HomeMy WebLinkAboutNAHS Yearbook 1934 JOHNSON YEAR BOOK 1934 ■ @ ■ � . � � ■ ■ a � � . � ■ � � . � a e , � . % � � �■ ` � - � � � ■ ' . ■ . ■ , ■ � THE YEAR BOOK of. JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL North Andover, Massachusetts S l� YJ� PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS OF 1934 i ��,• P�y 'i^y a c'�...tr'l,j�i , ''•�.}�Y �.��'�-i'` %I,F�'' y�• t t `' ; j�' y •ram ..H f'. a- �'� r f- � -� jptijpti jpti ILI r %r a t `j y t Farewell Written to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" Tonight we launch, dear,Johnson High, The Class of Thirty-four, Upon life's sea, from this dear port, With its kind and friendly doors. Our teachers and our schoolmates too, Who've led us on our way, Fond memories and our success, We never can repay. In future years, we'll try to do What's best and reach our aim, If we succeed we owe it all To Johnson High School's name. Chorus For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup of kindness yet, Farewell dear Johnson High. FRANCES C. CRONIN Pi 40 yt�. rM a y'%:�" �,�J''♦'r'�;✓e�a�P 7*hip xz�r"f &.c���`ti��` '` ,,� �0 � ibafj George � Rpe � Our rcgpectcb principal, bonoreb frienb anb abbiger, Wtjoge unbergtanbinq anb gmpatljp ljabe Won our beepegt appreciation. la+ k f �r The Faculty MR. ALVAH HAYES, B.S., M. I. T. Mathematics (Principal) Miss Lucy HATCH, Boston University English, German MISS CLARA CHAPMAN, A.B., Bates Chemistry, Physics, Science MISS IRENE COOK, A.B., Mount Holyoke American History, French, Social Science MISS MILDRED GREEN, A.B., Mount Holyoke Latin, Mathematics MIS$ VEVA CHAPMAN, A.B., Bates English, Civics Miss ALICE NEAL, B.S.S., Boston University Bookkeeping, Typewriting MISS GLENNA KELLY, A.B., Jackson History, Social Science Miss EDITH PIERCE, A.B., Wellesley English, Business Training MISS DOROTHY COLBURN, B.S., Simmons Stenography, Typewriting, Girls' Coach MISS ELIZABETH OETJEN, B.S., Middlebury English MIS$ ORELE SCOTT, B.S., Framingham Biology, Domestic Arts MR. `VALTER MITCHELL, B.S., New Hampshire University Mathematics, Science, Boys' Coach *Miss EILEEN McALOON, A.B., Trinity English, Business Training *Substitute SENIORS - JOHNSO N HIG H SCHOOL MARJORY ANDREWS "Margie" HERMAN CASS Basketball 4. "Hermie" In spite of her slightness "Mar- We all know "Hermie" as a gie'' has taken considerable part in sympathetic pal, who is full of life. our class activities. She appreciates Luck to you, "Hermie," in all a good joke, even on herself, and is that's to come! always ready for a laugh. She in- tends to further her education in the Boston School of Commercial Art. _FRANCES BAMFORD JAMES CASSERLY� '3 r "Jim "Frannie" " Track 3. There's music in those fingers and James is a very studious boy and gold in her hair. The combination rates high in his studies. Keep up is—well—beware! the good work, "Jim"! VIRGINIA BIXBY HELEN CLARENBACH "Ginnie" "Helen" Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain pro Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; rein.4;Journal Staff 4;Student Coun- Journal Staff 3, 4; Student Council cil 3, 4; Secretary-Treasurer of Stu- 3, 4; A. A. Treasurer 4; Class dent Council 4; Salutatorian. Historian 4. No one can deny her leadership. An excellent student and an excel- In the class room, on the gymnasium lent companion, Helen will be floor, even in the streets, "Ginnie" * - remembered by all. Her high school reigns supreme. °: record predicts a successful career in college. a. or Je KENNETH BROUSSEAU FRANCES CONNELLY ..Kenny.' 'Frankie" 'Kenny,' the boy who has - ��-� ,� "Frankie's" ready wit and "in- labored so long for the Chemistry teresting" looks have made her one Club, which, we're afraid, has of the popular members of our class. accomplished nothing. She has contributed a great deal to all our good times. 6 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK HELEN DAMS RITA COPPINGER tip "Dolly" "Copp'� Ll Journal 4. Who is any better natured than We hear that all good things Rita Coppinger? A constant display come in little packages and"Dolly" of dimples dispels any doubt. Davis certainly exemplifies this. na;nw j FRANCES CRONIN "Frances" FRANCIS DENAULT The Florist Shop 4. "Frank', Frances has been well-liked all "Frank" is well liked by every- through the years at Johnson for her t one. A terror with the ladies but good-natured temperament. She has not a heartbreaker. A good chauf- feur for the athletic teams. Ask any commercial division, and we know one of the members. she will make as excellent a sten- ographer in the business world as she did recently in The Florist Shop. MARTHA CURLEY DOROTHY DILL Martha" "Dot" Dot" Art Editor 4; Basketball 1, 2; Although "Dot" is such a quiet, The Sleeping Car 4. modest little person, her amiable disposition has made her many Martha surely is a great actress— friends in high school. She is a hard remember her in The Sleeping Car. worker, and we feel sure she will Remember too, her artistic ability attain the success and happiness we shown on the Journal covers. wish her. _ BLANCHE DOWNING DORIS DALY - "Blanche" "Dot" Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; A. A. Presi- dent 4; Journal Staff- 4; Valedicto- Little can we say about Doris for ' rian. she has not been with us very long, A very tender-hearted girl with but silence is golden and we all like marked affections, is Blanche, and a "Dot"for this characteristic. girl destined by her perseverance and her talent to cope with all the responsibilities of the world. 7 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL VIRGINIA DREW "Ginger" � KATHRYN GLIDDEN "Ginger's" happy-go-lucky ways Kay have earned for her considerable =, # "Kay" is one of our few quiet popularity. With many remem- girls, yet she has many friends be- brances of the past, and hopes for .. cause of her fine disposition. the future, we cheer "Ginger" Drew. WILLIAM GRAHAM WILLIAM DRUMMOND "Doc" "Bill" President of Class 2, 4; Treasurer 4 # : of Class 3; Journal Staff 2, 3, 4; Journal Staff 4;Class Prophecy 4. Editor-in-Chief 4; Student Council 3, 4; Harvard Book 3; Orator 4; The The little man with the big heart; Florist Shop. "Bill" is sure his wit and persevero - ance will earn for him a place in—he IL l Just cast a glance at the offices he has told us but we've forgotten. has held and you'll know what we think of him. "Bill" is an all- around good fellow. RITA ENAIRE PHILLIP HICKINGBOTHAM "Rita" "Cite Ball" Journal Staff 4. W � � Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3. Rita is usually seen and not heard. Phillip got his nice nickname She has had a high standing among from his shape as he is fat and short. the various commercial classes and * This does not bother him as he we all wish her luck especially in plans to enter the circus as a bounc- this type of work. ing baby when he leaves school. ISABELLE FENTON WILLIAM HODGE s Aft "Bill" Journal Staff 4. _ - This chap here is quite a man. "Izzy" is a good-natured pal and He's versatile in everything, but the is popular with all her classmates. U. S. A. is quite a place. I don't She always has a smile for everyone. think he'll stop at President. t 6 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK MARION ,JACKSON GEORGE HOLDSWORTH { "Marion" "Rabbit" ,F Basketball 1, 2; Student Council We all join in wishing George 3• success for he has shown the true Johnson spirit. Marion has decided to he a nurse —best luck to you in your work! CLIFFORD JOHNSON PRISCILLA HOLT ..Cliff" "Tubby" 1 A i Aft � � Assistant Sports Manager 3; "Tubby" has a warm spot in her ' Manager 4;Journal Staff 4. heart for everyone, and her enviable sense of humor will help her to over- '.'Cliff," as we all know him, is a come Life's problems. very gentlemanly lad; he is the Sir Walter Raleigh of Johnson High. Ai _ • HENRY KENNEDY FRANCIS HOWARD , , £�. "Hen" Hezz'' " Track 3. Ig3y J Track 3; Class Will 4; journal Staff 4. When our account books are. put ' in "Iggy's" hands, we'll find that No one can deny Henrys genius much of the graft will be eliminated. despite his disbeliefs in modern edu- cation. Henry is sure he can attain success in the literary world. JOHN KENNEDY MARY HULUB Jack "Smilco" Ix Ah ,'I Class President 1; President of r Student Council 4; Class Treasurer We will always remember Mary ' F 4;Journal Staff 4; The Sleeping Car 4; for her pretty hair and pleasing Track 3. smile. Her desire is to study Beauty Culture. Good luck, Mary! John's deep sonorous voice is one r of his many likeable characteristics;. John is O.K. in all respects. 