.02 When a lot in one ownership is situated in part in the Town of North Andover and in part in an adjacent town or city, the provisions, regulations and restrictions of this Bylaw shall be applied to that portion of such lot Town of North Andover in the same manner as if the entire lot there_n. a zoning district boundary divides a lot in one ownership, all the regulations set forth in this zoning bylaw sp plying to the greater as lies in the were situated 4.03 When zoning part by area of such lot so divided may also be deemed to apply and govern at &nd beyond such zoning district boundary but only to an extend not more than thirty (~0) linear feet in depth (at a right angle to such boundary) into the lesser part by area of such lot so divided. k 04 Any lawfully con-conformm-ao building or structure and any lawfully non- conforming use of building or land may be continued in the same kind and mannar and to the same extend as at the t~e it became lawfully con-forming, but such building or use shall not at any time be changed, extend- ed or enlarged except for a purpose permitted in the zoning district in which such building or use is situated, or e:~cept as may be permitted otherwise by the North Andover ~oard of~Appea!s. !A.05 If any lawfully non-conforming building be or use of a building or land at any time discontinued for a period of two years or more, or if such use Of build,fig be changed to one conforming Bylaw in the' district in which it is located, to conform. with the North Andover Zoning it shall hereafter continue 4.06 Any non-conforming building flood, lightning, wind' or otherwise OR ~¥10RE OF ITS REPRODUCTIONS COST AT rebuilt, repaired,' reconstructed nor in the zoning district in be permitted otherwise by Board amended. Sec. 4.02 to k.06 Incl. were a which such the or structure destroy.ed or damaged~ by fire, to the extend of szty-five (65~) per cent THE TIY~ OF SUCH damage shall not be altered except for a purpose permitted building, is located, or except as may of Appeals acting under G.L. Ch. 40A, as unanimous, vote sm d so declared. il',? RESID~'~T DISTRICTS. Single, duplex or two-family · right to convert any one-family and gardens, including the to acoonmodate not more than two families provided (a) The lot area per st-~'uctUre twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square frontage width of such lot shall be not less residences dwelling structure that: so converted shall (i00) feet; ~ . The exist_rig structure be of such smze as to afford not less than seven hundred (700) square feet usable floor area per dwelling uni2 after conversion, and.that the area per dwelling u~it after conve.~smon and that the am~eara~ee a~d~ cb~r~ate~ ne ~ Om~-f'8, m~l~r dwelling shall be preserved. be not less than feet, and the street than one hundred 4.13 4.14 (c) TOWN OF NORTH ~NDOVER ZONING BYLAWS JUNE 3 O, 1956 No major exterior stnuct~ral changes shall be made except such as may be required for safety by the North Andover building by laws or by Massachusetts General'L~ws, and that the whole 0cst of such alterations shall not exceed fifty (50%) per cent of the re- production cost of such dwelling inits condition existing immedi- ately prior to such conversion; and, Stairways leading to the second or any higher floor shall be en- closed within the exterior walls of the building. 4.15 4.18 4.19 Renting rooms for not more than four a dwelling so used, on such dwelling).or, its to exceed six (6 inches further provided that no primarily for such use. Renting a room or rooms dwelling purposes or furnishing table board to persons not members of the family resident in provided there be no display or advertising lot other than a name plate .or s.ign not by twenty-four (24) inches in size, and dwelling shall be erected or altered in a dwelling for the office of one libraries, museums, churches, hospitals and homes, local passenger stations, also radio, professional person, provided there be no display or advertising on such dwelling or its lot other than a professional name plate, or sign not to exceed six (6) inches by twenty-four (24) inches in size. Customary home occupations, provided there be no display and no exterior advertising except an announcement sign not to exceed six (6) inches by twenty-four (24) inches and provided that in any dwelling, Such customary home occuplations shall be ~carried on by not more than five persons of whom at least one shall reside in such dwelling. School s, and rest convalescent radar, television or radio-telephone transmitting or broadcasting towers but not their studios nor offices, and not veterinary or animal hospitals except as further provided elsewhere in this by law. 4.16 Real estate signs not to exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in size which shall advertise only the rental, lea~e or sale of the premises upon which they are placed· 4.17 (a) Farming of~fie!d crops, and row crops; truck gardens, orchards, plant nurseries, greenhouses and as provided below, stud farms, poultry batteries, fur ranches and dairy farms; (b) The keeping on any lot in any residence district of a total of not more than t~ree (3~ ef any kind or assortment of animals or birds in addition to the household pets of the family living on such not, but not the keeping of any animals or birds or pets of persons other than those resident on such lot, except as further provided below; (cJ O~n any lot of not less htan three (~) acres area and situated in a not thickly settled part of a 0ountry Residence, a Rural Residence or an Industrial District, but only on such lots in such parts of such districts, veterinarians and others may keep more than three(3) animals or birds not necessar~'ly owned by the 'persons resident on such lot, provided that on such lots there be no slaughtering, packing or processing of meat, entrails, organs, skins, hides, pelts, fur, feathers or bones, and provided that animal ho~pitals~ ~ennels. N.B. Sec. 4.11 Item (a) VOT~ (unanimously) twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) seuare feet. Any accessory use customarily incident to any of the above permitted use,, provided that such accessory use shall 'be not injurious, noxious, or offensive to the neighborhood. On any lot in any Residence District, Earaomng or off-street parking, covered or open, of not more than four motor vehicles, of which not more than twe may be commercial vehicles, but not counting farm trucks nor motor-powered agricutlural impletments of an agriculturally active farm or orchard on which such vehicles are parked ~[' II to ]~.19 incl. wei~e a ~=,,~,~o vote --~ .I. Sub. o~. , . =~u so claP.d. TOWN OF NGETH .:ANDOVW;R 2D NING BYLAWS 30, 1956 4o2 IN NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS Stores not exceeding fi£teen hundred (1500) square feet floor area drugs and other articles households, but not for on draft or in packages~ than three (~) acres total spaces. In addition there per store for the retail sale of food, for use and consumption in nemghbormng alcoholic liqubrs in any form, whether hood Business Disbrict shall be more cluding off street automobile parking or c o~modities the sale of No Ne ighbor- land area, in- may be per- mitted in a Neighborhood Business District an automobile lubricating and gasoline filling station but only on petition, subject to site plan review and approval, by the Board of Appeals, after public hearing thereon with due notice given. Automobile repair garages and automobile sales places shall not be permitted mn Ne_ghborhood Business Districts h:22 No loading platforms or receiving doors shall be side of any retail store or other co~m~ercial building in District. 4.23 Ihve!lings, subject to strie ~ onditi as t_ons and c ons located on the street a Neighborhood the same lot size yard space and all other re- would apply if such ~we!!ings were located in a Village Residence District, also Churches, schools, libraries, museums local passenger stations and municipal or other public or civic buildings. Sec. 4.2 Sub Sec. ~.21 to 4.23 Incl. were a:'.unanimous vote and so de~,!ared. places ( in- artistic or manufacture and there produced, .~ IN GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS · 1 Retail amd wholesale stores, salesrooms, showrooms and eluding sp~ces for incidental storage) for any professional, mercantile act-~.vi~y not involving large-scale manufacturing on the premises, exc~ept that retail bakeries or retail confectioneries in which not more than fi~e p~rsons are ~engaged in the o~ the bakery or con[~ctionery goods shall be permitted. 4.32 Banks, offices and municipal, civic as post office, telephone exchange, town Church, local passenger station. 4.33 Hall, 4.34 garages agencmes outdoors vehic les. sale on the premises including ice cream~ club theatre or or pub lic offices, shhool service buildings such library, museum, or assembly. automobile storage and repair painting, and auoomobzle sale On other pla. ce of amusement Automobile service and filling stations, including automobile body reRairs and for new and used cars provided there be not displayed or stored such premises more than twenty-five (25) automobiles or other 4.35 Restaurant, dining room or lunch room· ~.36 Any accessory use customarily incident or any of the. above permitted. uses, provided that such accessory use shall be not injurious, noxious, or offensive to the nemghb~rhood Sec.. 4.3 Sub. Sec. 4.31 to [4.36 Incl. were a unanimous vote and so declared· sec.. 4.4, I Ous? Ia , .ST IOTS "~.h.1 Any manufacturing, processing, other commercial non-retail activity involving only _ quiet and. qui.~t motive power, and free from neighbmohood disturbing factors as noises, odors or other eEfects, and uses of ].and and. of. buildings customarily., accessory to such activity including the bus~ness, office~ ac tivm y, provided that the applicant for a permit to build, exp~nd,~. alter any manufacturing industry or other permitted activity or, any accessory to the application · offensive or activity attached wholesale, warehousing or &uiet processes, not be noxious, by reason of special danger emis~sion of corrosive, toxic dust., disagreeable is$ics. thereto shall show by written statements or other for such permit that the activity proposed detrimental to the n~igh~orhood or to the machiner' such of fire explosion~. or nois om, fume s, odors, offensive -4Fa~ng s.~d ae, cessory dairy and-~'~19 also farm dwellings .lo ; . slaugb,tering, ~0acking and. processing or' packing. of such or emhibits will Town offi c e, office, local bus passenger telephone exchange station, airport. or telephone busi- lng. ~-+ · ~.-..,' ness activities as specified in paragraphs 4.17, on premzses actively farmed; and but not other meat or animal sluughter- noises or other objectionable Character- pollution of waterways, gas, smoke, soot, obnoxious TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BY*LAWS 50, 1956 Sec. 4.4 cont' d. 4.4~ On petition, subject to site plan review and approval by the Board 5f Appeals after a public hearing thereon wi th due notice given, an automobile service and filling statzon, a motel, a diner, a restaurant, a retail food store, but no other retail stores of any kind. 4-.45 Expressly prohibited in industrial districts are automobiles, junk yards, automobile outdoordead storage yards and automobile outdoor display yards. Sec. 4.4 Sub. sec. 4.41 to 4.45 Incl. were a nnanimous vote and so declared. 4.5 Motels shall be permitted in with the standards set forth any zoning district but only~ in accordance below and only after a public hearing by and a statement of the ownership, area, dimensions, boundaries and ~ principal elevations of the land for which such permit is sought, the names of all adj~~,~o~ ~--~---o owners as found in the most~ recent tax list~ the locations of exzst~nL public or private ways nearest such land, and a plan, profile and cross-sections of all driveways and parking areas ~ proposed, also the true location and ground coverage outline and dimensions of every building or struc~res proposed to be erected there- on~ One copy of each such application and plot plan diagram and state- ment shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. 4.52 On~ copy of each such application and diagram and statement above re- ~mred shall be filed with the Planning Board with a letter requesting the Board to review the site plan attached and to hbld a public hearing therein. Notice of such public hearing shall be given by the Pla~ing Board by application at the expense of theapp!icant ~n a newspaper of general circulation in Nor th Andover and the first appearance of such published notice shall be twelve days (12) at least before the date set for such hearing. 4.5~ A permit to build a motel or to alter or add to a motel at a cost o~ $500.00 or more shall not be issued by the Building Inspector until he has received f~Dm the Planning Board a written statement of final approval by the Planning Board of the site plan for such motel or addi- tion or alteration, and such statement by the Planning Board shall in- clude a recital of the d~te on which the p!annong Board held the public hearing above required, and a recital of the findings of the PlaDming Board after such hearing, including any conditions imposed by the P!a~ing Board as part of its final approval, and the Building Inspector ~ha!l enforce the fulfillment of such conditions. 4.54 in reviewing each such application, the Planning board shall s~dy the motel site plan proposed relativ~ to the health~ safety and welfare of the prospective occuplants, also the occuplants of neighboring,properties, and users of t~e adjoining h~hwa~, and the welfare of the town ~n~rally including amenzty and pleasaniness of s~te plans. In addition t com- pliance with all of the ~and Space and Building 8pace Requirements set forth below, the Board shall look for: (a) Traffic safety and ease of access s.t street and highway entrances and exits of motel driveways, taking accost of grades, ~ ght distances and distance between such driveway entrances or exits and the nearest existing street or highway intersections. (b) Safety and adequacy of motel driveway layout, also of parking and loading areas for motel patrons, and sufficiency of access for service vehicles such as electricity, gas, fuel, telephone, rubbish removal, water, sewer, fire, police, ambulance or other routine or emergency vehicles. (c) Safe and adequate means of sewage, of garbage, and rubbish disposal; of water-supply and fire-fighting while awaiting the Fire Dept.: of heating and ventilating; also of cooking if cooking facilities be furni shed. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i.~i-wa ~ di~ailiao~ and snow melt -- - ~ ~ i'~il-Oii , i~oiii all driveways and parking and loading areas. Landscaping and build- ing layout such as shall protect posposed motel bedroom windows from constant night invasion by automobile headlight beams or glare from ill~inated signs or driveway lights. (e) Sound-proOfing between sleeping rooms; windows not looking directly from room to room; and lobby or office space for registration, c~room ~:eys, and safe-keeping of valuables; also lounge for waiting or wrztln~.,., by patrons. the Planning Board with due notice given on application for a motel building permit or for a building permit for a motel expansion or alters. ation costing more than ~500 and only after site plan review and approval by 'the Planning Board endorsed in writing on the site plan wi%h or with- out any conditions. ~ If application for a permit to build a motel or to alter or add to a motel at a cost of ~500 or more shall be in writing and shall include a diagram 4.55 'TOWN OF I'.i ORTH ANDOVER ZONING BY-LA~I~ 5o, i956 ~{otel lot size, (a) i~e lot for total land area service area or (500) feet wide hundred (200) feet of depth of such lot, street lot line. (b) ~o part of any building on (50) feet to the front lot line, such lot. A green yard space not measured at a righ angle to each land coverage, yard space and building deszon regulati any motel shall contain not less than three (5) acres ! excluding any water bodies of one-half (~-) acre water more, provided such lot be not less than t~ree hundred at the frontage street and throughout the first two measuring from the frontage tained: o:oen and green with grass, bushes, each side lot line, or rear lot line of such a lot, and (except) for entrance and exit driveways) along the entire front line of such lot, and such yard space shall not be built on nor paved nor used for auth- mobile parking. (c) There shall be one (bitvtminous) concrete off-street and off-main .driveway paved authobobi!e parring space, open or roofed, directly .adioiningo .,~.each~ motel rental unit. (~ ~Uz±~zno on a motel lot shall not cover more than twenty-five ocr cent of the land area of such lot, excluding .any water bodies as above specified. Not less Bhan seventy-five (75%) per cent of the land area of such a lot shall remain open and un_~built on but such open space may be used for autobile off-street parking, driveways, sidewalks and motel service yards except that such use shall not be permitted in any part of the twenty 120) foot wide green perimiter strip above specified. (e) There shall not be erected more than twe~y (20] motel rental units per acre of motel lot land area, excluding any water bodies as above -..specified. (f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than two hundred fi£ty (25©) s quire feet habitable floor area enclosed by walls and roof, exclusive of any adjoining portions of roofed or ~overed.walkways. .Each motel rental sleeping room shall not be less than fmfteen (15) by fifteen (15) feet horizontal ~imensions, ez¢!usive of bath or kitchenette. Each such room shall have aprivate bath attached. (g) Each motel structure shall contain not less than six (6) nor more than twelve (12) individual motel rental units, unless each section unmts be separated by an unbroken firewall from any twelve (12) such ' ' further additional such units. Each motel structure shall be 5~ fire- .proof construction. Each such structure may be connected with other similar structures by a covered walk-way if of fire resistive materials. Whether or not so cormected, the nearest parts of the walls or conners a motel lot shall be closer than fifty rear lot line or either side line of less than twenty (20) feet side, of aforesaid lot lines, shall be main- flowers and trees all along of such structures shall be separated by a land space otherwise open and unbuilt on of not less thhan ~hirty (50) feet, and in which, within the area bounded by the intersecting projections of the side lines of adjacent b.uildings, there shall be no~ automobile parking or loading. (h~ BUildzngs on motel lots shall be one-story and not more than tw~flfiy-five [25) feet in height, notwithstanding any building-h6$ght provisions in the zoning district in which such buildings are situated, except that not more than two apartments for owner or resident manager or other resident staff may be on a second-story not to exceed thirty- five (~5) feet in height. (i) On each motel lot there shall be provided at least one apartment for a resident owner or manager or other responsible staff person. Each such apartment shall be not less than eight hundred (800) square f. eet' floor area. Sus.h apartment ma~ include the rental office of the motel, and a lounge or other public rooms for the use of motei~pa~ons. gush ,,.~partment may be on a second floor as provided in ~h).above but only if over a lounge or office or other public ~ooms or storage or supply rooms of the motel. No second ~tory prem2se~ shall be located over any motel rental unit. Sec. [~.5. Sub. Sec. 4.5 to ~.55 Incl. were a unanimous vote and so declared. Sec. 4.,6 Business permanent shall be so placed or hooded that not directly visible not directly visible illuminated OUTDOOR LIGHTING In all ~oning districts other than General Districts, any outdoor lighting fixture whether temporary or the light sources therein is' to any motorist and so that the light source therein to any polnv beyoziu the lo's ~iiies o~ on~ pi~eiiiises by such outdoor lighting fixture. Sec. 4.6 was a unanimous vote s_nd so de61ared. SECTION TOWN OF NORTH ~iiTE~i iAL$ AKDOVER R-.~0VAL ZONING BY-LAWS JUNE 50, 1956 5.1 5.2 5.5 5.4 ~he r.emoval an~. zn the except such ~f sod. loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel, or own o~ North Andover not in public use removal as may be authorized in any zoning stone from any hereby prohibi ted district by a permit issued by the Board of Appeals and except such removal as is perr~itted by paragraphs 5.5 and 5.~ of this section. No such permit shall be issued except upon written application therefore to the Board of Appeals with copy to the Pla~=ning Board and after a public hearing on such application by the Board of Appeals. Such application shall include a diagram to scale 'smd proposed elevations in ownership and boundaries of the names of all adjoining of the land concerned, indicating existing the area to be excavated and stating the the land for which such permit is sought~ owners as found in the most recent tax list-and the approximate locatio'as of existing public and private ways hearest such land. Notice of said private hearing shall be.oo-~iven by publication in a newspaper t~.."'l~shed in or of general cirnulation in '.!Nor.th kn.dover twelve (125 days at least before the date of such hearing A copy of any permit granted hereunder all of the conditions imposed, if any, tion of such removal in: (a) extent of time, (b) area and depth of' excavation, (e) (f) (g) by the Board of Appeals, including but not limited stating to steepness of slopes excavai;ed, Distance between edge of excavation or ¥;a~s ~ TempOrary o/~ permanetat d'~ainage, the-posting of secnrity or bond, the replacement of not loss than the whole of stay area from which and neighboring properties six ( 65 inches of., topsoil over earth materials are removed to become a where the location of such removal is afterward ~ resi:dentLal subdivision, or, (h) in the case of cont~-;'~o' ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~o s~na or gravel pit operations in one general locus, recovering the finished cut banks with a minimum of four (l$) inches of top-soil; _C, on or a coo~? of the denial by the ~oara of ~ppea!s of any ap~l~ at i for such, sta=~' '~ o-~% the reasons for such denial, shall be mailed forthwmth by the Board to the oarties in interest, including also the P!arming .'Board and the Bui!~o' Inspector This regulation sl~all be deemed not to prohibit the removal of such sod, loam, soil, clay~ sand, gravel or ,~tone as may be required to be excavateR for the purposes of constructing foundations for building struc tures Other whi ch building permits have been in accordance with or the Board of Appeals other engineering works or for issueR, or for the purpose of construc.ting~w~ays ~[!in.e ~ and o~s approved by the Pla'~mzng Bo=rd allowable ~..or 'for the purpose of constructing utilities or '~£or public service. Nor shall this regulation be deemed to prohibit the transfer'~,al of sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel or stone from one part of a lot, tract or parcel of land to another part of the same lot, tract or parcel of land in the same ~wnershi$. Znzs regulation shall further be deemed-not to prohibit the removal of the. above ~spe¢ified ea~r~h materials by any person, firm or dorporation who on the effective date of this regulation shall be lawfully engaged in the business of dealing in or with any of such materials, or shall be a party -bo an agreement for the removal of any thereof, and vho shall, within thirty (50) days after such effective date~ apply to (3o) the Board of Appeals for a permit for such removal, provided that the paragraph shall end on the date of formal action by the Board on such. application or, if no such application be filed, on the thirt$'eth day aDter the eDfective date of this regulation. Section 5. Sub.Sec. 5.1 to 5.[~ incl. were a unanimous vote and so declared. SECTION 6.1 · IT), -- 6' LOT ~-~EAS AIfD LOT WIDTI{S REQU~LED AND SPECTFIC EXCEPTIOIYS In datermining the fulfitment of the minimum area and minimum width of lot required in any zoning district, there shall not be included any the fee to such street is in the owner of such lot; except that if a corner lot at its street corner is bo~ded i~ part by a segment off curved line not more than seventy-five (75) feet in lend, th connectz~ other lines bounding such lot which if extended would intersec't, the area ~nd width required in such lot shall be computed as if such po- tential!y interesecting lines were so extended; but if a c~.ved line more than seventy-five (75) feet in length).~is ~h~ who!~ n~ any one bo~dary line of a lot. the minim~.' area ~nd mzmm~ wzd~ required TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZO NI NG BY-LAWS JUifE 50, 1955 33:¸ Sec. 6 cent' d. shall be determined entirely within the such curved line. lines bounding such tot, including 6.2 No lot, upon which is then located any building or with respect to which a permit has been issued and is then outstand_ng for the erection of any building, shall be sub-divided or reduced in area in any manner unless said lot shall thereafter fulfill the lot area, lot width and yard space re- quirements of this By-law except' as may be permitted otherwiae by the Board of Appeals. If land be subdivided, conveyed, devised or otherwise trans- ferred in violation hereof, no building permit or other permit shall be issued with reference to any of the land so transferred in violation hereof, no building permit or other permit shall be issued with reference to any ' 1 ' of the land so transferred or to the lot(s) reta~.ned untzl all of such land and lots meet the requirements of this zoning. Bylaw. Any land taken by eminent domain or conveyed for a public purpose for which the land could have been or was taken by eminent dommin shall not be deemed to be trans- ferred in violation of the provisions hereof. Sec. 6. Sub.Sec. 6.1 and 6.2 were a unanimous vote and so declared. no principal permitted building containing not less than twelve than one hundred (1005 pe~.,m, itted otherwise by as further specified shall thousand 6.5 IN RES!D~CE D!S?RICTS 6.31 In Village Residence Districts hereafter be erected except on a lot five hundred (12,5005 squar~ feet area and not less feet width at the street frontage, except as may be ' O. the Board of Appeals in Village Residence Distrzcto in Section 6.6 below. T~ ~ ~ 07 The vote' wn Sub. Sec.. 6.51 was AFF-R%iT~VE 2 . NEGATIVE 59. a 2/5 majority 6.32 In Country Residence Districts no principal permitted building shall hereafter be erected excpet on a lot containing not less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet area. and not less than one hmqdred twenty-five (1255 feet width at the street frontage. The vote on Sub Sec. 6.52 was A,=-it.~TIVE 176. i~'EGATIVE 59. A 2/3 majority. 6.33 In Rural Residence Districts no hereafter be erected excpet on a lot thous and (~$,$005 square feet area (l~) feet width at the street frontage. ~e vote on Sub. Sec. ~.55 WA~ AEiYI~I,~TIVE principal per~r.~tted building shall containing not .].ess than forty-four and not-less than one hundred fifty 6.4 In General Business Districts smd In '6.~1 Each lot shall contain not less than square feet area and be not less than one width at the street frontage, and not the total area of any such lot may be 226. NEOATIYE 29. a 2/5 majority. zghborhood Business Distrzcts. ( 25,000 ) (125) feet 6.42 Any yard space lot may nevertheless law, u!, except that twenty-five thousand hundred twenty I z ~e more than thirty-five (55) covered by buildings. percent of to grow unbui! t line of ~he grass, bu' o flowers or on, unpaved m-~d not oarked on, all along each side or rear such a lot wherever it abuts land ;~esidentially zoned. vote on Sec. 6.4. Sub Sec. 6.]!1 & 6.42 were unanimous and so or area required to be kept open and unbuilt upon on such be used for off-street automobile parkmno, if otherwise a g;_~een strip not less than ten (105 feet wide on which trees shall be maintained open and green; property declared. 6.5 6.51 arGa In Industrial Dzstricts. Each lo't shall contain not less than fifty thousand (50,000) square feet and be of not less than one hundred and fifty (15©) feet width at the street frontage and not more than thirty-five (55)per cent of the total are~ of .any such lot may be covered by buiidi~s. 6.52 Any yard space or area requ?red to be kept upon and unbuilt on on such~ . ~,_~a neverthele~s~ if otherwzse !e. wful~ be zzsed for off-street automoomle parking~ off or outdoor storage of articles, supplies and materials, except that a green strip not less than thirty (30) feet wide on which to grow grass bLsne~ ' .s~ ...!o,uers or t fees, snell be maint~,~ned open and ~.~reen unbuilt' o~, un- paved and not parked on, all along each si. de, or rear property line of such The vote on Sec. 6.5 Sub. Sec. 6.51 ~ 6.52 were unanzmouo and so declared. 6.6 Lot Area and Lot Width Exceptions. 6.~,'1 mb~ ~o~, srea ~r~ lot width reouirements of paragraph 6.~ shall not ~ apply in any ~es-~_dence Districts to any lot therein containing less area cz having less width than above r eouired if such let was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to the effective date of such otherwiAe applicable requmremenvs aha ~ such lot be not adjoined by other land of the TOW~ ZONING BY-L~,~WS JUNE 30,_ 1956 See. 6. Sub Sec. 6.61 Con' t. ' same owner vacant and available for combination with or use in connection with such lot,' provided'that "the f, rbn.t ~ard,..' side.yard, and r ear yard requirements, if any, in effect on the date of reco'r'ding of such plan or deed shall apply to each such lot. 6.62 In Vil~ go Residence Districts only, as to el.der lots of record or area or width less th. an the above state requirements, and only as to 'such lots 'if Wutualty adjoining, vacant~ and of the same owner, the Board of Appeals maN' permit recombination of them into new lots of not .less than ton thousand (10,0005 square feet ar~a each., or othe~w~.so as may bo authorized under G.L. Ch.. ~.~OA as amended. any other provision of law, no amendment to this zoning or affect the size, shape, width or frontage of any lot subdivision as defined in Section 81-L in Chapter41 of the plan of such subdivision has been finally approved and duly recorded pursuant to said Chapter [~1 prior to 6.6~ Notwithstanding Bylaw shall apply to shown on a plan of a the General Laws, if by the Planning Hoard such zoning bylaw amendmen~~, for a period of two years from 'the date of the final subdivision approval by the Planning board of such plan or until any such lot is divided whichever occurs first, without the consent in writing of the o,~vner of such lot, and this provision shall apply only to subdivision plans approved ~and recorded on or after the effective date of this sub-paragraph. The vote on Sec. 6.6. Sub.Sec. 6.61, 6.62 and 6.6~ were unanimous and so declared. SECTION 7. YARD oPA6ES REQUII~ED. 7.1 In all Residence Districts there shall be provided on each lot open yard spaces of not less than the number of feet depth below stated all along the front rear and otherwise by the in cases therein stated below as each side property line of such lot, except as may be permitted Board of Appeals in Village Residence Districts only an only where the literal enforcement of the number of feet yard depth to one or more of such yard spaces would cause unusual hard- ship or severe practical difficulty peculiar to the placement of a building on such lot but not on other lots adjoining or nearby within the same Village Reszdence Zonmng District. 7.2 No Building or struct~re shall that any part thereof (except eaves', nearer than the number of feet below of any lot in any Residence District. hereafter be erected, altered or moved so steps of uncovered porches) shall be stated from the front, side or rear line 7.21 7.2 7.2 Rural Residence, Country Residence, ' ] Vml_age Residence, 30 feet. 30 feet 15 feet, in a Village (a) ifot less (b)~" c~epth yard depths fifty (2505 if the exisa~,~, same street and zoninG district ~ ' (c) Pro/zded also are already more said street line, except that the front yard on any lot l~esidence District shall be either: than thirty (305 feet in depth, or: not less .than the average of the front of lots adjoining or within two hundred feet each side of the lot in. question, bui!~ings on such lots front on the are within the same Village Residence as the lot in question. such existing buildings (505 feet distance from any p..ew building shall that where than thirty no part of be nearer said line tkan the average of the front yard depth of such existing buildings on lots ad- joining or within two hundred fifty (250) feet each side of the lot in question. 7.3 In Neighborhood ~t~siness and in Oeneral Business Districts there shall be provided on each lot an open yard space of not less than twenty-five (25) feet depth all along the front o.nc~ along each side property line of such lot except as may be permitted otherwise (but only as to front yards and side yards) by the Board of Appeals on petition, of the property owner concerned after a public stood June 1, 1956, but this exception 7.4 In Industrial spa~ cz no.4 m~s~ hearing thereon ~.,.:th due notice ~:~'iven. In the rear of every building or structure hereafter erected in any Business District there shall be an open yard space unbuilt upon of not less than thirty-five (~55 feet depth. No building or structure shall hereafter be built, altered, moved, reconstructed,- or e:~tended so that any part thereof including loading platforms~ covered or open, but not eaves, or steps,shall be nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from front line or side line of any lot in such lots, and except that any business buildings built prior to June 1, 1956 and standing in an active business use on June !, 1956, may be restored, repaired or rebuilt on the location where it without complying with the foregoing yard space shall not apply to any other buildings. Districts there along each side line of such lot, the rear line of such lot~ except (5~} feet depth shall be provided such lot abuts land residentially the requiremen ts, shall be provided on each lot an open yard and not less than fifty (5~) feet depth along that an open yard space of not less than fifty on any lot in an Industrial District wherever zoned, and except that any masonry industrial TOWN ZONING BY-LAWS. ,, building built prior to June !, 1956 and standing in active industrial building use on June 1, 1956 may be restored repaired or rebuilt on the location where it stood June 1, 1956, without complying with the foregoing yard spa ce requirements buildings except as may Appeals. Sec. 7 Sub. Sec. 7gte 7.4 Incl., were but this exception shall not apply to any other be permitted otherwise by the North Andover Board a unanimous vote and so declared. of Section 8.1 In or 8.2 In not 8.. BUILDING HEI~'~r~''~ ~ .,'~ PERMITTED kesidence Districts dwellings shall thirty-five (55) feet in height. Neighborhood '~ D' ~usine ss zs tric ts exceed two and one-half stories or not exceed two and dwellin~s and bu2iness thirty-five (555 feet one-half struc tur e s in height. stories shall 8.3 In General Business Districts shall not e xceed dwellings, three Dis tric ts commercial struc tures in he ight. 8.4 In Industrial in He ight. 8.5 The foregoing designated bui Id in[~] s business stories shall not exceed and other retail or of forty-five (45) feet £'iftZ-fi~e,: (55): ['feet limitations of height in feet in 'the zoning districts shall not apply to farm buildings on farms of not less than ten were unanimous and so declared (105 acres area, nor shall they apply to chimneys, ventmlators, skylzohts, ., tanks, bulkheads, penthouses, processing towers and 6ther accessory structural features Usually erected at a he_ght greater than the mazn roofs of any buildings, 'nor to domes, bell towers or spire,s of ctmrches or other buildings, provided all such features are in no way used for living purposes, and further provided that no such structural feature of any non-manufacturing building shall exceed to a height of sixty-five (65)'feet from the ground nor of a manufacturinc building a height of eighty-five (855 feet from the ground except by permission of the moard of Appeals acting under G.L. Ch. ~,~0A as amended. Sec. 8. Sub.Sec. 8.1 to 8.5 SEC TI ON 9' BOA[~ OF APPEgLS, ITS P~'~'*~;~ ^~'~'~" ~"UTIES' shall be a Board of Appeals of five (5) members and not more than three all t,he powers provided unde~ and decide all matters Appeals by the North andover Zoning such Boa rd by Statute. The Board of shhll be appointed by the Selectmen in Ther,e Associate ,,',embers, which shg 1 have and excercise G.L. Chapter 40A as amended, and which shall hear sp.ecificalty referred to the ~oard of By-Law and other matters referred to Appeals Members and Associate members the manner provided by statu.teo On each appeal arising under the North Andover Zoning By-law, the board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of which notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circula- 112 )daTs at ti. on in North Andover twelve least before the date of such hearzng. The Board shall also no o~.fy by petty within three hundred (3005 feet of involved. Such notices shall be mailed appearing for them in The vote was unam. mous to the most recent town and so declared. registered mail all owners of pro- the boundaries of each lot or lots such owners at the addresses tax lis ~ ~ ,~_,,~ of said owners. SECTION 10: ZONING Ai?'[ENDWENTS ' _~' '~ omen signed by not 10:! The Planning% Board, on i~.-.s own in~ .,zatzze, or on peti'-' less than fifty [5~) registered voters of North Andover, shall hold a public hearing on any written proposal to amend the Zonzng ByLaw or the zon',ng map and shall report its recommendations thereon, if any, to a North Andover Town me e ting. proposal to change the zoning map state the nature, extend and location be accompanied by: blackline prints of a diagram to 10.2 Each explicity and shall ( a ) ~Three shall be made in writing and shall of the map change proposed scale showing and stating clearly the dimensions in feet of the land area proposed to be changed as to zone. (b) Also a sketch or other explicit identification of the location of such la in relation to the ms jority of the rest of the Town. 10.5 l~otice of the aforesaid public hearing on a zonzng amename~t shall be given by the publication in a newspaper published in or of genersl circula- tion in North Andover twelve (125 days at least before date of such hearing and by mailing copies of such notice as published to such parties ss the oo=_d may deem interested, at the addresses for euch pa'~ties as Planning ?~ = ~ they appear in the most recent l~lorth Andover real estate tax records. The vote was unanimous and so declared. · ~ TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BYLAWS JUNE 30, 1956 SECTION 11. ENFORC~',&,NT !1.1 I% building shall be erect'ed, altered' or moved in North Andover without. a written permit issued by the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall not issue any such permit unless the plans for the building and the intended use thereof in all respects fulfilling the provisions of the North Andover Zoning By-Laws except as may have wise by action of the North Andover Board authority, provided a written copy of the been specifically permitted other- of appeals or other competent terms governing any exception so permitted be attached to the application for a building permit and other building permit issued therefore. One copy of each such including any conditions or exceptions attached thereto, file in the office of the Building Inspector. permit as issued, shall be kept on- 11.2 shall Each application for a pelmlit to build, alter, or mo~e a building be accompanied by a plot plan in duplicate drawn to scale showing and stating the dimensions in feet of the lot on which such building is proposed to be erected, altered or moved, and the location and ground coverage dimensions thereon of any building or structure proposed,to be erected or moved onto such lot. Such plot plan shall also show each street, alley or right-of-way on or adjacent to the lot in question. One copy of each such application and plot plan shall be kept on file in the office of the Building inspector. !1.~ The North And ~uilding Inspector. of a possible viola or cause to be made prem2Bes where such of any violation after investigation and inspection, such violation ~o. the owner and to the occuplant of Building Inspector shall demand in such notice that over Zoning bylaw shall be enforced by the North Andover The ~uilding inspector, upon being informed in writing tion of this Bylaw or on his own initiative, shall make an investigation of ~acts and an inspection of the violation may exist. The ~ilding Inspector, on evidence shall give written notice such premises, and the such violation be abated within such reasonable time as may be Inspector. Such notice and demand may be given by owner at the address appearing for him on the most records of North ~ndover, and to the occuplant at of such seeming violation. designated-therein by the Building mail addressed to the recent real estate tax the address of the premises 11.4 If, after such notice and demand, such within the time specified, the Bu!!ding vi. ola ti on Inspector o~ the name any institute apprporiate action or proceedings in the sorvn ~ndover to prevent correct, restrain or abate Bylaw. has not been abated Selectmen shall of the Town of violation of this Sec. 1!. Sub.Sec. 11.1 to !1.~. inclusive were unanimous vote and so declared. SECTION 12. COI',~LICT OF LAWS VALIDITY, SEVERABILITY. 12.1 ~In general this Bylaw is supolementary to other North Andover Bylaws affecting the use, height, area and location of buildings and strmctures and the use of premises. ¥~ere this Bylav..~ imposes a greater restriction upon the use, height, area and lccation of buildings and structures and the use of premises than is imposed b'y other bylaws, the provisions of this bylaw shall control. 1~.2 The invalidity of any section or provision ~alidate any other section or provision thereof. of this bylaw shall not in- Sec. 12 Sub. $ec.12.! & 12.2 were unanimous vote and so declared. Approximately three hundred and ten (~10) registered voters vere present. Certif~.ed to the best of my ability to be a'-true copy: The North Andover, Hass. December 10, 1956. A true. JOHN TOWN NORTH Boston, '~iass., December 6, 1956 fore~o= lng amendments to z oning- GEORGL FINGOLD copy, J. LYONS CL~( MASS. 40 . ?, a A ? C0tVH','~iO!~VEAL-~I OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex SS: To ei thor GREETINGS: In the name of the warn the inhabitants of said Presidential Electors, State, of the Constables of the Town of North Andover Comnonwealth you are hereby required to notify and Town of North Andover ~yho are qualified to vote for District and County 0fficer. s and upon all questions appearing on the ballot~ to meet and polling places in Precincts One, Two, assemble in the ~esignated and appointed Three and Four. The Bradstreet Precinct One, the Court tioom, Town Office Building Thomson ochool zn Precinct Three au'~d the Kittredse TUESDAY, 'I~H~ SIXTH DAY OF NOVE}:[I$~J~ School in in Precinct ~¥~o, the Albert School in Precinct Four. 1956 at 7o'clock in the forenoon, to bring into the Town Clerk and Election 0ffice:.~'s and upon all questions ~ pearing on the ballot, the vote for Presidential Electors; Governor~ Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney ~ener~.l, ~ Senator in Congress, Congressman of 7th Dist. Councillor of 5th Senator of 4th Essex Dist. Representative, Court; County Commissipners-two for Essez a Clerk of :Courts quos tiers: A. Shall licenses beverages, beverages )? Dist three (3) of 5th ~ssex ~ist- General County; a Sheriff for assex County; the following for ~'ssex 'County. (To fill vacancy) and upon be granted in this town for *Jae sale therein (wh~skey~ rum, g~_n, malt beverages, w_~nes and all ^ o'ranted in this town for ~he sa1 e B. Shall licenses b~ malt beverages (wines and beer~ ale and all the re in of all o the r YES N0 of wines other malt beverages0? C. Shall licenses be granted in 'this town for the sale beverages in packages, so~ called, not to be drunk on therein of all the premises? ale ohol ic alcoholic and Ye s NO. alcoholic YES NO The polls shall be open at 7 o' clock A.M., and close at 8o'clock P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct, said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less ma~n ten days befo~-e the t_,me of said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your at 'the time and place of holding said meeting' to the Town Clerk. Given under our kands at ~ortn Andes,r, -,~ass., this 20th day in the year of our Lord one thous~ ~ ~ua nine hundred and fifty-six. doings of 0c tober thereon A true copy, ATTEST: WILLIAM A. ARTI'{U!~ P. RA!q,'i0ND CO~, ~TA~.L~.. P i NI~ ERAN L!RK BROADNN~D Selectmen of Nor th ~' ~ - ~no 0I~ er, 0PFI CER ~ S RE%~¥RN i have notified and v~-arnmd the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, quali=..· ~ . . ,. . szeo to vote zn Totem Affiars by post~ng 5rue and attested copzes of this warrant at the Town x,, · ~11 and at five or more public places in each voting prec'._nct. ~_~ copzes having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less t.~n ten days Iv:fore the time of holding said roe.tins. ~[o. -~ndover, },iass. October 1956 Town Clerk. PRESIDENTAL-STATE EY,ECTIONS. NOVEi~ER 6, 1956 PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT EISII,IH0~fiER. & NIXON HASS & C0'ZZINI HOT~.?ffICK f.: C 00PER STE¥~SON & KEFAUVER BLANKS PREC I NC TS ONZ ~lO Ti. LRF'~ FOUR TOTAL 976 . 1644 1288 ].551 5459 2024 22 19 85 GOVERNOR SUM?fER G. ~fHITTIYE~ HENNING BLANKS A. BLOSfEN SHAW 55~ 6)8 50,0616 595 976 774 895 3041 i 5 2 2 8 17 25 12 19 LIE=JTENANT GOV~NOR CHARLES GIBBONS ROBERT T. HAROLD E. FRANCIS A. BLANKS MURPHY BASSETT ¥0TAN0 STATE ELECTION. NOVEMBERpR~Ci6 1956N C TS 4'1 0 NE TW 0 THREE F OUR T 0 TAL 569 6 577 2166 5 ~ 2 15 27 48 51 57 SEC RETARY EDWARD J. Ch0NIN RICHAt~D !. FURBUSH EARL F. DODGE LAWRF~]C,. eIL~ EDD~R BLANKS TREASIIR~ JOHN P. KENNEDY ROB~:{T H. ISAAC GODDARD WILLY N. HOGSETH BLANKS 579 661 5.58 650 2428 365 917 697 822 2799 5 8 2 20 6 19 582 665 565 660 2468 566 918 677 820 2781 z 5 5 5 12 2 0 5 6 11 25 60 42 [~0 167 AUDITOR THOMAS J. JOSEPH A. JOHN B. AN'THONY BLANKS BUCKLEY NOBILE LAUDER IvBIRTIN AT TORNEY GEORGB EDWARD FRED N. HOWARD BLANKS GE~tEkAL PINGOLD J. Mc C 0F~2',{ACK, INGERSOLL B. RAhU) 551 i 5 416 1016 555 577 5 6 z 5 5.82 695 2581 649 776 26~J$ 6 17 6 15 50 182 758 908 ~3078 5n 585 ~2o8 2 2 15 4 1 11 55 55 129 CONGRESSIvi~N 7th THO~tS J. LANE ROB~T T. BREED BLANKS District 955 701 8 2906 52 51 55 156 C 0UNC ILLOR WILLIA~ G. AUGUSTUS G. BLANKS 5th Dis tric t HENNESSEY MEANS SEE~ATOR CHARLES JAMES P. BLANKS 4th Essex Dist. S. I'.&~STON, 5rd RURAK REPRES~NTAT!I~S IN GiZI'L FRA~H~ S. GILES WILLIAM LONGWORTH SILVI0 J. COMPAGNONE EOHN F. LINE'tAN THOi\{AS E. WATMAN ARTHUR WILLIAMS BLANKS 5o8 548 )~7 544 2o47 44o 1032 800 950 ~202 2884 41 57 190 C 0UNTY C O~,,'2,~ISSIOB[ERS C.F. NELSON PRATT JOHN R. AHERN F'.DWA RD H. FRANK L. BLAEKS CAHILL WiGGIN 545 902 690 845 27 82 681 52 6.44 2472 SHERIFF EARL E. EVERET¢ BLANKS Es s ex Coun ty WELLS ~,: DOWE CLERK 0P PHILIP A. j. PR~NK BLANKS COURT. 5th Essex Dist. Essex COURTS E~ex Cnty. HEENESSEY Cnty. 827 991 5 9 526 406 1545 i 921 5055 ~8 456 181l ( Vacancy ) 495 895 2961 595 662 2528 44~l 575. 42,8 1666 555 ~5~5 579 956 558 626 675 87,9 2867 56o ~q~, 2~8 555 611 505 597 2264 92 75 291 STATE ELEC T!ON. NO ,,~uB~:t~ ~, ~. P REC !NCTS ~ QUBST!0N fl ONE TWO THtUgE POUR TOTAL !tS 669 _9~85 767 967 3}88 No 20o 285 908 ,r,soi cs 172 N7z Nam 279 YEs 9f6 747 927 B m .qcs 2lz 424 1 No BLAI, E(S 193 402 ~29 ~02 1226 ABSENTEE WAR BALLOTS N~Eoer oz service persons applied for i,','ar ~l!ovs Number of' service persons who were registered voters for registration :Ezere made by kindred Nu~Yoer of service persons who were not registered voters ?egistration as t~o.~ers~,~,,~'~'~.,~ ba!lo~s made _.~rzndred Numb l\Tttmb AT z.,~S T' of ba!lo'~s ma~!ea to of such bal!otscast of ballots re j ec ted service persons whom for whom 26 7 SPECIAL TOWN ~,[EETING I~0~F,~ER 26, . WARRANT Essex ss: GREETINGS directed C Ot~",i O~EALTH OF ~,~SSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the In the name of the Commonwealth of to notify and warn the inhabitants Town of North andover: lvIassachusetts youare hereby of North Andover qualified to vote in Town 2,fairs to meet in the High School Auditorium in said Andover on Monday evening, the 26th day of No',Vember, 1956 at eight P.~,~., then and there to act on the following business: 1. To see if the Town ARTICLE Nor th o'clock will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue or take from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system from ~'urber Avenue, approximately 200 feet along Highland ~ - . View Avenue. Petition of alvatore Ciarcia and others. A_,TICLE 2 By-Law s of nine instead will read as To see if the Town will vote to amend Oection 5., Article 1, of the the Town to increase the membership of the advisory committee to of seven so that that part of said Article, Section 5, as amend follows: "At said adjourned meeting, the ~oderator shall appoin and Advisory 0ommittee of nine who shall serve from the dissolution of said meeting until the dissolution Of the Annual I¥Ieeting next following." Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6 of the Ouilding Law of the Town so that, as amended, it will read in part as follows: "Section 6. The inspector shall not give a permit for the erection of alteration of any building until he shall have carefully inspected the plans, specifications and premises and ascertained that the building as proposed will conform to this bylaw, and until he has received from the applicant, or anyone for him, a fee for the issuance of such permit in such amount as is e~uivalent to !~1.50 for each ~1000 of the amount of the estimate recited mn said sp pi,cation as approved by the alteration or erection of sa the building inspector as being the cost of id building, except that if the construction or al ~ terat_on be of vote, may determine judgment my be required before indicated, the fee than $10.00 except when, of such erection or alteration fee of ~o00 shall, be paid by over to the Town Treasurer for may be received by him." an industrial building, the fee for such then the Selectmen, by majority permit to be in such amount as in 'their for the issuance of such permit. Except as herein- for such permit shall not, in any event, be less in the opinion of the building inspector, the value shall be less than !~lO00.00 in which event a the applicant, the Ouilding Inspector shall pay the general use of the Town all such fees as Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see the Salaries and and ~/~'ages account Petition of Al,re if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $1092.84 from "ages account for the hegutar Police Officers to the Salarie of the t~eserves ans Special Officers· d H. ~,~cKee, Chief. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will 1956 which provides that: the salary of any town or may specify in writing to vote to accept Chapter 489 of the Acts of "Deductions of payroll schedules may be made from municipal employee of any amount which such employe any town or municipal officer, or the head of the town or municipal department, board employed, for the payment of a c ont fund. Any such authorization may b least sixty days' notice in writing or commission, by whom or which he is ribution to a cozmmunity chest or a united e withdrawn by the employee by giving at ... The Treasurer of the town or municipal ity-shal!-transmit the sum so deducted to the community chest or united fund; provided that the...Treasurer...is satisfied that the Treasurer of such. c. om- munity chest or united fund has given to said community chest or united fund a bond.., for the faithful per~ormance of his duties...This Act shall take full by vote the ac ts Siskind, effect. . .upon its acceptance by vote. of the City Council of a city..and of the town at a town meeting'" Signed June 28, Now Chapter 4~9 of of 1956o Petition of the Board of Selectmen as requested by Roland United Fund Chairman. ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will rais~ and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of money for the purpose of acquiring, by purchase, taking by eminent domain or otherwise, from the owners, for a public school site one of the parcels of land described below and provide that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection with this article or take any other action in relation thereto: PROPERTY T0 THE SOUTHkASE A lot of land belonging to west of Ros~dale Avenue, OF ANDOVER STREET Oharles and ~ertrude SOUTt~VEST OI" ROSEDALE A¥~NUE i',ielamed situated to the sc containing approximately 8.77 acres and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning ,at a point on the northerly side of Oypress 'Zerrace at land of Charles and GetrudeMelamed and land of the Suburban Household Enterprises, Inc., which point, is 58.0 feet distant southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Andover Otreet: Art. 6. Sec Ac Cont. Special Town ~eeting November 26, 1956 Thence running in a northeasterly direction along a stone wall by land now or formerly of said Suburban Household Enterprises Inc., 276 feet to a point at another stone wall and at land now or formerly of Colizzi: Thence turning and rurnaing in a general southeasterly direction along at another stone wall and land now running in a general southwesterly .land of Puccio easterly side Road; thence Farnham i~oad; other land of said latter stone wall by lands~ Frechette 85© feet to a point now or formerly of saic Colizzi, Indelis, Hart and or formerly of Puccio; thence turning and direction along said latter stone wall by 420 feet to a point where Bevin koad intersects with Pinedale Terrace; thence turning and running in a general northweste~.~ly direction along_ the northeasterly side of Pinedale.Terrace 514 feet to a point w~here the' north of Pinedale Terrace.intersects the southeasterly s~_d.e of Farnham turning and r~tnning ~n a northerly dzrectzon- ' -116 feet across said and by other land of said I¥~elameds to a point in a stone wall a Charles Welamed; thence turning and running in a northeasterly south- southeasterl~ direction along said latter stone wall 275 feet to a point on the westerly side of Cypress Terrace which point is 575 feet distant thence running Terrace to the said lot herein in a more north- point of begim~- described Ail references to street, on Plat No. 47 in the North from the s.outheaster!y side of Andover Street; easterly direction~6 feet across said Cypress mn~..A.11 measuren.~ents bei~ng more or less and contaznlng approxmmately 352.062 square feet. and ways used in this description, may be found Andover Town Assessors' Office. said terrace PROPERTY AT THE CORN~.~q OF ANDOIq~ S'rn~'_.~:_ AND DU~i~TON COURT. A lot of land belonging to Helen S. of *'ndover Street and Dufton Court particularly bounded and described westerly side of Andover btreet of Dufton Court; thence running of Andover Street 707 feet to a turning and running or formerly of said point at the end of Coolidge containing as follows situated at the northeasterly corner approximately 8.94 acres being more : Beginning at a point on the north- where along point it intersects with the northeasterly side a stone wall along the northwesterly side at land now or formerly of ~,~urphy; thence in a northwesterly direction along a stone wall by land now ~.~urphy and other land of Helen S. Coolidge 65~ feet to a said stone wall smd other land of said Helen S. Coolidge, thence turnir~ and running in a southwesterly direction ~65 feet by other land of Helen S. Coolidge to a point on the northeasterly side of ~ufton 'Court which point is 116 feet southeasterly from the intersection of the northeasterly side of Dufton Court and the southeasterly side of Chickering Road; thence turning and running ~n a southeaster!¥ direction along a stone wall along the northeasterly side cz Dufton Court 69~ feet to the point of beginning. Ail measurements b. eing app roxima tely ~89. more or le ss, and said lot 552 square feet. herein .described containing PROPERTY AT A lot of land belonging of ~ndover and Chestnut C · C0~NER OP CHEST~UT ~.~]3 A~D0¥~ S'IREETS to Helen S. Coolidge situ~:ted at Streets contai ning approximately particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning easterly side of ~hestnut Street at land now or formerly in a northeasterly direction sd on~ a. stone wall ~by land nov: Bell and land now or formerly of Pearl F. Adams~65 feet to t . urnzng and running in a more easterly direction along said the southeasterly corner o.0~ acres being more at a point on the of Bell; thence running or formerly of said a point; thence stone wall still by land of said Adams 150 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a north- westerly direction along a stone wall by land now or formerly of said Adams and land now or formerly of C.S. Galaher ~42 feet to a point at the end of said stone ' O wall; ~.hen e continuing in said" same northerly direction by other land of said Helen S. Cooli.dge .383 feet to a point at the n'ortheasterly corner of land now or formerly of sa~d ~reene 96 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northwesterly di~ecti'on by land now or formerly of said Greene 110 feet to a poit~t on the southeasterly side of ~-ndover ~treet; thence turndng and running along the southeasterly side of Andover ~treet and alom~ the northeasterly side of Chestnht Street the following distances; 155 feet to a stone wall, thence along said stone wall 620'feet to a point where the stone wall is joined by anovher stone wall, thence con~_nu_ng along the nortneas,~erly side of Chestnut Street along ·said stone wall 258 feet to the point of begirming. 'Ail measu~e- merits being mcr or less, and said :lot herein described containing approximately ~50,50~ Square feet. Petition of the School ~uilding Con~ittee. tions, complete plans, other disbursements as School. Petition of ~n~'_~.~. 7. ~o see if the Town will vote to raise and approprz~te, or translate sufficient sum of money, to be expended unde.r the direction of the School Building Commmttee, for a topoorapn~cal survey, borings, education specifics- layout, working drawings, and estimate of cost, and such may be preliminary to the building of the new elementary the ~chool Ouildin~ ~o~mmittee. Special Town ~.~eeting November 26, 1956 ' ~. ARTICLE 8. purpose school, g round s T° see if the Town wm_l raise and appropriate a sum of money for the of constructing and originally equipp-.ng and furnishing a new elementary together with the improving, landscaping, grading, and fencing of the for school purposes; and to determine whether the money shall be funds in the borrowing. treasury, by provided by taxation, by transfer from available appropriation from the stabilization fund, or by Petition of the School "u~±m~ng 'Committee the ~chool ~u~ldzng Con~nittee, ARTICLE 9 To see if the Town will authorize created under ~-~rt~_cle ~ of the Warrant of the Annual Tovm l.,~eetlng held ~arch 19~6, t.o enter into any and all contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying ou~;. the ~otes passed under Article ~ relative to the building and originally equipping a new elementary school,~ ogether with the improving, landscaping, grading, and fencing of the grounds for school purposes. Petition of the School Building Committee. 16, And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more puolic places in each voting precinct: Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten dayabefore the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, thereon fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at November in the year of North ~,ndover I','iassachusetts, the fifth day of our Lo'~d one thousand nine hundred fifty-six. WILL!AI'~'t A. FINN~AN RAYiviOND B~{0ADH~D ARTPYdR P. KIRK Boa rd of Se 1 ec tmen A tn~e copy: AETEST NOo An~over, 'f~'ia S S, C. 0:.: b TABLE. November/~1956 OFF~um.o RE~.~ I~l' I have notified a.nd warned the qualified to vote in Town Affairs this warrant at the Town Hall and voting precinct. Said copies nor less than ten days before inhabitants of the by pos ting true at five or more having been the time of Town of North ~ndover, and attested copies of public pis ces in e ach posted not more than fifteen days holding said meeting. 'l'i'o ~nd over ~,,.r,. . , ~'~ S S ° November 1956 A ETEST SPE'CIAL TOWN ~.IEETING NOV~,'IBER 26, 19~6. ARTICLE 1. VOTED To strike from warrant. ARTICLE .~. VOTE.D to amend Section 6 of the Building Law of the Town so that, as am.ended, it'w~ll read in part as follows: Section 6. ·The inspector shall not g~e a permit fo~ theerection or alteration of any building until he shall have carefully inspected the plans, specifications, and premises and ascertained that the building as proposed will conform to this By-law, and until he has received from the applicant, or anyone for him a fee for the issuance of such permit in such amount as is equivalent to $1.50 for each $1000.00 of the amount of the estimate recited in said application as approved by the building inspector as being the cost of the alteration or erection of said building, except that if the construction or alteration be of,. an industrial building, then the Selectmen, by majority vote, may determine the fee for euch permit to be in such amount as in their judgement may be required for the issuance of such permit. Except as hereinbefore indicated, the fee for cush permit shall not, in any event, be less than $10.00 except when, in the opinion of the building inspector, the value of such e-~'tion or alteration shall be le.ss than $1000.00 in which event a fee of .00 shall be paid by the applicant. The Building Inspector shall pay over to the Town Treasurer for the general use of the Town allsuch fees as may be received by him. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 2. VOTED to amend Section 5, Article 1, of the By-Law.s of the Town to increase the membership of the advisory committee to nine mnstead of seven a.-~le, Section 5, as ~.,.~-~, ~,~ read as foll~''~' "At said adjourned meeting, the Noderator shall ap.point a.n Advisory Committee of nine who shall serve from the dissolution of samd meeting until the dissolution of the Annual Meeting next following. The vote was unanimous and so declar, ed. ARTICLE 4. VOTED to transfer the sum of $1092.84 from the Salaries and Wages account for Regular Police 0ffice~s to the Salaries and ~ages account of the Reserves and Special Officers. Unanimous vote and so declared. SPECIAL .TOWN.~MEETING NOVEMBER 26, 1956. ARTICLE 5. VOTED to accept Chapter ~89 of the Acts of 1956 which provides that:~ "Deductions of payroll schedules may be made from the salary of any town or municipal employee of any 'amount which such employee may specify in writing to any town or municipal officer, or the head of the town or municipal department, board or commission, by whom or which he is employed, for the payment of a con- tribution to a community chest or a. united fund. Any such authorization may be withdraws by the employee by giving at least sixty days notice in writing.. The Treasurer of the town or municipality--shall--transmit the sum so deducted to the community chest or united fund; provided that the..Treasure~r'..is satisfied that the Treasurer of such community chest or united fund has given to said community chest or united fund a bond..for the faithful performance of his duties..This act shalltake fulleffect..upon its acceptan.ce by vote of the City Council of a. city. and.,by vote of the town at a town meeting." Signed June 28. Now Chapter ~89 Acts of 1956. I ARTICLE 6. VOTED that the sum of $12,000.00 be raised and appropriated against the 1957 tax levy, for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, taking by eminent domain or otherwise, the land described in sub division A, of this Article, :.(listed hereon) and that the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection with this article or take any other action in relation thereto. SUB-DIVISION A. PROPERTY TO THE SOUTHEAST OF ANDOVER STREET AND SOUTHWEST OF ROSEDALE AVENUE A lot of land belonging to Charles and ~ertrude Melamed situated to the south- west of Rosedale Avenue, containing approximately 8.77 acres and being more particularly bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Cypress Terrace at land of Charles and Gertrude ~Ielamed and land of the Suburban Household Enterprises, Inc., which point,.is 580 feet distant southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Andover Street; thence running in a northeasterly direction along a stone wall by land now or formerly of said Suburban Household Enterprises, Inc.,.276. feet to a point at anoth.er stone wall and at land now or fo.r~.erly of Col.~zzm: thence turning and runnmng in a general southeas.terly directmon along samd latter stone w all by lands now or formerly of said Colizzi, Indelis, Hart and Fre.chette 850 feet to a point at a~.oth.er stone wall and land now o.r formerly of Pucclo; thence turning and runnmng mn a general, southwesterly dmrection along said latter stone wall by said land of Pucc. io !!20 feet to a point where Bevin Road intersects with Pinedale Terrace, thence turning an.d running in a general nor.thwesterly i direction along the northeasterly.erode .of Pinedale Terrace 514 feet to a I point where the northeasterly side of Pmnedale Terrace intersects the south- easterly side of Farnham Rca.d; thence turning and running in a northerly I direction ll6 feet across samd Farnham Road and by ..o. ther land of said Nelameds to a point in a stone wallat, other land of Charles ~ielamed; thence turning and running in a northeasterly dmr.ection along said latter stone wall 275 feet to a point on the southwesterly smde of Cypress Terrace which point is 575 feet distant .southeasterly from the so.utheasterly, side of Andove.r Street; thence i: running m.n a more n.0rtheasterly dxr.ection ~6 feet across .satori Cypress Terrace to the pomnt of begm'nn.in.g. All me.asurements being more or less and said lot herein described contaxnmng approx.mmate.ly ~82.062 square feet. All references t.o s.treet, terraces and ways used mn thms description may be found on Plat No. 1~7 mn the North Andover Town Assessor' s Office. The vote was AFFIFJ.~'IATIVE 198. NEGATIVE 91. A two-thirds majority ~ote. ARTICLE 7. VOTED that the sum of $25,000.~0 be raised and appropriated against the 1957 tax levy for the put.pose of this article. To be expended und~er the direction of the School Buildmng Committee, for a topographical survey, borings, educational specifications, complete plans, layout, working drawings, and estimate of cost, and such other disbursements as may be preliminary to the building of the new elementary school. The vote was unanimous and so declared: The meeting VOTED to adjourn until February ~, 1957, at which time Board expects to have complete plans and estimates of costs on the new school building. the Advisor proposed ~12 Registered voters were counted. Several guests were admitted. Meeting opened at 8:15 and adjourned at 9:50 P.~,f. ~.~r. Holand Hammond3 Arthur Sutherland, ~,~ilton Howard, A1 Simard, Joseph Slipp, Fred ,Coram, Alden 'arnham, EdvJard Mallery, and SAd Rea assisted the Moderator Certified to be a true copy: ATTEST//%~~~.JOHNO/J. Essex ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover GreetingSln: the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the former Court Room, Town Building in said North Andover on Friday evening, the twenty-first day of ~ecember, 1956 at seven o'clock P.M., then and there to act on the following business: ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to transfer $2,000.00 from the SeWer Department Salaries andwages account to the Water Department expenses account. Petition of Board ~of Public Works. ARTICLE 2. To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $1,~00.00 from Article 67, Annual ¥~arrant 1956, Section 2, Moody Street water, to the Snow Removal .Appropriation. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. And you are hereby directed -to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than .fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Glerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-six. WILLIAM A. FINNERAN Board RA¥~,u BROADHEAD of ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen. A true copy: . Attest. /s/ Frank Howard, Constanble. December ll, 1956. OFFICER'S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested c.opies of this warrant at the .Town Hall and at five or more public places ~n each voting precinct. Sazd copies having been~posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. North Andover, ~ass. · o . December ll, 1956 ~ . /s/~F~vank Hqward, Constable. ATTEST: ~~/~~, Town.Clerk. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING DECt~BER 21, 1956I I ~ Article 1. VOTED t'o transfer $2,000.00 from the Sewer Department Salaries and Wages account to the Water Department expenses account. Article 2. VOTED to transfer the sum of $1,000.00 from Article 67, Annual Warrant 1956, Section 2, Moody Street water, 'to the Snow Removal Appr6pria- tton. The vote on the above two article were unanimous and so declared.':' . Meeting opened at 7:10 P.M., and 7 '',~' Ten (lC) votere were present: A true copy; ATTEST adjo~~~nTat :15 P.I~,~. WARRANT 48 COMN0~TH OF MASSACHUSETTS Essex SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: And you are hereby directed to serve.this warrant by pos~ng true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Oiff~ce Building and at five or more public.places in each voting precinct. Said copies t.o be posted not. more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the tame of holding said mee ting. In the name of the Commo.nwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed .'i~ Hereof, fail not. and make due return of this warrant With Your doings to not!fy and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, q ~_~ ual~fled to vote in !i i thereon to the Town ~lerk at the time and place Of said meeting' Town Affairs to meet ~in the High School Auditorium in said North Andover on the Twenty-first the. fourth day of ~'ebruar~. 1957 immediately after' the adjournment of the adsourned session of the Special Town Meeting of November 26, 1956, then and there to act on the following article: f ARTICLE 1. TO see if the Town Will raise and appropriate or transfer .rom. available funds, a sum of money for the purpose of acqu.~rin~' b_v ou~- .chase, taking by eminent domain, or otherwise, frost he owner or Tracts of land as described below for access to the oublic school to b.ui. lt..on land formerly b~elonging to Charles and Gertrude Melamed~ ~d-~r°- .v.~mem~nat. the Board of Oelectmen be, and hereb_v is. authori~.~.~ ~.~ ~.~. _~n~e '.~'own .~.n co.nne, ction with this article, or t~ke ~ny ot~er-~jt~n~ relation DnereDo. A- ACCESS FROM~'~ANDOVER STREET 1. (Taking from C~ rles and Gertrude Nelamed) ~ T A c~e~r~tain parcel of land .o~ the southerly side of Andover Street in th own cz ~orth Andover, Massachusetts. contai~ ~ ~.~. ....... ~ - - ~ ~ ~nc cescrzoed as follows. Oe~znnin~ at a ~~ ~ *~ ..... ~ - -- ~ c , - - ~ ~ ~--~ ~- ~c sou~nerl line ffndove~ ~tr~et at land of Louis and Jose~h~ m ~-~- . . -- y ~x' .~ ~ ~, ~u~o )(-:/i~:zee~',.~y zand~o~' ~ouis ~nd Josephine T. DiFruscio - ~a~d of Suburban Household Enterprises Inc -- ~ --- . .... and · .. ~ ., ~ a corner in ~e wal ... ~a~en by the 'Z. own fo~ a school szte~ th~ .~o.~.z~: ,,, ~o ~ ~ ~, at_land · ~--~ ~ ~ ,.~. ,,, ~o.-[2 feet 2y said school site to a point at land of Charles G. ~lamed, thence N57O_~6'~_lO,,W, ~~tS~h~e~y~~rf~e~; ~e~n~Yo~e~~l.y line of Andover 2. (Taking from Charles O. Melam~d) A certain parcel of -land on the southerly side of Andover Street in North Andover, Massachusetts, containing 12,.~87 square feet, bounded and described as follows: Beginnin~:'at a point ~n the southerly.line of Andover Street, at land of Charles and Gertrude Nelamed, said point being 11.65 feet northerly from a Massachusetts Highway Bound m. arking an angle in said street line;: thence S~7~ -~6'-10" E, about 57~.~ feet, by land of sa'id Charle~ 'and Gert.rude Nela~ed, to land taken by ti~e Town,of North An~over from Charles and Gertrude Melamed for a proposed school site, thence S259 51' -20"W, 25.8~ fee.t by said school site to a point; thence N57° -46'-10"~.', 585.4 feet by remaining land of Charles and Gertrude ~lelamed to a point in th_e~southerly line of Andover Street; thence nort.heasterly by southerly line of _~ndover Street, 9.75 feet to a Massachusetts Highway bound mark'in~ an angle in said street, line; thence northeasterly b.y said southerly li~e of Andover Street, 11.65 feet to: the p~int of beginning. Given mnder our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-seven. WILLIAM A. FINNF_~AN RAYMOND BROADHEAD ARTHUR P. KIRK Board of Selectmen A true copy,. ATTEST: Alexander Ness Jr., C/~stable North Andover, ~assachusetts, January 25, 1957. OFFICER ' S RETURN I have notified and warned the.inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affa_~rs by posting true and a. ttested copies of this Warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each ing precinct. ~aid co ies having been posted not more than fifteen ~ot _ _ ~. P days nor less than ten days before the ~ime of holding said meeting. North Andover, Mass. . ,~ ~ /~/ Alexander ~ess Jr, Constable January 25, 1957 :'"l // ~ ~ /-) ~ ~ ~ ~--/~'~ ~ ~ (~ VOTED ADJOURNED SPECIAL TOWN I,;IEETING OF NOVFJ',.'~BEE 26, 1956 that the sum $~6 and appropriated.for ARTICLE 8. of . 5.,000 be tale.ed the purpose of constructing and orzgmnally equipping and furnishing a new elementary school, and the improving, landscaping, grading, and fencing for school purposes of the ground's thereof; and that to meet said appro- priation the sum of $25,000 be raised in'the 'tax~levyJof the current year, and that the t.reasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, be, and.~is herebY, authorized to borrow the sum of $~0,000 and to issue bonds or notes of the Toys therefor, said bonds or notes to be payable in accordange with the provisions of Chapter ~ of the General Laws as amended, th.e whole to be paid in not more than 20 years from the date of issue ~of the first bond o.r note, or at such earlier time as the Treasurer and Oelectmen may de te rmzne. The vote was AFFIRmaTIVE 169 NEGATIVE ~8. ARTICLE 9. VOTED that the Town authorize th.e School Bu.i.lding Committee, A ' created under rtmcle 3~ of the Warrant of vhe Annual ~own ~eeting held ~arch 16, 1946, to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying out the votes passed under article 8 relati-v.e~ to the elementary school, together B--ACCESS FROM HEWITT AVENUE building and originally equip, ping of a new _ with the improving, landscaping, grading, and fencing school purposes. and so declared. of the grounds for 1. !Taking.from Gordon Chamberl&in) a .certain triangular shaped lot ~f land in Nor.th. Andover,.Massachusetts, contazning about 265 squar, e feet, locate.d on the northerly s~de of HeWitt Avenue: bounded and described as fo.llows. Beginning at a point in the north- erly lzne of Hewett Avenue, said point being ~0 feet northeasterly from the existing westerly end of. said Hewett Avenue; thence N~2O-52, ~,1~.07 feet, by land of Ant~onio Co,1..izzi, to.a point; thence N65°-OS,E, 42.29 feet,, by other .land of ~ord~n ~hamberla~n to a point in the northerly line of Hewett Avenue; thence S47 -08'W, 40.2. feet, by saidline of Hewett northerly The vote was unanimous Avenue to the point of beginning. Meeting opened at 8 P.~., and adjourned a..t 8:55 P.~. 2. (Taking. from Antonio Colizzi) i ' .A certain lot of land in North ~ndover, Massachusetts,containing about ~ SPECIAL TOWN ~fEETING 0~~ .FEBRUARY ~, 1957 2,147 square feet, located on the n~ therly side and westerly end of Hewett' ~om~-~ ~ VOT~ that the Town raise and aporopriate for the purpose of Avenue and described.as follows~ B~ginning at a point in the northerly line ~~i~'by purchase, .taking by eminent dgm~$n or ot~erw~s~ fr~ the o~er of Hewett Avenue, sa~d point being 40ofeet' northeasterly from the existing 9r ~wners ~ha tracts. ~f land as described zn article ~ anm zor ~ne purpose end of said Hewett Avenue, thence S47 -08'W. ~,0 feet b(: ~ .... ~'--- ~ ~- indicated ~n said article, that the Board of S~lectmen be ~nd hereby ~s - . . · ~ . , ~ u~ z~o~'oner&y zlne of Hewett Avenue to ~ts Westerlve~t~em~tv~ thence ~ ........ ~, ~ ~ ~, ~o ~e~, o ~~ ~t~ in relation thereto, and that the sum of $625.00 be raised ~d the westerly end of Hewett Avenue, to a .~oint. the~ ~==oJ.-, _,.~,,... feet by land of Jo~ and Keidi Indelas ~o a ~-'~'"~~ ~2 ~ ?, Do.'F( appropriated for the.purpose' of subd~vi.sion Al of this article, t~a~ ~h , u~'~ no~e in the easterly line of land taken by the Town for a p~po'sed school site, said point being the s~ of $500.00 be razzed and appropriated for the purpose of subdmvzs~on northwesterly corner of land of samd Indelas; thence N29o-l,6,N ~.6 1~ e~ A2 of this' article, that the s~ of $100,00 be raised and appropria?d for b~ ~n~ taken fz~om ~lelamed. to a ~oint. ~~ ~-~--,-,-~ . '-~ ~ ~ ~T~ the purpose o~' suo~v~s~on o~ u~ ~,~ ~,~~, ~*.~ ~?~ ~--~ -~ .... _,.-'- :. _ C m Zain; oy land of said Ohamberlain, to the point of beginning, ~ ' The vote was unanimous and so dec~ red. Approximately ~00 voters pr~sent. I~eeting ed :05 P.~. ATTEST '" TOWN WARRANT 51-08-58 as Wood Lane 8~.~5 feet to a stone bound;, thenc, e r~_nning,Sout, h T, CONNONWW~LTH OF IIlASSACHUSETTS ~6~pl. East 5~7.96 feet to a,stone bound; thence runnzng ~outh 60-56-17 "'asr 117.~4 ESSEX ss. ~ , ~!.i~ feet to a point; thence running Northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence . · To either of the Oonstables of the 2own of North Andover. ~,~ running Easterly 715 feet to a point; thence running Northerly 160 feet to GREETING: ~ · ~ a point; thence running EaSterly ~21,.26 feet to a point; then. ce by a c~l,,v.ed In the name of the Commonwealth of ~;~assachusetts, you ar.e hereby line with a radius of 20 feet, 59.96 feet to Ch.ickering Road, thence running .directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North indo~er, qualified to vote .i~ ~ortherly 2~-28-25 East 1001.77. feet by said.~Ch~ck~e.ri~ng~Roa~d ,t~o zn elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct one, thence Northerly b.y a curved l~ne with a ra~-us o~' ±~ ~-ee~, ~o ~ the f. ormer Court Room, To.wu Building in P.recinct. two, the T~.omso.n School in or less, to ~he point of beginning. Precinct three, and the K~ttredge ~cho~l ~n Precinct four, ~n sa~d North Andover ,~i~ Petition of Dorothy J. Eennie and others. . on ~londay, the fourth day of l~lar.ch, 19~ at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act upon the follo.w~ng article: ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town of North And. over wall v_ote to amend the ARTICLE .1. To elect a ~oderator, Town ~lerk, Town Treasurer, Collector of ~ )~i Zoning By-Law~ ~y changing from Vil..lage Residential to ~usiness, the Taxes, H~ghway ~urveyor, Tree Wa.rden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the ~ ) following described parcel of land, Board of Public Welfare, and five constables for one year, o~Assessor, ~one ~ mA parceI ~of land located on the southwesterly side of ~ain Street_ me..mber of the Board of P,.ublic Works,~ and two members of the School Committee D Bounded and described as follOws: Beginning at a point in the easterly fo~ thr~e y~ar.s,'~ one ~nen~~of the Planning Board for five .ye.ars, and to vote '~!!i!I side of First .Street distant 210 feet more or less from the southweaterly boundary of Na~n Street; thence running along land now or formerly of upon the questions, "Shall the Town vote to accept the prows~on of section Vernile in a southeasterly direction 210 feet, more or less, to a point;. nineteen B of C~apt'e~r forty-one of the General Laws and thereby provide per- iii[ ~lai~ii manent tenure f. SrlfJohnf'Ji· ~yons, the present incumbent of the. office of Town Clerk." "Shall th~s to~vn of Nort~ Andover' accept the provisions of ~i~[ !!~~!!~ !u, ~i!i! t~i~ ~reie~~ it!gomi~iot!i~il !!!Yncai~~gr d~ifdt~~en~!iid terly Section ~7 of Chapter 51, as amended, oi the General Laws of the CommOnwealth of ~ass., Tercentary e.dition, as they apply to the labor service of the Town !1 thence turning and running southwesterly along ~st Street 150 feet., more of North Andover, a fa~_r and con.cAse summary and purpose of Which appears [ or less, to a point; .thence turning and running southeasterly 270 feet, below. Acceptance of the provisions of Section ~7 of Chapter 51, as amended, [ more or less, to a point; thence turning and running ~along land now or late of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Tercentenary edition, ii of Robinson in a northeasterly direction 120 feet, more or less, to a point; as they apply to the labor service of t~he Town of North andover, would .place m~ il thence turning and running more.or less moutheasterly to Second Street under Civil Service the positions of laoorers, slilled laborers and mechanics ~1 2~0 feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly side of Second Street 200 feet~~, more mcr less, to a point; the. rice turning and 'running e and craft~smen in the entire labor service of the Town of North Andover." [ Street; thence turning ~ and running alon.g said northwesterly side of Second All to be ~voted upon one ballot, the polls shall open at '9 A.~,I., and shall be [ northwesterly 50 feet more or 1.ess, to a point, thence running northwest.fly closed .at ~ P.M. . . . . ![ along a line parallel to and 221~ feet distant from the center 1.ine' of Na~n Str?et 105 feet, more or less, tO a point in the southeas'terly s~de of School After fznal action 6n the preceding Artzcle one, the sa~d meeting shall stand [ Street; thence tur.ning'and running southwesterly.along the southeasterly side a~journed by virtue of ~'ection ~, Article one of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday ~ of School Street 1~2 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning a.nd ~iarch 1.6, 1957 at one-thirty o'clock p.m.., in .the Nor.th Andover High School [ running across th~ end of School Street in a northwesterly direction 40 feet more or less,~toa-polnt; thence turning and running in a northwest.erly Auditorium then and there to act on the follow~ng articles. direction along said School Stree~ 142 fee. t, more pr less, to a point in ARTICLE 2. ~o elect all Other officers not reqUired by law to be e, lected by ! the northwesterly Side of SchOol Street d~stant 224 feet from the center · ballot. . . . , , [ line of Main Stree,t; thence turning and running northwesterly along a line ARTICLE 5. To see ~f the TOwn w~ll vote to accept the report of.? receipts ! parallel to and 224 feet distant from the center.line o~ Main Street 500 and expenditures'as presented bY.the Sel?ctmen. . · ~ feet: more or le.ss, to a point in the easterly s~de of ~irst Street; thence turmng and running southwesterly along the easterly side of First Street Af~TICLE ~..To see what action the Town w~ll take as.to ~ts unexpended~ 16 feet, more o.r 1.e, ss, to the point of beginning. appropriations. . . [ Petition of Lou~s H. McAloon and ~thers. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town w~ll take as to the reCommendat~ons of the Advisory Board. . ~ ~ . [ ARTICLE 12. To see if the T. own w~ll vote to insert in the North. A~. over Zoning By-Law words specifying northea.sterly and southwesterly zoning ARTICLE 6. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Town Trea. surer, w~th [ district boundaries of the Vil.lage Residence zone ,along the no_rthwesterly~ the approval of the Selectmen, . to b~row money, fr.om time to time ~n antici- pation of the revenue of the f~nancial year b. eginn~ng January 1, 1958 and to !! sideso th.a.t said°f SuttOnparagraphStreet, soidentif~edamended inshallParagraPhread asS'54follows:aS voted ~une 50, 1956~ issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any ii · . ~ A small area along the northwesterly side of Sutton' Street, note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance !'! embracing5 5 generally land between~ Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndike treet extended, more particularly bounded and described as fqllows:~ with Section 17, Chapter ~, General Laws. S ~ ~'~+b~.~*.erlv bv 'a line parallel to and seven hunRred f.if.ty (750!=feet ARTICLE ?. To consider the report of all special committees. ~ [~ ~_~_~-"~ ~ ~ line of Sutton Street between a po~n.~.on s.a~ northwesterly from center . . _ ARTICLE 8, To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to ?i[?[ center line 500 feet along its northeasterly from~ts ~ntersec~on w~ N~ethuen Avenue center line a.nd a point on. Sutton S_treet center lA.ne 125. _f_eet · appoint one of their me.re.bets to the position of l~oa.rd of Health Physician !i, ~lOn~g; i~t Southwesterly from _~ts intersectzon with ~ho~ndike Stree~ cen~er and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section ~A, Chapter ~1 of the General Laws~. . ~ /~~ Northeasterly by a line parallel to and three hundred ()005 feet north- _~RTICLE 9. To see if the Town will Vote to authoFize the School O, om~nittea iii:! easterly from Methuen Avenue center line; . Southeasterly by a portion of ~utton Street center l~ne;. . to appoint on.e of.its members to the positio.n of School .Physician-and to ~ix Southwesterly by a line at a right angle .to Sutton Stree~ cen~er £mne his compensation ~n accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General Laws. beginning at a point on Sutton Street center l~ne 125 feet southwesterly Petition of the School Committee. frGn the intersection of said Sutton Street center line with Thorndike Street ARTICLE lC. To .see if the T°wn~ry°fResidenceN°rth And.CD, strict;Vet will ~ vOteand/or, tORuralamendRe~idencethe ZoningBy_Laws by changing from C oun' ~l ~~olni~'N°r th andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nice tta, Chairma,n. District and/or Agricultural District to General Business District, the ~'~'i~ ~ CL ~. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Ando. ver Zoning ~--~,.---o ~-~ ~-~- ~- ~~,~- "" v-T,aw bv re-wording without change 0~ suo~uan~ oho. ~ ~.~-o.~ --- .... d ..... ce ,_ Beginning at the Northeasterly conner of the premises at the intersection '..iii~'~'.~, i"~!~'~-~ U _ _~,~,.-_: ~ ~^,,~r~ description at and near High Stree~ zn paragraph - ' "~'" 6, at the request of ~rs..~¥~cQuesten, and by of Chickering~ Road and ~Iassachusetts Avenue, formerly known as Air Line Road,: ~:: ~ zoning ~.~'~ ~~ ~ -~ - -" thence running Westerly by land now or formerly of. Edward Adams,, 1877 feet, ~.. N.q. 5.55 as rot.ed Jun~ 50, 195 more or less. to an angle in the wall; thence running Southwesterly by land ,?,~ ~nSerting th~,r.e~n words more exactly describing the easterly bounding line ~ ~ ,, , ~. '.~ -~~h ~o x.q:~ .~o ~mended shall read as follows: of owners unknown and by an old road known as Wood Lane, 7~8 feet, more or t~reo~', so 'ona~ ~a~ ~,~,~- -. ~ ~-~ - · less, to a stone bound; thence running Southeasterly by said old road known "3.55 A small area along the southeas.terl~ side of Sutton Street embrac- ing generally land near and between Thornd~ke treet and MoOdy Stre, et, more particularly bounded and described as follows: by utton Street center line between a point Northerly and northwe.sterly~ S thereon one hundred twenty five (125) feet we.ster,l.y along said Sutton Street nd~ke ~treet center ce.nter line from its intersecti.on with Thr~o line and a po.~nt on Sutton Street center 1.~ne 125 feet alqng it northeasterly from 'the point on Sutton Street center l~ne that would be intereected by Moody Street center line if extended tangent all the w. ay to Sutton Street; Easterly by a line parallel to and one hundred twenty-five (125) feet easterly from Moody Street center ~ine and said line e~xtended all' the way to Sutton Street; ~outheasterly by Prescott Stre. et cent.er line;~ ° Southwesterly by a short port~on of l~ne parallel to and 200 feet ~ northeasterly from th.e forme~'LSalem Railroad right of way location l~ne~. Wes.terly by a l~ne parallel to and 225 feet westerly 2rom High Street center l~ne ~ Southwesterly yet again by a line parallel to and 200 ~eet northeasterly from the former Salem Railroad right of way location line, and wouthwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet ~outhwesterly from Tho~ndike Street center line to the point where it intersects Sutton Street center line." Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. ARTICLE l~. To see if the Town will vote to insert in the North Andover Zoning Oy-Law. words describing a segment, now missing, of the boundary of the General business zone in Ehe northerly corner of the intersection of Turnpike Street and Hillside .Street--Kent proper.ty.--set forth in paragraph 5.?5 by striking off the terminal boundary-descrzb~ng claus~ thereof as voted June 50, 1956, to wit "~hence northwesterly 91~5 feet to a p6int of be inni ':" and b substitutin in lace thereof the Corresponding words as g ng~ . y g p . originally printed in paragrph 5.85 of the warrant for the June 50, 1956, Town Meeting, to wit "thence northwesterly 91:3 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 100 feet to the point of beginmng." ~ Petition of North Andover Planning Board, l~'icholas ~'. Nicetta, Chairman. - T · ~ART.ICLE 15.. To see ~f the ow.n wall vote to amend the Village Residence Zoning District boundary description set forth in paragraph 3.Sl.as voted~ June 50, 1956, to.correctaa wrong street name, to strike out a m~stake anG superfluous street name, to state clearly_the Compass direction of a bound- ~y segment, an.d to extend, a~just a.nd re locate other bo.unday segments to correspond w~th changes in the ~Ia~n Street General Bus~ness Zone boundary. set forth~in paragraph ~.71 by taking all or some of.the, several actions' specified hereunder'as to said paragraph 5.51 by str~king out in the seven~n bounding segment the name !'Sutton Street" .and by inserting in place thereoz the name "Second Street"; by striking out zn .t. he ninth bo.u~.ding segment the first occurrence of the wor~s "and W,.lm Stree. t"; by correcting the first letter of the first word of the twe.nty-first bounding segment so that .the~ word..s.hall rae d "southwesterl.y,"' by.. str~king out the sixth bounding segment, e.e.scr~p~on . and insertin~ in place thereof the following three segment descrzptzon~s: namely. Easterl~ by a line parallel to and 150' westerly from the center lane of Main Street ~etween May Street .and Waverley ~oad; Southeasterly by a s.hort port~on of Waverle,y Road center li~e~ ' Northeasterly by a l~ne parallel to ~nd 225 westerly from ain Street center line; . Petition of' North Andover P~,anning Board, Nicholas F..Nicetta, Chazrman. ARTICLE 16. To see if the ~own will vote to amend the North Andover .Z..o~n.ing. By-Law by classifyin, g as Neighborhood Business the property known as' nz±~on' s Variety, described ~n paragrsph 5.7_~ (35) as voted J~u~.e 50, 1956! ~ad~oining ^.~ ~B~~.v ~oned Neighborhood ~ustness describe~ an paragraph ~.o) as ~~ ~~$~.[956, and~t° accomplish that p~rpose ame~ding and enlarging. in paragraph ~.~ so that said paragraph so amended shall trheaedara~a fdo~~b:ed "~.6~ Neighborhood Business$- An area of land at the northwesterly ~ ~ ~ S eet~and Waverle Road buunded: intereection of Middlesex tr . ~ Y ~. . Easterly by the we_sterly sideline of W~a_ver~ley n.o~a~d:_ ~ ..... ~ Southeasterly and'Southerly b.y the noz'ther~y s~e~ne o~' l~l~G±esex Street between the westerly sidelzne of Waverley Road and a point on .said Middlesex Street sideline 1~5 feet westerly from Said Waverley Road s~de. line; w,~..~v by ~ line at a right angle to said Middlesex Street sidel~ne~; "~--~' '~'- ~ t and 100 fee~ northerlyfr°m ~aid Niddl~ Northerly by a line parallel o . 1957 TOWN WARRANT 5'3 ARTICLE 17. To see if the T. own will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a missing small southeasterly bounding s*gment, by correcting by one .digit a typographical error in a dimension, and by altering adjusting and extending, the boundaires of the northern end of the Main Street General Business Zone set forth in paragraph 5.'71 as voted June 50, 1956, to include all or most of the premises specially des.ignated General Business in - ~ 0 paragraph 3..74 as voted June 50; 1956, sub.paragraphs (28) (29) an.d(3 ) of strzking them out and amend-~ng ~.71 so that sa~d paragraph 5.71 so .~mended shall read: 5~.71 Portions of both sides of ]~ain Street and of Water Street more particulary bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line: Easterly by a line parall to and 165 feet easterly from Main .Street ~enter line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Sa.unders Street: Northerly by a small portion of Saunders Street cen.ter lane; Northeasterly by a line para.llel to ,and 125 feet southwesterly f.r°m the center line of that portmon of Saunders Street. that' hrends ~n two courses about "24° 50' W and about N ~5° O' W; Southeasterly by a short portion.of the Bradstr- eet ~chool southeasterly' lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel ~ - to and 180 feet northeasterly from I amn Otreet center line, and extend- ing some 700 feet or more in length between said Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on th.e shore ,of. Sutton.Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the in ~ersec tm on of Second, Ma~n and Water Streets; Northeasterly by the southwesterly shore of Sutton Mill Pond; Sou.theasterly by a line at a right angle to Water Street center line passing ~through a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center lane of Merrmmack treet, Northeasterly by the center line of Water Street, between Merr. imack~ Street and E1m Street; SOutheasterly by Elm Street center line, ,Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet south..w, esterly from ~gater Otreet center line between Elm. Street and Merrimack Street; Northwesterly b~ a short pou~tion of ivlerrzmack Southwesterly by ~ater Street 'center between Stre.et center line; line Merrzmack Street and Main Street; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 100 feet southeasterly from Second Street center line; South- westerlv~ bv~ a line parallel to and 225 feet southwesterly from Main Street center line between a point 100 feet southeasterly,~.of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly by a short portion of "averly Road ~enter line; Wouthwesterly by a line parallel .to and 150 feet sou_th- westerly from Main Street center line between ~averly Road center.line and~ Sutton Street center line, and southerly by a very short port~on &f ~utton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet southwesterly from North ~Jain Street center line between Sutton Street center line and a pomnt.80 feet southerly from Ashland o Street center line; Nor. therly by a lane parallel to and 80 feet sOutherly from Ashland Otreet center line to the center line of North I~lain Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North ~iain Otreet to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a. sh.ort portion 9f Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center 1.~ne of Main Otreet between Sutton Street center line and the location l~ne of the for~er Salem RailrOad. Petition of the North Andover Planning Board, N~cho F. Nicetta, Chairman. ARTICLE 18. To see if the ToWn will vote~to amend the North An.dover Zoning By-Law by inserting under paragr,,aph 5.6 ~eighborhood Business D~stricts,.a new para.graph ,to be'numbere,d 3_.64 and by transferring thereto and numberzng consecutzvely (1) through (13) thereunder properties.hitherto described ~nd stated under paragraph 3.7~ sBbparagraphs (5),!7), (9), (l~), (15) . Second Parcel, (..1,6), .(17), (19), (22),(25), (54), (57), and (40), striking them from Par. ;74entirely and adding to the descriptions of certain of them words more clearly, indentifying the locat.ion of said properties so that said paragraph 5.6[~ shall read as follows. . '"$o6~ (1) The land in North ~ndover with 'the buzldings thereon ~resen~lv known as Faro' s Diner, located on the sout~easterly_.side of 0sgood St.reet zn the fork between 0sgood and Barker Streets, and bounded and described 'as f011ows~' . . Southeasterly by Barker Street 590.15 feet; Northwesterly zn two courses by Osgood Street 221.85 feet and, 1~5 feet; Northerly by land of Barker along the bed of an old wall 242 feet; an~':Nor.theasterly aga by land of Barker 8.99 fe'et, all of said measurements bezng as shown on plan of landovmers by stefanowicz, North Zndover, Mass. August Charle E. Cyr, C.E.~ ~ ~.6k_ (2,) The land in North andover with the buildings the~'~egn· ~ presently knowa as Woody's located on thewesterly side of Chickering Road about one quarter mile northeaster along it from the intersection of Peters and Andover Otreets, bounded and described as follows: Northerly 226 feet more or less, by land now or late of Coolidge; Southeasterly 280 feet, more or less, by Chickering Road; Southerly 30 feet more or less Beginning at a point in the southeasterly sideline of Chickering approximately 925 feet southwesterly along said ~hickering Road its intersection with ~ass avenue center line, said point being easterly corner of the premises in question; thence running $~ ~1957 WARRANT 1957 WARRANT -BT' LAND or formerly of Schru. ender, aTd Westerly 178 feet, by lan~d now or late ~ ~..7.;4 sub-paragraph (1)and property the.rein described because it was already of one Ne.lamed. · ~ included within the property described mn paragraph 3.72 as voted .June 50,'56. (3) Land mn~ No~th Andover together w~th the buildings thereon, presently knowr~,C? . Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Ch~ rman. as'Bulger's Animal HospitAl, located on the easterly side of 0hickering Road located ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning sideline from Bylaw by altering the t~undary description under paragraph 3.81 to reflect the the north- transfer of a s~all part thereof from Industrial to Rural Residential as re- southeasterly 125 quested by Mr. Barker and Voted June ~, 1956, and by striking from said de- fe.et to a point; t.hence turnin~ and running southwesterly 200 fe.et to a scription a superfluous word "and", a wrong reference to Main Str.eet, and.an point.; thence turnmng and running northwesterly 125 feet to a pomnt on the irrelevant phrase mentioning Wood Lane, dangling at the end of sa~d descrzp- turn~n.g and running no,th- of Chmckering Road to the southeastemly side of O. hiCkering Road; thence easterly 200 feet. along the southeasterly side point' of beginning; (4) exactly-as hi. therto described in ~'7,/-I- I1/-I-) 1561 exactlY as hztherto descr~bed .in :77~ 15) second parcel. exactly as hitherto de~cr.~bed zn 3 (16) tion; and by inserting before the words "more particularly bounded (ete)" a saving clause as to tracts that might be zoned otherwise within the indus- trla~ly zoned area described in paragraph 3.81 so that said paragraph so mended shall read as follows: 3.81 All that northernmost portion of North Andover township north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick watershed divide line as more particularly boundedand described below, except suchportions of the area within s~id InduStrial zoning district boundaries as may be duly declared to be in 3.64 (7) Land in North Andover together with the buildings thereon~ presently known as iSaul's gasoline filling station, located .along the southwesterly any other kind of zoning district.; Northeasterly by the Haverhill-North side ~of Salem Turnpike (State 'Route ll4) a short dzstance southeasterly Andover boundary between the Merrimack River and .a point southerly of .from its~ intersection with Sullivan Otreet and bounded and describe4 as 0sgood Street; Easterly and Southeasterly by a lzne parallel to and follows: Beginning at a point in the southwesterly sideline of Sale:m 500' easterly from that portion of Osgood Street center line between the Haverhill-North Andover boun, dary and the thread of High Bridge Brook; Southeasterly by the thread of High Brook Bridge to 0sgood Street; Turnpike aboUt 140 feet southeasterly along said sideline from its inter- section with the southerly sideline of Sullivan ~'' otreet, and bounded on the northeast by State Highway Route ll4 for a distance of 178-179-180-181 and Southeasterly by that portion of Osgood Street center line between High bounded on the:northwests by Commonwealth of ~assachusetts 29.48 feet on Bridge Brook and Sutton Street; Southeasterly and Southerly by that the mouthwest 363.46 feet; and by land owned by Edward W. Saul on the south-portion of SuttonStreet center line between 0sgood otreet and a point on east 85.67 feet said bounds having been surveyed by Mr. Brasseur and Sutton Street center its intersection with marked by iron pipe. (8) Land in No~th Andover known as Dehullu's Market together with the buildings thereon, presently and numbered 60 Union Street, located on the southerly side of Union Street a short distance easterly from~Marblehead Street and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly sideline of Union Street located approximately 45 feet easterly along said Union Street southerly sideline from its intersection with ~arblehead Street easterly sideline, and bounded thence; NortherloYf50 feet by Union Street; thence Easterly 105 feet by land now or formerly one lin. e 300 feet northeast of l~'[ethuen Avenue center l~ne; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line; Southerly by~a line ,.parallel to and 750 feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon 300 feet northeasterly from Methuen Avenue center line and a point on °utton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndiks Street center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street cente line and said line extended between a point 750 feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and'a point on Sutton Street center line 125 NcNif.f; thence Southerly 75 feet and Westerly 120 feet. feet southwesterly from ~-horndike Street center line; Southerly by .that 3.6~(9) Land in No.rth andover, toge. ther with the buildings thereon presently' ~ portmon of utton Street center~ line between North Mazn Street and a known as .Lakes.~de Filling Station, loca.ted at the northwest ct.mcr of . ~ point on Sutton Street 125 feet southwe.sterly from Thorndike Street Lake Coch~chew~ck on the southeastern s~de of the road at the zntersect~o~ center line; Southwesterly by North Na~_n Street center line between Sutton Street center line and ~a point on North Main Street center line of 0sgood Street and Great Pond Road, bounded: Northerly 180 feet by 80 feet southerl~ from Ashland Street center line; Southerly b.y a line 0sgood Street; Northeasterly 70 feet by Great Pond. Road; Easterly 125 feet;parallel to and .~0 feet southerly from Ashland Street center lane; Southerly 185 feet and Westerly 125 feet to the point of beginning. Southerly by a l~ne parallel to and 80 feet from Ashland Street southerly (10) First Parcel; a tiny triangle of land together with the structures center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet soUth- thereon located on the northwesterly side of ChiCkering Road about 1050 westerly from North Main Street center line between a 'point '80 feet feet northeasterly along Chickering Road from Peters And Andover St?eets, southerly from Ashland Street and the center line of Sutton Street; bounded: Northerly 30 feet by land now of Gaumond: Southeasterly 40 feet Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Northeasterl more or le ss by Chickering Road; and Westerly 40 feet more or le ss, by land n~ by a line parallel to and 150 feet southwesterly from Main Street center now of ~"~elamed, being triangular in shape, line between Sutton Street ~and~ May Street; Southerly by a May Street Second Parcel: corner of the Nor thwe s ter ly more or less by ~u£ton Court; Southerly. 45.6 feet,.more or less, by land of Smith; Southeasterly 209 feet, more or less, by land now of Smith and Mutt,ay; Southerly 39 feet, more or less,~ by land of Nelb; and Westerly 135.4 feet more or less by land now of Carbonero, Land with the buildings thereon located in the southerly intersection of ~ufton Court and Chicke ring Road and bounded;. 325 feet more or less by ~hickering Road; Easterly 219.25 feet center line; Easterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot Street center line between Nay Street and Belmont Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by a short portion of Marblehead Street center line between Belmont Street and the Lawrence- North Andover municipal boundary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North Andover town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of ~arblehead Street and the Haverhill-North Andover boundary. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, ~hairmma. 3.64 (il) A certain, parcel of land located on the southweSte'rly side of High Street,~ North andover about ~.00 feet southeasterly along High Street from Sutton Street: numbered LOt 44 on Assessor Pl~_a~. No. 52, presently knowns as Mann's Variety Store, and bounded and descrmbed as follows: ARTICLE 21. To see if the Towh will v.o~e to amend the North Andover. Zoning Bylaw. by in.setting near the begmnni.ng of paragraph 3.82 a .savmng clause identical wroth that proposed above mn 3.81; also by adjusting Beginning and at a point on the southwesterly side of~ High Street in the northeasterly ~ i re-stating the description in paragraph 3.82 to reflect more clear.ly the corner of the p,remises in question; thence running southeasterl 100 feet transfer of a small area th.e. reunder from Industrial to Village Res~_dence to a point; . thence turn.~ng and runnmng southwesterly 70.7. feet to a point/ as .requested by ~'~rs. NcQuesten and duly vo~ted June 30, 1956; and .by thence turnmng and runnmng northwesterly 100 feet to a oomnt: thence str-~king from near the end of paragraph 3.~2 a wrong compass bearing for turning and running northeasterly 69.59 feet to the point of~beginning, the ngrtherly, sideline of Saunders Street, to wit "~,.0° 30' N~" and by (12) exactly as h.itherto desci.rbed .in 3.7.~ (37) substmtuting ~n p.lace thereof the correct bearing, namely "ET~ 30' N,"as (13) exactly as hz therto described ~n 3.74 (40) elseWhere stated ~n the sa~e description, so that said paragraph 3.82 so Petition of North Andover Planning Board. Nicholas F. N~.cetta~ Cha~ rman.,amended shall read: ' I ~.82 A t'inger of land in the north central part ti' ~orth Andover exten- ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to amend the. North Andover Zoning By-Law ding along parts of both sides of,Stevens Mill Brook and the former Sal by re-numbering as (1) through (22) inclusive su~-paragraphs under ~ara~ra~h ~.7~.~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ._~ Railroad location between Sutton Street and Stevens Street at Stevens as voted une 30,. 1956, then numbered (2) (3) (4) (6) (8) (10) (ll)'(12) (13) P.ond, embracing the Sutton, Osgood, Davis & Furber and Stevens ~ills, (15) (20) (21) (24) (25) (26) (27) (31) (32) (35) (56) (8) and (~9~ ~a b ye- w~tb~ the h tma~e ~vo~ ~lxr dasovfb~.a ~a stated below. . . . . 3 . ..., ......... y .. part!c~.l..a ................... 0 ............ S ~._0 ..... o ...................... , inserting at the end of such last sub-paragraph, being hitherto numbered (59) except such portions of the area within said Industrial zoning district all of those furthe'~', words of description and identification after the words boundaries as may be duly ,.declared to be in a,n.y other kind of zoning "said Newcomb" as originally printed in the Warrant for s.aid June 30, 1956, Towndistrict: Northerly by Su~tton Street center l_~ne; Northeast.erly by a ~'~eetzUo, and by striking entirely from said paragraph 3.74, sub paragraph (15) line parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from the center lane of First Parcel. the property therein described, and by striking from said paragraph Thorndike Street; thence by a connecting line parallel to and 200 feet north- ~ easterly from that portt~on of the former Salem Railroad right of way location ~ line between a poin'~ near Thorndike Street and a point 225 feet northwesterly ~ from' High Street center line; Southeasterly by a line parallel to and 22~5 fee~ northwesterly from High Stree~ center line; Northeasterly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad right of way location line; Northwesterly by a portion of High Street center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the former Salem~Rail~oad right of way location line between High Street center line and Chickering Road center line; Southsasterly by a short portion of ~hickering Road center line; Northeasterly by the former Salem Railroad location line between Chickering Road and Stevens Street; Easterly by Otevens Otreet center line between its intersection with the afores~ railroad location and Pleasant Otreet; Southwesterly by Pleasant Street center line to a point thereon 120 feet southeasterly from its intersection with WARRANT FOR 1957 ~ Art 23 Cont. WARRANT 1957 . ~7~' A lot ~f land belonging to Charles and Oertrude ~elamed situated to the south- west of Rosedale Avenue, containing approximately 8.77 acres and being more ' particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Cypress Terrace at land of Charles and Gertrude Nelamed and land of the Suburban Household Enterprises, Inc., which point is 580 feet distant southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Andover'"~treet; thence running in a northeasterly direction along a Stone wall by land now or formerl of said suburban Household Enterprises, Inc., 276 feet to a point at another stone wall and at land now or formerly of Colizzi; thence turning and running in a general southeasterly direction along said~latter stone wall by land.s now or formerly Of said Colizzi, Indelis, H&rt and ~rechette 850 feet to a point Phillips Court center line; Northwesterly by a line parallel to .and 120 feet southeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that trends approximately S4~° 33'W; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and. 135 feet northeasterly where the northeasterly side of Pinedale ~errace intersects the s.outheasterly~ from that line of Phillips Court that trends approxnnately S55° 26' E and such side of Farn~am Road; thence turning and running in a northerly d~rection ll8 at another stone wall and ~and now or formerly of Puccio; thence t~rning and running in a general southwesterly direction along said latter stone wall by said lane of Puccio ~IP0 feet to a point.where Bevin Road intersects with Pinedale Terrace; thence turning and running in a.general northwesterly di- rection aleng the northeasterly sid~ of Pinedale Terrace 514 feet to a point to the center line of Wayne Street, so called; Southwesterly by the center line of ~ayne Street, so called, between 0sgood Street and Chickering Road; southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Andover Street; thence running Southeasterly by a short portion of ~hickering Road center line; Southwesterly in a more norheasterly direction ~6 feet across Cypress Terrace to the point by East ~ater Street center line; Southeasterly by a short.portion of Clarendon of beg. i.nning. All measurements being more or less and said lot herein describ Street center line; Southwest.erly by Water Street center lane, extended, be- conta~nzng approximately 582.062 square feet. All reEerence to street, tween Clarendon Street and a point on Water Street center line about 105 feet terraces and ways used in this description may be iound on Plat No. 47 in the southerly from ~errimack Stree.t center line; Northwesterl.y by a line at a right North Andover Town~Asse,ssors Office. angle to Water Street center lane and Passing through a point thereon. 105 feet Petition of Edward ~elamed and others. southerly from Merrimack Street center ~line; Southwesterly by a portmon of the southwesterly shore of the mill pond, and thence by a portion of a line parallel ARTICLE 24. To see if the Towh wall- vote to raise and appropriate' or transfer Selectmen to and 180 re.et northeasterly from ~ain Street center line; Nor thwesterly by from available funds a sufficient sum of m.oney .to allow the Board of to pay Court costs and exp. enses in connection w~th the land takings for the a line at a rmght-angle to Saunders ~treet center line at the southerly terminus proposed new school. ~ Petmtion of the Board of Oelectme. n. of Saunders Street; Wouthwesterly by the southwesterly sho~e of Sutton ~ill Pond between the aforesaid line at a right angle to Saunders Street cen.ter line at its outhe~ly terminus and the easterly extension of that northerly sade line ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will raise and approprmate or t ra.nsfer from of Saunders ~treet that trends a~proximately E7° ~0'N; Southerly by that available funds, a sum to be expended by the School Building Committee for the northerly side line of Saunders Otreet that trends approximately E7o 50'N and said purpose of prepa~ring the Johnson School Building for elementary school use li.ne extended easterly; Westerly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly~rom~ ~ which sum, according to the estimate of. architect Frank W. Crimp of adden, 'Na~n Street center line; Souther~ly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad~ ~ Parker, Clinch and Crimp, submitted Nay 14, ~956, pursuant t.o authority con- ferred under Article 30 adopted at the 1956 Annual Town !~eet~ng, need not location line' Westerl b ~ain Otreet center line between the former Salem · ' Y YS ~ ~ ' exc.eed Ninety-five Thousand Nine Hundred nine dollats. ($95,909,00) Railroad.location line and utto. n 'Street. ?etition of North Andover Planning Board, N~cholas ~. Nicetta, Chairman. Petition of ~dward Melamed and others. and one of ,said Associate Members shall be. the North Andover Planning Board. 9.2 On each appeal arising under the North of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of which blication in a newspaper of general circulation days at least before the date oN such hearing. ARTICLE 22. To see if the town will vote to further amend Section 9 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw as amended and adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June 50, 1956, by inserting at the end of the second sentende thereof as amended and adopted June 30', 1956, a comma instead of the period and by adding after such comma the following additional clause: "further provided that two of said Board of Appeal ~iembers and of of said Associate ~em. bers shall be appointed from ~among the i¥[embers of the N.orth .Andover Plannmng B~rd." So that ,t~e whole of Section 9 so amended and divzded mnto two paragraphs shall then ~.~ad: SECTION 9: BOARD OF APPEALS, ITS POV~ERS AND DUTIES: 9.1 T.here shall be a Board of Aopeals of five members and not more than three Assoczate ~embers, which shall ~ave and exercise all ~he powers provided under G.L..Chapter ~OA as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the North Andover Zoning Bylaw and other matters referred to such Board by statute. The Board of Appeals ~embers and Associate Members shall be appointed by the Selectmen in the manner provided by statute, further provided that two of said Board of Appeals Members appointed from au ong the Members of Andover .Zoning Bylaw, ..the Board notzce shall be graven by pu- in North Andover twelve (12) The Board shall also not~fy' by registered mail all owners of property within three hundred (~00) feet of the boundaries of each lot or lots involved. Such notices shall be mailed to su. ch.owners at the addressees app. ear_ng for them mn the mc.st recent tov.~n tax l~st~ng of said owners." P~tit~on of North Andover Plannzng Board. Nzcholas F. Nicetta, ~hamrman. A~RTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to convey to ~harles and Gertrude ARTICLE 26. To see if the town will vote toraise and appropriate an additional sum of money for the salaries and wages in each Town Department; to grant a ten per cent (10%) increase to all full time employees, with the exception of the School ~epartment employees. Petition of James E. Fitzgerald and others' ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote an increase in salary of $200.00~ to ea.ch.~ssessor $600.00 in all) because of the increase in volume of work. Pet~tmon of the Board of Assessors. ARTICLE 28. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap.propriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from a vailab, le funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water systems on the followzng streets on petition of the persons named and others: (A) Approximately one hundred and eighty five feet on Douglas Road from ~ifflin Drive. Petition of ~aurice J. Sergi and others° (B) On Wentworth Avenue, a distance of approximately two hundred feet from Chadwick Street toward F~ber Ave, Petition of Ralph E. Finck and others. (C) On Moody Street approximately 210 feet toward Prescott ~reet from the previous terminus near Furber Avenue. Petition of ~illiam A. Geremia and others. ARTICLE 29. To see if the town willvote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer systems on the following streets on petition of the persons named and others. (A) Ap. proximately one hundred and eighty-five feet on Douglass Road from ~ ~ Drive Petition of ~{aur~ce J ~ergi ~.~d ~tber~ (B) On Wentworth Avenue, a distance of approximately 200 feet from Chadwick Street toward Fuber Avenue. Petition of Ralph E. Finck and others. (C) From 0sgood Street to residence of John Pellegrino on Pleasant Street. Melamed by a deed sufficient for the purpose to be executed for the Town by Petition of Frank J. Slipp and others. pu~.=u~ to a vote of ~ (D) On arwood Street approximaseiy one hundred and sixty feet from ~iass Ave. Special Town Meeting held on November 26, 1958, the Board of Selectmen on Petztion of Anna Galvagna and others. December 5, 1956, , said order bf taking in Essex North ~District Registry of Deeds, said Filetti. ordered taken by eminent domain and on December 7, 1956 recorded parcel being bounded and described as follows: (E] On Chickering Road .approximately three hundred feet to Property of Josep~ Petition of Joseph Filetti and others. a stone wall at other l~nd of Charle,s ~'~elamed; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction along said latter et.one wall 2.75 feet to a .point on the southwesterly side of Cypress Terrace whzch point ms 575 feet dmstant line extended northwesterly to O.sgood Street; Northeasterly by a portion of 0sgood Street cent.er line beginnmng at a poin.t thereon ~50 feet northeasterly of its intersection wroth Phillips Court center lzne and extending thence easterly feet across said Farnham Road and by other land of said ~elameds to a point in ' Art. 29. Con't. ~'~ ARTICLE 43. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 (F) On Highlaud View Avenue from Furber Avenue to the residence of Salvatore ~'~ for the purchase of'a three and one-half ton dump truck for the use of the Ciarcia. Petition of Salvatore Ciarcia and others. ~ ~ Highw.ay Dept., A 1951 N~ck dump truck to be turned in trade. ARTICLE 30. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money toARTICLE ~4. To see if the town will r&~se an~ appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 install an underground drain to take care of surface water for a required distance for the maintenance of the Disposal Oite on 01ark Street. fr.om a p, oint on Pleasant Street, so that TOwn drainage will no longer flow on Petition of the Highway Surveyor. privately owned land bordering on said Pleasant Street, and further that the , $6,000.00 Selectmen be hereby empowered to take.whatever steps are necessary to effect the ARTICLE 45. To see if the town will. raise and appropriate the sum of accomplishment of sa.i..d article including the obtaining of the necessary easements, for the maintenance of any s .tree ts .mn' Town under Chapter.90 of the Genera- Petition of John J..WiIlis and others. Laws. said mone_v to be used mn conjunction with money whzch may be allotted by ARTICLE 31. To see ~_f the town will raise and appropria.te or take'from available the ~tate or C.ou~.nty, or both for this purpose; or take any action in relation funds a sufficient sum of money to enclose a drainage d~tch star.ting at~a point thereto. ?et~t~on of the Highway Sur.veyor. . on the southwesterly side of ~ass Ave., and along the westerly s~de of Waverly ARTICLE 46. To see if the town will false'and appropriate the sum of~ $7,50.0. Road to the Shawsheen River, in the general vicinity of Kenwood street, for therebuilding of Dale ~treet under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, sa~d Petition of the Board of Selectmen. money t° be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County ARTICLE 32. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $2,500.00 for the or both for this puspose; or take any action in relation thereto. removal of trees and stumps for the distance of ~00 feet more or less on Bradford Petition of the Highway,Surveyor. Street, starting 700 feet ~easterly from 0sgood Street. ARTICLE 47. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the Sum~of $200.00 Petition of D. ~angano & Sons and others, for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs. ARTICLE 33- To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap.propriate the sum ofPetition of the Highway Surveyor, 1000 feet of n~w m hose for the F~re Department. ARTICLE 48. To see if the town will. raise and appropriate the sum of $2,700.00 $1,825..00 to purchase ' 2-~'' Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. for~the installation of a Cyclone w~re fence at Stevens Pond. ARTICLE 34- To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transferPetition of the Highway Surveyor. from available ~funds the sum of three hundred dolla rs to have new overhead doors put on police garage and have windows painted and repaired. ARTICLE 49. To see if the town will riase and .~ppropriate the sum of $4,400.00 Petition of Alfred H. ~cKee, Chief, Polic~ Department. for the purchase of a sidewalk tractor for the use of the Highway department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE .~51~ To see if the town will vote to raise and .appropriate or transfer rr from ava~ ble funds the sum of $2,000.00 to be used w~th the two Cars for twoARTICLE 58. To.see if the t.own will aise and appropriate, the sum of $500.00 new 1957 12 volt system cars, all equipment must be changed over such as police for the repairs_rig of the bridge ore the Cochichewick brook at Sutton Street, radios, sirens and all other equipment, as recommended by the Department of Public Utilities. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of police deoartment. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 36. To see if the town will vote to have al I school buses in North Andover ARTICLE 5l° ~To see if the town will r~ise and appr.opriate the sum of $12~145 used to transport childred to and from school be placed under jurisdiction and to rebuild that section of storm drain on Green Street from the Shawsheen supervision of the Nassachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. River to Kenwood Otreet which was washed out last year. Petition of Elinor Roberts and others. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE ~7- To see if the town will ~ote to have al i school buses in North An- ARTICLE 52. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $11,650. dover for the, transportation of children to and from school be all owner- to build a storm drai.n on Wood Lane.from t~e junction of Green Street to Woodstock Road. Petition of the Hmghway Surveyor. operated. Petition of Eleanor Roberts and others. ARTICLE 38. To see if the town will vote to ratse and appropriate the sum of ARTICLE 5~. To see if the town will raise and appr.~priate the sum of $16~5.00 $165,400.00 or any other sum for the purpose of installing the following tWelve- to purchase a one-half ton pikc-up truck fUlly equmpped for the use of the Hig.hway Departmen.t. A 1948 Chevrolet pick-up truck to be turned in, in ~rade. inch water mains in accordance with the report of Oamp, Dresser ~nd NcKee, Consulting Engineers: Sutton Street from Osgood Street to High Street; High Petition of the Hmghway Surveyor. Street, from Sutton Street to Prescott Street; Boston & Maine Railroad right-of- ARTICLE 54. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 way, from Prescott Street to Chickering Road; Chickering Road, from 0sgood Street to.overhaul the 1940 gas roller of the Highway Department. to Park Street, and Park Street from Chickering Road to Osgood Street, and ~e- ~Petition of the Highway Surveyor. termine whether the m.oney shall be provided for by .taxation, ~y appropriation · from available funds ~n the treasury, 'and by borrow~ng~under thority of Chapter ARTICLE 55. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer ~ of the General Laws or take any action in relation thereto, from available funds ~!225.00 to purchase a Power Brush Cutter. Petition of the Board of Public Works. Petition of John J. Connote, Tree ¥~'arden.~. ARTICLE 39. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate th.e sum ofARTICLE 56. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer $157, 600.00 or any other sum for th~ purpose of extending the West S~de Trunk from available funds the sum of $500.00 for the purchase of two power saws Sewer from Mass Ave., at ~eechwood Stree~ to Greene Street by way of Beechwood for the Tree Dept. Petition of John J. Connote, Tree ~arden. Street, Shawsheen Ave., and certain rights of way, along Greene Street to Mass ARTICLE 57. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or transfer Ave, Wood Lane t~ WoOdstock Street and Waverly Rd. to ~argate Street in accordance from available funds the sum of $1,500.00 dollars to purchase a w ton pickup with the survey of Csmp~ Dresser & ~cKee, Consutling Engineers, and ~eterminetruck for the Department of Insect Pest Control. whethe.r the money shall be provided by t&xation, by appropriation from available funds mn the treasury, and by borrowing under authority of Chapter ~4 of the Petition of John J. Connote, Moth Superintendent. Gen.eral Laws, or take any action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 58. To see if the town will vote to dedicate, forta municipal purpose, Petition of the Board of ~ublic~ Works. namely, a public playground, two parcels of land adjacen to each other now 40 ~2, owned by the Town being described as follows: ARTICLE ~ To s.ee ~,f the town will vote .to raise and appropriate 500~00 to provide ~ chain ~nk f.ence at the mill~on gallon water standpip at BradfordParcel l:The land with b. uildings thereon situated on Lamere Street in North and barker Streets Petmtion of Board of Public Works. ,e Andover, containing 45,692 square feet, more or less, bei.ng lots ' numbered 2,~,4,5,6,7 and 8 on the so-called Lamere Plan f~led with ARTICLE 4.1. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000.00 to the North District Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan 0321. be used w~th the present Hough Payloader to purchase a new front end loader. Parcel 2:Land situated in the r ear o~f Claren.don Street supposed .to contain . ~ , ' ~ t on a -lan ~n North Petition oI' Board cZ FuOlic works. 13,000 square Ieet, more or,~less, b~zug ..o'C p.^_~ ARTICLE 42. To see. if the town wi.ll vote (1) to instruct the Board' of Selectmen Andover owned by. Edward W. ~ulliv.an dates September ±~o, recor~e~ to acquire by.purchase, Or oth~rwz.se, two,lots' of land, approximately 10,000 with the North Dzstrict Essex ~egzstry of Deeds as Plan llT0. square fee.t,..(No..l_51 a~nd No. 1.5.2 .an the_Assessors records), belonging to Rrank Pettition of Board of Selectmen. . Gage, of Chatham, ~ew ~ersey, wnzcn are ±ocated at the corner of Ohickering Road ~ ' ' .....~ ~'~'~"~ and Beacon Hill Boulevard, and abut the North Andover High School site; (2) toARTICLE 59. To see if the town will vote ~o accep'.~ a.~ ~ ~ of the Village Land Company, to be used for a munzcipal purpuse, namely, a raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $1,000o00 for public playground, providing adjacent land now owned by the town is similarly said purposes. Petition of Charles W. Morgan, et, al. used for a public playground, the following described parcel of land. ~.~ 59~ Con't. TOWN A certazn parcel of land situated in WARRANT FOR North ~ ARTICLE .73. To see ii' the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or take Andover, County of Essex, Common- =~ from avazlable funds in the Town Treasury a sum of money to remove the World follows: ~D stone bound on the easterly ~ War II ~monument in front of the Town building to an appropriate spot in wealth of Nassaohusetts, bounded and described as Beginning at an iron pipe which is located from a side of Clarendon Street on the property line between the Village Land Company and Winifred K. Sullivan properties by going a distance of ll4.0 feet from the stone bound in a southeasterly direction then turning in a southwesterly direction 8.7 fee.t a.nd then turning southeasterly a distance of 56.0 feet to an iron pipe; from th~s mron pipe the parcel of land is described by traversing,a distance of 541o37 feet in a southeasterly direction to a stone bound, then turning easterly a distance of 73 feet to a point 104 feet from the westerly line of East Water Street to a point, "then turning northwesterly 218 feet to the iron piple at the point of beginning, Containing 18,200 square feet of land, more or less. Petition of the Board of ~electmen. ARTICLE 60. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $4,700.00 ~o p~ovide a chain line fence, a chain lir~k backstop: a slike, a six swing set, ~ 10~ker for playground equipment and necessary grading and l~bor at the ~larendon Street Playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 61. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum~of $200.00 for an ice skating ri~k, this amount to include expenses of maintenance, cleaning of snow and policing. Petition of Board of Selectmen on Recommendation of the ~ecreation Council. Memorial Park (behind librarY) and.a committee of five, to be appointed by the Noderator to select appropriate spot. Petition of Joseph F. Byron and others. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will from available funds, to reduce the Petition of Board of Assessors. vote to take the sum of tax rate. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Ouilding, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Towh Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands January in the year of at North Andover, Nass., the twenty-first day of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-seven. Chairman WILLIAN A. FINNERAN ARTHUR P. KIRK RAYNOND BR OADHW~D Bce rd of Selectmen. ARTICLE 62. To see if the town willraise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for A true copy: four benches for the Drummond Playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen on Recommendation of the Recreational Council. North Andover, ATTEST Nassachusetts. ALE0~ANDER NESS, February 13, 1957 C 0 NS TABLE ARTICLE a Christmas party supervision of the Recommendation of 63. To see if the town will ra~s e and appropriate the sum of $600.00 for and celebration for 2300 children of North Andover under the ~ecreation Council. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on the ~'~ecreation Council. OFFICER~ S RETURN I ha.ye notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North andover qualmfied to vote in Town affairs bY posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each .~RTICLE 64. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00 for voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen a.ccident insurance coverage for 400 childre~ on playground activities for andays nor less than ten days befor~ the ~time of holding said meeting. ~e~ght week period, this a~ount to include administration expense. Petition ofNor'~h~Andover, MaSs. ~~~ ~. ~t..~ . Board of SeleCtmen 7n Recommendation of the Recreation Council. ~ F.~e'brua, y:225, 1957 ~A~~ESS~/JR. Constable. ' A~TICLE 65. To see ~f~the T.own will raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00 ATTEST: ~/~/~H~N/J.~0NS, Town 01erk. for playground supplie.s,.th~s a~ount to include expenses, special trips and general p~ayground act~wties for the children of North Andover. Petition of W ~/R R A N T / ~~ Board of ~electmen on Recommendation of the necreation Council. COI~0NWEALTH OF NASSACHUSETTS 'ARTICLE 66 Tosee if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $500 O0 Esse~ ss: "~ ' ' To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover for the services 'of a police officer at the °athing Beach, four hours daily, GREETINGS: ~i~eight hours on Saturdays, SUn'dayS and Holidays for a ten week period to enforce In the name of the ~Commonwealth of Nassachusetts, you are hereby ~c.ar iparking for residents of No~th Andover, this figure to include cost of car ~ stickers. Petition of ~oard of Selectmen on Recommendation of the ~ecreationdirected to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to A ' Council. vote in Town affairs, to meet in the High School ud~torium in said North Andover, on the 16th day. of l'~Iarch, 1957, immediately after the Annual Town ARTICLE 67. To see if the Towh will raise and approprate the sum of $1888.00 Mee$ing, ~f ~arch 16, 19~5.7, then and there to act on the following articles. for eight playground instructors and one supervisor for an eight week period.ARTICLES 1. To see if the town will vote to instruct the Board of Public Petition of Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the "ecreation Council. Works to cease putting Sodium Fluoride in the water supply. Petition of ~dward R. Greenwood and others. ARTICLE 68. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4000.00 to be used with the $4000.G0 remaining allocated.by the Federal ARTICLES 2. To see if the town will vote to raise and apprepriate or transfer Government for North Andover Town Plannin~ F~nancial Aid under Section 701 o.f from available funds a sufficient sum of money for the School ' Department and the °card of Health to provide Sodium Fluoride Title 7 of.the ~ederal Housing act of 1954, ~or the second year, and to see mf the town wall vote to instruct the Plan~ing Board and the Board of' Oelectmen of an individual basis to the children of North Andover whose ' ' parents approve such treatment. of North Andover to enter into contract with the Commonwealth of Nassachusetts, Petition of Edward n. Greenwood and others Department of Commerce, Planning ~ivision, for planning services to '0e rendered ' within~::~twelve months f~om the date of,execution of such contract in accordance And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and with such program and specifications as the Selectmen, the Planning Board, and attested copies thereof, at the '~'own Office Building and at five or more the State Planning. Division.may~gree in writing, public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more Petition of North ~ndove~. Planning Ooard. than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. ARTICLE 69. To see if the town will vote ~o raise and appropriate the sum of ~$1500.00 to be used for final publication and printing of the new Town Eoning Hereof, fail no~, an~ make due return of this warrant with your doings Naps and By-Law. Petition of North ~ndover Planning Board. thereon to the '£own ~lerk, at the time and place of said meeting. ARTICLE 70. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer Given under our hands at North ~ndover, iV~ssachusetts, the 18th day of from available funds in the tonw treasury, the sum of $27,024.15 to be used for February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty seven. the permanent construction of ~iddlesex ~treet, or take any action in relation WILLIM,~ A. FiNNERANBoard '~'- ~ '~ ' ' ' ' ' ~ ^~~ B~0A~,'.&D of 'o~'~'~o,Pe/~l~lOIi of Board of Seie ctmen. ARTHUR P. KIRK ~ Selectmen. ARTICLE 71. TO see if the town will vote to accept the section of Noody Street A true copy= ATTEST. from~Prescott ~treet northerly to that portion of Noody Street which was accepted ALI~XANDERVNES~ ~JR. CONSTABLE in 1938. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. North andover. Nass. ARTICLE 72.To see if the town will vote to accept Chapter 401 of the Acts of February 21, 1957 1956~ pro.viding certain protection for civil defense volunteers driving publicly OFFICER'S RETURN ownem vehicles. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. '~ I ha.ve notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North ~ndover ~ qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of WARRANT FOR 1957 this.warrant at the '~0wn Hall and at five or more public places in each voting~ · precznct. Said copies having been pos ted not more than fifteen days nor less . holding~aid me e.tin~. ~. JR. Constable. A true ,copy: , ' ~_Z ~ North ~ndover, lV~ass. Februray 21, 1957 ' ATTEST. //JOHN~.\/.~0NS, Town Olerk RESULTS OF F_~ECTION. MAnCH 4, 1957 ARTICLE 1. MODERATOR FOR THOMSON, Arthur A SALISBURY, Arnold McKEE, Alfred Blanks ONE YEAR TOWN CLF:RK FOR ONE 'YEAR LYONS, John J. Blanks TOWN TREASURER FOR 0~: YERR ~tKER, James J. Blanks NUMBEROF VOTES BY PRECINCTS. ONE ~0 T~EE FOUR TOTAL 806 155.21061 1197 ~..~. 5741 1053 869 9421 345~ 125 152 13~ 611 692 1161 893 1040 ~786 114 191 168 157 '630 COFFIN, WORMALD, Blanks SELECTNEN F OR BROADHEAD, Raymond FINNF, RAN, William A. KIRK, Arthur P. FINCK, Ralph E. SUTCLIFFE, Philip Andrew Wilbur~ ONE YEAR 258 565 5O6 81o TM 6O6 455 [-79 25.52 2089 aao5 COFFIN, W 0RMALD, Blanks ~BOARD OF PUBLIC W~FARE BROADHEAD, Raymond FINNERAN, William A. KIRK, Arthur P. FINCK, Ralph E. SUTCL!FFE, Philip Andrew Wilbur ONE YEAR 499 800 ~74g 67~9 288 68~ 595 484 649 4.56 617 gl7 613 675 487 2o4o 22O6 2192 i 7~ 8 456 737 547 647 2387 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR FOR ONE YEAR CARTY, Ira D. ~L~HONEY, NICETTA, Blanks John J. Nicholas F. TAX COLLECTOR FOR ONE YEAR DEWHiRST, James H. ~ GALEAZZI, Leo J. STAiNWOOD, Warren C. Blanks 402 788 601 12.7 167 161 265 366 2~1 la 7~9, 2555 55 50 54 165 TREE WARD~ FOR ONE w~= CONNORS, John J. 695 Blanks ll5 ASSESSOR FOR THREE YEARS SOUCY, Narguerite Blanks BOARD OF HEALT~FOR THREE YEARS KAY, Julius Blanks 117,8 920 1039 5850 174 141. 158 586 647 1122 883 989 5641 159 230 178 208 775 641 1099 88,7 990 165 253 174 207 SULLIVAN, Joseph D. 624 1113 849 970 Blanks 182 239 212 227 799 :" 3556 86o MARCH 4, 1957 ELECTION P R, E C, I, N C,T,S - ASHBURN' Frank D. 582 ~6 59. TR0~BLY, 0harles W 577 492 1935 · ~9~5 ROSS, Ethel Lee 510 656 425 2002 wmnsoN, stewart P. a7p Blanks 504 500 {~I 1556 PLANNING BOARD FOR FIVE Y~RS BURKE, Robert J. FARLEY, George B. MALLORY, Edward R. Blanks 574 561 460 545 19~8 146 170 6 115 13 567 CONSTABLES FOR ONE YEAR HOWARD, rank L. 476 859 ~'92 759 276.6 NESS, Alexan.der Jr. 473 8~ 276~ 27~ L~..F., Frank DORAN, John WORNALD, Wilbur 10 4 12 McKENSIE, George SMITH, Joseph 24. 25 I 7 6 WALSH, Ray STEBETZ,. w. 3 2 5 ROBERTS, Dave 2 WOOD, Paul 1 SOUCY, Fred 7 lO ROBERTS, E. ~_ '5 8' ZUILL, C. 6 6 Blanks 2,511 4i6~ 5255 5659 1~P89 QUESTION A. Y E S 457 .757563 655 2430 N 0 242 423 521 419 1495 Blanks 107 172 177 125 5~1 N 0 271 437 520 Blanks 100 18o 147 ll4 ELECTED. 0FFICIA_.LS AS 0F. I'~ARCH 4, .... Date Sworn MODERATOR. Arthur A. Thomson TOWN CLERK. John J. Lyons TOWN TREASURER. James J. Maker. BOAi%D 0F SELECTr';'~FZ. William A. Finneran PUL~LIC WELFARE HIGHWAY SURVEYOR TAX COLLECTOR TREE WARDEN BOARD 0F ASSESSOR BOARD OF HEALTH BRD. PUBLIC WORKS SCHOOL C0t~'II TTEE PLANNING BOARD C ON S TABLES QUESTION 1. Ralph E. Finck Philip Sutcliffe William A. Finneran Ralph E. Finck William A. Finneran Ira D. Catty . James H. ~ewhmr s t John J. "Connors l~'Iarguerite Soucy Julius Kay, M.D. Joseph D. Sullivan Frank D. Ashburn ETHEL L. ROSS Robert J. Burke Frank L. Howard Alexander Ness, Jr. AuFustine J. Walsh Joseph A. Smi2h Wilbur Wormald N0 - i 5 YES - 2 5 6 1 No - ~ar QUESTION 2. 15, 19p, 7 5, 6 6 6 6 6 ff 6 If 11 6 6 "16, " 6 6 Mar. 9 " 6 " S E= ~ w~. C T ~,. ~ ~ ~ N' ~ ~ A ? ? 0 I N ANII~/iiL INSPECTOR .Dr. E.C. Bulger BOARD OF APPEALS. (Reg. 5Yrs )Daniel 0'~eary~ " " (" 1 Yr)Donald Smzth, ~sq. { ~ SSOC ~v~ ~ flI f! fl Il fl ( " BUILDING IN SPEC TOE . B!IRI AL AGENT CIVIL DEFF~YSE DIRECTOR DOG OFFICER r %¢ ~+~. ~d !~'~ in. ~," ) Benedict Perrone 1" ) John J. Willis, Esq. Martin Lawlor Be rnard Bingham Dewey .A.D. yer. Domen~_c G~arruso · ~ona'~d 'F. Heggarty FENCE VIEI~ERS John M. Barrell FIRE ~GINEERS BOAkD FIRE WARDEN REG. OFFICER OF LOCK-UP F Or, ES T GRAVES KEEP~ MOTH SUPERINTENDENT PERS 0~I,~EL BOARD PERS 0~,~EL P,0ARD APPEALS Patrick Driscoll Albert Johns on John J. Wilcox · Edward F. Koenig Cal yin bnell Jams. s P. Daw. William C. Lafond Alfred H. McKee John J. Conners .... - John B. Corrigan 2 Years Richard G. Haltmaier 2 " John W. Hegarty John L. Mylott (Resigned~awr~nce E. Sarson 3 " PUBLIC WEIG:~ERS OF Joseph Flanagan ~ " -Hob,mt DeLude 2 " Ralph E. Finck 1 ,' Joseph Flanagan ! " Irving Hinton 3 " Roland C. Kerb 2 " Joseph W. Lawlor 1 " Joseph Retch,ski 2 " Edward J. Ellsey Genevieve Hebb Robert Hebb Albert E. Houle Da te Sworn 1.iI~.7 5/20,/57 ~/~0/5 7 /10/57 Dcm,nit Reitano REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Fred McCormack 3 " 3,/27/57 SEALER OF WGHTS~MEASURES Dcm.nit Bonnano SL~GEANT-POLICE DEPT. A. Houghton Far,am 11/26~57 RESERVE-OFF." " Franc~s ~. Hannay, Jr. 11/29/57 SPECIAL CIVIL CONSTABL~John H. Fenton S~V~0R. W00~:-BARK*LU~.~BF~ Jo~ C. Far,am TAX TITLE PROPERS. James: J. Maker. (Custodian & Auctzoneer. ~/8/57 TOWN INFIR~.~ (Matron) ~ora L. ~oster 3~29/57 " " (Supt. ~ 0rin B. Foster ,' OFZ~C~ BL~. (~~or)~o~mh ~oone " " "(~stoaman)Lil!ian Cf McDonald 4Z8/5,7 VET~AN'S AGENT Bernard B~ngham 3/29/57 _ Lill lan ~rsh~ll Elizabeth Ellzot ~o~?~as ~~os 5~/57 w~zz~am ~vo~ 4Z~57 c~ ~om~.~ 4~5Z57 Dcm. nme Bonanno ~12~57 ~ ~o~n J. ~oran' ~/z~/57 TOWN CCOUNTANT ~ry ~. Finn for t~ee (~) years ~/2~/57 Reserve Police Officer Francms R. Ha~ay, Jr. 11/25/57 SPEC IAL POLICE OFFICERS Minard~, Raymond Nidgeley, Philip 4/2/~57 Murphy, Sylv~s ter Jr. 4/~22/57 NeSs, Alexander 5/3/5.7 Phelen, Edward J. 4/12Z57 ~and: Oavid 4/15/57 Salo~s, ~redertCk 4/12/57 4./15/57 Town~, Wilcox, Zuill, Schofield, Senia, Joseph Slipkowski, John Spedding, Thomas · Stewart, Robert Stamp, Walter Sutcliffe, Bruce Thomas, Carl Thomson, James Edward John J. Chalres Albert J. r. / Ambiehl, Rola nd Awle~, Arthur Jr. Bauchman, Lloyd B&~h~a~, Lloyd, Bishop, Otto Bonnano, Dcm, nit Buturlia, Stanley Chamberlain, r~us sell Chart ien, Roland Christie, Fred Corcoran, Walter F. Dolan, John Donovan, Augustine D6W~, Franc is Finn.ran, Robert GOUrle~, Archi. Hamil ton, ' ~via i colm Hannay, Francis R. Jr. Hanson, John Hami!ton~ Walter Howard, Frank Johnson, ~dw~rd E. Lee, Frank Lyons, John J. 8/12/.57 4/15/57 9/14/57 4/15/57 5/~/57 Manning, Z'dward McCab~, James McEvoy, William PERSONNEL BOARD OF APPEALS. Donald B. Foss. PERSONNEL BOARD Robert DeLude. NORTH AN.DOVER~ LIAISON. 8FFICER ~TO CONDON_. A~RPORT. . 10. ll. 12. Date Sworn. 15. ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING SATURDAY ~,.'RCH 16, 1957 6~ Paul,.., J. Greeley. Article 2. VOTED that this be referred to the Selectmen for action. Article VOTED to accept the report presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE ~. Treausry, wi th which were of receipts and expenditures as VOTED that all unexpended appropriations be returned to the exception of the following amounts as of January originally aopropriated under the articles indicated: the 1, 1957, Kittre~: e School construction Fence Reserve for Appro]D~iation from ~ab?_!izatfcm $268.83 ooo.oo ".~~ 195,~ July.15, 195~ Lining water mine.works " ~ 195~ Publlshin~ Town Hmstory " , 1955 Sidewalk pro~ect . 1,214.40 ~" 59, !95~ W~ter ex~enszon Board of Publzc 700.00 '" 1956 Lmghts Hmgh School Grounds 1,123.80 29, . 000.00 "~~[ 195~ Chapter9O, C?~st~uction ~0,3~5.6~ " 195~, S~udy, West szme trunk sewer '" 195~ Fare hydrants 1,969,5~ " 22, 1956 Two Islands 150'00 ~" 53, 1956~ East side trunk sewer 1~7,287.00 " 2, June ~'~, 1956 Pla~i~ Board printing zoning laws. 1,~O0.00 ~" k " ~ " Planning Board ~00.00 "~ Nov 2~, 1956 Charles & Gertrude Melamed Property' 12,000.00 " 7," ~ " Plans for new school. 25,000.00 1956 Civil Defense 769.02 " 1, July 15, 195[~ Western Electric Escrow , ~ Western Electric Escrow Account-Interest ,6 9.11 19, 1952 New High School . . - ~,960.66 Assistance. U.S. 01d age Asszstange _,080.61 ~ Administration. U.S. Old Age Assisvance 60J~-.67 Aid. U.S. "Aid to dependent children'.' . 3,026.08 Administration. U.S. Aid ~o dependent chmldren 2~O.74 U.S. Grant disability assms~ance . 598.21 U.S. grant disability adminmstratmon 45.69 School L~ch 9,152.60 No.Andover High School Ath$etic Account ~ ~.7~ " 41, 1955 Chapter 90, G.L. Constructmon ART 5' (Budget) Motion duly made ~nd seconded to approve ~tems ~ollect~vely as to the reco~endations of the Advisory ~oard with the exception of the following changes. Item. ll, Salaries ~ ~'ages $350.00 to.Empenses wi~h a_ total of ~750.00 for exp~n~es. Item 15, Vacatigns Pits Dept, Sa~ra~es & Wa es account increased ; 347.52 for a total .of ~;1752.98. Item ~, ~now. Re~oval, ink, teased ~13,0~0.00 with a total of $28,090~00. ~Item ~9, SchoOls, Salaries & ~ages increased $6228.00 for a total of $3p2,255.00 Expenses decreased $6228.00 ,fora total of $84,475.O0. No. o~PA~iv~m~ SAn a 'l"[" selectmen'' salaries $1,500.00 ~1.5o0.o0 Clerk, Salary 780.00 780.00 ~penses 500.00 Salary & job evaluation Survey 2,500.00 2,500. a. -'Treasurer: Salary ~ 5,100.00 5,100.00 Clerk, Salary 3,509.~2 3,~09.52 Expenses, Bond Incl.' 1,599.50 1,599.50 5. , Acco~tants: Salary ~, 86~.70 3'~65.70 ~ ~tra clerical 500.00 500.00 ~pense s 500.00 500.00 4. ~ax Co~eotor: Salary ~,525.00 ~,525 00 Clerk, Salary ~,474.15 3,47~[15 ~penses 2,358.50 2,35~.50 5. Town Clerk: Salary 850.00 850.00 ~ Expenses ~00.00 500.00 6. Assessors: Salaries. 2,550.00 2,550.00 Clerk, Salary ~, ~10.00 3,310.00 Extra Clerical l, 200.00 1,200.00 Expenses ~,7~9.00 ~,739.00 6oo.oo 7. Election & Registrars: Salaries 600.00 w~=~ e s ~. 2~0.00 ~. 2%0.00 Vital Statistics: ~penses 0'00 0.00 Moderator: salary 50.00 50.00 Advisory Board: Expenses 100.00 100.00 Planning Board: Expenses 750.00 750.00~ ~ 00 Board of~ Appeals: Expenses 200.00 · ' Town Bldg. Janitory Salary1,300.00 1,~00.00 Expense s' 5,000.00 5,000.00 Cue todian of Tax Title: Salary 100.00 100.00 ,. ~75.oo ~75 oo . ~:xpenses · 6 ANNUAL TOWN D~:ETING. (BUDGET) March 1957 No. DEPARTI~,.~ENT SAL & ~VAGES EXPENSES .TOTAL Tax Tie!s Forec.losrues: Expenses $50.00 ~50.00 1156] License Coramiss~.on: Expenses 150.00 150.00 17. Police Dept. Chief Sa±ary 5,299.47 5,299.47 3 Sergeants 13,923..6~ 13,923,.6~ 8 Patrolmen 3~,097.44 35,097.44 R_eserves & Specials. 4,000.00 4,000.00 ~:penses (~Includes ~100 fo.r out o~ State Travel 4,874.oo 4,874.00 1.8.~ Fire Depti: Chief Salary .4,9.75,36 .4,9.75,36 10 Re .gulars- salary 40,601,60 40,601.60 2 Engmneers-salary ' 1,3.20.00 1,3.20.00 Call &. Spare employees 12,940.50 12,940.50. Vacations 1,752.96 ' 1,752.9~ . Expenses 9,365.00 19; Forest F.zre Warden, Salary 150.00 150.00 2.0~ Forest F. mre Expenses 500.00 5.00.00 21~ Dog 0ff~cer: Salary 245.00 245.00 Expenses 350. O0 350.00 22~ Civil Defense: Expenses 1,500.00 1,500.00 25~ Building Inspector; Salary 500.00 500.00 Expense s i00. O0 100.00 24!Wiring Inspector~ Salary 500.00 500.00 ~ Expenses 150.00 .150.00 25! Sealer of ~ei~hts & Measures. 425.00 425.00 Expenses '~ 90. O0 90.00 26~ Insect Pest ContrOl: Supt. Salary 4,275.00 4,275.00 Labor - Wages [!,680.00 ~,680.00 · Expenses 500.00 27~ Poison Ivy Control. Labor-Wages 500.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 · ~. Expenses 300.00 ~00.00 5,. oo.oo 28, Dutch Elm ~sease: Labor-Wages 5'400'00 ~ 400.00 400.00 · Expenses ~ 29. Brush~ Cuttmng: Labor-Wages 1,000.00 ~ ~ 1,000.00 30~ Town Forest: Labor-Wages ~00.00 500.00 31~ Tree Warden: Supt. Salary ,400.00 ~00.00 7,.~75.00 ~'abor: Wages ~'7,875.00 1,400.00 1, ~00.00 Expenses '~ ~2' Street Lighting: Expen.ses 19,000.00 19,000.00 33. Board of Health: Salarmes 600.00 600.00 Health Inspector: Salary 300.00 300.00 Nurse: Salary ' ~,750.00 3,750..00 , 750.00 Pl~ysician: Salary 750.00 4,105.00 4,105.00 Expens e s 34. Refuse Disposal: Labor: Wages 12,604.80 12,604.80 · Expenses 5,600'00 35_- Garbage Disposal: Contract ~ 5,600.00 2,000.00 '3~. Sewer Maintenance & Construction Labor & wages 7,000.00 7,000.00 · Expenses 5,000.00 5,000..00 3~. ~nzmal I~nspector: Salary ~25.00 325.00 35. Highway Surveyor: Salary 5,490.00 5,490.00 39. Streets: Gen'l I~'[ai.ntenance ~ ~ Clerk. Salary ~,250.00 3,250.00 ~ Labor: Wages 31,424.64 31,424.64 Tarvia, Road Oil, Cinders ' ~ Stone & Gra.vel 23,200.00 2~,200.00 i Repairing S~dewalks 1,500.00 1,500.00 Gasoline & Oil.. 3,900.00 ~, 900.00 ~ · E~uipment & Repairs 6,900.00 6,900.00 ~'I~ sc. Expenses 1,200.O0 1,200.00 ~ Rental of E'euipment 700.00 700.00 40' Snow Removal: Expenses - 28,000.00 28,000.00 41'.,B, rd Public Welfare: Salaries [~50.00 450.00 42' Welfare Agent: Salary 750.00 750.,00 43.- Supt. & ~\r~atron: Infirmary Salaries3,~0~.44~ ),70~.44 · ~ Wages . 1,554.92 1,834.92 ~$i. 0ut~ide Relief &Repairs: ' Expenses (Incl Aid to depe~ndent children VeDisabilitYterans assistance 49. Schools: Infirmary) ~100.O0 ~26 100.00 ooo;o nco,co 10,000.00 1~,000.00 9,000. O0 ,000.00 Benefits: Agent Salary 750.00 750.00 :~ Clerk, Salary Expens e s Cash Grants Salaries Expenses 300.00 332,258.00 17,930.00 84,475.00 300.00 04.oo 17,930.00 i :258 co 7 :oo ANNUAL TOWN ISdETING. MARCH 1957. (Budget No. DEPARTN~NT SAL & WAGES EXPENSES T 0 T ,A L 50. Stevens Memorial Library. . Librarian. Salary ' $~,275.00 $~,275.00 Assistants & Janitor-Wages 15,072.00 l~, 072.00 ~Expense s . $~, 500.00 51. Playground - Bat.hing Beach Super.intende. nt Salaries , ~50.00 _ ~50.00 Labor Guard Care taker s 5, )25 · 00 5, ~25 · 00 Expenses _ 2,000.00 2,000.00 52. Public Parks, 'Triangles & ~urytng Grounds.' Supt. Salary 200.00 200.00 Labor - Wages 5,500.00 5,500.00 Expenses . 650.00 650.00 55 School Grounds: Labor Wages 9,100.00 9,100.00 Expenses 5,500.00 $,5~00.00 54 Essex County Retirement System. 25,~89.57 25,~9.57 ~56: Contingent Fund: 2.000.00 , 2.000.00 American Legion, Rental of Quarters 600.00 600.00 o.t no . " " " oo.oo oo.oo Veteran' s Day ~50.00 ~50'00 ~!i .Memorial Day , 550.00 , 550.00 itemized Annual Town Reports ~,000.,00 ~,000.00 InsUrance l~, 05.0.001~,05.0.00 62. Group Insurance . 11,904.00 'll,90~.00 zd~. Community Center "' 175.00 175.00 '~ Reserve Fund: 10,000.00 10,000.00 ~65~ Board. of Puhtic ~orks. Salaries ~50.00 ~ ~450'00 -'~ Water Maintenance& Construction. ~ .Salaries-Wages ~,000.00 ~,OuO.00 Expenses 58,500.00 ~ 3~,500.00 !Ii Redeeming School Bond. s. 100,000.00 100,000.00 ' ' I, nterest on School Bonds ~2,~0.00 ~2,~0.00 Interest on Water Mains , 416.00 . . 416.00 Redeeming Water Main Notes , 4,000.00 4,000.00 71. Redeeming East Side ~ewer . 20,000.00 20,000.00 72. Interest on East Side Sewer Bonds. 4,5.50.00 4,5~50.00 7~. DisCount. on Notes ' . ..... ~ '__~~ I T 0 T A L S $654,885.9~ $672,864.57 $1,~27,750.50 AMOUNTS TO B~ii RAISE. D' AND APPROPRIATED ARTICLE 28. (a)Mtff'linDrtye|/ ~ $900.00 '. ,, ~ (C) Wentworth Ave. 850.00 29. (a) Douglas Road. 1,000.00 (c) 0sgood Street ~,200.00 (e) Chtckering Road. ~ Playg ound. ~1,700.00 (f) High]a nd View' Ave. l, 500.00 " 50' Pleasant Street ~00.00 ',' i, i,I l!! FireDept. Hose 1,U25.00 I! Police Cars. Two. 2,000.00 Hough Payloader 5,000.00 Land. Frank Gage 1,000.00 Disposal Site. 1,000.00 Chapter 90.' 6,000.00 '" .9o. 7,5oo.oo Street Signs. 200.00 Stevens Pond Fence. 2,700.00 Sidewalk Tractor. 4,~00.00 50. Bridge, Sutton St. 500,00 52. Storm Drain. Wood Lane. 11,6,50.00 / ~ ii. Truck. HighwayDept.. 1,6~5.00 ~ -Power Brush Cutter. 225.00 Power Saws. Two. 500.00 " ~!i 1/2 ton Pick~,p Truck. .1,500.00 Ling Fence, Ularendon St. ~,700.00 ~ Benches, Playground. 100.00 ~. P_layground Supplies. 700.00 ~ Police Office~ Bathing Beach~ ~OO~00 6.7' Playground Instructors. 1,888.00 68 . Town Planning 69. Publication-printing-zoning maps. AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED, 4,000.00 $70, 97~.00 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING. MARCH 195? ~. Annual Adjourned Town lvIeeting ~arch 16, 1957. ANOUNTS TO BE......T...AKEN FROM AVAILABT,F...F. UNDS IN THE TREASURY. ,~g~ ART. 12. Con' t. ~RT.I. CLE ~65. c~aPter90' .............$~",'ooo~00 ~ "3.5~ A small area: alon~ the northwesterly sade' of Sutton St.reet~' · " 90. 22,500.00 ~ ~ generally land between Methuen Avenue and the line or Thorndzke " 74. To reduce tax rate 6_~00 . ~ ded, more partic~ularly.bodnded and described as follows:. FROM'AVAILABLE FUND. ~0,500.00 Northwesterly oy a lane parallel to and seven hundred fifty (750) feet AMOUNT TO TAKEN ,~ northwesterly from center line of Sutton Street between a point on said ART,I, CLE ~8 From Stabilization Fund. Wa,t, er Ma,t, ns. $~0,400'00 58~~ To be by Bond Issue 1~5,000.00 i~enter line 300 feet al.cng its northeaster.!y from its intersection with ethuen Avenue center lane and a point on ~utton Otreet center line 125 70. Special Acaount. Middlesex Street. 27,024.15 · feet along it southwesterly from its Street center line; intersection wi th Thorndike embracing treet exten- een~e~ · ,s AMOUNT APpROpRIATED AT TOWN MEETING (Budget) $1,~27,750.50 Northeasterly ~y a line parallel to and three hundred (300) feet north- AMOUNT TO BE RAISE & APP~ROPRIATED. (Arti_cles) __~ easterly from ~'~ethuen Avenue center line; Southeasterly hy a portion of Sutton Street center line; Southwesterly by a line at a right angle ~ GRAND TOTAL. $1,598,72~.~0 to.Sutton center line 125 feet south~.ester.ly from the interest, tAch of A True Copy: . sa~d Sutton Street center line with ~horndzke Street center lane ATTEST. ~ . ~ ' JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 6. VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money, from time to time in anticipation of 'the revenue ARTICLE 1~. VOTED to refer ~to next Town ~eeting, special or otherwise. ARTICLE 14. VOTED to insert in the North andover Zoning By-Law words des- of~ the financial, year beginning ~anuary l, 1958 and to issue a not~ ~r notes cribing a segment, now missing, of the boundary of the General Business therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes ~as may ~be~ Zone in the northerly corner of the intersection of Turnpike °treet and g~ven fo? a peri~od of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Hillside Street-Kent Prope rty-setforth in paragraph ~.75 by striking 9ff Chapter!~, G..L~'~'~ The vote was unanimous and so declared, the terminal boundary-describing clause thereof as voted Ju.ne 30, 1956, ' ' to wit "thence northwesterly 91.3 feet to a point of beginn_~ng," and by ARTICLE 7. No Reports. · substitutine in place thereof the corresponding words as originally printed AR~TICLE 8. VOTED[ to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their 8~ of , i..n paragraph ~. the warrant for the June 30, 1956 Town ~leeting to me[tubers to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compen- " wzt thence northwesterl.y 91.5 feet to a point; thence'southwesterly 100 sa. ti°n in accordance' with Seqtion 4A, Chapter 41 .of the G.L., in the amo~t feet to the point.of begmnning. of $750.00 for the year 1957. This amount included in Board of Health Bu[dget. so declared. The vote was unanzmous and ARTICLE 9. VOTED to autho~ize the School Committee to appoint one of their ARTIC.LE..15. VOTED to a_.mend the Village Residence Zoning D' members to the l~osition of School Physician and to fix his compensation in zstrict boundary ac'cordance with 'Section ~A, Chapter ~l, of the G.L., in the amoUnt of $1,~00.00 descrzptmon set forth mn paragraph 3.51 as voted June 30, 1956, to. correct a wrong street name, to strike out a mistake and superflous street name, to for. the year 1957. This amount included in School Department Budget. state clearly the compass direction of a boundary segment, and to extend, A~TICLE 10. Str~icken from Warrant. Not considered on its me,its upon ~ adjust and re-locate other boundary segments to correspond with. changes in recommendation ~y Planning Board. the ~Iain ~treet (~neral Business Zone boundary set forth in paragraph 3.71, by taking all or some of the several actions specified hereunder as to said ARTICLE ll. VOTED to amend the (North Andover) Zoning By-Law by changing paragraph ~.51 by striking out in the seventh boundary segment the name from Vii]age Residential to Business, the following described parcel of l'and: "Sutton Street" ' ; by striking out in the ninth boundzng segment the first A parcel of land located on the southwesterly side of Main Street in the Town occurrence of the words "h~d Elm Street"; by correcting the first letter of~ of North Andover, ~ounty of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, boundedtwenty-first bounding segment so that the word shall read "southwesterly"; by of the former Salem ~ailroad 19cation line; East.erly by a line parallel to and 165 feet easterly from i~ain Street center lmne bebween the former Salem i~ailroad location line and Saunders Street: and described as follows: strm~no out the sixth bounding segment description and inserting in place Beginning at the intersection .of the westerly line of ~ain Street with the thereof the following three segment descriptions, namely: southerly line of First Street, thence southwesterly, by the ,southerly line Easterly by a line parallel to and 150' westerly from the c enter line of of First Street, about 210.0 feet to land .of one Verntle; thence south- l¥~ain Street between ~[ay Otreet and \~,~averley hoad; Southeasterly by a short easterly, .by land of Vernile 210 feet to the mcat easterly point of the portion of ~averley ~oad center line: Northeasterly by a line parallel to Vernlle p.qrperty, thence turning and running southwesterly along land of and 225' westerly from Ma~n Street center line. the said Kerntle ll7.0 feet, more or less to a point; then.ce northwesterly, still by said Vernile property, -Pl0.0 feet to First.Street, thence south-The vote was unmaimous and so declared. westerly, ~by the southerly line of First Street, 150.0. feet to a stone ARTICLE 16 VOTED to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by classifying as bound at land now or formerly cf Elizabeth Ryan Heirs, thence south®asterly .~ . ' . . · · ~emghborhood Dusiness the props rty known as Hilton's Yarmety, described mn 210.50 fee. t to a stone bound of land qf one Robinson; thence again south- pa.ragrsph 3.7~ (35) as voted June. ~0, 1956, adjoining other property zoned easterly, .by land of said Robinson, 56.50 feet to a stone ~bound: thence northeasterly, by land of said Robinson, .109.57 feet to a point, thence Nemghborhood ~usiness described .~n paragraph 5.65 as voted June 30, 1956, and d. to accomplish that purpose amend~_ng and enlarging the area described in southeasterly, by lan of said Robinson 2J$?.9[~ feet to a point in the northerly paragraph 3.65 so that said paragraph so amended shall read as follows: line of Second Street, thence northeasterly along the northerly line of "5.63 Neighborhood Business: An area of land at the northwesterly Second Str, eet 200.64 feet to an iron pipe at land of William ~. Finneran; intersection of I~.iddlesex Street and Waverley homd bounded: Easterly by thence no~thwes_terly,.by land of said Finneran, 160.~4 feet to the southerly _line of S.chopl 5treet, thence south-westerly, by the southerly:line of School the westerly sideline of ~a.verley ~load; Southeasterly and Southerly by ~treet, 1~0.47. feet t.o a stone bound at the westerlY end of said southerly the northerly sideline of ~mddlesex. S treet b~tween t.he wester.ly sideline of lir~ of School Street, thence nor.thwesterly, by the westerly .end of SchoOl Waverley Road an.d a poin~ on said ~Imdd.lesex ~treet szdeline .143 feet Street 40~0 feet to a stone bound, thence ~ortheasterly, by the northerly westerly from samd Waverley aoad smdel~ne; Westerly by a lane at a right angle to said I¥Iiddlesex Street sideline; Northerly by a line parallel to o~ c~oo~ Street !6~ 28 *e~t o o ~ · ~ -~ .~- - S ~ 'i - ~ , ~. - ~ to ~ ~tone_ ~ound,~ thence ,gain no, ~heasteAl~, andlO9.feet northerly from. said ~iddlesex Stree " by the northerly'line of School Street~ 55.16 feet to .a stone bound, T.hence still again northeasterly, by the northerly line of School Street, 95.41 by strmkmng out. the above-czted sub-paragraph (3~)n°rtherlYof paragraphSideline3.7~ And feet to a .stone bound marking the intersection o£ the northerly line of The vote was unammous and so de. clared. School Str. eet with the westerly line 9f Main Street; thence northwesterly, by the westerly line o£ Main Street, '62.86 feet. to a stone bound marking an AHTICLE 17. VOTF~ to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by inserting a angle in the said westerly line of Main .Street, thence again .northwesterly, missing 'small southeasterly bounding segment, by correcting by one d~.git a typographical error in a dimension, and by altering~ adjusting and extending by the we.aterly line o.f Main Street 258,2~ feet, more or less to the point ~ boundaries of the ,northern end of ;~.'~s~in ~treet General iJu~!~ess Zone set of b~ginn g. The vo~e was unanimous and so declared, f~rth, in paragraph 5.71 as voted June 50, 1956, to include all or most of the ARTICLE 12. VOTED to insert ~n the North Andover Zoning By-Law. words specify- pr emAzses specially designated General Business in sub-paragraphs (28) (29) ing northeagterly and southwesterly zoning district boundaries ~of the Village a. nd (30) of paragraph ~.7~ as voted June ~0, 1~56, striking them out and amend- Resident? .zo~,e along, t~e.nort~wes~te~.r~ly sid.e, of. Su.tton Street~, identified in rang 3.71 so that said paragraph 5.71 so amended shallread: pa~ag~:ap~ ~..~ as vo-~ ~un~ ~v,~ ~, so ~a~ sa~d paragrap~z so amended shall read as follows: "3.71 Portions of both sides of ~iai'n Street and of Water Street more particularly bounded and described as follows: Northerly by a portion A~. 17 · Con' t. Norther! y by a small line parallel to and TOWN p or ti on 125 feet ~ T ~ ~.,~.~,-,TIhG ~,,~ARCH 16, 1957 of Saunders Street centerline; s outhwe ste fly Northeasterly. by aT from the line of that center portio,~3 of Saunders Street that trends in two courses about 024° 30' W and about ~.5° f~ 0'W; Southeasterly by a short portion of the Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly from ~ain Street center line, and extending some 700 feet or more in length between Bradstreet School southeasterly lot line and a point on the shore of Sutton Mill Pond generally southeasterly of the intersection of Second, tFlain and Water Streets Nor theaster!y by the southwesterly shore of Sutton I~iill Pond; Southeasterly by a line and passing throug~ a point thereon about 105 feet southeasterly from the center line of I~?~errimack Street; Northeasterly by the center line of Water Streei between i~lerrimack Street and Elm Street; Southeasterly by Elm Street center line Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 225 feet southwesterly from Water Street center line betwen Elm Street and ~errimack Street; Nor thwesterly by a short' portion of. tvlerrimack Street center line; Southwesterly by Water Street cente! i line between ~'Ierrimack Street and' I~'~ain ~treet; Southeasterly by a line parallel to mhd !00 feet southeasterly from Second Street center line; South- westerly from ~.~ain Street center line, between a point 100 feet southeasterly of Second Street and Waverly Road; Westerly bya short portion of !Vaverly Road center line; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 15© feet southwesterly from l~'~ain Street center line between Waverly Road center line and Sutton Street center line, and southerly by a very short portion of Sutton Street center line; South- westerly by a line parallel to and 200 feet southwesterly from North Main Street center line between Sutton Street center line. and a point 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Northerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line to the center line of North Main Street; Northeasterly by the center line of North ~iain S~t. reet to the center line of Sutton Street; Southerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; Easterly by the center line of ,,,a_, ~treet between Sutton Street center line and the location line of the former Salem Railroad; Unanimous vote and so declared. b par t th ye ted "and" a Wood Lane, ' words "more be zoned o ~. 81 so that ~. 81 Ail that of the northerly bo,anded and de Indus trial zoning other kind of z boundary between E 20. VOTED t o amend the North Andover Zoning description under paragraph ~.81 to reflect ~f from Industrial to Rural Residential as ~0, 1956, and by striking from s aid description cng reference to Main Street, and an irrel~ at the end of said description; By-Law by altering the the transfer of a small requested by ~[r. ~arker and a superfluous word phrase mentioning inserting before the )articularly bounded (etc)" a saving clau as to tracts that might ~ within the industrially zoned ~ described in paragraph id paragraph so amended shall read follows: thewmost pa rtion of portion ake Cochichewick watershed ~d below, except such port trict boundaries as may [istrict: Nor theaster. the :rrimack River and a Easterly and Southeas by a line portion of Os$ood Streetline and the thread of High e Brook; Brook to Osgood Street; aste line between High Bridge~k and Su by that portion of SUtton St: ~et cen on Sutton Street center line 0 fe of th Andover township' north line as more particularly if the area within said duly declared to be in any by the haverhill-North Andover oint southerly of Osgood Otreet. pa bet~ el to and 500' easterly from that ~en the Haverhill-North Andover boundary .utheasterly by the thread of High Bridge by,that portion of 0sgood Street center ~n Street; Southeasterly and Southerly line between Osgood Street and a point northeast of its intersection with ~ethuen Avenue center line; Northeast ter!y from ~'~ethuen Avenue center feet northerly from that porti~ thereon ~00 feet northeaster Sutton Street c enter line 12 by Sutton ~' ~treet center line between a point ~{ethuen Avenue center line and a point on et ~uthwesterly from Thorndike Street center a line parallel to and ~00 feet northeas- Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 line 125 feet ~outhwesterly from .orndik. Street center lin.e; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 125 f. t southwe erly from Thorndzke Street center line and a point 750 Street ce said line extended betwee: line and a point on Outt 'eet northerly from Sutton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from that por.tion of Sutton Street point on Outton otreet 125 feet ine; Southwesterly by North center line and a point on North ashland Street center line; ~herly from Ashland Street center )0 feet soutz~westerly from Thorndike S~- ~-eet ce center line between southwesterly from IvIain Street center Main Street cente Sou the fly by a e line; Nor theas line; Souther N~ 'th l\{aln o otreet and ike Street center between Sutton line 80 feet southerly fr parallel to and 80 feet s( r!y by a line parallel to and ARTICLE 18. TOWN ~/iEETINf? i~RCH Stricken from Warrant: i6, i957 ARTICLE 19. ARTICLE 20. description VOTED to deffer to next Town ~.ieeting. VOTED to amend the Zoning :oy-Lsw y altering the under paragraph 3.81 to reelect the transfer of a boundary small par t the r e of voted June workd "and, mentioning ting before trac ts that from Industrial to ilural Residential as requested by Mr. Barker and 30, 1956, and by striking from said description a superfluous "a wrong reference to k~ain Street, and an irrelevant phrase Wood Lane, dangling at the end of said description: and by inset- the words "more particularly bounded (etc)" a saving clause as to mi&~ht be zoned otherwise within the s.o that ~azd paragraph industrially zoned area de- so amended shall reas as scribed in paragraph 3.81 follows: 3.81 Ail that northernmost portion of i~orth Andover township, north of the northerly Lake Cochichewick water shed divide line as more particularly bounded and described below, except such portions if the area within said Indus trial zoning district boundari,es as may b e duly declared to be in any other kind of zonmng district: Northeasterly by the Haverhzll-horth Andove boundary between the~ I'derrimack niver and a point Easterly and Southeasterly 'by a line parallel to portion of 0sgood Street center line between the Brook; Sou Oridge southerly of 0sgood Street; and 500' easterly from that Haverhill-North Andover boundary and the thread of High Bridge of High Bridge Brook to Os~ood Street; Osgood Street center line between High Southeasterly by ttie thread thoa ~^'~ ~ s,~,.~y by that portion of brook and ~utton Street; Southeasterly and Southerly by that portion of Outton. btreet center ].ine between ~sgood Street and a poznt on uo.~on Street center line 300 feet northeast of its intersection with ~ethuen Avenue center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 300 feet northeasterly from ~fIethuen Avenue center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 750 .feet northerly from that portion of Sutton Street center line between a point thereon ~300 feet north- easterly from i~iethuen ~venue center line and a point on Outton Otreet center line I25 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line; ,South- westerly from Thorndike Street center line; Southv~esterly by a line parall ' r ' to and 125 feet southwesterly from horndmke Street center line and said line extended between a point 75© feet northerly from Sutton Street center line and a point on Outton Street center line 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndik~ ~ eet center line; Southerly by that portzon of Sutton Street center line between North Main Street and a po_nt on Sutton Street 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line~ Southwesterly by North ~a~ Street center ~line and a point on North I~ain Otreet center line 80 feet southerly from Ashland Street center line; Southerly by a line parallel to and 80 feet southerly from Ashland Otreet center line; Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 200 feet southwesterly from North I~ain Street center line between a point ~80 feet southerly from ~shland Otreet and the center line of Sutton Street; Northerly by a short portion of Sutton Street center line; North- easterly by a line parallel to and 15© feet southwesterly from ~,~ain Street center line between Sutton Street and ~'lay Street; by May Street center line; Patriot Street by Belmont Street Street center line Easterly by center line a line parallel to and between I'~ay Street and center line; Westerly between Belmont Street Sou the rl y 200 feet easterly from Belmont Street; Southerly by a short portion of l~,~arblehead and the Lawrence .~.~ort~ Andover municipal boundary; Nor'thwe s terly line in the ~,ier~ mack )river between Haverhill-North Andover boundary. and Northerly by the North Andover town the foot of ~arblehead Street and the The vote was unammous and so decl~ red. I,,~ee Special or otherwise. ARTICLE 21. VOTED to deffer to next Town tin~. ~TiCLE 22. VO'i~D to further amend Section 9 of the By-Law as amended and adopted by the Special Town North Andower Zoning eting of June ~0, 1956, by inserting at the end of the June 30, 1956, a comma instead the following additional clause second sentence thereof as amended and adopted of the period and by adding after,such conm!a : "Further provided that two of said Board of Appeals Members shall be appointed from among the Members of the North Andover plannin!~ Board." So that ~the whole of Section 9 so amended and divided into two paragraphs shall then read: "~'TION 9' ~OAP, D 0F APPHALS, ITS POV'/E~'{S AND DUTIES .9.1 There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members and not more than three Associate Members, which shall have and exercise all the powers provide¢ under G.L. Chapter 40A as amended,, and which shall hear and decide all matter~' specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the North Andover Zoning North l~iain S t center line between a nofnt et southerly from Ashland ~ ~_,_ .: ~;.^~ ~~ ~ zn the manner provided by statute~ ~urther Stz'eet and t center l~ne of Sutton Street; No erly by a short portion of By-Law aiiu o~.te~ mao..,~.s ref such E rd b~ Appeals' I¥~embers and Associate ~embers shall be appointed by Sutton 5tree~c enter li~e: Northeasterly by a lin~paralle! to and 150 feet . . southwesterly, ,f~m ~,~ain ~treet center, line between S~ton~ .~ Street and ~ay Street; of Appeals' ~mbers shall be appointed from Southerly/~y ~viay Street center lzne; Easterly by a lzn~ parallel to and 200 ~ ~, ~ , . .~ , .... ~_.~__ ~ ..... ~ o~.~,~.~ ~.~ ~.~.~ ~, ~ ....... ,,~._ ~.,~.~ ~.~, ~ ...... ~ Anmover Pta~zn~ Board. ."' a 9.2 0n each appeal ar!szng under the North The Board of the Sel ec tmen provided that two of said Board among the ~embers of ~the ~orth Street; Southerly by Belmont Street center line; Westerly by of ~arblehead Street center line between oelmont Street and the short portion Lawrence-North of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of Andover Zoning By-Law, the Board which notice shall be given by Andover municipal bo~mdary; Northwesterly and Northerly by the North town line in the Merrimack River between the foot of Earblehead Street Haverhill-North And0ver Boundary. Unanimous Vote sad so declared. Andove',~ publication ina newspaper of general circulation the ':~ii~ days at least before the date of such hearing. ).' by reg',stered mail all owners of property within in i~Iorth Andover twelve (12) ~he Board shall also notify three hundred (~00) feet of each lot or addresses appearing for The vote was Affirmative TOWN ~,~ETING !ct s involved. Such notices them in the most 257 · Negative ARTICLE 25. Stricken from Warrant. shall recent 61. 16, 1957 be mailed town tax to such listing .own e r s of said at the ~rc owners~,.~ ARTICLE 24. ARTICLE 25. Stricken from Warrant. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 26. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 27. Stricken from ~arrant. A TICLE a8 · Sec. (A) VOTED that the sum of ~900.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this article under the following conditions. 1. 5hat on or before September .1, 1'957 the petitioners and/or. owners make a [[uarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of 6% of for a period of 14 years. 185' on Douglass Rd. from Mifflin That on or before September l, 1957 the construction of at least one house shall have been started. e the actual cost of construction as water rates Drive. ARTICLE 29. Sec. (B) Stricken from Warrant. Sec. (C) VOTED that the sum of $850.00 be raised and appropriated · ? for the purpose of extending the water system on Moody Street 210 feet toward ~rescott Street from the previous terminus near. Furber Avenue under the following conditions: 1. That on or before September 1, 1957 the make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of of the actual cost of construction a s water of 1~ years· 2. That on or before September 1, 1957 the one house shall have been started. Sec. (A) VOTED to raise and extend the sewer system 185 Mifflin Drive, exp ended by assessments or betterments ~80 of the Acts of 1906 as sec. (B) Sec. (C) Phillips petitioners and/or owners Public Works of 6~ rates for a period construction of at least appropriate the sum of ~1,000.00 to feet approximately on Douglas Road from the Board of Public Works .Subject to the~~ charges under the conditions of Chapter amended. Stricken from Warrant. ¥0T~_~. l~iotion made from floor by John Donovan of 23 Court, and duly seconded that the sum of ~5200.00 be raised and appropriated to extend the sewer system Street to residence of John Pellegrino on Pleasant from 0sgood Street. Sec. (D) Stricken from Warrant. ex tend to the p · ublmc under the conditions of Sec. (F) VOTED to raise extend the sewer system to the residence of Public Works, under (E) VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1700.00 to the sewer system on Chickering Road approximately 300 feet property of Joseph Filetti, to be e~pended by the Board of Works, subject to the assessments or betterments char~es Chspter 580 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. and appropriate the sum of $1300.00 to on Highland View Avenue from Furber Avenue of Salvatore Ciarcia. to be expended by the Board subject to the assessments or betterments charges the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. faRTICLE 30. VOTED that the sum of ~700.00 be raised and appropriated to install an nnderg~ound drain to take care of surface water for a required distance from a point on Pleasant Street, so that Town drainage will no longer flow on privately owned land bordering on said Pleasant Street. And further that the hereby empowered to take whatever steps are necessary to effect the of said article zncludmno the ob~amnzng of the necessary easements. Selectmen be acc omplislmment ARTICLE ~1. S~ ' ~rmcken from Warrant. ARTICLE 52. ARTICLE 55. VOTED purchase 1000 feet new overhead doors Stricken from Warrant. that the sum of ~1825.00 be raised and appropria ted to of new 2~" hose for the Fire Dept. that the sum of ~500.00 be raised and appropriated to have. put on police garage and to have windows painted and repaired. w~ th the two changed Dept. over VOTED that the sum of ~2,000.00 be raised and appropriated to be used cars for two new ]_~7 12 volt system cars. all eeuioment mnst be x such as police radios, sirens and all other equipment for the Police have all school buses in North Andover used to transport School be placed under jurisdiction and supervision of the Registry of Motor Vehicles.. ARTICLE 56. VOTBD to childred to and from ~Jassachusetts ARTICLE 37. Stricken from the ~arrant AYNUAL TOW}!' }~fEETING 16, 1957 ARTICLE 38. VOTED that the sum of t~165,400.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this article, and to meet this appropriation the sum bf $30,400.00 be transferred from the Stabilization Fund and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow from time to time the sum of ~135,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes to be payable in accordance with the provisions of chapter ~ of the General Laws as ame each issue to be paid in not more than 15 years from its date or at such earlier time as the Treasurer and Selectmen may determine. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE ~9. ARTICLE )¢0 ARTICLE [~1. be used with Stricken from the Warrant. Stricken from the Warrant. VOTLD that the s~.~ffa of ~}5000 the present Hough Payloader .00 be raised and appropriated to to purchase a new front-end loader. ARTICLE 1!2. VOTED that the sum of $1000.00 the following purpose and that the Board of by purchase, or otherwise, two lots of land, (No. 151 and 152 in the assessors records), am, hew Jersey, which are located at the corner of Chickering Road Hill Boulevard, and about the North Andover High School site. ARTICLE 43. Stricken from the ~a~ rant be raised and appropriated for Selectmen be instructed to acquire approximately 10,000 square feet, belonging to Prank Gage, of Chath- and Beacon ARTICLE 4['~. VOTED that the sum of ~1000.00 be raised · ~ the maintenance of the disposal szt~ on Clark Street. and appropriated for ARTICLE 45. VOTED that the s~a of ~6000.00 be raised and appropriated to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway i~aintenance and that in addition, the sum of ~3000.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in ,the Treasury. A~RTICLE [t-6. VO~!';D that the svuu of $7500.00' be raised and appropriated to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction, and be transferred meet the S.~ate · ~' 500. O0 that zn addition, the s~zm of ~;~22, from un~.,~.propri ated and County shares of available funds in the Town Treasury to the cost of' the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored upon their recSipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treasury. 47. VOTED that the sum of ~!200.00 be raised and appropriated for the of painting and replacing street signs. VOTED that the sum.: of ~$~2700.00 be ramsed and ta!lation of a Cyc!o~e wire fence at Stevens Pond. ARTICLE purpose ARTIOLE 48 the ins ARTICLE 49. VOTED for the purchase of that the sum of {;~00.00 be raised and a sidewalk tractor for the use of the ARTICLE 50. VOTED that the s'am the repairing of the bridse~ o~'~. ~ as recommended by the Department appropria ted for appropria ted for Highway Dept. of $500.00 be rais?,d and appropriated for the Cochichewick Brook at Sutton Street, of Public Utilities. ARTICLE 51. Stricken frem the ~arrant ARTICLE 52 VOTED ~-~ ~"~ 650 O0 be raised and . ~:~ the sum of e~, · build a storm drain on Wood Lane from the Junction of Green Woodstock Road. appropriated to Street to ART i CLE purchase Highway ARTICLE 511-. ARTICLE 55- purchase a ARTTCLZ. 56 purchas 55 · VOTED a one-half Department, that the sum of 1,635.00 be raised and ton [~ up truck full equipped for the use of A. Chevrolet pick-up to be turned in, in o~rzcken from. the bsrPant appropriated to the trzde o ¥O.~ED ~ the suni of ~pox 00 be raised Power Brush Cutter for John Conners, Tree . VOTED that the sum of $500.00 be raised e of two power saws for the Tree Dept. and appropriated '~arden. to and appropriated for the f , ' .11 .~- · ARI'ICLE 57. VOTF. D tha u the sum of $1500 00 to purchase a 1/2 ton Pickup _.tuck for the department of insect Pest C:ontrol. ARTICLE 58. VOTED to dedicate for a municipal purpose~ namely, a public playground, two parcels of la nd adjacent to each other now o~ned by the Town, being described as follows: Parcel 1: The /and with bulluliidil~ thereon situated on Lamere otreet mn NOrth Andover, containing 45~692 square feet more or le ss, being lots numbered 2,3, 4,5,6,7, and 8 on the so-called Lamere Plan filed with the North District ~ooex Registry of Deeds as 'Plan 0321 Parcel 2. Land situated in the rear !~,000 square feet, more or ~e ss, being Lot C on a plan of land in North Andover owned by Edward W. Sullivan dated September, !938, recorded with the North D~strict Essex ~e~~ '~' ozstry of Deeds as Plan 1170 TOWN !I~JEETII\TG I{arch 16, 195[ MEETING '7~ ~ },,eetzng. adjourned at 5.~0 P.I~. ARTIC[~E 59. VOT~ to accept as .a gift from the trustees of. the Village Land ~ A true copY~ ATTEST~ to be used for a municipal purpose, namely, a publmc playground, ~ ... playground, s i tua ~eo: in and describe Company, providing adjacent land now o~ned by the town is similarly used for ~a public ~ described pyrcel of land: A certain parcel of land County of ~ssex,~ Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded Beginnins a side of C!ar the foltowins Nor th Andover~ d as follows: t an iron pipe w~ich is located from a s tonebound on the easterly endon '~treet on the property line between the Vi!lase Land Company SPECIAL TOWN ~mET, IN,.G r~:~a~ 20 1957 · , ' ' 4 ~ WA'RRANT C OI';~dOI~,~EALTH OF I~SSAC~SETTS Essex ss 1 To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: and Winifred K. Sullivan properties 'oy going a distance of 11[~.0 feet from the GREETINGS: southwesterly Hassachusetts stone bound in a southeasterly direction then tu. Pning in a ~, In the name of the Commonwea.lth of you are.h.ereby direction 8.7 feet and then turning southeasterly a distance of 55.0 fee~. to an directed to notify and warn the inhabmtants of North A_ndover.qu.a!zfmed to vote iron DiDe; from this iron pipe the p~arcel of land is described b]~ traversmng a in Town Affairs to meet in the Reception R.oom of the Fire"'~Station in. said . · ~ ~sterl' a d~stance of 7 feet to a pomnt 10[~ feet =rom tne,wesser±y turh~nb ~.~ Y .- . ,3 . _ . P.~. then and there to act on the following bus~ness: line of' East Water ~treet to a point, then turnmng .nor. thwe~terly 2!5 feet~ART!CLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to r aise.,_a_n~.~ap_p~r.opriate, or provide to the irSn.?, pipe at the point of beginning. Contaznznj 15,200 Square feet by bond mssue, or transfer ' from available funds, %1500.O0 to extend the sewer of land~ more or le ss. system on Harwood Street approximately 160 feet from Hassachusetts Avenue. ARTICLE pr ovide a set, a locker Clarendon 60. VOT~D that the sum of ~4700.00 be raised and appropriated'~to chain link fence~ a chain link backstop, a slide, a six swing for playgroundequipment and necessary grading and labor at Street Playground. 61. Stricken from the Warrant. appropriate 62. VOTED to raise and Druzmmond Playground. Stricken VOTED supplies, this activities from the Warrant. ARTICLE ARTI ~ cLE fo.:? the AaTICLE ARTICLE 64. ART'rCLE 65. Stricken from to raise amount the Warrant. and appropriate to include expenses, the sum of ~!00.00 for four the sum special for the children of North Andover. the benches of $700.00 for playground trips and general playground ARTICLE 66. VOTR~ to raise and appr~opriate the of a police officer at the ~athing Beach, four Saturdays, 5~mdays and Holidays for a ten week sum of $500.00 ~' ~ ' _,or the servmces hours daily, eight hours on period to enforce car parking for residents of North Andover, ARTICLE 67. VOTED to raise and playground instructors and one this figure to include cost of car stickers. appropriate the sum of ~1888.O0 for eight supervisor for an eight week period. ,~RTICL.E 68. VOTED that the .su~. of ~4000.00 be raised and appropriated to be used wzth the !~000o00 remamnmng allocated by the Federal Government for North Andover Town Plannin~ Pznanc~al Aid under Section 701 of Title 7 of the Federal Housing Act of 195~, for the second year, and to see if the Town will Petition of Anna Galvagna and others. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate~ or transfer fzom available funds the soml of ~2,~68.0~ for the pnrpose of refunding, as ~required by the ~change in the method of. payment that became effective Januar~ 1, 1957, to Alvah G. ~ayes, I'~lary }.~. Henn~ssey, anlel J. I¥~.cCarthy, Milton F. Howard, . ' = ' and John V. Donovan certain sums 'of money previously Charles I Yznc~n~, · · School ' Petztzon of the Commmttee. with-held from their salaries. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and atte copies thereof, at the Tovm Office .Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than. fifteen days nor less than ten d aye before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fa. il not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings on to the Town, Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North ~indover, ~{ass., the 20th day of IViay in the thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven. year of our Lord, one A true copy, No. Andover, ATTEST: ~aSS. RALPH E. FINCK Board WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of PHILIP SI~_CLIF~E Selectmen /s/ JOSEPH ~ay .8, 1957 A. SMITH, Constable OFFICER' S RETURN I haVe notified and warned the inhabitants of the Tovm of North ~no. over vote to znstruct the Planning o~..rc~ and the Board to enter into contract with the Com~aonwealth of Selectmen o£ North Andover qualified to vote in . . ~ o.f Massachusetts, Depa.rtme. nt of warrant at the Town Hall and at fmve or more publmc place.s vz es to be rendered w.zthmng twelve ~re~[~nt.' Said co~ies having been posted not mOre than f~ tr ct in a. ccordance °with such ~ ' ~ · ' ' ' ' the Plannzng Board, and the State than ten days before the tzme of holdzng sazd meet~ngo · ~ /s/ JOSEPH A SMI~!. Constable the sum of ~1500.00 ~0' be used for No. And°vet, Mass. O /~/O~z/ };Ia~ 8 lO~?. ATTEST: ~~ · _ suthorzzed under Chapter 718 of SPECI~,~EE~O ~'[&Y 20, 1957. C om~.~er c e, Planning months from the da program a~d specif Planning Division ARTICLE 69. VO?ED final publication Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of mn each voting Division, for planning servzces fifteen days nor te of execution of such contract ications as the Selectmen, ~ ' t~'~ may agree mn wri Meeting held in the Reception Room of the Fire Station l',~ay 20, 1957 at 7:~0 P.M., the following was voted. to raise and appropriate the sum of ~i~!~00o00 to extend Street approximately 160 feet from l~'iass;.,Ave. to raise and appropriate and printing of. the new Town ARTICLE 7©. VOTED to the Acts of 1.956 take from Special Account the sum of~27,024~.15 to be used for the permanent construction At the Special Town section of Moody Street from Prescott Street on },.~onday evening Stre ' ' 9~8 ARTICLE 1. VOTED et whzch was accepted mn 1 . the sewer system on Harwood of ~,iiddlesex Street, or take any aation in relation thereto. providing certain protection vehicles. ~. ~RTtCLE 71. VOTED to accept the northerly to that portion of Moody ARTICLE 72. VOTED to accept ~.LO1 of for civil defense volunteers the acts of 1956, drivins publicly owned fund s be taken from available ARTICLE 7~ S ~,-,cken from the Warrant ARTICLE 74. VOTim that the sum of ~65,000°00 in the Treasury~ to reduce the tax rate. iv~otion made by Mr. Duffy and duly seconded to Advisory Board~ Town }:~oderator and Town Clerk extend a vote of thanks to the for the fine job ;done G.Wilson, ARTICLE 2. VOTWO that the sum the purpose of refunding, as is payment that became effective ~ ar , Hennessey, Dan_el J. iffcC thy V. Donovan~ a certain sums of 2~ 468.04 be raised and of ~1~, required by the change in January 1, 1957 to Alvah G. I~'~ilton F. Howard, Charles money prefiously held from ~ieeting ~djourned at 8 P re present ~ · ~ e'~ A true copy. ATTEST' ~$~ Y.S, Town Clerk. this less ARTICLE 1. Stricken from The warrant. ARTICLE 2. Str~cken from the Warrant. }.{eeting adjourned at 5:~0 P.N. 55~ Voters were present. A.Howe, F..S!ipp, ~,i.i{oward, J.Gille~p;.e,~ '~ W.lcEvoy, C.Thomas, E.Saul, P T,~H]~ ~ ~.~P~ ~°°is*~ ~ P~",'~ (,,~' ~ ~"~'~toP in C the hand vot~no. A true copy: ATS~ST: oliovzi g wgs voted-. appropriated for the method of Ha~,e. s, Mary l',{. I. Vzncent and Jobm their salaries. COMMOn-WEALTH "bF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS. ~ Section 8. Each Department Head shall include in his departmental budget a To either of the Constables of the Tow n of North Andover: ~ Pay Adjustment Section .to pr ovide funds for anticipated pay adjustments during 'the year, expenditures therefrom to be made only in accordance both GREETINGS: ~ · with the Salary Plan and with the approval of the Personnal Board. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn .the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in Town~ PART II. PERSONNEr. BOARD Affairs to meet mn the North Andover Hig. h School Auditorium on Monday evening, Section 1. A Personnel Board (Hereinafter called the "Board") is~.created by the twenty-second day of July 1957 at 7.30 P.M. then and there to act on thethis By-Law and shall consist of. five members to be appointed by the Board of following business: Selectmen. The Board shall consist of at least one 'member who is also an em- ARTICLE 1. To .see if the Town will vote (1) to adopt the following By-Law ployee of the Town on a position classified in this Plan, and of at least governing the Wage and Salary Administration Plan for employees of the Town;three members who are neither employees nor elected officials of the Town. (2) to raise and appr..opriate, or take from available funds, the sum 'of Eighteen One member shall be appointed for a term of one year, two members shall be Thousand Dollars ($18~000)' to initiate this plan. Seventy-five hundred dollars appointed for a term of two years, and two members shall be appointed for a ($?500) of which is to. be used for a wage increase under the plan and Ten /~.c~/ term of three years.. Thousand Five Hundred ,Dollars ($10,500) to be applied as a cost of living ~ bonus to be paid at the same rate as the initial raise, under said plan, for~ The Board of Selectmen shal 1 make their appointments within a ten weeks of straight time work, said bonus to expire on ~)ecember 31, 1957; (5) ~to raise the enactment of this By-Law. Every member shall serve until a successor has and appropriate, or ta~e from available funds, Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500) been appointed, and all subsequent regular appointments shall be made by the to 6e used by the Personnel Board for 'first year expenses, as recommended in Board of Selectmen, Interim appointments shall be made by the Board 5f se-~ the following report: _ · lectmen, and the person so appointed shall ser.ve the unexpired term of the PART I. G E .N E R A L . vacancy he fills, and this shall not prevent hms re-appointment to a regular Section 1. 'This By-Law shall be known and crated as "The Personnel, Wa~e and te~m if he should be nominated. Salary Administration Plan" and is hereby adopted pursuant to the provisions of Board members shall serve without compensation. General Laws, Chapter ~l, Section 10SA and 108C as amended. Section 2. Except as otherwise provided, the Board shall administer this Section 2. Nothing in the By-Law, or in the PersOnnel, Wage and. Salary Admin- By-Law, and it shall establish such policies, procedures and regulations as istration Plan which is hereinafter referred to, shall be construed te conflict in its judgement are aecessary to administer the same. with Chapter ~l of with any other section o~ chapter cf the General Laws (in A. The Board shall have final su thority to determine which"Position Title" which case any such provisions of this By-Law shall be considered merel~ as or "Job Title" of those occupations subject to the classification plan is information for the guidance of the voters of the Town of North Andover$ Those applicable to any employee or official. This section shall not be constz~ed positions of 6fficers and employees in the service of the TOwn, whether that to give the Personnel Board any authority to alter the duties of any employee service be on the basis of full time, part time, seasonal, casual, special, · Civil Service, or any other basis, and which' are classified herein, other than or official by order, promotion, transfer, or by any other means except in · the case of these persons serving on its own staff. position filled by popular election or positions under the direction and control ef the School Committee.with the exception of non-educational employees are B. The Personnel Board shall have final authority to determine and or to hereby referred to by titles in Schedule A, which wchedule is entitled Classl- approVe abbreviations or code symbols used in substitution for job or position fication Schedule, and is attached hereto and made part hereof, title classifications. Section 5. No person shall be appointed, employed, or paid as an employee in C..Whenever a new position is planned or porposed, or the duties of an existin any position subject to the provisions of the classification plan except und posmtion changed, explanatory and substant.iating data relative to the content a title appearing in Schedule "A", entitled Classification Schedule, Ne per- of said new or changed position shall be sabmitted to the P~rsonnel Board in son shall be appointed, employed, or paid as an employee or.official in refer such form as requSsted by it, and no title or rate shall be assigned and no ence to any position subject to the provisions of this By-Law except under' a payment of salary or wage in any fo~m made until after the Personnel Boar~ has title ef the Job or position the duties of which are actually perfoEned, eThe established a title and rate for said new or changed Job or p. osition and only title shall be selected from Schedule "A" or from Schedule "A" as. it may b then when an appropriation is available for the same and subject to ratifica- amende~ or modified from time to time the the appropriate body of person, which tion by the Town at the earliest appropriate Town Meeting. is hereinafter named. The Job or position title arrived at according to the D. No employee may be reclassified unless the~ Board shall first be noti£ied, provisions of this By-Law shall be the official title for all purposes having to If the Personnel Board shall have reason to believe that such a rec~assifica- do .with the Job or position and shall be used to designate the Job or position tion will not be consistend with therequirmments of the Personnel, ¥~age and in all payrolls, budgets, budget estimates, official reports, and for official Salary Administration Plan, and/or with the duties actually to be performed purposes of every~kind, but any abbreviation or code symbol approved bY the ~the Board shall so notify the Department Head, and he shall not make the re- Personnel Board may be used in substitution for the title. ~ ~' classification unless, after investigation the Board shall determine that such Section ~. A compensation Schedule, identified as Schedule "B"~ ~S to be est- reclassifi.cation shall and will be consistend with the Personnel, Wage and ablished by vote of the Town in~ town meeting to provide minimum ~nd maxinamSalary Adnunistration plan and the rates and schedule established thereunder. salaries, or single rate salaries, for the groups and positions in the Classi- E. The Board shall have access to all facts, figures, ~ecords and other in- ficatien Schedule. The salary range, or rate, of a group shall be the salaryformation relative to the Jobs and positions classified, and the incumbents range, or rate, for all positions'~lassified in that·group' thereon, and such information shall be furnished forthwith by any department Section 5.. All p~esent employees who come under this By-Law shall be compen- upon request of the Board and in such form as the Board ~may~equire. The sated according to Schedule "B"' entitled Compensation Schedule attached hereto records of the Board shall be maintained in a separate file in the Town Accountant's office in the Town ~uilding, and available for inspection by the and made a part thereof, effective J~ly 22, 1957. The enactment of°this By-Law ,1 It ,1 ,! or the enactment of Schedules A and or B shall not operate to reduce the said Board.~ or its duly authorized agents or employees only. salary of any. employee or official of the. Town then employed in position herein ~ The Board shall review or cause to be reviewe.d at least one-third of the or therein covered, scription of the classified jobs and positions mn each year, so that all are at the appropr~aterate i.n, Schedule "B" appearing for~ the appropriate class- i The Board shall also keep i,n. formed of pay rates and policies in practice out- ~ side of the service of the ~own of North Andover, and shall recommend to the ificatien in Schedule "A and likewise no personnell shall be paid on a new Job or position as the result of a promotion, demotion, or transfer except at' the Town any action it deems advisable and necessary in order to mainta~in a fair, rate in Schedule "B" appearing for the appropriate classification in Schedule "A". equitable pay level and comPensation policy. Section 7. The first six months of employment for any new personnell shall be' ~ G. The B.oard shall review the Plan in its entirety from time to time and shall considered a probationary period. If the employee's work is unsatisfactory, the hold hea~ng~ fo;~ 'that put'pose if deemed necessary by the board. tmployee shall be dismissed by his Department Superior during the first six months H. Job and Position Description in the files of the Board shall be construed After the probationary per~d, the employee shall be considered a regular em-as indicative of job content, rather than restrictive and defining; and, in pleyee of the Town. An employee may be dismissed at any time for geed and any case, employees shall continue to perform any duties assigned them by t period during one tense of emplo~ent. SECTION 3- Upon Recommendation of a Department Head, supported by evidence '~ ~'~ .... · ' ~ ~ ~ .... '~ '~:~'~ ~:~ ' '~ '~ '~ ~ ~ '~ ~'~: '~- -- ~ · . _ _ Personn~ Board fails to .take action on any such proposed amencment the .o~ , in.writing, submitted mn a form specmfied by the same Board, and submitted to shall be deemed to have dxsapproved such amendment and the petition may then said Board, the Board may authorize an entrance rate higher than that for the ~ii be presented to the proper Togn Meeting. ~he Board may of its own motion, i appropriate title in Schedule "A" according to the rate ran,~e or sinEle rate i~!~$ after similar hearings of the interested parties, propose an amendment to Schedule "B" entitled Compensation Schedule when an appropriatmon is available. ~:'~ any plan. SECTION . Within 6 months of the effective date of this By-Law.~the Personnel Board and Board of S~lectmen shall jointly set up a Procedure for Appeal from s Procedure for Appea any decision of the ersonnel Board. Thi I shall be for the use .of all persons in the services of the Town who compensation or department is subject to or effected by this By-Law. This appeal procedure sha. ll include a scription of the manner in which an appeal board is to be formed, this board. be made up of no less than five persons, or no more than seven, or Whom one may be a member of the Board of Selectmen and none may be a member of the Personne Board with the remainder of the board to be made up of at least four persons who are neither employees .or ~elec. ted.~ officials of the .Town. SECTION 5. The Personnel Board shall be 2iven ~n ini $~,500.00 for its first year; and thereafter shall betial sppropriatien ef given appropriations in ~ a:manner and a~ount as established and determined for other servicss ~and depart- m~nts of the .Town. The Personnel Board shall, in advance.of each annual town meeting, and mn advance of any special town meeting at whmch recommendations of the Board will be considered, prepare a printed report for the information of the town meeting and the town employees. PART III INSTALLATION Section 1. A. Whenever a range of rates is established herein and except as stated in ]]art II, Section ~, new personnel shall be hired only at the minimum' rate in Schedule "B" appearing for the appropriate classification in Schedule "A;' and likewise ne.personnel shall be paid.on a new job or position as-the result of a promotion or transfer except at the rate next higher than his last previous rate; his new rate from Schedule "B" appearing for the appropriate classification in Shhedule A". B. In case of a demotion an employee shall receive the maximum rate for the new job or position as it is in Schedule "B" corresponding to the appropriate classification in Schedule "A" unless such new rate is higher than his previous rate in which case he shall~ receive his previous rate. This paragraph shall not be interpreted to conflict with procedures for step rate increases and shall not be interpreted to foheclose and employee's entitlement to said step rate increases. Section 2. Wherever a range of rates exists or is established, any existing rates above the maximum in such range shall become personal rates and shall apply only to the then present encumbent. Such personal rates shall not be SUbsJect to automatic step rates until such time as the personal rate conforms to chedule "B". PART VI. SEPARABILITY. If any provision of this By-Law, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, or i.s changed, modified, deleted, or otherwise affected, the remainder of thms By-Law, or the applica-. tion of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. Titles HIEF, POLICE CHIEF, FIRE [(DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF)' SERGEANT, POLICE LIEUTENANT, FIRE PATROLMAN- SPECIALIST FIREFIGHTER SPECIALIST PATROLMAN (Regular) FIREFIGHTER (Regular) ; Probationary Period iPATROLMAN FIREFIGHTER RESERVE PATROL1WAN MATRON, POLICE !UNIFORMED SCHOOL TRAFFIC t CONTROL PERSONNEL Rates and Rate Ranges MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 $200.01 200.02 100.01 100.02 25.01 25.02 MAXIMUM 15.01 15.02 10.01 10.02 10.11 10.12 70.00 10.21 13.50 per 05.05 $5,200.00 $5,300.00 $5,400.00 $5,500.00 $5,750.00 per 87.50 90.00 92.50 95.0097.50 103.00 per 80.00 82.50 85.00 87.5090.00 95.00 74.00 76.50 79.00 81.50 87.00 72.50 75.00 77.50 80.00(82.50~) 85.00 d~, single rate 1.25 per hour, single rate 05.01 75.00 per month, single__rate Section ~. PROGR.ESSI. 0N. Each.regular employee of the Town shall be progressed to the rate £or hms _job or position as ~,~,r~ schedule "B": corresponding to the appropriate classification in Schedule consistent w~th his years of contin- CODE Uous service from _t. he date of his last hit.lng, promotion or transfer to that SCHEDULE "A" CODE I SCki~D~LE "B" Job or posi_tion. ~ears of continuous serwce eh.all be' counted from the date of ITS- I Rates and Rate Ranges th.e Annual Town Meeting occurring after such hiring or promotion or transfer.Titles .__ I MINIMUM STEP 2 S~EP3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Sazd annual town meeting .date is to be considered as the beginning of the em- . .~-~-Helper or Aid ~ ~----]----~our~,$1.~ $~.20 ' --~.25 $1.30 Pl°yee~ s first year and hxs step rate.eligibtli.ty~ except for step .rate in- Ut.fi!ty Laborer ~~ 0 1.35 creases.due upon completion of probatxonary per-~ods, becomes effectxve upon theUtfl~tyLab. orer, P. .c,oSple tm.on of probationary periods, becomes effective upon the completion of :~Iotor Eqmp. Op. & Utfl~tyLaborer1.3 1.40 1.45 (1.50~) ':M~t.erman's Helper,. P. W. ~ne year, and further step rate increases shall have their eligibility earned U~ab. & Station Attendant · at the completion of each succeeding year as so measured. Each year of service ~ ~ ~ ~ (1.60~) shall be considered as completed the day before the day of the annual town Laborer, Public Works, Maint. 1.40 meeting of~ that year. However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall :Water Meter Maint. & Reading __ ~-marker" title designating ?a temporary rate for the period of the initiation of this plan; the Depu. ty Fire Chief. ($82.50) expires March 1, 1958. RATE OF PROGRESSION: 6 mos. from MINIMUM to STEP 2; from STEP 2 to STEP 3, one year; another year to STEP 4; another year to STEP 5, if any.; in all cases, two years from the. step before the MAXIMUM TO MAXIMUM. For Chief, 18 mos. from MIN. to STEP 3. 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.43 1.50 1.55 1.60 be eligibl.e for his .step rate from the rate below the maximum for his position, to the maximum for hms position. D 1.60 1.65 Equip. Op, & Laborer ~Laborer & Motor Equip. Op. Ikilled Lab, && Equip. Op., P. W. Skilled Lab. & Equip. Op., Tree Tree Climber E uipment Operator ~ 1.50 1.60 C~stodiaM - I ---R----- weekly, 75.00 77.50 Section 4. If, a~ the time this By-Law is accepted, certain positions have not been designated in Schedules "A" and /or "B" such positions shall receive ~he same rates of pay as they received in 1956 antil such time as these positions are included by the Personnel Board in'said schedules. PART IV.FRINGE BENefITS o 1.65 1.70 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.65 1.70 1,75 1.80 80.00 82.50 85.00 ,ervisory Operator, Water Sta. 0 !limber V · Section 1. Employees of the Town ef North Andover who are subject to 'this By-Law ]ustodian . . shall receive vacations, sick leave-, overtime ~a~ benefits, in addxtmon to their periodic wage or. salary, as are set forth by the ? doesnot get----------~Special Supervi.s~r,,y ~,Personnel Board in Schedule "C" attache er ,, ' d h eto and madea Dart hereof, 'differential from Schedule C. '70.0072.50 T 57.50 60.00 62.50 ~ * temporary rates for the period of the initiation of expiring .March 1, 1958. RATE OF'.' PROGRESSION[ a~ described ,for rOIAUE aua Schedule "B" CODE PF ':'~ '" ' PART 'V. A~,q~D~ENTS OF THE PLAN ,, · Schedule L. Schedule "A" ma ~-~-~--' - ~ , . . y be ~,,~u~a at any ~'~'o~ Meeting Schedule B~ and "C" may ce amen~ee a~ ~y A~al own Nesting by a two-thirds vote. No ~endment of '~ 'any~ clan herein ~efer~ed to ~b~!l b~ m~ '~,~~ ~, ~ ~ pe~x~$on to ~n~ zersonnel ~oard. Upon receipt of such petition, the Board after gfvi~ ~e petitioners, the heads of departments and employees affected at least ~ree days wrztten notice shall hold. a hearing of the interested parties to con- sider the proposed amendments. If wrthin fifteendays of said hearing the STEP 6 M 9~ this plan, Titles MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 .Sq~EP .4 STEP 5MAXIMUM Titles Compensation Exe!eutive Secretary. 90 [ $57.50$60.00$62.50$65.00$68.00$72.50 per w, if after hours, 2.50 per call Clerk-Stenographer I S~h:6bl... ~ Ateendance Officer mileage.* Cl~k 80 55.50 58.00 60.50 68.00 67.50 -, if in hours, 1.00 per call pl..'~ ~ mileage. ~le~k-Stenographer I ~oreht ~ire Warden $250.00 per year ~t~t~.ral Clerk 70 52.50 54.50 57.00 ¢0.00 63.00 Board of :~tant to Bibrarian [ . erich Registrars 250.00 per year ' and Board Member, -.~ ~l¢~r-Typist 60 48.00 50.00 52.50 55.50 58.50 ~. of Registrars 225.00 per year ~iJ-mor Clerk 50 [ 46.00 48.00 50.00 52.50 55.50 .on Registrar 200.00 per year 245.00 per year, plus mllea~.e. for Part Time employees, unless otherwise specified herein., the rate sh~)e, ~ .... for each hour of work, one-fourtieth of the weekly rate given above. ~! , ' Noon Room Supvs.?10.00 per week RATE of PROGRESSION: 6 months.from MINIMUl~ to STEP 2; ~- Inspector~ 300.00 per year, plus mile~'ge from STEP 2 to STEP 3, one year; ~ Inspectorj~ 325.00 per year, plus mileag.e. from STEP 3 to STEP 4, two years; from STEP 4 to STEP 5,-if any, one year; I ' pay at rate of $10,000.00 per y~ar ' ~ Physician pro-rated to.the actual time spent in all cases, TWO years from the STEP'BELOW the MAXIi~UM to V '- MAXIMUM. (~.,.~ in a professional capacity. ~.,~.. ant Cooks, Salad random rates between $30.00 and It is anticipated that JUNIOR CLERK will be used as a beginner's job, from , Cook's Aids $45.00 per week. which promotion will be made; but this shall not necessarily affect Junior '.~ -~ .~, . . . ..~ Clerks hired as such and such to remain, nor other titles that may be ~ ,.i:~;? or Managing classified or established into CODE 00-50. hereafter. ,~· 45.00/wk. ~ary Domestic maintenance and 152.91/mo. ,_ ,~ary ~atron maintenance and 154.31/mo. C 0 D 1~. A T P /n~.ary Superintendent maintenance and 175.00/mo. .. '8~ltgDIJI.~. "A" COD~. 801-I.R, DUL~. "B" Ye~n's Relief Agent, present compensation basis is" ~" ATP- Rates and Rate Ranges _ ' !;:,: -. Di~?~ Veteran's Services herewith included by referenc~z/.~. Titles I MINIMUM 18 mos. 1 yr. 1 yr. 2 yrs. ' .,'"' ..:NO~S_....~ ?~, . to th~s NON-CLASSIFIED. . SOHEDULE.: -": ~'~ ~llea e. wherever indicated, whether on th~s schedule", or to STEP 2 to STEP 3 to STEP 4 to MAXIMUM! ~ ~ g, , I $500.00 $115.00 $125.00 $130.00 $135.00 $145.00 wk. . ~..':' .,:i:t:!6~h any other, shall mean seven cents (7c) per mile for ~ .'-i'~f~e of one's own ear unless a Town's car is pr.o. vide~ii:pr~ 'i P.W. I 400.00 5220.00 ~ 7280.00 yr ..... 110.00 120.00 125.00 130.00 140.00 wk. , m which case no mileage shall be paid. - , -.this~serv~e~,.is, provide.d~i~h~o.ut I 300.00 5460.00 7020.00 yr. · .:~,, . · ...... ,~' 105.00 .... 115.00 120.00" .,,-. · · 425.00 135.00 wk. . as a P.T.A.. activity,.. . · .. ~..~. · ~..,:..~:~. ,,:.:..:~,~.~..,.:,~,~.~ ;[,~; .-~ . uire-careful review and re-valuation during.,?~o 2'00".005200.00 6760.00 yr. · .... 100.00 110.00 115.00 ,1 130.00 .wk. ~' ' ..... : .................. "-' ...................................................... : .... 90.00 4680.00 SCHk~ULE C: FRINGE Bk~EFITS 90.00 100.00 105.00 110.00 120.00 wk. ._ HOURS OF WORK: Agent* 80.00 4420.00 5980.00 yr. 85.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 115.00 wk, The Normal work week for the FIRE 'DEPARTMENT SHALL BE FORTY*EIGHT ([~8) HOURS. Librarian The normal work week for all OFFICE OCCUPATIONS, so classified, shall be thirty. . __.1 Inspector 4160.00 5460.00 yr. seven and one half (57~) ho,uts. ~r Wts.& Msrs. 75.00 80.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 wk. The normal, work wee for the POLICE DEPARTlVIENT SHALL. BE.FORTY (]$0) HOURS. Inspector , - ' .. The normal straight-time work week for the HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT shall be forty Health Nurse (~0) hours in five days. Foreman, P.W. 70.0075.00 80.00 82.50 85.00 90:00 wk. T.h_e normal.straight-time wor~ wee.,k ,.for the TREE (so-call. ed)and PUBLIC WORKS Worker* DEPAR%[ENTS..~shall be .forty-five (45) hours in five days, with the exception of any personnel on continuous processing, such as in the ~ater Pumping S~ation, and to these the five day provision shall not apply. Each Department head shall clearly designate those Jobs that are continuous processing, and shall chool Nurse ~ Librarian 60100 70.00 75.00 77.50 80.00 85.00 wk Supt. Accountant [{~S~h~ol Nurse 50.00 65.00 70.00 72.50 75.00 80.00 wk. file a list of same with the Personnel Board, until which time employees on [~!!~i~rian ..... such JObs shall NOT be .exempt from the five-day provision. ,nn0 I' 60.00 65.00 67.50 70.00 75.00 wk. Each Department shall set up its own schedule of working hours and of starting,' 25.00' ]50.00 65.00 wk. stopping, and lunch times, and shall post said schedules within its o~ work 10.00 I ~0.00 5~.00 wk.~ Wherever a Department is in continuous operation, area in a consptcdous place, such as Police or Firel or, for whatever reason, operates more than one shift, requires approval from Commonwealth before it may be paid to Welfare personnel shall apply to each shift. the normal work wee, as described afore, ...... Nothing ts this By-Law is to be const~ed as lgmiti'ng the n~ber of hours in a day ~r week. or iimittng ~e number days in the week, than an employee may be requi~,d to w~k at his Depar~ent Head's direction~ or a t the direction of any ,erson designated by his Depa~ent Hea~, or at the direction of ~y properly. constituted authority in the To~. '~': " . Profes~onal Perso~el n~ , .,.~ ,.... :.. . Ov'e~time shall not be paid to Department Heads, .,: ...-: to any persons on occupations clas[ ed in the A.T.P. Schedule. ' '~ Overtime at. the rate of straight time per hour shall be paid te nen-exempt w,w~ n~wm~N~ perso~nei fo~ es'ch hour worked in a week after sixty (60) hours " .... ' ' ~'~o~-~-'~ week provided the last ten (10) of such hours consisted of consecutive hours of active duty. · ... Overtime at the rate of time-and-one-half per hour shall be paid as follows: ~,:,", ~ . :'~.,, to non-exempt personnel for each hour worked after forty-five hours in the week worked in the POLICE DEPARTi~T. FORTY*FIVE (~5) hours in the week worked or after ten (10) hours worked in any one day. in the TREE. DEPARTmenT and in the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOR~S: f. orty ~.40)hours_in the week worked or after ten (lO) Hours worked Tn any one " cay ~n %he-HIGHWAY DEPAR~NENT. ~.~ . SPECIAL 'TOWN MEETING JULY 22,. 1957 ~ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JULY 22, 1957 ~. ~rt ( 0)' hours''in'the' week.wor~e~' ~;on;,-~ny~'occ~p:a;t~i'~n~ c~assifie' ~ tn the 0.~0 ' . Y 4 · -'.' ;,~ ,..-... '. .~-,~...,~i..' .~. ~ The Personnel Board shallrequire' such procedures as it may deem needed for the 'schedule. · . '. ...... ' ~"~.~!~-"?~.~; ~ proper administration ef sick M ave provisions, and Department Heads shall E~al time off ~y be given.in place ef Overtime Payment':a't'¥~'.~.~discretion ~3 car~ them out faithfully at the reeuest of the 2erso~el Board, a~d in such the Department Head with the agreement of the Perse~el Board.'~.~(Witheut exce~ mann and fo~ as requested by it. Shen such procedures have been mssued, sick leave shall not be granted under an~ 'circumstances not conforming to them. tien, anyone or all of the foregoing Overtime Provisions may be-~aived by the Board of Selectmen by its own act in the event of special circumstances of publi( emergency so declared by it. ~Sick leave in excess of ~5 days, or in excess of any lesser amount' accumula- ted, may be granted in special circumstances at th~ request of a Department Head for himself or for any employee in his department provided such request Employees on continu~us processing jobs so designates as aforesaid shall not . receive premium pay for overtime. . is agree$$n by the Personnel Ooard and approved by the Board ef Se. lec tmen. Sick leave means paid sick leave. Pay shall be at the regular job rate. UNIFORM ALLOWANCES: . However, accrued sick leave time shall have no monetary value upon an employ- To each new full-time regUlar member of the Polmce of Fire Departments, regard less of his rank at the time th_at he enters upon his duties there shall be paid ee's termination er separation. in his behalf the sum ef eighty five dollars ~$85.00) for uniforms and such J. uH.Y DUTY / ' standard equipment as his department may require. ~ Yearly,~allocation .-. An employee called for jury dutY shall be paid by the Town an amount equal be made to the respective Chiefs of the Police and ~ire Departments in the to the difference between the compensation .he would hav.e earned in the Service amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) per uni.formed man for Police and thirty of the Town durin;..!i that same period, exclusmve of overtmme, and the amount dollars ($50.00) per uniformed man for F~_re, for the replacement of uniforms, ~ '~paid by the court, exclusive of allowance for travel. necessary, work clothes, and standard dquipment. GROUP INSURANCE Each Chief shall submit to the S ~ - .. Board of electmen a detailed accounting in The group insurance previsions in effect in the'TeE for its employees at writing, and signed by himself, of the exact nature, of all .a~.,~d any disbursements the enactment ef this By Law shall remain in effect, and are included by ref- of monies for uniform allowances and shall specify mn whose b~ihalf the money was erence herewith. spent, and to whom it was paid. In so far as possible, ca'Ch Chief shall, for SPECIAL DIFFk~RENTIALS.' his own Depar~ent, collect the old item in exchange wherever A new one is fur- nished, and shall keep same for inspection by the Board of LSe~ectmen, or by any other duly designated person er persons, until given written.~utherizatien te destroy such material or otherwise dispose of it. HOLIDAYS: Employees en Jobs classified in the I.T.S. Schedule shall receive a differ- ential of five cents (50) per hour when s~upervising three employees or less, but at least one employee; seven and one-half cents (7~) when supervising at least four employees, but not more than seven ennloyees; ten cents (10c) when supervising at least eight employees but not mor~ than ten employees; and Washingtons Birthday Christmas Day Labor Day ;i or any other holiday legally binding upon the Town of NortH~Endover in the ty ex ~ · Ceun of Ess . ~. Except members of the Police and Fire Departments, Cml~st. odfA~ns, employees 'e,n continuous'processing occupations as stipulated in the foregoing, and tn ~any other employees on work of such nature as to be known in advance that it ~cannot be set aside or interrupted solely by reason of a Saturday, Sunday ,or holiday, work performed on any holiday named herein shall be paid for by straight-time .pay in addition to the regular pay for the non-exempt employee on the job. .~ EXcept Department Heads, employees not eligible for holiday pay as described in the foregoing paragraph, shall receiSe half-time pay in addition to their re- gular pay for work performed by them on Independence ~Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. VACATI 0NS; than one special differential at any one time for any hour. Because of the considerable preparatory time necessary, the pr ovisions of this schedule "C" shall not become effective until the fiscal year of the Town of North Andover~beginning in 1958, with the following exception: that the five day week shall become effective for the ~ree and Public Works De~ rtments as seen as possible. No provisions of this Schedule "C" shall be interpreted to be retroactive; but this Shall net be interpreted.to diminish the years of continuous service held by any employee of the Town. If a Professional ~ineer, registered as such in the Commonwealth of ~ MassacHusetts, shall b.e employed on any job or position in which the knowledge and training of an Engineer are of clear and direct importance; and if the Registered Professional Engineer as described shall be required to apply his training and knowledge in such a way, or upon such problems, that it becomes an integral part of the inherent substance of the job or position, so that, for ex.ample it becomes unnecessary to employ consultative engineers whom The vacation policy in effect at the time· that this By-Law is enacted shall otherwmse i~ might beceme necessary to employ, the employing official, with remain in effect, but with this addition:-- that three weeks .of paid vacation the agreement of the Personnel Boa~d, May pay up to and including Five Hundred shall be granted te every employee who has been in the full tmme employment of· Dollars per annum in addition te the rate or Eange established in Schedule "B" the Town for a continuous period of no less than fifteen (l~) years by midnight, for such Job or position name~ in Schedule "A". Nay ~l, of each vacation year. ADDENDA OVERTIME PROVISIONS ti ti , 'Vacation time may be known as annual Leave , and annual leave shall not be accumulated in excess ~ four weeks. Each week of annual leave shall be paid ! · for at the employee s regular straight time rate of pay, and in the event that one employee has worked on several different jobs .of occupations in the service ef the Town in any one year precedent to his annual leave, he shall be paid for his annual leave at the rate of pay for the Job or occupation on which he spent the greatest amount of working time during the nine months prior to ~ay 51 in the vaca ti on year. Wherever he is. to receive compensatory time off instead of pay for overtime work, the employee must be notified so in advance. If the employee shall not agree to such method ef compensation he shall net be required to work the overtime hours, and this shall be without prejudice to hisstatus, standing, or futurecareer. No additional compensation shall be p~d for hours worked between the last hours worked between the last hour of a normal work week as defined in the At his termination or spparation from employment by the Town, provided he foregoing, and the fi?st .hou. r of paid o.vertime as de.fined.in the foregoing. has worked for the Town in a full time cap~city for not less~than a continu- ous period of twenty_four- months, an employee shall be paid a sum equal to the There shall be no pyrammdmng ef overtzme;, and special dmfferentials p rovid- ed for in .this plan shall be added after overtime has been calculated, and Wage value of his un used annual leave, but not to exceed four weeks. shal~ not be subject to any premium pay provisions. · ~ SICK LE~VE: ., Petition_ of the Board of Selectmen° Upon recon~r~endation of the Advi. sory Board. After he has been in the service, of the Town for a continuous period of not than six months, each regular full time employee shall be given six days of ~~ AHTiCLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum e£ credit for sick leave, and thereafter shall ~earn sick leave at the rate of one ~ Twenty-Six Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollazs, ($26,750.00) for t~he day per month during the term of his employement, but sick leave shall not be ~ ~Salaries and ~¥aSes of all town departments; to grant a ten per cent (10%) accumulated in excess of forty, five days. · i~ increase to all full time employees. This is to include school custodians, ~~ ~~ ~- ~-~-~,~^~ ~ ~ ~-~,~ ~-~ o~ ~. ~1.~ e.s -- ~.le~.~.]_ hel~ a~.d snhool nurse, ~.n the ~cho~l de~rtment: sPuses o~'eredirect~relations where legal dontion substituDeS, s for the blood tie, and any o~ same, ~ne emp&oyee or ~ne emp-oyee spouse. ,Provided he works his .work day last scheduled before, and his ~rk day first fifteen cents (15c) when supervising more than ten employees. scneduled after such holmday, no regular full time employ¢~e~ shall lose pay, paid Any employee plowing snow from an op. en cab shall receive an added ten cents vacation time, er vacation time by reason of any of the fc, llOWing holidays: (10~) per hour,for e. ach hour so spent, and, for snow shoveling, manually, New Years Day Veterans Day fifteen cents (1Sc), and for sanding or salting .ice or snow from the open end Independence Day Decoration DaY of a moving truck or vehicle fifteen cents (1Sc), and for plowing with a side- Thanksgiving Day Columbus Day walk tractor, twelve and one-half Cents (12~c); but ne?! one shall recieve more " SPECIAL TOV~N. MEETING JULY 22, 1957 ' ' SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JULY 22, 1957 O~ 8~. ~ ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or O~.. ARTICLE 3. To see~ if the Town will vote to transfer from the outside relief and ~ transfer from available funds a sum of money for the purpose of authorizing Infirmary account to the Administrative account eh sum of Eight Thousand Dollars i' the Beard of Public Works to acquire by purchase, taking by eminent domain, or ( $8 , 000 . 00 )the year.f°r sala.rieSpetmtionandexpenSeSof the Board°fofth~ewelfare.Welfare ~epartment for the remainderS? and Maine Railroad!.Rtght of Way from Prescott Street to Chickering Road''~ voted o~ . ~ otherWise, from the owners, the following described easement in place of "Bosto tn ArtiCle 38 of the warrant for the 1957 Annual Town Meeting, s aid sum of ARTICLE ~. To s~e if the Town of North Andover Will vote and increase in' salary money to be taken from the proceeds of the ~ond issue vot~.d in Article 38 of 'of two Hundred ~ollars (~00.00) to each Assessor, Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of arch 16 1957 in all, because of the increase in volume of work. Petition of Board bf ~ssessors. ' ' Beginning at a point on the public property line markin5 the eastern boundry ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will transfer One ThousardDollars ($1:000.00) from ef .the intersection of High Street and Prescott Street ~1.25 feet northeast- School Grounds salaries and wages to Playground-Bathing Beach salarmes and' wages, ward of the centerline of*'the existing Boston and Maine Railroad right-of-way; Petition of Board of Public Works. *thence southeastward parallel to the centerline of the existing Boston and ARTICLE 6 To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law Mair~Railroa~ ~ight-ef-way through the p~operty of the Davis & Furbem Machine ' Company to a point northwest of the southwest boundary of the Davis & Furber Section ~; Board of Appeals, Its Powers and Duties, Section 9.i to read as fo.llows:* T.here shall be a Board of Appeals of five members which shall have and exer ~ / Machine Company property; thence southward parallel to the southwest bound.?ry . c~se all the powers provided under General Laws Chapter ~OA as amended, and ~ / of the ~avis & Furber ~achine Company property to a ppint 51.25 feet nor~neas~ which shall hear and decide all matters s_pecifically referred to the Board ~ ward ef ~the center line of the existing Boston and Maine Railroad right-of-way of Appeals by the N~rth Andover Zoning By Law and other matters referred to such thence southeastward_pa_rallel to the existing centerline of the Boston and · Maine Railroad right of way through the .property now er formerly of Alice R. $oard by statute. On each appeal arising under the North Andover .Zoning By- La.w, the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing of which notmce shal~e Colgate and through the property new or formerly ef Henry Lund to the inter- graven by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in North.Andover section of the West boundary of the right-of-way of Chickering Road.(Route 125 ~twelve (12) days at least before the date of such hearing and by mamling copies of such notice as published to such parties as the Board of AppealS The aforesaid easement consists of a permanent easement 20 feet wide with parallel sides extending l0 feet each side of the centerline hereinbefore de- scribed ~nd lying to the northeast of and adjacent to existing easements of the New England Power Service Company and the Boston & Maine Railroad Company; and a temporary easement 20 feet wide lying to the northeast of and .adjacent to the aforesaid permanent easement. The sides of the temporary easement are may deem interested, at the addresses for such parties as they appear in .the most recent North Andover real estate taxrecords. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Industrial to General Business, the following described parcel of land: A parcel of land~ on the Sas C terly side of lark ~S, treet, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the Easterly line of Clark Street, said bound being at the Southwesterly corner of the land of the Town of North Andover used as a dump; thence Northeasterly by the town land ele yen hundred parallel to those of the permanent easement. The aforesaid ~he temporary easement is for use during initial construction only. Petition of the Board of Public ~orks. aforesaid ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, an additional sum of money for the salaries and wages ef the following elected officials, as recom~.ehded by the Sumner D. Charm Assoc. seventy and no hundredths (ll70) feet, more or less, to an angle in a stone wall; Town of North Andover......... SDC-A thence Southerly by the stone wall thr~e hundred sixty and no hundredths (360) ~ ELECTED 0FFICIALS. feet, to a corner in the wall; thence Southwester. ly two hundred and no hundreths If not~ listed below, no change is reco~m~ended. (200) feet, by the wall, to an angle in the wall, thence Southwesterly but more Southerly by the wall one hundred fifty and no hundredths (150), to an angle in . the wall; thence Southwesterly but more Westerly by the wall three.hundred Incumbent Tztle " .Now gets Proposed Annual Increase. sixty-s~ven and seventy-five hundredths (~67.75) feet to a corner mn the wall;~ thence ooutheasterly by the wall fifteen and no hundredths (15) feet, to an ~ Ira Catty Highway Surveyor. Upon his retirement, this post~shall be abolish- iron pipe; thence Southwesterly four hundred seven and seventy hundredths ~ ed and the Highway Depa. rtment conlsolidated in (~07.70) feet to ~n iron pipe in the Easterly line of Clark Street; thence ' the Department of Publzc Works. Northerly by the Easterly line.of Clark Street forty and ninety-two hundredths Henry LuhdChm. OOard of $850.00 $1,250.00 $~00.00 (~0.92) f~et, to a stone bound, thence again Northerly by the said Easterly line of .Clark ~treet by a curve of th_roe hundred six_ty-eight and no hundredths' ~368) ~ Assessors Per Yr. Per yr. feet, radius, two hundred forty two and seve.nty eight hundredths (_242.78) feet M. Soucy.Member Brd of $850°00 $1,000.00 $150.00 t~ a stone bound; thence Northerly by said Easterly line of Clark Street one ~ Assessors. Per Yr. Per yr. hundred fifty-seve, n and forty-nine hundredths (157.~9) feet to the point of E. PhelanMember Brd of $850.0'0 beginning. Petztion of Anthony ~ogers and others Assessors. Per Yr. $1,000.00 $150.00 Per yr. ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6 of the Building Laws ' of the Town so that, as amended, it will read a.s follows: John LyonsTown ~Clerk. $850.0QPer Yr. $1, 000. 00per Y~. $750.00 Section 6. The Inspector shall not give a permmt for the erection or alteration (plus fees, approximately $800.00. of any building until he ~hall have carefully inspected the plans, specifications all fees revert te Town.) and premises and ascertained that the buildingas proposed willconform to this L.Dewhurst. Tax Coll. $1,525.00 $1,600.00 $75.00 By-Law, and until he has received from the applicant, or anyone..for him, a fee for Per Yr. Per Yr. ..the issuance of such permit in such amount as is equivalent to $1.50 for each $1000 of the amount of theestimaterecited in said application as approved by the building inspector as being the cost of the alteration or erection of said ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, ,or.~rovide by bend issue, or transfer fro~ availa.ble f~unds Two Thousand Dollar? ($2,000.00 bui.ldtng, except that if the construction or alteration be of an educational, to extend the sewer system en Beacon Hmll Boulevard from Massachusetts Avenue municipal or industrial building, then the Selectmen by ~. majority vote, may . ~ determine the' fee for such permit to be in such amountas in their Judgement te the reszdence of Joseph Giard. Petition of Jos. E.E. Giard and ethers. may berequired for the issuance of such permit. F~cept as hereinbefore indicated thefee for such permit shall not, in any event, be less than I!10.00 except in the opinion of the building inspector, the value of such erection or alter: tton shall~ be less than $1000 in which event a fee of $~.00 shall~be paid by the applicant, the Building Inspector shall pay over to the Town '~'reasurer for the general use of the Town all such fees as may be received by him." Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ~ are hereby direc'l~.ed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct, Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon te the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. ~w~'rn~'.w. c~. T~ .~. -~t" ,.~ T~ ~,~ ~,~ *~ ~~* *~ w~~,. o~,~ .,.,... Given. under our hands at. North And?vet, ~as.sachuset~ts,~ t.he eleventh day of sum of Ten Thousand ~ive Hundred Dollars ($10,500) to be used by the To~n'and y ~n the ~ord one tnousan~ n~ne hunu~.~u ~z~ ~-~v~n. applied towards the cost of a meter vault and water meter and t~e cost of connect- RALPH E. FINCK. Board ing the 'water main on Turnpike S..t. reet with the Merrimack College water system. WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of Petition of the Board of Public ~orks. , PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen. a ~rue copy ATTEST: /s/ JOSEPH A. S~gITH. C on s table North Andover, ~assachusetts July ll, 1957 86 I have notified and warned the znhabitants of the Town of North Andover~ .~,Iz ton Howard, Louis Lyons and Donald Anderson asszsted the Moderator qualified te vote in Town Affairs by posting tz~e and attested copies ef this warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies not having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JULY 22, 1957. ~ SPECIAL TOWN ~(EETING JULY 22, 1957 /s/ JOSEPH A. SMITH. Constable. Town Clerk. North Andover, Mass. July ll, 1957. ATTEST: SPECIAL TOWN NEETIN~ OF NONDAY JULY 22, 1957. At the Special Town Meeting held in the ~eterans Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Monday evening' July 22, 1957 at ~?;~0 P.M. the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. VOT~ (1) To adopt the following by-Law governing the wage and Salary Administration Plan for employees of the Town; aS deScribed in the Warrant; with the following amendments: Motion duly made and seconded to ~, by adding amend Sec. tion Part III after such positions- "excepting the Ame rzcan Legion Beach lifeguards and swimming instructor and the Playground groundkeepers." Motion duly made and seconded to amend Part V., Schedule A, Code ITS by eliminating Supervisory Operation Water Station and substituting Foreman, Water and Sewer. Motion duly made and seconded to amend Part V., Schedule A, Code-ITS by changing Water Meter l~laintenance 'and Reading from Code N. to Code D. Notion duly made and seconded to amend Part V, Schedule A, Code ATP. by changing Supervisory Foreman P.W. to Supervisory Operator, ~ater Stations. Motion .duly made and seconde~ to amc.nd Schedule C. "0VERTI~E" by changing forty-fzve (45) to forty (~0 hours zn the week worked in the Police Dept. Notion duly made and seconded to amend Schedule (C) "OVERTI~g~_," by changing sixty (60) to forty-eight (&8) hours of v~rk in the Fire Dept. plan,(2) TOastakefollows:from available funds, the sum of $18,000.00 to initiate, thi!. ~ . $7,500.00 which is to be used for a wage increase uhder the plan, and $10,500.00 to be applied as a cost of living bonus to be .'paid at. the same rate as the initial raise, under said plan, for straight time work. Said bonuses to expire on December 51, 1957. (5)To take from available funds in the Treasury the sum of $1,500.00.to be used by the Personnell Board for first year expenses, as recommended and so declared. in ~eport. The vote was unanimous ARTICLE 2~. Stricken from the Warrant. ART.!CLE 5. VOTED to transfer from outside relief and .Infirmary account to the Admznistrattve Account the s~m of $8, 000 .00 ~ for salar].es and expenses of the Welfare Department for the remainder of the year. Unanimous vote and so declared. ARTICLE 4. Strick'en from the Warrant. ARTICLE 5. VOT_ED to transfer $1,000.00 f~om ~chool Grounds Salaries & Nages to Playgrounds Bathing Beach Salaries & Wages. Unanimous vote and so declared. ARTICLE 6. Stricken from ~the Warrant. ARTICLE 7. Stricken from the Warrant. ~ARTICLE 8. VOTE~. TO A~'~ND Section 6 of the Building Laws of the Town so that as amended it wzllread as per article. ARTICLE 9. VOTED that the Town accept £rom Merrimack College the sum of $10,500.00 and appropriate said sum for use by the Board of Pu~li~ Works in providing a meter vault and water meter and a connection with the water main on T~rnpike Street and the I~errimack College water system with any unexpended balance to be -refunded to Merrimack College. Unanimous vote and so declared. ARTICLE lC. VOTED that the sum of $1,4~5.00 be taken from the proceeds of 'the bond issue voted in Article ~8 of the "arrant of the 1957 Annual Town Meeting for the purpose of authorizing the Board of Public Works to acquire by purchase easement fn plac~ of "Boston & Maine Ra~lr0ad Sight of Way from Prescott S?eet to C~}o~[~e~Oad}'~a~~i~ ~}O~dm~t~a~[~cle 58. Bounded and described as p ~ y o ARTICLE 12. VOTED that the sum of ~2,000.00 be taken from available funds in. Town Clerk on the hand v~te countin~~ A true copy: ATTEST. ~L the Treasury to extend the s ewer system on Beacon Hill Boulevard from Mass Ave., to the residence of Joseph Giard. Unanimous vote and so declared.. and WARRANT COi~,,~ONWEALTtt OF ]YLi SSA CHUSETTS Essex~ ss. To ez mcr o? the Constables of the Town of North &ndover Gree tings: In tlae name of and warn the inhabita:~ts to meet in the Brads treet day of October, 19~7 ~ollowing business: the Commonwealth you are hereby directed to notify of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs Auditorium in Said North Andover on tho seventh at eight o'clock p.m., then and there to act on the ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, or raise by bond issue, ~1900.00 to extend, the water system on Mablin Avenue from Glenwood Street to the residence of Luco Licciardi on Fernwood Street. Petition of Luco ~Licciardi and others. ARTICLE 2. To see if tl~ town will vote to raise and a0propriate, or p~ovide by bond issue, or transferfrom~vailable funds ~!~r~0.00 to extend the water system southeasterly on Hemlock Street approximately one hundred and twenty- four feet from Spruce .Street. Petition of Louis DiFruscio and others. ARTICLE 3. To see if the town ~ 11 vote to ~azse and ao'oropriate, or ~r ovide by bond issuo, or transfer from available funds (~2300.00 to extend .the sewer system on Spruce Street and Homlock Street. ~ Petition of Josephone DiFruscio and others. ARTICLE 4. To see if the town will vote to transfer Article 22, April 7, 19~6 Annual Warrant, Two Islands aporop~iat~on for the purpose of 'oa~n,ing te lines t' .~ Chief of Police. Pe ~tion of Al.,red H. McKee, the m~m of ~.~1~0.00 from to Road Painting on ~iddlesex 'Street. ARTICLE ~. To see if the appointed by the Selectmen t' by it which is used as aska ~mng rink, and to · ~ Council appomn~ed by the Selectmen to promote .for residents of the town, and to appropriate from available funds in the ~ ~ ' ,.,reaoury, all zn of Section l~q., Chapter 4~ of the General Laws town will vote to authorize the Recreational Council to lease from the Brooks School certain ~and owned authorize the Recreational and conduct ice skating thereon the sun of $1700.00 therefore accordance with the provisions · Petitzon Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 6. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of I!~47~.00 to be used by the Selectmen in payment of the claim of .Clinton B. and Henry W. Nason for the land-taking in reference to the construction and reconstruction o.f Pond Street. Such sum of money to be in release, of all claims· Petition of Board of Selectmen· ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the zoning By-Law by changing from a Rural Residence District and a Cmmtry Residence District to General Business, the following described parcel of land: A certain parcel o.? l~nd in the Town of North Andover bounded and described : ' t:.~e inte~sectDon of the Westerly line of the Salem as .follows Beginnzng at Turnpike with the northerly line of Hillside Road; thence~ southwesterly, by the northerly line of Hillside Road; [~67.89 feet to an iron pipe marking an angle zn the said street line, ~.~nce agamn southwesterly, but more westerly, by the northerly line of Hillside Road, 38l~ feet to an iron pipe at the in- tersection of the norvne~ !y line of Hillside Road wzt2~ the easterly line o~ the Andover By Pass; thence'northerly, by the easterly line of the Andover By Pass, 620.19 feet to an iron ~oipe; thence north:~asterly, l.t.6~r.~3 feet to an iron 0i'oe in the westerly line of the Salem T~.~rnpike~ thence so uth- easterly, by eh~.~ westerly line of the Salem Turnpike ~.37.0 Feet to the point o'f beginning. Containing ~.27 acres more or less. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. ~,~~ To s~ if thc town w:',ll, vote to ~,,,~~ thc ~'~*~ ~^~--~r Zoning Bylaw by dividing, the former classification "Industrial Districts" into two industrial distr~ct classifications "Industrial ,S, Districts" and "Industria~ 'L$ Districts" and by inserting throughout the bylaw wherever appropriate the ua. mos of either o.r both of said two districts ~n place o.f .the former cl.asszfication, partzcularly in paragraphs 3.1, ~.81, 3.82, 4.hl, 6.51, 6.52, 7.4 and 7.5 and to make other necessary changes of wording so that said paragraphs so amendes shall read as follows: SPEICI~L TOWN. MEETING OCTOBER ?, 19~7 ~'~ Art. LO Con't. The. Town of North Andover is hereby .divided into z6ning districts designated as follows: RURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS COISTTY RESIDENCE DISTRIC TS VILLAGE RESIDE~TCE DISTRICTS NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS 4.17 (b) The keeping on any lot of not ~ ss than three (3) acres area in a Country Residence or a Rural Residence District of a total of.not mere than three (3) of any~ kind or assortment of animals or birds in additiOn'to the household pets of the family living on such lot, ~and so. forth, all exactly as previOUsly adopted. Petition of~ North Andover ~lanning Board' Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. 7.4 much farther beyond the boundaries of the lot or lo~s under ap oeal of said going yard space requirements. Board may deem affected, if any, by such s~ peal. - 7.5 In Industrial "L" Districts there shall.be provided on each lot an Petition of the North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. open yard sp. ace of not less tha.n thirty five (55) feet depth all along t.he front line and along each· szde line of such lot, and not less tha. n ARTICLE 14. To see if t he town will vote to amend Paragraph 3.82 in order to restore land now or formerly of Mrs. Herbert E. NcQuesten to Residential f~_fty (50) feet depth along the re.ar line of such lot, except that a.n and to more clearly define InRustrial property of the Davis ~ Furber Machine open yard-space of not 1.ess than fzfty (50) feet depth shall be provided on .any 1.ct in an Industrial District wherever such lot abuts land Company s~ that said paragraph shall read as follows: · residentially zoned. . 3.82 A finger of ]~nd in the north central part of North Andover extending Petition of the North And. over Planning Board, along parts of both sides'Of Stevens Mill BroOk and the former Salem Railroa Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman location between SUtton Street and Stevens. Street at S~eVens Pond, embracing the Sutton, 0sgood, Davis & Furber and Stevens Mills, within the boUndaries ARTICLE q. To see if the town will vote to amend Paragraph ~.ll. of the North more particularly described and stated below, .except such portions of the Annoyer Zoning Bylaw by inserting in the second clause.of 4.11 the .a~ea within Said Industmial zoning bo. undaries as may be duiy declared to be words "four families" in place of the worRs "two families", so that in any other kind of zoning district. . the first two clauses of s~id paragraph so amended shall read as follows: NortherlY~by Sutton Street center line, Northeasterly by a line parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from the center line of Thorndike Street, ~!_.ll Single, duplex or two family residences and gardens, including the thence by a connecting line parallel to and 200 feet nomtheasterly from right ~q covert any one-family dwelling structure to accomodate not that portion of the former Salem Railroad right of way location llne more than four families, (and so forth, all exactly as previously .~ -'~ between a point near Thorndike Street and a point on said line aboUt adopted). 2?0 feet along it northwesterly from High Street westerly side line: Petition of the North Andover Planning Board~ Easterly by a line parallel to and approximately 211J'feet westerly from High S.treet westerly side line about 160 feet to a stone bound (being Ni~.h~!~.s~ ~To seeF; Nicetta.~ Chairman I the-stone .bound.at the southerly back corner of land now or formerly of ARTICLE lu. if the "l'own vd 11 vote ..to amend the North Andover Zoning BylawI at right"angles~ to the aforesaid easterly bounding line about 130 feet McQuesten)j~ ..~ North fly by a line from the aforesaid stone bound and so. as. to limith the keeping of animals ot~er than household pets on residential to. a.~Point:. ~' ~ . . lots to Country Residence and Rural 'Residence District by strikin out the o~,~-~-. ,~-d -~,~ ~n ~uo, paragr~on ~.iT(b) and by inserting in place thereofNor~ner!y'by a line Parallel to and 200 f'ee~ northeasterly from the the names of said .aforesaid Resideace Districts so that the first, cla~se of said former Salem Railroad right of way location line between a'point on said sub-paragraph ac amended willread as follows: bounding line dista~'.it;;.app~ox[mately 90 feet 'along said bounding line northwesterly from High Street westerly side line and the intersection of said bounding 'line' wtth.Chickering Road center line; 6.52 6.51 Industrial "L" District. At Greene Street (and so forth, all exactly as previously adopted). ARTICLE 12. To see if the town will vote to change and more clea~ly express Both in Industrial "S" Districts and in Industrial"L" Districts any the.yard spaces required in Country 'Residence and in Village .Residence manufact~.ring,.p~ocessing, wholesaling, warehousing or. other commercial Districts by striking out Paragraohs 7.22 and 7.2~ of the North Andever non-retail actmvity (and so forth, all exactly as previously adopted). Zoning Bylaw and inse~ting in place thereof the following: 7.22 Country Residence, thirty (30) feet front, thirty (30) feet rear, and Both in Industrial "S" and Industrial "L" Districts each lot shall contain twenty (20) feet each side. '~ not less than fifty·thousand (50,000) square feet area and be of not less than one hundred a.nd fifty (150) feet width at the street frontage. Not 7.23 Village Rest_deuce, thirty (.30) feet front yard, thirty (30) feet rear more than thirty-f~v.e (5.5) per cent .of the total area of any suCh. lot Yard and fifteen (1~) feet each s~de yard, except that if there be buildings may be covered by bu~ldzngs except by the continuation in use of zndustrial already, existing on lots adjoining or ~ithin two hundred fifty ~2~0) feet ,buildings buil.t prior to june l, 1956, and standing active and in industr- each side ef ~any lot in a Village Residence Zoning District and if Said ial manufacturmng or storage use on June ~1,1~56. buildings fronton the same street as such lot, the front yard on such lot need not be deeper than the average of the f rout yard depths :of said lots In Industrial "L" districts any yard space (and so forth, all ~xactly as adjoining or within two hundred fifty (2~0) feet, and eacept that on street previously adopted), corner lots in Village Residential Districts either street frontage may be selected by the lot owner for front yard which shall be not ~ ss th~n thirty In Industrial "S" Districts there shall be on each lot an open yard (30) feet de~th across the entire width of the lot from side line to side Space of not. less than thirty (~0) f.cet depth all along the 'front line, line s~d at tbs other street frontage of any such lot t~e yard space shall and twenty (20)~feet depth at each s~de line of such lot, and not less~be not less than twenty (20) feet deep. . than thirty (30) feet depth along the rear line of such lot, exce.pt Petition of the North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nic~a, Chairman. that not more than five ~5) feet depth of-rear yard shall be requm.red ARTICLE '13. T° see if the Town Will vote to amend 'tl~next to laSt sentence between any permitted structure and a railroad track in an Industrial "S" District, and except that there shall be an open yard s~ace not of. paragraph 9.1 in the North Andover Zoning Bylaw, relating to the .mailing less than fifty (5©) feet depth on each lot in. an Industrial "S" Of notices of public hearings before the Board of Appeals, by striking out District wherever such lot abuts lan.d residentzally zone. d, provided said nex.t to last sentence and by inserting in place thereof' the following that any industrial building built p.~or to June 1, 1956 and stan, ding sentenCe.' ' and in active industrial manufacturing or sto.rage on June l, 1956, The Board~shall also notify by certified mail all owners of may if damaged or destroyed be restgred, repaired, or reb. uilt on_the property within not less than two hundred ~200) feet distance~from the location where it stood June l, 1956 without complying w~th the fore- boundaries of each lot or lots under appeal, also owners of p~ope rty so Petition of the North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. 4.41 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS ARTICLE 11. To see if the town will vote to permit funeral pa rlors in INDUSTRIAL "S" DISTRICTS General Business Districts by striking out paragraph 4.31 of .the North· INDUSTRIAL "L" DISTRICTS ~ AndoVer ZOning Bylaw, and inserting in its piece the following. 5.81 Industrial "L" District. All 'that northernmost portion (and so forth,~ll 4.31 Retail stores and wholesale stores, salesrooms, funeral parlors, exactly, as previously, adopted). . showrooms or places for any professional artistic or mercantile activity, not involving manufacturing, also retail bakeries or retail confectioneries in which not more than five (5) personse are engage~ in the manufacbure and 3.82 Ind'uStrzal "S" Dmstrict. A finger of land (and so forth, all exactly sale On the ~remises of bakery or confectionery goOds there produces includ- e' as previously adopted). · ing ice cream. 9~ SPECIAL TOWN ~EETING OCTOBER., 19~?. ~ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING OCTOBER 7, 19~?. ARTICLE I4. Con, t: ~._~ Given unde~oLm hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the eighteenth day of September, in th~ year of ou~ Lord, one t~us. and nine hundred and fifty-~. 'SoutherlYby the formerbY Salema ah ortRoairoadPortiOnlocationOf Chickering. line betweenR°ad centerchickeringline; RoadN°rtheasterlVand' Steve"ns D3~C D ,seven.· ~' '~ RALPH F' FINCK Board Street; Easterly by Stevens Street center line bet.ween its intersection with WILLIAM A FINNERAN of the aforesaid railroad location and Pleasant Street, Southwesterly by Pleasant PHILLIP SUTCLIFFE.~. Selectmen Street center line to a point t~ereon 12.0 feet southeasterly from its inter-A t~ue copy: . ~~~.~~~ section with Phillips Court center line, Northwesterly by a line parallel to ATTEST. and 120 feet southeasterly f~om that line of Phillips Court t~mt'~trends JOSEPH A. SMITH. Constable. approximately S4~o 3~'W; Southwesterly by a line parallel to and 13~ feet NO. Andover~ Mass. northeasterly from that line of Phillips Court that ~rends.approximately S3~o September 2b, 19~? 26'E and such line extended northwesterly to 0sgood Street. OMFICERS RETURN Northeasterly-by a portion of Osgood Street center line beginning at a point thereon 350 feet northeasterly of its intersection With Phillips Court center line and extending thence easterly to the center line of Wayne Street, so called; Southwesterly by a cente, r line of Waynes Street, so called, between Osgood Street and Chickering Road, Southeasterly by a short o°rtion of . Chtckering Road center line. Southwesterly by East Water Street center line, shore of Sutton Mill Pond between the aforesaid line at a right angle to Saunders Street center line at its southerly terminus and the easterly extension of that northerly side line of Saunders Street that trends ap.~roxlmatley E ?o 30'N.. Southerly by that nort~rly side' line of Saunders Street that trends approximately E?O 30'N and said line extended easterly.' Westerly by a line parallel to and 16~ feet easterly from Main Street center line Southerly by a portion of the former Salem Railroad location line; Westerly by Main Street center line between the former Salem Railroad location line and Sutton Street. ~Petitlon of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Cha irman. I have notified and war~ d the inhabitants of 'the TOwn of North Andove~ qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Building and'at five or. mo~e public places in each voting precinct. Said copies not having been posted not mb~e than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the t~ime of holding said meeting. Southwesterly by Water Street center line, extending between C~rendon Street and a point on Water Street .center line; about 105 feet, southerly from ~ JOSEPH A. SMITH, Constable. Merrimack Street center line, Northwesterly by a line at a right-angle to Water Street center line and pa ss.ing through a point thereon 105 feet southerly North Andover, Mass. T from Merrimack Street center line, Southwesterly by a portiontol the south- September 26, 1957 westerly shore of th~ mill pond, and thence by a portio.n of a line parallel to and 180 feet northeasterly from Main Street center line, A true copy A TES 'NorthWesterly by a line at a tight'angle.to Saunders Street center line at ( /~own~b~l~e~k~ the southerly terminus of. Saunders Street, Southwesterly by the southwesterly ~ k/ No. Andover, -~Mass. see if the town will vote to amend Paragra~h.3.53 to read as At the Sepcial ToWn ~eeting held in the Bradstreet School Monday evening October 7, 1957 the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. VOTED that tho sum of $1900 be taken from Overlay Surplus to be expended by the Board of Public of this article subject to the following conditions; November 15, 1957, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee, to the Board of Public ~¥orks, of six percent of the actual cost of construction, as water rates for a period of fourteen years. Vote was unanimous and so declared. Audi torium on ARTICLE 15. follows: To the Reserve FUnd Works for the purpose that on or before acceptable the ARTICLE 2. VOTF~ that this article ~e deferred to the next Annual me e t lng. Town 3~53 A small a~-ea along the southeasterly side of Sutton Street embracing generally land near and between Thorndike Street and Moody Street more particularl bounded and described as ~ollows: Northerly and northwesterly by Sutton Street center line between a point thereon cna hundred twenty-five feet (125) westerly along said Sutton street center line from its intersection with Thorndike Street center line and a point on Sutton Street center line ]25 feet .along it northeasterly from the point on Sutton Street .center line that would be intersected by Moody Street center line if extended tangent all the way .to Sutton Street: ARTICLE 5. VOTED that the sum of ARTIC. LE 3. VOTED that this article be deferred to the meeting. ARTICLE ~. VOTED t6 transfer the sum of $150.00 from ' Annual Warrant, from Island to Road Paint~no of pamn~ing white lines on Middlesex Street Vote was unanimous and so declared. $1700.00 be Easterly by a line parallel' to and 125 feet easterly from Moody Street center line and said line extended all tim way to Sutton Street: Southeasterly by Prescott Street center line: Southwesterly by a sho~t portion of a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the former Salem Railroad right of way location line to a point 90 fee.t northwesterly.along..said bounding line from High Street westerly side line, Southerly by a portion of a line between hhe aforesaid 90 foot point and a stone bound westerly about'130 feet therefrom (being the stone bound at the south~erly back corner of land now or formerly of McQuesten); Westerly by a portion of a line trending north approximately one degree West and about 211 feet westerly fmom High Street westerly side line between the aforesaid stone bound and a point on said westerly bounding line about 160 feet northerly from said stone bound; SoUthwesterly again by a portion of a line parallel to and 200 fe.et north- easterly from the former Salem Rsi lroad right of way location line, South- westerly by a line parallel to and 125 feet southwesterly from Thorndike Street center line to the point where it intersects Sutton Street center line." And you a~e hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested I copies~ ~the~eof, at ~ Town Office Building and at five om mo~e ~ublic places in each voting ~ecint. S~ d copies to be posted not mo~e that fifteen ~ys Hereof, fail not, ard make due return of 't~is warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Overlay police, evening rink wi Christmas Holiday policing of same. noxt annual Town Article appropriation taken from the 22, April 7, 19 for the purpose Reserve Fund from the Reserve Fund .~_RT!CLE 7. VOiD to am. end District and a Country Residence parcel of land~: A certain parcol of land in the Town of North Beginning at the intersection of as follows: the Zoning By-Law by changing from a Rural Residence District to General Business, the following Andover, bounded and d~scribed the Westerly line of the Salem Turnpike wi th the northerly angle in the said street line; o*y the noru~o:.*l'y line of ~ - tersoction of the northerly line the Andover By-Pass 620.19 feet to an iron pipe; feet to an iron pipe in the westerly line of the southeasterly, by the westerly'line of the Salem easterly, by the Salem Turnpike; thence Turnp%ke; thence south- westerly line of the Salem ~hrnpike, 437.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.27 acres, ,,~e or less. duly seconded and voted as follows: s article by the Planning Board, therefore, on behalf of the It was further moved, and seven (7) was not sponsored planning Board it was thence again southwesterly, but more westerly, ~ ~_~ -~ol. ~'--' pip ~'~u~, pu~ _.~ to an iron e at thc in~ of Hillside Road with the easterly line of thence northeasterly, [~65.53 the northerly line of Hillside Road; thence southwesterly, by line of Hillside Rcs. d, 467.89 feet to an iron pipe marking an ARTICLE 6. VOTED that the sum of $475.00 be taken Overlay Surplus for the purpose of this article. Vote was unanimous and so declared. Iiecreation&l Council may provide and so declared. article will provide every The School period at any time the Vote was unanimous Surplus for the ~purpose of this article. This free ice skating facilities to the Town's school children, from 6 to 8 P.~, during approximately a four-month season. llalso be available for day-time sessions during the Brooks Art. 7, Con't. voted that the Planning Board, of John F. ~awyer: The vote on Article SPECIAL portion Ni chela s F. TOWN MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1957 Petition of the North Andover be amended to read: Petition of this article saying: Nice t ta, .. Chairman, 7, was ARTICLE 8. VOTED AFFIRMATIVE scribed in article. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING. At the Special Town ]~,~eeting held in the Company Room of the Fire Station on Monday evening November 25, 1957 at 8 P.M., the following was voted: AFFIRMATIWE 45. NEGATI~rE 1. A 2/5 rd majority.' September 1957 . 42, NEGATIVE ~ a 2/5 majority vote j,u'st aa de- ARTICLE 2. VOTED that the sum of $1,176.38 be ma j o ri ty vote just as ARTICLE 1. VOTED to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from the General Relief and Infirmary Account to the 01d Age Assistance Account. This transfer is necessary due to the recent increase in grants during the month of Overlay Surplus for the purpose of this article. These of paying the excess costs of street construction under Acts of 1956. ARTICLE 9. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE ~. VOTED AFFIRMATIVE 59, NEGATIVE 12, a 2/5 described in article. ARTICLE ll. VOTED AFFIRMATIVE 42, NEGATIVE ~, a 2/5 majority vote just as described in article. AHTICLE 12. VOT~ Unanimously as described in article. ARTICLE 15. VOT~W~ Unanimously as described in article. ARTICLE l~. VOT~ UnanimouSly as described in article. ARTICLE 15. VOTED Unanimously as described in article. The Board of Registrars assisted the~ Town Clerk and Moderator in counting the hand voting.. 61 registered Votmrs were~oresent. The Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.~~ A true copy: ~/ No. ~ndo~r~ Mass. WARRANT COM~0NWEALTH OF I~SSACHUSET TS Essex ss. To either of the Constable s of the Town of North Andover: Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Company Room of the Fire Station in said North Andover on the twenty-fifth day of November 1957 at eight o'clock P.M., then and there to act on the following basiness: ARTICLE.1. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $5,000 from the General Relief and Infirmary account to the Old Age Assistance account. Such taken from the Reserve Fund purpo Chap ter 718, money to be used for the completion of re, construction of Third' Street. The vote was unanimous on the Certified to be a true copy: above To either ATTEST: WA RRAN C0~,~.~ONW~LTH 0F articles. ~.~ASSACHUSETTS of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS. In the name of t he directed to notify and warn vote in Town Affairs to meet said North Andover on the then and there to act on Commonwealth the in ninth the of Massachusetts you are hereby inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to the Company Room of the Fire Station in day of December, 1957 at 7:30 o' clock p.m., following business: AI~TICLE 1. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000) or any other sum for the purpose of installing the following twelve-inch water mains: Sutton Street, from High Street to Main Street; Johnson Street, from Andover Street to Reservoir Right-of-way, and Reservoir Right-of-way from Johnson Street to the Reservoir, and deter- mine whether the money shall be provided for by taxation, by appropriation from available funds in the treasury, and by borrowing under Authority of Chapter ~ of the General Laws or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of Board of Public Works. This transfer is necessary due to the recent increase in grants during the meeting. month S y .B ~ of eptember, 1957. Pe ition of the card of Public ~ elfare. Hereof, fail ~ot, and make due ARTICLE 2. To see if the town wzll vote to ram se and appropriate, transfer fromthereon ~o the ~own Clerk, at the available funds or provide by bond issue the sum of $500.00 to extend the Given under our hands at North Andover, water system from the present terminus near Mifflin Drive 128 feet towards Greene Street. Petition of Joseph D..~artarone and others. And you ar.e hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copzes thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more .than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said return of this warrant with your doings time and place of said meeting. in the year of our Lord, one RALPH E. of November, seven. WILLIAM Massachusetts, thousand nine FINCK A. FI NNk~AN the eighteenth day hundred and fifty- Board of Selec tmon. ARTICLE 5. To see if the tOwn will transfer from available funds the sum of $1176.58 for the purpose of paying the excess costs of street constE~ctiOnof under Chapter 718, Acts of 1956, such money to be used for the completion A true copy, reconstruction of Third Street. Petition of Ira D. Catty, Highway Surveyor. And you are hereby directed to serve t~is warrant by posting true and attested copies tHe~i~5f, at the Town Office Building and a t in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted nor le ss than ten days before the time of holding five or more public places not more than fifteen days said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with to the Town-Clerk, a t the time and place of said meeting. your doings thereon Given under our hands at North Andover, November in the year of our L.o~rd, one A North true copy: ATTEST: Andover, I~iass. November ~'Iassactmsetts, the eighth day of thousand nine hundred and fifty seven. RALPH E. FINCK WILL!A~'/I A. FI~'JERAN PHILIP SUTCLIFFE~ Board of Selectmen. CONSTABLE 0FFICE~t' S ~v~o J. ~k ~1 Ui~. ~ ~,nnab', ~an'os of ~ne Town oz ~orvh ~ndover qualified' to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Building add at five or more public pla cee in each voting precinct. 'Said copies having been posted days before the time of holding AT TES T: Nor th And ove r, ~4a s s. November 15, 1957. not more than fifteen days nor less than ten said meeting.~/~. ~, ~/_.~~.~~ . iSTA~LE. ATTEST: North Andover, ~iassachusetts, PHI LIP SU TCLI FFE ! ?C ON S TABLE. November 29, 1957. Town of North andover and attested copies of OFFICER' S RETURN this warrant at voting proc inct. nor less than ten days before the time of holding~said~ meeti,ng. ~ C ON S TABLE. I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true the Town Building and at five or more public places in each Said copies having been posted, not more than fifteen days At the Special Town Meeting on Monday Evening December ARTICLE 1. CLERK Annual two- th~ d ATTEST: SPECIAL TOWN ~;~E~ffNG held in the Company Room of the Fire Station 9, 1957 at 7:30 P.M., the following was voted: After much deliberation a motion was made to postpone to Town N. eeting, In favor ll. Opposed to defferment 12. In favor of original motion. 12. Opposed. 10. ...Not a majority vote. 36 registered voters sent. ~eeting adjourned at 8:]0 A true copy: ATTEST North Andovcr, Mass. November 29 1957 4 TOWN WARRANT ~'~ COMMONWEAr,T H OF MASSACHUSETTS Es sex SS. GREET I NG: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct One, the new St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precint Two, the Albert Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four in said North Andover, on Monday, the third day of March 1958, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and there to act on the following article: ARTICLE 1. To ele ct a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public Welfare, and five ~constables for one year. One Assessor, one member of the Board of Public Works,· one member of the Board of Health, two members of the School Committee for ~hree years, one member of the Planning Board and one member of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon the question, "Shall the water supply of the town of North Andover be fluoridated." All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 9 A.M., and shall~ be closed at 8 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article One, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-L~ws, to Sattrday March 15, 19,58 at one-thirty o'clock P.M., in the North Andowe~ High School Auditorium then and there to act on the following articles:. ARTICLE 2. ballot. To ele ct all other officers not required by law to be elected by ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of recipts and expenditures as ~r esented by the Selectmen. .... .~TICIE . To see what action 4 ..-~ ,.,.~pr opr iat ions. the Town will take as to its unexpended .~, ,,, ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and comoensation, of all elected officers of the Town as ~' ovided for by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General LaWs, as amended, effective from January l, 1958. Board ·of Selectmen - each Der annum Board of Public Welfare - each per annum Board of Assessors - each per annum ToWn Treasurer- per annum Tax Collector - per annum Highway Surveyor -per annum Tree Warden - per annum ' Moderator - per annum of Health - per annum each of Public WOrks - each per aflnum~ $5oo. oo 5o.oo 1,150.00 5,5oo.oo 1,800.00 5,,4 o.o o 400.00 50.00 3oo. 5o.oo ARTICIE 6. To see what of. the AdVisory BOard. action the Town will take as to the recommendations ARTICLE 7. To see if the the approval of. the Se~ctmen, to borrow money, from time to time in snticapa- tton of the revenue, of the financial year beginning January l, 1959 and to Town wi 11 vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be g.iven for a p~r%od of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. ARTICLE 8. To consider the report of all sp.ecial committees. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the positio~ of Board of Health Physician and and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to apPoint one of itsmembers to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General Laws. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning ~yLaw by striking out the preamble words under Par. 4.11 between the numerals .ll and the numerals 4Jl(a), and by substituting in place of them the following, preamble words: 4..11 Single, duplex or two-family dwellings and gardens, inCluding, the right ~o convert in accordance with the standards set forth below any structure built prior to January l, 1950, to accommodate not more than two familie~ or, if aooroved in accordance with the standars hereunder by tMe Board of Appeals after a public hearing with due notice given, not more than four families, provided: Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Ntcetta, Chairman ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zonin~ t ° ~ ByLaw by striking ou. ~ragraphs_6.61 and.6.62 and by subs ti tutzng in place of them the following paragraphs 6.61 ~d 6.62: 6.61 The residen~al lot areas and lot Widths above required under p~agraph of this ByLaw shall not apply in any residence district to any lot of' less area or less width th~ above requ~ed, if such lot be not adjoined by other land of f~e same owner, vacant and available for combination with or use in co~ection with su~ lot, provided that the applicant for a building ~rmit on any such lot sha~l show by ci ~tions from' t~e Essex Co~ty Registry of Deeds incorporated ~n or attached to 'sUch application that such lot was lawfully laid Out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to the effective date of said paragraph 6.3 (December ~, 1956) and provided that~ on such a lot there shall be kept open and not built upon a front yard and .a rear yard each not less than 20 feet deep., ~d two side yards, each not less than 12 feet wide. 6.62 In.Vii]age Residence Districts only, two or more vacant lots, mutually adjoining, may by the Board of Appeals be p~rmitted to be combined into a n~vlot or lotsnot less than lO,000 sq.ft, area each and not less 'than 100 ft. width at the street frontage, provided it be 'shown to the Board of Appeals that each of s aid vacant lots before combination was of less area or less width than required under 'the aforesaid paragraph 6~3 and, by citations from the Essex County Registry. of Deeds, that each such lot was lawfUlly laid out and du.ly recorded~ by.plan qr deed prior to the effective date. of said paragraph O.3 (December 6, 1956)., and the Building Inspector sha~ll permit the construct.ion of one single-family dwelling on each such lO,000 Sq.ft.lot. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman. ART. 16. Con't. W A R R A N T ~ 9 5 8 ' ~Ti referred to by stiles in Schedule-A, which schedule is entitled Cta ssification Schedule, and is attached hereto and made part thereof. , (B) Amend all parts of the By-Law whereinreference is made bytitle or otherwi to school per'so.nneI by striking out all 'references therein so that the ByLa shall 'exclude all school department personnel. · (C) Amend Part 3, Installation, Section 3 ~by striking out sentences 2,3, and in their entirety so that said paragraph Shall read as follows: Progress- ion, EaCh regular employee of the Town shall be progressed to the rate for his Job Or position as per Schedule "B"' corresponding to the appropriate classification in Schedule "A" consistent with his yearsof coninuous . service from the date of his last hiring, promotion or transfer to that job or position. However, two years shall ela~.se before the employee ' shall be eligible for his step rate 'from the rate below the maximum for his position to the maw mum for his position. (D) Amend Schedule "C" Fringe.Benefits, Over. time, by striking out sentence one in its entirety and inserting therein the following: Overtime shall not be paid to Department Heads, Professional Personnel, persons on occu- pations classified in the A,T.P. Schedule, nor to any person classified in Code R of the I.T.S. Schedule. (E)Amend Schedule "C" Fringe Benefits, Special Differentials, paragraph one, by adding the words "who are paid on an hourly rate" so that said para- graph so amended shall read as follows: Employees on jobs classified in the I.T.S.. Schedule who are paid on 'an hourly rate shall receive (and so forth to end of said paragrs~h .all exactly as' previously adopbed). (F)Amend Schedule "C" Fringe Benefits, Special Differentials, by striking out .paragraph two in its entirety and inserting t..herein the following sentence ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vot. e to amend the Zoning ByLaw. by rescinding so that said paragraph shall read as follows. Any employee working~in any the action by the Town upon Article ?, ~n the warrant for the Specia.1 Town Meeting capacity during snow' 'removal shall receive an added l0 cents ~er hour for of October ?, 1957, which purported to re-zone a certain parcel of lan~ lying to each hour so sent beyond the completion of the re. gular work day; but no the north of Hillside Road between the Salem Turnpike and the Andover By-Pa~.~,~9~.. ,.. one shall receive more than one special differential at any one time for th~,~.~d.~ arcel will be zoned as it was riot tt . _ p ~osaid ac,ion. Said parcel ~,i~.~.~: any hour. . . . .; ' . . o ~ ~,,~ ~ described as follows. ~ .~. ~. ,..,,~.....~ ~.~.~ (G) Amend Code P.F., Rate of Progression, by inserting thereto the followzng, . ~ .~n at the ~ntersection o ~ terl line of the ' .~ ~ g ~ ~.~. Salem ~ zk~ ~ .~.,~ Six months probationary ,~ riod shall be waived for any employee appointed ~e northerly line of Hill~~~d; thence southwesterly by the "~ ........ '"'~"~"~'~'~? to position of Regu~r Patrolman or Regu~ r Firefighter who ~s previously northe~~ly l~e of Hillside Road~'~"~V~'feet to an iron pipe ~r~ing ~ ~ serVed f~ a~eater ~eriod of time as a Reserve Police Officer or a Call .:~gle in ~e said street line; thence aga~ southwesterly, but more westerlY, Fireman. . ~y the northerly.l~e of Hillside Road, ~4 feet to ~ iron pipe at the ~-¥.~(H) Amend Code I.T.S. ClaSsification Schedule "A", by inserting Civil Service ~tersection of the northerly l~e of Hillszde Road with the Easterly line of[~ ~h~ ~dov? By-Pass; thence northerly by the easterly line of the Andover '.~ TitlesfollowsfOr: existing titles so that said classification shall teas. as By Pass, 620.19 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence northeasterly, ~65.5~ feet to an CODE I.T.S.-A: Utility Laborer Highway Laborer. iron pipe ~ the westerly line of the Salem ~pike, thence soUtheasterly by ~ Public Works Laborer. Forestry Laborer. the wes of the Salem Turnpike, 4~7 feet to the point of beg . ,~ I.T.S .-N: C, acres more or i~A~...,~ ~. Petiti, h Andover Plan~~d, Nicholas F. Nicetta Chair~ a-n-~u~--zq e mr ~ne 'z'own w~~ ~o~.-~enG-'~ne 'new ~ o l~ ~'~ ~s'-~ten Paragraph'i in ~e North Andove~?.;:~/~.~L~ ByLaw, relating to the mailing o notices of public hearings before 'b~' ~0ard of Appeals, ~ striking out said next ~ ~t sentence ~d by inserting mn place ~ereof, ~he followin'g sentence: The Board shall notify by registered mail or certified mail all such o;~ner~ 0~ p~op~ty as the Board of Appea~ ~y deem affected thereby, as .theyf. ap~'ar on the.:-m6st recent local tax list, and to the Pla~ing Board.. Petition of ~e North Andover BOard of Appeals, Donald F. Smi~, Chairman. CODE P~blic Works Maintenance Man. · · Forestry Maintenance Man. Playground Maintenance Man. Motor Equipment ~ 0ne'rator CODE I.T.S.-D: Public Works Maintenance Craftsman Tree Climber Heavy Motor Equipment 0.Perator Special Heavy Motor Equzpment Operator Fores~y M.aintenance Craftsman Motor Equzoment 0oerator ~ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend section 9 of t'he North Andover Zoning ByLaw as amended and adopted by the Special Town Meeting of 'June 30, 1956, by striking out that portion of the ByLaw numbered section 9.1 in the~ last sentence of 'section 9.1. Further ~pr ovided that two of said Board of APpeals members and one of the Said associate members shall be appointed from among the members of the North Andover Planning Board. Such that the amended ByLaw will read as follows' Section 9.1: There shall be a Board of Appeals of five members and not more than t~hree associate members which shall have and exercise All the CODE .T.S. Water Meter and Hydrant Repair Man. CODE I.T.S. M~orktng Foreman · CODE .T.S.T. CuStodian CODE I.T.S.'H. Jr. Custodian (I) Amend Code*I.T.S., Compensation Schedule "B" by removing the asterisk in Code I.T.S-A and Code IT.S.-N, under Step .'5, ' so that said designated rate shall become pmrmanent. powers provided under the General Laws, Chapter 40A as amended, and. which shall-- hear and decide all matters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals. by the North Andover's Zoning ByLaws and other matters referred to such Board by Statute. The Board of Appeals members and associate members shall be appointed (K) Amend Code A.T.P.-75, Compensation Schedule "B", by inserting part time by the Selec.tmen in the manner provided for by statute. . yearly rates for the Sealer of Weights and Measures, Build ing.'Inspector Petition of DOminic Giarussp and others, and Wiring InspeCtor so that said rates shall read as follows. Building Inspector $1,000.00 per year ARTICLE~ ~o~16'~-~.-.~T° see if the~_ To~ ~-~ will~ . .~V°te to. ~end by~ ByLaw governing ~e. W~ge Wirin~ Insoector 7~0.00 per year .~-~ ~~ ~~~A r~A ~or '~e employees pi the '1'o~ ~r w~ ~,~ Seale~ ~of Weights & Measures 5~0.00 ~er year ~a~op~ec on ~u~y 2~, 1957 at a. special to~ meeting~ p~suant to the ~Ovisions ' of the General Laws, ChapterSection 108A and 108C, as amended, in the (L)Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A", and COmpensation Schedule following M~ner: "B", by inserting ~e following title, code and rates; i (J) Amend Code A.T.P., C]a ssification Schedule '"A", by changing Superintendent of Public Works title from Code A.T.P.-400 to Code A.T.P.-500. (A.) Amend Part 1. Section 2. bv .~t-i~i~ ~ue o~.o,,~ ..-~ ~-' ~- ~-~,~- --~ ~ ~' ~ ". ""- ~ .... ~ ~ ~' Step 4- Max. · nser~ng ~nerein the following: Those positions of offices ~d emDloyee~ in the service of the To~, whether that seryice be on the basis of fuji time,. Moth Superintendent 72 77.50 82.50 87.50 90.00 95.00 ~rt t~e, seasonal, casual, special, Ciwl-Service, ~ any other basis, aha which are classified herein, other than position filled by Oopular e~ction or positions under the direction and control of the Schoo~ Co~ittee are hereby 70 the following t tie: "Assistant Librarian". ~ ARTICLE 25. ~o see if the Town will vote a motion for a secret ballot on an 6~ article in a own Warrant ah ich has been prope fly made and seconded shall be tN) Amend Code A.T.P., Classification Schedule "A", by changing the title ~ .~put to a standing vote.. If the motion upon such standing vote is a0proved by "Town Accountant" from Code A.T.P.-50 to Code A.T.P.-70. twenty-five percent (2~%) or more of the members present and voting, ballots ap? oved by the Moderator as to f ora shall be use~ for voting on the article. (0) Amend Code 00, Classification Schedule "A", by striking out all presentBallots shall be in the oossession of the. Moderator at the call to order of titles and inserting therein the following titles: the. meeting and it shall' be the responsibllity of the Moderator to mace certal Code 00-90:Assistant Assessor Deputy Tax Collector that they are in his . oossess ion. before he calls the meeting to order. Code 00-80:Secretary Stenographer Senior Clerk Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others. Code 00-70:Clerk Typist ARTICLE ~26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, .or provide Code 00-60:: ;~~ by bond issue, or transfer from availa.ble funds, a sufficient sum of money to ~ extend the water systems on the followzng streets on petition' of the persons Code 00-50 r I r named and' others. (P) Amend Non-Classified Jobs and Positions, Schedule "B", by striking out $300.00 per year" Accorded the Health Inspector and insert t~erein the word "non compensating" therby placing placing the duties of this service within the job contend of the Board of Health Nurse. Petition of Personnel Board. (A) (B) ¢C) ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote t° appropriate bhe sum of one thousand (D) twenty-three dollars and twenty five cents, ($1, 023 . 25 ) to be paid to Ste.Anne's Orphanage for b card, room and care rendered to children during the year 1~956. This bill remai ned unpaid at the end of the year ending December 31, 1956. From Salem Street on Summer Street to 168 Summer Street. (Mandry Residence Petition of Allan A. Lowell and others. Approx~ mately two hundred and forty feet on Poor Avenue from Sutton Stree Petition of Anthony Furnart and others. On .Moody Street approximately Two Hundred Twenty Five feet towards Prescott Street. Petition of Benjamin Kalinowski and others. Aoproprtate the sum of Five'Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($550) to extend th. water.. system southeasterly on Hemlock Street approximately one hundred and twenty feet f rom Spruce Street. Petition of Louis DiFruscio and others. -Petition of Board of Public Welfare ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will Vote to raise and'appropriate, or provide ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will 'vote to appropriate the sum of seventy-four by bond issue, or transfer from availalbe funds, a sufficient sum of money to delia rs ($74.00) he purpose of paying. Theodore Smolak for services rendered · for t extend the sewer systems on the following streets on petition of the persons at the Town infirmary during the years 1954 to 1956 inclusive, named and others. Petition of Board of Public Welfare. (A) On Chadwick Street approx! mately to and including house number 153, or ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of one.thousand approximately 600 feet. Petition of William F. Moran a. nd others. five hunS~ed dollars ($1,500.09) for necessary repairs to the Town Infirmary and ('B)On'Moody Street from Prescott Street. Petition of Banjamin K.alinowski fc~ the maintenance of the Infirmary equipment. ' . and others. Petition of Board of Public. Welfa. re. . . (C)Appro~ximatelYstre~t. Petmtmon'tW'° hundredof Anthony_and fortYFurnarifeetandOnothers.POor Avenue from Sutton AETICLE 20. To see if the Town w~ll raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of (D)Appropriate the sum of'twenty three Hundred Dolhrs ($2,300,00) to extend money to pay for the cost of disposing and removing from the land upon which it is located the building known as the Johnson High School, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Selectmen may determine . Petition of the Board of Selettmen. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following fees for the sewer system on Spruce Street and Hemlock Street. Petition of Josephine Di?ruscio and others. ARTiClE 28. To see if the Town'will raise and appropriate the sum of four thousand five hundred sixty .dollars ($~,~60.00) to construct a surface drain on Waverley Road from Green Street southerly toward the Andover Line. Electrical Permits to~ become effective April 1, 1958: Petition of the Highway Surveyor. New dwelling; rough wiring range & burner $5.00 A~RTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote tot aise and appropriate, or t ransfe Not Water Tank · 1.00 from available funds, he sum of Six thousand three hundred, d°llars ($6,300.00) Rewire old building 5.00 Temporary service (plus meter mnstallati on )' 3.00 to relay the surface drain on Pleasant Street, between Davms S~reet and Linco.ln Street, and extend it alon Davis ~ Street extension from Pleasant street Service .charge 3.00 to exzsting 24" drain at East Water Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor 'Conversion burner ~ 3. O0 Range 3.00 ARTICLE 30. To see~f- the Town will vete to. raise and appropriate or provide ateroTank-singleatin installation 3.00 by bond issue or transfer from available funds a sufficient sum of money to t 5.00 install an underground drain totake care of the surface water for a required' Commercial Stores 5.00 Carnival & Expositions 1/6 HP mot.or uo to 1 HP Manufacturmng ~(plus 25 each 1 HP motor 1.00 10.00 distance from a point on Pleasant Street, so that Town drainage will no longer flow on privately owned land bordering on said Pleasant Street. And further that the Selectmen be hereby empowered to take whatever steps are necessary to effect the accomplishement of said article including the obtaining of necess- Signs-Neon*tran.sformer 3.00 ary easements, and further that the amount of money appropriated under Article (.50 each addztional transforer, specia 30 of the Annual Town Warrant in 1957 be carried forward to be used with an equipment welding, x-ray & generators,l) amount of money to be appropriated under this article in order to complete the I to 3 outlets. 1.50 project. Petition of John J. Lynch and others. ~ or more outlets 5.00 ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of three Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~ hundred dollars ($300) to install a surface drain on Park Street, one hundred ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the "sum offeet of ten-inch pipe and one Catch basin bo be needed to complete this pro- one thousand dollars (~1,000.00) to be used by the Board of Se~ ctmen for theJect. Petition of Highway Surveyor. appointment of a Town Counsel from Year to year. Petition of Board of Selectmen. the construction of a new ARTICLE 23. To see whether the Town will approve ARTICLE 32, To see if. the Town v~ 11 raise and appropriate, the sum of three ~thousahd five hundred dollars ($3,500) to be added to the Fire Department appropriation to provide for the ap~ointment of one (1) Lieutenant from an housing project by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Housing eligible Civil Service List. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. Project for Elderly Persons pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 667 of ' Massachusetts Acts of 1954,.and.~cts ~in .amen_dmen. t .th??~o~f and in addition ARTICLE 33. To .see if the Town will vote to raise and ~Propriate the stum of ' ~c~n ~,.~u~nd f~e hundred and n_.e ~ do_!~_ (~,,7~,. , ..... d to the bhe~ebo, '~ be imown ~.s Sba~e-Azded Houszng ~rojec~ oo~-±. ~ '~' *~'°° , , ~ ~ tv 1 ~.~ .~ ~Q0:~ to be ndda Petition of North Andover Housing Authority. Fire Department Aopropriation to provide for the appoint~_ent~ of ~hree (3) competent ~and qualified men under Civil Service Rules to be regular fire fighters. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town By-Laws so as to prohibit consideration at a special town meeting, of any article which appropriate fund's, unless suc~ article and the expenditure authorized therein are of an emergency natur..e and are so c e~tified by the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, and or Advisory Board. Petition of John J. Willis and others. ~^~ ~ ~ ~ To~m will rmom avai~ble ~unds tho s~ or gen thousand dollars to b o ~sed with the ~esent 19~7 mbulance to omghase new ambulance. tition of Board of Fire ~g~nee~s~ A~TICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to 'raise and appropriate the .:.S um. . Of .:.,. ~ ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from One thousand .five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the purchase of five hUndred .(50~ available fUnds fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500)_to be used' with a 1950 Massey feet of new 2~" hose and five hundred (~00) feet of new: l~" hose.~ .Har~'is tractor to pu~chas.e and. International Low boy Cub tractor. Petition of Board. of Fire Engineers. ~ Petition of Board Of Public Works.. ARTICLE .36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and aopropri~a~e or transfer ARTICLE ~3. To see if the Town willraise and appropri ate or t~.ansfer from from available funds the s~n~ of Twenty five hundred dollars $2,500) for the available funds eighteen hundred dollars(S1,800) to be used with a 19~l Ford purchase of two new 19~8 12 volt system ca~s. Two present ca~ds to 'be turned Truck to purchase a new Pick-up truck. Petition Board of Public Works. in, in trade, All equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens, etc. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 3?. To see if the Town .will vote to raise and a~ppropriate or transfer from avait~ ble funds the sum of- six hundred dollars ($600) for the purpose of placing of signs and the painting and repainting of several streets~ in Town. Petition of Alfred H..McKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of eight thousand fou~ hundred and eighty two dollars and fifty cents. ($8,482.50) for the appointment of three (3) ~egular patrolman, fully qualified, who have passed the' Civil Service physical and ARTICLE 54. To see 'if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum Of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) or any other sum for the purpose of installing the following twelve-inch water mains: Sutton Street from High Street to Main Street; Johnson Street, from Andover Street to Reservoir Right-of-way, and ReServoir Right-of-way from Johnson Street to the Reservoir and determine whether the money shall be provided fo~ by taxation, by 'appropriation from ~available funds in the t~asu~y, and by borrowing under Adthority of ChaUcer ~4 General Laws or take any action in reda tion thereto. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, .or provide mental examination, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations.. by bond issue, .or transfer from available fund~ the sum of twenty-five Petition of Alfred H. McKee,. Chief of Police. hundred dollars ($2,500) to make such extensions of the water main system, under, the regulations voted at the annual town meeting as the Bm rd of Public ARTICLE 39. To see i~f the Town will raise and aopropriate the sum of six Works, on OctOber 1st, considers most necessary, such extensions not having thousand dollars ($6,000) for the purchase of a'chassis for a truck only, as the petitioned for at the Annual Meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works. Town owns the body. Theagreement.must als° include the. installation of the body on ~the new chassis. A 19~9 Mack Truck bo be turned in, in trade. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Petition of the Highway Surveyor. . one hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars ($148,000) or any other sum for ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town will ~aise' .a. nd appropriate the sum of ten the purpose of extending the West Side Trunk Sewer from Massachusetts Avenue thous~and nine hundred forty-five dollars ($10,945) f°~'the ~p~urchase of an enclosed Refuse Disposal Truck, for the use of the Highway D~partment. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will'ratse and appropriate the sum of seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000) ~or the purchase of a scoop dozer for the use of the Highway Department, at Disposal Site. A 1948 Oliver tractor to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for~ the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 4~. To see if the Town ~will raise and appropriate the sum of six thousand~ dollars ($6,000) for the maintenance oF'any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conj~mction with m~oney which may be alloted by the State or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of Highway Surveyor. at Beechwood Street to Greene Street by way of Beechwood Street, Shawsheen Avenue and certain rights of way, along Greene Street to Massachusetts Avenue, Wood Lane to Woodstock Street and Waverley Rea d to Dryad Street in accordance with the survey'of Cam~, Dresser & McKee, Consulting Engineers, and determine whether the mon.ey shall be provided for by taxation, by borrowing under author, ity of Chapter ~d~ of the General Laws, or take any action in relation thereto. ARTICLE 48. To see if thfe Tow~ will raise and appropriate the sum of six Petition of Peter H. Martin and others. hundred dollars ($600) or the purchase of two pumps for the use of the ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will authorize the Recreational Council appoin- Highway Department. Petition ted by the Selectmen to lease from the Brooks School certain' land owned by it o.f the Highway Surveyor. . which is used as a skating rink, and to authorize the Recreational Council to ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town mi.ll raise and approp~iate, o~ take from available '"promote and conduct ice skating thereon for residents of the Town, and to funds a sum of money for the rebumlding of Salem ~Street under Chapter 90 of the appropriate the sun of Seventeen Hundred dollars ($1,700) theref.or from General Laws, said money to be used with any money allotted by the State oravailable funds in the treasury, all in accordance with the ~ ovmsions of County, o~ both, for this ou~oose, or take any othe~ action in relation thereto. Section 15, Chapter 45 of the General .Laws. Petition of Recreational Council. ....... O Ce .O e a d ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate from available funds money to erect a chain link fence on the west side of Lamere Street at the the sum of fiteen thousand dollars $$15,000) fo'~the pu~pose of making alterations Alpin Playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen. . and building additional garage' space, at the .present Town Garage. ,,RT_~ 6~ _o ~ .... t ......... ~ .......... .,,~ . -. ~ ~: .... A~TIC~ ~1. To see if t~e To~.will vote to appropriate o~ take f~om:~vai~b~e :': available funds thirty-seven h~ed dollats ($~,700)to hot top the .baskett f~ds the sum of twenty five thousand dollars ($2~,000) to be used fo~ ~esu~ co~ts on To~ playgrounds. Petition of Boa~d of Public Wo~ks. " facing streets. ~etttion of Boawd of Sele c~en and I~a D. Catty, Highway SuP ve yep .,.." " ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town wi 11 raise and appropriate the sum of nine ARTICLE 6'1. To see if the Town will vote to accept Chapter 427, Section 1 and hundred do llars ($900) for the balance due on a-hydraulic sand spread.er for 2 of the Acts of 1957. An act increasing the amount of Pension of certain the use of the Highway Department. The total cost bein~ fifteen' hundred retired Police Officers and Fire Fighters, in the amount of three hundred dollars ($1,500) but six ~undred dollars :($600) has bee~ paid on the spreader dollars. ~$300) provided, however, that .the total ~mount of any such pension for rental. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. as so increased shall not exceed twenty five hundred dollars. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will rai,se and appropriate the sum of fifteen ART.ICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer thousand dollars ~$15,000) for.the further rebUii~ing of Dale Street under from available funds the s~m of two.hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) to Chapter 90 of the General Esws, said money to be used with any m.oney which purchase a power saw for the Tree Department. . may be allotted by the State or County, or both for .this Purpose, or take any Petition. of John J. Conners, Tree Warden.· other action in relation thereto. Petition of the H~ghway Surveyor. -' ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Town Treasurer of the ARTICLE To see if tho Town will raise and ap~r opriate the sum of Wp hundred Board of Selectmen to see at public auction or private sale land now owned by dollars 00) for the purpose of painting and 'replacinE street signs ~he Town and being lots numbered 18-23 inclusive on Plan of Land known as Petition of the Highway Surveyor. Beacon Hill, dated October, 1906, said plan being recorded in the North Essex ARTICLE46.To see if the Town will raise and a. pp~opriate the s~nn of two thousand Registry of Deeds as plan No. 0381. Said lots of land border on unopened do~l. lars ($2,000) to be used for a sidewalk project; the Town to ~y one-half the street known~as Phillips Brooks Road, running between Chickering Road and ei'8~t ~and the applicant to Pay the other half. Petition of Highway Surveyor. Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Anthony L. Galvagna and others. · ARTICLE 57. To see if the TOwn will vot_e to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the s~_~m of twenty six hundred and fift~ dollars ($2,650) for the purchase of a.~mist shade tree sprayer for the Department of Pest Control. A 1948 mist blower to be turned in, in trade. Petition of John J. Conners, Moth Superintendent. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise amd appropriate or transfer from ~vailable funds the sum of three thousand three ~hundred dollars ($3,300) to purchase a two ton stake body with hoist for Department of Insect Pest Control. Petition of John J. Conners, Moth Sup..erintendent. Petition of Dr. Philip L. Hyde and Others. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer frOm :~ ONE available funds seventeen hundred dollars ($1,700)tito provide a steel vier .~ ~-~ for the American Legion Beach at Stevens Pond. Pe tion Board of Publi'~ Works. D MODERATOR FOR ONE YEAR THOMSON, A~thur A .... 75~ ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum f one hundred ' dollars ($100) for four benches for the Aplin Playground.?- FINNERAN, Robert Petition of Recreational Council. McDONALD, Lillian I ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of eight hundred dollars ($800) for playground supolies, this amount to include expenses, special trips and general playground .activities for the children of North Andover. Petition of Recreational Council, ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and aopropriate the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars ($650) for the services of a ~°lice officer at the bathing beach, four hours daily, eight hours on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays f.or a ten Week period to enforce ~arking for residents of North Andover, this f~gure to include cost of car stickers. Petition of Recreational Council. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of eighteen MoKEE, Alfred Blanks TWO THREE. FOUR TOTAL 851 "869 1008 5k61 hundred eighty-eight dollars ($1,888) for eight playground instructors and one supervisor for an eight week period. Petition of Recreational Council, 209 25~ 179 255 89~ ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will raise and aopropriate the s~nn of five hundred dollars ($~00) for one (1) set of six see saws and two basketball standards for TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR ,. ames. 8,0~ 9~3 88~4 !1~74 57.05 Blanks 140 165 16p 655 SELECT~gN FOR ONE YEAR FINER/tN;; William :i.A. SUTCLIFFE, Philip ~ 7.69 602 BURKE, Robert J. '125 181 115 2~ KIRK, Arthur P. 599 605 McDONALD, Lillian Blanks BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE FOR ONE YEAR , ph E. the Aplin Playground. Petition .of Recreational Council. FINNERAN, William A. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to accept the extension of Sutton Hill . SUTCLIFFE, Philip Road from its present accepted terminus a distance of 250 feet Past land of BURKE, Robert J. Hyde and Chaplain. Petition of Lanson J. Hyde and others. KIRK, Arthur P. Blanks 556 477 2015 557 611 692 650 858 67o 6,79 51!-I607 742 695 557 575 27~1 29~7 25 5 1991 21o5 JE~TT, George E. BONANN0, Domenic J. Blanks ASSESSOR FOR THREE YEARS ,'. dward W. Blanks BOARD OF HEALTH FOR THREE YEARS 810 9 28 562 6?6 687 878 2805 291 3~ 273 267 1175 91 87 ll6 ARTICTE 76. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of BOARD'=OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THREE YEARS from available., fundsto reduce the 1958 tax rate. Mo'L ~ ,James. M. ~ 5.49 557 461 5.56 Petiti°n °t B°ard °f Assessors- ' WILLIS, Johu J. 5~ 5.02 5~51 622 Blanks 49 85 And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies J:d. thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more cub.lit olaces SC~00L COMMITTEE FOR THREE YEARS in each voting precinct. Said cooles t~ be costed not more than fifteen d~ys iNGRAM,"~'a'~oline "M. ' '' 6.15 13 891 2955 nor less than .ten days before the' time of h?~ding said meeting. ~ ROOK, William F. 6.70 ~00 · . 905 2o9 Hereof, fail nOt, and make du& return of this warrant with your doings thereonBlanks' 605 703 640 728 2674 to the Town C]~ rk, at the time and place of said meeting. .' ~ PL~NNIN~ BOARD F?R FIVE YEARS ~Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the twenty seventh day 466 5~5 662 716 2419. of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. ~VAILLANCOURT, Joseph 558 3 2. 268 588 15~6 RALPH E · F I N C K · B ~ ~ d I- Blanks 120 151 ll7 157 545 WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of ~ PHILIP SUTCL~FFE Selectme,n HOUSING, AUTHORITY FOR FIVE YEARS A t rue copy, ATTEST ~~ ~~f2 0UNTAIN, Raymonc C'.............. 74~ 860 828 985 5417~ ~ CONSTA'BLE. · WALSH, .Raymond , _~' ' North Andover, Massachusetts, February 18, 1958 - STEWART, Robert 19~ 278 941 1 0FFI .CER' S RETURN ~ BLANKS. I have notified and warne~-~He 'inhabitants of the town of North Andover qualified CONSTABLES FOR ONE YEAR .248 219. to vote in Town Affairs. by ~osting true arid attested copiesof this warrant at the HOW~RD, Frank"L.''' ' ' 659 752 76~ 905 5078 Town'Building and at f~ve or more public places in each' voting ~recinct. SaidsMITH, Joseph i. ~05° 79_0 751 911. 515.5 copies having been -posted not mo~e than f. ifteen days nor less than ten days before WALSH, A~ustine J. ~!~. ~!~ 7~i o~ the time of holding said meeting. ~ ~ HI~TON~ Hzchard S. LAGEY, William J. ' ~76 856 CONSTABLE. ~ ROBERTS" David ' North Andover, Mass. BINGHAM, Bernard ~ ' "~ JOHN J. LYONS. / BLANKS '"'---'" 1425 1761 1623 1827 BLANKS 87 59 1925~ 241 856 1049 5645 191 212 717 available funds a sum of money to b e added to the Stabilization Fund, authorized .under Chapter 124, Acts of 19~5, and established under A~ticle 36 of the Warrant b~ the vote of the Annual Town Meeting held March 16, 1946. Petition ·of the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, ort ransfer from be used by the town for ~ ~apital improvements in the water works system under the provisions of the above act. Petition of the .Board of Public Works, ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to increase the rental allowance for ~quarters of the American Leg.ion Home from six hundred dollars ($600) to eight HIGHWAY SURVEYOR FOR ONE YEAR hundred dollars ($800). Petition of Post 219 American Legion. ~, I~a~.-------- 55_4 674 658 .852 2718 ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the' sum of ten thou. sand NICET~A, Nicholas F. 413 564 411 154.8 ~dollars ($10,000) from the Overlay Surplus to the Reserve FUnd~ Blanks 50 21 25 18 94 Petition of Board of Selectmen. -,, TAX COLLECTOR F0R 0NE YEAR 791 942 O~O 1059 5 9o ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will appropriate from available f.unds, the sum of nine' tjousand eight hundred twenty'four dollars and seventy f~ve cents. Blanks 155 166 202 6.70 ($9,824.75) being the amount of water department r.eceipts in excess of water TR~E WAR, DEjNo~OR.ONE YEAR 19~ 1045. 5694 department operating exoenses for E 1957 to a Stabilization Fund as ~.ovided 807 959 for by Chapter 124 of t~e Acts of 19~5, with the understanding that {t is to Bla~nks 157 169 216 666 ' ELECTED OFFICIALS AS OF ~ROH 3, 1958 ~DATE SWORN~=m MODERATOR ARTHUR A THOMSON ' ' '" '~ ARTICLE 5. VOTED to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers ' ~ of the TOwn as pt..evAded for by Section 10~8 of Chapter ~1 of the General La s, ~ ~TOWN TREASURER JAMES J. MAKER Mar 5, 1958 as 'amended, effectiVe from January l, 195~. Following salaries being prow_ BOARD OF SELECTMEN RALPH E. FINCK 5, WILLIAM A. FINNERAN :'5, " vided for in the Budget Items. PHILIP SUTCLIFFE . Board of Selectmen - each per annum. $500.00 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE RALPH E. FINCK " 5, " . . BOard of Public ~elfare - each per annum 150.00 WILLIAM A. FINNERAN '"5 " . · Board of Assessors - each per annum 1,150.00 PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Town Treasurer - peri,annum · 5,~00.00 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR IRA D. CARTY " 5 " Tax Collector.~- per annum . 1,500.00 TAX COLIECTOR JANES E. DEWHIRST Highway Surveyor - per annum 5,.~90.00 TREE WARDEN JOHN J. CONNORS " 5 " . , Tree Warden - per annum ~00.00 BOARD OF ASSESSOR EDWAHD W. PHELAN 5 . ·. . Moderator - per .annum. 50.00 BOARD OF EEALTH GEORGE E. JEV~ETT 5 ~ , Board of Health each per annum ~00.00 BOARD OF PUBLIC ~VORKS JOHN J. WILLIS ~ ~ [] . . Board of Public Works ,- each per annum 150.00 SCHOOL COMMITTEE CAROLINE M. INGRAM ~ 6 ~ ART~ICLE 6. (BUDGET) Motion duli made and seconded to approve i_tems of the WILLIAM F. ROCK 6 ~ Budget collectively as to the rYecommen.dattons of the Advisory ~oard wit.h PLANNING BOARD HOWARD L. GILNAN 6 HOUSING· AUTHORITY RAYI~0ND~ ~ ~ C. FOUNTAIN ,~ 5 the. exception of the following, changes. Item~. Accountant-Salary in CONSTABLES FRANK L. HOWARD creased from $4,160.00 to $4,~80.00.and Extra C?rical increased from.. JOSEPH A. SMITH 5 $600.00 to $1,200.00. Item 25, Civil Defense Sa.lary increased from $500 AUGUSTINE J. WALSH to $600.00. Item ~2. Streets-Gen_eral. Maintenance. Clerk-Salary ~increased. RICHARD S. HILTON . from $~,~80.00 to $3,510.00 and Item ~3. Snow Removal, Expenses increase~ WILLIAM J. LACEY 5 from $20,000'00 to $45,000.00. Item 50. Stevens Memorial Library-Assistants ~ and Janitor increased from $15,81~.00 to $16,~35.00. Item'68. Interests on QUESTION YES I 7 7 5 ~ Water Main Notes:.increased from $1,059.00 to $1,3~9.00. NO 2 ~ .1 3 ~ · No.' DEPARTMENT ' · ~Sa,l~a~ies Expenses Total ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING SATURDAY MARCH 15, 1958 (370present) 1.~ Selectmen: ARTICLE 2. VOTED this article be referred to Selectmen for action. ' Salaries ~ $1,500.00 $1,50.Q.0,0 ~ °' Clerk Salary '~ 3,204.24 , ARTICLE ). VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presente~ ' Expenses · ~)00.00 by the Selectmen. · 2. Treasurer: ARTICLE 4. VOTED THAT all unexpended appropriations be returned ~to the Treasury ' Salary . ' 5,500.00 5,500.00 with the exception of the following amounts as of January. 1, 195~, which · ° Clerk,' Sa~lary 5,510.00 ~ $,510.00 were originally appropriated under the Article indicated. ~ ~ Expenses (Bond Included) 1,756.00 $.°Ac'oountant: ' ART. 72, 1950 - Kittredge School Fence ' $26,8.83 · Salar.v ~,680.00 ~,6~0.00 " 19, 1952 New High School ~ 569.15 " 6~, 1955 Reserve for APpropriation from Stabilization . ~ Extra'Clerical 1,200.00 1,200.00 Expenses 500.00 Fund, Water Department. 9,000.00 4.' Tax 0ollector: ' ^ " ~, 195.~ Lining Water Mains ' 11,91~.~3 -'~ · Salar.v ' 1,800.00 1,~00.00 " 13, 1954 Publishing Town History ~,028.29 Clerk~ Salary . 5,770.00 , 3,77,0'.00 Western Electric Interest Account 1,61~_ .59 " 2, 1956 Planning Board, Printing of Zoning Laws. 51~.8~4 '-.EXpenses . ' 2,565.00 2,565.00 " 29, 1956 Lights Outside High School. 627.7~4 5.~Town Clerk: Salary 4,750.00 4,750.00 " ~55, 1956 East Side Sewer 3,907.67 ~ ~Expenses ~ ~50.00 550..00 " 5.4, 1956 Chapter 90 ConstPu~Ction, Dale Street. ~ '~ 28,44~.00 " 4, 1956 Planning Board 80~.00 ~6. Assessors: o . " 6, 1956 Charles Nelamed, Land Taking 12,000.00 "' Salaries 5,~50.00 . $,i~50.00 Clerk Salary ~ ~,.770.00 ~,.770.00 " 8, 1.95~7 New School "Franklin" ~7,7_80.89 ' ~ : Extra Clerical 1,~00.00 1,~00.00 " lA, 2/~4/~57 - Charles ~elamed, Land Taking "~ 625.00 " lB, 2/~/57- Charles ~elamed, Land Taking '500.00 · Expenses ~ · 3,739.00 7.~ Election & Registrars Expenses · ' 5,120.00 5,120..00 8. Vital Statistics: r ~ Expenses ~ 500.00 500.00 wn nt. 9.' Moderator: ' ,~ Salary 50.00 50.00 10.' AdVisory BoaPd: ~ Expenses . 250.00 250.00 · , 7/, /5,7 ~ 69~.52 11.~ Planning Boa~d: " 5, 10/17/57 Brooks School Skating Rink. 1,700.00 .., _.__ e_e..s_ -77.0, Expenses ' 750.00 750.00 U.S. Grant Old Age Assistance .. .4,485.69 12. Board of Appeals (Piannin~g) , ' . U.S. Grant A.D.C. Aid 2,810.93 · ':Expenses 400..00 400.00 1~. Personnel Board: U.S. Grant Disability Assistance . ~,271.39 · Clerk Salary , 400.00 ^ ~00.00 U.S. Grant-Old Age Assistance Administration L~,310.01 . Expenses ~00.00 ~00.00 U.S. Grant-A.D.C. Administration 1,!60.0) 1 .' Board of A p~als (Personnel) U.S. Grant-Disability Administration . 486.50 4 P ~ 0 Employees Group Insurance Deduction- 12.79 Expenses 100.00 100.0 ~__.__^^. ~.. 0_~~_ ~..-- ~.~-~ ~.~-~- .....,~ ~,. 15-' Town Building: School Lunch Account ~"~' ~,195.61 -. Janitor Salary 1,352.00 1,552.00 No. andover High School Athletic Assoolat~ion ~ Expenses : 5,200.00 5,200.00 16. Custodian of Tax Titles TOTAL $598,641.94 ~ Salar~v 100.00 lO0.00 ~ Exp~n~: e u 175.00 175,00 17. Tax TitlesForeclosures: . Expense 100.00 100.0~) License Commission: Expenses 150.00 150.00 1061 Adjourned Town Mee~ta~rieaNaroh 15' 1958 ("Budget) 19. Annua'l Town Meeting ', $~,500.0© $~;';00'.'00 20. Police Department: ' c~ter $5,759-'o0 Four Sergeants " lB, 600.92 18,600.92 Seven P~tr olmen 29,178.24 29,178.24 Reser..ve,s & Specials 6,000.00 6,000.00 Expenses (Includes $100.00 ' for out. of St.ate Travel.) 5,000.00 21. Fire Department.' Chief Salary 5,500.00 5,~00.00 Ten Regulars · 4~,862.12 42,~62.12 Two Engineers .1,700.00 . 1,700.00 Call and Spare men 14,017.00 l~,O17.00 Vacations 2,195.52 ^ 2~,195.52 Expenses . ~,795.00 · ~,795.~O 22. Forest Fire Warden. Salary . . 250.00 ' "250.00 25.. Forest Expe~ se sFires' ' ' .8 ', 8 0D. 00 24. Dog Officer: . -'OG'00 S~a~ ~5.oo o '. a~5.o° Expens es . ~ . ~50.00. .350.00 25. Civil Defense. . Director Salary 600.00 600.00 ~ Expenses~ 2,400.002,~00.00 26. Building Inspector: Salary 600. O0 600.00 Expenses o · 100.~00 27'. W~ring Inspector , 600.00 100.00 600.00 '~' :Expenses . 125.00 125.00 2~. Sealer of Weights & Measures: 5oo.Oo 90.00 90,00 Adjourned Town Meeting March 15, 1958 (Budget) DE~.~T.~.T Salaries Expenses TOTAL,. ' NO,., u r~m ~., · Street$-aen'l. Mayn't. Con't. .' '5,00~'0 . EquiPment ~ Repairs 5,000,00 ' N~soellaneou~ EXpenses 1,100~00 1,100.00 R~n.tal of' Equipment 60Q.00 600.00 ~. Sno~ Removal: ~~es ,. ; _ ~ ~5,ooo.ookS,ooo.oo ~. B°~d' of Public Welfare; ~50.uu ~50,00 . Salaries, ,. _ ' 0,0oo.0o o,00o.o0 $dP~tendent Salary' ~,~00.00 2,100.00 E~penses ~Id Age Assistance $8~,000.00) A~d to ~pend. Ohild.10,000.O0) 117,00 ~00 117,000.00 .'General Relief. 15,000.00) ~8.vet~r~,s Benefits: . A~ent ]Snlary 750.00 750.00 · O~e~k 8al~y .500.00 500.00 E~penses ., . 2lQ.00 210.00 c~sn Grits . ~8,7~4.oo ~8,7~4.oo kP.saz~rtes~enses- So~ooZs:, . ~88,~8~.oo ,~°2,87~~.oo 588,~8~.OO~oe,B7}.OO 50, St~ens Memorial Library= ~ead Librari~ 5,460.00 ~,k60.00 A~sis~ts' · ~tor ' ~6,~95.00 ~6,}~5.00 ExpenSes . ~ 5,00~ e00 5,000.00 51. Pla~ro~d- Bathing ~each: S~erintendent Salary ~ ~50.00 450.00 L~bOr,: Guards, Caretakers. 7,100~0 7,100.00 Salary . 500.00 ~ ~pens es 29'. Inspect Pes.t Control: ~penses . 2,50Q.00 2,500.00 Super~tendent- Salary ~,940.00 ~,940.00 52. B~~g Gro~ds. Labor - Nages . 4,595.00 4'595.'00 ~blic: parks, Triangles and · Expense s , 1,435 · 00 i',~35 · 00 S~Perin tendent Salary ~ 200.00 200.00 L~ber - Wages . 4,150.0o 4,150.00 5G. Poison I~ Con~ol: ' ' ' ~bo~ Wa~es ~00.00 ~00.00 E~nse~ . ~.o0 ~o.oo ~penses . ~00.00 ' $00.~'0 55. SCh~oi:Gro~ds: 517 ~tch Elm Disease: Libor - Wages . . 9,100.00 ~,100.00 Labor - W.ages · 6,925.00 6,92~.00 E~penses . 4,50~.00 4,500.90 Expenses ' . ' 500.00 500.~0 54' ESse~ Cowry ~etirement System 27,87~.89 27,87~.~9 ~2,. Brush Cutt~g. ~bo~ - W~es ~,000.00 ~,000.00 ~ ' Cont'~gent F~d: 2,00Q.00 2,000.00 ~e~ic~ Legion. Rental of ~arters. 600.00 600.00 '~ Town Forest~ V.F.~. Post 2~04. " " " 600.00 600.00 :~bo~- ~"~e~. ~0.00 ~0.~0 ~ Ve't~,~ Oa~. ~0.00 ~0.00 5~~Tree Warden: S~~nte~dent - S.~a~ ~00.00 ~ ~00'00 ~[ ~.~o~a~ Oa~: . 9~0.00 ~0.00 ~ surance: 21,800.90 21, ~00.00 'Labo~- W~ges 8,911.75 ~,911.75 61. ~oup tnsur~ce: ~ ~ ' 16,459.81 16,4~5.61 '~penses . 1,415.00 1,h15.pO 62. Co~ity Center: ' 175.00 175.00 ~)5 Street Lighting. ~ 6~. Boa~.~of ~blic Works }6],~penses . 19,500.00 19,500.00 S~laries ' 450.00 4~0.00 BOard of Health: 64. Wate~ matnten~ce & Construction. ' Sala~les . . 900.00 . 900.DO S~pe~tendent & Clerk Salaries. 10,000.00' 10~000.00 Nurse - Salary 4,680.00 4,680.00 LaboP ~d Wages 28~000,00 28~000.00 Physici~- Salary . 950.00 . 950.00 Expenses }8,500.00 ~8,500.00 ~penses . h,~55.00 ~,~55.90 6~. Ree. deem~g School Bonds. 125~000.00 125,000.00 )7~ Refuse Disposal. ' ~. In~reat on School Bo~s: . ~,982.50 ~,982.50 Lab°P -Wages 15,520.00 1},520.00 67. Reedee~g ~ater Main Notes 4,000.00 4,000.00 Expenses 2,000.00 2,000.D0 68. Interest on.Wate~ ~in Notes. 1,)~9.00 1,~)9.00 )8%. Garbage Disbosal: 69. Reedeem~g East Side Sewer Notes. 20~000.00 20~000.00 Contract ~ 6,600.00 · 6'600.D0 70. Interest on East Side Sewer Bonds. 4,0~0.00 4,0}0.00 ~9% Sewer Naint. and Construction: 71. Redeem~g Wa~e~ Bonds. · 10,000.00 10~000.00 Supt. ~d Clerk Salarle~ 1,250.00 1,250.00 72. ~terest on ~ate~ Bonds. 5,200.00 5,200.00 Labo~ - W~ges 7,000.00 7~000.00 7~' Distort ~ Notes. ' . ........ 5,000.00 ' 000.00 Expenses 5,000.00 5,000.90 ' ' ~ ~ '~" 0j ~i~l Inspector: ' TOTALS ~ $760,318.23 $740 , 603 .17 $1,500,921.40 Salary~ ~ 325.00 ~25-~0 A T~e Copy: ... .. ~. H~gnwa~ ~ve~o~: .~ ~o ' Salary , 5,490.00 5'490. 42~ Street - Gen'l Maintenance ' Jo~ J. Lyon's. Clerk - Salary . 3,5~0.00 5,'5~0.00 Town Clerk ~-~--~ - ~' ..... '~ ~"~ ~ ' 32,240.00 ~ North Andover: MaSs.· Tarvia, Road 0il, Cinders, - ~ Under ~tem Nu~er 5 of the budget tt was V0~D to ch~ge 'the'To~ 0lerk~s Stone & GMavel 20,000.00 20'000.~0 Do~ition from a part time to a full time emplo~ent at ~e salary of Repairing Sidewalks 1,600.00 1,~O0.~0 $4,750.00 per year and all fees collected turned into the To~ ~easury. ~ Gasoline $ Oil ~,700.00 5,700.00 ~e Hours to be arr~ged between the Selec~en and To~ Clerk. 108 Adjourned Town Meeting March' 29, 1958 ART,I, CLE '" 19. Town Infirmary, repairs · 1,500'00 20. Johnson High School 2,000.00 26..(a) Water, Salem St. Summer to 168 Sale~.12,000.OO ('b) " 140' on Poor Ave. Sutton St. 1,150.0~ !c} " · 225' on Moody St. Prescot St. 900.00 0 30. Surface Water~ Pleasant St. 1,2'00'00 31. Surf_~ce drain, Park St.. )~00'"OO )2. New Fire Lieutenant ), 500'1100 . 3~. Three New Regular Firef. ight. ers.7,~90.00 · 34e New Ambulance · 10,000,00 · 35. New Fire Hose · 1,500.'GO 36. Two New Police Cars· · · 2,5'00'00 37. Street Signs ' · -~00.00 ~9. New Tuck Chamis.~ Highway Dept. 6,0.00.00 ~ ~0. New Refuse Truck, Disposal. ~10,945.00 ' .42.Disposal Site. !,000.CO ' ~. Chapter 90. Any streets in Town. ~,000.0._0 : .~. " 90. Dale Street 7,500e00 ,45.Painting & replacing street signs 200,00 · ' .4~.Hydraulic Sand Spreader. Highway~ Dept. ' 900.00 . 4~. Pump. Highway Dept. ~00.00 ° 50. Sight plan revue, new garage. 1,000'00 : ~5'1. Resurfacing S~reets 25,00~.00 · 52. Low-boy Cub Tractor. Publi0'.Works.1.500.00 New P - " " ' · 5). Ack up truck. 1,~00.00 ' 55,.Water Maim Extensions. "" ~2,500.00 ' 56. West Side .Trunk Sewer. '"" ' 8,'Q00:'00 ' 57'.Mist Shade Tree Sprayer, Pest Dept.2,650e00 58. New Truck with Hoist. " " · ~,$00'.O0" ' ~.9.New Power Saw. Tree Dept. ' -250e00 ~ 62. Skating Ri~k, Brooks School. 1,'7~0.00 · 6~. Hot top. Basketball Courts-Playgrounds. ~,700.00 ~ 6~..Steel Pier. Legion Beach. 1,700'00 . 6.~.Benches, Ap!in Playground. _100,00 ' 6?. Supplies, .ActA. vAries, Playgrounds. ' 800.00 · 6.8.Police Officer, stiCkers, Legion Beach. 650*00 . ' 69. Supervisor & Instructors, Playg,r, ounds. 1,888,"00. ' 70. See-Saws, Basketball Stds..~ _. ~0.0,..00 . AMOUNT TO ~E RAISED & APPROPRIATED $1~5,170 ..2~ . : : AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN FROM AVAILABLE ~UNDS '"'" : ARTICLE. !').~..~ Chapter '~0."Any Streets in ToWn.- '. -" 2 00~.00 . I'. J'~' " 90, Dale 'Street ' 22,'500,0'0 ' " 76'.To reduce 1958 Tax Rate. ~ o AMOUNT TO .BE TAKEN FROM AVAILABLE FUND $1~9,500.00 . ARTICLE 73. overlay Surplus to Reserve FUnd., $10 000'00' · · .0 ' C.(:."!, :~ ~' .. ~"~' , ': · ~ . ~'d " .... '~i" '" ~' ? ~'~"" /'~, ~'"~ ' ~- ~' ' " "(~'"' s:uM'MA R Y ' : AT 1958 TOWN' ME~'TING (Bu.dget) $1,5.0o,gel.kO. ,, APPR0'~RIATED ~ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED & APPROPRIATED {Articles)~ , ~ A T~e Copy=. , . . , ·ATTEST. . . ~ .' . - · JOHN J. LYONS.. ToWn Clerk. ARTICLE 7. VOTED to' authorize the Town Treasurer, wi. th the.approval of t.he Selectmen, to borrow acne.y, from time to time in anticipation of the revenue o.f the financial year begmnning January l, 1959 and to issue a note or notes given 'I'or. a period of less than one year in accordance with Section '17, Chapter ~4, General Laws. The vote was unanimoUs and so declared. ARTIOLE 8. No 0ommittee Repot.ts. AETICLE 9.~ V0'~'~D 'TO AU'~ORi~ ~he Board o£ Health to appoint one o~' their members to the po~sition of Board of Health Physician and to fix his oompen- sa$ion in accordance with SectiOn ~A, Chapter 41 of the General LaWs. Co~p. ensation in the amount of $950.00 included in Board of Health Budget. ARTICLE 10' VOTED to authorize the School CommA.tree to appoi one 'of " members to the position of School Physiclsm. and .to fix his. compknsation in accordance,with Section ~A, Chapter ~l, General Laws. Compensation. in the amount 0f $1'500.00 included' in School Depar~ment:.Budget. . .' , A TIcLE':ll. Voted to amend the North Andover. Zoning By-Law by strik/'in~ out .the Preamble words under par. 4.11 between the. numerals 4.11 and the ~nUmerals ~.11 (a)' and by .substituting in place of them the following preamble words: 4.11' singie, duplex or two family dwellings and gardens, including the right tb convert in accordance with the standards set' forth below any one- family structure built prior to January 1, 19~0, to accommodate not more .than two families, or, if approved in 'accordance with the standards here- under by the Board. of Appeals after a.public-:lhearing with due notice. ~ ' given, not more than four families, provided. iThem.'.vote was,: AFFIRMATIVE 1)9, NEGATIVE 5~. A two-third~ majority. ' ARTICLE ..12. :VOTED to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by striking out paragraPhs 6.61 and 6.62 and by SUbstituting in place of them the following paragraphs. 6.61 and 6.62: 6.61 .~'The" residentia.1 lot areas and lot' widths above required under~ paragraph 6.~ of this By Law shall not apply in any residence district to any lot . of less area or le ss width than above required if such lot .be not ad- Joined by other laud of the same owner, vacant and available for com- '. binal.,tion with or use in connection with such lot, provided that the' ~ aPpliCant for a building permit on any such lot shall show by citations . i' frOm:the Essex County Registry of Deeds incorporated in or attached to such application that such lot was lawfully laid' out and duly recorded bY plan or deed prior to the effective date of said paragraph" 6.3 (December 6, ,1956) and provided that on such a lot there shall be kept Open and not~uilt upon a front yard and arear yard eacJa not less than . .' 20 feet deept, and two side yards, each not less than ,12 feet wide. 6.62 'In Village hesidence Districts only, two, or more vacant lots, mutually ' adjoining, may by tke Board of Appeals be permitted to be combined into a new. 1,ct or lots not less than 10,000 sq. ft. area each not less than 100 ft.. width at the street frontage, provided it be shown to the Board of Appeals 'that each of said vacant lots before Combination was of le ss area or less width than required under the aforesaid paragraph 6.~ and, ~ by citations from the Essex County Registry of Deeds, that each such · lot was lawfully laid out and duly recorded by plan or deed prior to . the effective date of Said paragraph 6.~ (December 6, 1956) and the Building Inspector shall permit the construction of one single-family dwelling on. each such 10,000 sq. ft. lot. " "' · The Vote was AFFIRMATIVE 166. NEGATIVE 16. A two-thirds majority. ARTICLE 13~ VOTED that the Zoning By--Law and the Zoning Map of the Town be amended by reclassifying the following described parcel of land from a General BusineSs District to the-Country Residence and Rural Residence Districts of which it was a part prior to October 7, 1957: . A certain parcel of land lying to, the North of Hillside, Road Detween the Salem T~rnpike and the Andover By Pass, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the we.sterly line of the Salem Turnpike with the northerly line of Hillside_Road, thence .southwesterly by the northerly line of Hillside. Road, ~67.~9 feet to an iron pipe marking an an~le in the said street line, thence again southwesterly, but more westerly, by the northerly line of Hillside Road, ~8~ feet. to an iron pipe at the intersection of the northerly.line of Hillside Road wi.th the Easterly line of the Andover B.y-Pass, thence northerly b.y the easterly line of the Andover By-Pass, 620.19 feet to an iron pipe, thence north- easterly,. ~65.53 feet to an iron pipe in the westerly line of .the Salem Turnpi.ke, thence southeasterly, by the westerly line of the Salem Turn- pike, 437 feet to the point of begi~uing. Containing 5.27 acres more OP less. · ~' . · So .much of sa~dParcel as lies southeasterly of ~ li~e ~arallel to, and 250 feet n. orthwesterly from the cen~er line of Hillside noad shall hereafter be in the Rural Residence District, and. the r~mainder of said parcel shall hereafter be in' the Coun. try Residence. District. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 179. NEGATIVE 5~o A two-thirds majority. ARTICLE ~. S~ricXen zr.om the warrant.. . . . "~ ~ ' . . . ' ARTICLE 15. VOTED to defer until next Annual To~n Meeting. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to amend the By'Law governing the Wage .and Salary the General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 108A and 108C, as amended, in the following manner: ART. 16 Con,t ~ ART 16. COn, t: ..'~. (L.) Amend Code AoToP., Classification Sche. dule-"A", and compensation Schedule (A.) Ame~ Part l, SectiOn 2, by striking out sentence .two in its entlre~y, ~ "B", by ins erttng the .following title, Code. and rates: ' and inserting therein t~he.folloWing: Those positions of of.fioe.s and employees~.~ in the service o~.' the Town, whether that service be on the baSis of'full time, TITLE. ' ' CODE A.T.P. MIN. STEP 2. STEP $. STEP ~. .MAX,· ~ part time, seasonal, causual, special, Civil ServiCe, or any other basis, Moth Supt.. 72. '.77.50 82..50 87..50 '90.00 95.00' and which are classified herein, other than position filled by popu3_ar (M.) Amend Code A.T'P',' Classification Schedule' "A", bY inserting in Code election or positions under the direction and control of the School UommltteeA.T.P. - 70 the following title: "Assistant Librarian.". are hereby referred .~o by titles in Schedule A, which schedule l~s entitled This increase was taken care of in the Budge.t, under.Item 50, Stevens Memorial Classification Schedule, and is attached hereto and made part thereof. Library. "Assistants and Janitor". (B.) Amended all parts of the. By-Law wherein reference is made by title or otherwise to school personnel by striking out all. references therein so that ~By-Law shall exclude all school department personnel. .(C.) Amend Part 5, Installation, Section 3 by striking out sentences 2,~, and~ their entirety so that said p~aragraph shall read as follows: P~°gress- ion, Each Aegular employee of the Town shall be progressed to .the rate for his Job or positio~ as per Schedule "B", corresponding to the appropriate classification in Schedule "A" aonsisten~wlth his yearm of continuous service from the.date of his 3asr hiring, promotion or transfer to that' Job ~r position However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall be ~ eligible for his step rate from the rate below the maximum for his position t'o the maximum for his position. (N:). Amend Code A.T.P., Classificat.i. on Schedule. "A" , by changing the title "Town Accountant" from Code A.T.P. ' .50 to 'Code A.T.P. - 70. (0.) Amend Code 00, Classification Schedule "A", titles and inserting therein the following tttlesb.'y striking out all present Code 00-90: Assistant Assessor Code 00-80: Code 00-7.0: Deputy Tax Col'lector Secretary Stenographer Senior Clerk Clerk Typist'" (D.) Amend Schedule "C", Fringe Benefits, Overtime, by striking out aentence Code 00-60:. - - - one in its entirety and inserting therein ~he following: Overtime shall not Code 00-50. Jr. Clerk be. paid to Department Heads, Professional ~ersonnel, persons on~cccuDations (P.) Amend Non-classified Jobs and positions, Schedule "B" by striking out "$500'O0 Per year" accorded the Health Inspector and insert therein the word cia sSifiedof tAe I.T.s.in Schedule.the A.T.P. Schedule, not to any perSons classified ini.~o~e-R con~en~o~- me ~oa coz' ~e ~n ~r e-'-'n°'n'c'°mpe~ns"atin~g"rt'her~eb~Ya~P~'ac~'ingsthe duties of this service within the Job (E..) Amend Schedule "C", Fring Benefits, Special Differentials, paragraph one, The voting Was unanimous and .so declared. by adding the words "who are paid on an hourly rate" so that said paragraph ' so amended shall read as follows: Employees on jobs c'.lassified in' the I.T.S. ARTICLE 17. VOTED that the sum.of $1,02~.25 be raised and appropriated to be Schedule who are paid on an hourly rate shall receive (and so forth .to end~ of paid to Ste. Anne's,Orphanage for board, room and care rendered to children said paragraph all exactly as previously adopted). ?." during the year 1956. ce Th~Pdore Smqlak for services rendered at the Town Infirmary during the years z9.% to z956. . ARTICLE 19.. V~OTED that the sum of $1,500.00 be .raised and appropriated for necessary repairs to the Town Infirmary and for the maintenance of the (G.)Amend ¢o~d P.F., Rate of Progression, by inserting thereto the following:Infirmary. Equipment. Six months probationary Perio~ sh~ll b~ waive~ for any employee appointed to po2iti, on~ of Regul.ar Patr.o .l~mn or_~egular ~Firefighter who has previously . ARTICLE 20. vOTED that the sum of $.2,000.00 be raised and appropriated to pay for the cost of disposing and removing..f, rom the land upon which it is located sec'vet rot a greater Derxoc of time as a Reserve Police Officer or a Call the building known as the Johuson High School, upon such terms and conditions Fireman. ~(H. ) Amend Code I.T.S., 01assification Schedule "A", by inserting Civil Serv.ice as the Board of Selectmen may determine. titles fOr existing titles so that said ~classification shall read as follows. ARTICLE. fl~ VOTED that the sum of ;ifty cents (.50) fee for each Electrical Code, I. T. ~. - A.' Utility Laborer Permit be charged and that such fees be turned over to the Town Treasury. Highway Laborer Publio Works Laborer ARTICLE 22. Stricken From The Warrant Forestry Laborer. Code, I. T. ~.,- N: Public Workes Naintenance Man ARTICLE 23. Motion to amend this article made and read by John McNiff, Fore.stry Maintenance Man Esquire of the North And.vet Housing Authority, and duly seconded by Mr. Playground Maintenance Man .Raymond Fountain also of the North And. vet Housing Authority, and so voted Motor Equipment Operator · by the meeting. When article brought to a vote with amendment added to Code, I. T. 8. o D: Public Works Maintenance Craftsman it. Article was defeated. Tree Climber ' Heavy Motor Equipment Operator .;.i'ii:,;~', ARTICLE 2~. VOTED t~r~,at Article I of the Town By-Laws, as appearing on Page 97 Special Heavy Motor Equtpmen.t Operator ~"~'~'~';' of the 1957 Annual Town Report, be amended by adding thereto the following Forestry Maintenance Craftsman ,. neW Section.: . . Motor Equipment Operator Section 6. N,c. Article' calling for the appropriation of fur~s Code, I. ~: ~: EV: Tree Climber and Surgeon . ~ ~'~ shall be considered at any special TOwn ~eeting, unless the Code, I~ -' Water Meter and Hydrant Repair Man. . pro~osed expenditure is of an emergency nature, and is re- . commended by the electmen and the Advisory Board. Code, I.T. Custodian Code, I..T. ~. Jr. Custodian The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 25. Article declared illegal. Ruled out by Moderator. in Code I.T.S. -A ~d Code I.T.S. - N., ~der Step 5, so t~t said desi,ated ~TICLE 26. ~O~D that the s~ of $12,000.00 be raised and appropriated, to rate shall become parafont. - ~ be expended by the Board of pUblic Works for the .purpose of extending the Water system fr. om Salem Street on Su~er Street ~o 168 S~er Street (M~dry ( J. ) Amend Code . on A , by oh~gin~ Superintendent A.T.P. Classificati Schedule"" of ~blic Works title ~rom Code A.T.P -~00 to Code A.T.P. --500. - (K) Unfavorable action. Increase appropriated tn budget items. ' Res~idence), subject to the. following condition: That on or before August 1, 195U, the petitioners and/or owners.~m~,ke a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public .IWorks', of' six percent of $9,500.00, the estimated cost of a six inch main,' as water rates for a period of fourteen years. -'~:ART. 26. Con't. ' ~ ARTICLE 57 VOTED to raise and. appropriate the sum of $600.00 for the purpose (B) V0~ED that the sum. of $1,150.00 be raised and appropri, ated, to be-.expende~ Of placing of signs and the.painting and repainting of several streets in t. by the Board of Public Works to extend the water System apprOximately two hun-~.~ dred and forty feet on Poor Avenue .from Sutton Street,. subject to the f. ollowin~i ARTICLE 58. Stricken From The Warrant. conditions: That on or before August 1, 1958' the petitioners and/or owndersARTICLE 59. VOTED'to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00' for the put- make a gUa~an~ee~acc'eptable t6 the Boa~d of Public Works 'of six percent of the chase of a chassis for a truck only, as the'i. Town owns the body, The Agree- acutal cost o~ construction, as water rates, for a period of fourteen, years; mc.ut must also include the installation of the body on the new chassis. A and that on or before August 1, 1958, the constrUction of at least one house194~ Mack TrUck to be turned in,.in trade. shall have been started. . (C) VOTED that the sum. of $900.00 be rais'ed and appropriated, to be 'e.xPe.nded ARTICLE kO. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,9~5.00 for the by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of this ~article, em~ee~ ~e ~epurchase of an enclosed Refuse Disposal Truck' for the use of the Highway Dpt ~e~ew~g-ee~d~t~e~e+--,~a~. to extend the .W~ter System on ~oody Street approximately 225 feet toward Prescott Street, subject to the following ARTICLE 41. Stricken From The Warrant. ' conditions: That on or before August l, 1958, the petitioners,and/or owners / F°llowin dis ;sit-~on of previous article a motion was duly made~seoonded make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of six.~percent of g P . the actual cost of construction, as water rates, for a period of fourteen~ and So voted that the meeting stand adjourned at this.time until ~aturday yea.rs; and that on or before AuguSt 1, 1958, the construction of at least one March 22, 1958 at 1:~0 P'M., Meeting adjourned at 6.40 P.M. Less than addmtional house shall have been' started. 100 people were present. (D). VOTED that the sum_ of $550.00 'be raised and ~ppropriated, to be expended Meeting of Saturday, ~arch 22, 1~58 opersd at 1:50 P.M. with ~7 registered ~eYm~oh~' B?.ard .of Public_ Works to extend the Water ~ystem southeasterly on voters present. Chairman of the Advisory Board moved that due to the ~ad ~ ~ree~ approximately 125 feet from Spruce Street, subject to the snow storm,~ the few people in attendance and i.n the best interests of the following conditions: That on or before AugUSt l, 1958, the petitioners Town that the meeting stand adjourned until 1.50 P.M., Saturday, March 29, and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of 'Public Works of 1958. ~:~ Motion was duly made, seconded and so voted. six percent of the actual cost of construction, a.s water rates, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or before August l, 1958' the construction .of MOderatOr call the Adjourned Town_ Meeting to order at 1:50 P.M., on at least one additional house shall have been started. ~ ~.. Saturday Afternoon March 29, 1958 in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North · ' ~' -' Andover High School, with ~57 Registered Voters present and Commencing with ARTICLE 27.(A) VOTED that the sum of $5,000.00 be raised and appropriated, t.o Article 42 of the Warrant. · be expended by the Board of Public ~.orks, to extend the sewer system on Chad ' Street approximately to and including house number 15~, or approXimatelyARTICLE 42. VOTED to raise and ~pr~opriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the Vick 600 feet, subject t_o the assessments, or betterments charges under .the. condi[ maintenance of the DiSposal Site on Clark Street. t~ons ~of ,~.apter 580 of the .Acts of 1906 as amendedY~~,.-..~/.~ /L~:,...' ~ ~:~.~,~.~/.,;~, ~:.~.,, ,'~-.~.~,~ ~.-~ ,. ~" ~* ,~f"~°/ ~' *~'~ ARTICLE 45. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000_.00 for the (0) VOTED that t he sum of $1,600.00 be raised and appropriated, to' be ex- maintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the, f the Gen ral~eneraleLaWs' pended by the Board of Public Works, to extend the sewer system approximately ,-to be expended.by the Highway Sur..veyor under Chapter 90 o ~0 feet on Poor Avenue from,~utton Street, subject t_o the assessments of . Laws and"tn additich, the sum of' $2,000.00 be transferred from unappro- betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter 580 of the A. ots of 1906 printed available fund~ in the Town Treasury to meet the State a_nd County as amended. ~. ~ shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the 8tate and County to ,be restored.upon their receipt to uaapproprtated available funds in the (D:) VOTED that the sum of $2,}00.0Q be .raised and appropriated, ho ex-. ~ TreasurY. Derided by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Spruce /, ~ Street and Hemlock Street~ subject_to the Assessments or .betterments charges ARTICLE Iii!..VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $?,500.00 to meet the under t he conditions ct Chapter 5~0 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. ' Town's share of the cost of further ~ebuildtng of Dal® Stre.et under Chapter ARTICLw. 28. Stricken FroTMThe Warrant. ' , .. 90, Highway Construction, and that in addition, the sum of $22,500.00 be transferred from unappropriated available 'funds in the Town TreasUry to ARTICLE 29. Stricken From The Warrant. . ... meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from. the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated ARTICLE 50. VOTED that the sum of $[,200.00 be Raised and APpropriated to available funds.in.__ the Town Treasry. . ' install an ~nderground drain to take care of the surface water for, a required distance from a point on Pleasant Street, so that Town drainage wilI no longer ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $200.00 for the put- flow on privately owned land bordering on said Pleasant Street. And further pose of painting and replacing street signs. that the Sole ctmen be hereby empowered to take whatever steps are~ necessary. ,.'..,: ~' to effect the accomplishment of said article including the obtaining of ARTICLE 46. Stricken From The ~arrant. .necessary easements. And further that the amount of money appropBiated under ARTICL.E.~7. VOTED to raise and appropriate, the sum of $900.00 for the Article 50 of the Annual Town ~arrant ..in 1957 be es.tried forward to be used ., balance d~e on a hydr.aulic s.and spt.cadet for the use of the Highway Dept., with au amount of money to be appropriated under this .article in order to complete the project. The total cost being $1,500.00 but $600.00 has been paid on the spreader for rental. ARTICLE 51. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to install a ~, ARTICLE ~8. VOTED.to raise and appropriate the sum of $~00.00 for the su~rface drain on Park Street. 100 'feet of ten-inCh pipe and one c. atchbasin ~,~,,, purchase of' two pumps for the.use of the Highway Department. to ~be needed to temple te this project. ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the s~,_mm of $5,500.00 to be added ARTICLE '.~9. Stricken From The ~'arrant. to the Fire Department Appropriation t~ provide for the 'appOintment of one ARTICLE 50. VOTED that the sum of $1,000 be raised and appropriated for a (1) Lieutenant from an eligible Civil Service List. sight plan revue for Town Garage. , ARTICLE ~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,590.00 to be added ARTICLE 51. VOTED to raise and appropriate.the sum of $25,000.00 to be used to the Fire Department ApPropriation to provide for 'the appointment of threefor resurfacing.Streets. · (5) competent and qualified men under .Civil Service Rules to be regUlar fireARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the s~.u~, of $1,500.00 to'be used fighters~ " . ~ ~ ._ ~ ~ .~ with a 1950 Massey_-Harris Tractor to purchase cu.'International Low-boy Cub --.-~ ~. ,~-~ .~ ,~ ~,,~ ~,~~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~,~.~v ~u ~ ~ ~ Tractor. For t.h.e ~oard of Public Works. . with the present 1947 ambulance to .purchase a new ambulance. · . ARTICLE '55. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,800.00 to be used ARTICLE 55. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 for the With a 1951 Ford Truck to purchase a new pick-up truck. For the ~oard of purchase of 500 feet of new 2 1/2" hose and 500 feet of new 1 1/2 "hose. .Public Norks. ARTICLE 56. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 for the' purchase of two new 1958 12 volt syste TM oars. Two present cars to be tUrned in, in trade. Ail equipment to ~e changed over, such as police radios, sirens, etc. · TOW MEETZ G 29, 1958 ARTICLE 54. VOTED to raise and..', appropri ate the sum of $80,000.00 for the purpose of installing the following twelves,inch water mains: Sutton Street _ from High Street to Main Street; Johnson Street, from Andover Street to Res ervoir Hight-of-way, and Reservoir Right-of-way from Johnson Street to the Reservoir, anti, to meet this appropriation, the sum of $25,000.00 be transferred from the unexpended appropriation under Article 58 of the 1957 Annual Town Meet.Lng, sad that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow fr.om time to time a sum of up to $55,000e00. and. to issue bonds or notes of' the Town therefo.r., under authority of Chapter 41~ of the General Laws as amended, each issue to beTPaid in not more than 15 years from its date or at' such earlier 'time as the reasurer and Selectmen may determi The vote wa.s unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 55. VOTED TO Raise and Appropriate the sum~of $2,500.00 to make such extensions of the water main system, under the regulations voted at the :~'.- annual town meeting as the Board of Public Works, on 0ctob~er~ let: 9.onsiders_ most necessary, such extensions not having been petttionea t-or a~ .the annua~ me e ttng. ARTICLE 56. VOTED that the sum of $148,000.00~be raised and appropriated for location as state Highway construction may make necessary and that to meet said appropriation the sum of $8,000~00 be raised by taxation, and that $15,000.00 be transferred from the Stabilization Fund in the Town Treasury and that the Treasurer, With the app. roval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum cf $125 005,00 and to issue bond and notes therefor payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter ~4 of the General Laws so that the w~ole loan shall be paid in not more than thirty years from t he date of issue of the first bond or note. The vote was uaanimous and so declared. ERTICLE 57. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,650.00 for the ,~pur- chase of a Mist Shade Tree Sprayer for the Department of Pest Control. ~.A 1948 Mist Blower 'to be turned in, in trade. ARTICLE 58. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,500.00 to purchase a two ton Stake Body with Hoist for the Department of Pest Control~ ARTICLE 59. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $250.00 to.purchase a Power saw for the Tree Department. ARTICLE 60. Stricken From The ~'arrant.~ ~ ARTICLE 61. VOTED to accept Chapter 427, Section 1 and 2 of the Acts;Of 1957. An act increasing the amount of Pension of certain retired Police Officers and Fire Fighters, in the amount of $~00.O0.provided, hoever, that the total amount of any such pensi, on as so increased shall not exceed $2,500.00.. ARTICLE 62. VOTED to authorize the Recreational Council appointed by the Board of Selectmen to lease;from the Brooks School certain land owned by it which is used as a skating rink,and to authorize the Recreational Council to pro- mote and conduct ice skating thereon forresidents of the Town, and to Raise and Appropriate the sum .of $1,700.00 for the purpose of this article, all in accordance with Chapter ~5 of the General Laws. · ARTICLE 65. Stricken From The warr~t. '. · ~ ARTICLE 64. VOTED to r.~ise and appropriate the sum of $5,700.00. to hot top the basketball courts on the town playgrounds. ARTICLE 65. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $!,700~00 to provide a steel pier for the American Legion Beach at S~evens Pond. ARTICLE 66. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for four benches for thee Aplin Playground. .. ARTICLE 67. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 for playground supplies, this .amount to include expenses, special trips and gene~ral play- gro-~d activities for the children of North Andover~ ARTICLE 68. ~ VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $650.00 for the' services of a police off. Acer at the Bathing Beach, four hours daily, eigh.t hours on Saturdays and Sundays. and Holidays for a ten week period to enforce parking fo~'~ ~sidcnts of Ncrth Andover~ thi~ figure to incl,~de cost of.car Stickers. ARTICLE 69. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,888.00 for eight playground instructors and one supervisor for an eight week period. T ,WN' ~ETING MARCH 29, 1958 0 ARTICLE 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate"the sum of $500.90 for once set of six see saws and two basketball standards for the Aplin Playground. ARTICLE 71.. Stricken From The Warrant. . ARTICLE 72. Stricken From The Warrant. ARTICLE 75. VOTED to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from the Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund. ARTICLE 74.~ Stricken From The Warrant. ARTICLE 75. Stricken From the ~arrant. ARTICLE 76. VOTED to take the sum of $115,000'00 from available funds to reduce the 1958 tax rate. . Motion made by ~r. Duffy and duly seconded that a vote of bhanks be extended to the Moderator, Advisory Board for a fine Job on the Town MeetLng. William McEvoy, George Cunningham, Jo~n Harrlman, Dewey Dyer, Carl Thomas Hugh McClung, Milton Howard and SAd Rea assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in the counting of the hand votes. Meetind adJ.ourne d at 4:45 P.M% 557 Register,ed voters present. A true copy. ~-~, :~c>"~-o ~ . W A. R R A N T C0~:,IMON,;,EALTH OF I;iASSACHUSETTS Essex SS:To either of the Constables of The Tovm Of North Andover: GREETINGS~n the.name of the Commonwealth of I~iassachusetts you are.h.ereby directed to notmfy and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualmfmed to N or th vote in To~m Affairs, t.o meet in the H. ig.h School Auditorium in Said Andover on ~Ionday evenmng, the ninth (9) day of June, 1958 at eight o'clock P.M., then and there to act on the following business. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town'will vote to amend the Zoning. By-Law by changing from Country Residential to Industrial, the following descrmbed parce of land: A parcel of land located between the Essex Bran.ch of the Boston & Maine Railroad and Prescott Street, bounded and descrzbed as fol.lows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the la.nd on the southerly sade of Prescott Street owned by Henry E. Lund said pomnt being two hundred and fifty feet from. Prescott Street, as measured along t~e westerly line of land of said Lurid, thence easterly by a line parallel with the southerl, y line Of Prescott Street, about four hundred forty fe~t.to a point, thence south- westerly by a stone wall about four hundred thzrty-four fee.t to an angle in the wall; thence southeasterly by the wall one hundred emght feet to a corne.r in the wall; thence northeasterly by the wall one hundred sixty seven and stax tenths feet to a.corner in the wall; thence souther, ly by the wall one. hundred feet to a pomnt; thence westerly one hundred twenty feet .to a pomnt; thence southwesterly about two hundred thirty'si.x feet to a poznt which is two hundred.feet easterly from the easterly lane of the Boston & ~aine Railroad locatzon, thence northwesterly by a line which is two hundred feet easterly 'from and parallel to th.e easterly line of location of the Essex Branch of the Boston & Maine Razlroad lo.cation about five hundred twenty-three feet to a point in a stone wall; ~hence northeasterly by the atone'wall about three hundred thirty-five feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE- 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $~,000.00 to acquire the land for, and lay out and constru, cta highway forty feet in width extending northwesterly from Chic~ering Roa.a.for a.distance'of hine hundred fe. et adjoining the loc. ation,of the Boston & Mazne Razlroad Essex ~ranch, the sa~d street' to be boun~ed an~ described as follows: . Beginning at a stone bound at the intersection of th.e westerly line of Chickering Road with the Nor, ther~ly line of the_B.ost.o,n & .~ . ~ ~,,.-.~,~ ~,~. -klno. nn. N~7-q7-2qW. 605.56 feet to a point; thence NG2-1k-0 E. 40.07 feet to a point; thence -,- - . -- . _ - ~ / . ~ I'ee'5 5~11.25 feet radius, ~07.84 feet to a point, thence t? a point; th.ence southeasterly, easterly and northerly, by a .curve of 28. [ feet radmus, 59.81 feet to_..a, poi~nt in~ t~he~wes,ter~ly,~side~lm~n~of. .:5 ~ . ._. ,, . ,-, r _ Chick?ring Road; thence 82i-0(-u~w, ?0.02 ~ ~ tn~ ~.~ ~ ~~o ......... ~. Area ~s ~6.542 seuare feet, more or le ss. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 3- To see if the Town w ill~ vote~ to ra!se and appropriate, or tra.ns fer from available funds,.the sum of $5,270.00 to be used for the construction of a roadway from Chickerlng Road to the proposed location of the United Shoe IvIachinery Corporation building. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. ~ga ohine ry toward the posed location of the United Shoe Petition of Board of Selectmen. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the United Shoe Corporation the s. um of $2,500.00 to be used by the Tova~ .and applied cost of constructing the necessary roadway for~ access to the pro- Machinery Corporation Building. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will t~ansfer from insurance receipts to the General Maintenance expense account the sum of $349.06 received in settlement of damage to the tractor at the Disposal Site. ~ Petition of Ira D. ~arty, Highway SUrveyor. ARTICL~'~ 6. To see ~f the Town Will vote to raise and appropriate 'or .transfe.r from available funds the sum of $1,000.00 for payment of a Safety Polzce Offzcer at the Thomson School, overtime wages and election expenses td the Police Department. Petition of Alfred H. NcKee, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 7. To, see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from availabl.e funds the sum of $269.00 to pay Lawrence Plate & Window Glass Co., for repazrs to the Town Gar.age in 1957. Petition Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town wzl.1 Vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer from avazlable funds a.sufficient sum of money to allow the Town to purchase, take by eminent doma~_n, or otherwise acquire a parcel of land and buildings thereon on the watershe.d of Lake Cochichewick now owne. d by Arthur B. Colgate and bounded and descrzbed as follows: Beginning ~t a point in the southerly line of' Great Pond Road said point being the north- westerly corner of land now ovmed by .the Town and.used as A .pumping station lot; thence S16-43-35W, 47.16 feet to a poznt in the hzgh water lane of the lake; thence westerly and s.outhwesterly, by the high water line of the. lake, about 785 feet, to a point zn the stone wall at lane of the Boston Unzversity; thence ~esterl.y by the stone wall and land of the Boston University, about 130 feet o a drill hone in the wall; thence N. 51-39-57E: ~51.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence N15-~9-57E, 2~0.0 feet to an .~ron pipe ~n the southerly line of Great Pond Road; thence by the· southerly lzne of Great Pond Road S ~-20-0 E. . feet to an Essex County°Bound; thence S73-16-25E, 384.50 f~etTto the3p$i~nSt 4of5 beginning. Containing 1.05 acres, more or less. Petition of the Board of Health. AR. TICLE 9. To see if t he Town will authorize the Board of Public Works to d~spose of the two fa.mily house at 1984-1986 Great Pond Road located on the Oolga.te Property acquired for the protection of the North Andover water supply. Petitmon of the Boa.rd of Public Works.''~. ARTICLE 10. To see mf the Town will vote to accept from Robert J. Burke of North Andover the sum of $1,~50.00 to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of extending the water system on Cotuit Street from the present ter- minus near Waverley Road. Petition of Board of Public Works. And.you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by. posting true a~.d attested cop~es thereof, at the Town Office Building and at fzve or more PubI~c Places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massac_husetts, the twenty-third day of , May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. RALPH E. FINCK Board WILLIA~ ~A. FINNERANof PHI~LIP SUTCLIFFE~~ ,~ ~--~.~Selectmen A true copy: A TTEST North Andover, Mass. JOSEPH A. S~iTH,Constable. Nay 28, 1958. OFFI CEE ' S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by~ _costing true and attested copies, of this wa~_s, nt~ at the Town Building and at five or more public places in each vgting precinct. Said copies having been poste, d not.more than fifteen days nor les. s than ten days befOre the time of holding sa~d meeting. ~~~~2?~ May 28, 1958. AT,ST. ~~~ At the Spe. cial Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover H~gh School on Monday Evening, June 9, 1958 at 8 P.M., the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. Notion made by Planning Board Chairman and seconded Board Chairman, article be Stricken from Warrant. by Advisory ARTICLE 2. Unfavorable Action ARTICLE ~. Unfavorable Action ARTICLE 4. Stricken From The Warrant. ARTICLE 5. VOTED to transfer the sum of $349.06 from the Insurance Receipts to the General ~aintenance account, amount received in settlement of damage to tractor at the Disposal Site. ARTICLE 6. VOTED that the sum of $1,000.00 b.e transferred from the 1958 Annual Town I~Ieeting Warrant, Artzcle 6, BUdget #20, Item 4, for_ p.ayment of a Safety Police Officer at the Thomson School, over tzme wages and election expenses to the Police Department. ARTICLE 7. VOTED to refer this Article to the next Annual Town Meeting. ARTICLE 8. VOTED that the Town raise and appropriate for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, taking by eminent domain or o.t~he rwise from the. owner or owners the tracts of land as desc.rioed in this Artzcle or any portion..of, said lan.d described ~n said article for the purpose indzcated in sa~d a. rticle, that the Board of Selectmen be and hereby is authorzzed to act for the Town in connection with this article or take any other action in relation thereto, and that the. sum of $9,600.00 be taken from Overlay Surplus to be used ~n whole.or in part by said Board of Selectmen. for the purpose of this article. The Vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 9. VOTED to authorize the Board of P~blzc' ' Works to dispose of the two family house at 1.984-1986 Great Pond Road located on the Colgate property acquzred for the protection of the North Andover water supply. The vote was a majority vote and so declared. ARTICLE 10. VOTED to accept from Robert J. Burke of N.Orth Andover the sum of $1,550.00 to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of extending the water system on Cotuit Street from the present terminus near Waverley Road. Unanimous vote and so declared. Meeting opened at 8 PIN., a~d adjof.rned at 9 P.M., one hundred.forty-one regis ere,,~ o~ers~were present. A true copy. ATTEST,,,. j~O~,~~, ,~ :Z-~z,--- '" , , i/ Town 'Clerk. WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover~ GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth you a~e hereby required to notify and. warn the inhabitants of said town who are qUalified to vote in Primaries to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct One, St. MiChael's NEW Parochial School in Precinct Two, the Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School in Precinct Four. TUESDAY, the Ninth Day of September 1958. at seven o'clock A.M., for the following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Nomination of Candidates of Political Parties for the following Offices: SenatOr in Congress....... · ·. for this Commonwealth Governor. " " " Lieutenant Governor. " " " Secretary of the Commonwealth. " " " Treasurer and Receiver General. " " " Auditor of the Commonwealth. "~ " " Attorney General. " " " . Representative in Congress ::?th Congressional Dzstrzc~ Councillor " 5th Councillor " Senator " 4th Senatorial 5 Representatives in General Court ~"5th Representative" TM .-, Register of Deeds ' " Essex Northern District County Commissioner " Essex County The polls will be open .from 7:00 A.M., to 7:00 P.M. "' " Hereof fail not and nmke due ret ams of this warrant with your dlings t. ahereon at the time and place of .said meeting to the Tow~ Clerk· Given under our hands this 22nd day of August, A.D. 1958. RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A. FINNERAN PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen of North Andover, Mass. A true copy, ATTEST: North Andover, Mass., August 26, 1958 OFFICER ' $ RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and atttested copies of this warrant at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. North Andover, Mass. August 26, 1958. DEMOCRATIC PARTY REPUBLICAN PARTY STATE PR PH A. SMITH, CONSTABLE. IMARY TOWN CLERK. SEPTW.~ 9, 1958 1. 2. . . ~otal PRECINCTS 155 2513 27~ 9~9 SENATOR IN CONGRESS JOH F. KENNEDY Blanks G, OVER~0R ~l~'~u ~¢0L0 Philip Sutoliffe 'Charles Gibbons Blanks DEMOCRATIC PARTY 220 ~6 182 192 157 751 k9 )8 e~1 ~ LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Blanks SECRETARY ~ CRONIN Blanks 15o 758 TREASURER Wi~EE~~, · SHAUGH~W~SS~ JOHN F. KENNEDY Blanks 96 ?k 61 lO1 507 AUDITOR ' Tl1~,~.g- a. BUOKLEY ee~ 195 19~ Blanks 33 37 37 15k 765 e5 13e ATTORNEY GENERAL ENDICOT2 PEABODY John P. Burke BI auks ee 16 19 81 ko7 CONGRESSMAN JAMES D. LEARY COUNCILLOR TIMOTHY J. BURKE ~ILL!A~ ~.. PHILIP SUTCLIFFE B1 anks 12 17 25 20 17 ek ~9 15 n -~20 STATE PRIMARIES SEPTEMBER ~, 195S ~ STATE PRIMARIES SEPTEMBER 9, SENATOR ALDO F. FASSI0 10 ~5~~:~¢~ CHARLES H. · AN~ THONY JAMES P. RURAK 1~2 119 69 A. EDWARD TALBOT Philip .Sutcliffe 11~1 DANIEL M. THORNTON 5 10 Blanks: · 16 14. 12 12 Charles Gibbons REPRESENTATIVE IN GEN'L COURT Blanks 147 116 121112 ,496 ' THOMAS E. WATMAN 120 115 101 105 REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT WILLIAM LONGWORTH 102 172 15~ 161 Ralph' E. Finck 1 PHILIP SU TCLIFFE 9~ 155 188 12~.o 521 Frank Faraci . I Blanks 81 152 527 Charles Fleming 2 2 William Finck 1 I .DISTRICT ATTORNEY Blanks [~55 [~52 589 515 1569 . C 155 211 215 216 775 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Arthur A. Thomson 11 ~ John J. Willis a .8 76.9 Blanks 38 27 a) za8 CLERK OP COURTS ' " CLERK'OF COURTS DANIEL J. OOSTELLO 25 15 DAVID R. NAGLE 11' 51 20 21 83 J. cos .o m ' ~GIST~ OF D~DS Bl~ks 30 37 98 MARY DONAHUE SULLIVAN 207 169 189 150 715 COUNTY COMMISSIONER G. Hudson Driver 472 02 ART A. THOMPS0 159 225257 212 811, COUNTY COMMISSIONER Blanks 21 17 24 WAR · 0 L 2~5 2~9 25 ~~.95 .V.![.,.A R R A N T' ANTHONY A. SPIRITO 15 ?~5~ COI~ONwEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Blanks Essex SS: "'" To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: REPUBLICAN PARTY REPUBLICAN PARTY GREETINGS SEN~OR~IN CONGRESS ............. '., In the name of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby V~J. CELESTE 100 1~26 185 191 650 directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Ando vet, qualified to Blanks 55 91 71 299 vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the High School Auditorium in said North GOVERNOR ' Andover on Monday, the twentieth (20) day of October, 1958 at eight o'clock '. ,'~F'"~ GIBBONS .52 15~ 1671158 5'511~''~' P.M., then and there to act on the following business. Foster Furcolo ARTICLE 1. To see whether the Town will approve the construction of a new John A. Volpe 1 I' housing project by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Housing GerardPhilip Sutoliffe 1 ! Project for Elderly Persons p.ursuant to the provisions of Chapter 667 of Joseph McKayC°llins 2121 the Massachusetts Acts o~ 1954, and the acts in amendment thereof in addition thereto, to be known as State-Aided Housing Project 667-1. Blanks 105 105 106 99 ~11 Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR " ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of':One Thousand E ERR . SON 155 218 221 218 790 Dollars ($1,000)" from Water Department Expenses to Sewer Department Expenses. Petition of Board of Public Works. Philip Sutcliffe ~ ~ Blanks 22 '40 55 lt. 15 ARTICLE 5. To see if the own w~ll vot~ to accept from Robert J. Burke of SECRETARY North Andover the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1750) to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of extending the water system ~RRAN BOCH 12~~ 2~.1~.225218789 Blanks ~ 51 44 160 on Cotuit Street from the present terminus near ~averly Road. · Petition of Board of Public Works. TREASURER , ~0'~RXA 15.1 2~6 225 218 788 ARTICLE ~ To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Five Thousand Blanks 24 ~ 51 ~ 161 Dollars~5,000.00) from Available ~nds to the Heserve Fund. AUDITOR Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~H. ADAMS 1~2 220 2.27 2~ 799 ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Five Hundred Blanks 25 38 47 '150 Dollars. ($500)f rom the Department of Insect Pest Control Expenses to the Dutch Elm Disease Expenses for the purpose of hiring a crane for the topping ATTORNEY GENERAL of Dutch Elm Diseased trees. ~TER, JR. 1~0 237 2~,0259 856 Petition of John J. Connote, Moth Superintendent. Blanks 15 21 ~ w~ar, o o~,t~ ARTICLE 6. ~REED 125 220 225 2.17 785 .~.~ MOTELS Ralph E. Fin ck ~j~ .:l Motels shall be permitted in'any zoning district.but only in accord- Blanks 52 58 ]$9 16~ ante with the standards set forth below and only after a public -hearing by. the B%rd of Appeals With d,_e notieo, give~ n~ sppliea- 00'0-11CiLLOR tion forI a motel building permit or for a bUilding permit for a ~. MEANS 156 227 2~[~ 226 819 motel-expansion or alteration Costing more than $500 ,and only Blanks , 19 ~1 56 150 after site plan review and approval by the Board of Appeals en- dorsed in writing on the site Pl'an With or'without any conditions. N - ~X~ ~TIC~ 6. Con' t:~ (b) 'N0 part of any building on: a me~el.lO~'shall be closer ~TI C~ 6 · C on' g. ~ than ~ty (50) feet to the front lot line, r~r let line or either side 4.51 Each application for a permi~ to build a motel or:t° alter or add. to a motel at a cost of $500 or more shall be in writing and .'Shall include a diagram and. a statement of the ownersl~ip, area,- dimensions, boundaries and principal elevations of the land for · which such permit is sought, the names of all adjoining owners as' found in the most recent tax list, the locations ~f 'existing Public or private ways nearest such land, and a plan, profile and cross- sections of all driveways and parking areas PropOsed, also the.true location and ground coverage outline and dimensions 'of every building or structures 'proposed to' be erected thereon. One copy of each such application and plot plan diagram and statement shall be kept on file in the office of the Bhilding InspeCtor· $,52 One coPy of each such application ~nd diagram and' state- ment above required shall be filed with the-Board of Appeals with a letter requesting the said .Board to review the site.plan attached and to hold a Public hearing therein. N°tiee of'such public hear- ing Shall be given by the Bo~rd of Appeals by pUblicati0n at the expense of' the applicant in a newspaper· of general· Circulation in North AndoVer and· the first appearance of such pUblished notic.e. Shall be twelve'days: (12)at least bef°re the dateset for such hear ~4.53 A permit to build a motel or' to alter or add to a motel at k cost of $500.00 or more shall not be issued by the Building Inspec- tor until 'he has received fi. om the 'Board of Appeals a written' statement of final ~ approval by the Board of ApPeals: of the site plan for such motel or addition Or alteration, and SUch .statement by the Board of Appeals shall include a redital of the date on which the Board of'Appeals held the pUblic hearing above required, and a recital of the findings of the.Board of Appeals afte~ such hearing, includ, ing any conditions imposed bY the said Board as part of its final approval,, and the Building Inspector shall enforce the 'ful- fillment of sUch Conditions, ' 4.54 In reviewing each such application, the Board of Appeals' shall· study the motel Site ~plan proposed relative to the health, safety and welfare of the prospect, ire OCcupants,lals° the occupants of neighboring properties~ and users of the adjoining highwaY, and the welfare0f the town generallY, including amenity and pleasant, ness of site plans. In addition to compliance with all of the 'Land SPace. and BUilding· Space .ReqUirements set forth below, tl~e BOard Shall look for:'. (a) · Traffic. safety and ease of. access at street and highway entrances and exi.'ts of motel driveways, taking account of grades, sight distances and distance between such driveway entranees or exits and the nearest existing Stree~ or highway intersections. · (b) Safety and adequacy of motel driveway laYOut, also of parking, and loading areas for motel patrons, and sufficiency of access for service vehicles such as eleetricity~ gas, fuel, telephone, line of such lot. A green yard space not less than twenty (20) feet wide, measUred at a right angle to each of.aforesaid lot lines, shall be maintained open and green with grass, bushes, flowers and trees all along each side lot line or rear lot line of such a]ot, and (exCept for entrance and Oxit' driveways) along the entire front line of such lot,. and .such yard space shall not be. built on nor .paved nor used for automobile parking. ~ (c) There shall be one (bituminohs) concrete off-street an'd~ off-main driveway pave. d automobilq parking space,' open or roof, ed; directly'adjoining each'motel rental unit. (d) Building on a motel lot shall not cover more than twenty- five (25~) Percent of the land area 0f such lot excluding any water bodies as above specified. Not less than seventy-five (75~)per cent of the land area of such lot shall remain open and un-built on but such open space may be used ~or a ~utom0bileoff-street'parking, driveways, .sidewalks and motel serwce yards, ~xcept that' such use shall not be permitted in any part of the twenty (20) foot wide green perimeter strip above specified. ' ~ (e) There sha]! not be erected more than twenty (~.0) motel rental units/per acre of motel lot !and arba, excluding any water- fifteen (15) by fifteen bath or kitchenette. attached. bodies as above specified. (f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than two hundred fifty (250) square feet. habitable floor area enclosed' by walls and roof, exclusive of any adjoining"Portions of roofed or covered 'walk~ays. Each motel rental sleeping room shall not be less than (15) feet horizontal dimensions, exclusive of Each such room shall .have a private bath (g) ~Each .motel structur~ shall contain not less than siX (6) nor more than twelve (12) individual motel rental 'units, unless each sectiOn of t~velVe (12) such unfts be separated by an unbroken firewall from 'any further additional'such units. Each motel struc- ture Shall be' of fireproof construction. Each such structure, may be connected with other similar structures by a covered walkway if of.fire resistive.materials.. Whether or not' so connected, 'the nearest p~ts of"the walls'or corners of such structures shall be separated by a land space otherwise open and unbuilt, on of not. leSs than thirty '(30) feet,'and in which, within tM'area bounded by the intersecting projections of. the'side li~es of adjaisent build- ings, there shall'beno automobile parking or loading. (h) Buildings on motel Jots shall'be one-story and not more than tWenty-five (25) feet in height, .notwithstanding any build- ing-height provisions in.the 'zoriing district in which such. buildings are situated, except that not more than two ap~ments.for owner or r.esident manager or other resident staff may be on a second- story not. to.. exceed thirty-five (35). feet in height. (i) On each motel lot thei'e shall be provided at least one apartment 'for a resident owner or manager 'or other responsible laundry,-rubbish removal,, water, sewer, fire, police, ambulance or "~ . . · ~ ~ . · . ' ~ .... staff person~ Each such apartment shall be not less thari eight ~her routine, or emergency vehicles. . .~~ · ~...~ ~.· -, ~ · · ':':'.~ ~ ° hundred (800) square feet floor 'area. Such'apartment may i..n- ~i~' (c) Safe'and adequate means of sewage, of garbage, and ru. .i!'i!!~ dude the rental office of the motel, and a lounge or other pubh¢ i.~Pish d~sposal; of. water-supply and fire-fighting while awmtmg t~ ~;;-~:i~ rooms for the use of mote1 Patrons. Such apartment may be on a !ii:f~Fire Dept., of h.eatlng and ventilating; also of cooking ff Cooki~ :¥~ second 'floor as provided in (h) above,'but only if °ver a loungeor ~::~4acilitieS be furnished.' ' ~ · ' . - · ~::~2i~.~, office or other public' rooms o.r storage or supply rOoms of. the (d):'i AssUrance °f positive storm-Water drainage and snow. motel. No second story premmes shall be located:o~er any motel rental unit. melt rUn-off'from all driveway~ and· Parking 'and loading areas. · .LandscaPing.and'building' layout' such as shallprotect proposed motel bedrOom windoWs from constant night inVaSion by automo- bile headlight,beams or glare from illuminated signs or drivewaY.. lights, '- ~ · (e). Spund-Proofing betWeen:sleeping, rooms; windows not looking directly from room to room; and lobby or office space for registration, room. keys, and safe-keeping of valuables.; also .lounge.. · for waiting or · ' writing by patrons~ 4,55 'Motel lot size, land coverages.yard 'space and building~design regulations:, (a). The 'lot for any motel ,qha!! eo-n[t_~,in not !ess than three (8) acres tOtal land area exel.uding any water bodies of one-half.(½) acre water serviee area or more, provided such lOt.be not less ihan three hundred (300) feet.wide at. the frontage street and throughout the first tw°hUndred (200)feet of .depth of sUch lot, measuring lrOlll 5lie iron[age s[reel; 101~ line. . Petition.of NOrth.-Andover:Plannipg_Bo_a_..r._d And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant bY posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more Public Places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said me e ting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your ·doing thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said mee. ting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the eighth day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine-hundred and fifty-eight. A ~rue copy, RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A FINNERAN PHILIP SUTCLIFFE ATTEST; Board of of Selectmen ' 2 al 'IF ,".,'P. L... 12 C ON S TABLE. North Andover, Massachusetts. October 10, 1958 ,! 2~ oFFIcER'S RETURN, ~ STATE ELECTION NOVE~,~BER 4, 1958. 1~5. I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of I'~'orth Andover ~ ...A refund, if recuired, shall not include any part of a pension represented qualified to vote in Town affairs by posting true and attested copies of ~ by salary deductions from or special purchase by the former employee. The ~ requir~ements of a refund is not applicable to income received in or prior this warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public places in each ~ .. voting precinct of the Town. .. to 195~. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said me~ting. QUESTION NO. 2. (A) Sh. all licenses be granted in this town for the sale' theremn of all alcoholic beverages, (whiskey, rum, gin,malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages)? YES-NO (B) Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and beer, ale North Andover, Mass. ~./C%~~~K~~'~ ~ and other malt beverages)? YES - NO October 10, 1958. ~T0~IN ' (C) Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale ATTEST; therein of all alcoholic beverages in p.ackages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises? YES NO. At the Special Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North QUESTION NO. 3. Andover High School on Monday Evening October 20, 1958 at 8 o'clock $.M., the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. VOTED that the Town will apProve the construction of a new housing project by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely, a Housing Project for Elderly persons pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 667 of Massachusetts Acts of 1954, and the acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, to be known as State-Aided Housing Project 667-1. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 2. VOTED to transfer the sum of $1,000.00 from Water Department Expenses to Sewer Department Expenses. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to accept from Robert J. Burke Of North Andover the sum of $1,750.00 to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of extend- Lng the water system on Cotuit Street from the present terminus near Waverly Road. ARTICLE 4. VOTED to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from Available Funds to the Re serve Fund. (A) Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting on licensed horse races be permitted in this county? YES -NO. (B) Shall the pari-mutuel system of be~ting 'on licensed dog races be permitted in this county?. YES - N0e QUESTION NO. 4. "Shall an act passed by the General CoUrt in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "An Act authorizing the trustees of the Essex County Agricultural School to have plans and specifications prepared for a vocational-technical school to be used more particularly for training in the thirteenth and fourteenth grade levels, a physical education building and for remodelling and extending its present'heating facilities, at a cost not to eXceed one million, two hundred thousand dollars and to expend the sum of fifty thousand dollars for said plans,' be accepted?" YES - N0. All to be voted upon one ballot. The Polls shall be open at ? o'clock A.M., and close at ? O'clock P.M. ARTICLF. 5. VOTED to .transfer .the sum of $500.00 from the Department of And youare directed to serve this warrant by. posting true and attested Insect Pest Control Expenses to the Dutch Elm Disease Expenses for the copies thereof at the Town Building and at fzve or more public pla cee in purpose of hiring a crane for the topping of Dutch Elm diseased trees, each voting precinct, said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days ARTICLE 6. Stricken from the Warrant. nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings All articl~were a unanimous vote and so'declared. Hereof, thereon at the time and place of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Meeting opened at 8:05 P.M., ~7. 150 voters present. ~Given under our hands at North Andover, Mass, this l~.th day of October in A true copy: ATTEST: the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fzfty-eight. RALPH E. FINCK Board W A R R A N T NILLIAM A. FINNERAN of C0~0NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. GREET IN G: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote for State, District and County Officers and upon all questions appearing on the ballot, to meet and assemble in the dsignated and appointed polling places in Precincts One, Two, Three and Four. The ~radstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, St. Michael's (New) Parochial School Auditorium in Precint Two, The Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four. A true copy ATTEST: 0ctober 22, 1958 No. ~Andover, Mass. PHILIP SUTCLIFFE SELECTMEN. JOSEPH A. SMITH, Constable. OFFICER' S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of' the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant in five or more public places in each precinct and ~in the Town Office Building. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. TUESDAY, the FOURTH DAY OF NOVE~iER 1958. " 0ctober, 22, 1958 A true copy: ATTEST: in General Court-5th Essex District, District Attorney-Eastern District, Clerk of Courts-Essex County~ Register of Deeds-Essex Northern District~ County Commissioner-Essex County, and upon the following ~questions: JOSEPH A. SMITH, Constable. TOWN CLERK. NOTE: SPECIAL T0~N I~IEETING OF M0i~DAY EVENING OCTOBER 20, 1958 ARTICLE 5. Balance in Insect Pest Control Expenses on date of Town Question No. 1. Do you approve of a law summarized below which was dis- meeting 10/~0/58 was $~92.08. Tree ¥,larden intended transfer approved in the .House of Representatives by a vote of 7~ to be made from Insect Pest Salaries° On 10/28/58, Mr. Dine ~in .t.he ~affi.rm~tive and 132~ ~_n ~the negative and was approyed suEEested that the Town Clerk note on his records that · n ~ne ~ena~e by a vo~e o~' ~, ~n ~he af£irmative..and 17 ~n inSUfficient money in account and error in designating the negative. Y E S "~,, correct account. J.J.Maker, Town Treas. N 0 The proposed measure provides that every former public employee, other than a judge: who is pensioned or retired for disability shall reoort to his re- tirement authority, annually, his earnings from gainful occupation during the prec,eding year; and that, if such earnings, plus the pension, exceed the regu-ar compensation of the position formerly held, the pensioner shall refund that portion of his pension equal to such excess or the entire pension if such excess is greater than the pensiOn. i26 STATE ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 1958-~(TUESDAY) ~ ~..~ , STATE ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 1958. NUMBER OF VOTES BY PRECINCTS ~ CLERK OF COURTS ,ONE '"' ' ~'0 THREE' ' '~'OURj ~ TOTAL ~ ~SSEY ~i~ 451 426688457 1659 1056 1~ -1162 1406 486~ ~, HAROLD MORLEY, JR. 7~ 9~ ~:~Blanks h8 . 184 SENATOR IN CONGRES, S G'. 'B~JDS'b~" DRIVE~t~ 21 VINCENT J. CELESTE 24~ 59~ 57.5 449 MARY DONAHUE SULLIVAN 5~52 571 1655 LAWRENCE GILFEDDER 2 Blanks 58 56 151 Blanks 20 15 5 5 COUN ~TY ,,COMI~ISSIONER GOVER, N. OR EDWARD H. CAHILL 4,22 ~.65 2876 18o5 FOSTER FURCOL0 608 551 555 622 222.9.4 Blanks 60 ~7 40 18~ CHARLES GIBBONS 41.7 6727 59~ 75~ o~ s. W~LLIA~S 60O 81,7 2767 225 209 Blanks 266 268 555 1175 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ROBERT F. MURPHY EL~R C. NELSON HAROLD E. BASSETT FRANCIS A. VOTAN0 Blanks SECRETARY EDWARD J. CRONIN NAR ION CURRAN BOCH FRED M. INGERSOLL JULIA B. KOHLER Blanks TREASURER 644 5~81 571 687 248~5 550 57~ 6151 6689 212~~ ~ 728 957 5165 261 197 ~;~ 910 56 [~ l~ Blanks 160 199 2~7 790 (B) 660 2852 2o58 18 Blanks 25~ 50~ 525 5O8 1200 Blanks 287 550 505 JOHN E. YERXA 557 569_ 66~ 20 NO. 5. 552 512 682 2280 JOHN ERLANDSSON N~S 529 579 508. 168~ Blanks 5 5~ 45 5~ 155 Blanks 195 220 271 216 902 127' AUDITOR ARNE i. SORTELL 14 ATTORNEY GENER.AL NO 174 2.40 215 2~0 907 ABSENTEE' BALL,~TS GUSTAF B. NISSEN Blanks 52 2~ 5~ 2~ 15 ll7 Number of Serwce' Persons app±yin~' x-or' ,,ar' Ballots by card or.otherwise 5 Number of " " who wereregistered voters and applzcations._ CONGRESSNAN were made by kindred ~ 1 ROBERT T. BREED.THONL~'S~ 'J' LANE ~ 571659~.~65~8 ~ 20512705 Numberwere made°f byServ'icekmndredPers°ns who were not registered voters and aPplmcatzons 1 40 27 151 Blanks 55 51 Number of War Ballots mailed 7 COUNCILLOR Number of ?' " received 7 , Number ofPersons applying for Absentee Ballots ~n© AU~UST~S G. MEANS 4.61 682 615 819 2577 Number ofAbsentee Ballots mailed out JOHN JOSEPH BUCKLEY 5~05 5~ 5~ 562 2157 Numberof " " received Blanks · 25 151 Numberof " " Cast 58 SENATOR Nttmber Of " " Re jetted ~-~ H. AN THONYBlanksJA~,S P. RURAK ~8~-59 685~58~,545 ~6691~'50 2~76~2025 Number of" "no t re turne[% /~ REPRESENTATIVES IN - 'L COURT ~~/ ~v~OHN~J' LYONS. ~RAN~ S. G~LES 482 60 2551 R E C 0.U N T SATURD.A.Y-November .1.5, 1958. WILLIAM L0~NGW 0RTH ~82 ~6~0 56.6 79~ ARTHUR WILLIAMS 552 609 ~ 777 2500 At a recount' of' votes h'eld' '~n North ~'ndover on Si'Cur. day,' November 15, 1958 712 2150 at 1:50 P.M. for the office of Senator~ .4th Essex Dmstrist is as follows: WALTER J. SLIVA 350 282 292 549 1255 C.A. ANTHONY J.P. RURAK BLANKS. PHILIP SUTCLIFFE 659 6.~2 718 712 2721 PRECINCT ONE (15 ' ?'5 '~ '6" "' 6 8 i ' "3 9_"' THONAS E. WATNAN $/4.0e~9 288 ~5 ~282 . .~, _ _ ~ , , ~ , Blanks 525 54i 604 510 2178 " '~o , ~z~ " THRF.~ (~) ~ISTRIC.T ATTORNEy ~ " FOUR (~) 6'9 ~ 675 } 7 JOHN P.S. BURKE 660 2604 T 0 T A L 2'0' ~"1 2 6' '6 '~ 1 6 5. Blanks '~1 ~848 55182 J~0HN~. S~ I 9 5 8 A?POINT. N~-NTS.BY..~BOARD 0.F-SELECTMEN I 9 8 ~ ~ APPOINTMENTS~ . DATE SWORN ~'~ Board of Fire EngineersEdwin K~enig 5/8/.58 Deputy Ballot Clerk. Prec 2. Marie Lawlor . -['-/i~/'~[[]-- Superintendent Con or " " " Calvin nen Reserve Police Officer 'EdWard A. Manning. 6/5/58 Wiring Inspectnr John J. Thompson ~ Board of Registrars Patrick C. Cronin No..And~HoUSing ~AuthoritY ~Thomas L. Foulds' ~. 9/12~8 Zoning Board of Appeals Robert J. Burke '- - . ' " Ass.Mere. Zoning Brd Appeals Charles Foster 11/3/58 Personnel Board John W. Hegarty ~~/21~8 Personnel Boar~ Robert DeLude. " " , ~ Roland C. Kerb Deputy~.~Ballot 01erk, Pre-1. Henrietta Dolan 12/~9/58 DirectOr' of Civit Defense Dswey A. Dyer . 4/14/58 Spare Countem Prec.~. Charles Manzi.~ 12/12~58 Public Weigher Edward J. Ellsey " " " 3. Mary E. CrOmpton ,, ,, ' " , Genevieve Hebb ~/29/58 ' ' SPARE WOR.KERS 'Fence Viewer John M. Barrell ,, ,, { Warden Katherine Finn. Ella ROss ' Patrick Driscoll Dep. Warden Mabel B, Smith Edwin Cunningham " " ' John Wilcox ' I Clerk Helen Hegarty Leo Murphy ~i ~i~iiiii!~l gent rty, Bernardi~ii BinghaTM~ulger.!!!!!!! Dep. Clerk Helen B.Parker '' 'Frances Morkeski Ballot Clerk Arline Bell Theresa Walsh e Pro~,e " " Mabel Walsh ' Anna D0ran Dep." " Emily Murphy ~ ' · Bertha Roberts " " " Henrietta Dolan ' Mary Winward /1538/5 InspeCtor Rita Twoomey' l~ary Phelan InSpector Barbara McCarthy Henry Libby Surveyor, Wood Bark & Lumber John C. Farnham Dep. " Ida S. Chadwick Special Civil Constable John H. Fenton " " Yvonne Whittaker Sealer, Wghts & Measures Domenic J. Bonanno 4/21/58 Liason Officer. (Airport) Paul J. Greeley ' ~ Asst' Liason Officer " Joseph J. Morkeski warden Alfred~Garneau SPARE WORKERS Town Bldg Custodian Joseph T. Noons ~/!4/~8 Dep. ¥~arden Winifred Sullivan Flare Selectmen' s S~Cretary Mrs. Lillian C. McDonald 4/18/58 Clerk Edward Mclnnes Ellen Summers Special Police Officers. Roland Ambiehl. 4/!7/58 Arthur Awley. Dep, Clerk Elizabeth 0'Brien Walter Champion Lloyd Bauc~mnan,Sr. 9/9/58 Lloyd Bauchman, Jr. 5/5/58 Ballot Clerk Rose McEvoy' Thomas Smith Domenic J. Bonnano 4/21/58 Otto Bishop' 4/.28/~58 " " Frank Wallwork Harry Nichelmore Stanley J. Burturlia Roland Chartien ~/17t58 ilrll T..HR ..EE .,(i~) ' n ' Russell Chamberlain .~/.18/~58 Fred Christie Walter F. Corcoran .~/.18/.58~ John Dolan4/18/5~ to Augustine Donovan~/18/58 Franc iS D0wd , , ~ ' Robert Finneran ~/23/58 Robert Finneran ~/23/~_~. Domenic Giarruso Archie Oourley Malcolm Hamilton Walter Hamilton Edwin Johnson 4/17/58 John Hanson James Lustenberger Frank Lee ~/!8/~58 Edward Manning James MoCabe ~. · ~/21/58 Dep. ~arden Dennis Evangelos Er~eS~ Li'veSey William McEvOy RaYmond Minardi Clerk Mary Flagg Claire Herman Philip Midgeley Alexander Ness 5/28/58 Dep. Clerk Mary R.~Ness .. Anne Richards Sylvester Mur'phy '5/.22/.58 Edward Phelan ' Ballot Clerk Louis Broadhead Barbara Hannay David Rand ~/.12/~8Fred Salots · " " Sam Bottomley MarJorie Heider . Albert Schofield5~4/5.8 Joseph Senia .~/18/58 Dep." " Edmund Barrett Emm~ Tricke tt John Slipkowski .~.21~.58 Thomas Spedding " " " Ernest Pappalardo ~ary Lannon Robert Stewart .~/.25~/~8 Walter Stamp 4/17/58 Inspector Catherine Bashaw James McComish Carl Thomas ~/1~/~8'Edward Towns " Phyllis Jackson Alice Smith James Thomson ' John J. Wilcox Dep." Harry Lambert ,$atherine Sweeney Charles Zuill ' Edward Laycock 6/12/58 " " Marie Burke Beryl BUtler Joseph Bumyea 6/!~_/.58 Anthony Furnari . William Fresh ' ' · Roland G. Cook 11/14/58 ._ Harold Ackroyd Recreational Council Domenic J. Bonanno 4/.21/~5~ Nary Doherty Nicholas Evangelos 5/.26/.58 Clara Richards William McEvoy .4/!5/58 Anne Sherlock Carl Thomas · Raymond Sullivan .~.21/.58 PREC~ Ann Reilly. Graves Registration OfficerLouis P. Sa~unders ~/17/~8 ~arde..n Sidney Rea · ~ SPARE WORKERS Ass.Mem. Zoning Brd. Appeals ..H. er_b.ert E. Oarwell. ~ep. ~arden Fred Whittier Rose. " " " " " Wii~i J '° ' ' ' ' ^ ' z am · ~or~on .~17~5~ Clerk Natalie Forgetta Vera Barbette " " " " "· Alf. red Boeglin ~/_21~8 Dep, Clerk John Slipkowski Angelus Hayes Supt. Town In~irmary 0rln L. Foster · ~/10/~58 Ballot Clerk George Rea Genevieve McInerney !!!i!~nneBil io!rg~ ~,~ptpt. i ~!r~~olh~~~i!iii!,aujErldB C_~o eels ?q~sq o ll y~r~ !/10/58 DeP.inspectori""'~""" Elean°r M°ntg°mery" "" "" AnnRitaHelenaMclntyreE' BusbYHarris Allanilice LetarteMorse Richard L. Heider ~18/.58 " Elizabeth Dushame Lieutenant in Fire Department Raymond T. Walsh. (App.Fire Eng.).~.ll/.58 Dep. ~.,' Rita Hanlon Permanent Fire Fighter Gordon M. Rokes " " " ~/.11/58 " " Eileen Lynch Personnel Board of Appeals James W. McClung 1 year~ " " " " Donald B. Foss 1 " Dog Officer Domenic Olarruso I//25~>~ Building Inspector Martin J. Lawlor 8 ANNUAL TOWN WARRANT ESSEX SS: GREET IN G: To either of the CO~0NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ,Constables of the Town of North Andover: 1959 ~* CD In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are ~here~y directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified ~to vote in elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditor.lure in Precinct Two, the ~' ThOm s on School Auditorium in Precinct Three, and the K~ttredge School 'in Precinct Four in said North Andover on Monday, the second day of March 1959, at seven (7) o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of_ Tax. es,~ Htg~hw. ay Surveyor, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the ~oarm ox' Public Welfare and five Constables for one .year. One Assessor, one Member 'of the Board of Public Works, One Member of the Board of Health,. one Member of the ~chool Committee for three years, one Member of the Planning Board and one Member of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon the Question: ~QUES TI 0N "Shall the Town of North Andover accept the provisions of Secti.on 47B of Chapter 51 of the General Laws, as it applies to sealers of wemghts and measures, a fair and concise summary of which appears below?" YES NO "Acceptance of the provisions of section 47B of Chapter 51 of the General Laws would place under Civil Service the sealer of· weights and measures of the Town of North Andover." All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article l, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article One of t~e Town By-Laws, to Saturday March 14,.1959 at one-thirty o'clock P.M., in the ~eteran's Auditoriu. m of North Andover H~gh ~chool, then and there to act on the following articles. ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to~ accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appro- priati ons. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town as provided for by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, as amended, effective from January l, 1959, Board of Selectmen - each per annum. Board of Public Welfare - each per annum.~ Board of Assessors - each per annum Town Treasurer - per?:annum Tax Collector - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Tree Warden- per annum Moderato~ - per annum Board of Health - each per annum Board of Public M~orks - each per annum ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money, from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January l, 1960 and to issue a note or notes therefor,..payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as ma~ be gi~.en~for'.a~ip~riod of~esS than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, of the General Laws. ARTICLE 8. To consider the report of all special committees. ~ ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote. to authorize the Board of Health to ~ appoint one of their members to the posmtio~n of Board of Health Physician and ~ to fix his co.mpensation in accordance with ~ection ~A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of Board of Health ~. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to annoint one of ~..~ m~mbo.~.~ *.~ ~he position of S~ o~ ~ ................... ~ ~~ ~~cian ~ud to compensation in accordance with Section ~A, Chapter 41, General Laws. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE~11' To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 10~A of Chapter 54 of the General Laws.· ~.~ ~me~ded. __~g. et ~-~v~~~..-----o _~_ Absent Voting at--~o~---w~"~°~ Town Elections. Petitdon of Board of Selectmen. ANNUAL TOWN ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following amendment to the Town By-Laws· "That upon motion duly made and seconded, at any~annual or special Town ~eeting, and upon the affirmative vote of at least 25~ of the voters present at said annual or special Town Meeting, any article in the warrant for the said annual or special Town Meeting shall be voted upon by Australian (Secret) ballot." .Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article 1 of the Town By-La:ws by s, triking therefrom the following: Section 6. No article calling for the appropriation of funds shall be considered at any special town meeting, unless the proposed expenditures is of an emergency nature, and is recommended by the Selectmen and the Advisory Board. Petition of Board of Selectmen. AR.TICLE l~. To see if the Town will v. ote to amend Article i of the Town By Laws by adding thereto the followmng: Section~ 7. No business shall be transacted at any special town meeting except by the unanimous vote of those present and voting, unless there shall be seventy five (75) voters present at the time,' provided however, .that a number less than such quorum may adjourn such meetzng from time to time. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to .By-Laws as appearing on pages 99 and 100 of adding at the end thereof the following new amend Article IV of the Town the 1957:Annual Town Report by sections ?Section 10. The Board of Selectmen shall annually in March appoint and, subject to appropriation, fix the compensation of an Attorney-at-Law who is a re_s~ident of the Town of North Andover, and a member in good standing of the h~ard of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first-day of April next following, and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Said Board of Selectmen shall likewise fill any vacancy in said office for the unexpired term thereof. The Selectmen may employ special counsel to assist the Town Counsel whenever, in their judgement necessity therefor arises · The Town Counsel, shall, subject to the direction of the Board of Selectmen, conduct the prosecution, defense or compromise of all legal proceedings to which the Town of North Andover is a party, and the prosecution or defense as the case may be, of all legal proceedings by or against any Town officer, board or committee. He shall prepare or approve all legal instruments to which the Town is a party or in which any right or interest of the Town is involved, shall advise .any Town officer, board or committee upon and in all legal matters and proceedings effecting the performance of his or its Official duties, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him by these By-Laws or by vote of the Town of North Andover. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of the Town By-Laws, as appearing on pages 99 and 100 of the 1957 Annual ~'own Report, by adding at the end thereof the following new section: Section 10. A committee consisting of ~he Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, The Town 01erk, the Town Treasurer, the Tax Collector, the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the Chairman of the Board of Public Works, the Chairman of the School 'Committee, the Chairman of the Board of Health 'and the Chairman of the Planning Board shall annually in March a_ppo.int and, subject to app- ropriation, fix the compensation of an attorney at law who is a resident of the Town, and a member in goodstanding of the Bar of the Commor~ ealth, to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one y~ar from the first daY of April next following, and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Said committee~ shall likewise fill any vacanqy in said office for the unexpired term thereof. The Selectmen may employ spec.ial counsel to assist the Town Counsel whenever, in their judgment, necessmty therefor arises. The Town Counsel shall, subject to the direction of the Selectmen, conduct the prosecution, defense or compromis, e of all legal proceedings to which the Town is a party,, and the prosecutmon or defense as the case may be, of all legal proceedings by or against any Town officer, board o~ committee. He shall prepare or approve all legal instruments to .which the Tbw~n is a party or in which any right or interest of the Town is involved, shall adVise any Town officer, board or commitbee upon and in all legal matters and proceedings affecting the performance of his or its official dut~es~ 8.nd. shall perform such other dutie~ these by-laws or by vote of the Town. Petition of Arnold J. Salisbury and others. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend .the By-Laws governing the of North Wa~e and Salary Administration Plan for the employees of the Town ' Andover in the'following manner: A. Amend Schedule C, Fringe Benefits, VACATIONS, by striking out said section in its entirety and inserting the £ollowing: V.ACATIONS All employees are entitled to vacations with pay in accordance ~ ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and app.ropriate or transfer from wmt~ the following: C'3 available funds the sum of $2,000.00 to be used wmth presen~ Chief's car to ,~,~.~ purchase new car for use of Fire .Chief. Petition Board of fire Engineers. 1. Employees in the full time employment of the Town six months shall be entitled to one weeks vacation with pay. 2. Employees in the full time employment of the Town one year shall be entitled to two weeks vacation with pay. ARTIOr,W;for the purchase29' To Seeofif500the. feetTOWnofWillo~_., raise and appropriate thel~,.um of $2.000.00 ne~ hose and 500 feet of new hose. Petition Board of Fire Engineers. 5- Employees in the full time employment of the Town for a continuous period of fifteen years shall be entitled to three weeks vacation ~ith pay. ARTICLE 30. To see if the ToWn will raise and appropriate the sum of $3,20_0.53 4. Employees in the full time employment of the Town for a continuous period for the purchase of a 1959 fourm wheel pick-up truck. A 1955 half-ton pick up of twenty years shall be entitled to four weeks vacation with pay. truck to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Highway Surveyor, Vacation time may be l~own as "annual leave" and annual leave shall not be accumulated in excess.of four weeks. ' ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000.00 for the purchase of a scoop dozer for the use of the Highwa.y Each week of annual leave shall be paid for at the employee's regular ~ Department, at Disposal Site. A 19~8 Oliver tractor to be turned in, mn tra( straight time rate of pay; and in the event that one employee has worked. / / Petition of the Highway Surveyor. on several different jobs or occupations in the service of the Town in any one year precedent to thi ~r~ual leave, he shall be paid for his annual leave at the rate of pay ', ~ the job or occupation on which ~e spent the ARTICLE. 