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.Johnson High School
To Mr. John DonON'MI, the class of "38" dedicates
its Year Book.
"I'hrotigh his ready cooperation, his --ood will,
Mid genial spirit, he has won the hearts of the -whole
student body and filled our class periods to the brim
with knowledge aiid enjoyment.
Editor-in-Chief Milton D. Howard
Assistant, Editor Annette Silverstein
Sports Editors Herbert E. Barwell
Ralph Crompton, Jr.
Humor Editor Freeman C. Hatch
Rose Aaronian Barbara E. Hainsworth
Herbert E. Barwell Freeman C. Hatch
Bernard S. Champion Milton D. Howard
Caroline E. Chase Eleanor G. Parker
Ralph Crompton, Jr. Dorothy D. Richardson
Edwin T. Cunningham Rite, B Roche
Georgianna Curley Myra P. Stillwell
Mary C. Dandeneau Dorothy Sutton
Frances V. Debrowski Florence L. Vernile
Russell F. Donnelly Elizabeth H. Walker
Peter Evangelos John H. Welch
Veronica B. Fitzgerald
Business Manager Peter Evangelos
Advertising Manager Edwin T. Cunningham
Ass't Advertising Manager Allen N. Towne
� i4 a
ACH year as I sit down to write a message to the seniors, I find my
task becomes increasingly more difficult because of the uncertainties
prevailing in our economic system. This year, you represent a small
percent of roughly 1,250,000 boys and girls who will receive their high school
diplomas in our forty eight states. The majority of these individuals will be-
gin their search for work,—for jobs, which, at present, do not exist. It may
be a year, it may be two, before you find your first real job. Please do not
infer from this statement that I am trying to be too pessimistic. This message
contains advice, but before advice can be given, the facts must be observed.
In view of the present conditions, my first word of advice is for all of you
to continue your education NM-N' if it is at all possible. There is an old adage
in the stock market to the effect that the wise mail buys when all the others
wish to sell. Like the wise man, you should continue your education while so
inany others are looking for work. Conditions will eventually improve and
when they do, you will be in a preferred position for those openings for which
your training has prepared you.
l\Iy second bit of advice concerns those virtues which are required for any
permanent success,—virtues which, unfortunately, all too many have come to
look upon as old fashioned. They are (1) accuracy, (2) promptness, (3) in-
tegrity, (4) acceptance of responsibility ; and they will go out of date along
with our multiplication table and our alphabet. W'ithout strict adherence to
them, it will be impossible for you to climb to any position of lasting success.
In closing, may I remind you that the elevator to success has been out of
order for many Years, and the only means of ascent now, and in the future,
will be by the Nvay of the long and winding stairs.
Mr. John Donovan, A. B., M. A., Boston College English, German
Miss Veva Chapman, A. B., Bates English, Civics
Miss Mary Buckley, B. S., Regis Domestic Arts
Miss Dorothy Colburn, B. S., Simmons Stenography; Typewriting, Girls' Coach
Miss Mildred Green, A. B.. Mount Holyoke Latin, Mathematics
Miss Edith Jensen, A. B., Jackson Biology, History
Mr. James Cavalieri, Ph. B., Holy Cross; M. Ed. Boston College Math, Science,
Boys' Coach
Miss Glenna Kelly, A. B., Jackson History, Social Science
Miss Clara Chapman, A. B., Bates Chemistry, Physics, Science
Miss Edith Pierce, A. B., Wellesley English, French
Mr. Alvah Hayes, B. S., M.I.T. Mathematics (Principal)
Miss Irene Cook, A. B., Mount Holyoke American History, French, Social Science
- Miss Alice Neal, B. S. S., M. Ed., Boston University Bookkeeping, Typewriting
Miss Eileen McAloon, A. B., Trinity English, History, Business Training
- � PYItIIX ,�
Class Treasurer 1, 2
Sub-Deb Club 3 Class Secretary-Treasurer 3, 4
Dramatic Club 2, 4 Glee Club 3
Dramatic Club Treasurer 4 Dramatic Club 4
"Year Book" Staff 4 Athletic Council 4
Although she might appear to Student Council 2, 3, 4AA Treasurer 4
be quiet and very studious, Ro:. Cheerleader 4e
has a keen sense of humor which ,
is greatly appreciated and ad-
This quiet, sweet and popular
mired by her many friends and, ,, girl is a loyal friend. She will
acquaintenances. Good luck, _ - make many more friends with
- her lovely smile and winning
,,. � �. ",...
1 ,.v
Sub-Deb Club 3, 4 zVo* Stanley is the handsome blond
Operetta 1 who honored Room 8 with his
This girl with the angelic presence, and voice, this ,year.
smile but with alight of mis-
By the way, did .you know that
chief in her eyes, is always il- Stanley intends to write his own
version of "Modern History"to cheer her friends when
they have the blue .
upon leavin
s, g school?
Class Secretary 1
Glee Club 1, 2
"Dat" Etiquette Club 3
Dramatic Club 1, 2 Chemistry Club 4
Dot is one whom we shall F What will J.H.S. do without
never forget. Full of pep and this chartr,:ng girl'? Frances i�,
the possessor of a very plea.sir_g
everybody's friend. disposition and for this reason
HERBERT E. BARWELL i is well-liked among her class-
Bud is one of the most popu-
lar boys in the school.
Class Vice-pres. 1, 2, 3, 4
Football 1, 2, 3, 4 �
Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 3, 4 ROBER'r J. CARROLL
Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 "Bob"
(Vice-pres. 4) � Chefs' Club 3
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4 Debating Club 4
Clee Club 1, 2 Debating Club 4 .
Chefs' Club President 3 Bob will make a great com-
"Journal" Staff 4 edian some day, from the looks
"Year Book" Staff 4 of his easy-going stage ability
AA Play 4 Operetta 1 duiin.g his -years at Johnson!
Athletic Council 1
Johnson Hi-Y Club 4 (V.-pres.)
President Athletic Assoc. 1 -
Class Marshal 3 CAROLINE E. CHASE
"Binnsy" Dramatic Club 2
He is what could be called a "Journal" Staff 4"Year Book" Staff 4
northern southerner for all his
drawling ways. He is a good Carol may not have had much
worker, however, and has pro- time for school activities, but
vided much -amusement with his she always finds lots, of time to
good humor. Whatever he may write poetry for which she has
want to do, even if it's to play obvious ability.
golf, we hope his spirit will
show its worth. '
Football 1, 4
"Eddie" AA Play 4
Orchestra 2, 3, 4
Those who do not know Eddie ¢" Dramatic Club 3 (President)
very well think he is a quiet "Year Book" Staff 4
fellow. But those who are well Hi-Y Club 4
acquainted with him know him "Journal" Staff 4
as a .lolly and good-natured For a good time packed with
companion. thrills—see Eddie. Ed plays the
FREDRICK CORAM _ . drums in a unique fashion.
Athletic Assoc. (Vice-pres.) 4 "George"
Athletic Council 1, 2 Varsity Basketball 3, 4
Baseball 3, 4 Dramatic Club 2
Student Council 4 Chemistry Club 3
Basketball 2, 3, 4 ONAA Play 3
Chefs' Club 3 "Journal" Staff 4
"Year Book" Staff 4
I,1 school Fred is a quiet stud- 4 Cheer Leader 4
ent; outside he is. a regular fel- Basketball Club President 4
low. In the field of sports, Fred George is a good all-around
proved himself a capable leader, girl. She manages to make and
fighting to win with a spirit keep plenty .of friends, particu-
that was an incentive for the larly in numerous outside activ-
ities, and get good marks in
One of the quiet fellows of "Connie"
the school, Frank is a very Dramatic Club Secretary 4
studious member. He goes at his , Glee Club 1, 2, 3 (Vice-pres. 3)
work whole-heartedly and gets "Journal" Staff 4
things done and done well. If `
"Year Book" Staff 4
he works" as hard in later ,years, Basketball 4
he is sure to be a success. AA Play
Connie is the "hail, fellow,
RALPH CROMPTON JR. well met" type and so makes
' friends easily and quickly. She
"Italphy" y is both an active and a studious
Clasp Prophecy 4 � �'���, �� member of the class.
Football 2, 3, 4 k
A A Play 4 i mmv� � FRANCES V. DEBROWSKI
Chefs' Club 3 i "Debby"
" nurnal" Staff 4 Ettiquette Club Vice-pres. 3
Hi-Hi- r Book" Staff 4 Chemistry Club Secretary 4
Y Club 2 "J,)urnal" Staff 4
The ways that Ralph has of "Year Book" Staff 4
getting out of difficult situa- Class Essayist 4
tions is incredible. He is a nat- D.A.R. Representative 4
ural-born leader, and we -ire ,. Frances has been with us for
sure that he will cut down life's _ three years and is one of our
problems in the same way that honor students. She is a great
he did his, opponents on the favorite, who works hard for
football field. her class.
'Marcy" ► .
�a Chefs' Club 3
Glee Club 2, 3 i �. Glee Club 1
Sub-Deb Club 4 ,,.,,,� While Clayton has been ab.
Marcy isn't very big, but she I sent during the last semester,
has a great amount of pep and we have missed his ready grin
vigor. She always has a grin and ability on the dance floor.
for everybody, even for the
faculty, sometimes. ----------�
"Rush" John has been a student at
Football 3, 4 Johnson for only two .years but
Chefs' Club Vice-pres. 3, 4
he has, made a hit with his
classmates. His "Oxford ac-
Johnny is well liked and is a cent," and his dimples help tniz
real friend to have. John is a "he-man" out and make him the
quiet boy in school but on the envy of the fair sex.
gridiron, he is a demon. We are
sure that his determined spirit
will carry him a long way.
"Russ" Basketball 2, 3, 4
Football 4 Athletic Council 3
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4
Chefs' Club 3, 4 Etiquette Club 2
Hi-Y Club 3 Chemistry Club Secretary 3
Baseball 1, 3, 4 (Copt. 4)
Basketball Club 4
Dramatic Club 2 "Journal" Staff 4
"Year Book" Staff 4 iri "Year Book" Staff 4
Where there is a good time
Russ is a quiet, good-natured student, who is very popular. =>. going on, .you'll always find
s the baseball diamond, he Wonny in the middle of it all;
On and when it comes to playing
knows, all the answers. We may basketball, she's right there.
hear from him in this field of
sport in a few years. 1.
CLARKSON EARL, 3rd Dramatic Club 2, 4 (Pres. 4)
"Clarky" Chemistry Club 3
AA Play 2, 4
Clarky is the silent man of
our class, but his lack of words Mary is a very lovely girl
d-oesn't stop him from having with a flair for dramatics. Keep
girl friends. it up, Mary, and maybe you'll
hit Hollywood.
