HomeMy WebLinkAboutNAHS Yearbook 1933 �y ' � Z r + R 44 tac—E . Lw \ JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL 1933 YEAR BOOK Editorial Staff Editor-in-Chief - - - - - John J. Phelan, Jr. Assistant Editor - - - - Peter B. F. Sluskonis Sports Editor - - - - Charles J. Donlan Helen Burnham Rita Carroll Elise Clee Typists - - - - - - Ethel Jacobs Loretta Parah Alice Williams Mary Brady Business Staff Business Manager - - - - John Michalovich Advertising Manager - - - - Morris Cohen Assistant Advertising Manager - - Saverio Campione Class President - - - - - Charles J. Donlan Individual Write Up Committee Charles Marchese, Chairman George Robertson Dorothy Wedge Albert Kennedy Irene Barron Robert Donlan Capitola Mulligan Saverio Campione Mary Sullivan Agnes Lang TOAlvah G. Hapes, Principal of Johnson High school, the first annual pear book is dedicated. It has been through his heart_v enthusiasm and generous cooperation that this ?pooh has been made possible. A hinder man, and a more s_vmpathetic friend will never be known b_v the Class of 1933 1•`n3$.�`aµ2 w�2 .we ' to <ta'y •" ,::v;?:8:;. .. -:..:.::>;::. :car: :;?z::::::::>:"::::;::>::::::':3::::; z:24.x y > > •vV: �e •AriSE "vN 4 •' ?2s" : ,to... 0 3. tyi• ::i:�r. 54:? Y`�rd R. R. vva'a:';"'<�''' „: ::r:,',;'�:�: o:.\c .... : :..•:ram::r::::4:. .:..:::::... s:•r; vr,''sc v G;a r.4 _ `:.23aa Y a;f�'r ..253-�+� ao.�•:r:::3i5:rS.°. _ . ): '4.. 3: 4. : r' Dt T" rr�txi+< aYz:S:. Z .E...a2' ?r: •:L'. Qzc::v:i:G3:. MR. ALVAH G. HAYES A Message to the Seniors CLASS OF 19:33 your period of education in Johnson High School draws to a close. This period is only one of a series of steps up which you are all ascending. Lt is logical at this point to inventory the present in order that mistake~ you have made in the past will not be repeated in the future. You are living in a highl}• specialized world, in which the rewards will continue to be largely reserved for the more capable. During the last twelve years you have been laying a foundation upon which, to a large extent your success or failure will depend. If that foundation has been cheaply and poorly laid, be frank with yourselves and at- tempt to improve it in the future before building that more costly portion, that super- structure which is to represent your life work. As each successive class is graduated, there always comes to me a feeling of mingled' happiness and regret. Happiness in the thought that another group has reached one. of the several goals along the road, and regret in the knowledge that many of the splendid friendships formed during the last four years, are about to be broken. The period which is ending has been one of the happiest which you will ever experience. There probably have been times when you believed you were experiencing everything but happiness, but life is like that. From certain positions we see only the dark cloud, but on the hill we see the sun still shining. Now, as many of you go "out of school life, into li£e's school," I wish to leave one` parting thought with you. Your teachers will be tremendously interested in your future success just as they always have been interested in your successes while you were a part. of this institution. AVith this parting thought I say, "Good luck to you, Class of 1933." 1 `3 1 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE Year Book stati8ticg G. EDWIN ADAMS ..... . . : "Eddie" Milk Street '''` Chemistry Club 4 "Eddie" has found pleasure in scientific work and «ve are certain that his talent «ill be realized. LAURITSEN W. ALLEN Lauri" z :. :: Chemistry Club 4 Track 4 "Lauri" as «-e call him, is an all-around ; ood fellow. `Xvr: JEAN BARKER 1361 Osgood Street Basketball r.3, 4. Jounal Staff _', 3, 4 Treasurer Athletic .Association -4 Secretary and Treasurer Dramatic Club 4 Valodictorian Glee Club 3, 4 ••J" Club 4 Class Play 4 IRENE BARRON "Irene" 100 Union Street X. Class Treasurer 1 Basketball °, 3, 4 Dramatic Club 4 "J" Club 4 Year Boot: Irene has al��ays been an actin e naembei of our class and an excellent scholar. Keel) up t oud �rurk• Irene. XX [ 41 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK MARY G. BRADY "Curley" Salem Street Dramatic Club 4 Glee Club 3, 4 We shall always remember Mary and her "curly" locks lvhich we envy. SAVERIO J. CAMPIONE "Camp" 225 Massachusetts Avenue Entered Mamaroneck H. S., N. Y., '29 There a member of: Boys' Glee Club Orchestra Male Quartet Entered J. H. S., '32 ::::: #: ><.<> <:'• :: :<:. Chefs' Club 4 Orchestra 4 Year Book 4 "Camp", as we all like to call him, is very popular. Because we have come to like him in just one year's time, we are < : certain that his most amiable dualities will beget for him all that he wants ........ in life. RITA M. CARROLL "Caroll" 24 Railroad Avenue ;.� Basketball 2, 3, 4 "J" Club 4 Commercial Club President 4 `.... = ? Essex County Shorthand Contest 2 Scholastic History Con-t-est (local prize) 4 Glee Club ELISE A. CLEE "R " xie e 13 Green Street Commercial Club Glee Club 3, 4 `>'.<>< .:.' Elise is a good natured girl and bets along well with everyone. She has a talented voice and some day we hope she will enjoy fame. [ 51 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - T*11REE:' MORRIS M. COHEN "Morrie" Belmont Street Bradstreet School ~''%'' =? '•`.. .` President of Student Council 4 Journal Staff 1, 4 Dramatic Club 4 "J" Club 4 Class Plans 1, 3, 4 "It Pays to Advertise" 3 Class Prophet 4 `' `'• •':? Morris, has contributed many achievements to the J. H. S. and, is liked by all of his schoolmates. And we. all hope r that, he will continue: to. achieve. ELIZABETH F.'.COLE "Lizzie" '•Lizzie" loves to,be entertained by romantic persons and we know °{ for sure that she finds life pleasant. It must be great to be like her! JOHN J. COSTELLO I. "Johnnie" A e -rimac Street Dramatic Club 4 Track 4 Football 2 i School Play 3 "J" Club 4 johnnie" is held .in esteem by all of his classmates and his quiet _nature predicts fort hinl a dignified vocation.. GERTRUDE R. CURRIER t { "Gert" 105. Prescott Street i B;lske•tball 2, .3, .4 Clflss Treasurer "J" Club 4 > `'< Glee, Club 3, 4 French Club 4 4: rxertrude has been a pleasant, likeable girl throughout her school (, life. NINETEEN THIR-TY -'-THREE YEAR BOOK LEON A. J. DIAMONT :,, 'ry.I "Pooko" >r< . �tr X 14. Harhaway Road Football 3,' 4 Class Play 1 .'Journal Staff 3, 4 Student Council 4 "J„ Club President of Assembly Committee A-4 Leon has shown by his past Nvo k that he .is capable of attaining the highest point in all his undertakings. i CHARLES J. DONLAN "Charlie" -273 Massachusetts Avenue Football 2, .3, 4 Basketball 2, 3, 4 Baseball 3, 4 Journal Staff 3, 4 President of Senior Cla•._s 4 President of Dramatic Club .4 "J" Club -4 Vice-President of Student Council 4 .... :ems<"�•- Charlie's iniative, will always keep. him. a leader of his fellow men. =:= ROBERT E. DONLAN "Rob" 273 Massachusetts.Avenue ? Thompson 28 Chefs' Club 4 "J" Club 4 ,''Rob's", nonchalant ways will carry him through all the knocks of the world. t ` ti.' KENNET'H R. -FENTON "Kenny" 226 'Middlesex Street 'Journal Reporter 1 C'hefs Club 4 '}C "Kenny". m is a. cal , cool person ,vho makes the world an easier place -to:'live nz. C71 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE RONALD R. FOLEY "Ronny" 251 Aliddlesex Street Basketball 3, 4 Baseball 4 Track 4 anm Coercial Club 4 "J" Club 4 Chefs' Club 4 '? : "Ronny" is admired by all his classmates rind will carry that admiration through life. MARJORIE E. GILL "Margie" 58 Harold Street Student Council i Basketball 2. 3, 4 (Capt. 3, 4) "J" Club 4 Dramatic Club 4 Glee Club 3, 4 Class Play 1, 3, 4 Athletic Association (Secretary) "It Pays to Advertise" and "Seventeen"—A. A. Plays As one can see. "liargie" has been an all around good sport during her four years of high school training. Marge is always ready for fun. BEATRICE A. GOFF "Bea" 86 Union Street Student Council 4 Johnson Journal 4 Literary Club 4 Salutatorian "Uea" never allowed her pleasure to interfere with her school work. '... Thus she ha come out on top. We all hope that ''Bea" will keep up her good work. -We know site will! ....... F: G. ALFRED HOUSTON "Al" :•`•' _:':>-?:•.:::: ::>' 19 Lincoln Street Dramatic Club 4 "Seventeen" A. :\. Play Class Play 3 "J" Club 4 "Al" is a likeable Senior and is best known by his pleasant smile. C81 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR B 0 0 K AGNES T. HULME f'Aggle' >h. 157 Water Street Agnes was always a rather quiet girl, but well liked among her classmates. MILDRED M. JACKSON Millo" 32 Harkaway Road Mildred, better known as "Millo" is one of the best natured girls in our class. "11.illo" is always ready for a good laugh. x. ETHEL B. P. JACOBS "Ethel" East eater Street Commercial Club 4. Ethel is a good short, and althoul-h she is rather reserved in class, she has her fun outside. ALBERT C. KENNEDY "Al" 15 Adanis avenue, Everett, Mass. Literary Club 4 "J" Club 4 Dramatic Club 4 Football 3, 4 "Al" has v many friends through his sterling- Ve ?`t''• "'?::'.`.`1 5 won t 1 c our, s tet 1 � good nature. 't ., •• know "Al" will be as successful in life as lie ha-s been in school. X.. C91 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE KATHARINE KNOWLES 'K ay Y 36 Milton Street Literary Club 4 Journal Staff 1 T0o bzd Kay leaves this year, for the lunch room will be min us s ;•::•a:: ::>:::>:::•:::>:-:<»:•: those nice peanuts Kay makes. PHYLLIS I. KRUSCHWITZ "Phil" 1132 Salem Street Glee Club 4 Dramatic Club 4 •�<'' """ "Phil" finds jov in taking, care of children. "They're so cute," she says. A NE G S T. LAN G g 16 Lincoln Street Class Play, 1 Journal Staff, 3. > ': ». Junior-Seri Reception or CommittEe Glee Club, 3, 4 Dramati Club, c C 4 Year Book :i::;'Y"tit•:e'•:. A-ne,s is an idea friend. 'h is v b 1 She well know n and popular for �er 1 1 y food i,easons. She is full of life and a goo sp ort.t o rt She is decid ed to > e a nurse and e cert ainly atieats. Good luck,� nes.n�� hei1 b RAYM OND J. LA VIN 'Ray' 62 Railroad Avenue Secretary 4 "J" Club 4 football 4 Treasurer 4 Commercial Club 4 Journal 4 Yearbook 4 Ray is well lilted by his classmates, and stands well in his studies. [ 10 ] NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK JEREMIAH F. MAHONEY "Jerry" 54 Elm Street " :- "J" Club 4 Chefs' Club 4 Football 4 "Jerry" i., on of the most popular boys in the school. 13 is � e 1 1 y e cheerful and good natured. 4:•i WILLIAM W. MAKER ' "Willie" d ..... 165 High Street 'Vice-President 4 "J" Club 4 Commercial Club 4 Baseball 4 "Willie" has won the hearts of his class through his quiet friend- liness and his willingness to help. FRED D. McROBBIE "Teddy" , .. `" ```61 Phillips Street Baseball 2, 3, 4 Football 3, 4 Baseball 4 ................................... "J" Club 4 Commercial Club 4 "Teddy" is indeed very quiet and seeing that the rest of us are ;•,:" :;:::` :•:.:. .:... rather noisy, Teddy deserves special attention. ''": "•s.=>.' JOHN MICHALOVICH "Mich" Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4 Literary Club 4 Class Historian 4 >.'