9 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL HELEN KOROSKYS RITA MARY MASSEY "Helen" i 4% "Rita" Helen is good natured and full of Rita is a friend to all. Her desire fun. She has been very successful is to follow the line of clerking and during her four years at Johnson and we certainly hope she reaches her we all feel sure she will have little - goal. Her cheerful disposition has difficulty in reaching her goal. y. made her popular. PATIENCE KRUSCHWITZ CATHERINE MAY "Patsy" "Kitty" t "Patsy's" chief ambition is to be Basketball 4. a great dress-designer and eventually to operate a shoppe of her own. It "Kitty's" blue eyes and sunny sounds like a big undertaking but smile have advertised her pleasant from what we know of "Patss" disposition to all of us. She has a likeable qualities and Verseverance brain under this mask and is bound we have no doubt she will attain her to stand the test. goal. We'll buy your dresses, Class- mate! CLAIRE LEBEL "Claire" ARLENE McAVOY A.A.Plav 1 and 2;The Florist Shop ., "Mickie" 4; Art Editor 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Secretary-Treasurer 3; Vice- Q Basketball 1, 2, 4. President A. A. 4; Essayist. �._ The old world likes new friends. Brains and personality take one a Use a bit of your sociability and long way. We'll leave it to Claire's y .1;. you'll be in its selected circle. ingenuity to take her the rest of the 4 ;`w JOSEPH STEPHEN MARTIN ARLENE McCORMACK "Stevie" r "Mac" Baseball 4. - ' �, We shall always remember Arlene Well! Well! If it isn't "Stevie" for her most pleasing personality. himself. He is very popular with the , She is always ready for some fun girls but won't get serious. Steve whenever you meet her and is the h planning to join the gigolos when ! life of every party. Her jolly disposi- egraduates. tion has Avon her a world of friends. 10 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK I RITA NOONE THERESA McLAY "Rita" ..Tess'' ' We all think Rita is very reserved but it has been learned that she is Some say she's quiet and her ' not so quiet outside of school. She voice subdued, but she's sure to rise has many friends and we all wish up with some fire imbued. her luck in whatever field she chooses. WILLIAM MORTON MARY O'BRIEN "Bill' "Mary" This jack of all trades has ambi- "Kitten on the keys and a wonder tion. After a few years of flitting, at shorthand." She's got a good he'll light down on some paying d chance. Here's hoping. business. HENRY NARUSHOF "Hank" BEATRICE PENDLEBURY The Florist Shop 4. "Beadie" "Hank's" unassuming character t A quiet friend of all. One who we and practicable ability will carry know has worked hard and will him through to many successes in win. worlds to come. 1� >ti MARY PERRY BEATRICE NELSON "Mary" "Bea" Bright-eyed Mary will always be a beloved pal to every member of When the organ peels at tw•i- the class of 1934. We are certain that lights, it's sure to be Beatrice at the fr her good-natured willingness to keys. help whenever possible will find her L%40. a place wherever she chooses to launch her career; Gluckauf, Marv! 11 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL MARGUERITE PHELAN "Trixie" ELEANOR M. ROCHE Class Secretary 1, 2, 3, 4; Secre- ram "El" tary A. A. 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Journal Staff 2, 3, 4; Student Coun- Journal Typist;Journal Reporter. ci 14. Her sails are hung, her ship in- I see a flourishing concern, and p who is at the helm. Who is it. Yes. tact, the bolts are true and sides are You know, our old pal, "El." firm. Her captain has the seven seas to run, but which course will she choose? ALICE A. ROY ARTHUR PHILLIPS r "Alice" 'Art' Though Alice is very quiet she has been a friend to all. In her His legs go like lightning in studies throughout her high school running, but in Math his brain— years she ranked very high, which swift as the wind. proves that she will be a great success. JOHN PILLION JOHN ROY John.. Roy,. The Sleeping Car 4. Football 3, 4. John is a very quiet boy but he is Although "Roy" puts a lot of always willing to do his part.John time on his homework, he always wants to be a doctor and we all finds time to come to the school wish him success in the world. hops. LEWIS SANDERSON ELLEN RILEY "Louie" "Ellen" Journal Staff 2, 3, 4; Class Presi- dent 3; Vice-President 4; Student The Sleeping Car 4;Student Council = Council 3, 4; Baseball 1; Basketball 3; Journal Staff 3, 4; Legion Essay 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain Basketball 3, 4; Contest Winner 4. Football 1,2, 3,4. Ellen has a knack for poems and a Modest Louie, the silent strong brain for Math as well.The world is man of Johnson. He has more possi- laid before her feet. Good luck! s bilities than are realized by many. You're fit for all you meet. It would seem that he was one of those rare"all-around men." 12 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK SAMUEL SILVERSTEIN , HELEN WALKER "Sam" "Helen" Football 4. Basketball 2, 3, 4. "Sam's" grin, his likeable per- Helen is a very serious girl with sonality and grim determination high ideals, who, by her virtue and will surely get him somewhere in understanding, has installed in this tough old world. every heart a great deal of respect. 79 EUGENE WALSH ' "Gene" MARGARET SMITH , Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; "Margie" Basketball 3, 4. She may be a lark now, but hard "Gene" is a very urbane young work -will make her a nightingale. man having quite modern ideas. He stands out among the youths of N. A., and is destined to become a leader of men. FLORENCE A. SYDDALL "Flo" EDWARD WELCH Everybody likes "Flo" and we Ak "Eddie" can't blame them much. She always has a smile and is certainly full of "Eddie" has won many friends fun. That she is a dancer you prob- through his kind disposition and we ably all know,and we wish her luck all hope he makes a success in life. in whatever field she chooses. ' ANGELINA H. VERNILE THOMAS WOOD "Angie" "Tommy" A lot of chatter means nothing, Basketball 2, 3. But a steady eye, and a bit of vim, "Tommy" is one of our quiet, Will put our Angie where she can friendly fellows—always a good win. sport. 