HomeMy WebLinkAboutNAHS Yearbook 1937 da 16 R I de I�Ip r,%e 'Pal 0 , J �' 4L * 141 e -$, 1% 6 or 0 1 J�k .& I p. v 0;J. p JP- Nit 1 — F • i N,7- lb� , + ` ■ '+ t � 1 lb " a { • r { CLASS BOOK Johnson High school NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS ': PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS OF 1937 '.' Y 5 4 MISS CLARA LOIS CURLEY To Miss Clara Lois Curley this Yearbook is dedi- cated. Miss Curley, who came to Johnson in 1934, has since then proved a very capable teacher of Junior Business Training, Domestic Arts, Cooking and Sew- ing. Miss Curley is this year finishing her teaching career at Johnson and plans to marry Robert Richards on June 26. All the Johnson student body regrets losing so popular a teacher, but cordially wishes her success and happiness. 1937 1 EAR B-00K YEAR, BOOK STAFF W EDITORIAL STAFF Editor in Ch i(f Thomas D. McKiernan Assistant Editor Paul Bixby Shorts Editor John T. Chadwick, 3rd Assistant Shorts Editor Isabelle Phelan Assistant, Shorts Editor Robert B. Galaher H2onor Editor Mason L. Downing INDIVIDUAL WRITE-UP COMMITTEE Dorothy P. Lord, Chairman Barbara J. Eldredge Marion S. Bamford Walter F. Fredrick Caroline Barker James A. Hargreaves Evelyn Clark Joseph K. Kattar Doris M. Dimery Carl E. Lager, Jr. Marie M. Dolan Joseph A. Maker Warren Drew Norman A. Stead Mary E. Thomson Mary G. Wilcox Harold R. West Everett R. Woodhouse BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Gordon Thurlow Advertising Manager James E. Williams Typists Senior Typing Class Faculty Adviser Edith L. Pierce a. a f I I �,k M � T °' } � x+v tf�}LJ'iRe•'. ;rk_..�• 1 , r 1`•*CRY rs ALVAH GEORGE HAYES ADDRESS TO THE SENIORS I:NJAMIN FRANKL IN not only understood the value of time, but he put a price on it which made others appreciate its. value. A customer one day entered Franklin's little bookstore during the morning when Franklin was busy in the pressroom. After spending some time in aimlessly turning over books and showing dissatisfaction over prices lie asked to see the proprietor. 1\1r. Franklin hurried from his pressroom to see what was wanted. "What is the lowest price for this book?" asked the leisurely customer. "One dollar and a quarter," was the prompt answer. "Why, your clerk asked only a dollar for it, a few minutes ago." "True," said Franklin, "and I could better have afforded to take a dollar than to leave my work and get a dollar and a quarter." The nian believing Franklin to be joking, continued coaxingly, "Come now, Mr. Franklin, what really is your lowest price:" "One dollar and a half," was the grave reply. "Why, you just offered it to me for a dollar and a quarter." "Yes, and I could better have taken that price then than a dollar and a half iiotw," replied Franklin. Without further words the crestfallen purchaser laid the money on the counter, took the book, and left the store. This little episode illustrates a point. Many people are perfectly willing to waste the time of others as well as their own. It is only when they are made to realize that the time of others is valuable that they can be reformed. It is interesting to note that time is nian's only possession which he is wil- ling to have others waste. Frequently lie will waste it without assistance. The tragedy of the situation is that time unlike other possessions cannot be replaced. Once gone, it is gone forever. For the past four years, you have each been endowed with an equal amount of time. Some of you have used your endowment to good advantage. For others the lesson still remains to be learned. Therefore I pass on to you this sword of advice. If you have learned the lesson of snaking each minute count, continue in the same path. On the other hand if you are one who•has_nQt ac- quired this habit, attempt to acquire it at once. Truly, time Nvaits for no roan, and when opportunity knocks he succeeds who has budgeted his time ad- vantageously. In parting I extend to you, the class of 1937, my sincere congratulations upon having passed another educational milestone in your careers, and hope that it is only one of several which you are to attain. To all I wish unbounded happiness and success. ALVAH G. HAY ES 5 z. THE FACULTY MR. ALVAH HAYES, B. S., M. I. T. Mathematics (Principal) MISS CLARA CHAPMAN, A. B., Bates Chemistry, Physics, Sei(nce MISS IRENP, COOK, A. B., Mount Holyoke Ain,,?icon History, French, Social Science MISS MILDRED GREEN, A. B., Mount Holyoke Latin, Mathematics MISS VEVA CHAPMAN, A. B., Bates English, Civics MISS ALICE NEAL, B. S. S., M. Ed., Boston University Bookkeeping, Typewriting MISS GLENNA KELLY, A. B., Jackson History, Social Science MISS EDITH PIERCE, A. B., Wellesley English, French MISS DOROTHY COLBURN, B. S., Simmons Stenography, Typewriting, Girls' Coach MISS CLARA CURLEY, B. S., Framingham Domestic Arts MISS EILEEN MCALOON, A. B , Trinity English, History, Business Training MISS MARY BUCKLEY, B. S , Regis Biology, Domestic Arts MR. JOHN DONOVAN, A. B., M. A , Boston College English, German MR. JAM);S CAVALIERI, Ph.B., Holy Cross; M.Ed., Boston College Math, Science Boys' Coach i - ,geniurs — JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL MARION S. BAMFORD ROSEMARY B. CASHMAN Glee Club 4 "Rose" Year Book 4 Student Council 3, 4 Journal Staff 4 Cheer Leader 4 rMarion is a good sport, al- Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ways ready to try anything Dramatic Club 1 once. She is well liked by all Glee Club 2 her classmates and sure to be a Etiquette Club 3 success whatever her occupa- .. Basketball Club 2, 4 tion. Athletic Ass'n Secretary Prettiness, cheerfulness, and CAROLINE BARKER sweetness all rolled into one is "Carol" Rosemary. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 Glee Club 2 EDNA CASSIDY Basketball Club 4 "Teddy" Journal Staff 3, 4 Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 Honor Student 1, 2, 3, 4 Cheer Leader 4 Secretary-Treasurer 1 Athletic Council Dramatic Club 2 Basketball 1, 2, 3 Etiquette Club 3 Basketball Club Class Sec.-Treas. 3 Chemistry Club Class Essayist A. A. Play 3 Boyish, athletic and an all Year Book 4 around good sport, Edna will Carol, with her excellence in always be remembered as "Ted- studies and sports combined dy•" with her personality and viva- city will go a long way in her chosen field. OLGA CEPLIKAS "Dusty" PAUL BIXBY Chemistry Club 3 Glee Club 4 (President) Class Orator Basketball 1, 2, 3 Class President 1 A jolly good-natured girl is Debating Club 3, 4 (Pres.) about the best way to describe Student Council 2, 3, 4 Journal 'Staff 4 Olga. Year Book 4 Unselfish, willing to aid his friends, serious and graced with JOHN T. CHADWICK, 3rd. the power of oratory, Paul is "Chad" liked by every member of his Football 2, 4 class. Best of luck, Paul! Basketball 3, 4 Chef's Club 3 Athletic Council 3 NEEDHAM B. BROWN Journal Staff 4 "Brownie" Year Book 4 Chemistry Club 3 A studious young man, ad- Student Council 2, 3 mired and liked by all his class- Between Fords and girl,;, mates who wi--;h him well in his Brownie finds plenty of time for ambition to be a successfulfarmer. work and seriousness, which is shown by his classwork. 8 1937 YEAR BOOK: HELEN M. DAW BARBARA M. CHASE Glee Club 2 Sub-Deb Club 4 (Vice-pres.) Another quiet girl but full of Helen is- an example of cheer- fun and willingness to help fulness united with willingness other fellows out. We know you _.,,. to help others. will succeed in whatever you choose to do, Barbara. " EVELYN CLARIi GEORGE A. DEHULLU . ± . "Jake" "Clarkic" French Club 3 Dramatic Club 2, 3, 41 Debating Club 4 Journal Staff 1, 4 A smile for everyone. Al- Year Book 4 ways willing to help his class- Evelyn is a quiet, reserved mates, especially in that little girl with a per-onality which mutter of neglected homework. makes her invaluable to all who , We wish you luck, "Jake!" really know her. f ANTHONY J. DETORA Debating Club 3, 4 STUART J. COUGHLIN, Jr. Baseball 2, 3, 4 "Flash" Football 3, 4 Glee Club 4 Basketball 2 Stuart is one of the Boxford "Tony" is a little fellow with pupils. He is well-liked by all. a big smile. He has the deter- mination to succeed in whatever Good luck, Stuart! he attempts. Industrious and good natured, he will long be remembered as a regular fellow. DORIS M. DIMERY iV Basketball 1 MARY CURTI Chemistry Club 3 Glee Club 2 Debating Club 4 Year Book 4 Mary, being one of the quiet.- � er girls of the class is not often Dot has a smile for every- heard but is well-liked. body. They say if you keep on smiling the world will smile with you. Good luck, Doris! 9 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL MASON L. DOWNING Valedictorian Harvard Club Award Pres. Hi-Y Club 4 MARGARET A. DINEEN Debating Club 4 Debating Team Glee Club 2 Chemistry Club Dramatic Club 3 Journal Staff 4 Sub-Deb Club 4 ► Year Book 4 A. A. Play 4 Anne is a happy-go-lucky and one of the most popular girls. One glance at his activities We sure were glad, Anne, when and offices shows ,you how pop- you left St. Patrick's High for ular and well liked he is. We Johnson. all join in and wish him the success and prosperity which he truly deserves. WARREN DREW EILEEN M. DOHERTY "Drewy" Football 3 Chemistry Club 3 Hi-Y Club Glee Club Sec'y Treas. 