•'' ' '`''` Journal Staff "A1ich" is one of the old timers, always living in ancient times kith Socrates. "Alich" we sincerely wish to be as good a historian, as those -,whose writing he reads. [ 11 ] YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE LILLIAN A. MORT X. "Lill' 34 1\111ton Street Commercial Club, 4 "Sez•enteen" 2 "Lil" is quite the poet and often writes rhymes for her pals. She is going to lire in Delaware after graduation. Good luck "Lil"! .::� y;,;:::.:;:•":::::;.:.,:•:::}i:?:;::;. R U TH A. M O R T O N "Ruth" Second Street Literar3 Club "Ruth i i active i Literary s e n the I, ei Club an plan e b d s C to attend �. Y 1 t d busin ess collegeb after she S ... CAPITOLA E. MULLIwGAN ll12 Lincoln Street Class Secretary 2, 3 Junior-Senior Reception Committee s Year Book 4 "Tola" is the J. H, S. seamstress. Whenever any costumes are };. .. needed she is alwa3-s ready to render her services. z� Luck to you in your work, "Tol-i." EILEEN V. MURPHY "Leenie" Second Street •:"'`�� .1{::;:•<>:.; . <': Foreign LZnguage Club, 4 ' ;';:<• Eileen has wavy blond hair which is the envy of all the girls in the class. She is a steady and intelligent student liked by all. [ 12 ] NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK EVELYN A. PENDLEBURY `Eve" 116 Middlesex Street Commercial Club 4 Evelyn is popular among students and teachers alike, and has , been a friend to all. She has always been a willing worker and a cheerful helper. GLADYS L. PHILLIPS "Gladdie" 24 Hodges Street > Commercial Club secretary 4 "Gladdie" is the quiet demure girl of the class, but just call or. :.�_ any time when you're in need, and you will always '•~-'' find her ready to help. 7 GEORGE J. ROBERTSON `""':``````' "Georgie" 169 High Street Dramatic Club 4 Class AVill "Georgie" might well be called the class politician. It never bothers George to get up and spiel off a line in class. >r:` Wasn't that a pretty good will he wrote, too? BEN S. RILEY "Ben" 37 :Marblehead Street Dramatic Club 4 "J" Club 4 . Ben is a good all-round sport and he usually- has a goodly number of "fems" around him, even though he insists on keeping off the dance floor. [ 131 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE $ JOHN E. SHEA John i 6 Railroad Avenue Football 4 Track 4 "J" Club 4 Chefs' Club 4 John is quite the shiek—especially on those bi-weekly trips to Methuen. He used to he shy, but has come out of his shell lately. *>- MARGARET A. SHERIDAN i Cleveland Street Commercial Club, 4 "Peg" is a quiet girl in class but outside is a good sport. AVe wish her luck in whatever profession she may choose to enter. PETER B. F. SLUSKONIS "PeteF:•._ 4 Riverview fitreet Football Alanager 4 Journal 2 Harvard Book 3 (Literary Club 4 Assistant Editor 4 Essayist 4 Chief Checker (Checker's Union) 3, 4 Student Council 4 "Her,e's to the one in the million, the dearest, the best; i'• Lik-e the sun in the heavens, he outshines the rest." :blush could be said about "Fete's" scholastic abilities, for as a student he is very successful. MILDRED G. STEWART "Mil" 53 Harold Street "J" Club, 4 Commercial Club, 4, Vice-President X[ildre•d is a good all-round sport. Wherever she is you may be sure of a good time. NO matter what happens she is <:: :::•i :^ `" :.; always smiling. She intends to enter a business �\�`:?".;•'.:,:.•;:• :. school and we all wish her luck. [ 141 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK FRANK B. STEVENSON "Frank" 50 Harold Street Dramatic Club, 4 Frank is the popular one at all the school dances. It's his ae- light and he's al-ways "raring to go." MARGARET E. STOTT <'Peg>> 10 Robinson Court :`:;: "Peg" is one of th,- happy-go-lucky girls of the class, and is well liked. Her cheerful disposition has made her .popular. MARY A. SULLIVAN "Sully" 120 Stevens Street "J" Club, 4 Dramatic Club, 4 Journal, 1, 2, 3, ` Basketball, 4 > '` :' : . Mary is one of our poets, and has been studying poetry, during the past year, Here's luck to the poet! ...:.. ' : : : :: :`:... M. DOROTHY WEDGE "Dot' 205 High Street Secretary-Treasurer "J" Club, 4 Dramatic Club, 4 Glee Club, 3, 4 Year Book, 4 Although "Dot" didn't join us until her sophomore year, she, ha-s made many friends. Some day in the near future she hopes to be a good secretary. Good luck "Dot"! [ 151 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE ALICE Y. WILLIAMS "AFY 23 Salem Street .'... x:'.:•' '•.: Football Song, 1 Ring Committee, 3 Glee Club, 3, 4 <., Commercial Club, 4 Typewriting Contest, 2 Journal, 4 Alice is a quiet girl, but very well liked because of her «onderful disposition. Alice intends to enter a business school and we wish her the best of luck. HANNAH M. ROCHE 6'Ann', 3 Wood Lane French Club 4 Hannah is one of our quiet girls, always with a smile for every- one. That smile ought to take her a long say! .. Y ESTHER C. E. LUNDQUIST "Esther" 20 Bixby Avenue Commercial Club, 4 ... <} '>: Everyone knows Esther as a cheerio-girl with a great big heart. `ITe have all enjoyed her company during the past four years. We -,i'ish her success and ><t�� :>�>:::;r::.:::3: ;>:>:>`><:::::::><:>::�• happiness for the future. t JOHN J. PHELAN, Jr. "Johnny" 174 .High Street `` President ], 2, 3 Journal Staff 2, 3 Editor Year Book 4 ::. Student Council 4 Editor-in-Chief 4 Baseball 3, Captain 4 "J"• Club 4 (Pres.) Class Marshal 3 Football 3, 4 Dramatic Club 4 Crass orator 4 Vice-President, Athletic Association 4 All we need do is to loot: at his long string of ottices to know "Johnny". He is also a very happy-go-lucky fellow, giving a pleasant aspect to any company he's in. [ 161 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK M. LOUISE KANE "Louise" 23 Davis Street French Club 4 Louise has made herself known in school for her scholastic ability. She is very quiet and we rarely hear her speak, except in recitation. PAUL A. LANNI "Paul" IFEast 117'ater Street Commercial Club 4 "J" Club 4 Football 4 Basketball 4 Track 4 Paul stands high in his classes and is popular with his class- mates. He is always cheerful and ready for fun. LORETTA F. PARAH "Retta" 10 Harkaway- Road Commercial Club 4 Loretta is one of the quiet girls of our class and is more often seen than heard. Underneath this shyness is a personality and friendship which many of us have had the opportunity to enjoy. THOMAS CLARK, Jr. "Tommie" 249 Sutton Street "'Tommie" is a faithful ,friend who will make the world happier. HELEN C. BURNHAM 449 Stevens Street Commercial Club 4 Helen has always been a conscientious girl and a worthwhile student. CHARLES MARCHESE "Charlie" Salem Turnpike Literary Club 4 Journal Staff. 2, 3, 4 Charles is a prominent member of the class both in studies and class activities. He is very popular. ARTHUR J. DARVEAU "Art" 14 Bruce Street Football 3 Chefs' Club 4 "_'art" is a chap %vith little chatter but much thought. JOSEPH H. BINNS "Joe" 10 Harold Street Chefs' Club 4 "Joe" as we all know him, is a very quiet boy who will make the world better for all. [ 171 r-- YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE JOSEPH P. FLYNN "Joey" "Joey" has entertained us all, even the teachers: IRVING ALBRECHT "Irvie" 31 Troy Road "Irvie" fits right in at J. H. S. He's a pal to everyone—especially to those whom you always hear saying, "Let's go down to `Irvies'!" ALEXANDER T. PICKLES "Pickles" 100 Railroad Avenue Known to all of us as "Pickles", la•a does lend a sweetness to the sourness of the day. WILLIAM F. SHELLNUT "Bill" 43 Bay State Road Commercial Club 4 "Bill" is one of the quieter boys in the class and isn't so terribly fond of work. But just get him started! J. ELMORE TACY "Elmore" 281 Sutton Street Leave it to Elmore to start an argument. Wouldn't the liistory class seem funny without him? LEONARD SLICER "Lennie" 47 Union Street Basketball 1, 2, 3, Captain 4 Football 2, 3 Freshman Play "J" Club (Vice-Pres.) Baseball 2, 3, 4 Commercial Club Journal Staff 2, 3, 4 Secretary of Junior Year "Lennie" is very popular, and he deserves to be, too. GEORGE A. HOLDSWORTH "Georgie" 80 Massachusetts Avenue Commercial Club 4 A quiet fellow is "Georgie", with a big heart. FRANK C. NICHOLSON , "Frankie" Orchestra 2, 3 E-nown as the "Jazz Bing" is "Frankie" and do we like the way ha plays the sax! And does he get along with jazz lovers! FRANK E. JOHNSON, Jr. "Gus" 360 Andover Avenue Entered J. H. S. '28 Entered Phillips, Andover '29 Boxing Association Entered Clark Prep School '30-'31-'32 Boxing, Track, Hockey Entered J. H. S. '32 "Gus" is somewhat alienated from the rest of us, not in jollity, but only in the sphere of forensic matter. We certainly do hope that Frank will become a lawyer! [ isI NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK � 3. A . .,+ -,•:fir. ,� r. FACULTY MISS VEVA CHAPMAN— MISS DOROTHY COLBUR\— Graduated from Bates College. Entered Graduated from Simmons College. Entered J. H. S. September, 1924. Teacher of Eng- J. H. S. September, 1930. Teacher of Sten- lish, Civics. ography and Typewriting. Coach of girls MISS ORELE SCOTT— basketball. Graduated from State Teacher's College of MISS MILDRED GREE\'— Framingham. Entered J. H. S. September 1931. Teacher of Biology and Domestic Arts. Graduated from Mount Holyoke College. Entered J. H. S. September, 1923. Teacher MISS LUCY HATCH— of Latin, Science and Mathematics. Graduated from Boston University. Entered J. H. S. September, 1918. Teacher of English MISS ALICE NEAL— and German. Graduated from Boston University P. A.L. MISS GLENNA KELLY— Entered J. H. S. September, '1929. Teacher Graduated from Jackson College. Entered of Bookkeeping and Typewriting. J. H. S. September, 1930. Teacher of_ His- tory and Civics. �iR ALVAH'HATES Principal— Graduated from-Massachusetts Institute of MISS ELIZABETH OE•TJE\— Technology. Entered J. H. S. Septembers, Graduated from Middlebury College. En- 1923. Teacher of Mathematics. tered J. H. S. September, 1931. Teacher of English. \IISS IREJ�ZE COOK— M1SS EDITH P1E1ZCE— Graduated from Mount Holyoke College. Entered J. H. S. September, 1921. Teacher Graduated from Wellesley College. Entered of American History, French, Social Science. X. H. S., 1930. Teacher of English, Algebra and Business Training. MR. 'WALTER \LITCHELL— MISS CLARA CHAPMA\— Graduated from University of New Hamp- Graduated from Bates College. Entered shire. Entered J. H. S. September, 1932. J. H. S. April, 1918. Teacher of Science, Teacher of Mathematics. Athletic Coach Chemistry and Physics. for boys. C19 ] YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE ;. All" rya y$N pi ' " �`.' a �M w�� z �R w ♦ � [ 20 ] NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK } s o y 5 ,� °�x�dk�x• d g s �. � s �pp�' +t «..,..nogg• f [ 211 a p 40 h OvE ' • f ytka o h NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK V a � � It 4 �. A r . .. i . ► V) z JP.'k a.k W it [ 23 ] YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE I� 3.. i t 4� MV11 9 t� S �.1 X K a r v�lu 95' THE JOHNSON JOURNAL EDITORIAL STAFF REPORTERS Editor-in-Chief - - - John Phelan, Jr. Beatrice Goff Senior Class Charles Marchese Assistant Editor - - - Peter Sluskonis Junior Class - Ellen Riley, Blanche Downing Art Editor - - - - Claire Lebel Elaine F,ldredge Humor Editor - - - Charles Donlan Sc��l7otnore Class - Tliomas Ceplikas ?brews Editor - - - Leon Diamont Frank Fawthrop Sports Editor—Girls - - Jean Barker Fre,hnnatt Class - - I'Valter Fredrick .Sports Editor-13o1's - Lewis Sanderson Joseph Roberts -Exchange Editor - - Marguerite Phelan Alttrnui Ediior - - Eleanor Fitzgerald Beatrice Nelson CLUB MEMBERS ABSE\T Ff.OJI A,pists - - - - Alice Williams PICTURES Leonard Slicer Gosda - - - Photography Club BUSINESS STAFF _hiss Kelly- - - - - - "J" Club Business Manager - - John Michalovich Miss Richmond - - - - Orchestra Advertising J11aiiager - - Morris Cohen Mary Sullivan - Dramatic Club, "J" Club Asst. Advertising 161attager - Raymond Lavin Robert Williams - - - Chemistry Circulating Alanager William Graham Blanche Barwell - - - - "J" Club Facaltt' Adviser - Miss Edith L. Pierce Frances Bamford - - Dramatic Club [ 241 Z " x, aa, i t s. Rr . T A >ax ya , :.Y M;. 