13 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL RUTH E. WORMALD "Ruthie" "Ruthie" is a good-natured girl and gets along well with everyone. She always has a smile. "Ruthie" will be remembered by these quali- ties by the class of 1934. CHARLES ANDREWS ARTHUR DARVEAU JOSEPH FITZGERALD "Huck" "Art" 'Joe" "Huck" is very bashful when the Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain of Football 4. girls are around, because being a Football 4. "Joe" makes a "hit" with all the farm boy he doesn't understand "Art," the David of football, is a girls because of his curly hair, and these city girls. concrete support for any team,. He has a personality which makes him likes to talk and once started he is popular. JULIETTE AUGER like a talking-machine. We know ALFRED HIMBER him to be a good friend and hope he "Julie" will meet with good luck. "Al" She's fiery and quick, and we see Baseball 2, 3;Football 2, 3. a future in her spiritedness. "Al" is a sort of jolly chap when THOMAS BARNES BERNICE DUFTON the boys are around, and keeps them laughing with his funny jokes. "Tom" "Bernice" Basketball 3, 4. M. MARGARET MARTIN Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4. Bernice is full of fun and is always "Mar " "Tommy" is a cheerful and silent ready for a good time. She livens y Scotchman, liked by teachers and every party with her presence. Margaret always has a smile. classmates alike. Many women fall During school she is usually quiet. for him but he doesn't give them a She was a very good student and we tumble. all hope she keeps up the good work. PHILIP EVANGELOS EMILE BOULANGER "Phily" ALEXANDER PICKLES "Peano" Football 4; Baseball 4. "Al" etu A i popular and unassuming Football 3, 4;Baseball 3, 4. q P P g The Sleeping Car 4.The well-known axiom will "Peano" is liked b all f his bov with great prospects in view, Y o "Phily" ranks high in studies and probably be proved true, and "Al" classmates for making classes seem will be a success where larger men more pleasant. His only failure is in athletics. g P Y wouldn't. dating up too many women for himself to handle in one night. CHARLES THURLOW ELEANOR FITZGERALD "Red" VINCENT COSTELLO "Eleanor" Football 4. "Vince" Basketball 2, 3, 4; Alumni Editor Charles is a great favorite among "Vince" has a certain quality 3. the pupils of Johnson, as well as that the girls crave. Although he Remember our speedy jumping among the teachers and is sure to doesn't know what it is, he hopes center? Eleanor was always a warm get along in life. Here's wishing to find out some day. friend. him luck. 14 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Oration "Tonight we launch; where shall zve anchor"' For the past years of our lives we, the class of 1934, have been preparing for a longer journey on the sea of life than we have yet attempted. Tonight we launch. Our fleet has been lying in the harbor during the time which we have been at work, but tonight we weigh anchor and set sail toward unknown seas on a journey of mys- ter)r and unrest. The preparation which we have received during our four years in Johnson High School will aid us greatly, for it is here we have learned the importance of diligence, perseverance, and steadfast purpose in life. For just as a pilot needs his compass and his chart to guide him safely, these qualities are likewise necessary for us if our journey in life is to be successful. As we leave the harbor we will find that the clustered sails soon begin to thin out appearing only as white specks on the horizon each bound on its separate course. Some of us will continue in schools of higher education, while others will start im- mediately to shoulder the responsibilities of life, but in either case we shall find, pos- sibly by actual experience, that we cannot allow ourselves to drift with the tide and still escape disaster. It may seem pleasant and the best way to enjoy life but in a short time we shall realize our mistake and we shall find that real happiness is still farther off. When we choose a goal for which to strive we must realize that our destination cannot be reached in a short length of time. Then too, we cannot expect perfect sailing weather and think that we need make no provision for possible casualities. Ours is not a charted course, over which many ships have passed, but one which we ourselves must make out step by step as we progress. We will undoubtedly meet situations which will cause changes in previous decisions and will even be of such importance as to compel us to change our course. But even such setbacks as this need not hinder us, provided that we strive onward with diligence, perseverance, and a steadfast purpose in life. We have a living example of what perseverance and concentrated endeavor can accomplish toward gaining the position in life most desired, in President F. D. Roose- velt. He was stricken by one of the greatest of physical afflictions in 1921 but instead of floating aimlessly and helplessly about, he worked hard to strengthen himself. He accomplished this and because of his strong body and sound mind he is able to perform the difficult duties of his office. Likewise if we earnestly cling to our course and strive whole-heartedly toward our goal, we shall arrive successfully at our destination. Longfellow has ably de- veloped the thought of our motto in his poem, ''The Building of the Ship." Like unto ships far off at sea, Outward or homeward bound, are we. Before, behind, and all around. Floats and swings the horizon's bound, Seems at its distant rim to rise 15 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL And climb the crystal wall of the skies, And then again to turn and sink, As if we could slide from its outer brink. Ah! it is not the sea, It is not the sea that sinks and shelves, But ourselves That rock and rise With endless and uneasy motion, Now touching the very skies, Now sinking into the depths of ocean. Ah! if our souls but poise and swing Like the compass in its brazen ring, Ever level and ever true To the toil and task we have to do, We shall sail securely, and safely reach The Fortunate Isles, on whose shining beach The sights we see, and the sounds we hear, Will be those of joy and not of fear! WILLIAM B. GRAHAM Class History September 3, 1930, marked a new advance in the history of Johnson High School, for there it was that one hundred and three enthusiastic, ambitious, innocent fresh- men entered its wide open gates, there to spend four long years in an effort to become learned. Our snooty, sophisticated senior comrades proved to be of little aid to us during our first few weeks. Our attempts to find our assigned rooms were in vain, and we were further misled or overlooked by our schoolmates. The first excitement arrived on the evening of December fifth when the long awaited time, the occasion of the senior reception to the freshmen, arrived. Although it was a rainy, cold evening, this did not dampen the spirit of the freshmen, for each attired in his finest, assembled at eight o'clock to enjoy an evening of dancing and games. I recall that it was well along into the evening before we, a bit bashful before our superiors, dared venture onto that spacious floor—and then all too soon the clock struck eleven and the party was over. The election of officers was held a few weeks later and the seat of honor, the presi- dency, went to John Kennedy. The return party to the seniors came and far surpassed anything Johnson had ever known. The amateur playlet exhibited the superb dramatic talent of some of our fellow classmates and as the newspapers would say, "A large number attended and an enjoy- able time was had by all. 16 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Little can be said about our second year, the only enlivening incident being the dance we gave to the juniors on St. Patrick's Day.To be sure,we anticipated and hoped for a return party, but our hopes were not satisfied, due to the depression which seemed to wipe out any financial balance which the juniors might have had. During that year, however, the scholastic standing of our class was noticeably high and this fact is worthy of mention here. The junior year was an outstanding one, scholastically, financially, and athletic- ally. Once more we upheld our reputation as a clever class, and it was during this year that the Harvard Club Book, awarded to the boy of the Junior Class whose scholastic average is the highest, was awarded to William Graham. Financially, the pocketbooks were flattened out due to the many expenses in- curred during that year, together with the fact that "ole man depression was still hanging on." There were rings to be bought, and gold prices soared, and then there followed the banquet tendered to the seniors. Athletically, the outstanding