4 ' Year Book 4 Eileen is a short, energetic wrw A gentleman both wise and girl with a loud, hearty laugh. small and a friend to all. He may be a famous polo player, as he has a keen interest in horses. MARIE M. DOLAN a "Re" " Glee Club 2 RUTH E. DRUMMOND Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4 A. A. Play 2, 3, 4 "Rufus" Journal Staff 4 Year Book 4 Reserved and quiet, Rufus is Marie is the actress in the deeply appreciated by all whom class and a big success in all the she has helped out of difficulties these four years. annual plays. Well-liked and possessing a charming person- ality, "Re" will go a long way. T BARBARA J. ELDREDGE Glee Club 2 French Club 3 MARY P. DONNELLY Sub-Deb Club 4 (Pres.) "Pearly" Journal Staff 4 Year Book 4 Glee Club 1, 2, 3 -- Barbara is a friend to all and Pearly is the baby of the Sen- especially so when you neeJ for Class. Even though she. is help with ,your homework. She small, we all know when she is has been very successful dur- around. _. ing her high-school career and we feel sure that she will have - - - little trouble in reaching her goal. 10 1937 YEAR BOOK OLIVE M. GROVE ALICE B. EMMASON "011ie" Chemistry Club 3 Glee Club 3 (Secretary) Glee Club 4 Although "011ie" only came Alice is quiet, good naturezi to us last ,year, she has quickly and sincere, qualities that wil? F- won her way into our hearts. help her along the road through We have been told she likes to life, and which make her vai- dance. That may account for uable to all who really know her sunny disposition and ready her. smile. ALICE T. HAJDYS WALTER h'RF.DRICIi Glee Club 1 Glee Club 1, 2, 3 Dramatic Club 2 Chef's Club 4 "Al" is a rather shy girl but Walter is a fellow who will '" we know Ehe will get over that advance because he has the when she gets out into the courage to see a thing through. world. And she most certainly will be a credit to J. H. S. ROBERT B. GALAHER JAMES A, HARGREAVES "Bob" "Jim" Chef's Club 2 Football 4 Foemi lry4 Club 4 I r� Chemistry Club 3 (Sec'y) Journal Staff 4 -�" Hargreaves is the comedian Year Book 4 of the class. The greatest me,,-- A quiet boy with an ambition rimezt is enjoyed in his com- to be a chemist. Perhaps a sec- pany. Jim's hobby is studying and Pasteur or Dalton. after lessons are over. He is liked by all for his good nature. PHYLLIS I. GALLANT Glee Club 1, 3 JACKSON HAYMAN Dramatic Club 2 "Phil" is a quiet girl, well Jackson is the electrical wiz- "Phil" g , and of the class, and one who is liked by everyone but not seen always ready to give a few hint enough, as she lives out in the � from his store of knowledge. country. , 11 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL HORACE J. HAYMAN Chemistry Club 2 DORIS V. KENT Debating Club 3, 4 Sub-Deb Club 4 A quiet, studious boy, Horace '= will long be remembered. Quiet, but really full of fun and pep, she will go a long way in her chosen road. WILLIAM E. HOLT "Bill" JOHN A. KLUFTS Student Council 1 "Kluftsie" Glee Club 3 A . quiet, industrious boy, but "Bill" will succeed because he fond of dancing and a goodtime. May ,you be a second has the will-power and he cer- Fred Astaire, John. tainly has the physical strength to advance. Good luck, Bill. JOSEPH K. KATTAR FRANCES A. KMIEC "Joe" "Fran" Chefs Club Pres. 3 During her years at high Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 41 school Frances has been taking Year Book 4 up secretarial work. She has been successful thus far and we A good student with a willing � � wish her much more success. smile and a sterling character. We're all sure you'll succeed, Joe. RUTH M. KEATING F Glee Club 2 BARBARA KNOWLES "Babs" Ruth is sometimes shy but Usually seen but not heard, this has proven to be an asset Barbara nevertheless is one of to her. Through her shyness the more socially inclined girls she has found many friends.She certainly will make a nice u of our class. wife for some lucky man. What say, Ruth? 12 1937 YEAR KOOK JOSEPH A. MAKER 4'Joe" RACHEL J. KRUSCHWITZ Class Treasurer 1 Student Council 2, 3, 4 "Ray" Class Marshal 3 Orches 2 Chef's Club 3 tra 2, 3 Picture Committee 4 Glee Club 2 Dramatic Club 2, 3 President of A. A. 4 � Football 4 Sub-Deb Club 4 Basketball 2, 3, 4 Ray has been a good sport in A good sport and well liked everything she has done. We by one and all. As a member are all wishing her succes of the basketball team he was We're all pulling with ,you, Ray! Johnson High's "helping hand" to success. CARL E. LAGER, Jr. FRANCIS P. MURPHY "Carl" "Muff" Chemistry Club 3 Int'l Relations Club Debating Club 4 Football 4 Hi-Y Club 4 Debating Club 4 Model Airplane Club, Lawrence "Muff" is a good natured but Year Book 4 hard working boy. His loud Well, Carl, it's a long walk to guffaw can often be heard be- Pleasant Street, but we know it fore school or in class when a is worth it. Good luck in aero- bright remark is made. nauties. DOROTHY P. LORD "Dot" � ° ELINITH D. McCUBBIN Chc,-nistry Club 3 "Tootie" Dramatic Club Sec'y 4 Glee Club 1, 2 Annual Play 3 Dramatic Club 3 Year Book 4 (Chairman personal write-Lii, "Tootie" gets along well with committee) all her classmate-. This trait Dot has endeavored to give we are sure will help her over- the best she had to the class. come the difficulties of the She has been a grand pal, and �• " » world. her ability will surely carry her far on the road to success. ROSE S. McEVOY "Mac" CHESTER E. LUNDQUIST "Mac" is quite undecided The sleepiest boy in class,but i _y what to do when she leaves this he sure gets peppy when he institution for higher education. hears music. His dancing abil- She thinks that later on she will ity adds to his popularity. train to be a child's nurse. But whatever she does `;Mac" will be a credit to this Class of "37." 13 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL DOROTHY A. McGREGOR JULIA NARUSHOF "Dot" "Judy" Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Glee Club 1, 2 Basketball Club 2, 3, 4 Practical Arts Club 3 A. A. Treasurer Sub-Deb Club 4 Etiquette Club 3 Cheer Leader 4 � -"� � Julia will always be remen:- Even though Dot resides in bered as the happy-go-lucky lunch room girl, who can always Boxford she does not hesitate be seen rushing from room to for a moment to attend our _WW room during the fourth period, social functions. while collecting orders for the - teachers. THOMAS McKIERNAN "Tom" Salutatorian JOHN A. PATTERSON Chemistry Club 2 "Patty" Debating Club 3, 4 Class Prophecy Year Book Editor-in-Chief 4 , Ass't Sports Manager 3 Pres. Student Council 4 xwl Manager of Sports 4 Journal Editor-in-Chief 4 Chemistry Club 3 Journal Reporter 3 -� School Reporter for Law. Tel. --. "Patty" has always made a School Reporter for N.A. Spec- '"" hit with the girls of this school tator �" —as well as with those in our Hi-Y Club 4 rival schools. r "Tom" is one of the popular members of our class. Usually he is to be found pouring over PHYLLIS D. PEARL his books before classes start. Willingness to do, combines? ANNIE H. M. McNEIL with a pleasing personality Glee Club 3 makes Phyllis a popular girl. Annie will make a good sec- retary to some lucky person I , with her good nature, her abil- ity ; ISABELLE PHELAN not least,dher tcaptivat captivating =° I .� Good Citizenship Medal Class Secretary 1 Student Council 2, 3; Sec. 4 MARGARET C. McROBBIE Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4 (Capt.) 'Peggy Basketball Club 2, 3 (Sec.) t Dramatic Club 1 4 (Pres.) Glee Club 3 � Glee Club 2 Basketball Club 4 (Sec.-Treas.) Journal Staff 4 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 :* Operetta 2 Cheer Leader 4 Journal Staff 4 Always cheerful and friendly, Etiquette Club 3 (Sec.-Treas.)�, kv_llrtl Dramatic Club 1 "Peggy" has been a great helpto her class. As you can see, Isabelle has been kept busy during her high school years, but she has had time for her studies and to make many friends who wish her well in all she undertakes_ 14 1937 YEAR BOOK DOROTHY E. ROKES GILBERT ORRIS REA "Dot" E Tr Chemistry Club 3uly the shyest boy in the � Debating Club 4 class, Gilbert will be one of the most successful because of his. Dot has proved to us more Pluck and determination. than once that she has a mind of her own. How she loved to ;. argue, especially in Economics g , clans. ERNEST J. ROBERTS Class President 2, 3, 4 MARY C. ROUTHIER Student Council 1, 3, 4 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Capt.) Sub-Deb Club 4 Class Marshal 3, 4 Even though Claire has only Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 been with us for one ,year, she C'zef's Club 3 will be remembered as the true Clee Club 2 "Sophisticated Senior" of our If Ernie handles himself as class. well in later life as he has in ~� his field of sports, he is bound to find success. WALTER C. ROBERTS ROBERT L. SANBORN "Tishie" "Bud" Football 3, 4 Class Will Baseball 1, 3 Glee Club 1 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Chef's Club 3 "Bud" will come through in Class Treasurer 4 whatever he attempts because he has that certain "something" An all around good athlete, and the desire to win. and a glance at his offices and activities will show his ability � and popularity. EMILY L: SANDERSON WILLIAM H. ROBERTS, Jr. Basketball 2, 3, 4 "Bud" Etiquette Club 3 Class Vice Pres. 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball Club 2, 3, 4 Basketball 2, 3, 4 Cheer Leader 4 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ® w Glee Club 1 Baseball 1, 2 Chef's, Club 3 � + Emily with her impish smile ` and vibrant personality has Bud is the Clark Gable of the �_" charmed her way into our class and is admired by all the hearts. We're all for you in a girls. With his outstanding big way. Emily. ability in athletics and his per- sonality, he will go a long way in this world. 