HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-07 Board of Selectmen Agenda Packet TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER
Daniel P. Lanen,Chairman �
William F. Gordon ° a
TEL. (978)688-9510
Rosemary Connelly Smedile *a •y FAX(978)688-9556
Donald B. Stewart
° re° ra•`,I9
Tracy M. Watson �SSgcHUSE`
June 7,2011 -5:30 p.m.
A. Non Union Personnel Negotiations
A. Preparation for Annual Town Meeting
B. Continuation of Town Manager Search Process
C. Police Chief Appointment Process
IV. A. Recess and continuation at Annual Town Meeting
f N°RT"
Daniel P. Lanen, Chairman
3 °.y TEL. (978)688-9510
William F. Gordon ° A
Rosemary Connelly Smedile *i .y FAX(978)688-9556
Donald B. Stewart
Tracy M. Watson 9SSACHUSE�
June 7, 2011
V. New Business
A. CPA Bond Anticipation Notice
Johnson, Adele
From: Lanen, Daniel
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 3:14 PM
To: Yarid, Jennifer; Lanen, Daniel
Cc: Rees, Mark; Johnson, Adele
Subject: Re: Board of Selectmen Agenda 06/07/2011
Can you add this item please.
Email our agenda subscribers of any known changes or additions to the Monday and Tuesday agendas
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
From: "Yarid, Jennifer" <j arid e townofnorthandover.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 13:59:30 -0400
To: Lanen, Daniel<DLanen(j�napd.us>
Cc: Rees, Mark<mrees( townofnorthandover.com>
Subject: FW: Board of Selectmen Agenda 06/07/2011
Last June we borrowed (BAN) $1,270,376. 1 thought we were paying it off this year. Lyne just explained that we are
paying down %z, so I'll need to roll over the other%z before 6/16/11.
1 need to have 3 members of the BOS sign the State House note. Could you add it to the Tues evening agenda?
Jennifer A. Yarid, CMMT
978-688-9552 (T)
...M....,.........,� .a._ ..... .,.,.w..M_`. ....w.,,,`,....a.w y.. ...,....�._,,....�,ti:. .w�w:� �..�,..��..�_......�_.�.,...�. _., .�..�...�._._w��_..,.�.mm,M.......�.....�..,�:�.�:.�w.�u��..�,�...��...�,.�... ...
Please note the Massachusetts secietmy of States office has determined that most email:,to and from municipal offices and officials are public records.For
more information please refer to:http://www.sec.state.ma.us/pre/preidx.htm,
Please consider the environment before printing this email_
Board of
Town of
Andover North
To: Board of Selectman
From: Cathy Darby, Human Resources Director
Date: June 6, 2011
Re: Town Manager Accrued Time Expense, Town Manager Invitation for
Executive Search Services Draft, and List of Executive Search
Attached please find:
o The expense information of what it will cost to pay Mark Rees for his
accrued time.
o A draft of an Invitation for Quotes for Executive Search Services.
o A partial list of consultants from The MMA web site with firms that offer
interim management and/or permanent placement services.
•Page 1
June 6,2011
The Town of North Andover, MA is inviting quotes from qualified personnel consultants to assist
the Board of Selectman in locating and hiring permanent Town Manager. The Board of Selectman
has established a Selection Committee that consists of the Board of Selectman plus an individual
suggested by each member of the Board of Selectman.
The consultant's written proposal should address the approach, time-frame, and price for
providing the following services. The consultant's proposal may also include other service not
listed below that from the consultant's experience would contribute to a successful search process.
I. Obtaining Input
A. Provide guidance and recommendation on the level of involvement of community leaders
and stakeholders in defining the professional and personal attributes of the Town Manager.
II Define the Position and Identi fy Qualifications
A. Review and update the position description and minimum qualifications for the position of
Town Manager.
