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I .. . .. . - -. . n M R� �r4•i �� J_V r .w...,r- �iF a ♦• ,,� . . � i.i , it r �s of ,�� �'.' �f, i ^,i �, ♦+� � �'. � � � t y� 14 4 AL 14 IV old IMF i a •� , +f �' i s i , + rR h� t 4 LA N A ...;w THE 1965 SPRING SUPPLEMENT Second row: Sam Torrisi (Assistant Vi TII1,� �0 1y', 1 £�,�� Manager), Richard Dufresne, Stephen YEA , Whittaker, Leonard White, Brendon Foster, John Donahue, Robert Gesing, 2A1 _ , Coach George Lee. First row: Richard Elander, Neil Hermann, William De- Barba, Richard Robinson (Captain), John Stephenson Paul Routhier, Bruce 0 �f � � Q y �' �� Allen, Clifton Stone, Richard Ceplikas IItD 0 . p (Manager). a 1 M y 1 Y - . �aeot,';s�kr1'ia�, a. BASEBALL Under the competent guidance of Coach George Lee, this year's baseball team enjoyed a good season. Starting off fast, the team compiled an 8-2 record, but faltered slightly toward the end. They finished the season with a fine 10-6 slate. Two bright spots of the season were the two victories against vital Methuen by scores of 3-1 and 1-0. However, the Knights dropped an 11-inning heart-breaker to the same club by a score of 1-0. The game was to decide the league championship. Far and away, the outstanding player of the season was the Knight's ace left-hander, Rich Robinson. He compiled an excellent 7-1 record, and contributed more than his share of the hitting. He has been a valuable asset to the team for 4 years, and his loss will be felt dearly. Beep Foster, Bruce Allen, Lenny White, and Dick Dufresne have also been most helpful to the winning season. John Stephenson, who played a fine second-base all season, was elected captain for next year. jota � V IZ _ _ ■ 1 wA Aw YYNe A ' r w�e AaAI •Y,W eArA i raYWe Nw 9YRY AAW YaYA wr rw YM 1"AfA�rAr IIIYA YafYe Nser IeeYY rs eYAY Nan aYM Yr N�YAN rIYN YrA flew AI ICY AINY K'NN WAeA AWY""' 'tiln YIeT/Yew wAe•M,l�Y1R sa.+rr ns.+�+.wew+ar+r,rrr redwfr� WNA,rwxww tiRre sraw wW rA aMn �f�f PaA NA N11N faefi,raY Fg4L�Al r wA wrrw e}I aww wM�s A YwY r� fAR(IIrY YrR�IM'rriM YIIHU lAf rI�W■ Mr AYE!AYR RYIIYr,YOir WNY Mf YR f5R /N IIYIIW Yrf rM IIRIi1V iR W!11�IIIR il�lt fY�lt rY Y IIM�I.J BMr/+II.WYi R f IrIY As AAY rwY YrY YAIA YAA f!YeINY Mar Y hliw s.lax,FAA.RlaN,rrWN Yeas ��YIWA YYYN ellfOl IeiM�.rlrR�f)r ewarr rNYI fllit f iYA WWWR AY.R eAs wRF kl i W.Yw•r,ArR�wAA..AA.ArMA wt���1.�r��r�'I�ws�9M'�Y/AA*r#r YYRII•Y+Y2NRr,aYt Y. rrW ir�lA Alr�Wi wt YfRf,/wfYA 1b 10P R.w�1lAA+Y6 W,ii wrt iA� ►NeM eeANe eAYna9 Le4YW ela4r WVIA N/+Mk.lam" AWN erWA WMYW WYr WMA ;➢rM,WRea tAr WaA1�e YAf NYC rl,A lllal Yw Y�Ne NWYW YYMI{Y A�YN YM6 f.w WWYR TRW W^IRWt MM�r'.R W M f�MGM WMM YMMI NAM fYRs f.�RdIC RMY..RUW MMOM iiRRl lWIR�MrN 3�t frlM Il//RF YII/#R1' �IIRN NMW Rf�i11�AF,lYWt MAglf iAfM f MN fYw eFM!'�,YIEpYt KNf a ,,A-A�wc gMRi IAMr a1�N,wWi NNN well NNAt MA'IWA1 YNM NMY Yi!aY.MI!NN IIMIY NW rNNsl WMf 1rWM N!f/!Ni+Nlllr�Y91!MbW MxYb INM.lblllll A,IN 4AYR AArM!N M1eR AYRr eAwA few ARW NAR,rnfe ws rYNf ow WNA rrN eesm IPWY lMYY WAN eew Wew NeAI Ireeal AYW W YWA eeYf NAAe Wlaer WNeYt AWw YYw AAeI WeYN AlW!W fAUa Haas Y eer W WNI WMetNiN MIfN TAM WreY swW, 1Nei"M kbiMt WNWt lrNeP Ylfei eMN MYMrt wllf ilw A�YI W!A{WWW lAreW WWN iW!fMYN YI}M NWNII 1WMit YWNI MNIf------ Back Row: Coach Howard Crozier Ed- ward Morgan Bernard McDonald Ken- Y� eA,W AA,.wA Wrf Wa.N aYM Nwr YaYe rAY,YA.AaA,AAY.M» AAY Aaf ..AIY wf 111B WAI rAW Ywwr rr ArY.W®a WAA Aw AwW fw.wA.wM wrA W.N,r,.SY xNM aAA R Y(�rrW��A ww M�WleNlr N arr A N ws AtO.l�kB�A rwYa r rW W Nr�r KaaAa.Y Wwn«�nrW is rw w le+rwlwi M Wr��s+4.�.r.wwwl r r.wl M Rerl« neth Westbrook, Michael Jackson, Wil- liam Fournier, van, Ronald Thomas Sullivan, AYMA N.M� ,eWWAr. ieAAY s55\NWfW. AaY.YYN r«Asr �MWAM WARM WWeA Galloni, Richard Alakel, Ronald Swasey, "" James Mistretta, James LaColla, Richard *�, •" M, � �. t r r Owens, Raymond Guy, Coach Robert Roche. Front row: John Powers (Man- ager), Stephen Legal, Stephen Shea, Eric Lindfors, John Thistle, John Garvin i (Captain), John Toomey, John Fleisch- ����� �� "► mann, George Gregory, Brian Kennedy, r Thomas Mana er Hayes Y ( g ). John Gar- vey and Thomas Licciardello are not in the picture. . TRACK Through the skillful training of Coaches Howard Crezier and Robert Roche, the North Andover High School track tearn turned in another winning season of 7 wins and 5 losses. The fine managing of John Dowers was a contributing factor to the team's success. This year the team adder a little more excitement to the meets by winning 3 meets in the last race, the relay. These wins may be attributed to the team's spirit, and the hard work of each member on the team. It was also a season for school records. Gordon Otieno bettered his last year's record of 54.0 seconds in the 440-yard run to 53.2 seconds. Bill .Fournier set a new record in the shot put with a throw of 4' 3%", and Torn Licciardello brought his old record of 10 minutes, 55.7 seconds in the 2-mile run down to 10 minutes, 46.4 seconds. Many fresh- men records were also set. Other outstanding performers of the year were Capt. John Garvin (high scorer), John Thistle, Steve Legal, Steve Shea, Brian Kennedy, Skip Gregory, Bernie McDonald, Richard Alakel, John Curtin, John Garvey, Mike Jackson, and Ron Swasey. Bernie McDonald, our sprinter and broad jumper, was elected captain of next year s team. i Y i y' O � _ I �A� .> , PN "a.C'«et..x ry AL LU f 1111m 1 i• =MOON I ll# I fI * sing �inI !j all l 7 f JUNIOR PROM Ll 3 " � 11 1 r I � t r GRADUATION AWARDS D.A.R. MEDAL Barbara A. Bates BAUSCH AND LOMB SCIENCE AWARD Susan Zimny NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY ENGLISH AWARD Barbara Ann Hanlon Donna Bellorado Valedictorian Barbara Hanlon Susan Zimny Carole Belben READERS DIGEST VALEDICTORIAN PRIZE Barbara Hanlon POST 2104, V.F.W. GOOD CITIZENSHIP } Brendan P. Foster M M MACINTOSH AWARD Brendan P. Foster MOSES PERKINS POETRY AWARD Paula Stueve Melanie Porochniak 4 HARVARD CLUB OF ANDOVER BOOK PRIZE Barry Humhpreys LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS UNITED STEELWORKERS' LOCAL 2917 Nancy J. Furness Susan Teresa Zimny Kathleen P. Donovan Salutatorian Pamela Phelan Charles Gignac John E. Toomey NORTH ANDOVER HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL Donna Bellorado i Barbara Bates ECLECTIC CLUB Barbara Hanlon HELEN S. CARVELL MEMORIAL (North Andover Women's Club) Donna Bellorado MURIEL E. HENRY MEMORIAL (North Andover Women's Club) Pamela Phelan NORTH ANDOVER SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Margaret Keane Paul Laurenza Claire Shola Donna Ann Bellorado Alfred Shaboo Essayist Claudia Tymvakieuz TRINITARIAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ► Sandra Beaumont Linda Wood FRED FISIKELLI Nancy Deloge JAMES P. HAINSWORTH INSURANCE AGENCY , Mary Henshaw NORTH ANDOVER TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Mary Minihan CARDINAL O'CONNELL DIVISION 20 LAAOH GRANT i Robert Shay V.F.W. AUXILIARY Alana Walker Paul Mark Laurenza Orator rI ♦� ~ """"'TTT . f '' Y E i1,hi�f1�11111111111��itl�I�i1111�11f1E I�.pil � s Ilk OP 10 40y, Ali 31h �� yJ ' fa r s , 1 1 j N##�� r 'I i t 7,10 �aaa�■�a�=ter. 1 f a •- �I � I 4 ,.art � � � r �• � � ,,.�. �..�� -i�11P' _.may,...,,-� rr.u.r. H j R- 5 1 me 4 � ' t / do f � R ._�� 'ice► 4 e l 4 mom' f� CAN, d uV�.ly,A ,.m ...► A . r. YN w SPRING REVIEW i S Y �c i ti * y�y �{_ }�. vim~ �`•iwtY �.u+"� �A� ... ^:� f IT r a.w rt 1 I 1 i /V m r- fA ■owl CN 777717, rn t (�� .» T 7C Z N t m S C A a � - r � • r • i' �� , ��/!��' � ! • • �a� ate♦, 'r `�j% • ►•��►' '• ��► � • try • l r/ • • r, �� �+ a� •�.w f •••� • � � � • ..,� �� �•r•�� • a •�I r f��s� j I� �• IL tip i a. L%A'�.�, • JL * . �7•"•w� lift fi ► •fr�1•� •�•.I•• ,•�•, � , � • � ,, a tea• � w lot .�1 .. � .fir • � �► '. ,. �yi f ► • r► • � � t V -*riMl� Y -Im 1� I I ! / 1/0 i -� f�J, 01 ll..� �i I � ` ,T � In Memorian { P � y Photo by Saunders James W. Thomson 1910-1964 "Consider that I laboured not for myself only, but for all them that seek learning." Apocrypha: Ecclesiasticus,zxciii, 17 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TitlePage ......................... ......... .................... ......................................... 1 Tableof Contents ............... . ................................................................... 3 Administration .. ......... ............................... 4 Faculty ................. ..... . . ............................................................ 5 Seniors ............................. ... . ......................... 11 Remember When ...... ... .... ........... 59 Class Poll ................. . ..... 60 Underclassmen ................................ ... ... 63 Activities ................................................................ . ... .... 71 Sports .._. ................... .................... 85 Advertisers, Patrons, Sponsors 98 3 err ! r r r y r i tn DOUGLAS A. CHANDLER Superintendent of Schools ALVAH G. HAYES Principal ADMINISTRATION FACULTY o . AGNES M. AIKEN •-+ SUSAN M. BROWN French French 1Y/heaton College, A.B.; McGill University, B.A.; Harvard University, Ed.M. University of Paris, Certificat de "Where are all my geniuses?" Langues "Say it in French!" q 64 P " PATRICIA O. MARY A. BUCKLEY ANDERSON Home Economics English Regis College, B.S. University of Rhode Island, A.B. "Do you want a big, round goose "Ten cents,please, egg for the day?" or a half hour." j n� i t GAIL A. BIGGLESTONE ENID M. BURNS Girls' Physical Education, Coach ,,, English, Advisor to The Squire of Varsity and Junior Varsity " +••,� Simmons College, B.S.; Field Hockey,Coach of Varsity Middlebury College,M.A. and Junior Varsity Girls' Basketball Advisor to Ski Club " "Now, how many have read 'University of New Hampshire, The Scarlet Letter?" B.S. in Ed. t "Count off by sixes, but line up \�/ by fours." r MARGARET E. BROWN ROBERT J. COLLIER English Guidance Director,North ' Boston University,B.A. Andover Public Schools _...-- "Mrs. Brown the teacher, Cortland State College, is beautiful." B.S. in Ed.; Boston University, M.Ed. • ' "The period is now half gone." 5 FACULTY HOWARD E. CROZIER AMERICO J. FICHERA Director of Physical Education Algebra, General Science; and Athletics; Track, Cross Assistant Football Coach,Junior Country, and Wrestling Coach Varsity; Assistant Basketball Springfield College, B.S., M.Ed. Coach, Freshman. "Loosen up, boys." State College at Salem, B.S. in Ed. "Howdy" MARGARET M. ANTHONY ,. DONLAN FORGETTA �- Algebra,Latin, Advisor to French National Honor Society Boston College, B.S. Boston University,A.B.,M.Ed. "Now stop your talking,and I "Does anybody know what I'm mean it!" talking about?" JOHN V. DONOVAN ARTHUR H. Chairman of English - 44 FORGETTA Department, English .' Algebra, Senior Mathematics, Boston College, A.B., M.A. Math Club "Do you want to come and visit y >+ ,r za���4� Tuft) University, B.S.; me at 2:30?" Northeastern University, M.Ed. "How many understand it? How many didn't do the problem?" 1 I F. GERALDINE MARION S. FARACA GROSSMAN �. Guidance Counselor Typewriting, Stenography, _ State College at Framingham, Advisor to Student Council _..�� B.S. Salem State Teachers College, , Boston University, M.Ed. B.S. in Ed.; :. "Oh, you'll be accepted." Boston University, Ed-M. 1; "All right, you may go now." t �� • y1 iS r,. 6 FACULTY ARTHUR P. HALL i MILTON J. KIMMEL Latin, Russian .. _ r` Band Director, Instrumental Boston University, A.B. Director "CTO PAZ" Lowell State College, B.S. in Ed. ' "Flam, flam— flam, flam, flam!" i ARTHUR J. HAMEL JULIA A. LEBENTRITT Chemistry, Coach of English ,l J.V. Baseball New York State University at s, St. Anselm's College,A.B.; Albany, A.B. State Teachers College at Boston, "Bravo!" M.Ed.; University of New Hampshire, M.S.T. (Chemistry). "Take out the old slip stick! i JAMES L. HILLS GEORGE F. LEE Industrial Arts, t Biology, Assistant Principal, Mechanical Drawing ' s Coach of Baseball Fitchburg State College, St. Anselm's College, A.B. B.S. in Ed.;Calvin Coolidge College, M.Ed. "This is the smart class,isn't it?" "This is known as the first-aid box, boys." �r LEWIS J. HULL ROBERT C. LICARE * Librarian Problems of Democracy, Boys' Boston University, B.Mus., M.A. Physical Education,Basketball — -- "O.K.,you birds, you're in this Coach, Freshman Football Coach library to study,you know." Boston University, B.S., Ed.M. "It's a little something to think about." s 7 FACULTY JOSEPH F. LYNCH _ PHILIP E. NELSON Plane Geometry, Algebra, History, Civics General Science, Advisor to � `�+ ► Boston University, B.A. the Math Club "" "I don't know why you kids have College of the Holy Cross, B.S. ! so much trouble taking notes." "Oh, my achin' Irish head!" JAMES W. McDONALD ALBERT F. Speech,English, Dramatic Club, PERRAULT, JR. Director of School Play, Driver Problems of Democracy,Civics, Education History Emerson College, B.L.I. Holy Cross, B.S.; "If there-are no more Boston College, M.A. volunteers . . ." "I'll remain impartial." , CLARENCE F. THOMAS F. POWERS MOSHER, JR. 7 Guidance Counselor, Business Music Supervisor,Choral Music Manager of Athletics Nezv England Conservatory of - Tufts University, A.B., ALL Music, B.Mus.; Columbia "I caught you sneaking into University, M.A. in Educational lunch line." Administration "All righty,let's go . . ." F. ALICE M. NEAL THOMAS L. REGAN Typewriting,Bookkeeping, Physics, Chemistry, Algebra, Bookkeeper for North Andover Science Club, President of North ` School Lunch Programs Andover Teachers Association Boston University, B.S.S., M.Ed. Providence College, B.S.; "The only records you're breaking State College at Salem,hl.Ed. are in the number of errors." "Does this seem satisfactory?" 8 FACULTY R JOHN R. ROBINSON ROBERT J. SULLIVAN General Science,Consumer -- " Algebra, General Math, Coach Education, Problems of of Football Democracy, Photography Club Holy Cross, B.S. Boston University, B.S.; "Keep it quiet." Suffolk University, M.Ed. "Your homework is A.W.O.L." ROBERT B. ROCHE RALPH C. TAYLOR History, Biology English, Advisor to The Knight Assistant Coach in Football, Brown University, Ph.B., M.A. Basketball, and Track "O.K. Let's avoid the talking!" Suffolk University, A.B. "If you will,gentlemen!" KATHERINE C. CLAIRE T. TORPEY SHERIDAN Stenography, Office Practice, History,Geography J g junior Business Training Boston University, B.S. in Ed., Salem State Teachers College, M.Ed. B.S. in Ed.; "This time we'll start in , Boston University, M.Ed. the second row" "Now people, I mean really and truly." ,> �. HARWOOD A. STEELE CAROLYN Typing, Bookkeeping, Business WHITEHEAD University of Maine, Freehand Drawing, B.S. in Bus.Ed.; Arts and Crafts . Salem Stag College,M.Ed. Massachusetts College of Art, "Now,people . B.S. in Ed. 9 Then said a teacher, Speak to us of Teaching. And he said: No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and hi.,- lovingness, If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your .own mind. The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding. The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it. And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither. For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man. And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth. KAHLIL GIBRAN 10 LO r --: it ., BRUCE A. ALLEN "Bruce„ 4 Handsome star of all the varsity athletic squads . . . another member of the "Great Six" . . . always seen with a very special junior . . . comes on real quiet, but when you get to know him, boy! . . . an especially great kid and a .• great friend to have . . .a guaranteed success. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3. Y. r a�� ss• LILA R. ANDERSON "Lila" A future secretary . . . not a care in the world and always looking for fun . . . friendly . . . prefers boys from Methuen . . . loves to march in parades . . . petite feet . . . why do you blush so easily, Lila? . . . fondest memory of N.A.H.S. is Biology with Mr. Roche . . . "you're kidding." a. Band 1, 2, 3,4;Knight 4;Library Club 4. SYLVIA ANDREWS Always seen with at least one boy . . . an all-around athlete . . . always laugh- ing . . . the original barefoot girl . . . really digs chemistry(?). . . sun tan in the summer, sun lamp in the winter . . . going to be the best physical thera- pist around! Softball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); P.T.S.A. (2) (Vice-President); Squire 4; Knight 4; Football Queen Court; Student Council 1 (Class Vice President) Ski Club Council 4. 