51 t.V CA u " : 4 STUDENT COUNCIL BACK ROW: Thorwal'd Allen, Arthur Payne, John Phelan, Lewis Sanderson, Leon Diamont, Peter Sluskoiiis, John Cashman, Kenneth Dob- son and AVilliam Graham. MIDDLE ROAV: Arthur Olson, Vincent Miller, Marion Jackson, Helen Clarenbach, Beatrice Gofr, Blanche Barwell, M\ Irjorie Gil], A'ir inia Bixby, Grace McNally, Elsie Tunnicliff, Ellen Riley, Anthony Kapeika, and Leonard Windle. FRONT ROIU: Mr. Mitchell (Adviser), Miss Chapman (Adviser), Morris Cohen (President), Claire Lebel (Secretary and Treasurer), Charles Donlan (Vice-President), Miss Kelley (Adviser), and Mr. Hayes (Principal), C) 0 �-C C�7 �. y x DRAMATIC CLUB y LACK ROAD': Frances Connelly, Irene Barron, George Robertson, Morris Cohen, John Phelan, John Costello, Frank Stevenson, Alfred Hous- ton, Ilen Riley, Bernice Dufton, Dorothy Donnelly and Angelina Vernile. :MIDDLE ROIV: Rita \oone, Marguerite Phelan, Dorothy Wedge, Capitola Mulligan, Miss Oetjen (Adviser), Miss Green (Adviser), Phyllis y Kruschwitz, Mary Brady, Rita F.naire, Priscilla. Holt and Virginia Drew. rx F 1{( INT ROW: Patience Kruschwitz, Claire Lebel, Marjorie Gill, Agnes Lang, Jean Barker (.Secretary ,la(i Treasurer), Charles Donlan (Presi- dent), Ellen Riley, Katherine May, Isabelle Fenton and Ffelen Walker. � C�7 z z y Y k h w: E "J" CLUB '.I'mm) Rolf': Tbonias Wood, Ch;irles Donlan, Ben Riley, Alor.ris Cohen, .Jeremiah AlIthoney, Arthur McGregor, Philip Hickingbotham, Ernest Ferguson, Kenneth Leighton, Alfred Houston, 1�'rank Mch.voy, \\%Ilter Roberts, Peter Slusl:onis, Ronald Foley, Robert Donlan, Sylvia Broderick, Elizabeth McRobbie. SECOND ISO\1': Blanche Do,,vning, Rita Carroll, Virginia Bixby, Alpert Greenwood, John Kenn,edy, Alhert Kennedy, John Shea, Raymond Lavin, Leon Dumont, Paul Lanni, Alhert Iliniber, Lewis SMiderson, 11'red AleRohbie, F:ug�ene Walsh, Bernice Dufton, Mar- Z jorie Gill, Marguerite Phelan, Mildred Stewart. FRONT ROW: Jean Barker, Eleanor Fitzgerald, Gertrude Currier, Mr. Mitchell (Adviser), Alr. Hayes (Principal), Dorothy tiVedge (Secretary tt and Treasurer), John Phelan (Presiden't), Leonard Slicer (Vice-President), Miss Colhurn (Adviser), Helen Walker, Helen O Clarenbach, Irene Barron, O �v YEAR BOOK NINETEEI: THIRTY - THREE el awro. , FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB Back Row: Hannah Roche, Eileen Murphy, Gertrude Currier, Miss Cook (Adviser), and Helen Davis. Front Row: Louise Bane, Martha Curley (President), B:anche Downing (Secretary), and Juliette Auger. a LITERARY CLUB Back Row: Charles Mareliese, Henry Kennedy, John Michalovich, Peter Sluskonis, hiss Hatch (Adviser). Front Row: Katherine Knowles, Beatrice Goff (Secretary), Ruth Horton, Albert Kennedy. f 28 1 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK a.. Ar 41 g e k PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Back Row: Charles Pitman, Everett Bennett, Lawrence Lafond, Joseph Budnick, Vincent 1\Iiller (Sec'y), Henry Camire, Paul Hickingbotham, Arthur Olson. 1 Middle Row: Francis Cashman, Earl Smith, George Flanagan, John Cashman, Mario Russo, Gordon An- drew, Wasil Frederick, Raymond Towne. Front Row: Kenneth Leighton (Treas.), Miss Pierce (Adviser), Thomas C�eplikas, Douglas Crockett (Vice- Pres.), Wellingiton Cassidy (Pres.), Arthur Payne (Chairman), Ernest Ferguson (S•ergeant-at-Arins). ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OFFICERS .. Back Row Charles Donlan - President •: .•::: John Phelan - Vice-President Front Row: s r Jean Barker - - Treasurer <>' Alar orie Gill - - Secretary e 29 ] YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Back Row: Robert Riley, George Casserly, Arthur Phillips, William Currier, LeRoy Duncan, Phillip Hickingbotham, -William Sipsey, Bronislaw Po•lichnowski. Front Row: Saverio Campione, Helen Clarenbach, 1-Iabel Black, Edward lt'erenchuk and Daniel Hurd. M A. _ tea.. y?;�.,..: . '. .. ,� :�gx :.,rr. .. ICU :: zi _• . �• • r%x X•x• ° A ::^mac>' xx CHEMISTRY CLUB Back Row: 'William Horton, Lauritsen Allen, John Pillion, Edward NVelch, Francis DeNault, Thorwald Allen, and Philip Evangeloc. Middle Row: Louis Sanderson, John Kennedy, James Casserly, Clifford Johnson, Henry Narushof, and Edwin Adams. Front Row: -Mary Perry, Virginia Bixby, Kenneth Brousseau (Pres.), Helen Clarenbach (Sec'y), William Graham (Trews.), 'NIias Chapman (Adviser), and lIarjorie Andrews. [ 30 ] NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK A s f � i : r 's.V'<r �. y ..d ' :)yk. ; gag•, y µ A COMMERCIAL CLUB Back Row: Alice Williams, Leonard Slicer, William Shellmut, William Maker, George Holdsworth and Loretta, Para'h. Middle Row: Miss Neal (Adviser), Miss Colburn (Adviser), Fred 11IcRobbie, Paul Lanni, Raymond Lavin, Margaret Sheridan, Lillian .11ort, Elise Clee, and Ethel Jacobs. Front Row: Helen Burnham, Evelyn Pendlebury, Gladys Phillips (Sec'y), Rita Carroll (Pres.), ?Mildred Stewart (Vice-Pres.), and Esther Lundquist. a N CHEFS' CLUB Back Row: Eugene Walsh, Carl Degenhardt, Francis Howard, Joseph Bimic, Ii-enneth Fenton, Robert Donlan and Thomas, Wood. Middle Row: Samuel Silverstein, -\'Villiam Drummond, Ronald Foley, John Shea., Albert Himber, Thomas Barnes, Emile Boulanger and John Roy, Front Row: hiss Scott (Advisee), Saverio Campione, Charles Andrea, Jeremiah llaheney (President), Arthur Darveau (Secretary), and Miss Currier (Adviser). 311 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE ..:✓ :6♦ Al s:� 4 f f. S `r n fjj: k�.v t q :. g" :.i .✓aEr.: '(w" 0 j } `A4Tf, l 'X .:£. V ..: .:' f j 1 iV 3. f : ...:. s�Y V , f' , JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM Sports AS the -termination of another school year draws nigh, it is well to review briefly the accomplishinents of our athletic teams. Under the capable .tutelage of Mr. ZA'alter 'Mitchell, our new coach, Johnson High gridsters finished a very successful season dropping only one game; that being to the larger and olcTer boys of Manning. In all we won six games, tied one, 'Methuen, and lost one. Arthur Darveau, star guard of the team, has bFen elected Captain of neat year's team, which ought to prove very successful. Good luck Art! The boys' basketball teams, although dropping the Lowell suburban league title, finished a fine season, emerging victorious in s•e'venteen out of twen,ty-t\vo encounters. 1'his includes a game which the boys iron a't the Danvers interscholastic meet last March. The team reached semi-final round of Class B; they were defeated after a nip and tuck gaine by the larger Danvers outfit. i.ewis Sanderson of the Junior Class has been chosen to lead nest year's hoopst-ers. The girls' court team, captained by Marjorie Gill, terminated a eery successful season, winning t-en games and losing four. They placed second in the Lowell Suburban league after close contests with Howe, the ginner. Miss Helen Clarenbach, a Junior, has liecn elected Captain of nest year's tcani, the prospects for which seem exceedingly bright, as many veterans are returning. The baseball team, captained by Johnny Phelan, has, thus far, had a hard luck season, being victors of only three out of nine games. The games have been close, er- roneous ball being the principle cause of our defeats. As a whole the season leas been a successful one, and much credit is clue to Arr. Mitchell and 11lisscs Colburn and Belly. We wisli them con-tinue'd success in the future. [ 32 1 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK salutatory and Addrem IT is my pleasure, this evening, in behalf of the class of 1933, to extend to you our most hearty and sincere wel- come. You, parents, through whose efforts it was made possible for us to be members of this graduating class; you, teachers, who have worked so hard and .so willingly to help us reach our goal; and you. our schoolmates and < friends, «-ho have helped make our school life so pleasant by your kindness and companionship; one <ind all we bid you we tcome. Historical North Andover I00KING back for the early history of Andover, we find scarcely a trace by which we J can learn of our colonial ancestors. Hardly, a relic now remains of the labor~ of the first twenty-five years of those hard -,vorking pioneer settlers who cleared the forest, broke the ground, made their homes, and found their graves. The first record in the founding of Andover takes us back to the year 1639 and to the ancient town of Agawam, or Ipswich from which the first settlers came. From the year 160.1 ;to the elate of the settlement of the town, the neighborhood of Andover receives frequent mention, either as the Valley of Merrimack and Shawshin, or as ;the territory near Cochichawicke. At the close of the rear 1639, «•hen Salem, Lynn, 'Wenham, :Newbury, Ipswich, and P.o«ley were thriving villages, the forests of Andover remain,d uncleared by the wliite man's ax; only the Indians tilled its fields or hunted and fished along its streams. Finally for the small sum of six pounds currency and a coat, the territory around Haverhill and Andover was purchased from the Indians and granted to Nathaniel Ward -to settle. The following year no settlement was made. It seems that during the next two years a settlement was begun at Andover which was called Cochicha-,vicke. This village was laid out in house lots chiefly of four acres and eight acres. At first this may seem strange as they were surrounded by vast tracts of land, but «-hen we consider the con- di,tions under which they were obliged to live, we find it was necessary that the popula- tion should be compact, not only- because of the necessity of keeping guarded. against the attacks from the Indians and of the ravages of wild beast, but also, because the facilities of communication .for transacting the business of the community were few. With no good roads and few horses, it was desirable ithat communities mutually de- pendent should not be scattered over a wild territory. The township -,vas owned by Proprietors. The old house lots ,vere grouped around the meeting-house, which stood near the old burying-ground on Prospect Street. After the settlers had laid out the town, established their homes, and provided the means for religious culture and education, their next care was the making and improving of roads for access to the older towns. The first roads were not much more than rough wood paths. While they were making the roads in the lonely forests, they were exposed to the perils of wild beasts and of hostile Indians, The first industry which engaged general interest in this colony -,vas sa-,ving lumber and grfndirig corn. Fisheries were a great source of profit for a long time, also. There seems to have been no stores proper for about seventy-five years. A large part of the trade was by barter, neighbors exchanging with one another their surplus products, [ 331 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE The agricultural industries, which were of the simplest sort, were the foundation of all other industries. The ,farm implements were few and rude. A great part of the country being covered -with forests, it required much time and labor to fell the trees and clear space for dwellings and house lots, orchards, and gardens. The second fifty years made a great change. New settlers came in, ,schools were established, among the inhabitants were many professional men. From a score the town had increased to nearly a thousand. On 