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Contract #1151-From: 12-01-2017 to: 12-31-2019-Enterpirse Rent a Car
7812720383 fax 14:52:15 2017-10-16 7112 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STANDARD CONTRACT FORM This form is(slntly Issued and published by the ExewWa Oftlee for AdminisbaOan and Finance(ANF).the Cffioa of the Cps ptmneLjC7Rl and the 0peratlanel ServlrBs IMbn asp) asi o delaullcontmet forall Commonwealth Depsrbndnts when another form Is not presoibed by regulation arpollcy,Any changes to the official pdnted language of this form shall be v_oU_Addltlonelno>KurLctjJiglemaxbe�ddedgyA((ggt C011kAg4lSlita]C001[44Uk9@Nladdfiogal69reamaats,engagafnan►IaUais,mniraCtfomisacofheraddlQanat bew as part of[his Contract Without prior Deparbnentapproval.Cgck an hypefts fordeQnitlons,lasWcdons and legal requirements that am Incorporated by reference Into this Contract.An electronic copy ofthis farm Is available eIBmV_mass.qavLbsc under Gulda FarVendors-Fomis or_www.rnau.QovlosdunderCSDFamd. CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME:EnietpdsoRent,MCarCompmyofBaetnn,LLC COMMONWEAMDEPAMMENTNAME:The Operational SewiceaDivlsion lnddlbfa EaterprheRent•A•Cei MMARSDawrlmenlCoda;081) ka Addreea:(Wg,WATBC►:10VAve,BadingtonAA01803 BwofneosMaQlnaAddresa: I Ashburton Place,Room 1017,Boeton.MA02108 CapnetManager RobertLaritta SMIngAddrassfildgferenQ:NIA €II 1-Robertflarldn@ehf.cgM Contra eManager.BetlyFemandez,StretegleBaurchinServkes Lead(888L a e:60839"656 IF=617607.9078 fall: BettvFemender�etatema.us. Contracta►VendUcoda, VC6000244569 hgns:617no3133 r Fax-6177Z7410 VendorCodaAddms%M(og,°A00Bn A13001, MMARSDOa11)fc! VfdQ9000000QQQQ00QQQ (Nato:The Address Id duet be set upfor)=FT paymenle.) RERIProcuremeM orftorN Number.OVA106 _ NEWCONTRACT X CONTRACTAMENDMENT PROCUREMENT OR EXCEPTION TYPE,(Check one option only) Enter Current Contmet End Data MrtoAmendmentNovember20,20f7. _statewide Contract(080ofanasueslpRoledDepata=Q EntuAmendmentAi;ount f (or'aochange') , (_aneanve Purchase(Attach ORD approval,scope,budget) AMENDMENT TYPE:(Check one option only.Attach detalls of Amandmerd changes.) �peaerunentProeurement(indudasStateorFedetalAlants C 200 LAmondman Ito Seone orBudoatfAttadl updated scope and budget) . (AtiachRFRandRespon3eoralherpmmmmentsuppoftdocumenWon) _InledmContraa(Attach jusUloaftfartntaftConbad and updated smpskudgel) —EmemegcyContmel(Attach J+�tl6apan.fgremargenry,swpe,budgel) Canbaet Emolovea(Attach Emolovmad Slat"Form scope,budgeQ _Cardract limptaVIIA any updates to scope orbudgal) LealsiftelLatialorDihor.(A6eahaulharhloglenguagelJustfladon,scope and _leulsWUvsflega(orOthar.(Aftaahauthadr)n WGuaggaustillae0on and updated budgeQ . I scopaendbudgel) The follovIngCOMMORWEALTUTERMSANDCONDITIONIA(C8C)his bemaxecuted,flMvACTRandIslncorporatedby reference Into Fb ConhcL x CommanweakhTeims and Conditions _Commam:reallh Toms and Canditlan9 For Human end Social Sardces COMPENSATION:(Check ONE Option):The Daparbnenlcedit that payments farauthortred pedbrowas accepted lnacmNaitrawllh 0relemis of lib CanlmctvAl be supported In Ole stele accounting system by sulfldentappropdallonsorothernon-eppmpdated funds,subjecitabhercepitorCommanwaahlr mW debts under815 CN1R 8,00. X Rate Co (No Maxlmum 0h%don.Attach dela0s of all rates,unlb,calculations,conm6ons ortarma and any flanges Nrebas ortemn era being amended.) —Maximum Obligation Contract Enter7lolal MmftnObISBIon for total dureton of this Canbaet(ornewTobl IfCmnbactIs being amended!.S PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNTS ffl)): Commonwealth payments are Issued through(:FI'45 days from Invoice tmelpl.Contractors requesting rtwetanbd payments must ldentily a PPD as follows:Payment Issued within 10 days 2%PPD;Payment Issued wft 15 days 2_%PPD;Payment Issued within 20 days-1%PPD;Payment(sued - wlQdrt 30 days j-%PPD. Ii PPD percentages ate left blank,Identtly reason;_grey to standard 45 day cycle_slatutcrygegal or Ready Payments fill-a 29,S 23A1;_ony irnWal zYment(subsequent paymentsscheduled besu standard EFT 45 day a de,Sea emm tPaYOIscqLmt9Po1 . RRIEPDESCRIPTION OF CONTRACTPERFORMANCEor REASON FOR AMENDMENT:(Enter the ConbadQOe,pWposa,fisalywr(e)and adebaddesatpilanofthescape of pedmnceS ahrowhaTtB hi bmeinRg aaedaefd lfa/atral aCpan3lla cIg[Ahm2 DntdimfjeLV t Ahtlicfdes e-lSstuaptpaaw/dge d-Cooninternatcatlta-n De'nede)eusfl5ns) - -through-1Z07 Novemdec30,-YOWD ANTICIPATED START DATE:(Complete ONE optlon only)The Department and Cantnictor car*forlhIs Contract or ContractAmendmeril,thatCardiad oblIgallamc'. _1.may betnduredasofthis Facova Date{brtastatgnabae dab below)and Mobligations have been Meund W to the Effective Data. —2.may be Incumad as of_--,20_,a date LATER Oren the Effadve note below and no obigatons have been Maimed gl(„lo to the EffectfrioDate 3.were incurred as of 20,a date PRiOR to the Da baiaw,and pie parties agree that payments for any obligations incurred pdor to the liffectiva Data are aulhodrad to be made Blither as6et0ement payments Gras aulhadzed mlmhuneamardpayments.and that the details and chwmetances ofa0 atdgaflons under thlaCanbacl are awed andlnco ratedirdotheContact.Acceptance of paymentsforeverreleases Pie Commonweafth from futtherdetmorelatedththassobl dons. CONTRACT 115 NODATE Contract pedomnance shall terminate as of November 30.2019,wM no new obligatons bshg Incurred eft rthis data unlw lie Canbad Is pmpady amended,pmvldad that the forms of this Contract and performance expectations and obligatans shall survive Its lormination for the purpose,of reschko any dafm or dtspule,for completing any negotabd larms and warrdntles,to allow any class out orbansftn performance,reporting,invoking or final payments,or during any lapse between amendments. CERTIFICATIONS:NobMthstanding verbal or other representations by the par0es,the"Effective Dale"of this Contract orAmendment shall be the latestdate that this Contractor Amendment has been executed by an authorized agnalnry of the Contractor,the Depadment,or a later Contract orAmendment Stud Date spedfled above,subject to any requhad approvals. The Contractor makes all certiitations raqulted under the etlached Contractor Certilicatlons(Incorporated by reference If not attached hereto)under the pains and penalties of perjury,agrees to provide any requtred documentation upon request bo suppod comptlance,and agrees that all tarns governing padarmance of fhIs Contractand doing business in Massachusetts are attached or Incorporated by reference herein according to the following hierarchy of rloarment precedence,the app0cabie Commamweallh Tema and Con6lons.this Standard Conbact Form Including the Instructions and Contractor Certlfhrasana the Request for Response(RFR)orather soil ilaffon,the Contractofs Response, end eddi0onal negotiated terms,provided that additional negotiated terns wlll take precedence over the relevant terns In the RFR end the Contractoea Response only KinMe using the process ou0lnedIn 801CMR21.07.Inaq)araled herein,prevlded that any amended RFR or Ras po a ernsresult to best y e 1 casts,oramorecosteffectlacontract. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE COTRACTO � E C X: IN � Dale: 10110817.e d Ito: (Signature stBe�i'-'Handy nAlTimeafglgnoture) (IlIgnature ndD& us Hand tTIM Big sturs) Pdnt Name:William t=dnn. PdmN e; cell t. PdntTi le: Vlcs Preeldent of Flnen-c% Pdnt a: NputyAssWant Bacralak for Oceratio al ssrvlceeDfwIWon (Updated 318112014) Page 1 of 5 OVM09 Rates including CDW Coverage Updated 2/12/13 Ent<erprise Rent Afar;- L.L. RA►TE�S INC,LUDECDW C°O�/ER�►GE' P0,�14=; �_ w � � y °1�0�80-OSD01-OSD1'0-00000000793 _�. x Vehicle Class Service Description Group Base Rate through, November 30;Ty2019 Compact Daily $ 31.75 Compact half day $ 16.00 Compact 3-Day(weekend) $ 95.25 Compact Weekly_ $ 190.50 Compact Monthly $ 698.50 Midsize Daily $ 34.00 Midsize half day $ 17.00 Midsize 3-Day(weekend) $ 102.00 Midsize Weekly $ 210.00 Midsize Monthly $ 770.00 Fullsize 2-door Daily $ 35.00 Fullsize 2-door half day $ 17.50 Fullsize 2-door 3-Day(weekend) $ 105.00 Fullsize 2-door Weekly $ 210.00 Fullsize 2-door Monthly $ 792.00 Fullsize 4-door Daily $ 36.00 Fullsize 4-door half day $ 18.00 Fullsize 4-door 3-Day(weekend) $ 108.00 Fullsize 4-door Weekly $ 216.00 Fullsize 4-door Monthly $ 814.00 Minivan Daily $ 62.00 Minivan 3-Day(weekend) $ 186.00 Minivan Weekly $ 372.00 Minivan Monthly $ 1,364.00 SUV-Standard Daily $ 62.00 SUV-Standard 3-Day(weekend) $ 184.00 SUV-Standard Weekly $ 372.00 SUV-Standard Monthly $ 1E364 0'i ®a SUV-Fullsize Daily $ 87.00 SUV-Fullsize 3-Day(weekend) $ 261.00 SUV-Fullsize Weekly $ 522.00 SUV-Fullsize Monthly $ 1,914�00 I j National, Enterprise,and WeCar Sheetl 1 Mniterprise�` 1 e�ei®� �1c91ai911111111111111111111111111 ,UMAH( UU,d F'A(it, 014 NO 8:00 AN — 6:00 PH T►U 8:00 Aft — 5:00 PM ROE 8:00 AM -- e:00 PM vNER OF VEHICLE: TH B:00 Ate — 6:00 PM FR 8:00 AM — 5:00 PH SA 9:00 AM — 12:00 PM ENTERPRISE PENT'—A—CAR COMPANY'OF BOSTON, LLC SU 9:00 Aft — 12:00 PH IRANCH ADDRESS: 660 S UNIQN ST, L PMRENCE, HA, 018433750 (978) 683-1900 456684 A N RENTAL SOURCE At .I.D.# RENTAL , KI E TYPE DI I hICCC Tnl�l nnC n4 C) • -3t'iNL44 -- D D ,RENTER 1)11 /"tl i P 1 P' P71 ,8 r- 4I P P DAY-=- 24 -HOt►R-_PER 1 OD__ _--- _ _• -_ TART CHARGES IF DIFFERENT VEHICLE $20.46/FLOUR ORIGINAL VEHICLE $62.00/DAY —- --- _$372..00 AyEEK t COLOR LICENSE NO. . $1.3b4.00/MONTH PI grl.• '71 :7Qt� MODEL ECAR# PQI lT `YPPM TP MILE- k-� 61LL COMPANY AGE To 1;( - - ___ NO CHARGE MILEAGE ATTIJ: PHONE EXT. DRIVEN -- v /Y REFERENCE NUMBER: CONDITIONAND"'L X /I KEYS: . LEVEL AGREED RENTER // ` a--�' ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED DRIVER(S)-PERMITTED ONLY AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND AS DESCRIBED IN L5 f PARAGRAPH 1.@.ON PAGE 2. o IREQUEST OWNER'S PERMISSION TO ALLOW r,In nTHPT1 n6i`TUFP.