1 s; A( JOANN M. ANDRUKAITIS } �� • ttT \� Jo �I Beautiful blond hair . . . sincere friend . . . help- ful . . . adorable majorette . . . loves to eat . . . Isometimes seen at the Barn . . . Joe . . . always smiling . . . loves to spend summer at Salisbury M Beach . . . you'll make a great hairdresser . . . Jo, may the best be yours. Basketball 1, 2; Softball 3; Majorettes 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Dramatic Club 1, 2; Library Club 4. Classroom 12 MAE R. ANNIS "Mae" One fun-loving gal . . . usually seen in her Comet . . . "Let's go to McDon- ald's" . . . a whiz on the dance floor . . . "What are we doing for excitement this weekend?" . . . Cute head majorette . . . partial to Andover boys . . . "What's this action?" . . . boys, boys, boys . . . Good luck, Mae, as a future hairdresser. Majorettes 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Squire Staff 3; Knight Staff 4; Student Council 4. LAWRENCE J.' ARDITO VON- Never lets a laugh go by . . . inclined to tease . . . keeps his collar buttoned(?) ` . . . Never forget chemistry class . . . accident prone in the lab . . . always will- ing to lend a helping hand . . . Andover girls . . . What's brewing in your mind now, Larry? . . . slated for success in Business Administration. Football 1;Baseball 1. ANDREW N. ARTIMOVICH "Andy" Y Happy go lucky . . . fond of school(?) . . . a friendly "hi" for everyone . . . never at a loss for words . . . always seen bombing around in that "green car" . . .one great friend to have. Dramatic Club 1. THOMAS A. BARNES \\ "Tom„ \ Always ready for a good time . . . easy going . . . can usually be found at Finneran's . . . avid sports fan . . . loves to do homework(?) . . . bright �w smile reflects his personality . . . one great friend SSIH '( a to have. L6� �. Baseball 1;Football2. s 13 Classroom t' - : BARBARA BATES "Batesy" Never seen without her famous pickle pin . . . great personality, always mak- ing people happy . . . almost a genius(?) . . . just ask her how she loves *IV IWI Physics! . . . Beatle indoctrination classes . . . really red hair . . . terrific editor, really knows her business . . . no doubt about her succeeding. Honor Society 3, 4 (Vice President); Latin Honor Society 2; Squire 4 (As- sistant Editor); Knight 4 (Literary Editor); Pep Club 3; Field Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Board of Trade Award 3, 4; at Metuchen H.S. 4_ (Metuchen, N. J.) Debating Club 1; Newspaper Staff 1; Student Council 1; Class Treasurer 1;Basketball 1. JAMES J. BATTERBURY „J�y„ Great kid to know . . . is always seen buzzing the town in his red Wildcat . . . r attracted to one certain girl . . . always ready for a good time . . . found at Hampton Beach during the summer . . . say, Jim how did you like the riot down there? . . . avid participant in our Problem's class . . . Villanova bound. Baseball 1; Photo Club 2, 3; Math Club 3, 4;Ski Club 4. II SANDRA BEAUMONT r "Sandy" Shy and quiet, but once you get acquainted—watch out! . . . always smiling ,., . . . loves to read . . . avid supporter of the Library Club . . . will positively love skiing—after she has learned the fundamentals! . . . loves to play speed- ball . . . is determined to get ahead. Dramatic Club 4;Library Club 4;Ski Club 4. CAROLE A. BELBEN "Carole" Great sense of humor . . . easy to get along with and a wonderful friend to all . . . adorable clothes . . . nice hairdo . . . usually seen at the games . . . full of fun . . . gift of gab. . . . winning smile . . . dependable . . . never forget those caf spares! . . . good luck in your future teaching career. Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Squire 3, 4; Knight 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Honor Society 4. 14 DONNA A. BELLORADO "Donna B" A great kid from any standpoint . . . efferverscent personality . . . sharp ward- ' robe . . . vivacious cheerleader . . . hates spiders . . . always running down to , the beach . . . philosophy—run in—get wet—run out . . . idolizes physics(?) . always taking lifesaving at the "Y" . . . likes a certain boy . . . sure to � ,,►" succeed. Honor Society 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Knight Staff 3, 4; Prom " Committee 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer); Latin Honor Society 2; Board of Trade Awards; Secretary of Senior Class. ELIZABETH BERLAN "Betty" i Quiet, but friendly . . . a real nice person to know . . . can be found working at Messina's . . . has lovely eyes, especially when she smiles—they sparkle! Loyal to any friend she has . . . really loves(?) those C.C.D. classes . . . will be a success in anything she does. r 71 JOSEPH G. BOYLE "Joe" - Known throughout the school as Big Joe . . . full-fledged member of the 2:30 �► " dub . . . car enthusiast . . . always putting in a transmission . . . a person of varied hobbies (especially girls) . . . a born Chemist(?) . . . likes two things about school: days off and spares . . . a pleasant personality with a Hi for everyone . . . likes the outdoors . . . a real cool swinger at the Barn . . . a nice guy to know. Football 2. WALTER R. BOYNTON ' "Walt" J A terrific kid with a wonderful personality and a smile for everyone . . . a great asset to the wrestling team . . . loves to bring Russell's lunch tray back for him(?) . . . conscientious member of the M.Y.F. . . . we wish you all possible success in the future,Walt. Band 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 1, 2, 3; Dramatic Club 1; Squire 4 (Exchange Edi- tor);Ski Club 4; P.T.S. A. 1. 15 MICHAEL J. BROWN "Mike" 1 An asset to the football team . . . good physique . . . always smiling . . . loves geography(?) . . . never serious . . . always finds a way to miss Caf spares . . . eagerly listens for that final bell . . . looks forward to the week-ends . . . tries to be first in the lunch line . . . best of luck in the future. ~� Football 2,3, 4;Track 3;Baseball 1,2,4. �I GERALDINE G. BUCHANAN "Gerry" Willing worker . . . remember the day you went horseback riding? . . . bub- bling over with friendliness and charm . . . always has a pleasant smile . . . listens to everyone's problems . . . one of Mr. Mac's best secretaries . . . gets into mischief . . . seen with Kathy . . . a sure success in business. Dramatic Club 4;Softball 1;Student Secretary 4. JOSEPH R. BUCHONIS "Joe" Active member of this year's football team . . . always seen carting the boys around . . . what's in Methuen, Joe? . . . luck in the future. Wrestling 3, 4;Football 4. I I i j JAMES C. BURKE Poo ,<Jim" << •;�«.\\ Always smiling . . . loves to drive on people's jlawns; right, Jimmy? . . . usually seen at Finner- .� an's with Paul . . . hates dull, quiet spares . . . 1 cheerful disposition . .: better known as Burkie never seen walking anywhere . . . loves / school(?) . . . well-liked . . . strong, silent type . . . bound for success! Football 1,2 (Manager);Math Club 4. Gym 16 RUSSELL D. BUTURLIA "Russ" Always has a friendly smile . . . can often be found at the race track . . . always seen at the Barn looking for card games . . . has a great art for getting out of homework . . . loves to sleep during spares . . . always ready for a good laugh . . . great man for the outdoors . . . loves hunting and fishing. Knight 4. DAVID A. CAIRNS "Dave" Better known as "Dave" . . . real nice guy . . . easy to get along with . . . for- ever saying "You're sweet like poison" . . . loves cars . . . never keeps his collar buttoned . . . homework is public enemy No. 1 . . . fabulous person- ality . . . always seen riding around town . . . loves U.S. History(?) . . . appre- ciates a good time . . . enjoys fishing and bowling . . . sure to be a successful mechanic. JAMES P. CALZETTA «Jimmy„ Real politician . . . fought hard for the home room rep. position . . . guess the apples don't help Jim! . . . likes the stage . . . real asset to the Dramatic Club always doing his homework at 8:10 in the morning . . . has a smile for eve one . . . always seen in the library great personality sure to suc- ceed Y rY . . . g P �' . . . .� teed . . .best of Puck,Jim! Library Club 3, 4 (Co-ordinator); Dranuaic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Knight 4. DONALD J. CARDOZA Good natured and always ready with a smile . . . Ea All not a care in the world . . . quiet until you get to know him . . . usually seen at Finneran's . . . great baseball fan . . . last to give speeches in Speech class . . . always seen with Mike and Tom . . . can't swim . . . ardent homework fan(?) . . . 1 a good friend to have. 17 Gym M E RICHARD A. CEPLIKAS „Cepie„ A very successful student . . . brightens up everyone's day with his friendly f smile and red hair . . . usually seen with Jack in hot pursuit of a member of the opposite sex . . . active in school activities . . . college bound . . . a sure success. Band 1; Math Club 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; P. T. S. A. 2 (Vice-President); ` Science Club 4. DIANE P. CHAROW '(Di" A real cute miss to know and a great friend to have . . . good natured with a marvelous sense of humor . . . loves French(?) . . . nice wardrobe . . . en- joys a good time . . . usually seen at York Beach during the summer . . . al- ways willing to lend a hand . . . Lawrence High's loss is North Andover's gain. ,, Ma1orette 4;Squire 4;Knight 4. LOUISE B. CLARENBACH "Louise" Oh, that baby fine hair . . . usually seen with Gail . . . partial to boys from Lawrence . . . faithful to the Community Center . . . lovely clothes . . . always talking, seldom caught . . . friendly . . . always seen in her Chevie . . . fond of children .. .you'll be a great baby nurse,Louise.. .good luck! Softball 1; Pep Club 3; Library Club (Secretary) 4; Knight Staff 4; Field Hockey (Manager) 1; Squire Staff3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Secretary 4, PRISCILLA T. CLERMONT "Priscilla" Lowell's loss is N.A.'s gain . . . cute and petite . . . big brown eyes . . . has a warm smile for everyone. . . mischievous . . . often seen with Gayle . . . never stops talking . . . hates library spares . . . neat in appearance . . . loves typing and shorthand(?) . . . will make someone a terrific secretary. Knight 4. 18 i ELLEN H. COHEN "Ellie" Always well groomed and neatly dressed . . . very good actress . . . loves French(?) . . . dark curly hair . . . always on time(?) . . . quiet ways . . . Manchester's loss, North Andover's gain . . . as wholesome as a glass of milk a future school teacher . . . good luck, Ellen! Student Council 3; Dramatic Club 1, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 3; School Play 3; Prom Committee 3; Knight Staff 4. JOYCE R. CONTI "Joyce„ Appears quiet and shy until you really get to know her . . . a very nice friend to have . . .always seen with Gerrie and Donna . . . always seen driving around town (any tickets yet, Joyce?) . . . contagious giggle . . . very neat appearance . . . good luck, Joyce, in your future career as a hairdresser. Math Club 2; Knight Staff 4; Squire Staff 4, DAVID A. CORRELLE "Dave" Oh, that temper! . . . cars . . . usually seen riding around with Stan . . . side remarks . . . looks quiet . . . but look again . . . New York . . . loves teachers(?) x . . . leader of the "Rats" . . . popular . . . one great gay to know . . . best of luck " to a wonderful person. Wrestling 1;Baseball 1,3. " I FRANCIS COTE "Frank" Central's loss was N.A.'s gain . . . a whiz in chemistry . . . and physics . . . and math!! . . . blushes easily . . . a conscientious and assiduous worker . . . always willing to lend a helping hand . . . quiet in homeroom . . . an asset to the track team . . . a future electrical engineer. Cross Country 4. 19 JOANNE E. COUGHLIN "Joanne" Vivacious cheerleader . . . forever saying: "Oh, great!" . . . usually seen with Janet . . . pleasing personality . . . bound for success in all she endeavors . . . avid French student . . . good college material . . . a wonderful friend to have and a nice girl to know . . . good luck in the future, Joanne. Cheerleader 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer); Latin Honor Society 1, 2; Math Club 2; Dramatic Club 2; Annie L. Sargent Latin Award 2;Field Hockey 3 (Assistant Manager);Pep Club 3; Squire 3, Knight 4 (Business Editor). CATHERINE M. CRANE Vivacious and most attractive cheerleader. . .remember your campaign speech ► always well dressed for the occasion . . . partial to a certain Hawthorne man . ..bound to succeed with that winning smile. Softball 1, 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Knight 3, 4; Squire 3, 4;Library Club 4; Ski Club 4; Senior Planning Committee, � r , ROSEMARY G. D'AGATA "Ros.ie ' One sweet girl with personality plus . . . gorgeous hair and beautiful clothes Oh, those big brown eyes! . . . friendly "Hi" for all . . . seems shy, but `V don't be fooled . . . loves all the latest dances . . . partial to Blue Bonnet Bakery . . .best of luck in the future,Rosie. Knight Staff 4;Pep Club 3, 4. Aillk SUSAN M. DALY ` 'N "Sue" A great friend . . . always a kind word for every- one . . . Hampton Beach . . . clothes from Mc- Cartney's . . . monogrammed wardrobe . . . often —wow"'* .may * seen behind the wheel of her beautiful white x ... , convertible . . . lover of Mr. Mac's Speech ;,' Yi`- •c ,� Class(?) . . . fond of Jimmy. +► Dramatic Club 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Library Club ' ; 4; Squire 3,4;Knight 4. �"''� Football 20 - f NANCY F. DELOGE "Nancy" A loyal friend . . . hard worker . . . appears shy until you know her . . . enjoys doing math(?) . . . spends her free time reading . . . good sense of humor . . . pleasing personality . . . enjoys those late night snacks . . . always willing to help . . . sure to succeed as a future school teacher. Dramatic Club 3, 4; Honor Society 4; Knight 4. ' CLARA A. DEMI "Clara" .cM�► One pretty miss . . . loyal and wonderful friend to have . . . beautiful hair . . . eyes for a certain someone . . . definite asset to the world of cosmetology . . . Oh, that temper! . . . loves school(?) . . . beautiful clothes . . . always has something to say . . . Rosie's other half . . . best of luck to a wonderful person. Library Club 4 (Publicity Manager);Pep Club 3,4. JUDITH F. DOLAN "Judy„ Beautiful long, blonde hair . . . quiet and shy . . . seen working at Finneran's ' . . . intelligent . . . diligent worker . . . a loyal friend to have . . . great driver ' sincere . . . always neat in appearance . . . beautiful clothes . . . sure to be a great success in all her future endeavors . . .good luck,Judy!.... Latin Honor Society 1; Math Club 2, 3, 4; Squire 3; Knight 4; Honor Society 4. T # PAUL V. DOLAN e�1�• 1 fl. "Bird" t Better known as What? . . . one of the greatest . . . is forever smiling . . . always lamas a good word . . . can always be found at the Dairy Queen in the morning before school . . . found at the pond during the summer playing cards, what else(?) . . . faithful attender at the Barn . . . how's the pool coming, Paul? Baseball 1, 2; Ski Club 4; Intramural Basketball 2,3. r 21 Cheerleader HOPE A. DONAHUE A real card . . . life of the party . . . mischievous . . . loyal friend to have . . . variable hair color . . . attracts the opposite sex . . . Hi guys . . . whiz on the dance floor . . . loves to do homework(?) . . . knack for witty comments . . . best nurse's aid Shady Knoll ever had . . . loves to argue . . . liked by all! Dramatic Club 4;Knight 4. JOHN P. DONAHUE "Jack" A great person to know and a wonderful friend to have . . . appears quiet, but i looks can be deceiving . . . favorite expression: "that's close" . . . a friendly "hi" for all . . . a good student . . . seen at the Barn . . . always looking for excitement . . . Cepie's other half . . . bound for success . . . best of luck in the ' future. Baseball 3, 4;Math Club 1,2,3, 4;Science Slub 4;Squire 4. GAYLE M. DONOVAN "Gayle" A great friend to have . . . constantly laughing . . . enjoys working at Stop and Shop . . . always seen wearing a sweater . . . terrific wardrobe . . . always re- member those swinging pajama parties! . . . there's never a dull moment when Gayle's around . . . good luck in your future airline career! Pep Club 3, 4;Dramatic Club 1, 2;Squire 3;Softball 1. n KATHLEEN P. DONOVAN `Kathy„ A real great kid to know . . . has many interests . . . crazy about oral English themes(?) . . . a wonderful sense of humor . . . always a friendly smile for everyone . . . beautiful blue eyes and shiny brown hair . . . constantly looking for fun and mischief . . . loves to knit . . . nice clothes . . . very polite . . . good luck in your future teaching career! 22 LINDA K. DUFFY "Linda" Interested in many various and sundry things . . . lovely long black hair . . . always neat and tidy . . . pretty clothes . . . very softspoken . . . has a friendly "Hello!" for everybody . . . always(?) pays attention in French class . . . '" peaches and cream complexion . . . best of luck always. Majorette 2,3;Dramatic Club 2. JOHN J. DUSHAME "Jay" Sophisticated play boy . . . never at a loss for words . . . sharp dresser . . . will never forget football or the locker room . . . has a hard time deciding what �--'" furniture store he'll trade in . . . headed for the business world . . . a sure suc- cess at anything he does. Football 1,2,3, 4;Track 1; Wrestling 1;Dramatic Club 4. RICHARD D. ELANDER "Richard" Great guy to know . . . always seen at the Barn and DQ . . . loves math(?) . . . aware of the opposite sex . . . witty remarks are his specialty . . . home 404 - work too(?) . . . mischievous smile . . . favorite class-spares . . . never a dull moment with Dick around . . . a good word for everyone . . . good luck in the future. Baseball 3, 4. KENNETH C. ELLIOT "Kenny" Our future governor . . . good looking and well dressed . . . always seen in someone's blue Ford . . . enjoys female company . . . patronizes the Dairy Queen . . . heading for success. Track 1;Football 1;Student Council 2. 23 ELISABETH A. EVANS _ "Liz" / Quiet and shy . . . a loyal friend . . . loves math and physics . . . an excellent 4 violinist . . . member of a junior symphony . . . wants to make music her career . . . likes to travel . . . has seen most of Europe . . . is bound to succeed. Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4;Math Club 2, 4; Library Club 3, 4; Knight 4; Softball 3; Knightingales 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4. CARMEN M. FINNOCHARIO Never a bad word for anyone . . . assiduous and industrious worker . . . shy until you get to know him . . . real gentleman . . . earnest . . . mechanically inclined . . . can always be found stamping prices on cans at Messina's . . . adept in the shop . . . good friend to have . . . deserves the best. BRENDAN P. FOSTER "Beep„ Greatest of N.A:s great athletes . . . real great kid . . . one of the "Great Six" a real hustler (on the basketball court, that is) . . . N.A.'s all-American boy a real bug on homework(?) . . . remember the "boot-leg nine," Beep? . . . destined to be a great athlete and a success in later life. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Football 1, 2, 3, 4, (Co-Captain); Baseball 1, 2,3, 4. ARTHUR L. FOURNIER Never seen with more than one book . .. strong 1 '' silent type . . . partial to the opposite sex . . . ( � usually seen with Bob and Sully . . : notorious temper . . . found either at the D.Q. or at Fin- neran's . . . is your collar buttoned, Art? Football 1;Basketball 1. 