'flay 6, 1646 Andover was incorporated. It was named for ;the town of Andover, in Hants County, England, which had been the home of some of the 'principal settlers. This Andover covered the whole territory of the present Andover and North Andover. In 1855 it was divided into two separate town- ships. Due to the fact that Andover institutions had been founded in the southern part of the territory, it was necessary for the original Andover to become our North Andover. In closing let us compare the North Andover .of the colonial times with the North Andover of today. In place of the few narrow wood-paths used for roads we have macadamized roads throughout the town. The colonial schools kept by school-dames where the three "R's" were taught have been replaced by eight public grammar schools and one high school. The sinall saw-inills, corn-inills, and fisheries have been supplanted by the present large industrial plants of Stevens', Sutton's, Davis and Furber's, and Osgood's. No longer is North Andover a forested -town with rude log cabins for houses, but it has steadily grown until now it is a thriving town of over eight thousand in- habitants all living in beautiful houses. May North Andover continue to snake progress in the future as it has in the past. BEATRICE GOFF. [ 341 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK Oration Out of School Life Into Life's school FOUR years ago, one hundred boys and girls permanently ;`:: laid aside the frivolity of youth and assumed the re- sponsibility of individuals entering a new walk in life. The studies required of them, which were not easy, have been mastered only because of their perseverance. Some succeeded; some failed. Tonight these same people, wiser in the knowledge of what life expects of them, are taking another step forward. They are leaving the protecting walls of Johnson High and are entering a world where the survival of the fittest prevails. They are better equipped and more fortunate ;than many struggling in the same world, for the advantage rests with them because of their edification. For twelve •ears the essentials of character have been instilled within their hearts by their loving parents and conscientious teachers. The goal toward which these parents and teachers have jointly striven has at last been reached. Until now, the responsibility has been borne by these aids. who have stood like beacon lights, showing the stay. They have been their guides in the past, and they will be their guides in the future; but the responsibility has been shifted to the shoulders of every boy and girl on this platform to- night. Life! Life! When one hears the word, a train of ,thoughts immediately rushes through the mind. Thoughts of sorrow—happiness—Nvar—pence—success—failure— tragedy=love—hate—and new life. These are the elements which constitute life. Some appear baffling and many times cause complete discouragement or failure. But it is al- ways possible ito conquer. Everyone, be he enterprising in the minds of his fellowmen or one less fortunate, is threatened throughout time by discouraging circumstances lurking at every crossroad. Abraham Lincoln, born in poverty, almost illiterate in early man- hood, conquering every- obstacle ithat assailed him, succeeded in attaining the highest position in the coiintry. Biographers may say that he conquered his lowly circumstances, but in reality he was contesting with life itself. The more pleasant side of life cannot be enjoyed or experienced until the last crossroad has been passed. The different mean- ings that I have mentioned, as likel3• interpretations of life, have all been typified on the stage in plays. It was Shakespeare who said: "All the world's a stage And all the people are its players." These people have been preparing through the first years for the time when their cue to enter will be sounded. Within the walls of Johnson High they have been carefully instructed so that when ,they shall be tested, they will not be found inefficient. The stage is set; the cast is assembled; the audience is eager; everything indicates that the curtain will soon rise. Nervous, in the Ntings, await these boys and girls, their minds a turmoil of conflicting thoughts, living the past twelve years over in the short interval before they are summoned. They ai•e proud and confident, because they realize that they have al- ready attained in high school the primary success. They will soon enter the stage and will leave only at the call of -their creator. They will continue to learn day- by day, and year by year, accumulating knowledge, the measure of stealth. In the minds of these in- dividuals there is no thought of failure, for no obstacle is itoo great -to be overcome by one armed with courage, inspired with ambition, possessed with foresight, guided by edu- cation, and blessed with the prayers of mankind. JOHN J. PHELAN, Jr. [ 351 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK E8,3ag Science and Progre ,3,3 O towers of steel, niamm m D outh power plants, echani- cal and electric m n er h al o st s, measul the course of man's progress? Our creations of steel and stone {`''•'•.s' thrust their cold, gray mass into the firmament. Do- minion over land, water and air has been realized. The elements have yielded to the touch of the modern Midas, Science. The effects of this material progress are coter- mfnous wifh the area of the earth. This progress of science is Burling us onward. Its goal we know not. Per- haps it means ultimate destruction. Perhaps we are geared too high, and are. wearying under this incessant strain. -\A"hat influences are striving for spiritual progress? Let us consider Progress in the civilization of ancient Rome. Here eve find a panorama of dazzling marble temples, innumerable orchards, and cultivated fields. -We find beautiful harbors, magnificent vessels. But together with this beauty- and grandeur, we find a decay. On the surface we find progress, but below, deeper, there appears an in- evitable retrogression together with this progress. These people mastered mechanical ap- pliances, and, to some extent, science. Theirs was the most ingenious military- system known at the time, yet Rollie fell! I-ts progress had been mostly material. Blinded by the lust ,for luxury and the desire for power, they atrophied any constructive, spiritual, and moral progress. An unrivalled promiscuity, of evil, especially the avarice for material gain, led -them to -•eject any form of altruism. Slavery and persecution blotted the pure marble of their temples. A general decadence in morals led to the disastrous downfall. Yet they were once called the most progressive people in the world! We always take pride in praising our present civilization. NVe center practically all our admiration on the accomplishments of science. Miracles of science are performed. This labryinth of w•h•eels, wires, and cogs awes and even terrifies us with its potency. But has our moral progress kept pace with this material one? This year, in Chicago, is being held what is called, "A Century of Progress Exposition." There is a tinge of irony in all this. -Will the visitors be aware that they are in the city of the greatest crime? -Will they discover the poverty existing ithere? Is Fontenelle correct when he tells us, "The heart always the same, the intellect perfecting itself; passions, virtues, vices unaltered, knowledge increasing."? Must we, like Goe,the's p•e•ssimistic Faust lament, "And here I stand with all my lore, Poor fool no wiser than before."? -While this material progress has been advancing-, how have our fine arts fared? The advances in the realm of pure intellect have been slow indeed. In our so-called Era of Progress, we still resort to works that are centuries old. Why? Because our literature, art, and music are, with few exceptions, in a deplorable state. Thousands of novels are published annually, but how many will outlive a single play of Shakespeare? Most of our art is nothing but a. horrible nightmare. Our current music is but a relic of barbarism. Haven't we taken too much interest in science and less in what may be termed as "-eal progress"? How many wars has science prevented? There is no progress when the arts of science produce weapons and chemicals that destroy thousands of men. The dis- placement of man by the machine has been a problem of long standing. On the other hand, we may have science properly applied, "real progress". -We have conquered diseases. -We have attempted to prevent future disasters like that most terrible event in the history of civilization—the -World -War. Our altruistic institutions, our free edu- cation, our desire to obtain a higher moral level, are among the various factors that con- stitute "real progress". -Will Durant in his "Mansions of Philosophy" makes the following optimistic observation: "Never was our heritage of civilization and culture so secure, and never was it half so rich. 'We may do our little share to augment it and transmit it, confident that time will wear away, chiefly, the dross of it, and that what is finally fair and worthy in it will be preserved to illuminate many generations." PETI,'R B. F. SLUSKO\1S. [ 361 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK Valed ctor - Tales of The Merrimack Valle , - ENGLAND is very fortunate in having ta les and N le"-ends in abu ndance.e And the Merr imack: Rive r and its surrounding valley has a 1 ai o e share of these. In i rin histories manuscripts, n s ur- 0 ove of o ies andone s i d 1 � Sri this wall y fi ui es in th. history .............................................prised to find holy much s e� �, e of the old colonial settlers. It has not yet been ascertained who really discovered the Merrimack River, but it is now fairly generally accepted by historians that Norsemen -.were the first to visit its banks, some years ago, a rude statue having been found in Bradford, which seemed to confirm this belief. Sieur de Monts, in 1,604, said in his accounts Of discoveries and set- tlements, "The Indians spe-ak of a beautiful stream far to the south that is called by them the Merremack," and in .the next year Champlain discovered a river believed by many to have been the Merrimack, although by his own records, it seems to liave been !lie Charles River. The name of John Smith is also associated with the Merrimack, for lie sailed up the river on his tour of exploration in New England. '\Vliittier mentions this fact in his poem, "The Merrimack." Numerous tales of Indians are associated with this section. There is ;the story of Passaconway, chief of all the tribes of -the :Merrimack, who, after a fierce battle with the Mohawk and Abnakis Indians, moved with his tribe .to Dowell. With remarkable foresight, he realized the uselessness of fighting against the white-men, and therefore became one of their firm friends. After having lived over one hundred years, lie died and was succeeded by his son 'Wannalancet, the last of the Merrimack Valley sachems, who was saved from becoming a homeless wandorer in th-e land of his forefathers by the kindness of a Colonel Tyng of Lowell, whose .house is still standing. Colonel Tyng of- fered him shelter in his fine home during the last years of his life in gratitude for kind- nesses formerly shown -to him by ;this Indian. Meanwhile, the villages of the Merrimack were growing in wealth and importance. Each, as it grew, cherished the tales of its ancestors passed down from generation to generation. An interes-ting story