HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDEX NORTH ANDOVER �w1�lA_511>�'"..-' iY��wsn+- �.....-�_. �-..._.. .y�iavaa�:w� .�...��. .,_ T �..�,� "F6 �3,:emrl�. Fa;�• ''l�lz l 1 d � , p Jill � yin 47 00' 'All c ' N ) S 4rw r'A V 9' z ESSEX INSTITUTE J HISTORICAL COLLEC"LIONS n n z A VOL, LXXXIX-JA\TUAItY, 1953 ISSUED QUARTERLY N n Y a�o�Q gbo`6P 7 1� 1 Y 'n r SALEM, MASS, PRINTED FOR THE ESSEX INSTITUTE S ffWA M will ' III NMI n a _.�__._ _. .. .. ...... � - - s�.nr�sww� � wiaisli��l1� �n�e��Mr•1/ 9>et5rrv�`f _ _ ',.•���F z�o�4M H4� a :,,•-fa7 qw +�u.l� 1,++ •....- ��r it •,r v„li;-vim '"'nn" r z Ata i , OLD BURYING GROUND AT NORTII ANDOVER 137 INDEX deJ _ NAME NO, NAME A P,arl<er, Airs. Sarah 59 Abbot, Mr. Nehemiah 131 " William 324 " T110nues, Jr. 93 Air. William 318 Abbott, Airs. Elizabeth 204 Barnard, Hannah 83 i Air, Thomas 205 " Mr. John 81 Abraham, Mrs. Martha 310 Rev. Air, John 181 Adams, Emmeline 0. 130 Sarah 99 ' Hannah 137 Theodore 182 ' ,i i, Airs. liannnh e: Air. Theodore 183 5) " Mrs. Ihennall 53 Rev. Air, 19eomas 106 Issue 133 I3r,uller, All. Joseph 175 " Den. John 54 " Mrs. Sarah 202 " Sarah 137 Bridges, \Irs. i'leanor 237 Admes, Sarah 140 Enoch 287 'r Allen, Aliss Afehitable 257 Cap. Isaac 285 Ailin, John 110 " Afr. .L•unes 238 Aslebe, Mr. John 153 Afr. James Jr. 239 11 Airs. May 154 " Mr. A10011}' 286 Austin, Mr. John 170 " Mrs. Naunuih 287 Samuel 13 Sarah 287 Ager, h'rancis 191 C P B Cnlhehnn, Edward 260 Baldwin, Airs. Martha 288 Callahan 259 Barker, Atrs. Abagail 57 Carlton, Air. Amos 6 " Aliss Alles 177 Afr. Daniel 9 I " Lieut. Benjamin 179 Air. Ezekiel 304 Air. Benjamin 180 " Airs. Hamuih 46 Airs. Elizabeth 56 Air. Isaac 151 f Ephraim 107 Afr. Isane 150 Air. Hnnaniah 192 Air. ;john 149 " Airs. Hannah 17S Alrs. Murry 303 " Johannnh, 317 AfaV 8 " Quartermaster Peter 301 John 315 Air. Peter 302 " Joshua 326 Checkerin, Zechariah 101 " Joshua 325 Chickering, Dann 222 " Airs. Afary 106 Airs. Elizabeth 122 Airs. Ainy 319 11nnnnh 223 " Afehitnble 271 Yrs. Ilanuah 213 " Afiss Afehitable 63 John 240 " :Airs. Alchitable 314 Doc. Joseph 242 Miss \abby 60 Afaria C. 240 " Air. Phinebas 62 Airs. Mary 240 Dea. Samuel 55 Mr. Snnmel 244 " Den. Samuel 58 Afiss Sarah 243 " Air. Samuel 272 Clark, Airs. Lg•din 78 " Sarah 274 Coolidge, Mrs. Sarah 1.30 " Sarah 277 Cummings, Airs. Anna 30 " Airs. Sarah 316 Mr. Stephen 31 t , t. g 4 i • i i � I � v k- y< • 1.r I firvTy�l • i , Ib. � r++ J. If Ib . yk 4i 1 1 1 1 I 4 ....+•'. ti '. 4 `mtiibAl 138 mscim- i Ns ON TOMB-ST02\ES IN T11T•. OLD BURYING GROUIBD AT NORTH ANDOVER 13� NAME N0. NAME NO. NAME 50, NAME. NO. D1'rye, l.icut. John 19 Johnson, Col. Samuel 19;1 Osgood, Isaac 25 0 Mr. Jonathan 65 Capt. Timothy 195 Isaac 2Gl Dearborn, \ir. Samuel 25fi Mr. Jacob 25a Ai � rs. M Margaret 129 li John, I 97 Dillaway, \ 2Jl I r. William Mrs. Mary 2 9 95 11 Mrs. Mary 209 Kimball, Peter 241 Lieut. John R Itis. Nancy 12; Kittred11 ge, Dr. John 206 John George '67 65 Edes, 'Mrs. Susannah 202 " land \iacl:ey 132 Miss Sally 209 Joseph Ptuery, Mrs. 218 Airs. Snrnh 201 Dr. Joseph 71 Ihs. 114 n " Elizabeth 334 " Mrs. Sarah 299 Mr. Joseph 66 " L\I:. Joseph 329 \h•. Josiah 1.33 (} Lacy, Afrs• Elizabeth 311 Lydi;t 269 L' Lovejoy, Eliza 307 Margaret tis Gardner, WidowSnrnh 61 ]ilizabeUl 309 Airs. \lar�aret 72 Farington, Mrs. Sarah 7 Granger, Mr. Jacob 189 laiznhetit 307 \Yrs, Mary 2113 Farnum, lieu. Benjamin 44 " Samuel 195 „ 42 " Mrs. Dolly 43 " Mrs. Sarah 190 Mrs. Elizabeth 307 Pet " Mr. i'noch 333 " Mrs. Eliznbetb 306 Capt. Peter 269 Air. ,TncoU 46 H Nathaniel 307 NJ S. Rebekah 124 C 1 athaniel 306 Capt. Samuel 84 Mrs. Joanna 160 holt, Nil*. Jedediah 21.1 " Nnihnnicl 30(1 11 5711':1 102 Capt. ,Toho 159 Mrs. 'Mar • 21� 2 " Delimit John 1.59 3 Gen. Nathaniel 305 Sarah 67 \(olcy 73 ,+ \(r. Nnlhtutiel 308 Vb•s, lash 69 Mrs. S7u'uh 161 .. ,• Mrs. Sarah 174 „ AD•. Stephen 2'15 Mr. 'rimothy 11 „ \I r. Ste then 331 \i \it^;. Sarah 104 Faulkner, i:lizabeth 220 1[uchinson, Mrs. Snralt 203 n; " 210 Widow Hannah 25 \lackey, Capt. Daniel 1.1 Mrs. Sarah 10-:1 " \I r. John 217 I lfal-We, Ren•jatnin 14 Sus:u�nb 9fi \h•. iJoseph 2G Mr. Jab 28 Phomas Forster, \Irs. Elizaeth 2116 Ingalls. Mrs. Abigail 313 Mrs. I'hehe 29 'Phomas 330 \Irs. :Abi'ftil 312 Miss 1'riscilah 15 11 VIr. 'Phomas ,7� Poster. Capt. :1sn 245 11 �` „ „ Mr. 'Pimothy - „ Daviel 90 Capt. henry 143 \Ir. Snnmel 10 251 Lieut. John 21 \lartin, Susanna 273 Mr. 'Piatuthy Isaac 1311 „ Miss Judalt '2 Aloni-ontery, Mrs. Rebecca, 231 William 103 1 11ideuLucc 2sf \lr. Putnam 147 Rebeecn P. 231 I, S:tmr?l 61 Mrs. Sarah 142 \loore, Airs. Simuma 2S5 2_19 \Irs. Sarah 119 Page, Betty 2 Frazier, Elizabeth 115 0 N Daniel S1 " Nath ]1G Ingots, Deborah 1_1 ^Sti „ Mrs. Deborah 20 Newell, Phebe 36 Mr. Daniel Rebecca 177 Ilannah 0-78 Frie Alford 295 Mrs. Ilannah 144 Noyes \Irs. :\higail 224 2S4 11 Isaac 289 +' Mr, ller.ry 145 " Mrs. \Ivry 225 " \Irs. ilnnnah „ n Mrs. Sarah 1.46 II Dr. Nicholas 226 \inti. MzIrY. S2 Jonathan 94 +, o Iris., Sat;th " Joshua 293 Mr. I Killip 30 323 Joshua, 292 'I Mrs. Snrnh 227 Parker, Abigail 23 Air. 'I'iuutthy 229 Benjamin " Mr. Joshua 298 Johnson, Mrs. Abialt 5 02. \h. Isaac 156 " Airs. Mary- 297 Elizabrtlt 197 Dr. Ward 5 302 " Phinehas 296 11 Mrs. Elizabeth 194 " Joseph Mrs. Issther 37 0 Martha 221 Mrs. PriseMa 176 , Osgood, Abigail 74 „ Mrs. May 151 Frost, Nathan Holt 212 Mrs. Ilannah f 10 S . 11 155 „ 0 32 Airs. ;\hig;Iil 7.i Cnpt. Peter William 11 7i , 35 Capt. Christopher 41 Peeters, I'hebe 109 Frye, Cnp. :\Uiel 290 \t r. John Jr. „ Air. :Andrew 109 Mrs. Betsy 126 John Aslebe 184 Nil,. 1,3 lett 1G6 Mrs. 7iat.harine 196 109' fa 1;:�..- - .cr 125 \fr. John Mrs. Elizabeth 113 \. is P: Izabet 7p is, Mrs. Ilannah 19 Airs. Lydia 92 1 Mrs. Sarah „ „ 34 Mrs. Hann;tl, 98 Susannah 17 Airs. Ilannah 85 Miss, i l ebe O 27fi " \[r. :fames 1 Mrs. Phebe 64 Mrs. ilanr,7h 134 Phelps, Ah•. Joseph 79 " Col. James 112 Mrs. Ilebeeea 33 Mrs. :iannalt 91 Phillips, lilizaUeth i n+' 1 1 0 d 1 1 1 I � illi Y wr 7� f , i i Vit/77TIr'�, rzd• '� 4 t • 1 'r p P . .. 