24 WILLIAM A. FREDETTE "Bill" One great guy . . . easy going . . . appears quiet at first . . . loves to study(? . . . enjoys having his license . . . remember English 3-c(?) . . . neat dresser , good looking and debonair . . . polite and good natured . . . often found at the Barn . . . ambitious . . . sure to succeed. Dramatic Club 4. " CART, D. FREDRICKSON "Carl" lot Always a smile for everyone . . . a great person to know and a wonderful friend to have . . . enjoys a good game of baseball or football . . . loves Physics a good worker . . . sure to be a success in the future. North Andover High Boys Ten Pin Bowling League 3, 4 (Captain); Intra- mural Basketball 2, 3;Intramural Volleyball 2, 3. SHEILA FREEMAN "Sheila" Beautiful long, blonde hair . . . vivacious . . . neat appearance . . . loves to go bowling . . . nice to everyone . . . pleasing personality . . . nice complexion and pretty eyes . . . great sense of humor . . . always smiling and happy . . . a w very talkative miss . . . attractive clothes . . . a great person to know . . . best of luck in the future. Dramatic Club 4;Student Secretary 4. y LINDA ANN FURNARI 5%VYT- "Linda" One of N. A. H. S.'s newest additions . . . ador- able(?) Cincinnati accent . . . wonderful sense -� witty remarks know the ways 1 of humor . . . try e s . s �I of boys . . . has mischief in her eyes . . . chic wardrobe . . . first love for the Arts . . . hopes to (( 11 become a Fashion Designer. St. Ursula's Academy . . . G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Prom Committee 3; Light (School Paper) 4; Speech Arts Festival 2; Variety Show 1, 2; Bas- ketball 1; Glee Club 1. 25 Lunch NANCY J. FURNESS "Nan " ry Beautiful red hair . . . vibrant personality . . . one great girl to know . . . avid supporter of football and basketball games . . . the Dramatic's Club best treasurer . . . always has a friendly smile for everyone . . . a success in all she attempts . . . the best of luck in your future teaching career. Band 1, 2; Knight 4; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4 (Treasurer); Pep Club 3, 4; Math Club 2;Squire 3 (Typing Editor), 4. GEORGE H. GAILEY "Skip" - Handsome brute . . . still got that old touch with the girls . . . look at those r - mischievous eyes . . . nice wardrobe . . . loves English(?) . . . admired by everyone . . . fond of the outdoors . . . can be seen hunting, fishing, or snaring something in his traps . . . right-hand man at Charles's Steak House . . . a real swinger down at the Barn . . . best of luck in the future, Skip. Chorus 1, Dramatic Club 4; Basketball 1; Football 1, 2, 3; Track 1. w� RICHARD GALLAGHER "Ricky" Lover of English . . . easy going . . . likes to ski . . . sure livens up a cafe spare . . . usually talking to Mac . . . friendly "Hi" for everyone . . . (especially girls) up on the latest jokes . . . partial to Ford's . . . loves the thought of June being just around the corner . . . bound for success! BARBARA GALLENSTEIN A sport enthusiast . . . a credit to her class and school . . . devoted to the hockey team . . . likes to shop in Boston . . . full of life . . . tops in chemistry f . always in the center of activity . . . patiently awaits for the mailman . . . has a pleasing personality . . . sure to be a success. St. Mary's Know English Club 1, 2; Sodality 1, 2; Math Club 1, 2; N.A.H.S. —Basketball 3, 4; Board of Trade Award 2; Field Hockey 3, 4; Science Fair 2, 3, 4; Knight 4; Squire 4; Lowell Tech. Regional Fair 2, 3; M. L T. State Fair 2, 3;Student Council 4;Pep Club 3, 4;Science Club 3, 4. 26 1K•+e. JOHN E. GARVIN "Jack„ A great athlete . . . handsome . . . gentlemanly . . . well dressed . . . meets any girl's fancy . . . serious . . . but lots of fun . . . always nice to every one . . . well liked by all . . . track team's best captain . . . crazy about physics(?) . .F enjoys cafe spares with Mr. Hills . . . college bound . . . best of luck, Jack. .r Football 4;Track 1, 2,3,4 (Captain);Student Council 4. CHARLES GIGNAC "Charlie" Can tell a good ball player a mile away . . . who's going to win the series next year, Charlie? . . . loved that chemistry class(!) . . . devoted golf player . . . always saying, "I really flunked that one" . . .a "Hi" for everyone . . . bound for college. . . sure to succeed . . . best of luck in the future. Intramural Basketball. CAROL A. GILBERT "Carol" A Quite a swell kid . . . can have much to say when she feels like talking . . . has contributed much to the band these past four years . . . always looks as if she is in an awful rush . . . a petite miss. Band 1, 2,3, 4; Chorus 4;Library Club 3. LINDA J. GOGUEN "Linda" Quite the party giver . . . loads of clothes . . . never a dull moment when Linda's around . . . always something to say . . . heard any new jokes lately, Linda? . . . how was your summer at Salisbury Beach? . . . always laughing lives on brownie bars . . . always has a compliment for everyone . . . will be a great executive secretary. _ Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Secretary 4; Knight 4; Dramatic Club 4; Knight- - ingales 3, 4; Library Club 3 (Secretary). 27 GEORGE W. GREGORY F "Skip" 1 Very athletic . . . loves sports and especially wrestling . . . hopes to enter ` 7-1 the Olympics some day . . . plans to major in chemistry . . . a gentleman and a scholar . . . came to N. A. H. S. in his sophomore year from Pittsfield . . . liked by all . . . attracted to a certain girl . . . remember the Science Fair? . . . good luck,Skip. Wrestling 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Track 3, 4; Cross Country 4; Science Club 4; Squire 4 (Business Editor); Ski Club 4. CECILE GUY "Cecil" Notes in spares . . . always talking . . . Faithful band member . . . remember Burlington's exchange concert? . . . Mr. Kimmel's 2:30 Club when he's not sure of the name he calls detention. Band 3, 4; Knight 4; Softball 2; Fiell Hockey 1; Student Secretary 4. ROSEMARY HALEY "Rosie" "Come on kids, huh?" . . . can't stand conceit . . . friendly . . . when there's a good time going, R.osie's always there . . . fondest memory of N.A.H.S. is when she participated in Mr. Roche's Biology class . . . always ready for a joke oh that contagious giggle . . . pretty eyes . . . beautiful smile . . . may the best in the future be yours. Softball 1; Chorus 2;Pep Club 3. i� YVETTE C. HAMEL "Yvette" Tall and slender . . . one wonderful girl to know ,.. t . . . long, shining black hair . . . enjoys (?) gym, especially climbing ropes . . . attracted to a cer- tain boy . . . really knows how to punch those typewriter keys . . will make somebody really . y a eat secretary . . best of luck always- in,,'j, �`i✓ � y � 't: Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Squire 4; Student Secre- ; `c ° `�, " Lary 4; Honor Society 4• X;,'.' Science Club 28 r BARBARA ANN HANLON "Barb" An enthusiastic cheerleader . . . vim, vigor . . . full of pep . . . ability and agility . . . a sure success . . . sincere . . . always has something nice to say about everyone . . . well-liked . . . you can depend on "Barb" . . . can always be found at Hampton Beach—what a sharp hostess! . . . seems to be partial towards Dannies . . . happiness will be hers in the future. National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 2; Cheerleader 4; Squire 4 (Editor in Chief); Math Club 2, 3, 4 (President); Science Club 3, 4; Stu- dent Council 1 (Presentation of Mary Academy) 4; Knight 3, 4; Basketball 3 (Manager); Girls' State 3; Board of Trade Awards 1, 2; MIT Representative 3; Class Secretary 1 (Presentation of Mary Academy). HARRIET HANSON "Harriet" A real doll . . . moody but wonderful . . . faithful friend to have . . . nice dresser . . . such pretty hair . . . Andover . . . lives for her weekends . . . ap- pears quiet . . . but just get her going . . . always has something to say . . . + usually about a certain someone . . . Best of luck in the future, Harriet. Student Secretary 4. pi ELLEN HARRIS "Ellie" Such a sweet personality . . . so sincere . . . always ready to listen to a good joke . . . what a cute giggle . . . endowed with an irrepressible gift of gab . . . a true friend . . . pretty hair . . . will make a wonderful nurse . . . Stay as sweet as you are,and success is bound to be yours. Student Council 2; Chorus 1, 2; Dramatic Club 4; Pep Club 3; Knight 4; Basketball Manager 2, 3,4. i NANCY S. HAY A great friend to have . . . partial to the Marines . . . loves stenography(?) . . . enjoys having a good joke, but always comes up with a better s one . . . chums with Rosie . . . What's that spark- ling on your third finger, left hand, Nancy? Dramatic Club 1; Squire Staff 3. Science Club 29 STEPHEN A. HAY "Steve" Always seen with Doug . . . friendly . . . oh, that cute smile! . . . sincere love for freshman(?) . . . why do you like Salisbury Beach, Steve? . . . always well groomed and neatly dressed . . . blond hair . . . usually seen bombing around N.A. . . . appears quiet and shy,but wait until you know him! KATHLEEN JOANNE HEARTY "Kathy„ Loyal friend and reliable worker . . . goes out of her way for anybody that needs help . . . loves to draw . . . likes to do experiments . . . likes to be with people—finds them fascinating . . . wants to be a psychologist . . . Northeast- ern University is her goal. Knight 3, 4 (Editor-in-chief); Squire 3, 4; Science Club 3, 4 (President); Math Club 4;Pep Club 4. MARY E. HENSHAW Mal. Very quiet . . . loyal friend . . . always smiling . . . likes dramatics . . . member of the Library Club . . . reads a great deal . . . concerned about the welfare of others . . . great personality . . . always dependable . . . will make a wonderful nurse. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Knightingales 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; North East Music Festival 3; Christmas assembly 1, 2, 3; Library Club 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4• ROBERT L. HERMANN "Bob" Appears quiet, but oh wait until you get to know him . . . mischievous . . . never forget the day you tried to teach some girl to play forty fives in the CB -'♦` spare . . . college bound . . . well-liked by all . . . likes to bowl and bowls well . . . often seen bombing around in his cute little car . . . I never did find out what kind it was . . . good luck in anything you do. 30 WILLIAM G. HOMER "Dinger" r A confirmed bachelor, yet very partial to the opposite sex . . . loves spares and lunch periods . . . always seen at Central Catholic and around town . . . a great person to talk to . . . has a smile for everyone . . . a really great dancer • ,, . . . popular guy . . . is a friend to all . . . never at loss for something to say. Student Council 2. - MICHAEL J. HORGAN "Mike" r t Hail! Wiaard of the Math Club Dance . . . casts his spell over all the girls . . . President of the C.Y.O. bowling league . . . can always be seen with a smile is noticed 'working at Boston Hill . . . one of the greatest football players . . . remember that snake dance after the Billerica. game(?) . . . loyal supporter of the high school dances and the Barn . . . digs working on model cars . . . really loves doing homework, eh, Mike(?) . . . can always be seen enjoying those delicious lunches . . . marvelous sense of humor. Football 3, 4; Intramural Volley Ball and Basketball 2, 3; Photography 4. DONNA R. HOUGHTON "Donna" Cute cheerleader . . . gorgeous blue eyes . . . partial to Brooks boys . . . always # laughing . . . perfect class flirt . . . popular . . . dimples and freckles . . . the center of activity . . . friends with all the State cops (wha.t. luck!) . . . a future fashion designer. Field Hockey 2; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Squire 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Student Council 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Decorating Committee 3, 4. �r I ''' ►' WILLIAM IMINSKI I "Minsk" Better known as "Minsk" .. . great personality . . . always smiling . . . always ` has a good (?) word . . . has a great dislike for homework . . . great Chem lab partner . . . avid fisherman . . . can be found off Plum Island catching Stripers during the summer . . . attracted to one certain girl . . . Good luck in the future, Bill! 31 JANET IPPOLITO "Janet" Beautiful wardrobe . . . adorable blonde hair . . . cute smile . . . active member of the Dramatic Club . . . many dates . . . proudly drives around in her Caddy Convertible . . . what do you have against Fords, Janet? . . . bundle of energy ..... remember Belladonna? Knight 4 (Advertising Manager); Dramatic Club 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 3;Pep Club 3;Honor Society 4. JOSEPH M. JACQUES „Joe" " Personality plus . . . has a way with the girls . . . a great friend to have . . . nonconformist . . . member of the 2:30 club . . . can always be found in the middle of a good time . . . has a way with cars . . . threatening presidential candidate . . . has many go-big ambitions . . . hope you make it, Joe. Football 1, 2;Ski Club 4. CHERYL L. JORGENSEN A.. "Cheryl" One cute miss . . . beautiful expressive eyes . . . Oh that walk!! . . . attracted ►' to a certain someone . , . always seen with Dianne . . . didn't you just love F those gym classes(?) . . . beautiful. hair . . . neat locker partner(?) . . . cute, friendly smile . . . may the best be yours,Cheryl. Softball 1,2;Squire.3. WILLIAM G. JOYCE "Billy" One sincere friend . . . good-looking and witty .►� ,' . . . always has the answer . . . mischievous per- sonality . . . most popular chef at the "take out" \ \ . . . always has a friendly "Hi" for everyone . . . enjoys skiing . . . a real hit with the opposite sex . . . conscientious and intelligent . . . a sure suc- cess in all his future endeavors. Baseball 1; Football 1; Knight 4; Honor Society 4. Basketball 32 MARGARET A. KEANE "Marg" Sweet girl with a smile and greeting for everybody . . . likes dramatics . . . really loves math . . . never has a spare moment—always busy . . . dependable . . . considers the welfare of others . . . will, undoubtedly, be a wonderful nurse . ..will certainly be a success. Dramatic Club 3, 4;Knight 4;Squire 4;Pep Club 4;Honor Society 4. BRIAN J. KENNEDY t Strong silent (?) type . . . a good person to have on any basketball team . . . Saturday nights spent at the Barn . . . quiet until you get to know him . . . ' ooh soo good looking . . . always ready for fun . . . can always be found with a smile on his face . . . really collegiate . . . digs math (?) . . . sure to be a. -�. future success. Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Football 3; Track 3, 4; Knight 4 (Sports Editor). SUSAN M. LAR`JCHELLE "Sue" A real comedian . . . cute as a pixie . . . button nose . . . Presentation's loss, North Andover's gain . . . the actress of all actresses . . . gift of gab . . . loves to do homework(?) . . . full of life . . . contagious giggle . . . popular with the opposite sex . . . sparkling eyes . . . look for her name in lights. , Field Hockey 2; Chorus 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2., 4, (Class Play 1, 4); Knight Staff 4; Valentine Queen's Attendant 1. r PAUL LAURENZA "Paul" -� Swell personality . . . Really a genius!? . . . Al- ways smiling . . . a loyal Democrat . . . loves (� Physics!!? . . . a constant tease . . . remember those library spares?? . . . Quiet until you get to %✓ know him . . . good at everything . . . a sure suc- cess in the future. %i \A Strident Council l;Honor Society 4. Basketball 33 I DOUGLAS D. LAW "Doug" g Loves school and enjoys doing his homework(?) . . . a great fan of Salisbury Beach . . . always smiling . . . well-liked by all . . . a real sharp dresser with blond hair . . . mischievous . . . Steve's best friend . . . usually seen at the Barn.. .bound for success. Prom Decorating Committee 3; Ski Club 4. _t STEVEN E. LEGAL r- "Steve" e Rather quiet but liked by everyone . . . loves French class(?) . . . well man- nered . . . one sharp dresser . . . has a casual air . . . always looking for excite- ment . . . easy to get along with . . . great person in anyone's book . . . can be seen almost anywhere . . . sure to be a future success. Track 3. LLOYD R. LICCIARDELLO "Lloyd" 7 A great guy; always ready for fun . . . will you ever forget the little room in those library spares? . . . member of that great team "The Villagers" . . . is willing to get out of the house most anytime . . . what's all this about a secret power (?) . . . sure to be headed for success . . . good luck, Lloyd. Honor Society 4;Knight 4. ERIC N. LINDFORS "Ric" A great asset to our wrestling and track teams . . . loves music and basketball (especially at Bradstreet School after 7:30) . . . gets along well with everyone . . . especially enjoys Russian class(?) . . . don't forget your Sunday night meeting . . . lucky is the college that gets this terrific guy. Track 1, 2,3, 4; lrestling 3,4;Math Club 4. 34 ROBERT G. LITTLE "Bob" "I overslept; where's detention?" . . . don't let that quiet air fool you . . . shy but full of mischief . . . loves history(?). Track 2, Dramatic Club 4. CHRISTINE LYNCH "Chris" Cheerful, friendly, and attractive . . . blushes ever so easily . . . usually seen giving Bruce advice . . . one of Lynch's three best waitresses . . . partial to a certain geometry teacher, wonder why? . . . lovely clothes . . . quiet . . . Irish .; all the way . . . lovely brown, curly hair . . . a real lady . . . Good Luck, Chris, you deserve the best of it. Dramatic Club 1, 2,3;Pep Club 3, 4;Ski Club 4. BENJAMIN B. LYONS "Ben" A swell fellow with a smile and "Hi" for everyone . . . remember French I? . . . The 1964 Football season . . . a real gentleman . . . heading for a business , > career. Dramatic Club 2, 4;Student Secretary 4;Color Guard 4. JOYCE M. MARTINO "Joyce" Truly Lawrence's loss, North Andover's gain . . . what's the certain attraction at Central Catholic, Joyce? . . . really enjoys Typewriting III(?) . . . one swell girl to know . . . real cute hairdo . . . sweet smile for everyone . . . big and beautiful eyes that are always smiling . . . always has something to say. Debating Society 2. 35 J MICHELLE M. MASSICOTTE ^. "Mich" Personality plus . . . Why the love for Rhode Island? . . . always in a hurry loves math . . . everyone's friend when in need . . . sure to be a success. Knight 4; Squire 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3;Softball 3;Library Club 4. 