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I I . .. . -I I I I � . . I .. .- . . . I - - - . �. . . . . .. . . . . - ,F1A 7 T7T 1 i - - w- , 1100 - N. a owl 4b 71. i i j i i h+ F �y� 4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Boston Public Library https ://archive.org/details/northandoverhigh 1988nort The Senior Class of 1968 4 Presents Yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream. GIBRAN t #K The .} r KNIGHT h i I+ j l I a - lawr- TEL ° 1A. lot t . t IL 46 «c, rf o'IN t OVA lbu a o HIGHANDOVE,R SCHOOL NORTH NORTH ANDOVER, A ACHUSETTS IVI SS FOREWORD A school is more than bricks and mortar, more than classrooms and desks. These are peripheral to the essential being of the school —the student—as the nucleus, all else revolves around him. The faculty and other school personnel form integral parts of the whole and exist to foster the development of each student. The 1968 Knight serves as an annual record of all these individuals, who together form what we know as North Andover High School. Table of Contents Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Class Poll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . 52 Underclassmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4 A teacher affects eternity; he A ' can never tell where his in- fluence stops . HENRY ADAMS V �� Um� : ADMINISTRATION � . . . | PETER V. GAROFOLI y y Superintendent of Soo | ° DANIEL L. DESMOND Principal . . �• , GEORGE F. LEE . Assistant Principal GUIDANCE THOMAS F. POWERS MADELINE GILLEN Director of Guidance Pioneer of Guidance t THOMAS L. REGAN HARWOOD A. STEELE Guidance Counselor Guidance Counselor 7 FACULTY MIRIAM AUBRY Freehand Drawing, Arts -ow and Crafts Virginia State College; Boston Museum School of r Fine Arts, B.S. "You're all working for a two in conduct." MARY A. BUCKLEY Home Economics -� Regis College, B.S. "You're going to get a big fat goose egg." 4 ROBERT BENNETT Physics,Chemistry �. Keene State College, B.A. "I'm looking for candidates for detention" STEPHEN BUCO General Science, Freshman a`i1 Class Advisor St. Anslem's, Boston State, St. Michael's College, B.S. "You've got half an hour, so far." ALBERT BERMAN Algebra,Geometry University of Massachusetts, Salem State, B.S. "I think that's the way you do it." ENID M. BURNS English, Dept. Chairman Advisor to the Squire Simmons College, B.S. Middlebury College, M.A. "I don't think you've hit it on the head." JOSEPH BEVILACQUA Type II, Bookkeeping I, Junior Business, Junior Class Advisor Salem State College, B.S. t7l., ..�, `f "Don't sit there like a skunk on a stump." MARION M. COLBY Chemistry, Earth Science Jackson College, B.S. "Has everybody got that?" ry 00 MARGARET E. BROWN ,� English, Freshman Class Advisor Boston University, B.A. "Did you do your homework?" 8 FACULTY AMERICO J. FICHERA Algebra I, II, Senior Math J.V. Football and Basketballs Salem State College, B.S.; M. Ed. "When I owned my bakery . . ." LEETRICE COLE Typing, Bookkeeping I, II Sophomore Class Advisor Merrimack College, Salem State B.S. "You don't know how to add or subtract!" FGM �," ANTHONY FORGETTA French Boston College, B.S. "I'll see you at 2:15" HOWARD E. CROZIER Athletic Director, Wrestling Coach, Track Coach Springfield College, B.S., M. Ed. "Rinse, Soap, Rinse!" ARTHUR H. FORGETTA Algebra, Senior Math, Advisor to the Math Club, Math Department Chairman Northeastern University, M. Ed. "What are you trying to find?" MARGARET M. DONLAN Latin, Advisor to National Honor Society Language Department Chairman Boston University, A.B.; M. Ed. A "Next time ." MARION S. GROSSMAN Typewriting, Stenography Student Council Advisor Salem State College, B.S. < Boston University, M. Ed. "Feet, back, hands, eyes ANDREA DUNKLEE Englishs .. Colby Junior College t `� Salem State College, B.S. Ed. "Consequently ARTHUR P. HALL \ Russian, Advisor to Russian Club Boston University, A.B. "Very interesting you should 1 ask . . ." 9 FACULTY ARTHUR J. HAMEL N Chemistry, Science Department Chairman St. Anslem's College, A.B. Boston State College, M. Ed. University of New Hampshire, M.S.T. "I gave that a new name." ROBERT LICARE Boys' Physical Education, Fresh- men Football Coach, J.V. Base- ball Coach, Varsity Basketball Coach ; Boston University, B.S.; Ed. M. "Toes on the white line, boys!" JAMES L. HILLS Industrial Arts, Mechanical Drawing '" Fitchburg State College, B.S.; M. Ed. "There's always one clown in the bunch." ROSE MARIE LOTH American History, Civics Emmanuel College, B.A. University of Maine, M.A. "You'll have to speak louder." - " LEWIS J. HULL Librarian Boston University, M.A. "Let's have it quiet in here." JOSEPH F. LYNCH r" T Geometry ' Holy Cross College, B.S. V "Okay, simmer down!" F� MILTON J. KIMMEL Band Director Instrumental Director Lowell State College, B.S. in Ed. "All right, let's have it quiet" ANNE MACKEY English,Cheerleaders' Advisor Salem State College, B.S. "If you're going to be late, don't bother coming!" LINDA C. KINSEY French Merrimack College, B.A. "Repetex s'il vous plait!" 