15 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL FRANK SZYMOSEK EVELYN S. SAUVAGEOT "Red" "Eve" Chemistry Club 3 "Eve" has always been rather Football 4 quiet in school but outside she is rIr Frank's marvelous laboratory good sport and liked by every- technique last year won him the body. honorable title of the "Mad AW Chemist." He also contributed to the success of the football team this year. A FRANK H. SPOFFORD GORDON THURLOW Year Book Business Mgr. 4 "Spiffy" Journal Staff Business Mgr. 4 Chef's Club 4 ¢" Chemistry Club 3 Hi-Y Club Debating Club 4 He may be a little shy and Annual Play 4 quiet but he has the ability to - Gordon is a pleasant, likeable get ahead in this tough old life. fellow who is bound to succeed. He has a level business head. KATHERINE SHERIDAN "Kay" MARY E. THOMSON Because of her unassuming "Sally" manner, her independence, andr-s list� Glee Club 1 sincerity. "Kay" has won a wide ` Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4 circle of friends. An explosion Year Book 4 in the chemistry class knocked ' off her glasses and singed her Sally is good-natured and full hair, but not even a bomb could of fun and pep. She plans to dull her friendly spirit. be a nurse. NORMAN A. STEAD "Steady" PEARL WATERHOUSE Debating Club 3 Dramatic Club 2, 3 Chef's Club 4 Pearl is a Hi-Y Club good sport, and we feel sure that she is, bound to Year Book 4 succeed in anything she under- Humorous among his friends takes. Her charm and smile is and of a studious character, . ' captivating and she'll get her "Steady" will some day be the ;W�v man. Keep on, Pearl, and good pride of his school, luck to you. 16 1937 YEAR BOOK HAROLD R. WEST Baseball 2, 3, 4 Glee Club 2 Football 2, 3, 4 All Suburban Football Capt. 4 JAMES E. WILLIAMS Westy, one of Johnson's star athletes, held the unbounded Chef's Club 3 approval of the high schools' Dramatic Club 4 sport fans for three consecutive �. Journal Staff 4 years and topped it as the loyal Year Book 4 c::pt iin of his squad. Here' wi�hinm luck to you, West and Jim may be regarded as quie� y� and shy, but he knows how to may ,you lead ,your boys with the voice that resounded get the advertisements. throughout the Glee Club. MARY G. WILCOX EVERETT R. WOODHOUSE Glee Club 2 "Ev" Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4 Sub-Deb Club 4 Year Book 4 Year Book 4 Ev is an ardent sports fai., One of the sleepiest they say, and an accomplished dancer. but Mary is sure wide awake r He is an artist and because of when it comes to playing the his humor is the life of the trumpet. We wonder what the F-c'hool. orchestra will be like wivttout her. .. MILDRED I. DILL U` Practical Arts Club 3 Sub-Deb Club 4 ` Mildred is a shy and quiet girl but she will find success in whatever she undertakes. 17 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL SALUTATORY M E of the class of 1937 xvish to extend to all of you who are here tonight a most cordial welcome to our graduation exercises, the termination of our high school career. Any success which Nve may have in the future is due in a great measure to you, our parents, friends, and teachers, who, during the past four years, have so well trained us for our part in the world. Youth [Vill Speak for Itself This is the season of baccaulaureates, in which the adult reaches into his years of worldly experience to advise youth and to inspire youthful hopes. We seem to have arrived at a period in the progress of civilization when youth would be well advised to form some conclusions of its own. Only in a very limited sense does the younger generation stand today, diploma in hand, before the door of opportunity. Eight years of economic unbalance and experimentation have not only closed the door to youth, but have left him the legacy of failure, together with the bill. Specifically tonight, I want to express a viewpoint of youth, about to com- plete what is for many the end of a school career. I want to express :t most vigorous opposition to—even a rebellion against—what are known as youth movements. It seems to have become the passion of leaders of the past futile decade to attempt to perpetuate their errors by developing a generation blindly obed- ient to regimentation and willing to place upon their necks the yoke of intel- lectual slavery and civilized decay. We have in the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics the Young Coriimunist movement, in which the rising generation is influenced by every form of mental coercion and social ostracism to dedi- cate itself to the materialistic conception of history, to collectivist economics, and ail animalistic social order. �-Ve have in the German Nazi government the enslavement of youth behind the fictional and fanciful primitive economics of autarchy, the paganism of race spirituality and the social doctrines of rancor and hate. lYe have in Fascist Italy's corporate state the drilling and regimenting of youth in preparation for Nvar's baptism of blood, a social con- trol moulded by ancient historical romance and ignoring realities and an economic concept in harmony with such a program. In each of these forms of government, the first creed is that the individual is wholly the creature of the state. Under each of these forms of government learning and information, history itself, is censored to support their dictator-- ial concept. Under each of these forms of government, the first energies of the state are directed to stultifying youth. No one of them has proven its right to perpetuity as a form cf government. No one of them has endured long enough to prove its capacity to solve the riddle of political and economic life today. No one of them has solved even a primary problem of its own on a permanent basis. Yet, in each, youth is taught that the goal is reached, the millenium is at hand, the individual is dead, society is a east, colorless, mono- tonous, workaday mass, mentally and spiritually sublitnited and suppressed. The United States of America has its National Youth Administration. It has its C. C. C. camps, which the President desired to mare permanent, ail idea which Congress fortunately rejected a few weeks ago. It has its advo- cates of Alarxian youth policy, naively cloaked like Little Riding Hood's wolf in the innocent dress of the Child Labor Amendment. It has its spokesmen on every hand, addressing themselves to the problem of youth as to a mass of 18 1937 YEAR BOOK clay, capable only of being moulded into the warped and makeshift forms of confused, chaotic, and desperate paternalism. Those who today would thinly for the youth of our time, \vho would dictate their routine and solve their problems have left us a heritage of three hundred billions of dollars in public and private debts in the United States of America. Our federal public debt has been increased in the past four years by sixteen billions of dollars, in tax-exempt, interest-bearing bonds which will double the payoff -- and the net result is that today there are, by generally accepted statistics, the same number of unemployed that there were four years ago, in spite of some employment pickup: The reason is that in the past four years over two millions of youth have been graduated into the futility of economic wishful thinking on the one hand and capatalistic avarice on the other. National youth administrators, C.C.C. camp enthusiasts, and Youth advis- ers stand ever ready to cooperate with political leaders in the vast expenditure of money to keep rebellious youth in check, but nobody stands ready to strike at the root of a diseased and dying system which has deprived youth of the Clod-given heritage to make its own destiny. The United States of America is following in the way of the dictatorial governments. Our leaders are coming to us, the youth, saying nothing of our inherent rights as the men and women of the future, nor apologizing for the heritage of disaster out of which ,ve must make some sense in our time, or all civilization will collapse into barbarism. Instead they come offering truce, bidding us to join this and join that, to sublimate the zeal of our years and consecrate our strength to helping keep aloft the pillars of a structure built on quicksand. Twenty years ago, this same leadership led its youth by the millions into a world war. The sacrifice would have been well spent had it formed the foun- dations of a ne\v order, but the same rulers Nvho started it survived it and multiplied its causes a hundredfold. Twenty years from no-\v not a shred of the civilization which existed in 1914 will remain if the military egomaniacs, the materialists, the devitalized social and economic collectivists, and the political squanderers can confine, as they now attempt, the energies of the coming generation to the sterile pro- gram of justifying failure. Not a major government today rests upon a footing of security. Not a \vorld leader can look lvith equanimity and satisfaction upon the scene about him. Youth, deprived of its natural outlet of ambition and energy has puzzled its adults by turning in shocking numbers to crime, which is a step fully as false as the example it has been set by world leadership. Conscience alone can control the spiritual destiny of man. The will to ven- ture, to challenge, to change, which is the tivill of youth, alone can bring ra- tionalism into the economic structure. Self responsibility alone and not group responsibility can develop a civilized social order. We repudiate the arrogation of such leadership to shackle us to the defens- ive defeatism of youth movements. The youth of today intends to build a new structure of national and inter- national society, of national and international morality. The failures of the past twenty years cannot and shall not be perpetuated. Unhampered by the fetters of fretful falsehoods which surround us today, we shall aria ourselves with the weapons of truth and reason and march for the victory of a new order. THOAIAS Ill. AlcKII;RNAN 19 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS ORATION The Old Order Changeth---Yielding Place to New NDER three headings, let us consider how the old order has changed. These three headings are science, business, and liberalism. Let us take the first of these, science, and see how it will revolutionize our coun- try in the future. Until 1850, science had concentrated its efforts