members on all the teams were members of the ,Junior Class and it was during this year that the school was the recipient of several cups for its superior athletic teams. The fourth year was on its way and, as was inevitable, September, 1933 rolled around. "Hats off" to the seniors, underclassmen! The class of '34 was now in the fore- ground. The athletic teams were headed by seniors, the honor roll was monopolized by seniors, the student publication was headed by seniors, in fact, everything was carried on and started by us as seniors. We were an all around good class and the many friendships established during our four years were now to be tested by separation—the last get-together being the class supper held on June fourteenth. The largest class ever to have entered Johnson (up to 1930) and the largest class to graduate was now ready to close the gates of this institution of learning and to open the doors of others or to venture out into the ranks of the world, leaving the tasks and duties to be carried on by our lower classmen. HELEN CLARENBACH Ob Class Prophecy Having just defeated Bill Hodge ten up and eight to go at the North Andover Country Club on this beautiful July morning for the 1954 trophy, emblematic of the Professional Golfers' Championship of these United States, it flashed upon me that a cold bottle of beer would do me no harm. Trudging wearily up the club house steps I was hardly able to flop into a com- fortable wicker chair safe from the clamorous public, when in burst George Holds- worth and Alex Pickles, the demon safety razor salesmen, and boy! what a line of chatter they spilled. After being given the choice of buying two dozen blades or being talked to death I gave in. No sales resistance could withstand those lads. They decided to join me in a drink providing I took care of the checks. Imagine our surprise when in answer to the ring, Steward Arthur Darveau ap- peared. It is highly probable that his training in the Chefs' Club was prominent in 17 J O H N S O N HIGH SCHOOL securing for him this important position. Seeing that Pink Ribbon Beer was the cheapest, I ordered three bottles. Following a period of waiting, suspiciously long it seemed,Juliette Auger, the petite waitress, brought the order and perhaps because it's an old custom for the chef to sample all orders before they are served, each bottle was only half full. Perhaps it would be interesting to note that the paper napkins advertised in bold type "DeNault's Beer and Pretzel Factory" in Indiana. No doubt the course of chem- istry that he took influenced his business. Finally I got rid of Messrs. Pickles and Holdsworth, after they had drunk more beer at my expense, and I closed my eyes in peaceful slumber not even disturbing the country side by sonorous snores, as I was afterwards told. It seemed about five minutes later that I was rudely awakened by some one shak- ing me like a terrier shaking a rat. Kenneth Brousseau, of all people, and wanting to go to the Lawrence World Fair. Kenny had just come in from a round of golf with Charlie Andrews, better known as Huck. Kenny, by the way, was enjoying a vacation following his strenuous duties as an instructor of chemistry at Boxford High School and believe it or not, (pardon the ancient history reference) his services were paid for in groceries. Huck wanted to see Phillip Evangelos perform as the star outfielder of the last place Chicago Black Sox baseball team now in Boston instead of going to the fair. It did not matter to me where I went for I was going to sleep there anyway. They argued and tossed a coin and it fell to our lot to attend the fair now and the ball game tomorrow. We boarded one of Stevie Martin's Transportation Company's busses for Law- rence and reached there after much delay due to the absent-mindedness of the opera- tor, Francis Howard, who got half way to Haverhill before he remembered where he was supposed to go. Perhaps it was the back seat driving by his wife, the former Marjorie Andrews, who accompanies him on all his trips, that caused the detour. Finally and safely we arrived at the fair grounds and one of the first signs on an exhibit read "Keep warm with our fuel" The Arthur Phillips Coal Company. Looking closer we observed John Pillion as one of the employees and Blanche Downing and Isabelle Fenton as office clerks. Behold the new American custom, the serving of tea (nothing stronger with Miss Downing around) and cakes. From Arthur we learned that Joseph Fitzgerald was a ranking naval officer and Edward Welch headed a nudist colony at Plum Island. We were advised not to miss the vaudeville act on creative art, a feature of the fair, by Florence Syddall, Martha Curley, and Charles Thurlow. Apropos Arthur Phillips, it was interesting to note that at M. I. T. his mathematical genius had un- covered a method of determining the exact number of pieces of coal per ton in less than five minutes. Too bad there was no Nobel Prize offered for this type of work. Distinguishable among the babble of many voices from hoarse throated ballyhoo men, came the high pitched nasal tones of William Butterworth Graham from across the grounds, calling attention to his gigantic, stupendous, colossal side show. Being prevailed upon by Kenny, Graham reduced the admission price for our benefit. Please note he did not issue us any passes. zs 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Inside we found J. Clifford Johnson, demonstrating to the crowd his 'powerful strength by bending horse shoes and so displaying muscles that even Atlas would have been proud to own. He must have been living out west where they say the air is purer. In the next stall we came upon Virginia Bixby, who was gracefully twirling snakes about her neck. She made a marvelous snake charmer and was assisted by Helen Clarenbach who put the darling pets back into their baskets. We moved along past several booths but we had not met the last of our old friends by any means, for there right before us was Priscilla Holt as the tattooed lady. On one side of her was John Roy who performed with skill the act of fire eating, and on the other side was Emile Boulanger, as a sword and knife swallower. We noticed that it was nearly time for the evening performance of the big show to begin. As we pushed through the crowd I felt someone pulling at my coat. My first thought was pickpockets. I turned quickly to see and discovered Margaret Smith with such a woe-be-gone expression on her face that I asked her the reason and found that she had been the victim of a pickpocket and was so disappointed since she now had no money to buy peanuts for the elephants. Huck felt so sorry for the lady that he took her to the peanut vender's stand and bought her all she could carry. Huck told us later that Eugene Walsh was the peanut vender representing the "Double Nut Peanut Co." As we entered the tent we were greeted by cries of, "Buy a balloon for the baby," right in our ears. The voice had a familiar ring. Sure enough it was good old Herman Cass. Among the lady ushers were Mary Hulub in our section and Helen Koroskys in the next. The pageant started almost immediately. Among the members of the brass band we recognized Henry Kennedy blowing vociferously on a French horn. Imagine my surprise at seeing Marguerite Phelan sitting aloft on the head of an elephant and John Kennedy in acrobatic costume leading a pure white horse on which sat Claire Lebel, the bare back rider and gosh! could she ride. What could be the meaning of this! Former honor students of Johnson High School performing in a circus! I determined to find out at once. As soon as possible I left my friends and hurried to the exit in search of the information bureau and found Eleanor Fitzgerald in charge, in the absence of Tom Barnes who had stepped out in quest of his worthy