Football 4 "Pussy"
Baseball 3, 4 -
Basketball 3, 4 Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4
AA Play 1 "Journal" Staff 3, 4
"Journal" Staff 4 Glee Club
"Year Book" Staff 4 Etiquette Club 2
Chefs' Club 4 "Year Book" Staff 4
What Pete lacks in brawn and The popular heartbreaker al-
beef, he makes up in brains and ways has a smile for her host
courage. Life is going to find .E. of friends. She will attain high
Evip, with his determined air, a ranks in this world through her
very hard man to stop. effort and intelligence.
Orchestra 1, 2 "Hargie"
Chefs' Club 3
Dramatic Club 4 Dramatic Club Vice-pres. 4
AA Play 4 Johnson High won't be the
Because of his dancing and same without Hargie. Full of
acting abilities, Johnny has been fun and perhaps more than her
very popular with his fellow { share of mischievousness, she
students. He is carefree and brightened many a dull and
happy-go-lucky, but has a do- dreary day.
terinined spirit.
Orchestra 1, 2
Student Council 1, 3 F JOHN A. JAMES
Hi-Y Club 4
Debating Club 4 "Jack"
Chemistry Club 3 Jack is small, but big-heart-
"Journal ' Staff 4 ed. His eagerness for thor-
"Year Book" Staff 4 oguh knowledge will surely get
Class Will him success in hisi chosen field.
Along with the hydrogen ep-
isode and being the owner of
the famous "Gray Ghost,"
Hatchy will long be remembered
for his general good nature. CLAYTON W. KENNEDY
�"Jimmy :. Chefs' Club 3
Football 3, 4 Clayt is one of the few really
Basketball 4 happy-go-lucky boys around the
Chefs' Club 3, 4 (Treasurer) school. That doesrn% mean that
Jimmy is a wizard at math 1 he is lazy, for he is a good
but when he comes to English, worker, but he accepts knocks
he is utterly at a loss. He has and bumps, with a cheerful
been very active in Eports, and smile. He would like to go to
everything he undertakes he Annapolis. With his spirit, he
does with a will. Jim is ready, ought to be able to go any-
willing and able to meet life's where. Good sailing, Clayt.
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4
Debating Club Vice-pres. 4 "Dolly"
Student Council 3, 4 "Journal" Staff 3
AA Play 3, 4
Hi-Y Club President 4 Devilish, yet full of fun, Dolly
Chemistry Club 3 will alwaysi be remembered for
Class Orator her cute smile and vamping
Ass t Editor of "Journal" 4 ways.
Editor-in-Chief of "Year Book"
As a scholar, Bud is a good
and consistent worker; as a de-
bater, he is a clear thinker, and a fine speaker. STELLA M. h07LOWSKI
PHILIP OWARD Etiquette Club 3
«J. H Practical Arts Club 4
Football 4 Stella has a reserved manner
Chefs' Club 3 about her but really is a pal to
Iggy is a quiet, studious boy. fit all who know her. She is wellliked by all and has a persever-
He ranks high in his studies, .-
ing character which will enable
and his willingnecis to help his her to succeed in anything she
fellow classmates has made 'him undertakes.
very popular. Iggy9s1 intelligence
will surely find for him a prom-
inent position.
"Foggy" Chu i7 a good fellow in every
Orchestra 1 '" rr sense of the word. With his
"Journal" Staff 2 easygoing manner, he is bound
Chefs' Club 3 to make his way in the world.
' Chu's pleasing personality and
His love for jazz will certain- ready wit have won for him a
ly take him someplace, if his high place in the popularity of
fiery red hair does not. his classmates.
Sub-Deb Club 3, 4 (Pres. 4) ::.% Glee Club 1, 2, 3
The girl who has a nice simile, Dramatic Club 4
dancing feet, and clever hands Balbina is quiet, but her sin-
will get a long way in this good cerity and unselfishness have
old world through these few of
�„N. - � �: won her many friends. We're all
her many fine points. , for you in succeeding in your
care-er as a nurse, Balbina.
Jimmy is indeed a gentleman J. Though Helen is not a regulzl-
in every ,sense of the word; per-
haps aladies' man, but still a � member of our class, she has
° helped make this last year a
man's man. We all hope that he little brighter by her sunny
will live to realize his ambition:
to grow a real mustache.
Athletic Council 1, 2 Chefs' Club 2
Glee Club 1, 2 Chemistry Club 4
Student Council 3, 4 Glee Club 1
Etiquette Club Sec'y-Treas. 3 Ass't Manager 3
Basketball Club 4 Manager 4
Cheer Leader 4 Vice President of AA 3
Athletic Association Sec'y 4 Even though Pete seems the
Pat is one of our smart young sleepy type, he always has a
set, a regular go-getter in this guffaw for a humorous story
school. She would like to go to and by all appearances, he
Posse Physical Ed. School. makes ready friends with the
Johnson girls and also others
from various places.
A girl whose real personality £ Glee Club 1
is hidden under a cloak of re- Dramatic Club 4
serve is Anna, but when she N does come out of her shell, we All their is in 18 can testify
can always see her true friend- as to Edna's wagging tongue
and merry chuckle. Those ways.
liness. will always make her stand ou.
from the crowd.
VELMA J. LYNCH - Dramatic Club 1, 2, 4
Glee Club 1, 2 AA Play 3, 4
Etiquette Club 3 "Year Book" Staff 4
Sub-Deb Club 4 a By the list of extra-curricular
Operetta 1 ' activities one can easily see that
As a faithful and true stud- Eleanor has a liking for dra-
ent, Velma wins the hearts and ' " matics. Her quick wit has been
admiration of not only her a source of amusement and
teachers, but her classmates. .. sometimes disaster to her
_ L friends. We wish her much luck
and success.
DONALD C. PORTER Glee Club 1, 2
"Don" Sub-Deb Club 4
�" "Journal" Staff 4
Always a very studious and
"Year Book" Staff 4
hard-working student, Don will
surely meet success in the fu- Rita's large brown eyes plusher ability as a stenographer
tune. ought to get her an office job
very easily.
"Wes" W
k Remember the day that
Wes, "the boy at the piano," - "they" said you went to Boston,
spends a great deal of his spare and .your face tinged? Joe has
time at his favorite hobby. He not been with us very long, but
will always be remembered for we thoroughly enjoy his ready
the daily recess concerts in the smile and active wit. The "May
or"or" is going in for chemistry.
Good luck, Joe!
"Caps" fr. Larry is one of those fellows
Capt. Girls' Basketball Team 4 who, to the casual observer, ap-
Backetball 1, 2, 3, 4 pear to be quiet, but appear-
Sec'y-Treas. Basketball Club ,1 " N ances are often deceiving; so let
Glee Club 1 us inform the erring stranger
Sec'y-Treas. Sub-Deb Club 2, 3 that Larry is nothing of the
sort. Nevertheless, we must give
She has gained many friends him credit for the decorous way
thrQugh her advice, sympathy, he conducts himself in school.
help, and cheerfulness.
DOROTHY D. RICHARDSON Varsity Basketball 3, 4
French Club 1 Basketball Club 4
Science Club 2 Sub-Deb Club 3
Dramatic Club 4 Glee Club 2
"Year Book" Staff 4 Journal Editor-in-Chief 4
Outwardly Dot appears to be "fear Book" Ass't Editor 4
Valedictorian 4
a quiet, studious girl, but she Benny seems not only to have
has a hidden store of fun which - '
is well known to her many been blessed with extra brains,
friends. " but with an extra fine disposi-
-•gg tion as well. Her intimate
friends can vouch for her ever
present laugh and good humor.
Glee Club 1, 2
Etiquette Club 3 . ¢ �� "Stef"
AA Play 3
Basketball 3 Sub-Deb Club 3
Cheer Leader 3, 4 Chemistry Club 4
Lillian is known by the glint Helen's wonderful smile and
of mischief which dances in her her willingness in class affairs
eyes She is by no means a will certainly lead to a happy
man-hater as you will observe future in the years to come.
upon close examination of her
social life.
"Jimmy" Cheer Leader 3, 4
+ �Jimmy is one of the bid fel- Glee Club 1, 2Sub-Deb Club 3
lows of the class. He is a gen- Basketball Club 4
eral good fellow and he is liked Girls' Mgr. and timekeeper—
a lot because of this. If he can Basketball 4
earn as many friends in life as "Year Book" Staff 4
he has in Johnson, he will be a "Journal" Staff 4
very popular man. Here's one girl who certainly
proves that "good thing's come
in small packages." Your bright
smile and friendly spirit will
get you places, "Miss South
Dramatic Club 2, 4 ELIZABETH H. WALKER'
Chemistry Club 3
"Year Book" Staff 4 + Dramatic Club 4
} # "Year Book" Staff 4
A bashful girl is Myra, wibh
great ambitions to become a li- - # Betty is a literary minded girl
brarian. We all wish her luck. but all her friends think that
§ she should take up designing be-
cause of her unusual talent
THOMAS H. SULLIVAN along that line. She has made
many friends since she came
"Sully" here last .March.
President of Class 1, 2, 3, 4
Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 JOHN H. WELCH
Football 1 2 3, 4
Student Council 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4) r - "Welchy"
Athletic Council 4 "Year Book" Staff 4
Chefs' Club Treasurer 3 Although he isn't very bid, he
Debating Club 4 certainly has a vast amount of
Class Marshal 3 vim and vigor in him. He is al-
Hi-Y Club 4 ;" ways ready to cooperate with
Tom has been our president �k anyone and we shall always re-
for four years. Along with be- member him for his ready senile
ing popular, Tom is a stellar 777 7 77 and Food cheer.
athlete. '
Dot is the quiet, studious type ,
when with her class, but with Bill is one of those big', silent
special friends ,she has a spark- men who can take the stiffest
ling personality and definite jolts with a smile. This and his
ideas which she forcefully ex- grim determination will certam-
presses. Dot has won the Wom- ly get him somewhere in this
an's Club Scholarship and plans tough old world.
to go to Simmons College.
Chemistry Club President 3 Glee Club 1
Debating Club President 4 Dramatic Club 4
"Year Book" Staff 4 Catherine has been a pleasant
Allen is a quiet, .shy sort of girl throughout her school life
boy, especially ,vith the girl;, and we are sure she will keep it-
but in spite of this he is very up in the future.
well liked. He is a faithful stud-
ent and leaves a reputation in
school to be proud of. .
Glee Club 1, 2 ?' "Pete"
Etiquette Club 3 Football 3, 4
Practical Arts Club 4
Glee Club Operetta 1^WX If we had a few more big boys
Freda is a combination of like Pete to play football, John-
lighthearted-ness and ,serious- son'(s gridiron success would be
ness. She is good-natured and more secure. Besides Pete s abil-
ity to break a line, he doers very
sincere to all. Her friendliness ' _ well breaking hearts.
will help her succeed in her
chosen field of journalism.