10 i FACULTY ROBERT NORDLUND French Suffolk University, A.B. Tufts University, Boston 4L University "Say it in French." MILDRED G. MATASSO English, Junior Class Advisor Merrimack College, B.A.; Boston College, M.A. "I would like to read you a c poem." BEVERLY PAM'P Girls' Physical Education Softball Coach; Assistant Basketball Coach Boston University, B.S. "Come on girls!" r - JAMES W. McDONALD Speech, English, Dramatic Club Advisor Emerson College, B.L.I. "Before I close the book are there any more volunteers?" ALBERT F. PERRAULT, JR. Problems of Democracy, Civics History Department Chairman Holy Cross College, B.S. Boston College, M.A. "Now where were we?" h •"� JOHN F. MINIHAN Problems of Democracy, World History, Yearbook Advisor Bridgewater State College B.S. "Come on people!" % EDWARD G. PRENTICE Biology University of Miami, B.S. University of New Hampshire M.S. "It isn't all that bad." - 4` SCOTT MITCHELL English, Sophomore Class Advisor Miami University of Ohio, B.A. "Now Chaucer said ." ANTHONY REYNOLDS , English Plymouth State Teachers College, B. Ed. - "Yes, I guess so, but. ." � 11 FACULTY JOHN R. ROBINSON Consumer Education, Problems, Photography Club Advisor, Audio-Visual Coordinator Boston University, B.S. Suffolk University, M. Ed. "Now, compare a Ford with a brand new Cadillac." CLAIRE T. TORPEY Shorthand II, Office Practice, Type I, Business Department ` Chairman Salem State College, B.S. Ed. "I mean, people . RICHARD M. ROZZI Biology, General Math Merrimack College, A.B. Salem State College, M. Ed. "Let's start again-one and one is ." JOSEPH TROMBLY i French, Senior Class Advisor Holy Cross College, A.B. "I promise you guys deuces!" KATHERINE C. SHERIDAN American History, World Geography Boston University, B.S. Ed.; M.Ed. "Did you do the questions?" CAROLYN WILE # English University of Maine B.A. Middlebury College M.A. "All right, people!" JOHN STROBEL Civics, American History Varsity Baseball Coach, Cross t Country, Freshmen Basketball Coach University of New Hampshire, B.A. "You wouldn't be tired, would ` you?" NANCY YANOFSKY Girls' Physieal Education Varsity Field Hockey, Varsity �. Basketball, Senior Class Advisor +. Bouve, Tufts University, B.S.E. Boston University, M.A. "Count off - 0,3,6,9, . . ." ROBERT J. SULLIVAN ` f Algebra, General Math Varsity Football Coach Holy Cross College, B.S. "This year we can do it." 12 1 i I shall be telling this with a sigh ;a Somewhere ages and ages hence . . . ROBERT FROSTumi • 7 V) .�- 401t f— s > � . y i { �\ - . . | � . . � �. > : ^ / � SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Gloria SGv t\ President; Robert O'Brien Secretary-Treasurer; Deborah Sullivan, Vice-President. 14 DONALD ANDREW "Donny" BRUCE R. ALLEN Candles in the cellar (?) avid "Brucy" coin collector . . . how about those Best mechanic around . . . love those summers at Martha's Vineyard? . . . sideburns . . . usually seen with Steve, Sure to succeed. or a certain girl best of luck in the future. r I GALE C. ALLEN "Gale" The other half of the cheering squad ' "Kids be quiet!" . . . loves Prob- lems . . . Linda's partner in crime . . . enjoys sports and dancing . . . always on the go. Class Vice-President 1; Pep Club 1, 2, . 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheer- leader 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Prep Club 4. F� ti M q ■ r DEBORAH ANDERSON "Debbie" "Are you for real?" . . . Who's that guy that plays the guitar? . . . her poor English teachers . . . look at those typewriter keys go! `~ Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); SUSAN ANDRUSS Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Intramural Basketball 2, 3; One of the best joke tellers known Squire 3; Knight 4. beautiful clothes English . always seen with Bonnie and Donna best of luck at Salem State. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. 15 HENRY ARMITAGE "Hank" Quiet until you get to know him . . MICHAEL ANGELORO loves school and homework??? what's Dc "Angle" your favorite pastime??? . . . Slightly GQ1 "Hey Baby!" devilish sort of attracted to the opposite sex best yp grin pastimes always include of luck. A! homework right, Mike? a rear Football 3; Prom Committee 3; Prep ' ` football player . "How's it going?" Club 4; Dramatic Club 1. ! promising future in Physical Ed- ucation. Football 1, 2, 4 Basketball 1, 2; Track 3, 4. f i GLENN M. ANNIS "Ace" �I "Oh yea!" what was that joke I has rhythmn with the drums . . . look out for those curve balls always where the girls are. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Base- ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. f , r MICHAEL J. ARCARI Always seen in his "Stang" . . . en- joys driving in Boston traffic-oh sure! loves homework? . . . wants to return to teach history. BRUCE ASPESLAGH Dramatic Club 1; Prep Club 4. "Applesauce" "Ah, do I know you? . . . French 8's famed lawyer . . . always riding around in his car . . brains . . . used for his criminal purposes) . . . Good luck Bruce! Afatb Club 1, 2, 3; Band 1; Chess Club 2. 16 JUDITH BANKS "JCB" Don't worry about it! 5x . . ROBERT J. BEAUDOIN very talented in art (also in driving «. y turns?) . . . Crunch . the "Bowdee" i "Arranger" . "I'll never tell." Spent 99% of his 4 years with splints, Math Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club bandages, and crutches . . . really a , 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Chess Club 2. dedicated football player . . . longs for the weekends . . . lots of luck! Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2. GEORGE BEAUMONT A hi for everyone . . . a great life- guard . . . a real good artist nice smile . . full of jokes . . . loves �_� math??? . . . a sure success. Russian 1, 2; Science Club 1, 2; Foot- ball 3, 4; Prom Committee 4. 4 BEVERLY A. BEELEY "Bev" y��4 Liked History with Mr. B. . . . what a laugh . . . always buys doing some- thing . . . another office worker . . . best of luck as a doctor's assistant. 11K Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council MICHAEL BEAUDOIN 2, 3; Home Room Rep. 2, 3; Drama- "Mick" tic Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Softball Intramural 2, 3; Field Hockey Likes to pump gas, right Mick? (Manager); Squire 3, 4; Knight 4; can usually be found at the Dairy Ski Club 4. Queen . . . wants to be a barber ' freckles. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1; Prom Committee 3, 4. ti+ 5 17 \r i DIANE BOUSH - \ a "Diane" GLINDA GLEE BELAIR Remember bookkeeping classes? ..._ a great collector of every kind of "Mosquito" knicknacks . . . hardly ever leaves her ` "Get outta here!" always talking television set . . . blushes easily . about what's his name?? when's future business girl. the big date? . . . always there when you need her. �a as z JOHN D. BELLORADO "Jack" A great skiier . . . MUGH! (proIWO - n nounced "more") . . . runs up moun- tains "Give me an N-! . . . a i real artist attended Outward M ' Bound . . . runs with Charlie etc. Football 1, 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Prom Committee 3, 4; Ski Club 4. MARGARET E. BERTHEL "Pegs" Smile Peg I don't believe it . always working in the office . loves Problems and cheering . . . hates chicken killers but likes Goose. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 1; BEVERLY BOYNTON Intramural Softball 1, 2; Valentine Queen Attendent 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; "Bev" Squire 3, 4; French Club 3; Prep Club Bessie . . . loves working at Glen- 4. nies?? . s'rat! . . . great on the basketball court . . . prone to suc- cess . . Dust . . . in on the out things! Honor Society 2, 3, 4 (Secretary) ; Russian Club 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3 (Secretary); Band 1, 2; Knight 4 (Literary Editor); Ski Club 4; Bas- 18 ketball 1, 2, 3; Board of Trade Award 2, 3. GARY BROWN "Brownie" WILLIAM S. BUCO _ North Andover High's friendly one "Bill" can usually be seen driving "I don't fool around " came to around town . . . best of luck in the us from Central Catholic one of future, Gary. the Dairy Queen bunch plans to be an engineer. Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2 (Mana- ger); 117restling 3, 4. a BRUCE BUTTERFIELD "Butts" The strong, silent type love that hair! . . . "How's it going?" . . . en- joys cars and English (what a com- bination!) . . . hopes to become a motel manager. 1 MARGARET ANN BUTURLIA "Butts" Lengthy basketball player . friendly smile . . . where do you hike? . . . how could you drop French? . . . _ good luck. MARGARET J. BRYAN Dramatic Club 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, "Margo" 3, 4; Softball 1, 2, 3; Basketball 2, Terrific head cheerleader kids- 3; Photography Club 3; Russian Club get in line . loves horses? 3; Squire 4. always seen riding in a red Corvair . . . sure to succeed as a secretary. Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball Intra- murals 1; Dramatic Club 1; Field Hockey 2; Cheerleader 3, 4 (Co-Cap- tain). - 19 ANDREW CASHMAN GREGORY V. CALIRI "Andy" "Greg" Loves cars (has even built his own) Surf's up! . how are the test tubes . is he really that quiet? . car- in chem Iab? . . . "Get a load outta phobia . . . best of luck in the fu- ^, this!" . . . remember Miss Woronka's ture, Andy. class (does she?) . . . good luck. Science Club 3, 4; Squire 3, 4; Chess Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. sy FRANCIS A.X. CAMPIONE "Camp" Possibly a future Einstein . enjoys .,., driving cars, right? . . . often seen wearing a vest . skier-water and snow . . . would like to become a teacher. Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President); Knight 3; Squire 3; French Club 3; Prep Club 4; Physics lab assistant 4. r CANDACE MEREDITH CANE "Candy" A talkative miss "Unreal" . would like to study languages . . . misses Switzerland . . . usually seen with Chris or Betsy. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 4; Pep Club 1, DAVID CASTRICONE 2, 4; Photography Club 4; Library Club 4; French Club 4; Science Club "Dave" 4; Ski Club 4. Our great surfer . loves Problems . . usually seen with the gang . destined for Springfield. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Irlrestling 1, 2, yf •�+ �"' '' 3, 4 (Captain); Track 1; Science Club t 1, 2, 3; Library Club 4. 20 DAVID CIARCIA ROBERT CONNOLLY "Nothing is impossible" . . . the reign- 'Bob" ing lord of the library quite Woburn's loss is North Andover's scientifically-minded. gain . "Goose??" . . . love that Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-Presi- checkered coat . . . enjoys swimming dent); Library Aide 4. and pool. Woburn High: Football 1, 2; Base- ball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; North Andover: Squire 3, 4; Pep Club 3; Dramatic Club 3; Photography Club 4. MARY A. CONNOR ..Mary„ _ Long blonde hair . . . wants to be a nurse . . . loves Prep Club, right c, Mary? . . . remember majorettes and those games. Prep Club 4; Dramatic Club 4; Ma- jorettes 3. I I N i MARY A. COOLIDGEs "Mary" Sweet gal with a charming person- ality . enjoys sewing and French . . . will make a great teacher . . . may success be yours. JAMES E. CLEARY Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 1, "Jim" 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Member of the 4-H Club loves French Club 3, 4; Squire 3, 4. music . shy, but friendly wants to be a bookkeeper. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4. 21 MAUREEN FRANCIS CURTIN "Moe" P A really loyal kid with lots of school spirit an avid reader, skier, and F. RICHARD CORAM swimmer "Son of a gun!" . quite an actress Success! "Rick" Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Fine sportsman . . . food, food, food Class Play 1; Christmas Assembly 1, . . . chemistry class . sure to be a 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 3; great Physical Education teacher. Prep Club 4; Knight 4. Football 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. JOHN COSTELLO "Jackie" An active member of Mr. Robinson's Photography Club . . . love those ?�- rosy cheeks . . always seen with "the gang" terriffic gym fan best of luck. Football 1, 2; Photography Club 3, 4 (President); Student Council 3; Squire 4; Knight 4 (Photography Editor). >c, i r 1 r' BRIAN J. CURTIN "Brian" Friendly to all whiz in math ` . usually seen driving around . . . +"'""w!► likes sports . . . loves Physics??? . ► sure to make a successful lawyer. JOSEPH CZARNECKI Football 2, 3, 4; Knight 3, 4; Squire "Czar" 3, 4; Math Club 4; French Club 3, 4. From "the Old Country" de- voted (?) runner . . . loves, loves Russian IV?? . . . Would like to enter the Polish Embassy in the fu- ture. Student Council 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4. 22 Im JAMES D. DAY "Dayso" North Andover High's mountain climber—has already conquered twenty- five 14,000 footers . . . adjective— HELEN M. DEMIRDJIAN noun combinations . . . possibly head- ed for a career in Material Science. "Narz" Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 4; "I don't care!" always has her Boys' State 1967; Track 3, 4; Russian eye on a certain someone . . . a whiz Club 3, 4; Afath Club 4; Cross Coun- at dancing . . . loves jewelry INFO try 4. Louise's other half. , Intramural Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Rus- sian Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Pep Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Yearbook Staff 4. MICHAEL JOHN DEMIRDJIAN , "Mike" "This Rots!" . shy and quiet? . . always seen with a bat or glove . a lover of the Great Outdoors avid Red Sox fan! "Coil' Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramural BasketballM 2, 4. JOHN DETORA ' "Tony" Sports enthusiast . . . Arnie Palmer of N.A.H.S. . . . forever saying "C'mon, huh?" . . . card shark . . . every- < SHARON DE PARIS thing's a joke . . . Good Luck. "Sharon" Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 2, 3 (16Ia- nager); Russian Club 2, 3. Janice's other half . . . quite an artist spends summers sunning(?) Lawrence forever! best of luck, Sharon. Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Dramatic Club 1, 2, i 3, 4; Squire 4. 