�i PFF'T'?PTTT'T3 _ am O < g o WHO IS UNDER MY CONTROL AND D17FGTI N TO DRIVE VEHICLE FOR ME AND ON MY BEHALF.I AM LL O a RESPONSI LEjR THEIR CTS WHIL,E'TH Y ARE DRIVING,AND FOR FULFILLING TERMS AND CONDITIONS O Z 0 OF THIS RI TqL AGREEA7 NT ENJ ).USE O) VEHICLE BY AN UNAUTHORIZED DRIVER WILL AFFECT O MY LIABILI D RIGHTSRENT NDE IS' EEM/EpL EJ X=DENT -=SCRATCH O=MISSING CONDITION SAME ON RETURN Yes No PERMISSION GRA)IJTED OPERATE VEITICLE ONLY ITS THE STATE OF RENTAL AND THE FOLLOWING STATgS), OUT E 1/8 1/4 3/8 112-5/8: 3/4 718 F iN_n r%S eiil'f= I"�I;S.l�T} ,r •'INS'.':•. E 1/B I/4 318 1/2 5/8 3!4 7!8 F OPERATION IN ANY OTHER STATE OR COUNTRY WILL AFFECT YOUR LIABILITY AND RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. +' RENTER DECLINES OPTIONAL COLLISION RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL COLLISION DAMAGE c ' - r ! Y office:'This contract offers,for an additional DAMAGE WAIVER(COIN)AND ASSUMES DAMAGE WAIVER(CDW)AT FEE SHOWN IN COLUMN TO I/DW Qf l DPI U.I�l)/DA I RESPONSIBILITY.SEE PARAGRAPH 7. RIGHT.SEEE NOTICE TO LEFT AND PARAGRAPH 17. RENTER:X a>�;a Collision Damage Waiver to cover COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER IS NOT INSURANCE - --- - -- --- ----- -our financial responsibility for damage to le,rental vehicle.Your personal automobile RE TER:X I_= :T':r p RENTER DECLINES OPTIONAL PERSONAL RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL PERSONAL ACCIDENT Isurance may already cover you for damage ACCIDENTINSURANCE/PERSONALEFFECTS INSURANCEIPERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE D/YAI/PET+ $0.00/'DA�/ i COVERAGE(PAIIPEC).SEE PARAGRAPH 10 AND 11. ER:(PAIIPEC)AT FEE SHOWN IN COLUMN TO RIGHT.SEE RENT X a rental car.The purchase of a Collision PARAGRAPH I9.. lamage Waiver is optional and may be eclined. For Massachusetts residents: If RENTER:X i' =``I c .• '`:I RENTER DECLINES-OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL RENTER:X �t 'ou have an automobile policy on your per- LIABILITY PROTECTION(SUP).SEE PARAGRAPH 8. LIABILITY PROTECTION(SUP)AT FEE SHO'NN IN D/SLP $0.00/DA 1 onal vehicle with coverage for collision, COLUMN TO RIGHT.SEE PARAGRAPH 18. our polic will cover collision damage to the RENT R:X � Y 9 RENTER DECLINE50PTIONAL ROADSIDE RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL ROADSIDE .nta vehicle, less the deductible on your ASSISTANCE PROTECTION(RAP).SEE ASSISTANCE PROTECTION(RAP)AT FEE SHOWNIN COLUMN TO RIGHT.SEE RENTER:% ollcy.If you have comprehensive coverage PARAGRAPHS. NOTICE TO EFT AND PARAGRAPH 0TIONAL PRODUCTS D/RAF $0.00/DAY n your vehicle your policy will cover loss RENTER:X n the rental vehicle caused by fire,theft or • • •• andalism less the deductible on our policy. Irivers who hold policies in other states • • •• • •• ; : ° • o PPF $2.92/GALLON hould check with their insurance agents to : • . . . • • • • • REF $2.89/GALLON etermine whether their policies extend to • • •' mtal vehicles. v o ••a REPLACEMENT VEHICLE RENTER DATE A U OWNER EMPL. SALES TAX 6.25%/RENTIAL E r REP rX # 43P0. Ff.G Ir>IOta_SCHG_ COLOR LICENSE NO. I WILIL E�U`SN CAI1BY: DEPOSIT(S): VLD REC FEE $1.550/DAY 6 DATE TIME AMOUNT PAID BY MODEL ECAR# MILE- IN AGE OUT I - --- --- -- -• - --— -_ . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DRIVEN - -- - - - `-- -- - - - _. CGNDI,IONNVD FUEL X /OF KEYS, TOTAL CHARGES .EVELAGREEDTO RENIF3i O LU DEPOSITS am O < - — - — O E!�� EoREFUNDS Goz❑ z SEEPAGE 2, PARAGRAPH 3 FOR INFORMATION ON: VEHICLE LICENSE COST RECOVERY FEE (VLC REC FEE), CUSTOMER FACILITY CHARGE CLOSED BY %=DEId -=SCRATCH O=MIS CFC); CONCESSION FEE RECOVERY CONCESSION RECOVERY);CONDITION SAME ON RETURN Y.. No (Ves ( ) CASH CHECK CHARGE OUT E 1/8 114 3/8 1/2 5/8 314 7/8 F CONVENTION CENTER SURCHARGE (CONV. CTR SURCHARGE); PAID BY i.:} G�snitn C eI_r?tI�• MASSACHUSETTS PARKING SURCHARGE(MA PRKG SURCHARGE)AND RECEIPT OF DATE AMOUNT RECEIVED BY IN E 118 1!4 3.`8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 F APPLICABLE TAXES (MA SALES TAX). CASH REFUND NNER IS AN AFFILIATE OF ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC.,WHICH OWNS ALL RIGHTS TO ENTERPRISE NAMES AND MARKS. ® ©ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON,LLC,20 1.497.70 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10MAHC UC18 PAGE 2 of 4 Zender agrees by Renter's signature on Page 1 that Renter has read,is aware of,accepts full responsibility for and is bound by the all vehicles in its/their rental fleet registered in Massachusetts.The VLC REC FEE is not calculated based on the cos arms and conditions contained in this rental agreement(Agreement),which consists of Pages 1 through 4,hereof for the Rental Period imposed upon a particular vehicle. vhether or not subsequent Agreements are executed by Renter or if Owner assigns a new Agreement number during the Rental Period c. Additional Obligations of Renter-Unless prohibited by law,Renter shall pay Owner,its affiliates or agents: or the purpose of invoicing Renter.Renter expressly acknowledges that Renter and Owner are the only parties to this Agreement, (1) If Renter returns the vehicle to a location other than the designated return location a vehicle recovery fee,unscheduled or iotwilhstanding that a reservation for vehicle may have been arranged by a third party;that a third party may pay for all or part of the way fee or drop charge which shall be no more than the greater of:a)$300.00;b)$1.50 per mile between return locatic entail bill;and/or that a third party may negotiate certain terms of the rental,including but not limited to the type of vehicle,length of and original rental office;or c)Owner's adjusted daily,weekly or monthly rate applicable on the date of return. ental,rental rate and/or selection of optional products.For matters arising from this Agreement,Renter authorizes Owner to verify and/ (2) For damage to,loss or theft of Vehicle or Optional Accessories,including all related costs(see paragraph 6),to the exte it obtain through credit agencies or other sources Renter's personal,credit and/or insurance information.This Agreement,which consists For as described in paragraph Vehicle or RAP,as described in paragraph 1 11 do not apply. if Pages 1 through 4,is the entire Agreement between Renter and Owner and cannot be altered by another document or oral agreement COW, mless agreed to in writing and signed by Renter and Owner. (3) All fines,costs,charges and attorneys'fees paid or to be paid by Owner,its affiliates or a third party for legal violation I. Definitions:For the purposes of this Agreement,the following terms are specifically defined: parking,tolls,lowing and storage and the like occurring during the Rental Period(Fines,Tolls and Violations).Rents a. "Additional Authorized Driver(s)"(AAD(s))means any individual in addition to Renter who is permitted by Owner to operate consents to the payment of all Fines,Tolls and Violations by Owner,its affiliates or a third party on Renter's behalf witho Vehicle.This includes individuals identified on Page 1 as ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED DRIVER(S),and with the permission of advance notice thereof and acknowledges that such payment may prejudice Renters ability to contest fines,Tolls air Violations with the applicable authority.Renter agrees Owner may provide Renter's information to applicable aulhorifiE Renter,includes Renters spouse or domestic partner(same or opposite sex)who meets the minimum rental age and holds a and/or third parties to process payment and/of transfer liability to the Renter for any such Fines.Tolls and Violations. valid license.Additionally,any driver 21 years of age or older with a valid license and the permission of the Renter has Owner's addition,Owner,its affiliates or a third party may assess a fee of up to$25 per incident to apply towards all costs incurrE permission to operate the Vehicle. in connection with any Fines,Tolls and Violations and their administration. b. "Optional Accessories"means but is not limited to optional child seats,global positioning systems,ski racks,toll transponders (4) A Tollpass convenience charge(TCC)(where available)of up to$5.00 per day of Rental Period for each day Vehicle and/or other products accepted by Renter. operated on a Tollpass Automatic Service covered road and Vehicle operator does not pay an applicable toll.Total TC c. "Owner"for the purposes of this Agreement means"OWNER OF VEHICLE"shown on the top of Page 1; charges will not exceed$25.00 per Rental Period.To avoid the TCC,Renter may(i)use toll-free roads and bridges,( d. "Rental Period"means the period between the time Renter takes possession of Vehicle until Vehicle is returned or recovered pay tolls with cash(where applicable),or(iii)use any of the other methods described in our toll brochures and at vNn and in either case,checked in by Owner. enterprise.custhelp.com(keyword"tolls').which vary by toll road@ridge.In addition to the TCC,Owner or a third par e. "Renter"means the person,or entity identified on Page 1 as'RENTER"; may separately charge Renter's credit or debit card for each toll not paid by Vehicle operator incurred during the Rent I. "Vehicle"means the"ORIGINAL VEHICLE"or any replacement vehicle(s). Period at the higher of the applicable toll authority's cash toll rate or highest undiscounted toll rate.A current listing !. Ownership/Vehicle ConditionAVarranty Exclusion.Renter acknowledges that Vehicle and any Optional Accessories TCC Covered Roads is available upon request,at'w+w.htallc.comldollpass"or(877)765-5201.Operation of Vehicle c ire.by ownership,beneficial interest or lease,property of Owner or its affiliate,even if owned,registered or tilled to a third party.Renter a roadway or bridge not covered by TCC where applicable tolls are not paid may subject the Renter to fines,costs ar s not an agent of Owner and has no authority to bind Owner.Renter agrees Renter received Vehicle and any Optional Accessories fees see Paragraph 3.c.(3.)above.RENTER EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZES OWNER OR ITS AFFILIATE TO TRANSFE i good physical and mechanical condition.RENTER IS TAKING POSSESSION OF VEHICLE AND ANY OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES RENTER'S NAME,ADDRESS,CREDIT CARD INFORMATION AND ALL OTHER DATA NECESSARY TO ENABL AS IS"AND HAS HAD AN ADEQUATE OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT VEHICLE AND ANY OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES AND THEIR THE COLLECTION OF ALL TOLLS AND ASSOCIATED CHARGES INCURRED DURING THE RENTAL PERIOD. )PERATION.OWNER EXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES,BOTH EXPRESS AND IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THE VEHICLE (5) A late charge of 1 112%per month,not to exceed the maximum allowable by law,on all charges not paid within 30 dal tND ANY OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES,INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A after the end of the Rental Period. 'ARTICULAR PURPOSE.Renter agrees not to alter or tamper with Vehicle or any Optional Accessories.If Renter or AAD(s)determines (6) All expenses incurred by Owner in the collection of amounts due Owner under this Agreement or in regaining possessic rehicle or any Optional Accessories is unsafe,Renter or AAD(s)shall stop operating Vehicle and any Optional Accessories and notify of Vehicle or in enforcing any term or condition of this Agreement,including attorneys'fees,Owners administrative fee honer immediately. and any other costs or expenses incurred by Owner. 