"Franks" "Crisco" "Bill"
Chefs' Club President 4 Chemistry Club 3, 4 Chemistry Club 3
Football 3, 4 Martha's quick wit and girlish Chefs' Club 4
Franky's one-man band and giggle has enlivened many dull Bill, although a quiet boy and
barnyard imitations have kept moments. We wish her every a great reader, is a favorite
his friends in good spirits, but success in the future. with the boys. Even though
also have peeved many teach- Bill seems to have little to do
ers. His adaptability for making with the opposite sex, I'm sure
up rhymes has made him very MICHAEL J. KOROSKYS they'll always remember that
popular with his many class- °Mike" nice smile of his!
mates. Franky is an all-round
good fellow and we wish him Glee Club 1, 2
luck. Chemistry Club 3
Dramatic Club 4
This Beau Brummel of tine
senior class makes himself pop- Helen is a newcomer to our
ular with everyone. He is by school, but she has lost no time
no means the class angel but he making friends during her.short
BERNARD S. CHAMPION stay. If she progresses as well
has the knack of getting into
Dramatic Club 2 scrapes and out of them again every place she goes,
Chemistry Club 3 with equal ease. He is sure to be she will make a great success in
later life.
Chefs' Club 3 a success.
Ass't Manager 3
"Year Book" Staff 4
Our very capable athletic man- Practical Arts Club 2 ELIZABETH WINDLE
b 3 b Cl D b- e u
alter, Champ, with his quiet Su »
senile and efficient manner has Chemistry Club 4 Betty
made a hit with the members of Typifying the dignified senior, Glee Club 1
his class. Bernard with his curly Stella is nevertheless bubbling Quiet, .yes, but so is a bomb
black hair is one of the heart- over with fun and good nature. before it explodes. Betty doesn't
throbs of the class. Always ready to assist a friend, say much, but we feel sure that
she has been a welcome addition when the time comes, -she will
to the senior class. be among the top ones.
T is my pleasure in behalf of the graduating class of 1938 to extend to
you all our most cordial and sincere welcome. Any success which we
may have in the future is due in a great part to you, our parents.
friends, and teachers, who, during the past four years, have so well trained us,
for our part in the world.
The Development of Electricity
Tonight I am going to trace the development of electricity. In doing so, I
shall attempt to reveal an ideal that to me is brought out vividly in the his-
tory of electricity, an ideal that seems to be fading from the world today.
This is, "the doing of things for others without expecting any material re-
ward." While we do hear examples of this today, they are few and are be-
coming fewer. Possibly the depression is the cause of this, or maybe the na-
ture of the people has changed. But whatever the cause may be, let's hope
that this ideal is practiced more and more.
Few sciences can claim as great an antiquity as that of electricity. It is
believed that Thales of Miletus (640-546 B.C.) knew that amber after being
rubbed acquired the property of attracting light bodies. No definite scientific
information was acquired however, until the close of the sixteentli century,
when William Gilbert, often called "the Father of Modern Electricitv," made
extensive experinints in magnetism and electrostatics. He coined the word
pole and was the first to use the term "electric."
During the eighteenth century, electric phenomena were studied more
extensively. Galvani, an Italian physician who way interested in the
application of electricity to the human body, accidentally discovered the ex-
istence of the electrical current. He performed many experiments \\-I-lich led
Volta, an Italian physicist, to the inver►cioi, of the electric cell. these
early electrical experimenters the United States can boast of two, Benjamin
Franklin and Joseph Henry. Franklin is best known for his experiments with
lightning and the invention of the lightning rod. Joseph Henry is famous
for his discoveries and laborious experiments on the electro-magnet.
All these discoveries lead up to 1831 when in a series of memorable exper-
iments Michael Faraday, an English physicist, discovered the laws of induced
currents, and in doing so laic] the foundations for the unparalleled triuinpli of
modern electricity. On Faraday's discovery lay the basic principles of the
dynamo, electric motor, induction coil, transformer and a host of other start-
ling inventions. While these discoveries were a blessing to the world FaradaN-
suffered a physical breakdown from which he never fully recovered.
After Faraday's clay, the development of electricity ceased for a time in
most fields except the telegraph. During the Civil AVar the use of the tele-
graph increased with leaps and bounds and this instrument became more and
more perfected. Finally in 1876, Bell after many experiments and disappoint-
ment, brought forth the telephone, and another step was taken in he progress
of electricity. About this h
time we start to hear about the mail who as done
more for the development of electricity than any other single being. This is
Thomas Edison. While William Gilbert may he called "the Father of lfod-
ern Electricity," Edison is the man who pampered and utirsed this budding
science until it became the great giant that it is today.
Edison Nvas not a scientist in the true sense of the word. He knew little of
the actual theory of electricity. Ilis acquaintance with the inatliematics of
science was slight. Yet Edison did more for humanity than any other man in
the modern world. �Vhen asked for a definition of genius Edison gave a reply
that would be well for all of us to remember. He declared that "Genius is one
per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration."
Although Edison gave much to the development of electricity and was tru-
ly "the Electrical Wizard" he made one big mistake in this field. He main-
tained that in practical use, direct current was more valuable than alternating
current. It remained for another American, George �Yestinghouse, to prove
that Edison was wrong. N�`estinghouse, after a great straggle against most
of the leading scientists of the day, finally proved that it is better to use al-
ternating current for the manufacture and distribution of electrical power.
Electrical progress in the last decade has been toward bigness and improve-
ment. Hydro-electric plants of tremendous capacity are being, or have been
built. And in this period of expansion that we are passing through now, there
is ample room for those ,vlio will work, not only for themselves, but for the
good of humanity.
EOPLE gain honor in many ways. There are those who, by a stroke of
genius or fortune, mount the ladder of fame or riches in one bound. It
is by no means certain that they will stay at their glittering elevation.
Those who do stay, climb step by step. Many men, lured on by the bait of
sudden riches, gamble and lose all for the lack of patience.
The youth of today must especially learn this lesson. How many have failed
because they weren't willing to toil along slowly but surely, awaiting the de-
sired results' It is right to want results. NN'e must do so if eve want to suc-
ceed, but eve must be patient. In whatever work is chosen, this principle holds
true. Patient, earnest, steady toil wins in the end.
Mirabeau says, "The will is a mighty factor in determining a young men's
future." There are three kinds of people, the "wills," the "won'ts," and the
"can'ts." The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything, and
the third fail in everything.
All men of note have been men of will. Grant, N-Vashington, Napoleon,
Disraeli, Pitt, Thurlow, Need , Cooper , Girard are all names that suggest an
extraordinary command of will power. A resolute determination is one half
the battle of life ; the other half is labor.
Horace Mann is the most interesting character- in American education. The
life work and the eternal influence of this great man gained a power whose
momentum has not yet died. He came into this world divinely commissioned
to a work, and to his marvelous energy and patience in accomplishing it, this
century owes incalculable illumination and aid. Six months after he first saw
a Latin book, he enrolled in Brown College and later graduated with honors.
He spent ten years in the I\Iassachusetts Serrate xhere lie did his greatest
work in establishing public education. The remaining six years of hi's life
were devoted to labor and sacrifice for the cause of higher education in the
X\Test. He expressed terse ry, in his last baccalaureate sermon at Antioch
College, the creed that every man should liav,e : "Be ashamed to die until you
have won some victory for humanity."
The life of Edison is a great example of labor and its reward. Generally
recognized as the greatest of all the world's inventors, Edison was one of the
very few who devoted his entire life to invention as a profession. His inven-
tions are the result of almost ceaseless labor and an active imagination. To a
flatterer who tried to compliment him on his achievements he replied, "Gen-
ius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. When lie
worked lie becalne unectiscious of time and place and needed to be told when
to eat and sleep. Until 1902, he worked an average of nineteen and a half
hours daily. Later lie maintained an eighteen hour clay. The work of no other
man in the field of electrical science has approached the extent and range of
his activities which were solely in the direction of devices which stimulated
industry more than any other influence in like time.
Lincoln, in spite of his poverty and many discouraging factors, placed him-
self at the head of the greatest nation of the world, through his unceasing toil.
He struggled for an education, borrowing books and working long hours to
earn money with which to buy them. -He struggled for a living, working as a
riverman and rail-splitter ; and through all these labors came the pre.sidency.
His labors did not end here. He toiled for the emancipation of the slaves,
struggled against a hostile cabinet for the right to practice his principles of
administration, fought against his own conflicting emotions and those of a
country in a civil Nvar. In the end he gained honor and glory and what great-
er honor could there be than to command the respect and reverence of the
\vholc world and have them say, "He \vas the one who preserved a nation."
In Lincoln's own words, "No men living are more to be trusted than those
who toil against odds—none less inclined to touch aught which they have
not earnestly earned."
No man as yet has found a royal road to victory that is worth having. If
victory is indeed achieved, it is at the expense of persistent toil—of repeated
encounters with opposing forces. Hence I say, let us, the Class of 38, keep
ever present in our minds, the motto Nve have chosen,— "Honor waits at
Labor's gate."
Peace or War?
T was one of A�'ashington's greatest hopes that we should adopt a pol-
icy of isolation and non-participation In foreign affairs. Until the
nineteenth century the United States seemed to have made no striking
alterations in its foreign policy. It still preserved the policy of isola-
iton, clinging in the maili to Washington's; principle that Nve should not "en-
tangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship,
interest or caprice." Even the preliminary steps taken to extend American
influence into the Pacific failed to excite any degree of public enthusiasm. On
the contrary, our interest in Samoa aroused grave concern in the mind of
President Cleveland and others. Moreover, even as late as 1897, it Nvas im-
possible to secure a two-thirds vote of the Senate necessary for the ratification
of the treaty to annex ]-laNvaii. In the scramble for empires characteristic of
the leading European countries, the United States had not yet displayed in-
terest. It had always been hard for us to understand the quarreling nations of
Europe and their complicated political alliances. Our attitude had always
been not to try to understand bnt to remain aloof. "Let them figlit among
themselves if they warlt to," \ve said. "Their quarrels do not concern us."
Besides, we were busy cutting down our forests, farming otir land and organ-
17.11lg a great industrial machine. Until the Spanish-American War we
thought we had succeeded in following George N-'ashington's advice to avoid
any foreign entanglement that might get its into war. From then on the par-
ticipated in world affairs until the NVorld War.
It is an interesting fact, which is often forgotten, that the object of War is
to impose Peace. This is the reason why we entered the World NVar in 1917.
When we learned that our ships were being sunk and that American lives
were being lost, we were determined that we would have to fight to defend
our rights and "to make the world safe for democracy." This was the Great
�Var to end wars ! This was the Great War to preserve peace and "make the
world safe for democracy !" Today there are fewer democracies than there
were before the war. All around the world war drums beat and soldiers
march. Nations latinch new warships, build new airplanes, invent new poison
gases, buy more guns, train more men. Twenty years ago the World War
ended. When it was all over, we made up our minds that we would not let it
happen again. But today, again, we are threatened by another war even more
i destructive and snore deadly than the last.