oil the dis- covery of new sources of power, such as steam and gasoline and the founda- tion of such fields as chemistry, bacteriology, and mechanics. The application of these discoveries is evident in the great industries of which our country is so proud. But science today has taken an entirely new aspect under the imagination of the modern pioneer. The house of tomorrow will be grade of glass. Beds and floors will be pneumatic ; the closets full of revolving shelves ; and dish- washing will be done automatically. Amelia Earhart predicts that airplanes will zoom at the rate of six hundred miles per hour oil intercity routes. The Vice-president of General Motors visions the car which will run eighty miles oil the gallon. Or maybe it won't use gasoline at all. Radio-transmitted power is the vision of today's prophets. But modern scientists aren't entirely dreamers. They have contributed much to the welfare of you and me by the utilization of waste products. Who would have thought that the vanity of modern woman could be appeased by a spray of perfume made from ill-smelling coal tar? Who would have thought this vain creature would be satisfied in powdering her shiny nose with a pea- nut shell derivative? From the lowly sweet potato, scientists have produced more than a hundred products, ranging from shoe-blacking to molasses. The organic chemist of today will undoubtedly boost progress by the utilization of white elephants. In the field of surgery great strides have been made. Repair work on arter- ies is a surgeon's most ticklish job. But not long ago surgeons actually joined two arteries together as a plumber might join pipes. Their accomplishment was part of a spectacular operation upon a boy which made a new thumb out of his big toe. Day by day the products of the modern laboratory are being consumed by a hungry nation. And thus we find science relieving our pains, adding to our comforts and finding new markets for formerly useless products. Now let us turn to the business aspect of our changing order. Business has changed in three ways during the last century. First, industry has been stepped up by the installation of machinery ; second, industry has be- come specialized in an effort to increase production ; and third, competition in the larger industries has been partially reduced by the formation of trusts. The addition of power machinery to our civilization has worked great changes. Enormous populations have invaded the manufacturing districts. Thousands of farmers have left the plow to guide fascinating machinery. The bewildered tradesman abandoned his workshop to enter the red-brick build- ings and beco ne a macliine himself. I-Iowever, this transition is by no means to be regretted. Industry has done its part in malting this a better country. Working hours are reduced , a high- er standard of living is obtained and our natural resources are opened up. 20 1937 YEAR BOOK The rapid progress of industry was made possible by the expansion and de- velopment of the frontier. But now the frontier is gone. There is no great outlet for dense populations and factory products. In the development of this vast continent industry became capable of very rapid production and built up a powerful inertia which must be slowed down if machines are to con- tinue to serve men. Nov that the frontier is conquered this enormous cap- acity must be diverted from the hit-or-miss quantity production and directed into the channels of quality and improvement. This leads to the third way in which the old order has change---namely, liberalism. By liberalism I mean the adoption of new ideas. The spirit of liberalism is all outgrowth of the problems created by the unplanned advance of science and business. The severity of the last depression would seem to indicate that there is need, in our economic system for some new ideas. This generation has learned that prosperity which appears in spots cannot survive. NVhen big business thrives at the expense of smaller enterprises, when wealth accumulates and men decay, then there can be no question of national policy. The spirit of reform has made its debut in the "New Deal." Whether we approve of the "New Deal" or not, we are forced to admit that the era of national planning has begun. This generation looks with disgust at the enormous debts which are forced upon us. �Ve stand with our mouths agape before the hideous slums and poverty stricken areas. We gaze with horror at the denuded hillsides, the gluttonous floods and dust storms, the rapid erosion of soil and the exploitation of natural resources. These are huge problems which the new order has thrust upon us. But it was man who made these problems and it shall be mail who cures them. Whatever the future may hold for us, we cannot face it if we have come to distrust our own powers. We need the will to overcome and the determina- tion not to be downed, whatever may happen. But let us hope that in the midst of these external changes our sense of fair play, of duty, honor and the dictates of conscience shall continue to govern our spirit of progress. PAUL BIXBY CLASS ESSAY Horace Mann, the Pioneer of Education xT would not be possible in these few minutes to review in fall the life of Horace Mann;— whole books have been written on it. Still more im- possible would it he to attempt to draw even in outline the immensity of his educational work and ideals. There is however one tribute we can pay this great educator. We are finishing twelve years of public school life,— vears filled with every advantage,--and have considered them our heritage and due. Nov on our graduation, we can pause to recall, with appreciation, the milestones in his career, and to consider some of his ideals and accomp- lishments which have so benefited us and will continue to benefit generations to conic. His was the American dream,—his the thought of free education for all. In his own words, "If there ever Avas a cause, if ever there call be a cause, worthy to be upheld by all of toil or sacrifice that the human heart can endure, it is the cause of education." 21 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL IIorace 1\Iann's life although not particularly exciting was one of accon-1 lishments and significance. Born in Franklin, Massachusetts, he was brought up in poverty but after obtaining a hard earned education, he graduated from Brown University when twenty-four years of age. Upon leaving school he practiced law, but later entered political life as a member of the state legisla- ture. A-'ith the establishment of the first state board of education in America Mann gave up a promising law career to become the secretary of this board just one hundred years ago. This decision was a turning point not only in Mann's life but in the history of 'American education, for it was during his twelve years in this office that he accomplished his great works which so benefited America. To fully appreciate 1\Ianli's achievements ill this position one must realize the condition of the schools at that time. The Revolutionary War had for eight years pushed aside all thoughts of education which then, even in New England, had been developed only to a very limited degree. Even after the war real liberty and equality were not practiced. The old idea of class distinction still survived and only a few realized that education for all was necessary if a democratic government was to remain. Each state had its early leaders who helped to bring about the great educa- tional revival of the mid-nineteenth century—at the head of which was Hor- ace Mann. The problem which he faced in Massachusetts was fairly typical of that in the other states. Free public high schools had not yet Avon the con- sent of the people. There existed only the small, scattered district schools, and to unite these into one state system with proper state and local control was Horace Mann's task. He described the drawbacks in the district system, saying, "These schools at the present time are so many independent conimun- ities each being governed by its own habits, traditions and local customs. There is no bond of brotherhood or family between them. They are strangers and aliens to each other." With the establislment of the Massachusetts Board of Education and the election of Horace Mann as secretary a new epoch began. This pioneer did more than promote and improve the common schools ; he lifted the ideals of democracy itself. Through him the whole school system was transformed. Mann has said, "In a republic, ignorance is a crime," and so clearly did lie set forth a plan for the school system that for a century educational progress has moved steadily in the direction which he indicated. At the end of twelve years he resigned as secretary of the board. During this period he had placed education in Massachusetts upon a firm foundation. During his service he brought the cause of education favorably before the public ; installed a system of state supervision for schools ; attempted to elim- inate sectarianism ; introduced the use of school libraries and established the first normal school. After Horace 1\•1ann's resignation he accepted the presidency of the newly established Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio. Antioch at that time was more or less all experiment and he put hip courage and energy into bring- ing about order and system from the chaos that existed there. To him a col- lege was not only a home of scholarship but also a place for physical and spiritual training. This idea has persisted throughout the life of the college up to the present day and signifies IvIann's achievements there. Six years after his entrance into Antioch, Hann died worn out by th,: years of overwork and strain. 