HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 July Sept BOH minutes BOARD OF HEALTH
July 27, 2000
Mr. Osgood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Gayton Osgood, Chairman, Francis P. MacMillan, M.D., Member, Sandra Starr, Health
Diane Pickles and Angel Santana from Healthy Communities outlined to the Board the
procedure they would like the Town to adopt. The regulation that is being presented is to
issue non-criminal tickets to the students who are caught smoking on school grounds.
The school committee has approved this policy. The ultimate goal is to eliminate smoking
on school property. Susan Nicholson, Principal of the North Andover High School and
Lou Rusty, Principal of the North Andover Middle School would be deputized by the
Board of Health to be able to issue fines to anyone caught smoking on school grounds.
The goal is not to fine but to get the children into services. A first offense, they can pay
the $100.00 fine or opt to go to six hours of tobacco education. The schools will provide
the services. A second offense they would have to pay the fine and the tobacco education
is mandated. Teachers will not be fined under this policy. The Board would like the
papers to receive this information to let the public know there is a regulation for smoking
on school grounds. Mr. Osgood would like Ms. Pickles to call the Youth Center and
speak to Rick Gorman and see if there is any kind of program the two can come up with
to put together a tobacco education program at the Youth Center.
On a motion by Dr. MacMillan, seconded by Mr. Osgood the Board voted to accept
as an amendment to the Town of North Andover Tobacco Regulations for North
Andover Public Schools and the Board also deputized Susan Nicholson, Principal of
the High School and Lou Rusty, Principal of the Middle School as agents of this
Board for the purpose of issuing non-criminal tickets for smoking relating issues on
school grounds.
Angel is a representative of Healthy Communities. He will be issuing non-criminal tickets
to establishments that sell cigarettes to under age children. Angel will also be educating
the establishments. Diane Pickles would like a resident list to send out a survey to the
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residents of North Andover about smoking in restaurants. Ms. Starr will supply the list
for Ms. Pickles.
On a motion by Dr. MacMillan, seconded by Mr. Osgood the Board voted to
deputize Angel Santana as an agent of the Board of Health for Healthy
Communities to issue non-criminal tickets.
The owners are requesting a waiver to Title 5. The owners are selling their house and the
new owners will tie-in to sewer. The Board agreed to sign the waiver and grant the
Ms. Starr read the DPW's response to sewer tie-in for Mr. Nassar. '''It is impossible to
provide Mr. Nassar a gravity connection to the left side of the house. It appears that it is
possible to serve the house by gravity by installing pipe on the right side of the house, then
along the back of the house to the sewer tank. A sewer stump was installed during the
phase two-sewer project in this location for this purpose. A gravity connection is
preferred to a pump system therefore; I recommend the gravity option.' The Board would
like Mr. Nassar to tie-in to sewer by the end of the year, if not then the Board would like
Mr. Nassar to appear before the Board. Dr. MacMillan would like a letter to be sent to
Mr. Nassar on the Boards decision.
Mr. Willis did comply with the complaint. Ms. Ford recommended that Mr. Willis buy a
copy of the state sanitary code for human habitation. Ms. Ford did receive a very nice
letter from the tenant's family.
On a motion by Dr. MacMillan, seconded by Mr. Osgood, the Board voted to accept
the minutes of June 22, 2000.
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The Board signed the final decision of GLSD.
On a motion by Mr. Osgood, seconded by Dr. MacMillan, the Board voted to
adjourn at 8:20.
John S. Rizza, DMD, Clerk
September 28, 2000
Mr. Osgood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Gayton Osgood, Chairman, Francis P. MacMillan, M.D., Member, John S. Rizza,D.M.D.,
Member, Sandra Starr, Health Director, Susan Ford, Health Inspector, Debra Rillahan,
Public Health Nurse.
Mr. Mark Rees, New Town Manager introduced himself. The Board members and staff
gave Mr. Rees a brief introduction of themselves and their history with the Health
Department. In closing Mr. Rees thanked all for their dedication to the Town and towards
public health.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Leahy requested in writing for a six-month extension for personal
reasons to delay the tie-in to sewer.
On a motion by Dr. Rizza, seconded by Dr. MacMillan, the Board voted to allow the
Leahy's an extension to delay the tie-in to sewer for six months. A letter will be sent
to the homeowners regarding the decision of the Board.
Ms. Starr spoke on the West Nile Virus and the number of crows that have been sent out
to Department of Public Health. The crows that have been sent out have not tested
positive and there have been no recordings of people testing positive in Massachusetts this
year. However, it is going to be worse next year as they are finding out in New York.
Ms. Starr had a meeting with Walter Montgomery, head of the Northeast Mosquito
Control District, along with the Towns of Andover and Methuen about joining the
Mosquito Control District. At this point in time private services for doing the necessary
type of mosquito control just do not exist. It is primarily done by the mosquito control
districts. A letter was received from Mr. Montgomery that quoted $78,869 that is
required for North Andover to join the district. Mr. Montgomery notified Ms. Starr that
the calculation was incorrect and the annual amount is $63,043. With this amount the
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mosquito control would come into the Town, and in the first year do a very intense
surveillance of the mosquitoes in the area, after which they would put together a mosquito
management plan. They would go out and determine the species of the main mosquito
that we have, because they all breed differently. They would do treatment of the catch
basins, trenching and drainage work and spraying, both aerial and land, as necessary. If
there were a positive identification of the West Nile Virus, they would do a spraying
within a two-mile radius of the location. Towns cannot join the District for only one year
or if there's a concern only about West Nile Virus; this is a three-year project. It needs to
be done in that time for surveillance and to get it under control. Ms. Starr recommended
that the Board of Health recommend to the Board of Selectmen that a warrant article be
drawn up for the December town meeting and let the Town decide if the District is to be
joined. Mr. Osgood would like the Board of Health to submit the warrant article. Mr.