0010" 1 THOMA J. MAXWELL "Thoma" Looks forward to the finer things of life . . . chic wardrobe . . . proud owner I of a pickle pin . . . good-natured and friendly . . . loves French . . . appears a" quiet at first . . . pleasant and charming personality . . . college bound . . . blushes easily . . . a great asset to N.A.H.S. . . . dependable and sincere . . . - sure to succeed in all she does. Softball 1, 2; Basketball 3, 4; Knight 3, 4; Squire 4 (Literary Editor); Math Club 2;Honor Society 4. < GAIL A. McAVOY f^ "Mac" Avid Beatle fan . . . usually seen in her blue Chevie . . . how many people will that thing hold anyway? . . . fond of her D. A. class(?) . . . excellent skier . . . lovely wardrobe . . . sincere friend . . . oh, those beautiful pierced earrings . . . dependable . . . cute as a button . . . never seen with a frown . . . respected by all. Ski Club 4. ILE Et EK Viet SANDRA M. McCARTHY �)) "Sandy" One very nice girl . . . a whiz in type . . . a mem- ber of the 2:30 club . . . Norma . . . a great one to tell your troubles to . . . quite a talker . . . - \l " A full of mischief . . . doesn't take life too`seriously ' not a care in the world . . . much success in the future, Sandy. Band 36 r GAYLE M. McDONALD „Mac" Busy social life . . . a ski enthusiast . . . energetic . . . loves to dance . . . loves speech(?) . . . popular with everyone . . . always a smile and hello for everyone . . . helpful to everyone . . . always has something to do . . . a sin- cere friend . . . sure to be a success as a Physical Education teacher. Student Council 2; Basketball 1; Softball 1; Library Club 3 (President), 4; Ski Club 4 (committee member). THOMAS M. McGLINN "Tom" A devoted class President . . . always there to help . . , such witty remarks . . . tops in everything he does . . . makes a handsome lifeguard . . . the life of any party . . . popular as can be . . . ambitious . . . college bound . . . an asset to the class . . .a great leader . . . sure to be successful. Football 1; Basketball 1, 2; Student Council 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 1; Prom Committee 3, 4; Senior Class President. SANDRA J. McGREGOR "Sandy" Carol's other half . . . "Saltine Crackers and Milk!" . . . Great attraction for �^ti Central Catholic—what's over there(?) . . . always seen bombing around in her '55 chevy . . . never seen without a smile on her face . . . always on the go—but with time for a friendly hello! . . . sure to be a success as a future `" accountant. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 4; Softball 1, 2; Squire 4; Basketball 4; Knight 3, 4; Pep ` Club 3, 4; Senior Planning Committee. ' r � MICHAEL M. MELVILLE "The South will rise again." . . . strong silent type . . . very friendly . . . blondes have more fun . . . nice boy. h Basketball 1, Afajorette 37 ,1 SUSAN C. MIDDLETON "Sue„ Came to North Andover from New Jersey . . . friendly with a wonderful disposition . . . never a bad word against anyone . . . a great kid to know . . . how's basketball,Sue? Softball 3;Dramatic Club 3, 4;Library Club 3. ii;il MARY MARGARET MINIHAN "Mary Margaret" A swell friend to everyone . . . lovely smile . . . an easy person to tell your troubles to . . . shiny hair . . . a future teacher . . . kind of quiet . . . a great kid to have around . . . a sure success. ` Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Squire 3, 4; Knight Staff 4; Field Hockey 3,4;Library Club 3. A6 s ALBERT J. MOORE Quiet 'till you get to know him . . . great language student . . . aware of the opposite sex . . . great wit . . . loves homework and chemistry(?) . . . good luck in the future,Al. 1 k ROBERTA E. MORSE "Bobbie" Lovely to look at . . . partial to the opposite sex . . . Haverhill . . . neat dresser . . . Gail's other half . . . oh, those speech classes! . . . pretty long blond hair . . . appears quiet and shy . . . but just get her going . . . pro at field hockey .r and at swimming. . . Bobbie,may the best be yours! " Field Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; (Co-captain); Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2 (As- sistant Manager); Squire Staff 3, 4; Knight 4, Ski Club 4; Dramatic Club 4; Student Secretary 4. 38 MICHELLE M. MURPHY "Mickie" What's the great attraction for the U. S. Air Force(?) . . . never see her without a smile . . . still hoping to grow a few more inches, Mick? . . . allergic to school and homework . . . petite and cute young miss . . . smiling Irish eyes . . . personality plus . . . is sure to be a wonderful dental hygenist. ,, Dramatic Club 2,3. NANCY D. MURPHY "Murp h" Heading for college with a teaching career . . . peppy cheerleader . . . why such a great love for oral English themes, Murph? . . . loyal friend . . . oh, so Aw mischievous and ready for fun . . . peaches and cream complexion. Dramatics Club 1; Softball 1; Field Hockey 3; Knight 4; Library Club 4 (treasurer); Cheerleading 4. ti. t f MARGARET ANN MYLOTT "Margaret„ Hey, Marg, isn't it about time to send another telegram to Liverpool, Eng- land??? . . . September 12, 1964!!!!! . . . those witty and sarcastic remarks beautiful clothes . . . a very loyal friend . . . BEATLES (especially John Winston Lennon! ) . . . has a real love (?) for Problems Class . . . will be a sure success in whatever she does. Dramatic Club 1; Squire 4 (Literary Editor); Knight 3, 4 (Editor-in-Chief). ."t, MARY E. O'BRIEN "Erin" P ' Cute Irish import . . . nice wardrobe . . . oh that laugh! . . . always knows the latest jokes . . . partial to the opposite sex . . . pixie and popular . . . fun-loving . . . always seems to get into the funniest predicaments . . . forever seen smil- ing. . .best of luck,Erin. 39 KATHLEEN PATRICIA O'CONNELL "Kathy" Future expert in the business world . . . loves shorthand(?) . . . loyal and understanding . . . deserves an A+ in personality . . . often seen bombing - around the streets of N.A. in a blue Dodge . . . friendly towards everyone . . . willing to lend a helping hand . . . gift of gab . . . good luck, Kathy! Dramatic Club 2, 3,4. JANET E. OLPP "Janet" A sweet attractive Miss with tons of personality . . . beautiful wardrobe . . . asset to the band . . . a very successful student . . . works hard for victories on the hockey field . . . usually seen with a particular boy . . . a sure success in anything she does. +!° Honor Society 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 1, 2; Student Council 2; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2; Band 3, 4 (President); Field Hockey 2, 3, 4; Knight 4;Squire 4 (News Editor). GORDON OTENIO "Gordon" What a physique . . . like a flash of lightning on the track . . . good student, ` liked by all of his teachers . . . outdoor man . . . a friendly Hello for everyone . . one of the nicest boys one will ever meet . . . how do you like the snow, � Gordon? . . . ambitious . . . headed for college and then on to success . . . it was a real honor having a guy like Gordon attend our school! Track 2,3, 4; Wrestling 2. I 1 DOLORES PALMIERI Friendly personality . . . quiet until you get to l l I know her. . . beautiful eyes . .. long hair . . .loves homework(?) . . . one of our high stepping majorettes . . . always ready for a laugh . . . sure "r�pGE to be a success. sq Majorettes 2,3,4. Dramatic Club 40 MARIE PAPPALARDO 'Where can I park my car?" . . . a quiet girl with an easy personality . . . a new addition to N. A. H. S. a .. F LINDA A. PAWLICK "Linda" "r Diane's other half . . . quiet . . . adores the opposite sex . . . especially at- tracted by the USAF . . . favorite saying "Oh, he's beautiful!" . . . acts as chauffeur for the girls . . . likes to study{?) . . . will be a success in the busi- ness world. RONALD V. PELLERIN ' "Ronnie" Quiet, until you get to know him . . . what a shock of hair . . . loves cars . . . what happened to your cycle, Ron? . . . always enjoys a good laugh . . . not a care in the world . . . best of luck in the future, Ron. v ELEANOR M. PERRON -"' Friendly to all . . . magnetic personality . . . always smiling, and why not!!! . . . great mathe- matician??? . . . always eating candy in—,00ps!!! s 0 likes a certain boy . . . Remember Junior year's A— fifth period spares? . . . dresses real sharp . . . 114. peppiest cheerleader . . . going to be tops in the future!!! Cheerleader 4; Knight 3, 4; Squire 4. �- — -- -- 41 Dramatic Club ANTHONY B. PERRONE "Tony" A great actor . . . what a hit on the stage . . . handsome . . . beautiful clothes . . . careful of his appearance and his Chevi . . . what if you had a dollar for every time that shiny car went up Main Street? . . . sincere . . . generous . . . Tony will do anything for anyone . . . everyone's buddy in a quiet way . . . best of everything in the years to come! '4 Student Council 1; Freshman Class President 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club President 4; Squire 3. PAMELA ANN PHELAN "Pam" A wonderful person with a pleasing personality . . . oh, that crazy giggle!!! . blushes easily . . . pretty blond hair and blue eyes . . . always seen working at a certain snack bar . . . cute ways . . . beautiful wardrobe . . . doesn't have an enemy in the world . . . loves French(?) . . . good luck in the future. Field Hockey 1, 2, 3;Softball 1. GAIL A. PHILLIPS One attractive miss . . . Bobbie's other half . . . Gail, how are those "faithful" ,.. exercises coming along? . . . nice wardrobe . . . appearance that of a model . . . boys, boys, boys . . . friendly smile . . . partial to the opposite sex . . . best of luck, Gail, in whatever the future brings to you. NANCY JO PICKARD "Nancy Jo" 4. A really terrific driver . . . watch out, pedestrians! . . . crazy red hair . . . pretty smile . . . easy to get along with truly enthusiastic about gym? . . . a real flirt . . . a great friend to have . . . a good listener . . . will one day be a nurse, and a very good one . . . has a cheerful thought for everyone. Drastic Club 1;Senior Planning Committee 4;Pep Club 3, 4. ON tA 42 JOYCE ANN PLOURDE "Joyce" Real cute miss . . . reliable worker . . . Mr. Perrault's secretary in Problems . . . "What's so interesting about the Air Force?" . . . likes swimming and water skiing . . . a girl who gets things done . . . sure to succeed in the busi- ness world. Knight Staff 1;Dramatic Club 2;Student Secretary 4;Pep Club 4. a. MELANIE ANNE POROCHNIAK "Melanie" Sensitive . . . has a real appreciation for music . . . quiet . . . one of N.A.'s best IWO poets . . . enjoys reading a good book . . . loves to swim . . . interested in poli- tics . . . longs to travel in this wide world of ours . . . will make a wonderful English teacher. . .best of luck in the future. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Knight 4; Squire 4. JOHN B. POWERS Always talking a great manager and efficient personality . loves home- , Y g . . . g g p ty • • work(?) . . . a science advocate . . . a great member of the band . . . good luck in the future,John. Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4 (Manager); Photography Club 1; Library Club 4 (Vice- President); Track 3, 4 (Manager); Squire 3, 4; Science Club 4; Band 4; Yearbook Staff 4. ' WILLIAM L. PRUSSMAN "Billy" `�-�► "My car broke down." . . . Mr. Cushing's right-hand man . . . always willing to help someone . . . nice personality . . . knows his wolf whistles . . . nice smile. 43 i KATHLEEN PYBUS "Kathe" Lovely wardrobe . . . contagious giggle . . . excellent equestrienne . . . well Iiked by all . . . full of the dickens . . . personality plus . . . always has a smile for everyone . . . loves a good time . . . forever talking . . . never forgets to do -. her English homework . . . college bound . . . may success be yours, Kathe! Dramatic Club 3, 4; Basketball 3; Pep Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Yearbook Staff 3, 4; Squire 4; Football Queen's Candidate 4; Valentine's Queen Candi- date 3;Sodality 1, (P. M. A.). STANLEY PYTERAF "Stan" Always seen bombing around N. A. before school . . . especially at the D.Q. x I . . fond of school and loves doing his homework(?) . . . quiet . . . nice ways F . . . loves Physics . . . well-liked by all . . . usually seen with the fellas . . . 'e, . gets along well with his teachers . . . sure to succeed. Freshman Football 1; Basketball 1,2;Baseball 3; Dramatics 4. y EDWARD J. RABBITO "Eddie" Quiet and shy at first, but wait until you get to know him . . . usually seen at the Barn . . . what's this about the "House of the Rising Sun"? . . . friendly and easy going manner . . . chief interest girls . . . loves doing homework(?) . . . sincere friend. . . the life of any party. �. Football 1;Track 1, 2;Intramurals 1, 2,3, 4. JEAN ANN RAMEY Jean„ lSwell person to know . . . sparkling personality � always a Hi! for everybody . . . Oh, so mischie- vous . . . bursting with energy . . . always ready J with a joke . . . there's never a dull moment ' � � I when Jeanie's around . . . a faithful friend to have . . . always willing to lend a helping hand 1 �- �� . . .best of luck in the future,Jeanie. N, Pep Club 3; Knight 4 (Manager of Typing); Student Secretary 4. Baseball 44 MARGARET ANNE REILLY „Mug„ A real cute kid . . . mischievous—something is cooking when she has a straight face . . . remember Mr. Hull's spares!! Loves chemistry(?) How's Fruitlands?? Great wardrobe . . . Big blue eyes . . . Math went Fast this year! Dramatic Club 1, 4; Softball 3; Knight 3, 4 Circulation Manager; Squire 4, Library Club 3; Honor Society 4. 1 CLEON L. RICHARDS ~' Quiet 'till you get to know him . . . remember the Beatle boots (?) . . . philos- 40 W* ophy: sleep whenever possible . . . is it true blonds have more fun? . . . loves spares . . . runs a constant taxi service(?) . . . good luck in the future. Track 1,2. DAVID RITCHIE } "Dave" Often seen bombing around town in a Chevy . . . usually at the D. Q. . . . loves Math class??? always coming up with a quick reply . . . remember those wild chemistry lab periods??? . . . what happened during wrestling season last year, Dave??? bound for a sure success in the engineering field. Baseball (Manager) 1, 2, 3; Wrestling (Manager) 2, 3. RICHARD T. ROBINSON "Richie" _ Greatest pitcher to ever walk the halls of N.A. a killer with the girls . . . well liked by all the boys . . . the big one of the "Great Six" . . . — always seen fighting with a certain Junior cheer- leader . . . loves Mr. Licares's basketball prac- tices and Mr. Taylor's English class(?) A per- fect driver(?) N.A.'s big D. I. . . . destined to be the greatest pitcher to ever don a baseball �� \ uniform . . . Chuck 'em hard, Rich. 0 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Cap- „ tain); Student Council 3, 4 (Vice-President); Home-Room Representative 3, 4; P. T. S. A. 1, s4 2, 3, 4. — G 45 Field Hockey MAUREEN ANN ROCHE "Maureen" Dazzling red hair . . . marvelous sense of humor . . . loves lunch periods(?) likes shop! . . . one of the most mischievous girls at N.A.H.S. . . . never at a loss for words . . . Someday we are sure to see Maureen's paintings in a fa- mous gallery . . . is sure to be remembered by her artwork in the halls of NAHS. Knight 3, 4 (Art-Editor); Squire 3 (Art-Editor); Dramatic Club 1; Pep Club 3; Prom Committee 3; Ski Club 4; Pep Club 4. MARY A. ROSE A petite miss with lovely hair . . . seen at Grant's . . . flirtatious . . . never stops talking . . . A personality all her own . . . likes hearing the latest news . . . remember speech class? . . . likes the opposite sex (Don't we all?) . . . good F friend to have . . . sure to succeed in whatever she does. t � _ Y � DIANE ROSS Seems quiet, but let her loose with Cheryl and watch out . . . lots and lots of clothes . . . is attracted to tall boys, mainly one soldier boy . . . loves to do homework(?) . . . always writing notes, but never caught . . . friendly . . . easy-going . . . will make a very good secretary . . . gives great advice . . . good luck to one great girl! Softball 1. MICHELE D. ST. HILAIRE "Michele" �4 Peppy cheerleader . . . a real pretty miss . . . always a smile and a good word for everyone . . . the world's greatest friend . . . well liked by all . . . her per- ,. sonality and intelligence guarantee her success in all she endeavors . . . never -- forget your Junior and Senior years . . .good luck! Dramatics Club 1; Squire Staff 3, 4; Knight 4; Student Council 3; Cheer- leader 4. t,Apt 46 DONNA SAVOY 'Donna" Nice to everyone . . . swell friend to have . . . neat appearance . . . likes roller skating . . . Haverhill . . . thoughtful and considerate . . . a credit to N.A.H.S. , best of luck! . ,,. Math Club 1,2,3,4;Squire 4;Knight 4;Science Club 4; Ski Club 4. EDWARD J. SCHORMAN "Teddy" Good looking . . . nubby . . . partial toward a certain girl . . . why the hatred for horses(?) . . . hopes to be Smokey the Bear's sidekick . . . 1. O. V." . . . bound for success. Track 1, 2,3;Football 1;Dramatic Club 2,3, 4;Baseball 4;Ski Club 4. ilk i ALFRED ANTHONY SHABOO "Al" Friendly, you bet! . . . talkative . . . smart . . . likes parties, girls, and mechan- ics . . . can usually be found in his Chevi bombing around . . . some cold morning, Al, she just isn't going to start . . . Hey guys! let's play cards at Al's . . . loyal to the football team . . . a great friend when you're in need . . . best + of luck,Al! Football 1,4;Track 1; Yearbook 4;Squire 4; Math Club 4. r " 1 �*►— RICHARD SHAUGHNESSY Doesn't take life too seriously . . . dependable in everything he does . . . re- member our library spares? . . . right-hand man for the football team . . . never at a loss for words . . . witty . . . a friendly "Hi!" for everyone . . . favorite pastime-homework? Sincere friend . . . sure to succeed. Basketball 3,4, (Manager);Football 4 (Manager). 47 ROBERT A. SHAY "Bob„ Power packed football player . . . tremendous athlete in any sport . . . an o exemplary wrestling Co-Captain . . . attracted to and attracts the opposite sex . . . fond of cars . . . really enjoyed problems class . . . popular as can be " a sure success at anything he does. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1,2, 3, 4;.(Co-Captain). t t STEPHEN PATRICK SHEA "Steve" Well-liked . . . personality plus . . . what a smile . . . handsome-mmm! . . . r well mannered . . . loves sports . . . best president of the Student Council . . . asset to the football team . . . "Is that right?" . . . always seen with a lucky r► , �, cheerleader . . . typical N.A.H.S. guy . . . great to have around . . . may all be w Fo yours in the future. Student Council 4 (President); Vice-President, Senior Class; Track 3, 4; Basketball 2;Football 2, 3, 4. JAMES F. SHEEHAN Jimmy A .