secretary, Arlene McCormack. Eleanor informed me that each of the surrounding towns had the privilege of running things 'at the fair for a day, the proceeds to be used for some worthy cause in their community. This was North Andover Day and the project in mind was the building of a new high school. My mind was relieved to think that my classmates were not professionals but that they were working hard for a good cause, one day at least. This being the status of affairs I decided to look around a while longer, sure that I would find some more of my old pals. I hadn't gone far when I saw a crowd around the First Aid Tent. To satisfy my curiosity I edged up to the opening and saw that some one had fainted. It was Ruth Wormald, she was being revived by Helen Walker, assistant to Bernice Dufton, head nurse in charge. I had had a strenuous day and as I had to start early next morning for my home in Ohio, I thought it best to get to a hotel to my much needed rest. As I left the Fair 19 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL Grounds my feet left the earth as something knocked me down. When I picked myself up 1 saw Virginia Drew chasing a stream-lined baby carriage down the side walk, (and cussing rather heartily for a lady. I gave chase and caught the runaway. As soon as Virginia got her breath she told me that the carriage needed new brake bands. It seems that she was superintendent of a nursery where babies were cared for while mothers shopped. She was ably assisted in this noble work by Arlene McEvoy and Rita Massey as nurse maids, and by Doris Daly as dietitian. Virginia asked if I had heard about the great success Morton's Range Oil Service turned out to be. He had an enormous fleet of red trucks which were under the efficient management of Tommy Wood. They expected to send Albert Himber, as their repre- sentative, to South America in the near future. We also learned that Frances Connolly served William J. as private secretary, while Mary O'Brien and Beatrice Pendlebury were stenographers. As Virginia was in a talkative mood and I was hungry for gossip I lingered on. It seems that Jim Casserly was floor walker in Woolworth's, and that Vincent Costello was manager of Glennie's Ice Cream plant. Virginia had had a letter from Ellen Riley, who, with Catherine May, had gone to Hollywood to see if she could get her puppets into pictures. Who do you suppose they met out there while making the rounds of the film companies? None other than Eleanor Roche starring in a film with Sam Silver- stein as leading Ivan. As the final bit of gossip Virginia said she had heard that Henry Narushof had written and was directing a musical comedy on Broadway featuring Dorothy Dill and Frances Cronin as acrobatic dancers, with Mary Martin, Frances Bamford, and Kathryn Glidden, as the Royal Sisters, noted crooners. It was time I was getting along to bed then so I left Virginia and went to a hotel. As I was registering, I found Marion Jackson as night clerk, with Helen Davis as elevator operator, and Theresa McLay as switch board operator. Would wonders never cease! I turned on the radio and then stretched out on the bed but came up with a start as I heard "This is J. Lewis Sanderson announcing. You have just heard an instru- mental trio known as 'The Three Ritas' comprised of Rita Enaire, violin; Rita Cop- pinger, piano; and Rita Noone, cello. You will now hear Philip Hickingbotham, the lullaby roan of the air, in a five minute program which will be followed by a bed time skit with Alice Roy, Mary Perry and Angelina Vernile taking part." As I lay there and thought over the happenings Of the day and Of all my former classmates, I silently prayed that whatever venture they undertook, the best of luck might be with them, and then I fell asleep. `VILLIAM DRUMAIOND 20 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Class Will We, the class of 1934, believing ourselves to be the most intelligent and gifted class ever to "bluff" away four years at this institution of high learning (and beautiful girls) do hereby on this 14th day of June endow the following upon our most humble successors: This aforementioned talented Senior Class being of a very generous nature, be- queaths its super-minds, and its pulchritude to the incumbent juniors who seem to lack the qualities befitting a noble senior. To the faculty we leave any knowledge which they may have absorbed from us, during our four year sojourn with them. Marjorie Andrews leaves her lunch room generosity and her famous slogan, "Boys first!" to any unscrupulous junior girl. Arthur Phillips, modern Tarzan, leaves his mathematical genius, and those funny, ways that go with it to that good natured bachelor, Tom Ceplikas. Claire Lebel leaves her ability to act, both on and off the stage, to Dot Woolley. Vince Costello bequeaths his position as leading man of fashion to Gordon An- drews, and his much used curling irons to Mr. Mitchell. Virginia Drew leaves half a dozen of her very select boy friends to any junior girl who is not too particular. Phil Evangelos, expert on finances and president of the Checkers' Union, leaves this position to George Flanagan with the advice, "Do not accept phony checks." Kathryn Glidden leaves her affectionate nature (for some boys), and her devastat- ing smile to Gertie Gillespie who she hopes will not abuse the privileges that go with it. John Pillion leaves his dramatic expression, "Oh My Prophetic Soul!" to Ray- mond Towne and his balloon pants to the furtherance of aviation. Eleanor Roche leaves her ability to produce words on the typewriter to her sister Mary who has all the "fingermarks" of a good typist. Kenny Brousseau lazily leaves his favorite song, "Sleep Gets In My Eyes," to that wide-awake, energetic junior, Ray Gosda. Freddie Holt, having decided to buy a bicycle, leaves his back-seat interest in Dobson's Ford to Kenny Leighton, expressing the hope that Kenny will enjoy this beneficiary before old ''Leaping Lena" ceases to "hop." Bernice Dufton kindly leaves her "Baby Rose Marie" voice to Mabel Dill. ''Cliffy" Johnson, Mrs. Johnson's bad little boy, leaves his massive physique and his school girl complexion to that great big he-man, Everett Bennett. Kitty May leaves her babyish ways and a little of her innocence (feigned or otherwise) to sophisticated Catherine Roche. Alex Pickles having decided to go nudist, leaves his (outer) pair of pants to John Beanland, who is thinking of taking up track and needs some shorts. Helen Walker unselfishly leaves her preference for freshman boys, and her super- ior technique for getting along with the teachers to Mary McRobie, who probably needs it. 21 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL William Morton, manager of Morton's Range Oil Company of America, leaves his newest discovery, "Range Oil Hair Tonic," to Frank McEvoy, with a personal guarantee that it will remove ''curls" from even red hair. Rita Noone leaves a little information on the correct use of cosmetics to sedate Helen McCarthy, and donates one of her pictures to the Museum of Unnatural Art. Louie Sanderson gladly leaves his position as "dummy-cop" and the accompany- ing flat feet to Art Olson, who from all appearances should be a great success. Tommy Wood leaves his "Schnozzle" Durante profile to Arthur Aaronian. Martha Curley bequeaths her fiery disposition and her rapid-fire tongue to that quiet, soft-spoken junior girl, Peggy Hunt. ''Huck" Andrews having decided to remain a bachelor, leaves his great knowl- edge of `Vest Boxford and the ''monotony" of the girls therein to that irrepressible ladies' man, ,Joe Budnick. Juliet Auger bequeaths her seat on the Boxford Barge to Marian Lyons, blushing- ly advising Marian to rent the spare room. Frank DeNault, the world's champion one hand driver, leaves to Allison Pitkin a little information on "How