still told in Newburyport is about Timothy Dexter, who, due to remarkably good luck-and an uncommon business sense, became very wealthy. Once, some facetious companions suggested that he send coal to Newcastle, the largest coal port 'in the world. He followed their advice and sent many tons. At that time, fortunately for him, there was a serious coal strike at Newcastle, and Dexter made a great profit from the transaction. At another time, -he dreamed three consecutive nights that warming pans would do well in th-e '\Vest Indies. Therefore, he bought large quanti- ties and sent them there. An ingenious sailor took off the covers and sold them to the Nest Indian sugar plantation Owners for ladles, and Dexter found himself richer than ever. Besides being a financial genius, he was a great egotist. To spread his fame far and wide, he bought a house upon the crown of a hill and put minar-ets and cupolas on the roof in great numbers, spreading on top of all, a golden eagle, overlooking the bay, Then he had forty gigantic statues of famous men built on his front lawn. These be- came one of ithe sights of the town, but due to their dilapidated state, they were later torn down. [ 371 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE The favorite tale of Haverhill is not at all like that of Newburyport. Its heroine is Hannah Dustin, who was captured by Indians during a raid, and was taken to Concord, New Hampshire. While there, she scalped the ten sleeping Indians who had taken her, and brought back their scalps, that they might be shown as silent witnesses of her ad- venture. In commemoration of h-er courage, the citizens have erected a statue of her on the Haverhill Common. North Andover, in spite of having no outstanding tale, is proud of being the home of Anne Bradstreet, the first poetess in America. Andover can boast of a visit from George Washington during the first year of his presidency. He dined at the Abbot Tavern which is still standing. And lastly, -Methuen has the honor of being the only town in the world of that name. It was named in commemoration of a certain Lord Paul Methuen, a privy councillor of the king. Besides these reminiscences, handed down for the most part by word of mouth, there are many tales perpetuated by the poets. -Whittier probably did most to make these stories and legends immortal. One of his best remembered legendary poems is the "Bridal of Pennacook," concerning Weetomoo, daughter of Passaconway, who married ZVinnepurkit, Chief of Saugus. He tells us that when she wished to return home after a visit to her father, neither her father nor her husband would provide an escort to take her home, for fear of admitting to the other he was less powerful. Neither would yield and finally, NVeetamoo, in a desperate attempt to reach her husband, sailed down the Merrimack, alone in a canoe. Of course she was unable to brave the rapids alone, and later the canoe was seen, empty and broken, floating down the river. lVe are apt to see the Merrimack as a river of power, and value it in terms of money and the strength of its immense falls. We lose sight of the traditions with which it has been connected and forget to value it at all for th-e natural beauty of its surround- ings. 11Zixed in with its valleys and hills, wooded slopes and cultivated fields, sparsely settled villages and thickly populated cities are thousands of tales, many of them nearly forgotten in dusty documents. Vet, they are there and we ought not to forget them, for they are closely woven into the history of our own ancestors. Valedictory Friends and Relatives: From your interest in our activities and from the direct and in- direct aid which you have given us, the Class of 1933 has received a great inspira- tion. It has been possible only through your cooperation that many of our projects have been carried out. For all this, we extend to you our thanks and assurance of of our appreciation. Dear Principal and Teachers: The guidance and advice which you have given us will be .remembered by us all for the rest of our lives. It is with a deep feeling of regret that we say good-bye to you and we shall endeavor to conform to the standards which you have set up for us, in order that we may prove ourselves worthy of your interest. Schoolmates To you tonight, after the many days of comradeship and friendship is left the task of carrying on the work. which has already been started. 'May you always stand behind Johnson High and support its institutions. Classmates Tonight will probably be the last time in which the Class of 1933 as a whole is united. We •shall all remember the many happy days we have spent at Johnson High, and through future years, we will cherish the many friend-ships we have made here. Let us all carry into the world the inspiration we have received from our four years at high school. Friends, one and all, the Class of 1933 bids you farewell. As have previous classes, we extend to you a hearty wish for the success of all which you undertake. JEAN BARKER. L 381 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK C1a,38 Hi8tor� ti T was a beautiful evening Al old North Andover. The I bulbul was singing under the old apple tree,—singing .; '�?''`'�``'•• of his hopes and the victory he anticipated in the mor- row's bulbul figi.t. In the little shack by the old railroad track a dramatic scene was being enacted. A momentous letter was being read. The bearer was standing restless while the middle- aged lady was reading: "This letter will be conveyed into your hands by the bearer thereof. His name is Peter Sluskonis, a person who has, been living off me for two years, but he is a good boy, devout and honest. He is willing to work, but I have nothing to do in his life. Times, as you know, are dull. "He is by profession a discoverer. He has been successful in the work where he has had opportunities, and there Silas been no complaint so far on the part of those who have employed him. Everything he has discovered has remained that way, so he is willing to let his work show for itself. "Should you have any discovering to be done, you will do well to consider the qualifiications of my. friend. "Very sincerly thine, "Etc., etc.," Who could resist? The lady received the so called discoverer and outfitted him. That is how Peter Sluskonis by means of a forged letter, which was his first literary venture that was worth anything, reached Johnson High school long before immigration set in on that memorable first day of high school for the class of '33. It now became the duty of the new class to seek out the person to preside over it, and John Phelan seemed to have almost negligible opposition. President Phelan had no trouble at all in avoiding office seekers for all the other officers who are not at all important, were also chosen by the class. Now came the time of his first speech. The senior class invited the class of '33 to a dance. Since precedent demanded it, Phelan accepted the invitation. It was a grand evening. A four—it might have been a five-piece orchestra gave out haunting music and we all enjoyed the ice cream. It was later that the blow landed! We 1eearned that we, the class of '33, were ex- pected to give a return dance. Some time later we were informed by -the head of our class that each and every member was to contribute a fixed sum of our hard-earned money. We employed the same orchestra and a grand time was had by all. Right here I want ,to say, although a historian shouldn't be prejudiced, that I think that this dance was much more enjoyed than the former one. This concluded our social activities for the year and in the other fields nothing worth recording happened. The next year it was thought best to have two political parties, so they were organized and public speakers were engaged. One party supported the administration and the other was against it. The de- pression had not yet been felt so the administration continued to administer and the opposition disappeared. The only enlivening incident during the year was the dance that was given to our heroes of the gridiron. [ 39 ] YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE In the third year of our class, history repeated itself and again Phelan won the election, but only after an especially hzTd campaign in ;the course of which he delivered niany- speeches written by a person destined to become an eminent historian. This bear was especially hard on the purse-strings. There were rings to be bought. 'Why they buy them I don't know, but they do. Then the class of '34 invited us to a dance. Naturally we went. That was the only thing we got free all that year. From rumors which have circulated around these old walls the donors are still hoping. The next event -,vas the class supper, part of the money for which was raised by a semi-public dance. This supper was a huge success. It was during this year that the class of '33 started to contribute members to the � athletic teams. Contributions were .rejected for the most part, the ones in charge saying they wouldn't accept charity unless driven to it. It *as at this time, too, that Peter Sluskonis, the discoverer, received the Harvard Club book given each year to the boy in the junior class who has the highest scholastic standing. And so, as was inevitable, 1933 rolled around. It was at this time that Phelan spoke those immortal words, " I do not choose to run," and wrote a farewell address, which he didn't deliver. Charles Donlon succeeded him as president, and didn't change his politics to amount to much. It was in this year that the class of '33 was in the limelight. The teams represent- ing the school were composed :for the most part of members of the class of '33. The student publication was headed by members of this same body. This class was lectured to more than any previous class. It was held up as an example. The in.tra-scholastic social functions were not failures, and the class finished the year in a blaze of glory at the annual supper tendered by ,the junior class. And now the author begs leave to thank his auditors for -thle rapt attention shown, and to apologize for the tears thoughtlessly wrung from eyes unused to weep by the graphic word-painting and fine education shown by the author. In closing, would it be out of place -to say that the stringency of the money market is most noticeable and most painful, and for that reason would it be too much trouble for the owner of this history- ,to refuse to loan it, thereby encouraging its sale and con- tributing to the comfort of a deserving young man? JOHN MICHALOVICH. [ 401 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK The Last Will and Testament WE, the class of 1933 having passed through a four year test for sanity, and being proud possessors of certificates stating the soundness of our mental ap- para.tus, do hereby, on this eighth day of June with ut- most generosity, endow the following upon our expectant successors: The Senior Class reluctantly bequeaths its majes- < {` tical throne of Knowledge to its subalternate heirs who will find it difficult to govern with the efficiency and solemnity of the existing executives. To our principal we leave our congratulations for his excellent leadership. To Miss Sargent we leave our good wishes. The History Class donates their overburdened and s«eat-stained notebooks to any- one with remarkable powers of translation. To the faculty we leave the pleasure of having taught such a class as this most memorable one. Irvy Albrecht