B. Recommend a proposed salary range and benefits.
HI Identifying,Screening and Interviewing Candidates
A. Description to include the process for narrowing the field to semi-finalists and finalists and
recommended number in each group; the Consultant's role in and guidance of the interview
process for checking credentials,background and references
IV. Selection of Final Candidate and Negotiation of Employment Terms
A. Description of the process to deliver a fully developed analysis of each finalist to the BOS
and/or Selection Committee and the method to deliver a ranking of the finalist group
(numerical or qualitative).
The proposal shall include but not be limited to all the elements set forth under "Purchase
Description" above; a time line for the project schedule, detailing all key project milestones
in a form that clearly indicates the start and completion of all events necessary to
accomplish the scope of this proposal; and shall specify a fee not to exceed expenses for each
section of the purchase description.
Consultants submitting proposal are requested to submit five (5) copies in an envelope
marked "Quotation/Proposal for Executive Search: Town Manager. Proposals shall be
delivered by mail or hand delivery by a delivery service to NAME at LOCATION. Fax and
e-mail proposal are not acceptable and will not be considered.
The deadline for receipt of quotations/proposal in the location describes above is 4:30 p.m.
on Date.
In compliance with MGL Ch 30B the contract will be awarded to the responsible vendor
offering the best priced quote. A responsible vendor is a vendor who has the capability to
perform fully the contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability which assures a
good faith performance.
The BOS reserve the right to interview any of the consultants that submit a proposal and
will evaluate their proposals and award a contract based on the criteria stated below.
Interviews will be held between Date and Date.
1. Quality of the firm's approach and strategy for the search as evidence in the response to
each service outlined in the Purchase Description.
2. The firm's experience and qualification in Town Manager executive search services.
3. Ability to perform the work within the Town's required time frame.
4. References
5. Price.
The Town will notify the successful consulting firm of its selection by Day Month Day,2011.
Please contact Name, Position with any questions about the Request for Proposals at Info.
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston,NIA 02125-3393
Executive Recruitment Services through the Collins Center
There is an old saying that when you pick a person you pick a path.The Collins Center
believes that when a public organization chooses someone for a leadership position,it is
making a strategic decision for the organization.That is why the Collins Center,in keeping
with its mission of improving the effectiveness of government, offers affordable Executive
Recruitment Services to public agencies and municipalities.
Collins Center Senior Associate Dick Kobayashi, the former President of Bennett Yarger
Associates, is heading up its executive recruitment services. Dick has extensive experience
in recruiting:
• City Managers and Town Administrators
• Public Works Directors
• Police and Fire Chiefs
• Housing Authority Directors
• Public Authority Leadership
• City and State Cabinet Officers and Department Heads
Examples of recruitment Dick has conducted for the Center include the town managers for
Plymouth, Winthrop and Princeton,the Worcester treasurer,the Springfield chief
administrative and financial officer,the Lawrence finance director and the executive
director of the Essex Regional Retirement Board.The Center has recently been retained to
conduct a search for the Chatham town manager.At Bennett Yarger Associates, Dick lead
successful searches including the town managers in Seekonk,Wareham,Weston, Easton,
and Derry, NH,the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority police chief,the Amesbury
fire chief and the executive directors of two Massachusetts regional planning agencies.
The Collins Center can provide interim management services as well.
For additional information, please contact:
Stephen McGoldrick, Deputy Director
Stephen.mcgoldrick @umb.edu
s 'I
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F a
Town of Chatham.,
Town Manager
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Introduction Organizational Design and
The historic Town of Chatham, has retained the services Governance
of the Edward J.Collins Jr.Center for Public Management at
the University of Massachusetts Boston to assist in the Town's The To++-rr governance structure consists of a five member
Board of Selectmen elected for three ear staggered terms
recruitment of a new Toi+n Manager. The Collins Center;
established in July 2ooa, focuses on helping governments and an Open Town Meeting.The School Committee is elected,
work better. This Profile draws upon our discussions but will be replaced soon by a newly elected Regional School
++ith selectmen, department heads, staff and community District Committee. The only other elected ToN+n Official is
representatives. It describes our understanding of the the Town Xleeting Moderator. The Moderator appoints the
organization,the challenges that lie ahead for the successfiul members of the Finance Committee, which serves much
candidate, and the professiorr<al and personal characteristics like a Ways, and Nleans Committee of the Town Meeting.