Not to Drive a Car." Blanche Downing, having completed her math course with honors, generously offers her talented boy friend to any junior girl who needs help in that subject. Bill Drummond, master detective and efficient snooper, leaves his predominance in the French Class, and his reputation as the world's worst golfer to Leonard Windle. Teresa McLay leaves her super-human ability to chew gum all day to Dot Elliot, and her inferiority complex to Believe It or Not Ripley. Frances Cronin leaves a pair of her high-heel shoes to Eileen Lavin, also a pam- phlet explaining how to walk on stilts. Charlie Thurlow proudly leaves his technique on "How I bluffed my way through classes, (and into the detention room)" to his would-be rival, Roland Gesing. Frankie Connelly leaves to kid-sister, Helen, some of her nonchalant ways, and a little advice on "How to act demure." Sammy Silverstein leaves to the school a bill amounting to the sum of$20.49 for all shoe leather he may have worn going to and from this institution. Patience Kruschwitz, the "whoopee'' girl of Johnson High School, leaves her boisterous voice and her bold ways to Edith Lundquist who has a tendency to ''doze- off" during classes. Bill Hodge leaves his disregard for the fair sex to Rudy Vallee, and his argument, ''Yeast, and what it will not cure," to Vincent Miller. Priscilla Holt having decided to go Hollywood (a la Kate Smith) leaves to Eliza- beth Handy twenty pounds of avoirdupois and the apology, ''Remember, curves are the vogue." Phil Hickingbotham, that silvery voiced tenor from Room S, leaves his ability to sing the greatest of all songs, ''The Face on the Barroom Floor," to Bing Crosby's would-be successor, Henry Camire. Rita Enaire leaves to ,Jennie Zabronowicz a detailed account of her work as office girl, and Jennie thinks shat she, also, will like those handsome P. G.'s. 22 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Stevie Martin, the bookworm, leaves his nightly visits to Stevens' Library, and the pleasant hours spent there to any romantic junior boy. Margaret Smith leaves a slightly chewed pencil, and a well worn eraser to Blanche Barwell, who writes very amusing notes. Isabelle Fenton confides one of her letters from a certain prospective, "Sharlie," to Barbara McKenzie with a hurried, "For goodness sakes, hush!" James Casserly, that two-fisted, double-jointed hombre of the Senior Class leaves his rough, bullying ways to that dainty, fairy-like creature, Earl Smith. Marguerite Phelan leaves her out-of-town interest to the jurisdiction of the local Chamber of Commerce; and her maddening expression, "Dat's too bad!" to Elizabeth Atkinson. Helen Davis leaves the honor of being the shyest girl in the class to Nellie Symo- sek, and her becoming blush to anyone who wants the nickname, ''Dolly." Rita Coppinger leaves school with many remembrances of those nice boys, and the way they can act when peeved. (Rita is sensitive on this point.) Genie Walsh, foremost in the field of gigolos, leaves his dance-room philosophy, "Have I got rhythm," to the new music teacher, Mae Leach, and his characteristic modesty to Margaret Law. Ruth Wormald, the big-little girl of the Senior Class, bequeaths her teacher-proof method of communication to Beatrice Binns, the greatest of all gossips. Rita Massey leaves—Yes, by golly, she does leave Johnson High School! Helen Koroskys sadly relinquishes her afternoon visits to Room 12, to Gladys Butterfield, slyly informing Gladys that the Detention Room is enjoyed by the best of men. Mary Martin, Mary O'Brien, Mary Hulub, and Beatrice Pendlebury, the four feminine Musketeers, leave their monopoly of the brave sex to any other equally good- looking quartet. Florence Syddall leaves her toe-dancing form to Paul Hickingbotham who wants to keep that girlish figure, also an illustrated booklet on, "How to cure bunions." Alice Roy, speaking in broad terms, leaves to the administrative department of Johnson High School a personal request for larger and "Oh!! so much stronger" chairs. Arlene McCormack, being a firm believer of the NRA and thereby in favor of the word ''give," parts wistfully with her ample store of knowledge, bestowing it upon a very worthy and needy cause, namely, Winifred Baldwin. Mary Perry pleading "not guilty" to charges of advertising, leaves to any nerve- wracked history student the advice, "Smoke Camels." Marion Jackson emerging from school, leaves all minor interests to the junior girls transferring her attention to a certain former student, now attending school at Danvers. Dorothy Dill leaves her second-hand history notebook to Gertrude Gallant, thereby proving the statement that history—or at least a history notebook repeats itself. John Kennedy with marked kindness in one so gifted leaves his marvelous singing to the Massachusetts Institute for the Deaf. 23 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL Henry Narushof leaves the Narushof way Of handling women, and an accompany- ing black eye to Ralph Champion. "Bo" Boulanger bequeaths to Lawrence Lafond his omnipresent package of "Kentucky Club," and his smoky reveries to Wellington Cassidy. Virginia Bixby and Helen Clarenbach, incorporated, forming the brain trust of Johnson High School, leave their great knowledge of a few things to Art Paine, who thinks he knows a lot about everything. Joe Fitzgerald leaves Johnson High School to its own fate, having decided not to tarry any longer. He also leaves his side-kick, Eddie Welch, to Thelma Brightman, with a carefully marked label, "A yegg. Handle carefully." Francis Aloysius Ellsworth John Howard, better known as "Iggy" Howard, leaves all of his surnames, and his meditative pose to Frank Cashman. Ellen Riley leaves her "And I don't like you either" to Gladys Butterfield, and her cast iron fingernails to Elaine Eldredge, whom we hope will use them judiciously. John Roy, with a generosity quite rare in these after-days of depression, leaves the contents of his empty pocket-book to Virginia Driver, cautioning Virginia to spend wisely. "Doc" Graham, loud politician and obnoxious agitator, leaves his autobiog- raphy, "You Can Blame It All On Repeal," to Catherine Daw. Henry Kennedy, after much deliberation, has decided to leave his dust laden French book, and the contents of the waste-basket in Room 8 to Pauly Coppetta, knowing that Pauly will enjoy reading some of the notes in said basket. Frances Bamford and Arlene McAvoy, having written a book entitled, ''How to Do Homework," have at last found recipients upon whom to endow its contents. With much wisdom, they have decided to keep the book for themselves. Hermie Cass bequeaths one of his cute curls to Phyllis Culpon, and leaves his own cure for insomnia to Frances Whittaker. Having rid ourselves of these cumbersome burdens, and fearing that our successors may be desirous of returning them, we, the Class of 1934, do hereby—with a borrowed pencil—affix our signature to this worthy document. Signed, HENRY KENNEDY in behalf of the Class of 1934 Witnesses: EILEEN MCALOON WILLIAM P. CALLAHAN 24 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Class Ballot Best Boy Student William Graham Best Girl Student Blanche Downing Most Popular Boy William Graham Most Popular Girl Helen Clarenbach Prettiest Girl Frances Connelly Class Grinds Virginia Bixby and Claire Lebel Class Bluffer Charles Thurlow Teacher's Delight Charles Thurlow Class Vamp Virginia Drew Class Humorist William Drummond Cutest Girl Catherine May Best Looking Boy Lewis Sanderson Most Innocent Boy Clifford Johnson Most Innocent Girl Dot Dill Best All Around Boy Lewis Sanderson Best All Around Girl Helen Clarenbach Quietest Boy Kenneth Brousseau Quietest Girl Dot Dill Most Promising Boy William Graham Most Promising Girl Blanche Downing Sleepiest Boy Herman Cass Best Natured Boy Philip Hickingbotham Best Natured Girl Isabelle Fenton Most Talkative Girl Virginia Drew Most Talkative Boy Charles Thurlow Class Actor John Kennedy Class Actress Martha Curley Class Baby Helen Davis Class Dancer Florence Syddall Class Eater William Morton Shyest Boy Herman Cass Shyest Girl Dot Dill Class Sheik Eugene Walsh Class Poet Ellen Riley Class Heartbreaker Eugene Walsh Boy Athlete Lewis Sanderson Girl Athlete Virginia Bixby Most Conceited Boy Eugene Walsh Most Conceited Girl Claire Lebel I_a7,iest Boy Charles Thurlow Most Beautiful Smile Florence Syddall Nerviest Boy Charles Thurlow Nerviest Girl Juliette Auger 25 iw NNW ! iM- ! t M \ -1 q4 ♦ 1 � 1 _ 3" Yam / _ :1 .. eyr•�!, \ y.