` What have you got up your sleeve, Jim??? . . . a natural comedian . . . blushes .„ ever so easily . . . oh, those witty remarks . . . usually blamed for everything . . . always has a good joke . . . such a nice smile . . . everybody's friend . . . Good luck in the future,Jim! Football 1, 3; Basketball 1;Baseball 1, 2, 4;Latin Honor Society 1. CLAIRE A. SHOLA "Claire" Conscientious, intelligent and understanding . . . f quiet and pretty . . . long beautiful hair . adorable clothes . . . "Please stop pulling my f hair(!)" . . . an asset to N.A.H.S. . . . a whiz at � any subject . . . How's Chinese coming(?) . . . college bound. Honor Society 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 1, 2; 1 1` 5 A Dramatic Club 1; Math Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secre- tary-Treas.); Squire 3, 4 (Features Editor); C� Knight 4;Science Club 4. R1ath Club 48 t PETER THOMAS SLIPP 'Duke" One great guy . . . never a dull moment with Pete around . . . one of the , famous "Crane's" boys . . . asset to the Squire . . . witty . . . mischievous . . . being a successful student comes natural to Pete . . . hardly ever studies . . . college bound . . . always seen at the Barn . . . loves English and problems(?). Honor SocietyMath Club Harvard Book Prize Squire (Circula- tion 4� 4, 0 3, q 3, 4 ( .. tion Editor);Basketball Manager 1,2, 4; Knight 4. 0 DONALD M. SMITH 'Don" Always smiling . . . hopes to ski through Europe . . . enjoys the company of females . . . can be found at a certain playground . . . sure to succeed. Ski Club 4. LOIS J. SMITH "Lois" , Appears to be quiet and shy until you really get to know her . . . great per- sonality . . . giggles . . . always willing to help a friend . . . nice clothes . . . , loves to drive . . . loves doing homework(?) . . . can't wait for school vaca- tions . . . hopes to become a nurse . . . best of luck, Lois. PATRICIA S. STEELE "Pat" r" Popular with both boys and girls . . . best head cheerleader anywhere . . . loves to bully the \ hockey ball in gym . . . makes a certain guy aw- ful lucky . . . a wow of a wardrobe . . . loves �E Physics(?) . . . personality galore . . . tremen- dous school spirit . . . with all these assets and more.. . sure to succeed! Student Council 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 3, 4; Class Secretary-Treasurer 3; Cheerleader 3, 4 (Cap- tain); Valentine Queen Attendant 1; Football * Queen Attendant 4; Knight 4; Prom Com- mittee 3. 49 Math Club .. LINDA J. STILLWELL "Linda" Lovely hair . . . partial to artists . . . a real asset to the Knight staff . . . crazy about school(?) . . . appears quiet, but . . . lovely wardrobe . . . proficient k writer . . . nice ways . . . enjoys a good time . . . cow brown eyes . . . a girl to know. . . lucky student who gets Linda as a teacher. Dramatic Club 1, 4;Knight Staff 4 (Editor-in-Chief);Squire 3. � K CLIFTON GORDON STONE "Cliff" North Andover's best . . . loves Physics(?) . . . faithful to football practice unique comments for every class . . . liked by all teachers . . . always smil- ing . . . hasn't an enemy in the world . . . really raises the roof in the cafe .,. spares . . .best of luck in the future,Cliffie! Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Intramural Basketball 3, 4. PAULA M. STUEVE "Paula" QP Sidney's loss is North Andover's gain . . . seems shy until you get to know her . . . enjoys her sisters and brothers . . . always on the go . . . loquacious . . . sewing . . . has definite opinions . . . really enjoys problems(?) . . . a slight accent(?) . . . has an intelligent and logical mind . . . headed for success. Band 2; Pep Club 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Student Council 2; Class Officer (Presi- dent) 2 Latin Club 1, 2; at Holy Angels, Sidney, Ohio; Math Club 3, 4; (Vice-President 4); Knight 4'(Editor-in-Chief); Squire 4; Honor Society 4. C low. l BRIAN P. SULLIVAN PPY guck� Ha - o-1 redhead . . . not a care in the Y \ world . . . swinging guitar player . . . listens eagerly for that final bell . . . usually seen with Bob or Art . . . one of the D.Q. boys . . . partial / to the opposite sex(?) . . . lots of luck in the ' future, Sully. Football 1;Dramatic Club 4. Tag Day 50 STEPHEN M. SUMMERS "Steve" One of the greatest kids anyone could ever know . . . friendly . . . sweet, — ' you name it . . . always around to Iend a hand . . . can I have a ride " ` Summ-s-u-ure! . . . fine athlete . . . partial toward basketball and older girls! . . . loves math (?) . . . greatest ambition is to fly planes . . . no one will ever forget Steve. Student Council 1, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. CAROL E. TEEL Never seen without a smile . . . nice long hair . . . great at field hockey . . . wishes she lived on Main Street . . . always seen with a certain boy . . . college clothes . . . loves turkeys(!) . . . sure to succeed. • Field Hockey 3, 4; Knight 4; Squire 4; Chorus 2; Ski Club 4. NANCY A. TEMPLE "Nancy" Quiet miss(?) . . . can always be seen in her little blue VW . . . what's the great attraction in Concord, N.H.(?) . . . loves swimming, water-skiing, and bowling . . . where would math be without Nancy! . . . has loads of school spirit . . . a great basketball enthusiast . . . will be a success in the business world of Accounting. Basketball 3; Pep Club 3, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4; Knight 4; Squire 4, Student Council 4; Dramatics Club; Senior Planning Committee 4. JOHN E. THISTLE "Butch" A valuable member of the track, wrestling, and cross country teams . . . High jumping is his V f specialty . . . great boxer . . . witty sense of humor . . . loves cars . . . does well in French (?) . . . curly hair . . . good luck in the future. Football 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 1, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 1 s^ 4; Cross Country 4. Science Club 3. 51 Tag Da) r JOHN TOOMEY ` Quiet till you get to know him . . . lively member of the color guard . . . loves homework (?) . . . lots of school spirit . . . the tall, dark, handsome type . . . good luck, John. WILLIAM B. TULLIS ..Buddy„ Better known as "Buddy" . . . real nice guy and easy to get along with . . . { always looking for a good time . . . has one allergy — homework . . . right hand man to Mr. Robinson . . . favorite class — speech with Mr. Mac- Donald (?) . . . causes excitement in all his classes . . . a great asset to our school . . . sure to succeed in the future. .I DIANE M. TURCOTT ,.. "Diane„ Wonderful sense of humor . . . always laughing and having fun . . . Linda's ML-7 other half . . . patronizes the Barn . . . loves stenography(?) . . . really industrious, especially in fifth period library spares . . . very reliable . . . is planning secretarial work for the future. 4 CLAUDIA A. TYMVAKIEUIZ "Claudia" An asset to N. A. H. S. . . . one true friend . . . g g P always willing to give a helping hand . . . beaud- ful long wavy hair . . . a scholar of the Russian AOF language . . . brains plus personality . . . a sure success in all she attempts to do . . . best of luck / in your future endeavors. Latin Honor Society 2; Honor Society 4; Knight S^ 4; Squire 4; Science Club 4. Photography Club 52 DENYCE D. VALLIERE "Denyce" Oh, what a friend to have . . . always laughing, never caught without her , _ ready smile . . . so many cute freckles . . . can usually be found at the Barn . . . seen running around with Betty . . . favorite expression, "Oh, yeah?" . . . best of luck in whatever you do, Denyce; you're sure to succeed! ' Softball 1;Squire 3;Pep Club 3, 4. JANE P. VALPEY "Jane" Great athlete — always looking forward to basketball . . . knows everyone on the opposing teams . . . remember getting in the mud of the Concord River (History Trip)? . . . famous sayings "Yawl, Yawl!!", "stomp'em out before they spread.. . . . ..seventeen" wardrobe . . . loves to eat . . . exuberant "Hi" for everyone . . . suddenly likes Methuen (?) . . . great school spirit . . . going to be a top PHYS ED teacher. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-captain); Knight 4; Field Hockey 2, 3, 4; Dra- matic Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-president); Squire 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Student Council 2, 4; Football Queen's Court 4; Softball 1, 2; Ski Club 4. JOHN VENTRILLO Everybody's friend . . . always willing to lend a helping hand . . . loves cars and girls (?) . . . does homework ardently . . . very active in class (?) . . . favorite sport — spares . . . very quiet . . . who me (?) . . . will be a great success in life. CAROL A. VERNILE "Carol" A very understanding and warm-hearted person . . . makes friends wherever she goes . . . a whiz at shorthand and typing and will make a great ` secretary some day . . . does the monkey like a professional . . . Sandy's other half . . . how about those summers at Hampton Beach (?) . . , a real asset to N.A. H. S. Chorus 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 4; Pep Club �1 3, 4; Squire Staff 4; Knight Staff 4; Senior _ Planning Committee; Student Secretary 4. 53 Photography Club THOMAS J. VERNILE "Tom" Great kid to know . . . can be found at Finneran's after school . . . member of the two-thirty club . . . great for his Harvard accent . . . faithful com- panion . . . always ready for fun . . . homework is public enemy No. 1 . . r girls are his favorite sport . . . always looking for a good used car . . . had any haircuts lately, Tom Band 1;Ski Club 4. ALANA M. WALKER "Lana" Very friendly . . . always makes new acquaintances . . . loves "problems" class(?) . . . poetically inclined . . . loves to write . . . devotes all her time to chorus . . . has a beautiful voice — it may lead her to a promising career. Softball 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; New England Solo and Ensemble Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; New England Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; Squire 4, (Proof-reading Editor), The Knightingales 3, 4; Honor Society 4. CHARLES A. WHITE �. . "Charlie" Quiet young man . . . easy going . . . has a good sense of humor . . . rarely k. seen without Carl . . a terrific bowler . . . always seen at the Stadium Lanes . . . avid homework fan . . . one nice person to know. It KATHLEEN M. WHITE ?� "Kathy" A wonderful friend to have . . . oh! that beaux- ful red hair! . . . never runs out of energy . . . looks for fun and mischief . . . a cheerful Hi for everyone . . . Ioves those typing classes (?) . . . blushes easily . . . has a wonderful attraction to- wards boys . . . the life of every party . . . sure to % succeed in anything. Draimitics Club 4. Prom 54 LEONARD W. WHITE :4 „Lennie" Great athlete . . . great kid . . . always willing to give a ride anywhere (if ,- . he has his license) . . . loves all cars and a certain alumnus . . . a Chevy man from way back . . . never forget the day you rolled over . . . great asset to the basketball team, the baseball team, and "Old N. A." . . . destined �r to be a great success. Track 1; Baseball 3, 4; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Student Council 1. ', STEPHEN J. WHITTAKER "Whit" A great quarterback for N. A. . . . the greatest of the Great Six . . . well liked by all . . . a real dresser . . . a gentleman to the bitter end . . . always ready to bring a smile to everyone . . . loves to drive his brother's car . . . w gives his all in everything he does . . . hopes to go to college and major in the sciences and play football. Good Luck, Whit! Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Basketball 1, 2., 3, 4; Baseball 4; Student Council 1, 3; Class President 3; P. T. S. A. 3, 4. x �d 1 DONALD A. WILLIAMS "Don„ One of the nicest boys one will ever meet . . . a true friend to all . . . popular with the opposite sex . . . witty . . . sharp dresser . . . college bound . . . good OF luck to a popular guy. Baseball 1, 2; Football 1; Wrestling 2; Dramatic Club 3; Hi-Liter Staff 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. l[111i LINDA WOOD "Linda" Energetic . . . good-natured and friendly . . . has a friendly "Hi" for everyone . . . lots of friends . . . adorable wardrobe . . . chatterbox in English class . . . blushes easily . . . good luck in all your endeavors. Dramatic Club 1, 2,3. 55 Prow MICHELE M. YERIAN r "Michele" W- Very friendly and sociable . . . sincere and loyal . . . always "busy as a beaver" . . . seen working at the Sandwich Shop . . . kind and generous . . . always thinking of other people . . , has the making of a fine nurse . . . has a promising future. JAY S. YULE A happy-go-lucky guy . . . not an enemy in the world . . . loves to tease . . . usually seen with Eddie and Paul . . . fun to be with . . . good natured . . . a friendly hi to all . . . carefree as the breeze . . . the mischievious type . . . one personality worth knowing . . . never change, Jay, and you will be a � success in life. r Basketball 1;Baseball 1,3;Football 4;Track 2. 5 FRANCES M. ZIEBA "Franny" A true friend . . . unusually candid . . . very sincere . . . finds the opposite sex quite intriguing . . . often seen at the Barn . . . always has something interest- ing to say . . . very independent . . . wants to have a future in business and accounting . . . Northern Essex may be her future Alma Mater. Knight 4;Pep Club 3. Awe SUSAN T. ZIMNY r 'Z im,. Great athlete . . . very good student, too . . . remember September 12 (?) . . . long live George, Ringo, John, and Paul . . . loves a good argument with 1 anyone . . . how about that pilot's license(?) . . . noticed on the ski slopes for --�— ' one reason or another . . . will it be Senator Zimny some day? Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-captain); Field Hockey 2, 3, 4 (Co-captain); Honor Society 2, 3, 4 (President); Knight 3, 4 (Sports Ed.); Squire 3, 4 (Sports Ed.); Pep Club 3; Softball 2; Prom Committee 3; Valentine Queen Court 3; Latin Honor Society 2; Ski Club 4. 56 L RICHARD J. CASALE PETER HASELTON Quiet and studious . . . seen but not heard . . . likes astrono- "Pete" my and golf . . . fond of Problems(?) . . . sure to succeed It's easy to tell when Pete's around . . . always enjoys a in the business world. good time in homeroom . . . loves outdoor sports . . . loves hunting and fishing . . . avid homework enthusiast?? . . . a great friend to have. JOHN A. HOLDSWORTH EDWARD J. MANK Usually quiet . . . friendly smile . . . great homework ad- "Eddie" vocate (?) . . . loves spares . . . remember Speech I (?) Great guy to know . . . Lawrence High's loss is our gain . a new comer to N. A. H. S. . . . best of luck in the . . loves to read the newspaper in room 32 study periods future,John. . . . likes to tinker around a car . . . a real friend to have . . . loves Problems (?) . . . good luck in whatever you attempt! Football 3. r WILLIAM H. WOODHOUSE "Billy" Y M Appears quiet and shy until you really get to know him . . . loves school (?) . . . can always be found sitting on the radiators in Cafe A . . . loves the lunch program; right, Billy (?) . . . devoted member of the 2:30.club . . . an avid homework fan(?) . . . good luck in everything you attempt. i Graduation Q A�+JM N _ i 57 SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS iT i f . Stephen Shea, Vice President; Thomas McGlinn, President; Donna Bellorado, Secretary-Treasurer. 58 REMEMBER WHEN . . . Mrs. Dimlich taught gym. We had the "Little Three Dance." We got our class rings. Mr. Sullivan taught science in room 29. Sue Larochelle went to Presentation. The "rats" cheered at the basketball game. We had spares in the auditorium. Our girls basketball team won. Beep Foster broke his thumb. We had clean gym suits. Mrs. Saulnier was here. Mr. Regan didn't say, "Actually." Mr. Taylor wasn't here. We beat Andover at Thanksgiving. The Cheerleaders had their clothes taken. Mr. Powers taught history. We said prayers in the morning. We first heard of the Beatles. We cut up frogs in biology. Kathy Pybus rode her horse at the game. Tom McGlinn fell asleep in class. We had a birthday party for John Lennon We were all waiting to be accepted. John Garvin lost his hip pads. Mr. MacDonald "closed the book." Mr. Donovan had a 2:30 club. We got our class pictures. Mr. Robinson got divorced from the Army. The girls in Cafe A threw spinach. Margaret Reilly couldn't shut up. We didn't have scrambled hamburg. We gave our speeches outside. Everyone wanted a Quija Board. We couldn't beat Chelmsford. Mr. Lee didn't give tests on Fridays. We wore our coats to class. The Varsity beat the alumnae. There was no new wing. We weren't worried about college boards. The Student Council had a car wash. We didn't have any "tag day." Everyone went to school dances. Paula Srueve moved to North Andover. The boys could leave their collars open. 59 1 BEST DANCERS BEST DRESSED Gayle Donovan Bill Joyce Bill Homer Kathe Pybus 4 x L Lh�((Nfi i_Of G!J7tl�NiP t MOST DEPENDABLE WITTIEST Tom McGlinn Hope Donahue Kathy Hearty Dave Correlle 1 CLASS POLL Rol ,S NICEST SMILE MOST POPULAR Bruce Allen Steve Shea Eleanor Perron Pat Steele MOST POPULAR MAN TEACHER . Mr. Powers MOST POPULAR WOMAN TEACHER Mrs. Brown _ ! ' BEST STUDENTS BEST PERSONALITY 60 Pete Slipp Donna Bellorado Susan Zimny Steve Shea i I J MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED FRIENDLIEST Barbara Hanlon Steve Summers Pete Slipp Michelle Massicotte r _ z s BEST ATHLETES MOST MISCHIEVOUS Jane Valpey Dave Correlle Beep Foster Erin O'Brien MOST TALKATIVE BEST LOOKING Mike Horgan Bill Joyce Paula Stueve Michelle St.Hilaire n CLASS LADY AND CLASS WOLF AND FLIRT GENTLEMAN Bill Homer 61 Kathe Pybus Donna Houghton Steve Whittaker 1 i " { Y I I 7 r 1 - T i lir ll "Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch." - � 1 "Which way to the nearest tree?" E 4 i "How to dissect a frog." r "Pssst, your earring is falling off." !x It F "The blind leading the blind." "Sorry, but Miss Buckley wouldn't let me use real food." f 1 � ' i , Sz k�A y , .J i� � F CLASS OF 1966 JUNIORS N A t JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS r John Stephenson, President; Bernard McDonald, Vice President; Kathleen Willis, Secretary-Treasurer. A/ ~ 64 # i s s �,t�rsrta . r SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Nno Eileen Lynch,President;James Yule, Vice-President; Carol Libby, Secretary-Treasurer. 