The M
an ideal candidate would possess. For more information Moderator is the presiding officer at Town Meeting.All
about the Town of Chatham including the charter, financial other toN+n officials are appointed. Chatham's current Home
information and planning documents, please consult Rule Charter adopted in 1995 established the Town Manager
Chatham's web site: position and provided that the Town Manager shall be the
prirrrary officer responsible for the implementation of policy
Background o e Town all' direetii+es mid guidelines adopted by the Board of Selecmen.
t The daily administration of the affairs of the town shall be
the responsibility of the town manager.The position of Town
Chatham Manager is well established and well respected. The Town
Located at the elbow of Cape Cod, Chatham is bordered by Meeting is the legislative body and e\ercises the functions of
three water bodies: -Nantucket Sound, the Atlantic. Ocean, appropriating money and making local laws.
and Pleasant Bay. The To-wn was first settled in 1665. The
historical legacy of the colonial period remains embedded ?. special characteristic of the Town is the large number
in Chatham's political culture as the Ton 's legislative body of official committees staffed by volunteer-- ++Ho carat out
remains Town Meeting,as is true of all but one municipality their duties professionalism.ith a consistent level of professionalism.These
on Cape Cod.The Town of Chatham is located approximately committees are governmental entities in the Massachusetts
legal context and are adtisorti to the Selectmen.halfway between the Cape Cod Canal and Pro-'incetm+-,n at the
northern tip of the Cape.Chatham is a ninety°-mile drive from
Boston. The year round population is approximately 6.800 Public i a c
and considered stable.Somewhat over half the dwelling units
in Chatham are occupied seasonally. The Town's population Chatham has an expenditure budget for FY2o11 of
triples in the summer tourist season.While Chatham can be approximately $32 million of +which approximately $10
considered a summer resort town fishing and shell fishing million is expended on schools. Most of Chathams revenue
remain important econoruic activities and residents also is obtained through the property tax.In FI?0ii the PropertN
commute to jobs elsewhere on the Cape. Tax Lei of $2 fu5 million represented 74% of general nd
revenues. The Tony has a single property tax rate for all
Since 1995 the Town has had two Town`tanagers, with the classes of properly.State Aid for FY2o11 was$1.9 million.
outgoing Manager having served twelve of these years. The In the last ten rears the voters approved debt exclusions for
position of Town Manager is vacant as a result of a decision the following projects: Schools; the Community Center,the
by the Board of Selectmen not to extend the Town Manager's
DPW facilih', the Wastewater T7eatrnent Facility, and the
employment contract.
Police Department;Town Hall annex.Chatham is financially
The Town has recently taken two major actions that have well managed and has maintained a triple A bond rating.
long-term consequences. The Town recently voted to merge Detailed financial information for the ToNvm mat' be
its schools with an adjacent municipality. The result t+ill obtained at the website of the Massachusetts Department
be a regional school district serving Harwich and Chatharu
(detailed information on the merger is available at http:;t/ of Revenue,Department of Local Services and an Offering
++-++a,+-.chatlranrhar•++ich.org). Similarly the Town voted to Statement for a recent bond issue may be obtained at
approve the first$59 million to implement a comprehensive ++�+�+'coliinscenter.umb.edu.
plan to sewer the Town. The total cost is estimated to be Manager
approsi111ately $266 million over a twenty-year period_
Chatham is the first Cape Cod town to address nrcreasingly Biuiding on the Foinidation. Recent Boards of
stringent regulatory pressures by voting impleurentation of Selectmen and the previous Town Managers have built
a wastewater management plan.The Toi�2i's share of capital a solid public administration foundation for the Town
casts 1;111 be funded by the property tai Ie++. that emphasizes professionalism among the TmNm's staff
and managers. Chatham has well trained professional
department managers and key staff. A principle task for
the new Town Manager++ill be to sustain and build on
these efforts.