1-1e had come to the end of a career which \.Tas to stand out forever in the hearts of all friends of education and of democracy. 22 1937 YEAR BOOK The full value and extent of his work can never be truly estimated. Due to him all classes have been given the opportunity to acquire an education. Be- cause of his work the whole school system has become enlarged. Under this is included the establishment of health and hygiene in schools, an enlarged curriculum and a closer relationship between teacher and pupil. Another major result of his career was the establishment of the normal schools. The result of these schools is now felt tremendously throughout the educational world. Due to them teaching has been elevated to a higher level and the finer points in the school curriculum have been advanced. Mann's service to the country is on a level with that of Washington and Lincoln. Washington, with the Declaration of Independence brought polit- ical freedom ; Lincoln and the Civil �Var brought physical freedom ; and Alann, in his fight for education brought intellectual freedom without which the other two types cannot long be retained. His was a life dedicated to a cause ; his a life consecrated to a purpose. In our graduation we see the fulfillment of his American dream. We can under- stand this whole hearted devotion to an ideal so ably expressed in his last words given to his class at Antioch :— "Be ashamed to die until you have loon some victory for humanity." CAROLINE BARKER VALEDICTORY Trends of Chemistry HE first sciences arose to fill utilitarian needs. Every science started with a few practical and useful discoveries. The earliest forms of chemistry were actually only aids to primitive medicine. Many animals seem to know what to eat in order to relieve certain illnesses. Prob- ably primitive man also possessed this same sort of knowledge. The first real chemistry was the preparation of herbs for medicinal pur- poses. Practitioners of this art were called alchemists. The field of the al- chemists gradually widened in scope to include such searches as that for the elixir of life, the universal cure of human ills and the secret of clianging the baser metals to gold. Until this time it was believed that all matter was com- posed of four elemental substances : earth, air, fire, and water. Each of these elements had its characteristic attributes derived from four fundamental qual- ities : hotness, coldness, wetness, and dryness. Alchemists believed that by altering the proportions of these qualities they could form new elements. It is a well know fact that these alchemists failed clue to faulty choice of ele- mental substances. However, unscientific as alchemy was, it was the fore- runner of modern chemistry. Toward the end of this period of alchemistry pure science crept in. This is the search after truth rather than merely the search to fulfill utilitarian needs. The awakening of the new science of chemistry occurred at about the same time as the awakening of astronomy and physics under Galileo. A character- istic part of this change is the publication by Boyle of what is known as Boyle's Law relating to the expansion of gases. Up to this time alchemists had believed in a substance which they called phlogiston. This was what they thought escaped when something burned, 28 ,JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL making burning possible. When oxygen was discovered by Priestly this erroneous idea of the alchemists was destroyed. Priestley was followed by other scientists who established the chemical principles of today. One of these was Dalton whose idea of the chemical atom led directly to our present conception of it. Then followed Avogardro who corrected much of Dalton's work and introduced several new principles of his own. Then came Wohler with his creation of an organic substance from in- organic substances, a task heretofore believed impossible. In the latter half of the nineteenth century came the all important periodic table of the chemical elements arranged by Mendeleeff -which has led to the discovery of many new elements and to the knowledge that only a finite number of these elements, about ninety in fact, can exist on earth. As the accumulated knowledge of the chemists increased they were able to determine structural arrangements of atoms and also space arrangements. After the structures of the atoms were discovered the problem of synthesizing new molecules was greatly simplified. Knowledge of structural chemistry has opened new fields to the biochemists and has produced new reasons for hoping that sometime the processes of life will be understood with completeness. If the day ever comes when proto- plasm, the life substance in living form, can be produced from nonliving sub- stances in the chemical laboratory, the organic chemist will have been re- sponsible for the accumulation of knowledge snaking this discovery possible. The age of theory had reached its peak when Andrew Carnegie applied chemical processes to his steel industry. At first many of his competitors laughed but shortly they were forced to adopt similar measures or lose their business. There is a vast difference between the earlier days and the pres- ent, when every large industry has its own well stocked laboratory and ex- perienced research staff. Steel, gasoline, dyes, illuminating gas, Bakelite and most of the other products used in this industrial age are produced under the skillful guidance of the chemist. The desirability of controlling industrial operations in a scientific manner has finally been recognized to so great an extent that even the government is spending vast sums of money on experi- mental research. For instance, our own department of agriculture is contin- ually assisting the people of this country by the publication of its researches relating to soil chemistry, fertilizers and the utilization of farm wastes. Often entire industries have been founded as a result of chemical discover- ies. Examples of this are the Aluminum Company of 'America. and industries producing nitrates, helium, and rayon. Gradually this period of utilitarianism is giving way to another period of theorism or pure science. All sciences are being drawn together. The phys- icists recently presented a new theory of the atom and the chemist is now able to go forward with a new study of the processes of chemical combination. The physical chemist is comparatively new but is not out of place among biochemists and biophysicists. The application of physical methods to the problems of chemistry, has proceeded so far that it has become somewhat difficult to classify a man as either a chemist or a physicist. Thus we see that throughout the history of the science of chemistry there has been a gradual swinging between theorism and practicalism. The alchemists -with their practical searches gave -way to the search for fundamentals of the time of Dalton and Wlohler. This in time gave way to the utilitarianism character- ized by Andrew Carnegie. Now there is a very definite turn back to the discovery of fundamental prin- 24 1937 YEAR BOOK ciples• Future scientists may again revert to the practical policies of a few years ago and cause a period of industrial expansion greater than we ever have experienced. Parents and Friends : We the class of 1937 extend to you our heartfelt thanks for your moral support and your many kindnesses throughout the past four years. A-'e sincerely desire to show you our gratitude for your assistance by working hard to attain the goals we have set for ourselves. Dear Principal and Teachers : Our gratitude for your sincere cooperation and assistance in all that we have attempted, as well as your friendship and understanding will be everlasting. Schoolmates : You will return another year to continue the work you have started. To you will fall the duty of maintaining the high standards of our school. We shall always remember the many happy hours spent with you and we extend to you our sincere wishes for success in all that you may un- dertake. Classmates : This may be our last meeting as a group but the memory of the past four years together will grow more brilliant as the years slip by During this time we have made many friends and have come to respect and admire each other. We will all proceed into different walks of life but there is not one single member of this class who will not pause in years to come and think of the many happy days spent among his friends here at Johnson. The class of 1937 bids you all good-bye. MASON DOWNING CLASS HISTORY xT was a warm September day in 1933 and outside of Johnson High School stood many excited, nervously chattering boys and girls, waiting for the bell which would mean that a new life had started for them. The bell rang, and thus the Class of 1937 began its career. The first few weeks were turbulent one,,; but at the end of that time we had learned most of the customs and rules of the school and had become acquaint- ed with the members of our own class. Many of the class reported for the various sports and several of them Avon their letters. Thus, with sports, elec- tions, the school exhibition, and, of course, studying, the weeks passed until a great day arrived : the clay of the Senior-Freshman party, ! It -vas an enjoy- able evening for everyone and a memorable one for eve freshmen. Our return party caine in February and was a great success. Who said the freshmen couldn't put it over? 25 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL 1934, and we returned to school as proud sophomores. "There was oniy one dance for us this year, the Sophomore-Junior dance, which was held early in December, but many of the class were occupied with athletics and proved their worth for we were well represented on the school varsities. At the end of the year we heard