44r.0111*r fig SOPHOMORES CLASS x#z � ; f OF 1967 V k � s + F + f . flT toqp V • k ;. E T ' G i Y r r 4 f � Y M _ � x •f V �O 7 I - t "' Miss Faraca /. f I x A y.. J Mrs. Evans villa Mr. Collier and Mrs. Coughlin # N rr Mr. Powers 6 �i ., " Russian 4 Office Practice --low Mechanical Drawing 1 Physics Typing 68 Home Economics 1 y 1 •� � � ,. � •, '• � ;�1 t :.fit , ',� ��� � 1 t�� � � � � � mod... '• X-.�.'���+'�:� s�� `?�t� r s rxtt;e•: .i ; F C1064 Al English 2 French yA 5 00 x y Gym s � Typing i A Vftl _ Y ! English 2 69 English 1 �,.-...>""-'� •roil 4' " i i Ak IiII Math 4 Chemistry f r Speech 2 Xarrt� { MUM �r r►otoa r 4 � �� � � �_ y' y Driver Education Geography 70 4MMM& lop r'yv , is 4�t �.z`..r �• c S � s� i�r VA t. 40 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY a 4 4 i •+T �. i j - { Back Row: Kathleen Fiori, Diane Siergiej, Nancy Zimny, Ippolito, Sheryl Locke, Miss Donlan, Advisor. First Row: Judith Corello, Lloyd Licciardello, William Joyce, Peter Slipp, Paula Stueve, Carole Belben, Margaret Reilly, Barbara Bates Paul Laurenza, Edith Foulds, Diane Ota, Barbara McCann. Second Row: Karin Fleischmann, Pamela Winters, Claire (vice President), Susan Zimny (President), Joanne Coughlin Shola, Margaret Keane, Donna Bellorado, Barbara Hanlon, (Secretary-Treasurer), Janet Olpp, Nance Deloge, Yvette Thoma Maxwell, Barbara Gallenstein, Alana Walker, Janet Hamel. The Johnson Chapter of the National Honor Society continued the work of previous years in trying to establish a firm basis of scholarship, leadership, and service for North Andover High School. The year 1965 showed an encouraging marked increase in the number of members elected into the society. Among the activities of the Honor Society are the annual Christmas Dance, tutorial service offered to the student body, participation in the annual Eastern Massa- chusetts Conference of Honor Societies, and the awarding of a cash prize to the senior who maintains the highest English average for four years. The officers elected for 1965 were Susan Zimny, President; Barbara Bates, Vice President; Joanne Cough- lin, Secretary-Treasurer. Miss Margaret Donlan is faculty advisor to this national organization. 72 STUDENT COUNCIL 4 � irr�rrs Ir�� �r rr rr rlri 1 irir rrir� •rr w1�rr/M� ".1 rlsr�e rat ..w � � /e al► S YS t 3 z Back Row: John Garvin, Stephen Summers, Thomas Mc- Broadhead, Nancy Temple, Donna Houghton, Mrs. Gross- Glinn. Third Row: Dennis Gallagher, Robert DiCarlo, David man (Advisor). First Row: Diane Bonner, Rachel Clermont, Minicucci, Kenneth Pellerin, Bernard McDonald, Glenn Emily Bohne, Gale Allen, Joyce Parah, Stephen Shea (Presi- Robbins,James Yule,John Stephenson,Dana Summers, Barry dent), Donna Bellorado (Secretary-Treasurer), Richard Robin- Humphreys. Second Row: Carol Libby, Kathleen Sherlock, Deborah Sullivan, Barbara Gallenstein, Barbara Hanlon, son (Vice-President), Kathleen Oakes, Eileen Lynch, Jane Kathleen Willis, Karin Fleischmann, Jane Valpey, Jane Garvin, Cynthia Lyons. The Student Council had a dynamic start this year. Committees were formed and work begun on the Student Court and Social Calendar. The remainder of the year the members enthusiasti- cally engaged in other projects to improve the school. The Student Council representing the student body, serves the ` '► students by patrolling the cafe, by sponsoring an election for the Football Queen, through Bank Day, and b - . Qu g Y Y rere P senting North Andover at the Annual Student Council Convention. The Scholarship Drive is the biggest task of the year. The funds acquired by Tag Days are put toward this drive. ► 1 The sale of bonds by the student body and the cooperation •� of the town enables scholarships to be presented to worthy seniors. -For the first time the Student Council had Mothers' Day. The Football Players' Mothers were presented with carnations and honored at the Thanksgiving Day game. This innovation proved so successful that it is sure to be continued. Under the able guidance of Mrs. Grossman, the lead- ership of its officers, and the cooperation of its members, the Student Council of 1965 was a great success. r Officers of the Student Council are Stephen Shea, President; Richard Robinson, Vice-President; and Donna Bellorado, Secretary-Treasurer. 73 - THE KNIGHT ;71 11,It Editors-in-Chief Judith Dolan Dianne Siergiej Managing Editor: Managing Editor, Boys'Sports Staff Kathleen Hearty Linda Goguen Pamela Smith Business Records Literary Staff Warren Lodge Margaret Mylott Ellen Harris Carol Smolak and Procedures Barbara Bates Bernard McDonald Linda Stillwell Eleanor Perron Rosemary Spadaro Joanne Coughlin Allen Middleton Paula Stueve Kathe Pybus John Stanton Literary Staff, Pamela Wintersors Marilyn Taylor Business Staff Senior Biographies Managing Editor, David Young Joyce Copeland May Annis Girls'Sports Managing Editor, Marsha Bolderson Karin Fleischmann Donna Bellorado Susan Zimny Advertising Virginia DeBurro Managing Editor, Bet Detora Art Joyce Witzgall Ellen Cohen Girls'Sports Staff Janet Ippolito n' Managing Editor Rosemary D'Agata Kathy Fiori Maureen Roche g g , Sue Daily Carol Giarrusso Advertising Staff, Christine Fraser Circulation Nancy Deloge Kathy Willis Art Staff Seniors Susan Gaffny f} Margaret Reilly Elizabeth Evans Bonnie Dulude Nancy Zimny Sylvia Andrews Marilyn Perruccio Joan Bevins Barbara Evan stein Managing Editor, Donna Bellorado Marianne Sherlock Barbara Hanlon Nancy Miller Circulation Staff, Margaret Keane Typing Seniors Susan LaRochelle Jean Ramey Carol Belben Thoma Maxwell Typing Staff, James Calzetta Roberta Morse Seniors Joyce Conti Eleanor Perron Lila Anderson ;; .. Catherine Crane Gail Phillips Louise Clarenbach Nancy Furness Michele St. Hilaire Hope Donahue • Sandra McGregor Claire Shola Joyce Plourde - Michelle Massicotte Patricia Steele Nancy Temple 4 r�, Mary Minihan Carol Teel John Powers Claudia Tymvakieuiz Juniors . *• ' "'' F Kathy White Jane Valpey Peggy Aspeslagh q , Carol Vernile Ellen Hayes t Circulation Staff, Betty Houtte Juniors General Literary Brenda Somma -; Charles Andrew Staff Phyllis Watson °' "'` �;d Gloria Beaulieu June Wertz Diane Charow Gail Bonner Barbara Hanlon Layout Editor +� Judy Corrello Gayle McDonald ,.... Maureen Costello Janet Olpp Bonnie Dulude John Curtin Melanie Porochniak Sophomore Editor l Pamela Durand Anthony Randazzo Deborah Furnari Edith Foulds Jeannie Coram Katherine Hassey Freshman Editor I N Barbara McCann Managing Editor, Jean Fraser Stephen Rock Boys Sports Sandra Uzalinski Brian Kennedy Advisor: Mr. Taylor 'r --�� 74 4 J �� THE SQUIRE t '71 i 't 4� �M X?`d`kiZvY� 6 g 4A r q ' I . Not- Back Row: Kathe•Pybus, Mary Margaret Minihan, Michelle Massi- 'Zimny, Margaret Keane, Melanie Porochniak, Eileen Lynch, Sylvia cotte, Pat Stone, Paula Stueve, Carole.Belben, Jeanne Coram, Nancy Andrews, Deborah Furnari, Kathy Hearty. First Row: Walter Boy- Temple, Nancy Furness, Marcia Steward, Gloria Beaulieu, Margaret ton (Exchange Editor), Peter Slipp (Circulation Editor), Susan Zim- Reilly, Joyce Warchol. Third Row: Sandy Uzalinski, Susan Daly, ny (Sports Editor), Margaret Mylott, Thoma Maxwell (Literary Edi- Michele St. Hilaire, Roberta Morse, Louise Clarenbach, Joyce Conti, tors), Claire Shola (Features Editor), Barbara Bates (Assistant Carol Vernile, Jane Valpey, Eleanor Perron, Karin Fleishman, Diane Editor), Barbara Hanlon (Editor-in-Chief), Janet Olpp (News Edi- Charow, Sandy McGregor, Barbara Gallenstein, Pat Morin, Cathy tor), Yvette Hamel (Typing Editor), Bonnie Delude, Joan Bevins Crane. Second Row: Joyce Witzgall, Sheryl Locke, Marty Bates, (Art Editors), George Gregory (Business Editor), John Donahue. Jacklyn Marsan, Margaret Erle, Judy Corello, Lee Massicotte, Nancy The Squire completed its second successful year with four publications and a special senior issue. The purpose of the Squire was to inform students and teachers of the events and talents within their school. It sought to satisfy a variety of a interests with articles dealing with school and club news, coming events, sports, student and teacher interviews, student , literary works, and special features. The editors of the Squire for the 1964-1965 season were Barbara Hanlon, editor-in-chief; Barbara Bates, assistant edi- tor; Claire Shola, features editor; Janet Olpp, news editor; Margaret M lott and Thoma Maxwell, literary editors; Susan Zimny, sports editor; George Gregory, business editor; Peter Slipp, circulation editor; Walter Boynton, exchange editor; Bonnie Dulude and Joan Bevins, art editors; Alana Walker, proof-reading editor; and Yvette Hamel, typing editor. Special recognition must be given to Mrs. Burns, faculty advisor, Mr. Robinson, and Miss Neal for helping in the publication of the Squire. 75 THE MATH CLUB ------------ _4 r , �1P 4'A.9f 0.3.gPXe $ I Back Row: Bernard McDonald, James Burke, Roy Mallory, John Cann, Darlene Ericson, Mr. Forgetta (Advisor). Front Row: Bar- Donahue, Arthur Teichman, James Batterbury, Eric Lindfors, Peter bara Corrigan, Judith Banks, Pamela Winters, Claire Shola (Secre- Slipp, Leonard Johnson, John Stephenson, Alfred Shaboo, Steve Lary-Treasurer), Barbara Hanlon (President), Paula Stueve (Vice- Bain. Second Row: Mr. Lynch, (Advisor) Joyce Witzgall, Chris- tine Uzalinski, Kenneth Pellerin, Richard Owens, Dan Quinlan, President), Jeanne Coram, Joyce Warchol, Lee Massicotte, Kathy Kent Williams, Peter D'Antonio, William DeBarba, Barbara Mc- Hearty. The Mathematics Club, under the direction of Mr. Arthur Forgetta and Mr. Joseph Lynch, has as its pur- pose the encouragement of interest in mathematics. The Club, as a member of the Eastern Massachusetts Mathematical League, participates in monthly contests "1 held at member schools. North Andover was host in �c April. The Club was also host to the regional contest of the Essex County Math Fair held March 6, when final- ists were chosen to enter the state wide fair at Salem State, March 20. �•.°t, �? The Club sponsored a Halloween Dance, which pro- ';,�'--- - _,_• vided funds for League dues and awards. ' __.,..,•r. �;�,rti The Annual Banquet was held in May, when next year's officers were elected and awards were presented to , N� 'Q�4ti �Q+:�f' ti4:4�•Q' r the highest scoring sophomore, junior, and senior. + ' The officers of the Club for the 1964-1965 season '� d were Barbara Hanlon, President; Paula Stueve, Vice-Pres- ident; and'Claire Shola, Secretary Treasurer. S ! ! k 76 „,. SCIENCE CLUB The Science Club, under the direction of Mr. Thomas Regan, takes an active part in helping in- terested students gain knowledge in the field of sci- ence. It helps them also to prepare for the Science Fair, which was held on March 19, 1965. It devel- eps an increased interest in subjects pertaining to all areas of science. S` In the Fair, students displayed their projects in ' rt competition with many other capable students. Af- ter the winners at the high school are selected, they participated in the Technorama at Lowell Technolog- ical Institute for the State Science Fair. The students were judged on the basis of Scientific Knowledge, ' Presentation, Originality, and Neatness. Their interests flourish in the Science Club, which gives its members the opportunity to work in the fields they enjoy most. They can learn more about scientific data, experience, and arriving at conclu- sions. Members obtain great satisfaction and educa- tion working in the field of science. The officers for this year are Kathleen Hearty, President; George Gregory, Vice-President; and Paula Stueve, Secretary. Back Row: David Ciarcia, Roy Mallory, John Donahue, George Gregory (Vice- President), Gordon Otieno. Front Row: John Powers, Francis Campione, Bar- bara Hanlon, Paula Stueve (Secretary), Kathleen Hearty (President), Claire Shola, Marilyn Taylor, Mr. Regan (Advisor). PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB l The Photography Club, under the supervision ' and guidance of Mr. John Robinson, is devoted to Y helping the Club's members gain skills and tech- niques in the art of photography. Much time and effort was dedicated to the tak- ing and developing of photographs for the Squire. x The amateur photographers also submitted many useful pictures of professional quality to the Eagle Tribune. ' The Photography Club sponsors a dance each year which provides the needed funds to purchase new equipment, film, and the other supplies neces- sary to the photographer. In order to qualify for membership, the candi- dates are given individual assignments. The interest in photography, the respect for photographic equip- ment, and the quality of their trial work are the three points used for the consideration of member- ship. Left to Right: James Bamell, Michael Horgan, Mr. John Robinson (Advisor). 77 DRAMATIC CLUB 4 i + d ` a Officers — 1964-1965 President—Anthony B. Perrone Vice-President—Jane P. Valpey Secretary—Hope A. Donahue Treasurer—Nancy J. Furness Faculty Advisor—James W. McDonald Christmas Assembly Program—December 23, 1964 Valentine Dance—February 6, 1965 Annual School Play—"The Solid Gold Cadillac"—April 9-10, 1965 The North Andover High School Dramatic Club - was organized for the purpose of providing students with the opportunity of producing, as well as performing in, amateur theatrical productions. The students not only act in these shows, but handle the various backstage work, fincluding lighting, scenery construction, make-up, and costuming. The Dramatic Club is open to all North Andover High School students. During the year the students attend various theatrical presentations in the immediate area. In addition, a Theatre t Party is held, which includes a trip to Boston to view a ". professional play. James W. McDonald is faculty advisor to the group. 78 BAND AN ,. A /{ ti MF i yy - 7 t Front Row: Beverly Brown (Librarian), Diane Ota (Librarian), James Delude, James Mistretta, Robert Hennessy, Beverly Boynton, Janet Olpp ("Band President), Karin Fleischman (Student Director), Wendy Henshaw. Back Row: Judith Banks, Glenn Annis, Gail Peter Osg,)ed (Student Director). Second Row: Patricia Newman, Henshaw, Richard Napolitano, Richard Janusz, Richard Proctor, Frances Campione, Robert DiCarlo, Sharon Hennessy, Linda Gil- Charles Andrew, James Cleary, William Martinoli, James Anderson, bert, Charles Olpp, Susan Hennessy, Lila Anderson, Carol Gilbert, Marietta Pomer'eau, Dennis Fraize. Third Row: Pamela Porochni- John Graham, Chester Wilson. Absent lVhen Picture lVas Taken: ak, Mary Henshaw, James Day, Deborah Anderson, John Kamal, Cecile Guy (Band Vice-President), Carol Brown, Mark Hagerman. The North Andover High School Band, under the capable direction of Mr. Milton Kimmel, is bigger and better than ever this year. Something new to the band this year is the election of band officers. The officers are Janet Olpp, President; Cecile Guy, Vice-President; Karin Fleischmann and Peter Osgood, Student Directors; and Beverly Brown and Diane Ota, Librarians. The band participated in many school and town activities. They played at all football games and put on f colorful half-time shows. They also played at the home ' basketball games. The band marched in the Veterans' Day Parade, the Santa Claus Parade, and the Memorial Day Parade. As part of the Veterans' Day Program, the band played "The ' Navy Hymn" in honor of the late President Kennedy. K They also participated in the Annual Carol Sing. In addi- tion to providing the accompaniment for the carolers, the band was also featured in several numbers. On May 15, the band participated in the New England District Festival in Maynard. Last year at the festival they received a Number One rating, which is the highest rating possible. I � 79 } RUSSIAN CLUB r� 1 � .� d 1 \ Back Row: Mr. Hall (Advisor) Joan Campbell, Steve LaRochelle, Joyce Copeland, Margaret Erle, Sharon Thompkins. Front Row: Kevin Noone, Francis McAvoy, Steven Packard, Steve Gioia, Thomas Susan Hennessy, Betty Detora, Judith Banks, Kathy Oakes, (Secre- Hayes, Robert Hennessy, Mary Lou Philbin. Second Row: Linda tary-Treasurer), Barbara McCann (President), Kathy Fiori (Vice- Robinson, Linda Niziak, Ellen Harris, Cheryl Montanaro, Barbara Hansen, Kent Van Heukelom, Beverly Boynton, Eileen Smolak, President), Susan Donahue, Sharon Hennessey, Lyn Foley. The Russian Club, under the direction of Mr. Arthur P. Hall, is one of the most recently formed groups at the North Andover High School. At present, the club con- ;. - sists of approximately thirty members, including a range _ from Freshmen to Juniors. The elected officers for the --- - - 1964-1965 season were: Barbara McCann, President; Kathleen Oakes, Vice-President; and Kathleen Fiori, Secretary-Treasurer. The meetings are held every two weeks on Monday and Friday. The purpose of this club is to acquaint its members with the Russian life, language, and customs of its inhabitants. This is accomplished by showing film strips and by listening to selected lecturers who have recently visited the Soviet Union. In March, the Club presented an award-winning Russian movie, "Private r Ivan Brovkin" for the public. The members hope to offer similar productions for the benefit of the public in the future. The future ambition of the club is to attend the t annual international conference at New York. y SO f ' J KNIGHTINGALES The Knightingales are a group of singers who were organized in 1964 by Mr. Clarence J. Mosher, Head of ! the Music Department at North Andover High School. There were eleven girls originally; now there are twelve. The Knightingales have sung at Beverly and for the North FA Andover Women's Club. On December 12, they sang at Boston University, where they received a rating of "2." Those whose performances were given special ac- claim were Alana Walker, Mary Henshaw, Diana Ota, Kathleen Fiori, Darlene Erikson, and Margaret Aspeslagh. The Knightingales are scheduled to sing again on April ir 3, at the New England Music Federation Association of Cambridge. Under the expert guidance of Mr. Mosher, this fine group has contributed greatly toward the honor and reputation of its school. Back Row: Mary Henshaw, Linda Goguen, Diane Ota, Alana Walker, Justine Fountain. Front Row: Darlene Erickson, Elizabeth Evans, Mary Lou Philbin, Kathy Fiori, Peggy Aspeslagh. LIBRARY CLUB •P { The Library Club is one of the new organizations of this high school started last year. Its purpose is to create a better understanding between the students and the books. Projects , .