Militarists are accustomed to say that "so long as. human nature is what it
is" we shall never be able to renounce war, and that "only when we are all
saints" will there be any hope of settling our differences by friendly agree-
ment. We need not be saints. It will be enough ,if we stop being criminal luna-
tics. It is insanity for supposedly Christian nations to concentrate all their
efficiency, ingenuity and strength on the business of tearing at each other's
throats. At the same time they all call for help and power on the same God--
through His only Son, the Prince of Peace.
Since war is a part of human nature we always have had wars and will
continue to have them ; this is the opinion of the militarists. However, at one
time, many diseases were considered a part of human nature. Nothing could
be done about them, but to die horribly in many cases until modern science
found many cures. Maybe there is no cure to prevent war, but I do believe that
if everyone who has any feeling in this matter said what he thought and felt
and kept on saying it—the sheer power of public opinion would go far to
make war impossible.
War of defense can be justified but war as a policy is wrong and unjust-
ified. War of this kind is wrong as cruelty to children is wrong ; as slavery,
the exploitation of the poor and the corruption of the innocent are wrong.
War is silly. Sometimes a comedian in a theatre will do something so di-
vinely idiotic and so completely and gorgeously silly, that one sinks back in-
to one's seat in helpless laughter. A few minutes later he does it again—and
then again. Gradually one ceases to laugh. And so with war. When the band
strikes tip and the uniformed soldiers singing merry tunes come marching
down the street with banners waving in the breeze, the crowd senses a pa-
triotic spirit. This spirit -\-wavers and disappears �s does the helpless laugh-
ter. The continual beat of drums becomes sickening and monotonous. The
false atmosphere created by this spirit crashes, and all for the first time see
the horror and the stupidity of war. �Var, therefore, is the ultimate expres-
sion of man's wickedness and man's silliness. There are times when man's
childish silliness for glory which is not glory but horror and disaster is more
heartbreaking than his wickedness.
The United States is preparing for war whether we like it or not. !\t least
two-thirds of the people do not like it, hilt that is to no avail. President
Roosevelt hates war and covets _peace. Ile has said so, and yet Congress ap-
propriates more money in order to enlarge our navy. NN'hy the increase in
armaments? \,�Ve certainly have no fear of invasion. No nation is po-,verful
enough to invade our country. We do not need a larger navy to protect our
possessions for they are not worth the expense tear would involve. While
huge battleships are built one-third of America remains ill-housed, ill-clothed
and ill-fed. American democracy stumbles. Another depression threatens.
You cannot feed the hungry or clothe the naked with battleships. You can-
not win national stability by war. You cannot confirm democracy with hate.
American plunges into Europe and Asia will not, unless experience lies, yield
gains to the world or to the United States. The one and only thing that will
preserve democracy is to practice it here in our country.
Why then are we entering the armament race? To help protect the demo-
cratic countries of France and England against the fascist countries of Italy,
Germany, and Japan? Perhaps. However, no European country is our ally
nor has been since the last war and no country but one's own is worth fight-
ing for. Never again should this country be put into a European war through
the desire to back our creditors. No nations, any more, pay their debts.
When a country does not pay its debts you cannot take its word on anything.
So we may discard any declarations of intentions to help out any other
We won some things from the World War that were not on the program.
For example, we had a complete demonstration of the fallacy of the old tra-
dition that preparedness prevents war.
Preparation will not prevent war. It only creates suspicion and fear among
the countries. As a result, everyone speedily joins in the armament race.
When nations are armed to the teeth, the militarists are in power. They are
impatient with talk of compromise. There is no time for any attempt at a
peaceful settlement of disputes. Armies are quickly mobilized. Battleships
stand by. Aeroplanes zoom overhead. A shot is fired. And war begins.
The only way to prevent war and preserve peace is by cooperation and ar-
bitration. The chief cause of war seems to be economic in nature. Every na-
tion needs something which some other nation produces. Not until the have
learned to forget national boundaries and make it possible for nations to ex-
change goods freely will we be able to remove an important cause of war. In-
ternational machinery, to be effective, must also consider problems of over-
population, adjust political difficulties, revise treaties and establish a world
system of law and order. This could have been accomplished had the United
States joined the League of Nations at the close of the World \\Tar. By re-
training out of the League, we weakened and discredited it, and now it has
failed. It has been successfully flouted by two great aggressor nations.
Nov which does the world want? Peace or War? If she wants Peace she
can have it by accepting Arbitration and Cooperation. If she wants \Var, she
can have it by not accepting Arbitration or Cooperation. Arbitration and Co-
operation are substitutes for War.
To combat the war spirit, a public opinion outlawing -�var must be created ;
press propaganda which thwarts public opinion mast be curbed ; the horror,
not the glory of war must be impressed upon the minds of the people. Athen
we have done this,�vhen we have replaced our hatred and jealousy with love,
when we have made peace and happiness, not money and power, our highest
aim and our highest ideal—then and then only,—
"They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning
hooks. And nation shall not lift sword against nation. Neither sliall they
learn war any more."
HE peace, the security, the development of our country and world are
directly dependent on the subsequent development and knowledge of
youth. This is not only true of our present day, but has always been a
fact, though not generally realized.
N\Ihen this statement is made, many people are inclined to scoff and say,
"What effect can the youth eve see around us, the young, the inexperienced,
have on so vital and farreaching problems as the security and peace of the
world?" These people are correct in their contentions in a very limited sense
The importance of youth lies not in its years, but in the views, the ideals,
the realizations which are awakened within it during its most formative
period. Washington, Lincoln, and Edison did not aid greatly to cure the
world's ills during their 'teen years, but the spirit of democracy in Washing-
ton, the love of mankind in Lincoln, and the ideal to improve the lot of man
in Ldison, all were instilled and nourished while they were yet in their youth.
The growth of these ideals and others during their youth, gave them the in-
sight and realization which in their later years made them truly great.
To realize this, one must then realize that youth must be protected, edu-
cated, and aided if civilization is to progress, and if progress is to endure.
At various times in our history, the public as a whole, through either over-
developed bigotry or simply because of lack of a clear understanding, would
not grant that youth had its major problems. Though this idea seems rather
far-fetched today, earlier in our history it was true to a certain degree. Youth
was not individualistic then. It was dictated to by staid ideals, steadfast doc-
trines, was expected to obey them and usually did. These rules usually con-
sisted of disposing of a son in his father's business or trade and the marrying
off of the daughter to a person of the family's choice. Thus were youth's
problems of fifty years ago obliterated. Today, however, it is not as simple.
Youth has its major problems and now through education and social advance-
inent, these problems are appreciated as existing. Though this realization
was a great .step forward, the problem cannot be solved until the people—par-
ents, friends advisers, understand exactly of what these problems consist.
Taken as a whole, they seem rather remote and insignificant since they may
be considered non-material, and in this mercenary world non-material things
seem relatively unimportant. The obstacles against which youth must 'battle
are : the resentment of a cold, unwelcome population ; the refusal of admit-
tance to our economic order through the pathways of employment at a re-
spectable position ; the distrust with which youth is shadowed by those fear-
ful of youth's individualism and desire for change , and the battle against a
terrifying disillusionment which arises from being roughly shaken from
the glowing thoughts of future, nurtured and instilled through approximately
twelve years of school protection.
A brief explanation of each will perhaps be instrumental in rendering a still
more clear understanding. The graduate of today leaves school which has
been his haven for many years and goes into a world which is jealous of his
knowledge and advancement. His very presence is a sign of evil in the eyes
of men who fear they are to be replaced perhaps by the younger, more intel-
lectual person. E\,en if this ,attitude is absent, often the newcomer is repulsed
when he offers a suggestion, perhaps a new idea. These repulses frighten
him, bewilder him, and lie, in turn, to shield himself from the barbs of an un-
friendly world, becomes resentful and cold. Another cut awaits him when lie
prepares to enter the world of industry. He has been tutored, taught, and in
every way possible prepared to take his place in his economic order. Here lie
finds himself a victim of circumstance—he is an innocent sufferer of an econ-
omic breakdown—a depression. All his training of no avail, his ambition
trampled, his hopes frustrated. There is no room for him. A further bar-
rier which stands between youth and its success is the mistrust with which it
is surrounded—a barrier which is constructed entirely out of the minds of
men. Youth to many, seems to be a synonym for communism, radicalism, so-
cialism, facism, in fact for every system or idea which would destroy the nat-
ural order of events. Every innocent change or variation suggested b}' youth
is grossly exaggerated and misunderstood to be a radical desire for absolute
change. Until this misunderstanding is withdrawn, one of the greatest hind-
rances to youth's progress remains. The last and perhaps the most disheart-
ening obstacle to youth, is the disillusionment which follows in the wake of
the other three. In school, in the home, youth is protected from life's harder
knocks. It is assured that room will be made for him in his chosen field of
work when lie is prepared. He is encouraged, lie has ideals, he has determina-
tion. This protection plus the present advanced civilization weakens hini and
makes him more susceptible to the "knocks" of the outside world which are
in the form of mistrust, resentment, and coldness. We would not do away
with the protection given us ; therefore the alternative must be then, to do
away with these obstacles.
It is hardly necessary to say in conclusion, that there must be a place made
for youth, people must place some trust in youth, and youth must be aided to
adjust itself to an order made chaotic and discouraged through a depression
which it had no share in bringing about, if it is to be the "light" in the dark
of this present era, and if it is to succeed against overwhelming odds.
Mr. Hayes : You, who have seen us through four tempestuous years of re-
adjustment and change, have been our guide,, our airier, and abettor. Your
unrewarded help, advice, and guidance will make you ever beloved in the
hearts of this graduating class of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, and the
hope that we too, may deserve a place in your heart.
Faculty of Johnson High School : Your influence and cooperation will nev-
er be forgotten, and we can only pray that we may justify your faith in us, as
succes.sfully as our faith in you has aided us.
Parents and Friends : Your encouragement and understanding have been
the bulwark of our achievement and our success. You have never failed to
inspire us to our best and we can never repay you for your magnificent in-
Schoolmates : Tonight we leave in your trust the honor and joy of carry-
ing on the name of your beloved school. Through our happy association41
together, we know you will uphold everything we have all held sacred
through our gay years together.
Classmates : We have tonight, reached the last road which we shall ever
travel together ! Despite this saddening thought we know we shall never for-
get the Happy hours we have spent together, the obstacles we have overcome
together ; all this which now seems to have gone so swiftly, which will be
but a memory. Though we shall all take different roads of life, no matter
how far we may go, we shall ever remember cur jovnus days at dear, old,
Johnson. y
UST an ordinary sunny September morning to the average citizen but to
many anxious boys and girls it marked the beginning of a new life. The
long awaited first day of high school had arrived. The first day wasn't
bad, lasting only about half an hour. Too bad every day wasn't like that. The
next day Nve were introduced to books, bells, teachers, and upperclassmen.
