HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-28 Board of Health Minutes North Andover Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Thursd,ay» February, 28, 201�2
7:00 I .0n.
120 Maim Street, 2"d Floor Selectmen's Meeting Room
North Andover! MA 01845
Present: Thomas Trowbridge, Larry Iqx|er,Frank MacMillan,Joe MuCmtbvoudBdPease. Also mmuwanSummn
Michele -
/\. November 17,2011 Meeting Minutes xmd December i5,2Ull Meeting Minutes mhe presented for
signature—No meeting minutes were presented for signature
A. 1018 Osgood Street—Status Update regarding Unfitness for Human Habitation and vacate status of
ocompunt/onmor. —Dr. Trowbridge updated the members mu the progress of this property. Im
communication with the owner's attorney,lie noted that Mr. Cliepulis has vacated the property and the
property was sold oil January 38'2012.The new owner has secured (lie building from unlawful entry hy
boarding up windows and doors. It is expected that the structure will be demolished in rh*ucmr future and
the uow owner will begin going through the town process to move forward with w yet mbodisclosed
project, Susan has iasncda Certificate^f Compliance k/Mr. Cbepuliu, stating that there has been
oonp|imooe to the Order to vacate and secure. Susan noted that the other town depuilmontu involved inthis
case recognize and appreciate the lead that the R0D took ill this very difficult case.
B. Proposal to Bail the sale of Tobacco Products at Pharmacies—to be presented by Dr. MacMillan
n¢ID=66971 —The Board's mission ioto protect public health.Dr. MacMillan explained again tn the board
members the M& Medical Society's position omthe ban of the sale uf tobacco, os[(relates to health care
facilities. The association defines health care facilities ino way that includes pharmacies;mx there is
licensed pharmacist oil site.This is as opposed to a store that only sells over the counter medicines, [o
pharmacies health care is being dispensed and as well as selling a product that cannot be used safely, This
seems n contradiction to the health care mission,
Discussion ensued between members. There iomu specific regulation being debated x{this time,i1is only u/
determine if this lma position that the members would like to pursue.Ron Bcmom8ard, Director of Healthy
Co/omow|hou' vmopn:sent. 8onNtedx/UuuhekuovvohmutnCberomnrnmmitienrvhohmvmm|reudyunac(md
similar boumofsales. Be presented u list tothe board listing towns and total number ofestablishments
affected.As this sheet shows there call be no real compelling data in this state yet us not enough time has
passed since most of the 2| mv/m*jmst recently instituted the bail |n2Oyl.
February 28,2012 Nmzc6 Andover Board of Health Meeting—Meeting Miuuca Page Io[7
The Board u[Health reserves the right mn take items out u[order and to discuss modibz vote nu items 6`u,wnnot listed on
Board of Health Nlembers: Thomas Trowbridge,DDS,t1dD,Chairman;Larr),Fixler,klember/Clerk;Francis P.MacMW0un.]c.
N,ID.joa,p6 McCarthy,>vicm6er; Edwin Pease,8400brc Health Department Staff.Susan Sawyer,Health Director; Debra
00ahao'Public Health 0ormc;Nfir6rle Grant,Public Health Inspector;vmuelmDel)cCbiaie,Health Department Assistant
Joe McCarthy made additional comments;one question needed to be asked is,just because it is legal for tile
BOH to do this,"should we interfere with private industry". There was significant discussion on this
question. Dr. MacMillan asked Ron if lie knew if there is any proposal on file state level. Ron indicated
there was,but was not sure where im the legislative process it was. Hu will check that out. The chairman
would like Ao have m representative from the M/\Medical Society to attend a future B0IImeeting
discussions,before deciding about a possible regulation. The issue was continued.
A. Junk King—Request of owner, Scott Pozerski for refund of prior permits—The owner sent an eniail
noting he was unable to be present. Did not withdraw,rather requested tile board consider his refund for
trnxbVnukfeoa. TkmChuiomnu, DrTrunbddge,dcaurlbed1bure4uomt0mrcefumd. 7hoCbnkrmentbenread
nnn/nuil sent to him describing the reason behind the request for n$55O refund nf fees paid for Trash Truck
pconitv in previous years, 7hxm was no upoc[fiu evidence other than his un^a||o. Michele Grant and Soeem
Sawyer walked through the basics wf the details of how tile permitting process works io general, what
specific memories ne had io regards to this applicant,what the file shows im regard k»his applications and
notes. This pmgmmlx designed tw keep trash trucks off tile downtown streets and back roads of this town
and to have tbom utilize the"designated route"whenever possible, The h,mycmtwz is charged to review
every application and to only give out placards and permits if the applicant can denionstrate the need. Mr.