1. Payment by Renter. (7) The taxes,fees and other mandatory charges imposed by states,counties and other governmental authorities. a. For items designated as either'lhour,"Iday',"/week"or"/month"on Page 1: IF A CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD HAS BEEN PRESENTED AS A MEANS OF PAYMENT,DEPOSIT OR SECURITY,RENTE (1) '/hour"is 60 consecutive minutes or any portion thereof beginning at the start time of the rental. AUTHORIZES OWNER TO SUBMIT FOR PAYMENT ON SUCH CARD($)ALL AMOUNTS OWED UNDER THIS AGREEMEN 2 If"day-24 hour period","Ida is each consecutive 24 hours beginning at the start time of the rental. INCLUDING IF ANY THIRD PARTY TO WHOM A BILLING WAS DIRECTED REFUSES TO MAKE PAYMENT.IN THE EVENT OWNE () y 9 9 INITIATES ANY CHARGE TO SUCH CARD(S)THAT IS DISHONORED FOR ANY REASON,RENTER AUTHORIZES OWNER T (3) If"day=calendar day",7day'is each consecutive full or partial day of the week. RE-INITIATE SUCH CHARGE WITHOUT FURTHER AUTHORIZATION FROM RENTER.For a Vehicle rented with a cash depos (4) 7week"is 7 consecutive 24 hour days beginning at the start time of the rental. any excess deposit will be refunded by check issued within 15 business days of the end of rental PERIOD.All charges are subject (5) "/month"is 30 consecutive 24 hour days beginning at the start time of the rental. final audit by Owner. (6) Unless expressly modified on Page 1,all charges are for a minimum of 1 day. 4. Limits on Use and Termination of Right to Use. b. Renter shall pay Owner,its affiliates or agents amounts as set forth on Page 1 for: a. Renter agrees to the following limits on use: (1) The hour,day,week and month charges on Page 1 for the Rental Period.The"Ihour charge if shown on Page 1 shall (1) Vehicle shall not be driven by any person other than Renter or AAD(s)without Owner's prior written consent. apply to each full or partial hour in excess of a day.The hourly charges shall not exceed the cost of one additional day.If (2) Vehicle shall not be used for transporting persons for hire;as a school bus;or for driver training. Vehicle is returned during non-business hours or to any place other than the Branch Address on Page 1,all rental charges (3) Vehicle shall not be used for transport of products for hire as a common carrier,a contract carrier or a private carrier incurred through the time an employee of Owner checks in Vehicle are Renter's responsibility. property UNLESS: (2) The mileage charge per mile for all miles exceeding any free miles set forth on Page 1 permitted for the Rental Period. i. Renter obtains bodily injury and property damage liability insurance required of a molar carrier by the state and/or feller (3) The Optional Accessories,services and/or products charges for those items accepted by Renter. government where Vehicle is rented and/or operated;and (4) The optional Verified Carbon Offsels(CO2 OFFSET)accepted by Renter are an optional environmental service designed ii.Renter and any AAD(s)hold a valid class license for that purpose and comply with all federal,state or municipal law to offset the greenhouse gases emitted by Vehicle.Owner remits amounts collected to an independent 3rd party provider. ordinances or regulations. See www.keystogreen.com for more information.The estimated emissions produced by Vehicle are based on the average (4) Vehicle shall not be used for:any illegal purposes;in any illegal or reckless manner;in a race or speed contest;or to to mileage and fuel economy of vehicles in the rental Fleet and are not calculated based on the emissions of a particular or push anything. vehicle. (5) Vehicle shall not be used to carry passengers in excess of the number of seat belts provided by manufacturer or outsic (5) The optional Tollpass service accepted by Renter provides for the daily rental of a toll collection transponder(Tollpass of the passenger compartment. Transponder Service)or,in some states,the use of video-monitored toll collection services(Tollpass Automatic Service, (6) Renter shall not remove any seats from Vehicle. and together with the Tollpass Transponder Service,collectively the Tollpass Service).In addition to the daily charge for the Tollpass Service,Owner,its affiliate or a third party may separately charge Renters credit or debit card(or bill Renter, (7) Vehicle shall not be driven by any person impaired by the use of narcotics,alcohol,intoxicants,or drugs,used with i as applicable,for cash rentals)for each toll(or other charge)incurred using the Tollpass Service during the Rental Period without a prescription. on covered roads within the Tollpass Service area at the higher of the applicable toll authority's video toll rate,rash toll (8) Vehicle shall not be loaded in excess of Vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating(GVWR)which is,weight of Vehicle plc rate or highest undiscounted toll rate.Renter expressly authorizes Owner or its affiliate to transfer to a third party Renter's weight of load,as indicated on the driver side door jam,or with an improperly or unevenly divided load as per Vehic name,address,credit/debit card information,and other data necessary to enable the collection of all such tolls,any other manufacturer's specifications and/or guidelines. charge(s)in addition to tolls attributed to the transponder and other associated charges incurred during the Rental Period. (9) Vehicle shall not be driven or taken outside the states authorized on Page 1. No credit is provided for days the transponder is not utilized.Tollpass Service has a limited service area;attempting to (10) Vehicle shall not be driven on an unpaved road or off-road. use the service outside the service area may subject the Renter and/or any AAD(s)to fines and penalties see Paragraph It 1)Vehicle shall not be operated by anyone:who has given a fictitious name,false address,or a false or invalid driver 3.(c.)(3.).A current listing of Tollpass Service area covered roads is available upon request,at Wv.htallc.comltollpass" license;whose drivers license becomes invalid during the Rental Period;who has obtained the keys without permission or(877)765-5201 Owner;or who misrepresents or withholds facts to/from Owner material to rental,use or operation of Vehicle. (6) The fuel charge at the rate shown.If based on consumption and Vehicle is returned with less fuel than when rented,the (12) Renter shall not transfer or assign this Agreement and/or sublease Vehicle. charge shall be for the Owner's estimated difference in fuel level shown on the fuel gauge from the time Vehicle is rented not be used to store or transport explosives,chemicals,corrosives or other hazardous materials or pollu shall (13) Vehicle to the time it is returned.Renter shall not receive a refund or credit if Vehicle is returned with more fuel than when Renter ants le any nil or nature.Renter remains responsible far all charges,costs,taxes,fees and obligations as set forth received it.If Renter purchases the Fuel Service Option,then Renters fuel charge shall be the per gallon charge multiplied Paragraph 3. by the fuel tank capacity of Vehicle rented.Renter shall not receive a refund or credit for any unused fuel. (7) The one way fee(for returning to a predetermined location other than the Branch Address on Page 1).fees for AAD(s)and/ (14) Vehicle shall not be used for testing Vehicle's technological components or capabilities. or fees based on Renter or AAD(s)age. b. Renter agrees to return Vehicle and any Optional Accessories to Owner on or before return date to the address stated on Pac (8) The other fees and charges(none of which are taxes)including but not limited to: 1 or on Owner's demand and in same condition as received,ordinary wear and tear excepted.Extensions to Rental Period al a An airport Customer FacilityCharge,Customer FacilityCharge or similar) designated charge which is required to be at Owners option. () i 9' 9 y 9 9 q c. In the event of any violation of the limits on use or any other provision of this Agreement.Owner automatically,without any furth( paid in Owner or collected from Renter in connection with this rental,for the construction,financing,operation facilities, on and/ notice to Renter or AAD(s),terminates their right to use Vehicle and Owner retains any other rights and remedies provided t or maintenance of the consolidated rental car facility,other airport facilities,and I or transportation related facilities, law.Owner has the right to seize Vehicle without legal process or notice to Renter or AAD(s).Renter and AAD(s)hereby waN (b)The Concession Fee Recovery,Concession Fee Recoupmend,or similarly designated charge(GONG REC)which is all claims for damages connected with such seizure,including loss or damage to contents,and shall pay all expenses incurrE Owner's charge to recover the concession fees paid by Owner to an airport's owner or operator in connection with by Owner in returning Vehicle to the original rental office. this rental;and d. If Renter or AAD(s)continues to operate Vehicle after the right to do so is terminated.Owner has the right to notify police Vehic (c)The Facility Fee Recovery(FAC REC)which is Owner's charge to recover the estimated fees,charges,costs,which has been stolen.Renter and AAD(s)hereby release and discharge Owner from and indemnify,defend and hold Owner harmles may include rent paid by Owner to the owner,operator or agent of the location being serviced by Owner for this rental against any liability arising from such notice.Renter remains responsible for all charges,costs,taxes,fees and obligations as si or to the owner,operator or agent of the location of the Branch Address on Page 1;and forth in Paragraph 3. (d)The Vehicle License Fee Recovery(VLF REC)which is Owner's charge to recover the estimated average daily cost per vehicle of the charges imposed by governmental authorities upon Owner or its affiliates to title,register and plate )wner is an affiliate of Enterprise Holdings Inc.,which owns all rights to Enterprise names and marks. ©ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON, LLC, 201 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10MAHC UC18 PAGE 3 of 4 loadside Assistance.For roadside assistance in the U.S.and Canada call 1.800-307.6666 and you will be connected to a which Renter or AAD(s)did not have use of Vehicle or substitute Vehicle.RENTER AND AAD(S)WAIVE ALL CLAIMS FOR CONSE )arty roadside assistance provider that,depending on your location and circumstances,may