�' ~�* F CLASS OF 1934 President, W. Graham; Vice-President, L. Sanderson; Secretary, M. Phelan; Treasurer,J. Kennedy. UNDERCLASSMEN - E 4 � : r E - I r� t a�w�o..arm ♦,,,�. CLASS OF 1935 President, F. McEvoy; Secretary, H. McCarthy; Treasurer, H. Connelly. �' wt ,��� '. "� �. ��� d �� �;�� 1 ��iM -• �J1' .?� �J ii"�r :�� ,r�. ,.� �� �hr�� t IA r CLASS OF 1936 President, A. Kapeika; Vice-President, K. Dobson; Secretary-Treasurer, M. Bara. 1 F rL l b r .i LAI YM CLASS OF 1937 President, P. Bixbv; Vice-President, W. Roberts; Secretary, I. Phelan; Treasurer,1. Maker. ACTIVITIES - JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL CHEER LEADERS C. Lewis, B. Barwell, S. Broderick y t,J 4Al - <� i. ? J .. .� �.. �. JL "J" CLUB Back Row:•H. Martin, F. McHenry, L. Duncan, K. Leighton, L. Sanderson, W. Roberts, R. Gosda, E. Weren- chuck, C.Johnson, A. Himber,J. Curtin, E. BouIanger, E. Smith, S. Silverstein. Third Row:A. Kirk, C. Lewis, M. McRobbie, E. Winning, E. Fitzgerald, B. Barwell, B. Dufton, V. Bixby, S. Broderick,R. Cashman, B. Downing, M. Andrews, I. Phelan, O. Ceplikas, C. May Second Row:J. Roy, T. Wood, H. Clarenbach, W. Mitchell, M. Phelan (Treasurer), A. Darveau (President), E. Walsh (Vice-Presitleut), D. Colburn, H. Walker, A. McEvoy, P. Hickingbotham, W. Sipsey. Front Row: W. Roberts, P. Evangelos, H. Konicur, C. Thurlow, J. Evangelos, F. McEvoy, H. Camire, P. Coppetta, B. Kashera, V. Miller 32 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Sports As the school year draws to a close, athletics should receive their share of notice. The several teams' accomplishments should be reviewed. Under Mr. Mitchell's coaching, the football team concluded a fairly successful season. With Arthur Darveau as captain the boys played nine games, and out of these won three and lost six. This year's team was made up largely of veterans, who prom- ised much; however, injuries hampered the boys during most of the season. Booster's Day was celebrated on October 28, with a victory over Chelmsford High School by the score of 8-3. Chelmsford is coached by a former Johnson pupil, George Knightly. This made the victory all the sweeter. Paul Coppeta, star halfback of the team, has been chosen to lead next year's grid- sters, and we wish success to the boys in their games! Starting the 1933-34 season with prospects not very bright as to material—most of last year's stellar outfit having been graduated—the boys' basketball team rapidly rounded out to championship form. A very successful schedule was played under Captain Lewis Sanderson. In all, the boys lost only four games, two to Acton, whom they later defeated, one to Danvers, and one to Rockport on a forfeited game, due to inefficient refereeing. Finishing the season with a brilliant display of passwork and speed, the team won both the Lowell Suburban League and the Lawrence Suburban League Championships. Good work, boys! The captain of next year's team has not been elected, since, for each game a boy will be picked to act as such, the regular captain to be chosen at the end of the year. Prospects are bright for the future with four regular players returning. The girls' basketball team, having lost through injury the regular captain, Helen Clarenbach, was led through a very successful season by Virginia Bixby. Out of a total of fifteen games played, the girls won twelve, lost two, both to Chelmsford, and tied one—that with the Alumnae. The Lowell Suburban League Championship was lost by only two points. In the final game with Chelmsford for the honor, the team was defeated 25-23. However, the Lawrence Suburban League title is Johnson's. Next year's captain has not, as yet, been elected, since this will be done after the team is chosen. With nine of the first and second teams graduating, there will be many positions to fill. The best of luck to the team of 1934-35! Thus far, the baseball team has had a hard luck season. Out of four games played, the boys have won only one, this over Methuen. This made it all the dearer victory. The team is being conducted through the efforts of the American Legion, and we hope that it will be more victorious in the future. Much of the success of our teams this year has been due to the continued efforts of our coaches, Mr. Walter Mitchell, and the Misses Colburn and Kelly. The baseball team owes its thanks to the American Legion's interest. May success be with future teams representing Johnson High School! 33 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL + " 5 c z �r fj y'i k FOOTBALL SQUAD Back Row:E. Smith,J. Fitzgerald, L. Duncan, R. Gosda, E. Werenchuck, W. Roberts,J. Curtin, F. McHenry Second Row:C.Tohnson(Manager), H. Camire, W.Sipsey, C. Thurlow, B. Kasheta,S.Silverstein, H. Martin, P. Evangelos, W. Mitchell (Coach) Front Row: P. Hickingbotham, E. Walsh, L. Sanderson, A. Darveau (Captain), P. Coppeta (Captain-elect), E. Boulanger,J. Roy, T. Barnes t1` ,i r * �.. • BASEBALL SQUAD Back Row.,P. Evangelos, W. Sipsey, S. Martin,J. Evangelos, C.Johnson(Manager) Third Row: E. Boulanger, B. Kasheta, H. Martin, Gabys, H. Konica, F. Phelan Second Row:F. McEvoy, W. Roberts, T. Barnes, P. Coppeta, E. Walsh Front Row: K. Dobson, R. Donnelly,J. Baturlia, W. Roberts 34 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK CIN w,♦ ae �. `. F I I .y GIRLS' BASKETBALL SQUAD Back Row:A. Kirk, O. Ceplikas, A. McEvoy, E. McRobbie, R. Cashman, H. Goff, I. Phelan Second Row: Miss Glenna Kelly (Coach), H. Walker, M. Andrews, M. McRobbie, K. May, Miss Dorothy Colburn (Coach) Front Row:S. Broderick, B. Downing, M. Phelan, V. Bixby (Captain), C. Lewis, E. Fitzgerald, B. Dufton 7%�►. N f i BOYS' BASKETBALL SQUAD Back Row: C.Johnson (Manager), H. Martin, E. Walsh, H. Konicur, B. Kasheta, Walter Mitchell (Coach) Front Row: V. Miller, K. Leighton, L. Sanderson (Captain), W. Roberts, F. McEvoy 35 J O H N S O N H I G H SC H O O L w� . � e+ i� , I• � f The Journal Board Editor-in-Chief WILLIAM B. GRAHAM Assistant Editor VIRGINIA BIXBY Art Editors MARTHA CURLEY, CLAIRE LEBEL Humor Editor ARTHUR H. AARONIAN News Editor HENRY M. KENNEDY Sports Editor—Girls BLANCHE L. DOWNING Sports Editor—Boys J. LEWIS SANDERSON Exchange Editor ELLEN RILEY Alumni Editor MARGUERITE A. PHELAN Business Manager HELEN CLARENBACH Advertising Manager JOHN E. KENNEDY Assistant Advertising Manager J. CLIFFORD JOHNSON Circulating Manager Faculty Advisers Miss E. PIERCE, Miss E. MCALOON Typists HELEN L. DAVIS, ISABELLE E. FENTON ELEANOR M. ROCHE, RITA L. ENAIRE W. DRUMMOND, M. ANDREWS, A. Reporters PITKIN, A. OLSON, C. CARROLL, W. CURRIER, N. BROWN, E. CASSIDY, J. MAKER 36 l 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Year Book Staff EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief WILLIAM B. GRAHAM Assistant Editor VIRGINIA BIXBY Sports Editor BLANCHE L. DOWNING BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager HELEN CLARENBACH Advertising Manager JOHN E. KENNEDY Assistant Advertising Manager J. CLIFFORD JOHNSON HELEN DAVIS Typists ISABELLE FENTON ELEANOR M. ROCHE RITA ENAIRE INDIVIDUAL WRITE-UP COMMITTEE HELEN CLARENBACH JOHN PILLION FRANCIS DENAULT FRANCES CRONIN MARTHA CURLY ELLEN RILEY JOHN Roy MARJORIE