Poxxmk['o application showed need,lie submitted the proper payment and tile applications were approved,
Member Larry Fixier made a motion to deny the request, Joe McCarthy seconded,No further discussion
was made.All were hmfavor. Request for oxeftiud for permit fees paid to tile Town of North Andover was
denied. Dr,Trowbridge will assist in drafting a letter|m Mr. Pnz*rokl.
B.332 Raleigh 7mvmcu Lane—Request front D||| Dufresne of Merrimack Engineering to allow uproposed
leach field to be 70 feot0oon xwmNmndwhere 100 feet in required bv the Board vf Health Regulations.—
Mr.Dufresne was present uuwell as the owner, Mr.Anderson. The designer presented the plan totile
bomrd.T|dnyluobmshuomupprovcdbyCouxcrwHivnBonn]. Thouitebomalo(oflcWgon/biuh limits the
placement u[dhe new system\otile rear of the property, which consequently makes the ]each field within
70 feet mythe wetland,This ip(lie best possible location. Joe McCarthy mwdem motion to approve tile
zcdowi]oil of 100 feet to 70 as,prop usod on the plan, Dc Mae MU\nu seconded;at were fou nd bu lhvor.Tho
laonK variance innppruved�
A. Update—regarding 3012 Update on plans for the 2Ul2 Mosquito Season—Dr. Trowbridge iuQunncd
tile members that the 2O12 Best Management Practice(BMy)document will be coming from y4ENIMC(o
March. The members will receive a copy to vuview.Menibers had dinuwom{on regarding the upcoming
season; opt out version. March I is the Federal deadline,The plan is to adhere to the guidance this year as
most surrounding communities are. The data front past experiences leads to board to the conclusion that in
case of a serious emergency, tile niore properties are opted out,tile less effective the attempt to eliminate
tile virus 0-o,nio,xn.
Susan also detailed the training field ix January for the district's school IPM coordinators in regards 1odhu
IPM plan submissions to the Depatiment of Agriculture. Over 30 attended fi-orn a variety of communities.
Members vf the Pesticide Division of the Dept of/\Q.,un well authe Northeast MA D400gn[to Comun`\,
NEMMC, presented the basics of the Child Protection Act changes in 2000 than required schools to comply
with tile:Act, [(was a very auoceso|bK event.
February 28,2012 North Andover Board oI Health Meeting—Meeting Minutes Page 2o/3
Note: The Board of Health reserves the right to take items out of order and to discussand/or vote on items that are not listed on
the agenda,
Members:Board of Health Tbomas Trowbridge,DDS,MD,Chairman;Larry Fixler,Mcniber/clerk;Francis P.0&nc8{ilon,]z`
M,Rjvnqph McCurthy.x4c.nbcr; Edwin Pease,Member Susan Sawyer,Health Director; Debra
Rillahan,Public Health Nurse;Michele Grant,Public Health Inspector;Pamela DelleChiaie,Health Department Assistant
The Board of Health meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pxi,
Rei ii eived by:
All Board ofHealth Members& Susan,5aivyer, Health Director
Signed bw
Alarch 29, 201
Date Signed
February 28,2012 North Andover Board of Health Meeting—Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3
Note! The Board of Health reserves the right to take items out of order and to discuss and/or vote on items that are not listed on
the agenda.
Board of Health Members: Thomas Trowbridge,DDS,NID,Chairman;Larry Fixler,Member/Clerk;Francis P.NlaciMihanjr.,
UD.joseph McCarthy,Member; Edwin Pease,Member Health Department Staff:Susan Sawyer,Health Director; Debra
Rillahan,Public Health Nurse;i\4ichelc Grant,Public Health Inspector;Pamela DellcChiaic,Health Department Assistant