23 DENNIS E. DUFRESNE "Den" T RAYMOND DEVAN Shy but friendly plays the organ beautifully . enjoys English and "Ray" bowling usually seen with Jay Who's a farmer?? . . . quiet but in- or Bob best of luck. �. telligent likes to eat and watch Track 1; Baseball 2; Dramatic Club television favorite class is lunch 2, 3, 4. Sure to succeed Chorus 1, 2. • - P 1 I I I' ROBERT J. DI CARLO "Rob" Alfoncio de Gator! behaves in band (and elsewhere!)? . . refugee from the Grocery . . part of the Musky, Satch, Guts, Smitty Mafia . future lawyer. Cross Country 1, 3, 4. Band 1, 2, 3, 4: Student Council 1, 3; Vice Presi- dent 3. n it SUSAN M. DONAHUE I "Sue" A really enthusiastic golfer . . "That's great" . . . devoted to her publica- tions of the Squire . . . remember ,,. Russian classes? Het, Het! . . . will make a tremendous interpreter. Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President) ; Field Hockey 1, 2, 3; Softball Intra JUDITH A. DUNN _ murals 1; Math Club 2, 3, 4; Squire "Judy" 2, 3 (Assistant Editor), 4 (Editor) ; Rosy cheeks usually seen with Honor Society 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, Barbara or Cyn . . . loves to criticize 4; Pep Club 3. would Iike to take up surgical nursing. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; French Club 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4 (Manager); Ski Club 4. 24 EUGENE DUNNE "Gene" PATRICIA ELLIOTT Intelligent . can usually be seen "Pat" hanging around Mister Donuts I likes (?) English . . . wants to be A recent addition to the 5x any an engineer . sure to succeed. "Big Words" from the "Big People?" Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Bare- (the apple stem knows! ) . . . remem- L--all 1, 2; lt'restling 4; Basketball ber the "tomato can incident" 4. Good luck! Iowa City High . . . Basketball 1; Track 1; Chorus 1, 2; Dramatic Club 2; French Club 2; North Andover High . . . A1ath Club 3, 4; Yearbook 3 (Junior Editor), 4 (Co-editor); Squire 4. Jy Y F i r i i JOSEPH J. FARO "Joe" Devoted to Baseball . . . would like to go to the University of Massachu- setts . . . likes to play pool . . . what happened in English 3? Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; (Co-Captain); Russian Club 1, 2. I t.:: �•.'� :�,,,,, ,.,•,.. „ ,,;,,,,. LOUISE FIORI 4jv..4 n_q "Louise" h. , ` .✓•�;�', n+�-,ter. A bouncy blond . . loves homework? �t �4-01, ��s� �•�� never at a loss for words 4w� /i�,�*�•hssti, , ��.�y,t44�t�•�`•�,t4 a future nurse best of luck at "�huwYu".�'''.,.N1+4ts+t:.wa t�.' :` - i Northeastern. Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary- LYNDA JEAN EATON Treasurer); Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; "Eatin" Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 2, 3, "Hello-my-friend!" . . . loves work at 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Student F W.T.? . , member of Spanky's Council 3. gang (n'est-ce pas?) . always with y Fwite "Wanna hear the latest joke?" Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4. I 25 DENNIS J. FRAIZE "Den„ - JOHN J. FOLEY One of the tall men of N.A.H.S. . . . "Mama- thee- wow- wai . . . known "Tinker" for being quite mischievous-but never `r Always fooling around really during band? . lots of luck. great wrestler . . . always seen with Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Dramatic Dave . . . loves pressing emergency Club 3, 4. buttons in elevators good luck in the future. Wrestling 3, 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Football 4; Dramatic Clubs. - I A f A �s SUSAN H. FOSS " "Sue" ] Always on the go loves sports " . . . usually seen with Peggy or Carol ' enjoys English? . . . will make a dedicated nurse. Softball Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 3; Basketball Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Photography Club 3. i n 5 CHERYL FOUNTAIN "Cheryl" 1 A certain way with the opposite sex . . . "groovey" cheerleader "Hi, there you" misses the twins most � -- "' will make a fine teacher. Library Club 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 2; JEAN E. FRASER Pep Club 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Squire "Jeanie" 4; Dramatic Club 4. Efferv,-scent cheerleader . . . always on the go "ya know what!" enjoys speech and basketball . Mary's partner in crime . . . Will make a fine secretary. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Knight 1, 3, 4 (Lay Out Editor); Basketball 2, 3; Squire 3; Cheerleader 4. 