ANDREWS ARLENE MCCORMACK THOMAS WOOD Faculty Adviser, EILEEN MCALOON 37 .1 0 H N S O N HIG H SC H O O L {T ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OFFICERS H. Clarenbach (Treasterer), B. Downing(President), C. Lebel (Vice-President), M. Phelan (Secretary) F (R T ;:. I SP 1 STUDENT COUNCIL Back Row:W. Holt, F. Cashman, C. Carroll, C. Barker, B. Barwell, H. Goff, L. Duncan, W. Hodge Tljird Row: Alvah Haves (Adviser), A. Pitkin, M. Phelan, E. Eldredge, R. Rand, V. Driver, C. Lebel, E. Cassidy, Walter Mitchell (Adviser) Second Row: Miss Glenna Kelly (Adviser), W. Graham, H. Clarenbach, J. Kennedy (President), V. Bixby, (Secretary), A. Olson(Vice-President), Miss Vera Chapman (Adviser), L, Sanderson Front Row:A. Kapeika, A. Payne, L. Windle, S. Ward 38 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK r � tr f/ wr.ti t A. A. PLAY CAST Back Row:J. Kane,E. Riley, W. Cassidy,J. Kennedy, W. Currier,J. Pillion, A. Pickles, M. Nussbaum Front Row:C. Lebel, H. Narushof, F. Cronin, W. Graham, M. Curley,J. Roberts, A. Aaronian )F {� 1 h7 i b+KY tl � ,FYI. M� \ �Yzr • Y e, 1 � J r i DRAMATIC CLUB Back Row:B. Banvell, B. Dufton, H. Narushof, W. Graham, A. Aaronian,J. Kennedy, F. Cronin, E. Atkinson Second Row: C. May, E. Riley, H. Connelly, F. Connelly, F. Bamford, D. Elliot, R. Coppinger, B. Binns Front Row: A. McComick, Miss Betty Oetlen (Adviser), V. Driver (Treasurer), I. Fenton (Secretary), H. Ken- nedy (President), M. Phelan (Vice-President), Miss Mildred Green (Adviser), C. Lebel 39 J O H N S O N HIG H SC H O O L x4 - t t r 1, a AL 1 � CHEFS' CLUB Back Row:R. Champion, G. Flanagan, F. McEvoy,J. Beanland, V. Costello, S. Martin,J. Budnick Second Row:P. Evangelos, L. Lafond, R. Towne, E. Smith, H. Camire, A. Olson, A. Pickles, G. Holdsworth Front Row.-E. Bennett, K. Leighton, V. Miller, P. Hickingbotham,J. Casserly, Miss Orele Scott (Adviser) r y^ i n x t CHEMISTRY CLUB Back Row: E. Welch, L. Sanderson, C.Johnson, F. DeNault, W. Morton Second Row:J. Pillion, M. Perry, A. McEvoy, M. Andrews, F. Howard Front Row: E. McRobbie, W. Drummond (Secretary), Miss Clara Chapman (Adviser), H. Walker (Treasurer), K. Brousseau (President), A. Pitkin 40 1 9 3 4 YEAR BOOK Ile 7, ••l' i3 g,�'�y {�, su ORCHESTRA Back Row:B.Polichnowski,L. Higginbottoin,L. Duncan, G. Casserly, R. Riley,J. Roberts Front Row:D. Connelly, R. KrushNvitz, E. Robertson, M. Wilcox,J. Kane, F. Wilcox Orchestra The orchestra rehearses twice weekly, Wednesday and Thursday from 2.00 until 3.00. On June 2nd, fourteen members of the orchestra journeyed to Hampton Beach to hear the bands and orchestras of the New England Music Festival. We hope to play in the competition next year. If that is impossible, we hope at least to send some mem- bers to play in the New England Symphony Orchestra which is comprised of music students of New England and which plays the first night of the Festival. We are greatly handicapped by a lack of different instruments in the string, wood, wind, and brass sections of the orchestra. The orchestra would be greatly improved by the addition of two violas, two cellos, and double bass, (the only bass instrument in the orchestra being the trombone), a flute, another clarinet or an oboe, a bassoon and two French horns. If students of the school are considering buying instruments, it would be advisable to select one of these. We are fortunate in having the orchestra made up chiefly of underclassmen. We lose only one senior through graduation. The orchestra played three selections at the Music Exhibition on June 13th, and showed the results of some hard work. We hope to be able to give the orchestra a chance to perform in public more frequently next year. 41 J O H N S O N HIGH SCHOOL Jokes MISS SCOTT: What three parts is womanhood divided into? COSTELLO: The intelligent, the beautiful, and the majority. MISS COOK: SO, you finally decided to come back. THURLOW: Yes, I found out you couldn't get along without me. MR. WALSH (catching young Walsh coming home late): Young man, didn't I hear the clock striking three o'clock? YOUNG WALSH: Yes, Dad. It started to ring twelve o'clock, so I stopped it so you wouldn't wake up. MISS OETJEN (becoming religious): Who defeated the Philistines? DRUMMOND (stretching leisurely): I don't know. I don't follow them Southern League teams. B. DuFToN: Did you ever see anything so unsettled as this weather? AL HIMBER:Sure, my report card. J. FITZGERALD: Oh, Miss Cook, what did I learn today? MISS COOK (astonished): What do you mean, Fitzgerald? FITZGERALD (puzzled): I don't know, but they're always asking me at home. M. CURLY: How did you like the Auto Show? E. RILEY:Terrible. I didn't see one dress that I liked. AVIATOR WELCH: Afraid to go up? Christmas! Don't you know that flying in an airplane is as safe as if you're asleep in your own little bed? PRISCILLA HOLT: Maybe so, but I'm a sleep walker. Miss KELLY: Do you know the population of New England? NARUSHOF: Not all. I haven't lived in New England long enough. 42 ADVERTISEMENTS - The Warren Kay Vantine Studio Inc. � Distinctive Photography i Official Photographers For Joknson High School 1934 i 160 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. t 14 A FULL LINE ' OF Double Finisher Card with American I Fearnought Picker WELL MADE T Slot Arch and Tape Condenser WOOLEN , F AND WORSTED MACHINERY Ring Spinning Frame (Model B) 360 Spindle Mule J i DAVIS 8z; FURBER MACHINE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1832 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS FRANK OATES & SON FLORISTS Little Red Beauty Shop Cut Flowers—Plants—Floral Designs Dial 30491 56 Main Street 40 LINDEN AVENUE Off Massachusetts Ave. North Andover Compliments of FINNERAN'S DRUG STORE Compliments of 130 Main Street North Andover Coal Co. North Andover, Mass. MODERN BEAUTY SHOP LONGBOTTOM'S MARKET You haven't had a perfect GROCERIES—MEATS—PROVISIONS permanent wave until you've 57 Massachusetts Avenue had a "B O N A T" wave. Telephones: 6189-6180--28141 95 Main St. Tel. 32279 NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. Compliments of Compliments of DR. C. M. SAVILLE JOSEPH A. DUNCAN DENTIST Central Service Station ED. McINNES, Prop. Complements of Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten. G L E N N I E ' S MILK GOODYEAR TIRES WILLARD BATTERIES RAILROAD AVE. Telephone 21717 I Compliments of ARSENAULT'S GARAGE WILLIAM ARSENAULT, Prop. I DR. M. P. CURREN Gas and OilGeneral Auto Service DENTIST CHICKERING ROAD North Andover, Mass. Tel. 26351 Compliments of Compliments of I JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL DR. F. P. McLAY LUNCH ROOM DENTIST Sutton's Cor. ,service Station Compliments of LAlVIPHERE Ss HOGAIV, Props. MEAGAN'S DRUG STORE 147 Sutton St. North Andover, Mass. Tel. 25967 JAMES P. HAINSWORTH MASON'S GARAGE Real Estate • Insurance General Auto Repairing—Tires 150 Main Street Inspection ,station 351 Tel. Hay. 122-4 Telephone No. 27203 WEST BOXFORD M. T. Stevens & Sons Co. Complements of Manufacturers of Jersey Ice Cream Co. WOOLEN AND WORSTED MEN'S WEAR and WOMEN'S WEAR North Andover, Mass. IL o , 7[ 5 00P 7 NDhe CN A %t ass I Privately Printed The 1934 YEAR BOOK is a fine example of a limited edition, privately printed. The staff of this book and an increasing number of other private publishers have been turning to organizations which specialize in the production of fine brochures, magazines, and privately printed books. For more than a century The Andover Press has served such publishers, planning and printing class annuals, descriptive booklets, genealogies, and other quality publications. THE ANDOVER PRESS ' ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS Telephone ANDOVER 143 To assure complete coordination in the production of this book the engravings were furnished by the printer. r • odes t r r • IF 1 a �