leaves his black and' white shoes to Beau—Brummel Denault, and his mile-a-minute stride to Al Himber, hoping that Al will save fifteen minutes each day. Elizabeth Cole leaves her senior boy friend to his own fate, accompanied by a re- quest never to forget those romantic hours under the Bo•xford moon. Robby Donlan, Hotcha boy of Johnson High, and points West, leaves the Harvard Hop to Red Thurlow. John -Michalovich, after much deliberate contention, and a deep perusal of his bounteous gifts, has decided upon a reciprocant for his endowment. lie places Vince Contello in magnitudinous debt by relinquishing to Vince his progress of getting A's by means of his voluminous talking piece. Paul Lanni leaves his haircut, and a bar of Life-buoy to William Hodge. Jean Barker reluctantly relinquishes her afternoon chats with certain prospective P. G., to Juliette Auger, with a little -advice on, "you great big he-man." Johnny Phelan leaves his ability, as President, to finish the "J" Club's business in record time to his successor. His immediate departure and the following enjoyable hours, he leaves to any romantic Junior. Mary Brady, bequeaths three-quarters of her beautiful tresses to help in the con- cealment of Thorwald Allen's superior cranium. John Costello kindly bestows his shyness on Iggy Howard, who will perhaps be obliged to consuk Webster. "Toles" Mulligan leaves her dignity and a little of her reserve to Virginia Drew. Irene Barron leaves her Evening of Paris, cosmetics (A' la -%'oolworth's) and a little of her alluringness to Markaret Smith. Albert Kennedy leaves his modesty and his unassuming character to the incom- parable John Kennedy. Maker and Robertson, Incorporated, leave their monopoly of the beautiful damsels of Greater Lawrence to William Graham, Freddy Holt, and one-half a dozen other ro- mantic Juniors, who will be obliged to improve their technique if they desire to keep the above-mentioned members of the fair sex buying stock. Demure Beatrice Goff donates her inviolate status as Class Grind to the Big Three (Clarenbach, Bixby, and Downing). Helen Burnham regretfully leaves J. H. S. never to return since it is rumored a former prominent student has won her affections. John Shea donates -two gallons of milk, (a Methuen product) to the lunch room with a personal guarantee. Eddie Adams leaves his Dusenburg Special and his unselfish willingness to drive the teachers to the depot, to Sammy Silverstein. [ 411 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE Saverio Campione bequeaths his ability to break the hearts of the fair sex, the brute, to NVilliam Drummond. Joe Flynn leaves his "Don Pedro" sideboards and his unstained record to a home town boy-, Henry 1\Tarushof. Frank Nicholson, the Old Maestro of Johnson High, bestows his rythmical harmony upon Danny` Hurd. who makes up in self-confidence, what he lacks in ability. Jerry Mahoney leaves to Al Greenwood permission to escort to our public dances next year those charming girls who adore dancing with all Johnson boys, (as Jerry discovered). Bill Shellnut donates, with a shaky hand. a fe-%v bottles of good old Budweiser to Eddie Welch. Elise Clee parts sorrowfully with her mezzo-soprano voice, giving it to Beatrice Nelson. Hannah Roche leaves her wistful eyes to Claire Lebel. Leon Diamont leaves his dance floor form to Henry Kennedy, who has a tendency To doze off in the middle of a waltz. Marjorie Gill, leaves the care of her hubby to Ellen Riley, in order to keep it in the family. Ethel Jacobs wills her manicure, including the fiery red polish to Arlene McEvoy. Gertrude Currier leaves her good-nature to Isabel Fenton, who really doesn't need it. Long Tom Clark, the human cross-word puzzle, bequeaths his various ways of ex- pressing that well known, "I don't know," to John Roy. Agnes Lang, the school wag, leaves her book, "How I Got That Way," to Frances Cronin, whose rise has been spectacular, Laurie Allen, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, and a close relation to the above- mentioned Thorwald, bestows upon Charles Andrew his responsibility for keeping the family tree alive, (As man is nourished by food, a tree flourishes on sap). Charles Donlan leaves a little all-round ability to Lewis Sanderson, and his in- defatigable industry to Philip Evangelos. Joseph Binns, bequeaths to Walter "Pythagoras" Mitchell his mathematical genius. Rita Carroll leaves her basketball prowess to Martha Curley. Ray Lavin leaves his Freshman giggle to Arthur Aaronian, his walk to Carl Degen- hardt, his hand manoeuvers to Herman Cass, and his famousexpression "tt'hat's up fel- lows " to Kenneth Brousseau. Lennie Slicer, the great athlete, leaves his mental blur to Fat Norton, with his compliments anddirections on how to carry on. Alexander Pickles leaves his remarkable seven-speed ahead pickup in studies to James Casserly, the hurdler. Eleanor Fitzgerald leaves her quietness to Dot Donnelly. Kenneth Fenton wills a blue-print of trails and way stations of South Lawrence to "Stevie" Martin. :Mildred Stewart leaves her block of hNTtory notes and a little advice on their use to Helen Davis. Katherine Knowles leaves a little innocence to Ia'ranc.is Connelly. Pete Sluskonfs bequeaths his fishing net with all the strings attached, to John Pillion. (Pete hopes that John has a drag with the Police Force). Shy Louise Kane leaves her intelligence to Ruth tt'ormald, her curls to Helen Walker. Agnes Huhne leaves her singular pronunciation to Katherine Glidden, whose roar is heard the school over. Frank Stevenson, God's gift to women, leaves his ego to Arthur Phillips, his mas- sive physique to Phil Hickingbotham, and his curling iron to Mary Perry. Al Houston, the soda-jerker, gives his book telling of his ups and downs before his final achievement in marionnettes, to Bernice Dufton, in remembrance of many pleasant hours -spent with the marionnettes. Ronny Foley leaves his love to Mr. Mitchell. Mildred Jackson leaves a couple of pairs of ankle socks to Pricilla Holt, '%N'ho will have an endless amount of fun getting them on. [ 421 I NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK Charles Marchese leaves a well thumbed Bible to Evelyn Somerville, his antagonis- tic attitucTe in the history class to Mabel Black, and his stock of books, headed "Socialism, and What rt Means" to Rita Enaire. Phyllis Kruschwitz leaves her old school dresses, to her sister Patience tvith a man- date not to rip, tear, or wrinkle them. George Holdsworth leaves a smile of admiration to Mary O'Brien, and his seat in room 3 to Angelina Vernile, knowing she will keep it well shined. Esther Luridquist leaves her flaxen locks to Mary Martin with a dozen eggs for the shampoo, and lier rosy cheeks to Rita Noone, whose rouge bill is something terrible. Teddy McRobbie leaves the surrounding London fog to wide-awake Clifford John- son. Lillian Mort wills her harem of boy friends to Kitty May, tvho will not even notice the addition. Mary Sullivan leaves her scrap book to Marguerite Phelan, who has three big road signs which she will add immediately. Elmore Tacy, the Hitler of Johnson, wills two cases of German beer to Bill Calla- han. Loretta Parah bequeaths her ability to be scen but not heard to Teresa McLay. Ben Riley twills his childhood antics to Eleanor Roche, who is too grown up for her age. Dot -\\'edge leaves her cheerfulness and a fete ounces to Helen Koroskys. Gladys Phillips and Margaret Sheridan leave the school with no regret and a prayer of thanks. Ruth :Morton leaves h,er audaciousness to Pita Coppinger. Evelyn Pendlebury donates a bag of peanuts to Arlene McCormack, who supplants her lack of speech by vigorous mastication. Morris Cohen leaves his whispering voice, a little timidity, a few of his rainbow shirts, and a plugged nickel to Joe Fitzgerald. Margaret Stott leaves a pair of well worn shoes covered with dust of the Andover roads to Lillian Callahan whose shoes are worse off from walking the streets nights. Alice Williams leaves h-er place as a Journal typist to Rita Massey with orders to hold out for more money. Eileen Murphy donates her Adam's apple to .Shirley Pearl. Last but not least the selectmen of this town have given the Senior Class permis- sion to olliciaily bestow on the fog of ;the Junior Class, Eugene Reginald Percy 111'alsh, the title which he has long coveted, namely, Mr. North Andover. Having donated all but the clothes on otir backs, and a fete jingling pennies, the the Class of 1933 do hereby affix our signature and seal to this worthy document. 11'itness: E,. L. PIERCE, AVM. P. CALLAHAN. In behalf of: THE CLASS OF 1333. GE"ORGE J. ROBE11TSON. [ 431 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE r ¢.. The Class Pro hec of 1933 '`. 'j`HE Democratic National Convention of 1948 had > ' ': finally come to a close after a hectic two weeks :ti . struggle in which I had last fifteen pounds from the .. loss of food and sleep. My position as Chairman of this Convention was both tedious and burdening, carrying with it an endless amount of responsibility. For two long weeks all I had heard were speeches and loud cheering. The result was a compromise between the Massachusetts and New York delegates when Frank Johnson, the Governor of Massachusetts, was chosen as the candidate for the Presidency with Hubert Parker of New York as his running mate. The popularity of this choice was emphasized by the wild acclaim with which it was received by the country. The party looked forward to another sweeping victory. 1 vas at home at last, the peace and quiet of my ranch acting as a soothing balm after my very recent experiences. This was the life I craved, sitting in my den with the morning papers spread out before me: no wife to boss me, no children to spank, and no one to tell ine «'hat I should or should not do. Yus,oke, my Japanese house boy and my only employee, entered the den with my morning meal, steaming hot. Sipping my cocoa, 1 turned to the front page of the Morning Daily and nearly choked when I had finished reading the headlines. This is what I found: "BOSTON BROKER WINS $103,000 ON AN ENGLISH DERBY TICKET William W. 'Laker, the Tiger of Wall Street, and a res,id-en•t of Chestnut Hill, is the major winner in yesterday's prize drawings at Glendale Farms, England. The Tiger is the proud father of eleven children and resides with his family at the Grove Elms, Chestnut Hill, Boston." The rest went on to tell of his rise in business, of his everlasting integrity and indefatigable industry, and lastly of how he had -\von his title a.s the "Tiger" of Nall Street. Little wonder that I nearly choked. For the past -ten years I had never seen a single one of any schoolmates nor -,va.s I .aware as to the whereabouts of any, except the Democratic candidate, Frank Johnson. The paper slipped out of my hands as I sat there thinking of the school days long gone by, the happiest period in one's life; thinking also of the many friends, loyal and true, whom I had left behind me on my journey in life. Rousing myself, I opened my desk and picked up a book which I cherished as one of my dearest possessions, my senior class year book. 