Naturally the upperclassmen looked down on us, especially the lordly soph-
omores, who had had a whole year's experience. �-Ve were expected to get
lost and to talk in spares, which Nve very obligingly did. At our first class
meeting, after being warned to keep quiet, a dozen times, we elected Tommy
Sullivan president, Buddy Barwell vice-president, Frances Campbell secre-
tary, and Hazel Blanch treasurer. The seniors welcomed us with a dance,
but before the dance some of the seniors got together and decided to be kind
to their proteges by teaching them to dance. After many feet had been
trampled on, we managed to strut around and we were ready for the party.
We were not disappointed and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Natur-
ally we returned the dance. �Ve did ourselves proud at that dance and showed
the seniors that we too could put over a successful party.' At Stunt Night we
again showed the upperclassmen what we could do by walking off with the
prize. Our amateur night got 'em. Some of us went out for sports, and the
rest of us did our parts cheering them on. Of course we did a little studying,
too. By the end of that year the teachers declared that we were the worst
class that had ever entered the sacred portals of Johnson High.
No longer as freshmen, but as full fledged sophomores we returned to school
in the fall of 1935. Again we were in high spirits and found it impossible to
behave, especially with the new teachers. For our officers that year we elect-
ed Tommy Sullivan president, Buddy Barwell vice-president, Barbara Hains-
worth secretary, and Frances Campbell treasurer. 'We united with the juniors
to enjoy a combined dance, and balloons and broomsticks aided us in having
a good time. `�+'e weren't so lucky at Stunt Night. The sophomores and the
seniors were tied and we lost in the draw. No fault of ours, just bad luck.
Again sports and studies took up quite a bit of our time and our reputation as
naughty pupils was carried on with flying colors.
Our junior year and the important question to be decided on was rings.
NVhen we at last possessed them we would be next in importance to the sen-
iors. That settled we turned to a semi-public dance which we put over with
a bang. �Ve combined with the sophomores for a sophomore-junior dance
which was very successful. At Stunt Night our boys gave a style show and
showed us girls what the well dressed young lady was wearing. The boys
were excellent models and succeeded in winning Stunt Night for us though it
was difficult to pick the most beautiful member of our enviable group. As
spring approached everyone began to tall: about the class supper. At last the
important night arrived and we listened breathlessly to, the will, prophecy
and the history. To the surprise of everyone present the mischievous junior
class acted like ladies and gentlemen. To gain experience some of us attend-
ed graduation. Some of us juniors came in for rewards. Alartha Curran Avon
the chemistry prize and Budd-,, 1-Ioward won the Harvard prize. Some of the
juniors N.vlio were elected for important positions in sports were Tommy Sul-
livan, football captain ; Freddv Coram, basketball captain ; and Russell Don-
nelly, baseball captain. "pommy Sullivan again was our president and Budd'
Barwell, vice-president, while Hazel Blanch was our combined secretary and
At last the long awaited famous senior year arrived. One sunny morning
we returned to school and found ourselves seniors at last. We had respon-
sibilities. We managed the "Journal" and the "Year Book," our athletes led
their teams to victories or to defeats, and we had to set an example for the
underclassmen, especially the freshmen. Unfortunately, after the first glam-
our wore off we began to slip back into our old ways. We did our duty in
welcoming the freshmen and gave them a dance. Of course we had to teach
them how to dance first. Like polite children our young proteges returned
the dance. We also managed to put over a successful Journal Dance. Along
toward spring the annual play appeared and out of a cast of twelve, seven
were seniors. Perhaps the poor coaches thought that we nnight have a little
dignity and behave, but alas, we were a bad influence on the five junior mem-
bers of the cast. We had the distinction of having no two rehearsals the
same and even the performances weren't alike. The first night that we ap-
peared on the stage on time was the night of the first performance. �Ve all
enjoyed ourselves enormously but the coaches are still recuperating. Miss
Neal declared that she found ten grey hairs and I\Jiss Green confessed that
for weeks later she would wake up suddenly in a cold sweat dreaming of poor
"Lucky" and its mischievous cast. It must have been catching, because even
Miss Colburn was affected. At least they won't forget us. We hope that the
other teachers won't forget us either. (They shouldn't. They heard enough
from us.) As May drew to an end the question of graduation came up. The
boys decided in about five minutes what they wanted to wear, but the girls
squabbled and talked for about two weeks over whether to wear sport dress-
es or blue jackets and white skirts. After much wrangling the jackets and
skirts finally won out. About this time Stunt Night appeared and for the first
time we went down in disastrous defeat. �Ve caine out third. Now at our
last party together our thoughts turn with regret to he happy days we spent
at Johnson. Our lively actions and wagging tongues which so disturbed the
teachers we will turn into machines to help us in the cold, cruel world. In
later years I'm sure that we shall have all made names for ourselves and our
teachers will talk about us with pride.
E, the Class of 1938, having mental stability and gastronomic fortitude,Ddo hereby, hereon, and henceforth bequeath, endow, and bestow upon
our successors, the Class of 1939, with due consideration of our unde-
served reputation but wonderful appreciation of these aids to our character,
these various and sundry gifts, to wit :
John Ford to Stuart Stillings, his miles of smiles, his world of weight, and
his broad understanding. May Stuart fill his shoes as we knob , lie will even
though they are size 111/2.
Stella Kozlowski leaves her quiet but successful school career to Esther
"Mike" Koroskys, the speed denion of the hightiva_ys, tivills his permanent
-\A,ave with all the trimmings to Walter Kozlowski.
Mary Dandeneau endows her persistent good nature and her basketball
ability to Rita Fogarty who will have to slake the best of it.
Bernard Champion bequeaths his wonderful a.cconiplishments in the art of
ad libbing to Robert Farrell. Incidentally this means talking a lot and say-
ing nothing. Don't be perturbed, boys, as we all do it occasionally.
Bill Whittaker bestows upon Bob Downing his knowledge of the weaker
sex. Bob's trumpet should herald a good approach for him.
Rose Aaronian wills her ability to get along with everybody to Marietta
Nussbaum who does an OK job.
Paul Hurd, our distinguished student, leaves a life net to Art Banker so he
will be able to catch that certain freshman girl as she leaps to the ground.
Lucky Johnson is not a sky-scraper, eh Paul?
Caroline Chase leaves her hospitality to Pauline Frisbee with the warning,
"lights on or kitchen chairs against the wall."
William Sherlock, radiologist, bequeaths his energies in that field to Allan
Gesing who probably isn't interested anyway.
Helen Stefanovich bequeaths a few of her admiring swains along with a
string of broken hearts to Norma Morton.
James Lewis, the advocate of what the well dressed man tivill tivear, leaves
his ability to that junior fashion plate, John McClay.
Priscilla Lewis endows her lease, the one on the back of a green touring
Ford with orange wheels, to Betty Roberts. We understand that Betty likes
the location.
John Tames, the fractional giant, wills his physical attributes to Frank
Thompson, who knows well how to use the extra altitude.
Cartoonist Donald Porter leaves his handitivork to Dave Provencher with
the admonition, "Cooks and cows don't mix as you will see in Economics IV."
Elizabeth Rennie, the busy bee, bequeaths her busy buzzing to Elizabeth
Hodge, who knows how to use it.
Frank Broadhead wills his story entitled, "How to get along with the
girl," to Ben Isherwood who, I understand is doing all right on Harkaway
To May Barnes, Marcie Costello leaves her desire for that certain senior
boy with that certain 1938 Buick complete Nvith red wheels, radio, etc.
Clarkson Earl, physicist de luxe, leaves Brian McKiernan wondering what
happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable body. Aren't five all,
boys, aren't we all?
Velma Lynch leaves her freshman boy who is not afraid of our teachers,
one especially, to Ruby Cochrane. Us senior boys is hard to get, ain't Ave,
James Stewart wills Kenneth Brierley and Americ Lanni his innocent ex-
pression at all times.
Frances Campbell, that charming senior, endows her Saturday night date
to Ruth Whittaker, who does all right. I think Joe will agree, don't you,
Clayton DeNault leaves his one arm driving mania to Charles Foster, who
has something for which to drive one-handed. Go ahead and blush, Frances,
I'm sure no one minds.
Georgianna Curley wills her abilities to wield a paint brush and crayon art-
istically to l,:velyn Koenig. ]-f owever, Georgianna throws a wow of a house
party, too.
Ralph Crompton endows his life-like picture of Sonja Henie to that junior
boy, George Page. Don't make as much fuss over her as Ralph did, will you,
"Sunshine" Annette Silverstein leaves her potential smile and her liking for
that senior boy to Ruth Curley.
Fred Coram with breaking heart, bequeaths his list of telephone numbers to
that fortunate junior, George Martin, with the advice, "the blonde is the best.'`
Martha Curran leaves her way of getting on the best side of a certain phys-
ics teacher to Sarah Lewis.
John Dilendik leaves his well thumbed booklet, "One Thousand \V'ays to
Fame and Fortune" to the junior class.
Catherine Lefebvre endows her morning rides to school right to the front
door (incidentally this is to be taken literally) of our institution to Mary
McCallion who is perhaps not so fortunate.
Stanley Buturlia leaves his kerosene lamp with which he burns the mid-
night oil in collaboration with other pupils on overdue assignment papers to
William Driscoll.
Dorothy Sutton wills her method of studying hard without getting thin to
Barbara Dillon to whom this information might be helpful.
Edward Clarenbach bequeaths his ability of being able to fall asleep in any
conceivable position or under any conditions to Charles Gillespie. Try going
to bed nights, Charlie.
Veronica Fitzgerald leaves Frances McRobbie her basketball abilities and
her most delightful, entrancing and all-the-other-adjectives-that-describe-her
figure in an evening dress.
Tom Sullivan to Tom Pendlebury, the honor of being class president, his
position in sports, and the thousand and one other accomplishments, one of
which is : how one should be quiet. OH YEAH ! !
Rosealice Hargreaves to Helen McEvoy that certain demureness that
seems characteristic of the vicinity of Stevens Corner.
Herbert `Bud" Barwell, the woman hater, (or I may be wrong) leaves his
Clark Gable characteristics to that enormous lad, Gerald Calahan. Bud tells
me to tell Cal to keep away froin Elm Street.
Helen Waters, our new senior, leaves her glorious goldv locks and her
beautiful blue eyes to Hilda Binns who has plenty to spare.
Robert Binns wills to Kenneth Dill his conduct approval slip and his cle-
cidedly uncomfortable seat in Physics IV. Here's hoping you enjoy it as
much as he didn't, Ken.
Mary Gray leaves her oratorical ability to the pale people's aid, The Plunk-
et Pink Pills' girl, Ruth Derby.