26 i RICHARD ALAN FREDRICKSON DENNIS D. GALLAGHER "Rick" "Den" Mathematically minded . . . after a A devoted manager to the cross-country good time . . . how's "Star Trek"? team . . . loves World Geography ` I often seen with Don . . . would . . . wants to be a teacher . . . an like a future in chemical engineering. avid skier . Salem State bound. Student Council 1; Cross Country 3, 4 (Manager); Track 4 (Manager) ; Intramurals 2. y JANET GALLENSTEIN "Janet" Very athletic and popular! in- telligent, too likes(?) Physics "Sticks up" in Field Hockey, right Janet . . . good luck. Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Basketball 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Prep Club 4; Squire 2, 3, 4 (Sports Editor) ; Knight 4 (Sports Editor) ; French Club 4 (Pres- ident); Russian Club 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4. I DORIS M. GIARD "You don't say!" likes bowling � a record fan "Really?" a faithful worker at the nursing home . good luck. ROGER W. FULLERTON Library Assistant 4; Prep Club 4. •�-•.- "Roger" �~ Quiet loves(?) English . . . used to be seen occasionally at the Atkin- son . . . nice clothes . . . a smile for everyone . may success be yours. Dramatic Club 2, 3; Russian Club 3; Ski Club 4. 27 STEVEN JOSEPH GINGRAS ROGER GIARD "Steve" Love that P.O.W. jacket "Fade 'Rog" Away" . . . usually seen performing ti An avid bowler . . . always in some with the Poets of Merit enjoys kind of trouble . . "Want a slap in sleeping and eating. the head?" English . . . best of Wrestling 1; Russian Club 2. luck! Track 1, 2; Prep Club 4. A DONNA GIARRUSSO "Donna" Quiet but friendly likes book- keeping and dancing . . usually seen ce with Bonnie or Susan . . . sure to succeed in whatever she does. Pep Club 1, 2; Dramatic Club 1. i Y. LINDA MARIE GILBERT "Linda" "That's not fair!" always seen in a certain convertible bowling again? that laugh! will make a great secretary. DEBORAH L. GOFF Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Squire 3. "Debby" �• Loves geography?? . . . "I could care less!" usually seen with Glee or Linda will make a fine teacher . . . best of luck, Debbie. French Club 3, 4; Squire 3, 4; Prep Club 4. 28 JOHN B. GRAHAM "Johnny G." "This is beyond my feeble realms of comprehension" mental shirts and stomper boots could end up at NANCY L. GREENWOOD New England Conservatory (guitar and harmonica, or trumpet). "Nancy" Band 1, 2, 4 (Student Director); Full of mischief . . . loves to sew . . Science Club 1, 2; Russian Club 1; will never forget Chemistry . . . Best of ' Chess Club 2. luck always. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian G Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Frencb Club 3, 4; Field Hockey 3, 4. i r w DAVID P. GRIECO "Dave" One of the friendliest boys in school always smiling . . . a real sharp I� dresser . . . a real great mathematician . . . sure to be a huge success as a commercial artist. _. Science Club 1, 2; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Prep Club 4. •, I JOAN M. GRIFFITHS "Joan" An industrious studier . . loves Eng- lish with Mrs. Burns . three-year member of the Honor Society . . . "'� you're sure to succeed in everything + """1► DOUGLAS H. GREEN you do. "Butch" Honor Society 2, 3, 4. Likes hunting and fishing has a strong attraction to the opposite sex . . . would like to become a million- aire. Basketball 1, 2. ,y IL i 29 I TIMOTHY HAGERTY MARY ELLEN GUERRERA "Tim" "Meg" Came to us from Florida . . . ideal Part of the 5x . . . a real "Y Guy" ladies' man . . . a psychiatrist? . . . "Hello, Bozo" likes to be fond of all forms of merriment! � organized(?) will you never get "Don't blow your cool!" through your ironing? . . . future special education teacher. Field Hockey 1; Squire 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 2, 3, 4; Band 2. I I so . 5 PAUL WARREN GUILLMETTE "Warren" Everybody's friend . . . usually seen with a certain girl . . . really great dancer . . . "oh yeah!" . . destined for Andover Institute of Business. JAMES D. GUTHRIE "Guts" The guy with the brains connec- tions!!! . loves to tease . . . favorite class-lunch . not an enemy in the world will make a fine civil engineer. BARBARA C. HANSEN Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3, "Barb" 4; Prep Club 4; Track 4. Member of the Magic People "It must be the B--" . . . Donna's other half . remember chemistry? . . . will make a terrific nurse. Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Club 3, 4; Squire 3. 30 JAMES HARDACRE "Jim" CYNTHIA J. HAY "Not again!" a staunch member "Cyn" of the wrestling squad English?? Enjoys sewing and walking home?? . . . always trying to get something . . . works hard on cafe duty . . . to eat . . . lots of luck! everybody's friend . loves English? Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1; sure to make a fine lab Track 1; Football 1. technician. ' Dramatic Club 1, 2; Softball Intra- murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals, Basketball 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Squire 4; Knight 4. THOMAS HAYES "Bummer" "What seems to be your major mal?" . . . an asset to the wrestling team . loves Problems(?) . great dancer . . . wants to be a beachbum. Track 1; Russian Club 1 2; Photo- graphy Club 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Math Club 4; Cross Country 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. l RICHARD HEENAN „Hop„ Oliver Ames' loss is N.A.'s gain . r' a great guy with a fabulous sense of humor . . . usually seen with NOW Kevin or Joe . . . will make the CHRISTINE ANN HATEM greatest draftsman ever known. "Chris" Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4. Pretty miss . . . "Would you believe?" . "What do we have for home- work???" enjoys typing and sewing . . . sure to make an ideal secretary. Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; French Club 3, 4; Squire 4. 31 ERIC HOPE SHARON T. HENNESSY "Ruck" "STH" "Kno:k it off" . Lennie's other Original 5x . . . dancing to Bob half . . . really liked history . . . Dylan? . . . Crunch! . . . remember always fooling around with cars . . . Dick Kniss, etc? . . . Newfound Lake will make a great mechanic. . . . makes(??) really cute clothes . "Jet Plane". Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Dramatic Club 2. SUSAN M. HENNESSY "Suzi" "Smash" . . one from the fantabulous Russian IV class . . . bring the big broom . . . "ya, huh?" . . . true alumnae . . . usually seen with the Fab Five group. Russian Club 1 ,2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Dramatic Club 4; Knight 4. r �. GAIL N. HENSHAW "Gail" "What's new?" . . who's that hand- some guy in the Air Force uniform, Gail? . . . future nurse . . . may success be yours. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, NANCY HURLEY 3, 4; (Vice-President); School Play "Nanc" 2, 3, 4. Always seen riding around in her black convertible . "Right here Ralph" loves to beep the horn and enjoys bookkeeping?? hopes to become an accountant. Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4. 32 CAROL A. JACKSON "Carol" Long blond hair . . . seen with a RICHARD A. JANUSZ certain boy . . . hangs around with Butts . . loves French 3. "Rick" Intramural Softball 2, 3; Russian Club Always present at an away game r 2, 3; Photography Club 3; Intramural "Need a ride???" . No comment! Basketball 3. . . . enjoys English and just riding ...••••+� around . . . sure to succeed in any IM1400 career. Band 1, 2. «1 1 t. CHARLES M. KASLOW JR. "Charlie" Love that walk??? . . . enjoys working on automobiles . . . always seen with Butts and Satch best of luck in whatever you plan. Wrestling 1, 2. i LEONARD JOHN KAVECKAS .� L "Len" Loves to tinker around cars R hobbies include drag racing and motor- cycles "Pour it on!" always JOHN W. JACKSON seen with Eric. A sportsman . . . always after the fish Dramatic Club 2. or going hunting . . . enjoys swimming . best of luck in banking or whatever else you do. Football 2; Baseball 2 (Alanager); Prep Club 4; Audio-Visual Club 4. 33 MARY M. KEISLING "Keis" RICHARD P. KOLLEN A real sincere kid . . . remember lab "Ko Ko" with Mr. Hamel? "Right!" Avid sports fan . . . great friend . always shopping a lover of usually heard saying "Get outta here" Physics (and Analysis-yes??) . . . enjoys English?? good luck looking toward to a future in path- in the future. , ology.Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Russian Club 2, 3; Dramatic Club 1; Intramuurals 2, 3,4; Track 1; Russian Club 2. Majorette 2, 3, 4 (Head Majorette); Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Squire 3; Knight 4 (Circulation Editor); Science Club 4 (Vice Pres- ident) ; Prep Club 4. �w4 i BRENDA NUGENT KELLEY "Bren" A real cute girl . . loves skating and horseback riding . . . just adored chemistry class . . . will make a devoted nurse. Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Majorettes 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. I' J CHARLENE KENNEDY "Grundy" Has a lot of fun . . . always falling off horses . . seen bothering Mr. Hall often found playing her guitar. Dramatic Club 1; Intramurals 2, 3, ERIC J. KORB 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4. "Eric., Tough as rock!! . . . always seen in his sports cars . . . sensational smile . . . favorite pastime-girls best of luck in the future. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; IVIrestling 1, 2. 34 I STEPHEN A. LAROCHELLE "Lara" Fiendish ways . . . charter-member of Spanky's gang "I don't care!" nickname for all (Shylock?) avid sports fan Mr. Mac's protege. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian PHILIP LANNI Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Intra- "Phil" E murals 2, 3; Squire 4; Knight 4; Friends with everybody enjoys + Class Representative 4; Student Coun- sports and hotrods . destined for ' cil 4; School Play 3, 4. U. Mass. and a career in electronic data a...