'Zany of the students must have changed radically both in appearance and in character. Perhaps mangy- were successful business men and women, loving mothers and daddies, or retired bachelors and spinsters. Suddenly the desire to visit -the east seized me as I pored over these pages, and my heart began to beat faster and faster. I would go! 1Z%hen? Early tomorrow morning. Here -\vas an opportunity to look up my old friends and spend the few wieeks of my vacation in the happy surroundings of those whose memories were dear to me. As the plane wings its steady course over the Rockies I sit reading one of the daily newspapers that I had picked up from the paper racks. I also seized several maga- zines which of late I had had little opportunity to read. In the sporting section I find that Jerry 'Mahoney discusses in his daily column the pros and cons of the coming world's championship heavy-weight boxing bout between "Battling" Gordon, the challenger, and "Tiger" Leon Diamont, the defending champion of America and the Fiji Islands. On the nett page I read Al Kennedy's section, "This Curious I'Vorld," in which he claimed that there exists in Africa a colony of Siamese t-,yin natives. In the comic section I found "Ehenezer Pluff," by Tommy Clark, still up to his neck in trouble with the farmers of Hicksville. [ 441 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK I came across nothing else of interest, so I laid the paper aside and tried to watch the scenery. However I soon tired ofthis and picked up the Saturday Evening Post. The attractive Iooking cover, which I could not help noticing, was drawn by that famed artist, Katherine Knowles. The first page was devoted to an editorial dealing Nvith the establishment of world peace in 1940 on the plan submitted bw John Michalovich, present Ambassador to England. This article written by the editor, Gertrude Currier, went on to discuss the immediate siiccess of the plan. On page eleven I came to a discussion of the coming Presidential election, con- taining the picture, platform and record of -each candidate. According to John Costello, the author, the victory would go to the Democrats. The rise of Frank Johnson in politics, reads the article, was ,similar to that of Al Smith. Mildred Stewart, the Republican nominee, is a nationally known philanthropist and Iiresident of the American League for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It was rumored, writes John, that her recent donation of 100,000 cases of tooith picks to the starving Armenians was only a publicity stunt. A new party to enter the race was the Society Women's Party of America, and they chose their founder, Irene Barron, as their candidate in hopes of twinning the election in their drive against cooking in the home. The author concluded by saying that the campaign would be one of the best in recent years. Then I noticed an advertisement by Adams and Allen, the manufacturers of the newly invented Zipper Can. They claimed that this invention would save hours of labor for the American housewives. The next page brought an offer by Alex Pickles, the strongest and best built man in America, to give you a handsome, husky body within thirty-three days by merely following his direction. To prove that his system was what it was advertised to be, he displayed his bulging muscles land enormous physique on the bottom of the page. A money back guarantee was also included. The brick cover showed two sailors drinking Golden Harvest Beer, manufactured and sold by the beer king -of America, Ben Riley. Then I picked up the Scientific Monthly, which I found dedicated to the country's youngest aeronautical engineer, Charlie Donlan, rthe present chief engineer of the gov- ernment's bureau of aeronautical engineering. Charlie's rise after his graduation from At, I. T. had been very spectacular. His designs were now world famous, especially his latest model of the world's safest plane. I found nothing else that interested me, how- ever, so I laid the book aside and entered the dining room. A few couples were dancing to the strains of jazzy orchestra playing on the radio. I ordered a light lunch and .sat munching my food when the song ended. The announcer then introduced the Merrymakers of the air advertising Albrecht's Matches, guaranteed to light on any surface, wet or dry. Glancing at my wrist swatch, I found that my des- tination was almost reached. Soon I went back to my seat, sat down and fell asleep, not to be awakened until we had landed in the Boston airport. The rosy-fingered dawn began my first day in Boston and after a shower, a shave and a hearty breakfast, I sauntered out of the Biltmore Hotel, where I had stayed over- night, and took a walk down to the state house where I met Alice Williams and Ethel Jacobs, secretaries to His Excellency, the Governor. After spending ten minutes here I continued on my way down Beacon Street until I came to a large office on the windows of which was printed, LA_"I\ & ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAAV. So this was Ray Lavin's office! Suddenly I remembered reading a. recent account in the New York Herald telling hover, through his shrewdness and general knowledge of law, Ray had :successfully defended a branded criminal whom the public had given up as guilty. I decided to pay him a surprise visit and was soon ushered into his private office by his secretary, Lilliam Mort, After greeting each other vwarmIy we were soon launched on an all day chat, each of us relating our respective stories. I learned that he was also president of the New England Bar Association. Suddenly he discovered that he was late for his appointment in court and snatching his hat and coat from a rack, he hustled me out of the office and into his car, instruct- ing the chauffeur to drive to the courthouse. I protested that I had no desire to go with him and asked ;to be let off. However he said that lie would have his chauffeur take me down to visit Dot AN'edge's Beauty Salon where I could have my finger nails manicured. I admitted that 1 was sorely in need of a manicure and it was not long before I was seated in a booth with one hand in a wa-ter bowl and the other having its nails polished by Margaret Stott, an expert manicurist. One big surprise was that I could [ 451 FEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY" - THREE no longer call Dot by her old nickname, Rate Smith, since I found her greatly reduced. She told me that she owed It all to Loretta Parah's new chewing gum, famous for getting rid of avoirdupois. After tipping the manicurist I sauntered out and continued on my way down 'Washington Street. As I passed Raymond's Department Store, I caught a glimpse of Frank Stevenson making a sale. A little farther down I came to Coles Florist Shop, a large, neat looking store, where many pretty flowers were on display, Then my attention was attracted to a large electric sign, adve:-tising Morton's Pharmacy. Five minutes later I was eating a college-ice, listening to Ruth Morton telling me all about the drugstore business. Before I left, she told me that Lenny Slicer was the rnew registrar of motor vehicles. I continued my aimless wanderings for an- other half hour and then went back to my hotel. As I entered the lobby, I caught a glimpse of Teddy McRobbie shooting a game of billiards in the billiard parlor. I joined him and we soon became involved in a halliard match. At the same time I learned that he was the playing manager of the Boston Red Sox, the leaders of the American League. The game soon broke up because he was due at the park for practice so I picked up a magazine and sat down in the lobby. As I pored over the pages, I found many pictures of Hollywood life, including the actors and actresses and a comment on the latest pictures. Helen Burnham, the Marie Dressler of Hollywood had recently completed her latest picture, "Heels Are My Weakness." Mary Brady, the latest find, who had stood Broadway stage followers on their heads for a continous run of four months, thereby breaking all previous records and tickets sales, was recently admitted into the ranks of the "tiVampus Babies." Al Houston, the Clark Gable of yesterday, -was en route to Paris where he was to make a picture of Paris night life. Suddenly- I heard the bellboy paging me and I beckoned to him. He brought me a note from Ray Lavin which said that he had met Johnny- Phelan in the court room lobby and had told him that I was in town. As a result, he had sent his chauffeur for me, who was to drive me down to Johnny's office. Outside I found the car waiting and in two minutes we halted in front of a large office building. The elevator took me up to the third floor where I soon Hound an office door reading, John J. Phelan Jr., Cancer Specialist. As the door swung open I entered a richly- furnished waiting room and it was not long before I was ushered into the presence of his doctorship by a pretty girl whom I took to be his secretary, and who, curiously enough, seemed to lend a South Lawrence atmosphere to the �offiice. I found him expecting me and I nearly broke his arm off shaking hands with him. He had grown tall and athletic-looking and I noticed that he was already grey at the temples. We both sat down and it was not long before I learned his whole history and he mine. Be had gone through Harvard, had served his-internship, and had then returned to specialize in cancer. Thus far he had contributed many puzzling solutions to this great problem, having already discovered its origin. No lie was not married, just a bachelor, residing in his bungalow in .the North Andover Tavern Acres. Suddenly lie decided that we must celebrate our meeting so he instructed his secretary- to cancel all appoint- ments for the remainder of the day and we left his office, jumped into +his shining Cord roadster and we were off. As we whizzed along, leaving Boston in the background, he told me that the were headed for the Merrimack Valley Country Club of which he was a member and director. The new Fellsway soon brought us into Reading, then Andover and finally Shawsheen square, where I noticed a huge dance pavillion advertising a dance marathon then in progress. Doc—I had decided to call him thus—told me that Denny Fenton was promoting the marathon and that Mildred Jackson and her partner, a nationally- known couple who had recently Avon the World's Fair marathon, were the leading contenders for the first prize. By this time we had reached South Lawrencs and we both looked at each other and smiled understandingly. \\'e arrived at the club in time for lunch after which we repaired to Doc's private locker room and jumped into some golfing togs. As I was about to tee off, some one yelled, "fore," and looking around I discovered John Shea and George Robertson, all rigged out in shorts, polo shirts, and black and white golfing sandals. Having greeted each other warmly, we formed a foursome, Doc and I teaming against the other two. Unfortunately my golf had been sorely neglected of late and the final score of three rounds came out in their favor. After a cold shover and a rubdown we all felt capable of devouring even a raw steak so we drove into Lawrence, John and George following in the latter's car. They took me into "The Paradise," owned and operated by Agner. [ 461 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK Lang, and we soon became involved in an eating race. Doc, however, still showed us that his everlasting superior capacity was not to be overcome and I was certainly glad that I did not have to pay the bill. From the conversation I learned that George was now a retired broker, a select- man of North Andover and the president of the Lions Club. John Shea, besides being the chairman of the school committee was also the town's leading dentist. Then they began to argue over my lodgings. Doc maintained