-Clayton Kennedy bestows his method of doing other pupils' home«-ork to
Sam Turner. One good turn deserves another, Sam.
Hazel Blanch, our peachy looking dramatic star, leases Virginia Carvell
the answer to the question, "N� 'ho won the «var?"
Hazel Winning gives to Veronica Peterson her long ride down Salem St.
to get to our dear Johnson.
John Welch bestoN-vs his fiery temper upon Francis Nutter, who doesn't
need it but who may be able to take better care of it than someone else.
Elizabeth Walker leaves her front seat in loom S to Lois Pitkin who will
just love to raise the curtains every morning at the beginning of school.
...... 1938 YEAR BOOK
To Robert Bell, George Henry LaFountain, Junior, better known as "Chu"
leaves his Ford and his frequent trips to South Lawrence. Perhaps - a bus
would be better, boys, or am I wrong?
Elfreda �-Vithee bequeaths her modesty to Cecilia Gulanowski. Maybe it's
modesty, but I have my doubts.
Frances Debrowski bestows upon Ruth Richardson the honor of making a
speech on the night of graduation.
Allen Towne, the Houdini of physics lab, wily his ability to make the ex-
periments click to Ralph Pratt. "You guess at half and then multiply by two,"
says Allen.
James Hayes, the deep and silent man, gives his reticence to James Shaw,
who knows "there is gold in them thar' silent hills."
Dorothy Richardson leaves her "Everybody's Aid Bureau" to Nellie Suin-
mers, who hopes she will be able to help as many juniors as Dorothy did
John Fletcher, hot cha boy of Johnson and points , north, east, south, and
west, wills his graceful "Big Apple" to Henry Bonney. Don't bring your
brief case, Henry, as the `Big Apple" is a dance.
Louise Kennedy leaves her one hundred and one assorted boy frinds for all
occasions to Lillian Maker wlio, I understand, has a few of her o�xii. How
about it, Clarky?
Philip Howard, the nemesis of Miss McAloon's peaceableness, bequeaths
to Philip Young his uncanny knack of raising that charming fire in her eyes.
Rita Roche, golden-voiced "saprani" who did so well over station WLAW,
wills her talents to Margaret Keating who really does not need them, as she
plays an excellent violin.
Diminutive "Pete" Evangelos, our smiling outfielder, endows upon Jimmy
Yule his enduring smile. Well you can catch more flies with molasses Than
with 'Vinegar, eh, boys?
Florence Vernile, the Miss South Lawrence of North Andover, wills her
successful method of passing notes to Winifred Temple. �Ve are told this
can be accomplished under the noses of the faculty if practiced long enough.
Lightning Bob Carroll, to Frank Hill, bequeaths his half hour excursion
between Room 2 and Room 12. Remember that the shortest distance be-
tween two points is a straight line, Frank.
l\Iyra Stillwell leaves the boiling grey matter between her ears to that up
and coming junior, Helen Greenler, who has plenty of what it takes.
Laurence Shyne wills Ernest Fionte his indifference to work of any kind,
size, shape, or manner.
Edna 1\Iillward bequeaths her pair of shoes that will positively not make a
sound when coming in late upon Mary Peel.
Joe Shea bequeaths his abilities of making intricate designs with glass tub-
ing to Robert Miller, that little cut-up of the junior class.
Barbara Hainsworth, the girl of a thousand nicknames, wills her weakness
for the stronger sex in general to Irene Byron.
Frank Coughlin, advociferous ambassador from Boxford, leaves his great
attributes to his sister, Rosamond, who could get by, if necessary, with her
Lily Ackroyd -wills her petiteness to Shirley Nussbaum. It's all right, Lily.
Good things come in small packages.
Russ Donnelly, the boy with the beautiful pair of legs, endows his captain-
cy of the baseball nine to any junior who is able to exhibit a pair of legs like
those of Russ. Auditions next Monday.
Dot Atkinson leaves her pamphlet entitled, "How not to Drive an Auto-
mobile" or "How One Should Back a Car Off a Nice Lawn Without Being
Embarrassed" to Genevieve Kane.
Tom McGrail wills this and that to Edward Garvey. Toni says to F.d, "Ali
education never helped a fly to walk on a ceiling."
Stella Mazurenko leaves her Dodge truck to any junior girl being Able to
change a flat tire on a rainy night on a dark road in the middle of winter.
Anna Lorenzo leaves to Helen 1\'Iurphy, the reputation of not being heard
from often but when heard from, giving an excellent recitation.
Balbina Mandry to Ida Narushof, her delight in seeing Mr. Donovan enter
the room in which that extraordinary class, English IV-I meets.
Milton Howard, that tempting triple tongues of the Johnson High School's
trio of trumpets, leaves to his under-studies, Bill Amshey and Phyllis Killam,
the manful art of how to get out nights with the trumpet as an excuse. Too
bad you don't play a piccolo, Bud, you could put that in your pocket.
Lillian Robertson leaves that half torrid smile of hers to Barbara Mac-
Pherson. Just a little more added to what you've got makes a lot more, eh
Wes Randall, swing pianist, wills his propensities to Ernest Viger the
mouth organist. Lest the connection be lost it is just a case of hand to mouth.
Elizabeth Windle bequeaths her happy-go-lucky nature and charming
smile to Helen Richard.
Robert Young, jokester superlative, leaves his talents as well as the im-
plements of the trade to Robert Ayer. "Pete" says that when he goes to work
he will have to be more serious. Oh Yeah !
Ed Cunningham wills his successful cure for insomnia to Thomas AfcCub-
bin. This cure is forty-five minutes in an economics class.
To Claire Doherty, Helen McEvoy wills her commuting boy friend. I)on't
worry, Claire, foZ if they will come from as far as Matt comes, love must be
grand, even though lie doesn't see you every recess.
Last, but it doesn't mean a thing, Eleanor Parker leaves her dandy Fleisch-
man's Yeast complexion (or is it cosmetics) to Virginia Woodhouse.
We, the graduating class of 1938 (we hope,) having placed upon the backs
of our most worthy colleagues, the class of 1939 (they hope,) about every-
thing but the shirts on our backs, do hereby affix our signatures with tears in
our eyes, trembling hands and second-hand fountain pens, this seventh clay
of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight.
Signed, in behalf of the Class of 1938,
NE DAY IN AUGUST, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine
hundred and fifty, I Avas spending a very strenuous day, leaning on a
shovel on project No. 9664, of the local \V. P. A. As I stood there, I
suddenly made up my mind to resign. Besides, I ,vas getting blisters oil my
elbows from leaning on the shovel, and Nvas wearing out ton many pairs of
pants sitting down, so I woke up the boss who happened to be 1:obert Carroll
and told him I was quitting. He just yawned, rolled over, and went back to
sleep again with the remark, "O. K., but don't wake the rest of the boys."
The first thing I (lid after departing from my job was to go to the bank. I
drew olit my, V.P.A. earnings, which amounted to about seventeen thousand
dollars. The cashier of the bank turned out to be none other than Frank
Coughlin, my old classmate. I stood chatting with him for a while and he
told me another of our classmates, Clarkson Earl the 3rd, had just been ap-
pointed president of the bank.
After leaving the bank, I decided to buy a car and trailer and tour the coun-
try for a while. As I passed by an automobile display room, a huge sign
caught my eye, "Try our Twelve Cylindered Youngerlbilt Special." That
name seemed to be familiar so I went into the dispay room. There was Speed
King Pete Young, all shined up like a duke. This wC s a fitting occupation
for Pete I thought as I remembered how he used to make his Ford Sedan do
everything but the Big Apple in his high school clays. After he had sold me a
convertible coupe, a twelve cylinder job, he took me into another display
room to look at trailers. Who was there showing people the cute little trail-
er windows? Veronica Fitzgerald of course, but Pete introduced her as Mrs.
Young. Then I remembered how friendly they had'been at Johnson High,
and guessed the rest.
Bidding Pete and Veronica goodby I drove my car and trailer down town,
and deckled to get something to eat. Driving up to a small inn called, "Ye
Little Red School House", I entered and waited for some service. After
about ten minutes, a waiter came out singing, "Bei Mir Bist Du Shoen," and
said, "OK, Hot-shot, what'll it he?" Taken aback, I looked again and sure
enough it was Mike Koroskys, all decked out in a white apron and towel.
The proprietor turned out to be none other than our old friend Stella Maz-
urenko. When I asked where she was, Mike stated she was out back teaching
the hired help how to do a hot Polish Polka for which she was famous in her
Johnson days. After waiting around for about an hour, I finally got a meal.
As I went to the cashier to pay the check, I discovered her to be Stella's side-
kick, Helen Stefanovich. When she recognized me, she gave a cute wink and
tore up the bill. A.Vow ! Was I tickled.
Leaving the inn feeling like a Casonova, I climbed into my chariot and
headed for New York. As I neared the great metropolis, I stopped for gas
at a station marked "Clarenbach's Service Station". Sure enough our pal
Eddie had picked up where his brother had left off. Eddie saki business was
good and lie owned a whole string of service stations all over the country.
While I was talking with Ed, he gave me five tickets to the Brown Derby's
opening night. I left Eddie feeling a little better having met an old friend.
Pulling into an auto camp at sundown, I unhitched my trailer and was just
heading into town for something to eat, when I heard a shout. Stopping the
car I was joyful to meet my old pal Pete P1cGrail, -�vho was also parked at the
camp. t.Vith him was Joe Shea (his partner,) his wife, the former Helen
Waters, and the three little Pete McGrails. After eating, I remembered the
tickets Eddie had given me, so we decided to take in the Brown Derby. Joe
and Pete helped me struggle into my Tuxedo, just as they did the night of the
Athletic Association play back in Johnson in 1938. �,Ve traveled to the Der-
by rather quickly, and as Pete took a turn doing about seventy, looking a
state trooper right in the eye and waving to him, I began to feel rather un-
comfortable. Pete, noticing, said, "It's all riglit. That was Larry Shvne,
another of our pals." I wiped the sweat off my brow, and thought of how
Larry had followed his brother Dan'.,; occupation. Reaching the Derby with
no further mishaps we were astonished to find the doorman none other than
little Johnnie Ford, our English friend, all decked out in a red coat and brass
Who should be collecting tickets but another Johnsonite, Lily Ackrovd. I
expressed my exclamation upon seeing so many of iiiy old classmates, and
she said, "\Vell, Johnny Fletcher is managing the club now, and you have a
good many surprises in store for you." Refusing to tell me more, we made
our way to our table.
Just then the band swung into action. It happened to be the famous swing
hand, known as Hatch's Rags, led by the Maestro Freeman Hatch the 3rd
who occasionally added his usual sour note to the jam session. Also playing
in this noted combination was Swing-it Randall who was tickling the ivories ;
he turned out to be our old pal Wesley. AVay up back, banging away in ma-
niacal fashion, was Tango Cunningham who was following in the footsteps
of the famous Gene Kruppa. While listening to the music a low, pleasant
voice sounded-sweetly in my ear, "Cigarettes sir?" Turning, I was greatly
surprised to find that the cute cigarette girl was none other than Hazel
After I had bought half of Hazel's cigarette tray, she informed me that Mr.