32. To seeif the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 greatest amount of working time during the nine months prior ~to 31, in for the further rebuilding of Dale Street under Chapter 90 of the General~ May the vacation year. At his termination or separation from employment by the Town, provided he has worked for the ToWn in a full time capacity for not. less than a con- tinuous Period of twenty-four months, an employee '~hall be paid a sum equal to the' wage value of his un-used annual leave, but not to. exceed four weeks. The Personnel Board may establish a vacation program for the B6ard of Health Nurse and professional full time employees of the Library staff in accordance with the general custom for such occUpations in towns of comparable size. Nothing in this section shall serve to reduce the annual leave of any employee who now has fifteen or more years continuous service. B. Amend Schedule C, Fringe Oenefits, UNIFOHN ALLOWANCES, sentence three, by ($5O striking out ,'Fifty Dollars .00)" and inserting therein "Se. venty-five dollars (.~75.00) so that said sentence, so amended, shall read. Seventy-five dollars (~75.00) per uniformed man for Police, (and so forth to end of said sentence all exactly as previously adopted). Petition of Personnel Board. Laws, said money to be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both for this purpose, or take any other action in~ relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICL~ 33..To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000.00 ~or the maintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjuncbion with money, which may be allotted by the State~ or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or take from available funds the sum of $25,000.00 to be used for resurfacing streets. Petition of Board of Selectmen and Ira D. C ~ arty, Highway Surveyor. ARTIC?. 35. To see if the Town willvote to raise and appropriate $2,500.00 to renew water services to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branches and raise manhole frames and covers on the streets of the Town that are to be reconstructed this year. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 18. To see if the ToWn will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of money to be applied to salaries and wages in each ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sufficient sum of~money to widen a section of Great S~ ~ to,~w~, department to provide a five .per cent cost of living increase to employ_ee subject to the Wage and Salary Admmnistration Plan, to compensate for the in Pond Road from the .Ju~,ction of Pleasant Street to a point .westerly, toward crease in the cost of living since the inception of the By-Law. Wage and ~ the centre, for a dmstance of not less than a tenth of a male. salary schedules to remain the same. Petition of Personel Board. / Petition of Charles H. Kent, Jr. and others. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to become a member of the Metropolitan Lawrence Planning District under the provisions of Chapter ~0B of the Generalto be used in repairing' cement sidewalks. 'Petition of the Highway Surveyor. Laws or take any action thereto. The annual cost to the. Town of North Andover shall be an apportioned cost determined by the District Planning Commission on a per capit~ basis as prove.deal in Section .7 of Chapter 40B, not to exceed loc per capita or the sum of $1000, whichever is the lesser. Petition of James ~. Bannan and others. ~ ARTICLw, 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or 'transfer from available funds the sum of $269.00 to pay Lawrence Plate and WindoW Glass Co. for repairs to the Town Garage in 1957. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $661.00) for the purchase of a Check Writer and a Check Signer for. use in the Town Treasurers Office. Petition of James J. Maker and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum' of $1,000.00 to be used for a sidewalk project. The Town to.pay one -half the cost and the applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 39A. To see if the Town will, vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds $5,200.00 to extend the sewer system on Johnson Street from Salem Street to Milk Street. ~' Petition of ThaddiusP. Zimny, Daniel J. Grieco and others. ARTICLE 39B. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide byobond issue, or transfers from available funds $26,400.00 to extend the sewer system~ on Milk Street from Johnson Street to 'Chestnut Street. ~Petition of Daniel J. Grieco and others. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from ARTICLE 39C. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide available funds the sum of $265.00 for the purchase of a portable insulation by bond issue, or transfer from available funds $18,000.00 to extend the sewer tester to be used by the North Andover Wiring Inspector. Petition of John J. Thompson, Wiring Inspector. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $2,550~00 for the purchase of two new, 1959 12 volt system cars. Two present cars .to be turned in, in trade. All.equip- ment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens, etc. Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police. ARTIC~.~. 2~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,7,00.00 to be used with the 1953 G.M.C. Truck, to purchase a 2 ton dump truck 'and'a 3/~ ton pick up truck. Petition of Board of Public Works. with a 195~ ......... ~..-~ ..-~- *-~ ~,~ ~, ~,.~ ~-~.~,~ to be Ford factor to purchase a .Ford Tractor with side mower 'and loader, Petition of Board of Public Works.. system on Johnson Street from Milk Street to Sutton Hill Road. Petition of Thaddius ~P. Zimny and others. ARTICLe. 39D. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approPriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds $ 9,000.00 to extend the sewer system on Sutton Street from the present terminus to Charles Steak House. Petition of Philip T. Miller and others. ARTICLE 39E. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, ortransfer from available funds, $23,000.00 to extend the sewer system on Chickering Road from the present terminus southerly to ~oody's Grill Petition of Joseph A. Gaumond and ~otherso ~omvo~ ×ow To see ~, ~**~ Town ~,.~ vote to-~alse and ......... '"~ approp,.~a~e, or provmde by bond issue, or ~transfer from available funds, $2,500.00 to extend the sewer system on Woodstock Street from Wood Lane to Linden Avenue. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate ca sufficient sum of money to provide a telemetering equipme=t and =~.~=tic ¢~*~?o for the ............... ~--~-~-- ~z~,~.~ 39G. see ~ the Town will vo'be 'bo raise and appropriate, or provide North Pumping Station. Petition of Board of Public Works. by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ARTICLE 27. To see if the ~"~own wall' vote to raise and appropriate or transfer extend the sewer system on Elmwood Street to t~he residence of Alcide D. C from available funds the sum of $2,800.00 to be used with the present 1950 13 Elmwood Street. Petition of Alcide E. Chen=rd and others. Dodge to purchase a new car. Petition of Board of Health. ARTICLE 59H. To see zf the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide ~ ARTICLE 5©. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $20,125.00 to be added to the by Lend issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient .sum of money to ~? budget of the School Committee ($8,125 to Salarie.s, $12,000 to Expenses) extend the sewer system on Prospect S~reet three hundred and e~ghty feet from ~ PurDer Avenue toward Chadwick Street. Petition of Edwin J. NcCue and others, for the purpose of- establishing a Public School K~ndergarten operating as an ~ integral part of the North Andover Public Schools. ARTICLE 59I. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide Petition of School Committee. by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of .money to ext.end the sewer system on Poplar Street 260 feet from Massachusetts Avenue. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or tra. n.sfer Petition of Nary Winters and others. . ~ , from available funds the sum of $8,~97.50 for the appointment of three (5) ARTICLE 59J. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap.propriate, or provide regularand mentalPatr°lmen'exa~ nation,fullYa~-lgualified'in ac co~danceWh° havewithPassed~oiviltheserviceCivilRulesServiCeandPhysical by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to Regulations. Petition of Board of Selectmen and Alfred H. McKee, Chief-Police extend the sewer system on Chadwick Street from the p.resent terminus two hundred and seventy feet towards Osgood Street. Petitzon of James Curtin and other ARTICr,F. 52. To see ~f' the Town w~ll' vote to raise and appropriate or transfer ARTICLE ~OA. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the Meadowbrook from available funds $6000 to provide uniformed crossing guards at the various Laundry of North Andover the sum of Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty schoOl crossings in the Town of North Andover..Petition Board of Selectmen. Dollars ($10,62,0,.00) to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to razse and appropriate or take r~locating the East Side Trunk Sewer from Sutton Street 580 feet southerly, from available funds the sum of $5000 to be used to finance a detailed study Petition of the Board of Public Works. , and repor.t t° include a land. survey and engineering report, architects fees, TB~oosTwn~Co~LEdt~h!~~~~n~ ~~! !~!~e ~i~c~oO ~i !ii!na~in ~~i~~s0!~!!.,o~ !i r el!i i~! ~! land acquisition and other .slmilarexp.enses, said sum to be administered by the Board. of Selectmen all ~n connection with the erection of a new ~fire ~-~ i. : ~-~ ~ ~ ~ sU~~ )s~~t Y thee- station.mu the vicinity of the~ "Old Center." Petition Board of Selectmen. g Y P ted 1~08 layout of Wood Lane fro~ ~oodstock Street 1,610 feet southeasterly.ARTICLE 5.~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~ppropriate the sum of Petition of the Board of Public ~orks. $600.00. a sum to be expended by the School Building Committee for the pur- A~TICLE ~lA. To.see if the Town will raise and appropriate $500.00 to extendpcs e of'engineering and land surveys of present and~or prospectiv~e School the water system on Pro~spect Street l~ feet from the previous terminus towards Building sites. Petition of School Building Committee. F~rbe~ Avenue. Petition of James Curttn and others. ~ ARTICLE '55. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from _ARTICIE ~lB.~To see if the Town will vote to raise~and appropriate, or provide available funds or provide by bond issue a sum of money for the purpose of oy bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of ~oney to acquiring, by purchase, taking by eminent domain or otherwise from the owners e~te~d the~ water system on Poplar Street 2~0 feet from Massachusetts ~venue. thereof for a. Town Garage and Yard site one of the parcels o~ grouP of parcel Peti~ion of Nary Winters and others. ~ of land described below and provide that the Board of Selectmen, be, and hereby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection with this article or ~ ARTICLE ~lC. To see if the Town will vote to raise and app. ropriate, or provide take any other action in relation thereto. by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suffic~en.t sum of' money to A. Property abutting the present Town Yard on the east, owned by Philip T. e~teod the water system on Moody Street, 250 feet from Chadwick S,treet. Petition of Philip Clark and others, and Rosemary Miller, contai,.ning about 12,858 sqUare feet and described ' in a deed from Chas.tina S.L. Gile to Philip T. an.d. Rosemary.~iller dated ARTICLE ~2. To see'zf the Town w~ll-- vote to raise and appropriate or transfer'I December 50, 1954 and recorded with the Essex Northern Dzstrict Registry f~om available funds a sufficient sum of money to install a drain~on PleasantIof'Deeds in Book 806, Page 57. Street. starting at a po.iht 100 feet east of the Joseph· Lawlor residence and I B. Two certain parcels of land lying between Beacon Hill Bo.ulevard and Bay eate.~dzng along right s~de of the road to a point 876 feet east of said state Road being (a) Lot numbered 88 on plan of Oeacon Hz~ll, recorded with ~es~dence. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor and others. ~ the North Essex District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 05~1 owned now or formerly by Francis COx, containing ~,600-square feet~and (b) Lots num- .,ARTICLE ~5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide bered lll and 112 on the said Beacon Hill Plan No. 05~1 owned by Vina by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, the sum Of $1,500.00 to in- Garneau, containing 9,200 square feet. Petition of Board of Selectmen. stall a s~urface .drain at the corner of Furber Avenue and Brightwood Avenue and to extend appro~mately 500 feet on Brightwo°d Avenue. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $12,000.00 Petition of Clarence Walters and others. ~ to acquire the Philip T. and Rosemary Miller property adjoining the Town Yard, remove the buildings therefrom and make certain improvements to the ARTICLE ~. To see If~ the Town will raise and appropriate '~he sum of $16,000.00 existing town sheds so as to provide needed garage ~space for the town for the Petition Of the Highway Surveyor.· equipment. Petition of Board of Selectmen.., ~ rebuilding of culvert on Greene Street from Waverly Road to the Lawrence Line. · ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from ARTICLE ~5. To see-~f the Town will vote to appropriate the sum Of $1,2oo.00'~ available f.unds a sum of money for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, for the purpose~of painting the Town Infirmary, .purchase of equipment,, and t.~aktng by eminent domain, or otherwise, from the owners, for extension of the general repairs to the Infirmary building. Petition Board of Puglic Welfare. present Franklin School site, the two parcels of~ land described below, c°n- tailing a total of approximately 2.87 acres, and provide that the Board of ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $950.00 to Selectmen be, and hereby is, authorized to act for the Town in connection provide a suitable entrance with steel doors to a storage ~rea under the Arts and Crafts roe.ms of 6he North Andover High School. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE [97. To see if the Town will raise and appropria te the sum of $1,500.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will authorize the Recreational Council app- ointed by the Selectmen to lease from the Brooks School certain land owned by it which is used as a skating rink, and to authorize the Recreational Cotmcfl to promote and conduct ice skating thereon for the residents of the with this article, or PROPERTY SOUTHEAST OF take any action in relation thereto. A. THE PRESENT FRANKLIN SCHOOL SITE A lot of land now or formerly belonging to Puccio situated to the south- east of the present Franklin School site, containin~g approximately 2.29 acres, and being more particularly bounded and described as folloWs: Beginning at the northeast corner of the present Franklin School site at land now or formerly of Comstock~ and land now or formerly of Puccio, thence running northeasterly along a stone wall by land now or formerly of Comstock, 25 feet to a point at land now or formerly of Harry W. Cl~.rk; thence turning and running southeasterly along land now or formerly of Town, and to appropriate the sum of ~$2,500.00 therefor from available funds Harry W. Clark,. 225 feet to a point~ thence turning and running in a · --- t ......... ~' ""-- -.,.., ,..-.,.,,.,,,..,,,.,..,,.,-,,,,..,.,.,,,, ,-,-,..,.,..,.,.,. creational Council. 45 of he General Laws. Petition of Ee Puccio, 460 feet to a point in land now or formerly of PucciO; thence turn- ARTICLE ~9. To se~ i~ the Town wall' vote to raise and appropriate or transfer i.ng at an angle of 90 degrees and running in a gens rally north-northwe.sterl' dzrection through land now or formerly of Puccio, 205.feet to a point zn a from ~vailable fund~ the sum of $500.00 to provide the townspeople with ten (10) stone wall at the intersection of the southeasterly sade of Bevin Road ~and band concerts. ~ smcians Local No. 572, Lawrence, Nass. Petition Board of SeIectmen. the southwesterly side of. Pinedale Terrace, thence turning and running 'zn a generally northeasterly dmrection along a stone wall by land now or fOrmerl of Puccio, 465 .feet to the point of beginning. Ail measu.rements being more or less, and samd lot herein described containing approxmmately 99,750 square feet. Heferences may be found on Plat No. ~7 in the North AndOver Town Assessors' Office. PROPERTY SOUTHWEST 0F T~'~ PRESENT FRANKLIN SCHOOL SITE. A. lot of land now. or formerly belonging to .Charles and Gertrude I~elamed ~ s~tuate, d to the ~southwest of the present Franklin School site, containing approximately .55 acres', and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest, corner of the present Franklin School site at land now or formerly of lv;elamed, thence running in a south- easterly d.irection across ~arnham Road, ll6 feet to a point where the north- easterly s~de of Pinedale Terrace %nte. rsects the southeasterly side' of Farnham Road; thence turning and runnln~ along the northeasterl side of Pinedale ~errace~ 514 feet to a point where the northeasterly side of Pine- dale Terrace intersects the southeasterly side of herin Road;' thence turning and running in a southwes.terly direction along a stone wall on~ the south- east s.ide of B.evin Road, 40 feet to a point where the southeas'terly side ~ of Bev~n Road ~ntersects the southwesterly side of Pinedale Terrace; thenc~ turning and running in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly ~ side of Pinedale Terrace and its extension, 600 .feet to a point in land now or formerly of i~lelamed; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction through land now or formerly of Nelamed, 75 feet to the point of beginning, review and' approVal by the Board of Appeals endorsed in writing on the All measurements being more or less, and said lot herein described contain- plan with or without any conditions. lng approximately 25,200 square feet. All reference .terraces, and ways may be found on Plat No. ~7 in the Assessor' s Office. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building to s aid streets, North andover Town Commit tee. ART 61. C°n't "'4. southwesterly-" by a line parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the location line of the former Salem Railroad right of way between Chickering Road and Prescott Street. 5. Northerly by Prescott Street center line to center line of Chickering R cad,o ' 6. Westerly by High ~treet. Petition of North Andover Planning Ooard, James N. Barman, Chairman. ARTICLE 62. To see if t~e Town will vote to amend the North Andover. Zoning By-Law by striking out Section 4.5 through ~.55 inclusive and substmtuting therefor the following: ~ ~.5 NOTEL$ ~ote.ls shall be permitted in any zOning district but only in accordance w~th the standards set.forth below and only after a p.u.blic hearing, by the. Board of Appeals w~th due. notice given on application for a motel building Permit or for a building permit for a ~otel ex- pansion or alteration costing more than $500 and only after site plan . ~ the names of all adjoining owners as found, in. the most recent tax list, ARTICL~ 58. To see if the Town wall .vote to transfer thecare, custody, the locations of existing public, or private ways nearest such 1.and, management and control of the followzn.g described parcel of land, generally and a plan, profile and cross-sect.ions of all driveways and parking known as the old Johnson High School.sate, from the Board of Selectmen to the areas proposed, also. t.he truelocat~on and .ground coverage outline and School committee for school purposes, ~uch transfer being under ~he authority to be found within~ the provisions of Chapter ~0, Section 15A, of the General dimensions of every ou~lding or structures proposed to be erected thereon. Laws of the Commonw. ealth of Nassachusetts: One copy of each au. ch application and plot pl.an diagram and statement ~ i lot of land.lying north of the intersection of Nain Street and Osgood shall be kept on fzle in the o.ffice of ?he Bullding Inspector. Street, contazning approximately 1.~6 a. Cres, and being more par.ticularly 4.52 One copy of each such a.pplicat~on and dmagram and statement above re- bounded and described as foll?s: Beginning at a point at the ~ntersection quired shall be filed wroth the.Board of Appeals with a letter requesting ,of the easterly side of Nain Street and the westerly side of 0sgood Street; the said Board to rev.iew the s~te plan attached and to hol.d a public thence .r~unning. in a northerly direction along the westerly side of Osgood hearing therein. Not~ce of such public hearing shall be gzven b.y the Street 462 feet to a point at land now or formerly of Dillon, thence turning Board of Appeals by publication a.t the expense of the applicant ~n a and runni~ng in a westerly direction along la.nde now or formerly of Dillon and newspaper of gender, al c~rcu~ tion ~n North Andover and the first appear- others 560 feet to a point on the easterly s~de of Nain Street at 1.and n.ow I ante of such published not.~ce shall be twelve days (12) at least before or formerly of Randone; thence t~rning and running in a s.outherly d~re.ct~onl the date set for such hearing. ' along the easterly .side of Nain Street 420 feet to the point of beginning, i A permit to build a motel or .to alter or add to a motel at a cost of All measuremen.ts bezng.more or ~ ss, and said lot herein described con- 4.55 $500.00 .or more shall not be ~ssued by the Building Inspector ~u~.til he raining approximately 65,750 square feet, All references to street.s and has recezved from the Board of Appeals a written statement of .fznal approv ways may be found on Plat ~No. 58 in the North Andover Town Assessor s Office. Petition of ,the School 6/ommittee and the School Building 'Committee. by the .Bcard of Appeals .of the site plan for such motel or addition or alte. rat~on, and such statement by the Board of Appeals shall include a ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town wilI vote to accept from the North Andover rec~tal~ of the date on w.hich the Boar~ o.f Appeals held the public hearing ImProvement Society, a gift of all the land now owned by the Society in the above required, and a recmtal of the f.~nd~ngs.of the Board of Appeals area bounded by Osgood Street, Nassachusetts Avenue and Andover Street, for after such hearing, including any conditions zmposed by ~the, said Board the use and enjoyment of the people of the Town'as a Public Park, or Common as .part of its final approval, and the Building Inspector shall enforce but for no other purpose. Petition of ~dmund F. Leland, III and others, the fulfillment of such conditions. ARTICLE 6o. To see if the Town will vote to amend section 9 of the~Nor.th 4.54 In reviewing each such appli~a.tion, the Board of Appeals shall study the motel site plan proposed' relative to the health, safety and welfare..of Andover Zoning By-Laws as amended and adopted by the Special Town l~eet~ng of June 50, 1956, by striking out of that portion of the BY-Law numbered the prospective occu. p.ants, a.lso the occupants of neighboring properties, section 9.1 in the last sentence of section 9.1. Further provided that two and users of the adjoining hmghway, and.the welfare of the town generally, of the said Board of Appeals members and one of said associate members shall including amenity and pleasantness of Sate plans. In addition to com- be appointed from a.mong the members of the North Andover Pla~n~l~ing Board.' Such 'pliance with all of the Land Space and Building Space.~equirements set that the amended By Law will read as follows, section 9.1: There shall be a forth below, the Board Shall look for: Board of Appeals of five members and not more than three associate members (a) Traffic safety and ease of access at street~and h~ghway entrances which shall have and exercise all the powers provided under the Gets ral Laws, and exits of motel driveways, taking account of grades, sight Chapter ~OA as amended, and which shall hear and decide all matters specifically referred to the Board of Appeals by the North Andover's Zoning By-Laws and other matters referred to such Board by statute. The Board of Appeals members and associate members shall be appointed by' the Selectmen in the manner provided for by~'~statute. Petition Board of Selectmen. ARTICL¥. 61. To see if the Town Will vote to amend the North Andover 2oning By-Law ~and Zoning Map by striking out and deleting from that section of the North Andover Zoning By-Law relating to country residence districts the section therein number 5o42 and by adding to that part of the Zoning By-Law and Zoning IvIao refer~.d to as v!l~age res~+ia! di~-~ ~,., - ^~,~- -~ 5.55, said new section to be as follows: That part of North Andover Township bounded and described as follows, excep- ting that such portions of the within area ~hich have previously been dee]a red to be in a business zone shall continue to be zoned as such: 1. Northwesterly by Sutton Street center line: 2. Northeasterly by Osgood Street cente~ line between Sutton Street and distances and distance between such driveway entrances, or exits and the nearest existing or highway intersections. (b) Safety and adequate of motel drive, way layout, also of parking and loading areas for motel patrons, and' sufficiency of access for service vehicles such as electricity, gas, fuel, te~lephone, laundry, rubbish removal, water, sewer, fire, pol~ice, ambulance or other routine vehicles. (c) Safe and,adequate means of sewage, of garbage, and rubbish disposal; of water-supply of heating and be furnished. (d) Assurance and fire-fighting, while awaiting the Fire Department; ventilating; also of cooking if cooking facilities Prescott Street. Southeasterly by Chickering Road center line between Prescott Street keys, and safe-keeping of valuables; also lounge for and former Salem Railroad at Chickering Road. writing by patrons. (e) Sound-proofing between sleeping rooms; windows not looking directly from room to room; and lobby or office space for registration, room waiting or of positive storm-water drainage and snow-melt run-off from all driveways and parking and loading areas. Landscaping and building layout such as shall protect proposed motel bedroom windows from constant night invasion by automobile headlight beams or glare from illuminated signs or driveway lights. 4.51 Each application for a permit to build a motel.or to alter or add to a motel at a cost of $500 or more shall be in writing and shall inclu.de a diagram and a'statement of the ownership, area, dimensions, boundaries and principal elevations of the land for which such permit is sought, ' 195 9 ANNUAL TOWN EETINO . 1 5 9 li38 I 9 5 9 ANNUAL ': TOWN i]~EETZNG 19 59 ~ 8 .ART., 62. Con't. ~ Z-~ . ARTICLW, 6~. To see if the ToWn of North Andover wzll vote to amend the. Zoning ~ By-Laws by changing from V.illage Residential, Section 5.51 of the Zoning By- e.55 Motel lot size, land coverage, yard space and building design regulations ~ Laws to Business, Section [~.3, the following parcel of land bounded and de- (a) The lot for any motel shall contain not less than (3) acres total ~ scribed as follows: . ~ land.area excluding any w6ter bodies of one-half (1/2) acres water . Easterly by the westerly line of Chickering Road two serwce area or more, provided such lot be ~ot less than three ~hun- . hundred sixty-e.~ght and 08/100 (268.08)feet. Southeasterly by Trenton Street 'twenty f~ve and 88/100 (25.88)feet; Southwes.terly by la, nd ngw or . dred (500) feet wide at thefrontage street and throughout theflrst elv f Nora ~C. Fitz ibbons et al two hundred f~ve and 20/100 (205.20) form r ~ o · g - t two hundred (200) feet depth of such lot, measuring from the fr. ontage, feet; and ~.~orthwesterly by land now or formerly of Village Land Co., wo street lot line.. . ' hund~red th~rty-se.ven (237) feet. (b) 'No part of any bu~ldzng on a motel lot shall be close, than fifty All of said boundary, es are .determined by the Court t.o be located as shown on (50) feet to the front lot line, rear lot line or either side line 'Plan No. 25601A, whzch is f~led with Original Certifzcate of Title No' ~373, of such~lot. A green y~ard space not less than twenty (20) feet wide, book,.29, pa~e .493, the same. being compiled from a plan drawn by .Charles E. measur.ed at a right angle t.o each Of aforesaid lot lines, shall be maintazned open and green wzth grass, .bushes, flowers and trees allCyr,' Civil Eng.~neer, date January 1955:. and additional date on fzle in the along each side lot line or rear lot l~ne of such a lot, and (exceptland registration Office, all as modifzed and approved by the cou. rt and being shown as lot 2 thereon. So much of the above described land as ms included for entrance and exit driveways) along the entire front line of such within the limits of Said Trenton Street is subject to the rights of all lot, and such yard space'shall for automobile parking. (c) There shall be one (bituminous) not be built on nor paved no~ used concrete off-street and off main driveway paved automobile parking space, open or roofed, directly adjoining each motel rental .unit. Building on a mote~ lot shall not cover more than twenty-five (25%) percent of t.he land area of such lot excluding any water bodies as' above specifzed. NOt less than seventy-five (75%) percent of the land area of such lot shall remain open and un-built on but such (d) open sidewalks and motel service be permitted, in any part of strip above specified, There shall not be per acre of motel specified, space may be used for automobile off-street parking, driveways, yards, except that such use shall n.ot the twenty (20) foot wide green pen~niter erected more than twenty (20) motel rental units lot land area, excluding any water bodies as above (f) Each motel rental unit shall be not less than two hundred fifty (250) square feet habitable floor area enclosed by walls and roof, exclusive of any adjoining, portions of roofed or covered walkways. Each motel rental s.leep~ng room shall not be less than fifteen (15)by fifteen (15) horizontal dimensions, exclusive of bath or kitchenette.~ Each' such room shall have a private b. ath attached. Each motel struct.ure shal~onta~n not less than six (6) nor more than twelve (12) mndividual motel rental units, unless each section of twelve (12) such units be separated by an unbroken firewall from any further additional such units. Each motel s.tructure shall be of fireproof construction. Each such structure may be connected with other similar structures by a covered walkway if of fire resistive materials. Whether or not so connected, the nearest parts of the walls or corners of such structures shall be separated by a land space otherwise open and un-built on of not less than thirty (~0) feet, and in which, within the area bounded by the intersecting pro- jections of the side lines of adjacent buildings, there shall be no automobile parking or loading (g) (h) persons lawfully entitled thereto in an over the same. Petition of John J. McGuire and others. ARTICLF~ 65. To see if the Tow.n of North Andover will vote to approve this proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law to permit the change in classification of a parcel of land owned by J. Elaine Griffin, from Rural Residential to Country Residential. The land in question is bounded easterly by 0sgood Chicks ring Road. Street; southerly b~ Prescott Street; and westerly by Petition of Joseph iVlontgomery and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $15,000.00 from the Overlay Surplus to the keserve Fund. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 67. To se.e if the Town will appropriate from available funds the sum of $11,228.67 bezng the amount of water department receiPts in 'excess of water depart.ment operating e.xpenses including bond.s and interests for. 1958 to a Stabilizat~on Fund as provzded for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945 with ~the understanding that it is to be used b.y the Town for capital' improvements .in the water works system under the provisions of the above act. Petition of the Boa.rd of Public Works. ARTICLW~ 68. To see zf the Town will raise and appropria~.te: or transfer from available funds, a sum of money to be added to the Stab~lzzation Fund, . . , authori?d unde~ Chapter 124, ~cts Of 1945, and established under A, rtic.le, 36 of the Warrant by the vote of the Annual Town Meeting held ~,~arch. 18, 1948, Petition of the School Building Committee. ARTICr~: 69. To see if the Town will vote to take'the from available funds to reduce the 1959 tax rate. Petition of Board of Assessors. sum of And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Buildings on motel lots shall be one-story and not re.ore than .twenty-five (25) feet in height, no.twithstanding any building-he.zght~, provisions Hereof fail not, and make d.ue return of this w.arrant v.~ith in the zoning district zn which such buildings are sztua~ed, except to the Town Clerk, at the tame and place of sa~d meeting. that not more than two apartments for owner or resident manager or Given under our hands at North Andover Massachusetts, the Twenty-first day of other resident .staff may be on a second story not to exceed thirty- January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hu~.dred fifty-nir~. five (35) feet ~n height. RALPH E. FINCK, Chazrman (i) On each motel lot there shall be provided at. least one apartment WILLIAA~I A. FINNERAN for a resident owner or manager or other responsible staff person. Each such apartment shall be not less than eight hundred (8.00) square PHILIP SUTCLIFFE. feet floor area. Such apartment may include the rental off~ce of the Board of Selectmen. motel, and a lounge or other public room~ for the use of motel patrons. A true copy: ATTEST: ~ Such apartment may be on ase. cond floor ~s pr.ovided in (.h) above, but _ Constable. only if over a lounge or off~ce or other pub!~c .rooms o~ storage or February 'i7, 1'9'59. ..... supply rooms of the motel. No second story premzses shall be' locate(North Andover, i'~assachusetts. over any motel rental unit.. Or take any other action relative Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M, Barman Chairman. thereto° amend Section 4.~$ of the Zoning motel" so the~same shall then and approval by the Board of an auto- retail food OFFICER'S RETURN your doings .thereon I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting tru~ and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Office Building and kt five or more public places ~ ~.a~.~ voting ~ci~.t of the Town. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to By-Law by striking out therefrom the words "a read: On petition, subject to site plan review Appeals after a public hearing thereon with due notice given, mobile service and filling station, a diner, a restaurant, a store, but no other retail stores of any kind. Pet!t~ of U~-o~ of ^~ ~~ ~ ~Leary, ~ - Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. JOSEPH A. SMITH, Constable. North Ando ver, ~iass. JON~N J~LY '~, T February 17, 1959 ATTEST: own Clerk. ................... ........ 4 7 ~,~0 THREE FOUR TOTAL C3 RAND, George. MODERATOR F. OR ONE ...YEAR. ~ THOMSON, ~. Arthur A. ~ ~ THONSON ,. Donald. 1 STEWART, . Robert 2~ ~ FINCK, R~lph F. L~CH, Harold Ksne, Feorge 1~ 171 12~ 186 628 BODGE, Royce 1 Blanks HALLORAN,~ Robe.r t i 1 TOWN TREAS~R FOR ONE ~ ROBINSON, Dudley' i 1. 80 ~ 1 1 ~R, James' J. .......... " 680 11~ 711 860 Blanks~ 83 105 141 ~l Nc~E, Alfred ~AIRE, Henry 1 1 T~ COL~CTOR FOR O~ ~ LYONS, Jo~ A. i 1 I 1 8 i CUSHING,~. Jo~ 1 DEWieST,. games 'H. ' ' ' 62~ 759 685 lk0 ~ 2912 Blanks 1~5 158 129 58~ LU~, George SELECTION FOR O~E .~ G~Y, Ed F~CK, 'Ralph E. ' ~ 52~ 6~8 5~7 78~ 2512 B~G~M,. Barney ~ BARRy,FINI~RAN's~CLIFFE' Williamphilip i. ~o 5~6 ~ ~ ~78 76 25~8 DONNELLY-, Jose.ph 2165 LANDERS, Vincent G0~LEY,, A~chie James i. ~ 291 ~l? 309 GALEAZZI, Leo ~ ~ 220~ 2728 2852 1028.~ COFFIN, Andrew 2 2 Q~STION': Y'E S 255 ~50 2~ 415 Blanks 438 470 ~29 ~2 1779 3~4 420 291 417 Blanks ~ ~N 0 161. 1~7 208 169 685 BOARD 0F WELF~E FOR 0~ ~AR ~I~C~, Ralph 2. ........... 522 650 56~ 7~5 2511 ' ELEC~D 0FFIC~LS.....AS 0F ~.~CH 2, 19.~9 26~~~ 2~.46~ MODERATOR. :' "ARTH~ A. THOMsoN: ~ FINERY, William A. · 76~ ¢~ ~~ 2.9 Date Sworn B~RY, James A. GAL~ZZI, Leo -i T~ COL~CTOR JA~s H. DEWHIRST ~ 9 Bl~k~ 451 485 4~0 464 18~0 BOARD 0F SE~CT~N ~ALPH E. FINCK ~ 9 WILLIA~ A. F~RAN 3 9 HIG~AY S~YOR FOR ONE J' 2776~105 OO 99 ~47 BOARD 0F~UBLIC WELFARERALPH E. FINCK ~ 9 }~HON~, J~ zo57 9 PHILIP SUTCLIFFE ~ 9 NICETTA, Nzcholas F. 295 201 298 1--~ HIG~AY SURVEYOR IRA D. OARTY ' Blanks 15 12 13 SCHOOL CO~IT~E } Years DR. FEED C. ATKINSON SCHOOL COI~'iITT~ FOR THR~. ~S BOARD 0F ~TH 5 Years R. GEORGE CARON 9 ~ SON, Dr. ~'red C. 1'86~5. 7~0 689 8~06 29~ BOARD 0F ASSESSORS ~ Years ~NRY E. LU~ 9 147 125 i i 551 BOARD 0F PUBLIC ~RKS 5 " ~VING C. HOWES Blanks TRF. E WARDEN JOHN J. C 0E NORS BOARD. 0F ~AL~ FOR Th~ ~S P~NNING BOARD 5 Years JA~S N. BA~AN C~0N, 'R. G'e0rge ............. 684 791 711 866 ~ HOUSING AUTHORITY 5 Years THOI~S L. FOULDS Blanks ~. 79 126 10~ 135 , C0NSTABV.~S WILLIAI~ J. LACEY 9 0SEP A. 9 ASSESSOR FOR T~ ~ARS 79~ 705 ~, H~ry E. 646 850 2994 AUGUSTINE J. WALSH 5 9 Blanks ll7 12 109 151 501 JA~S D. NcCABE RUSSELL CH~BERLAIN . 5 9 BOARD 0F P~LIC WORKS FOR ~R~ ~S QUESTION: "Shall the To~ of North Andover accept the provis~ons 'H0~S, "~rvi~g ~. ' '~ ' ' ~ 615 745 662 830 2852 Blanks 148 172 !52 171 643 [ of Section 47B of Chapter ~l of the General Laws, as it applies to sealers of weights and measures, a fair T~ W~DEN FOR ONE ~ ~ and concise s~ary of which appeared., below?"' Co~'oRs', '~0~ J. 6~ 7~7 ~o7 84~ 2975 · Acceptance of the provisions of Section 47B of Chapter Blanks ll9 140 107 154 520 .. of the General Laws wou~ p~ ce ~der Civil Service the PLA~ING B0~.~ FOR FI~ ~ARS . sealer of w~ights and measures of the Town of No. Andove~. ¢ene A. }72 1~2~ FITZGERALD, Jo~ Blanks 90 123 81 90 584 ADJOINED TowN ~ETING SAZ~DAY I~RCH ~t,' 1959- 1:30 P.~.~. Thomas L. ' 609 72~ 658 79~ 2788 by. ballot referred to the Selectmen for s. ctzon." ' FOULDS, ST~T, Robert I AR[TIC~E ~. VO~ED to accept the :report of receipts and expenditures as Bl~ks . '. 15~ I~9 156 207 706 pr.esented by the Selectmen be accepted.. '. '"' ' CONST~LES FOR 0~ ~ [ ' '"'".~ ARTICLE. - ~. V0~D that all ~expended appropriatkons, be returned to the Town LACE , William J. ~95 579 525 69~ 2290 Treasury, with the exception of the followzng amo~ts as of January l, 1959, SMITH, Joseph A. 561 ~29 52~ 24~5 2~25 1~. Art. 5, 10-7-57 Brooks Skatzng $405.00 WALSH, Augustine J. 51060~ 50~ ~:~ which were originally appropriated, under the Articles indicated: NcCABE, James 10 ~ 2~ 2[. Art. 62. 1958 " " l, 700.00 ZUILL, Charles 296 High St. ~ i ' 5 3'.Art. [~. 6/50/56 Planning Board Extra Exp. 800.00 ZUILL, Charles 32 F~ber Ave. ~ 4~.Art. 6~. 1957 " ~ To~ Plan. 4,000.00 ~*SB~~,"~~~' l~ 2 ~ 3 2~ ~'.Art. 69. 19~7, ~ ".,~," Zoning Jviaps2 1,~.~ ~RS, George ~'.Art. 6. 6/9~5~ ~olice.~ages and Election Expenses ~u[.[~ WALSH,c~NBERLiN,Ra~ondRussell ~ i~ ~ 6 2~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ' ~~~~.~~~~ ~~~~C~~ct~o~ 7~,:~~~~~~ FIeldERS', ROOert ~ l0['. ir~[ ~'~] [957"';[~ 96 G.L. D]l~ Street" 1~,~27'20 n. " o, oo.0o ~CKIE, William 1Z.Art. 19, 1955 Town Infirmary Repairs 639.72 HILL, Frank ~ S~RBETZ, Walter FARACI, 0nofrio 2 2 ~ NED TOWN ~'~EETING. SATURDAY MARCH IOLE 4. CON'T. . · I~. U.S. 01d Age Aos~s~anoe lg. ~. 01d Age Admnxstrat~on 4,~8~.25 . U.S id to Dependent Chmldren.~Aid. .~565.58 Administration. ~7 1~]~. U.S. ~ lty Assistance . 0 ' U.S. Di bi ~ Adminms"trat~on . 1,29 ~0 21 19. Veterans' Bene~s, Reserve for 195'8 ~{ass Hospital Bills 5~9.7 20. Federal School F~, P.L.874, Chap.413. of 1956. · 4,564.56 24. Art. 6, 11-26-56 Me~ed Land'Faking~ . 12,000.00 ~] Art. 1, Item A-l, 2-~-5~Ielamed L~Tak~ng. ',625.00~ Art. 1, Item A-2~ 2-~-~ ~ame~nd Takzng... 500.00. ~ Art. 1, Item B-l, 2-4-57 Chair!alu Land Takmng 100'00 Art. 1, Item B-2~ 2-~-~7 ~iz[~La~d Takifig 1~0.00 29. Art. 8, ' 2-~-,~New Fran~n School 71,5~7.~0 )0. School L~ch -'~" '. . '. '~.. " 20~.1~ ~2. C~vil Defense~~ . ' ~4~.0~ ~] Interest o~estern Etec. Escrow Accost. Art. 5~958. Installing 12" Wa~er Mamns. 27,501..67 TM ~] Art~-'~. 1958. Water Main Extensions . ' 2,500.00 26. ~ 8. 1958. P~rchase of Land & B!dgs. Gr..Pond Rd. 9,600.00. . 1~[ater Mains Prem~ . "~ ~189.~5 27' Art. 56, 1958. West S~.de Tr~.k Sewer. . 14 ; .8_.87 TOTAL $312,5 .~.0,50 28, ARTICLE 5- VOTED to.fix the salary a. nd compensation of..all elected officers 29. of the Town as provmded for by Sectzon 108 of Chapter 41 of. the General Laws~ as amended, effective from January 1, 1959. Provided for in Budget. Board of Selec. tmen - eac_h per annum. $700.00 each per annum Board of Public V~elf_are . 150.00 50; Board of Assessors each ps r annum 1,250.00 51' Town Treasurer- per armum 5,775.00 Tax Collector- per annum 1'900.00 52. 765.oo Highway Surveyor- per annum 5,400.00 Tree Warden per annum ~ioderator- per annum 50.00 ~" Board of Health each per annum 500.00 ~'[ Board of pub.lit Works-each per annum . 250.00 I ~56' ARTICLE 6. (Bu.dget) Notion duly made and seconded to app.rove ~tems of the. budget collectively as to the recommendations of the Advlso,rY Board with the · teased from $10,000.00 to ~eption of Item 45. Snow Removal Expenses inc. o ,000.00. SALARIES & ,XP .N 0 Ar, - -~1. '~ELEC'T'~':~ Salaries $2,'i'00"'.'00 "" ' ..... ~:$2,10'0.'b0 58. Clerk, Salary 5,~85.50 ,,~ 5,385.50 59- Expen se .s $750.00 750.00 2. TREASURER. Salary 5,775.00 . 5,775.00 Clerk, Salary 5,510.00 5,5.10.00 Expenses.~ 1,600.00 1,~00.00 ~10. 5. ACCOUNTANT. Salary ~,680.00 4,680.00 . Extra Clerical 1,200.00 1,200.00 .~. Expense s , . 500.00 500.00 4. TAX COLLECTOR. Salary 1,900.00 l, )00.00 Clerk, Salary 5,770.00 5,' 70.00 Expense s 2,850.00 2 150.00 5. TOWN CLERK; Salary 4,850.00 4 ;50.00 Expense .s 550 · 00 550.00 6. ASSESSORS. Salaries ._ 5,750°00 5,750.00 ADJOUREED TOWN ~ETiNG. SATURDAY MARCH 1~, 1959 .~.[~.3 POL1 C.E DEPARTI~.NT · Chief Salary 5,596.75 5,596.75 Four Sergeants 18,890.00 18,890.00 Seven Patrolmen 50,095.00 5.0,095.00 Reserves and Specials 4,000.00 4,000.00 Overtime and E..1. ections 1,O00.O0 1,OO0.00 Expenses (Iht.S100 Out of State) 6,600 O0 6,600.00 FIRE DEPART~,~gNT · Chief Salary 5,500.00 5,500.00 ,Lie. utenant Salary 4, 6~5.00 4,645.00 Thirteen Regulars : 50,565.00 50,565.00 Two Engineers 1,700.00 1,700.00 Call .and Spare Men. 12,86.7.50 12'867.50 Va cats OhS ' 2,824.50 2,82~. 50 Expenses . · 9,170 O0 9,170.00 FORE~T FIRE WARDEN: salary 250.00 250.00 FOREST FIRE.EXPEI~SES l, 000.00 l, 000.00 DOG OFFICER. Salary 245.00 245.00 Expen se s . 350 · O0 3, 50.00 CIVIL DEFF2~SE: Dmrector Salary 600.00 600.00 Expenses ~ · . 2,400.00 2,$O0.00 BUILDING INSPEC TOR. Salary 600. O0 600.00 Expenses .. lO0.O0 lO0.00 WIRING INSPECTOR: Salary 600.00 600.00 Expen se s 125 · O0 125 · 00 SEALER OF WEIGHTS & }:U~ASb2qE: Salary 500.00 500.00 0.00 coN o .. ¢ .oo Expenses 1,955 · O0 1,955.00 POISON IVY CONTROL: Labor-Wages 500.00 500.00 Expenses ~ ' 300.00 500.00 DUTCH ELI~ DISEASE: Labor-Wages 6,925'00 6,925.00 Expefise s l, 100.00 1,100.00 BRUSH CUTTING: Lsbor_-Wages l, 000.00 1,O00]00 T0~$~ F0~EST:. ,Labor Wages 150.00 150 O0 TREE WARDEN.: ~ Supt. Salary 400.00 ~00.00 Labor - Wages 8,911.75 8,~11.75 E~Penses 1,415.00 1,415.00 STREET LIGHTING:Expenses 24,000.00 24,000.00 BOARD OF HEALTH:Salaries 900.00 900.00 Nurse i Salary 4, 680.00 4,680.00 Physicman - Salary 950.00 950.00 ...Expenses' . ' 5,075.00 5,075.00 RE~USE DISPOSAL: Labor-Wages 20,000.00 20,000.00 Expenses ~ 5,00'0.00 3,000.00 GARBAG~ DISPOSAL: Contract 6,600.00 6,600.00 SEV~R I~AINTF~NANCE & CONSTRUCT ON Supt. and Clerk Salary 1,750.00 1,750.00 ~Labor - Wages 8,000.00 8,000.00 'Expenses . . 7,000.00 .7,000.00 ANIMAL INSPECTOR~ Salary 525.00 525.00 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR. SALARY ,5,765.00 5,765.00 STREETS - GEI~F_2tAL I'~AIN-~.2,rANCE Clerk, .Salary 5,0~8.50 5,04,8.50 Labor Wages 55,000.00 55,000.00 Tarvi. a, noad Oil, Cinders Stone and Gravel 20,000.00 20,000.00 4, 4, ;oo.oo Gasoline & 0il.. E.quipment & Repairs 51,, Mzscellaneous ~xpenses ,~ ;00.00 .00.00 15; _00.00 .88.5 o _88.5 o Clerk, Salary 5,Y70.00 5,.770.00 Rental of Equipment ;00.00 00.00 ... Extra Clerical 1,400.00 :1,400.00 ,~.~. SNOW REMOVAL: E.x. penses . 50,000.00 50,.000.00 2 Expenses~ . . 5,884.00 5,8~84.00 /~'~ BOARD OF P~LIC ~E~FARE: Salaries 450.00 ~50.00 7. ELECTIONS & REGIS~ARS, Sa!arzes875.00 ' ~75.00 l'" ~~, **45. WE~'~ ADMiNIS~ATION: Expenses . 5,225.00. )5,225.00~ =~i~ Agent Salary 5,200.00 5,200.00 ~TAL~STATISTICS: Expenses (Thzs budget item being elimmnated :~ Socmal Worker . 4,4~20.00 4,[~.20.00 MODERATOR: Salar~ ' 50.00 50.00 ~ Jr. Clerk~ Typzst ~ · 3,276.00 ~,276.00 i ADVISORY'BOARD[ Expenses 250.00 250.00 ~ ~xtra Socmal Worker 2,750.00 2,750.00 ll. PLANING BOARD. Expense~ 750.00 ~50'.00 Expenses . . .. . 2~050.00 2,050.00 ' l~.BOARD 0F ~PEALS: (Plannmng) Expenses 400.00 400.00 ~ Altho~gh~actua~ Welfare.Adm~nmstra~mon costs have mncreased ~,~05.O0 I'. ,'~,~ov,u~ ov~ ~xp~~ 900.00 900.00 .......... ~" - ~ -~ ..... '' ' ' ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1~. [ due' to Estimated Reimbursement of Federal .F~ds to this accost. There- BOARD 0F APPEALS (Personnel) Expenses 100.00 100'.00 15. TOWN BUILDING: Janitor Salary 1,552.00 1,352.00 fore, our corrected bet Budget Cost for I~em Number 45 stands as_follows: Expenses 5,200.00 5,200.00 ~ WELF~E ADi~INI STRATI 0N: 8,000.00 8,000.00 16. CUSTODI~ TAX TITLES: Salary 100.00 100'.00 ¢~ INFIRY&RY: Supts Salary 2,100.00 2,~00.00 Expenses 150.00 150.00 Matron Salary 1,551.72 1,~51.72 TAX TITLE FORECLOS~ES: Expenses 75.00 75'.00 Wages. 1,8~4.92 1,834.92 ~ LIC~SE C0~iISSION. Expenses ' . 150.00 , 150'.00 Expert. see 7,255.00 7,2~5.00 19. AI~UAL TOWN ~,~TING: Expens~.s ....... '.. .... ~., ......... . .~ 4.:50Q-00~_ 4,500'.00 47 4° WELFARE GRA~TS: ~ , 01d Age Assistance 82,000.00 Aid to depend. Child 9,000.00 Disability Assistance8, 000.00 General Relief 15,000.00 Total Exp. for Welfare Grants il2,000.00 il2,000.00 ~8. VETERANS' BENEFITS: Agent Salary750.00 750.00 Clerk, Salary 500.00 500.00 Expens e s ~ 220.00 220.00 Grants 18,894.00 18,894.00 49. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT: Salaries 455,556.00 455,5~36.oo Expense 158,657.00 158,637.00 5% Wage sInCrease 5,052.56 5,032.56' 50 .STEVENS ~'~0RIAL LIBRARY. . Head Librarian Salary 5,460.00 5,460.00 Assistants & Janitors 17,272.00 17,272.00 Expense s 5,600.00 5,600.00 51. PLAYGR 0UNDS - BATHING BEACH Superintendent Salary 450.00 [~50.00 Labor, Guards care, Police 8,65©.00 8,650.00 Expense s 5,000.00 5,000.00 5lA.RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: Salaries1,888.00 1,888.00 Expense s 800.00 800.00 52. PARKS TRIANGLES, BURYING GE0~JNDS: Superintendent Salary 200.00 200.00 ~ Labor - Wages 5,000.00 5,000.00 Expense s 700.00 700.00 53. SCHOOL GROUNDS: Labor - Wages 10,000.00 10,000.00 Expen se s 5,000.00 5,000.00 54. ESSEX C0m~ ~ETI~E.~'~'.N'~ SYS?~.¢~: 2~,434.52 26,4~4.52 , oo.oo , oo.oo . A~RIC~ LEGION. Rental of Quarters ~00.00 600.00 ~ V.F.W. . 600.00 600.00 5 · 2104 " " " 5 · VETOES' DAY 550.00 550.00 o.oo INS~-CE: 22, .00 22, 65.00 61. GROUP INS~AN CE 16,852.45 16,852.45 62. COI~'~TY ~~ 175.00 175.00 BOARD OF P~LIC WORKS. Salarzes 75000 750.00 AN~AL TOWN Supt. and Clerk Salaries 10,500.00 10,500~.00~ ~TIC~ ~, CON'T. Labor, - Wages 52,000.00 52,000.00 Ex?nses (Incl out of State) 58,500.00 58,500.00 The following ~o~ts as of J~uary l, 1959 which were originally appropriated 65. RED~I~ING SCHOOL BOI~S: 125,000.00 '125,000.00 ~der the articles indicated to'be t~ned into me To~ Treasu~: . RED~N~G WAT~ i'~N NOTES: 825.00 41,825.00 21. Art. 72. 1950 Kittredge School . INT~EST 0N WA~R ~IN NOTES: 1,412.00 1,412.00 25. Art. 29. '195~ Lights outside ~ew High School. _ ~'~.~ 69 . ~D~I',~ING SEWER ,B0~S: 25,000.00 25,000.00 5~. Art. l~. 1954 Publishing Town History _ ~,~.~ 71.70' ~DE~GINT~EST 0NwA~RS~',RBoNDs;BONDS. ~ 1~%572'50000.00 10,000.007'572'505g. Art. 6~. 1955 Cle~ and cement l~e water ma~s. 72. ~~EST'ON WATER BONDS. 2,880.00 2,880.00 TOTAL $7,680.55 75- DISC0~-T ON NOTES: , _, . ~ ~ , ~ _ 4,.500.00. ~ ,,,, 4,,5 00 .~0~ . ~N~NTS TO ~E RAISED .... ~D_ APPROpRIA~D' ATTEST: ARTICLF. 16. Town Counsel $1,000.00 TOWN CLERK. " 18. Wage '& Salary Adm. Plan. Salar~ies 16,500.00 " 20. Lawrence Plate Glass. 269.00 " 21. Check Writer, Town Treasurer. 661.00 " 23. Two new Police Cars. 2,550.00 " 24. Public Works Truck. . 2,700.00 " 25. Ford Tractor, Public Works 3,000.00 " 26. Telemeting Equipt. Public Works 2,000.00 ~ " 2~. New ,Car, Board .of Health 2,800.00 " 2 . New Car, Fire Chief 2,000.00 29. Fire Hose, Fi]re Dept. ~,000.0~ " 50. New Pick up truck, Highway Dept. ,200.55 : .!~ 52. Chapter 90. Dale Street. 6,500.00 " 53. Chapter 90. Any Street in Town. 2,000.00 " ~[t.Resurfacin~ Streets l~000.00 " 55. Rafting man~ole frames i,600.00 " 59. A.B.C.F.G. Sewer system k. 9oo.o0 " 59H.Prospect Street Sewer. ~1500'00 " 59I.Poplar Street Sewer 600.00 ~. " ~gJ.Chadwick Stage.et Sewe~~. 600.00 " .41A~ Prospect Street, Wa,t, er 500.00 " .4lB Poplar Street, 1,500.00 " [~lC-~ Moody Street." 1,550.00 ,~_~5Town Infirmary -- $1,200.00 is a party, and the prosecution or defense as the case may be, of all legal ARTICLW. S 59A, 5o9B, 59C. 3C)F. and 39G. VOTED that the sum of $54,9.00.00 be · ARTICLE...~o~ Doors, Storage Room, Public Works950.00 proceedings by or against any Town officer, board or committee.' He shall raised and approPriated for the purpose of extending the sewer system on the " ~7. Maintenance Dump. 1,000.00 prepare or approve all legal instruments to which the Town is a 'party or in following Streets:° Johnson Street, Milk Street, Woodstock Street, an.d Elmwood " 51. One additional Police Officer. 2,852.50 which any right or interest of the Town Is involved, shall advise any Town Street, subject to the assessments or betterments charges urder the conditions " 5,2. Lady Crossing Guards 5,500.00 officer, board o~r committee upon and in all legal matters and proceedings of Chapter 580 of the Acts of 1906 as amended, and that to meet th'is appro- " ~ School Survey 600.00 affecting the performance of his or its official duties,_and shall perform priation, the sum of $4,900.00 be raised and appropriated, and that the " Miller Property 12,000.00 such other duties as may be imposed upon him by these by laws or by vote of the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, .be and is hereby authorized to Town. borrow money from time to time a sum of up to $50,000.00 and~ to is'sue bonds or AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPrtOPRIATED $99,.615.05 ARTICLE 17. VOTED just as written in article. Unanimous vote and so declared,notes 'of th'e Town .therefor under authority of Chapter ~ of the General Laws as amended, each issue to be paid in not more than five (5) years from its ~UNA.PPR.0.PRIATED AVAILABLE FUNDS ARTICT.w. 18. VOTED that the sum of $16,500.00 be raised and appropriated to be date or at such earlier time as the Treasurer and Selectmen may determine. 'S-roe ".t t 19,500.00 applied to the cost of a five per cent wage increase to employees subject to the The vote was unanimous and so declared. 59D $ 39E stricken from Warrant. ART,I, CLE Chapter 90, Dale Wage and Salary.Administration plan according to the Personnel Board recommendati ~.5. " 90, Any.Streets in Tov~n. 1,000.00 Wage and Salary.schedules to.remain the same. ARTICLE 59H. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 "to be ex " 69. To reduce 1959 Tax Rate. ~ ' pended by the Board o~ Public, Works to extend the sewer system on Prospect ARTICLE 19. VOTED that the. Town become a member of a planning district, under Stree.t 580 feet fr~m ~urber Avenue toward Chadwick Street, subject ~to the TOTAL UNAPPROPRIATED AVA'ILABLE FUNDS. $155,500.00 the provisions ef Chapter ~OB of the General Laws, the area of which shall beassessments or betterment charges under the conditions of .Chapter '3~0 of the AMOUNT AMOUNT ARTICT~W. 7. VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money, from time to time ~in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January l, 1960 and to issue a note or notes S U M. M A R Y coterminous with the areas of the towns of North Andover, Andover and Methuen, Acts of 1906, as amended, provided that on or before August l, 1959, the con- and the CAt of Lawrence, subject to the approval of the division of planning struction of at least one house to use this extension shall have been started. APPROPRIATED A~ ~959 "TOWN ~ETING (Budget) $1, 6~1, 201, 52 Y ' of the departmen~ of commerce, as provided by section 5 of said Chapl~erm; ARTICLE 59I. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,600.00 to be ex . TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED (Articles)____~ 61~ Provided, ,however, that this vote shall be of no force or effect unless and pended by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on poplar GRAND TOTAL 1,7~0,81~.55 until the towns of Andover and Methuen, and the City of Lawrence, shall have voted to become members of said district. Street 2~0 feet from Mass Ave., subject to the Assessments of betterments ARTICLE 8. No Reports. ARTICLE 21. VOqED to raise and appropriate the sum of $661.00 for the purchase of a check writer and a check signer for use in the Town Treasurers ~Office. ARTICLE 22. Stricken from Warrant. AHTICLE 25. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,550.00 for~ the purchase . charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, as amended, ARTICLm 20. VOTED the sum of $269.00 be raised and appropriated to pay Lawrence Provided that on or before August l, 1959, the construction of at least one Plate and Window Glass Co., for repairs to the Town Garage in 1957. house to use the extension shall have b~een started. ARTICLE 59J. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,600.00 to be ex- pended by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Chadwick Street from the present terminus 270 feet towards 0sgood Street, subject' to the assessments or betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. the Chairman of the School Committee, the Chairman of the ~Board of Health, and the' Chairman of the Planning Board shall annually in March appoint and, sub jet to °~'"~'~°~'"~- fix ,.b~ onm~msation_ of ~n attorD, ey-at-l~w wbn is a resident of the Town, and a member in good standing of the Bar of the Commonwealth, to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of April next following, and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and aualified. Said committee shall likewise fill any vacancy in said office for the unexpired term thereof. 'i~ne Selectmen may employ special counsel to a~sis"' ARTTOLE 57. the Town Counsel whenever, in their .Judgment, necessity therefor arises. The Town Counsel shall, subject to the dmrection of~ the Selectmen, conduct the ARTICr.~: 58. prosectulon, defense or compromise of all legal proceedings to which the Town re surfacing streets. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $l,600.00 to renew water manhol$;'~f~ames and covers on the streets of the Town that are to be reconstructed this year. ARTICLE 56. Stricken from Warrant Stricken from Warrant Stricken from Warrant ARTICDF. 9. VOTED to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of. their of ~two new 1959 12 volt system cars. TWo present cars to be turned in, in trade, ARTICLE ~0A. VOTED that the Town accept from the Meadowbrook Laundry the sum members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his comport- all equipment to be changed over, such. as policeradios, sirems, etc~ of $10,620.00 to be used by the Town and applied towards the cost of relocat- sation in accordance with Section ~A, Chapter 41 of the General LaWs.~. Amount ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to raise and approprmate the sum of $2,700.00 for the purchase ing the East Side Trunk Sewer from Sutton Street 580 Feet southerly. included in Board of Health Budget. .. of a dump truck only for the Board of Public Works. ART.I. CDE ~0B. VOTED that the Town accept from Leo Margolian of Boston the sum ARTICLE 10. VOTED to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its ARTICLE 25. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to.~be used with of $17,000.00 to be used by~' the Town_and applied toward the cost of extending members to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in a 195[~ Ford Tractor to purchase a Ford Tractor with side mower and loader, for the sewer,system on the accepted 190~ layout of .Wood Lane from .Woodstock accordance with Section ~A, Chapter 41, General Laws. Amount included in Board of Public Works. . . · Street 1,610 feet southeasterly, provided this amount received before July l, School Department Budget. ARTICLE 26. VOTED to raise and approprmate the sum of $2,000'00 to Provide 1959' ARTICLE ll. VOTED to accept Chapter 5~, Section 103A of the General Laws as telemetering equipment and automatic controls for the North Pumping St. atton. ARTICLE ~lA. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to extend the amended. An act ~providtng for Absent Voting at Regular Town Elections. ARTICLE 27. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,800.00 to be Used' water system on Pr. ospect Street 1~4 feet from the previous terminus towards ARTICT'E 12. VOTED TO adopt the following amendment to the Town By-Laws to be with the present 1950 Dodge to purchase a new car. For Board of Hea~lth. Furber Avenue. (See conditions. ) Section 8 of Article 1. "That upon motion duly made and seconded, .at any ARTICLE 28. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to be used ARTICLE ~lB. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300.00 to extend the ann-Ual or special Town Meeting, and upon the affirmative vote of at least with present Chief's car to purchase a new car.for use of Fire Chief. water system on Poplar Street 2~0 feet from Massachusetts Avenue. -(See condi'-'. 25% of the voters present at said annual or special town meeting, any article tions~. ) ~ in the warrant for .the said annual or special Town Meeting, shall be voted ARTICLE 29. VOTED ~o. raise and appropriate the su~. of $2,000.00 for the purchase upon by Australian (secret) ballot. _ of 500 feet of new 2~".hose and 500 feet of. new l~" hose for Fire Department. ARTICLe. ~lC. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,350.00 to extend the · water system on ~oo~y ~treet 250 feet from Chadwick Street. (See conditions..) ARTICLE 13. VOTED t9 amend Article.one of the Town By Laws by inserting(Sec.6) ARTICLE 50.VOTED to tames and appropriate the sum of $_~,200.55 _for~the purchase therein as Section 6 of Article l, "No article calling for the appropriation of a 1959 four-wheel drive pick-up truck. A 1955 half ton pick up truck to be CONDITIONS oF 4lA, B C. All amounts to be expended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of the articles, subject to the. following conditions: of fundS shall be considered at any special Town meeting unless the proposed turned in, .in trade. That on or before August l, 1959, the petitioners and/or owners make a · expenditure is recommended by the Selectmen and the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 51. Stricken from Warrant: guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of six per cent of the The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE l~. VOTED To amend the Town By-Laws by adding thereto, Article l, by ARTICLE 52. VOTED that the sum of $6,500.00 be raised and appropriated to meet actual cost of construction, as water rates, for a period of fourteen years; adding thereto the following: ~ . the Town's share of ~e cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction, and that in' and that on or before August l, 1959, the construction of at,least one addi- Section 7. No business shall be transacted at any. special town mee.ting except addition, the sum of $19,500.00 be transferred from unappropriated available tionat house to use this extension shall have been started. by the, unanimous vote of those present and voting, .unless there shall be one funds in the Tow~. Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of ARTICT.E ..42. Stricken from Warrant. hundred and fifty (150) voters present at the time, provided however, that a the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored upon their ARTICT.R ~-. Stricken from Warrant. number less than such quorum may adjourn such meeting from time to time. receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. ARTICLE 35. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose ARTICT.R Stricken from Warrant _ ARTICLE 15. Stricken from Warrant. . of this article, to be .ex?nded?y the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the ARTICLE 45. VOTED to raise and appropriate, the sum of $1,200.00 for the put ARTIC~,E 16. VOTED to amend At. title IV of the Town by laws as appearing on General Laws, and in addition, ~he sum of $1,000.00 be transferred'from un- ,,pose of painting, the Town Infirmary, purchase of equipment, and general pages 99 and 100 of the 1957 Annual Town Report, by adding at the end thereof appropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County~ pairs, to the Infirmary buildings. the following new section: shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to~ Section lC. A majority of a committee consisting of the Ch~airman of the Board 'be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treas.,uf~'. ARTICLE 46. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $950.00 to provide a .'suitable entrance with steel doors to a storage area under the Arts _,nd Crafts of Selectmen, the Town Clerk, the Town T,r. easurer, the Tax Collector, the ARTICLE 5~. Voted to raise and appropriate the sUm of $15,000.00 to be used f'or rooms of the North Andover High School. Chairman of the'Board of assessors, the ~hairman of the Board of Public Works, ARTICLE 47. VOTED ~0 raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. ~ :, m',',",',' '~ I,O~arrant. ~-~ ,u. Stricken from "~ ARTICLE 50. Stricken f~om Warrant. Stricken from Warrant. n~mu~,~ . ~u~, $O A'am~ and appzop~zao~ bh~ sum of , .50 for the app- ointment of one additiona Regular Patrolman, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter ~%, of the General Laws. The vote was unanimous and so declared. 1.48" ANNUAL TOWN' MEETING Naroh 14, 1959 ~'~ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JUNE 22, 1959 149," ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of. $5,500.00 to provide -~ ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to rescind 'the balance of the loan uniformed crossing guards at the various school= crossings in. the Town of North ~ of Thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) authorized but not issUed under Andover. ARTICLE 55' Stricken from· the Warrant. ARTICLE 5~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00 to be expended Article ~8, 1957 Water Mains, voted at the annual Meeting held on,March 15, 957, which authorized a bond issue of one hundred thirty-five thousand dollar~ $155,000.00) of which one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) was issued. Petition of Board of Selectmen. · ARTICLE . To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Eonin ARTICLE 55- Stricken f~rom .the Warrant. .' . ~ ~ . g ARTICLE 56. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000.00 to acqumreBy-Law. by c, hanging from Hural ~estdential to General Business the following the Philip T. and Rosemary Miller property adjoining .the Town Yard, remove the described ~arcel of land. ~ buildings therefrom and make certain improvements to the existing Sown Sheds so ~ A parcel of land located on the easterly side of as to provide needed garage space for town equipment. Barker Street at its intersection with 0sgood S.treet and bounded and described as follows: Beg~inning at a point in the easterly line of Barker Street at ARTICLE 57- Stricken from the Warrant. land of George Oarker; thence easterly by a stone wall and land of Barker 850 ARTICLE 58. Stricken from the Warrant. feet to a corner in the walls thence southerly by other land of said petitt ARTICLE 59- VOTED ~to accept from the North Andover Improvement Society, a 850 fee,t to a point marked by an iron pt~e; thence northwesterly by other land gift of all the land now owned by the society in the.area bounded by 0sgood of said petitioner 52.2.5 feet to an iron plpe;.thence westerly by other land Street, Massachusetts Avenue and Andover Street, for' the use and enjoyment of said petitioner 524.72 feet to an-iron pipe, thence southerly by land of ~of the people of the Town as a Public Park, or common, but for no other purpose, said petitioner 50 feet to an iron pipe at land of Stefanowicz Family Trust; thence westerly, by land of said Stefanowicz Family TrUst 190 feet to Barker ARTICLE 60. S~rtcken from the Warrant. Street; thence northeasterly by the easterly line of Barker Street 757-7 feet ARTICLE 61. Stricken from the Warrant. to the point of beginning. ARTICLE 62. VOTED as written in Warrant. Affirmative 185. Negative 26. Petition of Joseph W. Crane, ll Commonwealth Ave., and others. ARTICLE 65. VOTED to amend Section 4.4~ of the Zoning By-Law by strikinE ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to amend section 4.15 of the North out therefrom the words "a~ motel" so the same shall then-read: ~ - Ando~ver By-Laws as amended as adopted by the Special Town Meeting of June 30, On petitionr subject to site plan review and approval by the Board of 1956 by adding thereto the following words And housing for the Elderly under Appeals after a public hearing thereon with due notice given, an the provisions of Mass. 'General Laws Chapter 121 Section 26 UU and other automobile service and filling station, a diner, a restaurant, a retail enabling statutes . Such that amended By Law will read as follows: food store, but no other retail stores of any kind. Section 4.15 Schools, libraries, museums, Churches, hospitals and con- The ye.re was Affirmative - 164. Negative - O. valescent and rest homes, local passenger stations, also radio, radar, ARTICLE 64.VOTED as written in Warrant: Affirmative 125. Negative 52 television or radio telephone transmitting or broadcasting towers but ' .' ' not their studios nor offices and not veterinarian animal hospitals except ARTI.CLE 65. VOTED that the zoning By-Law be amended by inserting, after as further provided elsewhere in this By-law, and housing for the _elderly~ Sectmon 5~.g2, the following new section: Section 3.~5. That triangle of under the provisions of Mass. General Laws Chapter 121, Section 26-UU and land bounded on the east by 0sgood~Street, on the south by Presco.tt Street, other enabling statutes. Petition of North Andover Housing Authority. and on the west by ~Chickering Road. ~ The vote was Affirmative lg6. Negative 0.~.. ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds the . ~'~ sum of One Hundre~d Twenty Dollars=($120.00) to pa~ certain employees of the~ ARTICLE 66. VOTED to transfer the sum of ~~ Thousand Dollars, ($1~,000. from the Overlay Surplus to Reserve Fund. NOrth Andover Police Department for services rendered from October 29, 1958 The vote was unanimous and so declared, to December 51, 1958. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 67. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Two thousand ARTICLE 68. Stricken from the Warrant. !~i~i~.ARTICrE 69. VO~TED that ~e sum of One hundred and fifteen thousand dollars, :J~' ($115,000.00) be taken from available funds to reduce the 1959 tax rate. · The vote was unanimous and so declared. two hundred and seventy-two dollars and ninety-five cents ($2,272.95) from the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant, Article 6 ('Budget) No. 20, Item No. 4-, designated Reserves and Specials, Salaries & Wages, to an account designated Reserves, Specials, Regular Patrolmen and Sergeants Salaries and Wages. Petition of Board of Selectmen. Motion was m~de and seconded that a vote of thanks be extended t0 the Moderator ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer Town Clerk and AdVisory Board for a fine job done on the meeting, from available funds the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2,000.00 to be used .for Meeting opened at 1:50 P.M., adjourned at 7:0q P.M. the purposes of an account designated Reserves, Specials, ~egular Patrolmen 593 Registered voters were present. ~ and Sergeants Salaries and wages, set up in the preceding article. J.Harriman, A.Coggtns, W.Steibetz, M.Howard,~ G.Everson, and E.Phelau, assisted Petition of the Boa~d of ~electmen. . the Moderator and Town C~ rk in the voting by hand. . ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide All persons were checked at door by Board of Registrars, assisted ,by Sid ~ea, by bond issue or transfer from the available funds the sum of Nine Hundred and Carl Thomas. dollars ($900.00) to extend the water system on Moody Street from its present A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. terminus 225 feet towards Pre.scott Street. Petition of Joseph Morkeski, g00 Sutton Street and others. Essex, SS: GREET IN G S: WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ARTICLE 10.: To see if the Town will-vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer from the available funds .the su~' of Thirty-four To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: hundred dollars ($5~00.00) to extend the sewer system on Moody Street from In the Name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in..the Veteran's Auditorium of the.NOrth Andover 'High School in said North Andover on Monday, the 22nd day of June 1959 at eight (8)-°'clock P.M., then. and there to act on the followin~ business. Prescott Street 292 feet more or less. Petition of Joseph Morkeski, ,~00 Sutton Street and others. ARTICLE 1. To see .if the Town will. vote t_o withdraw from membership in the ^om~or~ lO m^ .~-~ ~+~ ~-1~ ~1^....~ ...{11 ..^~-~ ~-~ ..{.a .-i ~..~..~.~ ~. ~...~ Ess0x Co-~uty Mosquz'to. ~on~x'oi Project, ai&~ as providedA by Section ,5~ of Chapter ~,~*~ ~, ~ ~ ~* ~,~ ~,.-, ,.~ -~ ~ ~~ ~ ~v-~-~ ~ ~---~-~- 516 of the Acts of 1955. Petition of Board of ssessors, from available "f~ds, Five thous~d dollars ($5,000.00) to install 5~ ~ch re- ,forced concrete ~pipe in the open ~ain on Greene Street from Shawsheen ~TIC~ 2. To ~ee if the~To~ will vote t0 accept the provisions 6f Section Avenue ~to Kenwood Street. Petition of Board of Selectmen. 9~ o~. 9hap~e~_~9 of tho ~eneral Laws, inserted by Section 1 of Oha. nter 22~ of promogion and ~eveloPmeng of ghe natural roso~ces and for tho protection of Accomt go Article ~7, 1959, Maintenance of the Disposal Sige on Clark Sgreeg, watershed resources of the 'Town. Petigion of Board of Selectmen. the s~ of $194.75 to octet repairs' on Tra'oto~ caused by flre. . .- .-~ ... ,.~. .~ .~..~ ,~ Petition of the Highway S~veyor. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds the sum of Seventeen hundred dollars ($1700.00) to extend the sewer system on Highland View Avenue from ~the present terminus to the home of Martin J. Lawlor, Jr., 59 Highland View Ave., and c l~0 sPECIAL TOWN. MEETEG JUNE 22, 1959 ~ ARTICLE 1~. To see .if the Town will vote to transfer from Insurance ReCeipts ~ Account to Article ~7 1959, Maintenance of Disposal Site on Clark Street, the C~ sum of $189.69 t o cover repairs on refuse truck caused by fire. ~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will transfer from Available Funds to ~he Refuse Disposal Expense Account the sum of $175.00 reCeived in settlement o.f damage to the refuse disposal truck. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTIC~I 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of One thousand and fifty dollars ($1,050.00) for the purpose of satisfying an execution against the Town in favor of Antonio Colizzi. Petition of Board of Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attes- ted copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon ~o the Town Clerk a t the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the Qth.day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine-hundred and fifty-nine RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A. FINNERAN PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Board of Selectmen. A true .copy: ATTEST: North Andover, Mass. June 9, 1959JOSEPH A. SMITH', CONSTABLE. OFFICER' S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. CONSTABLE North Andover, Mass. ATTEST. TO N CLERK At the Sp~ cial Town Meeting held in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover Hi. gh School on Monday evening June 22, 1959 at 8 P.M., the following was voted. ARTICLE 1. VOTED, with one dissenting vote to withdraw from membership in the Essex county Mosquito Control Project., as provided by Section l~ of Chapter 516 of the Acts of 1958. ARTICLE 2. VOTED by unanimous vote to strike from warrant. ARTICLE ~. VOTED by unanimous vote that this article be adopted. ARTICLE 4. It was VOTED to amend the article by striking out, wherever it occurred therein, the phrase "of said petitioner", and inserting in place ~:r~r°tfict~ee, P~aaSem~ ~n;e°df, iwlba~rdteEf~a~et~i~erang ';ffirTmah~eaf t~-~, U~e°;a~ihv~n~0v~ ct~' unfavorable action. bARTICLE 5. It was VOTED unanimously to amend Section 4.15 of the Zsning By-Law y adding at the e.nd .th. ereof the following sentence: "Housing projects for elderly persons establish.ed under the gover_ning proVisions of the General Laws The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 1~8. NEGATIVE 0. ARTICLE 6. It was VOTED unanimously to adopt this article° ARTICLE 7. It w~as VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt this article with the~amount to be transferzed $2,050.97. Not $2,272.95. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JUNE 22, 1959 '~51. ARTICLE 19. VOTED that the sum of $~,k00.00 be transferred from available funds, to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of thi article, subject to the following cord itions: That assessments~be made against the benefited estates, under the provisions off.Chapter ~0 of the Acts .of 1906, as amended, and that on or befor~ Septe~l, 1959, the construc- tion"of one additional ~house to use this extension shall have been started. ARTICLE ll. VOTED that the sum of $1,700.00 be transferred from available funds, to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this article, subject to the assessments or betterments charges under the con- ditions of Chapter ~80 of the Acts of 1906 as amended. ARTICLE 12. VOTED to transfer from available funds the sum of $5,000.00 to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this article. ~I ARTICLE 15. VOTED to trasnfer the sum of $194.75 from Insurance Receipts Account to Article 47, 1959 Maintenance of Disposal Site. ARTICLE l~. VOTED to ,transfer the sum of $189.69 from Insurance Receipts AccoUnt to Article 47, 1959 Maintenance of Disposal Site. ARTICLE 15. VOTED to transfer the sum of $175.00 from Available Funds to the Refuse Disposal Expense Account. ~ ARTICLE 16' VOTED to transfer from available funds the sum of $1,050.00 for 'the' purpose of this article. 169 duly registered voters were checked from voting list by the Board of Registrars. Dan O'Leary, Charles 8tillwell and Paul Dyer assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk.in the counting of hand vote required. A true record: ATTEST: ~ N SPECIAL T0~VN MEETING N0I~HBER 16, 1959 WARRANT Essex ss: GR~TINGS directed Te either of C01'~MONWEALTH OF ~iASSACHUSETTS the Constables of the Town of North Andover: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby t o notify, and warn the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School in said North Andover on Monday, the 16th day of November, 1959 at eight (8) o'clock ,P.M., then and there to act on the following business. ARTICIE 1. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) from the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant, Article 6, Budget No. 20, Item No. 5, d.eslgnated 7 Patrolmen, to an account designated Overtime and Elections. Petmtion ~f Beard of Selectmen. ARTICIE 2. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Three Hundred ~orty-Three Dollars ($~43.00) from the 1959 Annual T6wn Meeting Warrant: Articl , Budget No. 20, I.tem No. 2, Designated 4 Sergeants, to an account designated Chief Salary. Petmtion of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote te ~transfer the sum of Sixteen Hondred Sixty-nine Dollars and Eighty seven cents ($1,669.87) from the 195~ Annual To~ Meeting Warrant., Article b, Budget No. 20, Item No. 2, designated 4.Sergeants, te an account designated Reserves, Specials, Regular Patrolmen and Oergeants Petition of Board of Selectmen. Salaries and Wages. Article ~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or p.r. ovid~e_by b~on~.d isSue,_or transfer f~o~m a.~vai~lable f~u~,ds Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred aha Three gollars ane Nineueen C~nts. (~13,555.19) to pay outstandim~ bills ?n the West Side Sewer Construction Article 5~-1958. Petition of Board of Publmc Work ARTICLE 5~ To see if the Town will raibe and appropriate, or transfer from available funds the sum of $85.00 for the pu~rpose of paying certai~n employees wage. s that were earned from ~eptembe~ l, .195~ .to December ~l, 195~. Petmtion of the Trustoes of Stevens Memormal Lmbrary. ARTIC_~m'~ 8. It was VOTED unanimously to adopt-this article. ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropr.iate, or to '-TIC ~ -- '~'-" " AH 1~ 9. VOI~D that the sum of ~900.00 be transferred from available funds, transfer from the 0verlay Reserve, the sum of Five. Thous'and Fzf'b~ Dollars, to be expended by the Board of Public Works .for the purpose of this article,$$5,050.00) to the Fire Department Salaries and ~Yages account. subject to the f~ollowing conditions: That on or before Seote~l. 1959 the ' Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to tRe Board ~-pUbl~.c ARTICLE 7. To see if the To.wu will raise and~_appropriate or tran_sf~r from Pe~i°d Of ~;u~t;;n years; ;nd t~at ;n or before Septem~"l, ~959, the Construc- avail,hie runds the sum cz ~'zve n~utu,'~u ,'-~,,,~_ -V~*~.~*-~ ---Z~ 7-;;_££:~ .... ($q88.55) to provide payment of adVt,,tonal saZ rZes wages tion of at least one additional house to use this extension shalZ ~ve been c~ssi~ g~rds ~der ArticZe 52 of Che 1959 Annual To~ Warrant. s arted. ftttton of Board of Selectmen. ~HTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of S~electmen to..~ convey to John Bonelli and Michael C0rradino for the sum of one dollar ($1.00) ,~3 and other valuable consideration a certain parcel of land situated' on the north~ ARTICLE 5. VOTED in the amount of $85.00 to be taken from available ftmds for the purpose of paying certain employees wages that were earned from September l, 1958 to December 31, 1958 at the Stevens Memorial Library. the vote was unanimous and so declared. easterly side of Main Street in the Town of North Andover as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of a Parcel of Land in North Andover, Massachusetts, owned by .. ARTICLF. 6. VOTED in the amount of $5,050.00 to be transferred from the the Town of North Andove.r dated June 20, 1958, Ralph B. Brasseur,C.E.", ~ounded Overlay Reserve to the Salaries and Wages account of Article 6, Budget #21 and' described as follows. Beginning at an Essex County Stone bound at the north- of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant of the Fire Department. westerly corner of the granted premises; thence running northeasterly along the vote was unanimous and so declared. other land of said Bonel~i and Corradino, 82 feet to a point as shown on saidARTICr.E 7. VOTED in the amount of $588.55 to be t,~en from available funds plan; thence timing and running southwesterly along land now of the Town of and applied to Article 52 of~ the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant of the North Andever (Bradstreet School lot), 79.05 feet to a point in the north- Uniformed Crossing Guards. The vote was unanimous and so declared. easterly side of Main Street as shown on said plan; thence turning and running northwesterly along the said northeasterly side of Main Street, 15 ~feet to the ARTICLE 8. VOTED to authorize the Board of Selectmen to convey to John point of beginning, all as shown on said plan. Bonelli and MiChael Corradino for the sum of One dollar ($1.00) and other Containing 589 square feet according to said plan. ~ v.aluable consideration a certain parcel of land situated on the northeasterly Petition of John Bonelli and others, side of Main Street in the Town of North Andover as shown on a plan of land ARTICLE 9. Te see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide entitled "Plan of a Parcel of Land in North Andover, Massachusetts, owned by by bond issue, or transfer from~available funds, a sufficient sum ef money tothe Town of North Andover dated June 20, 1958, Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E.,". extend the water system on Abbott Street, 325 feet from Marbleridge Road. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an Essex County stone bound at the northwesterly corner of Petition of Joseph R. McManus an~d others. ~ the. granted premises; thence running northe.asterly along other land of ~RT~oC~ 10. To see if the Town will vets to raise and appropriate, or provide 'said Bonelli and Corradino, 82 feet ica point as shown on said plan; y ~ssue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum e~f money to thence turning and running southwesterly along land now of the Town of extend the sewer system on Bay State Read, 300 feet from Massachusetts Avenue. North Andover (Bradstree.t School lot), 79.05 feet to a point in the Petition of John Sullivan and others, northeasterly side of Main Street as shown on said plan; thence turning And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at five or more pl~_blic places in each voting precinct. Said copies te be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the ~time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North ~ndover, Massachusetts, the 30th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine-hundred and fifty-nine. RALPH E. FINCK WILLIAM A. FINNERAN PHILIP SU TCLIFEE B~ard of Sele c tmen. Cons t able. and running northwesterly along the said hortheasterly side of MainStreet, ~58 feet to the point of beginnin, all as shown on said plan. Containing 9 square feet according to said plan. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLF. 9. Stricken from Warrant. ~ ARTICLE 10. Stricken from Warrant. The Board of Registrars checked all voters entering. 77 were recOrded. The meeting adjourned:at A true copy: ATTEST (//JOHN ~. LYriCS, Town Clerk. A true copy: .~ ~ ~~cZ ATTEST: ~0SEPH A. SMIth. North Andover, Massachusetts. November 3, 1959 OFFICER ' S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the To~n of North Andever, qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Office Building a~ a~ five or more public places in ~each voting precinct of the Town. 1960 1960 1960 1960 TOWN WARRANT C0~O~VEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days~ nor less than tenESSEX ss :To either of.. the Constables of the Town of North Andover. days before the time of holdi.ng said meeting.~~,,, 'SM~'~~'~ITH ~ ~ GREETING: ~~. . In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby CONSTABLE. directed ..to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to North Andover, Mass. . ~ vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet Schqol in N~vember 5, 1959. ATTEST: ~~~ Precinct One, the St. Michaels Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson . ~-w__ZzJOHN -~J. -~IfffONS.~ ~ School Auditorium i.n Precinct Three and the Kittred~e School Auditorium. zn TOWN CLERK. Precinct Four in said North Andover on Monday, the ?th day of March 1960, at seven (7) o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following article: SPECI. AL TOWN ~,ETING OF MONDAY EVENING NOVEMB~_ 16, 1959. ARTICLE 1. To lect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Hig~h.way M~e~e~tmng. opene.d ~at 8:12 P..M.~, in Veteran'~ Auditorium of High School, and the zorn-owing articles were voted: Surveyor, Tree ~arden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public ~ Welfare and Five Constables for one year. One Assessor, one member of the AY~TICLE 1. VOTED in the .a. mount of $200.00 to be transferred'~ from the "TPatrolmen" Board of Public Wlrks, one member of the Board of Health, two members of the School Committee for three years, one member of the Planning Board' and one salaries ace0 unt to the "Overtime and Elections" salaries account wtbhin Article member of the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote.u.pon the question. 6, Budget #20 of the 1959 Annual To.wn Meeting Warrant. The vote was unanimous and so declared. , ~ .QUESTION: "Shall the Tow_n of North Andover accept the provisions of Section ARTICLE 2,~ VOTED in the amount of $3~3.00 to be transferred from the "~ 47B of Chapter 31 of the General Laws, as it applies to sealer of ?~eights and Sergeants salaries account to the "Chief Salary" account within Article 6, measures, a fair and concise summary of which appears below?" YES Budget #20 of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. The vote was unanimous ~ and so declared. "_Acceptance of the pr o vi s .i o .ns of s.ection 47B of Chapter Laws would place under Czwl Service the sealer of weights and measures of Sergeants salaries account to the "Reserves, Specials, Regu]nr Patrolmen and ~ A.11..to. be voted upon. one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and Sergeants.Salaries" account within Article 6, Budget #20 of ~e 1959 A~nual sna±± ce c-osea at ~7.00 P,M. Town Meetin Warrant. Th g e v,,ote was unanimous and so declared. ' A. fter final action on the preceding. Article 1, the said meeting shall stand · ,.,*-~-~ ~. -~*-~ *,, ~,,-~ ,,.,u~,,~.u. ~z~,p~2.z~ ~o ce ~ranszerredt'rom the unexpended March 19, 1960 at one-thirty o'clock P.M., in the Veteran's Au.dit~rium of the~ appropriation under Article 59 A.B.C.F. & G of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting North Andover High School, then and there to ac.t on the following articles: Warrant the work on which has been completed, to be applied against outstandin bills on the WEST SIDE SEWE]~ TRUNK the const~u~- ~ -~--'- - '-- '- ~ g ~- , A- u~-un om wnzcn was auDnorzzec ARTICLE 2. to elect all other officers not required by law to belected by by Article 56 of the 1955 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. The vote was unanimousballot. ~' and so declared. 1'54. e 0 ~,~ ARTICT~ 18. To serif the ToWn will vote to accept Section ~2, 45 and ~TIC~ ~. To see if the Town will v~te to accept the report of r~ceipts ~ Chapter 48 of the Massachusetts General Laws, as it pertains to the Fire and expenditures· as presented by the Selectmen C~) Department. Petition of Board of Selectmen upon reco~endation of the Board ~TIC~ ~. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended app- ~ of Fire Engineers. ~ ropriations. ARTICL~ 19. To see if the Town will vote to approve the continuance of the ARTICT~ 5. To .see if the Town will vote to fix the sala.ry and compensation of '5% cost-of-living 'increase to employee_s subject to the Wage & Salary Adminis- all e~ected officers of the Town as provided for by' Section 108 of Chapter 41 of tration Plan as voted under Article 18 of the 1959 Annual Town Meeting, the the General Laws, as amended, effective from January l, 1959. cost of which is included in salaries and wages of each Town Department ' under Board of Sel~ectmen - each. per annum. Article VI of this Warrant. Petition of Personnel Board Board of Public Welfare - each per annum. Board of Assess_ors - each per annum. ' ARTICLE 20. To see if the Tow.n will v.ote to amend the By-Law. s governing the Town Treasurer per annum Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plantin the following manner: Tax Collector - per annum Highwa~ Surveyor - per annum l Tree~ Warden per annum Moderator - per annum , Board of Health- per annum each Board of Public Works - each per annum 'A. Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Hours of Work, p§?a.graph five (5), B. under Schedule A. and inserting the following code classification titles CODE ITS SCHEDULE B-Rates and Rate Ranges CODE Step Step St.ep Step Step 6 and r~ate s: ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the ~dvis0rY Board. SCHEDULES A. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with Titles ITS Min. 2 3 ~' the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation PUblic' Works 1.86 1.69 1.80 1.86 1.91 1.97 2.05 of the revenue of the financial year beginning January l, 196~ and to issue a Labo.rer... · · A-1 1.46 1.52 1.55 1.65 1.69 note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes P.W.Ma~ntenance as maybe given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section Man . . . . . N-1 1.5~2 1.58 1.63 1.6~ 1.80 · 5~ 1~5.1 .69 1.74 1.80 P .W. Craftsman D-1 Water Meter and Hy drant Repair Man. E-1 17, Chapter 44 of the General Laws. ARTICLE 8. To consider the report of all special Committees. ARTICLE 9, To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board o2 Health to appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health Physician and Peti~tion of George H. Sanford and others. 1.80 1.86 1.97 a.14 ARTICLE 14. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate One Thousand ARTICLE 25. To see. if the Town will ~Vote to amend the By-Law governing the Dollars Wage and Salary Administration ~Plan for the employees of the Town Of North of way att°thePUrchaSeLawrencefr°mAirpor~itythe? of Lawren.ce a proposed well field and right I Andover ado.pr.ed July 22, 1957 at a special town meeting, as amended, .purmuant for an addition to the water supply system. ~ to the provisions of the General:Laws, Chapter 41, Section 10SA 'and 10Sc, as Petition of the Board of Public Works. amended, in the following manner (1) ARTICLE 15. To see if .the Town wil.1 vote to acce. pt H.eath Road from its (a) Amend Code A.T.P. Cl~assificati.on Schedule "A", by inserting in Code A.T.P.--50 the following title. Deputy Tax Collector intersection with Sutton Hill Road to its intersection with Mi.lk Street. (2) To see if the Town will vote to accept Heath Czrcle in its (b) Amend Code 00 Classification Schedule '!A", by striking out of Code 00-90 entirety. Petition of ~tewart P. Wilson and others, the following title: Deputy Tax Collector ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept Wilson Road from Salem Turn- ~ Petition of Personnel Boated of Appeals pike a distance of approxima.tely 591 feet northerly as @hown on a plan for the I ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will amend the By-Laws governing the North acceptance of a portion of Wilson Road dated January 1960. Andover Personnel. ~age and Salary Administration Plan in the following manne Petition of Barbara Taylor and others. Amend Schedule C:~Fringe Benefits, Holidays, last paragraph, by adding the ARTICLE 17..To see if the Town will vote to accept Lyman Road from Middlesex Labor Day, Veteran' s Day, Decorate. on Day and Columbus Day._ Street to Smlsbee Road, a distance of approximately 250 feet more or' less' Petition of North ~ndover Police Helief Association, John ~. Lanni,President. Petition of Kenneth Robinson and others. suitable. Petitio.n of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 2~2. TO see if the Town will vote to amend the By!:-Laws goyerning the ARTICLW~ 12..To see mf the Town will sell two individual, lots of land on WoodPersonnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the followSng manner.:~ Avenue to City of Lawrence, and/or the Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence A. Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Hours of Work, paragraph five (5), by ,which lots were acquired by the_ town for non-.payment of taxes and are num. bered ~ ins~erttng after the words "TREE (So call. ed)" the words "shall be forty 41 and 77~on plan of Woodsi.de Terrace which ms Plan No. 609, and to authorize (40)~'hours in five (5) days. the Board of Selectmen .and/or the Town Treasurer, to sign, execute, affix theB. A.mend CODE ITS, Schedules A. and B., by deleting all Tree Departm~e. nt corporate seal, and deliver a deed or de.eds, on such terms as said Board of t.mtles under Schedule A. and inserting the following code classifications Selectmen deem fair and equitable. Petition of Board of Selectmen. titles and rates: CODE ITS SCHEDULE B-Rates and Rate Ranges A2~TICLE 15. To see if the Town will transfer from the un-expended appropriation SCHEDULE A. CODE· STEP STEP STEP ~STEP STEP MAX. under Article 5~ of the 1958 Annual Town Meeting, whi_ch appropriated money for ·Titles ITS Min 2 ~ ~ 56 the extension of the water system, the sum of Ninety four ~ndred Dollars ($9,400) Forestr Laborer A~I 1.~6 .1.52 1.58 1.6~ 1.~69 ' 1.80 y · to be expended by the Lawrence Airport Commission upon agreement with the BoardForestry Maintenance Man N-11.52~ 1.5~8 1.6~5 1.6~ 1.~0 ~ 1.86 of Public Works for.the purpose of using 12 inch cast i~ron cement lined water·Forestry " Oraftsman D-11.5~ 1.65 1.69 1.74 1.~0 1.~6 1.9~ pipe on the relocation of Cl.ark S~treet instead of the 6 inch pipe w~hich was to Tree Climber & Surgeon V I 1..651.75 1.80 1.86 1.91 1.97 2.0~ be .used to replace the existing 6 inch pipe on the present Clark Street. Petition of Leo Lafond and others. ~ Petition of the Board of Public Works. to fix his compensation in accordance with~ Section ~A, Chapter 41,~ General Laws. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to amend the By-Laws governing the Petition of the Board of Health. . Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following manner: ARTICLE lC. To .see if the Town will v.ot.e t~ authormze the School Commi.ttee to 1. '~A~mE~nd..Schedulez~G~. A. CODE ATP-70,_ by adding~, thereto the title"Engineeringe,,~ e fa appoint one of its members to the position of School Physician and to fix his com.pensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter ~l, General Laws. 2. Amend,Schedule A. CODE ATP 80, by deletmng therefrom the title W I r Petztion of School Commi. ttee. Agent and inserting in place thereof the title "Director of Public Welfare." ' ARTICLE ll. To see~if the Town will grant to the City of Lawrmnce and~or the 5. Amend Schedule A. CODE ITS-N, by adding thereto the tile "Highway Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence, slope easement~rights along the Maintenance Man". ~ southeasterly side of the town dump property on Clark Street for the construc- ~!.Amend Schedule B. CODE PF 05.01, by deleting therefrom the woUds "$17.5.00 tion of a street on adjacent property, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen per month, single rate" and inserting in place thereof the words $ 533 to sign, execute, affix the corporate seal, and deliver a deed of easement on per hOUr, single, ate". behalf of the town on such terms as said Board of Selectmen deem fair and Petition of the Personnel Board. ]~.~ . TOWN WARRANT FOR 1960 ~ TOWN WARRANT FOR 19~0 .W. ~ ARTICLE ~0. TO see if the Town will vote to appropriate ~rttake from availabl, ARTICNorth Ando~erT~e25 see zf the Town will vote to amend the By-Laws governing the :~' ~ funds the sum of Twenty five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00 o be used for re- rsonnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following C~ surfacing street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ma nne r. · Amend Schedule B. CODE PF, Rate of Progression: for Chief by inserting ARTICLE ~l. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Twenty-five "12 months" in place of "18 months". Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) to renew water services to the property lines,. Petition of North Andover Police Relief Assocfa tion, John J. Lanni,' President. ~.c~.tgreaet~sV~V~eO~owhYnd~antt ab~n~ohe~ea~edc~is~ucm~e~d°lt~ifsr~emea~.and covers on ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to a~.end the .By-Laws governing the Petition of Board of Public Works. North Andover Personnel, Wage and Salary Adminzstration Plan in the following manner: Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Uniform allowance, pa ragraph~one (1) by inserting the words "One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)" in place of the Words "Eighty-Five Dollars ($85.00)". Petition of North Andover Police Relief Association, John J. Lanni, President. ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide bY bond issue, or transfer from available funds the sum of Fiteen Hundred dollars ($1:500.00) to make such extensions of the water ~in system, under the regulatzons voted at the annual town meeting as the Board of Public Works on October let, considers most necessary, such extensions not having been pe- ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to amend the By-Laws governing, the titioned for at the Annual Meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works.. North~Andover Personnel Wage & Salary Adminis.tration Plan, in the folloWing ,m.a.nner: Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits,Unzfor..m. Allowances, paragraph four ARTICLE.~. To see-zf the Town wi. ll vote to razse'- and appropriate or transfer ~,~4,): .by ~in?~ertin~..the wgr,d,s "Forty-Five Dollars ($45.00)'! in place of the words from.available funds the. sum of Fzfteen. Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) to widen 'z'nzr~y ~ozzars($~0.O0). Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. a section of Great Pond .Road from the sunction of Pleasant Street to a point westerly, t'oward the Centre, for a distance of not less than a tenth of a 'mile ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from Petition Of Charl~es R. Kent, Jr. and others.. ~ '~ ~available funds the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the purpose of paying certain employee wages that were earned fro. m ~.uly 12, 1958 to December 51, ARTICLE 4~. To see if the Town will vote. the sum of Twenty-fzve Hundred . 1958. Petition of Ira D. Catty, Highway Surveyor. Dollars to be taken from free cash, to put a tar sidewalk on Chadwick Street, from Brightwood Avenue, to Highland View Avenue. - ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and. appropriate or transfer P~eti. tion' of Grace E. Austin and others.. from available funds the sum of Five Hundred'Dollars ($500'00) to Purchas, e metal street signs of".'~uniform size and color for installation at various necessary ARTICLE ~5A. To see if the Town will .vote to false and .appropriate, or prcvi l~cations.Petition of [Board Qf selectmen.. ' · ~ ~ ~ by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to Do lar ~ 2 00'OO to -T°l~seesif' '-the-0-T°w--ri)will araiaS~ out tandi biandsappr°priate or otherwise Provide' fromeXtendEastthewaterSeWerstreetSystemtowards°n ChickeringpleasantROadstreet.approximately five hundred feet _ $ , , ~p y . ng ll on the est Side Sewer Construction, Article 56, 1.95~. Petitzon of Board of Public Works. Petition of Joseph J. senia and others. 45-B. To .see if the Town wall- vote to raise and appr.opriate, or provide by ARTICLE 3l. To see if the Town wall raise and appr.opriate Seven Hundred and bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a suffzcient sum of money t_o Twenty-five dollars ($725.00) to be used with a 1954 Remington Special Typewriter to purchase a system writer front feed electric typewriter. ~ extend the sewer system from the persent terminus on Sutton Street twelve Petition of Board of Public Works. hundred, and thirty feet towards Osgood Street. Petition of Joseph N. Finneran and others. ARTICLE 52. To see if. the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum?of Two Thousand Della.rs ($2,000.00) for the purchase,of five hundred (500) feet of new 2~" hose and fzve hundred (500) feet of new l~" hose and one (1) portab~le hose rack. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE ~.~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate Thirteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) to purchase a l0 KW Generator to supply emergency lighting and power for auxiliary units when it is necessary-to pump water with gasoline engine at the North Pumping Station. Petition of Board of Public Works. 45-C. To see if .the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from. available funds, the sum of money necessary to extend the sewer sytem on Chzckering Road from the present terminus southerly to Dufton 'Court, thence along Dufton Court to a point at the residence of Ralph C. Crompto~. Petition of George H. Schruender and others. ~5-D. To see if the Town will vote to transfer, from available fund's, or raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, a suffici, ent sum of money to extend the sewer system on Massachusetts Avenue approximately four ,hundred and fifty ARTICLE ~..4. To see. if the Town will raise and app.ropriate Fifty-seven Hundred feet from Andover S'treet. Petition of 'Francis B. Kittredge and Dollars ($5,700.00) to be used with the present 1942 Ingersoll-Rand Compressor ~.5'E..To see zf- the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide°there' by on a 1952 Dodge Truck to purchase a new 125 C.F.M. Portable Rotary Compressor bond zssue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to with suitable truck for mounting. Petition of Board of Public Works. extend the sewer system on Beverly Street from Harold St. to Dana Street. ARTICLE ~5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or trans~fer Peti~tion of George S. Marsh and others. from available funds the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($~,000.00) fo.r the pur- chase of two new 12 volt system cars. Two present cars to.be turned an, in trade 4..5-F. To see if the Town will vote to false and appropriate, or pr. evAde by All eeuipment to be changed over, such as Police radios, szrens, etc. ' issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient s~m of money'~to exten.d Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police. the sew. er system on Great Pond Road, two hundred and fifty feet from the exzst- ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eight lng sewer near Stevens Street. Petition of Ames Stevens and others. Thousand Five Hund~red .Dollars ($8,500.00) for the purchase of a four ton dumP 45-G. To see~if the Town will vote to raise and.appropriate, or provide by bond issUe, or transfer from available funds, a Suffzcient sum of money to extend truck for the ~use of the Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. the sewer system on Sutton H.ill iioad from Johnson Street to Heath Road. ARTICLE ~7. i To se.'.e, if ~he Tgwn wil~ raise and appropriate the sum 'of Thirteen Petition of Dr. Henry G. Arm~tage and et.hers. Thousand Dollars ($1~,000.00) for the purchase, of a. scoop doze_r f~or the use o.f ~5-H. To see if the Town will vote to raise, and appropriate, or pr~ovide by bond the Highway Department at Disposal Site. A 1948 0laver tractor ~o be turned an, in trade. Petition of' the Highway Surveyor. ~ ~ssue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer 'system on Highland View Avenue, five hundred and thirty-five feet from Chadwick Street towards Furber Avenue. Petition of Americ P. Lanni, and others. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8~000~00) for the further rebuilding of Dale Street and withApplet°nany moneyStreet'whichundermayChapterbe allotted90 of bythe theGeneralstateLaWS'or County,Said moneYor botht°' beforUSe.dth~s 45-I~. To see if the Town will vote to raise~. and appropriate, or provide by bond purpose, or take any other action in relation thereto. ~ ~ issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend Petition of the Highway Surveyor. the sewer system ~00 feet on Bay State Road from Nassachusetts Avenue° ~ ~. -~. =~ ~ ~**~ -own wzzz false or appropriate from available funds a sum m ' ..................... a ...... d o~__~_ _. oz money to be used' with Chapter 90 money from the State for the rebuilding of ~ ~5~J. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate,' or provide by bond Salem Street from the Junction of Salem and Boxford Streets to the~ Junction of issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend Salem and Johnson Streets. petition of Eugene R. Bodge. and others. ~ . the sewer system on Ashland Street from North Main Street to Sutton Street. · ' Petition of Leon Petell and others. ' ARTIC~',-~. ~.~. To se.e if ~he Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand ~5-K. To' see if the Town will raise and _appropriate, or provide by bond issue Dollars ($2,000.00) for the maintenance of any str. eets in Town under Chapter 90 or transfer from available funds, Twenty three hundred dollars !$2,500.00) to of the General Laws, said money to be used in cOnjunction with money Which may extend the sewer system on Wentwor. th Avenue~' three hundred and szxty feet from be .allotted by the State or County, or both for this purpose; or take any other actzon in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. the present terminus toward Chadwzck Street. Petition of Anthony List and others. ' ?~ ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~5-L- To see if the town willvote to raise and appropriate, or prpvide by bond~ One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) and .to a.uthorize the Recreationa issue or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend tD~ CoUncil to promote and conduc.t one o~' more artificial mca skating rinks for th. sewer' system on Mai.n Street from the present terminus at 281~ Main Street to ~ residents of the Town. Petition ~f Edward ~V. Phelan and others. Greene Street. Petition of Dr. H. Frank McCarthy and others. ~5-M. To see if the Town will vote to raise and a. ppr0priate, or prgvide.by todd ARTICL~ 59. Tq see if the Town wall vo.te to raise and appropriate the ~um of issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to exten~ tDe Twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) and authorize the Recreati.onal Cou~ncil sewer system o.n Waverley Road from Greene Street to Trinity Court and on Trinity a~d B~ard of Pub.lic ~orks to promote and conduct one or more~ artif, xcial anG Court. Petition of Mary Gennaro and others. ~atural ice skating rinks for ~esidents of the Town.. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~5-N. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or pFovide by todd ARTICL~ 60. To see if the Town will vote !1) to authoriz, e the Recreational issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend tDe 0oUncil to lease,.upon such terms and conditions as it may determine, the sewer system on Glenwood Street from Shawsheen Avenue to Massachusetts AVenue. outdoor skating r~nk at Br.ooks School, for the purpose of a recreation centre. Petition of Rico DiDonato and others. ' (2) to a~thorize the council to conduct and promote ice skating thereon for the residents of the Town, and ~ to appropriate th~ sum of Twenty-five ~5-0. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or to provideby ( ) Petition of he~reational Council. bond ~issue. or transfer from available fun~s, a sufficient sum of money to hundred dollars ($2,5.00.00) therefor. extend the-sewe.~ on Inglewood Stre. et from Shawsheen 'Avenue to Nasaachusetts ARTICLE 61. To see ~f the Town ~ill raise and appropriate One Thousand and Avenue. Petition of Albert A. M~stretta and others, sixty dollars to purchase from ~rs. Anne D. Flynn and others lots l0 and ll on ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town. will vote to accept from Robert J. 'Burke of Lamere Street (so-called) containing 10,600 square feet to be added to the North AndOver the sum of thirty t,wo hundred dollars ($5,200.00) to be uspd by . Aplin Fl~yground. Petition of the Board of Public Works the Town to extend the water system approximately seven hundred feet on ~averleY ARTICLE~' 62. To see if the Town will raise or appropriate from available funds Road. Southerly from Turnpike Street. Petition of Edward C. Garvey. and others, a sum of money to erect a-chain link fence at the Waverly Park Playgrounds ARTICLE ~7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or Provideab~tl~g the property at 16~ Massachusetts Avenue. by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to Pet~tion of Salvatore A. Coco and others. ~ extend the water system on Beverly Str~eet from Harold street to Dana Street, Petition of George S. Marsh and o~hers.. . . AETICL~ 6~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the su.m of One - thOUsand dollars ($1000.00) for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town wall vote to razse and appropriate the sum of Clark Street.' Petition o£ Highway Surveyor. One Hundred and Forty-none Thousand Dollars ($1~9,000.00) or any other sum to 6~. be used with contributions fro.TM Brooks School and Campion Hall, for the purpose ARTICLE To see if the Town will .raise and appropriate or transfer from availaDle funds the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars ($1400.00) to ~install ARTICLE 49. .To see if the Town will vote to accept from Brooks School and Campion Hall ~he sum of Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) to be used together with the appropriation of One Hundred and Forty-nine thousand dollar on installing a twelve-inch water mat~ on Great Pond Roa~d from the South Pu~pi~g flashing warning ~ beacons on Marblehead Street at Middlesex Street, ~tation to Campion H.all and determine whether the. money shall be raised by all as permitted by the .Department of Public Works on Permit No. 386 dated taxation, by appropriation from available funds mn the treasury, and by borrowing October 27, 1959. Petition of Board of Selectmen. under the authority of Chapter 4~ of the General Laws or take any action in relation thereto.Petition of~. Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the'sum of Five thousand dollars ($5000.00) to be used for improvements to the Town Garage and for enlarging the Town Yard in accord- a~ce with engineering plans for this purpose. Petition Board of Selectmen. for the purpose of installing a twelve-inch water main from the South pumping ARTICLE .66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and apporpriate or transfer station to Campion Hall. Petition of Board of Public Works. from avazlable funds, the sum of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred dollars ($9,900.00 ~ . for the ~ppoin.tment of three !~) regular patrolme.n, fully qual.lified who have ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide passed the Ciwl Service physical and mental exam-.nation~ all ~n accordance by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to with Civil Ser.~vice Rules and Regulations. extend the water system on Abbott Street Three Hundred and Twenty-five feet from Petition of Board of Selectmen and Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police. ~arbleridge Road. Petition of John M. McManus and others. -~ ' ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum' of ARTICLE 51. To see if the .Town will raise and appr.opriate, or provide by bond SiX Thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500.00) to be added to the Fire Depart- issue, or transfer from avamlab~ funds the sum of Nzne Hundred and Seventy meat appropriation to provide for the app.ointment of two (2) qualified men Dollars ($970.00) to extend the water system on Wentworth Avenue from the present under Civil Service Rules to be regular fare fighters. terminus approximately two hundred and forty feet toward Chadwick Street. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. Petition of Anthony Lisi and others. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or take ~RTICLE 52. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of Eig.ht from available funds, the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)~ to b.e used Hundred Dollars ($800.00) to insta.ll a p.ipe and catch basin to extend drain on to fi~snce a det.ailed study and report.t.o ~nclude a land survey and engmneerl Wood Lane three hundred (500) feet Petition of the Highway Surveyor. inE )oft, architects fees, land acquisition and other similar expenses, sa~d . re~ ARTICLE 5~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from su~ to be administered by the Board of Selectmen all in connection with the erection of a new fire station in the vicinity of the Old Center. available funds the sum of $7,700.00 for the purpose of extending the culvertPetition of the Board of Selectmen. at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and ~averly Road along Waverly Road to Kenwood Street a distance of about 200 feet. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ~RTICLE 69. To.see if the Town will raise and' appropriate' or transfer from ? availa~le funds in the Town Tr.easury, the sum of $2,525.~6 to be used with the ARTICLE 5~- To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from unsxpended balance of $1,&?~.54 of Article 69 of the 1957 Annual Town Meeting available funds the sum of $7,100.00 for the purpose of extending the existtag making a to.tal of $~,000.00 to be used for consulting purposes~ by the Planning 30" concrete surface drain in Greene Street from Trinity Court to Linden Avenue. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. Board. Petition of No. Andover Planning Board, James ~. Bannan, Chairman. ~ ARTICL~ 70~ To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or tran~er from ARTICLE 5~-. To see if the To.wa will, raise and appropriate or transfer fromav~ilable funds in the Town. Treasury, the sum of Eight hundred dollars ($800.G] available 'funds the sum of $~,~50.00 for the purpose of constructing a stormf. of the purpose of providing Christmas decorations and lighting on. Main Street drain in Chapin Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ~n the Business Section during the Holiday Season. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from Petition of Tom Robinson, Jr. and others. available funds the sum of $I000.00 for the p-~pose of in~'baiiing d~'ainage oon- ~ ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer sisting of 2 catch basins in Boston Street and about 230 feet of pipe in. Boston I from available funds in the Town Treasury, the sum of Fif.teen Hundred Dollars Stre. et and through an easement across land of Frances Goodhue to the swamp.(~1,500.00) to be used for a Town Fourth of July Celebratzon. Any and all Petition of the Highway Surveyor. profi.ts made at said celebration to be turned into the Town Treasury. ARTICLE qT. To see ~ the T~m ,,~1 ~,~.~ .~ ~~ ~ ,~,.,.,,.,.,,,...-.,,~... b~ ~.,~ ~e ~ ~ ~.1~. m~,~ ~.~. o~ ~acomme~stinn nf North Andover Fourth thousand five hundred dollars to extend the water and sewer system on Pleasanto~ J~l~r Celebration Committee. Street to the American Legion Beach and to provide a new bath house. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICT,~. 72. To see if the .Tow. n will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer .~Z~ from available funds a sufficient amount of money to move the Soldiers and C~ Sailors Memorial from its present location at the junction of Main and 0sgood ,~ W ' Streets and the Gilbert aterlng Trough nearby to more-appropriate locations in front of the Stevens Memorial Library. 'Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library. ARTICLE ?~. To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Town Treasurer, or the Board of Selectmen to se$1 at public auction, or private sale land now owned by the Town and being lots numbered 18,2~ inclusive on Plan of Land known as Beacon Hill, dated October 1906, said.plan being recorded in the North Es~sex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 0~81. Sazd lots of land border on unopened street known ].61 FOR 1960 ~ ART 79, Sec. 4.7~.Con't. ~ as Phillips Brooks Road, running between Chickering Road and' Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Anthony L. Galvagna and others. .. .. ARTICLE 74. To see if. the Town w~ll-- vote to create a special unpaid committeel ' to be known as the Regional Vocational School District Planning committee, to consist of three members, including one member of the School Committee, all to be appointed by the Moderator, which committee may join with a comparable comm- ittee, or committees , from one or more neighboring Towns and/or City, to form a Regional Vocational School District Planning Board for the purpose of studying the advisability of establishing a Regional_~Vocational School District, and making recommen.dations,, relative theret.o, pursuant to Chapter 71, of the General Laws, Section l[~ to 161 inclusive. Petxtion of No. Andover SchooI Committee. ARTICLE 75. To see if the ~Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 8A of Chapter 40 of the General Laws' as established by Chapter 297 of the Acts of 1954 and ame. nded b.y Chapter 102 of the Acts of 1955, and to establish a de- velopment and xndustr~al commission of nine '(9) members with all of the powers and duties thereof as provided in said Section 8A of ~Chapter 40,. General Laws. Petition of the Board of Selectmgn. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appropr.iatd a sum of Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a deVelopment and industrial commission as provided by Section 8A of Chapter 40; G.L., and determine whether the money shall be provided for by taxation or by appropriation from available funds in the treasury. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ~ ARTICLE 77. To ~'see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide, the sum of Thirty-five thousand dollars ($55,000.00) to be expe~ded under the direction of the School Building Committee, for topographical surveys, borings, educations specifications, com- plete plans, layout, wor~ng drawings, and estimate of cost, and such other disbursements as may be preliminary to the cons. truction of an addition, or additions, o a present school building, or buxldings. Petition of the School Building Committee and School Committee. ARTICLE ~78. To see if the Town Will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law of the town to change Section ~.55 of the Zoning Laws dealing with Motels .such that said section will be amended by adding thereto subsection J wh~.ch will read as follows: J. There shall be allowed.in a M. otel, aco. ffee shop or restaurant to be used mn conjunction with the operation . of a motel. Petition of John J. Lynch and o.thers. ARTICLE 79. To se.e xf the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the followxng new sections: ~-. 7 APARTMENT DEVELOPMENTS ~ . . . The Board of Ap.peals.may grant a special .permit for a.n apartment develop- ment in~ any zoning dzstrict, .but only if mt be s.atisfzed that such develop- .sent will conform to the perm~_tted uses and specific regulations set forth · n sections ~.72 and 4.7~. . . ' 4.71 In so far as they may be apt, the .provisions of sect.ions 4.5 through 4.54, inclusiv,e, shall apply to any apphcation for a special permit under secti, on 4.7. ~ ~ ~.72 Permztted Uses: ~ . . (a) Multiple or group dwell.ings, provided that there shall be.no't more than twelve dwelling units per struct.ure. . . · (b) Su.ch accessory uses as are customary ~n connection w~th the~permztted ' prmncipa.1 uses, except that professional offices and home occupations · are specific.ally excluded. ~ ~.75 Specific Regulations: ~ · . · !~a,)~N~o spru.ctu?.shall exceed two and one-half (2w) Stories or thirty-five ~pp~ zees, mn height, measured above the top of the foundations:~ (b) N~o str.uc~tures, except one-story garages or carports, or unpzerced walls o_~' re sz~entia! st?act~:~rcs shall b~ neare~*- to each o'th~~. '~ha~~ '~he ~um of the heights of their two o cain exter' 9_ _ ~ __ ~ .. PP . g ~or walls, measured above ~ ~ne ~op cz ~ne ~'ounda~zons., (c) Th.ere shall .be a lot area of at least 3,500. square feet for each dwelling side umt in multzple-dwelling structure, in addition to the lot area, if in a 'any, required for other permitted uses. 4.7~ (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall not exceed 50% of the gross area of the lot. (e) No structure shall be built within ~0 feet of the side line of any public street or .way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained within 20 feet of any other exterior property line. (f) There shall be provided at least one paved off-street parking space, or-space in garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be not more than 200 feet from the outside entrance t° such unit. No. space shall be considered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a driveway providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) The~e shall be a paved driveway., or paved walk adequate to accomm¢ emergency vehicles, within 50 feet of the outside ~entrance to each dwelling unDt. (h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to 6 or mc.re dwelling uni.ts or 8 or more parking spaces shall conform to approprzate pro- vlsi. one of the ~subdivision contr.ol regul~ tic.ns as if it were a minor residential street. Before issuing any permzt the Board of Appeals Shall re~uest a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such c.onformity. 4.7~. No special permit shall be granted under section ~.7 unless the Board of Appeals finds that the development as planned will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in'which it is to be located, and that the Town can reasonable provide the proposed development with all necessary utilities and facilitie s. Petition of Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Industrial Development Committee. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By-Law by changing from. Village Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: A certain piece and parcel of land situated on Hodges Street, so called near Main Street, in said North Andover, the same being lots numbered 71, 72 and part of lot numbered 70, as shown on plans of land of Eliza D. Sargent, said plan being recorded in the Essex North District Registr' of Deeds, Book ~3, Page 600. Cofltaining 10,100 square feet., more"5~'"le's,. Petition of Joseph Giard and others. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By Law by changing .from Village Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of Franklin.Street with the Southerly line of Pleasant Street; thence South- easterlyy the Southern line of Pleasant Street, 100 feet,, thence South- westerly,b~00 feet, thence Southeasterly 130.80 feet; themce' SoUthwesterly 16.0'45 feet to ~von Street; thence Northerly by the Easterly line-of Avon Street 200 feet to Franklin. Street; .thence Northeasterly by the Easter~ly line of ~ranklin Street, 22 feet, thence again Northeasterly by a curve of 50.~2 feet.radius, 39.20 feet; thence Northeasterly still by the Easterly line of Franklins Street, 88.43 feet, to the point of beginning. Petition of William A. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning Zoning By Law and z.oning map of the Town, by chang, lng from Village Residential Zone to General Bus~ness Zone ~the following described property: Starting at a point on the Easterly side of Plea.sant Street at its intersection with Trento Street,.~ private way; .thence running along the E. asterly side of Pleasant Street zn a Northerly d~rection 220 feet to a poznt; thence turning and runnin in an Easterl~ direction by a stone wall by land now or f.ormerly of the Village Land'Company 55 feet more or less to'a point; thence.turnzng and running in a Southerly direction by land now or formerly of .Fourn~er, 205.2 feet to a. point thence turning and running in a Westerly direction along the Northerly side of the..?.foreiLmentioned privat~e.way 80 feet to the point of ~beginning. ...~.~ ... Pev~°n °f Loretta Lo Wil~zs and others. _ ARTICr.R 85. To see. if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zonzng' By-Law and the Zoning Map of the Town by changing from Village Residential Zone to General Busi.ness Zone the following: Lot No. i "Starting at a point On the Northerly side .of Bunkerhill Street at its intersection with ¢oncord Street thence 'running along the Northerly side of Bunkerhill Street, 2.75 feet to a point; thence tur-ning and ~unning in a No~.~.the~-ly dir-ect~on along land now o~' fo~me~-ly of Helbick, U0 feet to a point; thence turning .and running in an Easterly direction 27.5 feet to a point on the Westerly szde of Concord Street: thence turning and .~ru_nning along the .Westerly side of Concord Street in a Southerly directi.on 50 feet to the poznt of beginn.ing." Lot No. 2 "Starting at a point on the Northerly s!de of Trenton Street at its intersection with Wayne Street thence running along the Northerly Of'Trenton Street, 290 feet to a point; thence turning and running Nor'therly direction by land of Domenic Mangan, .145.9 feet to a point; ART 85 Cont t: "Lot No. 2) ~'~'~ C01\qMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETT~ T.hence ~u~tning and running Easterly, by 1.and now or formerly of the V~llage~and" Company, 552.58 feet to a poznt on the side of ESSEX SS: Westerly ~ To either of the Constabels of the Town of North Andover. Wayne Street; thence turning and running along the Westerly side of Greetings: Wayne Street., 99.51 feet to the point of beginning." directed to notmfy and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote ~etition of Do~enic l~angano.and others. In the.name of the Commonwealth of ~assachusetts, you 'are hereby ARTICLE 84. To see zf the Tow.n wzll vote to amend the zoning By-Law by changing i'n Town Affairs, to meet in the High. School Auditorium of said North Andover from Industrial to General Busmness, the following described parcel of land:., on the 19th day of March, 1960 immedmately after the Annual To.wu Meeting of Land on the easterly side of Clark Street bounded westerly abOUt 599 feet by March 19, 1960, and then and there to act on the following artmcles: Cia rk Street; northerly abou.t 1,170 feet by a road 40 feet in width proposed ARTICLF. 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding by the Lawrence Airport Commmssion; easterly about ~18 feet by land now or thereto the following new section: formerly of the D & G Real Estate Trust to land now or formerly of Hearty; 3.79 A parcel of land on the southwest.erly side o~ Massachusetts Avenue, southerly 1,140.45 feet by land now or formerly of Hearty and Land of John ed and described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner Glennie, Inc. Petition of Anthony Rogers and other.s. ~/ ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By Law and map of the Town by changing from Country Residential Zone to Village Residential Zone the following described property: Starting at a point on the Northerly side of Woodstock Street 76.61 feet Easterly from its inter- section with Wood Lane thence running by various course~., Northerly 926,75 feet more or less to a point on the Southerly side of Great Oak Street; t~ence ~urning and.running in an Easterly directi, o.n along said Great Oak Street 500 feet to a point; thence turning and running ~n a Southerly direction by various bound- thereof, on said Massachusetts Avenue, at land now or formerly of W.H. Damren, thence running southwesterly by said land now or formerly of Damren about 377 feet to the Shawsheen River; thence turning and running northwesterly, northerly and easterly about 555 feet by said river to Eassachusetts Avenue; thence turning and running southeaSterly bY said southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue about 241 feet to the point of beginning. Containing about 81280 ~q. uare feet. Petition of ~avid B. Hollins, 12 Hamilton Rd., and others. ARTICLE 2. from Rural la nd: To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by Residential to General Business the following described parcel of northeasterly 250 feet to the point of beginning. A.nd you are hereby directed to serv.e this warrant by posting true and attested Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Bannan, Chairman. cop~es thereof, at the Town Office Bu-~lding and at five or more public p~laces in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with~your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given unde.r our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the twenty-f.ifth day of January, mn the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and s~xty. RALPH E. FINCK Board ~ WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of /~ILIP~TCL~ . Selectmen. RALPH E. FINCK Board ATTEST: ,~ · (/ Constable. PHILIP SUTCLIFF~ ~ ..,~lec~. n 0FFICER' S RETURN A true copy: I have notified an.d warend the.inhabitant.s of the Town of North An.dover, ATTEST qualified to vote mn t.own affamrs by posting true and attested copmes of this North Andover, Mass:. March 5, 1960. warrant at the Town Buzlding and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the TOWn. 0FFIC~'S RETURN And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attes- ted copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands~ at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty. Said.copie.s having been posted not more than fifteen days before the time of / ~s, befo?e~ th~?time of holding said hold~ng samd meeting, nor less than _ten meeting. . ,~~.~__~/ //..,~-. ,-'~' CONSTABLE. r' North Andover, Mass· ~:~: -" ATTEST :7 I have notified and warned the.inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town affamrs by posting true and attested .copies of t.hts warrant at the Town Building and at five or more public' place.s mn each votmng precinct of the Town. Said c opie.s having been posted not more than fifteen days before the time of holding samd meeting, nor less than ten days before the time of holding said Nor th March from Country Residential to Village Residential the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of Prescott Street about 20 feet westerly from the southerly extension of the westerly line of Moody Stree thence easterly bY the southerly line of Prescott Street 45.64 feet to a point Ithence southwesterly 250 feet; thence easterly 200 feet; thence south.westerly 455.20 feet; thence s.outheasterly 126.49 feet; thence southwesterly 240 feet; thence northwesterly 422 feet by a line which is parallel to and 200 feet northeasterly from the easterly line of the location of the Boston & Maine Railroad;. thence northeasterly ~55 feet; thence easterly 200 feet; thence ARTIC~,F. 88. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of from available funds to reduce the 1960 tax rate. Petition of the Board of Assessors. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) from the Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. Petition of the Board of Public Works. courses 910 feet more or less to the Northerly side of WoodstOck Street thence turning and running in a Westerly.directio.n .along WoodZtock Street 226.21 feet Beginning at the northwesterly corne, r of a parcel of t~ nd zoned for more or M ss to a point of beginning. Pet~tzon .of John J. Willis and others.General Business known as the Lakeside Fzlling Station parcel, and described under Section 5, P~. t. hence southeasterly by said parcel, 125 feet~ ARTIC~,F. 86. To see if the To~n wil.1 appropriate from. availab, le funds the sum 74 (22); of Eighty-thre.e hundred and fmfty-emght dollars and e.