be able to dispatch personnel capable QUENTIAL,PUNITIVE,AND INCIDENTAL DAMAGES THAT MIGHT OTHERWISE BE AVAILABLE TO RENTER OR AAD(S).SUCf forming roadside services to your location.Charges apply for any service(s)provided to Renter. - DAMAGES ARE EXCLUDED AND NOT AVAILABLE TO RENTER ORAAD(S).Renter further acknowledges that any personal datr accidents.Damage to,loss or theft of Vehicle must be immediately reported in wetting to the office where Vehicle was rented, or information downloaded or transferred to Vehicle may not be secure and may be accessible after the Rental Period.Rente i no event later than the following business day after the accident.Renter and AAD(s)must immediately deliver to the office where releases Owner from any liability resulting from or otherwise arising out of any such data or information being accessed and le was rented every process,pleading or paper relating to any claims,suits or proceedings arising from such accident.In the event or utilized by a third party. laim,suit or legal proceeding,Renter and AAD(s)shall cooperate fully with Owner and its representatives.Vehicle may be equipped 17.Optional Collision Damage Waive r in Event Data Recorder or similar device(EDR)for the purpose of recording data about the operation of Vehicle.To the extent COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER IS NOT INSURANCE.THE PURCHASE OF COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER IS OPTIONAL AND NOl tted by law,Renter consents to Owner or its representatives retrieving and using such data from the EDR. REQUIRED IN ORDER TO RENT A VEHICLE. lamage to,Loss,Modification or Theft of.Vehicle,Optional Accessories and Related Costs.Except to Renter may purchase Collision Damage Waiver(CDW)from Owner for an additional fee.If Renter purchases COW,Owner agrees dent restricted,modified or limited by State law,Renter accepts responsibility for damage to,loss,modification or theft of,Vehicle, except in those situations where CDW does not apply listed below,to contractually waive Renter's responsibility for all of the cost o nal Accessories or any part or accessory occurring during the Rental Period regardless of fault or negligence of Renter or any other damage to,loss or theft of.Vehicle or any part or accessory and related costs regardless of fault or negligence.Notwithstanding anythim n or act of God.Renter shall pay Owner the amount necessary to repair Vehicle or Optional Accessories.Renter shall not have to the contrary and unless prohibited by law,CDW does not apply to lost or damaged keys,key fobs,transponders,Optional Accessories le or Optional Accessories repaired without permission from Owner.If Vehicle is stolen and not recovered or Owner determines or any liability imposed by law. Is is salvage,Renter shall pay Owner the fair market value less any sale proceeds.For purposes of this Agreement,fair market When deciding whether or not to purchase CDW,you may wish to check with your insurance representative or credit card company tr shall be the retail value of Vehicle immediately preceding the loss.If Optional Accessories are not returned Renter shall pay owner determine whether,in the event of damage to,or theft of,Vehicle,you have coverage or protection for such damage or theft and thr placement cost of the Optional Accessories.Renter is responsible for all towing,storage or impound fees,and other costs incurred amount of your deductible or out-of-packet risk.For Massachusetts drivers:If you have an automobile policy on your personal vehick veer to recover Vehicle and to establish damages.Renter agrees to pay any taxes,fees and other mandatory charges imposed by with coverage for collision and comprehensive,your policy will cover collision and comprehensive damage to a rental vehicle,less IN counties and other governmental andlor airport authorities.Renter agrees to pay a sum for loss of use,regardless of fleet utiliza- deductible on your policy. calculated as follows:(i)if Owner determines Vehicle is repairable:total labor hours from the repair estimate divided by 4 multiplied CDW does'not cover the following: daily rate(including any Car Class Change)on Page 1;(ii)if Vehicle is stolen and not recovered or Owner determines Vehicle is ge:15 days at the daily rate on Page 1.Renter also agrees to pay:(a)an administrative fee of$50.00 when the repair estimate is a.'.-Damage or loss caused intentionally,willfully or wantonly by an authorized driver, han$500.00 or$100.00 when the repair estimate is between$500.00 and$1,500.00 or$150.00 if greater than$1,500.00;(b)a b. Damage or loss occurring while an authorized driver operates the rental vehicle while legally intoxicated or under the influena or diminishment of value if Vehicle is repairable calculated as 10%of the repair estimate if the damages are greater than$499.99. of any,illegal drug or chemical as defined or determined under the law of the state in which the damage occurred; iicle is returned during non-business hours or to any place other than Branch Address on Page 1,any damage to,loss or theft of, c. Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is engaging in any speed contest; le or Optional Accessories occurring prior to an employee of Owner checking in and inspecting Vehicle is Renter's responsibility. d. Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is using the vehicle to push or tow anything or using the vehicle to cam PARAGRAPH 17 FOR INFORMATION ON OPTIONAL CDW. persons or property for hire,unless expressly authorized in the rental agreement; tesaonsibill to Third Parties.Owner or its affiliate complies with applicable motor vehicle financial responsibility laws as e. Damage or loss incurred while an authorized driver is driving outside the United States or Canada,unless expressly authorizer ;ured,self-insurer,bondholder,or cash depositor.Except to the extent required by the mot or vehicle financial responsibility laws in the rental agreement; applicable stale or otherwise by law or this Agreement,neither Owner or its affiliate extends any of its motor vehicle financial I. Damage or loss incurred while the vehicle is driven,with the Renter's permission or accession,by anyone other than an aulho risibility or provides insurance coverage to Renter,AAD(s),passengers or third parties through this Agreement.If valid automobile rized driver; y insurance or self insurance is available on any basis to Renter,AAD(s)or any other driver and such insurance or self insurance Damage or loss incurred after the private passenger automobile was rented or an authorized driver was approved as a result o ies the applicable state motor vehicle financial responsibility law,then Owner or its affiliate as the case may be extends none of its 9• fraudulent information provided to the rental company; vehicle financial responsibility.However,if Renter and AAD(s)are in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement Owner or its affiliate is obligated to extend its molar vehicle financial responsibility to Renter,AAD(s)or third parties,then Owner's h. Damage or loss incurred as a result of commission of a felony by an authorized driver. affiliate's obligation is limited to the applicable state minimum financial responsibility amounts.Unless required by law,Owner's or 18.Optional Supplemental Liability Protection iliate's financial responsibility shall not extend to any claim made by a passenger while riding in or on or getting in or out of Vehicle. THE PURCHASE OF SUPPLEMENTAL LIABILITY PROTECTION IS OPTIONAL AND NOT REQUIRED IN ORDER TO RENT I cial responsibility shall not extend to liability imposed or assumed by anyone under any workers compensation act,plan or contract. VEHICLE. PARAGRAPH 18 FOR INFORMATION ON OPTIONAL SLP. THIS IS A SUMMARY ONLY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL PROVISIONS,LIMITATIONS,EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF THE idemnification by Renter.Renter shall defend,indemnify and hold Owner or its affiliate(s)harmless from all losses,liabilities, SLP POLICY.UPON REQUEST,A COPY OF THE POLICY IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW.SLP MAY PROVIDE A DUPLICATION Of ges,injuries,claims,demands,costs,attorney fees and other expenses incurred by Owner or its affiliate(s)in any manner from COVERAGE ALREADY FURNISHED UNDER A RENTER'S PERSONAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE POLICY,HOMEOWNER': mtal transaction,or from the use of Vehicle or Optional Accessories by any person,including claims of,or liabilities to,third parties. INSURANCE POLICY, PERSONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY, OR OTHER SOURCE OF COVERAGE. OWNER': ;r may present a claim to Renters insurance carrier for such events or losses;but in any event,Renter shall have final responsibility EMPLOYEES,AGENTS OR ENDORSEES ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO EVALUATE THE ADEQUACY OF RENTER'S EXISTIN( rner or its affiliate(s)for all such losses.This obligation may be limited if Renter purchases optional CDW andlor optional SLP to the COVERAGE. t CDW and SLP applies.SEE PARAGRAPHS 17 AND 18 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OPTIONAL CDW AND OPTIONAL SLP Benefits: Optional Supplemental Liability Protection(SLP)provides Renter with minimum financial responsibility limits(at no charge to Renter 'ersonal Injury Protection and UninsuredlUnderinsured Motorist Protection.Except as required by law,Owner as outlined in the applicable motor vehicle financial responsibility laws of the state where Vehicle is operated AND excess insurana affiliate do not provide Personal Injury Protection,No Fault Benefits or Medical Payment Coverage(collectively PIP)or Uninsuredl provided by the insurance policy(SLP charge as shown on Page 1 is for the excess insurance only),which supplies Renter and AAD(s rinsured Motorist Protection(UMIUIM)through this Agreement.If Owner or its affiliate is required by law to provide PIP andlor UMI with third-party liability protection with a combined single limit per accident equal to the difference between the minimum finande Renter expressly selects such protection in the minimum limits with the maximum deductible and expressly waives and rejects PIP responsibility limits referenced above and$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit per accident.SLP will respond to third party accident claim: it UMIUIM limits in excess of the minimum limits required by law. that result from bodily injury,including death,and property damage that arise from the use or operation of Vehicle as permitted in lhi 'ersonal Property.Owner is