140 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES INSCRIPTIONS ON TO1IB-STONES IN THE NAME No. NAME No, OLD BURYING GROUND ATNORTH ANDOVER Phillips, Elizabeth 77 Stevens, Mrs. Hannah 200 ^, Elizabeth 235 Jnmes 163 MASSACHUSETTS " \trs. Elizabteh S6 Capt. James iris " \Irs. Ilminah 76 Mr. John 27 Copied ]n OCtO) f 1569 " Lieut. ,Joh„ 234 Air. Jeremy 171 )? Sauntel 80 Jonathan 165 by Hon. Samuel 86 Miss Mary 38 " Theodore 82 °' Cornet Nathan 4 i\fiss Mary Kittredge, Miss Sarah Kittredge, " Theodore 76/, " Peter, Jr. 232 Mr. Isaac Osgood and Mr. Frank Appleton Poor, Mrs. Elizabeth 111 \Irs. I'hebe 109 11 \[r. Samuel, Jr. 135 " Samuel 327 Introduction by Primes 320 ^ Sarah 168 Putnam, Mr. \toles 149 \[rt,. Susannah 118 \ValtC'P Afuii' Whitehill Swan, Mrs. Atli 259R 11 — Mrs. Deborah 66 Rayner, Mrs. Ann 120 Timothy 141 Few if anv burving grounds in Yew England can sur- Robenson, Isaac 152 Symmes, Mrs. Anon 332 pass that oil Acdemy Road, North Andover in the harinon- " John 152 Convert, 50 " miss t'lizabeth 51ions relationsbip of carved slate inscriptions, terrain and 1 S Lydia & Charlotte 49 noble trees. he first meetinghouse of the church organ- Sessions, Mary 89 \Irs. Susanna 47 ized at Andover on 2-1 October 164-5 probably stood within Spofford, Benjamin II. 100 Rev. William, D. D. 47 'Mr. Isaac 01 the ilmits of this burving -round, while the second meet- " Rooxbe if. _00 T in-house (built about 1669) is believed to have been Stearns. 'Mr. John 185 Steevens, David 321 7'edman, ifrs. P.ebehal, 24 located just across the Toad, on the site of the triangle• 11 listher 320 Trow, Ephraim 48 rc , 'Crumball, ,buses 36 markiu� the iuteresection of Academy Road 'tad Court ® Stevens, Ilenjamin, lrsq. 5 �+ r' m r y� Mr. Benjamin 46 ryler, -Mi-s. Abn:;nil 3 Street. lie third meetinghouse - 1111. and the fourth Air. Ilen'ntnin 201 Mrs. Abigail 236 of 7753 were built some hundreds of yards away, facing J \Mr. John 219 e \tr. Ilenjamin 199 2 the end of the present. common, a yew rods south of the Mr. Ilenjamin 169 tr. Moses 1. resent 11 fifth] i\orth Parish Church (Unitarian], Charles 164 P „ \piss Dolly 172 )) Ivhieh was completed in 1S36. Dorothy 162 Willson, 1'rederie 255 Mrs. Dorothy 167 )Filson, John 1t. 2.10 This first burying ground ser red the north parish of \Irs. Elizabeth 16 " Lieut. Josh-an, Jr. 254 Andover until 1817, when a secoll one—also on Academy " Ezra 233 " Mrs. Lucy 248 Road but considerably nearer the site of the current meet- Hannah eet• 1 \frs nILtnnnh 39 )food, \Irs'Debora 300 inghouse—was laid out.a 249Although it. has always been be- Mrs. e- lieved that the first. settlers of the town were buried here, it is to be noted that the inscriptions are almost entirely of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Appa- rently stone carvers were notgenerally employed in An doves in the first half century of the town's existence. The inscription eomntentorating John Stevens, who died on ll April 1662.' is the only one whose date goes back to the second decade of the settlement of Andover, and it. is 1 Reproduced in ltorare N. Stevens, Satl;aniel Stevens, j 1786-1565 (North Andover, 1946), p. 8. (5i) l f 1 ,1 v � A _ f . ........... I — _.._ .�.e.�.��a..o.r�.r.... ��C,��I� I��!,k�aOw:T.�!'t�®'iC'lC�T19:,JAR,:Tf®ewY��®cu�c��a�rr���-+s�•�•�.�- f i 4 J i - �. _ v v SO C 19 T OL _Alon n, D I I A b 'r L Z o. v 46) Nv, Ro i I •Y' "r Ira #lm V Y Y V i