that %ve were to lose four of our teachers. These were Miss Lucy K. Hatch, beloved instructor of English and German who was re- tiring after many years of teaching at Johnson, Miss Betty Oetjen, English teacher, Miss Orele Scott, Biology and Domestic Arts instructor, and Alr. Walter Mitchell, boys' coach and Math teacher. �-�'e were sorry to lose them and wish them luck. 1935-36, and we were juniors, out to make this the best year of all. We were very curious to see our new mentors and after observation decided we were very pleased with them. They were Mr. James Cavalieri, new coach, Miss Mary Buckley, Miss Eileen McAloon, and last but far from least, Mr. John Donovan. The year passed with an exciting program of sports (which were aided by the newly established Athletic Council,) the Sophomore-Junior dance, the annual Junior Semi-Public dance, the awarding of the prize book of the Harvard Club to Mason Downing, and the class supper. r Seniors at last ! Three years have passed. They have become merely hap- py memories but the present and the future are most important to us now. The present contains dances, athletics, pictures, the class supper and gradua- tion. It also holds, however, sobering responsibilities and serious thoughts of the future, which, no matter what it holds for us, will be faced with deter- mination and the will to win success by the Class of '37. EDNA CASSIDY SPORTS-- - 1936-37 HE School was represented on the 1936 gridiron by a fast squad which scored 127 points to our opponents' 40. At the close of the season the team, captained by Buddie and Ernie Roberts, was honored at a ban- quet. Team members were awarded sweaters or letters. Mr. Cavalieri was presented with silver in appreciation of his splendid work with the team. Boys' basketball opened with an 18-17 victory over an alumni team. The team then Avon twenty-one victories in twenty-three starts. Undefeated in the Lovell Suburban League, they captured that championship as well as the Merrimac Valley championship. Seniors (Captain Isabelle Phelan, Lmily Sanderson, Rosemary Cashmall, Caroline Barker, Margaret McRobbie, and Dorothy XlcGregor) have aided the girls' basketball teams of the past four years in securing one runner up honor rating in the Lowell Suburban League and three chan-ipiunships. 1937 baseball teams Avon the Merrimac Valley championships. 26 1937 YEAR BOOK CLASS WILL E, THE MEMBERS of the Senior Class in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, of Johnson High School, Town of North JAndover, County Essex, Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, being of sound mind and body, we hope, do hereby of our own free will bequest the following list of articles, habits and what have you to the persons herein named. Marion Bamford bequeaths her lovely Kate Smith voice to Lily Ackroyd. Rosemary Cashman to Dorothy Sutton her "Will o' the Wisp" figure. George Dehullu wills his appetite for beer and pretzels, and his trucking a- bility to Edward Clarenbach and Stanley Buturlia. Tony Detora wills his position on the football team to Donald Porter, -who probably doesn't want it. Francis Patrick Murphy bequeaths his well developed and all powerful right hook to "Choo La Fountain." Edna Cassidy leaves to Elizabeth Windle the honor of writing the class his- tort' in the year 1938. James Hargreaves leaves his knowledge of how to handle the weaker sex, to Bud Barwell, who could make good use of it. Julia Narushof leaves to Helen Stafanovich her work in handling the posi- tion of school waitress. Mary Thompson wills.to Rose Aaronian her book on how to run a success- ful party. Katherine Sheridan bequeaths her becoming girlish figure to Hazel Blanch. Pearl Waterhouse leaves the out-of-town boy to Eleanor Parker. Barbara Chase wills her beautiful red hair to Rita Roche. Frank Szymosek to James Lewis his Saturday night trips to the Jackson Street Extension. Gordon Thurlow wills his professional air to John Ford, oil the condition that he use it in moderation. In order that in the future Johnson may have at least one he-man, Bill Holt leaves his mighty muscles, and huge biceps to John Welch. Caroline Barker wills her innocent expression and her remarkable ability to drive a Chev truck, a tractor, a plow or what have you to Caroline Chase. John Tyler Chadwick 3rd bequeaths his neat appearance on all occasions to Freeman Clark Hatch 3rd. In order that Fred Coram may play better basketball next year, Carl Eric Lager, Jr. wills to him his daily bottle of choc milk. Isabelle Phelan leaves her slinky figure in enticing gowns to Veronica Fitz- gerald. Anne Dineen wills to Barbara MacPherson her baby ways and her many baby playthings. Mason Downing leaves the honor of being valedictorian and his English ac- cent to Thomas T\IcGrail and Philip Ho-,yard. To Dot 'Atkinson, Eileen Doherty bequeaths her quick Irish temper. Warren Drew to Bill Whittaker his life-like photograph of Simone Simone. 27 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL Pearl Donnelly to Stella A-lazuriniko her size three and ogle-half Toe. Pearl sincerely hopes they will fit. Joe Kattan wills his tough heard and his Gillette Safety razor to Clarkson Earl. We hope Clarkson will use it more frequently than Joe did. Emily Lorraine Sanderson wills her mortgage on the lake and her yearning for the tall, dark and handsome (baggy at the knees) type to Frances Camp- bell. Paul Bixby to Robert Carroll his intense desire for a class prom. 011 yeah ! To Rosealice Hargreaves, Marie Dolan leaves her peacliie dramatic ability. Barbara Eldridge to Alary Dandeneau her front seat in room eight. William Horace Roberts Jr, bequeaths his splendid work in oral thenies to Robert Young who probably doesn't know what they are yet. Frank Spofford to Russ Donnelly his mania for one-arm driving. Evelyn Sauvegeot hills herself every bit to Frank Broadhead. Ernest "Terror" Roberts against his better judgment leaves his four year devotion to Prospect Hill to Thomas Sullivan. Gilbert Rea hills his gift of gal) and his romantic expressions to Edwin Cunningham and Clayton DeNault. Jimmie Williams bequeaths his knowledge of chickens (the kind that lay eggs) to John Delindek, and his Ford roadster to Robert Bell. John Patterson his affectionate manner and his Ipana smile of beauty to Edward Garvey and James Hayes. To Alike Korosky, Norman Stead leaves instructions for getting fire in a rumble seat comfortably. Everett �-Voodhouse sadly but willingly wills his hard won trophies from Tewksbury High to Clayton Kennedy. Walter Fredrick to John James his pair of loaded dice. Ruth Keating to Balbina Plandry-:—permission to take Bunny out every now and then. r Dot McGregor wills her pep and good nature to Velina Lynch, to whom a good share would do no harm. Phyllis Gallant and Alice Hajdys leave to Stello Kozlowski their many bumpy rides to school. Alary Curtin to Elizabeth Rennie the care of the radiator in room eight. Doris Dimery to Elizabeth Walker, her charming personality. Olga Ceplikas leaves her many school activities to Mary Gray. Helen Daw bequeaths to Marcella Costello her method of how to pass with- out much study. Annie McNeil leaves her many nights at the bottom of the Shop Ili]! to Florence Vernile• Dorothy AfcCubbin to Dorothy Richardson, her devoted attention to all young Romeos. Mildred Dill leaves her wild motorcycle rides to Frances Debro-%vski, (hop- ing Frances will like it as well as she does.) Claire Routhier leaves her special --ifts of candy for a certain senior, to Hazel Winning. Rose McEvoy—her dignity and modesty to Lillian lZobertson \ylio could use a generous portion of it to good effect. 28 1937 YEAR BOOK Evelyn Clark leaves her great capacity for self-effacement, whenever three will be a crowd, to Elfreda �Vithee. Doris Kent to Anna Lorenzo, her self-confidence. Phyllis Pearl leaves to Priscilla Lewis her crowing alarm-Clock. Beau Brummel Brown bequeaths his Ford V-8 to 1I att Hennessey. Now Matt can go to Middlesex Street more often and in much greater comfort. Barbara Knowles to Edna Alillward her favorite seat in the library. In order that Johnson may have a fine basketball team Peg AlcRobbie twills her knack of getting baskets to Annette Silverstein. Horace Jones Hayinan to NVesley Joseph Randall, Jr. his latest dance step, the "Hayman Hop." Stewart Coughlin leaves his longwindedness and his endless supply of hot air to Ralph Crompton who is no slouch himself• Jackson Hayman twills his gold locks to Paul Hurd. Alice Emmason and Dot Lord to Barbara Hainsworth their love for Coughlin. Mary N,�Tilcox leaves to Bud Howard her well noted trumpet ability. Bud will have less practicing now and more time to see Ruth. Olive Grove bequeaths her well practiced slogan that the longest way round is the nicest way home to Louise Kennedy who no doubt knows it by new. Chester Lundquist happily wills the wrath of Miss Cook to the unfortunate Junior Robert Binns. Harold Raymond NVest his cave man tactics and his rough and ready man- ner to Lawrence Shyne and Edwarl Fitzgerald. John Klufts the J. H. S. bathing beauty leaves his super, dynamic fiigure to John Fletcher. Dot Rokes to Myra Stillwell her high marls in history. Ruth Drummond to Martha Curran her knowledge of the Stevens Library. Robert Galaher to Frank Coughlin his ear to ear grin• Frances Kmiec leaves her peaches and cream complexion to Catherine Lefebvre. Joe Maker to William Sherlock the price of a haircut ; Joe hopes AVilliam will get the right size. Walter "Tish" Roberts wills his privilege of arriving one minute late emery morning and his size 18 shoe to Allan Towne and Peter Evangolos. Thomas McKiernan gallantly wills his 101 prepared speeches on govern- ment ownership to Bernard Champion. If this doesn't get Bernard into the debating