Fletcher, the manager, wished to speak to me. Thanking her, I excused my-
self from my party and made my way to the manager's office.
Upon entering, I found John who was quite the sheik, rapidly giving dicta-
tion to our old friend Elfreda Withee, who seemed quite thrilled to be able
to take dictation for John. Excusing Elfreda, John very heartily shook my
hand. After conversing a while on different subjects, I happened to comment
on all the Johnson classmates T had met at his club. John grinned, and said,
"Yes, I am seriously thinking of changing the name from the Brown Derby
to the Johnson Hi-Spot." Asking him why he had sent for me, lie told me
that he had to fly to North Andover, and asked if I would like to go along,
and see my old home town again. Eagerly grasping the opportunity, I read-
ily agreed to go. Hurrying back to my table I explained to my friends in de-
tail. John wanted to catch the midnight plane out, so I hurriedly bade them
goodbye, leaving my car and trailer in care of Pete McGrail. After collect-
ing my luggage, John picked nie up in his 16-cylindered Cadillac.
A uniformed chauffeur leaped out to open the door. Seeing that John was
rather small of figure, lie had to have a small chauffeur whom he could 'joss
around, sc, naturally he had chosen his diminutive classmate Jackie Jai-ties.
Seeing that Jackie could not handle my heavy hat boxes, I obliging gave him
a hand.
After roaring down Broadway we passed through the East End tunnel, and
down to the ferry. Driving onto the ferry, we had stopped and begun to con-
verse on old times, when suddenly a fog-horn-like voice roared out, "Full
steam ahead." There stood Captain Chu LaFountain. I called Chu over and
asked him in a bewildered tone, "Why- aren't you in the United States Na-
vv?" George replied that lie had been bounced out of the na\,y, but the life
of a roving sailor had gotten into his veins, so, determined to stick to the
bounding main, lie had joined the ferry-boat service. Bidding Chu good-bye,
we left the ferry, and drove onward to the airport.
Upon reaching the airport, we got out, and sent James back with the car.
Entering the office to purchase our tickets we were greatly- surprised to find
the ticket seller to he Helen AlcAvov, another classmate of "38." Walking to
the plane we gave our tickets to the hostess, lvlio spoke cheerfully to John.
John returned with "Hello Betty." I turned and recognized Betty Walker,
who had secured the position of hostess on the New York Airlines. After
speaking with Betty, I went over to watch the melt load the plane. Recogniz-
ing one of the men, I rushed over to shake hands with my old friend Bill
Whittaker, known at Johnson as "Little Willie." In the few remaining min-
utes, I learned from Bill that the plane we were to fly in was designed by
that great plane engineer, Donald C. Porter. I was very glad to learn that
Don had made good at his life's work. \Vith a hurried call from Betty, I
jumped aboard, and found John already asleep.
Looking down through the open door of the pilot',,; compartment, I espied
a familiar figure. It turned out to be John "Tartan" \-Vel'ch. Remembering
that John had been of the ruffian type, a hard-hitting, herculean, �vlio had
mastered the strenuous sports of checkers and ping-pong in his high school
clays, I decided to keep well away from him, so I returned to my seat. As we
journeyed on our way, time hung heavy on my hands, so I asked Betty to
turn on the radio. The crisp, clear voice of the announcer calue floating over
the air-\vaves : "This is AVLAAV, folks, presenting the swing trio, featuring
Miss Rita Roche, Miss Rosealice Hargreaves, accompanied at the e piano by
Miss 1\Iarcy Costello." After listening to my old friends on their fifteen min-
ute broadcast, I was surprised to hear the announcer's voice break in with the
commercial, "Don't forget to buy your BoNv-wow Dog Biscuits at your near-
est grocer. This is your announcer Bernard Champion, signing off." After
waiting a fe\v moments a news bulletin came through, "This is Snoop Binns,
folks, broadcasting my keyhole column from Lawrence, Mass. Flash ! It has
just been learned from reliable sources that Toni Sullivan, formerly of
Holy Cross, All American Fullback for three years, has just been signed to a
contract with the Washington Redskins. This will gladden many hearts,
folks, as Toni is a local boy who spent four years playing football at Johnson
High. Flash ! Newport, Rhode Island !. It has just been learned that the
Misses Barbara Hainsworth and Martha Curran, two local debutantes, will
be presented to society in a coming out party, at an early date !" With the
conclusion of this, I switched Binns off, and leaning back in my seat, dozed
off to sleep.
As I awoke a few hours later, the sleek, gray plane was nosing down into
the Lawrence Airport. I woke John, and we left the plane. While hurrying
across the field, a fog-here-like voice roared out, "Taxi, Mister?" We turned
and sleepily stumbled into the cab. I told the driver to take us to the nearest
hotel. Before the words were out of my mouth, we were streaking across the
field, slamming around corners, and in general getting no where very fast.
"For the love of Pete, mister," t pleaded, "Take your time, and use -,,our
brakes once in a while, will you?"
The driver said, "Brakes ! This car hasn't got ;mv," and with a cheerful
grin lie slid between two busses doing about seventy-five.
Somehow, solneway, we managed to reach our de,tination. The cab driver
leaped out, and said, "Here you are folks, the North Andover Ambassador."
When we stepped out to pay the driver, llnag(lle our surprise when Nve found
hills to be Clayton DeNault, who had been the wildman of the roads in his
Nigel school (lays. It was then that I realized \vhy our ride had been so wild.
As we entered the hotel, we came face to face with inaliager who happened
to be Dial-nond Jim Levis, a boy who made good in his old home town. Jim
was so tickled to see us that lie put us in the bridal suite. We then slept
soundly for the rest of the night.
The Welt morning we were awakened by the chambermaid, who turned out
to be another local girl, Mary Dandeneau. Mary told us that breakfast would
be served shortly, in the plain dining hall. Asking Mary if she knew where
any of our old classmates were, she replied that James Stewart was head chef.
I remembered that Jim had been quite active in the Chefs' Club at Johnson.
She also stated that Edna Millward was the telephone operator, and was
quite popular with all the boys. Going down to the dining room we were
seated comfortably by the hostess. Her face seemed familiar to me, and as I
pondered over whom it could be, John spoke, "Isn't that Annette Silver-
stein?" Sure enough it was. Imagine our surprise, when the waitress who
brought our food turned out to be Balbina Mandry, another former Johnson-
ite. After finishing a very enjoyable meal, (on the house,) John said he had
some business to transact, and excused himself, so I decided to take a stroll.
As I walked down the main drag, imagine how I felt when I stopped before
the new North Andover Playhouse. Playing there that week, was a play
which was very familiar to me. It was "Lucky," featuring Milton D. Howard
and Mary Gray in the leading roles. I remembered how this pair had been
fine actors in the class of 38.
Crossing the street, my eye was caught by a sign which read "Frank Broad-
head's Loan Agency." Entering, I greeted my old friend. After conversing a
while, I asked Frank how business was. "Oh," he stated, "I only have one
customer. That's John Dilendik, and at the rate he is going, I'll be bankrupt
before the week is out."
Leaving Frank, I decided to pay a visit to my old school. Climbing aboard
a bus, I was astonished to find one of my old sl*cle-kicks, Philip Howard, who
had followed his father's footsteps as a bus driver. After doing a fast sit
miles an hour up to the high school, I departed from my friend.
Entering the old building, I walked up to the principal's office, and there in
Mr. Hayes' seat, sat the new principal, Allen Towne. rafter talking over old
times, Allen escorted me through the school. Entering a room marked Eng-
lish 2, I stopped as if stage-struck. There in the front seat was none other
than James Hayes, still trying to pass sophomore English. Jim grinned at
me and whispered, "I think I'in going to pass this time."
Noticing Jim clad in overalls, and blue coat, I said to him, "Vv'hat's the
idea of the rig?"
Jim answered, "I'm taking up the job of janitor on the side." Leaving
Jinn reciting the story of "Silas 1\'Iarner," we continued on our way. We again
stopped, in front of Room 18, from which words were pouring with the rapid-
ity of a machine gun_. I thought, "This must be Miss Colburn's shorthand
class, but then decided that Miss Colburn couldn't speak that fast. I decided
to find out who it was. Entering, I was startled to find Elizabeth Rennie,
who had taken over Miss Colburn's duties as a commercial teacher. �Yhile
speaking to Elizabeth, the door from Room 17 opened, and expecting Miss
Neal to enter, I put on my best smile. To my great astonishment, who
should enter, but Velma Lynch, the neNv typewriting teacher. In my bewilder-
ment, I turned to Allen, and said, "Are all the old teachers gone?"
"Most of them," he said. He told me that Dorothy Sutton had taken over
the duties of Economics teacher, and that Frances Debrowski was teaching-
Junior Social Science. Ile also stated that Stella Kozlowski Will a iiew ad-
dition to the faculty, teaching I'.nglish. Allen then invitecl me to gu clown to
the cafeteria for a bite to eat. 1-le informed me that the cafeteria had been
taken over by Dorothy Richardson and Catherine Lefebvre. After having a
very enjoyable lunch, I decided to continue on my way, so I bade Allen
Walking down the main street, I decided to stop off at one of illy old
haunts, Stevens Memorial Library. There, raking leaves off the lawn, was
Freddy Corain, who had taken over his father's ob. Freddy informed me
that Xfyra Stillwell Nvas head librarian, having takeii Xliss Batchelder's posi-
tion. The library staff also included Eleanor Parker and Anna Lorenza. I
decided not to go into the library, as I had read all six of their books. While
-,taridin-- talking to Freddy, a large van w--nt bast, bearing the inscription
"Buturlias' Ice Company," and immediately I knew it was Stanley.
After leaving Freddy I decided to take a look at Johnson's football team,
so I made my way to Grogan's Field. A-Vhere the field had been, a beautiful
stadium had now been erected. As I entered, I heard a familiar loud voice
bellowing out, "Listen you donkeys, pay attention. You may be iron men to
the new-papers, but you lcok awful rusty to me."
How often I had heard those words before ! They began to make me feel
riglit at home. I knew that voice could helong to none other than Coach Cav-
alieri. I rounded the stands, and there to my surprise, instead of Coach
Cavaliers, I found Buddy Burwell blasting his charges unmercifully. Bud
roared out a command as I neared, "You linesmen go over and hit that dum-
my, while I collaborate -\vith this dumbell who thinks lie is a quarterback."
Bud, I noticed, was still using his pet word "collaborate." After watching the
hard, strenuous work-out for a while, I silently left the field.