A 11111
® Establisliiiig and Maintaining a Positive Labor and constraints the Town faces.
Rfanageineirt Climate. Chatham Selectmen describe a o Developing and Sustainuig Institutiorial Capacity,
Iabor relations environment that is in flux. Until recently StaffDeveloprnenta2rdMorale.TheTownhasaccepted
there were only three collective bargaining units: Police, the state law that allows for certain employees to take
Fire, and Police Dispatchers. Recently an additional early retirement.As of tlris writing a to seven employees
bargaining unit, the Chatham Municipal Employees including some department heads may elect this option.
Association consisting of 103 employees, was certified. This ++-ill create opportunity for some reorganization,job
It includes virtually all positions not excluded by law redefinition and selected hires,but also reduce institutional
including several Department Heads. This newly formed mernnory.Adjusting to these retirements needs to be done
unit has not negotiated its initial contract++nth the Town. in a++•ay that strerngtheus ke} departments and serves as
-Maintaining an effective and fair working err-iromnent an institutional building block. Identi#}ing and adopting
is a core aspect of the internal management of the Town. all
manager;ent practices (including regionalization
Traditiori�lh the Ton Manager has represented the Town of services, where appropriate), implementing them and
in collective bargaining.
managing expectations++ill all need to be addressed by the
6 Managing a fise<•i1Iv :uld culturally stable toy+7n i1n new Town Manager.
a difficult financial eiivironrinent.The Town is more
complex than the picture post card image of Chatham Idea' e
would suggest.The To+vrn must manage its major economic
{ h Idea' Can ie
asset:its identity as a tourist and recreational destination. The Chatham Board of Selectmen seeks a Town Manager
Simultaneously, it must provide the level of services that who is a seasoned manager in an environment of sini lan
long term,srnnnne•and net+ permanent residents expect, complexity who possesses strong organizational and
The Town has been managed conservatively and presently- community leadership skills.
has adequate fund balances. However, declines in real Chatham seeks a Town Manager ++itln the skill, energy,
revenue have the potential to visibly affect service deliver•• creati-ity and experience to ensure that Chatham's goals
in future years. such as the installation of sewers town aide, school district
• Connmmnication. In the current context there is a consolidation, the implementation of the Comprehensive
premium on good communication shills. Open, accurate Master Plan, and protection of the natural and manmade
and tunely communication among Town government enviromuents that serge as the recreational magnet for the
entities, and pith the public, the many volunteers and tourism industr3-are achieved.
employees needs to be continually fostered and urtegrated Chatham seeks a ToNyn Manager N+filling to cormuit to a tenure
into the normal operational practices of the Town. The long enough to build a multi-year approach to the dilemma of
Town Manager nuist be an exemplar of these values, providing adequate services on a revenue base more 1united
• Public Role.N-Vhile the Board of Selectmen takes the lead than in recent}ears. The new Town\Manager must be availing
public role in ToNam affairs,the Town Manager in Chatham of regional solutions where that is in the To+yn's interest,
is expected to play a public role as well and not simply fostering volunteerism and private contributions as a partial
serve as the Town's administrator. Participation in some solution to service deliver-,and to educating the public,when
civic functions and representation of the To++ar i6th other necessary-,of the need for service reduction.Chatham needs a
govermnental entities,as+cell as at ToN-,m Meeting is part Town Manager who can help set the stage for coinuunityN\ide
of the job. Because Chatham's economy is tied to the sea approaches to addressing the Town's needs,approaches that
through both traditional and environmental tourism,the produce sound outcomes and avoid polarization uithitr the
Toiyn Manager must play an active role in managing the town.
Town's relationship++ith the key=governmental and citizen The follo++ing attributes have been determined important in
actors that manage and protect these assets. Chatham's next Town Manager.