• t y� _. every month are displayed by the members, and field trips to different libraries in this area are conducted. Through the I ! 'j j school year one may attend a play in Boston or a Iocal theater. ' J I��� J� 1 ` '� ��� � " "' Plays of Shakespeare and modern classics have been seen throughout the past year. Recordings of famous sayings and popular literature are purchased by the group through funds. ` fry., • - Wide varieties of magazines in the library help the students ~ - � in choosing the right material for papers. Members have learned the system of cataloguing books and help students through the school day and before and after classes. Annual Book Club week is held each year when students may purchase paper-back books. Through the hard work, the Library Club has made this a fine, well organized club. Officers of the Library Club are Anne Armitage, President; John Powers,Vice-President; Sandra Beaumont,Secretary; Ann Mathison, Treasurer; and James Calzetta, Coordinator. Back Row: Lewis Hull (Advi.ror), Elizabeth Evans, Janet Ippolito, Pauline Crosby, Kathy Pybus, John Toomey, Regina Underwood, Ellen Hayes, Mary Henshaw, Patricia Hughes. Front Row: Susan Middleton, Cecile Guy, Ann Armitage, John Powers (Vice-President) Sandra Beau- 81 mont, James Calzetta, Cassie Garneau, Priscilla Bastian. CHEERLEADERS �R r: Nq NA, NA " .dA� NA s k A ^+A Back Row: Linda Routhier, Donna Houghton, Barbara Hanlon, Eleanor Perron. Middle Row: Donna Bellorado, Michele St. Hilaire, Catherine Crane, Maura Lynch. Front Row: Marilyn Foley, Linda Bettencourt, Patricia Steele (Captain), Joanne Coughlin, Nancy Murphy. First in ten, do it again! Baskets, baskets, baskets! Do those sounds sound familiar to you? They do to anyone who F has attended a football or basketball game at N.A.H.S. They're the sounds of the cheerleaders urging N.A.H.S.'s athletic teams on to success. A big part of the team's effort is put forth 1 with the knowledge that the support of the student body iss behind them 1007o. For the annual Thanksgiving Day rally, the cheerleaders presented a unique program with Pat Steele as King Arthur , t .•+- 9 �' .. - and the other cheerleaders as knights of the round table. What ��1 t,�► ��IFi � \`!_� .:'•;, could have been more appropriate? They enriched the school 1 - spirit and enthusiasm with two additional rallies. t In a competition with fourteen other schools, N.A.'s r b a cheerleaders placed second, and brought home their second trophy in two years. • This year the girls were under the supervision of Miss Abel. .,r y-ri• ter•:^ ".�.�..-^..r!-ti� :?Y.��-.,V.;�•��,�•:R��.,,.��.� ..�••-,- .'!�^,x ...t,,. - ...._-_•.-'. „K,�'.. -^-`.- .:S�a'_.y,�"I, o'�lc +:r-•y v��2�^1- � .r ti•r c- u•� .;.• 9. �_�'...y, u' rH�ifY•' r��Y�L W�'11` .�f`MS�' .�' �.a'. K:..il< w �"^-.�.`L "i`_•b..+.•-'.i l;i¢^..:.. �...i,..•_�•-.ear.'. n , M."+.� •�.- v?.' z '�'��. � w'7^i^, ti�,�X?' .w�, r R L'-�l.•j -� ,-�w"7' `+i..•`-� ���1�.1w���.'-'+-`��'!-�it .t�,2'4��t,�-�^r+�r '���.7Lr,.•vt��J.+�.'.''.�'.,�o�$.+C��s�i'��..:��.+.'J�,ti'.. t. s r„ .. ... ..,r«.j..^^ 5 r�n: }R$i ��i'+„+�� � :*t. :ram• `v �',vs'�X«-a9'� ,.,;,..yY��,�;,�'"`•. .� .a..o..''=.- �1�y�.M �', xM '4 ~. 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L�Z �p,�, •4v t"�yy,,�,4� �..� /"-,� •i". ..- r�nU r •�Y CS f't`z:.l sr •�q�..,..r .. .c t ]`-i i��` "�' ,,- O? • 1" i� T . ?t3 rr.r i`�^tnY.., r•yr"�.,.Ltr.- �� figs., w.j Y �.✓ � Sim' Y_ s �. 4t' �w. ter, M, .� f � L s ti-•r Y�.r. � ���'�`'• h�� 'Srt�t� �-a r� � i�r1�y�"J�•'��['►�:"�+'-Yct•��tl}C.l��.a:�.'1►j r��..•-4• >' �.,� y c� ��" �,7• •�ti f f +!•• ��r�C�.#:.j�H_. s ``�'.2������i f• '��'A«`� �; �•7 •t/'a,• 1 rJ P �, -ys �r �_-i.'... .}�-�...� .c-• ✓ �.f..P t�...$ ,fl��--1•� Ea^, .ram .�I a.�y �� jtli✓��a' �r��,� �ny,',�:��ygg pi::-`Y'a;i;�. .��^��.7,�..;�iy�����...��t►. �rJl MAJORETTES 1 11 lilt ° x 4 r d R t] ti M a v [ a l - w Back Row: Francis Nice, Carol Isherwood, Ann-Marie Isherwood, Irene Cole, Wendy Leslie, Dolores Palmieri, Diane Charow, Ann Packard, Brenda Bussiere. Head !Majorettes: Mae Annis, JoAnn Andreu- kaitis. The Majorettes, under the capable direction of Mr. Milton Kimmel, completed another successful year as they led the band, and helped to stimulate school spirit at the football games. The nine Majorettes performed various routines consist- ing of twirling and dance steps which they had created them- selves. They practiced on Wednesdays and Fridays to improve their performance at the games. For the annual Thanksgiving game with Andover, the Majorettes did their dance routine to "Swingin' on Parade." ' Their performance, which was preceded by a great deal of careful preparation, was particularly well received. ` I The Majorettes also participated in the Santa Claus Pa- rade, the Veterans' Day Parade, and the Memorial Day Parade. Their marching and precision were commended by all who ' were present. •. Bright red plumes brightened the Majorettes' uniforms, and also displayed the North Andover colors. _ The Majorettes greatly enjoyed their work together, and extend their best wishes to those who are fortunate enough to participate as Majorettes next year. 83 - i r t ti v p r � F R *t � a 5 i Back Row: Don Smith, Jane Valpey, Nancy Zimny, Christine Lynch, Barbara Bates, Sheryl Locke, Carol Teel, Gail McAvoy, Stanley Reed. Front Row: Cathy Crane, Bobbie Morse, Bernie McDonald, Sylvia Andrews, Gayle McDonald, Thomas Licciardello, Corinne Towler, Susan Zimmy, Miss Biggel- stone (Advisor). SKI CLUB PEP CLUB School spirit,a quality needed in every high school, has been Using the ideas of last year's organization, the Pep Club is boosted at North Andover High School by the members of the the beginning for the achievement of a united student body. Pep Club. They have supported various competitive teams, many other Donna Bellorado, chairman of the club, and the members activities of fellow classmates, and most important, helped make deserve much credit for their fine support to N.A.H.S. This was the atmosphere of high school life better. truly shown by the large number present at the Tech-Tourna- It is support, like that given by the Pep Club, that makes ment games. the students have a feeling of pride and devotion to their school. 1 � r �. .r 1W 46 t. � y • � . + \ +mil / \ » 2 •����® . �t . \ . ) \ � 4 . � • � . , , \MV \ . . . . , , *1W. AI- s yn- X } F Back Rcw: Bill White, Arthur Kirk,Ed Schruender, Mike Angeloro, dazzo, Jim Yule, Kaspar Kasparian, Joe Buchonis, Jay Yule. Second Robert Sullivan (Coach), John Fichera (Assistant Coach), Robert Row: Al Shaboo, Paul Routhier, Doug Hoyt, Dave Rennie, Mike Roche (Assistant Coach). Fourth Roue: Donald Fountain, William Nicosia, Tex SanAntonio, Cliff Stone, John Toomey, Steve Rock. Foulds, Steve Guerrera, Bill DeBarba, Al Lanni, Mike Lynch, Eric First Row: Steve Summers, Steve Shea, Jack Garvin, Steve Whit- Korb, Tom Sullivan, Ken Plourde. Third Row: Scott Bergman, taker (Co-Captain), Brendan Foster (Co-Captain), Bruce Allen Tony Brown, Mike Davis, Larry Stewart, Barry White, Tony Ran- (Co-Captain), Jay Dushame, Mike Horgan, Mike Brown, Bob Shay. FOOTBALL Despite a disappointing won-lost record, the 1964 football fighting right up to the final whistle. campaign may be rated as a success. This year's Scarlet Knights After the game, most people felt that it was the best game had spirit and a will to win. They worked hard in practice, and played against Andover in many years. their hustle on Saturdays proved it. The 1964 Scarlet Knights had two players voted to the Led by Captains Brendan Foster, Bruce Allen, and Stephen Lowell Suburban League All Star Team. Senior co-captain Whittaker, the team was kept on the go. With three games Brendan Foster was elected to a defensive half-back position, remaining in the season, the Knights were winless, with their while junior John SanAntonio was elected to an offensive guard best effort being a 12-12 tie with Little Three rival Methuen. post. It was a fine tribute to these two hustling, hard working Meeting a larger Billerica squad at the latter's field, the Scarlet players. Knights registered their first victory,a 19-0 rout. In their second The Scarlet Knights gave their fans many thrills this to last game of the season, the Knights ran Burlington right off season. A four-pass interception by Brendan Foster against Me- the field with a 31-0 romp. thuen, and a return of an interception for 91 yards and a touch- The season's finale came against traditional rival Andover down by Bruce Allen highlighted the thrills. on Thanksgiving day. Despite a score of 22-7, North Andover This year's team also had many fine juniors led by John fought their opponent on even ground. After a few minutes, SanAntonio, next year's captain. the Scarlet Knights led briefly, 7-6. Andover took the lead short- Every member of the 1964 Scarlet Knights' football squad ly after, and both teams played aggressive football. The Scarlet showed improvement. This unit improved with every game. Knights showed much spirit in the final period as they kept That in itself is a successful season. 86 i _ + J 1 wtv N 4 ++ �. t Ir —04 u f • • r j 7al Aim OF c s . f a • i a R { NORT NORTH NC1RTFi NORTH 1 4 � 21 AhIRC)V ANOOYE f Af101YllNR r m R NORTH NORTH 12NORTH � 10 14 DOVER ' ANDOVER ( ANDO E �E �r NORTH ����H NORTH NORTH �,� N ORTH 3 AND OVER ANDOVER • AjDOVEP ANDOVER ANOOVER Back Row: Robert Gesing, Steven Summers, Allan Breen, Barry Humphreys. Middle Row: Robert Licare (Coach), John Stephenson, Neil Hermann, Steven Whittaker, Richard Shaughnessy (Man- ager). First Row: Bruce Allen, Leonard White, Brendan Foster (Captain), Brian Kennedy, Richard Robinson. Absent:Peter Slipp (Manager). BASKETBALL The 1964-65 Scarlet Knights Basketball Team was North Andover's lone setback of the season was at one of the bright spots of the athletic year. This year's the hands of Little Three rival Methuen by a 55-52 score club won 19 and lost 1. In attaining this fine record, the at the latter's court. In the rematch, the Knights took con- Knights won the Lowell Suburban League championship, trol and downed the upset-seeking Rangers 62-58. the Little Three crown, and qualified and was top seeded As usual, Andover and Chelmsford represented in the Tech Tournament. tough threats. Early in the season the Knights downed The '64-65 season had many highlights. This team Andover 67-56. In the rematch' North Andover crept scored 1575 points and averaged 78.7 points per game. away with a 51-49 victory on Lenny In addition to this, the Knights allowed only 985 points White's hoop with fora 49.5 average. This year's team, led by determined 3 seconds left. In the first game with Chelmsford, a bas- ket by Ritchie Robinson, with 6 seconds left, brought vic- captain Brendan Foster, scored more than 90 points tory. In the second Chelmsford game, the Knights were on seven occasions. Despite all those bright spots, the behind by 5 with four minutes remaining, when they greatest highlight of the year was when the Knights broke it open and'won by nine. stopped Chelmsford's league winning streak at 52 games by a 52-51 count. This was the first time in five years Winning close games is a tribute to a good coach. that a North Andover club had defeated Chelmsford. Coach Bob Licare now has a record of 75-18 since com- Later in the season, the Knights defeated the Lion 71-62 ing to North Andover. He's a hard working coach who in the rematch. has had some hard working boys. 88 do �., s►. y > mew 0. AL .r 1214 c y r L /r riy f r_ 15 t �• Y Ar 1 I x f i e fat � A, 1014 .A Back Row: Richard Alakel (Manager), Jack Stephenson, John Thistle, Frank Cote, George Gregory, Jim Mistretta, Howard Crozier (Coach). Front Row: Ron Swasey, Jim Hardacre, Tom Licciardello (Co-captain), Bernie McDonald (Co-captain), Charles Olpp, Bob Di Carlo. CROSS-COUNTRY Under the fine coaching of Howard Crozier and the leader- season record stepping on Methuen, 20-44. ship of captains Tom Licciardello and Bernie McDonald, North On the individual scoring Tom Licciardello was first and Andover's newly established cross-country team finished up then followed by Ron Swasey,Bernie McDonald,Jackie Stephen- with a winning record of 6 wins and 4 losses. son, John Thistle, Frank Cote and Skip Gregory. Cross-coun- The race itself is a two and one half mile grind over hills, try, although it may appear to be more of an individual's sport, through woods and ditches, and across streets. One course even is actually all teamwork. Having seven good men gave North included jumping fences and dodging cows. In cross-country, Andover the edge over other teams that had two or three out- unlike other sports, the low score wins. The first five runners standing men with nothing to back them up. N.A. had both from each team place, and the number of points received per good front men and plenty to back them up. In the Junior man is equal to the place he came in. The total points of the Varsity area North Andover only had four runners, Jim Heart- first five from each team is the final score. North Andover got acher, Charlie Olpp, Jim Mistretta, and Bob DiCarlo. Never- off to a close start at the first of the season, nipping Wilming- theless these boys did well for their number and show great ton by a score of 26-27, and then went on to win its next four promise. meets with very little trouble. In many of these fast meets Tom North Andover finished its season, placing fourth in the Licciardello, Ron Swasey and Bernie McDonald consistently League Meet and also doing well in the State meet. This first placed one, two, three. But soon North Andover met defeat at cross-country team deserves plenty of credit for setting the Chelmsford, Billerica, Dracut, and .Hamilton. But the North sport off to a good start, and we hope to see it stay here in the Andover runners did not let this bother them and finished the future. 90 r # fat- _ 1 62-2 t r i t i Back Row: Walter Hopping, Eric Korb, Ed Schruender, Charles Kaslow, Bill Fredette. Middle Row: Mike Beaudoin, Tom Licciardello, James Hardacre, Benjamin Montanaro, Steve Henry, Paul Ritchie, John Powers (Manager). Front Row: Bill Martinoli, Jack Garvey, George Gregory (Co-captain), Cliff McCarthy, Eric Lindfors,Kasper Kasparian, Robert Shay (Co-captain). WRESTLING Under the supervision of Coach Howard Crozier, the seconds, the fastest pin recorded in our school. 1964-1965 wrestling squad turned out a successful season. The The Merrimack Valley Meet was a bright spot for North squad was co-captained by two boys who won a majority of Andover's "Grapplers." In this meet, Steve Henry won the their matches, Bob Shay and George Gregory. Under the leader- championship in his weight class, while Tom Licciardello and ship of these two boys, the squad worked hard in practice. Bill Martinoli took seconds in their classes. Steve was also When the season opened, North Andover opened poorly. voted as the outstanding wrestler of the meet. Having lost three of their first four meets, the Knights bore Despite being marked with inexperience, the 1964-65 down and made a successful comeback. They won seven of their wrestling team earned a winning 8-7 record. This record was last eleven contests. aided greatly by next year's co-captains Steve Henry and Tom This season was highlighted-by many things. The fastest Licciardello, who together earned a record of 31-1. pin in the year was set at 23 seconds. This mark was later set Our wrestlers worked hard and showed marked improve- at 16 seconds by Steve Henry, a junior. During the Merrimack ment with every meet. They were fine representatives of North Valley Wrestling Meet, Steve knocked the record down to 13 Andover High. 91 _ N r ' 44 11 k MAW- u Back Row: Patricia Stone, Jeanne Coram, Emma Northrup, Carol Giarrusso, Marcia Stewart. Mid- dle Row: Miss Bigglestone (Coach), Ellen Harris (Manager), Susan Gaffney, Sheryl Locke, Barbara Gallenstein, Kathy Willis, Nancy Zimny, Carol Vernile (Manager), Margaret Trombly (Manager). Front Row: Thoma Maxwell, Sylvia Andrews, Susan Zimny (Co-captain), Jane Valpey (Co-captain), Barbara Bates, Jane Broadhead. GIRLS BASKETBALL The Girls' Varsity Basketball Team, coached by Miss The final score was 34-31. In this match North Andover had Gail Bigglestone, ended the 1965-64 season with a record of two players in double figures. Susan Zimny had 12 points and five wins and ten losses. The team was led by their two able Pat Stone had 11. In addition to beating St. Patricks twice, the captains, Susan Zimny and Jane Valpey. The girls started the girls split with Chelmsford, defeated Andover, and ended the season with two impressive wins over St. Patricks of Lawrence. season with a lopsided win over Burlington. In that game Pat Even though they were handicapped by a lack of height, the Stone was high scorer with 15 points and Nancy Zimny had 12. girls displayed fine basketball ability. Co-captain Susan Zimny In addition to the seniors mentioned, the team is losing the was the team's high scorer with 109 points. Pat Stone was services of Barbara Bates, Thoma Maxwell, and Barbara Gallen- close behind with 106 points. Forward Nancy Zimny played stein, all of whom have contributed to the spirit and perform- a fine season as did sophomore Emma Northrup. Along with ante of the team. Co-captain Jane Valpey, Sylvia Andrews turned in a spirited The Junior varsity sported a record of eight wins and performance as guard. Junior guards Jane Broadhead and Sheryl seven losses. Many of the games were hard fought, and the Locke displayed exceptional defensive play. difference in the final score was a matter of a basket or two. The North Andover girls played against a tough Lowell High scorer for the team was freshman Bev Boynton. Top Suburban League this season. On top of the league was hard- performances were turned in by co-captains Chris Fraser and hitting Wilmington, the undefeated champions. Each of the Linda Leoncyk, as well as Jackie Marsan, Susan Smith, Sharon teams played had a considerable advantage over the girls in MacNeil, and Nina Shea. height. Even though North Andover was on the losing end, The varsity captains for next season are Nancy Zimny and one of their finest efforts was against first-place Wilmington. Pat Stone. 