.As the North Andover licensed instal.l.er for the construction for the septic system for the property at:
( f septic system) For plans by 3A
Relative to the application of 1 ° r?
(nstallees name) AM dated D,r
-(Original te.
Dated J i 4, r
ay s ate With revisions dated
(Last reva ed date)
I understand the following obligations for management of this project:
1. As the installer,I am obligated to obtain all permits and Board of Health approved plans pi- to
performing any work on a site. I must have the Wproved plans and the permit can site when any work is
bei iy done.
2. As the installer, I must call for any and all inspections. If homeowner, contractor,project:manager, or any
other person not associated with my company schedules an inspection and the system is not ready, then
item three shall be applicable.
.3. As the installer., I am required to have the necessary work completed prior to the applicable inspections as
indicated below. I understand that requesting an inspection, without completion of the items in accordance
witli'Title 5 and the Bedard of Health Regulations result in a $50.00 fine being levied against me and/or
my company.
a. Bottom of Berl—Generally, this is the first (V� inspection unless there is a retaining wall,which
should be done first. The installer must request the inspection but does not have to be present.
b. Final Construction Inspection—Engineer must first do their:inspection for elevations, ties, etc:.
As-built of verbal OIL (or e-mail to: healthdept@tioi:thandoverma.gov) from the engineer must be
submitted to the Board of Health, after which installer calls for an inspection time. Installer must be
present for this inspection. With a pump system, all electrical work must be ready and able to cause
pump to work and alarm to function.
c. Final Grade—Installer must request inspection when all grading is complete. Installer: sloes :riot
have to be on-site.
4. As the installer, I understand that only I may perform the work (other t/ran sina�rle excavation)and I am required
to complete the installation of the system identified in the attached application for installation.. I_fuxthet
understand that work done,' by others unlicensed to install septicsyst:e:ms in,Norttli A.ndover_can,constitute
reasons for denial of the s�st-em_anci cal xcvcacati or suspension of my.licetise to operate in the']'own of
North AndQyM-si nificant fines to all arsons involved are also possible.
5. As the installer:,I understand that I must be on--site during the performance of the following construction
a. Detetmitxation that the ptpper elevation of the excavation Ixas been reached.
b. Inspection of the sand and stone to be used
c. P-.znal inspection by Board ofHea.lth staff or consultant.
di Installation ot'tanlc, D-Box,pipes, stone, vent,pump charnbei, retaining wall and other
6. As the installer.I w-i erstand that I am sold' responsible for the installation of the system.as per the
approved plans. No instructions by the homeowner, ;extc�al contractor,cox any other persons shall absolve j
me of this obligation.
Undersigned Licensed Septic;Installer: ("I"oday's Date)„ W.�. � ��� tom' �