~ghty-nzne cents, thence southwesterly 15,5 feet, thence northwesterly 125 feet t'o 0sgood Street; ($8,558.89) bemng.the amount of water, department receipts in excess of waterthence northeasterly 169 feet to the point of beginning. ~ department operating expert.see includmng bonds and interest for 1959 to .a Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Bannan, Chai_rman. Stabilization Fund as provmded for by Chapter 12~ of the Acts of 1945 w~th ARTIC~.F. 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By Laws by chan~ .the understanding that it is to be used by. the Town for capital improvements zn the water works system under the provismons of the above act. NUMBER OF VOTES BY PRECINCTS ~ ??9 THREE.F, QUR.TOTAL ~0~iS0~,-A"r"th'ur' A'. ' ' 7o3 884 lO28 LYNCH, John T. SMITH, Donald 11 11 MAKER, Jane s J. IfA NE, George TOWN TREASURER FOR ONEYEAR ~A~:~,' JameS"~.' '" -' :~ 776 .95'5854 108~3 564.6 BLAmeS la0 lC5 151 15~ 594~ SELECTMEN FOR ONE YEAR, 2 -307 FINI~RAN, ' Will,am A. 602 706 582 271.1 SUTCLIFFE, Philip 440 469 583 200~ BANNAN, Jane s M. 8~ BARRY, James A. KIRK, Ar thur P. WILSON, Frederick W. BLANKS zo3 44o 232 50~ 216 275 1030 5~6 54 428 1939 599 5 408 5 ' 1919 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE FOR ONE YEAR FINCK, Ralph E. FIN~]ERAN, William A. SUTCLIFFE, Philip BANNAN, Jane s N. BARRY, Jane s A. KIRK, Arthur P. WILSON, Frederick W. BLANI~ lO49 5 55~ 6o0 5924 lOC lO8 ~71 502 544 1997 HIGHWAY SURVEYOR FOR ONE YEAR CARTY, Ira D. NAHONEY, NICETTA, BLANKS John J. Nicholas F. 122 110 98 35 13 17 16 18 TAX COLLECTOR DEWHIRST, James SMITH, Joseph A. BLANEB FOR ONE YEAR H. TREE WARDEN FOR ONE YEAR CONNORS, John J. Blanks 765 9,78 843 1065~ 5651 131 140 142 17~ 589 ASSESSOR FOR THREE YEARS SOUCY, Marguerite BLANKS 153 194 198 731 BOARD OF B~,ALTH KAY,' Julius BLANKS FOR THREE YEARS 7~4 90~ 794 1019 ~450 182 215 191 222 790 BOARD OF SULLIVA N, BLANKS PUBLIC WORKS FOR Joseph D. YEARS 177 2~1 211 218~35 SCHOOL COI~ITTEE ROSS, Ethel Lee FRIIS, Robert, W. LYNCH, John J.. BLANKS PLANNING BOARD FARLEY, George P. 0~LEARY, Daniel To S~EA, Joseph F. STIEBITZ, Walter BLANKS FOR THREE YEARS FOR FIVE YEARS P. 2 2 7s _ 1672 114144 17~ 254 68~ ~a,~3~1 ao~ 22o lOZ 104 204 192· 274 747 97 122 147 169 535 HOUS ING ~EA[[DOI'E, . aymond CRITTENDEN, Donald G. McgEE, Alfred H. BLANKS AUTHORITY FOR F!I.~ ~ARS 526 37~ 287 462 1448 165 ~36 151 a01 6' 85 ~a ~a~ ~5 47~ RESULTS OF ELECTION MONDAY, March 7, 1960 CONSTABLES FOR ONE YEAR ~cCABE, James .D. 596 712 613 ~l 2765_ WALSH, Augustmne ~.' 692 612 273.9 THOMSON, Donald 2p2~ LEFEBVRE, Wilfred WALSH, Raymond i i ' _2.. FOSS, Donald 1 FITZGERALD, James 1 HAMMOND, Roland f 11., CASA?., Tom ' L0>NG, Kenneth -ROBERTS, David ' ' !l 11 4°S ¢o0 568 826 670 165 QUESTION:y E S 526 594 569 482 N 0 413 5~0 593 589 BLANKS 157 194 223 170 AD~0URNED ARTICLE 2. by ballot ARTICLE 3. ted' by the ARTICLE 4. TOWN ~ETING SATURDAY lt~ARCH 19_,__ 1960. at 1:'~0 P.M._ VOTED THat all other officers not required by law to referred to the Selectmen for action. 1571~ 1925 be elected. VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures Selectmen be accepted. VOTED THAT THE FOLLOWING UNEXPE~EDED TO THE June 1957 Board 195~ 1959 Appropriations To APPROPRIAT IONS TOWN TREASURY. 30, 19~6 Planning Board Expenses Town Planning Re pa ir s be Returned 6 · Planning ~"'. ~. Town Infirmary " . School Survey T. otal Amount of Unexpended To the Town Treasury. Under the aforesaid article appr opt ia t ions it was further voted that the be carried forward to January 1, 1960· as presen- BE RETURNED TO $S0o.oo 4,coo,co ~58,o2 6oo.oo $5,658.02 following · 195 Planning Board, Zoning i'~aps. 1,~74.5~ "" 53, 195 East Side Sewer ^683.72 '~" 39 1959 Sewer System, 'items, A.B.C.F.G. 1,5~3.25' ~" ~i 19598. Nov 16. Bills, W.Side Sev?er Trunk. ~2.6.55' '" 32. 1959 " 90 G.L. Road Construction 26'O000.0" ? U.S. Old·Age Assistance-Assistance 55'660.75~ ~ U.S. Old Age Assistance-Administration ~ 8,637. 1'1 U.S. Aid Dependent Children-Aid 8,668.39 ~ U.S. Aid " " Administration 2,881'83. ' U.S. Disability Assistance- Assistance 5,854.05 ~ U.S. " " Adminas tration 514..81 715.o8 7,652.19 625 .oo' "~ 54. 1958. ,,, "" · 195~, 'Total amount of Articles January l, 1960 School Exp. Rave for Payment, 1959 Bills. Schbol Cmtee of I¥Iass. Public Law 874. Feb'I! 1957 l~elamed Taking " 19'57 " " 500.00 " 1957 Franklin School Const. ~,0~7.54 School Title, Part A.P.L. 85-684 996'97 M.A. School LUnch Account 4,120.32 N.A. High School Athletic Assoc. School Grounds, heave, for pay 1959 bills. 324.00 Water ~ainS, ar~ous Streets 20,6 Water Main Extensions l, 955.00 June 9. Purchase of Land and Buildings on Great Pond Road. .~ 9,600.00 To Be Carried Forward to ,!~15 6, 95 9°65 true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS Town C !e rk ~ ARTICLE 5. VOTED to fix the salary and co~mpensation o.f all of~ the Town as pro.vided for by Section 10,5 of Chapter 41 of the as., amended, effective from January l, 1960. Board Board of Public ~"-elfare - each per annum. of ~ssessors - each per annum T own Treasurer - per annum elected officers General Laws, '~t; t ~ ' 15o.oo 1,250.00 5,775.00 Tax Collector - per annum $1,900.00 ~ Ins&c.t' Pest~ Control. .. . ~~ Highwa. y Surveyor - per annum 5,.765'00 6~D"4 . Superintendents Salary 5,187'00 ,. 187.00 . Labor- Wages ~,61~'75 Expense s 525.6~ 1, 9~5.00'1,955;00 Pomson I~ Control. Labor-Wages 525.6~ 30.] Expenses . 300.00 500.00 31.~ Dutch ~lm Dmsease: Labor-Wages 7,269.15 7'~69.15 Expenses . l, 100.00 1,100..00 32., Brush Cuttzng: Labor-Wages l, 050.00 1,050~.00 o,n o,oo ' o'oo Tree War~en: .Supt-Salary 400'00 400.00 Labor - Wages '. 9,~57,~2 9,~57'~2 Expe nee s. . 1 ~ 415 ' 00 1,415; 00 5~ ~. Street Lmghti~.: Expenses 25,000.00 25,000.00 "~6.~ Board ~f Health.: Salaries 900~00 ~,... . 900..00 ~mrse Sa~arx 4, 9~4,0o 4-, 9~4.'00 Item No. 67 water metnce and cost, labor-wages increased from $33,000.00 to ~33,600.00. The vote was unanimous and so declared. No. 37. 58' Physician Expense s Refuse Disposal: Expense s Garbage Disposal - Salary Lab or-Wage Contra c t 950.00 21,000.00 6,600.00 5,o75.oo 3,000.00 950.00 5,o75;oo 21,000.O0 36',000'00 6oo.oo 1~. T.ax Title Foreclosures: Expenses 25,00 25'00 i . L~cense Commissi'on$ Expenses 150'00 150.00 19~ A'nnual Town Meeting:' Expenses 3,750.00 5,~50.00 20. Police Dept. Chief Salary 5,830.00 '5,U50.00 8~' Sergeants 19,656.00' 1'9,656.00 Pa tr olmen 37,128 ' 00 37,128 ' 00 Read, Ia rs, Reserves, Specials. 5,000.00 5 Overtime and Elections 1,815.00 Expe ns e s Cue t od ian Expe ns e s Tax Titles: Salary 16. ~0.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 100.00 15o'.oo 15o.oo ,000.00 51. Stevens Memorial Library 1,815.00 Expenses 8,612'00 8, .00 8861 Head Librarian 612 Assistand and Janitors 1 , ,12 1~,861,12 6,160.00 472,50 12' Board of Appeals (Planning-Expenses) ~00.00 ~[ Personnel Board: Expenses U00.00 Board of Appeals (Personnel) Expenses 100.00 100.00 15. Town Bldg. Janitory Salary 1,~-6.90 1,~.6.90 55o.oo 884. co 6,650.00 25o,oo 75o.0o 500,00 00,00 Expe ns e s 7. Election-Registrars-Salaries Expenses 8, Town Counsel: Salary 9~ Noderator: Salary lO~ A~dvisory Board: Expenses ll, Planning Board: Expenses , 0.00 55o.oo 5,750.00 5,958.50 2,250.00 875.oo 6,6'50.00 1,500'00 50,00 250,00 75o.oo Labor - Wage s 54''485'92 Tarvia, Road 0il, Cinders Stone and Gravel E0u.ipment & Repairs~ Ni s p l, ~ Expense s Renta.1 of Equipment Gasolmne & Oil ~ [ '1 Sno~ Removal: Expenses Board of Public Welfare-Salries 450,00_ ~: Welfare Administration, 9,000'00 Infirmary: Supt' s Salary 2,205.00 i¥~a t~on - Sa lary 1, 9[~.' 12 Wages 1,926.56 Exp?nses ~7· Welf are~'~ Grant s.' Old. Age Assistance 66,000.00 Aid to Depend Child. 9,000;00 Disability Assistance 8,000.00 General Relief 12,000.00 Total Exp. for Welfare ~rants 48, Veteran's Benefits: Agents Salary 750.00 Clerks Salary 500.00 Expe ns e s Grants 49. School Department-Salaries 509,947.00 Expense s 50. School Crossing Guards-Salries4,500.00 Expe ns e s Bathing Beach -' Pglice 650'00 50.00 700'00 Expenses 6,160.00 21. F~re Dept. Chief Salary 6,126,00 6,126.00 ~'~ 52. Playgrounds: Supt. Salary 472.50 L'ieutenant Salary 5,009,00 5~,009.00 ~!~ Labor, Guards, Caretakers 8,500.00 8,500,00 15 Regulars . 59'489'50 59,489'50 ~i Expenses . , . 5,000.00 3,000.00 2 Engzneers or Deputy Chief 1,700'00 1,700,00 53. Recreational Counczl: Salarzes 1,888.00 1,888.00 Call and spare men 12,867.50 12,867'50 Expenses . ' 800.00 800.00 Vacations 2,82~.50 ' 2,82~'50 ~ 5~. Parks: Triangles, Burying Grnds. Expenses ' 9,285.00 9,285 '00 Superzntendents Salary 210,00 210'00 22~ Forest Fire Warden: Salary 250.00 250.00 ~ Labor, Wages 5,250.00 5,250'00 23' Forest Fires: Expenses l, 000.00 1,000'00 Expenses ~ 700.00 700'00 24o Dog Officer: Salary 245o00 245'00 55. School Grounds: Labor-Wages 10,500.00 10,500'00 Exoense s 35©. 00 ~0 ' 00 E×pense s ~, 000.00 ~ 000 '00 25. Civil Defense Director Salary 600.00 ~0~00 ~ .56..'Esse.x County Retirement System: 28', 977"81 28~977'91 Expenses 2,~_00.00 2,4oo'oo ~ ~~Contzngent Fund 2,5,00~00 2,500'00 26. Building Inspector: Salary 600.00 · ~00,00 '~American L.egion: Rental of Quarters ~00.00 ~00,00 E.xpenses ~ 100.00 100°00 ~ V.F'W. 2104. " " 600'00 600,00 co oo.oo co o.oo Expenses. 175.00 175.00 61. Nemorial :Day ~50.00 150.00 28. Sealer-Wezghts & Measures-Salary 500.00 500.00 62. Insurance 22, 00.00 22, 00.00 Expenses 90.00 90°00 66~2 Group Insurance 16,852.00 16,852.00 ~ ,, Community Center 175.00 175.00 21,000.00 6,000.00 1,~00.00 00.00 6,000.00 38,000.00 7,975.00 21,000.00 .00 l, 600.00 6,000.00 000.00 38'450.00 9,000.00 1, 12 1,92s.36 7,975.00 95,000.00 315'oo 20,595.00 116,877.00 656.00 95,000.00 75o.oo 300.00 ~15 .oo 2o,5~95,oo 509~, 947'00 11~,877'00 4, 5_oo'oo 656.00 875.oo 1,500.00 5o.oo Expenses 5. Town Clerk: Salary 4,850.00 'Expenses . 750.00 6. Assessors: Salaries 3,9~8.50 Clerk Salary ~2; Extra Clerical 240.00 Expenses Tax Collector: Salary Clerk Salary 3,950.00 500.00 , 500.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 3,958.50 5,958.50 DEPART~SNT, SAL-WAGES EXPENSES T0 T A L 1. Selectmen: Salaries $2, lO0.00 $2,100.00 Clerk Salary 3,671.4~ 3,671'44 39. Sew~er Maintenance & Construction Expenses . $750.00 750.00 Acm~nzst~at~on Salaries '837 50 1,837'50 2 Treasurer. Salary 5;7.75'00 . 5,7.~5.00 Labor - Wages ~ ~00 . ,4oo 8,400.00 i Clerk Salary 3,6U5.50 5,6U5.5© '' i!! Ex'.p'ense s 8,000.00 8,000.00 Expenses 1,98~.00 1,98.~.00' ' A.n~mal Inspector:~ Salary 32~5.00 ' ~25.00 3 Accountant: Salary 4,9~14.00 · 4,9~14.00 Hx&hway Surveyor:.Salary 5,765.00 5,765.00 Extra Clerical 1,7U5.00 ' 1,7U5'00 Streets: Gen'l Mamntenance Adjourned Town Meeting March 19, 1960 65 s eg~stration 550.00 350'00 ~i Board of Public Works-Salardes750.00 750.00 ll, 025 00 ll, 025,00 55,6oo oo 55s,6oo.oo 58, 5oo.oo 5 , 500.00 68. 69-. 70,· 71~. 72,, Water l¥,Iaintenance and Const. S Administration alarles Labor & Wages Expenses(Incl- Out of Otate Redeeming School Bonds: Interest on S, chool Bonds. Redeeming Water Main Notes Interest on Water ~ain Notes Redeeming Sewer Bonds Interest on Sewer Bonds Redeeming Water Bonds Interest on Water~ Bonds Redeeming Sewer Notes Interest on ~ewer Notes Dis c cunt on Note s 75-. 76.. Travel ) 1960 Budge't Totals $952,l~13.85 120,000':. O0 38,667.50 9,000.00 1,260'00 2~,000.00 ,890.00 10,000.00 2,560.00 10,000'00 1,575.oo s?.f..qo. $771,79o.41 120,000.00 ~8,667.50 9,000.00 1,26o.oo 25,000.00 6,890.00 10,000.00 2,560.00 10,000.00 1,375.00 6,875.00 $ '724, 204. 24 ARTICLE ~ 2 , " 2 . AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED aD, 50' We, st Side ~ower ~l, Typewriter, Public Works 52, Fire Hose ~5. Generator, North Pumping Station 55. Two Police Cars 8 · Chapter 90 Hghway Const. Dale St. Well field, airport, water supply. Certain Employee. wages. Highway Dept Metal Street Signs $1,000.00 50,00 50o,00 2,000,00 725.oo 2, 000.00 1,5oo'oo I~000,00 000'00 59. " 90 "" M'ntnce Any Street. 2,000'00 .0,e.su ac' ~ S R rf reno treets 10,000,00 i. Re~ew services . 1,250.00 .2' W.a~ter.~ain Extensmons l, 500'00 ~' Wz:denlng Great Po.nd Road· 5,000.00 ~)[ A.C. to O, inclusive. Sewers 5,700·00 ~7' Be.verly Street..Water 500.00 50' Abbott Street, Water 1,500.00 51' Wentworth'Ave..Water ~70.00 5.2. Wood Lane. Drazn . 500'00 54' Greene Street. Dra'.n 4,66~..4-~ ~5~8~ Skating Rink 500'00 ~ Lots· ~frs. A.D. Flynn 1,060,00 ~:. Dum~ Maintenance 1,000.00 Two regular patrolmen 6,600.00 67' Two regular firefighters 6,500.00 69. Planning Board 1, 025.46 71'i 4th of July Celebration 1,500.00 76 InduStrial Comm. ~,'laintenance 500'00 77 School Bldg. Comm. Survey ~ 50a0.00.,0.0 TOTAL A~0U~I~ TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED: $100,945.89 A~i0UNTS TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM UNEXPEI~DED APPROPRIATIONS ARTICLE 13. Water System, Airport, Location of Clark St. 9,400.00 . rooks School-Campion Hall. Water TOTAL AMOU~ TO BE TRANSFERRED FR0i¥~ U~XPEI~ED APPROPRIATIONS $18,400.00 AMOURS. T0 BE. ~ANSFERRED ~0~ AVAILABLE FUt$S ~ARTICT,E 58. Chapter 90, Hghway COnst. Dale Street 24,000.00 I1 I'I ~ " M'ntnce any street. · 90, 1,000'.00 " . To reduce 1960 tax rate lO6~~oo ~ TOTAL A3ff0U~ TO, BE TRANSFERRED FR0~ AVAILABT,F. FUImS. '~TiCLE 5~. VOTED that the sum of $~,665.~5 be raised and apprpriated t6 'be used with the principal and interest of the Stabilization Fund to' May l, 1960 ($2,456.57) for a total of ($7;100.00) to be used for the purpose of this article. 'ARTIC~ 87. VOTED to transfe~ the sum of $15,000.00 from the 0verlay'Sur- :plus to the Reserve ~nd. "A},~OU~ T0 BE ~PROPRIATED AT 196:0: TOWN Iv~ETING (Budget) $ ,7a4,a94., 4 ANOU~ T0 BE RAISED, A~ APPROPRII~TED (Articles) A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS TOWN ~CLER K. ANNUAL ADJOURNED TOWN. MEETING MARCH 19, 1960 v 1'69 ARTICrE 7. VOTED to authorize the. Town Treasurer, with the aPP~o al of the Selectmen, to borrow money from t~me to time in anticipation of the revenue the financial year beginning January l, 196~ and to issue a ~ote or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or ~otes as may be g.iven for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chap 44 of the General Laws· The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 8. ~r. James Bann.an, Chm of Planning Board reported of the hiring of a planner for Centr'al Nerrzmack Valley in the near future, and would report further at ne~t Town Meeting. · ARTICLE 9. VOTE.D .to authorize the Board of Hea.lth to appoint one of' their mem- bers to the posztzon of Board of Health Physicman and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter ~l of the General Laws. The amount of $950.00 for the year 1960 has been included in Board of Health budget. ARTICLE 10. VOTED to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its mem- bers to the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in accord- ance with, Section ~!A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. The amount of $1,500.00 for the year 1960 has been included in School Department b~dget. ARTICLE ll. VOTED that the Town grant to the City of Lawrence a~d/or the Air- port Commission of the City of Lawrence, Slope easement rights along the easterly side of the town dump property on Clark Street for the Construction of a street on adjacent property, and t~o authori.ze the Board of Selectmen to _ sign, execute, affix the corporate seal, and del~ver a deed of easement on be half of the t own on such terms as said Board of' Selectmen deem fair and equitable. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 12. VOTED that the Town will sell two individual lots of land on Wood Avenue to City of Lawrence, and/or the Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence which lots. were acquired b.y the town for non-pya merit of taxes and are numbered 41 and 77 on plan of Woodslde Terrace which is Plan No. 609, and to authorize th~ Town 'Treasurer, to sign, execute, affix the corporate seal, and del~ver a deed or deeds, on su.ch terms as said Board of aelectmen deem fair and equitable. The, vote was unanimous and so declared. ' ARTICLE 13. VOTED that,the sum of $9,400.00 be t~ansferred from the unexpended appropriation under Article 54 of the 1958 Annu.al Town Meeting to be expended 'by'and under the direction of the Board of Public Works upon agreement with the Lawrence Airp.ort Commission for the purpose of usir~. 12 inch cast i, ron cement lined water pzpe on the relocation of Clark Street mnstead of the 6 inch,pipe which was used to.replace the existing 6 inch pipe on the present Clark ~treet. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICrE 14. VOTED that the sum of $1,000.00 be raised and a.ppropriated to pur- chase from the Ci'ty of Lawrence a proposed well field and rmght of Way at the Lawrence Airport for an addition to the water s~upply system. ARTICLE 15. (1) VOTED to accept Heath Road~ from its intersection with Sutton Hill Road to its intersection with Milk ~treet. (2) VOTED to accept Heath Circle in its entirety. _ ARTICLE 16. VOTED to accept W~lson Road from Salem ~npike a dzstance' of approximately 591' feet northerly as shown on a plan for acceptance of a portion of Wilson Road dated January 19~0, subject to installation of proper street bounds to be installed by property owners on Wilson Road. living increase as voted included Warrant. ARTICLE 17. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 18. Withdrawn by Fire Chief and stricken from Warrant· ARTICLE 19. VOTED unanimously to approve the continuance of the 5% cost-of- to.employees subject to the Wage and Salary administration Plan under Artzcle 15 of the. 1959 Annual Town l~eeting, the cost of which is in salaries and..wages of each Town Department under Article VI of thins ARTICLE 20. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel, Wage and Salary 'Administration Plan Just as described in article. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 21. VOTED to amend the By. Laws governing the Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan Just as described in article. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 22. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan just as described in article. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 25. Stricken from Warrant· ARTICLE 24. VOTEt~ to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel, Wa e and Salar g Administration Plan for the employees of the Town adopted July. 22, 1957 in the following manner. Amend Schedul.e C: Fringe Benefits, Holidays, last paragraph· by adding the following holidays. New Years Day, Patriots Day. ~ashin~tons The vote was unanimous and so declared. ~701 ADJOURNED AN~AL TOWN I~EETING MARCH 19, 1960 ARTICLE 25. VOTED to amend the By Laws governing the Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following manner: Amend Schedule B, Code PF, ,R, ate of Progression: for Chief by inserting "12 months" in place of ~'18 Months. The vote was unanimous and so declared: ARTICLE 26. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel Wage and Salary Administration Plan in the following manner: Amend Schedule C. Fringe Benefits, Uniform allowance, paragraph one (1) by inserting the words "One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)" in pla.ce of the words (Eighty-five dollars ($85.00) ~ The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 42. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of.$1,500.00 to. make such extensions of the water main system, under the regulations vote.d at the annual town meeting as 'the Board of Public Works, on. October let, considers mc.st ne- cessary, such extensions have having been petmtioned for at Annual Meeting. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ~3. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum ov $5,000.00 to be expende~ by the Highway Department, all work to be done by contract, to wide~n a section of Great Pond Road from the junction of ~Pleasant Street to a point westerly, toward the Center, .for a distance of not less than a tenth of a mile. ARTICLE 27. VOTED to amend the By-Laws governing the Personnel Wage and SalaryARTICLE ~. Stricken from Warrant. Administration Plan, in the following manner: Amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits, Uniform Allowances, paragraph four (4),~ by inserting t~e words, "Forty-five dollars ARTIC~.E ~5. VOTED that the sum of $90,3.00.00 be raised and a. ppropriated for ($~5.00) in plac~ of the words "Thir~"'Dollars ($50.00)" the purpose of extending the sewer system as requested in th~s article, these and notes therefor payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter ~ of ',:] ARTIOLE 37- Stricken from the Warrant. the General Laws so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than fifteen ARTICr~E 38. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000.00 to ~meet the . years from the date of the first bond or note. Unanimous vote. Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction, and that in addition, ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to accept from Brooks School.and Campion Hall the sum of the sum of $2~,000.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the $~5,000.00 to be used together_with the appropriation of $1~9,000.00 for the Town Treasury to meet~ the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the purpose of installing a twelve inch water main from the South Pumping Station re imbur se .me nt from. the State and County ,to be res$ored upon their receipt to to Campion Hall. Unanimous vote. unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. ' $1, ~ ARTIC~,E 50. VOTED that the sum of 500.00 be raised and appropriated to be ARTICLE 38-A. Stricken from the Warrant. o expended by t.he Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article, subject ARTICLE 39. VOTED TO Raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose to the following conditiona That on Or before August l, 1960, the petitioners of this article to.be expe.nded by the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of six General Laws, and mn addition, that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from un- per ~Cent of the actual cost of construction, as water rates for a period of appropriated available f~nds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County fourtee.n Years, to exte.nd the water system on Abbott Street 325 feet from shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County to ~ Marblermdge Road. Unanimous vote. be restored upon' their receipt to unappropriate~ available funds in the Town v~te. ~ ARTICLE 51. VOTED that the sum of t~970.00 be raised and appropriate~, to be Treasury. Unanimous expended by the Board of Public Works to extend .the water system on ~?nt~orth ARTICLE ~0o .VOTED to raise a~n~d appropriate' ~'he sum of $10,000.00 'to' be expen- Avenue from the present terminus, approximately 240 feet towarG Chadwick Street, subject to the f, ollowing conditions: That-on or before August l, 1960, the ded by the Highway Department to resurface ~averly Road from Mass Avenue te~ petitioners and/or owners make a .guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public to the Andover Line; Jo.hnson Street commencing from the Center; Milk Street; Works of six per cent of the actual cost of construction as water rates for a andthe ChestnutHighway Department,Street frOmallAndoverwork Streetto be donet° LongwOOdunder contra,t.Ave~H~ aSunanim?usreCommendedvote.bY period of fourteen years; and that on orbe ~fore. Augu.st l, 19~0, the construction of at least one additional house ~o use '~his exigency, on shall have been started. ARTIgLE 41. VOTEDto raise and appropriate the sum of $1,25o.o0 to renew water set' unanimous vo~e.~ ~' services to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branches and raise ARTICLE 52. VOTEo that the sum of $800.00 be raised and appropriated to install manhole frames and covers on the streets of the Town that are to be reconstruc- ted this year. Unanimous vote. a pipe andcatch basin to extend thedrain on Wood Avenue 300 feet. ARTICLE 53. Stricken from ~he Warrant " The vote' was unanimous and so declared~. Chapter ~0 of the Acts of 1906 as amended, and with the additional condmti, on~ Articles 20 to 27 inclusive were taken in a group and voted upon unanimously, ~ applying to Items A,D,E,K, an.d L. that o.n or before August l,, 969,~the con wi~th the exception of Article 23 which was stricken from the Warrant. struction of. at~ least one additional building to use each extension shall have been started, and that to meet this appropriation the sum of $5,~.00.00 be taken ARTICLE 28. VOTE~ that the sum of $50.00 be raised and appropriated for the from the Tax levy of' the current year, and that the T~easurer, with the apP- purpose of paying a~certain employee wages that wereearned from July 12, 1958 rova. 1 of the Selectmen, be and is hereby authorized to borrow from 'time to to December 31, 1958. time a sum of up .to $85,000 ~00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor under authority .of Chapter ~ of ~the General Laws as amended, each issue to be ARTICLE 29. VOTEp that the sum of $500.00 .b.e raised and appropriated for thepaid in not more than ten years from its date or at such earlier time as the purchase and installation of metal street s~gns, to be expended by the Board of Selectmen. Unanimou~ vo~e. Treasurer and Selectmen may determine; th.is however does not preclude the borrowing at any .time the amounts appropriated for Items, C.F.G.H.Z.J.M.N.$ 0. ARTICLE 30. VOTE~ to .~a~se ~and appropriate the sum of $.2,000.00 to_pay an out- The vote was unanimous and so 'declared. standing bill on the ~est Side Sewer Construction, Article 56, 1958~. Unanimous vote. . . . - ~RTICLE ~6. VOTED t? accept' the sum of $~,200.00 from Robert J. Burke of North Andover to be used Dy~ the Town to extend the wate.r system approxi.m~tely seven ARTICLE 31. VO~T~'D to'raise aha appropriate the sum of $72.5.00 to be used with a hundred feet on ~Vaverly Road Southerly from Turnpike Street, p. rovmded that the 1934 Remington. ~p.ecial Typewriter to purchase a system wrater front feed electric $3,200.00 be available to the Town before July l, 1960. Unanzmous vote. Typewriter. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 47. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00 to be expended ARTICLE 32. VOTED to_raise and appropriate the su.m of $2,000.00 for ,the purchase by the Board of Public ~orks to extend the water s stem on Beverl Street from of 500 feet of new 2~" hos~ and 500 feet of new 1~" hose and 1 portable'hose ~ ~ Y Y Harold Street to ~ana Street subject to the~ following conditions: That on or ~ack~ for the Fire Department e Unanimous vote. ~ before August 1, 1960, the petitioners and or owners make a uarantee acce tab~ ARTICLE 33- VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,~00.00 to'Put.chase ato the Board of Public Works of six per.cent of the actual cost .of~construction 10KW Generator to supply emergency light.lng and power for auxiliary units when as waterrates for a period of fourteen years; and that on or beI.ore~ August l, it i.s necessary to pump water with gasoline engine at North Pumping Station. 1960, the construction of at least one additional house to use this extension Unanimous vote. shall have been started. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ~o Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE ~8. VOTED that the sum of $1~9,000.00 be raised and appropriated to be used with contributions from Brooks School and Campion Hall for the~ purpose of ARTICLE ~5- VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~,000.00 for~ the purchase installing a twelve-inch water main on Great Pond Road from the South Pumping of two new 12 volt system cars. Two present cars to be turned in, in trade. · Station to Campion Hall and that to meet. said appropriation the sum of $9,000D0 All eouipment to be~ changed over, such as Police radios, sirens, etc. for thebe taken from unexpended appropriations uhder Article 54 of the 1958 Annual Police Department. Unanimous vote. ~ Town Meeting, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be ARTICLE 36. Stricken from the Warrant. and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $1~0,000.00 and to issue bonds ARTICLE 5~. VOTED. to Raise and appropriate the sum of $~,665.43 to ,be used with~ e ' the principal a..nd interest of th Stabilization Fund to May .1, 1960 ($2,436.5?) for a total of $7,100.00 for the purpose of extenaing the existing 30" ~onc~ete~ surface drain in Greene Street from Trinity Court to Linden Avenue. AMTICLE 55. Stricken from The Warrant. ARTIuLE 56. Stricken From the Warrant. ARTICLE 57. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 5'8. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 and to autt~orize the Recreational Council to promote and conduct one or more artificial ice skating rinks for th~ residents of the Town. ARTICLE 59. Stricken from the Warra~nt. ARTICLE 60. Stricken from The Warrant. ..ARTICLE 61. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,060.00 to purchase from Mrs. Anne D. Flynn and others lots l0 and ll on Lamere Street (so-called) containing 10,600 s~uare feet to be added to the Aplin playground. Unanimous ~vote. ARTICLE 62. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLF. 63. VOTED to rais.e and appropriate the sum .of $1,000.00 for the main- tenance of the Disposal State on Clark Street. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 6~. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICrE. 65~.. , St~ricken. from Warrant. ARTICLE 66. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,600.00 for the appoint- ment of two (2) regular patrolmen. Un~_nimous vote. ARTICLE 67. VOTED to rais.e and. appropriate the sum of $6,500.00 for~ the appoint- · ~m&nt of 2 ~(two) regulsr fire fmghters. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 68. Stricken from Warrant. ARTICLE 69. VOTED that the sum of $1.025..46 be raised and appropri&ted to be used with the unexpende.d balance of $1~7~.5~ under Article ~9 of the 1957 _ Annual TOwn Meeting makmng a total of $2,500.00 to be used for consulting put ~,P0ses by the Planning Board. ARTICLE 70. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLe. 71. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to be used for a Town Fourth of July Celebration. Any and all profits made at said celebration to be turned into the Town Treasury. ARTICLE 72. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 75. Stricken from the Warrant. b~tTICLE 7~. VOTED to create .a special unpaid committee, to be known as the. Regional Vocational School Dzstrict Planning Committee as described in Article. ARTICLE 75. VOTED to accept the provisions of Section 8A of Chapter ~0 of the General Laws as established by Chapter 297 of the Acts of 195~ and amended .by Chapter 102 of the Acts of 1955, and to establish a development and industrmal commission of nine (9.) members w~ith all of the powers and duties thereof as' provided in said Sectmon 8A of Chapter ~0, General Laws' ARTICLE 76. ,VOTED ~mxEmmxi~ the Town will vote to raise, and appropriate a sum of $500.00 for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a development and industrial commission as provided by Section. SA of Chapter ~0,.G.L. ARTICLE 77."VOTED t.o raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 for the purpose of this artmcle. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ?8, VOTED unanimously under this article section "J" There shall'..be "A coffee shop or restaurant may be operated as a part of the facilities of any permitted motel." ANNUAL ADJOURNED T0~N MEETING MARCH 19, 1960 17~' ARTICLE 8~. Stricken from the.Warrant. ARTICLE 85. VOTED unanimously under th.is~ar.ticle, that Section ~ of the Zoning By-L~.,w, be amended by adding, after paragraph 3.54, the following new paragraph 3.55 as described in the above Article 85 ARTICLE 86. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 87. VOTED to transfer the sum of $15,000.00 from the Overlay Surplus · to the Reserve Fund. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 88. VOTED that the sum of $106,000.00 be taken from Available Funds to reduce the 1960 tax rate. Unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 5:~0 P.M. At the Special Town Meeting following immediately after the Annual Adjourned · Tow~n Meeting the following was voted: ARTICLE 1. It was VOTED under this article that Section 3 of the Zoning By-Law be amended by addling, after Paragraph 3.79(4) the following new paragraph 3.79(5)as described in the article. . The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 139. NEGATIVE 12. a two-thirds majority. ARTICLE 2. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 3. Stricken from the Warrant. The meeting adjourned at 6 P.M. ~7 Registered voters were present Annual Adjourned Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting following. All were checked by Registrar of Voters. Milton Howard, George Norwood, Dana Fisher, Robert Stronch, John Necora and Charles Nickosian assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in Hand Vote Counts. Motion was made and duly seconded that a vote of thanks be given to the Advisory Board, the Moderator and Town Clerk for a grand job on the meeting and the large warrant:for same. A true copy: ATTEST JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of NorthAndover. GREET I NG: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to ~' meet in the Bradstreet School, Precinct One, the new St. Michael's School in Precinct Two., the Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School, in Precinct Four. TUESDAY, the Twenty-Sixth day of April 1960 at 12 O'clock noon, for the following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Election o Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices: 2~ Delegates at large to the National Convention of the Democratic Party. 12 Alternate Delegates at large to the ~ational Convention of the Democratic Party, l0 Delegates at large to the National Convention of the Republican Party. l0 Alternate Delegates at large to the National Convention of the Republican Party. 4 District Delegates to the National Convention of the Democratic Party 7th Congressional Dist. 2 Alternate District Delegates to the National Convention of the Democratic Party 7.th 'Congressional Dist. 2 Distr,_ct Delegates to the National C~,~on~.~.~ of' th~ ~~w~!ican ~*~ 7th C ARTICLE 79~ VOTED unanimously to accept~ this arti lo as described, ~and written Congressional District. 2 Alternate District~Delegates to the National Convention of the Republican ARTICLE 80. VOTED UNANIM?.USLY under this article that Section. 3 of the Zoning Party 7th Congressional District~ · By-Laws be amend.ed by addmng after paragraph 3.78 the followmng new paragraph District Members of Stat.e Committee (One Man and One Woman) for each 3.79(1) as described in the article. ' political party for the [~th Senatorial District. l0 Members of the Democratic Town Committee. ARTICLE 81. VOTED Unanimously under this article that Section 3.of the Zoning35 Members of the Republican Town Committee. By-Laws be amend.ed by. adding after paragraph 3.79(1) the followzng new paragraph J The Polls will be open from 12 o'clock noon to 7:00 P.~. ARTICLE 82. VOTED Unanimously Under this article, that Section 3 of the ZoningAnd yoU a.re hereby directed to serve this wart.ant by posting true and By Laws be amended by adding after paragrap~a 3.79(2) the following new paragraph ~i attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Buildi~ and at five or more Publi. 3-79(3) as described in the article. , ~ ' ~.~ Places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fiftee. ~; days noz' less than ten days before the time of holdi~ said meet.lng. ARTICLE 83. VOTED Unanimously under this artiTle tha.t Section 3 of ,the Zoning Hereof, fail not and .make return of ,this warrant with your dozngs thereon at By-Laws be amended by.adding af.ter paratraph 3.79(3) the following new paragraph the time and place.of samd meeting to the Town Clerk. 3.79(4) as described mn the artmcle. n Under ou~ h~d~ this ~ t day of April, A.D', 1960 ~ '~& ~L'~ERT' S.""'PRE-VITE 38 P5 PO P9 RALPH E. FINCK Board ~ BLA~KS 88 105 85 87 565 WILLIAN A. PINNEEAN DC ~ ~ATE CONNITTEE . PHILIP SUTCLIPFE 8electmen. ~R~cI's 'BE'VILAC A 12 12 l0 a true copy:AT~S~: RICHARD F. HOL~U_ 96 106 825 95 579 W%LLIAN J. IACE~.CONSTABLE. BLANKS 18 12 18 ll 59 222 7, 8atd cooies hav%r~ b~en posted not mo~e than fiCtee~ da s before the time ofJOSEPH ~G. NORIN 5~ ~ 15~, ' ~ Y ~ ~} 2!19~ 12U ~~ said me~b%~, nor less t~a~ ten days before the time of holdi~ said VICTOR W. CARDI~ THO~S NcCART~ 0 21 l~ ~' JOSEPH R. VAILLANCOURT 1~4 RICH~D E.DeLA~Y ~ 23 ll5 199~ '~-------~----- -'' -- --' - -P R E "c I N C T S RALPH E. FINCK 51 '"' v. ~OHN W. NcCOR~6k 72 95 ~7 76 ~,0 C~LES A. SHIONIS ~o~ ~. ~~ . 9~ 9~ ~5 7} JOSEPH D. W~P · 8~87 59 7~ }02 PRESIDENTIAL P~F~NCE JOHN ~. THON~S0~ 81 88 5~ 73 296 C~R~S TRONBLY E~ICOT~ ~ASODY ~4 87 ~1 7~ 505 BLA~ 24 19 }2 18 '95 ~o~ ~aANCZS ~~W ' 82 8.9 65 7~ 5~ . ~U~Z, CA~ DE~GA~S AT LARGE ~~ c~o~ ~o~ ALL' ~. '~' i' JOSEPH W. ~RTIN, ~. 25 I ltl THOI~S A. PAPPAS ' 21 ~9 26 , 25 7o S~P~N C ~ 55 9 0 RALPh ~. BON~LL 25 49 25 ~ 164 7 79 57 9 85 ~RY R. W~~R 22 27 ~66 ~ERN~D SOLON0~ . 74 81 53 68 276 DANIEL E. Mc~AN ~N~E J. ~L~Y 77 82 qq ~0 288 ~ 25 164 25 16~ A. ~A~ Fos~ ~6 ~ ~g g9 286 ~D ~so~ - , 1059 105~ 10971065 4252 BLA~ 70 16 ll2 ALT~NA~ DE~GATE~ AT ~GE 64 87 61 70 282 ALTERNATE DE~GA~S AT LARGE ~Y DePASQUA~ ~RAY 6} 84 52 66 265 JOHN ~. V~ 169 JOSE A. DeGU~L~D ~0 6~ 81 ' ~h 67 ~ BRUCE CRA~ 21 ~ 65 A~O~ N. SCIBEDL% $1 ~2 52 64 259 RICED F. TREADWAY A~R~ A. ~ER 22 2 ~ 157 PAUL W. G~NNON ~2 7~ 5 Y THO~S J. N00~AN 60 ~ 54 67 ~ BLA~S ~ 229 I 605 ~~s 8 7 4 57 614 592 2366 DISTRICT DELEGATES 20 DISTR~CT DE~GA~ ~ETER ~. DON~L~Y WILLIA~ ~RTIGAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OHN 9' ~NA~AN 100 88 6~ ~0 ~z~ ALT~NA~ DISTRICT DELEGATES BLA~ ~ ~ 175~g 21~ 207 Mf,~, '~AUL BU0~'IGLi0 ' --"' 21 20 64 14~ CLIFTON W. CL~I~ 22 23 ~.AL~NATE- DIST~BII~ DEiGn_ ~AT2SE ' " ' ' -~ i~D R. V'0~- -~ -- 60 66 l' BLA~S 19 52 57 50 ll~ E' W - __ .. ~ 49 2 9 P T~ . PRINC% '~5 59 ~5 51 20D B~S ~7 ~5 ~25 ~52 527 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS For 7th Congressional District STATE CO~IITTEE ~0UkS' "" '"' H. JOHNSON B. ALLEN ROWLAND BLANES LOUISE S. WHITE BLANKS '"*= COUNCILLOR i, © 2 ~6 5 ~ } REPRESENTATIYES 3 6 5 REGISTER 0F PROBATE AND 12 12 16 4 COUNTY TREASURER IN GEhVERAL COURT I NS 0LVE NCY ~$th Councillor " th Essex Senatorial" 5th Essex Representative Essex County Essex County Essex County District TOWN .CONNI. TTEE The Polls will be open from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. WILLIAM P. ROCKWELL 30 lC2 Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon 22~ id mee ting DONAT E. ST.LOUIS 22 . 153 the time and place of sa. , to the Town Clerk. LEONARD WINDLE !~ i~ i~167 Given under our hands th~s 1st day of September A.D., 1960 KARJORIE E. ~IDER 27 I62 RALPH E. FINCK Board RICHARD L. KEIDER i P~ 16~ WILLIAM A. FIN~'~RAN of HELEN N. ENDICOTT 22 1.5 23 ~ 162 _ ~PHILI,P SUT~CLIFF~ Selectmen WALTER R. STAMP ~ ~ 27 16i A true copy: ~/ ~-/// ~/ /< EDWARD R. NALLORY 20 68 15 ATTEET ~ ~/~'~/~~'~X~Y'~'"~CONSTABLE. ~EA a. OUP0~ aa ~ 6 15~7 0FFICER.'S RETURN ~ . ANTHONY J. DETORA 23 ~ 67 162 I have notified and warned~ the inhabi~a~'t~ of tho Town of North indover JA~S W. ~0~SON a5 [ a7 67 I67 ~ualified to vote in Town Affairs ~y ~osting true.and attested co~ies of P~LIS D. TH0~ON 22 ~ ~ 25 67 16~ ~hls warrant at the Town 0ff~ce Bu~ld~ng and at f~ve or more publzc places HENRY A. DONAHUE ANDREW F. COFFIN HELEN S. RAYMOND JANES H. FRANK W. BROAD~.AD BROADHEAD DEWHIRST LEE HELRN P. PETERSON NARY S. RANSDELL 26 ~ 25 70 Said copies havingbeen posted not more than fifteen days nor less than 22 28 6~ ten days before the time of ho l~ing~sai~d me e WILLIAM J. CONS_ABlE 7o 21 25 51 26 69 171 1.9 66 15~1 22 in each voting precinct, of the Town. Nor th Andover Mass. ~~ l, 1~60 ROBERT L. BERNANN 22 20 15~ BARBARA M. HANNAY 2~ 26 ~ 156 ~?~'~ ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. HELEN P. TACY 25 21 157 SALLY DUNLAP 22 21 157 ~TATE 'PRIl~&%R.17,:S TUN. SpAY,,, ,SE.pT~EI~BER .1~. 19,6.0. MILDRED E. STEWART 22 2! 64 1519 . .,, ~ ' ' - ,P R E C I, ,N, C T S_ FOULDS SUTCLIFFE STEBBITS ~ ~ .,,1. 2. ..~ _ DEMOCRATS TOTAL VOTES 310 ~7~ 31~5 29~ S. COLEi~N E.E. DIXON 1 ~ REPUBLICANS OF 20~5 123 2~8 263 252 BLANKS 1085 2170 1~00 2765 SENATOR IN CONGRESS PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE %co . .... , ....~_ FOSTER FURC OL0 ED~ND C. BUCKLEY NIXON 20 45 26 52 1~3 Blanks 30 22 20 LODGE ~ HERTER 1 I ~PH D. WARD 96 73 125 ENDICOTT PEABODY ~¢ ~ ESSEX SS: GREET I NG: JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. WARRANT C 0I~,~'.~ 0 h~'fEA LT H OF MASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. In the name of and warn the inhabitants to meet in the Bradstreet Two, the Thomson School, Precinct Three, Four. TUESDAY, THE THIRTEENTH DAY 0P at seven o'clock A.M., for the following ~-'~ng in '~ncir votes the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries School, Precinct One, St. Michael's School, Frecinc School, Precinct and the Kittredge SEPTEMBER 1960. purpos e s. · to the Primary 0£ficers rot for the following Offices: For this Commonwealth of Candidates of Political Parties SENATOR IN CONGRESS GOVERNOR LIEUTENANT GOVF~ NOR SECRETARY' 0F THE C ONMONV~ALTH ATTORNEY GENERAL TREAUSURER AKD RECEIVE~-GE~i~ERAL AUDI T0R OF THE COEviONWEALTH fl I! ff T! f! Il the l~omination GABRIEL FRANCIS PIEMONTE Blanks 12 9 16 8 5 l~ LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Blanks 20 20 SECRETARY FdEVIN. H. WHITE 86 78 106 FRANCIS X. AHEARN t34 122 9~ ~mRGARET F. McGOVERN 68 51 85 Blanks 22 28 31 ATTORNEY GENERAL ~EDWARD J. McCORMACK, DIRSC OLL F. HURLEY t~N~DY McDONOUGH SULLIVAN TREASURER JOHN TH 0~ S GEORGE '1' ~"~?T %T T~ U ~Yll£~ J~. JOHN M. PATRICK F. ROBERT J. Blanks 126 124 131 2~5 22 ou 29 18 13 l0 at TOTAL 98 430 97 389 100 6 22 219 866. 60 25~ ~4 7~ 292 22 256 1010 p ( 135 516 lO 51 · .,.,,..~,'~T~D~I~'QCR'AT' STATE PRIMARIES SEPTEMBER 13, 1960 ~ STATE PRIMARIES SEPTEI~BER 13, 19.60 ,~-'- SECRETARY AUDITOR THOMAS J. BUCt<LEY 229 211 219 218 JOHN F. HYNES 51 36 63 48 Blanks 30 32 33 27 C 0NGRE S SMAN THO~,~S J. CHIARA 4-9 ~2 ?~ ~-,5 JAMES DEI~]~-IS LEARY l0 19 18 19 WILLIAM P. McDONOUGH 9 9 7 11 ~a~s ~ ~5 ~ ~ 4 C 0UNC ILLOR FRANK j. INCROPERA, JR. 59 ~8 7~ 55 2~0 0TIS H. PELUSO 5 6 4 3 !8 WILLIAM V. SMITH 9., ~ 9 4 25 THOI~'~S J. WHO~Y 13 20 13 15 6~ Bla~s 16 !6 14 9 55 87~ EDWARD W. BROOKE lll 182 19 Blanks 12 26 122 ATTORNEY GENERAL GEORGE MICHAELS 110 177 839 Blanks 13 ~1 2~ ?REASURER ~6 WAL'TER ~. TRYBULSKI 61 119 43 FRANCIS ANDREW WALSH 45 6~ Blanks 19 26 SENATOR JA~;~S P. RURAK 261 2~1,0 279 267 1047 Blanks 49 39 36 26 150 REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL 'COURT JOSEPH F. DEVANEY ~TOHN F. L!NEHAN [1-8 59 TH0 S MoC, R WAL~ J. SLIVA [.6 222 225 740 41 27 106 2_22 2.50 7~9 ~1 22 107 128 156 464 90 73 269 AUDITOR U GARDNER B. WARDWELL 104 179 Blanks 19 29 CONGRESS~,~AN THOMASJ. CH!ARA GEORGECLARK ROBERTFRIIS ARNOLDSULLIVAN Blanks COUNCILLOR 2~ 222 72O 30 126 19 61 ~ 25 14~ lO5 147 216 225 691 GE(~R~E' KA~RELITz 36 51~ ~ 85 151 138 589 E. RAY t~LLEY 2~ 1~7 FRANCIS W. YORK 29 56 ~9 169 Blanks 17 ~4 ~1.9 47 147 657 159 212 SENATOR AUGUSTINE J. WALSH PHILIPSUTCLIF~W''~E Blanks REGISTER 0F PROBATE Ai~J'D JOHN J. COSTELL0 ALEXAlfDER DANIEL J. TH0~"~iS · P. THOMAS W. Bla~zks J. CA~.$~R 0N C 0STELLG COSTIN, JR. Mc GEE COUNTY JOSEPH N. DANIEL J. GEORGE A. CO~ISS!ON~S BEi\~EDETT ! BURKE CAL~,&HAN, JOHN S. CO OK FRANK J. DePIPP0 ~,'FfRON D. DONOGHUE W!LLIA$,~ J. DONOVAN RICHARD D. HIGGINS JOHN E. KELLEt-~ THOMAS E. SAM LENA DAVID J. EDWARD J. JA1F~ S T. LOUIS J. Blanks COUNTY THOMAS EDWARD J. JEREMIAH KEI~'JEDY, JR. LUCEY 0 ' C ONNOR OWENS SCANLON TREASURER F. OUFFY BRADY BREEN DAVID DiF!LIPPO ]II~HTI N J. KILLOURIE Blanks SENATOR IN CONGRESS LEVERETT SALTONSTALL Blank s . GOVERNOR JOHN A. VOLPE Blanks LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR AUGUSTUS G. ~fEANS Blanks INSOLVENCY REPUBLI CAN PARTY 226 191 181 690 1 192 884 227 188 la 15 ~8 2~ a7 ~2 24 lO6 25 ~l 19 26 ~Ol, 10 7 7 8 52 13 11 20 16 60 21 89 ll ll 2~2 21~6 860 REPRASENTATIVES IN GENE,~AL COYRT ~ ~R~NK S." .................. GIL~S 161 19 28 21 99 92 109 92 ~82 8~ 54 2 6 3 2 5 9 ~4 ARTm~R PHILIP THOMAS Blank s WILLIAM LONGWORTH WI LLIAMS SUTCLIFFE J. CHIARA REGISTER OF,PROBATE A~ID INSOLVENCY WILLIAM A. MILLIKEN Blanks 96 189 596 70 104-~9 110 453 I 1 38 85 15,2 98 ~71 102 170 207 201 680 21 58 56 51 166 COUNTY CO$~I SSIONERS C.F. NELSON PRATT E$~LE A. ARCHAI~BAULT PAUL W. LUNN ARTHUR A. THOMPSON FRANK L. WIGGIN ~18 116 9k 8o 82 8o 8 6 5 6 81 44 6~ 71 ~2 19 52 27 lOa 98 4~4 MARTIN KILLOURIE 10 ARNOLD SULLIVAN Blanks 25 26~ ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS TOWN CLERK ll5 190 256 8 21 4 4 lO 1 1 2~6 797 74 ilo 9o 99 375 " W A R R A N T 21 20 19 10 '70 . COMMONWEALTH OF NASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS. ' ~. lO7 187 255 23o 759 GREETING. . . 16 21 Jl .22 8~ In the name of the CommonweaZth you are hereby requmred to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town of North Andover who are qualified to · vote for,.Presidentia~l Electo.rs, S_tate, District and County Officers and upon ll0 188 23~ 23'3 7~ all q'ues'umons appearing on the ballot, to meet and a~semble in ~he designated 13 20 24 19 and appointed polling places: In Precinct One, the Bradstreet School. In Precinct Two., the N. ew,S~t. Mic.hae.l.! .s,Sch~,ool, in Precinct Three, the Thomson ll2 183 2(~0 238 773 School-and mn Precznc~ ~'our tn. ~z~trec&e School. ll 25 23 14 73 TUESDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF NOVD~BER 1960 80 at 7 o'clock A.M., in the forenoon, to bring into the Town Clerk and the ~ _e.lec.tton Of_.,ficers and upon all~questions appearing on the ballot, the vote for~L~ ~.iec~ors~ Of' President and Vice-President; Senator in C ~ ~-~ · Lieutenant Governor; Secretary; At.torney General, Treasurer; Auditor, Repre- ~J~ sentative in Co.ngress 7th District, Councillor of 5th .Dis.trAct; Senator of the ~th Essex Distr~ct; Representative.s, three of 5th Essex D~strict General.Court, Register of Probate and Insolvency, County Commissioners, two for Essex County; and a County Treasurer; and upon the following questions: A. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcholic beverages (whiskey, rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and other alcoholic beverages)? YES NO. B. Shall licens.es be granted in this town for the sale thegn of wines and malt beverages (w~nes and beer, ale and all other malt beverages)? YES NO. C. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises .? YES NO. .~ The polls shall be opne at. 7 o'clock A.M., and close at 7 o'clock P'~M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at' five or more public places in each voting precinc said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make due returns 'of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North Andover, Mass., this 21st day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty. RALPH E. FINCK Board ~. WILLIAM A. FINNERANof A true copy: ATTEST: North Andover, Mass. October 26, 1960 OFFICER ~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the. inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town 8ffice Building and at five or more public'places in each voting precinct of the Town° Said copies having been posted no~ more than fifteen day~ nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meet~ing_. /O /f WILLIAM J. LA~Y. /0NSTA~E. ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. PRESIDENT PRESIDENTIAL - STATE E~.CTIONS NOVE~BER 8~ 196.0 & VICE PRESIDENT ONE TWo~ THREE FOuR TOTAL 1266 1454 1474 1870 6064 Blanks 12 17 17 SENATOR IN CONGRESS LEVERETT SALT 0NSTALL THOMAS O'CONNOR, JR. LAWRENCE GILFEDDER MARK R. SHAW Blanks GOVERNOR JOHN A. VOLPE JOSEPH D. WARD HENNING A. BLGMEN GD~k~ A. WiLLiAY~ Blanks LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ,,? 18I SECRETARY 515' 7'7 W. aoom i ~106 2671 I~VIN H. WHI~ 687 596 64 74~ ~REo ~. m~HSOLL 9 7 ~~ 27 7 ~7 ~anks 52 7~ 62 5 8 24~ 699 55~ 5915 ATTOREEY GENERAL EDWARD J. McCOR~ACK, GEORGE MICHAELS AUGUST O. JOHNSON 1~ 67 ~ 75 ~ WILLIA D. ROSS Blanks ~1 5~ 56 ~5 195 TREASURER ~ '"' ' ' ' "~ 8~8 ~052 JOHN THOMAS DRISCOLL 770 699 745 WALTER J. TRYBULSKI 675 65.1 95.1 DOMENICO A. DiGIROLAM0 __ 11 40 Blanks 57 69 66 272 AUDITOR ' 818 81~ 865 81 JOHN B. LAUDER 15 ANNE A. SORTELL 7 25 Blanks ~ ' 650 626 6~ 2~ CONGRESSMAN Blanks 291 407 604 1764 COUNCILLOR w. Blanks 59 72 52 246 SENATOR JANES P. RURAK CHARLES H. ANTHONY Blanks 8a4 391 596 5~0 51 55 242o 55 REPRESENTATIVES IN GEN' L COURT FRANK S. GILES WILLIAM LGNGWORTH ARTHUR WILLIAMS CHARLES A. BUCKr~Y JOSEPH F. AUG USTI NE Blanks DEVANEY J. WALSH 809 794 1150 ~295 78~ 1122 721 6,50 1011 , o7 529 605 ~75 REGISTER OF 'PROBATE ANDINSOLVENCY JOHN. J. C0STELLO 877 56 1065 5755 WILLIAM A. ~E'LLIEEN 3~ 5~69 7 2081 Blanks 248 COUNTY CO~MI'SSIONERS 6.'F. 'N~.LsoN pRATT - ~8 671 644 962 2725. DANIEL J' BURKE ;RTHoa A. TH0 PS0 Blanks 550409 435 471 16~5 ' COUNTY TREASURER DAVID D. BLACK 409 6]~ b09 8 2530 Blanks-- 77 9U 9~ ~ ~5) QUESTIONS. A. YES 8)2 914 962 1280 ~988 NO l?~ 255 all ~49 1008 Blanks 2~ a85 301 241 1068 177 252 20o ~0~ 912 89 ~ 18 52 27 ~'~'~ 8 ~i~ 6 9~7 333 3~ 9708 ~ I~0'3 ~8 ~ 5 ~ No ~ 5 ~o~ ~ c. 4 o8 Bla~s 255 305 520 2 1165 TABULATION OF WAR BALLOTS ON NEXT PAGE TABULATION 0P 'WAR BALLOTS ~ "" ...... -- ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept Sutton Hill Road from distanc~ of service persons who personally applied by Federal Postcard or ~) present accepted terminus southerly and westerly to Chestnut Street, a 37 ~ of approximately 2,000 linear~ feet. Number otherwise for State War Ballot Number of service persons who were registered voters for whom State W~r Ballot applications were made by kindred 2 Number of service t~ rsons who were NOT registered voters, for whom registra- tions as voters and State War Ballots were made by kindred 12 39 Petition of Board of Selectmen. Number of ballots mailed to service persons Number of such ballots cast ( Not re turned) 2 Number of such ballots rejected ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk C ON~ 0 ~CEAL TH ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town of North way a portion of Great Oak Street from wide Essex SS: To either of ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to accept Green Hill Avenue as a public way to the width of 5© feet from its terminus at Woodstock Street extending a distance of 910 feet to its intersection with Great Oak Street. Petition of Board of Selectmen. Andover will vote to accept as a public its terminus at Linden Avenue 50 feet for a distance of 25© feet. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTI.CLE Gte e tings: dollars Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Bannan, Chairman. 8. To see if the town will tYansfer from available funds one thousand ($1,000) to pay unpaid balance due National Planning and Research, Inc W A R R A N T ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section OF MASSACHUSETTS 8C of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, so that it may establish a conservation of seven members for the and development of the natural c ommis s ion resources and Petition of And you are thereof, at promotion for the protection of watershed resources of the Town. Board of Selectmen. the Constables of the Town of North Andover: warn meet In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and the inhabitants of North Andover, qualified to vote in town affairs, to in the Veteran' s Auditorium_ of the North Andover High School in said North directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies the Town Building, and at five or more public pl~ ces in each voting pre c inct. than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less Given under our hands November in the year A true copy: the re on Nor th And eve r, at North Andover Massachusetts, the twenty-fifth day of of 0ur~ Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty. RALPH E. FINCK Board of ~HIL~IY_..SUTCL~FE/:/ ~ Selectmen ATTEST z ~ ~ WILLIAM J. IACET. ~ ' Massachusetts, November 30, 1960 Andover on Monday, the 12th day of December 1960 at eight o'clock P.M.; then and there to act on the following business. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will authorize and direct its School Building Committee to expend, from the amount appropriated under Article 77 of the warrant for the 1960 Annual Town Meeting, such sums as said committee may deem necessary to procure topographical estimates of cost and other data, in order that it may properly advise the Town concerning the construction and maintenance of a new North'..'.Ando~er Junior High School building and grounds. Petition of School and School Building Committee. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to transfer from available funds, such sums as it may determine to be the fair and reason- able cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domazn proceedings or otherwise, some or all of those lands described below, for the use of the North Andover Public School System, and to authorize and direct its Select_men, / OFFICER'S RETURN in the name and behalf of the Town, to take. 'such steps as they may deem ne ~ I have.notified and warned.the inhabitants of the Town .of North Andover cessary or advisable to effect such acquismtion: ~ qualif~ed to vote in electzons and town affairs by postmng true and attested l) Lotsa4through 30, inclusive, as shown on that plan of land entitled copies of this warrant at the Town .Office Building and at five or more public "Beacon H®.ll:" dated October 1906, drawn by R.W. Seam~n, and recorded at the p.laces in each voting precinct. Sazd copies having bee~.~posted not more than Registry D~strict elf Es.sex County as Desk Plan No. 0~81. f~fteen days nor less than ten days b~e~Q?e_.the t~n~ ofz~lding said meeting. 3) So much of LOt 48, as so shown, as does not lie wzth~n the boundaries of WI~' ~-'LLIAM J. L~EY."~/~0NS~LE. .Chickerz~ng Road. . No. Andover, Mass. ~~ ~ ~z~_ ~,/ 4) Lot 88, as so shown. 5) LOt 93, as so shown. .' November 30, 1960. ~) Lots 104 through 108~ inclusmve, as so shown. ATTEST: [~/JOHN ~. LY0~8. TOWN CLERK. '7) Lots111and 112, asso shown. Lots166through 169, inclusive, as so shown. At the Special Town l~eeting held Monday evening, Decemberi 12, 1960, Nee_ting Lots175through 178: incluszve, as so shown, opened at 8:00 P.M., by Moderator, Warrant and return of same read by Town 10) So much of Beacon Hall Boulevard as lies to the west o.f Chickering Road andClerk. Due to the importance.of the issues involved, with the severe blizzard in orogressand the total of fzfty-eight (58) registered ¥oters~ pres~ent, it was to the east of the prolongation southerly of the bou~ary lane between Lots ltl VOT~D that the meeting be adjourned to Monday, January 16, 1981 at ~ P.M., in and .172, as so shown, the Veterans Auditorium of theNor ~th Andov~er High School. 11) So much of Bay State Road as lies t.o the west of Chickering Road and to the --~--~-~'//'.~__~,~~,~r~ east of the prolongation southerly of the boundary line between Lots 93 and 94, A true 'Oopy: ATTEST: Town Clerk. as so shown. ~/JOHM/J. ~YONS. 12) So much of Merrill Street as lies between Beacon Hill Boulevard and Chickering Road, as so shown. North Andover, Mass. December 12, 1960 Being the parcels shown on that plan of land entitled "Plan of Land in North At 6:30 A.M., this date the Board of Selectmen declared a state of emergency Andover, Massachusetts, recommended for acquisition for public school purposesdue to a severe snow storm. by the North Andover School Building Committee," dated November 23, 1960 and ATTEST:. John J. Lyons, Town Clerk. drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., a copy of which is on file at the office of the Town Clerk. NOTICE OF THE ADJOURNED SPECIAL TOWN ]~EETING FOR i~0NDAY, JANUARY 16, 1961 Petition of School Committee and School Building Committee. Pursuant to the provisions of Article I, Section 3, of the Town By-Laws, noti ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer is hereby given that the Special Town ~,~eeting called for December 12, 1960, a from available funds the sum of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) to compensate an employee copy of the warrant for which is hereto attached, was on that date adjourned to ~fonda¥, January 16, 1961, at 8 P ~., in the North Andover High School Auditor- of *hc~ Poli~ ~~,~~~~ for '"~~o~ ~ ~rn~d~ ~e~om ~,,~~"^~^- 21, ~, to April I, ium All of the articles contained' in said warrant will come 0eI'ore said 1958, as a result of a step rate increase due on November 21, 1957, but not ' ../? ,. /~. accorded the employee until April l, 1958 Adjourned Meeting. NORTH ANDOVER, ~,~SS. JAI~UARY 12, 19 61-;; , ~.. Petition of Personnel Board. WILLIAM J. LACEY, Constable. OFFICER'S RETURN ~JOHN ~' L~NS, Town Clerk. ~WmTnr,w. I, To see ~e the m~,,,,~ w~ 11 vote to raise ~ ~-~ate or e.~ fer from available funds Nine Hundred Dollars ($900) ~J-prepare complete plans andIto.votehaVe not ifie~in electionsand warnedand towntheaffairsinhabitantSby posting°f '~n~ trueT°Wnan~°~ attestedn°' anaov¢~'cop~esg~Z~Z~Uof specz_~cations for a new bath house at the American Legion Beach at S~vens thz.s wa~rant~.and Net'.ce of Ad~ouF~ngmen~t of .Special Iown ~Ieeting the Town · Sai~ Pond. Petition of Board of ~blic Works. Off~ce ~uilmzng and ~ or more puo±zc p±aces z~n e~%h voti~ ! s~id see ins ' · 2 bef time s I · copses havmng been posted at least--~~-~-~2~da~/~e~f~~ ' January 12, 1961 WILLi J. LACYE, C s · 184 At the North Andover following was ADJOURh~D SPECIAL TOWN !v~ETING. ~ Adjourned Special Town ~Ieeting held High School voted: JANUARY ].6, 1961 in the Veteran's Auditorium of the on Monday Evening, January 16, 1961 at 8 P.N., the ARTICLE from Town ical 1. VOTED to authorize and direct the School Building the amount appropriated under Article 77 Meeting, such sums as said Committee m~y surveys, borings, plans, specifications, Co~nnittee to for the 1960 to costs and other data', in order that it may properly advise the the construction and maintenance of a new North Andover Junior buildings and grounds. The vote AFFIR~&TIVE 203. NEGATIVE of the warrant deem necessary procure working drawings, estimates of concerning School Town High 32. expend, Annual topograph- ARTICLE 2. VO2~ED that the sum of $19,800.00 be raised and appropriated against the 1961 tax levy for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, taking by eminent domain or otherwise, the lands described below, for the use of the North Andover Public School System, and to authorize and direct its Selectmen, in the name and behalf of the Town to take such steps as they may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition: 1). 'Lots 24 through 30, inclusive, as shown on that plan of land entitled "Beacon Hill", dated October 1906, drawn by R.W. Seamans, and recorded at the Registry of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex County as Desk Plan No. 0381. 2). Lots 35 through, 47, inclus_ve,~ as so shown. 3)· So much of Zot 4~, as so shown, as does not lie within the boundaries of Chickering Road. 4). Lot 88, as so shown. 651 Lot 91~$6as so shown. ~ Lots through 108, inclusive, as so shown. 7)' Lots 111 and 112, as so shown· ~, Lots 166 through !68, inclusive, as so shown· 9). Lots 177 through 178, inslusive, as so shown· 10). So much of Beacon Hill Boulevard as lies to the and to the east of the prolongation southerly Lots 167 and 168, as so shown· west of Chickering Road of the boundary line between 11). So much of Oay State Road as lies to the west of the east of the prolongation southerly of a S SO shown. I',~err~ll Street as Road, as so shown. lies between Chic ker lng the boundary line Road and to be tween lots Beacon Hill Bou!evar~ and 9~ and 94, 12). So much of Chickering Being the parcels shown on that plan of land entitled "Plan of Land in North Andover, ~assachusetts, recommended for acquisition for Public School Purposes by the North Andover School Building Committee" Dated N.ovember 23, 1960 and drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., a copy of which is on fzle at the office of the Town Clerk. The vote: AFFIRNATIVE 198. · tEGATIVE 24. ARTICLE 3. VOTED that the sum of ~0.0.0 be transferred from available funds for the purpose of this article. Unanimous vOte. AR TIC LE for the ARTICLE southerly and westerly to Chestnut Street, a linear feet. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 6 VOTED to accept Green Hill Avenue 4. VOTED that the sum of ~900.00 be transferred purpose of this article. Majority vote. 5. VOTED to accept Sutton Hill Road from its di stance of · 50 feet from its to its from available funds present accepted terminus approximately 2,000 as a public way to the width of terminus at Woodstock Street extending a distance of 910 feet intersection with Great Oak Street. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 7. VOTED to accept as its terminus at Linden Avenue Unanimous vote. a public way a portion of Great Oak Street 50 feet wide for a distance of 250 feet. fr om ARTICLE 8. Ruled out by ~oderator in accordance with Article 1, the Town By-Laws. ,. Section 6 of ARTICLE 9. VOTED to accept the provisions of Section 8C of Chapter ~40 of the General Laws, so that it may establish a conservation commission of seven members for ,the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the Town. Unanimous vote. Fred Christie, Town Clerk and 272 registered A t'm~,e anw~r; Edward ~urphy, Nilton Howard ~oderator in the vote of the and George Hayes hand count s. assisted the voters ATTEST~ were present. ~eeting. adjourned at 9:05 "Beacon Hill," datod Ool.~i , ':d~'~:~y R. W. Seamans, and ~eo~ed at ' ....... ~ the ~t~ ~f ~s ~r the No~hern Re~st~ ~~et of Essex ~ty as CO~O~E~TH OF MASSAC~SETTS ~k ~ ~o. 0381. ESSEX ss: ~ To either of the Constables of the Town of North 'Andover. 2) I~t~ 35 th~ ~7, incl~, as ~ sh~. GREETING: 3) So much of Lot ~8~ as ~o sho~u, a~ does mot lie ~ithin the boundaries of Chickerimg Ro~d. &) I~t 88, as ~o 8hewn. 5) Lot 93, as se ah~,rn. , :t at 7.o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following article: ARTICLE 1. To e~.ect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway 6) Lots 106 through 108, inclusive, a~ so shews. SurveYor, Tree Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public I Welfare and Five Constables for one year. One Assessor, One member of the 7) Lots lll ~nd 112, as se sho~n. Board of Health, One member of the Board of Public Works, and Two members of 8) Lots 166 through 168, inelusi~, as se shown, the School Committee, for three years, 'One member of the Planning Board and ~ One member of the Housing Authroty for five years. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in~ elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in in Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precinct Two, .the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three'and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four in said North Andover on Monday, the sixth day of March 1961 9) Lo~m IT? and 178, a~ so ahOWno All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed a~ 7:00 P.M. ~ Se much of Beacon Hill Boulevard as lies to the west of Chiekering Road to the east ,f tha prolongation ~omtherlyof the $oundary Line ~etwaen 'Lots 167 and 168, as ~o shown. 11) So much of Bay State Road as lies to the west of Chickering Road and to the east of the prolongation southerly of the ~oundary line Setwee~ Lets 93 ami %, as so zho~. 12) So much of Merrill Street as lies Setween Beacon Hill Boulevard smd Chickering Read. Aft. er final action on the prece.ding Article 1, the said meeting shall ~tand adjourned by virtue of Section L~, Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 18, 1961 at~ one-thirty P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School, then and there to act .on the.following articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by' ballot. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town wii'l vote .to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented-by, the Selectmen. ARTICLE ~ To see what a~tion the Town will take as to its unexpended appr opt ia tions. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary a~nd compensati.on of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section lO~ of Chapter 41 of Said lands are sho~ on that plam of land entitled ~Plan of Land in North Amdover, Massachusetts, recommended f~r acquisition for pm~li¢ ecbe~l purpo~e~ ~y the North Andovar $¢hool Building Committee," dated November 23, 1960, drawn ~y Ralph B. Braa~e~r, C. E., to ~e reeorded.~ Chickering Road, as so shown. '~'; Board 'of Assessors - each per annum parcels shown on that plan of land entitled "Plan of Land in North Public School Purposes November 25, 1960 and file at the office of funds the General Laws: Board of Selectmen - each per annum Board ~of Public Welfare - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax Collector- per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Moderator - per annum Board of Health~- each per annum Board of Public 'Works - each per annum Being the Andover, .~assachusetts, recommended for acquisition for by the North Andover School Building Committee". Dated drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., a copy of which is on the Town Clerk. The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 198. I~EGATIVE available ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommenda- tions of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 3. VOTED that the sum of .,$90.00 be transferred from for the purpose of this article. Unanimous vOte. ARTICLE 4. VOTED that the sum of $900.00 be transferred from available funds for the ourpose of this Majority ~ article. . vote. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize .the Town Treasurer, with ARTICLE 5. VOTED to accept Sutton Hull Road fr.om its present ac.cepted terminus the approval ~of the Selectmen, to borrow money from tmme to time i,n anticipa- southerly and westerly to Chestnut Street, a dmstance of approxmmately 2,000 tton of the revenue of the financial year beginning J_~nuary l, 1962, to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one yea.r, and torenew o~ re.fgnd any such note or notes,.all as provided by Sections 4 and 17 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws. .ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all special Committees. linear feet. Unanimous vote. AHTICeLet 6. VO.TED to a.ccept Green Hill Avcnuetas a public wa.y to the width of 50 fe from uts termmnus at Woodstock Stree extending a d~_stance of 910 feet to its intersection with Great Oak Street. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 7. VOTED to accept as a public way a portion of Great Oak Street its terminus at Linden Avenue 50 feet wide for a distance of 250 feet. Unanimous vote. fr om ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town willvote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician, and vote to fix his compensation as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter of the General Laws. Petition of Board of Health. out by Moderator in accordance with Articl~ 1, Section 6 of to accept the provisions of Section 8C of Chapter J~0 of the fix his compensation as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter ~l of the ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the position of School'Physictan;'~and;vote to General Laws. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE 8. Ruled the Town By-Laws. ARTICLE 9. VOTED General Laws, so that it may establish a conservation commission of seven members for ~the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the Town. Unanimous vote. Fred Christie, Edward ~urphy, ~filton Howard and George Hayes assisted the Town Clerk and Moderator in the vote of the hand counts. voters ATTEST: were present. },~eeting adjourned ~/~OHN J:~LYONS.~/~own Clerk ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 647, Acts~of 1960~ relative to increasing the amounts of pensions, retirement allowances and annuities payable to certain former public employees. at 9:05 P.~!. 272 registered Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following prov_i,sions (the appropriate section number to be assig thereto by the Town Oounse±~ No person shall fire or discharge any.firearms or explosive's of any kind on any private property, except with the consent of the owner or legal occupant mthereof; proyided, however, that this by-law shall not app.ly to the lawful defense of life .or property nor to any law enforcement offmce, r acting in the discharge of hms duties. Petitzon of Brigetta Greenwoo~ and others. TOWN WARRANTFOR 196i WARRANT FOR 1961 !~ 187 ARTICLE 13 A To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel, Wage and -~- Salary Administration Plan by increasing each of the amounts specified in C~ Schedule B o.f all Codes thereof by five per cent (5%), so making permanent the ~ %cst of living increase" voted by the Town at the Annual Town Meeting of 1959 ~ and 1960. Petition of the Personnel B.oard. 13-B. To see if the Town, notwithstandmn~ its action upon the preceding Article, will vote to amend its Personnel, Wage aHd Salary Administration Plan by granting ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $1,827.71 to pay~an outstanding 1960 ~btll re- ndered by the City of Boston. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to pay National Planning & Research, Inc. the ~sum of $1,000.00, bein~ ~he balance due upon its bill, incurred by the Planning ooard during fiscal 1960, for professional services rendered. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Barman, Chairman. the following percentage increases in each of the amounts specified in Schedule ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote ,to r_aise and appropriate the s~m of B Thereof: AS TO CODE PF: . A 2% increase mn the amounts therein specified for Schedule $~,800.00 for the purchase of tw~o new l~61 12 volt system cars, one present car A, pqsiti°ns 10.21, 05.01, and 05.05 · . to be. turned in, in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as ~ A 12% increase in all other amounts therein specified. ~ ' Police radios, sirens, etc. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police. ASAT0 CODES ~ATP and O0: ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from 7% increase in all Such amounts available 'funds, the sum of $2,000.00, to be used with the present 1954~ Ford t~ ~. AS TO CODES ITS: purchase a new automobile. Petition of the Board of Public Works. sum of .00 be AA 2% increase in t~e amounts therein specified for Schedule ARTICLE 24~ To see if the Town will appropriate~th~e $1,000 , to , p~osttions A-.l, D-l, V-l, and E-1. Used with ederal grants for the purchase of a 1961 model automobile for the A 7~ increase in all other amounts therein specified. · ~And to raise and appropriate Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30'000.00) Welfare Department. Petition of the Board of Public Nelfare. for the purpose of this article. Petition of the ~Personnel Board. $~, ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town willi~rai.se and appropriat~ the sum of 551.00 13-C. To see ~ftthe Town will vote tha.t any or all of any salary or wage in- to be used with the present two ~ton 1954 truck to purchase a new two ton, truck creases grante o Town employees by this Meeting shall be retroactive to chassis, rack body and drive winch. Petition of John J. Connote, Moth Supt. January l, 1961. (G.L.c~l, S 108A, as most recently amended by c87 of the ACts ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town. will raise and appropriate the sum of $5,700.00 of_1960). Petition of the Personnel Board. . to be used with the present 1942 Ingersoll Rand Compressor on a 1952 Dodge Truck to purchase a· new ~125 C.F.M. Compressor~with a truck for mounting. 13 Do To see if the Town will vote to amend SCHEDULE C. FRINGE BENEFITS---~ Petition of the Board of Public Works. OVERTIME of its Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan by striking out, in the clause relating to overtime pay in the Tree Department and in the Department of Public Works, the phrase "forty-five "(~5), and inserting in p3ace thereof the phrase:--forty (40). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to be used with the present International LO-Boy Tractor' to purchase a new International ~Tractor with side mower. Petition of the Board of Public Works. I~'E. To see if~ the .Town willvote to amen~ Part III, Section 3~ of its Personnel ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of'$~,975.00 Wage. and Salary adminzstratiOn Plan by striking the last sentence therefrom which for the purchase of a 1961 Ford 800 tractor to be used by the Highway De' reads, "However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall be eligible for Petition of the Highway Surveyor. his step rate from the rate below the maximum for his position to the maximum for his position." Petition of the Personnel Board. 13-F. To see if the Town will vote to amend the provisions of the "Rate of Pro- ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate the sum of $8,500.00 for the .purchase of a four ton dump truck for the use of the Highway~Department Petition of the Highway Surveyor. gression" included.in all compensation schedules of its Personnel, Wage and / Salary Administration Plan by striking therefrom, wherever the same occurs, t ~ ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000 the phrase "two years", and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the/ g for the purchase of a Crawler Loader f.or the use of the Highway Department at phrase:--one year. Petition of the PersOnnel Board. the Disposal Site. Petition of the Highway SurveYor. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town. will raise and appropriate, or transfer from ARTICLE l~. To see if the Town willvote to amend SCHEDU~.~. C: FRINGE BENEFITS-, available funds, the sum of $~,500.00 to purchase a Model 1900 addressograph, HOLIDAYS of its Personnel, ~i'age and Salar.y Administration Plan by striking out~ with address plates and cabinet, for the use of the Public Works Department in the last paragraph, the phrase "half' tzme pay" and inserting in place there f, and the Tax ,'Collector. Petition of the Board of Public Works. the phrase: - straight time pay. Petition of John J. Lanni and others. ~ ~ ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule A of. Code ATP of its $2,000.00 for the purchase of new 2~" hose. Petition of the Fire Engineers. Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan by Transferring ~he title ARTICLE 33- To see if the Town wi.l. 1 vote to raise and appropriate, ~or transfer "Engineering Aide" from Code ATP 70 to Code ATP 90. Petition of the Board of from available funds, the sum of $500.00 to purchase metal street signs of Public V~orks. uniform size and'color for installation at various necessary locations. _A~.TIC~.w. 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a public way Highland View Avenue from Chadwick Street to Furber Avenue to the wi.dth of 50 feet, descr ed as follows: .Extending from the southerly line of Chadwick Street Southerly to the northe.rly line of Furber Avenue; Beginning at a point in the~southerlY line of said Chadwsck Street 210.0 feet easterly by said southerly line of said Chadwi Street to the northwesterly corner of the hereon described street; thence easterl by the southerly line of Chadwick Street 50.17 feet to a point; thence southerly 1,028.50 feet to a point in the northerly line of Furber Avenue: thence westerly bey tehe northerly line of Furber Avenue, 50.21 feet, said point 9eing 180.0 feet asr fly from a stone bound marking the intersection of the easterly line of Brlght?ood Avenue, with the northerly line of Furber Avenue, thence northerly 1,019.60 feet to the point of beginning. Petition Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 17o To see if the Town will appropriate the sum of $55,000.00, for the purpos~e of providing "Medical Assistance for the aged," pursuant to'Sections 1-32 inclusive, of Chapter llSA of the General Laws,~ all expenditures made from Old Age A.ssistance Funds for sai. d prupose during 1960 to be reimbursed from said sum. Petition of Board of Public ~elfare. '~ Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 3~- To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 for the rebuilding of Appleton Street and Salem Street, under Chapt~er 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose, or take any other action in relation thereto. Petitio~ of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will raise a. nd appropriate the sum 6f $2,000.00 for the maintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws said money to be used in conjunction with money which may be allotted by the Stat~ or County, or both, for this purpose, or take any other ac~ton in relati thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or take from available fun.ds, the sum of $25,000.00 to be used for ~esurfacing streets. Petition ~of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, br to take from available ,funds, or to provide by bond issue, a sum of money sufficient to ~TIO~ 18. To see tf the Town will vote to close the Town Infirmly, or take bringing to grade, an~ oiling from Pleasant Street to its termi~tion at ~e of ~ast ~ater Street for acoe tance un, other action relative thereto. Petition of Leo J. Galeazzi and others, intersection . , p by the To~ as a ~public way. Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority. ~TIC~ 19. To see if the To~ ~llvote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~W~Tnr,~ xg. To s~e if the To~.~ ?ill raise and _~,.~~ ~ ~. ,~.~ ~500.~0 for ~he use of i~s development and industrial co,lesion. Petition of to repair cement sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 39-A..To see if the Town will vote to accept from Ro.v R. Fart. or his nominee, the sum of $30,000.00 to be used by the Town to extend the sewer s_vste~ on the accepted 1908 layout of Wood Lane from ~.oodstock Street approxin~tely 1,600 feet southeasterly. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ART 39 see if the Town will v.ote to accept from Nazaire Giard a sum of money, -tB~ To be used by the Town, sufficient to extend the sanitary sewer system southeasterly along Wood Lane a distance of approximately 500 feet, beginning at Woodstock Street. Petition of james H. Burroughs and others. TOWN WARRANT FOR 1961 ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate, or transf~er from aVailable funds, the sum of $5,.000.00 to' renew water services to the property ART 39-C. To see if the TOwn will vote to accept from the MacKay Construction Co.A Inc., or its .nominee, the sum of ~ $12 , 000 . 00 to be used by the Town to install ARTICT.~. 50. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 an 5 inch water main and appurtenances approximately 1900 feet on Dale· Street for a new motor and repair of the 1953 Reo Refuse Collection truck. westerly from Winter Street~ Petition of the Board of Public Works. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ART 39-D. To. see if the Town will vote to accept from Nazaire Giard, a Sum of money, to be used by the Town, sufficient to extend the storm drain system southeasterly along Wood Lane a dis.tahoe of approximately 200 feet from its present terminu.s on ~ood Lane. Petmtion of James H. Burroughs and others. lines,, place gate valves on hydrant branches, and raise manhole frames and covers ~on the streets of the town that are to be reconstructed, and to lower the 6-inch water main and provide temporary water service while Appleton Stree' is being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~9- To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $9,900.00 for the appointment of ( ) three 3 regular patrolmen fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and mental examination all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of Board of Selectmen and Joseph W. Lawlor, Police Chie~ ARTICLE ~O-A. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money, sufficient to extend the sewer system on Massachusetts Avenue 170 feet north- westerly from Commonwealth Avenue. Petitt. on of Benjamin Hollins ~nd others. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to decrease the present Reserve Police Force from nine to five ~en. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ..ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town.will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ART 40-B. To see if th$ Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by $5,000.00 to be added to tD~ F~-re Department appr?prta ti on to provide for the bond issue, Or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to e~xtend appointment of two (2) Lieutenants from an eligible~ list established by a the sewer system on ~Ventworth Avenue approximately 200 feet from the presentCivil Service promotional examination. Petition of the Fire Engineers. manhole towards Chadwick Street. Petition of ~James 0. Curtin and others. ARTICLE 5~. To see if the .Town will raise and .appropriate a sum of mone~ for ART ~O-C. To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money, sufficient to ex- tend the sewer system on Wentworth Avenue, a distance of approximately 200 feet from Chadwick Street toward Furber Avenue. Petition of Ethel M. Foley and others. ART ~O-D. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money, sufficient to extend the sewer system on Heath Road and Heath Circle approximately 1200 feet from the purpose of constructing and originally equipping and furnishing a new Junior High School, and improving, landscaping, 'grading, and fencing it grounds for school purposes, and will determine whether the money shallSbe provided by taxation, by transfer from available funds in the treasury, by appropriation from the stabilization fund, or by borrowing. Petition of the School Building Committee. ARTICI.~. 55. To see if the Town will authorize the School'Building Committee to Milk Street. Petition of Stanley M. Hunt and others, enter-into any and all contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying out the i RT ~0-E. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, o~ nrovide byvote passed under the precedi~ng articlerelative to building and originally cud issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum. of'money suffici~nt to ex~- equipping a new Junior High ~chool, and 'improving, landscaping, grading and end the sewer system on Court Street from O~good Street to the residence of ~fencing its grounds for school purposes. Petition of School Building Committe Dr. Thomas B. Hayes, Petition of Loretta S..Hayes and others. ' / ARTICLE 56. To see -if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond ~_ART~49-~. To see if the~Town will vote to raise and appropriate or rovide b~ ~ issue, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $33,000.00, to extend the . · ' P Y water system on Pleasant Street to the ..American Legion Beach, to provide a new .oona mssue, or transTer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to ex- bath house and sewer connection to the East Side Sewer, and to enclose the are ~end the sewer system on Harwood Street from the existing West Side Trunk Rower with a chain link fence. Petition of the Board of Public Wot.ks. on Harwood Street to Massachusetts Avenue. ~ Petition of Michae. 1 Grasso & others. ARTICLE 57- To see if the ·Town will vot.e to raise and approprmate, or take fro jARTICLE ~l. 'To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, 'or provide available funds, or to provide by bond ~ssue, the sum of $14,000.00, to be ex- oy bond issue, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $6,500.00 to extend pended by the North Andover Housi.ng Authority for the purpose of obtaining~ the sewer system on Davis Street from East Water Street to Pleasant Street. preliminary surveys and planni .rig mn connection with a low rent H.ousing Project, Petition of the Board of Public Works. · ~ · for families of low income, as defi~ned in the United States Housmng Act of 19 ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will rais. e and approp.r, iate, or provide by bond as amended, which need is not be.lng.adequately me.t by private enterprise, not to exceed approximately seventy (70) dwelling unmts. issue, ~or transfer from available funds, the sum~of $250,000.00, or any part Petition of the North Andover Ho.using Authority. ' thereof, to install a twelve-inch water main on Ohestnut Street, Hillside Road and Turnpike Street as far as Berry Street from the reservoirs on Chestnut ARTIC~E 58. To see if the To..wn wall vote to raise and appropriate, or take .f S. treet. Petition of the Board of Public Works. available funds, the sum of $5,000.00, to be expended by the Selectmen for a tailed study and report, to include a land survey and engineering report, ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from architect fees, land acquisition and other similar expenses, i~ connection wi available funds, the sum of $2,800.00 to connect the six-inch water main from the erection of a new fire station in the vicinity of the Old Center. ll5 Dale Street to Marbleridge Road. Petition of the Board of Public ~Works. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 4~. To see if the Tcwn will raise and appropriate or tran~sfer from available funds, the sum of $5,700.00 to connect dead ends' ARTIC'LE 59- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of in the water dis- $1,500.00, and to authorize the Hecreational Council and Board of Public Works tributton system of Silsbee Road, Dana Street, Pilgrim Road, Lyman Road and to promote and conduct one or more ice skating rinks for the residents of the Moody Street. Petition .of the Board of Public Works. ToWn. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town'will vote to raise and appropriate, or~ provide ARTICLE 60. ~To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, .the sum of $1,200 by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money suf~ficient toto erect a chain link back stop and side protection fences on the Little League extend the water system on Ingl.ewood Street from its~ present terminus approx- Diamond at Waverley. Playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. imately 250 feet westerly. Potation of Salvatore Mammino and others. ARTICLE 61. To see mf the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from ,ART.ICLE..~6. To se.e if t~he T~own will vote to raise and appropriate,~ or provide available funds 'the sum of $1,~00.00 to install flashing warning beacons on oy oonG mssue, or ~ransz'er zrom .available funds, a sum of money sufficient to Marblehead Street at Middleses Street all as permitted by the Department of. ....... -.~:'~ "~.~' .~~'" ~!' ~'~"~'~ ~ -,v=nu~= appz'oxzma~eiy 200 I'eet fro th~ presen~ ~evmznus towards Chadwick Street. Petition of Ja~es ~. Curt~n ~mn~-~e~o. Public Works on Permit i~'o~ ~b, dated October 27, 1959. .... _..~ ~,.~ Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ii!iii'i !!i ~°~i!~'-'s.'!~ ~~! ~~ !~!!!!,l ~.~t.~~~!!~r~! i~e~~ !~!!~! !~~~i~on~nP! ~!~!dhb ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town wi.l. 1 vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer ~ o° ~ ~ aW ~ ~. ..ou ~ ~ Y from available funds, _t.he sum.of $1,500..00 .to be used fora Town Fourth of Jul' celeOra~ion, any and a&l pro£zts made a~ sald cele'Ora~ion ~o be returned to the · s Meeting., as the card of Public Works, on October l, 1961, may considerTown Treasury. Petition of Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of North most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Andover Fourth of July Celebration Committee. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ~(~' TOWN WARRANT FOR 1961 b~ 'WARRANT ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approoriate, or transfer from available funds, the s~.um of $800.00, tp match a like s~m to 9e' raised by ~ 8'.By adding thereto the following new section: the North Andover Board of ~rade, for the purpose of providing decorative light~,~ 7.31 In Limited Business Districts there' shall be provided an open yard during the Christmas Season. Petition of Albert J. Boucher and others. ~'*~'- space of not less than one hundred (100) feet depth all along the street frontage and twenty-five (25) feet depth all along each side ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By Law by changing property line of such lot except as may be permitted otherwise by the from Village Residential to General Business, the following described parcel of l~nd, ~which is entirely surrounded by land now zoned for General Bu~siness. A Parcel of land, no,w or formerly of ~ernile,· located on the southeasterly side of First Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly side of First Street distant 210 feet more or less from ~the southwesterly boundary of Main Street; thence running along land now or formerly 'of the North Andover Shopping Center in a southeasterly direction 210 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly along land of the said North Andover Shopping Center 117 feet more or less. to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly to First Street 217 fe more or less, along land of said North An.dover Shopping Center, to a point . in the southeasterly side of First Street, thence turning and running north easterly along the southeasterly side of First Street ll? feet more or less to the point of beginning. Petition of Francis B. Kittredge and others. Board of Appeals on petition of the property owner concerned after a public hearing thereon with due notice given. In the rear of every building or structure hereafter erected in the Limited Business .District there shall be an open yard space unbuilt upon of not less than thirty-five (35) feet depth. No buildings or structure shall hereafter be built, altered, moved, reconstructed, or extended so that any par~i~reof shall be nearer than (100) feet from the front line or twenty-five (25) feet' of any side lot line. 9. By.striking therefrom Section 8.3, and inserting in place thereof the following new section: 8.5 In'General Business and Limited Busi~ness Districts no structure shall exceed three stories or forty-five (45) feet in height. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Bannan, Chairman. ARTICLE 65-A. To see if the Town will vote .to amend its Zoning By-Law by creating a new zoning district, to be known as the Limited Business District, substantially as follows: ARTICLE 65-B. If it shall have voted to amend its Zoning By-Law by creating ~f"LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT", as proposed by the preceding Article, 'to see ..the Town will vote to zone all or any part of the lands below described as ~.~1 Retail stores, salesrooms, showrooms or 'places for any professional, artistic or mercantile activity, not involving manufacturing, also retail bakeries or retail confectionaries in which not more than five (5) persons are engaged 'in the manufacture for sale on the premises of bakery or c fectionary goods there produced, including ice cream. ~.~2 Banks, offiGes and municipal, civic or public service buildings such as Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Bannan, Chairman. ARTICLE 65-C. If it shall have voted to amend its Zoning By-Law by creating a "Limited Business District", as proposed by a preceding Article, to see if the Town ~ill vote to zon. e all or any part of the lands, below deEcribed as a part of said new District, and to authorize and direct the Town Counsel to assign appropriate section numbers (within said By-Law) to reflect the vote hereon: post office, telephone exchange, town offices, school, library, museum , church. Thatarea bounded as follows: SOUTHWESTERLY, 1780 feet by the Nor~theasterly line or'Turnpike Street; N~RTHWESTERLY, 1005 feet, more or less, by land still TheatreS, including motion picture theatres, wi Shin a building enclosedzoned fo~ Country Residenc~ purposes; NORTHEASTERLY, 1725 feet, more or less,. by walls and a roof. by a l~ine parallel to and distant 1000 feet northeasterly from the ~northeast On peti~tton, subject to site plan review and approval by the Board of erly line of Turnpike Street; Easterly, 5?5 feet, more or less, in a curved line, by lands now zoned for Country ~esidence purposes; and SOUTHERLY, 615 Appeals after a public hearing thereon with due notice' given, an auto- mobile service and filling station; a restaurant or dining room; whole- feet, more or less, and again 5~.05 f~et, by lands~now zoned for General sale stores, salesrooms or showrooms. Such petition may be subject to BUsines~ purposes (see section 5.75 of said .By-Law) Said area is shown on a plan of land entitled "Plan to accompany petition for Amendment to zoning appropriate limitations, conditions and safeguards necessary for carrying out the intent of this By-Law and for protecting and maintaining the By-Law, Town of North Andover, Mass., as it applies to land on Salem ch. aracter of the surrounding neighborhood. - Tu~pike, indover By-Pass and Hillside Road." dated J.a~n~uary. 1, 1961, drawn by alph E. Brasseur, .E., a copy of which has been f~led wroth the Town ~.~5 S~gns which are attached to and constitute a part of the design of a Clerk. Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James N. Bannan, Chairman. building or structure and which refe~ to the business activity carried en within the premises only. Parapet or roof signs Shall not extend moreARTICLE 65-D. I~ it shall have voted to amend, its Zoning By-Law by creating a than six (6) feet above the roof line of any building and wall signs shall "LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT" as proposed by a preceding Article~ o see if the not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total wall area. Town will vote to zone all or any p.art of the lands below described as a part ~.46 Any accessory use customarily' incident to any of the above permitted uses, of said new District; and to.authorize.and direct the Town Counsel to assign provided that such accessory use shall not be injurious, noxious or o£fen- appropriate section numbers (within sa~d By-Law) to reflect the vote he. reon: sAve to_ the.neighborhood~ .- _ . . . . That area bo.unded as follows: EASTERLY, 5~8.41 feet by the westerly l~ne of 6. By re-designating ~hose sections of the By-Law presently numberea ~ ~ ~ Andover Street~ SOUTHERLY 74.99 feet by a c.u. rved line representing the common ~6.52, 6.6'~ 6~.61~,~6.6~2~and~6.65~a~s. Segtion~ 6.§,~6.61, 6~.62, and ~.~s~'~'/ lines of Andover Street and Turnpike Street, SOUTHWESTERLY 607.~ feet by the Nor~theasterly line of Turnpike Street, WESTERLY (mcr e or less) ll~.18 feet by ~ ~ections 6.6, 6.61 6.62, 6.7, 6.71, 6.72 and 6.73 respectively.° ~ a curved line representing the common lines of Turnpike Street and Peters 7. By adding thereto the following new sections: ~ Street; N~RTHWESTER~LY ~6.69f eet by the southeasterly line of Peters Street; 6.5 IN LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICTS and. NORTHEASTERLY 5~5 feet, more or less, by a parcel of land zoned for Countr Residence; excepting therefrom, however, those parcels of land presently zoned 6.51 Each lot shall contain not less than fifty thousand (50.000)~seuare for General Business purposes which are described in Sections 3.72 (1) and feet area and be not le.ss than one hundred fifty (150)f~et 9td~ at the~.72 (2) of said By-Law. at~=eet f~on~ge, and ~o'~ mor~ than forty (~0) per cent of any such lot ~ * may be covered by buildings. ~ / Said area is shown on plan of land entitled "Plan to accompany petition for Amendment to Zoning By-Law of North Andover, Mass., as it applies to land on 6 52 Each lot shall maintain yard space suitable for the parking of automobiles Salem Turnpike and Peters Streets" dated January. 1961, drawn by Ralph B. in the ration of two (2) square feet of parking space for each square foot Brasseur, C.E., a copy of which has been fi_led w~th the Tow~n Cl~rk. of enclosed floor soace oz, ovid~d, bt~w~,r,v.. *.~e .~ o.~.~,-,, oe,~,- ,,'-,+ ~,,~- .~ t ,__, _ _ ~ ~ .................. · ...... o-~** ~-~ -~ ~ ~-~,. Petition oi* i~orth Andover Planning Board, aames ivY. Bannan, ~hairman. en ~lO) feet wide on which to grow grass, bushes, flowers or trees shall be maintained open and green, unbuilt on, unpaved and not .parked on all along each side and rear property line, and, except for access roadways, along its street frontage. 1. By adding to Oection 5.1, afte. r the designation "GENERAL BUSINESS I~ISTRIC~' a part of said new District; and to authorize and direct the Town Counsel to the FOLLOWING NEW DESIGNATION. "LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICTS." ' assign appropriate section numbers (within said By-Law) to reflect the vote here~n: 2. By re-designating those sections of the By-Law presently numbered 3.8, 3.81, . That area.bounded as follows. SOUTHEASTERLY, by the Northwesterly line 3.82 and 5.85 as Sections 5.9, 3.91, 5.92 a?d 5.93 respectively- of Hillside Road, WESTERLY by the Easterly line of the Andover By-Pass, so 5- By adding thereto the following new section: 5.8 LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICTS. called; and NORTHEASTERLY, by the southwesterly line of Turnpike Street ~. By re-designating those sections of the By-Law presently numbered ~.~, ~.~1, (Route 11~). ~.42, k.kS, .4.~4, k.k5, k.5, ~.51, k.52, ~.55, k. Sk, k.55, k.~, 4.61, k.62, Said area is shown.on a_plan of land entitled "Plan to accompany k.6~, k.6k, ~.65, ~.?, k.8, 4.81, k.82, ~.85, and ~.8~, respectively. Petition for Amendment to Zoning By Law, Town of North indover, Mass., as it ~ applies to .land on Salem Turnpike, Andover By-Pass and Hillside*Road", dated · ' been filed 5By adding thereto the following new sections: January 1961, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., a copy of which has 4-4 IN LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICTS ~ with the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 65-E. I~ i~ shall have voted .to amend its Zoning By Law by creating a ~ ~ "LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT" as Proposed by a preceding Article to see if the ONE TWO THEEE FOUR TOTAL Town will vote to zone all or any part of the lands below described as a part ~,~ MODERATOR. .. FOR. .0NE...YEAR of said new District; and to.authorize and'direct the ~own Counsel to assign 61~ 795 718 910 3056 appropriate section numbers (Within said By-Law) to reflect the vote hereon: ARTHUR A. THOMSON JOHN WILLIS That area bounded as follows.' EASTERLY by Chickering Road; SOUTHERLY, IN TWO Bl~nks . ~5~ l~i 1i9 IT1 .6ii COURSES, by Cotuit Street; WESTERLY, by a line parallel.to and distant 1000 feet westerly from the ~westerly line of Chickering. Road, and NORTHERLY, by a . TOWN TREASURER FOR 0~.E.YEA.R. ~ line parallel.to and distant 100 feet southerly from the southerly line of ~A~,~S J' MAKER ~'" 6160~ 8~5 715 19~ 3160 Autran Avenue, EXCEPTING therefrom, however, that parcel of land presently zoned Blanks 121 122 ~89 for General Business purposes which is described in Section 5'7~ (7) of said SELECTMEN .FOR, ONE YEAR By-Law. ,, 2558 Being that area shown on a pla~:, of land entitle~ Plan to accompany RALPH E. FINCK ..... 520 675 5_59 ~ petition for amendment to Zoning By-Law, Town of North Andover, MaSs., as it WILLIAM A. FINNk~AN applies to land on the Westerly side of Chickering Road, from Fairland Manet PHILIP SUTCLIFFE ~77~ ~0~ 67~ 2~8~ 285? Southerly to Cotuit Street" dated January, 1961 drawn by RalPh B. Brasseur, JOHN P. WALSH 271 52_5 217 577 1188 C.E., a copy of which has been filed, with the Town Clerk. Blanks 45~ 55~ 480 527 2000 Petition of North Andover Planning Board, James M. Barman, Chairman. BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by zoning RALPH E. FINCK all or any part of the lands below described as a part of the Industrial "L" WILLIAM i. FINNERAN i~~ ~~~ ~ 7~ 2828 2~96 District, and to authorize and direct the Town Counsel to assign appropriate PHILIP SUTCLIFFE 609 2560 section numbers (within said By-Law) to reflect the vote hereon: JOHN P. WALSH ~ 520~ 229 585 1212 PARCEL NO. I NORTHEASTERLY, by the southwesterly line of Turnpike Street Blanks 558 ~87 5~3 2051 (Route .ll~). EASTERLY, by the boundary line between Middleton and North Andover, SOUTHWESTERLY, by a line parallel to and distant 1000 feet south- westerly from the southwesterly line of said Turnpike Street; and NORTH~ WESTERLY (near the junction of Johnson Street with said Turnpike Street), by lands of William Sheridan and Margaret R. Simon. EXCEPTING therefrom, however, that parcel of land presently zoned for General Business purposes which is HIGHWAY SURVEYOR FOR ONE IRA D. CARTY NICHOLAS F. NICETTA Blanks YEAR 1129 559 525 672 2176 52l 297 591 140 15 22 x5 18 70 "Plan to accompany petition for amendment to Zoning By-Law, Town of North Andover, Mass., as it applies to land on the Salem Turnpike", dated January 1961, drawn by Ralph C. Brasseur, C.E., a copy of' which has been filed with the Town Clerk. 'described in Section ~. 74 (17) of said By-Law. TAX. . COLr,W. CTOR.. . ~ . . ,FOR.... 0NE. . YEAR. . JA~S H. DEWHIRST 586 618 525 766 2295 PARCEL NO. 2. SOUTHWESTERLY, by the northeasterly line of Turnpike Street JOSEPH A. SMITH 57~ 529 30.0 298 (Route ll~); EASTERLY, by the boundary line between Middleton and North Andover; Blanks 19 14 17 55 NORTHEASTERLY BY a line parallel to and distant 1000 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of said Turnpike .Street; and NORTHWESTERLY (near the TREE WARDEN .FOR ONE .YEAR Junction'of Johnson Street with said Turnpike Street), by land of Jules Van ~0~'N 'J. C'0NNORS ' 661 8~0. 758 951 ~.190 Bunnen, EXCEPTING therefrom, howe. vet, that pa.rcel of land presently zoned for Blanks 10~ 126 99 150 459 General Business purposes which ~s described ~n Section 3-74 (16) of said By-Law, Both of the aboVe parcels are shown on that plan of land entitled ASSESSOR .FO.R.....THREE .YEARS EDWARD W. PHELAN ' 665 819 710 9~1 Blanks 100 1~7 127l~O 51 BOARD OF HEALTH FOR TH~E~: YEARS Petition of 'North Andover Planning Board, James M. Barman, Chairman. GEORGE E. JEWETT 282 580 5~2 MITC~LL P. BOOTNAN 107 96 92 ARTICr.w. 67. To see if the Town will vote t.o transfer the sum of $15,000.00 from FC. NRY A. DONOHUE lB1 26~ 196 Overlay Surplus to the ~eserve Fund. Pet~ton of the Board of Selectmen WILLIAM J. MORTON 123 126 lll s.8 90 75,0 595 107 576 Joseph Smith i I 2 A true copy: .'.. 55U . ATTEST:. ~.. CONSTABLE. HOUS~G AUTHORITY FOR. FIVE .YEARS .OFFICERS RETURN .. BEN JAMIN C. SWEENEY 69~ 97 1~6 99 428 Blanks 99 95 ~22 I have notified and warned the ~nhabttants of the Town of North AndoVer qualified · ,,, · to vote zn ow.n affairs by po.sting true and a.ttested copies of this warrant.at the ...' Town office bu~.lding and at f~ve or more public places in each voting precinct. Wi'LLIAM J. LACY ' ' ~22 655 562 768 2485~ Said copies hawng been posted not more than fifteen" days nor less than ten days GEORGE R. MacKENZIE 5?~2,~651 5.87 759~ before, the time of holding said meeting. JA~CES D. McCABE 5~50 ~5~45°7 i 2504 WILLIAM J. IACEY. CONSTABLE. WILLIAM McCARTHY No. Andover, Mass. JOHN NAGUIRE ' ' ~. 2.4 February 20, 1961 LEO A~.TIN 8 ll 271 JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. Francis Gilliek 1 Gerald Stewart 1 ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of from Blanks 72 101 96 available Funds, to reduce the tax rate. Petition Board of ~ BOARD OF PUBLIC VORKS FOR THREE YEARS· And you are direc.ted to serve this warrant b~ posting true and attested thereof, JOHN J. WILLIS 61~ 720 66 8~6 at the T.own Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct, Blanks 152 246 l~1255 2 814 said copies to be posted not .more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before S.CH.00.L C.0MMITTEE FOR....T...RR.EE YEARS the time of holding said meeting. " ' CAROLINE M. INGRAM ~~ !;~ ~ ~566~1 19~7 Hereof fail not, and, make d.ue return of this warrant with your doing thereon WILLIAM J. ROCK 07 ~.0~=~69~ 2279 to the Town Clerk, at the tame and place of said meeting. ~ JOHN J. LYNCH 506 18~5 Given under ou~ hands at North. Andover, Massachusetts, the 50th day of JanuaryBlanks 276 544 30~ 520 1249 in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred sixty one. PLANNING BOARD FOR FIVE YEARS RALPH E. FINCK .WILLIAM CHEPULIS, JR. 2655~8 ~1~2 ~ ~5~5267.1~0275~ WILLIAM i. FINNERAN DANIEL T. 0' LEARY 125 i 0 PHILIP SUTCLIFFE JOSEPH F, S_~.A ~50 5~26 238 266 Board of Selectmen. Blanks 85 95 Special Town Meeting, March 18, i96i following Annual Meeting. 104 co sza r s ...... I have hhis day notified ~d w~rned the i~abitants of ~is To~. of North ~dove~ Jo~ Glennie' ': 9 Cuali2ied to vote in ToE Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warr~t at the Town-Office Buildi~ and at five or~ more public places in the Tow~ Aleck Haspen Raymond Walsh 2 ~ i ~ Said aopies were posted in five ~public places in each voting precinct of the Tow~ ~d wer~ posted not more than fifteen days nor less th~ ten daysbefore the time Robe~-t Stewart ~ of holding special toe meeting. Joseph Donne lly WILLIAM J. LACEM, CONSTAB . Claire Taylo~ William Mackie ~ ~~ Archie Gourley ~ . ~ ' March 8,'~ 1961 '~ ~ ~ j~ North ~Andover, Mass. AT,ST: ~ JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk. HarOldLouis Sa~dersT~i~ ~ I ~pJ0~~ TOWN ~T~NG.. ~A~DAY ~RCH 18, 19~.l at 1.:~.O .P.~. Gayton 0sgood ~ ~' il ARTIC~ 2' VOED that all other officers not required by ~w to be elected Donald Smith Redy Underwood ~ by ~allot referred to the Sel&ctmen for action. . Pau~ Dolan ~ ' ~ ARTICLE 5. VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presente. James Meikle by the Selectmen,be accepted. . Robert Hyde ~ ~ ARTIC~ ~. V0~D that the following ~expended bal~cesbe returned to the Town Charles Ftsk Ray McLean ~ ~ Tressury under this article: . Albert Hutton ~ Article 76, 1960 I~strmal Co~ittee Ma~tenance. Mal Norwood ~ ~ ~ ~Sectton 8A of Cha~ter ~0 G.L. $135.~ George Pamge I i ~ Article ~2, 196&Reserv- Water Mazns. 290.~ George Soucy I i and~ that all ~expended appropriations be returned to the Treasury as of E.O. Stevens i i J~uary l, 1961. ~ They are as follows: Harold Caruso i I Health- Reserve for pa~ent of ~mll (1960) $8~8.00 George ~urch I i Sewer - Reserve for payment ~of ball (1960) ~00.00 Tom McEvoy 2 2 Article 55, 1956, East Side ~ewer ~8~.72 Tom Giaquinta ~ I ~ ~l Article ~9, 1959 Sewe~ System Items A~B.C. F & G. ~.81 Bl~s 169~ 2207 190~ .2291~095 Article ~, November 16, 1959 Outstanding btll~, West Side Trunk Swr.52~,55 S~CI~L TO~ ~ETING, ~RCH .18., 1961 FOLL0~!NG A~AL ADJOINED ~ETING Article ~5, 1960 Sewer Systems, .Items, A.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.;~N0.27,560.00 ~ ' ' ~ . T~N W~ANT '"' ' .' "' Article ~0, 1960,~ West Side °ewer 2,000.00 Artmcle 32, 19~9 Road Construction Ch. 90, G.L. 11,460.05 COmmONWEALTH OF ~SSAC~SETTS Article ~8, 19~0,~ High~ay ~0onstruction 10,~54.92 ESS~ ss: Article 43, 1960.Widenzng Gt.~ Pond Road, · . 5,9~0.30 To either of the Constable's of the To~ of North Andover. U.S, 01d Age Ass~st~ce, Assistance 40,276.97 GRATING: U.S]. 01d Age Assist~ce, A~znistration 900.66 In the name of the Co~onwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby U.S~, Aid to Dependent Children [ aid ' 9,~55.56 directed to notify and warn the.i~abitants of North Andover qualified to U.S. Aid to Dependent Child[eh Administration , 693.77 vote in elections and To~ Affairs, to meet in the Veterans Audi~ori~ of U.Sj~ Disability Assistance Assistance 6,721.12 the North Andover High School on Sa~rday, ~rch 18, 1961 imedlately U.S. ~isability Assist~ce . ~ ~ 1,164.28 following me adJgurnement of the Re,Sar Town Meeting, then ~d mere to ~ School title 5, part APL 864, ~est grades ~ & 10. . ~ 65.45 School .Oo~ittees of Ma~ P.L.875 Federal ~ds, Chapter 41~ Acts . act on ~e following article of a Speczal To~ Neeting~ ~TIC~ 1. To see if the ~To~ will vot~ by resolution, to declare that ' of t956, Section 1 & 2. Art t, Feb 4, 1957, Item A. 7,740,07 there exists in the Town a need for low rent housing at rents Within the Land taking from C~rles & Gertrude Melamed. 625.00 me~s of families of low in~ome, as defined in the United State Hohsi~ Art-1, Feb,4, 1957 Item A. La~d taking C~rles ~ielamed.500.00 Act of ~957, as ~ended, which need' is not being adequately metby private Art. 77, 1960 School Bl~g Co~ttees Survey. ~0,00~.00 enterprise; to approve ~ application of the North AndOver Hous~g AuthorityArt~ 19, 1952 New High School 524.15 ~o the Public Housing' Ad~nistration, an agency authorized by the said ActNorth Andover school lunch account. 7,2~2.~5 o provide fin~cial assistance to local public housing agencies for.Under- Ngrth Andover High School Athletic Association. 140.51 taking and carting out preliminary planning of low-rent housing pro~ects, C~vil Defense Expenses. ~ ~2.20 for a preliminary loan tn an aport.not to exceed $14,000.00 for surveys Article 58, 1960 skating rznk 500.00 ~d pla~g tn comection with low rent housing projects of not to exceed Art~ 54, 1958 Installing 1~" Water, mains, various streets. 1,2~0.69 approxt~tely 70 dwelling ~its, ~d to authorize the Board of Selectmen Art~8, J~e 9, 1958 purchase of land & Bldgs, Gr. Pond Road. 9,600.00 to execute on behalf of the Town a "Coo eration A tee " p g pent , between the To~ Art~48, 196012" water mains Gr. Pond Rd. 10,597.77 posedand theagreementNOrth ~doVerof whtchH°usin~cop~esAU~°ritY'are on fileSUb~tantiallY~n the Officein ofthethef°rmBoard°f aofpro- ART~C~ 5. VOTED to fix the ~alary and compensation of all elected office~s Selectmen, the North Andover Housing Authority, and the ~own Clerk, providing of the To~, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. for the local cooperation as ~y be required by the Pubhc Housi~ A~inis- $oard of Selegtmen each per ~n~. $700.00 tration pursuant ~o the said Act. $oard of hbl~c, Welfare - each per ~num 150.00 Board.of Assessors - each per ann~ ~,250.00 And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting tm~e and attested copies ~own' Treasurer - per a~um Thereof, 'at the Town Building, and at five or m0~ public places in each ~ ~ax Collector ~ p~r annum 1,'775'00900.00 voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days no~ Highway SurveyOr per ~n~ 5,~65.00 less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. . ~ree Warden- per ann~ ' 400.00 Hereof, fail,cnOt, and make due return of this warrant with your 8oings thereon ~Moderator - per _annum , 50.00 t? the Town : lerk, at the ~time and place of said meeting. ' ~Board of Heal.th ..each per annum 300.00 .Gzven under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 8th day. of March, ~Board of Public Works - each ~r annum . 250.00 in the year of Our Lord One Thousand nine hundred sixty-one. ARTICLE~6. '(Budget) Motion .wa~ duly made and seconded and so VOTED to aoorove RALPH E. FINCK, Board items of.the budget collectzvely as to the recommendations of the AdvisOry ' Board, with the 'exceptions of-the following changes.... Item 43, Snow Removal WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of ' ~ incresed $5,000.00 for expenses from $65,000.,00 to S~70-000.00. I2em 1.2 · PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen. A true copy. Veterans' Benefits (Cash Grants) Expenses $20,595.06'o~itted. Item 4~7'Sch5ol NOrth Andover, Massachusetts. March 8, 1961 -- ,, .... , j.~_ ., SALART'RS & WAGES EXPENSES TOT~.~. ~ &j .WApES,, EXPENSES T · . 1. SET,F. CT~EN, Salaries $2,100.00 '--~ g~ 57'. Refuse Disposal: Wages-Labor $2~,000.00 $2~,000,00 Clerk Sslary 5,671.~ 5,671'4~ ~ [ Expenses ~,500'.00 ~,500,00 . Expenses ' 920.00 '920'.00 ~ 58~. Garbage DispoSal: Contract 8,500.00 8,500.00 2. TREASURER. Salary 5,775.00 5,775.00 39. SeWer Maint. an~ Construction Clerk Salary 5,685.50 5,685.$0 ~ Administratioh Salaries 1,857.50 1,857.50 .Expenses 1,664.80 1,66.~.~0 i Labor - Wages~ 10,000.00 10,000.00 ~. ACCOUNTANT . SalaryC 4,914'00 _4,91 .00 . [ Expenses ~ ' 8,000.00 8,000.00 Extra lerical 2,100.00 2,100.00 ,403 Anmmal Inspec,.tor: Salary '~25.00 . 525.00 Exp. enses 500.00 500.00 .41f Highway Surveyor: . Salary 5,765.00 5,765.00 4. TAX COLLF, CTOR. Salary 1,~00.00 1,~00.00 ~2f Streets - Gen~l Maintenance Clerk Salary ~,400.00 ~ 5,~!00..00 clerk S_alary ' , ~'~57.75 3,~7..75 Expenses ~,150.00 3,~50.00 ~ Labor Wages~ . 54,592.48 54,592-48 5. T02q~ CLERK: Salary 4,850.00 ~,8,50.00 Tarvia,road oil,cmnders, stone Expen.se s 600.00 8~0'00 ~ and gravel. . 21,000.00 21,000.00 6. ASSESSORS: Salarmes 5,750.00 5,750.00 ! . Equipment and ~epamrs 6,500.00 6,500.00 Clerk Salary 3,958.50 ~, 958.50 ~ Miscellaneous Expenses 1,250.00 1,250.00 Extra Clerical 2,502.50 ,2,502.50 ] Rental of Eeuipment 350'00 . 550.00 Expenses . 4,20~.00 ' ~, 20~.00 Gaeoline 'and.oil . 6,100.00 .6,100.00 7. Elections & Registrars: Salarmes: 875.00 .. 875.00 .45] Snow Removal.. Expense's . 70,000.00 70,000.00 Expenses 4,100.00 4,100.00 ~.. Board of Publzc Welfare: Salaries ~. 450'00 ~0.00 8. Toys Counsel: Salary 1,500.00 1,500.00 ~"~]ea~elfare Ada; Agent Salary 6,279.00~ ~6,279.00 . Expenses 190.00 190.00 ~ Two Social Workers 9,000,00 .9,000.00 9. Mod.erator. Salary ~ . 50.00 50.00 ~ Jr. Clerk Typist 5,166.80 ~ 5,166.80 10. Advms.ory Board: Expenses' ~ 250.00 250'00 ~ Extra clerical & social worker . 000.00 ., 000.00 11. Planning Board: Expe~m~es 900.00 900.00 ~ Expenses . ~ . ~. ~ 200.00 · ~ . ~,200.00~ ~ *Although ~elfare A.dmmnistration ~osts have mncr~0.00 over last 12. Board of Appeals. (Planning) Expenses ~00.00 500.00 ll~ Personnel Board. Expenses 500.00 800.00 ear' s costs it wall only be necessary to appropriate $9,000.00 due to Boa~rd of A.ppeals (P.ersonnel) Expenses 15. Tow,n Buildmng: Janmtor Salary 1'~46.90 100.00 lO0.O0 ~ estimted reimbursement of.~ederal Funds to this account, Therefore, our 1,446.90 . ~ corrected net budget .cost of Budget Item 45 stands as follow. Expense.s 5,200.00 5,200.00 .45., Wel.fare Administration. 9,000.00 ..9,000.00 16. Cus;,todian of Tax T~tles: Salary100.00 lO0.00 ~, Infirmary: Supt's .Salary · 2,205.00 . .2,205.00 ~ 'Expenses . 150.00 150.00 ! Matron Salary 1, 91~.12 .1,914.12 ll~.~ Ta.x Title For. ec.losures. Expenses 100.00 lO0.00 , Wages . 1,926.56 . .1,926.36 Lzcense .Commss~on: Expenses. 150.00 ' 150.00 . ~. Expenses .~ 7,975.00 7,975.00 19. Anon.ual Town Meeting: Expenses 5,750.00 ~,750.00 47.~ Welfare G~a.nts: ' [ ' / . 20. Pol~ce..DePt. Chief Salary 5,6.70.00 5,6.70.00 ~ O.ld Age Assistance 40,000.00 . Four (4) Sergeants 20,7[~8.00 20,.7~8,00 ~ i~d t.o Depend.C. hild. 9,000.00 Te.~ (10)Patrolmen . ~6,~50.00 ~6,~0.00 [ Disability isszstance 5,000.00 . Regula. r~, Reserves: Specials ~,000.00 ~,000,00 / i General Relief. 12,000.00 1,5.00.0©~ o Total '~'~elfare Gr. ants. 66,000.00 66,000.00 0v.ertmme and electmons 1,500.00 10,140.00 10,140,00 48.. Veterans~ Benefmts: Agent Salary 750.00 · 750.00 Expenses . ~.00 Bathing Beach Polmce 650.00 650'00 Clerk Salary 500.00 14 .00 21. Fire Dept. Chief Salary 6,059.80 ~,059.80 ExpenSes .0.00 Lieutenant Salary 5,125.50 ~i12~'50 ] Cash Grants . ties 20,595.00 20,595.00 Fifteen (15! Regulars ~ 70,568.25 7 70.0.00 ~ School Department. Sala . 55~,197.00 Two (2) Engmneers 1,70.0.00 568,25 49,, ExPenses . · ' 118'6~6.00 118,555'197'00636.00 Call .and spare men 12,954.00 12,954.00 50, School Crossmng Guards: Salarzes 5,000.00 ~5,000.00 Va~catmons 5,291.00 ~291.00 ~ ExpenSeSstevens MSs' 1 Lmbrary:' 656.00 656.00 Expenses. ..,~ 9,975.00 97~5.00 51. Hea.d Librarian 5'755.00 22. Forest F.~re ~arden: Salary 262.50 262.50 5,73~.00 2~. Forest'Fzre.Expenses 1,000'00 1,000.00 ~ Assistants and Janitors 19,000.,00 ll~000.00 2 . Dog Officer. Salary 2~5.00 245.00 Expenses 6,160.00 '160.00 ~ Service Impro..vements 2,290.00 ~Expense s . _~ 555.00 ~55,00 2,.290.00 25. Civil Defense: Dmrector Salary 600.00 600'00 52; Playgrounds: Supt's Salary. ~ 472.50~ ~ 472.50 Expen.ses 2,600.00 2,600.00 o Labor, Guards, Caretakers 5,500.00 5,500.00 26. Buildmng Inspector: Salary 600.00 . 600.00 Expenses . ~ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Exp.enses 100.00 lO0.00 55~ Recreational Council: Salarmes1,555.00 1,888.00 27. Wirmng Inspector: Salary 600.00 600.00 . Expenses . 1,000.00 1,000.00 · 5[~. Parks Triangles, Buryzng Grounds: Expenses 175.00 175'00 , Superin_tendent Salary 210.00 210.00' 28. Sealer of Weights & Measures: Salary 500.00 500.00 Expenses 100.00 lO0.00 LabOr Wages 5,250.00 5,250.00 29. Insect. Pest Control: Supt's Salary5,18.7.00 ~,18.7.00 ~ Expenses 700~00 700.00 Labor Wages 4,61[ .75 4,614.75 55. School Grounds: Labor-Wages 10,500.00 10,500.00 Expenses . ' 1,955.00 1,955.0,0 Expenses 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~0. Poison Ivy Control. Labor Wages. 525.65 525.65 56. Esse.x Cnty Retirement System: 3.~,5~1.86 Expenses . 500.00 500,00 5~. Contmngent F.und: ~, · 4,000.00 .4,0,00.00 · 5~. American Leg.son Rental of 'Quarters 600.00 600.00 51. Dutch Elm Dmsease: Labor-Wages 7,269.15 7,269.15 59- VFW Post 2104 " " 600.00' 600.00 Exp~nses . 1,100.00 1,lO0.00 ~2. Brach Cutting. Labor-Wages 1,050.00 1,050o00 60. Veterans' Day 550.00 550.00 ,~. Town Forest~ Labor-Wages 150.00~ 150.00 61. Memorial Day 600.00 600.00 4oo.oo 40o.oo 54' Tree ~arden. Supt' s. Salary 62. insurance: a7,.67 .oo a7,.67 .oo Labor Wages .9,357.52 9,1557.52 65. Group Insurance 20,493.00 20,495.00 · Expenses. 1~415.00 1,415.00 6,4. Community Center. 200.00 200.00 5x~5. Street Lmghting: Expens. es 28,500.00 28,500.00 55. Graves Registration , 550.00 550.00 Nurse. alary 4,91~.00 4,914.00 67. Water Naint. & Construction. Physmcian Salary 950.00 Adminis. tration Salaries: 11,025.00 11,025.00 Expen se s 5 ' 075 · 00 950.00 5,075.00 L. abor - Wages 37,0oo.oo 37, ooo.oo Expenses ' 58,500.00 ~5,500.00 ~O SALARIES · & WAGES EXPENSES, T 0 .T .A~ _~ ~ ARTICLE 11. VOTED to.accept the provisions~ of O.hapter 647, Acts of 19~60,~e~- 68' Redeemin School Bonds. "[-.: ::" Si1'0',000.'00 Si10,000;00 ~ tive to increasin, g the amounts of pensions, retirement allowances anm annuities 69. InterestgoD School. Bonds. ~" '" ' 55'572'50 55,572450 E~ payable to certai, n former public employees. 70. Redeemi~ ~at~r Ma~n Notes: 9,000.00 9,000.00 ARTIc~ 12. Stricken from the Warrant. . 7l, Interest o~ water Main Notes: 1,108.00 1,108;00 ' 72. Redee~ng °ewer Bonds: 55,000.00 ~5,000';00 ARTICLE l~A. Unfavorable action voted on Article, However, mt ~as V0~D for the 73. Interest on Sewer Bonds: ' 8,2~7.50 8,247.50 ...... continuance of the 5% cost-of-living increase to employees subject to the ~age 74. Redeeming Water Bonds: ~ 20,~00.00 20,000.00 . and Salary Administration Plan as voted under Article 15 o~ the 195~ ~n~a~ 7~. Interest on WAter Bonds: 5,~0.00 5,~0.00 Town Meeting, the cost of which i~ included in salaries and wages o~' each TOWn 75..Redeeming Sewer Notes: " 10,000.00 lO,O00~.00 Department under Article~VI of th~s Warrant. 7~. I~terest on Sewer N~es:~ 1,100.00 1,100'.00 ~ ' ............ "--'.~ ~ ~oori.ate the sum o~ $20,000.00 for an increase 7~. Distort on Notes: 5,250.00 ~ ' ' "' de 1~..~ ~zz~ ~ne ~ersonnel, Wa e and S ' ~ 1961 BUDGET TOTALS[ $1,022,"~'.~5 $815,566.6~ $1.,85T,65~.91 ~ ~ ~ proposed by the Article sai g ala~y Admin. is~ation Plan be amen~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~,~ a~ ~na~ the sum of ~20-000.00'be ~~D. dm~nt to be.e~fective as of Na l, 19~ ~ AMOUNTS TO. ~E. RAI.SE.D AND ApP~(OPRIATED said amendment for fiscal ~o~ ~-~ca anm appropriated for the put o~es of ~T..~, 15B. Wag~s,-::To~' ' : ....... EmPloyees fr°me May l, 1961 '' " 17. Medical Assistance for th ~gef bve'r't~e-p-~y zn Dzz~ ~,~v _~ '- 20.19' BoardIndustria~of Health.Devel°pmentoity of C°mzssz°nBoston Bill. . ~ase "forty-five (~5)", and insert~g in Plgc-e--tHe-D~-O'r"~'mn~--pzn~'~ ~ 21. Planning Board. Nat'l Pla~ing & Research B~ll. 1,000.00 .... .. ~RT. i~E. VOiD t'o amend Part III, Section ~, of its Personnel, Wage and Salary - 22. Two new Police Cars.. 5,800'00 ..... ~ini~tration Pl~ by striking the hat sentence therefrom which ~eads, · 23. New Public Works Car.,, · 2,000'00 "However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall be elig~bl~ for his . 24. New Welfare Dept. :Oar, ' 1,O00'00 s~ep rate from the rate below the m~imum for has position to the maxim~ for . 26. New Public Works compressor and truck. ~700'00 has position". " . ~ 50.New Crawler loader for dump. . 6,500'00 ~ 51.Addressograph Machine 2,275.00 ART. l~F. VOTED to amend the provisions of the "Rate of P~ogression" included 32.New Fire Hos~ 2,000.00 in all Compensation schedules of its Personnel, Wage ~d Oalary A~inistrat~on ~. ~New Street S~gns. 500.00 Plan by striking therefrom, wherever the s~e occurs, the p~ase "two years , ~. Chap. 90. ~ppleton & Salem Streets. 10,O00.00 and inserting in place thereof, zn each instance, the p~ase: -- one year. 3~. " 90. Any Streets 2'000.00 the vote: AFFIR~TI~, 351. NEGATIVE;.55. . ~ 5~. Waverly Road"& Jolmson. Sts. Re~urfacin~. 10, O00'~00 ~TIC~ i~.~VOTED to amend Schedule. C; Fringe Ben~fits-~Holzdays o~.~ts~ . · ,5~. Davis Street, r~surfaczng, grading, drains. 8,600~00 . ~5. Repair cement sidewalks . 500.00 Perso~el, Wage and Salary Administration Pl~ by striking out, in ~ne ~as~ paragraph, the p~ase "half time p~y" and inserting ~n place thereof the phrase ~0. A to F, inclusive~, sewers: Mass Ave., Wentworth Ave., Straight t~me pay. The vote: AFFIRMATIVE ~8. NEGA~I~ llT. ~ Heath Rd., Heath Cite' Court St., Harwood St. ~,~96'78 ~5. Dale Str~e~ water main. ' ' 2,~00~00 ARTIC~ 15. VOTED to amend Schedule A. of Code ATP of its Personnel, Wage and ~. Inglewoo~ Street, water system .' 1,100.00 Salary Administration Plan by Transferring the title"Engineering A'ide'' from ~. Wentworth ave. water system · . 900.00 ~ Code ATP 70 to ~TP 90. ' ~. Water Main extension, Board o~ Public Works. 2'500'00 ~ ARTICLE 16. Stricken fr~m the Warrant... ~. ~5. Renew services, ~ew const~ct~on on Appleton St. 5,000.00 ~ ~ 49. Disposal Site ~aznten~ce 1,O00.00 ~ ARTICLE 17. V0~D to Raise ~nd appropriate the sum of $55,000.00 for the put ~ 5~. Motor Repair Reo refuse truck '2,000,00 pose of this article. Unanimous vote. ~ 56. A~ri~an Legion Beach~bath house. 55,000.00 58. New F~re ~tation Study' 5~000.00 ARTIC~ 18. Stricken from the Warrant. .- of this article.A animous vote. TOTAL A~IOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED. ,~17~,899,49 un___ ARTICLE 21..VOTED to raise and appropriate,.~ the sum of ~1,000.00 for the AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN FROM AV..AILABLE FUNDS of this article. The vote: AFFIRI;~ATIVE 527. NEGATIVE 77. A~,,T. 5~. Chapter' 90, Apple:ton & Salem ~'treet~. ':: 50,000.00 ARTIC..~ 22. VOTED to raise and appropriate' the sum of $5,800.00 for the ~: " '90, Any Streets 1,000.00 " To redu6e tax rate. of this article, making a total of 5 cars available to the POlice Ice Skating Rinks. 500'00 ARTIC.LE 19. VOTED to raise, and appropriate_ the sum of $500.00 for~ the purpose Little League Diamond, ~averly Playground. 1,200i00 · ~ Fou.rth of July Celebration 1,~00'00 of this article. . Christmas Lighting ~00~00 ARTICLE 20. VOTED to~ raise and appropriate the sum Of $1,827.71' fbr the purpose purpose purpose ~l.!.0 ~ 000 ~ 00 De par tmen t. TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TA~F.N FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS$1~l,O00.00 ARTIC.LE 25...VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose ' of this article. A~T. 67. From OvSrlay Surplus to Reserve Funds. (Transfer) $11,~96.66 ARTICLF. 2~.'VOTED to raise and U S MNARY AMOUNT TO BE APPel TOWN. ~[EETING (BUDGET) 1,85.7,655,.91 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPRIATED FOR ARTICLES ~ ARTICLE ~ ARTICLE GRAND TOTAL $2,012,555.40 of this AR. TICLE 7- VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue o~ the financial year beginning January l, 1962, to issue a note or notes. th, ereof, payable within one year, and to renew or refund a.I~y such'note or ,.notes, al~l as provided by ~ections ~ and 17 of Chapter ~ of the ~eneral Laws. the vote was unanimous and so declated. ARTICLE 8. No reports of any special committees. ARTICLE 9. VOTED $o authorize the Board of health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician, and vote to fix his compensation provided by Section of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, compensa- a.s such, as 4A tmon in the amount of $950.00, this amount included in Brd of Health budget. of this article. appropriate the 25. Stricken from the Warrant. 26. VOTED to raise 'and appropriate article. ARTICLE ARTI C~,w. 27. Stricken from the Warrant. 28. Stricken from the Warrant. sum of $1,000.00 for ~he purpose the sum of $5,700.00 for the purpose ARTICI.F, 29. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,500.00 to the present dump tractor in trade for the purchase of a used andrebuilt Loader for use of~the Highway Dept., at the Disposal Site. be used with Crawler the sum of $2,275.00 for the purchas~ ARTICLE 10. VOTED to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the position of School Physi~cian, .and vote to fi~ his compensatio.n as such, as provided, by Section ~!A .of Chapver 41 of .the General Laws~ compensation in the amount of $1,500.00, this amount included zn School Dept. budget. ARTICLE 51. VOTED to raise and appropriate of a reconditionned addressograph ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate '~ ~ 1/2" ~""'~ the sum of f~2,000.00 for the p~ 55. VOTED t6 raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the article. purpose ARTICLE of this .A~.TICLE ll. VOTED to accept the provisions' of Chapter'6~7, Acts of 1960, t~ve to increasing the amounts of pensions, retirement allowances and annuities payable to certain former public employees. ARTICLE 12. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 1SA. UnfaVorable action voted on Article, However, it was VOTED for the continuance of.th.e ~% .cost-of-living increase to .employees subject to the Wage and Salary Adm~n~st~'at~on Pl.an as voted unde.r Article 18 of the 1959 Annual Town Neeting, the cost of whzch is included ~n salaries and wages of each Town partment under Article~VI of this Warrant. ART. 13B. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 for an increase .in salary for all town employees, except non-classified employees, to be effective Nay l, 1961. The vote: AFFIRmaTIVE 60~. NEGATIVE 5~. ART. 1SC. Stricken from the Warrant. ART. 13D. VOTED to am.end Sch. edule C: Fring.e Benefits--Overtime of its Personnel ~i~?Ui?.Wage and Salary Administration Plan by strzking out, in the clause relating to ~ertime pay in the Tree Depar.tment and .in the Department of Public ~orks, the se "forty-five (~5)", and ~nserting ~n pla'ce thereof the phrase "forty(~0)" . 13E. VgTED t'o amend P.art III, Section 5, of its Personnel,. Wage and Salary trat~on Plan by strzking the last sentence therefrom which reads, "However, two years shall elapse before the employee shall be eligible for his step rate from the rate below the maximum for his position to the maximum for his position". ART. 13F. VOTED to amend the provisions of the "Rate of ProgressiOn" included in all compensation schedules of its Personnel, Wage and ~alary AdminiStration Plan by striking therefrom, wherever the s~nue occurs, the phrase "two years", and inserting in place thereof, in each instance, the phrase: -- one year. the vote: ~AFFIR~TIVE, 551. NEGATIVE; 55. ARTICLE i~.~VOTED to amend Schedule C; Fringe Ben, fits--Holidays of its Personnel,- Wage and Salary Administration Plan by striking out, in the last paragraph, the phrase "half time pay" and inserting in place thereof the phrase Straight time pay. The vote: AFFiRNATIVE ~28. NEGATIVE ll?. ARTICLE 15. VOTED to amend Schedule A. of Code ATP of its Personnel, Wage and Salary Administration Plan by Transferring the title"Engineering A'ide" from Code ATP 70 to ATP 90. ARTICLE 16. Stricken from the ¥~'arrant. ARTICY~ 17. VOTED to Raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000.00 for the pur- pose of this~ article. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 18. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 19. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for~ the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 20. VOTED to'~ raise and appropriate the sum Of $1,827.71' fbr the purpose of this article. A unanimous vote. ARTICLE of this 21. VOTED attic le. to raise and appropriate the sum of ~l,O00.00 for the The vote: AFFIR~;~ATIVE 527. NEGATIVE 77. ARTICLE 22. VOTED of th~s article, making a total of 5 cars to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,800.00 for the purpose purpose available to the Police Department. ARTICLE 25, VOTED to raise and appropriate of this article. the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose ARTICI,F, 24. 'VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for Dhe purpose of this article. . ARTICLE ARTICLE of this 25.~ Stricken from the Warrant. 26. VOTED to raise ~and appropriate the sum of $5,700.00 for the article. purpose ARTICLE ARTI OLE 27. Stricken from the Warrant. 28. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 29. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE ~0. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of ~6,500.00 to be used with the present dump tractor in trade for the purchase of a used andrebuilt Crawler Loader for use of~the Highway Dept., at the Disposal Site. ARTICLE 51. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,275.00 for the purchas~ of a reconditionned addressograph ARTICLE 52. VOTED to raise and approPriate the sum of of now o I/2" ~'~ ~* I~2,000.00 for the ARTICLE of this 55. VOTED to raise and attic le. a ppropr ia te the sum of $500.00 for the purpose Appleton Street to Salem Street only and that the sum of $50,000.00 be tran- ARTICLE 54- VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10.,000.00 to meet the ~ 4~''~ Con't: Town s share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Construction for rebuilding ~ before August l, 1961, ~ use the extension shall the State fund s sferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available in the Town Treasury. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 55- VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purpose~", of this article to be expended by the Highway ..Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the <~..,. $1,000.00 ' ~'~z'~" .~..General Laws, and in addition, that the sum of be transferred from ..,~:~:~.!i{.~nao~_propriated available~ ~ funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County ~!~:i~?.Shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State and County' to the construction of at least one additional house to have been started. ARTICLE 47. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 to make such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations voted at this Neeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October l, 1961, may extensions not having been petitioned for at consider most necessary, such this me e t lng. ARTICLE 48. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to renew water services to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branches, and raise manhole covers and frames On the streets of the town that ~are to be re- constructed, and to lower the 6-inch water main and provide temporary Water i:'~i~i~;~be restored uoon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town '~' ~Street ia being reconstructed f~i~reasury. Unanimous vote. ~ service while Appleton · 8 I ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to raise a~.d appropriate ~the sum of $1,000o00 for the ARTIC!,W..