club nothing ever will. Last and least, I mean last but not least, Rachel Kruschwitz leaves her pre- ference for banjo players who have cars (with radios) to Georgiana Curley. In witness whereof, �Ve, the Class of Nineteen 1-fundred and Thirty-Seven, hereunto set our hand and the seal of Johnson, this twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven• Signed in behalf of the class of 1937. Robert L. Sanborn NNTitnesses : Eileen McAloon John Donovan Alvah Hayes 29 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS PROPHECY xSN'TlTA,\IAZINGhoxvl)eol)le ,,etarotlii(l" This is the principal con- REclusion I drew from my recent trip around the world. I planned my- trip to take in most of the places other people don't, but would you be- lieve it, in just that voyage, I came in contact with just about every member of Illy graduating class of 1937 from Johnson. In the very beginning, my, yacht the "S. S. Woodhouse" \vas built by the firm of NVoodhouse and Klufts, Inc. — and how familiar that combination sounded to me ! And my crew — (So help me, I didn't hire them rnys'lf either !) — included several of the gang I used to go to school with. Of course I'm always captain when I sail, but I take my crew complete frond the agency. My navigator was Bob Galaher, and down below decks, where the lvheels go around, were Stewart Coughlin and Warren Drew. Dorothy A'lc- Cubbilr, Eyelyli Clark, and Evelyn Satrvegeot were stewardesses. ""Cootie" took care of the boys (and how !). 11'ell, to get on with my travels. Out in Shanghai one clay, I decided to visit the athletic field. NVIlat I heard drifting over the fence reminded me strongly of someone who coached athletics back in NorthAndover. Yes, it niust be Mr. Cavalieri—but I was fooled. There in a pair of football pants stood Tish Roberts. He had taken up where Air. Cavalieri had left off, even to tliroNving away cigarettes by the dozen. Talking with Tishie, I heard news of several of our classmates who are sit- uated in several nearby places. 1Valter Frederick, Tishie told me, is in the taxi cab business. They call it a jinrickshaw out there. It seems Joe Maker is the chemistry professor in the Shanghai University. I renlenibered how well Joe used to do my experiments in addition to his own at Johnson. Paul Bixby is the coach of the debating team at this same school, and this struck me as definitely fitting. Across the street was a drug store, and being a bit thirsty, I went in. I nearly fell over, when I spied Chester Lundquist strutting around with the unmistakable air of owner. Chester -\-,Tas overjoyed to see rne, and offered me the run of the place. We had a fine chat, which brought to light a few more of the class of '37. -.\Iarie Dolan, I learned, Nvas an actress, playing at the theatre down the street in a play called "The Girl from Childs." As I re- membered her acting in a similar play, I thought it natural that she should be the leading lady. As I turned to the book case behind rile, lily eye caught sight of a familiar name—"How to Coast through Four Years of High School" by Robert Sanborn. It was to be expected that the book be dedicated to AN1 iss AlcaAloorl, because he was once her favorite pupil. Near this boot: was anoth- er, written by 011y Grove, "Men Who Have AXIet A'le." I brought a copy home with me--it ought to be good. Soon, as my stay at this port was, nearly up, I had to bid farewell to Chester, and get back to rnly ship. i\Iv nett step of importance was Sydney, Australia. The first person to meet illy gaze as I stepped onto land was Mary "Thompson, one native and selling souvenirs. We spent a while reminiscing, and Mary told me I was sure to sleet some of my old friends if I stuck around this part of the world for long. Starting off down the main drag, I vv,as greeted by a liaise hard to describe. Overhead was an open Avindox\, and a sign which read, "The \'ilc()x Sch()ol of Titillating 7'runipeting—"Tutelage by AlarN, Wilcox.- Passing rather hur- 30 1937 YEAR BOOK riedly out of range of the din, I came upon a dress shop. The names on the door were familiar—"Gallant and Hajdys, Dressmakers Supreme." Will wonders never cease! If I'd had any use for a dress, I'd have visited them. Around the corner was the public library. As I entered, I saw Ruth Drum- mond and Edna Cassidy stamping books. They were the librarians. Then, I don't know why the discovery surprised me—I should have known the janitor would be Carl Lager. He was always near one of those librarians back iii '37; I suppose it's hard to break a habit. Passing into the study room, I found the editor of the Sydney Gazette, Tom McKiernan. He told me he ran some fine features in his paper. One of his best was "Public Speaking," by Wm. Rob- erts. Considering it, I felt that Bud would know about that subject. Tom also ran another column leaded "Love," written by Bud's brother Ernie. I knew Ernie would do that type of thing up brown. Dot Lord also ran an ar- ticle. She takes the place of Emily Post in that section of the universe. Dot's best work treats the subject of Australian Etiquette. Leaving Sydney the next morning, we started for Honolulu. We had cov- ered about half the distance when my wireless operator picked up a frantic SOS from a nearby ship. In a short time we came upon the burning vessel. We transferred the passengers and crew to my yacht, and left the scene in the nick of time, just before the ship in distress exploded. When most of the rescued people had recuperated, I went below to have a talk with them. Im- agine my surprise when I found the wireless operator to be Harold West ! Among the rescued passengers, who owed their lives to the gallant Harold, was Gordon Thurlow. He was on his way to China to sell rice to the Chin- ese. Olga Ceplikas was the nurse in charge of the injured. The ship was owned, she told me, by Mary Curtin and Helen Daw, successful business women. Proceeding full speed to Honolulu, I felt quite confident that I must meet some of my classmates in the land of beautiful women. I left the ship upon docking, and took a stroll around the quaint place. I' was curious as to the name of the street I was on, in case I got lost coming back. Inquiring of a native, I found out it was called the-"Jackson Street Ex- tension." The sound of this was too familiar to be accidental, so it aroused a desire to explore this street. Two blocks up I stood facing a cafe. The sign read "Monte Carlo Cafe," and underneath in small letters were the names of the proprietors, Brown, Murphy and Szymosek. Figuring these were my old pals, I went in. Lo and behold !—the bar "super" was Tony Detora. He told me to stick around and see the floor show, because the bosses were out back wrestling with the old argument, which car was the better, the Ford or Ply- mouth. (You should have heard Tony's accent—just like a native !) When the show started, I was startled by some more familiar faces. Marion Bam- ford was the leading torch singer, and Frances Kmiec, Barbara Knowles, Mildred Dill and Barbara Chase were among those in the sophisticated chor- us. When the girl came around to take my order, she turned out to be Julia Narushof, capitalizing her experience at Johnson. Julia told me Jake Dehullu was on the island and was a fast-master (yes, fast) in the art of Hawaiian dances ; he was now teaching the natives to truck. Leaving the cafe, I went to the business offices of the city. In the main corridor, I noticed painted on a window "Association of Amalgamated Beach-combers. James Hargreaves, Pres., Norman Stead, Vice-pres., Frank Spofford, Sec. , and James Williams , Trews." I opened the door, and was greeted by a smile and the cheery voice of the stenographer, Rose McEvoy, of all people. Rose told me to be seated for a few moments. I picked up a magazine, and was astonished to see the picture of Bill Holt in the act of snapping link chains. In bold print ran the 31 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL sentence "Your money cheerfully refunded if I fail to add two inches to your biceps ! !" Amazing, if true ! At this point I was ushered into the private offices of the association, and in the course of the conversation, I learned that the officers were taking Ylie ria- tives over the hurdles to the tune of $50,000 a year. It was a fair business, they admitted. They tool: me to dinner, but I,left right after, as the ship was leaving for San Francisco. In that beautiful city, I decided to spend the night in a hotel for a change. The best one in town was the Kent, owned by my old pal Doris Kent. Be- hind the switchboard, I soon found out, was Ann Dineen. Between the two of them, I had a very pleasant stay ; saved a hotel bill, too. AVe went to Panama the next clay, and found everything terribly peaceful, so in the evening I decided to take in a movie. The ,theatre was featuring, Carol Barker in a new "N-'ilder, Woolier, NVestern Drania," with the exciting title "Buck Barker Rides Again." There was a big line waiting to buy tickets, and when it finally came my turn, I got my ticket free, as Doris Dimery was selling them. I got back in my cabin just in time to tune in on the Winchell program. But what a jolt I received when the announcer said, "I give you your New York correspondent and one-man newspaper, Horace Hayman !" Horace had all of Winchell's talents. His voice gave me, "Stand by, lWr. and 1-Irs. North Amer- ica, and all the ships at sea, let's go to press !---Flash , Boston ! Emily Sander- son, society deb, will ankle down the middle aisle tomorrow. The victim will be a former high school sweetheart. He graduated one year after Emily-- Flash, Reno ! The former Rachel Kruschwitz will sue for her fourth divorce. She plans to marry a poor man for a change. His name is Vanderbilt.---Flash., Chicago!"