not responsible for any damage to,loss ortheft of,any personal property or data contained therein, Agreement.The policy does not provide coverage for any loss arising from the use or operation of Vehicle in Mexico.SLP is available ier the damage or theft occurs during or after termination of the rental regardless of fault or negligence.Renter acknowledges and for an additional charge as stipulated on Page 1. :s that no bailment is or shall be created upon Owner,whether actual,constructive or otherwise,for any personal property carved SLP Exclusions: eft in Vehicle or on Owners premises.Owner is not liable for and Renter shall defend,indemnify and hold Owner and its affiliate(s) For all exclusions,see the SLP policy.Here are a few key exclusions: less from all losses,liabilities,damages,injuries,claims,demands,costs,attorney fees and other expenses incurred by Owner affiliate(s)or in any way arises out of Renters or Renters passengers failure to remove any personal property,including but.not (a)Loss adsing out of an accident which occurs while Renter or AAD(s)is under the influence of alcohol or drugs,or other substance, d to data or records of Renter or Renter's passengers downloaded or otherwise transferred to Vehicle.Owner is not responsible unless prescribed by a physician;(b)Loss arising oul.of bodily injury,death or property damage sustained by Renter or AAD(s)or an, id Renter releases Owner from any claim or cause of action which may arise from a prior renter's or passenger's failure to remove relative or family member of Renter or AAD(s)who resides in the same household;(c)Loss arising out of the operation of Vehicle b; iersonal property,data or records from Vehicle.Renter acknowledges and agrees that no bailment is or shall be created upon any driver who is not Renter or AAD(s);(d)Liability arising out of or benefits payable under any uninsured or underinsured motorist law u,whether actual,constructive or otherwise,for any personal property carried in or left in Vehicle or on Owners premises.SEE in any state;(e)Liability arising out of or benefits payable under any first party benefit law,medical payments,no-fault or any simila IGRAPH 19 FOR INFORMATION ON OPTIONAL PAIIPEC. law to the foregoing,in any stale;(f)Bodily injury,death to an employee or the spouse,child,parent,brother or sister of that employee Ise in Mexico.Vehicle shall not be taken into Mexico without Owner's prior written consent.Even with Owner's prior written arising out of and in the course of employment by Renter or AAD(s);(g)Property damage to property transported or in the care,custod, Is CDW,PAI and SLP do not apply to taken or events that occur in Mexico.Renter must maintain or purchase insurance which or control of Renter or AAD(s);(h)Damage to Vehicle;(f)Liability arising out of the use of Vehicle,which was obtained based on false apply in Mexico,as specified and approved by Owner,prior to taking Vehicle into Mexico. misleading or fraudulent information;0)Loss arising out of the use of Vehicle when such use is otherwise in violation of the term: and conditions of the Agreement Report SLP Claims to: 'hird Party Proceeds.If a third party,including,without limitation,an insurance company,authorizes payment of any amount Sedgwick CMS by Renter under this Agreement,Renter hereby assigns to Owner Renters right to receive such payment.Only those amounts P.O.Box 94950 Ily paid by a third party to Owner shall reduce the amount owed by Renter under this Agreement;provided however,certain third �s may have agreed to pay Owner a flat fee for this rental in lieu of Owners'/day'charges or the per diem benefits under the Cleveland,OH 44101.4950 able insurance policy.In such event the flat fee might exceed or be less than:the normal°Iday'charges as calculated under this Phone:1-888-515.3132 Fax:1-216.617.2928 ;menl;or the per diem benefits.Regardless of the amounts paid under such flat fee agreement,third party payments shall not be 19.Personal Accident Insurance(PAI)&Personal Effects Coverage(PEC). A to:vehicle upgrades or optional products(beyond those provided by'lhe third party);or,rental days beyond those specified by PURCHASE OF PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE(PAI)&PERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE(PEC)IS OPTIONAL AND NO* . iird party.Renter remains responsible for all charges not paid by the third parties,such as charges for vehicle upgrades,optional REQUIRED TO RENT A VEHICLE. icts,extra rental days,and all other charges. THIS IS A SUMMARY ONLY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL PROVISIONS,LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS OF THE PAI i lower of Attorney.Renter hereby grants and appoints to Owner a Limited Power of Attorney: PEC POLICIES.UPON REQUEST,A COPY OF THE POLICIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW.PAI&PEC MAY PROVIDE To present insurance claims of any type to Renters insurance carrier andlor credit card company if: A DUPLICATION OF COVERAGE ALREADY FURNISHED BY A PERSONAL INSURANCE POLICY, COMPREHENSIVE I. Vehicle is damaged,lost or stolen during the Rental Period and if Renter fails to pay for any damages;or HOMEOWNER'S OR TENANT'S POLICY OR SOME OTHER SOURCE. BENEFITS AVAILABLE UNDER THE PAI & PEC ii. Any liability claims against Owner arise in connection with this rental transaction and Renter fails to defend,indemnify and HOWEVER,WILL BE PAID.IN ADDITION TO THOSE RECEIVED FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE.EMPLOYEES,AGENTS Of hold Owner harmless from such claims; ENDORSEES OF VEHICLE OWNER(AS DEFINED IN THE AGREEMENT)ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO EVALUATE THE ADEQUACI To endorse Renters name to entitle Owner to receive insurance,credit card andlor debit card payments directly for any such OF RENTER'S INSURANCE. claims,damages,liabilities or rental charges. PAI provides Renter and Renters passengers with Accidental Death,Accident Medical Expenses and Ambulance Expense benefits ;everability.If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful,contrary to public policy,void or unenforceable,all PEC insures the personal effects of Renter,or any member of Renter's immediate family who permanently resides in Renter's househoh fining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. and who is traveling with Renter,against risks of loss or damage while in transit or in a building,(other than your personal residence Imitation of Remedy/No Consequential Damages.If Owner breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement or locked in the Vehicle.PAI&PEC are available for an additional charge as stipulated on the Rental Agreement Summary of lhi it if Vehicle has any mechanical failure or other failure not caused by Renter or AAD(s)and if Owner is liable under applicable law Agreement.'Renter is the person who signs the Rental Agreement Summary as Renter. ich breach or Vehicle failure,Owners sole liability to Renter and AAD(s)and Renters and AAD(s)'sole remedy is limited to the PAI Benefits: Renter Passenger itution of another similar Vehicle by Owner to Renter and to recovery by Renter of the pro rata daily rental rate for the period in Accidental Death,Not to exceed $175,000 $17,500 Accident Medical Expenses,Not to exceed $2,500 $2,500 ier is an affiliate of Enterprise Holdings Inc.,which owns all rights to Enterprise names and marks. ©ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON, LLC, 2017 10MAHC UC18-PAGE 4-of 4• ,cc dent Ambulance Fxpense;Notto exceed $250 $250 22.lieaciir_g The h-_ ;rugs oi:'ie numbered.paragmphs.of this Agreement are for convenience only;are not part of this Agreement .ccidentAggragate;notte"exceed$225;000'per accident.. and dci,r; r r°i:, n,u ry urampl fy;(he terms arrJ cord Hors oflhis Agreement be above PAI benefits for Renter,apply to.axidents during the Rental Period.whether or ri&Renteris i0ehide;Passengers are 23.Releaae GN cas t nafionao Third Parties.Rentecagrpes O,vner may,and.Renler expressly authorizes Owner,to provide overed only for.accidents occurring_whi!e they occupy Vehicle.Anyone,other.than Renter eccuoying,or op3rati^:g Vehicle si31'.be. information in Ohae�'s pussossicn about Renier and A-40(s),including but not limited to such driver's name;address,celluladmobile and onsidered a`Passenger'for the purposes of PAI benefits. othecphone numbers;d6er's.license andl%creditldebit cam information to applicable authorities or other,third parties,in connection" 'EC.Benefits: with this Agreementiac!uttsg„vr fhoid.limdation,pier ding Renter's personal data to.flr!rd parties w;h'ch conduct services:on Owner's TOTE:PEC available at select locations. behalf(such as consumer satisfaction.sur,•eys)and consent to Owner or Owner's representatives contacting Renter... 750 pecperson;$2;500 maximum coverage for all covered ind'niduals during the Rental Period. 24:Choice.of Law.Alt terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be interpreted;construed and enforced pursuantto.the.law of the State where this Agreement is executed by Rentervrithout giving;effect to the conflict of lm%s.and provisions of such State.- 'EC benefits apply to personal effects belonging to Renter,or any member of Renter's immediate familywho permanently resides in 25..MandatoN Arbitration A regiment:RENTER ANL,OWNER"EACH WANE'THEIR RIGHT TO A.JURY:TRUtC OR:TO. Center's household and who is travelin with Renter,.a oinst risks ofloss ordama a while in transit or in a building, than.your- q---- 9 9 9 9( y PARTICIPATE IN A.CLASS�ACTION PURSUANT TO THE FOiLOIAINGTERMS.:RENTER.'AND OWNER AGREE.TO.ARBITRATE ersonal residence)or locked inthe Vehicle." ANY AND'ALL.CLARAS;CONTROVERSIES OR DISPUTES OF ANY KIND.