® Alediuiu Term Budget Plamiing. Like all
\Iassachusetts municipalities Chathain is facing revenue Personal
constraints and gro++ing cost pressures. A significant The next Town Manager needs to be:
amount of the Toi+zr \tanager's time will be required to * Able to demonstrate unquestioned integrity in interactions
forge toiym-+vide strategies to bring these into balance. with officials and citizens.
This task must be addressed in the context of a multi-tear
plan that considers the unkilo++zn duration of the current a Able and willing to play a highly xisible role in the
period of finanncial exigency. Chatham's services will need community. Tlne ideal candidate must participate broadly
to be tailored to available revenues, but in a Nvay that across the leadership structure of the coninnunity and
maintains the core capabilities required to provide services region and be a champion of the community.
and to steadily improve sercdoes when the current period ® The Town Manager must be comfortable engaging directly
of financial difficulty recedes. Initiating public discussion i+itlr citizens. The Town Manager must have sufficient
of a uiedinnn term budget is anticipated to help set a broad direct engagement with the civic community so that he/she
framework for public decision-making by officials and a can gain thorough understanding of the Town's culture.
citizem+ who become fanniliar nith both the opportunities Through formal and informal interaction the Manager's
concern for the Town's citizens needs to become evident. the Tow31's capital plan while maintaining the Town's
• Able and willing to work openly with community-groups Iiiple bond rating is the goal.
and employees. A direct, collegial; facilitative style that w The Town Manager must be both strategic and tactical.
fosters joint problem solving is needed. The Town Manager He/she must be experienced in working effectively in a
can have no agenda beyond being a professional. political environment providing impartial guidance to
• Able to be a vocal and positive spokesperson for the Town's elected officials to identifi• and address the long-term
agenda at Town Meetings, public forums; state agencies strategic needs of the communitt• and the short-term
and with the media. The successful candidate mist be able tactical steps necessary to deliver services.
to use the status inherent in the Town Manager's position o The new Town Manager must be capable of keeping
to advance the Town's agenda. all officials comprehensively informed, while staffing
• Able to assume a strong organizational management role. detached from the political process and ensuring that staff
Tlie Town Manager nee&to delegate, while maintaining maintains a similar detachment,
strict accountability. The successful candidate will be ® A person comfortable managing in an environment
direct;facilitative,and clear. where virtually all employees are members of a collective
• Able to create a goal-oriented en iromnent by establishing, bargaining unit.
maintaining and promoting effective policies and e A familiarity with highly participative local government
initiatives.The Town Manager will be a genuinely inclusive environments pith dynamics similar to Chatham's
leader who is capable of everting influence and direction is preferred, as is fainiliar•ity with the Massachusetts
in a manner that shares successes with elected officials, municipal context.
professionals and volunteers. e The Town Manager nnzst be comfortable working with
Professional and managing an organization in a political contest often
characterized by vigorous debate among well-informed
The next Town Manager: citizens who are active in local decision-malting processes.
® A mature leader of a comparable organization with Key decisions made by the Board of Selectmen and Town
extensive personal experience in finance, capital and Meeting are sometimes closely decided.
operational planning, expenditure management, public
facilitation, and staff development. Excellent public and ary and Schedule
interpersonal communication skills are essential;as is skill
in forking a management team. The search begins in early March 2o11 and zt�ill conclude in early
June 2011 Applications should be received by April i, 2oli.
• A professionally stable person with a record of tenure and Direct compensation of the previous Town 1VIanager,a hveive-
consistent career growth. The Town seeks a committed year incumbent,was approximately 16oK.The Town is willing
management professional willing to stay for a significant to negotiate compensation and an eniployanent contract DQQ.
period but who is also willing to take risks to improve the How
organization. � Apply,
o A demonstrated background in guiding the development
of a shared vision for the coulmunity. The ideal candidate Applications are preferred electronically. Please send your
must be a coalition builder, equally at home with private resume with a cover letter addressing the job requirements to
sector and conniurrity leaders. this email address:recruitnrelrt.urubC�gnrail.com.