---That was enough of Horace for one evening ! Next we dropped anchor at Florida. Going ashore, I wended illy. way to the beauty contest at Miami. On the way, a car traveling at a pretty fast clip passed me, but as it got by, it stopped. It was Eileen Dollerty , -who filial- ly got her driver's license. But to be on the safe side, I thought I'd ask her a3 question or two. I tried her with "�Vhat is the difference between a traffic cop and a girl?" Eileen answered, "AX'hen a trafic cop says no, lie means it." She still knows all the answers, as of old. Eileen told me that Rosemary Cashman was the society whip of Miami. Well, Well ! At the beauty contest at last, I found things ill reverse. It was for the best- looking life-guard. John Chadwick was on the stand wlieii I arrived and Dot McGregor was the head looker-over, so I felt confident that rely friend Chad would be proclaimed "Mr. Venus." Passing through the town later, I noticed Isabelle Phelan walking down the street and being teased by the youngsters. Izzy was the new tennis champion and beaming with joy ; she shyly told nie that Helen NVills iNloodv- was a piker. In the town I discovered a school for gigolos, run by Gilbert Rea. Ail-, what a rise for Gilbert—from farmer to chief gigolo. When lie was in high School, the only thing he could dance with was a plow. The next clay, hurricane warnings were out, do I checked my yacht in __Mi- ami and left for W'ashington, D.C., where I had soiree business with nly- friend the Senator from Iowa, Alice Enlmason. She was all excited because the Washington Kindergarten had just been named the most up-to-date i:inder- garten in the country. It was run by Dot Rokes and Muth Keating. 32 1937 YEAR BOOK At the National Office of Education, I paused for a moment in the doorway to light a cigarette. There on the door was a sign, "Mason Downing, Direct- or." Well, I had to go in to see Mason, but his secretary, Annie McNeil, told me has was busy disproving Einstein. Working with Mason was Phyllis Pearl. She was conducting a national essay contest and having all her rela- tives Twin. Phyllis told me that Claire Routhier was now private secretary to Henry Ford's successor. Down to the main station I went then, to read the free newspapers. Heav- enly days, there was a Lawrence Tribune ! The main item dealt with Kathryn Sheridan. Kay had bought the old Johnson High School building, and trans- formed it into a new hospital. (So they finally got a new school in old North Andover, eh?) Barbara Eldredge, it seemed, was Kay's chief assistant. Turn- ing to the North Andover News, I saw that Pearl Donnelly had recently been married. She's sadder but wiser. I left Washington for New York that afternoon, and arrived just at dusk. Passing Madison Square Garden, I saw that Peggy McRobbie's professional basketball team was to play the following night, Pearl tiATaterhouse refereeing. They were touring the country. There was another item of interest posted in big letters on the bulletin boards. Jackson Hayman had been elected presi- dent of the National Broadcasting Company at a directors' meeting held the day before. That boy has gone far with his executive air ! By this time, I was ready for sleep, so I sold my parked yacht to Joe Kat- tar, a pickle baron who hangs out in Times Square, and checked in at my hotel, leaving orders that .I was not to be disturbed for a week. Odd, I thought, as I slid between the sheets, how one runs across long-forgotten friends in the most unexpected places. Ho hum ! It's a small old world after all ! JOHN A. PATTERSON Do You Remember When Gordon Thurlow gave up his secretarial job to become Paul Bixby's private tailor? ZtThen the militantly pacificist Anti-Way League kept America out of war for two years? That little super-pest in English 4-2's row of pests? When a Senior Economics student brought a bouquet of violets to her Economics teacher as a "peace offering?" AZThen Isabel Phelan had a black eye? When Joe Kattar broke the bat? When NATalter Roberts came to school on time? �.AThen a Junior History class drew tip a petition and presented it to their teacher? On the last day of school before the Christmas vacation (1935) the "long-desired" for was given to a certain girl in our class? The stork (in the form of five junior girls) brought her a set of dar-r-ling quintuplets. You remember, don't you, Carl? 83 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS BALLOT Best Boy Student Mason Downing Best Girl Student Caroline Barker Most Popular Boy Ernest Roberts Most Popular Girl Isabelle Phelan Prettiest Girl Rosemary Cashman Class Grind Paul Bixby Class Bluffer Robert Sanborn Teachers' Delight Gordon Thurlow Class Vamp Anne Dineen Class Flapper Anne Dineen Class Humorist George Dehullu Cutest Girl Rachel Kruschwitz Quietest Boy Jackson Hayman Quietest Girl Katherine Sheridan Most Promising Boy Thomas McKiernan Most Promising Girl Caroline Barker Best Looking Boy John Chadwick Most Innocent Boy Jackson Hayman Most Innocent Girl Evelyn Clark Sleepiest Boy X�'illiam Roberts and Chester Lundquist Sleepiest Girl Mary \'Wilcox Best Natured Boy John Patterson Best Natured Girl Isabelle Phelan Class Actor Mason Downing Class Actress Marie Dolan Most Talkative Boy Anthony Detora Most Talkative Girl Dorothy Rokes Class Baby Anne Dineen Class Dancer , Anne Dineen Class Eater Harold Nest Class Lover Evelyn Sauvegeot Shyest Boy Jackson Hayman Shyest Girl Alice Hajdys Class Sheik Gordon Thurlow Class Poet Robert Sanborn Class Heartbreaker Ernest Roberts and Harold \V'est Class Athlete, Girl Isabelle Phelan Class Athlete, Boy \'\'alter Roberts Laziest Boy Chester Lundquist Most Beautiful Smile Caroline Harker Nerviest Boy Stuart Coughlin 34 y�♦l�li'C '1' �. .h• r .R ,� ,ter .iw �• - ?` r .. �'� ", •� Tay,L ;� .•'^ � � :,r �{' � �'�'�' �f r./ti_4 �\� `. .*t:r^r']i•f� �,i,,�, .11 t.�'u� °'tic�T � r '`g �`a � �1, .+e � �. 'r'?y1�",T. Y f "�'"•��, •tom--r 1 I- ,fix'{ � — tf l'•ii_.. y�i4 ! yt— i�'-X _ �', `-i'_u:t 1 Al CLASS SONG AT JOHNSON The .joyful days we've spent in school When we leave school the paths ahead On wings of time have flown, Seem all too small at first. We hope we've lived the golden rule; But as our teachers long have said, Oh, may our ardour never cool. Select a ,job, then go ahead. Our dear old halls we'll see no more, With faltering steps we tread our way No more we'll climb the stair, To future worthwhile tasks. We sadly linger at the door We all look forward and we say With thoughts that school is o'er. Success will come our way. Johnson, Johnson, Give her .your heartiest cheer; Oh Johnson, we salute you Our course in life ,you'll steer, Johnson, Johnson, Your leadership none can deny; To honour ,your name we now proclaim A toast to Johnson High. PHYLLIS DAY PEARL 35 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL a k +M. S U r M F. e? �ir M J 36 tir � & �( n� errltt � � inYn — AIM As Ile LJj R „L } + ,i i . �Rt 77 y� i flog �' � � f ';ram' • 4 ym r . lk 6 4 a fi a f# ti iu_-+ * \ , 1937 YEAR BOOK M BASEBALL SQUAD 4 f v i y FOOTBALL SQUAD 41 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' BASKETBALL SQUAD 5$7 1 -..r i. ■ BOYS' BASKETBALL SQUAD 42 7937 YEAR KOOK Nw v �I r i. x Ar r GLEE CLUB a a r. �r THE ORCHESTRA 43 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL 'r i } I 5 ' STUDENT COUNCIL I, t t y �L BOOK CLUB 44 1937 YEJ BOOK N' CHEMISTRY CLUB t CHEFS' CLUB 45 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL r ETIQUETTE CLUB n a, SUB-DEB CLUB 46 1937 YEAR BOOK �F low i, 1 r � DRAMATIC CLUB W r _ I A. A. PLAY 47 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL l DEBATING CLUB ''R fiiC 4 Y Y JOURNAL STAFF 48 J�duer# isemrn � s— PORTRAITS OILS PASTELS 32aIa ,xaftei"11 CLASSES OF 1936 - 1937 JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL U • 154 Boylston Street BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS A FULL LINE OF WOOLEN AND WORSTED MACHINERY MR A New Shredding Picker High Speed Dresser Reel Preparatory, Carding, Spinning, Spooling. Dressing and Napping Machinery and Supplies; Card Clothing, Napper Clothing, Garnett Wire, and Leather Supplies. DAVIS & FFURBER MACHINE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1832 NORTH ANDOVER - MASSACHUSETTS FRANK OATES & SON Compliments of ff Corigt5 Cut Flowers - - Plants - - Floral Designs DIAL 30491 Meagan's Rexall Drug Store 40 Linden Avenue Off Massachusetts Ave., No. Andover Compliments of Compliments of FIl�II�IERAI�I'S DRUG STORE Dr. M. P. CURREI�I 130 Main Street DENTIST North Andover. Moss. Compliments of Dr. SAVILLE Compliments of DENTIST GLENNIE'S Compliments of MILK Dr. F. P. MCLAY DENTIST DIEGES & CLU ST M. T. STEVENS & SONS CO. "If we make it, its right" CLASS RINGS and PINS Manic facturer of PRIZE CUPS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MEN'S WEAR and WOMEN'S WEAR TROPHIES PLAQUES 72 Tremont Street North Andover, Mass. Boston, Mass. Compliments of Compliments of JOSEPH A. DUNCAN North Andover Coal Co. ARSENAULT'S GARAGE Longbottom s Market WILLIAM ARSENAULT, PROP. Groceries—pleats—Provisions Gas and Oils - - General Auto Service Tels. 6180 - 6188 .6189 CHICKERING ROAD 13S Main Street No. Andover, Mass. North Andover, Mass. Tel. 26351 I D. & D. MARKET f SYLVESTER DOUCETTE, Prop. Central Service � - - - Fish, Meats, Groceries - - - Station TEL 22026 85 Main Street No. Andover Mass. WILLARD Batteries I I a Compliments of Socony Gasoline and Motor Oils DEHULLU'S MARKET ED. Mc1NNES, Prop. RAILROAD SQUARE Tel. 21717 Merrimack Printing Company COMMERCIAL PRINTING 4 South Broadway Tel. 29473 Lawrence, Mass. Patronize Our Advertisers @ & ' ' � a � � . , ■ . � _� ■ - , � ■ ' � .� � '. �� � . � ■ ■ � � I - � \ � � " @ , � ' �� ■ �� � � � * � ` , �% � ■ , . 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