~6. VOTED to raise and appropriate~ the sum of $10,000.00 to be expende~ ~ maintenance of the Disposal Site on Cla. rk Street. by the H~ghway Department to complete resurfacing Waverly Road, and to start ~ beginning ~Oenter, , resurfacing Johnson Street~ at the all the work to be done ARTICLE 50. VOTED to raise and approprzate 'the sum of~ $2 000.00 for a new under contract. Unanimous vote. collection truck. ARTICr.w: 57. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of of this article. $8 600 00 for the purpose, motor and repair of the 1955 Reo Refuse ARTICLE 51. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE ARTIC 52. StrickeH from the V~arrant. 55. Stricken from the Warrant. ART.ICLE 59C. VOTED to accept from the NacKay Construction: Co. Inc'. .or its ARTICLE' 59. VOTED to r.aise and appropriate.the sum of $500.00 and to authorize nomznee, the sum of $12,000.00 to be used by the Town to znsta~l an ~ inch the Recreational Council~ and Board of Public Works to premote and conduct one water .main and appurtenances approxi.mately 1900 feet o.n Dale. Street westerly / / or more. ice skating rinks for the residents of the Town. + from W~nter Street~ provided that sa~d amount be deposited w~th the~ Town Treasurer by August l, 1961. ARTICLE 60. VOTED to raise.and ~appropriate the sum of $1,200.00 to ~rect a chain link back stop and s~de protection fences on the Little League DiamOnd ARTICLE 59D. VOTED to accept from Nazaire Giard; the sum of $1,850.00, to be at Waverly Playground. used by the Town sufficient to extend the storm drain system' southeasterly along~Wood Lane a distance of approximately 200 feet from its present 'terminus ARTICLE 61. Stricken from the Warrant. on Wood Lane. ARTICLE 62. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to be expen- ded under the supervision of the Board of Selectmen to be used for a Town ARTICr.ES ~OA.B.C.D.E.and F. VOTED that the sum of $~6,800.00 be raised and Fourth of July Celebration, any and all profits made at said celebration to be appropriated for the purpose of extending the sewer system as requested in returned to the Town Treasry. A majority vote and so declared. these items, these extensions being subject to the assessments' or betterme.nt.s ARTICLE 65. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 to match a like charg, e.s under Chapter 580 of the Acts of 1906 as amended, and with the addztzonal sum.to be tale.ed by the..North .Andover Boar. d of Trade, for the purpose of pro- condztmon.applying to Items A,B,~a.nd C, th.at .on or before August 1,.1961, the vidzng decorative lighting durzng the Christmas Season. Construction of at least one addzt~onal buzld',ng to use each extension shall have been started; and that to meet this appropriation the sum of $~,596.78 beARTICLE 64. VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following ~. taken from the tax levy of the current year, and that the unexpended balances new section 5.79 (6) as described in the article. Unanimous vote-declared. from Art. 55 of .1956, .Art. 54 of 1958, an.d Art. ~9' of.1959 which total $2,~0~'22 be applied to thzs. Artzcle, and th.at the ~reasurer, w~th .the ap.proval of the ARTICLE 65-A. Unfavorable Action. AFFIR~ATIVE ll6. NEGATIVE 215. Selectmen, be and ~s hereby authorized to borrow from time to t~me a sum of up to ARTICLE 65 B. Strzckenfrom the Warrant. $50,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor under a~thority ofARTICLE 65-,~. " " " " Chapter 4~ of the General Laws as amended, so that the whole loan shall be paid ARTICLE 65-D. " " " " in not more than .six years from the date of the first bond or note. ARTICLE 65-E. " " " " The vote was unanimous. ~ ARTICLE 66. Unfavorable Action: AFFiRNATIVE 15~. NEGATIVE lll~ 2/5 majority. ARTICLE 41. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 67. VOTED that the sum of $11,596.66 be tra~s~rred~ e~ from the Overlay ~ARTICLE 42. Unfavorable action voted. The vote AFFIRNATIVE 5~. NEGATIVE 226. Surplus to the Reserve Fund. ARTICLE 45. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,800.00 for~the purpos~ ARTIC~.W. 68. VOTED to take the sum of Si10,000.00 from available funds, to of this article, reduce the tax rate. ARTICLE 44. Stricken from the '~arrant. 849 registered voters were checked in attendance. ARTICLE 45. VOTED to i George Everson, Patrick Kennedy, William NcE.voy, Joseph 0ore.y, Nilton Howard, ra se and appropriate the sum. of $1:100o00 to be expended Edward Garvey, Dewey Dyer, Dana Fisher and Nmchael Shea, asszsted the Noderato~ by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of th~s Article subject to the ~nS._~own Clerk. ~n the counting~ of hand voting. following condition: That on or before August l, 1961, the petitioners and/or ~r. William B. Duffy motioned and seconded that a vote of thanks be extended owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works ~f six percentto the Advisory Board and Noderator for a job well done. of the actual cost of construction as water rates as per year for a period of Neeting adjourned at 7:~5 P.N. fourteen years. - ^~,~r~ 1.~ ,~,.~,~..~ ~ ., . . Immediately following Annual Town ~'Ieeting the Special Tovm Neeting was called · ~~ ~. ~...~ ~o ~aise anu app~'oprza~e the s~m of $900.00 to 0e e~pended by by ~oderat~r: Article was read, and was VOTED - Unfavorable action, strieken the Board of Public .,Works to extedn the water system on Wentworth Avenue approxi- mately ~00 feet from the Dresent te.rmi, nus towardfi Chadwick Street, provided that from Warrant. Neetind adjourned at 7~2~07 P.N. ~ on or.before_August 1, 19.61 .~he pet~tl.oners and/or owners make a guarantee accept- A true copy:ATTEST: .... ~~~>~ able to the Board of Public ~orks of s~x percent of the actual cost of construe- ~/T0¥~N~LERK/ tion as water rates per year, for a period of fourteen years; and that on or ARTICLE 59B. VOTED to ac.cept from Nazaire Giard, the sum of $8,000.00 to be ARTICLE 58. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5:000.00 to be expen- u~sed by the Town, s.ufficment to extend the sanitary sewer system sobtheasterly ded by the Se. lectmen for adetailed study and repot, t, .to znclude alan. d survey along Wood La. ne a d~stance of approximately 500 feet, beginning At WoodstOCkand engtneerzng report, a.rDhitect fees, ~and acqumsi.tzon and other s~milar ~Street, provsded that said amount is deposited with the Tov~ Treasurer by expenses, in connection w~th the erection of a new f~re station in the vicinit August l, 1961'~. of the 01d Center. ARTICLE 58. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the purpose of this 'article. ARTICLE 5~. Unfavorable action vgted: AFIRNATIVE 595. NEGATIVE 509. 2/5 REQ: ARTIC~.W. ARTICLE~ Stricken frgm Warrant. . 59.A. VOTED to accept from Roy R. Fart, or his nominee, the s~um of~ ARTICLE .' VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~,000.00 to extend $50,000.00 to be used by the To~m to extend the sewer, system on~ the acceptedthe water svstem~ on Pleasant Street ~to the merican~ .Legi°n Beach, to provide 1908 layout of.~ood Lane f.rom Woodstock Street app.rox~mately 1600 feet south- a new bath house and sewer connection t.o t. he East Sade Sewer, and to enclose easterly, provided that sa~d amount be deposited with the Town Treasurer by the area with a.chain link fence. ~a~or~ty vote and so declared. August 1, '1961. 57 ARTICLE . Stricken from the ~¥arrant. Ootober , 1961 WAR RANT ~ at seven o'olook in the forenoon to bt.lng into the Town Clerk and ~leot~oOn~'' COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ..%~ Officers, the vote for Representative in General Court, Fifth Essex District, Essex, 'SS:To Either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: C~ (To Fill Vacancy) GREETINGS: In the' name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required 'to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in the Bradstreet School in .Pre~inot '0ne, the new St. Michael's School in Precinct Two, the Thomson School in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School The Polls shall' be open from 7 o'clock A.M., to 7 o'clock, P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested coPies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due returns of this warrant with your doings there in Precinct Four, TUESDAY, the TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBE~ 1961 at 7:00 A.M., at the time and place of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. for the following purpose: . Given under our hands at North Andover, Nasa., the 30th day of Ootober~ in the To bring in their votes to ~the Primary Officers for the nomination year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Two.~ of Candidates of Political attics for the Ofice of Representative in General Court of the Fifth Essex .District, to fill vacancy. The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M., to 7:00 P.M. WILLIAM. A. FINNERAN Board .RALPH E. FINCK of PHILIP SUTCLIFFE Selectmen And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true And attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at' five or more public places in each voting .precinct. Said copies having been posted not more ~than fifteen days nor less than ten days before time of holding said meeting. North Andover, Nasa. November 2, 1961 ATTEST: WILLIA~ J. LACEY CONSTABLE. 0FFICER' S RETURN Hereof, fail not, and make duereturn of this warrant with your doings thereonI have notified and warned the inhabitants o.f the Town of North Andover to the Town Clerk, at the time and plaoe of said meeting, qualified to vote in elections and town affa].rs by posting true' and attested A true oopy: Given under ou~ hands at North Andover,. Mass,, the 2nd day of October 1961.copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public ~ places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than WILLIAM A. FINNERAN Board fifteen days nor less than ten days before time of said meeting. RALPH E. ~INCK.~ ,-~ of CONSTABLE. /~/~~~ North Andover, Mass. ~ Constable/ ' ~/ November 2, 1961 JOHN.J. LYONS North Andover, Nasa. October ll, 1961 TOWN CLERK. OFFICEr'S RETURN STATE ELECTION.TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1 1 61 TO FILL VACANCY I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, who REPRE. SENTATIVE IN GENERA.L COU~RT are.. qualified to vote in elections and Town Affairs by posting true and attested - y i 297 ~_~ ~ 2~ ~ copies of this Warrant at the Town 0fftoe Building and at £ive or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies having/~een posted no~t more thanCHARLES i. BUCEW.E 155 191 112 ~'~l 697 fifteen days nor less than ~/~t~ ~~/meeting. ROGER E. INGALLS 142 272 19~ -'l 9~25 / ~ ~-'~ILLIAM J./~~j~-/~ Blanks C~ o3~s tab~Ie ~ ~/ ATTEST: No. Andover, Mass. · ~/~/~,~/__-~ ~ JOHN J. LYONS October ll, 1961 ~~D~,-~ TOWN CLERK ATTEST i~/~OHN J¥ ~_LY~_ S ~ Town Clerk. ST TE PRIMARIES TUESDAY OCTOBER 2 1961 T~OTAL ~l_ .9 6. 2 i 9 6 2 I 9 6 2 D E N., .0 C R .A. ,,T .1..22!,!,~98 126 ~_~ T 0 W N W A R R i N T GEORGE R. ANDERSON 2 2 4 CO~MONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CHARLES A. BUCKLEY 57 29 1 ESSEX SS:To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. PHILIP CLARK ~ ~0 56 27 52 I 5 5 JOSEPH F. DEVANEY 7 .2 l0 I 2 0 GREETINGS. . ARTHUR P. FOSTER . 12 .4 2 ~ 2 I In 'the.name of the Comm.onwealth"of Massachusetts, you are hereby i! directed to notify andwarnthe~nhabitants ofthe Town of North Andover JANES V. GERRAUGHTY, JR. 7 ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ ~' T ' 'WALTER J. SLIVA 5 1 5 5 ' qualified to vote. in elections and own Affai. rs, to meet in the Bradstreet AUGUSTINE J. WALSH 16 ' 8 12 20 School Auditorium in Precinct One, the St. M~ohael's School Auditorium in vINCENT J. CURCI0 i Precinct Two, the .Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredg~ B L A N 'K S 5 6 8 8. School Auditorium ~n P~reoinct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the fifth day of March 1962 at 7 o'clock A.N.~, and there to act on the following R .E ,,P U B L ,I C ,i N l_~ ~ 2_~ ~' ~ article: ' GUY L. BEAL, JR. JOHN J. GRIFFIN ROGER E. INGALLS ALBERT P. PETTORUT0 PHILIP SUTCLIFFE 51 75 46 68 5a 95 57 48 BLANKS 8 2 2 ~ _ 8 ~ 20 /JOH ~ Town ClerE 2 2 0 ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, Tre.e Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of Public 2. 0 Welfare and five constables for one yea~~, one Assessor, one member of the 2 8 Board of Health, one member of ~the board of Public Works and one member of the 2. 1 ~ School Committee for three years. One member 'of the Ylanntng Board-and o~e- WARRANT ESSEX ss: To either of the Constables GREETINGS: of the Town of North Andover: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby reeuired to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who a~e qualified to vote for District Officers appearin, g on the ballot, to meet in the designated and apobinted oollin~ oi~'ces in Preoxnot One, the Bradstreet School,_Precinct Two, St.-.Michael~ Shco~l~ - Precinct Three, the Thomson School and Frecint Four, the K~ttredge School. TUESDAY, November Fourteenth (14th) 1961 All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. Works of said town', be accepted?" "Shall o,~ act ~ seed ~ the General ~,',,~'-~ in the ~-~* ~. ~ ~,,~ year, ~cd '~ Act abolishing the elected position of highway s~veyor in the to~ of North Andover and plac~g the duties thereof ~der the supervisto~ control ~d direction of the electe'd Board of Public Works, ~d authorizing said town to pay to Ira D. Oarty a pension of twenty-five h~dred dollars and upon his death ~ ~nuiSy in the same amo~t or his surviv~g widow' be accepted?" member of the Housing Authority for five ~years. And to vote upon the follow- ing questions: - A. .Shall an~ act passed by the General Court in the current year, entitled 'An Act abolishing the o, ffice of tree warden in the town of North Andover and.~transferring the powers and duties thereof to the board of Public 19621962 cr ~ day Administration Plan by striking from Schedule B of CODE ATP-500, Maximum, the rate of "155.15 and inserting in place thereof the rate "1~5.00", and to raise and appropriate the sum of $370.00 for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot~ Petition of the Personnel Board. i ARTICLE 1~. To see if the Town willvote to amend its Personnel, Wage & Salary ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of receipts and Administration 'Plan in the following Manner~ , expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ~ A. By striking from Schedule B of CODE PF-200.01 and 200.0.2, Step 5, the rate ARTICLE ~. T~ see .what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropria of "6160.00" and inserting in place thereof the rate "6500.00" ~ ARTICLE 5. To see mf~ the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all B. By~ striking from Schedule B of CODE PF-200.01 and .2.00.02, .N. am:imum, therate elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section ~108 of $hapter ~l of the' G.L. "~40,00" and inserting in place thereof the rate "7000.00". Board of Selectmen - each per annum. And to raise .and appropriate the sum of $1012.00 for the purposes of this Article. Petztion of the Personnel Board. Board of Public Welfare - each per annum. Board of Assessors - each per annmn Town Treasurer_- per annum TaX Collector per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Moderator- per annum Tree ~Warden - per. annum Board. of Health each_per annum Board of Public Works each per annum ARTICLE 6. To see what actiOn the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the apProval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial ye.ar beginning January 1, 1963, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew 'or refund anY Such note or notes, all as provided by Section 4 and 17 of Chapter ~4 of the General Laws. ARTICLW. 8. To consider the reports of all special Committees. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town .will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint One of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician. and vote to affix his compensation as such, as provided by Section ~ of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petit ion of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its members to the position of th~ School Physician, and vote to fi~ his compensation as such, as provided by Section ~A of Chapter 41 of ~ the General Laws. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE ll. To see if the Town will vote to increase the salaries of the Assessors to $2,000 each per annum, as of January l, 1962 ARTICDE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel, Wage & Salary Administration Plan by striking therefrom Schedules A a~.d B of CODE ITS, as amended by the 1961 Annual Town Meeting, and inserting m.n place thereof the following new schedules: TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS CODE ITS SC~DULE B. SCD-A SCHEDULE A CODE MINI STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP MAXIMUM .d_. _.5_6 .I~eter Eoulument Ouerator N 1.55 1.61 1.66 1.72 1.84 1. 0 H avy Motor Equipment Operator Special Heavy Motor Equipment Op~ rator Public Works Craftsman Forestry Maintenance Craftsman Tree Climber D 1.61 1.66 1.72 1.77 1.84 1.90 2.01 Craftsman Suec'ia'list ,, '~m 1./~'i.' 1.7'1 1.7'7 i.82 !'.8~' "'1o95 ' "2'.06 ' · ree'_~__ . .__surge,'°h j . .... i . V , 1,66 1.79.__1.84., 1,~0,.,.1.94 2.0i j',..2,.~0 Working .... Forem'an.. ,('W'klY). R, 80'~2',,,~ 82'.9~,..,.~.5 .60 86.28 ~90''95 -',96. CUstOdian T 66.68 69'55 72..23 74.90"77.'58 - ~2;9'3 .... H RATE OF PROGRESSION: Six months from MINIMUM to Step 2 to Step 3, one Step 6, if any; in all cases, one .year from the s~e~-before th~ Max~v~ to Max~. And to raise and appropriate the sum of $1480.00 for the purpose of this Article. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town willvote t.o approve the continuance of the 5% cost-of-liVing increase to employees subject to the PerSonnel Wage 'and Salary AdministratiOn Plan, with the exception of P.ub~lic Welfare PerSonnel, as voted by the last several Annual Town Meetings, samd amount to be computed on exis- ting base rates, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $1450.00 for the pup poses of this article. Petition of the Personnel Board.~ ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to provide the sum of $1,~00,000.00 for the purpose of constructing, originally equipping and furnishing a new Upper Elementary School building, and to add to and make necessary changes to the present North And over High School buildings, and improve, landscape, grade and fence the respective school grounds for school purposes, and determine whether the money shall be provided by taxation, by transfer from available funds in the treasury, .by appropriation from the stabilization fund, by borrow- lng, or otherwise. Petmtion of the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will authorize the School Building Committee= to enter into andy and all contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying out the vote ~passed under .the preceding Article relative to constructing, originally equipping and ~furnlshing a new Upper Elementary Sc, hool building, and to add to and make necessary changes to the present North Andover High School building, and improve, landscape, grade and fence the respective school grounds for school purposes. Petition of the School Building ,Committee. /ARTIC~LE 18. To see if the Town will vote, by a two-thirds majority, to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds such sum as it may determine to be ithe necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by pUrchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, the parcel of land described below, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a new fire station thereon, and to authorize and direct its Selectmen, in the name a~.d behalf of the Town, to take ~such steps as they may dean necessary or adwsable to effect such acquisition, all as provided b~y Section l&, of Cha~ter ~0 of the General Laws: a parcel of land bounded southwesterly by Johnson treet, Northerly by Salem Street and South- easterly by and unnamed traveled way running fro. m said Johnson Street to said Salem Street and lying between the parcel descrmbed hereby and land now or formerly of Alice Mnrse. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommen- dation of the Fire Station Building Committee. ARTICrE 19. In the event of the adoption of ~the preceding article, to see if the town will vote to discontinue all town ways and private ways lying within the parcel of land described .therein, all as ~rovided by Section 21 of Chapter 82 of the General Laws. Petitzon of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommend- atio~ of the Fire Station Building Committee. ART.ICLE 20" To see if the Town Wil.lvote to raise and appropriate, transfer, from available funds or provideby bond zssue or otherwise, a sum of money sufflcment for the purpose of constructing, equipping and furnishing a new fire station, and improving, landscaping, grading and fencing its g~unds for fire station p.urposes..Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon therecommendation of the Fzre Station Building ~Committe.e. . . ARTICLE 21: In the event of the adoptzon of the precedzng Article, .to see if the Town wmll vote to authorize its Selectmen, or such other committee as the Town ma.y vo~e to establish, to act in its na.me and behalf in all matters ha.ving to do wmth the expenditure of the funds provzded under, said article, includmng the 'execution of all contracts pertaining to the new Fzre Station and grounds contemplated thereby. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the reqommenda- tion of tb~ Fire~ 8tatio~ Rui!ding ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or tr. ansfer from available fund. s a sufficient sum to be added to the Fire Department app- ropriation to provmde for the appointment of seven qualified men under Civil Servine Rule s to be regular fire fighterS. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Fire Station Building Committee. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to provide the sum of $250,000.00 or any other sum, to be used with a contribution from Merri.mack College for the purpose of installing a 12 inch water main from the reservomrs on Chestnut Street along Chestnut Street, Hillside Road, Turnpike Street to Boston Street and Turnpike Street to the existing connection to Merrimack College, and de- termine whether the money shall be raised by taxation, by appropriation, from available funds in the treasury, or by borrowing under the authority of Chapter ~ of the General Laws, or to take any action relative thereto. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE.2~. To see if~ the' Town ~ill vote to accept from Merrimack College the sum of $20,000.00 to be used, together with the funds provided Un6er the pre~- ceding article, foe the purpose of installing a 12 inch water main ~rom the reservoirs on ~hestnut Street along Chestnut Street, Hillside~Road, TUrnpike Street to Boston Street and Turnpike. to the existing connection to Mer~rimack m College. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate, or trans2er from available funds, the sum of $2000.00 to renew water services to bhe property lines, place gate .valves on hydrant branches and lower the 6 inch water main on Salem Street whale the road is being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. aRTICLE 26. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond ' · issue or transfer from available Funds, the sum of $5700.00 to connect dead ends in the water distribution system on Silsbee Road, Green Hill Avenue, Dana Street, Pilgrim Road, Lyman Road and Moody Street. Petition of Board of Public Works. the sum of .00 ARTICf.~ 27. To see if the Town w.ill raise and appropriate $5000 to install fire hydrants on Patrmot Street, South Bradford Street, Wentworth Avenue, Colgate ~Drive, Putnam Road, Salem Street and Hillside Road. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $3000.00. to rep]a ce ~;ePe~ewS~ a°n~i~n_~ncahh~al~n.inChpe~i~nr Po~P~oa°rndB~m~lttcr~rtkfsr.°m l~arblehead ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will .raise and appro.priate the sum of $2500.00 to provide for engineering services mn con. nectton wroth the relocation of the West Side Trunk sewer and the water distrmbution system caused by the con- struction of State Highway Route 495. Petition of Board of Public ~Vorks. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $6000.00 to clean and paint the interior and exterior of the million gallon water supply standpipe at Bradford and Barker Streets. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 31. To see if the town willvote to .raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum Of $1500.00 to make such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regula~tions voted at this meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October 1st, 1962 may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 32. To see if the tovn ~illraise and.appropriate, or .transfer from available funds, the sum of $1700.00 to erect a four foot chazn link fence around the Little League Baseball Diamond at the Carl A. Thomas Playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTIC~.E 33. To see if the town willraise and appropriat~e the sum of $1200.00 to build a cement block locker width press box on the.roof for the Little League Field at the Carl A. Tho~.s Playground. Petitmon Board. of Public Works. · ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town wall vote to raise and appro~rmate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from avat. lable lfunds, the s~m of $9,029.90 for the purchase of two parcels of land adjoining the Grogans Field playground, and fronting on Belmont Street and Patriot Street, for the purpose of enlarging the playground. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, ~or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $5,390.00 for the purchase of land from the Airport Commission of Lawrence for the purpose of establishing a much-needed playgroundfor the children in the airport area. Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Recreational Counc il. T ~ ARTICLE 36. To see if the o~w~. will vote to raise and appropr~, te the sum of $3800.00 to provide a chain lank fence on the Sutton Street sade an~d the West side of the proposed Chadwick Street playground, and also to provide a chain link backstop, swings, sand box and merz¥-go-round for the ~same playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. AR~TIC~E 37~.~To s~qe ~if/the?~Town/wi]/1 r~aj~se~.a~d ap~prop~JFat~he~um ~ $2~0~O0 t o ~e~u~~i~~e/~e~s. ~nt~ te~a t ~Dal ~o~ _Bg~r~t or ~oQ p~c h~ eX~a/ne~ Lu~e~a~q. nal ~rac~or/~i~.h/s~de .~b~e~. ~P~ti ~i/on ~ BSa~d ~/Pu~l~c W.~r~. ARTICLE To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum. of $2000.0~0 to be used with the present 1955 Chevrolet Truck to purchase a new half ton truck. Petition of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will ramse- and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 to be Used with the present International Lo-Boy Tractor to purchase a n~ International Tractor with side mower. Petition of Board of Public~Norks. ARTICLE 59- To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2200.00 to .purchase a new' float for the American Legion Beach. Potation of Board of Public Works. ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00 to Paint the football bleachers at the North Andover High School. iPetition of Board of Public Works.' ARTICLE 41e TO see if the Town will vote to raise and approprmate,' ~r transfer from available funds, the sum of $9,900.00 for the appointment of three regular patrolmen fully qualified, who have .passed the Civil Service Rules an~d Regula- tions. Petition of Board of Selectmen and Joseph W. Lawlor, Police Ohief. ARTICLE ~2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum qf $3800.00 for thee purchase of tw.o new 1962, 12 volt syste.m cars; one car-1961, and one car-1960, to be turned mn, in trade, ana all equmpment to be changed over, .. such as police radios, sirens, and other similar accessories. Petition of Joseph Vg. Lawlor, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 43- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 for the purchase of new 2} inch and 1-~ inch hose. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5000.00 to be added to the Fire Department appropriation to provide for the appointment of two Lieutenants from an eligible list established by Civil Service promotional examination. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers. ~RTICLE 45- To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of 25,000.00 to put,case a new 750 gallon pump and combination truck to replace Engine l, which is a 1957 PumP and in need of replacement. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers· ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town will vote .to raise and appropriate the sum of $6200.00 to be used with the present two ton 1954 truck to purchase a new two ton truck chasis, heavy duty rack body and drive winch. Petition of &co E. Laf~nd, Moth Superintendent. ARTICLE ~7. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $1500.00 for the maintenance of the Disposal Site on Clark Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE ~8. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or take from available funds the sum of $25,000.00 to be used for resurfacing streets. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town willraise and appropriate the sum of $7600.00 for the purchase of a four ton dump truck for the use of the Highway Department Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2000.00 to repair cem~ent sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and approPriate the~ sum of $2000.00 for the repair of the 1953 Refuse collection truck. Petitiony6f Htghw4y Suryeyor ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to appropr~a te or take f~rom available funds the sum of $6500.00 to be used fo.r a storm drain at Davis S'oreet Extensi~ from East water Street Northerly about 450 feet to Chickering Brook.~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 53. ~o see if the Town willraise and appropriate the sum of $5500.00 to ~be used for astorm drain on Faulkner Road to Parker Street, about 800 feet. Petition of Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 5~. T.o .see if the Town will raise ~. d appropriate the sum of $10,250.00 for the r ebumldmng of Salem Street, under Ghapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used with any money which may be allottedby the State or County, or both, for this purpose, ortake any other action in relating thereto. Petition of The Highway Surveyor. of the sums provided under Article 5~ of the warrant for the 1961 Annual Town Meeting shall be used together with the s,um appropriated under the preceding article for the pruposes thereof. Petition of Highway Surveyor. APmtf'?l'.~ K--,~. m~ ~ee 4¢ .'r.'h~ rPm~m w~! ~i~e ,~nd aooroor!ate the sum of $2000.00 for the maintenance-~f'~Y-J~eJ~J~i~'~T°wn' und~ C~apter 90 of the General Laws said mone~ to be used in conjunction with money which may be allotte.d by the State or ounty, or both, for this purpose or take any other action mn relation thereto. Petitbn of the Highw~ Surveyor. ~ART~Cr.~ 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and a~ro~riate ~ .,~e.~ ~ ~ ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from av§ilable funds, the s.um of $2000.00 to replace surface drain on Park Stre~ ~ from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to purchase for the Town, for about 260 feet from Chtc~rmng Road ~toward Stevens Corner. Petiton-Highw~y Surv~o~ the promotion and development of its natural resources and,for the protection of its water resources, that parcel of land~ containing 3.6 acres, more or ~0~E 5S. To see if th.e Town will vote to raise.and appropriate, .the sum of ~ less, situated at the junction of 0sgood Street an~d Great Pond Road, .?up~p~osed $500~0 for the street s~gn program for 1962. Pet~ton-Board of Select, eh. ' ~ to be~owned by. Howard and Sally B. Stonehouse and/or the heirs of Arthur ARTICLE 59.. To see if the Town will vote, to accept the provisions o.f Section 6H Iii~ Colgate. Petition of North Andover Conservation ~ommission. wO~Chwa~r~u4~0,~f~__.t~h.e~Gen~eral~ Laws, ~_r.m.i~t.ting ~th_e Tova3 to make repairs on private t~] ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to provide the sum of $~1500.00 .to be ~ ' .o ~ ~iao~-~y ~'or ~amage. ~e~zon oi' Town Counsel. ].~ placed in a special Civil Defens? .Bu. dget, from which the Civil ~efense D~recto ARTI T . . CLE 60.. To see if the own will vote to accept the prows~ons of Section 22D vtded, however, that each such withdrawal will be matched by an equal sum from of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, authorizing the towing of vehicles from town ', .'Il may draw for the purpose of processing federal matching funds programs pro- ways~ w~ere such ve. hicles are ~arked bloc.king removal of,%snow or ice' or pa~rked in I~ the regu2ar Civil Defense budget, and be returned to the Town in the form of violation., of parking prohibitions. Petmtio~n Board of ~electmen. [~ a Federal Matching Funds Contribution. Peti~on Civil Defense Director. AR.TICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote by Resolution: 't.o decLqre that there / I~ ,ARTICLE 71.,To see if the Town w~.ll vote to raise.and appropriate or transfer ex~sts in the Town a need for low-r.ent housing at rents w~thin the ~eans of ~ i~ from available funds the sum. of $450.00. for the purchase of an air conditioner families of.low income, as defined ~n the United Stat.es Hosuing Act of 1957, as ~ for the Town Tr?asurer's 0ffmce. Petition James J. Maker, Town Treasurer. . amended: which need is not being adequately met by private enterprisel t? approve ~ ARTICLE 72-A. To see if the Town w.ill vote to raise and appropriate, or prowd a~..application of the North Andover Housing Authority to the Public Housing Ad- ~ by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to mzn~stration, an agency authorized .by the said Act to provide, f.inancial assis- ~ extend the water system on Bunker Hill Street 225 from Conc~ord Street. tance to local public housing a.genc~es .for un~ertak lng and carrying out prelim- · inary planning, o.f low-rent housing pro3ects, fora .preliminary loan-in an amount · ~ Petition of Santo Nangano and others., not to excee, d $14,000.00 for surveys and.p~anning ~n connection with low-rent Il 72-B. To. see if the Town will vote to raise and a~propriate, or provide by. housing projects of not to exceed approximately 70 dwelling units, a~.,d to . bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to ex- authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute on behalf of the Town a Co0 eratlon ptee~t]oh~ ~t~reo~gy~t~e~eA~nt~a~t~eV~snU~e~220 feet from ~assachusetts Avenue. Agreemen. t" between the Town and the North Andove~ Housing Autho~ity~ subPstan- tially ~n the ~orm of a Proposed agreement of which copies are on file i~ the ~ 72-C. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by btu( Office of the Boar.d of Selectmen, the North Andover Housing Au.thoritY and the ~ issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend th~ Town Clerk, provid.z.u.g for the local coope.ration as may be required by the Public i water system from the ~ pre sent terminus on Beacon Hill Boulevard t o Chickering Hou.s.i~.g Administration pursuant to the sazd Act. . Rca.d. and 170 feet along Chickertng Road towards Phillips Brooks Road. Petition of the Nor.th And over Housing Authority Petit. ion of Walter Pendak .and others. · ARTICLE ~2. To see '~f the Towh will vote to amend its General By-Law by adding ~ 72-D. To see if the Town w~ll vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by .t~here.to ~the.~fol~lowing~ prov~is~ions (the appropria.te section number to.be assigned ~ bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to ex- ~ne~re~0 oy ~ne -~'own.vounsel: ) No person shall f~re or discharge any firearms or tend the water system on ~right Avenue 370 feet from Sutton Street. exp±osives of any kmn~d on any private property, except with.the consent of the ' Petition of Norman J. Scott and others. owner or legal occupant thereof; provided, ~however, that thzs by-law Shall not app.ly to the lawful defense of life or property nor to any law enforcement offic'er ARTICLE 7~-A. To see if the. Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by. btu( act.~ng in the discharge~ of his .'duties. .. o 'issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend th~ Petztion of Edward R. Greenwood and others. * ~ / sanitary sewer system on the 1909 relocation of I~.~ood Lane from ~toods~tock Street to Adam~ Avenue and on Adams Avenue from ~Ood Lane to Massachusetts Avenue. ~A~._TICLE 63._To, see if~the ~o.wn _wi_ll vote to amend Article IV.°f the Town By' ~ Petition of Mitchell P. Bootman and others. ~aws as appearing on eages)±, ~2, and 5~ of the 19.59 Annual Town Report, by 73-B. To see if the Town will vote to authorize its Selectmen to release 'to inserting after Sectio.n 9 the following new section. ~Section 9A. No office holder, board or committee roe.tuber, or employee of Helen Donohue all its right,, title and interest in..and to the following de- the.Town shall advise or represent for a pecuniary zuterest, .either dir.ect scribed part of ~.~ood Lane exmsttug before the 1909 relocation of WOod Lane: or indirect, personally or t. hrough any other person, any ap.place, ut, pe.t~tioner starting at a point at the intersection of Adams Avenue and the locus of Wood of other person at any meeting, hearing, or ct.her deliberation 6oncernmng ' Lane prior to 1909 and extending southeasterly along the easter',~line of said any department or other activity of the Town, zncluding any Town Meeting. prior wOOd Lane to its intersection with Autran Avenue, then extending south- westerly along an extension of the northerly line of Autran Avenue to the . All.contracts made in viol~ tion of this By-Law shall be void, and all ' wester, ly 1.ine of Said prior Wood Lane, then extending along the westerly l~ne d~ecmsions result lng therefrom to the benefit of any person shall be voidable. Petition of Daniel B. Breen and others, of samd prior ~Vood Lane to the intersection of the extension of the southerly line of Adams Avenue and thence to the point of beginning, ~containing 10,500 A~RT,I~CLE~6.~. To~ ~se~e~.if the T. own. will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 552 square feet mor~or less, in consideration, of the granting of a sewe~r and water cz- ~ne Ac~s cz ±~ol, an ac~ esDablishtng, minimum benefits for widows~ of deceased easement by said Helene Donohue, 50 feet mn width within the extensions of the arab_ers of retire~ment systems and for wzdows of certain employees killed in the northerly and.southerly lines of Adams Avenue to the 1909 relocation of performance of their duties. Petition of the Board of Sclc?tarn. . Lane. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. ' ~ ARTICIE 65. To see if the Town will vote t0~aise and appropriate the sum c~ ' ! 73-C. To see if the Town will' vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by~,.b?n~ $50.0.00 for the use of its Development and Industrial Commission. Pet~.tion of the Board of Selectm.en. . issue or transfer from available iEmds, a sum of money sufficient to exten~ ~ne sewer system on 0sgood Street from Phillips Brooks Road 1000 feet towards · ARTICLE 66. To see if the T.own w~ll vote to amend its .Geheral By-Laws, pursuant I Massachusetts Avenue. Pe.tition of Mitt.hell M. Segal and others. . to the directive contained mn Section 5-0 of Chapter 145 of ~he General L 73-D. To see if the Town wmll vote to raise and appropriate, or prowde by btu( adding to Article IV thereof the f . awe, by _~ ~ ~. . .. , _ ollowing new section. Section ll. ~b~ ~. ~~ea~~uY~ smna~r~,~u.a_pp~oi~? a gas. in.sp?ctor, whose duty it s~al~e~j ~" ~ issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $15,500~.00 to extend the sewer system,on Prescott Street from the present terminus t~o Osgood Street. . ~ ~ ~zons promu±ga~ed by the board originall estab- lished under Section 12H of Chanter 2~ ~f *.~ ~-~~ · Y I ~ Petition of E~ward J. Welch and others.~ Pe~tition of the Board of Select'eno ~ ~ ~"~ ~"~ ~aws. ~ ! / 73-E. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by btu( ~-~~~i!!!i~y~~aeOn~~eaeiii!!~~!~ii!w~!i!~!il i!i~!ii!!!!i!!!iii~i~i!!~°~~!ii!i~!!i / issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend th sewer system on Wright Avenue 370 feet from Sutton Street. sO Petition~ of Norman J. Scott and others.. ~ne ~ourth of Ouly Celebration 'Committee. ...... ~ I 7~-F. To see if the Town will raise and approp,rmate, or pr~ovide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of ~4,?00.00 to extend the sewer . ~ARTICIE 68. To see if the Town wi.l.~ vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer system on ~Court Street from t.he residence of Dr. Thomas B. Hayes to the tread- North Andove~ Beard of ~rade, for the p~vpo~e of ~ro~id~n~ dcco~a~ ~ ~ ~,..~.~ I ence of Edw?r~ C. Knapp. Petition of Jane A. Temple an.d others. zrom available funds, the sum of $~00.00 to match a like sum to b~e tale.ed by the 73-G. To see if the Town w~i_ll~ ~vote~ t? raise and~approprmate~: .or .pr.ovide.by~' .o~n ,~ . . ..... ~ o · · ~ ~ ~ ,~n issue or ~ransI'er £rom~aval-aole I'unGs~ a sum ti' money suf~zc~cn~ ~o durisg the .~hristmas Season. Petition of Leonard B. Albis and othess, o g sewer system on Court Street from the residence of Edward C. K~app to the residence of Andrew E. Alvino. Petition of andrew Alvino and others. ART. 75-H. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, er provide by bond issue, or transfer from ayailable funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the sewer system on Court ~treet from the residence of' Andrew'E. Alvino to the residence of,Robert W. Friis. Petition of Robert W. Friis and others. 73-I. To see if the Town will vote t.o raise and appropriate, or transfer'from available funds or provide by bond issue, the sum of $'2800.00 to extend the sewer system.on Pleasant Street from Lincoln Street 260 feet towards Davis Street. ~Petmtion of Arthur P. Kirk, and others. . ~RoT~Cx~'~n7d~hA~ sTu°r~eidfrtahineaTeOWsn .sW~ellm Va~t~hetoHiPr~v~cd~oa sum of 'money Sufficien_t . g Y g ol grounds to the North westerly corne.r of the adjacent land of the town, so as ~ stop the surface water at the High Schoo~ from draining onto private property and through said property on to Hemlock Street, wh.ich makes Hemlock Street impassable to pedes- trians in the.spring months. Petition o.f Lawrence H. S~ahley, Jr..and others. 7~-B. To see mf the Town wi. ll vote to raise add ~pproprmate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, the sum of $4700.00 for the in- stallation of a surface drain on the town property adjacent to the.~High School property. This system, would clean the area behind the houses on Hemlock Street and Parker Street and ,~would connect the system on Massachusetts Avenue via Kings Highway: Petition of Law.fence H..Stahley, Jr. and others. 7~-C. To see ~f the Town will raise and approp, riate the sum of $1930.00 to-.in_- stall a surface drain on Baldwin. Street from zts present terminus to an exist lng manhole in Baldwin Street a distance of 240 feet. Petition of John J. Shields and others. ARTICLE 75-A..To see if the Town will vote to establish Morris Street as a' Town way by accepting the Selectmen's laying out of the same heretofor~ filed with the Town Clerk. Petition of Joseph Campione and others. 75-B. To see if the Town will vote to es~tablish Davis Street Extension, as a Town way by accepting the Selectmen's 2aying out of the same, heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority . 75-C..To see if the Town will vote to establish Fountain Drive as a town way by accepting the Selectmen's laying out of the same, heretofore filed with the Tova~ Clerk. Petition of North · Andover Housing Authority. 75-D. To see if the Town will vote to establish Woodstock H.oad, from Massachu- setts Avenue to ~ood Lane (Approximately 2300 feet) as a Town Way by accepting the Selectmen's laying out of the same, heretofore' ~iled with the Town 'Clerk. / Petition of Carl W. Lindors and others. 75-E..To see if the Townw ill vote to establish ~Carty Circle as a town way~.by accep_tmng the Se.lectmen's ]s ying out of the same, heretofore filed with bhe ToWn Clerk. Petition of William Bushnell and others. ARTICLF. 76. To.see if. thee Town_willvote to amend its Zoning By Law by changing from .Rural Residence to ~eneral Business the following described.parcel of ~and: "A triangular p~rcel of l~nd, no~ or formerly of Farnum, upon which the building formerly known as the Farnham School stands, bounded and described as follows: Easterly 159 feet, more or less, by Johnson Street; Northerly by a brook, 72 feet, more or less: and Westerly 147.5 feet, more or less, by Turnpike Street." Petition of John C. Farnum and others. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zont~ By r.aw ~ ~o~~ ,f.[O_ma~R~er~lo~e~side~nce to Gen~eral ~Business t.he following des~ib~d~par~l[~'~"~: p ~an~, now or z'ormer~y .of Will~s, located on t.he Easterly s~d~e of Turnpike Street, bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point in the Easterly side of Turnpike Street, thence running 760 feet,~'more or less,-to a point; thence t~..rning and running Northeasterly 450 feet, more or less, to a point in a stonewall, thence turning a.nd running Northerly 290 feet, more or less, along said stone wall to a point, thence turning and running Westerly 870 feet ARTICLE 79' To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning By Law and. the Zoning Map of the Town by changing from Vilt~ ge Residential Zon~ to Industrial Zone, the proviSions of SectiOn 6~51 of the North Andover Zoning Law notwithstanding, the following described parcel of land: The land i~ North Andover, all as shown on a plan~ of land known as a point, thence turnmng~and nning So . y ilt to a point in the center line.of 0sgood Street, thence turning and running in a NOrtheasterly direction mn two tours.es: by the center line of 0sgood, ~1t5 feet to the .point of beginning. Petition of Alfred R. Boeglin & others AHTICLE 80. To see if the ~own will vote to take from available funds the sum of dollars to reduce the tax rate. Peti-~e Board of Assessors. And you are directed to_serve this wa~.ra.nt by posting.true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at £mve or more public pl~ ces in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. WILLIAM A. FINNERAN RALPH E. FINCK · PHILIP SUTCLIFFE. Board of Selectmen. A true copy: ATTEST: WI LLIAM J. I~ACEY. C on s table. North Andover, Massachusetts. February21, 1962. OFFICER,' S RETURN I have notified and warned.the ~nhabYtants of. the ~Town of North indover qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs by posting .true and atteste.d 9opies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more Public Places in each voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. WILLIAM J. LACEY. Constable, North Andover, Mass. February 21, 1962. ATTE ST: JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. TOWN WARHANT CO~0NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Es'sex ss: . To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. Gree t~ngs: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby direct.ed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet in th.e Veterans Auditorium of the North Andover High School~immediately follow~ng-the Annual Adjourned Meeting on Saturday, March 17, 1962, then and there to act on the Northerly by land now or formerly of the City of Lawre~ce$ in two courses, 286.8 .fee~t, mcr? or~ less: . Eas~o=r~y by ±aug now or ~ormerly of Albert A. Steinberg, ~201.86 feet, more or less.· ~0 · ~ following article: more or less, to a point, in the easterly line of Johnson Street; thence turning and running Southerly 615 feet, more or less, along the Easterly line of ARTICLE 1.To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of fifteen Johnson and Turnpike Streets, to the ooint of bezi~m ' thousand dollars ($15,000) from the Overlay Surplus Account Petition of John C. Farnum and others. to the Reserve Fund Account. ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to a. mend t.he Zoning By Law and ~iap by P.etitton of the Boar.d of Selectmen. changing from an Industrial to a General Bus,_ness Dzstric~ the following parcel And you are directed to serve t.hms warrant by posting.true and attested ~~G ~om ows:~°f~"~l~a~n~d:asT~h~a~tlt~ace of land in North Andover, County of Essex, Massachuse.~ts,o .copies thereof, at the Town 0ffmce Building, and at five or more public places in each votiug precinct. Said copies to be posted n.ot more than . fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof~ fail not. and make due ~etu~n of this w~r~t thereo~ to the TSwn Clerk at the time and place of said ~m~e~n~. Southerly by Osgood Street, in two 'cour.ses, 207.02 feet, more or less; and Westerly by land no~ or formerly of Willzam Chepulis et ex, 200.9 feet, more or less. The area of the above described parcel of land is reduced by approximately ~5 seuare feet taken by the Co .mmonwealt~. of Massachusetts for highway pu~pose~ on March l~, 1961. ~.a~d area now contazns 45,000 senate feet of land, more or less. Petition of ~red J. Freije and others. ~ Given under our'hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 5th day of March in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. RALPH E. FINCK PHILIP SUTCLIFFE. Board of Selectmen. A true copy: ~ 0~, .,TWO, ATTEST: WILLIAM J. LACEY, Constable. pLANNING` BOARD .FO,R FIVE, YEA,RS.. Nor th Andover, Mass. ~ ROBERT J. BURKE 2~75~ 59~ ~arCh 6, 1962. DANIEL T. 0'LEARY OFFICERtS RETURN. Blanks ? 122 I 3 Annual Town ~ieeting March 5, 1962 NURSER OF VOTES BY THREE PRECINCTS FOUR TOTAL 67.8 2222 461 14~9 128 549 I have notified and warned the inhabitants of. the Town of North andover qualified HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FIVE. YEARS to vote in elections and Town af.fairs by posting true and attested cop.irs of this ~A-MES-D.' 'McC~BE .... ~2~ 32~ ~_68 Warrant at the Town Office Buildzng and' at five or more public Places zn each ~ 50~ 659 .M. GEORGE NORWOOD voting precinct. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor Blanks ll0 100 14o less than ten days before the time of said meeting. 'CONSTABLE FOR~ OR~E YEAR WILLIAM J. LACEY. 'Wi-LLIAN J. LACY - 567 708 6,11 853 2739 CONSTABLE. iGEORGE R. MacKENZIE 5.30 720 67h. 85~ 2777.- North Andover, Mass. . [JAMES D. McCABE 604 786 628 898 2916' March 6, 1962 ~ WILLIAM J. McCARTHY 525 685 58~7 8.43 2~.40 ATTEST: ~OHN ~. LY0~S ?~'~S~ ~. ~A~S~ 57~ 70~ 5~ 8~ Town Clerk. ~E~ DUN~~ 2~9 ~69 259 511 1158 ~TICLE 1. RESULTS OF E~'ECTION'~ON .MONDAY .FiRtH 5. 1.9,.6~ ,Yarious write-ins. 9 - 9 ~ . 2~ R ~~" --' '~AR" ~ '" ' '" NU~ OFONE ~.0 VOTEST~ BYFouRPRECINCTST OTA.~ .Q~S T I 0N :~'BlanksEs '~ ~ 12282~81811~891~1291172~~8 ~66 FO 0 ~ o ~ 466 592 4~8 6~5 9~ ~T~R 'A.' THONS'0N'" -GRACE AUSTIN . ~,7~ 945~ 795 1080 ~49~ 'Blanks ~ l~l 175 ~73 164 655 Blsnks ~ 175 211 1~9 187 712 [ADJO~D TOWN ]'~ETING SATURDAY ~RCH, 17, 1962 at 1.~0 P.M. '~TICLE 2' VOTED to elect all other officers not requzred by ~ws to be T~N. TRE.AS~.~ FOR0~ JA~S "J. ~~ " -' 729 990 '782 1096 5~97 [elected by ballot referre~d to Selectmen. Blanks , 126 166 150 ltl 61~ '~TICLE:' ~. VOTED to accept the reoort of receipts' and expendztures' as presen- SE~CT~N FOR 0~ ~ [ted by the S~lectmen. ' - . A PH E. FINCK ~42 464 59~ ~88 179~ ~ARTICLE 4. 'VOTED to carry forward t9 January l~ 1962, all appropriations and WILLIAM i. FI~'ERAN 562 725 556 847 2688 PHILIP S~CLIF~ 265 405 412 45~ 1512 ,,accounts except the following: Article 76, 1960 - Industrial. Co~iss~on,. ~133.55 of A~ticle 58, 1960- skating rinks $390.50 and of Article 19, 1951- RAYMOND BROADHEAD %7 559 ~14 646 1986 ~" .... ~ · FRED P. 0A~S ~i ~8~ ~2 495 18~l Industrial Co~iss~on $~7.5© ~The following carried forward to January 1, 1962. , JOHN P. WALSH l~ 185 lO4 192 625 ~ART. 1. Feb '~j~, 1957. Item A, Land taking from C.~elamed.~00.00 Blanks ~ 4~6 651 489 599 2195 ,, ~ ,, ,, - ,, ,, ', ". " ~ ~ ~. ...~.~,,~~-~-~. ~2~.00 .BOARD OF P~LIC ~LF~ FOR O~ ~ *' Planing Board Expenses 400.00 " ,58. 1 61' New Fire Station 5,000.00 RALPH ~, FINCK ...... ~ }41 465 40} 578 1787 . . 9 - ~ .. WILLIAM A. FI~~N 5~1 7~7 54~ ~59 268} "~5. 1960 ~Sewer stem Items A.C.0. 15,284"O5 2HZLZP SUTCLZF~ aS~ ~9 40~ 4~9 ~494 ~ooruedInterest on Sewer Notes ' 6~:25 [ 32; 1959 Road Construction, Chapter 90, G.L. 55 RAYMO~ BROaD, AD ~66 56} 417 6~5 1981 ,, ' ~ 4,9~6. ~ED P. 0~S 429 477 418 492 1816 "~8, 1960 Hghwy Const. Chapter 90, G.L. Dale & Appleton. _4,k86.79 JOHN P. WALSH 141 173 -118 195 6~7 ~4, 1961 ~ . App~ ton & S~ em. 59,~61.28 5o,~a.~7 Bl~ks 464 684 491 60~ 22~ U.S. 01d Age Assistance. Assmstance. HIG~AY S~YOR FOR 0~ ~ ..U.S. Medical Assistance for the aged - Aid. 9.,~1.49 -- ' ' ' ' · - ' ' .... ~ U.S. " " " " "Administration .10 NICHOLAS F. ~CETTA 44m ~5 425 ~525 .~. ~u.s. Old Age Assistance..Administration Blanks 20 29 29 ~9 117 ' ' U.S. Aid to ~ependent Chi~refl - Aid. 7, , U.S.. Aid to Dependent" Administration T~ COL~CTOR FOR 0~ ~ U.S. Disability Assistance .- Assistance ~7.~.17 JA~S H. D~HIRST '"" 5~ ~692 ~ 5~919 28001259 ~ U.S. Disability ~ssistance A~inistratton 405.7~ Bla~s 35 5~ 151 School P.L. 874. 'Federal ~ds. 12,6~8.8~ ,ART." 2 Jan 16, l~61. Land purc~as~ of Taking for N.A.H.S. 19,160.00 W~ w~o~ FO~ 0~ ~ ,, '~ " " . So~oo~ B~d~ns m~rv~ a~,87~.~ ~0THEODO~ ~' L~O~'N. SNOLAK' l~6~l17~902 71 8 6 5927 [" 19 North Andover ~oo~ L~ch . 8, 6 Blanks 76 7 North Andover H~gh School Athletic Assoc. 16 ASSESSOR FOR T.~ ~S Defense se 2492~ 18 ~ .. Ciyi~ .Expen s , . ~NRY E. LU~ "' 71~ 979 7~910~5 5~ ~T .~ ,. 1961 .~ce Skatzng Rink ~00.00 196! Sewers Item A to F, Incl. 10,62~.87 Blanks l~ 177 lB1 152 o~ '"-~5, 1961 American Legion Beach 7,115.69 OF m. ,SO0.00 R. GEORGE C~bN ~" ' '" ~ 6~ 89~ ~ 786 ~093 ~;' 48', 1960 !2" water main,.Gt. Pond Rd. ,096.98 GERED C. ST.~ l~ 204 ~28 922 ," ~,, 1961 y~ater ~ain.Extension 86~.80 Bl~ks 55 55 5~ 195" 1961 Renew ServzCes App~ ton Street. 1,555.89 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSFORTHREE ~ARS ~RVING C. ~0~'S .... 684 935 7~8 1050 54~7 'ARTICLE 5. V0~D to fix the follo~ng a~ual salaries and compensations: Blanks 171 221 184 217 7U) , Bo~ru o~ Seleci~.en - each ~ mur~. SCHOOL C0~ITTEE FOR THREE ~S Board of Public Welfare - each per annum ~00.00 · .- .... · ..... COLIN LI~S~ / ~686.~ 547 ~14 2264 ~ Town Treasurer~ - ~ per s. nnum. ~0HN ~. ~ZNOH / )7 4 ))4 49~ ~7~a '~ ra~ Co~eotor - per a~um ~,9~0.00 Bl~ks / 50 55 51 60 2~ Highway S~veyor - per ann~ 5,765.00 / Tr~e Warden- per annum 400'.00 },~oderator - per annum 50.00 ~ ,~ Board of Health - each per annum 500.00 Bos. rd of Public Works - each per annum 250.00 ADJOUR~fE~ TOWN ~ggETING ~1RCH 17,1962 17, 1962 ~ seconded 215" and .so VOTED to approve ~ _~5~- Street Lighting: Expenses 50,250.00 50.250.00 recommendatzons of the Advisor~ 5b. Board of health: Salaries 900.00 900.00 items of the budget collectively as to the Board, with the exceptions of the following changes: Item 5, To~w~. 1Clerk ~D ~ Nurse Salary 5,258.24 5,258.24 Salary increased from $5~000 to 152,150. Item 16, Custodian Tax Tat e ~,$~ Physician Salary 950.00 950.00 expenses decreased from .~150 to 5. Item 21, Fire Dept Regulars salaries Expenses 5,375-00 5,375-00 increased from $82,920.86 to from ~60 to $ 0,000 and Itel ~82,970.86. Item 4.~, Snow Removal increased 57. Refuse Disposal: Labor-Wages 29,000'.00 29,000.00 ... , .~ 7 , ~8, Veterans' Benefzts expenses increased from Expense.s ~5,500.00 5,500.00 $140 to ~20,735.00 SALARIES ' 58. Garbage Disposal. Contrac~. W,000.00 9,000.00 NO. DEPART~.~NT & WAGES EXPENSES TOTALS ~ 59- Sewer Naint.& Cost· Ada. ~alarzes2,300.00 2,500.00 tm,k0o.o'o' ' '$a,zd6.o'o" ri,oeo.po ,ooo.oo Clerk Salary 5,852.64 , .5,832.64 E~xpense s 9,000.00 9,000-00 Expenses , $1,050.00 1,050.00 I!! Animal Ias~Spector: Salary 52~5.00 325.00 2. TREASURER: Salary 6,550.00 6,350.00 Highway Surveyor: SalarY_~ 5,~65.00 5,~65.00 Clerk Salary ),951,72 5,931.72 Streeta: Gen'l.~'n.tnce. '~lerk Salary ~53.92 5,~55.92 · Exp~enses 2,641.64 2,64~1.6.4 LaBOR-Wages: S~:l~e~ae~,swge~ae~.G~a~sl 5~%000.00 59,000.00 , ?. ACCOUNTANT. Salary 5,258.24 5,25~.24 Roa.d Oil, 'Cin~ers,.Stone, Gravel 22,000'00 22,000.00' .:~1 ' Clerk Salary 5,943.68 ~' 5,945.68 Equzpment"and ~epamrs 6,200.00 6,200.00 E.xpense s 500.0,0 5 O0 o00 ~i see llaneous .Expen se s 1,200 i 00 1,200. O0 4. TAX COLLECTOR. Salary 1,900.00 1,900.00 Rental of ]equzpment 600.00 600.00 Clerk Salary ~,750.00 5,750.00 Gasoline & 0il 5,000.00 5,000.00 0o 70,000.00 · Expenses 5,675.00 5,675.00 S~ow Removal: Expenses 70,000. 5. TOWN CLERK. Salary 5,150.00 5,150.00 ] Board of Publ.ic ~elfare: Salaries 900.00 . .. 900.00 ~ . Expen.ses 600.00 600.00 (Welfare.Agent. Salary 7,020.005 6. ASSESSORS: Salaries 4,650.00 .4,650.00 Two Social ~orker. s 9,840.00 ' ~lerk ~alary 4,2550.00 4,2~5.00 Junior Clerk Typzst5,497.92 ~ Extra Clerical 2,821.00 2,821.00 (Expenses i . 5,075.005 Expenses 4,207.00 4, _207.00 ~ Welfare Admlnstration: ll, 000.00 ll,000.O0 ELECTION-~;J~GIS~RARS: $alarie~ 875.00 875.00 ] Infirmary:,. Supts. Salary 2,2.05.00 2,2.0~.00 7. E. xpenses I ~0000 5,925.00 5,925.00 ~atron Salary .1,944.12 1,944.12 8. TOWN COUNSEL. Salary ,~ · 1,500.00 , Wages .1,926.36 1,926.56 Expense s 190 · 00 190 · 00 Expe ns e s 8,055 · 00 8,055 · O0 ~ . Welfare Gr, ants: 01dAegis. 0o 9. NODERATOR: Sa.lary 50.00 50.00 47 . , .Age 10,008,000 10. Advisory Board. Expenses 250.00 250.00 Azd to ,Depend..Ch~ldren. . ll. Planning Board: Expenses 900.,00. 900.00 Disability Asszst. 9,000 12. Board of Appeals (Planning) Expenses %00.00 %00.00 General ~ielief ll,000 I~ Personnel Board: Expenses ~52°50 ~50_.50 Nedical Assist. Aid, 37,000 Board of A.ppeals (.Personnel) Expenses TOTAL W.ELFARE GRANTS. 75,000.00 75,000.00 lq. Town Buildzng: Janztor ~alary 1,446°90 1,~6.90 48. Veterans Benefzts. Agents Salary 1,250.00 ' 1,250.00 Clerk Salary 500.00 500.00 Custodzan Tax Titles: Salary 100.00 100.00 Expe~se.s ' 20,755.00 ~20,755.00 16~. . Expenses 5,850.00 5,~50.00 1~. Expenses .25.00 .25.00 49- School ~ept. Salaries 582,566.00 582,5~66.00 Tax Title Foreclosu. res: Expenses 40.00 40.00 Expe~s~]s . , 118,656.00 118,~36.00 1U. ~LiCense Commissi.on. Ex??nses ~ 200.00 200.00 50. School Orqsszng Guards: Salaries 5,000.00 . 5,000.00 19. An~nu. al To.wn Neet~ng: Espenses 0 5,75~0.00 Expense, s . . a0 Ch_ f: . !,4 S.O0 ,750. 0"' 5 .00 · $,~$8.00 51. Stevens ~em'l k~bra.ry. Head Lzbrarian 6,115.20 . 6,115.20 - " Four Sergeants - 2~,005.60 24~005.60 Assistants & Janztors ' 19,685.85 19,685.85 " Ten Patrolmen . 55~,824.48 5~5,824.48 Expenses 6, 60.'00 g,160.00 !! ii~g!!i~em!,&R~eeor~g~sSpecmals ~,500°00 ~-. ~8,500°00 52.Servmce .Improvements 2,290.00 2,290.00 Playgrounds. Supt. Salary 472.50 472.50 1,500.00 1,500.00 P . il,125.00 Il,125.00 Labor, Guards, Caretakers 9,000.00 9,000.00 " Bathzng Beach Police 700.00 i 700..00 Expenses 5,700.00 5,700.00 2 . Fire Ch. ief: Salary 6,762.00 6,762.00 53- ReoreationalCouncil: Salaries 2,288.00 2,288.00 " L~eutenant Salary 5,809.~ 5,809.~ Exoe~se.s 1,200.00 1,200.00 " Fifteen.Regulars ' 82,970.86 82,970,86 5~. Parks'~ ~rzangles, Burying Grounds. Supt' s Salary 210~.~0 210.00 '.' Two Engineers 1,70~0°00 1,70.0.00 EL~eOnrs~sWages 5,556.00 5,556.00 " Call and spare men 12,.954.00 12,954.00 !!" ExpenseVa'cati°ns~ , · . . . 5,291.00 ~0,~275.00 5,291.00 700;00 700.00 10,275.00 55- Schoo% Grounds: Labor-Wages 10,675.00 10,675.00 22. Forest Fire ~'~arden: Salary 262.50 262.50 Expenses . 5,000.00 5,000.00 22~ Forest Fire: Expenses 1,000.00 1,000.00 56. Esse.xCounty Retzrement System: 57,215.45 57,215.45 Dog Officer: Salary 245.00 .245.00 ~] Contingent F.und 3,000o00 5,Q00.O0 American Legmen. Rental of Quarters 600.00 600.00 ' Expenses 455.00 455.00 VFW Post 2104 " " 600.00 600.00 25~. Pivil Defense Director: Salary 600.00 600.00 · Expenses 2,400.00 2,400.00 Veterans Day · 550.00 550.00 Ne ~mor ial Day 550.00 550.00 26. Building Inspector: 3alary 1,250.00 1'250'00 62. Insurance 27,6.73.00 27,6~,7>.00 · . Expenses : 200.00 200.00 6~> Group Insurance 21, 6~4.00 21,64J4.O0 oo.oo oo.oo oo.oo oo.oo · Expenses. 200.00200.00 Graves Regist.rat$.ons: . 450.00 ~50.00 28. Sealer Weights & Neas~es Salary 500.00 500.00 Board of Public ~'orks: Salarzes . 750.00 750.00 Expenses , 100.00 100.00 2 . Insect Pest Gontrolo Supts. Salary. 5,187.00 ~,187.00 Water Naint. & Const. Ada. Salarmes 12,000.00 12,000.00 r.~bor & Wages 58~ 000~00 ~8~ OO0.O0 ~.:a~. or - Wages 4, 928.75 4,928.'75 ~~ses 40,400.00 ~0,~00~00 Expenses 1,935.00 1,935.0,0 68. Redeeming School Bonds. 100,000.00 100,000.00 30. Poison Ivy Control: Labor-Wagem 525.63 525.63 69. Interest o..n. School Bonds. 52,677.50 52,677.50 .. ,~Expenses . 300.00 500.00 3lI. Dutch ~lm Disease: Labor-Wages 7,269.15 7;269.15 710[Re~deemin~g Water ~ain. Notes: 9,000.00 9,000.00 ? ...... ~- I.uoe~--¥So 'on' ~.~'ater ~,(a~n Not-~s~ 956.00 956.00 , ~o~=~ . 1,100.00 !,100.00 72. Redeeming °ewer Bonds: 50,000.00 50,000.00 52, B~us$ Cutting:Labor-Wages 1,050.00 1,050.00 0.o0 , o.00 on RedeeRing W~ater Bonds: 20,000.00 20,000.00 ~ Tree Warden: .Supts. Salary 400.00 400.00 75- Redeeming Sower Notes: 4,800.00 4,800.00 Lab or-~¥age s 9,671.52 Expenses 1,415.00 9'~71'52 1,415.00 AAT. 9. VO.~,'.D to authorzze the Board of. Health to appoint one of zts Redeeming Sewer Notes: 15,000.00 15,00.0,00 ~.~ to the posztmon of Board,of .Health Physician, and vote to affix his compensati ~87~. Interest on Sewer Notes: 1,568.75 1,568.75 ~D .: as such, as provided by Sectzon 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws Discount on Notes: _ . ,_ . __ 5,000.00 - -5~'O00'O"0"~P~ ART. 10. Stricken frOm The Warrant. 1962 BUDGET TOTALS $1,103,575.10 825,103,84 1,928,676.94 ART. ll. Stricken from The Warrant. AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED ART. 12. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article as written,and that the sum of ~l;, 80.00.be raised and appropriated-for the purpose of the artmcl . · T. 12. Wa~es & Salary, Personnel Board. $1,480.00 13. - 370.00 ~RT. 13. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article as wrlt..ten, and that the sum of 14. " " -" " ~25.00 $370.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of'the article .. 1.5,. 5% Pay 1,.450.00 ART. 14. VOTED to a.me.nd the Personnel, Wage and Salary Administratzon Plan as 16. New School : 91~75.85 follows: A.. By strmkl'ng from Sch?dule B of. Code PF 200,01 and 200.02, St~.p 5, 25. 12" water main 903.02 ° ..the rate of 6160.00 and ~nserting zn place thereof th~ rate of 600.00 25. Renew water services ~000.00 B. B_v striking, from Schedule B of Code PF 200.01 and 200.02 ~axzmum,'~ 22~Water ,- .Fire hydrantsBelmont St. ~!000.00000.00 .the r~te of 6~$0.00 and .inserting in place theeof the rate of 6700.00 29. West s~d.e sewer 500.00 And to raise and appropr~a te the sum of $525.00 for the purpose of 31. Water Mazn Extensions. l, 500.00 this article. 32. Carl Thomas Playground 1,700.00 ART. 15. VOTED to adopt the article and that the sum of $1,450.00 be raised ~5~. New Playground ~5,~9000 and appropriated for~ the purpose of the article· · ".~ " fence, swings. ~,,~00]00 ART. 16. VOTED that the sum of $.1,400, 000.00 is appropriated for constructing . Tractor, Public Works· 2,000.00 originally equipping and furnishing a new upper elementary school building and 59. Float, bathing beach. 2,200.00 D1. Paint bleac.hes. 600.00 . i oo.oo ]2. Two n?w pol~cecars. 800.00 ..~. New f~re .hose. , !:000.00 . Two new f~re Lieuts. 000.00 · N.ew truck for tree dept. 200.00 · D~spos.al st.te. 500.00 · Street repazrs.. · 15~000.00 . New truck, for highway dept. 7,600.00 · ~ement szdewalks. 500.00. 51. Refuse truck repairs 1,000.00 52. Drain, Davis St. Ext. 6,5.00.00 : Chap. 90, ~alem St. 1 250.00 5~. " 90, Any streets 2,000.00 an.addition .to the high school, including site develo.pment; and that tameet thzs appropriation the unexpended balance of $524.15 ~s transferred from the sum raised under Article 19 of the warrant for the 1952 annual town meeting, the sum of ~9,475.85 is to be raised from the tax.levy of .the current year and the treasurer with the approval of the selectmen ms authorized to issue $1,390,000.00 bonds .or notes of the town under Chapter 645 of the Acts of 1948 as amended payable wzthin. 20 years from their dates. The ~vote was AFFIRMATIVE 433. .NEGATIVE .191' ART. 17. VOTED to adopt the artzcle as .written. ART. 18. Stricken from the warrant. Rejected. f~£~irma iv.e. 306.. NEGATI.VE 1, 2. ART. 19. Stricken from the warrant. ART. 20. Stricken from the ART. 21. Stricken from the ART. 22. Stricken from the warrant warrant warrant 5~- Surface drain., Park St. 2,000.00 ART. 23: V0.TED to raise and appropriate the suni of $250,0.00.00 to be used with 5. · New street signs.. 500.00 a contrzbutzon from Merrimack Co.llege for the purpose of installing a 12 inch. 85- Industrial Commis.sion 500.00 water main on Che.stnut Street, Hillside Road and Tturnpike Street and that to !!. 4th. July Ce lebratm-on. 1,~00.00 meet satd appropriation the sum of $8,096.98 be taken from the unexpended app- . Christmas Lights. ~00.00 .r. opriation under. Article 48 of the 1960.~Annual Town Meeting and.. that the sum of . Civil Defesne 1~,500.00 $1,905.02 be- raised from the tax levy cz the current year, and that the Treas- 72. A.B.C.D. Water. 6,.150.00 urer, with the approval of the Sel~ctmen,~s authorized to issue $195,000.00 7~. A.C. .-Surface Drains. _.~,445.0.0 bonds or notes of. thc town under Chapter of the General Laws, pay, able within TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE'RAISED AND APPROPRIATED ~146,738.87 15 years from thezr dates. The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 466. NEGATIVE 56. AHOUNTS TO BE TA~N FROM AVAILAB~.F. FUNDS 9~0, Salem St. 30,750.00 1,000.00 lO0~.O0,O..O0 $131,75o.oo ARTZCLE 54] Chapter " ~6, " 90, Any Street. "~0. To reduce tax rate. TOTAL A~.~OU NT TO BE TAKEN }IAOM AVAILABTS: ART ¢ 16. New School {, 524.15 is under Artible 19 of the warrant for Water Main, Chestnut ~ollcge. To be F~R~DS transferred from the sum raised the 1952 Annual Town Meeting. Hillside ~oad, Turnpike 48 of the 1960 in the amount ,Street, taken from Article from the unexpended appropriation, ART. 24. VOTED to adopt the article· ART. 25. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the the article a~d to be expended under direction of Board of Public ART. 26. VOTED to strike from the warrant. ART. 27. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the the article and to be expended under direction of Board of Public ART. 28~ VOTED to raise and appropriate the article and to be expended under the ART. ~ 29. VOTED to raise and appropr late purpose of Wor~s. purp ~ose of Works. the sum of tl3,0oo for the purpose of direction of Board of Public ~forks. the sum of .~2,500 for the purpose of Works. the purpose of Works. direction of Board of Public the article and to be expended under ART. 30. Stricken from the Warrant. ~ART. 31. VOTED to r aisc and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 for the article~ and to be expended under direction of Board of Public 23'. 12" ARTICLE Street to ~Ierrimack Annual Town ~eeting of ~809698 ARTICLE 1.~ Special Town ~eeting following the annual adjourned Town Meeting or. March 17, 1962. VOTED to transfer the sum of ~ilS,000.O0 from the Overlay Surplus Account to the Reserve Fund Account. AMOUNT TO BE RAISED & ART. 7. VOTED to authorize ART. 32. VOTED to raise and appropriate the the article~ and to be expended by the Board S U N N A.~R Y ART 5~ Stricken from the warrant APPROPRIATED 19~2 Town Meeting (Budget)~1,928,676.9~ ARTi ~1 Stricken from the warrant[ " For Articles ,,.146,7 8.87 sum of $1,700. for the purpose of Public Works. TOTAL $2, o75,415 the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the from time to time in anticipation of the revenue ART. ~5: VOI~ED to rs, i. se 'an~ appropr!at? the. sz~.~ ~ .¢'~'~ ~aa e~ .~. purpose .81 the article to be expende~ un~r the direction ..... of Board~'~of'~'ele ctmen.~"~ of of ART. 36. VOTED-to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,800 for thewPUrpose Selctment, to borrow money thearticle and to be expended under direction of Board of Public orks. of the financial year beginning January l, 196~, and to issue a note or notes ~~ and appropPia~ ~ sum u~ ~2,uuu mcr the purpose of ~, ..... ~ ........ ,-,- ,-,.- ~P,T. ~7 VOTED to ~~ u~-~u~-, p~yauz~ wiut~in one ycaz', and to renew or reZ~nd any such note or the article and to be expended under direction of Board of Public Works. notes, all as provided by Sections 4 and 17 of Chapter ~ of the Gez~ ral Laws. The vote was ~animous and so declared. ART. 58. VOTED to raise and appFopriate the m~ of $2,000 for the purpose of the article and to be e~ended under direction of Board of Public Works. ART 8. No reports of any special co~ittees. of 218. AHT. 39. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,200 for the the article to be expended by the Board of~ Public Works. Adjgurned Annual Town Meeting March 17, 1962 ' purpose of ART. 40. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $600 for the purpose of the article to be expended by tile Board of Public ~vorks. ART 4.1. VOTED TO raise and appropriate the sum of $6,600 for the appointment of two regular patrolmen to the Police Department in accordance with all Civil Eervice Rules and Regu~ tions. ART. 112. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,800 for the purpose of the article and in accordance with the article. ~ ART. 43. VOTED to raise ART. 44? V0~TED to raise of two (2) Lieutenants and appropriate the sum of and' appropriate the s~un of to the Fire Departmenltffrom 45' s'- . tr~cken from the warrant. ART'; 46. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum article to be expended bY the I~oth Supt. $2,000 for purpose of $.5,000 for the appointment Civil Service R. & R. article. of t~6,200.00 for purpose of the ART. 47. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of ~;1,500 for the purpose of article, expended under direction of the Highway Surveyor. ART. 48. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 for the purpose of the article, expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ART 4-9. VOTED to raise and appropriate the s~m of I~7,600 for the purpose of the article, expended by the~ Highway Surveyor. the rS0: VOTED to raise and ART'a expended under the t~cle, appropriate direction of the sum of .$500 for the purpose of Highway Surveyor. ART. 51... VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of the article expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ART. 52. VOTED to raise and apprbpriate the sum of $6,500 for the purpose of the article expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. . ART. 55. VO~UED to raise and ap pr .opr ia te the~ sum of $5,500 for the purpose of the article ~xpended.under the dmrection of the Highway Surveyor. ART 54. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of t$10,250.00 to meet the Town's shhre o~ the cost of Chapter 90'Highway Construction for the rebuildin~ of Salem Stre. et only and that the sum of $30,750.00 be transferred from unappropriated avazlable funds in the Town ~reasury to meet the State and County shar~s of the cost.of the work, the reimbursement from State and County to be restored upon their receipt~ to unapDropri, ated available f~nds in the Town Treasury. ART. 55. VOTED to. adopt the article. . '-~ ~RT. 56. V.OTED that the sum of ~2,000 be raised and appropriated for the puT' po~s~ of~thms article, to be expend, e.d by the Highway Surveyor under Chap~ter 90 or ~ne ~eneral. Laws, a n.d, in add,tmon, that the sum. of ~l,000 be transferred from unapproprzated available funds to meet the State's share of the cost of ~ .the work, the. reimbursement~ from the~ State to be restored, upon its receipt ~o unappropr~_ated availablefunds. ART. 57: VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of~ ~2,000 for the purpose of the article expended, under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. · ~ ART..58. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for the purpose of the a rt~cle expended under the direction of Board of Selectmen. ~ ART. 59. VOTED to accept Sect.ion 6H of Chapter ~lO of the General Laws. ART. 6~. VOTED to accept 'ectmon 22D of Chapter 40 of the General Laws? AR~T. 61. Stricken from the .warrant. ' ART. 62. V.OTED to amend Article I. II of the General By-Law.s by adding thereto the following new section: Section 8: Noperson shall fare or discharge any firearms or explosives of any kind on any private property, except with the occupant thereof; lawful defense of in the discharge consent of the owner or legal by-law shall not apply to the law enforcement officer acting ART 63. Stricken from the warrant; provided, however, that this life or property nor t~ any of his duties. ART. 64. VOTED to accept Chapter 522 of the Acts of 1961 ART. 65. VOTED to reaise and appropriate the sum of ~500 to be expended under the direction of the Development and Industrial commissfo~ ART. 66. VOTED to amend Article IV of the General By-Laws by the following .new section: SECTION ll: The Selectmen shall appoint a gas inspector, whose duty it shall be to enforce the rules and re- gulations promulgated by the board originally established under Section 12H of ~'~+'~'~ '~ ~ ~-~.- r, ..... . 'r ART. 67. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of .~1,500 for the purpose of. the article expen'ded under the direction of the Board of Selectmen adding thereto annually, in March, of . ART. 68. VOTED TO RAISE AND APPROPRIAT.E the sum of $800.00 for the purpose the article, expended under the directs, on of the Board of Selectmen. ART. 69. Annual Adjourned Town Meeting March 17, 1962 Stricken from the warrant. ART.. 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500 for the purpose the article, expended under the direction of the Civil Defense Director. of ART. 71. Stricken from the warrant. ART. 72. A.B.C.& D. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of ~6,150 for the purposes ~of these articles, to be expended by the Board of Public Works subje to the following provisions: " , That on or before August 1, f1962, the petttiorm .rs and/or owners make a guarantee acceptable to 'the Board o Public Works of six per cent of the actual cost of construction as water rates pe~r year ~or a period of :fourteen years; and that on or before August l, 1962, the construc- ~tion of at' least one additional house to use started. the extension shall have been .~RT. ~75A. Stricken from the ~arrant. ART' 73B. " " " ART. 73 C. " " " ART. ,73D.E.F.G.H.& I. VOTED that the sum of ~28,500.00 is appropriated for the purpose of extending the sewer system as requested by said Articles, these ex- tensions being subject ~to assessme.nt, charges ~u~.der Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, as amended, and wzth the additional condition, applying to Article 73E, that on or.before July l, 1962, the construction of at least one additional building to' use such extension shall have been started, and that to meet this appropriation the sum of '~8,.500. be taken from Article 45~ of the 1960 Sewer _ System, Items A to O, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select men, is authorized to issue $20,000 bonds or notes of the town under Chapter 44 of the General Laws, payable within, sixteen years from their dates. The vote was unanimous and so declared. A T. 74A.B. & C. VOTEOto raise and appropriate the sum of $13,~5. for the purposes Qf t~ese articles. Article 74 A is $6,815.00. ART. 75A. Stricken from the warrant. /~ ~. . ,, ' ·' · ~RT._75B. VOTED. to e. stabl~sh Davis Street extension as a town way by accepting the Selectmen's layzng out of the same, heretofore filed with the ToWn Clerk. ART. 75C. VOTED. to establish Fountain Drive as a town way by accepting the Selectmen's laymng out of the same, heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. ART. 75D. VOTED to establish Woodstock Road from Mass Avenue to Wood~ Lane ap~pr.~oximately_ 2300 feet a.s a Town way by accepting the Selectmen' s laying out oz- ~ne same, heretofore f~led with the Town Clerk.. A~T' 75E, VOTED. to establish CaTty Circle as a Town way by accepting the Sel~ctmen's layzng out of same, heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. ART. 76'. VOTED to reject the article. AFFIR~ATIVE ll2. NEGATIVE 59. NO. 2/~ ART.'77. stricken from the Warrant. · ART. :78.. " " " " ' · ART. 79. " '.' ,, ., Withdrawn by petitioner A.R. Boeglin ART. 80. VOTED To transfer the",sum of $100,000.00 from available funds to red.uce the tax rate. ' . M.otmon made and duly seCond?d by W.B. Duffy that a rasing vote of thanks be given to ~th.e Moderator,:Adv~sory Board a.nd'others for a job well done. . Meeting. adjourned at 6:20 P.~. 663 Reg~.stered voters were present: all bezng checked in by the Board of Registrars asszsted by Alfred Garneau, S~dney Rea Anmrews, Arthur Kmrk, Donald Zorn, John Walsh, George Everso~n, William I~cEyoy and James Dewhirst assiste.d the ~'~oderator and Town Clerk on the hand votzng cOunts. William ?uffy, ~.~lton Howard, .Alfred Garneau and D~wey Dyer assisted the Board of ~egistrars zn the Australian ballot voting. Immediately following '6he Annual follo~wed with one article in the Adjourned Town Meeting a Special Town warrant and is as follows: ART. 1. A c count Meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.~. A true' copy: ATTEST: VOTED to transfer the sum of to the Reserve ~and Account° $15,00'0.00 The vote Meeting from the Overlay Surplus was unanimous. JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. ESSEX SS: W Au R~FR A N T COMMONWEALTH . MASSACHUSETTS ~ of beginning. Petiton of Antoinette Giard and others. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:' ~m GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inca bi:ants of the Town of North Andover quali~fted to vote in elections and Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Monday evening, May 14, 1962 at 7:50 P.M., and there to act on the following' articles. ARTIOT.I~. 1. to see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money suffi, cient to extend the sanitary sewer system on the 1909 relocation of WoodLane from Woodstock Street to Adams Avenue and on Adams Avenue from Wood Lane to Massachusetts Avenue. ~. Petition of Norman J. Scott and others. ARTIC~ 8. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $300~00 from the InSeCt Pest Salaries AccOunt to the Tree Expenses Account, to be used by the Tree Warden for the planting of Public Shade Trees. Petition of Leo E. Lafond, Tree ~.Warden. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Tree Warden to sell, for the sum of $50.00, which amount he shall forthwith, thereafter remit to the Treasurer, the followint town owned equipment; An old hydraulic,warS~-aYden. tank which has been in stOrage since 19~8. Petition of Leo F. Lafond And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies I ~ thereof, at the Town Office Building, and' at five' or more public places in each voting ~recinct. Said copies to be Posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to a~thorize its Selectmen to release to Helene .Donohue all its right, title and interest in and to the following Hereof, fail not, and make du~eturn of this warrant with your doings thereon described part of Wood Laue existing before the 1909 relocation of Wood Lane: to the Town Clerk, at the time and p~a ce .o~ said meeting. starting at a point at the~ intersection of Adams Avenue and the locus of Wood Lane prior to 1909 and .extending southeasterly along the easterly lir~ of said Given under our hands at North Andover,' MassachuSetts, the 25rd day of April in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixty two. prior Wood Lane to'its mntersection with Autrau Avenue, then extending south- westerly along an extension of the northerly line of Autran Avenue to the westerly WILLIAM A. FINNERANBoard line of said prior Wood Lane to the intersection of the extension of the southerly ~ RAYMOND BROADHEAD of llne of.Adams Avenue and thence to the point of beginning, con:si ning 10,500 ~ . FRED P- 0A~ES. Selectmen. square ~eet more or Is ss, in consideration of the granting of a sewer and water A true copy. ATTEST easement by said Helene Donohue, 50 feet in width within the extensions of 'the WILLIAM J. LACEY. CONSTABr_.F..' northerly and southerly lines.of Adams Avenue to the 1909 relocation of Wood North Andover, Massachusetts. May l, 1962. Lane. Petition of Board of Selectmen. ARTICrE 5. To see if the Town will vote' to raise and appropriate or provide by bond ~ssue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the sewer system on Osgood Street from Philips Brooks Road, 1,000 feet towards Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Mitchell M. Segal and others. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient~ to extend the sewer system on Fernwood Street from.the existing West Side Trunk Oewer on Fernwood Street to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Angelo Cristaldt & others. 0FFICEE ~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the 'inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, qualified to-vote in elections and Town Aff~airs by posting true and attested copies of this warrant at the Town Office ~uilding and at five or· more pu.b~ic places in each voting .precinct. Said copies having been posted not more ~nan fifteen days nor ~e ss than ten days before the time of said meeting. WILLIAM J. l~ CEY. CONSTABLe. ARTICLE 5'~ To see if the town will am~end the vote adopted under Articles 75D, ~ ~ 75E, 75F, 7~G, 75H and 75I at the 1962 Annual Town Meeting appropriating money~ / North At, over, Mass. for sewer construction by modifying the condition of new construction with re-~ Nay l, 1962. spe ct to Article 75E and by' changing the method of financin the approp~iation.'-' ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. TOW~ CLERK. Petltion of Board of Selectmen. ~ TOWN ~ETING, MONDAY EVENING, NAY 1~, 1962. VETERAN'S AUDITORIUM. ARTICLE 6'=. To see if the Town will vote to ammend the North Andover Zoning By-Law ARTICLE 1. VOTED that the sum of $55,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the and the zoning map of the town by chan~ing from Village Residential Zone to purpose of extending the sewer system^as requested by this. rticle, subject General Business, the provisions of Section 641 of the .N~ th Ardover Zoning Law to assessment charges under Chapter 5~0 of the Acts of 1906, as amended, and notwithstanding, the following described parcel of land. The land in North that the ~Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is he.reby authorized Andover, all as shown on a plan of land known as "Colonial Gardens," recorded to issue $55,000.00 bonds or notes of the Town under Chapter 44 of the General with the N~ th Essex Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 4, Pagel95, and bounded and Laws,. payable within 16 ye.ars from their da. tee. described as follows: The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 141. NEGATIVE 56. Starting at a point in the ce..n, ter line of 0sgood Street ,at ARTICLE 2. VOTED that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to proceed as pro- its intersection with the extended center line of ~ayne Street, at the bound~ary posed by the 'Article. . ' of the present Industrial Zone as shown on the N~ th Andover Zoning Map, thence. ' running along the center line of Wayne Street Northwesterly 215'feet t.o a point, ARTICLE 5. Stricken from the ~arrant. thence turning and running Southwesterly direction 120 feet to a point, thence ARTICLE ~. VOTED that the sum of $5,600.00 is hereby appropriated, to be turning and running in. a Southeasterly direction 210 feet to a point in the center raised by taxation, for the purposes of this article. line of 0sgood Street, thence turning and ~.r~tuntng in a Nc~theasterly direction in .two.co~.rses, by the cente~_line of O~good Street, ll5 feet to the point of ARTICLE 5. VOTED that the sum of $28,500.00 is hereby appropria ted for the oegmnn~ng. Petition of ichael F. ~rummey and others, purpose of extending the sewer sys~tem as ,requested by sa. id Articles, subject assessment charges under Chapter 550 of the Acts of 1906, as amended; that the ARTiCLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Ardover 'Zoning B-Law use of thiS appropriation for the purposes of Article 75E is on the additiona and the Zoni~ng Map of the Town by changing from C~u~try Residential Zone toYVillage condition that the construction of at least one additional~ building to use suC Residential ~one the following described parcel ox land: extension shall have been started on or before July l, 1962; that if the fore- '' - 't A ~ . Starting at a point on going condition is not met the amount to be borrowed hereunder be reduced by mmssacnuse~ s venue a~ a distance of.250 feet moze or less, Southerly from the $2,000.00 and that to meet this appropriation the sum of $8,500.00 is to be intersection of Mass. Avenue and Woodstock. Street and at the present terminus I taken from Article 45, 1960, Sewer Systems, Items A to 0, and the Treasurer, of the now existing Village Residential Zone, thence running in.a Westerly with the approval of t_he Selectmen, is he,r.eby author_ized to issue $20,000.00 direction by said Village Residential Zone 1295 feet to .a point, thence ru~. ing bonds or.notes of the Town under Chapter 44 of the ~eneral Laws, payable in a Southerly direction stillby the. aforementioned Zone[~5 feet to a point, within 16 years from their da~tes. ..:.hen. ce again Westerly b.y said. Zone.60.5. feet to a point on the Easterly line of The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 10~. NEGATIVE ~0. ' . · . Woo~ Lax~e~ _~l~ence '~ux?~ng ~nm ~unn~n~ ~n a Southeasterly direction by the i909 ARTICLE 6. The article was rejected by a vote of Affirmative 125, Negative 71. layout of Wood Lane 672 fee:t to a point; thence turning and running in a North- easterly dlrection.~590 feet to the center line of Martin Avenue; thence turning ARTICLE 7. VOTE~ that the Zoning By-Law be am. ended by inserting after section and running in an Easterly direction by the center line of.iMartin Avenue to the 5.55, the following new section: Section 5.56 as described in the Article. center line of Bacon Avenue: thence tu~nin~ and ~unn~.n~ in"'~a No~the~!v d~.eet~o~. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE l[!|!. NEGATIVE 21. by the.center liue of Bacon'Avenue to a point in the N~rtherly line o~ Bacon ARTICLE 8. VOTED to adopt the article. Avenue, thence turning and running in a Nertheasterly direction 525.8 feet to a point in the Westerly line of Mass. Avenue; thence turning apd running in a North- ARTIC~ 9. VG~ED to a.dopt the article. '~?~ ~4~/%~ westerly direction by the Westerly line of Mass. Avenue 277.4 feet to abe pointA true copy: ATTEST. JOHN J. LYONS. ~~ W A R R A N T STATE PRIMAHIES SEPTEMBER 18, 1962 ESSEX~J~ SS.' COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ~ AUDITOR QNE TW.0 THRU.EFOUR Tj0TA. L228 To either of the Constables of the Town of Nor th Andover ~ GREETING :~ ' ~ Blanks 70 u~ ,,~ 7 5 257 In the name of the 'Commonwealth you are hereby required tb notify · and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries .C...ONGBESS. MAN 21~.l 85.7 to meet in Prec.inct One, the Bradstreet School; Precinct Two, the new St. PHILIP C. ~'DONNELL 197 206 Michaels School, Precinct Three the Thbmson School and Precinct Four the _ ~ GEORGE J. O' SHEA, JR. 102 ll6~5 Kittredge School. JAMES G. ZAFRIS, JR. .~6 ~8 211 TUESDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1962 Blanks 51 172 at 7 o'clock A.M., for the following purposes: COUNCILLOR To bring in their votes to the· Primary Officers for the Nomination JOHN JOSEPH BUCKLEY of Candidates of Political Parties for the following officers: Blanks Senator in Congress.. · · · · · · . F,o,r this Commonwealth Governor...... . . . . . . ,, ,, S~ATOR Lieutenant Governor....... ' '" " " ~MEs P. RURAK Attorney General. ~........ i. ' " " " Blauks 59 51 ~8 211 Secretary of the Commonwealth... ' " "' Treasurer and Receiver-General . . · , ,, ,, REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERALCOUR.T 9 -Auditor of the Commonwealth... ' ,, ~, ,, · ~AYMOND S."LaRoSA 18~ 186 15~ 220 7~ Representative in Congress... '' "the 6th congressional District 'AUGUSTINE J. WALSH 291~ )00 2U5 5~16 122 councillor. ~....... · · · ' ' " " 5th Councillor JOSEPH DEVANE¥ 15~ Senator. . . . . . . . . . . . ] ' 'i " 4th Senatorial " GEORGE NARAD District Attorney..... . . ' " " Easter~ District JOHN. CONNORS. . 2 County Commissioner . . . . . .~ ' " Essex County FRED GILLICK ' JOHN ROCHE 21 1 Sheriff . . . . . . . . . . . . ." Essex County Blanks 676 77.~ 66 855 2965 The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M., to 7:00 P.M. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings D~oTR~.~.~TTORNEY~ ~~ thereon at the time and place of said meeting. Blanks GOVERNOR ENDICOTT PEABODY CLF~ENT RILEY (A) Blanks LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FRANCI X. BELLOTTI HERBERT L. CONNOLLY Blanks ATTORNEY GENERAL JAMES R. LAWTON FRANCIS.. E. KELLY THOMAS L. McCORMACK MARGARET F. McGOVERN MATTHEW L. McGRATH, JR. PRECINCTS HREE FOUR JOHN A.' VOLPE 197 579 27~ 47~ 1525 ' ~DICOTT PEABODY 1 1 Bl~ks 18 56 21 ~0 ll5 · 26 17 ~ 17 7~ Bl~ks 2~ 55 EDWARD N. KENNEDY EDWARD J. McCORMACK, Blanks SENATOR IN CONGRESS JOHN J' LYONS. Towm Clerk. ~ E P U .B L I ,C ,,A SEPTF R D ,0 C, ,%, .A. SENATOR IN CONGRESS 0 GE C. L0D E LAUREN CE CURT I S Blanks 15e l0 5o9 891 195 5m5 NS ATTORNEY GENERAL 176 198 195 7~0 ELLIOT L. RICHARDSON 10 206 28 57 50 127 CHARLES AYERS ~ Blanks ~ 18 15 15 5~ 117 lO2 96 lO9 "' ' ' ' ~ 99 72 1 570 Blanks 59 77 2 52 28 24 ll2 TREASURER Blanks 27 55 32 5! 125 e~o~n o. ~n~oo~,m~ --~ ~ ~ ~ SECRETARY FR~CIS ANDREW WALSH 99 521 ~V~N H." WHI~Bl~ks ~20 70 ~ ~19 50 ~ ~ 1~99 255A~DITOR Blanks ~9 9 128 Bl~ks 54 41 26 1~2 WILLIAM a. BA~S 19~~ 2[~ ~61 12~9' B~nks 24' 55 162 STATE PRI~LARIES. Given under our hands this first day of September, A.D. 1962. couNTY COMMISSIONERS RAYMOND BROADHEAD of EDWARD J. O,CONNOR 1 2 211 777 FHED 'P. 0AKES. North Andover. Blanks · 29 54 150 A true copy:ATTEST: WILLIAM J. IACEY. CONSTABLE. S~!FF. September 6, 1962 ARTHUR FLYNN 1 175 0FFICER' S RETURN , ( WILLIAM G. HEENESSEY ~ 25 20 27 Nor th indover, Mass. ~' JOHN J. LYNCH ~~~ ~ ~2 50_~ September 6, 1962 JOSEPH W. ZABRISKIE ~ 92 50~ ATTEST: Blanks 58 22 25 119 COUNCILLOR SAMUEL ADAMS B~a nks SENATOR GEORGE DEAN K. Blanks NARAD WEBSTER STATE PRIMARIES SEPTEMBER 18, 1962 .w,,0 5o 54 REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT WILLIAM LONG~ RTH ARTHUR WI LLIAMS JOSEPH F. DEVANEY ALBERT P. PETTORUT0 Blanks DISTRI CT ATTORNEY JOHN P.S. BURKE JOHN McGU IRE R. SIMMERS CHARLES AYERS JOSEPH DEVANEY Blanks COUNTY CONNISSIONER WARREN C. GROVER Blanks SB~.RIFF 144 1197 100 ll3 248 160 38 87 215 150 219 a8 18 17 351 275 1274 3365 50 97 245 EARL E. WELLS Blanks WARRANT COmmONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: ESSEX SS: GREET IN G: and warn In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify the inhabitants of said Town of North And over who are qualified to vote for State, District and County Officers a~.d upon all questions..appearing__ on the ballot, to meet and assemble in the designated, and appointed polling ~ places: In Precinct One, the Bradstreet School, Precinct ~wo, St. Michael.s ~ School, Precinct Three, Thomson School and Precinct Four, Kittredge School, l TUESDAY, the. SIXTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1962 at 7 o'clock A.M., mn the forenoon to bring into the Town Clerk and Election Officers and upon all questions appearing on the ballot to vote for Senator in Congress, (to fill vacancy) Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary, Treasurer, . Auditor, Hep.resentative in Congress, 6th District, Councillor,.Sth. Dis~tr.~ct, Senator ~th Essex Dis tract, Three Representa.tives 5th ~Essex D~strmct, Dmstri.ct Attorney for Eastern District, County Commissioner for ~'ssex County, and Sheriff for Essex County; and upon the following que s t i on s: 1. Proposed Amendment To The Constitution: of an amendment summarized below which was Do you approve of the adoption approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held May 13, 1959, received 145 votes in the affirmative and ll8 in the nega.tive, and in a joint session of the two branches held .March 29, 1961, received 144 votes in the affirmative and 121 in the negative? Y E S N 0. SUMMARY STATE ELECTION WARRANT November 6, 1962 225 2. LaW Submitted Upon Referendum After Passage. Do you approve of a law summarized below, which was approved by both branches of the General Court by vote not recorded? Y E S SU~MARY N 0. This act increases the compensation each member of the General Court shall receive for each regular annual session from fifty-two hundred ~ollars to sixty-seven hundred dollars and increases the additional compensation the President of the Senate and The Speaker of the House of RepresentatiVes shall receive from fifty-two hundred dollars to sixty-seven hundred dollars. The act also increases the ad~itional compensation the floor ~ aders of the major political parties in the ~enate and House of Representatives,, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Ways and k~eans and the Chairman and ~ice Chairman of the House committee on Ways and ~eans shall receive from twenty-siX hundred dollars to thirty-three hundred and fifty dollars, and provided that a member of the General Court chosen to fill a ~acancy,. or who resigns his seat during a regUlar annual session shall receive a per diem c ompensati on at the increas- ed rate of compensation for each regular annual session. ~. A. Shall licenses be granted in this T.own for the sale ther.ein of all alcoholiq$everages (whiskey, rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages. ?Y E S. N 0. B. Shall licenses be granted in the Town for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and beer, ale and all other malt beverages)? YES. NO. . . C. Shall licenses be granted mn thzs Town for the sale therein of~ all alcoholic beverages in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises? Y E S. N 0. . A. Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting on licensed horse races be permitted in this county? Y E S. N 0. B. Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting on licensed dog races be permitted in this county? Y E S. N O. The polls shall be open at 7 o'clock A.M., and close at 7 o'clock PoM. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public pl~ ces in~ each voting pr ecinct, said copies to be posted not. more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doing thereon at the time and p~ace of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North Andover, Mass. this 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Two. WI LLI AM A. FI NI~AN A true copy; ATTEST: October 25, 1962. RAYMOND BROADHEAD FRED P. 0AKES C ON S TAB~R. OFFICER ~ S RETURN Se lec tmen .. of North Andover, Mass. I' have this day notified the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are ~ualified to vote in all elections and Town Affairs by ~posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not mor.e than fifteen days~nor less than ten days before the time of holding sazd meeting. The proposed amendment imposes no new taxes but give the General C ~ curt the power to pass an income tax. at graduated or proportioned rates and is a change in NORTE ANDOVER, MASS. WILLIAM J. LACEY, CONSTABLE. the constitutional limitations now in effect on the power of the General Court OCTOBER 25, 1962. to pass t.ax measures. The proposed am.endment would add a new Article to.~the ATTEST. Constitutzon of the Commonwealth b which full ower and auth r ' ~, . Y p oity ms granted JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. to. the Ueneral Court, ~n the alternative to the power and author, it~v to tax mn.comes in the manner provided in Article X~LIV of the Amendments to the Con- ~ / I ST?.TE ELECTION .BELD TUESDAY.. NOVE~B.ER.~ .6,.. 1962. st~tution, to impose a tax on incomes at rates which are proportioned or ~~i~ ' ........ graduated according to the amount of income received, irrespective of the ~ ~ p R E C I N C T S ONE TWO THREE FOUR source from which it may be derived, and to grant reasonable exemptions, de- ductions and abatement. It further provides that any property the income of which is taxed under the provisions of the TOTALS BY PRECINCTS 1122 ~ 1208 l_~ proposed article may be exempted from SENATOR IN CONGRESS the imposition and ~ vying of proportional and' reasonable assessment, s, rates ...... ~" - o~ .~o ~ ~. ~~ ~~,^~ ~_ ~ ~, .... ~.,.~..~_, ~. Edward M. Ke~edy 661 666 619 761 ~-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~,~ ~,-~~ ~ ~ ~~u~lun, and '~iiat the Article George C. ~odge 455 722 55~ 962 shall not be construed to limit the power of the General 8ourt to impose ~d Lawrence Gmlfed~er le~ reasonable duties and excises. H. Stuart Hughes l[~ 19 25 28 Mark R. Shaw 3 TOTAL 2707 0 226 ~ STATE EY,~.CTION TUESDAY NOVE~BER 6, 1962 CONTINUED PRECINCTS GOVERNOR ONE TWO THREE FOUR,TOTAL Endicott Peabody 574 57~ 5~5 6~2 2~6~ Henni~ ~. ~lomen 1 1 1 1 Guy S. Wzll~ams 6 6 ll :? ~6 Bl~nks , 5~ 2 1 2 ~rancis X. Bellotti 611 576 555 701 798 ~21 101~ Francis W. Perry ~75 2~09 Tho~s Maratea 2 ll ~ 18 B~nksFrancis A. Vot~o ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~5 ATTORNEY GENERAL ~dward W. Brook~ Franc~s E. Kelly Edgar E. Gaudet Howard B. Rand Blanks 195o SECRETARY Kevin H. White 7,a~ 751 .7oa Harris A. Reynolds 5469 bL0 ~428 8910~0 22575060 Josh,. Erlandson 2~ 15 191 Blanks Joseph B. Grossman Isaac Goddard Arne A. Sortell Blanks AUDITOR T~mas J. Buckley 775855 75,7 1056 5~1 Louise T. Netays ~~ l Ethelbert L. NevenI Blanks 550 5} 4~ 177 27 CONGRESSNAN 6th D~st~ict. .. George J. O'Shea, Jr. 615 588 56~ 1 C 0UNC ILLOR _ 5.th .Di,s tr ic t 2266 Samuel ~damsBlanks 570 29 ~ 4~ ~5 157 SENATOR' James P. Rurak DeanlK. Webster Blanks 4th Essex District 670 655 75o 2777 ~mSTION NO,. ~.. ¥"~,'s '~ 1~5 i~~ 12o 244 6~2 N O. 740 Blanks 257 271 275 1057 ESTZON NO. (A) Y E S 7i5 857 771 1199 55~1 N 0 20~ 29p ama 5~6 mo4~ Blanks 206 274 aa5 249 954 (B) Y E $ '"' 641 768 71~ '1o86 N 0 169 25p 176 599 Blanks 512 594 519 N 0 162 ~.~ 1702~8 Blanks 510 599 521 5 6 ,,No,.(i,),, Blanks 24~ 247 285 (B,), YES ' 44852~4501697 N o .. . 594 5652~789 755 Blanks 280 552 525 ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS Town Clerk. TABULATION OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS War Ballots "i 5 ~l , ,, ,,.' ,, ,, not rgst-by kindred i _~ ~ i " " Absenttes requested - Voted 2 2 1 ~ '" " War Ballots Hequested - Voted ,i ,, ,, ,, " not rgst - voted 1 1 postcard or otherwise TABULATION OF OFFICIAL WAR BALLOTS ONLY Number of service p~rsons who personally applied by for State V~ar Ballot - 19 Number of service pers.ons who were Ballots were made by kmndred. - 1 Number of service persons who were as voters for State Uar $allots were made by kindred Number p~ rsons - ' 19 Number Number 0. of Ballots mailed to service of such ballots cast - 14 of such ballot s rejected - registered voters for whom State War not registered voters for whom regis REPRESF~TATIVES IN GEN'L COURT 5,t.h Es,s,,e.,x Dist ATTEST: , , ~ ., -'~ JOHN J. LYONS William Longworth 620 885 715 117~ 5590 Town Clerk Arthur Williams 516.812 ~ 10.92 5062 Raymond S. LaRosa 518 48~5 817 2062 RECOUNT OF VOTES FOR OFFICE OF GOVERNOR LD SATURDAY, NOVENBER 24, 1962 . 4 6o9 946 28~5 Albert P Pettoruto 99 769 P R E C I N C T S Augustine J. Walsh ~ 55~6 5656~708 25~1 Blanks 760 788 2860 ONE TWO THREE FOUR TOTAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY Eastern Dist. ~-~ --~' ~ ' John' ~.S. '~u~k'e" """ ' 95.91194 1055 1490 46~8 JOHN A. VOLPE_ 528 8.55 662 1054 5077 Blanks . 165 227 175 285 8~8 ENDICOTT PEABOD~- 576 578 555 706 2595 COUNTY. ,CO,,,MNISSIOEER ~ HENNING A. BLO~EN I i 2 Edward H. Cahill 7~16711 677 819 2925 GUY S. WILLIA~S a 2 1 ! 6 Warren C. Orover 549 629 456 862 2296 BLANZB Bl.~anks , 57 ~8~ .75 94 507 SH~,~iFF ~ TOTALS 1122 1421 1208 1775 5526 ,Yo s. Blanks 52 65 275 TOWN C~K fo. 115 ~5o ~14 2o~ 580 260 952 YES NO Blanks 5252 858 lO61 21,70 1215 ll2 17 ESSEX TOWN WARRAN'T ~ " SS.' To either of the Constables of the Town of Nor th Andover. ,~.2 ..ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~ $2,500.00 to provide for a professional resurvey of its Personn~el, Wage,ed ~ Salary~Administration Plan, to be conducted within the year 1963 under GREETING: supervision of the P. ersonnel Board. Petition of the Personnel Board. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby ~ ~ directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified ~ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote'to amend its Personnell, Wage and to vote in elections and to~n affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium Salary Administration Plan, making permanent the 5% "cost of li.ving increase" in Precinct One, the St. Michaels Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School which Town employees have been receiving for several years, bY mn%teasing each Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kitredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four, item in Schedule B of Codes PF, ATP, 00 and ITS of said Pl_~_n by 55- all in said North Andover on Monday, the fourth day of March, 1963 at 7 o'clock Petition of the Personnel Board. A.M., and there to act on the following article: ARTICLE 13..To. see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel, Wage and ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway Sala~'y AdminiStration Plan, granting a 5% increas in pay t~ Town .employees Surveyor, Tree ~arden, three Selectmen, three ~.:~members of the Board of ~ublic Subject thereto, by increasing each item in Schedule B of Oodes PF, ATP, O0 Welfare and five Constables for one year, one A~Ssessor, one member of the Board and ITS of said Plan by 5% of its amount as appearing in said Schedules prior of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works and two members of the to the vote upon the preceding Article. ~P~titi°n of Personnel Board. School Committee for three years, and one member of the Planning Board and one ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to make permanent the five percent member of.the Housing Authority for five years, and to vote upon the following (5%) cost of living to employees subject to the Wage and Salary Administra~ion questions. QUESTION 1. Plan as ~voted under Article 18, of 1959 Annual Town Meeting. " T Shall the own accept the provisions of an act pas sod by the General Petition ~ of North AndoVer Police Relief Assoc. John J. Lanni, President. Court in the year nineteen hundred and~ sixty, providing for the establish- ment of a regional school district by the 'City of Lawrence, and the Towns ARTICLE i5' To see if the Town wilI vote to amend its Personnell, Wage and of Andover, ethuen and North Andover, and the construction, ~maintenance Salary Administration Plan in the ~f°llow~i~g manner: ~Amend Schedule "B" of and operation of a regional school by the said district in accordance with Code PF by~ increasing 'all step rates by ten percent (10%). Excluding ~ rate 05, the provisions of a proposed agreement filed with the City Council of said Petition of 'North Andover Police Relief .Assoc. John J. Lanni, President. T ~" City and the Selectmen of said owns. Y E S. N O. ARTICLE 16. To see.if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel, ¥~age and · QUESTION 2. Salary Administratmon Plan in the following manner: ~ '~ "Part 1. Shall the Town of North Andover. vote that the .office of Janitor A. BY striking from Schedules A and B of Code PF 05.01 the present title of School Buildings be placed vathin the classzfied Civil Service?" and rate, and inserting in place thereof the following title and rate: · ' Y E S. N 0. . Regular School Crossing Guard $25.00 weekly ~0 weeks per year. "Part 2. If it is voted to p~a ce the ~ffice of Janitor of School Buildings B. BY establishing within Schedules A and B of Code PF, Code Number 05.02, within the Classified Civil Service, shall the Town of North Andover and inserting therein the following title and rate: vote to provide for the continuance in said office of the present Reserv~m~g School Crossing Guard $5.00 per day - single rate. incumbents thereof, after passing a qualifying examination?" 'And to approve p~yment of the increase retroactive to January 1, 1963. ~ ' YES. . NO. Ail to be vote.d upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7.00 A.M., and shall Petition of the ersonnel Board. be closed at 7.00 P.M. . ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote .to amend its Personnel Wage and After. final action on. the preceding Article l, sa~d meeting shall stand adjourned Salary Administration Plan by inserting within Schedules A and B of Code by wrtue of Section 4, Article One of the ??wn By-Laws, to Saturday, March 16,ATP-25 the following title and rates: . 1963, at one-thirty PeM., in the Veteran's A~ditorium of. the North Andover High Tit. l?. ' ~ ~ ~ School, then and there to act on the following articles. Library AssiStant 63.25 67.65 72.10 Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE 18. To see if t_he-T~o_wn~will vote to amend .its Personnel, VCage and Salary Administration Plan. ~ ~he following manner. '. A. By striking from Schedule A of Code ATP-70 the title "Town AccounOant." B. By inserting within Schedules A and B of Code ATP-75 the foll~owing ARTICLE ~. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropria- title and rates: · tions. ' · Title Min. Step..____~_2 ~ ~ . M~AX. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of Town Accountant 93.00 lO1.00 I09.00 ll7.00 125.O0 all elected offic, ers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of Petition of the Personnel Board. the General Laws. BBOoaa~dd oo~ pSeu~ctm~enl~a~C.h ePaerchan~annum ARTICLE .19. To see if the Town wi.ll vote to amend its Personnel, 'age and Board of Assessors - e~ch per annum Salary Administration Plan by striking from Schedule B of Code ATP the "18 Town Treasurer - per annum months" provision for progression from Minimum to Step 2, and inserting in Tax Collector - per annum place thereof the provision "l year"'.. · ~Highw~y Surveyor - per annum Petition of the Personnel Board. . . ' · Tree arden- per annum ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule C: Fringe Benefits. Moderator - per .annum of. its Personnel, Wage and Sa!?ry Administration Plan in the following manner. Board of Health each.per annum A. By striking from Uniform Allowances the words "Seventy-five dollars ($75.00 ~ Board of Public Works each per annum per uniformed man for Police" and inserting in place tkereof the words "One · o~TtIhC~Ei6d~iTsoO~e~oaWr~d.t action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations HUI~dred DOllar? ($100.00) per uniformed man for Police". ~ B. 'By deleting from Special Differentials, paragraph two, .the words"Any emplo- yee working in any capacity during snow.removal shall receive an added l0 con ARTICLE 7- To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasur~'r, with the per hour for each hour so spefft beyond the completion of the regular ~ork day" r~v, ,~ ~1 tm ~- _. ~1 ~- ~- ...... . · . . ..... · ia~z~o~-_~_~__~__~_~S~.~.~.en, ~.o ~borrow money from ~lme to time..in anticipation Petition of the ?ersonnel Boahd. om ~no x'ovenue ox sne rinancmam year beginning January l, 1964,. and to issueARTICLE 21..To see if t~e Town will vote.to amend its Personnel, Wage and a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew or refund any Salary Administration Plan in the following manner: . such note~ or notes, all as provided by Sections ~ and 17 of Chapter ~ of the A. By inserting under Schedule A, Non-classified Jobs and positm0ns, the title General Laws. ".Ke.eper of the Lock-up", and by inserting under Schedule B, for she same ARTICLE 8. To consider all the reports of all special Committees. posmtion, the words "non-compensating". ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to Bo By striking from Schedule B, Nc.n-classified Jobs and Positions, the $250°00 ,nnotn~. ~n~ ~* !~.~ ~.~,~,~o +~ .~. _..~._ .~ ~_._~ _~ ~_ ~ .,, ~, . . . per year comnensation for Forest Flr~ Warden. grid ~o an-ax nas compensation as such as r i S - ~ , p ov dod by ectlon ~ of Chanter ~,l of the words "non-compensati~". the ~eneral Laws. Petition of the Board of Health. ~ ~ Petition of the Personnel Board.. - ' ~TIC~ lO. To see if the ToE will vote to insctruct the Moderator to appoint ~TIC~ 22. To see if the ~oE wall vote to amend its Personnel Wage ~d Salary ~ ~pa~d co~it~e~ of citizens to study all of the By-Laws of the ToE~ ~n8 ~o ~t.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2~~~n~~~~~~~~~~m~~g~:~~~~~E~du~A~~fi~~9~nt~~si"~sis r~por~ ~o a special toe meeting, to be called for th$ purpose, relative ~t~e advisability of revising, amending ~d consolidating said By-Laws, and publishing th~m in one or morepa~phlets, and to raise and approoriate a s~ sufficient defray the expenses_of said comittee tn conduct~g its stud ~d re r. to report. Petition of Jo~ J L C Y p pa ~ng its · yens, Town ~ rk. 250 ' ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend i~s Personnel, Vla~ge and~ ~ --~ ~oe~h~~~p~o~~~~ h A~i~istration PI~ by striking from Schedula A of Code 00-90 the title ~a~a~ ,~: s h 1 k "Assistant Assessor". Petition of the Assessors ~d the Tax Collector~ ~ i ~TICLE 2~. To see if the To~ will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law ~d the ~ ' '~dust~ial Development Co~tttee. Zoning .Map of the Town by ChangingsfrOm a Ru. ral Residence District to an Indus- trial D~strict, the provisions of ection 6.51 notwithstanding, the following ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning. By-Law by changing '~ the following d~scr~bed parcel of land from~RUral Residence to General Business described parcel of land:. A tr~angular parcel Of land, now or formerly of Farnum, upon which the ~ Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Salem building formerly known as the Farnham School stands, bounded .and described 'l~rnpike at land now or formerly of Smerczyn~ki said oint bein -2 0 fee as f~iollows: Easterly 159 feet .more or less, by. Johnson Street, Northerly ,~ ~ , P g 5 t northwesterly of a Highway bound marking the_intersection of the.said northerly bya .bF0ok, 72 feet more or lc.ss, and Westerly l~. ?.5 feet, more or less, by 'line of Salem Turnpike and the Nor. th Andover Middleton Town line, ~thence Turnpike S. treet. The proviszons of Section 6.~1 of the North Andover northwesterly by said northerly lmne .of Salem Turnpike 1~5,80 feet to a point Zoning By Law as amended notwithstanding. ' at .land now or formerly of J.M~ Doyle~ thence turning and running nor. th-Petition o~ Jo~hn C. Farnum and others. easterly by land of said J.M. Doyle 5~.15 feet; thence turning and running ARTIC~ 27. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law and the ~ nort.herly still by said land of J.M. Doyle, 529.52 feet to a corner, thence zontn~L..map of the" TOwn by changing .f~om Village Residential Zone to General' turning and running westerly by Said land of J.M. Doyle 22.68 feet~ to the Busin~ss, the l~ovisions of SeCtion 6.~.1 of the ~Zoning By-Law notwithstanding, cot. net of~ a wall at land now or formerly of P.M. Knowlton; then~ce 'turning the following described parcel of la.nd:· an~ running north~erly by a stone wall and land of Knowlton, 176.5 feet to a ~'"~ ', '~' '' · The land in North Andover, all as shown on a~ plan of land known as "Colonial Gardens, cor.ne~r~at, la.nd now or f~ormerly~of A.J. Doyle; thence turning and running easterly oy ~and now or .formerly of A.J. ~oyle and a stone wall 217.5 feet ~ · "recorded with the. North Essex Reg?stry of Deeds, Plan Book 4, Page 195, and bounded and described as follows to an angle ,in said wall, thence turning and running northeasterly by said stone wall and land now o~ formerly of A.J. Doyle and T.J. Meadows ~1.6 feet Starting at a point in the'center line of Osgood Street at its intersection ~to an angle ~n said wall; thence turning and running northwesterly by. said stone with the extende~ center line of Wayne Street, a~the boundary of the present wall~and la. nd now or formerly of T.J. Meadows 184.9 feet to an angle zn said IndUStrial Zone as shown on the North Andover Zoning Map; thence running along the center line of Wayne street northwesterly 215 i~eet to a point; stone wall, thence turning and running northerly by said stone wa~l and land now thence' t~u~ning and running southwesterly direction 120 feet to a point; thence or formerly of T.J. Meadows 170.4 feet to an angle in said stome wall; thence turning and running in a southeasterly direction 210 feet.to a point in the turning and running northeasterly *by said stone wall and l~nd now or former, ly of ce. nter line of 0sgood Street; thence tur~n~.ng and running ~n a northeasterly T.J. Meadows 2~5.5 feet to a corner at ~and now or formerly of ~lark; thence d~rectton in two courses, by .the center lee of Osgood Street, llS.~ feet to ~urnin~ a~.d running southerly~by a stone, wa~l and land of Clark 128.? feet to · the Point of beginning. Petition of Alfred Boeglin and others. an ang~ze ~n said stone wall; thence turning~ and running easterly by said st~one .wall.2~.0 feet more o~ less to the North Andover and Middleton line: tbe~- 'ART.iC?.W. 28. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing ~urning and running souther, ly by said N~orth Andover and Niddleton T~wn-'li"~ from· RUral Residence to General Business the following described parcel of land 1505.0 feet more or less to land now or formerly of Smerczynski; thence, turning A' Parcel of l~nd, now or formerly of Willis, located on the Easterly side of and .running northwesterly by said land now or formerly of Smerczynski ~4.22 Turnpike Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in feet t_o a corner; then.ce tu~rn~ing and running southwesterly by said land now or .the ~ Easterly side of Turnpike Streetz thence running 760 feet, more or less, fo.rmerly of Smerczynskm ~26.9~ feet to' the northerl ' easterly by land now or formerly of ~'arnum; thence turning and running north- _o~n~ _~ ~ , , ..... y lmne of Salem Turnpike p ~ cz oegmnnmng. ~etition of Kathleen Finck and others, easterly ~50 feet, more or less, still by land of Farnum, to a point in a ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning stone.wall; thence turning and running northerly 290 feet, more or less, By-Law and the Zoning' Map of the Town by changing from Rural Residence Dis- I along said stone wall by land^now or formerly of Thompson, to a point; thence trict to Industrial DJ.strict, the following described parcel of land: turning and running westerly 870 feet, more or less, by land.now or former.ly Beginning at a point mn the southerly line of Salem Turnpike at land now of DeLisle, to a point ,in the easterly line of Johnson Street; thence turnmng and running southerly 615 feet more or less, along the easterly line of or formerly of ~arah B. Beck said point.being ~8~.11 feet northwe, sterly from Jo.h~son and' Turnpike Streets, to the point of beginning. a Highway bound-~in front of house #1803, thence running westerly and south- westerly by various courses 237.81 feet by land of Beck to au intersectionPetmtion of John C. Farnum and others. of Walls at land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; thence turning and ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by chang running southeasterly along a stone wall by land .of the Commonwealth of from Millage Residence to General Business the~ following described parcel of Massachusetts 312.86 feet to an angl? in the wall, thence turning and running land.: A parcel of land now or formerly of Eileen Lynch: et al located on southwesterly al?ng said s~tone wall ~42.1~ feet. to an a~gle in the wall; thence the.', easterly side of Pleasant Street, bounded and descr~be~ as follows: t~ur.n, ing~and running Southeasterly by var~i~o.us, courses along said wall by land Starting at a point on the easterly side of Pleasan~t Street at a jog in said cz ~ne Commonwealth of Massachusetts 136.~4 feet to an angle in the wall; street, turning north?ly along Pleasant. Street 25~.70 feet; thence ~urning thence turning and running southwesterly along said w all by land of the at an angle of about ~0 degrees and 29 m~nutes easterly and running by land ~Commonwealth~ of Massachusetts 52.86 feet to an angle in the wall; thencenow or formerly of McCabe l~0 feet to a point; thence .turning at an angle of turning and running southerly by various courses along said wall by land of about 9.0 degrees and 31 minutes southerly.by land of Vmllage Land Company, the Commonwealth of~ Massachusetts 1510..52 feet to an angle in the wall, thence Inc.,~.249.90 feet to a point; thence turnmng and r~nning by land of Haffner turning and running northeasterly by various courses along said wall by land Heathy Trust and other land of Eileen Lynch et al by two courses of 77 feet of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1054 8 feet to an angle in ~the wall; and ~55~ feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. ~illis & Others. thence turning and running southeasterly by various courses along the wall by land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 592.70 feet to an angle in the w~all; ARTICLE~ ~0. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing thence turning and running easter~ly along the wall by land of the Commonwealth from country Residence to General Business, the following parcel of'land: of Massachusetts ~8.54 feet to. an angle in the wall; thence turning and Beginning at' an Essex County bound on the northerly side of. Salem Turnpike running southeaste, rly by various courses along said wall 1232.77 feet t° ~an and?unning northeasterly ll~.18 feet by.a curve with a radzus of 70 feet to an Essex Count bound on the southerly smde of Peters Street; thence runntn2 angle in the wall, thence turning and running northeasterly along the wall by· ~' . Y ~ ~and of. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 251.22 feet to an angle in the~m!l; north. 60 degrees 57' 30" east 4~6.69 feet by the southerly line of Peters ~hence ~urning and running again northeasterly, but more northerly along the ~ S~tre~b; thence running north 66degrees ~6~ ~0" east 1~.56 feet by land now wall still by land of. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2~1.97 feet to an ~ or formerly 9f the Town of North Andover; thence running south 51 degrees 52' 20" east 26.40 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover; - intersection of walls, thence turning and rurming northerly alo~ng the wall b~ thence~ running south 26 ~egrees 26~ 00" east 159.10 feet by land various courses by land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2~3.0 feet more or forme?ly of the Town of ~orth Andover; thence running south 29 degrees 39' 20" less to an intersection of walls at land no~ or formerly of Towne, thence · east 4.20 feet by land now or formerly of the Town of NOrth Andover; thence turning and running easterly along a wall by land of the Commonwealth of rmnning south 57 degrees 55' 13" west 115.13 feet by l~nd of Ethel'M. Freeman; Massachusetts 680.0 feet more or lessm to an angle in the wall; thence turning h 2 de tees ' " and running so.utheasterly along said wall by land of the Commonwealth of ·thence running scut 9 g .39 20 east 87.97 feet by land of~said Ethel ~sac,hu.setts 4~,.0 f.ee.~_mor_e or lc.ss to an angle in the wall; thenc~ turning N. Fr~man; thenc~ runni~ ~oubh 61 d~g~ ~: 05;: w~ ~91.90 ~b by land ant runnmng northeasterly along samd wall by land of the Co~m~.onwealth of of said Ethel Freeman to the Salem Turnpike; thence running north 32.degrees Massachusetts 50.0 feet more or less to an angle in the wall, thence turning ~0' 00" west 215.79 feet by the easterly sideline .of the Salem Turnpmke to and running northerly along said wall by land of the Commonwealth. of Massachu- the ~point of beginning. Petition of John J. Costello and others. s.etts l!0.0 feet more or less to a point in the ~o,,t~er!y l~ cf Salem T'~n~Ik~. ~cex ~ni~n~g_~a~.~d r~unning, nort~heast_e_rly along~t~-'s~therl~ llne of ~alem ~rn-' Genc~,~~n~e~n~dmore .or less,~o a. Hi_ghway bound at the land of Guy Richards; ~ ~ g runnmng southwesterly by land of Richards 210.0 feet to a point; then. ce turning and running northwesterly by land of Richards ~0.0 feet to a point, thence turning and running northeasterly by land of Richards 210.0 ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to change the Zoning from Country ~.~_ ARTICLE ~1. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $525.00 for Resident District to Village Residence District of the f.ollowing described land:~ the purPOses of reimbursing ~Villiam A. Thirkell for a building p~rmit issued ~hre~. c~dta~ lonOtaS .o. flal~nodfl~aC~dte~ni~orN~tAhn~veO~er~abses~nchgusl~tt~snU~baer'~d i 0~".~ by the T°wn to build a Motor Hotel on the Lawrence'Airport which permit was 5, 4 5 P , , Y 9, 95 ,~' never utilized.· Petition of A~ert A. Steinberg and others. ~ .~ H.J. Morris, C.E." which plan is recorded in the~North Essex ~District Registry ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer of Deeds, as Plan No. 2251. Said lots are contt~uous, and taken together are from available funds, the sum of $6,600.00 f.or the appointment of two regulars bounded and described as follows: NORTHERLY: sevent.y (70) feet, more or less, Patrolmen fUlly qualified~ who have passed Cavil Service Rules and Regulations by a propped street as shown on said plan: EAST~RLY. two hundred sixty-two Petition of the Selectmen and the Chief of Police Joseph W. LaWlor. and eighty one hun.dredths (262:81) feet more or ~ ss by a proposed street as shown on said plan~ SOUTHE~.Y. one hundred (100) feet by lot numbered 16, as ARTICLE 43' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or tran~sfer shown on said plan. V~ESTERLY. two hundred and sixty-two and eighty-one hund-from available funds, the sum of $~,800.00 for the purchase of two new 1965, redths (262.81) feet,.more or' less, by~averly Road, formerly Railroad Avenue. 12 volt system cars; one car--1962, and once car 19~l, to be turned in, in To take any other action relative thereto. Petition of Willi~ ~P. Oasso & Others. trade ~aud all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, siren.s ard other' similar accessories. Petition of Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief of Police. ARTICLE 52. To see 'if the Town will vote to amend its. Zoning By Law. by changin~ ARTIcTE ~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, qr transfer from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of ~ land: Beginning at a stone bound on the~ southeasterly side of 0sgood Street ~ from available funds, the sum of $2,500.00 for the purchase of one 60 watt mobile 2 way radio for Police vehicle, and one 60 watt Base Station for ~head- at the termira tion of the existing Germ ral Business Zone thence running quarters. This includes the cost of installation. northeasterly by said 0sgood Street, 105.8 feet to a stone bound at the in- Petition of Joseph V~. Lawlor, Chief ~of Police. terseCtion of 0sgood and Stanleyville Avenue, a proposed street s~own on a plan owned by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Massachusetts. Charles E. Cvr. C.E.. dated April 19~7.; thence turning and running by said St~nleyville iven~, 550' ARTICLE ~5. To see if the Town will vote to ~aise and appropriate the sum of feet to a point, thence turnping and r.unning southerly 582 feet to a point o~ $~,269.00, said sum to be added to the Fire ~epartment appropriation to pro- vide for the appointment of one (1) Lieutenant from an eligible list establish the northerly side of Grea~ 'cUd Road, thence turning and running westerly oye~ by Civil Service~. Petition of thee Board of Engineers. said Great Pond Road,.213 ~eet to~a point; thereto t~urning and running North- easterly by the existzug General Ousiness Zone, 316 fee. t, more or less to a_ARTICLE ~6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate th~ sum of point; ~hence turning and running in a northwesterly direction, 205.36 feet $25,000.00 to purchase a new Pumper to replace Engine I which is a 1957 Model to the Point of beginning. Petition of Joseph ti. V.aillancourt and othe.rs, and should be replaced. Petition of the Board of Engineers. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote by a two-thirds majority, to rare'Se and ARTICLE ~7' To see if the Town will .vote to raise and appropriate the su TM of $1,025.O0, said mo~ney to be used to relocate the fire alarm system due to the appropriate or transfer from available funds such sum as it may determine t° be build'Aug of Route 49.5- Petition of the Board. of Engineers. the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain pro- ceedings or otherwise, the parcel of land described below, for the ~urpose of constructin~ and maintaining a new fire Station thereon, and to authOrize and ARTICLE 48. To see mf t.he Town wall vote to~ ram se and appropriate the sum of direct its election, in th name and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as $3,100.00, to be used wmt_h the present 1958 Two Ton Truck to_purchase a new they may deem necessary Or advisable to effect such a..dquisitiOn, all as provi- Two Ton Stake Body Dttmp Truck for the Department of Insect Pest Control.~ Petition of Leo E. Lafond, Moth Superintendent. ded b y Section l~, of Chapter ~0 of the General Laws, a Parcel of land bounded ARTICLE 4q' To See if the Town 'will vote to raise and .appropriate the sum of southwesterly by Johnson Street, northerly by Salem Street, and southeasterly by an unnamed travel~d way running from said Johnson Street to said Salem St.reet $1,~00.Q~ to be used with the present 1957 1/2 ton pickup, t~uck to purchase and lying between the parcel described hereby and laud now or formerly of Alice. a new 1/2 ton truck for' the Department of Insect Pest Control. Morse. Petition of the Selectmen upon the recommendation of the Fire Station~ Building Committee. ' ~ ' I Petition of Leo E. Lafond, Moth Superintendent. ARTICLE.'5©. To see if the To_wu will raise and appropriate or~ transfer from _ ARTICLE 54. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, t.o see if the ava$1able funds~ the sum of $5,300.00 to be used with a 1956 Chevrolet pick up Town will vote to di.scontinue all town ways and private ways lying wmthin thetruc. k.and~a 195~ Ford pick-up truck to purchase two no, pick-up trucks. pa~r.c~l ~of .lan~d ~escrmbe~d therein all a~s provided by ~ection~ 21 of Chapter 82 Petition of the Board of Public Works. o~ ~n~ ~enera± ~aws. eetitton of the ~electmen upon the recommenda~tion of theARTIC~E 51. To' see if the Town will raise and appropriate $1,500.00 to purchas~ Fire tation Building Committee. a l0 KW Generator to supply emergency lighting~ and power'for auxiliary units ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will. vote to raise a. nd appropriate, transfer from when it is necessary' to pump water with gasoline engine at the Not,th Pumping available funds or provide by bond .issu.e. or otherwmse, a sum of money sufficient Station. Petition of the Board of Public Works. for the p~upose of constructing: equipping and furnishing a new fire station, ARTICLE 52. To see if the To.wu will raise and appropriate, or transfer from an~ impr~°ving lands~capin~;_grad~_ng and fencing its grounds for fi?station put- available funds, the sum of $15,000.00_to pur.~hase a four wheel drive front poses. ~etttion of the electmen upon the recommendation of the Fire Station end loader. Petition of the Board of ~ublic ~orks. ' Bui2d lng Committee. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or transfer from ARTICLE 56. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, ~to see. if the available funds, the sum of $6,000.00 to cleau and paint the. interior, and Town will vote to authorize its Selectmen, or such other committee as the Townexterior of the million gallon water supply standpipe at Bradford and Barker may vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in. all matters having to Streets. Petition of the Board of Public Works. . ~ do with the expenditure of the funds provided under said article, i~ncluding the ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or pr~ovide the execution of all contr.acts pertaining to the new Fire Station and grounds contemplated thereby. Petition of the Selectmen upon the recommendation .of by.bond issue or transfer from available funds, the_sum of $125,000.00 ~o ex- the Fire Station Building Committee. ' ·, tend the sewer system on Waverly Road and Turnpike ~treet and to accept a lik~ amount from the Federal Government under the provisions of the Accelerated ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, s sum of Public Works Program. Petition~of the Board of public Works. money sufficient t.o purchase or acquire by eminent domain, lan~d and buildings ARTIC~,E 55. To se~e if the Town will vqte to transfer from the unexpended app- thereon, now ownec by, John ~{ur~phy, now or formerly known as 128 Main Street, i rooriation under Article 23 of the 1962 Annual Town Meeting, the sum of ~c.onsisting of~ 5,250 square feet, {42, x 125') for the Put, pose of a new Police $65,000.00 to b~e used to install a 12 inch water main on Sslem Street south 3~ation, and to authorize and direct its Selectmen, in the name and behalf of easterly from Marbleridge Road and to accwpt a like amo.unt from the Federal the Town, to take such steps, as they may deem necessary of advisable to effect such acquisition. Petition of the Selectmen. ~ . Government under the provisions of the ,Accelerated Public ~orks Program. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 ARTICLE 56e TO see .if the .T.own will raise and appropriate, or provide by bond for the drawing u.p of preliminary plans and survey for a new Town Garage and issue or transfer ~o~ available funds, the ~sum of $6,000.00 to ?onnect dead facilities. Pet~t~.o~. of the Selectm~n. . ends in 'the water di. stribution system. Petition of Board o~~ Public ~'orks. ARTICLE 59. To s~e if the Town will vote to purchase a "Machine Accountin ARTICLE 57. To see mf the To~m will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide System" at a cost of $6,500.00. Petition of the Selectmen. ~ g by bond issue or transfer from a. vailable~funds, the sum of $1,200o00 to make _ARTICLE ~0. ~To see if' the Town~ will vote to pay ?.A. Trapazzo & Sons the sum of sU'ch extensions of the water main system, s.ubJect to the standard regu~a titus .~'~--7~;-,,--- ~'-~-- --;' 7~.- --~- ~-~* -~ .... -~- ,~, ~.~ ,~ ~, ~z~ waz'~an~ ~'or voted at this meeting, as ~e ~oar~ cz ~.~o,~ ~u~-~,, _u,, ~~, ..~.