Continuing my walk, I again entered the main street, and decided to go
window-shopping. Stopping before a small well-kept office, I felt my knees
go weak as I read the words, "Women's Escort Bureau, Proprietor Peter
Evangelos." Rerneniberirig that Pete had been quite a woman hater back at
Johnson, I thought I would go in to see hirn. Shaking hands with Pete, I
asked him how in the world he had ever gotten into this line of work. Pete
answered, "1Vell you see, I never event out with the girls in niy school days,
and now I'm making up for lest time." He then showed me his motto, "No
Matter Who She is, if She's Good Looking, I'll take Her Out.' After having
good laugh over this, I asked Pete if lie knew what the rest of our old mates
were doing. "Oh," he said, "Florence Vernile is a successful business wom-
an, running the commercial end of her brother Jack's fruit business ; and say,"
lie remarked, "she's still the vamp she used to be, trying to date up all the
Pete also stated that Dorothy Atkinson and Caroline Chase had opened a
high class girls' finishing school and were a tremendous sticcess. I was
pleased to hear this, as I remembered how both had been very studious in
their former days at Johnson.
just then the phone rang, aiid a girl came running out of the back of the
office to answer it. "A'ly secretary," Pete said, as i, he were the President of
the country, and to my surprise it was Rose Aaron:an.
".� blonde," Rose stated. Pete grabhe;l li=s hat, shook my hand, and with a
"glad to have seen vou, goodbye," Nvent through the door like a shot. I
thought how times had changed, said goodbye to Rose, and left for the hotel.
When I reached the hotel, I found jo)hn fretting. "Coine on, hurry up," lie
roared, "I have to get back to New York." lie bt sidled me into a cab, and
with hurried goodbyes, roared otit to the airport. The next thing I remem-
bered, Nve were winging our way across the sky headed for New York.
Opening a daily paper to the sports page, the headlines, `'Donnelly Holds '
Out for Forty Thousand," caught my eye. Reading further I found our old
friend Russ Donnelly, flashy short-stop for the Brooklyn Dodgers, was, hold-
ing out for snore money for the coming season. Knowing how determined
Russell had been in the old days, I was willing to bet even money that lie
got what lie demanded. Nothing further happened on our trip until we land-
ed at the New York airport. There was Jack James waiting with the car, and
we roared down Broadway.
\While traveling down the famous street, an electric sign in the shape of a
dancing girl caught my eye. In brilliant letters underneath it read, "Learn to
Dance at Pat Lewis' Dancing School." I was tickled to see Priscilla in such
a vocation, as she had loved to dance in her school days. I wanted to go riglit
in and see her, but John wouldn't let nie, saying that lie was in a hurry.
Continuing our way clown Broadway, Jack began to feel gay and began
dodging cars. Well, things went fine until we met a bus coming the other
way. I heard the brakes scream, a crash, then darkness.
A,Vhen I awoke, a beautiful girl was standing over me, and said "You're all
right now." I thought for a moment I was in heaven, but no, everything Nvas
White ; why, I must be in a hospital. I then dropped off to sleep. When I
awoke, the sun was streaming through the windows, and I iay there getting
my hearings. Then a door opened and a nurse came in and said, "Hello,
Ralph, how do you feel?" I almost swallowed my false teeth when I found
myself looking at Frances Campbell. She had always wanted to be a nurse,
and here she was. Frances told me that Louise Kennedy and Georgianna
Curley were also members of the nurses' staff. I immediately called the head
surgeon to see if I could have a toe-nail or an eye-lash amputated, so I could
stay there longer. I near'_v fainted when the head surgeotl .turned out to be
Clayton Kennedv. He wouldn't let me stay any longer than necessarv.
One day as I lay there talking to Frances, she said, "I have a surprise for
you. Boy, will you enjoy this." She went out and came back with a set of
books. "Clayton and all the girls have read this set of books inside out," she
said. There were seven large volumes to the set, and as I read the title, I al-
most had a galloping hemorhage. It was "The 1\,Ien in My Life," by Lillian
"It ought to be good reading," I stuttered.
Learning that Jack and John hadn't been hadly injured, I found out that
John had wired William S. Sherlock, Attorney at Law, to defend our case. I -
asked Frances what the S. stood for, and she smiled sweetly and said, "Shys-
ter, I guess."
Finally, but not without loud protesting, I was ejected from the hospital.
Needing a manicure and my hair curled, I entered a beauty parlor and there
stood Paul Hurd, head barber. The head beautician was Elizabeth Wiridle,
who always loved to have her hair curled in her school clays, and she was
capably assisted by Catherine \Vinning. It seems, the three had formed a
partnership, and were doing very well.
Leaving the barber shop feeling tired and weak, I made my way to in ho-
tel. Climbing into bed I thought of the lovely vacation I hail just completed.
and of all the old friends I had inet.
tlo lium, it's a small world after all, and so to sleep.
SPORTS- - - 1937-38
N I: Class of '38 will be remembered for many years to come for the ath-
letes they have turned out. They have blazed a trail that will he some-
thing for future students to try to follow. Under capable coaching, the
trophy shelves in our library have been awarded eight trophies, these four
Ainong our athletes first mention must be made of Herbert Barwell (four
years member of football and baseball teams) and of Tommy Sullivan (with
the same record ; also football captain senior year.) Others outstanding are
Ralph Crompton in football ; Peter Evangelos, Fred Coram, and Russell Don-
nelly in baseball. Barwell and Coram have been on the basketball squad
all four years, Coram being captain senior year. Other '38 basketball stars
are Donnelly and Evangelos.
Outstanding athletes among the girls are Elizabeth- Rennie (senior captain)
and Veronica Fitzgerald (three years member of the first basketball squad.)
Others of note are Mary Dandeneau, Annette Silverstein, Georgianna Curley,
Priscilla Lewis, and Nlay Barnes.
The athletes of the Class of '38 have enjoyed the keen, fast sportsmanship
in their competition. 1Vc hope the same spirit will remain with them forever.
Do you remember when . . . . .
Tom Sullivan went all over town trying to sell a young bull?
Mr. Cavalieri said "AAlho «von the war?"
a flask of hydrogen was exploded in Room 13
Tom AfcGrail ever said anything sensible?
Eddie Cunningham put his stick through a high school drum?'
AIr. Donovan's car Nvas for sale for five dollars
the night Louise Page jumped out of the girls' basement window?
Bud Barwell pitched and won his baseball game?
Frank Broadhead started going with Evelyn Sauvageot?
the school Novas so cold we were dismissed
Eddie Clarenbach looked wide awake?
T -ze Koroskys had a permanent wave?
Wr Barbara Hainswortli was christened Lizzie?
a thirty by forty-eight window was knocked right out of Room 13?
Best Boy Student Allen "Towne
Best Girl Students Frances Debrowski and Annette Silvcrstein
A-Iost Popular Boy .Herbert harwell
A,Iost Popular Girl Hazel Blanch
Prettiest Girl Lillian Robertson
Class Bluffer Ralph Crompton
Teacher's Deliglit Robert Young
Class Vamp Louise Kennedy
Class Flapper Louise Kennedy
Class Humorist Freeman .latch
Cutest Girl Lillian Robertson
Best Looking Boy George LaFountain
Most. Innocent Boy Allen Towne
Most Innocent Girl Dorothy Sutton
Quietest Boy Allen Towne
Quietest Girl Dorothy Richardson
Most Promising Boy Milton Howard
Most Promising Girl Frances Debrowski
Sleepiest Boy Edward Clarenbach
Best Natured Girl Rosealice Hargreaves
Best Natured Boy Thomas Sullivan
Class Actor Milton Howard
Class Actress Alary Gray
.Most Talkative Boy Ralph Crompton
Class Baby Velma Lynch
Class Dancer Wesley Randall
Class Eater John Ford
Shyest Boy Allen Towne
Shyest Girl ;Myra Stillwell
Class Sheik John Fletcher
Class Poet Milton l-loward
Class Heartbreaker Herbert Banvell
Class Athlete, Boy Thomas Sullivan
.Laziest Boy Thomas i\f cGrail
Most Beautiful Smile Hazel Blanch
Class Grind Dorothy Sutton
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At last the time has come dear friends,
For us to bid farewell ;
No more we'll roam within these Nvalls,
No more we'll hear those bells.
Oh ! Johnson High, we all salute,
You lead in every way.
lYe'll honour you forever more
And rightful he pay.
Dear Johnson High, we hate to go,
To stroll along life's ways,
For then we'll dream of you, dear school,
N-Vhere we spent our happy days.
lVe'll very seldom meet again,
1t may be many years -,
So raise the cup of friendship I()NV,
As parting time draws dear.
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� � uextisements-
Motor-Driven Wool Spinning Frame Nappers for Every Woven and
Knitted Fabric
Preparatory, Carding, Spinning, Spooling. Dressing and Napping
Machinery and Supplies; Card Clothing, Napper Clothing,
Garnett Wire, and Leather Supplies.
Compliments of
DR. M. P. CURREN Central Service Station
Socony Gasoline and Motor Oils
Compliments of
Ed. McInnis, Prop.
DR. SAVI LLE Railroad Square Tel. 21717
Compliments of Compliments of
Compliments of
130 Main Street
North Andover Mass.
Compliments of
Gas and Oil General Auto Service
Telephone 26351
Chickering Road North Andover, Mass.
Meat, Groceries, Provisions
Telephone: 6180, 6188, 6189
138 Main Street No. Andover, Mass.
Compliments of 1--) & D MARKET
Sylvester Docette, Prop.
Fish, Meats, Groceries
Telephone 22026
NORTH ANDOVER COAL CO. 85 Main Street No. Andover, Mass.
1937 - 1938
160 Tremont Street
Loren Murchison & Co.
40 Clinton Street
Newark, N. J.
Expert Hair Cutting
Time Schedule for your convenience HAINSWORTH
Mon. 8.30 to 12.30 Thur. 8.30 to 6.30
Tues. 8.30 to 6.30 Fri. 8.30 to 8.30
Wed. 8.30 to 6.30 Sat. 8.30 to 9.00
M EAGAN'S 52 Beacon Street Boston, Mass.
50 Water Street One Year and Two Year Courses in
Tel. 28138 No. Andover, Mass. Academic and Secretarial
_ Science offering
Compliments of Conventional Business Courses
M. Irene Fay
D E H U LLU'S MARKET Director and Vocational Adviser
Graduates of the JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL are eligible
without conditions for admission to the Secretarial and Junior
Accounting courses offered by our school.
Graduates of the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMEN"C :;f the
Johnson High School are eligible for admission to the Advan-
ced Secretarial course or, by examination, to the Business Ad-
ministration course.
The School Year Begins the MONDAY After LABOR [)AY.
801-814 Bay State Building Lawrence, Mass.
Merrimael Printing Company
4 South Broadway Telephone 29473 Lawrence, Mass.
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