• able to demonstrate sustained leadership in a comparable Please combine all of your- documents in a single
organization, preferably in a municipality= or similar file. Kindly use PDF format if possible. The closing date for
governmental direct service. organization. The ideal applications is April 1,2ori.
candidate will have a bachelor's degree and the knowledge Should you have any questions regarding this opportunih
typically gained in a Masters program would be valuable. or a recommendation of a colleague, please contact: Dick
The experience and knowledge hpically gained in five Kobayashi, Senior Consultant (617 489-881-), or Mary
to ten years experience as a City or Town Manager/ Flanders Aicardi,Consultant(508 8.I5-9720).
Administrator is preferred. Experience as a seasoned
Assistant Manager in a complex environment will be
considered. The Town will consider applicants wylro can
demonstrate that they possess the skills and knowledge
required who have obtained them through a combination
of public,non-profit acrd private sector experience.
e The Town Manger must be able to set the stage for
continuance of the Town's capital plan, utilizing the
decline in debt service for existing projects when it occurs, To lenrri more about the Edhcard J. Collins Jr. Center
potential savings from school district consolidation and for Public 31az2ag meat at UIUASS Boston, please visit:
federal and state resources whenever possible. Pursuing a wu.collinscenter.umb.edu
Mark Rees
Current Vacation Accrual 455.50 current accrual
Anticipated Vacation Accrual as of July 8, 2011 157.71 (9/4/10 thru 7/8/11) (187.5/365=.51*307 days)
Total vacation hours 613.21
( hours x$66.28/hour=) 40,643.26
67.60 X37.50 hours+ 2,535.00
Personal 'Hours Accrual as of July 8, 2011 30.00
(30 hours x$66.28/hour=) ( -
Total Payout o
� t
Mark Rees
Currect Vacation Accrual 455.50 current accrual
Anticipated Vacation Accrual as of July 8, 2011- 157.71 (9/4/10 thru 7/8/11) (187.5/365=.51*307 days)
Total vacation hours 613.21,
ours x$66.28/hour=) 40,643.26
67.60 X37.50 hours+ A m
Personal Hours Accrual as of July 8, 2011 30.00
(30 hours x$66.28/hour=) 1,988.40
Total Payout --- ��
—7 3°
Mark Rees
Currect Vacation Accrual 455.50 current accrual
Anticipated Vacation Accrual as of July 8, 2011 157.71 (9/4/10 thru 7/8/11) (187.5/365=.51*307 days)
Total vacation hours 613.21
(762.5 hours x$66.28/hour= ) $ 40,643.26
2% Increase as of July 1, 2011 $66.28 X 2%_$67.60
762.5 hrs. x 67.60= 51,511
Personal Hours Accrual as of July 8, 2011 30.00
(30 hours x$66.28/hour=) $ 1,988.40
7/1/112% increase =$67.60 X 30 hours 2,028.00
Total Payout $ 42,631.66 $53,539
Revised Executive Search Consultants
Thomas J. Groux
508-945-3 160
Colin Baezenger&Associates
Municipal Resources
120 Daniel Webster Highway
Meredith NH 03253
Phone: (603) 279-0352
Fax: (603)279-2548
(Interim Management&Permanent Placement)
Mark Morse
MMA Consulting Group,Inc.
1330 Beacon Street Suite 349
Brookline,MA 02446
Phone (617)-232-2190
Fax: (617)-232-2192
Dick Kobayashi, Senior Consultant
Edward J. Collins Jr. Center for Public Management
McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston,MA 02125-3393
Phone: (617)287-4824
Fax: (617)287-5566
(Interim Management&Permanent Placement) The Collins Center does not respond e
they work through an intergovernmental process. Their approach is to ask to speak to the Board
of Selectman and explain how they work and see if there is any interest.
Sandy Stapcznski
Human Resources Services
9 Bartlet St., Suite 186
Andover,MA 01810
Phone: (978)474-0200
Fax: (978)475-7925