("CLAIMS")AGAINST EACH OTHER,INCLUDING BUT 'AI 88 PEC Exclusions: NOT LIMITED TO CLAIMS,ARISING OUT:QE OR RELATING TO.THISAGREEMENT,OROWNER'S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES," 'AI shall not cover any death or injury caused.wholly or partly,directly or indirectly by suicide,attempted suicide,or self-inflicted injury; CHARGES,ADVERTISINGS,OR RENTAL VEHICLES:RENTER AND.OWNER AGREE THAT.NO.CLAIMS WILL BE ASSERTED IN ircraft travel,exceptas a passenger in a licensed aircraft on a regulady.scheduled alight-committing or attempting to commit a criminal- ANY REPRESENTATIVE.CAPACITY ON A"CLASS-WIDE.OR"COLLECT!VE:BASIS,THAT.NO ARBITRATION.FORUfA WILL.HAVE ffense;an accident which occurs while.under the influence of alcohol or narcotics,unless prescribed by a physician;an accident which JURISDICTION TO DECIDE-ANY.CLAIMS-ON A.CLASS-WIDE_OR COLLECTIVE.BASIS,:'AND..THATNO RULES.FOR:CLASS-.: ccurs while.partidpating in a prearranged or organized race ortesting of @:vehicle;war orany ad:of war;or engagement in an illegal. WiDE.OR COLLECTFJEARBITRATION 169LL APPLY.This Arbitration Agreement is to be broadly interpreted and applies to.al6 ccupation;nor shall this insurance be.in effect 9 Renter converts Vehicle or.during any period Renter is in violation of the Agreement, claims:based.in"contract.tort;,statute,orany other legal Lheorf;,all claims that arose priorto.crafter termination of the.Rental. lenter shall be deemed to have oonverted:Vehicle whenever.Vehide is not returned to the Owner by.the return dale.or bythe.extended, Agreement;.ail"clafms.Renter may:bring against Owner's employees;agents affillates or representatives;.and all claims that- stum date. Owner may bring against Renter.However.the parties,agree that either party may bring:an.individual action in a small.claims- 'EC shall not cover automobiles,automobile equipment,motorcycles,watercraft,motors;or other conveyances or their appurtenances, courtwith valid jurisdiction.The parties.also.agree that claims involving a third party insurance company ostensibly providing imiture,currency,coins;deeds,bullion,stamps,tickets,securities,documents,contact lenses,artificial teeth and limbs,.perishables coverage to Renteror anyAAD:or the Applicationof:Owner's financial responsibility relating to the.use or-operation of,Vehicle: nd animals.Loss"ordamage to property while actually being worked upon,or.while in the care,custody or control.of:any common may:be brought in.a court.withvalid:jurisdlction.': arrier are also not covered. - (1)Procedure.A party mustsend a.written Notice of Dispute("Notice")describing(a)the nature and basis.of the claim;and.(b) HE POLICY DOES NOT COVER LOSS BY MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE:ALL LOSSES BY THEFT MUST BE REPORTED TO theselief sought,to the;other.party:The Notice.'to Owner should be addressed to:CTCorporation,208 S LaSalle,Suite 814, HE APPROPRIATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES OR THEY WILL NOT BECOVERED.. Chicago,IL60604("Notice Address").'If Owner and Renter do not resolve the claim within thirty(30)"days afterthe Notice is 'e file PAI and PEC claims,obtain a claim form from any rental counter;complete it and return it with a copy'of the Agreement to: received;a,parlymay commence.an arbitration by filing a demand far.arbitation.with the American Arbitration Association Sedgwick CMS ("AAA")pursuant to As Consumer-Arbitration:Rules..Ciaims:will.be.resolved,pursuant to the.AAA's Consumer Arbitration Rules-in effect.at the.time:of the demand,.asmodifred by this.agreement,.however,a single arbitrator will,be-selected P.O.Box 94950 according to AAA's Commercial Arbitration Rules..The AAA rules are available on!ine.atwwrw.adrorg:The arhitraf!on wiil.be Cleveland,OH 44101.4951 confidential and hearings will take place in.the federal judicial district,of.your Rental Location. Phone:i-888-515.3132 Fax 1.216-617-2928 (2)Arbitrator's Authority,The arbitrator is bound by this Agreement,the Federal Arbitration Act('170 j'and AAA's Consumer A Roadside Assistance Protection:When deciding whether ornot to purchase ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PROTECTION. Arbitration Rules.The arbitrator has,no:authodly,to join or consolidate.claims,.-or adjudicate joined',and consolidated 3AP),you mayw ish to check to determine whether;you have othercoverage or protection I&such services:ROADSiDE ASSISTANCE. claims.The-arbitrator-has-exclusive authority to.resolve any dispute relating to the scope,interpretation„applicability, 'ROTECTION IS NOT INSURANCE.-THE:PURCHASE OF ROADSIDE-ASSISTANCE PROTECTION IS OPTIONAL AND"NOT enforceability or formation of this agreement,including whether.it is void.The.parties agree that the arbitrator's"decision !EQUIRED:IN ORDER TO RENT A VEHICLE.Renter may purchase RAP from Owner for an additional fee:If Renter purchases RAP,' and award will.be final and.binding and may be confirmed or challenged in anyt.with cour jurisdiction as,pennitted-under - Nmaragrees to contractually waive Owners right to collect from Renter for-the following services:(I)lost and.damaged key replace-: the FAA,The arbitrator.can award tho sameAamages and.relief as a court;but only in favor of an individual party and for rent(including remote entry devices),(ii)flat lire replacement(if no inflated spare is available,Vehicle will b�towed)and the cost of a a party's individual.claim: aplacement fire is notwained,(Ili)lockout service(if keys.are locked inside Vehicle),(iv)Vehicle jumpstart,and(w)fuel delivery for up (3)Arbitration Costs:Renter will.be responsible.forhislhershare of.any arbitration fees(e.g.,filing,administrative;etc.),,but r3 gallons(or equivalent liters)of-fuel if Vehicle is out of fuel:RAP does not waive any charges incurred in Mexico. only up to the amount of.fi!ing fees Renter would incur if the claims were filed ib court Owner will be responsible forail addi7- '1.Telematics'Notice.and Release.-Vehicle may be equipped with OnStar or another vehicle lelematics system(Telematics, tional arbitration fees.Renter is responelble for all other costsffees that it ineurs in arbitration,e.g.,fees for attorneys,expert ystem).:Some or all.Telematics System functionality may ormay not be active during the Rental Period and/or may be deactivated witnesses,etc,Renter will not be required to reimburse Ownerfor any fees.unless the arbitrator finds that the substance"of utomatically and.writhout waning ornotice..Renter acknowledges that such:systems utilize-wireless technology to transmit data and, Renter's claim(s)or the relief sought is frivolous.Ifthe"arbitrator.makes such a finding,AAA Rules will govern the payment, merefore,privacy cannot be guaranteed and is specifically disclaimed by Renter.Unless prohibited by law,Renter authorizes any per- of all.fees,and Owner.may seekreasonable attorney's fees-Ownerwitl.pay:all.fees andcosts it is required by law to pay.. on's use or disclosure of or access to(I.)location information,(ii.)automatic crash nctification,to any person for use in the operation of: (4)Governing Law;andEnforcement:The.FAA applies to;this.Arbitration Agreement and govems:whether a.claim is subject' n automatic crash noti ication system,(Ili.)disable Vehicle and(iv.)operational condition,mileage,diagnostic and performance reporting. to arbitration,This Arbitration-Agreement was drafted.in compliance with.thelaws in all states,however,if any portion of.. f Vehicle.Renter shall inform any and all AAD(s)and passengers of the terms of this section and that Renter has authorized use,disdo- it deemed to.be invalid.or unenforceable or is found not to apply to a claim;the.remainder-of the Arbitration Agreement; ure or access as provided for herein.Renter releases Owner and agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless Owner,operator of the. remains:in fiall force and effect:Except,if the class-arbitration waiver provision is.deemed unenforceable,any class action elematids System,wireless camer(s)and other suppliers of components or services and them,respective employees,officers,directors claim(s)must proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction. nd agents from any damage(including inddenlal.andlor consequential damages)to•persons(including without Iimitation.Renter,an 26.Customer.Privacy:The information you provide to Owner is stored and.used.in accordance with Owners privacy policy,which' AD(s)and passengers)or property caused by failure of the telematics system to.operate properly or.othervAse arising.from.the use of is available at know.enterprise.wMabouUprivacypolicyehtml,which may be amended from time.to time and.which is incorporated herein ie Telematics.System by Renter,an AAD or Owner:Use of.the Telematics System is subject to.the.terms and conditions and.privacy by reference.:Questions regarding privacy should be directed to:privacyeaehi.com;1(877)858-3884 or Enterprise Holdings,Inc.,Privacy. taiement(Telematics-Terms)posted by the applicable Telematics System provider andformehide manufacturer(in the case of.OnStar; Questions;600.Corporate.Park Drive,St:Louis,MO 63105.' elematics Terms are available at way.onstar.00m),which may include system and service"limitations,warranty exclusions;limitations". f liability,wireless service provider terms;privacy practices,descriptions of use and sharing of information;and.user responsibilities:By. 2T ustoemail ners-Mobilit with D.combi I lee 1For customer s0.nnce inquiries.related ti customers.with disabilities,-please calla(866)225- igning this Agreement,Renter authorizes the provision of such telematics services in accordance with,and agrees to be bound by,the elematics Terms.Third party service providers are not agents,employees,or contractors of Owner. " )wneris an affiliate.of Enterprise Holdings Inc.,which cams all rights to Enterprise names and marks.: 0 ENTERPRiSE:.RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON,- LLC, 201 i -Orn orpris 1 11118M 1111111 ➢1191 1111111 JET AI➢1RI 11➢ 1N01 ' NO 8:00 AM - 6:00 PH TU 8:00 AH - 6.00 PH ' WE S.00 AN - 6:00 Phi TH B:00 Ate - 6:00 PH FIR 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM EA 9:00 AM - 12:00 Pik )WNER OF VEHICLE: ENTERPRISE' RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON, LLC SU 9.00 A�i --.12..00 PH BRANCH ADDRESS: 660 S UNION ST, LAURENCE, CAA. 018433750 (978) 456685 D I RENTAL SOURCE# I.D.# E N TYPE RIIgTNPQR TnIJN nF NO 999 � � 3RINR5F A 0 RENTER 10/12/2018 11:56 At T B ( ZA F L I P _.BAY = 24 HOUR PERIOD . START CHARGES IF DIFFERENT VEHICLE_$20.46/HOUR ORIGINAL VEHICLE $62.00f0AY �37<2.