that I should be his guest for the first few days anyway, while .Kohn and George argued that I should remain at one of their homes since they were married. They said that their wives would make me feel right at home and that I would receive hospitality galore. Personally I agreed with them although I did not say so. It was finally settled that I was to stay with Doc for a couple of days and then with the other two. We parted in North Andover and I promised to see them again soon. As we rode past the library, Doc told me that Eleanor Fitzgerald was now the head librarian. Arriv- ing at the Tavern Acres, Doc turned into the driveway of a low, snug-looking, brown bungalow surrounded by many flowers and pretty, green shrubbery. I found the inside very peaceful and cheering, an ideal home for a bachelor. We spent the rest of the day exploring his home and back yard, where he spent much of his leisure time in his flower garden. That evening we stayed in and talked of our school days, recalling the many sweet victories on the gridiron and diamond; the pleasant social activities in which we had taken part, and the many happy hours spent in and out of our class rooms, not for- getting, also, the unpleasant ones. Then we listened to the radio, a new television se-t which Doc, had purchased recently. Tuning in on WEAF, we heard and saw Joe Binns, the announcer, introducing Carroll's Yeast hour, featuring Frank Nicholson and his Rahjahs of Rhythm. My word, there was Saverio Campione sawing away at a fiddle tucked under his chin. Then Elise Clee, the blues singer, warbled a few popular tunes. We -enjoyed the program exceedingly and were sorry when the time came to retire. I asked Doc to pay my hotel bill and to bring my baggage back with him the next day. The next morning, after a very tasty breakfast prepared by Frieda, Doc's German housekeeper, I .set out on a stroll through the town with intention's of visiting Johnson High later in the morning. I ran into Gladys Philips and Margaret Sheridan wheeling baby carriages. They said that they had been married for a number of years. The babies began to cry and, sensing that there was ,something wrong, I decided to be on my way. Curiously enough, the crying stopped when I left. To my great surprise, I found Alain Street a very busy thoroughfare with its many new stores and two banks. On one of the buildings I noticed a large sign reading, George Holdsworth, Insurance of all Kinds. As I crossed the street I was nearly struck down by the health department auto- mobile driven by Esther Lundquist. I decided to report this reckless driving to the police and entered the station only to find the chief, Elmore Tacy, asleep at the desk. lie soon awoke after a few- gentle taps on the head and I learned .from him that Flynn's Carnival had just arrived in town. I decided to pay Joe a visit mid I found him on the Grogan field grounds directing the setting up operations. He was all dressed up in a white cotton suit and a Panama straw hat. I also noticed that he had cultivated a Rudolph Rassendale mustache. Paul Lanni, the strong man and wrestler of the show, came out of a side tent and offered to take me on for five dollars a minute. However Joe would not allow me to accept the challenge since he badly needed the services of his wrestler. Just then I remembered that I was to visit the High School so I hailed a passing auto, the driver of which I found to be Bill Shellnut who told me he was selling canned electricity, and he brought me right up to the school door. I found the building some- what enlarged and improved, and the grounds about it very neat -and well kept. In the office I shook hands with Mr. Hayes, who was still as spry and jovial as ever. From him I learned that Eileen Murphy has taken Miss Kelly's place a's a, history teacher. Beatrice Goff had taken Miss Green's place w'hill- Mr. Mitchell had been sup- planted by Louise Kane. Downstairs in the enlarged lunch room I found Bill Callahan chatting with Agnes Hulme and Phyllis Kruschwitz, the proprietors. Rob Donlan, the athletic coach, was in charge of the manual training class. He told me that the school was meeting with a great deal of success, in sports, having won six cups in a row. I spent the rest of the school day visiting the classes and reading the Johnson Journals. [ 471 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE As I came walking up the sidewalk of the bungalow, I found George Robertson waiting for ine with an invitation to spend the afternoon at a movie. Since I had eaten in the High School lunch room, I did not feel hungry so we set out for Lawrence in George's car. The next ten minutes found us in the first balcony of the Warner theatre, enjoying the last act, a dance revue in which Hannah Roche and Evelyn Pendle- bury were the leaders. Then the main picture flashed on the -screen and I nearly passed out when I found that it was Marjorie Gill's latest hit, "Hot Lipstick." The Palhe News brought Ronny Foley, who recently piloted the IT. S. Olympic team to a smashing victory by breaking the world's pole vault record. And here was .lean Barker, Cnited States Secretary of State, officially recognizing Russia, whose Presi- dent was Charles 'Marchese. Charlie had been exiled from this country ten years ago for his extreme radicalism. 14e had gone to Russia where he soon gained a following, finally overthrowing the Communists, and established a Socialist government of which he was the head. And now he had finally forced the United Staters to recognize his government. The next picture showed 'Mary Sullivan, the president of Columbia, University, conferring upon Peter B. F. Slusk-onis the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Pete had become famous when he had submitted to ex-President Roosevelt a plan under which the United States turned that corner on two wheels, leaving the memorable depression of 1929 far behind. Finally Pathe News presented the _World'•s Fashion Show, personally directed by the women's fashion expert of America, Tola 'Mulligan. After enjoying the minor picture, we left for home. The next few days were spent with Doc and then I stayed for several days with George and John Shea. To say that I had greatly enjoyed my vacation would be putting it lightly. However the time finally came when I was forced to leave, owing to the pressure of my duties. As the same plane wings its way back over the Rockies, I sit thinking of the many classmates whom I have meet in the past two weeks and of the many happy hours I have spent in their company, and, I cannot help but conclude that the class of '33 was the best ever to graduate from dear old Johnson High. MORRIS M. COHEN, '33. I t, [ 481 NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK Class Ballot Most Promising Boy - - - Peter Sluskonis Most Promising Girl - - - - Jean Barker Prettiest Girl - - - - Capitola Mulligan Best Looking Boy - - - - - John Shea Most Popular Boy - - - Charles Donlan Most Popular Girl - - - - Marjorie Gill Cutest Girl - - - - - Mary Brady Most Innocent Boy - - - - John Costello Most Innocent Girl - - - - Louise Kane Teacher's Delight - - - - - Joe Flynn Class Talker (Boy) - - - Charles Marchese Class Talker (Girl) - - - - Agnes Lang Class Humorist - - - - Leon Diamont Class Actor - - - - George Robertson Class Actress - - - - - M!arjorie Gill Best All-round Boy - - - Charles Donlan Best All-round Girl - - - - Marjorie Gill Class Eater - - - - Jeremiah Mahoney Best Girl Student - - - - Jean Barker Best Boy Student - - - - Peter Sluskonis Class Poet - - - - - Peter Sluskonis Quietest Girl - - - - - Louise Kane Quietest Boy - - - - Fred McRobbie Shyest Girl - - - - - Louise Kane Shyest Boy - - - - - William Maker Class Athlete (Boy) - - - Charles Donlan Class Athlete (Girl) - - - - Marjorie Gill Class Bluffer - - - - John Michalovich Class Heart-Breaker - - - Saverio Campione Class Shiek - - - - - - Ben Riley Class Baby - - - - - Irene Barron Class Vamp - - - - - Elizabeth Cole Class Flapper , - - - - - Elise Clee C 49 YEAR BOOK ' -N'I-N E-T E E-N " THIR-TY = THREE Senior Gir,18 Double Quartet ISS RICHMOND picked out eight senior girls to. make up a double quartet,. the first ever planned for graduation. This group of girls consisted of :' Mary Brady, Dorothy Wedge, Elise Clee, Jean Barker,' Gertrude Currier, Rita Carroll, Marjorie Gill, and Agnes Lang. The song they are to sing is, "The Lily and the Rose" by Stephen_ Glover. The' Glee Club will also present two songs, "When .Life Is Brightest,": and "Moonlight Meadows." CZa8,3 1son� " 'ADIEU" To the tune of "Auld Lang SSne." Four years have passed, ' dear-Johnson' High And we are leaving you. No happier years have e'er been spent, Than we have spent with you. Oh schoolmates and our teachers dear, To us so kind and true, We hate to think of parting now, To say to you, "Adieu'." Oh, grace to' Johnson's high ideals, That-we have tried to keep ; May they forever be our guide And never-seem too steep. Chorus—After last- stanza For auld Lang syne, my'.friends For auld lang. syne. We'll take a cup of kindness yet, "Adieu"; dear Johnson High. . AGN ES TODD' L?1NG, '33. [ 50. ] J _ f f J _�� r YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE . . . . I?Outb continuo to eboo.5c 39acbracb This year, last year, and for sixty - five years previously, students with verve and imagination have chosen Bachrach and will, we hope for time to come. Wherever a Bachrach portrait may be sent, the recipient appreciates it the more because of the reputation of the artist. Official photographer for the Class of 1933. A-la- chvach BAY STATE BUILDING TELEPHONE [ 52 ] NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE YEAR BOOK A FULL LINE OF Double Finisher Card with American T Slot Arch and Tape Condenser Fearnaught Picker WELL MADE WOOLEN AND WORSTED MACHINERY Ring Spinning Frame (Model B) 360 Spindle Mule DAVIS & FURBER MACHINE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1332 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS Compliments of DR. M. P. CURREN DENTIST Compliments Sutton's Cor. Service Station LAMPHERE R, HOGAN, Props. of 147 Sutton St. Tel. 25967 NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. A Friend Compliments of JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL LUNCH ROOM 531 YEAR BOOK NINETEEN THIRTY - THREE Central SerNTice Station N11. T. Stevens & Sons Co. ED. McINNES, Prop. '1anufacturers of GOODYEAR TIRES SOCONY GAS and MOTOR OILS `ITOOLEN AND WORSTED WILLARD BATTERIES MEN'S WEAR and WOMEN'S WEAR Railroad Square Telephone 21717 North Andover, Mass. Compliments of Compliments of IRA D. CARTY GLENNIE'S MILK Compliments of Compliments of FINNERAN'S DRUG STORE DR. C. M. SAVILLE 130 Main Street, North Andover DENTIST Compliments of FRANK CAMPIONE DR. F. P. McLAY CONTRACTOR DENTIST Carpenter and Builder 225 MASS. AVE. NORTH ANDOVER Compliments of ARSENAULT'S GARAGE LENA H. DEARDEN %VILLIA1\1 ARSENAULT, Prop. Gas and Oil—General Auto Service 140 Main Street North Andover CHICKERING ROAD TEL. 26351 North Andover, Mass. FRANK OATES & SON LONGBOTTOM'S MARKET FLORISTS GROCERIES—MEATS—PROVISIONS Cut Flowers—Plants—Floral Designs 57 'MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. Dial 30491 Telephones: 6189-6180 40 LINDEN AVENUE 4 JOHN SON ST., Telephone 28141 Off 'Massachusetts Ave. North Andover North Andover, Mass. [ 541 EAGLE-TRIBUNE JOB PRINT �� r a .� - ,•� 1 . � J' 4 ;1 ,. . � , ,��. � ��, ,` �, ' ,.. , � '`�. '�� 1 '!�� � �,i � � �� � , �, � �.