~, ~ne m~o~ ~nnuam own meeting. Petition of the Selectmen. may consider most nec.essary, such extension_s not having teen pe~m~ionec ~or at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. 234 ' . - T ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum. of $1,O00eO0 ARTICLE 5~. To see if the o~wn' will raise and appropria te or tresn s~fer from ~ . available funds, the sum of$1,7oo.,ooto install a hot-top basketball court at ~e to repair sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. Chadwick. Street Playgr°und...Petition of' the Board of Public Works.. ~ ARTICLE 71. T° see if'the Town will vote to approPriate or'take from available ARTICIE 59~A. To see if the Town will vote to accept from Roy. R. Fart,. of his 'buuds the sum of ~,000.00 to be used for~ storm drain on Wood Lane. nominee,.' the sum of $8,000.00 to be used by the Town to extend the sewer system Petition of the Highway Surveyor. : on ;the 1909 layout of W~od Lane from She ~r esent terminus sOUtheasterly to a ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $10,700.00 proposed easement i from Edgelawn Avenue to Wood Lane. Petition Board of Public Work to be USed with' the present 1953 Reo to purchase a new refuse truck. 59-B. To see if the' TOwn will vote to raise and appropriate or. provide bY" bond Petit ion of the Highway Surveyor. issue or transfer from'available funds', a sum of money'sufficient to extend the ARTI~o~E 73. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of. $2,000.00 sewer system to the Osgood Street - B~arker'Street area.~ to rep~ce-old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. Petition of Albert A. Steinber'g-and others. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from 59-C. To see if the Town will vote.to raise and a ro riate '~or - pp p proVide by bond available funds, the sum' of $960.00 to e~ect a .steel guard rail a t the torte r isaac or transfer from available funds, a sum of moneY'sufficient to extend of MaSsachUSetts Avenue and ~averley 'Rca de Po'ration of' the Highway Surveyor. the sewer system on Mablin Avenue from Inglewood ~treet to Jetwood Street. Petition of Herbert J. Toomey and others. ~ ARTICLE~ 7.~5. TO'See'if~ the Town'will 'raise and appropriate the ~sum of $990.D0 · ~'~' to erect a heavy d. uty Chain fence on Pleasant Street at Lake Cochichew'ick.~ 59-D. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond .Petition of the H~ghw~ay Surveyor.. . .~ . issUesewer OrsYstem~°ntransferConc0rdfr°m avaitables.reet fromfUndS'camdena SUmstreetOf moneY.to PrincetonSUfficientstreet.t°' ~xtend the ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town wi'.l. 1 vote'to raise and approprzate or transfer Petition of George A..Mai~hot and others. ~ from available funds, the sam of'$12,500.00 to' purchase a street sweeper.- Petition ?f the HighWay Surveyor..' '. . · 59'E. T°.. see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or proYid$ by bond ARTICLE 7~7. To see if." ~he Town wall raise and appropriate the Sum of $10,000. issue o2-tranSfer from avai -~able funds, a sum of money sufficient tS' extend the for 'the rebuilding oD Salem Street, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said sewer ~sy~tem"'bn~chestnut Street from LongwoOd Avenue to the residence of Dr. Edmund P.. Quinn. Petition of .Thomas B. Hayes and others, o .: money to be used with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, .for this purpose, or take any other action in relation therein. ARTICLE-6OA. To' see if the Town will raise and appropriate, or tranS'f$r from Petition..~of the Highway Surveyor. available funds, pr provide by bond issue, a sufficient sum of money to extend the wa.ter ,eye.tern On Wentworth Avenue from the ?resent terminus t° the residence ARTICLE' 7'~8. 'To see if the Town w iii raise and ~'appropriate the ~sum of ~2.000.00 of Leums'~. Smrois. Petition of Louis F. Siroms and others. . . for the n~aintenance Of any s.treet's in Town, under Chapter 90 °~f the' G~n~ral Laws, said moneYctO be"us~d mn conjunction with money which maybe allotted' 60-B, To see"'if t~he Town w.ill vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond bY the State or ounty, or both, for this purpose, or take any 'other action issue or transfer from available funds, a su~m of money SuffiCient to eXtend the water 'system bn Norris Street 350 feet from Middlesex Street. in relation therein. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. . pet:ition, of.Anthony Longo. and others. .~ ARTICLE 79. To s I e e if the Town will vote t° approPriate fo~ highway proj~ct.s having the approval of the State Department of Public ~ork's. some. '~oart or 60-C.' To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide..by bond all of the_ $18,016.10 apportioned to ~t~.e Town by said Department u~d er issue .or transfer .fr.om available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the Chapter 782 of the Acts of 1962. Petmtion c~ the Selectmen. . Water SYstem on Nartzn Avenue 320 feet Westerly from Massachusetts~ Avenue. ~ ' Petition of Alva. K.. Eldridge and others. . . ~ .~ ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town wi.il.vote to amend its Personnel Wage and 60-D. TO see if-the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~, or provide by . ~ Salary Administrat.ion Plan by strmkzng from Schedule B o_f COde ITS Step 6 bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to ~ / and all r. ates within said step. Petition c~ R~mond C. Dill. and others. extend the water system on Beacon Hill Boulevard from Massachusetts Avenue ARTICLE 81: To see if the Town'will vote to accept the.prowsions of G.L' toe'the Upper .Elementary .School. LPetition of the School Building Committee. c.90, 1SA inserted by St. 1962, c.409, which will ~ rmmt the Selct~uen to adopt 60'E. To' see mf the Town will vote to raise and aPPropriate or provide bY bond amend and repeal rude s, subject to the approval of the State Department of Pub.lic Works, regu]a ting the use by pedestrians' of ways within the Town. issUe .or transfer from available funds a sum of money sufficient to ~xtend the Petmtion of the Selectmen w~'be'r~syst~m,160~''f~et On Mablin Avenue from i~gleWood Street toward Jetwood street. Petition o.f Herbert J. Toomey and others' ' . ARTICLE 82, To see if the .Town will vote to accept the provisions of. G~.c.l~8, ARTICLE 61. To see zf the Town will vot.e to ins tall a new water main ,along SectiOn 56, as amended, w.hmch p. rovides th. at-no person shall'engage mn the johnson Street between Rea Street and Mall Road, and if necessary, along Reabus.iness of open-air park-~ng without a license to do so. Street, to alleviate a~ rusty w.a.ter problem which has been prevalent since the Petition of the ~electmen. . first of November, 1962. Petition of M. ~Lois Bowman and others.. ARTICLE 83. To see if the. Town wall vote to raise ..and appropriate the sum of ARTICLE 62- To see if the TOwn will vote to raise and app.r, opriate,~or.transfer $500.00 for the street sign program for 196~. Petition of th.e Selectmen° from available funds, or provide by bond issue, a sum of $10,000o00 to construct ARTICLE .84. To see if the Town will. vote to raise.'and spproPrmate, or transfer ~rst0rm' dra~n· ~ and its appurtenances on CotU/~ Street from Ipswich Street~. to from aVamlabl, e fun. ds, such sums~as mt may determine to be the fair and reason- Ds tmouth~ Street,~ .Petition~ of..Norman .Cam~ ell and others. ' ' a.b? C.ost~ of acqum.ring~ for the 'l'own by. purchase, eminent domain proceedings or ARTICLE~'6~o' To see if~the Toms will Vote to raise and appropriate, or.transfer O~nerwmse, easemenDs zor the construction, maintenance, repair and replacement from~availa b~e funds or provide by .bond issue the necessary sum of~$2~,500.00 of drainage pipes, conduits and other works throughout the following parcels to inStall~a surface drain to allev_~ate conditions at Chickering Road and of land:~ .' ~ . Pleasant Street. Petition of the Selectmen. (1). A strap of land 20 feet wmde,'running northerly from Cotuit Street to nor or formerly of Robert J. Burke, and comprising the most westerly l0 foot ART!CrE64.To see if the ToWn will vote to raise and appropriate a suffi.cient strip of land now supposedly belonging to John E. Sptnney et ux ard__ the most roadway.Sum~ of' moneYPetiti6ntO r~pairof thejohnCOllapsedj. DeLisleCUlvertand others:~°n Johnson Street and to repair the easterly l0 foot strip of land now supposedly belonging to William A. Willett i et ux, all as shown on that plan of land entitled ~'Plan Showing Drainame A~RTICLE' 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and a~~~ ~-- ~-- ~ ~ '" ' ~ ' ~ " ' ~~-~, or ~rans~'er Easement,.. .. ..~ ........ North Andover, ass. dated ~ce~er 1962, and drawn by Brasseur ~'rom available f~ds or provide by bond issue, a s~ of $5,000.00 to remove ~ Associates, a copy of which is on file, for~ public inspection at the office and replace the Pipe culvert ~der IpsWich Street. · of the '~'ov~ Clerk. . Petition .of Norman C~pbell and others. " '~ .. ~ ~ Y g g · t ux, which is (2). That parcel of ~nd supposedl belon in to Jo~ S Adam e ' ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to ra~ ~-- ....... ~ - ~ ~ desig~ ted as "~roposed Drain~e Easement" on that plan of ~nd entitled "Plan ~ .~.'.:.app~.op~xa~e a s~ cz money of propose~' Drainage System and Outlet Sta.2 0 to Sta- the gradt~ and dra~ing a section of Wood Lane extending from ~ood, stock Street ~ , 9~5 . ~..~0, ~e,., to the dead end at the stye wall. Petition ~ Stewart P. WilSon ~d o~rS. and dated ~eptember l~" 1962' a~cooy of which is on file~ f~r ?~hiic ~nspectio' ~TIC~.'67' 'TO see'if. me To~ will vote to install a surface drai~ :0n walnutat the~.office~of the ~own Clerk. - . .... AVenue'. Petition of Tho~s J. NcEvoy ~d others.. ~ (3)."That"p~rceI of ~nd, supposedly belongi~ to Jo~ A. Pearson et ux, 9afl E" Pe'arson'~t ux and Alice W. NOrse. and each desi~ated a ~TIC~ 68. ~To see if the To~ ~ll raise and ap~opriate the s~ of : : Easement" on that plan of land entitle "Plan o for the maintenance of t e $2,000.00 ' ~ ........ . . , .......... t~ ~,, ~ ,.~ S~.~, ~oz~on Highway Surv, v~ ~le~,~ ~a,y~O Co ~Ca, 25~ l~ Salem Street and dated September 12, 1962, ~R~ZC~ 69. To see if the To~ will vote ~ -~----,-~- _ , ~ ~.. ~ ~' a copy 'of which is on file, fo~.public ~spection, ~t the office of ~eTo~ ~ ~rr~'~pz'ma~e or ~a~e from available Clerk. AND to authorize and direct its Selectmen mn the name and behalf of f~dspetitiontheofS~theO~nlgnway$2p,OD0~O0~urveyor.tO be used for the resurfac~g, of streets. ~ the Town, to ~ake such steps as they may de~ necessary or advisable to effect such acquisitzon~ Petition of the Highway ~urveyor. ARTICLE 85-A. To see if the Town will vote that at the annual meet~ing in 196~ ~=~ ARTICLE 9~. To see if the Town will v~ote to establish Beacon Hill Boulevard from Massachusetts AvenUe to the Upper Elementary SchOol Building Prope'rty the Town shall elect three Selectmen for the respective terms of one, two and three years, and that at each annual meeting thereafter it shall ele ct one Selectmen for a term of three years. Petition of Phi~lip Sutcliffe' and others. 85-B. To see if the Town will vote_ that at the annual meeting in 1964 the Town wh, all~ el?ct three, members of the ~oard ~f Public ~elfare .for the r~espective terms cz one, u~o and tnree years, and that at each annual meeting thereafter it shall elect one member of said board fo~~ a term of~ three years. petition of Philip Sutcliffe and others. Line as a public way by accepting the Selectmen's ~aying oUt of the same, heretofore filed with the .Town Clerk. Petition of the sole ctmen as recom- mended by the School Buildzug Committee. ARTICLE 95 To see if the Town will vote to establish .Bay State Road from MassaChusetts Avenue to the Upper Elementary School Building property line, as a pUblic way by accepting the Selectmen's laying out of the same, here filed with~the' Town Clerk. ~Petition of the Selectmen as recommended by the School Building ~ Committee. ARTICLE 86...To see if the Town will vote to make the following corrective changes ARTIC.LE 96. To see if the Town will raise and aptropriate a sum of money for in the~"s~ec~i0'n~numbering system of its'Zoning By-Law' as orinted in 1958, and one. ~s~dewalk and curbing repaired extending 40 feet in,front of building 71-7~ as since amended: r: B strikin out Sections .~ ~ (-~ . 28 ~ ~ 2 . ~ Y g. ~ 5 75, ~ 74, ), 3 7~( ), ~ 7~(9), Main Street, North Andover, Mass. Petition of George E. Crane and others. 3.74(~0), ~.74(~5), ~.77 and 5.~; as. so appearing. By making the following SeC. t.iOn numbering changes: ~ ARTICLE'9.7. To.'see if the Town will vote to raise and aPpropriate a sum of 5.7.4 (2) to 5~75 (1) 3.7.~ (16) to ~.75 (15) 5.7.~(5~) to o5.75 (29~) mOney'for the'removal of'the World M~ar Two ~emorial from in front of ~the Town to !2) (17) to .73 (18) 3.7. (34)to ~.75 !~'0.) 0ffi~e~Building to'an"kpPr0priate spot at Memorial Park,. also securinga World War II, G.I.' Bust to be a.dded to same and that the Moderator appoint a commit- ~'7.4 (4! to 5.75 (5) ~7.~ (18) to 5.~75 (17) 5-7.4(36) to 5.75 ~7~ (5) to 5'~$ (4) 5~7.4.1'(i1~) to ~'75 (18) ~'7.~(~?) to ~.75 !~2~) tee for the purpose of. thzs_article. Petition of Louis P. Saunders & Others. 5~' (6) to $.75 (5) 3~7~4 (20) to 5-75 (19) 5~7.~(58) to 3.75 (~5) ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~,'.(?) $8 3'7~ (~) 3'7.4 (21) to 5.7.~ (20) ~-7.4(~9) to ~.7~ (5~) $~00'00 ~f0r t~e~d~e of its"Devel6pment~ and InduStrial Commission. - ~. !8) to ~7~ (7) ~,7.~ (22).~..to ~-75- !21) ~.74(~0) to 5.7~ (~5.) "~ "~ ~;(9) to 3'7~ (8) 5'7.~ (25-.)i~to 5.7~. (22) 5.75~ to ~5.74 Petition of Industrial ~evelopmenb Commission by Edward P. Phelan & Others: ~i (10)to ~-7~ (9) ~'7.~ (24!'to 5'75 (25) ~'76 ~ to 5-75 . ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote 'to adopt a by-law or order establmshi 5. (11)t0:';5.73 (lC) '5;7~ (25) to 5'7~ (24) 5'79 (1) to 5.77 (1) the.fees t°"be charged for inspections by the Gas Inspector. 5.' (12)to 5.7~ (ll) 5'7~ (26! to 5'75 !25_) ~79 !2! to 5.77 2! Petition of the Selectmen. . 5.' (15)to 5-75 (12) 5;7.4 (2~.) to 5.~75 !26! 5-79 (3) to 5-77 5) ARTICLE lO0' To See.if the.Town will ram.se and appropriate the sum of $4,000.0 ~,' (14)to 5.7~ (l~) 5~7.~ (~.I~) to ~75 (.27) ~'79 (~! to ~5'77 4) for the .purPose of ~nstallmng a new heating system at the Town Infirmary. The 3.~ (15)to 5.7~ (14) 5.7~ (58) to 5.75 (28) 5.79 (5) to 5.77 55 proVisi~qns for the-installation of a heati, ng system are in conformity 'to State ( 5-79 (6) to 5.77 6) ~ Public health Laws, pertinent to the tr owsions of obtaining a license to By numbering, as Oection 5.76, the written description of that parcel of ]and operate. Petition ff the Board of Public ~elfare. which waS the sub jec, t of the vote of the TOwn under Article 6~ of the Warrant for the 1959~Annual Town Meeting. Petition of Town Counsel. ~RTICLE lO1. To see if the Town will raise and appropr.iate the sum of $500.00 for' the ims tallation of proper. ~wage disposal fac ilitxes at the Town infirmary Petition of. the Board of Publmc"elfare. ARTICLE,_ . 87' To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 5.1 .of its .Zoning By Law by'striking from the t~ st sentenc thereof the words, "Private" and "Twelve" and' inset'ting in. place .thereof the words "public" and "Fourteen", respectively, ARTICLE 102. To see' if the Town will'vote to raise and sp propriate , or trans~ so that said'sentence wxll read as follows: fromavail~ble fUnds, th~. sum' of $800.00 to match a like sum to be raised by the NOtice of said pUblic hearing shall be given b publication in ~ news a er~ NOrth Andover Board of -tade, for the purpose of providing decorative light&ng ' Y~ P P I during the~ 196~ Christmas ~eason.. Petition of .Ben C. Sweeney and others. published in or of general Circula.tion in Nor.th 'ndover fourteen days at lea'st before the dat'e of such hearing. Petitmon of Town Counsel. . ARTICLE 10~; To See if the Town wml'l'vbte to raise and appropriate, or transfer ARTICLE' 8.8'~ ~"~0 se]e if it~he Town will' vote to amend .Section~ 9.1 of its Zoning from available funds the sum of $1,500.00 to. be used for a Town Fourth of July B'y~L~w"b~'strlkisg~ from its last'sentence the re uirments that tw~ CelebEation,' any and all profits ~made at saxd celebration to be returned to the .............. q . o of the members of ~The Board of Appeal.s shall be appointed from among the members ofTown ~reasu_ry" 'petiti.on of the ~electmen upon the recommendation of the the planning Board, so ~hat sa~d sentence will read as follows: Fourth of ~uly Celebratxon Committee. The 'Board"of APPe.als lViembers and As.sociate Members ~shall be appointed ARTICLE 104..TO see if the Town will vote to transfer the s.um of $10,000.00 bY'.the 'Selectmen ~n 'the m~anner~provxded by statute. Petition. of the Planning ~oard. from the Overlay Surplus to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Se]e c'tmen. ' -- T . ARTICLE 105. To see if'the Town will Vote to take the sum of ARTICLE"89~ To See if the own will vote to amend Section 9.2 of its Zoning from. available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of th~' A"sSeSs'o'~s.' ~- B~Law"bY, Striking"from. the first sentence thereof ~everything following the wor~""Pdbl~cation", and inserting' in place thereof the hrase "as, ......... , ............. P provided And yOu-are d~r~cted to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies by statute ', so that said sentence will read'as follows: ' . thereof, at. the 'Town. OffiCe. Building, and at five or more public places in eac on' eACh- aPPeal' arising under the North Andover Zoning By-Law, the Board voting precinct. Samd copzes to be p.osted not more th~u fifteen days nor Is ss 6f 'App~aI~q"shall h61d a pdbliC hearing of which notice shall be "given bv thane,ten days ~ before the time of holdzng said meeting. publication~as provided by statute. Petition of Town counsel.~ Hereof fail not, and make due return of thiswarrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting, Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of January ARTICLE 90. To, see if t~he Town will vote to amend Section 10.5 of i~ts Zoning By'Law bY striEing therefrom the words "in a~newspaper Published in or of general Circulation in North Andover twelve (12) days at least before date in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred ~,a~d sixty-three. o.f .Su.Ch,.hearing" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "as provided by ~ WILLIAM i. FINNERAN s~a~u~e ,~so that said Section 10.5 will read as £ollows: N0~i~. of~the 'aforeSaid public hearin~ on ~ ~.~~ ~~. ~~ ~-- -- - RAYMOND BROADHEAD '~'ov" ~"~'uo±zca~"'_on~ ......... as ' r~,~ ~ .. ~_~ ~_~-~ -------o~ ~,~.~..~.~. ~a~ .°e gxven ~ . FRED P. OA~S. ~ P- - p ,~d b~ ~~ ~ uy ma~ing cop~es o~' suc~ notice J~ A true copy. . · _ ~ ~ Bo~d of Se~ ctmen. as pUbiished t0 such ~ r ties as the Pla~ing Board ~y deemed interested, . AT,ST. , / at the addresses 'for~sUch parties as they appear'in the most recent NOrth ~ndover ~ea! estate tax ~ecords. Petition of To~ Counsel.. ' ~ .... · "~ ~LLIAM J.~A ~ C~stC able. ARTICr. E"'91. T0 see if'th~ ~o~ will vote to amend Sections '6.61 ~d 6.62 of North Andover, Massachusetts. February 19, 196~. ~t~'~gning~B~-Law~by. stFikmng from each the date ~cember 6, 1956." I have'nOtified and warned the inha$~t~ts of-the ~oE of North Andover quali- ~e~m~lon cz: ~oE Go~sel. ' ......... OFFICe'S ~T~N ART~LE'~P. ~ ~ee ~e ~ T~,,~ ,,,~ ,.~.~ ~ ~,~_~ ~,._ ~.~_ _,~ . . ~ie~ ~ ~nte in eleot~.o~.$ and. To~ Affa~rs by in ~he name and behalf or ~e ~o~ a release to the OO~onwealth of ~aS~a,h~- ~ ~h~ ~rran~ I~ five or more public place~ ~o~' ~ald copies ha~1ng been posted not mor~ th~ $~$t~d~ no~ le ss than ~ts, the Department of Pub11~ Works, and their successors and assigns from ten daYs"~efore the'tzme of said meet~g. ~y and all olazms Of every name and description whatsoever arls~g Srom't~e' Nort~ AndOVev, ~aSs. ~ ~ILLIAM ~.~A0~ O~stable. takln~ by eminent ~o~in of .a oertatn parcel o~ .land former1, belch in to ~ tin f ~ ~ · "~ ' ~'' o o an amo~t ~f not ~ss th~ $~15 56 Petition of To~ Co. eel. ~. ATTEST: Jo~ J. Lyons. ~TICLE 93~ ~o see ~f the To~ will vote to accept Walnut Avenue. ~ To~ Clerk. ~etition of '~homas J. NcEvoy and others. 235 .. . 239 ARTICLE 1. RESU.LTS OF ELECTION..-. M. ONDAY, MARCH ~, 196 =;3 ARTICLE 1. RESUI~S OF ErRCTION - MONDAY, MARCH ~,~ 1963. ,- -~ .... ~ ' NUMBER~- OF VOTES' ~BY?RECINC~S ~'~ c_N,T. ~ ....' ' '"'"' '" ' ....... ~~ OF vOTEs BY P~CINCTS _ ~ o 0~ TWO T~ FO~ TOTAL io i '~ '~' ' - ~ QUESTION N0. 1. Y E S ' 5~ 771 562 902 2749 ~OD~ATOR FOR O~E ~ ~ "' ~ ' N 0 m~8 m~4 ~2 ~86 55O ART~'~, THoMsoN "~ ~ 62~ 857 719 106~ ~26~ . Blanks ~ 105 156~ 149 155 521 W~AM McALOON ' ~ " No.~ 2. M E S , ~ 4~ 65O 5O8 75O ~8~ Bla~s . · ll2 184 104 'lbl 551 (Part 1.)' N 0 ...... 185 251 ' 15~ 326 TOWN TREASURER FoR .ONE ~%R ' ' 2 ~ ~ Blanks 97 - 160 162 145 5~4 ~A~S J. ~R ~ 656 906 72~ 1086 ~ (Part 2~.)Y E S ~ 48~666 .516 815 2480 Blgnks 79 1~5 100 1~5 , ] N 0 ' 116 158 111 200 , 585 TAX COL~CTOR FOR OE ~ ~ ~ ' ~ Blanks 156'. 217 196' 206 ~5~ '~ames:'H. De~hirs't ' ..... ' "' 626 8~6 719 lO6~ 5260 P~ING B0~D FOR 5 ~ARS . Blanks 109 1~5 106 15~ 560 - ~r--'n.~ man 552 4~ 455 ~9~ SELEC~N FOR O~ ~AR ' D ~d H. Eves ' ~ lll I ~ 89 294 649 1022 Blanks L ~$ 15~ 92 11 ~ , , William A. Finner~ 6~ 627 656 1~ 5161 Fred P. 0akes 5~5 785 622 7u~ ~295~ All the foreg~g officers were voted for on one ballot and check lists used. Robert Bush ~ The Board of~ negistrars declared the successful c~didates elected to their Bl~sGe°rge Moody ~$'-' o(o'~Z p~p'~;6~ 22~71 respective offices. ~ ~ . After final action of Article 1, the said meeting was adjourned by Vzrtue of BOARD 0F P~LIC ~A~. FOR 1 ~AR.. ~ Section ~, Article One of the To~ By-Laws t° Saturday ~,~arch 16, 196~ at one- R~°nd ~r'0aghe~d "'"'"' "~" 576 ~50 ~56 lO10. 5o72 thirty P.M., in the Veter~'s Auditorium of the ~orth n~dover High SChool, ~Willtam A. Fznner~ . 627 ~12 65~ 10~2 ~l~p Fred P. Oakes · 568 776 6~ 97~ 29~ then and there to act on ,the ~remaming articles ~n the Warr~t. Robert ~h ' ' ' AD'JO~ED ..T0~N EETEG. ?m~C~. ~6., ~96~_..~ 7O5 650 The oheok at e%r"- oe and shJea tha HIG~Ay S~~OR FOR 1 ~ voterS were pre~ent. 'The meetzng was called to order b~ the~Moderator at P.M. to T n, Nicholas F. Nicetta ~2~ 475 520 ~ 1607 Miss Mary T. Finn wh9 retired as ToE Acco~t~t zn October after 27 years Blanks 10 29 2o 77 ~ the office, then zntroduc~g~Miss Fi~'s successor David F. Roche. The .; Bi~s ~ 75 127 95 127 ~$ ~ ARTICLE ~. V0~D to refer to'the Selectmen the appointment'of toe offzcers not requzred by law or by-la~, to be otherwise chosen. ASSESSOR FOR ~ ~S ' ' - ~ ARTICLE ~. ~0TED that the artxcle.be adopted. ' ~~e~ite So~c~ ' 62} 8~0 691 10ky' }221 ARTIc~ 4. V~ED that all arrrorrxations and accosts be carried forward to Blanks ll2 lb1 1~2 174 599 'January l, ~965. ~ BOARD 0F HEALTH FOR ~S ~TIC~ 5. VOT~ to fix the ~following a~ual salaries and compensations: Julius Kay .... 5}~ 751 556 82 St.C~. 167 22~ 2~ Gerard C. }5~ 2~6g~ ~oard of Selectmen-each per ~n~, . . . . . $700.00 Board of Public ~elfare each per ann%~ . . . · }00.00 Grac'e Austin I ~-i ~oard of Assessors - each per a~um......1,~00.00 Blanks 3~ 67 ~7 ~9 187 Town~ Treas~er - per a~ . . . . · · · · · 6,700.00 BOARD 0F PUBLIC WORKS FOR YE~S -qTax Collector - Per annum... · · · · · · · 2,2~.0.00 1~~ ' Tree Warden-per ~num..... · · .. · · 400.00 Robert M. Wood 615 850 6~0 5~ ~ighway S~veyor - per a~ . · . · · . · · 5,765.00 Bla~s 120 191 14~ Moderator - per ann~... · · . · · · · · · 50.00 SCHOOL CO~ITEE FOR ~S ~oard of Health ~ each per annum . . . . . . ~00.00 - ~ ' ..... ' ~'' ~ ' ' ' Board of Public W~rks - each per annum . . .. 250.00 Robert W. Friis · ~ 197 521 221 ~90 12~9 ~TIC~ 6. VOED to approve ~tems of the bud et collectxvely as to the fcc'om- Lois P. Fisher 16~ 286 192 ~ ll41 -~ g James W. ~omson · ~5~ 665 528 2291 mendations of, the Advisory Bogrd wi~h the exceptions of the following~changes Charles W. Trombly ~70 5~ ~56 f~ 201~ ~tem 5, To~ ~Olerk increased. $50. item 1}, Personnel Board expenses increase ChaPles Buch~an $100. Item ~, Board of Appeals-Personnel-withdraw. ~ Item. 21, Fare Dept., Li?utenant increased $~,269.-00 and 15 regulars decreas?d $5'197.92. Item 26, Blanks 185 267 ~9 967 Buxld~g Inspector salary i~creased $600 ~nd expenses ~nc.reased $200. Item HOUSING AUTHORI~ FOR FI~ ~S ~_~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ' T~ ~ ~ , ~ , - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e S.~ ow ..emo~ a! ~ x _n ~ ~ _.c_ ~ as ed ~=.~e -~o~a~ inc.~.ed $1,250. m ~, ' -p- · - M. George NorWoOd - - .... 5~8 820 6~1 ~ 5052 ~ ~ $.15,000 and Item 62, Insurance increase~ $1,000. Blanks ~7 221 1~2 No. Department ' Salarxes-Wages Expenses T 0 T A L ~788 . ~ , ,.,,,. ~ ,,_ ,., .......... CONSTAB~E~ FOR 0~ ~ 1., Selectmen: Salaries ~ $2,100.00 " $2,109.09 William J.~ Lacy '." 500 669 5~9 8~8 258~ , -.-'? ~ Clerk Salary 5,978.76 5,97~.76 George R. MacKenzie ~S& 679 5~2 861 259~ ~ Expenses ~ , $1,050.00 ~,O50.00 2. Treasurgr: Salary ~700.00 ~,700.00 ~ugusD~ne'~ ...... ~;v -~'-. wa~sn '~ '~ -:~ 497~'~655 J 517~ ~~ ~25~ ' .E~nses ~ ",' _ ~,289.5~ ~28~.5~ ~gene A. ~nne 191 2~7 ~28 5. Aco~tant. Salary . 5,5~1'~0 5,581.80 i. ~o~th~ 2 ~ ~ 9~ Clerk Salary 4,145.68 F. ~illick ~ -~ ~ ~ Expenses 1,520.50 1,520.50 C. C~ncrc ~ k. Tax 0oiiector: Salary ~ 2,200.00 2,200.00 Jo~ ~Oaron i ~ ~ - Clerk Salary ~, 900.00 . ~ ~, 990.00 J. Tac~ i . Expenses~ 4,1~0.00 4, 160.00 A. Nur~hy ~ 5. To~ Clerk. Salary~ 5,~00.00 , 5,~00.00 J. Nurphy ~ Expenso s 650.00 650.00 Blanks 961 1528 1172 1469 5150 NO.' DEPARTMENT i ES .E. XPE,N.SES , T 0 ,T A.. ~ ~. No,. DE,P,~RTMENT ~ .,Exp,ense,$ T 0 T i ~ New ~oth . ~-~ ' _ ' ..J ... . [RT. . two ton truck, Supt $5,100.00 ARTICLE 26 VOTED to amend section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law (.as re numbered '6'. AssesJsorS:' ' Salaries $5,400.00 $5~400.Q~ .~5. Snow RemOval ,~. ' 65, o°o.o0 65,000 "· ' t!!!New !!2kiiOSult'il .~ by the vote of the Town under Article 86. of the warrant for this meeting)by · Secretary 4,255.92 4,255.~ .~. Board Of.Public ~'elfare: Salary 900.00 ~. 900 . New ~'~3 adding thereto, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.~1 of Said By-Law Extra Clerical ' 5,900.00 ~,900.00 .45.° Wel:fare Ada: Expenses 15,840.00 15,840 ~ ~-~* (7) (Description as in Attic.lc. , . Expenses ~ $4,5o?.oo 4,~07.00 ~g. Inf?mary: SuPt's Salary 2,2.05.00 2,2.0~ ' The vOte: AFFIRMATIVE 522. NEGATIVE 55. A 2/5 majority. 7. Elect~on & Registrars: Salaries 875.00 ~75.00 . l¥latrons Salary 1,9114.12 1,944 ARTICLE 27. VOTE, D not to adopt the article. xpenses . 5,800.~0 5,800.00 Wages 1,926.56 ~ 1,92~ ARTICLE 28. VOTED to amend section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law (as ~e-numbered . i Expenses ~,505.00 8,50p i by .the vote of the Town under Article 86 of the warrant for this meeting) by 8. Town Counsel. Salary 1,500.00 1,500.00 47. Welfare G~ants: ' P! . ' add~ng the.reto the following new paragraph: . Expenses ' 5.20..00 520.00 Old Age Assistan.ce 15,000.00 70. Repair s~de walks, l'000'00~' (8) (Description as i_n. Article. . 9. Moderator. Sa.lary. 50.00 50.00 ~.i.d t.o Depend. Child. 15,000.00 73. Replace oldstone culverts. , 2,000.00 The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 295. NEGATIVE 77. A 2/5 masor~ty. 10. Advisory Board~ Expenses 250'.00 250.00 D~sab~lity Assistance. !5,000.00 ?~. Steel guard rail. Mass Ave. ~averly Rd. 960.00 · , ll. Planning Board. E. xpenses . ~00.00 900.00 .GeDeral belief ' 10,O00.O0 '75. Chain fence, Pleasant St., at ~Lake Cocho 990.00 ARTICLE 29. VOTED to amend section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law (as re numbe~red 12. Board of Appeals.. Planning Expenses 600'.00 800~ Medical Assis. Aid. 55,000.00' 77. Salem Street, Chapter., 90. .~ 10,000.00 by the vote of the Town under Article 86~o.f the warrant for this meeting) by l~. Personnel~ Board. .Expense s 950.50 9510.50 ~ Total Welfare Grants.~ 88,000.00 88,000 78. Any Street. 90. 2,000.00 adding thereto the following new paragraph. 14. Board of Appeals. Personnell-expenses ~' ' / ~8. veteran's B~enefits: Agent Salary 1,250.00 1,250 -~ ~'~ '-^~ · .~ ~ ~ ~ 15. Town Bldg. Janitor - Salty ' 1,~.6.90 1,,4~6.90 ~ Clerk, ~alary 500.00 500 ~3. Street Signs. ' . 500'00 , The vote was UNANIMOUS. .,Expenses 6,000.00~ 6,000.00 ' ~Expenses 150.00 150 '' 8~.Easements, cons't, draznage, etc. 200.00 ARTICLE 50. VOTED to reject the article. 16. Custodian Tax Titles: Salary . 100.00 -~ 100.O0 ~Cash grants ' 20,520.00 20,52¢ ' 95. InduStrial Dev. Comm. . '500.00 · Expenses . ,25.00 · .25.00 ~9'.SchOol Dept. salaries 661,750.00 ~ ~6~1,75¢ 100.Heating System. Town Infirmary. 4,000.00 ARTICLE 51. VOTED to re!ret the artzcle. 1~. Tax Title Foreclos.ures. Expenses 40 $00 I 40.00 ~ Expenses. ' . 128,025.00 ]2 ~,025 101. Sewage DispOsal." " , 500.00 lS. License Commission. ~xpenses 200.00 200.00 50. School Crosszng Guards*Salarmes6,500.00 6,50¢ 102. Christmas Lights. 800.00 ARTICLE 52. VOTED to r~eject the article. '~19. ~n~nu. al Town Meeting ~xpenses 5,750.00 5,750.00 . ~Expenses ' ~ 700.00 ?0C 10~.4th July Celebration. 1'500'00 ARTICLE 5~' VOTED to strike from the Warrant. 20. Polmce Dept. Chief Salary ~,170.00 .7,170.00 51. SteVens Mem'l Library-Head Librn. 6,13.~.h]~ ~,1~4 10~.Reserve Fund. ~ , ARTICLE 5~. VOTED to strike from the Warrant. 12~ PatrolmenSergeants' _ 2~,577.~6~,892.0~ 2~'577' ~'~465,892.04 . ~ ~ssistantS~Expenses & Janitors, 19,8~0.2~ 5,950.00~ 19,8~(8,95( TOTAL AMOU.NT (ARTIcLEs). TO BE RAISED & APPRPTD. .$9~,1~8,22 ARTICLE 55. VOTED to str.ike from the Warrant. Regulars-Reserves Specials ~,500.00 ~,500'00 52. PlaYgrounds & Bathing Oeach. . T. 47 Relocate Fare Alarm Route 495. (Available Funds). _1,025.00 ARTICLE 56. VOTED to strmke from the warrant.. Overtime and Elections. 1,500.00 1,500.00 Sup~rintendent Salary 495.o0 ~ ~9~ ,.,: T. 55. Salem St:, water main, fro~ Art. 25, 1962. 60,000.00 Expenses ^ 12,~54'00 12,~5~.00 ~ Labor, Guards, Caretakers 10,000.O0 10,00( 59C & D. Mablmn Ave. Concord St: sewer system. ~ ARTICLE 57.~ VOTED not to adopt the article. . Bathing Beach Police ~00.00 ~00.00 . Expe. nses . ~,000.00 ~,00( From Articles ~0A to ~0E,.~ncl of 1961. 5,000.00 ARTICLE 58. VOTED to adopt the article and that the sum of $2,000.00 be raised 21. Fzre D.e.partment-Chief Salary 7,~05~.00 7,~055.00 55. Recreational Council: Salarzes 2,688.00 , 2,68t 7~. Salem St., from unapproprzated available funds.. 50,000.00 and appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen. · Lmeutenants 20,574.12 20,674.12 . Expenses 1,600.00 . 1,60( 78. Any street in Town ." " " 1,000,00 -T 105. From available funds~to reduce tax rate. 1~6,000.00 ARTICLE 59. VOTED to re,ject the attic.lc. 15 Regulars 84,510.50 84,510.50 54. Parks, riangles, Burying Grounds. Superintendents Salary 220~.00 22( 10~. Overlay Surplus to Reserve Fund. ~ ~,851.78 · ~ Engineers 1,70.0.00 1,70.0.00 L:abor-Wages 5,556.00 5,~1 S U 1~ .M. A R Y ARTICLE ~0. VOTED to strike from the warrant. · Call and spare men. 12,9~4.00 12,954.00 ARTICIE 41..VOTED to adopt the article and that the sum of $525.00. be raised Vacations . ~,~20.58 4,~ .58 ~' .E~xpenses · 700.00 70~ ..,0UNT TO HE RAISED & APPROP~RI~ATED (BUDGET) $2,~4~,166.29 Expenses 10,530.~00 10,5~0.00 55. 's'ch0'~l Grounds, Labor-wages10,700.00 10,701 " " " '" "· " ~ (A~TICLES) ~ and appropriated for the purpose of .the article. 22. Forest Fire Warden: Salary 250.00 250.00 ~..EXpenses 5,000.00 5,00~ ARTICLE ~2. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,600.00 for the put- 23. Forest Fire Expenses . 1,000.00 1,000.Q~ 56. Essex Count~ Retirement System. 55,702.52 55,70~ ~ · - ~' ~ GRAND TOTAL $~,.5~8,~i~5i'~ poses of this article. 24. DO~ Officer - Salary 245.00 .245.00 ~ 57- Contingent ~.und 5,000.00 5,,001 '..~,~iC~ ~. VOTED to authorize the Town Z.reasurer with the approval of the ARTICLE 45. VOTED to adopt thc article and to raise and appropriabe the sum of ~8. American Le~mon. Rental of Quarters. 600.00 601~ Lectmen to borrow money from time to tame in anticipation of the revenue~ of Expenses ~ ~5.5.00 455.~00 ~ ~9. v.F.W. Post~2109" " · 600.00 60~~..-.~ financial y~ar b. egi. nning January. 1, 1964 and to issue a note or notes~ $5,800.00 for its purposes, to be e~oended under the dire'etlon of 'the Selectnm 25. Civil Defense: Director .Salary 600.00 2,400.00~ 600.00 ~' ~'refor, payable wmthzn on~ year, and to renew orrefund any such note,, or' ~RTICLF. ~4. VOTE~ t0 adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the s~m of 2,400.00 6~0.~ Veterans Day. ~ . · ~ ' 350.00 55' ~es. All as 9rovided by Section 4 and 17 of Chapter 44 of the Gen Laws~.I ~ Expenses ~ 61. Memorial Day 550.00 551 $2,500.00 for its purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmm, 26. Building Inspector: Salary 2,100.00 2,100.00 62. Insurance 53,254.00 ~55,25~ ',.~ vote was unanimous and so declared. Clerk, Wages 200,00 200.00ARTicLE 45. VOTED to. reject the article, o Expenses . ~ ~ ~00.00 ~00.00 6,~, Group .Insurance 22,259.8~ 22,25~ -'~ ~ICLE 8. No r?ports were heard. ' 64. Community Center. 200.00 20 ~ ARTIC~ ~6. VOTED to reject the.article, funds 27. Wiring Inspector. Salary ~0.~ ~00.00 65~.Graves Registratzon. . 450.00 45 :~ICLE 9. V0 the article be a depted, the annual compensation of the Board Ex~.enses _ _ ~ ~ 200.00 200.00 Health Physician to be fixed at'$950.00.. .~ .A. RTICLE 47. VOTED to adopt the article, and tO take.from available'...~ the sumof 28. Sealer of~ Weights & Measure 'Salary o~.~ 600.00 6~. Brd. of ?.Works. Salaries. 750.00 ~'~' $1,025.00 to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers. 29. Insect Pest Control. Supts Salary. 5,46~.44 5,~9.~4 ' Labor-wages. 55,500.00 ~5,50 i'.[~ don~a~tP~eOeP,r~ot~ ~t~ sum .A. RTICL~. ~8. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of Labor - Wages 4,5~6.51 4,5~6.51 Expenses ~2,000.00 42,00 ~.'~,~ ~ $~,100.00 to be expended under the direction of ~he Tree Warden. 166,26 ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise ..,and appropriate the sum of EEpenses . ~ ', 2,555.00 2,555°00 6~8.Redeeming School Bo~ds s 166,2.61.55 . a o e 69. ~ntere t o,~ S hool 'cud . 70,242.50 70,2~ ,~.i:..ICLE ll. VOTED to adopt the article. $1,900100 to be expended under the direction of the '~ree Warden. 50. Poison Ivy Control. Labor,wages 525.65 525'6~ 70° Redeeming ~'~ater Main .Notes. 9,000.00 9,00 .~'. !ICLE 12. Unanimously VOTED to adopt the article. Expenses . ~ . _ 500'00 500.00 71. IntereSt on Water Na~n Notes. 80~.00 80 ! ' · . · .A. RTICLE 50. VOTED ~to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of _~ ICLE 15. Unanimously VOTED to adopt the, article and to raise and appropriate ~2,200.00 for its purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Beard of 51. Dutch Elm ~isease. Labor Wages 7,.269:15 7,269.15 72. Redeeming sewer bonds. . 50,,000.00 50,00 ~_ , sum of $15,~00.00 for its purPoses. .. Expense.s . . 1,100.00. 1,100.00 7~. Interest on sewer bonds. 6,552.50 6,55 .... !I ~ ~ublic Works. , . .' __ 52. Brush Cutting. Labor-wages 1,050.00 1,050.00 74. Redeeming w,ater bonds. 55,000.00 55,00"" CLE l~. VOT~ED to strike the article from the warrant. Expert.see _ · _ 100.00 · 100.00 .-.A. RTICLE 51. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise an.d approprzaDe the sum 5~. Town Forest. Labor wages . .650.00 .650.00 75~'Interest on water bonds. - 9,815.00~ 9,81 '..~ 'ICLE 15. VOTED to reject the article. ' ~ $1,500.00 for its purposes, to be expended under the d~rection of the Board of 76. Redeeming sewer notes. 20,000.00. 20,00 'ICLE 16. unanimously VOTED to adopt the article. ' Public Works. ~. · 400.00. 77. Interest on sewer notes. 2,652.50 2,65 9'799-32 ~cle. 2,115.00 2,115.00 78. Discount on notes.. 6,000.00' 6,00 .~ ~TCLE 17. Una~nimously VOTED TO adopt the article' i ARTICLE 52. VOTED to reject the ar.t 55,000.00 55,000~ ~9. Conservation ~ommmssion. 100.00~ lC ~."~' ICONE 18. Unan.lmously VOTED to adopt the article. ~ i ~! ARTICLE 55. V0.~.D to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate.the sum of ,900.00~ ~0. Gas Inspector:Expenses Salary ~ 100.00 0.00 ~ ~ ~"~ ICLE 19. Unanimously VOTED~ to adopt the article. . .~ ~ $6,000.00 for ~ts purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Board of 5,25~8'24'~ ~ ~ .... ' '' ' ~' . ----- ~ ..... ICLE 20~ Unanimously VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriat~ Public Works. . . 950.170 T O T A L S $1,251,622.99 992,545~.30 $2,2~4,16 ~.~ sum of $425.00 for its purposes.. ARTICLE 54-. VOTED to reject the artzcle. . . ie ' 550.00 AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED ~ ICLE 21. VOTED to str. ike the art.ie, l~ from the warrant. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to transfer from the unexpended appropriation under Article 12,207.75 12, .2 07.75 23 of the 1962 Ann.ual Town ~eeting the sum of $60,000.00 to be used to install % Expenses ~ s ~ 50,472.00 ART. !0. Town BY.-Laws. · ~ $100'00 ' ICLE 22. VOT~.D to reject the article. . · a 12 inch water ma~n on Salem Street s?th easterly from Marbleri.dge Road and ~,500.00 ~';500.00 " 11. Professional Survey. W~age-Salary. Adm. Plan. 2:500.00 . ~ ~, ..~_~ . ~O..Garbage Disposal - Contrac~t. 10,250.00 10,250.00 15. Wage & Salary Plan.' 5~ cost of l~ving.1~,500o00 ~ ~. ~?~ ~o reject the article. . to accept a like sum from the Federal ~overnment under the tr ovis~ons of the 59- °ewerMaint.& Const. Ada. Salaries2,750.00 2,750.00 2~0. Fringe Benefits. ~ 425.00 ICLE 24._VOT°D to amend the Zoning By-Law by addin2 theret~ oe.,~, ~^~ Acce.lerated Public Works Act for the same purpose and to authorize the Board of · ~ o ~, ~~ ~~ Public Works, in the name and behalf of the To.w~. of North Andover, to make and . Labor-Wages ~ ll,500.O0 ll,500.O0 3~. Town Garage Yard Survey. 2,000.00 5 .thereof, the following new section, the pr?visions of section 6.51 thereof enter into such contract or contractional relations .with the United States Expenses . 9,500.00 ~ 9,500.00 .41. Reimburse motel permit ~' 525.00 ~ithstanding: Section ~.84 (Description as ~n Article). .~l.. Highway. Surveyor: Salar~ , 5,~6~O0 5,7.65.00 .~. Two new police dar.s. 5,800.00 " ......... ~' "~"'~*~ ~; a =/2 ma3orz=y. . wa~e~"W°'~s-~i~'rib~t~gn system, as will seo.ure'·matohing or contributory funds 42.'Streets. Gen'l Mntnce.Clerl~ Salary . 5,945.68 . 5,945.68 !![!. · ~wo-way radio, polzcedept.. · 2.~00.00 ICI~the2~5~o~lOoT~iDnto amend .t.he .Zoning By-Law_by.adding thereto, after section from the United Sta_tes, under the provisions of the Public ~orks Acceleration ~Labor =,Wages 40,750.40 .40,750. 0 .'.~ _~'~ ~-~--~.,-.~- . o~.~,...., r. -- $ Secti Act (Public Law 87658) or statute or regulations to secure such ~,. -~- ~' ~5 a ~ jorityo ' financial assistance. ' so de i ~ ~xpenseS 55,000.00 35~000.00 · ~., .... was .AFFIRMATIVE ~7 NEGATIVE . ma " The vote was una~n~mmous and elated. ~ ARTICLE 82. VOTED to adopt the article ARTICLE 56. VOTED to reject the art.i cie.. ARTICLE 57. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and ap.p~ opriate the sum of ~ '~' ARTICLE 85. VOTE.D to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 to.be $1,200.00 for its purposes, to be expended und er the d~rection of the Board ~ ~under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of this art~cle.xpendede of Public Works. ARTICLE 8~. VOTED to raise and apDropriate the sum of $200.00 for the purposes of this article', and to give the Sel. e ctmen the authority sought thereby. ARTICLW. 58. VOTED to adept the article and raise and apprDp~iate the sum of The votes was UNANIMOUS. A 2/5 masority. $1,700.00 for its purposes, to be expended under the direction of the Beard of Public Works. ARTICLe: ARTICLE 59A. VOTED not to adopt the article. 59B. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant. ARTICLE 86. ARTICLE 85A.VOTED to adopt the article. ? 85B.VOTED to adopt the article. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article. ARTI ARTICLE 10~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,1~8.22 for the Reserve Fund, and to transfer to same fund, also, the sum of $~,851.78 from the Overlay gurplus. ARTZCLE 105. VOTED to take £he sum of $156 , 000 . 00 from available 72. VOTED to reject the article, reduce the tax rate. 7~. VOTED to raise and appr opria te the sum of $2,000.00 to be e~pended .~ir. funds to William B. Duffy made a motion and duly seconded that a rising vote of ARTICLE ARTICLE 71. VOTED not to adopt the article. under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this Article, provided that he shall, out. of this appropriation, do the work proposed by Article 96. ARTICLE 65. VOTED to reject the article, article. ARTICLE 66. VOTED to re!eot the art.icle. ARTICLE 101. VOTE. D to raise and appropriate,.the sum of $500.00 to be expended ARTICLE 67. VOTED to reject the article, un,er the direction of the Board of ?a~e-~e~m~e for the purposes of this article. ~ ~ ARTICLE 68. VOTED ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00, to be expended ~ under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this article.ARTICLE 102. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 to be expended before said date. the Town by adding at the end thereof the following: The Selectmen shall fix, ARTICLE 61. VOTED to reject the article. ' and from time to time by their order may amend, a schedule of fees to be ARTICLE 62. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant.~ charged for gas inspections. ARTICLE 65. VOTED not to adopt the 'article. ARTICLE 100. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of.$4,00~.00 to b e expended ARTICLE 6&. VOTED to reject the article, under, the direction of the Board of Public Welfare..for the purposes of this ~ under the direction of the Selectmen for the purposes of this article. ARTICLE 69. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 103. VOTE. D to raise and appropriate the sum of ~1,500.00 to be eEpended ARTICLE 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00, tb be expended urger the direction of the Selectmen for the purposes o~ ~th~s article. ARTICLE 97. VOTED to reject the Article. ARTICLE 98. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the purposes of the Article. ARTICLE 99. VOTED to amend Section ll of Article IV of the General By-Laws of under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this a~ticle. ARTICLE 74. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $960.00, to be expended thanks be given to the Moderator, Advisory Board and all others for a job well done. Richard Winning, Donald anderson, Arthur Drummond, John Cronin, Alston under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purposes of this article.Arold, ~ilton Howard, V~illiam Lafond, Robert Winters, William McEvoy and James ARTICLE 75. VOTED to raise an.d appropriate the'sum of $990.00, to b.e expended Dewhirt assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in counting the hand votes. 584 RegiStered Voters were checked by t. he Board of ~egistrars. undARTiCLEer the76.directiOnVoTED to reject°f 'the HmghwaYthe article.SUrvey°r for the purposes of t~hms· ~article' The meeting opend at.l:50 P.M., and adjourned at 6:45 P.M. ARTICLE 77. VOTED that the sum of $10,000.00 be raised and appropriated ~to .meet A true copy;ATTEST. the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90, Hig..hway Construction, £or re-bU~ldz_ JOHN J. LYONS, Town ~Olerk. ing of Sa.lem Street only, and tha~t the sum of $50'000~00 be transferred from ~ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING MONDAY, APRIL l, 1965 unappropriated available funds in ~he Town Treasury to meet the State ~and TOWN WARRANT. County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursemeDts from the State and CO~MONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. ESSEX ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of North And over. ARTICLE 78. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 fob the purpose GREETINGS; of ~ thi.s article, to be ~xpended by .the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the In the name of the 0o~onwe~alth of Massachusetts, ?ou are hereby ~encra± Laws, and, in addition, tha~ the sum of $i,000.O0 be transIerred from directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of ~he Town of North andover unappropriated available funds to meet the States share of the cost of' the work, ~ualified to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet in the Veteran's 'the reimbursement from the State to be restored upon its receipt to unappropria- Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Monday Evening, April l, 1965 ted available funds at 8:00 P.M., and there to act on the following Articles: all of said $18,016.10. Forty-FtV~ Thousand Dollars ($~5,000o00) to be expended under the direction of ARTICL~ 80. VOTED to reject the article. ' 'the Board ~f Fire En. gineers to purchase a new ladder truck for the Fire ARTICLE 81. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant. Department Petition of the Board of Selectmen upon ~the recommendation .:of the Board of Fire Enginaers. construction as water rates, per year, for fourteen years, and 2.)~ that, as to the proposed extensions on Norris Street (Art.60B).~ Martin Ave., (Art.60C) and Nablin Ave., (Art.60E) the construction of at least one new buildinE to be serviced by such extension shall have been commenced on or ART. IC~E 590 & D. VOTED that the su.m of $5,000.00 be t%ken from the amounts (this article was considered, out or order prior to .Article raised under Articles 40A to OE, ~nclusive of the 1961 Annual Town Meeting ARTICLE 87. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article. A 2/5 majority. Warrant, to be expende, d under the direction of the Board of Public Works,. f~ ~ ARTICLE 88. VOTED UNANI~OU.SLY to adopt the art cle. A 2/5 ma or ty. purposes of these artmcles: PROVIDED: 1.) That the proposed extensions shall be subject to the assessment charges ARTICLE 89. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the artmcle. A 2/~ majormty. provided for by Chapter ~80 of t. he Acts of 1906, as amended, and ARTICLE 90. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the articleI A 2/5 ma!ority. 2. ) That, as to the proposed extensmon on ~ablin Avenue, (Article 59C, ) theARTICLE 91. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article A 2/5 majority. construction of at least one new building to be serviced by such extension ' shall have been commenced on or before said date, August l, 1965. ARTICLE 92. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 59~ VOTED not to adopt thearticle. ARTICLE 95. VOTED that the Town establish Walnut ~venue as a Town Way by · accepting the Selectmen's laying out of the same. ARTICLE 60A,B.C.D and E: VOTED that the sum of $11,700.00 be raised and appro- priated, to be expended under the direction of the Boar.d of Public Works for ARTICLE 9~. VOTED the article be strkken~from the ~arrant. the purposes of these articles; PROVIDED: ARTICLE 95- VOTED the article be strtken from the Warrant. 1. ) That the petitioners, or theironOminees, shall, on or before A.ugust l, 1965, make a guarantee,, acceptable t said Board, to pay 6% of the actUal cost of ARTICLE 96. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. ?HT4iCLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of_ ~v y; Twent -Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) fg~ its Reserve F~d, and to revoke it's ~ ~ -~ ~ _~ .~ .~-~ .-~o ~ ~ ~ '~~ action taken ~der Article 10~ of the ~a~r~t for its 196~ Annual own Meeting. D~ Petition of the Board of Selectmen. · And vou are direcbed to serve this warr~t by posting true and attested copies ~,,~° ~'~o =~"o ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~°~ ~ ~o~ ~o ~c ~ ~o ~ ~- c ~ ~° ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o.~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~-' therebY, at the Town Office Building, and at five or more public p~ces in each vot~g precinct. Said copies ~o be posted not more th~ fifteen days nor ~ ss t~n ten days before the time of said meeting. . . o ~e~eo~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~e ~e ~e~a~n, o~ ~zs ~~ w~ ~o~ ~o~n~s ~ereo~ : ~ ~ ~ e~ ~ ~ oo n ~e · on · e~ · o -~ ' to the To~ Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. '. ~"' ~n ~he ~eav o~ O~ Lord one ~ho~sand nfne-h~dved and sio~-~hvee. ' I ha~e notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North ~dover who ~ ~ ~~e o~ E.~"'~ E.~ ,~ ~.~~ ~ ,,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ '" o~ are qualified to vote in elections and To~ affairs by posting true, and attes- ted copies of this warrant at ~e To~ Office ~llding and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the T~.~id copies having been pOsted not more than .fifteen~ys no~ ss th~ t~ays before the., time of NORTH A~0~R, ~SS. . . // . . ~RCH 21, 1965. ~ ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS, TOWN CLERK. ' ~PE~IAL TOWN ~,~ETING... APRIL ~. 196~ .. th ' purchase.of a ney ladder for the Fare Department, and that to mee sazd approprzation, $20,000.00 ms to be raised from the tax 17~ of the current I. year, and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen,. as.hereby authorzz- ed to issue $25,000.00 bonds or notes of the T'~E, payable wzthzn f!ve~(5) ..' ,:~ years from their d~tes, pursuant to tye provisions of Chapter ~ of the G.Laws.~' RTICLE2. VOTED To strike f om the gar t.' Meeting ope~ at 8:05 P.M., and adjourned at 8:20 P.M.' 112 Voters present. A true copY: ATTEST: . . JOHN J. LYONS. _ .e . ESSEX sS: . . ' , : · ~o rather of the Constables of the To~ of North Andover. . · G~ETINGS. . . ~: 5~ 8 ~.~ ~B~E~ o -o~ ~o ~o~ In the name of the Co~onwealth of ~{sssachusetts, you are hereby directed to notzfy and warn the inhabitants of ~he o~ of orth ndover qualzf~ed to vote in elections and Town Affairs, to meot mn the. Br~dstreet School A~ditormum fn precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium zn Precinct Two, th? Thomson School AudStori~ in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Auditori~ mn Precinct Fo~, all zn sazd North Andover on Monday, t~e Second Day of March 196~, at 7 o' clock A.M., and there to act on the followzng Article. ... M°der t°r'TTo~ Treasurer, Collector of faxes,Highway ARTIC~ To G,~G Ct Surveyor, Tree ~arden and fzve Constables for one year. T~ee Selectmen for the " ~ N~ ~o4~c~ N . ~ ~ ~eo~e e~o~,=O~. ~e o~= = '= =e ~ ~ ~ - ~0~ 0 0 raSpectzveterms of one, two ~ t~ee years and three members of the Bo~d of Public Welfare for the respectzve of one, two ~d three yea~s. One 'of the Greater Lawrence Regional Vocation ?ec~ioal H~gh School District Commzt~ fortwo years. One membe~ of the Board of ~ssesso~s,'('one member of the Bo~d of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works ~d two members of the Scho~' Co~zttee for three years..One member of the Planning Board and one member of~ fillthe Housingthe ~expiredAUth°ritYtermf°rof fZVeone yearSyear, andand to°ne votememberupon°f thethe followingH°Using Author ~ ty to ~D~STION 1. "Shall the town extend aontrfbubory group hospital, surgzaal, medical ' dependents with fifty ~er cent of the premium cost and a portio~f the administra- . tlve exPenses to be pazd by the To~?" Y E SN O. . QASTION 2. "S~ll the To~ pay one-half the Femi~ costs payable by.a.retired ~ · -~.~.=~ ,-~~Oo~e ~~.~ .-~..~ ~'~= ~~..=-- for group ~~~m~o~'~e life insurance m d for group general or blanket hospztal, - surgical and m~dl0A1 insurance?" 'X E ~ ~ O. ~ - ~ ~ ' c- -~ ~'' ~ a - o-. ~ = ~ ~, . n ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ,~.,. ~ ....~ -~,~ ~ ~. ~ ~.. be closed at 7:00 P.M. ~ ' o, ~ o ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ = .o. . ~ , ~ ~ Absences for persona~easons may be ~hanged to vacatzon leave upon applzca- . ~ · · ~ ~O ~ ~O ~ ~ .-~. -~ ~ ~ .~ ~-. ~o ~ ~.~ ~o _~ ~ ~ · · ~ ~ ~o · ~ · ~.~ tion by the employee ~d approved by hms department head. S~ch absences, . ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ = ~ ~ ~ . ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ however, may not be charged to vacation. ~ ave beyond, that whmch the employee .~ ~ ~ _~ · ~ . ~ ~ o~ ~ tm f such m...~ '~c~ ~o ~.~.~ ~ ~m~N ~ ~ ~s~ ~= ~ _=~s CAL'~','NINATIoNPplicatz°n'a ~o~ · ~,.=~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~-~'~' ~ ~ ,~.O..o~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~f'~' Before-~"~* * to a ~ ~' ' in ~ ;~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~._,~ ~ S~ · o ·o~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~-~ ~ ~.~o a~o~n,men, ~osz. zon ~e classtficatioT .~an re?uiring'Con- ~ ~ G cO .~ · ~ ~ ~=.. ~Oo ~.~ ~ ~ ~°~ .o-~.~m ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~=~.~=~_=~ ~o~ ~ ~-.~ ~ tinuous emplo~nt a candidate sh~ll have.p~ssed a physical exam{m tion satis- , ~ ~ .. o .~~ · ~ ~. "~*~ *~ -~ factory to the Beard. The examfn~ng physz~an should be appointed by the B~d ~ ~,~-~_~.Sn~ ~ ,,,_= .Z~ ~ ,o~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~_.o=~ and the examinatzon shall be at the expense of the To~: T~e ex,mining ~, no=~o~_~'~.~e-~ ..~-~ ~.~.. ~_-~ ~ ,.~ ~= ~a ~;~.~o apolic~t~ is physzcally qualzfied to Perform the duties of the posztzon for ~ =~ ~ ~= ..~o~ · ~ o · ~=~ o~ whzch aooliaation has be~ ~de. ~ . o ~ o n~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . o · · ~ o~ ~ ~ ~4 o ~ ~ ~.-~ ~-~ ~.,,--~ · o ~.,~ -' ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ · n ~ ~ ~ ~ · ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SECTION 24:_ CIVIL S~VI~ ~W. =~ o~ ~ ~-~ no ~,~ ~ ~= ~~ ~ · ~-~ o~- ~ Nothing zn this by-law shall be construed to aonflzct' wzth' Chapter ~1 of the $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~m~ o~. ~ ~ o o~ Z ~o o G~ral Laws, ~_ ~ ~ ~.~~ ~ ~ ~.o ~ · ~ ~, , ~ ~_ o ~ . , ~ * · ~.~~ ~ ~* g Th~ mnvalzdmty 9f any section of this by-law shall not invalidate any, other s~otlon thereof. D I ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ o ~ = · = I have notified and warned thJ'.'iJ~abi'~aJ'ts -- ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ = ~ ~ o= S~ o~.- ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ f the Town of North Andover ~-,,~ ~ ~-~o ~.. '~ -~="~'=~.,~ ~.~,~.-~ ~==m.m~_~.~ = ~ .-~°~~~ "~o ~ ~e~'~ ~d ~.~-~. ~ ~4 ~.~me~ ~.H ~ ualiffed to vote i~ To~ Affairs and electzons by posting true ~d attested ~ ~=~ ~ ~oo=~ ~~ o~ ~~m ~ ~zo ~ S o ~ I~ copies of this warrant at ~ive o~ more publzc places in each of the fou~ -~' ...... ' ~--" ''- - --~ ..... -'~'~- - - ~ ...... b ~ .... '" '~'~ ~recincts of the To~. Samd not,acs having been ~osted not more than f~fteen ~ ~ ~a ~ ~n~ ~ e~ ~o ~ ao ~ o~ ~ou ~. ~ u ~o ~ flays no~ less ~han ~en flays be~o~e ~he ~zme o~ sazfl meeting.. -~.:~:~: February 19, 196~ ' ' - . o .-o ~- .~o =~ · · oo · o~ ~.. o~ o · ATTEST: R R N T ['= .-= .~.~,~ ~ = ~= ~fi ~ ~ · ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ =~..~. . .~.~ ~ ~ ~ To ezther of the Constables of the Tovm of North Andover: I ~. =~ .~ o ~ ~ o~=~~ . ~ .~.= ~ _ = . ~ ~ . . GREETING:!n of the of , ~ ce ~, ~~,~ .~ ~~~ ~o~ ~o~ .~ ~ t~e.name Commgnwea'th~ }g~ssachusetts you are.'-ere'-- i;,.~_o ~.~~m ~= ~.. ~=~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~6~==~..~='~.~ ~= ~.~-~ directed to notzfy and warn the znhabzt~ts of the Term of N~th andover who ~,~-"~''~1~'~ ~ ,.~~a~l~o,=,~.= ,,~ =-~"= ~,.-=, ~_~, -=~=~ sm~ -.~_..~ =27 o~. ~ _-,-~ ~oo, ~S~'~-~."-',..,~, ~ ~ a ~'D'~ ~='~= -==~ ,~- ~-- =o,S='., 2~,,= ='=~ ~ are qualified to vote in To~ Affairs to meet and assemble in ~he Veteran~ s ~:~ ~ .~o= o~ = ~ ~ ~ · ~ ~ ~° o.~ =~=~ ~ =~o ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ · ~=~ ~ ~. ~.-~ .~ =~a~ os~ o ~ ~ ~... ~>~ Auditori~ of the North Andover High S~0ol immediately follovang the adjourn- ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ . ~ ~ o o ~ =~ ~ ~ = sent of the A~ual o~ Meeting on T QAmT~ T~A~ ~ o ~.,~:0 ~= ~.~ ~.-=~= ~ n ~o ~ >o ~ ~ -~ ..~.~ .~o~.-~.=~ . ~ . ~o ~,,~, the .Fourteenth Day of.March, 196~ . ~ o. ., . ~ ~o ~o o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ . . o at 1::50 P.~.~,, to act upon the following artzale: , ~0 0 .~ ~ ~ ~ 0 .~ · ~ ~. O~ ~0 0.~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 .,~~_.-~o~s~.~o~ ~ ~..~~..,~~ .~ ~ ~~o :~ ~.=~ ~TIOLE 1. To see whether the Town will vote to ~prove or ch. sapprove' the "~=~ ~: · :*~< ~"~ - ~"= ~: - - -o -'~ ~-.~. ~.-~ - o.- = ~ ~ =~.~=~,- ~ ' ~ -= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~= =';="= ° ° ~ °~ = °,° ~. -'~-, ..... , ~ ~ ~ ~.o~ _ = ~ ~.~ ~ .. :~o ~ ~ - o~ - ~': ~=" "=,~ o o~ amount of debt (to wit: $3,250,000) author~ zed- by the Greater Vocational ~ec~ical School District [; ~*a =~.~= *a;~ea ~ ~ ~..a.._a ~ .~ ~s-~z =-~ ~., Co~zttee- at.a meeting hold on P~b~uary 18, 1954, for the.purpose [~ ~ o ~ o.. ~ ~ ~ - · ~ , ~ >o of oonstructzna and equipping a regional vocatxonal-tec~cal o .~ ~n.~ ~=~ ~.~o~ ~ q~ m..:~.~v~g~~ a.7~~= hzgh- school buzlding.:'. [~~ '~.~ ~S~ ~g 2~ ~ ~ ~ . ~.~g~ ~g~.~ ~S ~ ~ ~md you are directed to serve thzs wa{r~t by posting true and att- ested copzes thereof, at t~e To~ Office puild~ng and at f~ve or more public p~aces in each voting precinct. Said cop~es to be posted ngt mor~ than ~~ ~w~ ~ ~.= ~ ~= ~== ~= ~ ~ .... f~fteen days nor M ss than ten days before the time f holdzng s zd meeting. .,~-~ ~-~ ~ .,~ ~ -~.~-.~o~ ~m~ --. ~ .~ ~ _- = ~ ~ = ~ _., ~.~ ~._~~.., o ~ ~* ~-o~ - ~ ~..,~_ o ~-. o* . Hereof, fail not, ~nd make due return of thzs warrant ~th your - _- o~'= ~ o ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~. . ~ ~.~, ~ ~ _ =~ doings thereon to the Town 01erk, at the time and place of s aid seeing. -- ~o ~ ~,.,-o ~ m~ ~ =~ ~ ~ ~= Ozven under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 24th sa~ ~ _~~ ~ ~a~ ~a ~al ~_ . ~~D~ ~,,D~ !~ fla~ o~ Peb~ua~ ~n. ~he yaa~ o~ 0~ Lo~fl one ~housan~ n~ne h~na~efl ~C o ~- · o ~ o ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ C.~o , ~ ~ m ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~= o o ~- ~ ~ - Fi{ED P. O~ES.' Selectmen : o n... ~ o ~.~~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ em > e~ ~ ~ o.e~_o~ A true copy:ATTEST: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~_ ~ ~ o_ e~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ WILLIAM J. McCAH~.. Constable. ' ~~ ~,~ ~ z ~.~ o~ e~.~ ~. =~~o~ ~ =~ North Andover, Nasa. March 2, 1964 ".-~'-~= ~ ~ ~o~ ~=o~ ~ ~.~, ~ m o~ ~ ~=~o" 2 ~-= ~' ~'~'=' '~o ~ ~ ~"~ ~ ~° ~ · ~ =.~ ~ ~.~~'~ ~_o.~ o ~ ~"~ ~-~, ~'~' =~'~ ~.~ ~= I have not~f ~ed an~ warned ~he inhabitants of the Town of North Andover =~*~ ~.~'=~ ~.o~>"~ ~ ~ o~ o ~m ~.~_ ~ ~'~ ~s~ o~ ~ ~ -m ~='~ ~'~s~ a~ ~'~=~'~ ~ ~'~ .=~warrant_ at five or more public places in each voting ~ ecinct of the Town. Ss .~ ~=-, ..~ ~= ~. · ~ ~-'==_~ ~-.==_ ~ ~=o~ = ~-~ ~ ~o ~,~ copzes havin~ been po~ted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days ~--,~..~, = · o~'- ~=o ~o= ~ o ~ ~"~ =" ~ ~~o~ o~ o~.-~ ~=~' ~o=> ~ ~ o ~°~==Oo .. ~ ~ o ~m~ ~ ~ o~o ~.~ =~ ~° ==~o ~°~'~ ~ .°~ ~°~ ~.~' ~ '~o before the tzme of sazd meet~g. ~ =~ S ~ = ~ m o..~ ~= · = ~= ~m ~ = ~ .. ~.- ~ WILLIAM J. McCAR~, Constable. RESULTS OF T OV~ MODERATOR Blanks F0R OI~E YEAR TF0~SON_ TOWN TREASL~ER FOR o~rE Blanks TAX C OLI.ECTOR FOR Contr. ELECTION k~LD ON ~0NDAY MARCH 2, 1964 7 P;M., to 7 P-~.~-. '~'~ HOUSING ~[UTHORITY FOR 1 YEAR UN-EXP IRED .TERt~ YEAR ONE YEAR NDI~BER OF VOTES BY PRECINCTS ABV0 ONE TWO THREE FOUR T0~ AL 58 695 852 779 ll40 '5493 8 169 185 12~ 206 696 JAb[ES D.' 'McCABE ALVIN C. WATTS Blanks ~ C ON STABLES o WILLIAM J. LACY GEORGE R. MacKENZIE JAnglES D. Nc~ABE WILLIAM J. McCARTY .............. -4 2 501 4~6 692 21 598 518 411! 10 144 4o 755 911 76,4 1!7o $6,4o AUGUSTI.krE J. WALSH 20 6 107 126 134 176 549 EUGENE A. DUNNE ~!_ Blanks ~ 97 2~ 560 660 5,71926 27 5,50 660 621 929 592 573 926 2~.1 2~! 229 ~.44 1224 1624 1~27i DEWHI R S T Blanks SE?.CT_,VflEN FOR THREE YEARS 2116 611 27 0 2904-. 2670 27,75 1049 6020 Blanks SELECTMEN FOR TWO YEARS RAYMOND~ ' .... 'BR'OADH~.AI~ ' ' ' ' Philip Su tcliffe Blanks ~1 685 810 700 1075 5299 QUESTION # 2, YES 17 424 527 577 17.1~ 15 177 227 198 275 890 N'0 20 597 ~50 570 16~55 Blanks 9 216 221 199 521 32 2509 692 499 265~ Al~l the foregoing, officers were voted for on one bal.lat and check lists used. l~lI~ 27.1 ~ 39i~ 1254 The Boa.rd of negistrars declared the successful cand~d..ates elected to their 74 300 relspectmve offices. SELECT~EN FOR ONE YEAR After final action of Article 1, the said meeting was adjourned by virtues of WILLIAM' 'A'."F'!NN~REN 29 718 821 722, ll~5 3~ Section 4, Ar.ticle One of the ,Town By.-Laws to Saturday March 14:[964 at one Blanks 17 l~ 216 178 201 thirty P.M., mn the Veteran's Auditormum of the North Andover Hmgh School at 1:~50 P.M., then and there to act on the ~emaining articles in the warrant. PUBLIC WELFARE FOR..THREE YEARS ~ 778 . ADJOURNED TOV~N MEETING I~A~CH 1 19.6 FRE'~ 'P". OAKES ' ~2 6 6 700 10~ ~2~9 The check lists were used at the entrance and showed that 92 registered Blanks 14 lo6 259 198 28~ 940 PUBLIC ~fELFAHE FOR T~¥0 YEARS R'A¥~[0 ND BHOAD~EhO ' '"" BlanksPHILIP SUTCLIFFE 115 5o2 6 5 49~ 87 75 91 517 PUBLIC WELFARE FOR ONE _WEAR WiLLiAM A. FINNERAN''' :: Blanks ~0 70~ 802 709 1124 3~68 16 159 235 189 222 821. vGters were present. The Meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 1:~50 P.M., Unanimous consent was voted to admit seven visitors. ARTICLE 2. VOTED "to refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town of~cers neb required by law or by-law ~to be otherwise chosen. A~TICLE 5. VOTED to accept the report of recipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ~AR~TICLE 4. VOTED .that the. following appropriations and accounts be carried forward to January l, 1964: Town Garage -,Yard Survey- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,974..16 'IRA -D. CARTYHIGHWAY SURV~OR F0R 0NE YEAR .... . . ,~ 22! ~7~ .421 506508~ 44~ ~i! 212~ 19~ i~ticle. 2, 1961, ' Land taking 1,2~i~07 NICHOLASF. NICETTA Article lC, 196~ i Town By-Laws Blanks 2~ 16 Hel,alth Department' 'Expenses . 9~.00 Article .~5, 1960 - 'Sewer Syste2 4,984.81 BOARD OFHEALTH FOR THREE YEARS Article .~0, .1961 '- Se. we_rs i ~- E. 1,50,8.14 GEORGE ~'.'" JEWETT'" '' ....... 50 47 64o MITCHELL P. B00TMAN l~ 515 791 245~ Article l, 4, 5, 1962 Sewers 25,267.79 279 12~ 145 25 4.12 1254 Article 29, 1962: West Side Sewer 1,926.0~ Blanks 107 ll8 502 Article 52, 1959 ~. Chapter 90 ASSESSOR FOR THREE YEARS ' Article 58, 196.0 '_ Chapter 90 4,486.79 Article ~.~, 1961' Chapter 90~ 5,177.0~, Blanks ,~ 16~ 161 190 652 Article 5~, 196.~ [ Chapter 90 2,78~.96 Article 52, 196.2 ' Storm ?sin 1,511.59 PUBLIC WORKS ~0R THREW. YEARS Article 77, 196~ ~- Salem Stre. et Chapter 90. 40,000.00 'JO~N 'J,~W'!LLiS '~ ....... - 55 f~ 782 '691 10~8 ~23~ Article 16, 1962~ School Bumlding Committee 261,218.7~ Blanks ll 207 298 255 954 School Ground Exp~nses 507.7,2 TREE'. WARD ~EN FOR ,,O.,NE ,YEAR ~52.67 37 7.17 9.65 91451,5oo.oo Article 59, 1961- Ice Skating Rinks Civil Defense for.1961 861 7~5 1140 5508 Article 70,-19(2 Civil 'DefenSe 176 145 206 681 Article 25, 196,2- Renew ¥~ater' Service Article 25 1962 - 12 inch Water Mains LEO E. LAFOND Blanks SCHOOL COId~ITTEE FOR THREE YEARS 1,25.1.9~ CAROLI~rE M,P, IN~RA~£ ' .... ., , 6,774.17 - 21 288 42~ ~4 668 1.7~4 Article 5~, 196~ - Cle~ & paint water st~dpipe 9~.16 WILLIAM F. ROCK 1 257 279 5~ Civil Defense - 1962 ~CH~RL B. CR0~N ~ ~0~ ~ ~1 ~~0 ~ Article 55, 19~ - Salem Street wate~ ~in 5~dO.0~ C~i~ R. KNOW~S 2~9 ~ 280 65 12~1 Article 57, 196~- Water Main extensions S~~T P. ~LSON 1 261 302 2~ 1~7 U.S. Disability Assistance - A~inistration 2,~1~.7~ Bl~ks 23 256 ~96 270 520 1165 U.S. Disability Assistance ~ Assistance 1,~O.l~ U.S. Old Age Ass~st~ce - Administration 1,212.90 GR.LAWRENCE REG.VOC.TECH.HIGH SCHOOL C0~IT.~E. ~MBER U.S. 01d Age Assmst~ce ' ASsistance 22,9~8.15 JOHN J. CAFF~Y ~ ..... ~ ' 16 ~97 ~2 588 451 167~ U.S. aid to Dependent Children - Administration 87~.~2 U.S. Aid to ~pendent Chmldren~- Assistance" 5,094.80 V~CE C, PERSON 22 ~29 ~56 372 748 1927 .~ ~ .~_.. _~. ~ .... .:~ .... ~ , ... ~ .... Blanks 5 156 159 '158 1!!~7 588 ~.o. ,,,~u~am =~~m~oe ~or age~ - n~mnmsDraDmon 5,615.68 U.S. Medical Assistance for Aged - Aid PL~ING..BOARD FOR FI~ ~ARS N oPth Andover ;School L~ch . 12,669.05 North ~dover High Ath~ ti~ Assocmatien. 102.55 JA~S' 'l~, 'BA~I~N ~ 3~ 646 745 660 994 5077 ~chool - Public Law, ~5-864 Blanks.. . 14 216 292 238 352 1112 lk: 6[~4.92 HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FI~ ~ARS ' School '- Public Law, 65-874 ~ 8,216~15 T~OMAS L. FOULDS ..... '' ~ ~4 667 798 725 1069 ~29~ ~ ~. T 0 T A L $520,764.92 Blanks 12 195 239 173 277 896 ¢~':~:~ Adjourned Town Meeting March 1~ 196~ z'" ~ 9" Adjourned Town Meeting March 1964 ' ~'~ 26I. Wiring Inspecto~ - Salary. m 800.00 800.00 ARTICLE 5- VOTED to fix the annual salary and cgmpensation o.f all elected ~ ' " Ew_penses 550.00 ~50.00 officers of the Town, as provided by Section 10~ of Chapter 41 of the General C~ 27~. Sealer of Weights & Measure - Salary 600.00 600.00 LaWS:Board of Eelectmen- each ~ r annum - - - - - - - - - $700.00 ~ Expenses 150.00 150.00 Board of Public Welfare - each per annum ~00o00 28'. Insect Pest Control. Supt'ssSalary ~,81~.6~ ' ~,81~.6,~ Board of Assess_ors - each per annum 1,800.00 Labor - Wage ~,991.67 ~,991.67 Town Treasurer per annum ?,0~5.00 Expenses 2,555.00 2,5~5.00 Tax .Collector - per annum 2,20.0.00 29.. Poison Ivy C.ont~ol Labor-Wages 5~ .65 525.65 Highway SurveYe~ - per annum 5,.765.00 . ' Expenses . 500.00 500.00 Tree .Warden - per annum 400.00 50.~. Dutch Elm Disease Labor Wages?,269.15 ?,269.15 Moderator - per annum 50.00 . ' .. Expenses 1,100.00 1,100.00 Board of Health ..-, each per annum 500.00 51,.. Brush Cutting Labor Wages 1,050.00 1,050.00 Board of Public ~orks - each per annum 250.00 ~ . Expenses 100.00 100.00 52~. Town crest Labo~ - Wages .650.00 .650.00 ARTICLE 6. VOTED to approve items of .the budget collectively as to the re- F commendations of the Advis.ory Board wzth the exceptions, of the-following .chang 5~. Tree Warden .Supt's Salary ' 400.00 400.00 Ztem 14, Board of Appeals (Planning) Expenses to be stricken out. Item ~(~5) ~ Labor-Wages. 10,886.~2 10,886.~2 Street Lighting Expenses should ~e expenses not salaries-~ges. Item 42 (~5) .o . Expenses 2~,115.00 2,115.00 Snow Removal Expenses increased by $5;000 for a' total or $65.000. Item 62 (65) 54... Street Lighting - EXPenses. 5~,52~.00 58,525.00 Group Insurance expenses increased $1,571.90 for a total of $26,~2.5~ 55~. Board of Health- Salaries 900.00 900.00 OE..PARTMENT SALARIES AND , ~ Nurse .Salary 5,508.56 5,508.56 ~ ".'- '.- WAGES EXPENSES T 0 T A L . . Physician Salary 950.00 950.00 1. Selectmen- Salaries ~2',~100'."00 ...... ~'~ '' ~' "' ~ ~2,~00'~00 Extra Clerical 550.00 550.00 ' " Expense.s . Clerk Salary ~,985.52 , ~,985.52 9,~75.00 9,~75.00 Expers es $1,050.00 1,050.00 ~6. Refuse Disposal. Labor Wages 51,500.00 ' ~1,500.00 2. Treasurer - Salary .7,035.00 .7,055.00 Expenses 5,500.00 5,500.00 . Clerk Salary 4,1 0.88 ~,1~0.88 57. Garbage Disposal -Contract Il,310.00 il,S10.00 Expenses , 2,965.00 2,965.00 5~. Sewer Natnt.;Const. Ada. Salaries 2,900.00 2,900.00 5. Accountant - Salary 5,996.00 5,99~.00 ~ Labor - Wages 11,800.00 11,800.00 Clerk .Salary 4,150.88 4,150.88 ] Expenses .9,500.00 ~9. Animal Inspector - Salary 9,500.00 . Expen se s l, 195.00 l, 195 · 00 52.5.00 525 · 00 4. Tax Collector - Salary .2,200.00 . ': .2,200.00 .40. Highway Surveyor Sala~.y 5,765.00 5,765.00 'Cl~rk Salary 4,200.00 4,~200.00 41. Streets, Gen"l Nntnce. 'Clerk Salary .4,210.52 .4,210.~.2 · _ Expenses ),825.90 ~'U25.00 ~ Labo~ - Wages 42,177.61 42,177.~1 5. Town .ClerkSalary 5,550.00 5,550.00 . ' Expenses 5,5,000.00 ~,5,000.00 Expen.ses 625.00 625.00 .42. Snow RemovalExpenses _ 65,000.00 65,000.00 6. Assessors - Salaries 5,~00.00 , 5,.~00.00 .4). Board of Public Welfare ~Salaries 900.00 900.00 .44. Welfare Admhiistration - Expenses Secret_ary Salary ~,~?.68 ~,~?. 68 1~,000.00 1~,000.00 45. Infirmary: SUPt's salary ' 2,2.05.00 Extra Clerical 5,050.80 . 5,0~0.80 2,205.00 Ex.pense s . ' 4,707.00 4' 707 · O0 Natrons salary 1,944.12 l, 91!f!. 12 7. Elections & Registrars - Salarzes875.00 875.00 Wages 1,926.56 1,926.~6 . EXpenses 9,192.00 9,192.00 8. Town Counsel Expenses. Salary 1,500.00 7,620.00. 7,620.001,5,00,0046. Welfare Grants: 01d ~ge Assist.ance 15,000.00 15,000.00 Expenses 520.00 ,.520'00 Aid t.o dependent chxldren 15,000.00 15,000.00 9. Moderator - Sa_lary 50.00 50.00 Disabzlity assistance 15,000.00 15,000.00 Ge[ne ral Relief lC. Advisory Board Expens es . 250.00 250.00 ll, 000.00 il,000.00 ll. Planning Board - E_xpenses 900,00 900.00 Medical Assistance aid 55,000.00 )5,000.00 12. Board of Appeals_ E(Zoning) Expenses 800.00 800.00 . Tgtal ~elfare Grants. $91,000.00 13. Personnel Board . xpens es 975"00 975°00 47. Veterans benefits. Agent salary 1,250.00 1,250.00 14. Town Building - janitor salary 1,706.90 ~ 1,706.90 Clerk salary 500.00 500.00 Ex.pen see 5, U25.00 5,825 · O0 Expenses 150.00 150.00 15. Custodian Tax T~tles - Salary 100.00 100.O0 ~8Cash grants 22,520.00 22,520.00. Expenses _ ' .25.00 .25.00 . School Dept. Salaries 758,51~.00 758,51~.00 16. Tax-Title Foreclosu_res Expenses Expenses 1)2,078.00 1~2,07U.00 License .Commission Expenses ' 200.00 200.00 ll~ 40.00 40.00 ~9-~School C~ossing Gmards-Salaries 6,500.00 6,500.00 ~,750.00 ~,750.00 50..Stevens Mem'l ~.:ibrary. Head Librarian 6,~24.00 6,~2~.00 Annual Town Meeting -~Expenses ~ Expenses . 700.00 700.00 19. Police Dept., Chief ~alary 7,)70.00 7,~70.00 Assistants & Janitors 20,559.00 20,559.00 .4 Sergeants 25'279.72 25,279.72 Expenses 8,950.00 8,9~0.00 14 Patrolmen _ 79,168.22 79,168.22 51. Playgrounds and Bathing Oeach -' Re'gula~-~eserves specials 8,500.00 8,500.00 Overtime - elections 1,500.00 .1,500.00 SupS' s Salary_ ,5.20.00 5.20.00 Labor,' guards caretakers 10,~l.00 1.0,)41.00 · Expenses 14, ~02.95 14, )02.95 Expenses ooo.00 4, 00o.90 Bath.lng Beach Police 800.00 800.00. 52. Recreationa.1.. Council - Salaries 2,688.00 2, 688.00 20. Fire Dept.' - 6hzef Sal.ary 7,)70.00 .7. 570.00 Expenses 2,000.00 2,000.00 · Lieutenants 2~100.88 2~00.88 5~. Parks, triangles, burying g~ounds ' 15 Regulars 87,565.0 87,56 .04 ' Supt's salary 2~0.00 2)0.00 - 2 Engineers 1,70.0o00 1,70.0.00 Labor - wages Call and spare men.12,~.4.00 12,95.4.00 5,020.00 5,020.00 Expenses _ 700.00 700.00 Vacations ' 4,9~.26 ~,~.26 54. School grounds, labor wages il,100.00 Expenses 10,455.00 10,455.00 Il,100.00 21. Forest Fire ~arden - Salary 250.00 250.00 Expenses 5,000.00 5,000°00 22. Fn~e.~t Fire Expnnse,~ ~ nnn mn 55.. ~Essex County Retirement ~ystem. %~.0~.~.~7 25. D0~.0ffiaer -'-~ia~ 2~5.o0 ~,v~.~ 1,0.00.0o ----, -~-~--, '.265.00 36. Oontingent Fund ' 3,000.00 ,000.00 ' , Expenses ~55.00 455.00 57. American Legion Rental of quarbe~s 600.00 ' 600.00 24. 58. V. F. W. 2104 " " 600.00 600.00 Civil ~efense - Director Salary 600.00 600.00 59. Veteran's Day 550.00 · Expenses 1,712.06 1,712.06 60: ~e~ o ~ - .,uu 550.00 550.00 ~"'""'"~ '"'~'-"";~'-" ."~' "_ "_.'"~.00 2,100.00 61. Insurance ' 52 ~000'00 52,000.00 Clerk - ~ages 400.00 400.00 62. Group Insurance 26452.54 26,4~2.54 Expenses 200.00 200.00 !~ Community Center 200.00 200.00 ~' ~ Graves Registration . 450.00 ~50.00 65' Board of Public ~orks - Salarmes 750.00 750.00 ~.~{} Adjourned Town Meeting March 14, 196~ $~"~ Adjourned Town Meeting March l~, 196~ ...~ - -- ~ 'ARTICLE 8. Donald Smith, Esquire reported on the By Law Study Committee as 66. Water Maintnce & Corm t. Adm. Salaries 12-600.00 12 ~00. 00 ~ making good progress, and explaimd the five articles for this meeting. . ~Labor & V~ages 39~900.00 ~9',~00~00 ~? '~ i- ' .~xpe_ns~es . , ~2,000.00 ~2,000.00 ~ ARTICLE 9. VOTSD to _adopt the art~icle and to fix the annual compensation of the Board of Health. Fhy~sician at $950. q'{.. ~eoeemlng ~c~ool Bonas 170',000.00 170,000.00 ^~~ ~ ,,~~,~,..,~,. _ . ~i ~~n~g0~a~eCrh°~alinB°~do~es 695~0~0670[~~ 659~0~70~0500 ,,~.,u~.~. ~u. ~u..m~ ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $17,500 for the purpose of the article and the new rates of compensation to become eff. ective as of 70.~ Interest on ~ater Main Notes 652.00 652.00 July l, 196~. 'i' . . . " '. '~.' '.' ~. i'i .'i. '~. '.1 ~. ' 71. Redeeming Sewer Bonds ' ~ 30,000.00 50,0.00.00 72.~ Interest on Sewer Bonds 5,740.0o ~,740.00 ARTICLE ll. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of. 7~.I Redeeming Water Bonds- 35,000.00 55 , 0.00'. 00 $3,800 for same. 74- Interest on Water Bonds 8,740.00 8,740.00 ARTICLE. 12. VOTED tq~ereject the article. ~ 75~.. Redeeming Sewer Notes ~ 20,000.00 20,000..00 76.~ Interest on S~wer Notes 2,095.00 2,095.00 . ARTICI,R 13. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of 77.- Dis0ount on Notes ~ 6,000.00 6,000:00 I $900 for same. 78... Conservation Commission. ~ 100.00 100. O0 I ARTICLE l~. VOTED to reject the art.icle. ~9.-Interest on Fire Equipment No, es 575.00 575.00 ~ ~0,. Redeeming Fire Eouipment Notes 5,000.00 5,000.00 ARTICLE 15. VOTED to reject the article. 81.~^ . Gas IuspeotorSExpenses '. Salary ~ 200.00100.00 200 . 00100. 00 ARTICLE 16. VOTE~D to reject the art.icle. ~2.. Industrial ,Commission. 500.00 300.00 ARTIcr,w. 17. VOTE1) to reject the article. ~.. Land .damage claims . 5,000.00 5,~000.00 84., Vocational School · ~ 282 . 0 ARTICLE 18. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for the .purposes . ,. . ..~ ....... . --- 2~ of the article. ~ 1964 Budget 'Totals . $1,5~3,587.96 $1, 065 , 9~4. 62 $2,~09,5~2,58 ARTICLE 19. VOTED to reject the article. , , . AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED (ARTICLES) ARTICLE 20. VOTED to rejeo$ the articl.e. ? ART. 6A. 1965~ Unpaid Bills. 12,252.75 ARTICLR 21.. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purposes ~ . 10. Wage & Salary Ada.-Plan. 17,~00.00 ~ of the article. - ll. Two new police cars 5,~00.00 ~. l~. 200 gallo~ sprayer 900.00 ' ARTICr.E 22. VG~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,500 for the purposes · 18. Disposal Site. , 500.00 ' of the article. .' ~ 21. Repl~ ce old stone culverts . 1, O00.00 ' ARTICLE 2~. v0?ED to re j. ect the article.~ 22. Sidewalk, Mass Ave Waverly Rd-ChickermngRd. 6,500.00 - 28. Any Street. Chapter 90. 2,000.00 ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to reject the article-. ~ }8. Gunite 1898 Reservoir 6,500.00 ARTICLE 25. VOTED to rej. ect the article. . ~ }5. Water system on Martin Ave. 1,700.00 . · ~9. Water main extensions. 1,200.00 ARTIcL~ 26. VOTED to reject the article.. ,' · ~ 62. Town° fire fighters accident ~ ~ I,~ ' . - 6~. 4th July Celebration ~;~~ ~ ARTICLE 27. VOTED to take from unappropriated available funds~ btie sum of $~0,ooo to meet state and County share as per §rticle and upon affirmative ~4. Christmas Lighting ~00.00 II vote of Article 59 of this warrant the s~um of $10,000~ be takenlfrom the funds 6~5. To R~eserve Fund . 5,25~.1~ II apportioned to the Town under Section. 5; of C.hapter 822 of the Acts of 196~. ~ 68. Dale ~treet open brook 800.00 ~ ARTICLW, '28. VOTED to adopt the arti.cle and raise and appropriate $2,000. - 70. Rose° ~iletti Reimbursement. l§0.00 ~' 7~. Surface drains on Wood Lane. 2,~8.~1 ARTICLE 29. VOTED to re!ect the article. ~ 75~. School str.eet sewer 975.00 7~. Sealer of ~eights~,& Measures. ~00.00 ARTICL~ ~0. VOTED to. reject the article. 7~. Generator. Upper ~lementary School. . 6,000.00 · ARTICLE ~l. VOTED to re!ect the art.icle. '{O. Stabilization Fund. ' ' 10,.000..00 ARTICLE 32. VOTED to rej. ect the article. ~TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED & APPROPRIATED (ARTICr~S)$92,057.78 ' ARTICLE 33. VOTED to reject the article. ~ S~UMMARY ARTICIE V E iAMOUNT TO BE RAISED & APPROPR~IATED'''' (BUDGET) $2,409.5 2.58 ' 5~' 07 D to strike from the Warrant. " " " " " ARTICr,F.S 2_~ . ARTICLE ~A. VOTED to s.trike from the Warrant. . " T 0 T A L. $2, 501, 590.36 ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1700 to.be expended by iART. 79. FROM~AVAIIABLE FUNDS TO REDUCE TAX RATE. . 1.00.~000.00 the Board of Public Works for the purpose of th~h article, subj.ect ~to the ~ TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AN.D APPROPRIATE.D$2,~01,590.36 following provisions: that on or before August l, 196~, ~the petitioners and/or ~ART. 27. Take from unappropriated avamlab, le funds $50,000.00 to meet State owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board of Public Works of 6% of the ~& County Shares, 'Chapter 90 Highway C.onstruction. , actual cost of construction a~ water rates per year for a period of fourteen yea.rs; and that on or before said date the Construction of at least one ~ART. 28. Take from unappropriated available funds $1,000.00 to meet State additional house to use the proposed extension shall have been started. ,..~h~re~ o£ ~oSt of work, Chapter 90, any streets in Town. ' iART. 40~ Take,from Article ~5, 1960 ~sew~er sys~t~em $~,~98_~.~Sl~an~d Article 40, ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to re!ect the article. ~1961 Sewers A E ~l.01~.]9 to mak~ th~ ~um of ~ 00~ . ~ . ^o~~ ~. ~,~ ~ -~.~ ~ ~ART. 59. $18,016.10' (1) to meet the Town"s share of ~hapter 90 Highway ~ ~I ARTICL~ ~8. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate ~6,500. ~?~on~s~t~uc .t~ion~] ~'or ~ne re-surx'acmng°f Sal~emo Street~ana a. SmmprovementProposed bYof A_rticlejohnson 27,StreettheandSUmofOfHtllside$10,000° ~ ~ ~ ARTICr~. $9° VOTED TO adopt the article and raise and appropriate $1,200. -Road (from the Andover boundary, as the Highway Su~.veYor with the approval ARTICLE .~0. VOTED to take from Article }~, lq60 sewer system ~. ~8i, 81 and article 0, 1961 Sewers i-E'101 .1 t~ak~ the sum ~0f the State Department of Public Works may determmne the balance of said '~ $ , 5 9 Sb,o00 for the ,appropriation. purpose of this article. 'ART. 65. Transfer from Overly ~l,,n ,.~ ~B,,~ ,,~ ~,?~ ~, ~1, ~1.= ~ .... ~ .... ~._.~ .... R e_~. ~ F~.d the~,, ~ ~, ~, 6. SRT. 7~. Transfer from Article 52 of the 1962 To~ Meeting the sum of ?1,511.59 for the purpose of the article. -ART. 79. Transfer from available funds the sum of $100,000.00 to reduce the ~196!I. tax rate:~ ~ARTICLE 7. VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the reven~ue of the financial year beginning January l, 1965, and to issue a note or notes ~therefor. payable within one year, .and to renew or rerun. ,d any such note or ~notes, all as provided by Sections 4 and 17 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARrPTnT,~ ~! '~'nrP~'.Y~ to reject the artic!e~ ~~ ~2~ ~~ to reject the article° ARTICLE4~. t~OTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ~5. VOTED to adopt the article providing said $9,000 be in the Town Treasury by September l, 196~. ARTICLe/ 46. VOTED to adopt the article providing said $8,500 be in the Town Treasury by September l, 196~ gel/~,~e,q6~ Adjourned Town Meeting March ~~ Adjourned To~ Meeting ~a~ch 14, 1964 ~' ~TICLE 47. VOTED to adopt the article providing said $19,000 be in the ~o~~ ~TICLE 47. V0~D to adopt ~e a~ticle providing sa~d amour of $19,000 be ~ ~ ~r~~y by Septembe~ l, 1964,. the To~ Treasury by Se~ember 1, 1~64. ' ~ ~RT~ ~8. ~0TED to reject the article.. ~TICLE 48. V0~D to reject the article. ~ ARTIC~ 49. VOTED to reject the article... ~T!C~ ~9. VOiD to reject the article. ~TIC~ 50. VOiD to reject the article. , ARTiC~,~O, V0~D to reject thearticle. ~TIC~ 51. VOTED to establish Glencrest Drive as a To~ way by accepting the ARTICLE~ ~. V~ED to establish Gleencrest ~ive as a To~-way b~. accepting the ~Selec~en's ~ying out of same. -~ . _ · Sele0tmen~~ laying out of same. ~TICLE 52. VOED to establish Meadow L~e from Mass Ave., to Wood Lane as a ARTICLE 52. NOED to establish Meadow Lane from Mass., Ave. to W, ood L~e as a To~ way by accepting the ~electmen' s laying out of same. . ' ToE way by a~ept~g the Selectmen' s laying out of the sa~?~. ~T~C~ 55. VOTED to ~end Section 5.7,7 of the North A~over Zone, By-Law by ARTIC~ 55- VOiD to a~nd section 5.77 of ~he,North A~oM~r..~Zoning By-Law by addmng thereto the following new paragraph (10) description as in Article . adding thereto t~e following new paragraph (10) ~escr~pt~"bn as in Article. ARTICLE 54. VOiD to amen~ Section 5.77 of ,he.North ~ndover Zon~ing By,Law byThe vote was ~FI~TI~ 210. EGATI~ 72. i 2/5 maj~"ity. ad~g thereto the followzng new paragraph (ll) descriptions as in artmcle. ~TIC~E 5~- VOTED t~ amend section 5.77 of the North ~dover Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the ~llowing new paragraph (ll) description as in Article. The vote under Article 5~ was A~'I~ATIE 210, ~GATI~ 72. " " " " 5~" " 176, " 85. ~ The vote was ~FIR~~ 176. ~GATI~ 85. i 2/~,~jority. ARTICLE 55. VO~ED the article be st.riken from the warrant without prejudice.ARTICT.F. 55- VOTED the ..title be stricken from ,th~Warrant without prejudice. ARTICLE 56. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 56. VOTED to re j t the~ article. ARTICT.~: 57. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 57. VOTED to reJec the article~. .~ ARTICr.F. 58. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 58. VOTED to reject he article. ARTICLE 59. VOTED to adopt the Article, and to meet t. he full amount' of theARTICT,F. 59- VOTED to adopt . article, an?'"to use the full an ount of the statutory apportionment for its...purposes, as.follows. ~ statutory apportionment for · ~pt~rposes,..,'as follows: (1) To meet the Town's share of Chapter 90 Highway Construction on Salem Street (1) To meet the Town's share of ~hapter ,90 Highway construction on Salem Street as proposed by Article 27: the sum of $10,000. , a.s proposed by Article 27, the su~ of $'-1'-0,000. (2) For the re-surfacing and mmprovement of Johnson Street and of Hillside Road (2) For the re-surfacing and impro~.eme6t of Johnson Street and of Hillside Road (from the Andover boundary) as the Highway Surveyor with the approval of (from the Andover boundary).as the E$~ghway Surveyor with the approval of the the State Department of Public Works, may determine the balance of said State Department of Public ~orkds, ,m~ determine the balance of said appropriat appr opriat ion. ion ARTICLE 60. VOTED to reject thearticle.. ~ ARTIC~,F. 60. VOTED TO ~.JECT THE. ARTICLE,~,~. ARTICr,W, 61. VOTED to reject the article. ~ ARTIC~,F. 61. VOTED to reject the article. '~'~,~ ARTICLE 62. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of ARTICLE 62. VOTED to raise and appropriate ~he sum of $10,157.~8 for the pur- $10,157.~8 for its purposes. , pose of the article. ~/', k, . ARTICT.F. 6 . V _ ] OTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of ARTICLE 6~. Voted to adop~."the article and to~'pa~se and appropriate the sum~' of' $1,500 and dzrect the Se,ectmen to appoint a Co~mmmttee of nine members to ex- $.1,500 and to authorize and direct the Selectment to appoint a Committee of '~ " ' '~' ~ ' ' pend the appropriation./' n~ne members to expend the appropriation. ARTICLE 6~. VOTED to adopt the artmcl, e and to raise and,,appropriate~ the sum of ARTICLE 6~. VOTED to ad~pt the article and to rat~, and appropriate the am of $800 for its purposes, and to authorize and direct the Selectmen to~expe nd same. $800 and direct the Selectmen to expend the same. ~sTICLE 65. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and apDropriateo the sum of ARTICLE 65. VOTED ~o adopt the article and to raise ~d appropriate the sum of ,254.1~ and take from Overlay Surplus the sum of $~,7~5.~6 to mak~e the amount $5,25~.1~ and take,,'~'from ,.the Overlay Surplus Account th?~,,sum of $ ,745.86 to of $1Q~00.00 for the ~eserve Fund. ,. make the said amoUnt of.$10,O00. ARTICT.F. 66. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 66. voTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 67. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 68. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $800 for its purposes, ARTICrE 67 VOTED to adopt the article.. '~. ARTICT.F. 68 .~. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise ~nd ap pre~riate the sum of $800 for its purposes ARTICLE 69. VOTED article be Strtken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 6~9. ,VOTED the article be stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 70. VO~2D to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $150 for its purposes. ARTICLE 71. VOTED that the article be stricken from the Warrant. Article 72. V~ED to reject the article. AR~IC~L~'~ 70. VOTED to adopt the $~ ~or its purposes. article and to raise and appropria~te the s~m of ARTICLE 71. VOTED the article be stricken from the warrant. / A~ICLE 72. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 75..VOTED to raise and appropria.te the sum of $975. to be expended~ under the direction of the Board of Public ~orkds 'for the purposes of the Artic~ ARTICLE 7~. VOTED to reject the article. ~ ~F2~¢-~3-TSv-¥C~T~-D-~o-.~.re~ec-t---~.the---a~.~t~e-le-.- .................. ,- ....................................................................... ARTICLE 74. VOTED to adopt the article ' and to me~ said amount of .~4-000 the '~)~'~'d?.TICLE 7~o vOTED to adoPt the.article and to r,mse and appropriate the s~ of amomt of $2,~88.~1 be raised and appropriated ~d take from Article 52 of tho ~2,488.~.1 and to take from Article 5~ of ?he 1962 ToE Neeti~ the sm of 1962 TOE Meeting the ~o~t of $1,511.59. ~$1,511.59 to b~ expended ~der the dmrectzon of the Highway Surveyor for the At this point of the meeting Mr. Ira D. Cart Hi hwa Surve or ask ~ ~ Y, g y y ed to expres Purposes of thzs article. his thanks and appreciation to the Townspeople for elect~ him for 52 consecutive years ~d Stating this would be his last year in r~ng for the office. Charles W. Trolly, Esquire arose ~d offered the following Resolution to the meeting ofARTICLE 76. VOTED to adopt the article ~d to raise and appropriate the s~ of which was accepted. $100 for ss, me o W~AS, Ira D. Carry ~s faithfully and conscientiously served the ~citizens of North Andover for thirty-one years: and ~ ARTICLE 77. VOTED to adopt 'the article ~d to raise and appropriate the s~ of ~REAS, Ira D. Catty ts desirous of retiring but has not Joined any contributory $6000, for the purpose of this article. pension plan: ~d A~T~5~ 7~ ,y~ED to raise and ~propriate the s~ of $10,000 for the purpose W~E~M~ the c~tizen~ of t~ T~ ~ w~b A~,,.~ ~. ~.~.~ ~'~, ~ .... _ yea~s ~f d~-vot~d serVi~ a~ a~--d~'si~eus:~'of coo~rating with his re~uest to ~a retired on pension if legal: and ' ARTIC~ 79. v~ED to take the s~ of $100,000 from available f~ds to reduce T~FORE, be tt resolved that it is the wish and de,re of th~s meet~g that the the tax rate. Selectmen take such asction as may be necessary to retire the said Ira D. ~arty on ~ annual pension not to exceed twenty-five h~dred ($2500) dollars per ~num. · -.~. ~; · · PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1964 Adourned Town Meeting March 14, 196~ ~' ~6,5 ~RTI~!,E 80. V0~D ~imously to adopt Articles 80, 81, 82, 85 ~d ~4 ~d that ~ PRECINCT P~ECINCT said To~ By-Law Revision Co~ittee be continued. ~ 1 .., 2- ,~, ,,~0~ TOTAL ARTICLE 85. V~EO to adopt the article. > ~ [.MO } ~ATS P~ ICA NS 1~1 1 359 ARTICLE 86. V,0TED to adopt the article and the Town Cl.erk send a letter of TOTALS 5 2 7 2 2 7 5 5 ~ thanks to ~'~¢t.-,~r 'cf th~'~ks in behalf of the Town to sa'~d George Giragosian. D E M .0... C R A .T..S William B'i Duffy. made motion to extend to the Advisory Board, Moder,ator and all DE. LEGATES .. others for the Sob,. well done. J.F. ALBAN0 Frank S~ansel, Robert Janusz, Milton Howard, Elston Harold, Carl ~illiams, Leslie ~runel, Myron Lewis, Charles Trombly, Jr. and John Connors aesisted the Moderator and Town Clerk 'in the hand voting. ~92 registered voters were present at the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5.10 P.M. R. M. BA~SON J. S. BEGLEY J.. W. BELANGER F. X.BELLOTTI T. J.BUCKLEY W. T.BUCKLEY 5h 18 52 COMM0hW~EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS H. W. FITZPATRICK 69 .In the name of the ommonwealth you are hereby required to notify and A.F. FOSTER the inhabitants of Precincts One, Tow and Three of said To~vn who are . F. FURCOL0 51 ~o 77 warn eualified to voCea.ndin Primaries to meet in the new ,St. Mi chaels School Audi~torlum .E..j. HARTIGANP° GILGUN 5o £n Precinct Two, the inhabitants of ~recin~t ~our of_said Town who are ~. qualified to vote In Primaries to meet in the Kittredge School' Auditorium in W. HENNIGAN, JR. Precinct Four: , ' ~ J.B. HYNES 84 TUESDAY, THE TWENTY*EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL 1964. , W.J. KELLIEER 18 61 . . To bring in their votes to ~ E.M. KENNEDY 1~ the Primary Officers for the Election of ~andmdates of Political Parties for ~ R.F. KENNEDY 124 the following officeS: , · ' ~ '" D.M. E~YES, JR. 12 48 58 Delegates at Large ~o the National,, Convention,, of,, the,, Democratic,, Party.,, I.R. LYONS 15 45 Alternate Delegates at large to ' T.H. MACDONALD 50 l0 Delegates at Large to the National. ",, ,," ,," Republican Party.,, . T.i. MANTALOS l0 Alternate Delegates at larte to N. MASON 2 District elegates at large to National Democratic Party. E.J. McCORMACK, JR. 52 108 ~f the Sixth Co.ngressional Dist. J.W. McCORMACK 26 92 2 Alternate District Delegates, to the National Convention of the P.J. McDONOUGH Democratic Party of the 6th Congresional District. . 16 2 District Delegates to the National Convention of the Republican Party '~F P'. MORRISSEYo~BRiEN 18 5602 of the Sixth Congressional Dist. 2 Alternate District Delegates to the .National Con~entton of t~he w.T' P.~EABoDyO'NEIL$, JR. ll2 Republican Party of the 6th Co.ng, ress~onal District. District Membe~.s of State Committee - (One man and one woman) for each political party of the ~ourth Senatorial District. ~ ~i V. RYAN, JR. A. SMITH 25 55 Members of the Democratic Town Committee. E.J. SULLIVAN 20 42 FRED P. OAEES ?f ~ J. MULCAHY RAYMOND BROADHEAD North Andover, Ms. C.W. TROMBL~ ~ ~ A true copy: ~ B L A N K S · 589~ 2850 772~ ATTEST: ALTERNATE DELEGATES April 16, 1964. , CONSTABLE. ; S'~ ~H.' BEk~ ~'~ ~- ~28 15 ~ 0~FICER'S RETDRN M.M. BREEN ~0 20 OU I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who areW.F. BREwIN ~0 12 42 ,'qualified to vote in Primaries~by posting true and attested copies of this warrant T.P. BRODEEICK ~l 17 at the Town Office Building and at fire or more public places in each voting pre- J.F. BUREE 59 18 tinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days be- J.C. CASDIN 29 ll fore the time of holding said meeting, nor less than ten days before the time of C~. N' COLLATOS bo1 St ~ ~ id meetin . ......... o ~ g A~G~U~TINE J.~WSLSH. CONSTABLE.~ H.C. DONNELLY ~6 North Andover. Mass. ~ '~ ~ J' DOWD 57 15 April 16, 1964. ATTEST:~~~ '~ EPSTEIN 25 12 i/JOHN ~. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. J.T. FARRELL, JR. 58 16 J. F. FEENEY 50 16 53 a8 90 55 Members of the Republican ToEn"iCommittee. S.J. TARLGW 26 14 The polls.~ll be open f~om 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. ' B. T~MOR Hereof fail not ~d ~ke return of this warr~t with your doings thereon J.F. THOMPSON 21 at the time and p~ce of said meeting to the ToE Clerk of said No. Andover. J.A. WILLIA~ 28 14 Given ~der o~ hands this 6th ~day of April ~.D., 1964. K.H. ~I~ 6~ 5~ ~LLIAN A. FIN~RAN Selectmen T.J. WHITE ~l 1~. 15 58 71 55 lO4 56 26 82 74 7o 15,o 54 5o 2o Immediately following the Annual. Adjourned Town Meeting the Special~ Town J.P.S.J' A. BURKEBuRKE ~_4 meeting was called and the following was voted: . ' G.H. BYRNE 51 ~ ARTICLE 1.VOTED that the Town apprgve the amount of debt (to wit. $5 , 250, 000 ) R.V. CAUCHON '~i 12 authorized by the Greater Lawrence ~egiona'l Vooati~onal-T..echnica.1. High ~chool~ B, COHEN 12 District ,Committee at a meeting .held on February 1U, 1964, for ~ne 'purpose ox J.F. COLLINS ~ 28 constructing and equipping a regzonal vocational-technical high school building. J.W. COSTELLO 22 The vote was unanimous and so declared. J.J. CRAVEN, JR. ~7 17 Meeting adjounred at 5:17 P.M. ~ ~-~ ~ H.J'F'X'D. RUssoDAVOREN 4~6~0 A true copy: ATTEST: ~~~ J.T. DIAS ~6 , o. J. T. DRI SCOLL C. J. HAMILTON 12 ' ~v C~ B L A N K S 2~O6 11 9 J. E. ~RRINGTON, ~. ~ 27 7~ C.V.HOG~ ~7 ..17 54 PRESIDENTIAL PRE~RENCE L.S.~NAN 21 ll '~0HNsON ~ ' "~ ~ ' 76 26 102 C.R.JOHNSON, ~. ~1 15 ~ E. M~CART~ F.H.~LAE~ ~4 17 E. KING a9 E. ENEDY J.P. LOUGHLIN 29 15 McNAMARA E.c. ~~ 5o ~5 ~ B L A N K S ~7 26 7 F.V. MAERA 27 ~ ~ R E P U B L I C A N S E. S. MOSS 21 J. A' VOLPE ~5 107 MOY~HAN P. V. ~LLA~ a9 16 ~ M.R. W~~R 72 89 161 E. J. RILEY ~, i6 G, C. LODGE 102 1~8 A. N. SCIBELLI 1~ ~ B L A N K S 10 603 1610 B. SOLOMON 26 11 ~7 AL~NA~ DELEGATES A.D' H.N' ~BRISKIEWAL~' ~. ~1 ~ 69 ~ 177 B L ~ N K S ~8 9 ~280 7~7~ H. ~ZE ~5~ 6th DISTR!C.T DE~GA~S P.K. B L A N K S 91 1~ J.H. 6th DISTRICT ALTE~A~ D~GATES S.Q. CURTIS ~ 8~ 161 ~5 ~k 109 R. ~. mSTRANGEL0 ~9 8~ 15~ B L A N K S 1)2 g9 2Q1 STA~E COMMI~., (M~n) D.~G~ESE G~UP 2. B i N K ,STAE C0m~??EE (W0m~) B L A N K S 79 )6 115 J.L. MoC~ TOWN CO~ITTEE S.A. SPU~ 22 ll T. F. McCARTY 80 10 M.G. SLADE. 1 36 R. E. FINCK 91 13 B L A N K S 1571 1464 3035 R,~. F. HOLMES 7~ 2~ ALT~NATE DELEGATES J. G. MORIN 77 a ~o6 . · aa ma ~4 J. J. C~ILL ~ ~ 117 J.A. Mac~Y 2~ 11 J. J. MO~IR0 76 ~ 5~ T.J. BARRY J. J. B~ 90 G.G. AR~S~ 19 F. R, C~!STE 88 ~ 121 ~ ~ ~ BLANKS ~ 805 1~7~ 1768 J. F. COADY 80 121 6th DISTRICT DE~GA~S Grou 1. J. F, S~A'~ ~ ~154 117 L.B. U~ING 68 61 129 J. J. SHiElDS L.H. JOHNSON M. M. C~ILL ~ 127 B L A N K S 221 197 418 J.J.C0S~0 ~~ 3~ ~.~.TROLLY, ~. ~ C.R. C~RK ~ ~ ~ 60 11 H.S.T00~ 107 B L A N K S J. E, J. ROB~TS 57 121 C.H. GLOVS~ J. MOR~SKI 79 ~5 ll4 B L A N K S 2~ ~ 5 · W. A. WIL~TT 7~ ~0 10) R. F. GO.AM 79 }~5 ll2 L. C0NSTA~INEAU ~ '29 '" 99 P. CONST~TEE~U a9 269 ,268 7'- P:" BROWN ..... - - 5.~ ~ 67 ~: Treasurer and Receiver ~eneral " . " B. He WHITE 57 ~6 5~8~ ~ Auditor of the Commonwealth " ' " BLANKS 292 ~ Representative in Congress '.! 6th Congre,s~slona~.l .Dt.st.rict STA~ C0~ITEE (Man) Councillor ',', ~5th Co~nci~or D.' K.' WEBSTE~RHA 15052 ll21? 2~ Se~a tot 4th Senatorial Distric t ~ Eepresentatives in General Court I'~ 12th ~ssex R~ep. District B L A N K S 19 20 59 Clerk of Courts "this ~ssex ~ounty S. TATE COMNIT..TE.E .(Wq.m~.~) Re~ister of Deeds "this " N~ them Dist. L.. ~. WHITE 57 l06 75 Two County CommissionersVACANCY this County B. I. VANGIT~ 26 21 ,TOWN C0~ITTF~ n s W. R. STAMP '"~ 158 ll6 254 L. WIND~E - M. E. SI1~WART 158 108 J. W. McDONALD 155 ll0 . FRED P. OAKES. North Andover. E. E. DIXON 12~ 108222~,2~ A true copy: . R.A. DUPONT 151 lll H.ENDICOTT 15~ 121 25 ATTEST.' CONSTABLE. Y. GROUND 12~ 10~ 22~ North Andover, Mass. August 28, 1964. M.E. BEIDER 14~6 ll5 261 0FFICER' S RETURN R. L. HERMANN 12~ lll 259 I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of N~ th Ando~ er J.H, DEWHIRST 154 who are _qualified to vote in Primaries by posting tru. e and attested copies 2~6 of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at fmve or more pUblic pl~ cas E. R. MALLORY 128 10525254[0 in each voting preclnc t of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor le ss than ten H. MORLEY, JR. 151 109 M.S. RAMSDELL 135 ll9 254 days before the time of holding said meeting. E. SAUL l~i lll ~ ' AUGUSTINE J. WALSH. CONSTABrE. H.A' F.B' SEARSTAcY 1571~6 106108 2~522 ANu°~uthstA~8 ,°v~4.Mass' ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. P.O. THOMSON 155 ~.. ~. ~ACH ~ aa9 o . ~O~i~ B.HANNAY 15~ D E M 0 C R i T S 517 ~ 555' ~ F. J. SEARS 1_2_5 102 226 105 228 R;E P U B L I C A N S 90 220 170 285 765 2158 ~. H. ou~o~ ~ ~o a4~ Smi~O~ ~ CO~H~SS K. M. BI~RMAN l~l 105~ 2~6 ' EDWARD Me KEN DY 2.71 ~.ll 2~Z 595 ll7~ W. P. ROCKWELL 141 126 26.7 Blanks 46 45 43~ 62 o. ~. s~.~,ouzs ~o m04 ~ 4 M. A. WI NDLE 156 109 2~5 GOVERNOR · H. S. BROAOH~AD ~ als S5~.8 ~ ~AB0~ 14m ~7 lS8 189 6O5 A. F. COFFIN 148 120 268 FRANCIS X. BELLOTTI 158 187 188 166 699~ J. C. SMITH 150 105 255 PASQUALE CAGGIANO 5 0 i 2 6 ~. ~. ~oOONinO ~ m0S S~3 ~OH~ ~. DH0~W 9 ~ ~4 7 O. O. HAIGH 129 10.~ 255 B~anks 6 6 ~ 5 19 B L A N K S 1626 167~ 5502 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ~SZD~ZAL PReFaCE -. ~ ~.7~~ll Sg~ ~09 1188 ~oc~~ .......... "' ~ ~ S~anks ~ ~ 4~ 58 LODGE G~0LDWATEH 22 12 54 ~AMES ~. HENNIGA-N, JR. 273 505 276 506 ll60 Blanks ~ ~9 59 61 21~ SCRANTON l~ ll ~ NIXON 9 ll5 SECR~.T?RY C. PERRY SMITH · i 112 KEVIN H. WHITE 2.70 ~10 295 506 ll81 WALLACE 2 Blanks ~7 ~ 4~ 61 192 SA~TONST~L S ~ ~AS~ G. LODGE i ROBOT Qj CRANE 52 60 6~ 60 2~55 B L A N K S 52 50 8~ ~0H,N JOSEBH BUC ~Et~, 186 225 195 250 W A R R A N T JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY 59 25 27 55~ 126 · C0i~ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS, Blanks 12 22 17 l~ 67 . To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: AUDIT. OR. J. _oo In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby requi~ed to notify the JOHN J. BUC~ ll~ 146 155 591 inha~it~ts of said toe who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in theB~nks 17 ~ra~~e~s~H~ol~~.~r~T ~~??~n~p 0n~, The ~t.~M~ghael's School iuditori~ cONG~SS~N ~n,,,r~n~ 'l'w~, ~,,v,.~v~ ~nov~ ~~0~ zn Preclnc~ 'l'~ee and the Kittredge ~~IS, ~. ~32~ 2~ 281 10~ ~onool auditori~ in Precinct Four. T~RSDAY, the ~TH DAY 0F SEPTEMB~ 196~. Bl~ks 74 86 526 at seven o'clock A.M., for the the following purposes; COUNCILLOR Senator in Congress Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General To brin~ in thstw '~o tBe' Primary O£'£'icers for the Nomination of Candidates of P~liti°ai~a~i;~ for the following Office: For This Commonw. ealth JAMES' R; MAR~,~ THOMAS J. LANE B]anks 76 95 95 86 218 276 227 254 ~ 15 ~7 SENATOR J-"~. RURAK 278 54~0 286 59~ 1182 z~ CouNTY CO~ISSIONERS Bl~ 59 ~9 ~ 191 ~ . . 0 PRATT 80 177 156 226 619 ~'~ E. RAy ~LL~ ~ 157 ll5 206 5~ ~P~SENTATI~S IN GEN~ C~T Bl~ks 106 89 1~8 ~59 VINC~T P. DA~ 205 ~ 222 252 92~ S~IFF 8~ 182 ~ 2~ 64~ Bl~ks 3~7 5~4 ~0 350 1~1 Bl~ks ~8 124 CLERK OF COURTS F f ssE Blanks REGISTER OF DEEDS AURICE T. FERRIS 266 296 281 298 58 252 698 ESSEX SS: GREET I NG: COMMONWEALTH To either of the WARRANT OF MASSACHUSETTS Constables of the Town of Nor th Andover: JOHN NICHOLAS SULLIVAN Blanks 15o In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Said Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote for Presidential Electbrs, Senator in Congress; Governor; Lieutenant COUNTY C,OMMISSIONERS Governor; Attorney General; Secretary; Treasurer~; Auditor; Repr~e~senta~ive in DANiEL J. BUREE ~ 156~jll~'~9 1~5 17~5 ~ll,~ Congress; Councillor; Senator; Hepresentavie in ~General 9ourt (3); Clerk~ of TIMOTHY J. CRONIN 155 147 169 Courts; Register of ~eeds; County Commi.ssioners (2}; VACANCY, in Essex ~Oount~y JOSEPH F. SIROIS 17,1 209 195 199 7,74 A Sheriff; and upon all question appe. armng on the ballot, to m~e~t, an~d assembl.e Blanks 174 195 .18~ 195 745 e oll~n laces' In Precinct One the oradstree~ in the designated and appoint d p g P ,~ . ~ School. in Precinct Two. the new St. Michael's Sch~ool, _in Precinct Three the SHERIFF ' - ~ ' ttred e ~chool. WI-~ J. OASEY 2~I 256t ~! 256~ 9~ Thomson School and in Precinct ~ our the K~ g ~ , TUESDAY, THE THIkD DAY OF NOVE~BER I 9 6 4 JOSEPH Fo BATEMAN 269 at 70'clock A.M.. in the forenoon to bring into the Town ,Clerk and the~ele,ctio FRANCIS J. CASSIDY l0 ll ~7 officers and upo~ all o uestions appearing on_the ballo~t, the ~ot?.fo,r ~-e,c~ors ROBERT J. O'LEARY 15 ~1~'7 1~ ~ of President and Vice President; Senator in ~ongress; Governor; ~euDenan~ Blanks 21 25 Governor; Secretary; Attorney General; Treasure. r;.A~ditor; Hepr?se,n,t.atEi~ve in REPUBLICANS Distract: three Reoresentative in General Court of the ~th Essex District; SENATOR INARD NO --CONGRESS'.' ' '' C.ongre. ss 6th District; Councillor of 5th District, Senator of the $~n s sex , 75 16~ 1,2~ 2~2~ 589 ~1~ ~e'~urt in ~ssex County: ~e~ister of Deeds of this Essex N orthern~ Blanks 15 57 ~o ~o 176 ~*~'~ '- -- ~' ~ ~ .... '~ 'to ti this Essex anma ~ner~z-z- ~ 153 255 19 l? 52 vacancy) of this Essex District; Two County Commissioners County, County; and upon the following ~uestions: GOVERNOR ~'6'~'~-~'~-V OL PE Blanks LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ELLIOT L" R~I-CHARDS 0 NBlanks ~ 185 55 1~ 27 ~ 121 6~ ~ 8~ 199 1~9 ::'58 690 Blanks 21 21 27 75 SECRETARY TREASURER ROBERT C. HAHN 78 Blanks 12 AUDITOR 34 55 50 8_5 188 145 252 670 52 55 95 ELWYN J. MILLER Blanks CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM H. BATES Blanks COUNCILLOR SAMUEL. ADAMS 80 .1.~.~ 128 as~ 618 Blanks 10 42 51 1~7 St~IATOR ~'~-----~. APOSTOLOU .~ B!-_nks 162 126 a28 58 44 57 REPRESENTATI\~S IN GENERAL COURT WILLIAM LONGW 0RTH 60 152 !10 181 4,85 AETHUR WILLIAMS i3 109 201 B~nks 5! ~ ~ ~ Bl~ks I1 33 134 REGiS~ OF D~mDS Blanks 86 195 675 a3 90 PRO~ tM~lt!).'~NT TO TI~ COI/STITUTIO.N . Do you approve of the adoption of .- ,mendment to the con. sti~ti, on s-mm~rized below which was approved by the General Court m a lomt session of the two br~-ches held March 29, 1961, received 219 votes i, the ~rm-five -nd 26 in the negative, ~-d in a joint session of the two br--ches held May 8, 1963, re- ceived 244 votes in the affh.mative and 14 in the negative? SUMMARY The proposed amendment provides that the terms of office of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Treasurer ~-d Receiver General, Attorney General .-d Auditor shall be four years. Executive Co--ciilors, Senators ,-d Representatives shsH continue to serve for two years. The four-year term for consti- tutional officers would become effective at the time of the November election in the year 196§. QUESTION NO. 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION Do you approve of the adoption of ~ amendment to the constitution s.mmarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two brsnches held July 18, 1962, received 238 votes in the ~t~rm~tive and 1 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 8, 1963, re- ceived 246 votes in the ~ffirmafive and 2 h ae negative? SUMMARY In the event that ~ny public office, whether elective or appointive, shah become vacant as a result of enemy attack, the proposed ~mend- men_t wo,,Id enable the General Court to provide for prompt .nd tem- porary succession to the powers .nd duties of such offices, ~nd to take steps to insure continuity of government of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. ,. QUESTION NO. S PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TI:rE CONSTITUTION Do you approve of the adoption of in amendment to the constitution summarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held March 29, 1961, received 25.1 .votes in.. the affirmative ,_nd 0 in the negative, ~"d in a 3omt session of the two br~nches held May 8, 1963, re- ' ceived 252 votes in the affi~,uative snd 3 in the negative? SUMMARY The proposed .mendment provides that the credit of the Common- wealth may be given, loaned or pledged only by a two-thirds vote of each br.nch of the Legislature. In no event shah the credit of the Commonwealth be given or lo.ned to or for any individual, private association or corporation privately owned or m~naged. 272 QUESTION NO. 4 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TNI~ CONSTITUTION Do y~u approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below which was approved by the General Court ~n a joint session of the two branches held July 18, 1962, received 220 votes in the afl~-mafive ~,'nd 24 in the negative, and in yF$ I a !oin~t session of the two branches held May 8, 1963, re- ce,vet 258 votes in the affumafive and 1 in the negative? N0 SUMMARY The proposed amendment authorizes both the 'Governor and the Executive Council to require opinions of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court on questions of law. The present requirement that the Governor and Council agree before a question may be submitted would be annulled. QUESTION NO. $ LAW PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Do you approve of a law s,,mma,~zed below which was disapproved in the House of Representatives by a vote of 10~ in the affm'mative a-d 109 in the negative and was disapproved Y~:8 in the Senate by a vote of 16 in the afii~-.afive and 20 in the negative? N0 SUMMARY The .proposed measure provides that henceforth appointments in the executive branch of the gover"ment shall not require the advice and consent of the Governor's Council. Exceptions to this provision in- clude appointments to the Youth Service Board, Industrial Accident Board, Commission of the Department of Public Utilities, Parole Board and Appellate Tax Board, which appointments shall continue to require Council action. However, should the Council fail to act upon such ap- pointments within thirty calendar days, then the person involved shall be deemed to have been lawhdly appointed. Any appointment in the executive branch by sn officer other than the Governor which hereto- fore required Council approval shall henceforth require approval by the Governor. Removals .from offic, e shall no longer require the advice and consent of the~ Co,ncil, .e. xcept m the case of the Youth Service Board. which re- movals must still receive Council approval As in the case ~f a~ooint- ments s~l! requiting Council approval, such recommended re'~novJl from the Youth Service Board must be acted upon by the Council within thirty calendar days; otherwise the proposed removal shall become effective as if approval had been given. In the case of any ap- pointment which heretofore required Council approval the Governor It is a~so provided that in addition to the compensation for the 1963 annual session the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House sbal! be paid thirty-nine hundred dollars, the floor leaders of each major political party in the Senate and House, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and Chairman and Vice- Chairman of that committee of the House, shall be paid twenty-nine hundred and twenty-five dollars and each other member shall be paid nineteen hundred and fifty dollars. Each member shall also be en- titled to an additional expense allowance of two hundred dollars for the calendar year 1963 and the travel allowance shall be at the rate of eight cents per mile with a stated minimum and an alternative for the balance of the calendar year 1963. QUESTION NO. ? A. Shall licenses be granted in this city (or town) for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whisky, rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic bever- ages)? N0 B. Shall licenses be granted in this city (or town) for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and beer, ale and all other malt beverages)? C. Shall licenses be granted in this city (or town) for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises? NO QUESTION NO. 8. "Shall an act passed by the General Court in the year nlueteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled ~An Act author- izing the town of North Andover to pension Ira D. Carty', be accepted?" The polls shall be open at 7 o'clock A.N., and close at 7 o'clock P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by pc~ ting true and attested cop.ies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each votmng precinct, said copies to. be posted not more than fifteen day,s nor less than ten days before the tmme of said meeting. Hereof, fail not and make. due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and p~ace of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North And over, Mass., this 19th day of October in the main free to seek the advice and consent of the Council upon any matter. may, withl, fifteen days.of the making of the appointment, remove the year of Our Lot d One ~hous and Nine Hund re d and Sixty F ou~. person appo~.ted without cause. . . WILLIAM A. FINNERAN Selectmen The Co.u. ncil shall no !onger be requ~.ed to approve .the fl~,ug of any .. FRED P. 0AKES of compensation for services rendered in the executive, depa.rt, ment. RAYI/IOND BROADHEAD North And over, Ms. And henceforththere.needbenoappro.v.albythe C o.un.cilofactionsor A trlle copy.* ~~~ a~eements by executive officers, including but not hm~ted to borrow- > · ings and loans, investments, 1.eases,.licenses, purchases and convey- ATTEST. ances, ?d contracts, and also including the promulgation of rules s-d 0C tobe r 21, 196~t. regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Governor shall at all times re- O'FPIOER ! ~ RETURN QUESTION NO. 6 LAW SUBMITTED UPON REFERENDUM AFTER PASSAGE Do you approve of a law summarized below, which was approved in the Ho.use of Representatives by a vote of 180 in the affi~-,ative and 40 in the n. egative and was approved in the Senate by a vote of 28 m the affirmative and 5 in the YE8 NO I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public pla ces in e ach voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having bern posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. negative? North And over, Mass. October ~ , 196~!. PRE S I D~ TI AL SUMMARY PRECINCTS ONE TWO Tt~EE FOUR Under the Act, effective as of January 1, 1954, each member of the General Court shall receive seventy-eight hundred dollars for each regular annual session, the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of r,.. ...... ,~,.-_~ same amount as addi- --~v.~o,:.u, uv~ shall each receive ~he fional compensation, and the floor leaders of each of the major political parties in the Senate and House, the ChaiJ--.an of the Senate Com- mlttee on Ways and Means and the Chaiiman and Vice-Chairman of that committee of the House, shall each receive thirty-nine hundred dollars as additional compensation, to be paid as provided in the Act. After the same date the annual expense allowance is to be six hundred dollars for. each member and the travel al!owan_ce is to be eight cents per mile with a stated minimum and an alternative, and a member ~ ...o.s..o d~ring a session is to be titled to per diem compensation at the rate for each regular annual ses- sion and to the allowances for travel and other expenses for the Hme of his membersMp. TOTAL 465 ! ,ag .,aox,5 ,,7..7 a 5 PRESIDENT & VICE PRES. -' 312:~ }99~ 6- ~5' ( 49a (Partial Ballot) ~ aoa~ HASS & BLOWN JOHNSON & H~PHREY NU~ & ~AW i 2 i 2 0 0 o SENATOR IN CONGRESS Blanks 19 ~ ' r ' a0 0 16 I 79 JOHN A. VOLP/~ 22 ~,] Blanks 2 65 66 1 75 5~ 267 EDGARELLIoTJOHN' W.EL.. C 0STHLLOGAuRZCHARDSON)ET 5052653191~ 85715992!1 5~968~ 1~1417198~ 5~16 26653303g 'Blanks 2765110 ~05129 }0bl04 7 1~}$ 190 ~ 212 201 ~0~ &TTOR~, GEN..]R~ 791 18 1104 947 21 1545 4526' 95o 8o WILLY N. HOGSETH 350 6 380 9 1~ 350 5 383 9 How ao ¢ o B~ks 24 0 21 0 26 0 5~ 0 10~ 3~9 ~1 16 625 55 1929 SECRETARY Blanks 3234 59012 ~71 7 406 25 1538 KE IN,H.;'.WHIT~, 848 al 921 25 . 28[~115 342 ~2 282 i0 551 26 1522 2996 · 10 432 1607 0 16 Blanks 335 398 270 216 1033 · ,T,R,EAS,URERBlanks213 3 237 8 2~ o 294 6 lOO5 WARREN C. cAR.$~Z~G 0 0 18 BZanks 250 ~2~96 l0 2188~ 0 ~ 5~ 4007 ARN 'A. soRTE 4~o o~ ,~ ?o 1?~ 13 ~95 Blanks NO 162I 217 } l~l 3 293 9 869 AUO~TOR Blanks 235~ 281 ~ 0 271 320 9 1128 THADDEUS ELWYNN J. JOHN CHARLES ETHELBERT L. Blanks BUCZKO ~LLER HEDGES N~VENS CONGRESSNAN WILLIAN H.~ -BATES JM~S G. ZAFRI S, JR. Blanks C 0UNCI LLOR SA]~UEL THOMAS Blanks SENATOR J£~s P. JA~ES D. Blanks RURAK AP 0STOLOU REPRESENTATIVES IN G~-'L W'I'LLI AM LG~GW OR TH " ALBERT P. PETTORUTO ARTHUR WILLIANS CNESTER VINCENT RAYMOND Blanks J. BRADLEY P. DAVEY J. HANCOCK 2891 QUESTION NO 8 2S 1 8~ 2 0 63 0 11 0 22 Blanks 231 250 3 60 i 785 2 7 2 87 5 309 595 19 929 28 761 14 1315 64 3725 528 1l 484 lO 48412 643 lO 2~182 Number of service persons who were registered voters 50 0 52 056 057 3 218 Service Ballot applications were made by kindred. 4~9 ll 253 8 lOO7 Number of service persons who personally applied for-by Federal postcard or otherwise for Federal Service Ballot. 57 for whom Federal of service persons who were not registered voters, for whom Number 2 Blanks 53 2 73 2 72 i 83 3 289 COUN~. C 0MMIS, SZONERS D~qI~,J. BUREE , - 69~ 19 75525 7551~ 10~5 ~ 351~ C.F. ~LSON PRATT: 11-94 !6 7K~ o~ ~o= i0~2 E RAY ~LLEY 5 9 10 759 lS99 Blanks ~03 4 406 9 591 6 469 14 1602 719 11 12.77 61 3659 510 14 65D 13 217~6 REGISTER OF DEEDS G. ~TUDSON DR"I'VER 601918 ~5~ 22 NAUR!CE T. FERRIS 51 9 14 John Sullivan 1 CL~RK 0F C OIl. TS PHILIP 'A." " tm~ .m~ESSEY 798 RICHARD L. HULL 299 Blanks ' 2 100 1oo 392 5~0 14 824 21 684 17 123,7 63 ~87 15 767it 621l~ 1167 63 3156 409 7 lO 512 9 543 2046 C0~YRT ESSEX ss: To either of ~he Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby diirected to notify a~.d warn the !nhabit.ants of the Town of North Andover quahfled to vote m elechons and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Audi- torium in Precinct One, the St. Michaels (new) School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Audi- torium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Audi- torium in Pre.c. inct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the F~rst Day of Mar. ch, 1965, at 7 o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following ARTICLE: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, jrown Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor~'~ree Warden and years. One Member of the Planning Board and one Member of the Housing Autho. r. ity for f!ve years, and.one Member of the School Comm~tte% to fill the un-expired term of one year. · All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:09 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. · After final action on the preceding Article 1, said meet- ing shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of.the Town .By-lLaws to Saturday, March 13, 1965 at one- -thirty P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School, then and there to act on the follow- ..,M~!--_~:___~ for one year· One Selectman for three years and one Member of the Board of Public Welfare for three years. One Member of the Board Of Assessors, one Member of the Board of Health, one Member of the B.o. ard of Public Works ~1 one Member of the School Comm~tteekf~fo_r~_th_re~,~.+.}~., ing _Articles_:. 7 39 57 2 67 222 399 ! 6661! 479 l! 938 54 257~2 registration as voters and Federal ~ervice Ballots were made bykindred 25 7~22 2 754z 1 7~02 1 1028 22 335~ Number or ballots mailed to service persons 59 49 1 195 },i'umber of such ballots cast 5~ 276 - ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 14 of the General 'Laws: Board of Selectmen-- each per annum Board of Public Welfare -- each per annum Board of Assessors each per annum Board of Health -- each per annum Board of Public Works -- each per annum Town Treasurer -- per annum Tax Collector per annum Tree Warden per annum Highway Surveyor -- per annum Moderator -- per annum ARTICI~ 6. To see what action the Town wiII take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Select- men, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years beginning January 1 1965, and January .1, .1966, and to issu°e a n~ote or n~)te~ therefor, payable within one year, a. nd to renew., or refund any such note or notes, all as prowded by Sectmns 4 and 17 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws. ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the positi.o.n of Board of Heal.th Physician and to fix his compensation as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chap- ter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICI.E 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $750.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, to erect a chain link fence on the Carl A. Thomas Playground abutting the property at 164 Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Char]es Coco and others. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of erecting a chain link fence on the Carl A. Thomas Play- ground abutting the property at 116 Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of John J. Lawlor and others. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Selectmen to secure the reopening of Barker Street at its junction with Osgood Street making it similar to the entrances of Sutton Street and Great Pond Road, from Osgood Street. Petition of George R. Barker and others. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote that con- stables shall hereafter be appointed by the Selectmen, pursuant to the provisions of Section 91A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of John H. Farrell and others. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $300.00 to pay the Boston and Maine Railroad Corp. for damages resulting from the tak- ing of land for the purposes of relocating Marblehead Street, to be paid through the Board of Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $900.00, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen and the Town Clerk for the purpose of the taking of the 1965 Decennial State Cen- sus. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,800.00, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purchase of two new 1965, 12 volt system police cars; one car 1963, and one car 1964, to be turned in, in trade and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other sim- ilar accessories. Petition of the Selectmen and the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following resolution: V.-r!4~.R~,S the ,~n~r~, ,,v~,~ sitting as a Con- .sti?ut.ional.. Convention, did on July 16, 1963,_give mrna! approval, to. a Home Rule amendment to the state Constitution, and WHEREAS this bill of rights for local governments requires a,second approval by the members of the General Court during this legislative session, and WHEREAS we, as members of this Town Meeting, feel competent to handle the affairs of our Town without strict supervision by the Commonwealth '~ of our every act and deed. · NOW TI{E~FORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Town Meeting hereby instructs its representatives to the General Court to vote in favor of the Home Rule proposal (H 1384 of 1963 as revised), when it comes before them. or, take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00, to be used for a Town Fourth of July celebration, any and all profits made at said celebration to be returned to the Town Treasury, said appropriation to be expended by a Committee to be appoint- ed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICI:E 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,900.00, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of a "Mach- ine Accounting System." Petition of the Selectmen and the Town Accountant. ARTICL. E 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00, to be expended under the dire.ction of the .Board of Selectmen f.or the purpose of securing and placing street and speed signs. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00, to be expended under the direction of th.e Bo.ard of Selectmen for the purpose of changing over mght single stall doors at the To.w.n Gar.- a.g.e, to four double doors (two. stall), there, by making d~tlonal space for trucks entering and leaving the garage. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Section: Section 12A: There is hereby establ!shed an unpaid Town Capital Outlay Committee, which shall have a membership of seven voters of the Town, one of whom shall be annually chosen by and from the Planning Board, three of whom shall be so chosen by and from the members of the Advisory Board, and three of whom shall be so chosen and appointed by the Selectmen. The selection of each member of said Committee shall be made in March of each year, and his term of office shall extend to March 31 of the following year, or un- til his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. This Committee shall present to each Annual Town Meeting, for its action, a proposed capital bud- get program for the Town. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by repealing Article III, Section 8, as adopted by Article 62 at the Annual Town Meeting on March 17, 1962.. The Article and Section sought to be repealed reads as follows: Section 8. Article III. No person shall fire or discharge any firearms or explosives of any kind on any private property, except with the consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof; provided, however, that this by-law shall not apply to the lawful defense of life or property nor to any law enforcement officer acting in the dis- charge of his duties. Petition of John J. Dolan and others. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of its General By-Laws by striking therefrom Article 12, and inserting in place thereof the following: Section 12. The Selectmen shall annually, in March, appoint an Inspector of Wires who shall have the pow- ers and duties prescribed by Section 32 of Chapter 166 of the General Laws and all other governing statutes and duly prescribed rules and regulations. At the same time, they shall appoint an Assistant Inspector of Wires, who shall, in the absence or other disability of the Inspector, perform his duties as the Selectmen may direct. The Selectmen shall also fix, and may from time to time by their order amend, a schedule of fees to be charged for wire inspections. Petition of the By-Law Revision Committee. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article IV of its General By-Laws by striking therefrom Article II, and inserting in place thereof the following: Section II. The Selectmen shall annually, in March, appoint a Gas Inspector who shall enforce the rules and regulations promulgated by the board originally es~ao**~,~u underocc~*"~-um, 12H of r, ho,,+~...~..~.t.~. 25 of the General Laws, and who shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law. At the same time, they shall appoint an Assistant Gas Inspector, who shall, in the absence or other disability of the !nspeetor, perform his duties as the Selectmen .re. ay direct. The Selectmen shall also fix, and may from t~me to time by their order amend, a schedule of fees to be charged for gas inspections. Petition of the By-Law Revision Committee. 277'" ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such sum as this meeting may determine -to the Stabilization Fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General La.w.s.: a.n.d to transfer the full amount of the Post War Rehablhtatlon Fund to the Stab- ilization Fund. Petition of the Assessors. 'ARTICLE 27, To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town Building Law by adding thereto the following new section: Section 42A: ..There shall be a permanent committee composed of five members, one of whom shah be the Building Inspector, appointed by the Selectmen, which shall be known as the Building Appeals Committee. The Building Inspector may, at his discretion, submit to said Committee any applications for building per- mits which incorporate new methods or new materials to be used in construction. The ruling of the Building Appeals Committee upon any such application shall be final and binding upon the applicant. Petition of the Building Code Committee. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town Building Law by inserting therein the following new section: Sec. tion. 4A: A permanently installed and non-movable swimming pool shall be deemed to be a "building" within the meaning of this By-Law. Petition of the Building Code Committee. .ARTICLE 28. A. To. see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.55 ,of. its Zon.mg By-Law, relative to permitted uses upon, motel properties, by adding thereto the following paragraph: (k) Permanently installed and non-movable swim- ming pools will be allowed provided they are enclosed by suitable walls or fences, to be determined by the Building Inspector. Petition of the Building Code Committee. ARTICLE 28B. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7.2 of its Zoning By-Law, relative to. the main- tenance of building and structures upon lots in Residence Districts, by adding thereto the following sentence: A permanently installed and non-movable swimming pool shall be deemed to be a "structure" within the meaning of this section. Petition of the Building Code Committee. ARTICLE 28C. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.18 of its Zoning By-Law, relative to accessory uses in Residence Districts, by adding thereto the following sentence: Permanently installed and non-movable swimming pools, provided each such pool be enclosed with a suit- able wall or fence to be determined by the Building Inspector, to prevent the entrance of persons other than those residing at the pool location. Petition of the Building Code Committee. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the School Committee to establish' and maintain State.-.aided vocational education in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 74, General Laws and Acts amend. atory thereof, or dependent thereon. Petition of the School Committee. . ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and a.ppro.pnate the sum of $1,696.0.0, to be expended under the .direction of the School. Committee for the purpose of providing payment for se.rvlces rendered or to be rendered by Greater Lawrence .G. mdance Center, Inc., for or in be- half of some of the children of the Town, all as the Com- mittee may determine. Petition of the School Committee. S ..ARTI~L~E .3~1:_ To_se._e if the Town will vote to accept ecuons ~.z~, 4211 a.nd 42I of Chapter 40.of the General Laws, which authonz.e the levy. of .specla! assessments to meet the cost of laying water pipe in public and private ways. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 31A. To. s.ee if the Town will vote to pro- vide for the levy of spec~m assessments, to meet the whole or. pa.rt of the cost hereafter incurred of la i · ,tribu~t~o.n. pipes in public and private ways, Ya{~ga~V~art~idd~r{ oy ~ecuon 42G of Chapter 40 of the General La'ws, amounts of such as.sessments, and the person.s to be as. sessed, to be determined by the Board of Pubhc Works. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICL.~, 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and .a. ppr,o, pnate the sum. of $1,000..00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Pubhc Works for the purpose of e. xt?ndjng the water system on Martin Avenue, 180 feet easterly xrom the present terminus. Petition of Norman ~. Scott and other~. ARTICLE 33.. To see if the Town will vote to accept from J. J. Segadelh, or his .nora!nee, the sum of $4,700.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public EWsOrks~f.or the purpose of extending the water system on sex ~treet 800 feet easterly from Great Pond Road. Petition of Robert J. Burke and others. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $600.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Mablin Avenue 140 feet easterly from the present terminus. Petition of Joseph A. Pirrotta and others. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00, to be expended under the direct!on of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Grosvenor Avenue 370 feet from Sutton Street. Petition of 'William Bonner and others. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, a sum of money sufficient to extend the water system on Winter Stre.et from the present terminus 1,800 feet southeasterly, said sum.to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works. Petition of Rose Marcinick and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,800.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extendin.g, the water system on Booth Street 400 feet from Turnpike Street. Petition of Thomas $. Go uicita and others. ARTICL.E 38. To see if (~he Town will vote to raise~ and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, the sum or $50,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of public.Works for the purpose of installin.g a 12-inch water main on South Bradford Street and Winter Street from Great Pond Road to Dale Street to supplement a six-inch main installed about 1900. Petition of Ethel L. Eldred and others. ARTICL.E 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, such sum .o.f money as may be necessary, to be expended under the di- rection of the Board of Public Works to extend the water supply syStem on Turnpike Street from its present terminus to the North Andover-Middleton line. Petition of Theodore J. Meadows and others. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Martin Avenue, 250 feet easterly from 'the present manhole. Petition of Norman J. Scott and others. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Grosvenor Avenue 250 feet from Sutton Street. Petition of William Bonner and others. ARTICL.E 42. To see. if the Town.will vote to raise and appropriate, or prowde by bond issue, the sum of $40,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Chestnut Street from Longwood Avenue to Sutton Hill Road. Petition of Edmund Quinn, M.D. and others. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the Old North Andover Realty Trust, or its nominee, the sum of $4,500.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Osgood Street from Andover Street 340 feet northerly. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the P and L Development Corporation, or its nominee, the sum of $18,000.00, to be expended by the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system easterly on Sutton Street 1,000 feet from its present terminus and to install a force main to the property line of a proposed gasolene station on Osgood Street at Old Clark Street with the provision that if legally possible and proper, sewer assessments will be made and such sewer assessments received on the sewer extensions are to be refunded to the P and L Development Corporation. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the Board of Public Works to file in behalf, of the Town, an application (in form and manner required by the United States, and conformity with P.L. 560, 83rd Con- gress as amended by P.L. 345, 84th Congress) and do what- ever else may be required to obtain an advance to be made by the United States to the Town ef North Andover to aid in defraying the cost of engineering investigation, re- port, and preliminary plans for sewerage facilities for the Osgood Street-Great Pond Road area. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bon.d issue, the sum. of $4,570.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public W. ork. s to purchase a Flexible Seweroder to b.e used to maintain the 34 miles of main sanitary sewers in North Andover. Petition of the Board of Public Works. 279 280 ARTICI.E 47. To see if the ToWn Wili Vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, the sum of $3,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to purchase a tractor to replace a 1956 Ford tractor. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLe. 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bon.d, is.sue, the sum of $13,000..00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to purchase a four wheel drive front end" loader to replace a 1957 Hough Payloader. _ Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICL.E 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bon.d iss. ue, the sum of $3,300.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to purchase a dump truck to replace a 1958 Ford pick-up truck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,100.00, to be expended under the direction of the Boa.rd of Public Works to purch.ase a 150 Horsepower Electric Motor for the North Pumping Station. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000.00, to be expended under ~he .direction of the Board of Public Works to renew water serv, ces to the property lines, place gate valves on hydrant branches and raise manhole frames .and covers on Salem Street and other streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICL.E 52. To see. if the Town.will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, the sum of $1,200.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of .Public Works to make such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations voted at this meeting, as said Board, on or before October 1st, 1965, may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICL. E 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise an appropriate, or provide by bond issue, the sum of $125,000.00, or any other sum, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Waverly Road and Turnpike Street and to authorize said Board to accept a like amount from the Federal Government under the provisions of the Accel- erated Public ~Vorks Program. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Welfare for the purpose of purchasing a new 1965 car for use by the Welfare De- partment. The present 1961 car to be turned over to the Town Infirmary for their use, to replace a 1.9.51 .Dodge pick-up truck, said truck to be sold under the direction of the Selectmen and funds received therefrom to be turn. ed over to the Town Treasurer. (The total purchase price less fair market value of the 1961 car will be subject to 75 % reimbursement by the Federal and State Govern- ments.) Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,300.00, to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purchase of a brush chipper for the Tree Department. Petition of the Tree Warden. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote by Reso- lution. To declare that there exists in the Town a need for low-income housing at rents within the means of families of low income, as defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, which need is not being adequately met by private enterprise; to approve an application of the North Andover Housing Authority to the Public Housing Administration, an agency authorized by said Act to pro- vide financial assistance to local public housing agencies for undertaking and carying out preliminary planning of low-rent housing projects, for a preliminary loan in an amount.not to. exceed $8,000.00 for surveys and planning in connection with low rent housing projects of not to ex- ceed approximately 40 dwelling units and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute on behalf of the Town, a 'Corporation Agreement' between the Town and the North Andovev Housing Authority; ~.hStnntlMl,, in the form of proposed agreement of which copies are on file in the office of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the North Andover Housing Authority, providing for the local coop- eration as may be required by the Public Housing Admin- istration pursuant to the said Act. Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to transfer $2,727.00, now in an account entitled "State Aid for Li- braries . . . Reserved for Appropriation", to the Library expense account to be added to the Expense Account for 1965. Petition of the ..Trustees of. Stevens Memorial Library~ ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vOte t° auth- orize and instruct the Planning Board to take all necessary steps to procure for the Town, planning studies and services, to be performed by the Central Merrimack Valley Regional District Commission, leading to recommendations and pro- posals as to the location and extent of municipal facilities, including a Town Yard and a Police Station, and to act in the name and behalf of the Town in negotiations with the Division of Planning of the Massachusetts Department of Commerce in connection with procuring a grant of fede- ral funds for said project under Section 701, Title VII, Housing Act of 1954, or any other pertinent statute. -_ Petition of the Planning Board. ' ARTICLE 58A. To see if the Town will vote to trans- fer from the appropriation made under .A. rticle 38 of the Warrant for the 1963 Annual Town Meeting (Town Gar- age and facilities survey), the sum of $1,015.00, as the Town's share of the cost of the planning studies and ser- vices proposed by the preceding Article. Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00, to be expended un- der the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing streets. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICI~.E 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su.m of $1,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing three catch basins to connect with present sur- face drain, starting at the corner of Baldwin Street and Francis Street to Belmont Street, a distance of 800 feet. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2:,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing cement sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway surveyor for the purpose of repairing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICL.E 63. To see. if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, the sum of $66,600.00, to be expended under the direction of the High- way Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment; two dump trucks $16,000.00, a 1958 Ford dump truck to be traded. One Refuse Disposal truck $13,000.00, a 1953 Reo Disposal truck to be traded. One tractor for refuse disposal site $15,000.00, a 1961 Crawler tractor to be traded. One three quarter ton four wheel drive pick-up truck $2,800.00, a 1959 Ford four wheel drive three quarter ton pick-up truck to be traded. One sidewalk plow $5,000.00, a 1953 sidewalk tractor to be traded. Two tractor scoops $14,800.00. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,800.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing stone culverts at Dale Street and Marbleridge Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing two catch basins on Sutton Street, one at Wood Avenue and the other at Wright Avenue. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICL. E 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise · and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining the disposal site on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICL. E 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining any street, in th.e..Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, m addition, that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the re- im. bursement from the State to be restored, upon its re- crept, to unappropriated available funds in the Town trea- sury; or to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the m~},,,,o,, ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00, to be expended un- der the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction on Salem Street and Dale Street:' and that 'the sum of $30,000.00 be transferred from unap- propriated available funds to meet. the State and County',. shares of such costs, the reimbursement from the State~ and County to be restored, upon their receipt, to unappro- priated available funds in the Town treasury; or to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Hi Surveyor. ..... 281' ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise. and appropriate, or to provide by bo.n.d is.sue, the su..m, of.. $60,000.00, to be expended under the dlrechon of the High' ~'~ way Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, re, pairing and maintenance of any streets. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to accept Colgate Drive as a street in its entirety. Petition of Ralph V. Bush and others. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum "0f 800.00, to match a like sum to be raised by the North Andover Board of Trade, for the purpose of providing 'decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. . Petition of Leonard .B. Albis and others. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, the sum of $15,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers to make required adjustments and ad- ditions to the fire alarm system, to allow for an additional circuit. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers and others. .ARTICL.E 73. To see. if the Town.will vote to raise and approprmte, or provide by bond issue, the sum of $28,000.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers t.o purchase a new pumper to replace Engine One which is a 1937 model and should be replaced. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers and others. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of to be used with the Chief's present car to purchase a new car for the Chief's use. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers and others. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law by striking from Section 7, Schedule E, the $1,800.00 per year compensation accorded Veterans' Agent, and inserting in place thereof the compensation "$2,500.00. per year." And to raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00 for the purpose of this Article. · Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law by striking from Section 7, Schedule C, all rates appearing in compensation grade P-F 1, and inserting in place thereof the following rates: Min. II III Max. $5,200.00 $5,500.00 $5,900.00 $6,300.00 And to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,000.00 for the purpose of this Article. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law in the following manner: A. By striking from Section 16, Paid Holidays, sub- section (D), the phrase "except department heads." B. By adding to Section 16, Paid Holidays, sub-section (G), the sentence: "Whenever one of the holidays set forth in sub-section (A) falls on a Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday." Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law in the following manner: A. By striking from Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, compensation grade S-11, the class title "Public Health Nurse and Health Agent", and inserting in place thereof the class title "Director of Public Health." B. By adding to Section 7, Schedule A, Labor Group, compensation grade W-4, the title "Maintenance Craftsman." C. By adding to Section 7, Schedule A, Labor Group, compensation grades W-1 and W-2, a double as- terisk ('*). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICr.F, 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law by striking from Section 8 all rates place thereof the following rates: Min. II. HI $1.71 $1.78 $1.85 Petition of the Personnel Board. IV $1.93 Max. $2.00 ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law to include under Schedule A. (Cleri- cal Group) the title "Treasurer Assistant" with a Com- pensation Grade of S-6. retlClOll Of tile TOWii Treasurer. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law to include under Schedule A (Clerical Group) the title "Accountant Assistant" with a Compen- sation Grade of S-6. Petition of the Town Accountant. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law by striking from Section 7, Sched,. ule C, all rates appearing in compensation grades P-F 2 and P-F 3, and inserting in place thereof the following ~,~ '" .... rates: '*~ " Min. II 'HI Max. ~£ P-F ~ .... $6,330.00 $6,760.00 $7,190.00 ~ P.F : - ~___-_ $7,700.00 $8,180.00 $8,545.00 And to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,500.00 for the purpose of this Article. Petition of the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to repeal the line under Schedule A, Class Title, Department Head and Supervisory Group, reading "Working Foreman S-10" of the Personnel By-Law and insert under Schedule A, Clas~ Title, Labor Group, the line "Working Foreman S-10. Petition of Robert S. Dill and others. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to repeal .~Schedule B, C and D of the Personnel By-Law adopted at the 1964 Annual Town Meeti.ng and substitute in their place the following compensatmn schedules; to vote that the rates of compensation provided by the proposed sched- ules .shall become effective as of January 1, 1965; and t.o prowde the sum of $35,000.00 for the purposes of th~s Article: SCHEDULE B General Annual Salary Schedule Compensation Grade Min. H HI IV Max. S-1 $3,480$3,610$3,740$3,880$4,020 S-2 3,630 3,770 3,910 4,050 4,200 S-3 3,790 3,940 4,090 4,240 4,390 $4 4,000 4,170 4,390 4,500 4,650 S-5 4,140 4,300 4,460 4,630 4,800 S-6 4,330 4,500 4,670 4,840 5,020 S-7 4,530 4,710 4,890 5,070 5,250 S-8 4,740 4,920 5,110 5,300 5,490 S-9 4,960 5,150 5,340 5,540 5,740 S-10 5,190 5,390 5,590 5,800 6,010 S-11 5,430 5,640 5,850 6,070 6,290 S-12 5,680 5,900 6,130 6,360 6,590 S-13 5,940 6,180 6,420 6,660 6,900 S-14 6,220 6,470 6,720 6,970 7,230 S-15 6,510 6,770 7,030 7,300 7,570 S-16 6,820 7,090 7,370 7,650 7,930 S-17 7,210 7,500 7,790 8,080 8,380 S-18 7,620 7,930 8,240 8,550 8,860 S49 8,050 8,380 8,710 9,040 9,370 S-20 8,510 8,860 9,210 9,560 9,910 S-21 9,000 9,370 9,740 10,11010,480 SCHEDULE C Police-Fire Annual Salary Schedule Compensation Grade P-F 1 Min. H HI Max. $5,390 $5,590 $5,900 $6,010 6,420 6,660 6,900 7,790 8,080 8,255 SCHEDULE D Hourly Wage Schedule Compensation Grade Min. II HI Max. W-1 $2.05 $2.13 $2.21 $2.29 W-2 2.10 2.18 2.26 2.34 W-3 2.20 2.28 2.36 2.44 W-4 2.30 2.38 2.46 2.54 W-5 2.40 2.48 2.56 2.64 W-6 2.50 2.58 2.66 2~74 Petition of William M. Smith and others. .ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to ame.nd its Zoning By-Law by changing from Country Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: A certain parcel of land located on Winthrop Avenue, North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point at the southwesterly corner of the premises, which point is at the intersection of the easterly line of Winthrop Avenue with the southerly side of the Shawsheen River; thence running westerly and northeasterly by the southerly side of the Shawsheen River 1,530 feet to a stone wall, thence turning and running easterly by a stone wall by land N/F of Kenneth C. and Hannah" S. Bailey 404.5 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly by land of said Bailey and by land N/F Arthur L. and Irene M. Fournier 380 feet to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly by !and of_ said Fournier 160 feet to a point; thence t~r:nhng an~ nine westerly bv land N/F of the petitioners 50 fee~ to ~ point;, t'hen~c.e..turnin'g and running southerly., by. land of s. md petitioner 993 feet, the last descmoea course bm.ng parallel and westerly 100 feet f.rom the ::,este~ly h-e o~' Waverlv Road; thence turning and r~nni~}, v~terl} by 'lan.~l of said oet. itioners 100 feet to a point; thenc.e..turnlng and running so. ut. he.r.ly by land of said petl.tloners 75 feet to a poln_t; _tn_en~ turning and runm.ng northwesterly by land N/F or the Den Rock Drive-In Theater., Inc. 660 feet to a point; thence turning and. running southwesterly by. land of said Den Rock Drive-In Theater, Inc. 700 feet f 284 to a p i which is on the easterly side of Winthrop Avenue; thence turning and running northwesterly by the easterly side of said Winthrop Avenue 545.42 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel of. land being shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Land located in,North Andover, Massachu- setts showing proposed Rezoning" dated November, 1964 and drawn by Charles E. Cyr, Civil Engineer. Said parcel containing 22 acres more or less all of said boundaries as shown on said plan. Petition of John P. Shay and others. ARTICLE' 86. To'. see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law from Country residential to general business district on the following described parcel of land: A parcel of land situated on the westerly side of Chick- ering Road bounded and described as follows: Easterly by said Chickering Road 785 feet, more or less, and the curve of Massachusetts Avenue 76 feet, withstanding, the following described parcel of land: The land in North Andover, all as shown on a plan of land known as "Colonial Gardens," recorded with the North Essex Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 4, Page 195, and bounded and described as follows: Starting at a point in the center line of 0sgood Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Wayne Street, at the boundary of the present Indus- trial Zone as shown on the North Andover Zoning Map; thence running along the center line of Wayne Street northwesterly 215 feet to a point; thence turn- ing and running, southwesterly 120 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a Southeasterly direc- tion 210 feet to a point in the center line of Os~ood Street; thence turmng and running in a northeasterly direction in two courses, by the center line of Osgood Street, 115 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Alfred A. Boeglin and others. ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side of 0sgood Street at the termination of .the exist- ing General Business Zone; thence runmng north- easterly by said Osgood Street, 105.8 feet to a stone boundary at the intersection of 0sgood Street and Stanleyville Avenue, a p.roposed street shown on a plan owned by Stefanowmz, North Andover, Massa- chusetts, Charles E. Cyr, Civil Engineer, dated April, 1947; thence turning and running by said Stanleyville Avenue, 330 feet to a point; thence turning and run- nlng soUtherly 382 feet to a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road; thence turning and running westerly by said Great Pond Road, 213 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly by the ex- isting General Business Zone, 316 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning and running, in no~h- westerly direction, 203.36 feet to the pmnt o~ beg~n- more or less; northerly by land of Fred W. Phelan, et alii, 1,140 feet, more or less; westerly by land of Roy R. Farr, et ux, 676 feet, more or less; and southerly and southwesterly by other land of Roy R. Farr, et ux 631 feet, more or less, and 200 feet, more or less, res- pectively. Containing 16 acres, more or less. Petition of Fred McCormack and others. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law and the zoning map of the Town by changing from Village residential zone to General Business, the provisions of Section 6.41 of the Zoning By-Law not- 0FFICEi%' S RETURN ~85 I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs 'and'Teem. Elections by posting true and atocsted copzes of this [~ar'~:'anv at five or more public places zn each voting precir~t of the Town. fifte~m days nor l(~ss th~_m ATTEST NG~ TH ANDOVER FEBRUARY OO~A SS: GREETING. ~SS. 17, '1965 Said copies havin,-','~., been posted not mot e than t~:~n days b(~forc the ti~m of aaid reacting. -OA?~?~STI.~ J. WALSH. COLoTABLB. ~0~ J~YONS. TOV~N' C~;RK. W A R R n 1.~ To either of the Constables of tho Town of North Anti over. Ivlassachuscts you are hereby In the name of thc Oommonwcalth of directe to notify and warn the znhabmtar_ts of the Totem of North Andover who are qualifi to vote in Town Affairs to rn et and assemble in thc Veteran's Auditorium of the North ,l~uover High School immediately following thc adjournment of the Annual T eyre Me c t lng on: SATURDAY, the Thirteenth following articles: Da~ of March 1965 at l:jO .~ ~'" to act upon the ARTICLE 1. To see if thc Town will vote to razse and appropr_~te or bond issue the sum of ~1,500, to bo expended by the Board of Public the purpose of extending the water system on Mablin Avenue 300 feet c! ·. · Waverly Ro,:.d. Petition of Charl(::s W Trembly and others provide by W~orks f~ towards ARTICLE 2. To see if tho To~m will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue the sum of t~6,000~ to be e~p ended by the Beard of Public Works for the purpose of extendin~ the sewer system on Mablin Avenue 4lb0 feet towards ~avorly i(oad. Petition of ~nar!es W. Trembly ana others. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to permi~ the erecvzon and mazr. tenance. on some Nrcel of To,m-owned land, of a p rmenont l~iemorial to thc deceased Firefighters of the Tovrn, and to authorize and direct the Selectmen and the z.~.~.~ of Public Works to settle thc exact location thereof Petition of tho Board of Selectmen. And you are d_rcctod~ to serve thzswarrant' ~ by postmng' true and attested copies thereof, at the To~m Office Bui~o~ ' ~, and at five or moro public p~ cee zn each voting ~ecmnct. oaid copzos to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before tho time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not~ a~d make dueretur~, of this warPant with your doings thereon to thc Teem Clerk~ at tho time and place of said meeting. Given trader our hands at North Andover, Hassachusetts, the ~ t Day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine h~dred sixty five. WILLIAM A. FIi'e[ERAN Bo~rd a_llo~ BNOAD~EAD of A_Tru° Copy:ATTeSt: ~~FRED P. 0~kS Selectmen Narch 2~ 1965 OFPICER~ S RETURN I have notified' ana ~,?'~"~'~d the -' ''~' ' .~,.~_~ lnhabzm~n~s of the Town of North Andovcr who are ning. qualified, to vot~ in_ Teem Affairs and Town Elections by Post~g. true and attos Petition of John J. Willis and others, ted cop~os of ~_s warrant at f~vo or more public pl~ cee ~n each voting pre- AR~CLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to raise oaid~copies c, bo C ~. . ~0~0 OD having posted not than fiftp and appropriate, or ~ansfer the sum of $10,000.00 from or less than ten d~:.cs bczo~e t.ac tzme t,e, ese e,o Petition of the Selectmen. ~:{or th And eve r, Ma s s. ~~// ~~ 90. To see if the Town will vote to take ATTEST: reduce the tax rate.the sum of $ .................. from available funds to },{arch 2, 1965 Petition of the Assessors.~ '~~~,o~.:~--~ O_ vo~.:aVO_=o B_Y PRECINCTS · And you are directed to serve this warrant by p~o. st- ABV :Oi~ ' TWOTHREE FOUR "' TOTAL lng true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office ~- -, ':"~, ..... ~ ' ~' ~: - Building, and at five or more public places in each voting "27 "~9.91127 9.?,2,14-70 [1-495 precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen MODERATOR FOR OPE YEAR days nor less than ten days before the time of holding kR'T'H~R A.~ TI~0'M'S~0i~- :' 25 750 9 61 845 1287 5861 said meeting. Blanks ~ 1~9 166 129 183 651 Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time T0~' TREASURER FOR 0>~, Y-EAR and place of said meeting. .... ,~'-~' ~ JAhES J. MAK~ 2[~ 794 100~ 85~ 1~07 2981 Given under hour hands at No~h Andover, Massachu- B~ank's ~ 105 la4 ll9 i63 ' ~ setts, the 13th .day of January in. th,.e, year of Our Lord one thousand rune hundred and mxty five. TAX C.0LLECTOR 0i~_ YEAR RAYMO_ND BRO~_~..WEAD BJ. snl~s 2 130 159 121_' 588 FRED P. OAKES SELECT~{AN FOR Board of Selectmen WIL~I?~N X. FIN.~ERAN ' ' 2t 774 93_a 819 1265 5811 A true copy: __ ~ /~ ~/ ~ JAMES' LUSTENBERGER ATTEST: .////~· ...... . ...... S , 8 of 1 6 Town Yard urvey 1, ~,..t~ Ar~. ~ 19~5- Sa.em o~reet Water Math $15, '~4 D ~F P.U. BLIC ~LFAt~ FOR .T~E.E ~ARS ~' ~ " 25. 1962 Turnpike Street Water Ma~ ' ~,025.26 ~LLIA~ A."'FI~AN ........ 21 748 902 79~ 12~5 ~708 ~ ~ " 1,4, 5.1962Sewers ~,079.00 Blanks 6151225178227787 ~ ~ ~~ }~~~~~ ~ HI~AY S,VEYOR FOR 0)~ I~AR : ~: :rS~:}n~owor HowARD' L-;~ GTL'~'~' j "' ~ ~ 0 16 25 26 39 10g ' '. " 59196~ C & D Sewer System 2,~69.77 som~ J. ~H0~, ~. 3 .64 I09 88 ~59 425 EDWARD W. P~LAN [~:12320 ~!3 ~3 555 1631 [ · 2 Library Expenses . 2,7~ .00 BOARD OF ~LTm~ FO~ T~ ~S - ~ u.s. DisabtlitF Asszst~ce..Adm. '5,~66.~8 H:' GEORGE: C'~ON ~ ~ ' 2~ 794 988 857 12~9 ~909 ~ ' U.S. ." " Assistance B!~ks 6 105 159 115 221 586 '~ ' U.S. Aid to Dep. Children. A~.2,186.80 BOARD 0F ASSESSORS FOR T~E~.. ~S , '0.S. Aid to ~ep. Children. Assis. 5,855.18 ~Y E~ LU~ ~ ' ~'"~' ' " 18 346 609 467 740 2180 ' ~ U.S'. A~-,e Old Age. Assis. Adm. 2,971.90 J. LAb~ENCE GORHA~ 2 66 8~ 86 272 ~0q ~ ~ U.S'. Old Age Assist~ce 15,~07.90 · JOSEPH.. N. ~~NN 4 ~1~5 2 9 326 2-~9 1~2~35 '~ '. U.8. Med. Assis. for Aged. Adm. 1,~16.22 WILLIAM J. McDONALD 2 31 ~8 50 60 231 U.S. Med. Assis for ~ged. Assis. 20,690.10 . B~nks i 41 48 45 ll9 252 ' School-Public Law 8586~ 14,022.92 woam · · Sohoom-Pu io 85-87 0,07 .0 i~v'~, C. ~O¥~S 16 505 691 552 877 2641 ' ~chool L~ch " 1~,00~.52 · ~ No. A.H.S. Athl. Assoc. ~ A~r~'~ ~. OaU~,a~0~O 8 ~04 ~6 ~0~ 490 ~4~9 Blanks 3 90 120 119 10~ 435 [ , , ' T 0 T A L $257,665.69 ARTICrE 5. VOTED to fix the fQllowing annual salaries of the elected offici.al~ TR~ WARDEN FOR O.L~ ~R. of~ the To~. All to be effec~ve from J~uary l, 1965. . ~0 E. LAP'O~ "~(~ 21 792 1011 865 1295 598~ Boar~ of Selectmen each per ~n~. $700.00 Bl~ks 6 107 ll6 107 175 511 .. B~rd of PUblic We~are - each per a~. ~00.00 ~ Board of Assessors each per a~ 1,~00.00 SCHOOL COMMITTEE FOR THREE ~ARS . Board of Health - ~ach. pe~ ann~. ~00.00 c'0L'i'N L'I~S~Y "' ....... 12 526 ~ll ~02 570 l~21 ~ Boar~ of Public.Works each per ~n~ 250.00 TH0~;'~S A. ANGELORO 4 113 96 151 117 ~6~ ~ . To~ Treas~er per ~n~. . 7,}00.00 . ~NNETH A. Mck~SICK l0 ~5 588 ~0~ 72~ 215~ Tax Collecto~- per ~~ 2,~00.00 Bl~ks . ~ _ . 1 35 ~2 ~} 54 155 ~ Tree ~arden per ~num SCHOOL ,C0~¢ITT~ FOR 0~ ~ *~-EXP~RED TER~ . '' Highway S~ veyor - per ann~ 5,765.00 K.A.~EoRGEMcKUSI~F" FITZPATRICK ~ ...... ' '' '1~ 7~'1 886 772 llSll 558~ , Moder.ator - per ann~,. 50.00 Blanks . 8 168 241 200 288 905 ARTIC~ 6. V0~D to adopt the proposed budget as follows with corrected items: Item t shoul~ead Clerk Salary $~0 inst~ of $~658.27 p~NI~,~G B.0/k~D FOR EI~ ~RS J' I " " Expenses $1~78.27 instead of $1050.00 . GEORGE B. FARLET ...... ~ l~ 722 918 775 1212 56~ ~" 20 " "~ Reserve Police $8500 instead of $6000. Blanks 8 177 209 19~ 258 851 ~" ~} Sn~ removal expenses $50,000 ~stead of $65,000. HOUSING AUTHOHI~ FOR FI~ ~AHS . ~ *" 5} Recreational Co~cil Sa~l~ies $29~8 instead of $2688. '~Af'~S"., D.' McCABE. ~ .... -' '~ '~ ' ll 5 6 458 253 627 1675 N0~. DEPART~ ' SAL~WAGES E~.~ T 0 T i L ED~ARD PE~ DUGAN ~ ~8 l05 76 80 351 l~~ S~lect~n -' Salaries ~ ~' ~ PHILIP. SUTCLIFFE. , 6 ~09 562 k94 ~59 1~30 ~ C'lerk- Ssl'~y ~ 4,250.00 JOSE~H U~ILLANCOURT 5 106 150 95 l~l 535 ~ Expenses ~ $1, ~78.27 l, ~78'.27 Bl~ks 5 50 72 54 125 304 2. Treasurer - Salary y,500.00 y,500.0~ C erk - 4,50 .58 Fi~ CONSTABY~S FOR T~EE ~RS ~ Expenses . ~ 2,900.00 2,900.00 ~,~o ~. ~,~c~ l~ 625 ~15 668 102~ 3148 ~ ¢lerk- Salary ' ~,~51.70 ~,~51.70 AUGUSTI~ J. WALSH 21 626 ~58 6~6 1020 3071 .~ ~Penses ~ . 1,~70.00 1,570.00 EUGE~ A. D~I~ 7 z2 - ~ ~ p 9 ~ ~3 55 1778 ~ Clerk Salary . ~,~20.00 JOHN,H. 05~~ 9 349 39~ 321 5~1 ~6~4 4~ Tax Collect? - Salary 2,400.00 2,~00.00 TH0~S MoI~~, Jr. !2'416 450 396 716 1990 ' ExPenses ~ ' },875.00 },875.00 JAMES J. NIZ~k 6 525 590 36~ ~39 1520 5~ To~ Clerk T Salary 5,700.00 5,700.00 DAVID ROBERTS i 6 2 9 ~ Expenses ~ 650.00 650.00 ARC~E GO~LEY 1 1 6~ Assessors: - Salaries 5,~00.00 5,400,00 R0~iND HAN~,~0~ '~ Secretary ' 4,619.68 4,619~68 DOUG~S C~ND~R i ~ Extra Clerical ~ 4,229.64 ~,229.64 IRA CAR~ ~ Expenses · 4,400.00 ~, 400.00 BLA~S .47 l~~ 19_96 ~ 6315 7~.~pensesEleCti°n - ~egistrars., - Salaries 1,000.00 4,500.00 4, 500~,001' 000 '00 AT,ST. ~JOH~ J~bNs. TOWN CL~K. ~. Town Co, scl- 8amary 1,500.00 1,500.00 ~TIC~ 2. V0~D to refer.to the Selectmen ~e appoi~~9-~f ToE Officers Expenses 520.00 520.00 not recuired by law or By Law to be otherwise. 9. Mod?tarot - Salar~ 50.00 ~ 50.00 10~ Adwsory Board -.~xpenses~ ~ i 0.00 i O' 00 ARTICLE ~. V~ED to accept the report. ~ 5 5 and app op iations:iRTIC7Er4'rVOTEDt° car~ forward, to fiscal 1965, the following articles ll~ ~pensesPl~ning Board- Sal~y ~ 550.00 550.00~ ~50f00550~00 12,~Board of Appeals (Eoning)~Salary600.00 $00.00 ToE Clerks Expenses - Dege~ial Census $600.00 ~"Expenses ._ ~ 200.00 200.00 ~leot~o~-Regist~a~s Salaries 20 O' To~ Bui~ing Mainte~nce 2~0~2~ i~, Personnel Board - ~x~nses 1,000.00 1,0~0.00 ~ _ 14~ ToE ~ilding Janitor Salary 1,560.00 . 1,~60.00 Planning Board E~enses ~24.49 ~ Expenses - _ . _ 5,400.00 5,400'00 Board of Health Expenses 555-4~ 15, C~stodi~ Tax TitlesSal~y 100.00 100.00 Art' ~21959- Chapter 90 Construction ~02~!4 ' Exoenses ~a ~: License Co~ission: Exnens~s ~:~ Ar~. 196 - 90 ,' Ao. mmaam ~o~ meetlng; ~xpenses 600.00 , _ ,i , 0,11 .08 5, ~,600.00 Art. ~ 196~ 90 ' ~0,00~.00 A~t. lO 1963 By-Laws Art.59,~96~Ice Skating R~ks ,,, ..60 19. Pol~ioe Dept. Chief Salary $7~,855.00 $7~,855.00~ ~7. ClerkVetera~nS'~alaryBenefits: Agent Salary. 1,80~0.00~580.00 1'560.00 Four. sergeants 25,549- 96 28,349.96 150.00 150. O0 Four. teen Patrolmen 7~,836.68 78~,856.68 ~) Expenses Cash'Grants ' · 21,O00.00 "21,000.00 Reserve Police ~,500,00 ~,500.00 48 School Department: Salaries 811,418.00~ 811,418.00 Holiday Pay 4,149.60 4, ~49.60 "Expenses 160,~25.00 160,~25.00 Longevity Pay l, 000 o O0 l, 000.00 Out of State Travel ~25.$0 825.00 Overtime & Elections 1,~00.O0 1,~00.00 49. SchoOl ~Crosslng Guards: Salaries 6,500.00 6,~00.00 Beach Police ~00.00 ~00.00 Expenses 800.00 ~00.00 Expe~nses .~ $1~,117.05 14,117.05 50. SteVens Mem'l LibrarY~Head Librarian 7,2~86.66 7,286.66 19A. Keeper of Lockup ^ 250.00 250.00 Assistants & Janitors · 25,~97.50 25~,897.50 20. Fire Dept. Chief Salary ~,005.05 8,005.05 Expenses B'" 6,855.00 LieUtenants -Four 25,699..70 25,699..70 51. Playgrounds-Bathing each. Regulars · 92,577~.44 92,377.44 Super in tenden t Salary 5.20 · 00 5.20.00 Engineers 1,70.0.00 1,70.0.00 ~' Eab °r-Guards-Care taker s 10,141.00 1,0,141.O0 Call and spare men ll, 53~4. O0 ll, 33~4.00 Expenses . 4,O00.00 4,000.00 Vacations ~ 4,9~.26 ~,.95~.26 52 Recreational Council. Salaries 2,958.00 2,958°00 Expe~nse s . . 10,450.00 10,450.00 ' EXpenses 2,000.00 2,000.00 Longevity ~ i 677~.71 677.71 55. Parks, Triangles, Burying Grounds 21. FF~O~ee?~s~t ~i. re ~.arden: Salary 250.00 250.00 Supe ri_ntendents Salary 250.00 2~0.00 22. ~- .~ ~res Expers es 1,000.00 Labor Wages 4,5~0.00 4,5~0.00 Dog 0fficer: - Salary .~o ~25.00 Expenses . _ 650.00 650.00 2~. 525 1,000.00 Expe~nses . ~ 455.00 455.00 54. School Grounds.-Labor Wages il,000.00 ll,000.O0 Civil ~efense - Director ~alary ~ 750.~00 .750.~00 Expenses . 5,500.00 5,500.00 Expenses . _ 2,400.00 2,400.00 ~56! Essex ~County Retirement System: 81,765.85 81,763.85 25. Building Inspector Salary 2,100.00 ~ 2,100.00 Contingent Fund: . 5,000.00 3,000.00 Clerk- Wages 450.00 450.00 Expenses ~00o00 ~o. ~o ~. Emetican Leg~ion: Rental of Quarters 600.00 600.00 26. Wiring Inspector - Sa~lary 1,200.00 · VFW Post 2104. " " 600.00 600.00 1,200.00 ~!i Veterans' Day ~50.00 350.00 Expert s e s . 250 · 00 250.00 Memor ia I Day 550 · 00 ~50 · O0 27. Seal. er of Weights & Measures Salary 750.00 750.00 Insurance 51,500.00 ~1,500.00 Expenses 100.00 100.00 62. Group Insurance 50,299.36 50,299.56 28. Inse~ct Pest Control: Supt's Salary 6,190.00 6,190.00 ~6~. Community Center 200.00 200.00 Labor - Wages 4,9~8.~7 '~ 4,9~8.47 ~,~ Graves Registration 450.00 450.00 . ? 0.00 ? 0.00 29. Poison Ivy Control. Labor-Wages 525.65 525.65 W~ater Maint.& Const. Ada. Salaries 12,600.00 12,600.00 Expenses . . 300.00 500.00 Eabor- Wages · 41,100.00 .41,100.O0 50. Dutch Elm Disease. Labor Wages7,269.15 7,269.15 Expenses 42,000.00 42,000.00 Expenses . . 1,100.00 ~ 1,100.00 ~ Redeeming School Bonds 165,000.00 165,000.00 51. Brush CuttingLaboUr Wages 1,050.00 1,050.00 Interest on School Bonds. 60,750.00 60,750.00 Expenses 100.00 100.00 69. Redeeming Water Main N~ es 5,000.00 5,000-00 52. Town Forest: Labor-Wages .650.00 .650.00 70. Interest on ~ater Main Notes 500.00 500.00 55. Tree ~arden: Supt~'s Salary 400.00 400.00~ 71. Redeeming Oewer Bonds. 50,000.00 50,000.00 Labor- Wages 11,959.26 11,9~9.26 72. Interest on °ewer Bonds. 4,947.50 4,947-50 Expenses . .2,615.00 .2,615~.00 ili Hedeeming ~ater Bonds · 55,000.00 55,000.00 5~~. Street LiEhtin~ Expenses i 42,500.00 ~42,500:00 Interest on V.~ater Bonds. 7,665.00 7,665.00 55? Board of Health- Salaries 900.00 900.00 kedeemlng Oewer Notes · 10,O00.00 10,000'00 · Nurses Salary ~ 5,890.00 5,890.00 Interest on Sewer Notes 1,557.50 1,557.50 Physicians Salary 950.00 950.00 ~~i ~iscount on Notes 7,500.00 7,500.00 Extra Cleric~al · 500.00 ~ 500.00 Conservation Commission lO0.00 100.O0 Expenses . 8,575.00 ,575.00 Tnterest on Fire ~pipment Notes ~60.00 ~60.00 Longe vi ty · 100. O0 100~. 00 ~0 .~ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Redeeming Fire Equipment Notes 56~. Refuse Disposal: Labor-Wages 52,456.98 52,~56.98 81. Gas Inspector. Salary 500.00 500.00 ~ Expenses ?· 100.CO 12,160.00 12,160~.00 82. Industrial Commissmon: Expenses 200.00 200.00 5~~. Garbage Dis.posal: Contract~ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Expenses . lO0.00 5~. Sewer Maint Const. Ada. S~laries 2,900.00 2,9~00.00 o8~. Land ~amage Claims 5,00.0.00 5,0.00.00 Labor- Wage~ 9,655.00 9,~35.00 ~,~ Vocational School 17,9~4.55 17,9~4.55 Expenses ~ 9,500.00 9,500~00 ~56.. Ira Catty Pension 2,0~5.55 ~9~. Animal InspeCtor: Salary ~ 52~5.00 · 52~5.00 Out of State Travel .~ . 1 1~5.00 .40~' Highway Surveyor - Salary ~ 5,765.00 ~,765,00 1965 BUDGET TOTALS $1,453,155.5651,076,747.79 $~,509,901.55 41~. Streets. Gen'l Mntnce. Cle~rk Salary ~4,250.00 . .4,250.00 Labor - Wages 4~,552.60 44,552.60 ~ AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED & APPROPRIATED Expenses , ~ 55,217.40 55,217~.40 A.R,T. lC. C.A.Thomas Playground ,- C'ha~n''' li'n~ fenice.~ ' '~'" ~ $~5o.oo 42j ~Snow Removal. Expenses 50,000.00 50,000~00 ll. C.A. Thomas " " " " ~00.00 (Emergency Storms: ~ ~ 1;!. B~c_M RR~ Relocation Marblehead Street crossing. 500~00 ~Dec. $9,1~2~.69 ' ' m ~ 15~. Decennial Census ~ ~00°00 Jan. ~ $11,754~.62 ~ / 16. T~wo new Police cars ~,~0~00 ;4.~i~ Brd of Publi9 Welfare-Salaries900.00 . 900,00 18. 4th July Celebration ~ 1,500~00 Welfare Ada. ~E~penses. ~ 2,800.00 2,800'00 20. Street end speed Signs 500.00 Salaries ~ ~ 5,200.00 5,200.00 21. Town garage repairs ~ 1,500.00 451. Infirmary: Supt' s Salary 2,550.00 2,550~00 26. Stabilization Fund 5,1~56~.54 Matron Salary ~ 2,500.00 2~500.00 50. Greater Lawrence Guidance ~enter 1,696.00 ~ages .~ 2,200.00 2,200~00 ~.2. Martin Ave.. V~ater ~ ~ 1,0~00.O0 54. Mablin Ave. Water ~ 600.00 Expenses · · 8,000.00 8,000,00 55. Grosvenor Avenue, Water 2,000~O0 25,000.00 25,000.00 ~7. Booth Street. ~ater 2,800.00 Aid to Dependent Childre~n~ 15,000.00 15,000~00 40. Martin Ave. Sewer · 2,000.00 Di~abi!ity ~ccict~cc i0,000.00 i0,000~00 .41. Grosvenor Avenue, Sewer 2,000.00 46WelfareMedicalGeneral Rell~efAssi~tanceGran~s: 0~dAidAge AsSitance 10,000.00 10,000.00 47. Tractor, Public Works 3,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.;00 48. Repair Pay Loader for Public Works 2,000.00 49. Dump truck for Public Works 5,500.00 ~.~ Renew water servi~ces,- gate valves, raise nanoles, BPW.$~,000.00 ~ ARTICLE 26. VOTED to, raise and appropriate the sum of g~/J~,~ !/ to be added ~ to the Stabilization F~d. The s~ of $~,86~.~6 (being current ba~ce of the " Water ~ain extensions 1,200'00 .~ To~'s Post-War Rehabilitation F~d) shall, subject to the approval of~the Stat 54' ""Welfare De'pt.~' ~New Car · 2,500.00 ~ ~~~BruSh Chipper. ~ree ~pt. 5,500.00 '._ ~ergency FinanCe Board, be tr~sferred ~d applied to said appropriation._ Repairing cement sidewalks. Highway Dept. 1,000.00 ARTICTE 27. VOiD to adopt the article. ~nan~meas-~e~a~-~2-~a~E Sea~ ~TIC~ 28. VOiD to adopt the articl~ which was ~imously approyed by the Repair stone culverts 500.00 ~ Highway ~pt. new equipment ~7'~00.00 Planning B°ard.__ ~ ~ Disposal site. Highway Dept. 500.00 ARTIC~S 28A B C. V0~D UN~IMOUSL t0 combine all t~ee articles ~d to adopt 67. Chapter 90. Any street. 2,000.00 all b~ee'articles which ~d Plann~g Board approval. 65. Chapter 90. Salem & Dale Sts. 10,O00.00 ARTICLE 29. V~ED to adopt the article. 69. Mai~ten~ce any street. Highway.Dept. 50,000.00 ARTICLE ~0. V~ED to'adopt the article. 71. Chrz stmas Lights. 800.00 A~0UNT ART. 9O. !!! New Fire T2uck. 28,000.00 New Chiefs Car. ' 2,500.00 Personnel Board. '"Veteran' s A~ent" 700.00 '~ '" " SeCtion 7, Schedule O. 13,000.0@ " " " " 3,500.00 '84. '" " Schedule B & D. '22,000.00 89. Overlay Reserve t~o Reserve ARTICLE 31. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE ~IA. VC~ED to adopt the article. SRTIC~E 32. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise .and appropriate the s~m of $1 000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the , article: PROVIDED further that the petitioners or their nominee shall on or before August l, 1965 have begun construction on at least one house: and PROVIDED: further that the petitioners or their nominee shall before the in-, ART'. 26. To Stabilization Fund from Post ~ar Rehab Fund. paid to the ToE Treasurer before July 1, 1965. (Pending approval of State ~.~.~i ARTICLE 34. VOTED to adopt thearticle and to raise and appr opria te the sum '~ 57- State Aid for Libraries Fund to Library Exp.-1965 2,727.06 $600 to be expended, un.der the direction of the Board of Public Works for the " 58A. Article '38 of 19.63 A.T.M. to Towns share of cost ' purpose of the article. PROVIDED (same conditions as in Article 32.) ~ of P. lanning Studies of Article 58 of 1965 1,015.00 ARTICLE 35. VOTED to adopt the article and. to raise and appropriate the sum of " 67. Unapporpirated Available Funds to State Share Ch.90. 1,000.00 $2,000 to be expended under the direction of t.he Board of Public Works for the " 68. " ·" " "_ " " "90. ~0,000.0~ purpose of the article:. PROVIDED (?ame conditions as in Article ~2) " 89. Transfer from Overlay Reserve to Reserve Fund. ~ ~.6,121.11 '! 90. Tran~sfer from Available funds reduce tax rate. 120,000.00. ART ICL~ ~6. V G2ED to reject the article. ' ARTICLE 37. VOTED to raise and appropria te the sum of $2,800 and adopt~the A~.TICLE 7. VOTED~ to authorize the Town Treasurer, w. ith the approval of the~ ~ article, to be expended un.der the direction of the Board of Public. M~orks for Selectmen to borrow money from time to" time in~antmcipation of the revenue l / the purpose of ~the Artic. le. PROVIDED (same conditions as in Article32) o~ the financial~ years beginning 'JanUary l, 1965 and January 1, 1966," and W ARTICLE 38.° VOTED to reject the article. t@sue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, a.nd to renew o~ o .refund any such lnote or notes, all as provided by.Oection 4 and 17 of ChapSer ARTICTE 39. VOTED to reject the article. 4~ of the Genera~l Laws. The vote was unanimous.. i ARTICLE ~0..V~ ED to raise'and appropriate the sum of $2,000 to be expen~ed was giv n nd acc Pt d wi h the thanks f he mee lng'iRTICLW'eS'aRep°r~te°feJ°hntHarrimanChm' o°ftSch°°ltBuild~ng Committee, ~ (verbal_) . underpROViDED:the d~rection( same condi°ftionsthe Boardas in Article°f Public32.Works) for the purpose of~ the articl~ be put in condition for acceptance as a public way by the petition~ers or their nominee all in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Control Law as adopted by the Town with reference to surfacing and drainage. ~RT~Cr,W~ ~6. 'JOTED to raise an appropriate ~he sum o $5 , d f .._,800 to be expended un, der the direction of the Se~e ctmen for the purpose of the article. AR, TICLE 17. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article. AH'TICLF~ 18. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500 for the p~urpose of the article and to authorize and direct the Selectmen to appoint a committee of nine members to e~pend the appropriation° ARTICLE 19: VOTED to re!~.*, t.~ ~,,*.~- ARTICLE 20. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for purpose' ,,cf Article. A~TICLE 21. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1~500" " ~ " ARTICLE 53. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICL~ 54. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of AR. TICLE 22. VOTED to adopt the article. ~ $2,500 f~r its purposes. ARTICLE 2.5. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 55. VC~ED tO adspt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of A~TICLE2-4' VOTED to'adopt 'the article. $3,300 for ,its purposes . / ARTICLW. 25. V(X~ED to adopt the article. · AM0~NT. TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION 4. ~'~$..?~ ?? ARTICLE 33. VOTSD UNANIMOUSLY to accept the sum of $4,700 provided that it be AETICLE 9. VOTED to 'adopt the article, and the BcR rd of Health Physician at $950.00 ARTICLE 10. VC~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $750 to be expended . under .the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Article. ARTICLE ~2. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICT,M ~3. VG~ED UNANIMOUSLY to accept the s~um of $4,500 provided that it be ARTICLE ll. V~D to raise a~d appropriate the sums of $800 to be expended, paid ~o the Town Treasurer before July l, 1965. un'der the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Article. ' ' ARTICLE, ~. VOTED to accept the sum of $18,000~uncqnditlonally, provided that AHTICLE 12. V~ED that the Town instruct the Board of Selectmen to do every- it be Paid to the Town Treasurer before July l, 1965. thing possible to secure the re-opening of Barker Otreet.. A~T~ IC~. 1~. Stricken from the Warrant. · ~ ARTICLE ~5. VOTED UNANIM. 0USLY to adopt the article. ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to reject the article ARTICLE 1~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum c~ $300 to be paid through the Board of Selectmen for the purpcse of the Article. ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 15 VC~ED to raise and appropriate the sUn~ of $900 to be e~pended under ARTICT.~. ~8. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of$2,090to be~'expended the direction of the Board of Selectmen and Town Olerk for the purpose of 'the article . . under the direction of the. Board of Public W~ks to recondmtion the 1957 Hough . ~ Payloader. ' ,ARTICLE ~9. VOTED to raise and approprt~ te the sum of $3,300 for the purpose of the article. ARTIC~W. 50. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ~l. VOTED to raise and approprt~ Ce the sum.of $~,000for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 52. V~ED to adopt the article $1,200 for its purposes. and raise and appropriate the sum of to fix the annual compensation ARTICLE 41. VO?ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 to be. expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of the article PROVIDE: ( same conditions as in Article 32. ) TuTAL AMOUhT TO BE RAISED~ AND APPROPRIATED To take from Available Funds for Tax Rate. !2o,.ooq:qe AMOUNT TO BE RAISED & APPROP ~'~ ~ ~/ YJ stallation of the utilities requested under this article post a bond or a coven. T.0, B.F,. RAI,S. ED & APPR.0. PRIATED (Budget) '$2,509~,901.35 ant running to the Town of North And over satisfactory to the North Andover (Articles) ~ ~ ~/, ~j Planning Board to assure that the street or way affected by this article shall ~AR~T~C Adjourned Town ~eetfng March 13, 1965 ~ Adjourned Town Meeting I~arch 13, 1965 ~ LE 56. VO~ED to strike the article from the Warrant. · ,?'~,,~,,~ Article 87. VOTED to amend Section 5.77 of the North Andover Zoning ~y~,.aw ARTIC~.W. 57 VOTED to adopt the article. ~i~ by adding thereto the following new sub-paragraph: - ' · (13) The land in North Andover, allas Shown as in article. ARTICLE 58. V~ED UNANINOUSLY to adopt the article. ~ Planning Board favorable recommendation. ARTIC~W. 58A. VOTED to adcp~ the article. ~ AffirmatiV~e vote was 202. Negative vote was 28. ARTICLE 59. VOTED to reject the article. ~ ARTICLE 88. V(~'ED to reject the article· Affirmative 112· Negative 117. ARTIC~.w. 60. VOTED to reject the article· ~ ARTICIE ~9. V~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,878.89 and to tran~ the sum of $6,121.11 from 0vertayReserve, bo~the to the Rserve F~nd. ARTICLE 61. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,O00 to be e~pended by the Highway Surveyor for~ the-Purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 62. VO~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 to be e.xpended by ARTICLE 90; VOTED to transfer froma vai~able funds the sum of $120,000.00 to the. Highway Surveyor for the. purpose of. the Article. reduce the tax rate. William B. Duffy made a motion and duly seconded to exten~d to the Ad~visory ARTICLE 65. VOTED to raise and.appr.opr~mate the sum of $57,300.00 to be ex- Board, Moderator and all others for a fine Job done on the meeting. pended under the direction of the H,mghway Surveyor for the purcha.se of aJohn Mon~e~io~, Philip Miller, Milton Howard, El~ton H~ard, John Connors, John refuse disposal truck-S15,000: two (2) ton dump trucks-S8,000: a motor vehicl for the Highw_ay Surveyor-S2,800: a front-end lOade-$8,000: and a tractor Cr°nin, Rgbert Banks, David Evans, ~illiam McEvoy and James ~ewhirs assis ted (scoop-dozer) $5,500 for use at the refuse disposal slate. One 1958 FOrd dump The Town Clerk and Moderator in the hand voting. ~ . truck, one 1955 Reo refuse disposal truck and one 1961 Oliver Crawler tractor 7~7 Seven hundred and forty-seven registered voters were checked by Brd of Heg. all to be traded for the same. ~ Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M. ARTICLE 6~. VOTED to reject the article. At~ the Special Town Meeting immediately following the Annaul Town Meeting the ARTICLE 65. VOTED to re~ject the article, following-was voted: ARTICLE 66. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 to be expended ARTICIE 1. VO~ED to raise and appropriate the ,'sum of $1500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of the article,under the direction of the Board ~ Public NotEs for the purpo.se of the Article ARTICr.W. 67..VOTED to raise and appropriate the s~m of $2,000.00 to be e~pended ARTICIE 2. VO2ED to adopt the article and to transfer $6000. for its~purposes under the dzrection of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of the article,from the unepeneded balances~of the amounts held over, ,for fiscal 1965, from the appropr~a tions made by. the Town .u?.der Article s l, 4 and 5 of the ~arrant ARTICLE 68..VGTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 t0 be expended 2or the Special Town Meeting of May I~, 1962. under the dzrection of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of the article. MeetingARTICLE adJournedS' V0~ED to ~d.opt P.M.the article. ~-. _~ ~ ARTICLE 69. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to be e~pended at 6.~5 ~~ under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of the article. . ARTICLE 70. VOTED to estab~lish Colgate Drive as a Town Way by acceDting ~the ~ true copy: ATTEST. ~/~JOH~/J. ~NS. ~ Selectmen's Laying Out of ~treets of thesame, am heretofore filed with t~'~e W A R R ~YT ~ A Tovm Clerk. ESSEX SS: ARTICLE 71. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $800 to be e.xpended by To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of the article. GREETINGS: ARTICLE 72. VOTED to re!oct the article. ~ ~ In the tame of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to nc~ ify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of N~ th Andover who ARTICLE 75. VOTED to razs~ and appropriate the sum of $28,000.00 to be expen-~:~ are qualified to vote in Town A~l~airs to meet and assemble in the Veterans' ded by the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of the article.. ~ Auditorium of the North Andover High School on Monday eVening April 12, 1965 ARTICLE 7~. VOTED to ~aise and appropriate the sum of $2,.500.00 to' be expended at ~ P.M. to act upon the following articles.~" ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will approve the cons truction of a new Housing by the Board of Fire, Engineers for the.purpose of the artmcle. . Project by the North Andover Housing Authority, namely a housing pr.oJect for ARTICLE 75. VOTED to raise and approprmate the sum of $700.00 for the purpose elderly ~per.sons pursuant to the pr ovisions of Chapter 667 of Massachusetts of the article. · . ~ Acts~ of 1954, and Acts in amendment thereof and in addtition thereto, to be known as State-Aided Housing Project. Petition of No. Andover Housing At~tho~it ARTICLE 76. VOTED to r aisc and appropr~ te the sum of $15,000.00 ~°r the ARTICLE 2, To see if t. he Town will vot.e to accep.t the .provisions of'Chapter purpose of the article. ' . 106 of the Acts of 1965, an act authorizing the establishment of a Reserve ARTICLE 77. VOTED to amend the Person.nel By-Law bY strikmng therefrom sub-Force in the Fire ~epartment and removing the call depart~ent from Civil paragrap~ (D), Section 16 (Paid Holidays), and inserting in place ~hereof the Servi~e. Petitio.n-of the Board of Fire Engineers. following: ~ ~ ' ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the a~ thorized but un-issue~ AN EMPLOYEE IN CONTIN~.0US EMPLO~q~ENT ~HO PEHFORMS WORK ON ONE 0F!~TB~. portion of the loan author, lzed under Article 48 of the Warrant for the Town DAYS DESIGNATE IN SUB SECTION (A), OR, IN THE CASE OF AN EMPLOYEE' Meeting held March 19, 1960 to p~ovide funds to install a 12-inch water m~in · IN CONTINUOUS ~.MPLOYME~T WHOSEREGUL^R DAY OFF OR VACATION FALLS ONon Great Pond Road. Petition ~ the Town Ac.countant. ANY OF T~ AOREMENTIONED HOLIDAYS, AN ADDITIONAL DAY OFF ~SHALL BE~ ALLOWED, 0R PA1G~ENT IN LIEU OF ONE DAY SHALL BE ~Y,LOWED IN ~R__TI~CL.E 4..To _see if the Town_will vote ~o ramse and ap~r opria te the sum of ~ ADDITION $2~.04 to ~mplemen~ Article ~l voted at the l~st Annual Town Meeting relative T0~TH~E.A~0UNT TO WHICH HE IS ENTITLED UNDER SUB-SECTION (B) And to the inclustO.n, under Schedule A of the Personnel By-Law the title "Account- to amend samd By-Law. as proposed by Paragraph B of the article. and Assistants." Petition of the Town Accountant. ARTICLE 78~ VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to adopt the article. · ~ ARTICLE. ~5. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and app~ opriate the sum of ARTIC~.W. 79. VOTED UN~NINOUSLY to adopt the article. $299.04 to implement Article 80 voted at the last Annu. al Town Meeting relative ARTICLE 80. V~ED t~ adopt the article. ~ to the inclusion under Schedule A of the Personnel BY Law the title -- "TreaSUrer ~ssistant." Petition of the Town Treasurer. ARTICIE 81. VOT~.D to adopt the article: ~ · And you are 'directed to serve this warrabt'by posting true and attested copies ARTICLE 82. VOTED to raise and approprzate the sum of $5,500 for the purpose thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public p~ ces in each of the article. ~ . ~ voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not m~e than fifteen days nor le ss than ~en days before the t~ime of said meeting. ARTICLE 85. VOTED to strike from the Warrant. ~ ' .Hereof, fail not, and make duere, turn of ~his warrant with your doings thereon ARTICLE,.s h 8~.,,VOTED to adopt the article,, except for it s p~oposal to amend :t'o the Town Clerk, at the time and p~a c~. of said me. et . c ed~u~le~C , which proposal is rejected: and to ~f~e ~d e. ooronr!ate thc G~ ? 1~1 1.1 ~e1~ ~-lu-~ ~1,1 .~ ~. w~.m~ ~. ~IT~ !v.leq~llle~?e ~ o~ .,~-~ a~ sum o~' ~22,000 for its purposes .... i .... "" ~ _~e .... n ........ d ...... ~. ~....n_~.~., ,-_~_~..__~ ~..~ ~ .~ d~ ~ in the year of Our Lord one thousand nins hundred and'sixty-~ive. ~ · " RAYMOND BRO~DHEAD Board ARTICLE 85. VOTED to amend Section 5.77 of the North Andover Zoning By'Law bY adding thereto the following new sub-paragraph: Unanimou.~ ,~, FRED P. OAEES of i~~i!~'A~-~~~6 ~0~~ A true copy:. _WILLIA,[{A..FI~. R~N ~SELECTMF+N. / / °t~zi' crc°Ll~en°~at]ai~nd r(edceeS~veidbe:d ainu~rantii~ol~ vote. ~ -~e. .. ~,,.._~ ..... ~ ,, .~ ~ ~-, ~ ,~. ,,~ ,,~ ,,, . -- . ~ , .t'~o~."bz.t ~r~UOV~Z · ~v~aU~, ~.~, L/v ~,'" V~(,'Vw t.,~ l/J- ~ f/i yll x"~ Marg$ 51, .1965. ATTEST: ~UOUS~INE J. WALSH.'~ V U~ ~~' · V D to reject the article. CONSTABLE. OFFICER RETURI~ . ' ,,,,, , ,, ..... 295 ~-- . ' A ~.~ I have notified 'and warned'the inhabitants of the:Town .Of.North Andover' ~Ho I have notified~,and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North nd'over who =~"[[ are qualified to vote'in Town Affairs bY PoSting trUe'and.~'attested.'c0Pi-es.~of are qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of th~ Warrant at the Tow~ Office Building and five or more public pl~ cee in each ~ this Warrant' at the TOwn Office Building and at' five or m0re.'publiC PlaCes in voting precirc t of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than '; each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more fifteen daYs nnr less than ten days before the time df said meeting. I than fifteen days nor le ss than ten days before the time of said meeting. ' ~ AUGUSTINE J. WALSH. CONSTABLE. ' North Andover, Mass. . , .. NOrth AndoVer, -Mass. October 26, 1965. March 30, 1965. ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CLERK. ATTEST: At the SPECIAL TOWN MEETING held in the Veterans's Auditor.Aura of the North Andover High School on Monday evening April 12, 1965 the following w.as voted: At the SPECIAL TOWN MEETING held in th~e/Veteran'~s tudt, toriu~ of the Nc~th Andover High School.on Monday evening, November ~, 1965 at 8;00 P.M., the ARTICLE 1. VOTED unanimously to approve the construction cf a new Housing ' following was voted. . Project by the North Andover Housing.Authority, namely a housing project for ~ elderly persons pursuant to the prowsions .of ChapDer 667 of Massachusetts ActS~ ~ ARTICLE 1. VOTED to authorize the Planning Board, in its discretion, forthwith of 1954, and Acts in amendment, thereof and mn addition thereto, to be known as ~ to expend all or any part of the $1,015.00 made available under Article 58A of State-Aided Housing Project. the 1965 Znnual Town Meeting Narrant for planning studies and services to be ~ARTICLE 2. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article, performed by the ~entral Merrimack Valley Regional Pla~ing Dist. Commission. ARTICLE ~ VOTED unanimously to adopt the article. ARTICLE 2. VOTED'to amend .Section 3.77 of the North An dover Zoning By-Law by ARTICLE VOTED unammously to adopt the article and raise and appropriate adding thereto the new sub paragraph 1~, as described in article. the sum of $299.0~ for its purpose. The vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 337. NEGATIVE 10. ARTICLE 5o~ VOTED .unanimously to adopt the article and raise and appropriate Town Clerk John Lyons opened the meeting in the absence of Moderator Arthur the sum $299.0[~ for its purpose. Thomson, and called for nominations from floor for Moderator. James M. Bannan i nominated Arnold H. Salsibury, Town Counsel, George B. arley seconde~ the All of the above articles are of a Unanimous vo.te.F The meeting opersd at 8 P.~.~., and adjourned at 8.15 P.M. one hundred and nomination. Town Clerk Lyons cast one ballot for A~r. nold H. Salisbury. A hand thirty-six (156) dulyregistered vo_t.~we~ print, v.ote was taken on Article 2. 'Meeting opened at ~.00 P.M. and adjourned at A true copy: ATTEST: ~[~~~ 8.15 P.M. 359 duly registered vot~~ere~pr~nt and checked by B of R. ...... i 1=.us copy: ATTEST '/.~'/~-~~ ~/~JOH~/~ J.~EYONS. (~/'JOHNI~. L~O~S, Town Clerk. ESSEX SS: GREETING: SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT COMMONWEALT~HUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: In .the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet and assemble in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School On: MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 8, 1965 at 8:00 P.M., .to act upon the following articles.' ARTICLE 1. TO' see if the Town will vote to authorize the Planning Board, in its discretlcn, forthwith to expend all or'any part of the $1,015.00 mad® available under Article 58A of the 1965 Annual Town Meeting Warrant for planning studie~'and serVicerS to be 'performed by the ~entral Merrimack Valley Regional Planning District ~ommission. Petition of the North Andover Planning BOard. James M..Bannan, Chairman. ARTICLE 2. To s?e if the Town will vote to amend Section ~.77 of the~North Andover "zg'n. ing'~By-Law bY adding thereto the followir~ new sub-paragraph: (14) A~-ce~tA~n'"parcel of l~md situated in said North Ar~over, bounded and described aS"fOll5ws~: NOrtherly' by Sutton Street, four hundred (400.) feet more or less: Easterly by land n.o~ Or formerly of Konstandtn, four hundred thirty-five (4~5) feet more or less, SoUtherly by other land of Airport Commission of the ¢i?y of LaWr~n~&, 'and the City of Lawrence four hundred ([~00) feet more or less, westerly b~-'sther land Of'AirPort Commission of.the City of Lawrence and the Ci~ty~'~F'"L~e~hce, f0~r Iiundred thirty five (435) feet more or less. Being ~bH~ Sa~e. pr~mises' CCh%eyed by the"'Airp0rt Commission of the City 9f Lawrence and'the .City.lof~LaWre.nce t0-th~"Knights of Columbus Associ~tion,Ino., b~y deed dated October..19, 196~, recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 1027' Pa~e-'126"~ ~The' ~ro~osed ~,menamen,.'w~l~ ~o~ ~ ~o~*~~ ^~ -- the area in euestfon,from' country ReSidence to Ueneral'Business. ~ --Petition.of $oseph ~. Senia,. 1518 Great Pond Road and others. ~ And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies t~r~f~i'i at~,-the'Town Office 'Building and at five or more public places in each ~d't[n~' ~'r~'6[nc~; .... S~ld' 0opl~'S to be PoSted not more ~h~ f~fteen days nor less than.t~n days before the time of said mee~g, ~?.~f;"{aII"',Uot' 'a,~d' ~ke'"due~,eburn of this warr~t with yo~ do~g hereon $o ~ne....To~. Cte~k-~. a.t-.the--time· and place of said meet~g.. Gi~efi'"'und~r od~ h~fids"a't North And0ver, MaSsaChusetts the 18th day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-fiVe. ~a~.~ ~nu~a~ Selectmen of WILLIAM A. FI~AN North Ando~. FRED P. OA~S ATTEST: TOWN WARRANT ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Ando- vet: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualified to vote in elections and town affairs to meet in the Bradstreet School .A.~udi- torium in Precinct One, the St. Mlchaers School Auditor- ium in Precinct Two the Thomson School Auditorium !n Precinct Three and 'the. Kittredge School Auditorium m Precinct Four, all in smd North Andover on Monday, the Seventh Day of March 1966, at 7 o'clock A.M., and there to act on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Highway Surveyor, and Tree Warden for one year. One Selectman, one member of the Board of Public Welfare, one member of the Board of Assessors, one member of the Board of Health, one member of the Board of P. ublic Works, one member of the Greater Law- rence Regional Vocational Technical High School, and two members of the School Committee for three years. One member of the Planning Board and one member of the Housing Authority for five years. All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article 1, said meet- ing shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 19, 1966 at one- thirty P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North An- dover High School, then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. officers not required ARTICLE 3..To see if the Town will the report of receipts and expenditures the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see what action as to its unexpended appropriations. Petition of the Selectmen. vote to accept as presented by the Town will take vote to fix the ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 7. 'To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Select- men, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years beginning January 1, 1966 and January 1, 1967, in accordance with provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17' Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 8. To consider Committees. Petition of the Selectmen. the reports of all Special vote to author- its members to ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will ize the Board of Health to appoint one of the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chap- ter 41 .o.f. the General Laws. Petlhon of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 9A. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town Fourth of July celebration, and any and all at said celebration be returned to the Town, said appro- priation to be expended by a committee of nine members to be appointed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. '~ vo,.e to raise ARTICLE 9B. To see n the Town will ~ and appropriate the sum of $800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, to match a like sum to be raised by the North Andover Board of Trade, for the pur- pose of providing decorative lighting during the Christ- mas season. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.31 of its Zoning By-Law, as it relates to General Business Districts, by eliminating therefrom its present re- quirement that "retail bakeries or retail confectioneries" may not employ "more than five persons (in the manu- facture and sale) on the premises of bakery or confection- ery goods there produced, including ice cream." Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.43 of its Zoning By-Law, to provide that the erec- tion and maintenance of "office buildings" may be a per- mitted use within Industrial Districts. Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.61 .of its Zoning By-Law, relating to .under-sized lots, by adding a.t the end' thereof the following clause: "and further provided that there shall be a lot area of at least 3,500 square feet for each dwelling unit in any mul- · ° t'' tlple-dwelhng structure erected upon any such lo. Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law to authorize the Board of Appeals to grant a special permit, in the Rural Residence District, for a golf course, together with complementary structures, in- cluding restaurant and bar facilities. Petition of the Planning Board and the Industrial Com- mission. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Country Residential to Village Residential the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a point determined by the intersecting center lines of Prescott Street and Chickering Road thence southerly by center line of Chickering Road to land now or formerly of Henry Lund and known as Lund's Garden Cen- ter; thence northwesterly along land of Lund's Garden Center to a marker determining the rear property line of Lund's Garden Center; thence southerly a distance of 200 feet to a point on a line parallel to. and 200 feet distant from the former Salem Railroad R~ght of Way; thence northwesterly by said line parallel to and 200 feet distant from the former Salem Railroad Right of Way to the point where said line intersects the center line of Prescott Street; thence northeasterly by center line of Prescott Street to the point of beginning. Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 3.84 of its Zoning By-Law by specifying whether the industrial district thereby defined is Industrial "S" or Industrial "L". Petition of the Planning Board and the By-Law Re- vision Committee. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 3.85 of its Zoning By-Law. by specifying whether the industrial district thereby defined is Industrial "S" or Industrial "L". Petition of the Planning Board and the By-Law Re- vision Committee. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning by-law and the zoning map of the Town of North Andover by changing from Residence District to Industrial "L" District, the following described parcel of land: A certain parcel of Land situated on the Easterly side of the Salem Turnpike near its intersection with Dart- mouth Street in North Andover, Massachusetts and is further bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the parcel at a point in the Easterly sideline of the Salem Turnpike, said point being 110 feet South of the intersection of the Easterly sideline of the Salem Turnpike with the Southerly sideline of Dartmouth St.; THENCE: Running EASTERLY along a stone wall by land now or formerly of Isaiah R. Kimball, a distance of 734 feet to a corner of the wall; THENCE: Turning and running SOUTHERLY along a stone wall by land now or formerly of Isaih R. Kimball, a distance of 521.5 feet to land now or formerly of Ellen P. Dris- coll; THENCE:Turning and running WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Ellen P. Driscoll, a dis- tance of 662 feet to a point in the Easterly sideline of the Salem Turnpike; THENCE: Turning and running N 32°--30, 00"--W along the Easterly sideline of the Salem Turnpike, a distance of 62.64 feet to a stone bound; THENCE: Run. ning NORTHERLY in a curved /line ha.wng a radius of 4000.00 feet along the Easterly sideline of the Salem Turnpike, an arc distance of 504 feet to the point of beginning. Said Parcel contains 8.7 acres more or less. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others. 297 .298 ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to amend "-,*~-~* the North Andover Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land. A certain tract of land with the buildings thereon, con- taining 139 rods, more or less, on the westerly side of the Salem Turnpike, situated in North Andover, Essex County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Beginninng on the .Westerly side of said Turnpike at land once of Moses Foster; thence running South 40 degrees West by the wall 16 links; thence North 66 degrees West by a town way 18 rods to land once of David Foster; thence North 8 and ~ degrees East by said Foster land and the wall 10 rods and 3 links to a corner in the wall; thence North 62 degrees East by the wall and land now or once of Caroline Gray 4 rods and 14 links to said Turnpike; thence Southerly by the Turnpike 22 rods and 21 links to the point of begin- rang. Excluded from the above described parcel is that portion of said land taken by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under an order of taking recorded in Book 689, Page 281, North District Essex Registry of Deeds. Petition of Fred A. Buthmann and others. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from an Industrial District to a Village Residence District the following described par- cel of land: Beginning at a point in the center line of May St. said point being 150 feet southwesterly from the cen- ter line of Main St.; thence running southwesterly by the center line of May St. 108 feet more or less to an intersection of the easterly line of Hodges St.; thence turning and running southwesterly, but more south- erly, along the center line of May St'. 570 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running southeast- erlq 230 feet more or less along a line parallel to and 200 feet easterly from Patriot St. center line between May St. and Belmont St.; thence turning and running southwesterly along Belmont St. centerline 80 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running northwesterly 300 feet more or less along the easterly boundary of land of Davis & Furber to a point in the southerly line of the Boston & Maine Railroad; thence turning turning and running northeasterly along the southerly line of the Boston & Maine Railroad 825 feet more or less to a point, said point being 150 feet south- westerly from the center line of Main St.; thence turn- ing and running 'southeasterly 155 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Petition of William J. Deyermond and others. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to instruct and direct the Selectmen to request the State Department of Public Works to reconstruct Massachusetts Avenue from the Lawrence-North Andover Line to the Old Center, so- called, including widening, drainage work, curbstones and sidewalks, all as heretofore been agreed to by said Depart- ment, the Selectmen and the Highway Surveyor, it being understood that, following such reconstruction, the respon- sibility for the maintenance of Massachusetts Avenue, will be assumed by the Town, all as set forth in that letter to the Selectmen from said Department dated December 28, 1965. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,900,, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of acquiring a Machine Accounting System for the Town. Petition of the Selectmen and the Town Accountant. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such sum as it may determine to be necessary, to be expended' under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of acquiring additional land for the Chadwick Street Playground, and to determine whether said appro- priation shall be met by taxation, by a transfer from avail- able funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, or by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of the Selectmen. · ~,.~ =o. To see if its General By-Laws by adding thereto, after Seection 12A of Article IV, the following new Section: Section 12B: There is hereby established a local coun- cil on aging consisting of not less than seven nor more than eleven voting members. Of this number, the chairman, and not less than three nor more than five persons shall be appointed by the Selectmen. The chair- man of the council, when appointed, shall designate .... ~ the remaining members of the council from' interested .' and representative groups in the community. The coun- c~t. ~, ~ ~ cil shall be responsible to the Selectmen, and its mem- ': bers shall serve without compensation, and within the limits of available funds it may appoint such clerks and other employees as it may require. It shall be the duty of the council to carry out programs designed to meet problems of the aging in co-ordination with pro- grams of the Massachusetts Commission on Aging. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the local council on aging for the purpose of co-ordinating or conducting programs dealing with prob- lems of the aging and to promote facilities for the health, education, welfare and recreation of the aging. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 25. To s.ee if the Town will vote.to aban.d, on the use of the Town Infirmary, or take any actmn relative thereto. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE 25A. To see if the Town will vote to au- thorize and direct the Board of Public Welfare to make all requisite determinations relative to the use of the Town Infirmary, including the power to order its abandonment. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. ARTICLE 25B. To see if the Town will vote, in the event that either of the preceding Articles is adopted, to aul{horize the Selectmen, between the time of the abandon- ment of the Town Infirmary and its eventual disposition, to make such contracts and arrangements relative to the care and maintenance of said Infirmary as they may see fit. Petition of the Board of Public We]fare. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the Selectmen to appoint a committee to study the sev- eral possibilities relative to the disposition of the Town Infirmary property, to make findings of fact, and to submit the same to the next annual Town meeting for its action. petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to auth- orize the Selectmen to file in behalf of the Town, an appli- cation (in conformity with P.L. 560, 83rd Congress as amended by P.L. 345, 84th Congress) and do whatever else may be required to obtain an advance to the Town by the United States for the cost of engineering investigations, reports and preliminary plans for drainage improvements for its East side and West side drainage areas. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, for highway projects having the approval of the State Department of Public Works, $18,000 from the sum of $27,024.15 apportioned to the Town by said Depart- ment under Section 5 of Chapter 679 of the Acts of 1965, expenditures therefrom to be made under the direction of the Highway Surveyor, with the prior approval of the Se- lectm:en. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $60,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of recon- structing the Town Yard Garage at its present site, to au- thorize the Selectmen to enter into all such contracts and arrangements as theY may see fit in connection with such reconstruction, and to determine whether said appropria- tion shall be met by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, or by any com- bination of these sources of funds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $80,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of construct- in.g a new Poi!ce Station at the old Johnson High Schoo} rote, to authorize the Selectmen to enter into all such eon tracts and arrangements as they may see fit in connection with such construction and to determine whether said ap- propriation shall be met by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, or by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such amount as may be necessary to pay the December 1965 costs of the Medical Aid to the Aged Program. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town wiii vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,696. to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of providing payment for services rendered or to be rendered by Greater Lawrence Guidance Center, Inc., for or in be- half of some of the children of the Town, all as the Com- mittee may determine. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to. raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the Sch.ool Building Committee for the pur- pose of such topographical surveys, borings, specifications, complete plans, layouts, working drawings, an estimate of cost, and such other disbursements as are preliminary to the construction of an addition to the Franklin School. Petition of the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 3.4. To see if the Town will vote to trans- fer $2,727., now m account .ent. itled "State A!d for Libraries · . . Reserved for Appropriation," to the Library expense account to be added to the Expense Account for 1966. Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000., to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining the disposal site on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise be expended under and appropriate the sum of $1,000., to the direction of the Highway Surveyor securing and placing Street Signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. for the purpose of ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $45,000., to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any streets. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing Guard Rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Survey~or. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining any street in the Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, that the sum of $1,000. be transferred from unappropriated available funds to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the reimburse- ment from the State to be restored, upon its receipt, to un- appropriated available funds in the Town treasury; take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. or to ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,500, to be expended under the .d. irection of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 high- way construction of Sa]em Street, Dale Street and Johnson Street and that the sum. of $31,500. be transferred from un- appropriated available funds to meet the State and County shares of such costs, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored, upon their receipt, to unappropri- ated available funds in the Town treasury; or to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approprmte the sum of $7,000., to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purp. ose of replacing ex{sting catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTIC .LE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyo. r for the purpose of installing two catch basins and piping same on Sutton Street, one at Wood Avenue and the other at Wright Ave- Petition of the Highway Surveyor· ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will nue. vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000., to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s. um of $1,500, t.o extend the surface drain 150 feet from its present terminus at 782 Waverly Road, and to install surface drain for a distance of 150 feet Petition of James Mathison and others. ARTICLe. 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s.u.m of $3,750, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing a surface drainage system on Morris Street for a distance of 460 feet from Second Street. ion Edward ~t ARTICi_~E' 47.r To see if the Town will vote to raise and .a. ppr.o, pmate the s_u.m,' of $1,500, to be expended under_ the direction of thee Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing a surface drain on Francis Street and laying 100 feet of pipe more or less to the existing surface drain at the intersection of Baldwin Street and Francis Street. Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and .a. ppr.o.pmate the s.u.m of $59,730, to be expended under the dlre.ctlon of the H)ghway. Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the fo!lowing equipment: Two Sand Spreaders, One Truck Chassis, a 1954 Truck to.be traded $8,800. A Compressor (M.odel 85) $3,000. One Pick-up ~ruck $2,100., a 1959 Ford pick-up to be traded· One Sidewalk Plow .g5 000., a 1953 Sidewalk Plow to be traded. One Street Roll- er'S8,330. One Grader $17,000, a 1954 Allis-Chalmers Grader to be ~t. raded. A Refuse Disposal Truck $11,500, a 1958 Re- fuse Disposal Truck to be traded. One Dump Truck $4,000. and to determine whether said appropriation shall be met by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, or by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,520.83, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the Wayne Street Sweeper that has been on rental since May 24, 1965. The amount represents the pres- ent value of the sweeper with all previous rentals paid ap- plying to the purchase price. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,850, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of renting the Wayne Street Sweeper for the next 12 months. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing a new motor and repairing a 1954 Allis-Chalmers Grader. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to accept Martin Ave., as a public Way for a distance of 510 feet more or less from its terminus at Meadow Lane as ap- proved by the Planning Board and the Highway Surveyor. Petition of Joseph Morin and others. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways shown o~ a Plan of land en- titled "Definitive Plan of Brentwood Circle, North Andover, Massachusetts", dated August 19, 1963, drawn by George E. Hayes, C.E., and recorded at the Registry of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex County as Desk Plan No. 4869, which have been developed and completed in ac- cordance with Planning Board specifications as required under the Subdivision Control Law, and all as laid out and adjudicated by the Selectmen; and to name the streets so accepted "Brentwood Drive" and Timber Lane". Petition of John J. Willis and others. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to accept the name of Kings Drive for that road, approximately 450 feet in length, abutted by lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and ad-, joining Brentwood Circle. Petition of F. William King and others. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to that, be- ginning with the Annual Town Election in 1967, the term o~f office of the Tax Collector shall be three years instead of one year. Petition of Raymond Broadhead and others. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to that, beginning with the Annual Town Election in 1967, the term of office of the Tree Warden shall be three years instead of one year. Petition of Edward R. Greenwood and others. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to that, beginning with the Annual Town Election in 1967, the term of office of the Highway Surveyor shall be three years in- stead of one year. Petition of Edward R. Greenwood and others. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise ~v.~..~ ~-.~ s~... of $700. +~ be~.~..~~"~ ,,.a~.~..~. ~h~ direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of erecting a chain link fence on the Aplin Playground abut- ting the property of James J, Sheehan. Petition of James J. Sheehan and others, ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town wiii vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $900., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Hot-topping the basketball court at the Alpin Play ground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of building an addition to the Bath House at the American Legion Beach for the floats, pier, etc. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $995., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing an aerifier for use on the parks, playgrounds and school grounds of the Town. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a gasoline or diesel engine for auxiliary pow- er for pumping water at the South Pumping Station. Petition of the ]qoard of Public Works. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise' and appropriate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a four wheel drive front end loader to re- place a 1957 Hough Payloader. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a dump truck to replace a 1959 G.M.C. dump truck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $300,000., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of developing the well field site at the Lawrence Airport with all necessary equipment and connecting it with the existing 12 inch water main on Holt Road, and to author- ize said Board to acquire all necessary land and easements by gift, by purchase or by right of eminent domain, and to determine whether said appropriation should be raised by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of the foregoing, and to authorize the acceptance of federal or state aid for the above, and to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,500., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Heath Road to the lot of Alfred R. Boeglin. Petition of Alfred R. Boeglin and others. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Colgate Drive three hun- dred and sixty feet towards Osgood Street. Petition of Paul Ventura and others. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of public Works for the pur- pose of installing a sewer on Hemlock Street before Massa- chusetts Avenue is reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 65A. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the pur- pose of installing water mains on Hemlock Street, Beach Avenue and Poplar Street before Massachusetts Avenue is reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing permanent pavement over road excavations made by other Town agencies. Petition of the Selectmen, the Board of Public Works and the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to accept ,~,~,~ Company, or its nominee, the sum of $2,100, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system on Dufton Court from the present terminus to Andover Street. Petition of the Board of Public Works. 71. To see ~,' 'the Town wm vote to accept ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town Will v°te to raise and appropriate the sum of $250,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the West Side sewer system on Waverley Road and Turnpike Street and to determine whether the same shall be raised by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of the fore- going; to authorize the acceptance of f. ederal .or state aid for the above; and to take any other actmn relative thereto. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Summer Street to the residence of Allan Lowell, and to determine whether said appropriation shall be met by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, or by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of Allan A. Lowell and others. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $27,000, to be expended 'Under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Johnson Street from Turnpike Street to Farnum Street, and to determine wheth- er said appropriation shall be met by taxation, by a trans- fer from available funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, o by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of John L. Snwv~.r and others. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Bradford Street 1100 feet from the present terminus near Great Pond Road, and to determine whether said appropriation shall be met by tax- ation, by a transfer from available funds, by a proper mu- nicipal borrowing, or by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of Walter W. Mazurenko and others. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Booth Street and Innis Street from Turnpike Street to the residence of Peter Aziz, and to determine whether said appropriation shall be met by taxation, by a transfer from available funds, by a proper municipal borrowing, or by any combination of these sources of funds. Petition of Peter Aziz and others. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to accept from J. J. Segadelli, or his nominee, the sum of $3,100., to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system, on Hillside Road approximately 550 feet from the present terminus. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of renewing water services to the property lines, placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,600, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of making such extensions of the water main system, sub- ject to the standard regulations as said Board, on or before October 1, 1966 may consider most necessary, such exten- sions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. from The DeMoulas Realty Trust, or its nominee, the sum of $15,000, to be expende.d, by the Board .of Public Works for the purpose of extend, rog the West S~de Trunk sewer ARTICLE 81. In the event of the adoption of the .pre- on W. averley Road approximately 600 feet from the present ceding Article, to see if the Town will vote to discontinue terminus, all town ways and private ways lying within the. parcel of Petition of the Board of Public Works. land described therein all as provided by Sectmn 21 of ........ . i Chapter 82 of the General Laws. of M. Thomson ~thers ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote by a two- ~ha-u~ majority, to raise andapwop~~ ~-+~ or +~-~- ..~..~m available funds such sum as it may determine to be the ne? essary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, emi- nent domain proceedings or otherwise, the parcel of lapd described below, for the purpose of constructing and m.mn- taining a. new fire station thereon, and to author~e and di- rect its geleetmen, in the name and behalf of the To~n, to take such steps as they may deem necessary or adwsable to effect such acquisition, all as provided by Section 14, of ~ne ueneral ~aws, a pa~c~ o~ ~anu bou,,ueu. Chapter 40 of" ~'" ' ' "~' ~ ' ~ '~ ~ southwesterly by Johnson Street, northerly by Salem Street, and southeasterely .by an unnamed traveled way running from said JohnSon Street to said Salem Street and lying between the parcel described hereby and land now or formerly of Alice Morse. Petition of Howard M. Thomson and others. ARTICLE 82. In the event that the two previous ar- ticles are not adopted, to see if the Town will vote by a two-thirds majority, to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds such sum as it may determine to be the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, the parcel of land described below, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a new fire station thereon, and to authorize and direct its Selectmen, in the name and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as they may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition, all as provided by Sec- tion 14, of Chapter 40 of the General Laws; a parcel of land bounded northerly by Salem Street, westerly and southerly by land now or formerly of Alice Morse, and easterly by (1) land now or formerly of Alice Morse or by (2) land now or formerly of J. Dana and Suzanne M. Hill, said parcel to have frontage of 250 feet more or less, along Salem Street and to have a rear dimension equal to the frontage, said parcel to be 200 feet deep, more or less, along the westerly and easterly borders, with the distance, if any, from the boundary with the land of said Hill not to exceed 600 feet; said separation, if any, from the Hill property shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen upon recommen- dation by the Fire Engineers. Petition of Howard M. Thomson and others. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds or provide by bond issue or otherwise, a sum of money sufficient for the p..urpose of constructing, equipping a. nd furnishing a new fire station, and improving landscaping, grading and fencing its grounds for fire station purposes. Petition of Howard M. Thomson and others. ARTICLE 84. In the event of the adoption of the pre. ceding Article, to see if the Town will vote to authorize its Selectmen, or such other committees as the Town may vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in all matters, having to do with the expenditures of the funds provided under said article, including the execution of all contracts pertaining to the new Fire Station and grounds contem- plated thereby. Petition of Howard M. Thomson and others. ARTICLF. 85. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,500, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers, to be used with the present 1958 ambulance to purchase a new ambulance. Petition of the Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000., to be expended under the .direction. of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of making reqmred adjustments and additions to the fire alarm system, to allow for an additional circuit. Petition of the Fire Engineers and others. ARTICI:F. 87. To see if the Town will vote to rais~ and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of $4.,400. for the pur_chase of two new 1966, 12 volt system cars: one car 1964 to be turned in, in trade and all equip. merit to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,900. for the appointment of three regular patrolmen, fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and Mental examination all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law by striking from Section 12 the word- ing of Sub-Section (B) in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following: (B) An employee will become eligible for longevity increments on his or her 11th, 16th, 21st and 26th anniversary date of his employment; and the amount of increment to which he or she is en- titled for the then current fiscal year will be de- termined by pro-rating the annual increment or the increase therein by the remaining months including the anniversary month in the year. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $260., for the purpose of amend- ing i~s Personnel By-Law, Scheduie E, by deleting the com- pensation grade of $30. per week from class title "Custodial Worker" and inserting in place thereof a compensation grade of $35. per week. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTiCLF.' 9i. To see if the Town will vote to raise .and appropriate the sum of $925. for the purpose of amend- lng its Personnel By-Law by striking from Section 17, Sub- Section A, Paragraph 4, the words "twenty years" and in- serting in place thereof the words "fifteen years". Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 92. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100 for the purpose of amend- ing its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, Public Safety Group, Firefighter, by deleting the sum of $200 per year assigned to Motor Equipment Maintenance Man, and inserting in place thereof the sum of $300 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 93. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200. for the purpose o5 amending its Personnel By-Law in the fqllowing manner: Amend Schedule A, Clerical Group, by striking compensation Grade S-5 from class title "Select- men's Secretary" and inserting in place thereof "~"~' compensation grade S-6 B.Amend Sc.hedule A, Clerical Group, by striking compensation grade S-5 from class title "Public Works Clerk" and inserting in place thereof com- pensation grade S-6. C. Amend Schedule A by adding class title "Highway Department Clerk" to Clerical Group, and by signing to said class title compensation grade S-6. D. Amend Schedule A by adding class title "Circula- tion Assistant" to Library Group, and by assign- ing to said class title compensation grade S-6. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 94. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law by striking the existing rates from Section 8, Part-Time Positions in Clerical Group, and inserting in place thereof the following: Compensation GradeMin. II III IV Max. S-1 $1.78 $1.84 $1.91 $1.98 $2.05 S-4 2.03 2.11 2.19 2.27 2.35 S-5 2.12 2.20 2.28 2.36 2.45 S-6 2.21 2.30 2.39 2.48 2.57 Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 95. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Perso~nnel By-Law by striking the existing rates from Section 9, Part-Time Positions Classified in Library Group, and inserting in place thereof the following: Compensation GradeMin. II III IV Max. S-1 $1.76' $1.82 $1.89 $1.96 $2.03 S-4 2.00 2.08 2.16 2.24 2.32 S-8 2.40 2.49 2.58 2.68 2.78 Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $450, for the purpose of amend- ing Schedule A, Clerical Group, by striking compensation Grade S-5 from class title "Selectmen's Secretary" and in- serting in place thereof compensation grade S-7. Petition of Alice M. 'Letarte and others. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such sum as this meeting may determine, to the Stabilization Fund, as provided by Section 5-B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of Assessors. ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve, the sum of $10,000. for the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $_ from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Build- ing, and at five or more public places in each voting pre- cinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meet- Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the 10th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six. RAYMOND BROADHEAD WILLIAM A. FINNERAN FRED P. OAKF. S Board of Selectmen. A true copy: z-~~// // ATTEST: _ _ ...... Constab North Andover, Mass~husetts, ~--~--~-- ......... , ~966 OFFICER ~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are quali- fied to vote in Town Affairs ~nd in Town Elections by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. said copies having b posted not more than fifteen days nor le ss than ten days before the time of said meet- ing. CONSTAB!R. ATTEST North Andover, ~ass. F ebruar y.,? ~, ~19~$ ~ TOWN CLERK Commonwealth of as acbu ett ESSEX SS: T~o either o[ the Constables of the Town o[ North Andover: GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School on SATURDAY, THE 19th day of MARCH, 1966 a t l :.,BO P.M. :'-"'~"~'" "~' thc a..,.~, Ta::'n ~.'... of. ~"'~" ~ n ~ nrr and then and there to act upon the follow- lng articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.06 thereof, the following new section: Section 4.07: Municipal buildings, facilities and grounds designed to further the health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the Town may be con- structed and maintained within any Zoning District. Petition of the Town Counsel and others. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from unexpended balance of Article 22, of the 1964 Town Meeting, (Mass. Ave., Sidewalk) the sum of $1,900.00 to install bituminous Concrete sidewalk along the west side of Main Street starting at Tavern Road going to- wards Chickering Road for a distance of 670 feet. Petition of Chief of Police Joseph W. Lawlor and Highway Surveyor, Nicholas F. Nicetta. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept Marblehead Street from Harold Street to Massachul~ setts Avenue. Petition of Highway Surveyor Nicholas F. Nicetta. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to cement posts on Route 133 to prevent trespassing on land in area of Ray's Pond. Petition of the Board of Selectmen and others. install And you 'are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said mceting. Hereof, fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given Under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 21st day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six. A true copy. Attest: RAYMOND BROADHEAD [ Selectmen of WILLIAMFRED P. OAKEsA' FINNERAN ~ North Andover, Mass. ~PtO~ 'S RETURN the inhabitants of the Total vote in each of pre o ina t s ABV NUNBER OF V0~.ES BY ONE TWO THREE 854 1103 966 MODERATOR FOR 0~ ~rthur A,= 'Th0n~son" Jo?m Farre 11 John Shola Blanks ~AR 46 7 SELECT~N FOR THREE I~,iARS John ....... j,'~rke ' "' "" 9 Eugene., A. Dunne .1 Ralph E. Finck !7 John J. Monteiro, Jr. 5 Theodore Peters 21 Blanks ..,. ,, PUBLIC WELFARE FOR T}~(EE _W~EARS '~6~n ::J': -BUr'Me : '" 9 ~,u6ene A. nne Ralph E. F~nck 1 John J' ~,~onteiro~ Theodore Peters 20 Blanks' 3 662 88~ 805 1 ! 170 220 161 P~CINCTS FOUR TOTAL TOWN TREASURER FOR Ot,TE YEAR James~'' J.' Make r ": ...... ' ' 51 Blsmks 2 1 1 0LLECTOR FOR ONE YEAR TAX C ' James H. Dewhirst Blanks 220 778 196 2~4 19.9 28[~ 922 22 2~ 34 20 100 39 ~ 66 59 222 191 24 lO4 238 21~ 276 927 24 572 5 1499 15'1 12~ aTO ao4 485 48 51 55 188 73 3 974 858~ 10! 129 10~ 716 930 858 ZZ8 17~ 108 1~10 ~926 158 498 183 586 TREE WARDEN FOR Olin YEAR Leo E.~ Laf0~d ......... 49 722 965 852 1290 3878 Ruth Lafond 2 2 Blanks 4 112 1~8 114 176 544 HIG~¥AY SURVEYOR FOR ONE LrEAR · ' ' t'ta .... ~ 42 Nm' chol'~s /R°bert s' Dill A. Bruce Gourley Henry N. Gr'een Jo~ J. Mahoney, Jr. B!anks~ 2 552. 8o6 6?8 971 ~_o69. 178 156 149 ~9 ~26 17 l~ 17 17 6'5 50 ~2 75 79 288 7 5 19 44 ASSESSOR FOR THREE YEARS ~¥'~a~gueri te 'S°uc'y .... ~1~~14 627 .48_7 81! 2~ Joseph :N. Hermann ~92 [~ ~ 5 1U19 Blanks. 1 28 172 32 528 625. 609 95~ 2747 76 122 100 420 _YEARS BOARD OF HEALTH FORTA~REE lEARS - s77. 'Ju'i'ius Kay 46 690 80~ 1217 Blanks 7 ![~4 225 16~ , 251 -Ge:or:ge F. ~63~ 791 Joseph A. Guthrie 682 P~lNG B~ARD F,R '~~~' ' ' ' ........ ' ]~ J I'ff~:~l'~ am C ~e pu:~ s-' Jr: ' ~BlanksJ°seph G. I~e d o 1 o ..... ~7 ~6!~ 2~~~ ~2~658!2p 4~~~ 100~~312 SCHOOL C0MMITTF..E FOR THRKE YEARS ' Fi~z'Pa-tri'~k' " - ~ ~67 48~, ~28 677 ~888 22 610 1874 HOU.SING AUTHORITY FOR FIVE YEARS Be'r~ard- W. -B'i~'g'~~m~- " '~ '- [~8 699 918 812 12)7 Blanks 5 1~5 185 154 2~1 276 ~86 GREATER LA]~RENCE REGIONAL VOCATION HIGH SCHOOL Pt~!'i~-N. Arrigo ........ :=" i-7'..... i75 526 James C. Bradley 12 2U2 29~ John H. O'Sullivan 10 ~18 ~5 ~ TOWN C~RK North Andover who by posting a copy or more public Dla cas copies having been I have notified and warned are oualified to vote in Tovm Elections and Tovaa Affairs of this ~,~arrant at the TeEn Office Building and at five · '1 $ S · in e~ch of the four vot:i~6 pr'ec~.m ts of the ~owr~_~ azd posted not more than fifteen said meeting. A true com~t-. ATTEST: ~orth A~t over, Mass. March 7, 1966 ATTEST of days. nor less than, ten days before the time of ATTEST: 265 1~2~ ~714 71o 1178 Ad~0urned Town Meeting. March 19, 1966 ~~ $50.0~0 ~~~ March 19, 1966 Annual Adjourned Town Meeting ~ 9.~ Moderator: Salary ~50 ARTICLE 2. VOTED to refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town Officers ~ 10. Advisory Bommittee: EXpenses $250 250.00 not required by law ~r By-Law to be otherwise chosen. 3, ll. Planning Board: Salary & Wages 900 900.00 ARTICLE ~. VOTED that the report be accepted. ,, ~ _12_.~ Board of Appeals"" 800 800.00 ~' ~l Personnel Board: Expense.s l, 000 ii, 000.00 ARTICLE VOTED to carry forward to fiscal 1966, the following articles and Appeals Board combined w~tn Planning. appropriations: 15. Town Building Janitor Salary 1,560 1,~60.00 Article 58, 1965 Town Garage - Yard S~vey $9~.16 ' Expenses 5,800 5,500.00 " lC, "~ Town By-Laws 84'80 16. Custodian: Tax Titles: Salary 100 100.00 Planning Board Expen se s .86 Expenses ~ 25 25.00 ~p.25 Ta.x Titles F .ore closure s-Expert se s 65 65.00 Town Build lng ~.aintenance ~ ~ License Commission Expenses Land damage claims I .95 200 200.00 Article 20, 196~5 - Street Speed Signs 51o_20 19. An~.ual ?own Mede.ting Expenses 5,5~5 ,5~5.00 le l, Art.i.c 1965 New' Fire Dept..Ladder Truck. 26. 0 20. Police Dept. Z~hlef Salary 8,5~5 ~8,545.00 62, 1964 Fire Fighter Accident 1,7~.4. 0 Four Sergeants 29,110 29,110.00 " 75, 1965New Fire Truck 27,994.50 ~ Patrolmen 89,500 89,.500.00 Civil Defense Expenses _ 1,250.90 Res.erve Police 9,000 9,000.00 Article 40,~ 1961 - Sewers i E 492.95 Holida.y Pay 4,840 ~.,8~0.00 " l, 4, 5, 1962 Sewers 18,079.00 ~ Longevity Pay 1,000 1,000.00 " 29, 1962 - West Si'de Sewer 1,926.09 ~ Overtime &. Elections 2,000~ 2,000.00 " $9, 1965 C&D Ivlab.lin Ave., & Concord Sra.-Sewers 2,469,77 ~ Beach Police- 800 800.00 " ~6, 196~ ~Chicker~ng Road ' Sewer 2,9~5.~5 Expenses 14,562 l~, 562.00 " ~4, 1965 :~Sutton Street- Sewer 6,059.51 20A Keeper pf Lo.ckup 250 ~ 250.00 " 2 ~1965 Sewer System- Nablin Ave. ~ 2,058~55 20~ School ~ross~ng Guards Salaries6,500 6,~00.00 " 5~] 1961 Oh. 90 - Appleton & Salem Sts. . 21.2.97 .. Expenses . 800 500.00 " 77, 196~ "90 Salem Street 5,004.70 21. F~re Department: Chief Salary 8,545 ~8,545.00 " 22, 1964 Sidewalk - Mass. Ave. . 5,517.~8 . Lieutenants 28,760.. 25,760.00 " 27, 196~ Ch. 90 '- Highway Construction 25,586.08 Regulars 99,506 · 99,506.00 " 68, 1965 " 90 Salem & Dale Streets 59,976.80 Engineers 1,70p 1,70.0.00 SchoolP. L. 86~ 8,~19.05 Call and spare men ~ 12,95~4 12,95.4.00 SchoolP. ~L. 87~ . '. 18,707.02 Vacations 4, 93~ 4,95~-00 Article16, 1962 School Bu~M ~ng Comm. l, 525.52 Expenses · 10,720 10,720.00 NorthAr~ over School Lunch · 15,588.86 Longevity 910 910.00 NorthAndover ~.th~e tic Assoc. ~ 2,769.89 22.~Forest Fire Expenses 1,000 1,000.00 StateAid for L~braries - Reserved for Approp. 2,727.00 2~.:Forest ~'ire ~arden Salary 250 250.00 Article 25, 1962 12" Wa~er M~ins. . · ~,025.~6 2~:]Officer ~alary Dog Officer 525 ' 525.00 " 55, 1965 Salem Str. eet ~ate.r Main 12,765.98 i Expenses . 612 612.00 " 52, 1965 Water M.azu Extensions 896.25 25~ Civil Defense Director Salary 750 .750.00' E. xpense s 2, ~00 2,400.00 "~7, 196~ Chickerlng Road - Water. . ~ TOTAL ~$215 ' 145.09 126' Building Inspe ct°r: Salar~ y 2,100 2,100.00 · Clerk Wages 41~~ ~50.00 ARTICLE 5- .VOTED to fmx the annual salaries of the elected officers o~f the Asst. Building Inspector 100.'00 Town effective from Jmu_ary l, 1966. As follows: i Expenses · ~50 ~50.00 Board of Selectmen each per annum. ~ $850,00 27. WiringExpensInspectOr:e s Salary 1,200 400 1,400.00200.'00 !!!!! !! ~!!iii i ~!~i ~!r~aa!~uam~ ~!!!!! Gas Inspector: Salary 500, 500.'00 o ~ ~ urmannu~' 2, 27A[ Expenses _ 150 150.'00 28.1 Seale~ of Wghts Measures Salary 750' 750.'00 Board of Public.Works - each per annum ' 250.00 [~ . Expenses 150 150.00 Town Treasurer per annum '7,550.00 29. Insect ~est Control. Supts Salary 6,590 .6,590.'00 Tax Collector - per annum 2,.400o00 i Labor-Wages 4,948 ~ 4,948.~00 HT~e~e..~_a_rsd~ ~- per.annum 400.00 Expenses . _ 2,555 2,555.00 ~w~ ~rveyor per annum . 7,200.00 Moderator - per annum '50.00. 30.I PoisOnExpensesIVe Control. Labor Wages 526 500 30~0.00526'00 ARTICyE 6. VOTED to adopt the proposed budget as follows with cor.r, ected items: 31.i Dutch Elm Disease Labor-Wages 7,269 7,269.00 Item 6, Assessors, Secretary Oalary should read $5,020 instead of $5,050. Item · Expenses . 1,100 1,100.O0 16, Custodian Tax Title should read salary $100, Expenses $25.. Item 45, Snow32.~ Brush Cutting Labor Wages 1,050 1,050.00 Removal should read $45,000, instead of $40,000. Item 46, Infirmary, should read Expenses 100 100.00 Supt's Salary-S2,550, Natron ~2,500. Expenses $2,650. ~.- Town ?crest: Labor-Wages .650. .650.00 NO. DEPAR.TN~.NT . ~ SAL-WAGES EXPENSE. S.T. 0 '.T A .L. 'i Tree ~arden Supt, S., Salary 400 , 400.00 1. Selectmen: Salaries ~2,-~50 . $~2.~50.00 ~ Labor-Wages 14,757 1.4,757.00' Expenses · 46,065 46,065.00 Street Lighting - Exp.enses Clerk, Salary 4,~00 '4,500.00 z~ . 4,115 .4,115.00 Expense s 1,478 l, ~-78.00 ~ · . Bo~rd of Health Salaries 900 900.00 2. Treasurer: Salary 7,550 7,550.00 Nurse salary 6,290 6,290.00 Clerk Salary 5,220 5,220.00 .Expenses 2,789 2,~789.00 Physi clans Salary 950 950.00 Extra Clerical 500 500.00 5. Accountants . Salary 7~417 7,417o00 Expenses 8,~25 8,425.00 Clerk Salary 5,170 5,170.00 Longe vi ty 100 100.00 . Expenses 1,570 1,~70.00 ~7. Refuse Disposal Labor-Wages " 58,856 58,856.00 4. Tax Oollector: Salary 2,400 · 2,400.00 ' Clerk Salary 5,020 ),020.00 Expenses 5,500 ~, 500.00 w.~n~s~ ~. ~ .. ~ ~ Longevity ~ 167 1~67~00 -'~~ .... - ~'~ *'¥~'~ 58. Garbage Disposal - Contract 12,600 12,600.00 5. Toys Clerk: Salary 5,850 5,850.00 59. Sewer ~ntnce & Cons't. Adm. Sal. 5,000 5,000.00 Expenses 625 '~ 625.00 Labor - Wages 12,000 12,000.00 6. Assessors: Salable s ~: 6,000 6'000.00 Expenses 9,500 9,500.00 ' Secretary Salary ~,020 5'020'00 ~!.0: A~m~] Tnsneo.~,~ ~ ~r ~25 ~.~ Extra .Clerical 4,800 4,809.00 ~;1 ................ ~ ..... ~__a_~ ~ ~ Highway Surveyor Salary 7,200 7,200.00 Exp.enses 5,178 5,175.00 ~ Streets Gert,1 ~.~ntnce. Clerk Sal. 7- Elections: Registrars 1,000 1,000.00 ~ Labor Wages 5~',~$ ~,397o00 Expense s 7,850 7,850.00 59,500.00 8' Town Counsel: Salary 2,500 2,5~00.00~!i~ Expenses 55,500 35,500.00 Expenses l, 040 l, 040.00 Longevity l, 071 l, 071.00 ~ ~7~ Adjourned Town Meeting, March 19, 1966 *~'~ ''~'~' Adjourned Annual Town Meeting, March 19[. 1966 ~3. Snow Removal Costs . ~5,000 ~5,000.00 %~~ A,R,T. ~8. Highway Dept. Equipment. $23,~000 ~/~ .44.~ Board of Public Welfare-Salar.~es 1,200 1,200.00 ~ 50. Rental of Stree. t~Sweeper 3,~50 ~45.~ Welfare Ada. Expenses & Salaries ~,000 ~,000.~00~ 3,500 51. New motor-repair_street grader ~6. Infirmary: Supt' s Salary 2,550 2,550.00 58. Chain link fence Aplin Playground 700 ,/ Matrons " 2,300 2,500.00 59. Hot-topping basketball court: Aplin Plgrnd 900 Expenses 2,650 2,650.00 62. Diesel eng.ine for South Pumping Station.. 6,000 ,4~.Total Welfare Grants: 89,000 89,000.00 6~._~ _whee_l dr~ve front end loader l~,O00 4~.~Veterans Benefit Salary Agent 2,50~0 2,590.'00 68A 75 7576.Hemlock, Summer, P.oplar, Beach. . 708.76 Clerk 'Salary 560 , .560.00 Bradford-Booth-Inn, s. ~ater System ~ Expenses 150 150'00 '72. West Side Sewer 5,000 Cash Gr. ants 2~,525 23,525.00 69. Permanent pavement .over road excavations 5,000 ~9.~School Department. Salaries 867,185 867,185.00 78. Rene~ing water serwces, frames -covers 4,000 Expenses 171,527 171,527.00 %9. Wate~ main system extensions 1,600 Out .of State Travel 7715 775.~00 ~5. New ambulance 6,900 50. Stevens Mem'l Lmbrary. Head Lib. 7,720 7,~720.00~ 15,000 86. Addition to.fire alarm system Ass' ts & Janitor 27,~16 27,$16.00B 87. Two new polzce%ars. ~,~00 ~ Expenses 7,255 7,255.00 88. Two new police officers 6,600 51. Playgrounds, Beach~ Sup'ts Sal.520 ' 520.00 90. Personnel Board "Custodial Worker" 260 Labor-Guards-Caretaker 15,000 13,000.00 91. " " "Fifteen years" 925 ~ ~' Expense.s ~,700 4,70~0.00 92. " "Motor EqPt. ~Autnce. Fire Dept."100 52..~ Recreational Council Salaries 5,580 3,5~0.00 . ,, ,,Clerical~Oroups'' 1,200 Expenses 2,500 2,500.00 ~ " " " . Part-time. l, 000 53I.Pa~ks-triangles-burying grounds i~~~ Stabilization F n ' ' 10,000 Supt' s ~Salary 250 230.00 'J ' ud" ,~' "Library ~00 ~ Labor-Wages ~, 755 ~,7~55.00 Reserve Fund Expenses _ 650 650.00 5~ School Grounds Labor Wages 11,65© 11,650.00 TOTAL MOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED $192,620.15 E~xPen se s 500 5,500 · O0 55. Essex ~Uoun~' R. et.t. rement Boa.rd 865~528 86,528.00 ARTICLES OF TRANSFER 1~66 ANNUAL ~OWN I~.ETI. N.G/ 56. Board er Public ~orks-Salar~es 750 7~50.00 ART. 2~8.' ~OTE'~ 'f'o~' highway '~r~je'~s ha~ing the approval of .St?ts De~pt~., of~ $o~gevity 1,600 1,600.00 P'W., from frunds received or to be received under the pr~v~sions o~- onapDer 57. Water N'ntnce-Con_s't. Ada. Salaries ~,,~00 15,~00.00 679 of the Acts of 1965. . $1~,0.00.00 Labor Wages 000 ~6,000.00 ART. 34. VOTED to transfer from account Statute A~d~for Li.b. rarzes to the Expenses ~7,000 47,000.00 Library expense account to be added to 1966 Exp. Acct. $2,727.00 58 Con t.ingen t Fund 5,90© 5,000.00 59] American Legion. Rental of ~uarters 600 600'00 ART. ~0. VOTED to t. ransfer from unappropriated available funds to Chapter 60.'V.F.W. 210~ " " 600 600.00 90. "Any Streets. ~n Town." . . $1,000.00 61. Veteran's Day 550 550.[00 ART. 41. VOTED to transfer from unapproprzated avazlable funds to Chapter ~]'iMemorialinsuranceDay 32,500550 52, 550'00500.00 90. "Salem-Johnson-Dale Streets. . ~i,30,000.00 Group Insurance. 32,172 52,172.00 ART. 66, 67 & 68: VO~ED to transfer from Artzcles 40A-40F ~f 1961 Community Center-D~scontinued Annual Town Neetmng. $492.95 Graves ~egistration 450 ~50.00 and VOTED to transfer from Articles i and 5 of the Special Town ~ee~ing of 6~/ Industrial ~omm. Expenses ~5,200 200..00 Nay 14, 1962'. ~12,507.05 6 .' Land Damage claimSReg: 5,000.00 ART. 68A, 75,',75 & 76. VOTED to_ transfer from Article 25 of the Annual Town 69 Grt. Lawrence Voc School. ~p~ % 000 i . 808 ~5,808.00 ~ee ~ing of 1962. $4,oa5.aSo 70 Ira D. Catty Penszon 500 2,500.00 and VOTED to transfer from Article 55 of the Annual Town Meeting 196 71 Out of State Travel 1,755 1,755.00 . $12,765.98 72 Conservation Commission 100 100.00 $~[ Redeeming School Bonds 160,000 160,000.00 ART. 70~ VOTED to accept from the Wil-Mac Realty Co., or its n. ominee the Yntere.st on School.Bonds 5~,0~01 56,0~0.00~. sum of !!!,2,100.00 for Sewer System on Dufton Court. to be received by Town 7756 Redeeming Water Na~n Notes ,000 5,,000°00 Treasurer, prior to July l, 1966. · . " DeMoulas Realty rust, or its nominee the Interest'on Water Main Notes ~00 40000 ART. 71. VOTED to accept from the T ~[ Redeeming Sewer Bonds 30,000 50,000.00 sum of ~15,00.0.00 for West Side Trunk Sewer. to be received ty the Town Interest on Sewer Bonds 4,155 4,155.00 Treasurer, przor to July l, 1966. ~9. Redeeming Water Bonds 55,000 556~000.00 ART. 98 VOTED to transfer from the Overlay Reserve Fun~ to t~he Rexerve 0. Intere.st on water bonds 6,590 590.00 '~ Fund ' $819.65. 81.' Redeeming Sewer notes lO,000 lO,000.00 · ' 82. Interest on sewer notes 1,295 1,295.00 ART. 99' VOTED to take the szu~ of $145, 000.00 from available funds to ~8~'[[ Discount on Notes 11,250 11,250.00 '~ reduce the tax rate. In tere.st on.Fire Equipment 345 545.00 i ..S~ U N N A R Y ~5.~ Redeeming F~re Equipment Notes . .. 5,000 .5~000.00 A~OUNT TO BE RAISED & APPROPR~iATED FOR 1966 BUDGET $2,692,8~75.00 ~ ... , ,- ~, , , ~,! ~! ~! ~! , 1966 BUDGET T0 ALS $m,562,108 $1,150,7 5 2,692,875.OO '. 0 T A L $2',8.8'5, 95.15 ~ ARTICLES TO BE RAISED.AND APPROPRIATED 1966 ANNUAL TO~' ~EETING ART. 99. FROM AVAILABLE FUND TO REDUCE TAX RATE. ~..T~21.9B'9A' ~achine4thchristmasJUlYAccountingCelebrat~°ndec°ratiVesysteml~ghting' $1,~006,900~00 ~ ror~ ~ o~ ~o ~ ~A~SW.~ ~ ~AXA~0~. 52. Greater Lawrence Guidance Center 1,696 ARTIC!E 2, of Special Town Meeting following the Annual Town I~eeting of 55. School Bldg. Comm. Franklin School. 7,500 March 19, 1966 it was VOTED to trans.fer from unexpende.d balance 55. Repair.lng. old.stone cul.verts 500 of Article 22, of the 19.6~ Town Mee.t~ng., ~ass Ave., S~dewalk) ~6. Nainta~n~n~ ~o~1 .~*.~.~ the sum of !!1~. 900. 00 to ~nstall a b~tumznous concrete sidewalk 5~.~ Repl.aci. ng ~s.treet s~ ........... igns ~~00 B alon the West~ side of Main Street startin at Tavern Road going 5~. Repa~r.~ng-omling a.ny streets ~ 50,000 towards Chickering Road for a di~st~nce of ~70 feet.g ~9. Replacmng guard razls 1,000 I Certified to bsa true copy: ~~~ ~~ 40. Chap. 90. Any street in T_own 2,000 · ATTEST: ~'/JOHN~J. LY~NS. TOWN CLERK. ~I. " .90. Salem, Dale & ~obn~son Sis. i0,000 ~.~ . 42. Replacing frames - grates 1,500 ARTICLE 85. VOTED to take the..sum of $1,665 from Article 75 of the 1965 45. Two ca.toh basins. Su.tton St. Wood-Wright Ave. 1,500 Annual Town Meeting for new F~re Dept Ambulance. ~. Repairing concrete smdewalk.s 1,000 ~. Surfacedrain, Baldwin-Franc~s Sts. 1,500 Ad~ou~ned.~own Meeting of March 19, 1966 th the ~ ARTICLE 7. VOTED unan~mousely to authorize the Town Treasurer, wi approval of the Selectmen to borrow money from time to time in anticipation TM of the revenue of the financial Ne.ars beginning January l, 1966, and January l, 1967, in accordance with lr ovlslons of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section ~, and to renew note or notes as may be ~iven for ape riod of ~e ss than one year in accordance with the ~r ovisions of eneral Laws, Chapter ~, Section l?. ARTICLE 8. No reports. ARTICLE 9. VOTED to ado~ the article and to fix the compensation of the B~rd of Health Physician at $940, effectivefrom January l, 19~6. ARTICT~ 9A. V0~ED to adopt the article. · ARTICLE 9B. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICT.F. 10. VOTED toS amend .ection 4.31 of the Zon. ing By-Law by striking . from all of the words followzng the word "confectzonaries" contained there~n. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTIC%F~ ll. VOTED to amend Section. ~.~3 of the Zoning By-.Law.by adding at the end thereof the following phrases, or business office bu~d xngs. The vote was unanimous and so decca red. ARTICLE 12. VOTED to amend Section 6.'.61 of its Zoning By-Law, relating to under -sized lots, byadding at the end thereof the following clause: "and further provided that there shall.be a lot area of at least .~,500 square feet for each dwelling unit in any multzple-dwellin structure hereznafter erected upon any such lot. ARTI ARTICTE The vote was AFFIR~.~ATIVE 219. ~G~.TIVE 18. 2/5 majority. 15. Article defeated. AFFIRMATIVE .1802 I~EGATIVE lO1 14. Stricken fromthe warrant. ARTICLE 15. VOTED ~to amend Section 3.84 of the Zoning By-Law b.y adding thereto the following title. "INDUSTRIAL "L" DISTRICT", Vote was unanzmous. ARTICLE 16: VO.~.D to amend Section- 3.85 of the'Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following tztle. "INDUSTRIAL "L" DISTRICT" Vote was unanimous ARTICLE VOTED .to amend the ~oning~ By-Law.by .adding theret.0 the.following new sectil7o~: Section 3.86 "Industrial "L" D~str!ct, as described ~n ArtiCle. the vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 365. NEGATIVE 14. A two-thirds majority. ARTICLE 18. VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the~ following new section: Section 3.77 (15) as described in. the article. Unanimous vote. 22. Stricken from the ~arrant. 23. VOTED to adopt the article, 24. Stricken from the Warrant. 25. VOTED to reject the article. 2~5A. VOTED ~o adopt the article. the re to 49. A two-thirds Unanimous vote. ARTICLE ARTICLE 19. VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding new Section: Section 3.57 as described in the article. The vote was: AFFIRNATIVE 295. NEGATIVE ARTICLE 20. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE ARTI CIE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTIC~E 25B. VOTED to adop$ the article. ARTICLE 26. VOTED to a~opt the article. the fo i low in g majority. VOTED to adopt the ARTICLE 27. VOTED TO ADOPT thearticle, Unanimous vote. article. ARTICLE 28. VOTED to appropriate, for highway projects having.the approval of the State ~Department .of Public W~rks, $1~,00~ from funds received or t.o be re- ceived under the ~r ovmsions of Chapter 8 of · 79 the Acts of 1965, expend~t~Lres therefrom to be made by the Hzghway Suh. veyor, with the prior approval of the Eele ctmen. ARTICLE ARTIC yE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICTE ARTICLE of the ARTICLE of 29. VOTED to reject. 30. VOTED to reject. 31. Stricken from the Warrant. 32. VOTED to adopt the article. 33. VOTED to adopt the article. ~4. Voted to adopt and transfer. ~5.. VOTED to raise and appropriate a t~cle. 36. VOTED to raise and appropriate the article. the sum of $500, for the purposes the sum of $500, for the purposes ARTICLE 37. VO~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500, for the purposes of the article. ARTICLEof the Article38 VOTED. to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000, for the purpcs es ARTICLE 3?. VGTED to raise and appropriate the sum c~ !~l,000 i~or the purposes of this~ rticle. ~~~ Annual Adjourned Town Nesting, ~arch 19, 1966 ~D ' ' ERTICLE ~l.0. VOTED ro raise a.nd appropriate the sum c~ $2,000, to be e~p ended ~ ARTICLES 66,'67 & 68. VOTED to.appropriate $15,000, to be expended under the under the direction of the H~ghway Surveyor for the pu~rpcse of maintaining any ~ street in Town, under Chapter 90 of the General. Laws, and: in addition, that ~' direction of~ the Board of Public Works, to extend the Tovm sewerage system 'the sum of $1,000, be transferred from unappropriated available funds to meet ~ ~roposed by Articles 66, 67 and 68 of the 1966 Annual Town Neeting,Warrant, the States share of. the cost of such work, the reimbursement from. the State to ~92.95 of,said amount to be transferred for these purposes from the balance on hand from the borrowing authorized by the Town under Articles ~O-~0F, in- be restored, upon ~ts receipt, to unappropriated available funds ~n the Town chsive, of the Warrant for the 1961 Annual Town ~eeting, and the rem.aining treasury. . - · $12,507.05 to be transferred from the balance on hand from the borrowing . ARTICLE ~.l. VOTED to raise ~,a~.d appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be expended authorized under. Articles i and 5 of the Warrant for the Special Town Neet~ng under the directi on of the H~ghway Surveyor for the purpcs~e of meeting the Towns of Nay l~, 1962, Provided, that the usual assessments be ~ade pursuant to the share of the costs of g~apter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Dale provisions of ChaPter 580 of the Acts of 1906. Street and Johnson Street and that the sum of $50,000, betransferred fron un- The v6te was unanimous and so decl~rd. appropr~ ted availablefunds to n~ et the tate and County Shares of su.ch c ost.s~ the re-lmbursement from the State and County to be restored, upon ~hezr recezpt, to unappropriated available 'funds in the Town Treasury. ARTICLe. 42. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, for the purpcse of t he article. ~ ARTICrE 43. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 68A. See~Arttcle 7~. ARTICLE 69, VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise & .appropriate $5,000 ARTICLE 70. VOTED to accept said sum, provided that it be paid to the Town before July l, 1966. ARTICLE 71. 'VOTED to acceptsaid sum, provided that it be paid to the Town before July l, 1966. ARTICLE 72. VOTED to appropriate $185,000, to be expended under the direction ARTICLE 4~: VGTED toi'~ra~ise i~md appropriate the sum of $1,000, for the purp~ es of the Board of Public Works, to extend the Nest Side Sewer System' on Wa.verly of the art~01e. ~'~-' Road and.Turnpike Street, to meet which appropriation $5,000 shall be razsed ARTICLE }15. VOTED to n~JECT the article, by taxatmon, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized, with the Prior approval ARTICLE .~6. VOTED to REJECT the article, of the Selectmen, to borrow the remaining $180,000, issuing bonds or net es of ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, for the purposes of. the article. ARTICLE 48..VOTE.D to raise a~d a ppropria te the sum .of $25,000, to be expended under the dzrect~on of the Hmghway Surveyor for the following .specific purpose- purchase-two Sand Spreaders and one truck chasis-$8.000; one A~r Compressor- $3,000; one Sidewalk P.low-$5,~00; one Pickup T.r. uck-~2,100; one Dump Truck- $4,000; and the repair of one Disposal Truck- $1,500. ~ ARTICLE 49. VOTED to REJECT the article. the Town therefor which shall be payable within ~0 years from their.daSes, all in accordance with the governing provisions of law; and said Board is hereby authorized to act in behalf of the Town in attempting to Obtain matching or contributory funds, applicable to the costs of s aid extension, under the pro- visions of the Housing .and Urban Development Act of 1965, or any other governs. lng statute or regulation, from the United States or any of its agencies, any such grant, if and when received, to be applied'to the costs of said extension, and the amount of the borrowing above authorized to be reduced correspondingly, Provided, that the usual assessments be made pursuant to the ir .ovisions of UH~-~580 of the Acts of 1906. VOTE: AFFIRMATIVE 571 NEGATIVE ll. ARTICIE~ 50. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise and appropriate $~,850. 7~, 75, & . VOTED t.o ADOPT said Articles, and to ARTICLE 51. VOTED to ADOPT .the article, raise and appropriate $~,500. ARTICLE 73. ~RT~ICLES 68A, 76 appropriate $~,500, to be expended under the.dzrection.of the Board of Public ARTICLE 52..VOTED t9 establish Nartin Avenue for a distance of ~10 feet, .more ~ Works for their purposes, and that to meet thms approprmation $708.76 be raise less, from ~ts terminus at Neadow Lane, as a Town Way, by accepting the Oelectmen' by taxation, $4,025.26 be transferred from the balance on hand from the borrow- layout of the same, as heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. ~ ing authorized by the Town under Article 2~ of the Warrant for the 1962 Annual ARTICLE 55. VOTED_.to establish Brentwood Drive and Timber Lane as Town Ways,/TOWn Neeting, $12,765.98.be transferred from the balance on hand from the . transfer of funds authorized by the Town under Article 55 of the Wart. ant for bYtheaCCeptingTown Ole rkthe. Selectmen's Laying out of the, same, as heretofore filed with the 19.65Annual Town Neeting, and that the Treasurer is hereby.authormzed, with the prmor approval of the Selectmen, to borrow the remaining $21,000, issuing ARTIC _~F~ 5~. VOTED to strike from the Warrant. bonds or notes of the Town therefor, which shall be payable within fl5 years ARTIC~.E 55. VOTED to ADOPT the article. Unanimous vote. from their dates, all in accordance with the governing~ provisions o law~ ARTICLE 56 VOTED to ADOPT the art.icle, Unanimous vote. Except that nc.work is to be done on Booth & Innis Streets until the Highway Surveyor notifiers the Board of Public Works that arr. angements have been nade ARTICLE 57 VOTED to ADOPT the article, Unanimous vote for the ~onstruction of Booth Street and Innms Street. · Street ARTICLE 58. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise and appropriate ~700. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE ARTICIE,.' AR.TIC 59. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise and appropriate $900. ARTICLE 74. Stricken from the warrant. 60. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 75 & 76. See Article 7~. 61. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 77. VOTED to accept said sum provided that it be paid to the Town 62. VOTED to ADOPT the a~ticle, raise and aptr opr~__~, te $6,000. before July l, 1966. ARTICrE ARTICLE 65. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise and appropriate ~14,000. ARTICLE 78. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise & appropriate $4,000. ARTIC~,F. 6~!. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 79. VOTED to AD0~T the article and raise & appropria te ~1,600. ARTICLE 65. VOTED: Subject tothe pro.viso hereinafter set out, to appropr~a teARTICL~.-80 Art.icle defeated. AFFIRMATIVE 220 'NEOATIVE lB1. No 2/3 vote. $500,000, to be expended under the d~rection of the Board of Public Works, to ARTICLE 81:. Stricken from the warrant. deve..lope a well-field at or near the Lawrence Airport Site~ for wells, pumping ARTICLE 82 Stricken from the warrant station equipment and for layir~ water m~ins of not ]e ss th.an six inches b~t less than sixteen inches in diameter to connect such well-fzeld with the Holt ARTICLE 8~i Stricken from the warrantl Road water ~ in, and to acquire, by any n~ ans, including the exerc£se of the ARTICLE 84. Stricken from the warrant. TPOWer of ~n. in~nt ~domai~! al_l ~l~nds andeasements necessary thereto; ~and the ARTICLF. 85. VOTED to AD.0. PT the article; raise and approp, riate the sum of $6, reasurer.ms nere.oy authorized, with the prior approval of' the S.electmen, toand to take the sum of ~,~1,665 from. Article 7~ of the 19~5 Town Neeting. borrow sa.md sum, mssuing bonds or notes of the Town therefor, which shall be ARTICLE 86. VOTED 'to ADOPT the artzcle, ra.ise & appropr.mate $15,000, payab, le wzthin 15 years from t heir dates all in accordance with t he governing ARTIC~.E 87. VOTED to ADOP~ the article, raise & approprm te $4,400, provz.sions of .law; and said Board is hereby authOrized, to ace in behalf of the T~vn ~n obtaining matching or contributory fund~ applmcab~[e t0 the costs of ARTICDE 88. VOT~D to ADOPT the article, raise & appropriate $6,600, . said development, under the provision~ of the Hous.ing and Urvan Development Act ARTICLE 89. VOTED to emand Section ]2 .of the Personnel By-Law by strzking of 1965, or any other governing stature or regulation; f~om the~ United States or .,-, ..... ~ .................. ~ ~ ~.~-~ , ....... ,-, ......... ~-~ ~, ...... ~ ~,~ ~ .... ~ ......... any~ .o,f its ag.encies, a_ny such grant to be ap.plied to the cost of sai , paragraph: (B) An employee w~ll bec.cae eligible for longevity increments on anm Dne amount of the borrowing above author~ze.d to be reduced correspondingly, the 10th: 15th, 20th and. 25th anmversary dates of his original emplo~y~.ent; PROV~ED' HOWEVER, th. at no part of said appropr~a tion shall Be e.x~.ended for the and the ~ncrement to wh.~_ch he shall be entitled for the then c urre.nt faecal pu~r.p?ses of this artzcle until aud unless said Board shall be satisfied that 50% year will be determined by pro-rating the annual increment or the _~rc ~ease cz the f~.mal e!~g~ble c~.~*..~ ,~ be o-'~o~fro,,m ~ Uni'^~ ~ ...... ~ ..... --- ~ ~---~ ~ ~ ~tes o~ an'y of therein by the remaining months including the anniversary month in the year. its agencies. The vote: AFFIRMATIVE ~ll. NEGATIVE 25. a 2/5 majority. ~ ~~/~ Annual Adjourned Town Meeting MarCh 19, 1966. LE 90. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise & appropri~ te $260.00. ARTICLE 91. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise & appropriate $925.00. GOVERNOR EDWAR~ J. McC0R~ACK, JR. ~NNETH P. 0 ~ DONNELL Blanks , ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE 92. VOTED to ADOPT the article, raise & appropriate $100.00 O 95 VOTED to ADOPT the~ ar.ticle, raise & appropr.iate $1,200.00 ~EN0~R 9~i VOTED to ADOPT theartzcle, raise & approprzate $1,000.00 HERBERT L. CONNOLLY ARTICL~ 95. VOTED to AD0~T the amendments to the Personnel By-Laws ..proposed the article and to raise & appropriate $~00, for their implementation. ARTICLE 96. VOTED TO REJECT the article. 97. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to raise & Appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 98. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,180.~? and to take ARTICLE. Moderator and all others for an excellent job done on the meeting. 5~8 duly registered voters were checked by the Board of Registrars · Meeting adjourned at 6:05 P.M. ARTICLe. $819.63 from the Overy Reserve Fund for the Reserve Fund. ARTICLE 99. VOTED to take the sum of $1~5,000, from available funds to reduce the tax rate. A vote of thanks was made by Mr. William Duffy to the Advisory Board and the by Blanks ATTORNEY GENERAL ~OTTI ROBERT J. DeGIACOMO FOSTER FURCOL0 Blanks SECRETARY ~HITE BI anks TREASURER SPECIAL TOWN MEETING At the Special Town Meeting immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Town Meeting the following was voted: Blanks ARTICLE 1. Stricken from The M~arrant. ARTICr.W. 2. VOTED to ADOPT the article, the ~unds to expended urger the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ~ ~o~,~ ~-~?~ ~ ~l~0 ~-f ~w~ ~~. ~?~'.' ROBERT Q. CRANE Blanks AUDITOR T~S BUCZE0 JAMES H. KELLY ARTICLE 5 VOTED to e.stablish Marble.head Street, frS om Harold treet, to Mass Ave., as ~ Town W~, mn accordance wzth the vote of the Selemtmen, Mar 7, 1966 ARTICLE CONGRESSMAN ~ARENT Blanks 169 185 197 212 76~ 167 171 1~8 205 681 15 la 19 15 59 192 2i! ao8 229 8~ la8 I ~88 201 197 211 220 82~ 65 70 45 78 25 8 65 70 7~ 9~ ~o,2 aa 51 aa ~9 294 518 508 ~60 1280 57 50 46 70 2960~ 515 ~o2 5~ 52 55179 122~ 205 217 208 265 895 116 122 115 122' 4?5 ~0 29 ~5 45 155 275 29~ 281 5~5 1182 7~ 75 75 97 521 Me e ting COUNCILLOR COMMONWEALTH Stricken from the Warrant. ~~ Blanks 75 ?0 55 287 4a~jounred at 6:10 P.M. SENATOR JA~'~ P. RURAK 292 520 5~7 ~55 127~ A true copy.' ATTEST ~ Blanks 59 ~8 ~ 75 229 WARRANT ~PRES~TATI~S IN GENERAL COURT OF k~ SSACHUSETTS To eigher of the Constables of ~he Town of North Andover: ESSEX SS: GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby.'.required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in Bradstreet School Auditorium in 'Precinct One; St. Michaels School Auditorium in Precinct Two; the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four: I~ICHA~L J.' cLI~F'0RD" "' ~ ' 156 180 175 257 766 JOHN ~. FOLEY 100 22 PETER F. GRAHAM 75 10} 95 70 AUGUSTI~ J. WALSH ~ 1~ ~ 1~ 220 7~0 B~nks " 2~4 ~ 226 26) 997 o~s~o~ A~O~ J6HN P."S'~ BURKE '....,,.. 298 ~,2,~~d~ 5~ 354 1281 TUESDAY, TBE THIRTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEmbER 1966. Blanks " 55 " 76 222 at seven (7) o'clock A.M., for the following purposes: To bring in their votes ~..... to the Primary~ Officers for the Nomination of Candidates of Political Parties REGISTER OF .PROBATE AND INSOLVENCY for the following offices. Senator In Congress for this Commonw ealth, Governor, 508 2~ 295 558 1258 Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, S~cretary of The Co.m~.onwealth, Treasurer PHILIP W. S~ENEY, JR. 24 and Receiver-General and Auditor of the ~Commonwealth for this CommonwealS, h. Blanks 19 22 ~4 ~2 ll~0$ 27 4O ?pr~e.s.ent~ative ,in Congress for the 6t~ Congre.ssional District, Councillor for COUNTY C..0MMISSI0~ _~ne )~n co.u~.cil-or District, Senator ~or the 4th Senatorial.District. Three Hepresentatmv~s in General Court for 12th Essex Representative Dis trAct, District EDWARD H'""CAHILL 289 ~0,7 284 5~28 1228 ,Atto.rney~for~as~tern Essex D.is.trict. Register of Probate and Insolvency for Essex Blanks , 62 61 70 275 uoun~y, uounty Uommissioner (1) for Essex County and County Treasurer for Essex COUNTY TREASURER C°unty' The p°lls wfll be °pen from 7:00 A.M., to 7:00 P:~ your doings thereon ~ 87 2~~ 86 122 !92 Hereof fail not and makereturn of this warrant wm JAMES J. McINNIS 259 2 24~0 271 92 at.the.time and pl~ace of said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands Blanks 25 2~ 57 19 th~s fz~ st ~ay of ~eptember A.D. 1966.~ R.....E ~p .u B~ .L.. I C A N S FRED P. CAKES, WILLIAM A. FINNERAN, RALPH E. FINCK Selectmen of No. Andover, Mass. SE~AT. OR IN CONGRESS A true copy: attest; EDWA~'D W.' BROOKE - 80 150 ll6 209 555 Augustine J. Walsh, Constable. Blanks 15 52 29 58 ll2 North Andover, Mass. September 2, 1966. GOVERNOR I have notifi, ed and warned t e inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are quaiifiec to vote in the State Primaries September 15, 1966, by posting 'L.e~ta 13 27 o7 true and attested Copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at .~1 ~~NANT GOVERNOR ~fi.ve or more public places in each of the four precincts of the Town. Il FRAN'CIS W. SARG'~'NT' ~azd copies having been posted not more than fifteen days n~p_~r~l~ess than t~r~/ Blanks ~ 125~ ll)~ 2Pl 5~5 days before the time of holding said meeting. ~~~/%/~L~ / ATTORNEY GENE, HAL ~SH,. ~O~TI~YS~.(~'~ L L. IC ARDSON NORTH ANDOV~R, MA SS.. ~~.~~ Blanks 24 11 62 SEP~BER 2. 1966. ATTEST. ~~~~.~~ w~ n~.w~ww ,....~ _ . - ~ -'r - ~ '.--, .0,._. ,.. __...,. ~ SECRE ~ A~ STATE PRIMARIES RESULTS TUESDAY. 1,56 I - , ... .,, .. ~., .,. ..... ,~, ~ ~f~I~-N. TR~0~ 8O 152 126 20h 562 NUMBER OF VOTES BY PRECINCTS - ONE TWO THREE FOUR T0TAL Blanks 50 19 45 105 .~L~a.,.'.un ~.~,~ uu.~'~GE~S~ JOSEPH E. FERNANDES 1 THOMAS B 6 20 0 12~ AUDIT(R BLANKS~' 16 15 15 ~9 ~.i?i i~ Blanks 11 26 17 ~5 ,"/ ! ' ~: '~ ' CONGRESSMAN Blanks COUNCILLOR FREDERICK JOHNSON FRANK SILCI0 EDWARD DIXON Blanks SENATOR FR-~CK E. MALCOLM Blanks 82 161 152 ll 21~ 218 REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT JOSEPH F. DEVANEY 20 20 'ii!:. FRANK S. GILES 27 28 W~LL~ Bl~ks 57 76 66 102 281 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Banks 93 182 145 247 667 REGISTER OF PROBATE AND INSOLVENCY Blanks COUNTY CONMISSIONF~ Blank~- ' , , , COUNTY TBW. ASURER WlLLIA~ J. KIE~H'NAN Blanks true copy: ATTEST: 57 138 93 182 145 247 667