Montgomery is willing to come and talk and give a presentation at the Town Meeting.
Mr. Osgood would like Dr. MacMillan to be the Board's spokesman at the Town Meeting
along with Mr. Montgomery. The special Town Meeting will be held in December.
On a motion by Dr. Rizza, seconded by Dr. MacMillan, the Board voted to accept
the minutes of July 27, 2000.
Deb Rillahan, Public Health Nurse spoke regarding the flu vaccine. The state vaccine
should be coming in October 16, 2000. What the Health Department bought should come
in November 22, 2000. Ms. Rillahan would like to do a public clinic. The question is
where and when. Ms. Rillahan would like to go to all the elderly housing units and
administer the flu vaccine; it will be more convenient. She will also be going to the
nursing homes and offering the shot to their employees and to the schools. There will be a
charge at both of these locations. Ms. Rillahan will be holding two senior clinics and see
how much flu vaccine will be left because she would like to do something for the public.
There will be no charge for high risk who have seen doctors in the past year for chronic
disease or elderly 65 years and up. There will be a $4.00 to $5.00 charge for town
employees. The general public age 50 to 65 will be charged $10.00 in order to pay for the
vaccine the Health Department purchased.
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Mr. Osgood has worked out the regulations with Attorney Kimmell. It will go into effect
January 1, 2001.
On a motion by Dr. Rizza, seconded by Dr. MacMillan, the Board voted to adopt
the trash truck regulations and to go into effect January 1, 2001.
Ms. Ford spoke about the new food code adopted by the state. The state wrote about
certification requirement of managers, and Ms. Ford would like to do some tightening of
that, we require more than one certified person already, and we would like to make sure
that is in writing. The state is going zero hand contact for ready-to-eat foods, except with
the possibility of a waiver. There will be two-hour introduction classes for food handlers
and managers in the Town, taught by Ms. Ford, that will be coming up in the next two
weeks. Ms. Starr would like to hold off on adopting the full code until we work with it
and find out where we recommend changes.
Ms. Starr spoke regarding raising the fees for DeMoulas, Stop & Shop, Star Market, and
other large facilities that take more time and effort to inspect. The inspector can usually
inspect a food establishment in an hour and it will be inspected thoroughly. The larger
ones, however, cannot be inspected in an hour. Ms. Starr would like to put together a
proposal and bring it back to the Board for review. Mr. Osgood agreed and requested
that it be presented at the next meeting.
As far as the tobacco permits, the fees for the permits should be increased to make the
establishments value it a bit more. Mr. Osgood would like a proposal on this brought
back to the Board for review.
A sample was given to the Board of food inspections that were done in September. One
was good and one not so good. Ms. Ford stated one suggestion that was made was to do
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something positive for a good inspection like an article in the paper. It wouldn't be to
knock down the bad ones the Health Department will always work with them. The article
could read, "Health Department Staff Pick of the Month", pick one to mention an all
around not just the cleanest, but the friendliest, etc. Try to get the newspapers to notice
these changes.
Ms. Ford spoke regarding this property. This is a septic repair. The owner has had two
designs, which he did not like. He recently altered the site of the second design by
removing 5 feet of dirt from the hill without consulting the Health Department.
Subsequently more test pits were done on the site with Ben Osgood, Jr., his engineer. The
owner seems to be determined to make the design his way and not Title five's way. Ms.
Ford's concern is the owner's lack of acceptance of the Title five regulations and how this
could set a precedent. Updates will follow if the Boards assistance is needed.
Ms. Starr spoke regarding Texaco and this is their 2nd offense of selling cigarettes to
minors. If there is a third fine she recommends that their license to sell tobacco should be
revoked or suspended.
Ms. Starr spoke regarding the correspondence that was sent by Angel Santana of Healthy
Communities. Mr. Santana did a retailer inspection on September 13, 2000 and a report
was sent to Ms. Starr. The visibility of Massachusetts's general law signs were twelve out
of twenty seven stores. Employee agreement forms on file - twelve out of twenty seven
were compliant. Employee agreement forms were sent out to six retailers, and in five
stores the manager was not present. In two stores the employee agreement forms were
not available, and in two restaurants tobacco was not sold anymore.
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On a motion by Dr. Rizza, seconded by Dr. MacMillan, and a voice vote as follows,
the Board voted to go into executive session at 8:15 p.m.
Dr. MacMillan —Aye
Dr. Rizza—Aye
Gayton Osgood - Aye
The Board came out of executive session at 8:23 p.m. after a unanimous voice vote.
On a motion by Dr. Rizza, seconded by Dr. MacMillan, the Board voted to adjourn
at 8:35 p.m.
John S. Rizza, DMD, Clerk