�7t:7fl�EEf1•'`yy��yL-� -- COLOR LICENSE NO. Z1.364,00/11ON 1•EI GRAY C€J7874 MODEL ECAR# GCHE 7N 1%4.4N MILE- BILL ❑1 COMPANY ._ - -- --. D EASE- v _CuR— - l_T1 [O _ ,. ATTN: PHONE EXT. DRIVEN . J� REFERENCE NUMBER: O CONpRION ANF EL X�l f/�I',1', ROF KEYS: LEVELAGREE TO RENTERtl ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZEQ DRIVER(S)-PERMITTED ONLY OTHER DRIVERS {BY LAW AND �A^tS,,�DESCRIBED IN N PAGE 2. O O Q = PARAGRAPH EO E OWNERS PERMISSION TO ALLOW NO OTHER DRIVERS PERMITTED o ¢o D LL O O WHO IS UNDER MX,'CONTROL AND DIRECTION TO DRIVE VEHICLE FOR ME AND ON MY BEHALF.I AM Q� o RESPONSIBLE FO THEIR CTS��NN-ILE THEY ARE DRIVING,AND FOR FULFILLING TERMS AND CONDITIONS O Z B OF THIS REKTA-.AGREEMT_(AGREI'.MENT).USE OF VEHICLE BY AN UNAUTHORIZED DRIVER WILL AFFECT 9 0 MY LIABI Tll^^ b RIG T DEE TH AGREEMENT. ° _ i� %=DEM —=SCMTCH o-missiNc RENTE CONDITION SAME ON RETURN Yes N, PERMISSION%(; NTED TO OPEkATE VEHICLE)L1Y IN THE STATE OF REnTAL-AND THE FOLLOWING STATE(5): F OUT E 1/8 1/4 318 1/2 5/8 314 7/8 F L IN E 118 114 3/8 1/2 5/8 314 718 F OPERATION IN ANY OTHER STATE OR COUNTRY WILL AFFECT YOUR LIABILITY AND RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. RENTER DECLINES OPTIONAL COLLISION RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL COLLISION DAMAGE - Notice:This contract offers,for an additional DAMAGE WAIVER(COW)AND ASSUMES DAMAGE WAIVER(CDW)AT FEE SHOWN IN COLUMN TO I/DW DR CDU $0.60/DAY RESPONSIBILITY.SEE WGRAPH 7. RIGHT.SEE NOTICE TO LEFT AND PARAGRAPH 17. RENTER:X charge,a Collision Damagge Waiver to cover �7C� COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER IS NOT INSURANCE. - -- ----- -- -- - -- ---- - ----- - your financial responsibility for damage to '�`1Uj, `1 the rental vehicle.Your personal automobile RENTER:X I L'ii-t rtt P RENTERDECLINES OPTIONAL PERSONAL RENTERACCEPTS OPTIONAL PERSONAL ACCIDENT {� pp 7� insurance may already cover you for damage ACCIDENT INSURANCEIPERSONAL EFFECTS INSURANCEIPERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE D/PA I/PEC /+ COVERAGE(PAIIPEC).SEE PARAGRAPH 10 AND 11. (PAIIPEC)AT FEE SHOWN IN COLUMN TO RIGHT.SEE RENTER:X to a rental car.The purchase of a Collision PARAGRAPH I9.. _- Damage Waiver is optional and may be i declined. For Massachusetts residents: If RENTER:a-•-;L`=C:","._S. ! RENTER DECLINES OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL -- you have an automobile policy on your per- LIABILITY PROTECTION(SUP).SEE PARAGRAPH 8. LIABILITY PROTECTION(SUP)AT FEE SHOWN IN RENTER:X D/•'J•L P 0.0)A AY sonal vehicle with coverage for collision, COLUMN TO RIGHT.SEE PARAGRAPH 18. your policy will cover collision damage to the RE TER:X ,r, -- ..c <sw+s •_ RENTER DECLINES OPTIONAL ROADSIDE RENTER ACCEPTS OPTIONAL ROADSIDE renta vehicle, less the deductible on your ASSISTANCE PROTECTION(RAP).SEE ASSISTANCE PROTECTION(RAP)AT FEE SHOWN REC:X n c� T� PARAGRAPH 5.• IN COLUMN TO RIGHT.SEE OPTIONAL PRODUCTS B°RAF i•O.1)1)f LiP.Y policy.If you have comprehensive coverage _.� NOTICE TO LEFT AND PARAGRAPH 20. t D on your vehicle your policy will cover loss REN ER:X on the rental vehicle caused by fire,theft or 1 • • •• vandalism less the deductible on our policy.y _ .. . Drivers who hold policies in other states •• •• • PPF Q.92/CALLO➢d - should check with tf�eir insurance agents to : ': ' ; :' ,'' : ' ; ` - . - determine whether their policies extend to fiEF2.89/CAL!O;� rental vehicles. ••. , REPLACEMENT VEHICLE RENTER: V', DATE 10f12/2018 A u OWNER I �p EMPL. SAL-_S TAX 6.25%/RENTAL_ E T REP X „s _�------� E265F`B PPG VIOL SCHG $0.60/RENTAL COLOR LICENSE NO. I WILL RE'U N6-AR BY: DEPOSIT(Sf: VLC REC FEE �1.5(f DAY DATE TIME AMOUNT PAID BY MODEL ECARk 11/11/201 9:00 Aft MILE- N AGE OUTI - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DRIVEN CONOmONANDFUEL X /OF KEYS: TOTAL CHARGES LF,TLAGREEDTO RENIEF ° z DEPOSITS a REFUNDS a m O o go SEE PAGE 2, PARAGRAPH 3 FOR INFORMATION ON: VEHICLE LICENSE ° COST RECOVERY FEE (VLC REC FEE), CUSTOMER FACILITY CHARGE CLOSED BY '=°TIO AMEOT11 R °"M'SYes CFC ; CONCESSION FEE RECOVERY CONCESSION RECOVERY);CONDITION SAME ON RETURN Yes No ( ) ( ) CASH CHECK i CHARGE F OUT E 118 114 3/8 112 518 314 7,18 F CONVENTION- CENTER SURCHARGE (CONY CTR SURCHARGE); PAID BY 1. E i:Ic ;°,;-I . (;I IfaU MASSACHUSETTS PARKING SURCHARGE(MA PRKG SURCHARGE)AND RECEIPT OF DATE AMOUNT RECEIVED BY L IN E 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 518 314 7/8 F APPLICABLE TAXES.(MA SALES TAX). CASH REFUND )WNER IS AN AFFILIATE OF ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC.,WHICH OWNS ALL RIGHTS TO ENTERPRISE NAMES AND MARKS. ® ©ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON,LLC,20 1,497.70 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10MAHC UC18 PAGE 2 of 4 tenter agrees by Renter's signature on Page 1 that Renter has read,is aware of,accepts full responsibility for and is bound by the all vehicles in itsitheir rental Fleet registered in Massachusetts.The VLC REC FEE is not calculated based on the costs arms and conditions contained in this rental agreement(Agreement),which consists of Pages 1 through 4,hereof for the Rental Period imposed upon a particular vehicle. rhether or not subsequent Agreements are executed by Renter or if Owner assigns a new Agreement number during the Rental Period c. Additional Obligations of Renter-Unless prohibited by law,Renter shall pay Owner,its affiliates or agents: x the purpose of invoicing Renter.Renter expressly acknowledges that Renter and Owner are the only parties to[his Agreement, (1) If Renter returns the vehicle to a location other than the designated return location a vehicle recovery fee,unscheduled one Withstanding that a reservation for vehicle may have been arranged by a third party;that a third party may pay for all or part of the way fee or drop charge which shall be no more than the greater of:a)$300.00;b)$1.50 per mile between return location antal bill;and/or that a third party may negotiate certain terms of the rental,including but not limited to the type of vehicle,length of and original rental office;or c)Owner's adjusted daily,weekly or monthly rate applicable on the data of return. antal,rental rate and/or selection of optional products.For matters arising from this Agreement,Renter authorizes Owner to verify and/ (2) For damage to,loss or theft of Vehicle or Optional Accessories,including all related costs(see paragraph 6),to the extent r obtain through credit agencies or other sources Renter's personal,credit andlor insurance information.This Agreement,which consists For as described in paragraph Vehicle or RAP, n described in paragraph 19.11 do not apply. f Pages 1 through 4,is the entire Agreement between Renter and Owner and cannot be altered by another document or oral agreement Ness agreed to in writing and signed by Renter and Owner. (3) All fines,costs,charges and attorneys'fees paid or to be paid by Owner,its affiliates or a third party for legal violations, Definitions:For the purposes of this Agreement,the following terms are specifically defined: parking,tolls,touring and storage and the like occurring during the Rental Period(Fines,Tolls and Violations).Renter a. "Additional Authorized Drivel(AAD(s))means any individual in addition to Renter who is permitted by Owner to operate consents to the payment of all Fines,Tolls and Violations by Owner,its affiliates or a third party on Renter's behalf without advance notice thereof and acknowledges that such payment may prejudice Renter's ability to contest Fines,Tolls and Vehicle.This includes individuals identified on Page 1 as ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED DRIVER(S),and with the permission of Violations with the applicable authority.Renter agrees Owner may provide Renters information to applicable authorities Renter,includes Renter's spouse or domestic partner(same or apposite sex)who meets the minimum rental age and holds a and/or third parties to process payment and/or transfer liability to the Renter for any such Fines.Tolls and Violations.In valid license.Additionally,any driver 21 years of age or older with a valid license and the permission of the Renter has Owners addition,Owner,its affiliates or a third party may assess a fee of up to$25 per incident to apply towards all costs incurred permission to operate the Vehicle. in connection with any Fines,Tolls and Violations and their administration. b. "Optional Accessories"means but is not limited to optional child seals,global positioning systems,ski racks,toll transponders (4) A Tollpass convenience charge(TCC)(where available)of up to$5.00 per day of Rental Period for each day Vehicle is andlor other products accepted by Renter. operated on a Tollpass Automatic Service covered road and Vehicle operator does not pay an applicable toll.Total TCC c. "Owner"for the purposes of this Agreement means"OWNER OF VEHICLE"shown on the top of Page 1; charges will not exceed$25.00 per Rental Period.To avoid the TCC,Renter may(i)use toll-free roads and bridges,(ii) d. "Rental Period"means the period between the time Renter takes possession of Vehicle until Vehicle is returned or recovered pay tolls with cash(where applicable),or(iii)use any of the other methods described in our toll brochures and at www. and in either case,checked in by Owner. enterprise.custhelp.com(keyword"tolls"),which vary by toll roadibridge.In addition to the TCC,Owner or a third party e. "Renter"means the person,or entity identified on Page i as"RENTER'; may separately charge Renter's credit or debit card for each toll not paid by Vehicle operator incurred during the Rental f. 'Vehicle"means the"ORIGINAL VEHICLE"or any replacement vehicle(s). Period at the higher of the applicable toll authority's cash toll rate or highest undiscounted loll rate.A current listing of !. OwnershipNehicle ConditionMarranty Exclusion.Renter acknowledges that Vehicle and any Optional Accessories TCC Covered Roads is available upon request,at'1vww.hiatc.comllollpass"or(877)765-5201.Operation of Vehicle on re,by ownership,beneficial interest or lease,property of Owner or its affiliate,even if owned,registered or titled to a third party.Renter a roadway or bridge not covered by TCC where applicable tolls are not paid may subject the Renter to fines,costs and r not an agent of Owner'and has no authority to bind Owner.Renter agrees Renter received Vehicle and any Optional Accessories fees see Paragraph 3.c.(3.)above.RENTER EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZES OWNER OR ITS AFFILIATE TO TRANSFER i good physical and mechanical condition.RENTER IS TAKING POSSESSION OF VEHICLE AND ANY OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES RENTER'S NAME,ADDRESS,CREDIT CARD INFORMATION AND ALL OTHER DATA NECESSARY TO ENABLE 4S IS"AND HAS HAD AN ADEQUATE OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT VEHICLE AND ANY OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES AND THEIR THE COLLECTION OF ALL TOLLS AND ASSOCIATED CHARGES INCURRED DURING THE RENTAL PERIOD. )PERATION.OWNER EXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES,BOTH EXPRESS AND IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THE VEHICLE (5) A late charge of 1 1/2%per month,not to exceed the maximum allowable by law,on all charges not paid within 30 days AD ANY OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES,INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A after the end of the Rental Period. 