92 •• � k 4*, �. 1� 4 t ' l N Ar d Back Row: Miss Biggelstone (Advisor), Susan Gaffney, Patricia Morin, Barbara Gallenstein, Jane Valpey, Barbara Bates, Janet ®lpp, Carol Teel, Nancy Zimny, Nina Shea, Corinne Towler (Manager). Front Row: Lissa Broderick, Pat Stone, Susan Zimny, Sylvia Andrews, Bobbie Morse (Co-Captains), Sheryl Locke, Chris Fraser. GIRLS FIELD ROCKY 1965 can be marked down as a winning year for the Girls' five contests. The only other loss was to the Methuen Eleven. Field Hockey Team. Coach Gail Bigglestone greatly contributed This game pitted the talents of two good teams in a see-saw to the successful season in which a record of five wins and three battle against time, resulting in a 4-3 loss for North Andover. losses was established. Success was also partially due to the rig- High scorer for the season was Susan Zimny, who collected orous afternoon sessions lasting more than two hours during eleven goals. Sylvia Andrews also boosted the record with six which team members repeated standard drills and played in goals: Lissa Broderick and Nancy Zimny were also season stand- mock games. Tri-captains Sylvia Andrews, Roberta Morse, and Susan Zimny combined their skills into fast offensive and de- outs in stopping the opposition. fensive plays. The Junior Varsity Team compiled a record of 2-1-2. The loss of the first two games of the season only sparked Sheryl Locke and Nancy Zimny were chosen to captain next the team to steady improvement, and they consequently won year's team. 94 i� Q c" CAFETERIA STAFF fi Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Midgely, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Kiryluk, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Lord (Manager), Mrs. Trovato, Mrs. DeTora, Mrs. Phil- man, Mrs. Ellsey. .�rww mar �iMq[btr CUSTODIAL ''' STAFF r , 1 �a r- Mr. Wedge, Mr. Massey, Mr. Daley, Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Cushing (Supervisor). 95 iId - a� t 1 I _ a "Are you sure Little Egypt started this way?" "I thought they said there would be girls in this school." AL `I 1 "Our group had 34 Jo fewer cavities." "From contented what?!" r ..,, qk "Only their hairdresser knows for sure.' "Add it up in your head and she'll never know the difference." 96 �R I � 4 FOOTBALL QUEEN ' Donna Bellorado N Left to Right: Bruce Allen (Co-captain), Sylvia Andrews, Kathe Pybus, Stephen Whittaker (Co-captain), Donna Bellorado (Football Queen), Jane Valpey, Patricia Steele, Brendan Foster (Co-captain). 1i.01 VALENTINE QUEEN Christine Lynch r T i Left to Right: Kathy Oakes, Diane Bonner, Jane Garvin, Mary Lane, Christine Lynch (Val- entine Queen), Sheryl Locke, Susan Constantineau, Barbara Gallenstein. PATRONS Dr.and Mrs. Henry Armitage Mr. Ralph R. Joyce Mr.& Mrs. Gilbert M. Aspeslagh Mr.J. Alfred Lachance Dr. &Mrs.William J. Bain Mr.&Mrs.Vincent J. Lacolla Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Barnes Mr. &Mrs. Theodore Lampros Mr. &Mrs.Richard K. Bates Mr. &Mrs. Donn B. Law Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Beaudoin Miss Julia Lebentritt Mr.&Mrs. Joseph F. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Leonhard Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Boutilier Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Lindfors Mr. &Mrs. Daniel B. Breen Mr. &Mrs. Sherman S.Locke Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Bresnahan Mr.& Mrs. Frank Lord Mr. Raymond Broadhead "Mr. &Mrs. Mac" Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John R. Marocco Mr. &Mrs. Raymond J. Buchonis Mr. & Mrs.J. Stephen Martin Mr.&Mrs.Hubert T. Burke Mr. &Mrs. Alviro S. Martino Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Calzetta Mr. &Mrs.Thomas J. Maxwell Miss Patricia Casale Mr. &Mrs. Arthur Mawson Dr.&Mrs. Thomas A. Ceplikas Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. McCann Mr. &Mrs.Douglas A. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. F. Clarenbach Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred H. McAvoy Mr.& Mrs.Julius B. Cohen Mr. &Mrs. Joseph B.McKinnon Mr.& Mrs. Paul C. Copeland Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Morgano Mr. &Mrs. John B. Corrigan Mrs.James J. Mylott Mr. Francis L. Cote Miss Alice M. Neal Mr.& Mrs.William E. Crosby North Andover High School Mrs.Veronica Demirdjian Cafeteria Staff Mr.& Mrs. Anthony J. Detora Mr. &Mrs.Daniel V. O'Connell Miss Jeannette T. Deveau Mr. &Mrs. Ben A. Perrone Mr. & Mrs. Rocco A. DiGloria Mr. &Mrs.Michael Perruccio Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian C. DiSalvo Mr. &Mrs. James J. Philbin Mr.& Mrs. Francis F. DiTonio Mr. &Mrs. Anthony J. Pulverenti Mr. &Mrs.William E. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Pybus Mrs.John F. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Austin E. Ramey Mr. John V. Donovan Mr. &Mrs.Vincent R. Reilly Mr.& Mrs. Donald V. Downes Mr. & Mrs. Paul G.Robbins Mr. &Mrs. Robert P.Dulude Mr. &Mrs. Augustine J. Salvetti Mr.&Mrs.Jack Erle Mr. Sam Osgood Mr. &Mrs. David H. Evans Mrs. Wadea T. Shaboo Mr. S.Joseph Fiori Mr. & Mrs.John J. Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Fiori Mr. Bob A. Shay Mr. &Mrs. Dana N. Fisher Mr.&Mrs. Frank V. Siergiej Mr.& Mrs.Alfred J. Fleischmann Mr.&Mrs.Joseph P. Slipp Mrs. Donald Foss Mr.& Mrs. Charles A.Stillwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Foster Mr.& Mrs. Paul J. Stueve Mr. & Mrs. Fred Freije Mr. & Mrs.James A. Taylor Mr. &Mrs.John J. Gaffny Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C.Taylor Mr.& Mrs. Raymond Galloni Mr. &Mrs. Arthur J. Temple Mr. &Mrs. Armand Giarrusso Mrs. James W. Thomson Mr. &Mrs. Paul E. Graham Miss Claire T. Torpey Mr. Herbert D. Griffiths Atty. and Mrs. Charles W.Trombly Mrs. Marion S. Grossman Miss Mario J. Trovato Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hay Mr. & Mrs. Henry VanHeukelom Mr.& Mrs. Alvah G. Hayes Mr. John Ventrillo Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Hearty Mr. & Mrs. Ralph T.Vernile Mr. & Mrs.Joseph N. Hermann Mr. &Mrs. Michael F. Warchol Mrs. Savina M. Hmurciak Mr. &Mrs. Leonard M. White Mr. &Mrs. Ralph Houtte Mr. & Mrs.William D. Whittaker Mrs. Gwendolyn R. Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Williams Mr. Lewis J. Hull Mr. & Mrs. Robert M.Wood Mr.& Mrs. Joseph V. Ippolito Mr. & Mrs. Lester E.Young 98 Sincere lien Wishes To: The Class of 1965 FACTORY OUTLET FURNITURE � OF LAWRENCE , INC . JOSEPH V. IPPOI.ITO President 99 6 Tel. 688-6004 Annex 688-7252 688-6242 FIORi 'S DEPOT MOTORS Annex Fiori's Car City Quality Used Cars SALESMEN: Lou, Gus and Joe 144 Riverside Drive 15 Parker Street Lawrence, Mass. So. Lawrence, Mass. 100 Compliments of MACARTN EYS LAWRENCE ANDOVER 0a 101 R In Memoriam x� y DR. JAMES W. THOMSON Teacher . . . . . . Friend The Dramatic Club oxa>�.o�ox.oy x 102 �-OxP X MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS OF GREATER LAWRENCE § Broadway Savings Bank Community Savings Bank Essex Savings Bank Lawrence Savings Bank oxa� o X 103 T. O'Toole & Sons, one of the first printers in the nation to pro- duce yearbooks by offset, bring to you progressive ideas tempered by experience and a reputation for painstaking workmanship. Per- sonal service to advise you on: i Gateway e Yearboo Production • Themes i • Layout I to better • Use of Color • Fitting Copy • Line Drawings Yearbooks • Advertising • Proof Reading • Photography • Production • Personal Service At All Times � I t . o ' toole & sons builds u new plant to aid you t_ o'toole ar sons, inc_ I\fain Office and Factory Tel. TEmple 8-4761 - 62 - 63 Keeler Avenue, South Norwalk, Connecticut Tel. New York City IVIElrose 5-4112 ll��,//illy ILA& AL M �lllllil'", --� .•.ill/l�/i • Congratulations and the best of lucH We at Loring are proud of the port we have had in helping to make your classbook a permanent reminder of your school years, recording with photo- graphs one of the happiest and most exciting times of your life! We hope that, just as you have chosen us as your class photographer, you will continue to think of Loring Studios when you want photographs to help you remember other momentous days to come! When you choose Loring portraits, you are sure of the finest craftsmanship at the most moderate prices! tORING 0 STUDIOS New England's Largest School Photographers i * * * * { * * * Stevens® * * 1813 — 1964 * * * Fine Fabrics * Made in America * Since 1813 * * **** ***** **** *** **** J. P. STEVENS & CO., INC. STEVEN'S PLANT OSGOOD PLANT y i I NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS i H. & S. MACHINE COMPANY A complete machine shop to service you 25 MAPLE STREET LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS Telephone 683-8560 oxo��oY x 106 I I o x CARON FUNERAL HOME I R. George Caron and John D. Caron 30 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS Telephone 685-5732 Non-Sectarian DAVIS & FURBER MACHINE COMPANY NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS 107 M x V . 14=° >a'z ........... .: � •:•: 1 I1 ::.l4Tt " tR::. of the best n .:: ................................... .........:.:::::..:........... in banking service ANDOVER GEORGETOWN HAVERHILL LAWRENCE er rima ck alley MERRIMAC x METHUENk.;<.<." _ National Bank F NO. ANDOVER € Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Reserve System hN S:R A-COMPLETE SELECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN and Colonial FURNITURE &ACCESSORIES tN Maple Pine Cherry and Mahogany �1" Di tinctive Gifts for the Home 010" YOUR ETHAN ALLEN DEALER FOR MERRIMAC VALLEY Open Dally E am.to!pm.—Saturdays 6 a.m.to 6 p.m.--Closed Rfondays The FURNITURE BARN ".Large Enough to Serve You . , Small Enough to Know You" At W;Ijon r darner NORTH ANDOYER,MASS. 108 ono x Compliments of WILMINGTON FORD OFFICES of the largest full-service bank in the Essex County are the "best banks for you!R IN TON ' TRUST COMPANY MEMBER 00 THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION oko�.oxo�.oY x 109 �o�oxo: x V BEST WISHES ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK 108 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Serving Greater Lawrence Since 1834 Compliments of BERT GOGUEN and LOUIS GOGUEN Proprietors of P. E. GOGUEN FLOORING CO. Wonder Bar vxa��.oxox.oY x 110 x THE BUNGALOW INC. Joseph T. Giles, Sr. "The Quality Goes in Before The Food Goes Out" CORNER OF SALEM & ANION STREETS Phone 682-4811 LAWRENCE, MASS. Compliments of THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST 2104 Park Street North Andover oxa��oaY x 111 moo: x FOUNDED TELEPHONE MU 2-8381 1868 I 230 HAMPSHIRE ST. 35 MERRIMACK ST. LAWRENCE, MASS. NO. ANDOVER, MASS. H . J . NASSAR Only Ford Dealer In Lawrence! Orders To Take Out Telephone 682-2242 372-6311 —Air Conditioned— Tops in Chinese Food Richard Yee 1120 OSGOOD STREET (RT. 128) NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. oxa� x 112 4kP x l 689-9417 If You're Sick,See A Doctor . . . If Your Car Is Sick,See Me At, TOWN LINE SERVICE Specializing In Automatic Transmissions,Tune-up,Etc. Raymond Letourneau M 701 SUTTON STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. Plumbing&Heating Supplies § Eljer Plumbing Supplies § Visit Our Completely Equipped Showroom NORTH ANDOVER SUPPLY, INC. Large Parking Area 683-8993 § 555 CHICKERING ROAD-ROUTE 125 685-5187 NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. "A Well-trained Driver is a Safe Driver" Complete Driver Education Standard and Automatic Shift Cars Courses Given Throughout the Year in Our Own Classroom Classroom Instruction Can Begin at Age 15 Years, 9 Months LAWRENCE AUTO SCHOOL 222-224 BROADWAY Phone 686-4365, 688-6672 James W. McDonald-Registry Certified Instructor WILLIAM B. KENT & SONS, INC. Local and Long Distance Moving--Packing and Storage Agent for North American Van Lines Telephone 683-9439 550 TURNPIKE STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. o��.oxoxoY x 113 �oxo: x y t WALKER'S CUSTOM SUNOCO SERVICE Corner of Arlington&Broadway Lawrence, Massachusetts Prop. Walter J. Walker Phone 689-9228 CENTRAL SERVICE STATION 9 Waverly Road North Andover 7 John Dolan, Prop. Telephone 687-1717 Good Luck to the Class of 1965 LAWRENCE RUBBER CO . Lawrence, Mass. Sporting Goods Rubber Goods Compliments of THE CURTAIN SHOPPE 230 Winthrop Ave. Lawrence, Mass. x 1.14 DANIEL ' S INC . "Your best one stop resource for shoes,dress &sportswear" Ladies shoes to size 12 —AAAA to C 159 Essex Street Lawrence, Mass. Compliments of THE GREATER LAWRENCE - YMCA VAL ' S RESTAURANT 91 V2 Main Street Tel. 9-9397 North Andover, Mass. Custom Manufactured New Blinds Blinds also Re-Taped and Re-Corded AUTO-JET VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY ALSO NEW BLINDS 48 Greenhill Avenue Telephone 683-2537 North Andover, Mass. I � OK4+O+' O'KO'Y46X 4 115 MERRIMAC AUTO JOHN H. GRECOE SUPPLY CORP. Jeweler Optician 356 BROADWAY Certified Repair Service LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS 46 MAIN STREET ANDOVER, MASS. Compliments of. . . SEYMOUR'S § GREENHOUSE & FLORIST EDGEWOOD FARM 547 OSGOOD STREET Flowers For All Occasions NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 36 LINDEN AVE. NORTH ANDOVER Producers of Golden Gurnsey Milk Telephone 685-5589 FINNERAN'S DRUG STORE LAMEY-WELLEHAN Joseph M. Finneran,Reg.Ph. Shoes and Hosiery For Every Occasion 129 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 331 ESSEX STREET Phone 682-0520 Reg. No. 1322.0 LAWRENCE, MASS. Your Friends GRANT'S NORTH ANDOVER 350 ESSEX STREET POLICE DEPARTMENT 116 i' �4x0 X y I(ARELIS JEWELERS THE BOYNTON PRESS, INC. 322 Essex St. Printers Lawrence, Mass. MICHAEL J. SULLIVAN, INC. CASHMAN'S SERVICE STATION Our 78th Year Raymond J.Cashman 1887-1964 Over 40,000 square feet Gas - Oil-Tires -Tubes Displaying America's better Furniture&Rugs and Accessories at Reasonable Prices 226 ESSEX STREET 141 SUTTON STREET LAWRENCE, MASS. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. ANDREW F. COFFIN Insurance 011111 71 MAIN STREET Merrimac Valley's Leading Department Store NORTH ANDOVER 309 - 325 ESSEX STREET MASSACHUSETTS LAWRENCE, MASS. Telephone 688-4074 or 682-7338 Fuel Oils- Range Oils - 24-Hour Service Auto Service In North Andover Its T A Y L O R SHOP TROMBLY BROTHERS I 389 ESSEX STEET Harold W. Trombly, Owner Tele. 683-1031 LAWRENCE, MASS. I 163 SUTTON ST. NORTH ANDOVER 117 oxo X V IN Compliments of DEB ' S DEN The HI — Spot (Associate Of TownToggery) NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 411 Essex St. 4 Main St. LAWRENCE ANDOVER JOHN R. HOSKINGr INC. JOSEPH'S CASUAL FOOTWEAR 230 Essex St. 193 Essex St. LAWRENCE, MASS. LAWRENCE, MASS. Office&School Supplies Telephone 682-6881 UNION ALUMINUM CO. CRANE HARDWARE CO. 37 Union Street Lawrence, Mass. John F. Bellorado,Prop. 73 Main Street NO. ANDOVER, MASS. Free Estimates 688-8103 ti Compliments of . . . Compliments of . . . MR. TOM'S MEN'S SHOP FILETTI'S BARBER SHOP Fine Furnishings 143 MAIN ST. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. Compliments of . . . ELITE PHARMACY E M P I R E Toseph Campione, Reg. Ph. 355 ESSEX ST. LAWRENCE, MASS. Telephone 683-3979 200 MIDDLESEX ST. NORTH ANDOVER Ox 0�0-O�llK oY X 118 I l �Oxo X Compliments of . . . Compliments of . . . DEHULLU'S MARKET LITTLE RED BEAUTY SHOP Florence E. Thesse Telephone 683-2787 Telephone 682-9610 60 UNION STREET NO. ANDOVER, MASS. 130 MAIN ST. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. i ELFRIEDE'S BEAUTY SHOP T . J . BUCKLE Y Telephone 683-2279 Furniture 200 OSGOOD ST. NO. ANDOVER, MASS. 284 ESSEX STREET LAWRENCE, MASS. GREAT POND INSURANCE AGENCY JIM PHELAN - GROCERIES Telephone 686-3816 87 MAIN STREET 104 MAIN ST. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. Compliments of . . . Compliments of . . . DR. M. P. CURREN DAVID S. BELYEA —DENT'IST— Optometrist 9 APPLETON ST. LAWRENCE, MASS. SCHRUENDER'S REAL ESTATE ROBERT'S HARDWARE 77 CHICKERING ROAD 136 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. HI - WAY GROCERY Compliments of . . . JOHN BONELLI Cosmetics - Ice Cream Dial 685-5302 Grocery -Medicines 62-64 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER Compliments of . . . THE VILLAGE GREEN DRESS SHOP BILL'S AUTO SERVICE Dresses -Sportswear-Accessories William J. Arsenault, Prop. 2-4 JOHNSON ST. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. PINAUD ' S SIGNS 59 Maple Avenue, North Andover, Massachusetts COMMERCIAL ARTIST * SIGN PAINTING Telephone MUrdock 7-7371 119 Y SPONSORS DR. & MRS. EUGENE BELIVEAU THE BERNATCHEY FAMILY J. ALBERT BRADLEY, ATTY. THE CHANTAYS MRS. JOHN E. COUGHLIN DAIRY QUEEN JOHN P. DOLAN DUKE's MEN's & BOY's SHOP DR. ROBERT G. FRANZ MR. & MRS. ALLEN GESING CHARLES D. GLENNIE GOLFLAND GREETINGS INC. ' BENJAMIN E. HOLLINS JULIUS KAY, M.D. DR. CHARLES F. LEE MR. & MRS. STANLEY A. OLPP RENO J. ORLANDO ANTHONY RANDAZZO, ESQUIRE MAURICE RAPPAPORT ARNOLD SALISBURY ARNOLD SALISBURY DR. J. W. SCALORA, OPTOMETRIST DONALD SMITH, ATTY. ATTY. & MRS. MICHAEL STELLA CHARLES TROMBLY, ATTY. ` VERA's CARD & GIFT STANLEY WARD, D. M. D. JOHN J. WILLIS oxo��oY x 120 t,%�R./��L.ri�'.s �i,p',=•_F:�'S�'$,"�r.:,:F., r• ,f, (� f': , i't r .1:. jjs4•;• .+,J,i r r ' •t .. . . ` , r t.' ` , . . r• /•4 n,W ,4 ! t r,{r,', t r +t r•°•':''r•,t�l7/ ,fr rF i%.r .,.rirt I i✓, 'jt�',�t• r�%'� sl. . .,r. .f .i't •+ •• �, t i t �.V�l•,„•'i,iJr' +..t.+r.'�' Y7r-'��:�t� iS; �Ty.nA}fi rt,: t,CSSf/ft ( T,:'L ;�`.. ft. "!:•f, Y' r n .; A ,.I .. ; ✓ 0 R .1,. 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