'ARTICULAR PURPOSE.Renter agrees not to alter or tamper with Vehicle or any Optional Accessories.If Renter or AAD(s)determines (6) All expenses incurred by Owner in the collection of amounts due Owner under this Agreement or in regaining possession 'ehicle or any Optional Accessories is unsafe,Renter or AAD(s)shall stop operating Vehicle and any Optional Accessories and notify, of Vehicle or in enforcing any term or condition of this Agreement,including attorneys'fees,Owner's administrative fees, )wner immediately. and any other costs or expenses incurred by Owner. I. Payment by Renter. (7) The taxes,fees and other mandatory charges imposed by slates,counties and other governmental authorities. a. For items designated as either"/hour","Iday�',Yweek"or"/month"on Page 1: IF A CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD HAS BEEN PRESENTED AS A MEANS OF PAYMENT,DEPOSIT OR SECURITY,RENTER (1) "/hour"is 60 consecutive minutes or any portion thereof beginning at the start time of the rental. AUTHORIZES OWNER TO SUBMIT FOR PAYMENT ON SUCH CARD(S)ALL AMOUNTS OWED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, 2 If'day-24 hour period',"Ida is each consecutive 24 hours beginning at the start time of the rental. INCLUDING IF ANY THIRD PARTY TO WHOM A BILLING WAS DIRECTED REFUSES TO MAKE PAYMENT.IN THE EVENT OWNER () P y 9 9 INITIATES ANY CHARGE TO SUCH CARD(S)THAT IS DISHONORED FOR ANY REASON,RENTER AUTHORIZES OWNER TO (3) If"day=calendar day","Iday"is each consecutive full or partial day of the week. RE-INITIATE SUCH CHARGE WITHOUT FURTHER AUTHORIZATION FROM RENTER.For a Vehicle rented with a cash deposit, (4) "/week"is 7 consecutive 24 hour days beginning at the start time of the rental. any excess deposit will be refunded by check issued within 15 business days of the end of rental PERIOD.All charges are subject to (5) "/month"is 30 consecutive 24 hour days beginning at the start time of the rental. final audit by Owner. (6) Unless expressly modified on Page 1,all charges are for a minimum of i day. 4. Limits on Use and Termination of Right to Use. b. Renter shall pay Owner,its affiliates or agents amounts as set forth on Page 1 for: a. Renter agrees to the following limits on use: (1) The hour,day,week and month charges on Page 1 for the Rental Period.The"/hour charge if shown on Page 1 shall (1) Vehicle shall not be driven by any person other than Renter or AAD(s)without Owner's prior written consent. apply to each full or partial hour in excess of a day.The hourly charges shall not exceed the cost of one additional day.If (2) Vehicle shall not be used for transporting persons for hire;as a school bus;or for driver training. Vehicle is returned during non-business hours or to any place other than the Branch Address on Page 1,all rental charges (3) Vehicle shall not be used for transport of products for hire as a common carrier,a contract carrier or a private carrier of incurred through the time an employee of Owner checks in Vehicle are Renters responsibility. property UNLESS: (2) The mileage charge per mile for all miles exceeding any free miles set forth on Page 1 permitted for the Rental Period. I. Renter obtains bodily injury and property damage liability insurance required of a motor carrier by the stale and/or federal (3) The Optional Accessories,services and/or products charges for those items accepted by Renter. government where Vehicle is rented and/or operated;and (4) The optional Verified Carbon Offsets(CO2 OFFSET)accepted by Renter are an optional environmental service designed it.Renter and any AAD(s)hold a valid class license for that purpose and comply with all federal,state or municipal laws, to offset the greenhouse gases emitted by Vehicle.Owner remits amounts collected to an independent 3rd party provider. ordinances or regulations. See www.keystogreen.com for more information.The estimated emissions produced by Vehicle are based on the average (4) Vehicle shall not be used for:any illegal purposes;in any illegal or reckless manner;in a race or speed contest;or to tow mileage and fuel economy of vehicles in the rental fleet and are not calculated based on the emissions of a particular or push anything. vehicle. 5 Vehicle shall not be used to car 5 The optional Toll ass service accepted b Renter provides for the daily rental of a toll collection transponder oll ass () carry passengers in excess of the number of seat bells provided by manufacturer or outside () P P P Y P y P F P of the passenger compartment. Transponder Service)or,in some slates,the use of video-monitored toll collection services(Tollpass Automatic Service, and together with the Tollpass Transponder Service,collectively the Tollpass Service).In addition to the daily charge for (6) Renter shall not remove any seats from Vehicle. the Tollpass Service,Owner,its affiliate or a third party may separately charge Renters credit or debit card(or bill Renter, (7) Vehicle shall not be driven by any person impaired by the use of narcotics,alcohol,intoxicants,or drugs,used with or as applicable,for cash rentals)for each toll(or other charge)incurred using the Tollpass Service during the Rental Period without a prescription. on covered roads within the Tollpass Service area at the higher of the applicable toll authority's video toll rate,cash toll (8) Vehicle shall not be loaded in excess of Vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating(GVWR)which is,weight of Vehicle plus rate or highest undiscounted toll rate.Renter expressly authorizes Owner or its affiliate to transfer to a third party Renter's weight of load,as indicated on the driver side door jam,or with an improperly or unevenly divided load as per Vehicle name,address,crediUdebit card information,and other data necessary to enable the collection of all such tolls,any other manufacturers specifications and/or guidelines. charge(s)in addition to tolls attributed to the transponder and other associated charges incurred during the Rental Period. (9) Vehicle shall not be driven or taken outside the states authorized on Page 1. No credit is provided for days the transponder is not utilized.Tollpass Service has a limited service area;attempting to (10) Vehicle shall not be driven on an unpaved road or off-road. use the service outside the service area may subject the Renter and/or any AAD(s)to fines and penalties see Paragraph (11)Vehicle shall not be operated by anyone:who has given a fictitious name,false address,or a false or invalid driver's 3.(c.)(3.).A current listing of Tollpass Service area covered roads is available upon request,at"wwv.htallc.comltollpass" license;whose driver's license becomes invalid during the Rental Period;who has obtained the keys without permission of or(877)765-5201 Owner;or who misrepresents or withholds facts to/from Owner material to rental,use or operation of Vehicle. (6) The fuel charge at the rate shown.If based on consumption and Vehicle is returned with less fuel than when rented,the (12) Renter shall not transfer or assign this Agreement and/or sublease Vehicle. charge shall be for the Owner's estimated difference in fuel level shown on the fuel gauge from the time Vehicle is rented (13)Vehicle shall not be used to store or transport explosives,chemicals,corrosives or other hazardous materials or pollut- lo the time it returned.Renter shall not receive a refund or credit r Vehicle is returned with more fuel than when Renter ants of any kind or nature.Renter remains responsible for all charges,costs,taxes,fees and obligations as set forth in received it.If Renter purchases the Fuel Service Option,then Renter's fuel charge shall be the per gallon charge multiplied paragraph 3. by the fuel tank capacity of Vehicle rented.Renter shall not receive a refund or credit for any unused fuel. (7) The one way fee(for returning to a predetermined location other than the Branch Address on Page 1),fees for AAD(s)and/ (14)Vehicle shall not be used for testing Vehicle's technological components or capabilities. or fees based on Renter or AAD(s)age. It. Renter agrees to return Vehicle and any Optional Accessories to Owner on or before return date to the address stated on Page (8) The other fees and charges(none of which are taxes)including but not limited to: 1 or on Owner's demand and in same condition as received,ordinary wear and tear excepted.Extensions to Rental Period are (a)Any airport Customer Facility Charge,Customer Facility Charge or similarly designated charge which is required to be at Owner's option. paid by Owner or collected from Renter in connection with this rental,for the construction,financing,operation and/ c. In the event of any violation of the limits on use or any other provision of this Agreement.Owner automatically,without any further or maintenance of the consolidated rental car facility,other airport facilities,and/or transportation related facilities, notice to Renter or AAD(s),terminates their right to use Vehicle and Owner retains any other rights and remedies provided by (b)The Concession Fee Recovery,Concession Fee Recoupmenl,or similarly designated charge(GONG REC)which is law.Owner has the right to seize Vehicle without legal process or notice to Renter or AAD(s).Renter and AAD(s)hereby waive Owner's charge to recover the concession fees paid by Owner to an airport's owner or operator in connection with all claims for damages connected with such seizure,including loss or damage to contents,and shall pay all expenses incurred this rental;and by Owner in returning Vehicle to the original rental office. (c)The Facility Fee Recovery(FAG REC)which is Owner's charge to recover the estimated fees,charges,costs,which d. If Renter or AAD(s)continues to operate Vehicle after the right to do so is terminated,Owner has the right to notify police Vehicle may include rent paid by Owner to the owner,operator or agent of the location being serviced Owner for this rental has been stolen.Renter and AAD(s)hereby release and discharge Owner from and indemnify,defend and hold Owner harmless or to the owner,operator or agent of the location of the Branch Address on Page 1;and against any liability arising from such notice.Renter remains responsible for all charges,costs,taxes,fees and obligations as set forth in Paragraph 3. (d)The Vehicle License Fee Recovery(VLF REC)which is Owner's charge to recover the estimated average daily cost per vehicle of the charges imposed by governmental authorities upon Owner or its affiliates to title,register and plate )wner is an affiliate of Enterprise Holdings Inc.,which owns all rights to Enterprise names and marks. ©ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR COMPANY OF BOSTON, l 2017