+••r""� processing. •^" Football 1; Track 2; Chess Club 3. s - i . PRISCILLA J. LANNI "Cilla" A great majorette . . . loves sports always seen talking and chewing bubble gum "ya right" a great dancer . . . love those nails best of luck. Field Hockey 1 2; Intramural Basket- _ - ball 1, 2, 4; Intramural Softball 1, 3; Majorettes 3, 4; Library Club 3; Prep Club 3. 1 i s s THOMAS LEONHARD "Tom" Loves to fool around with cars l finds world geography interesting, right Tom? . . . likes to work --''J ALBERT J. LANNI sure to succeed in the future. "Albie" Audio-Visual Club 4. A great asset to the football team . . . loves Physics . . . U.N.H. is his aim . sure to succeed. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. 35 JOHN A. MARTIN SUSAN REBECCA LONGO Jay A friend to all . . . often seen in a ""Susie Mustang usually heard saying OW A future Rockette—maybe even Holly- "Very nice." loves pumpkins? wood one of the Magic People enjoys French and English. "you're kidding me" voice Track 1; Baseball 2, 3, 4. of WCCM Loved speech with Mr. Mac. Pep Club 1; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4. �j ' e::ii ate i't'''-„ .�►t "€'�� F � 1 z 1 a MICHAEL E. LYNCH "Mike" Couldn't find a better football player . . . always seen with Kevin . . . "You took my pen" . destined for U.N.H. and a teaching career. Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain); Basket- ball 1; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2. �k ELIZABETH I. MacKILLOP "Beth" Has a smile for everyone . con- scientious student . adorable clothes . . . present at all the games . the best of friends . . . good luck. RAYMOND J. MARTINEAU Library Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3; Pep "Ray" Club 2, 3. Likes to horse around "Is that right!" . . . usually seen with Steve . fantastic wrestler!! . . . wants to be a hotel manager. IF'restling 1, 2, 3, 4. 36 i I ARTHUR JAMES MAWSON "Buz" NEAL B. McCANN A fanatic on baseball often seen "Neal" with Jim, Dick, Rog, and Phil Great football player and an all Shop classes?? . . . how's the gui- around athlete loves cafe spares tar? . good luck in the Air Force. . . . part of the Hank, Micky, Guts Baseball 2, 4. etc. Gang . . . sure to be a success. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Prep Club 4; Youth Club 4; Youth Council 4. RICHARD McCUBBIN " "Rich" Lives way out in the sticks a faithful player in intramurals ` never avoids trying to make a deci- sion right! best of luck in the future. Intramurals 1, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 4; Dramatic Club 1. SANDRA ANN McGIBBON "S.A.M." Always talking! "yeh right" what a voice!! . can be found �. driving around town or doing her ' English . . . will make a fine prac- CYNTHIA McAVOY tical nurse. Dramatic Club 1, 2; Chorus 1, 2; "Cyn" Softball Intramurals 1; Pep Club 1, 2, A great talker . . . always starting 3, 4; Knightengales 3. new fads . . . loves history? 4 what fabulous clothes . . . hopes to become a teacher. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 2, 3, 4; Squire 4. 37 DAVID J. MINICUCCI "Dave" "The Hustler" . . . Willie Marsconi II . . . avid sports fan forever saying "How about it?" domi- MICHAEL Mc HALE neering type? greatest president ever of the Student Council. "Mike" Football 1; Student Council 1, 2, 4 Likes Juniors (especially girls) (President): Class President 2; Class short hair . . . great kid to know Representative 4; Knight 4; Squire 4; friendly smile success to Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Youth two, you in the future. Council 1; Intramurals 2, 3. Austin Prep: Track 2, 3; Cross Coun- try 2, 3; Chess Club 1, 2, 3; North Andover: Dramatic Club 4; Ski Club *• 4; Track 4. LINDA DONNA MILTON Loves work? how's Salisbury / Beach? enjoys sewing and skiing , - think you'll miss physics classes? . "All right!" will make a great nurse. Field Hockey 1; Dramatic Club 4. . t w MARGUERITE ANNE MINARDI "Margo" Love that smile "all right you guys!" . . . usually seen with Helena best of luck in the ftuure! Field Hockey 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club JAMES A. MISTRETTA 1; Library Club 2, 3, 4; Red Cross "Musky" Representative 2, 3; Chess Club 3; French Club 3. One of our best runners loves Mr. TrombIy's French class "I've had it!" . . . sure to be a success as a physical education teacher. Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, e 2, 3, 4; Baud 1, 2; lrlrestling 2. 38 i STEVEN M. MORGANO "Steve" "Oh, you know what I did?" GARY B. MORSE (fall down the stairs again, maybe?) i . an intellectual reader quiet "Moe" and intelligent. Sports, Sports, Sports always Math Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary- hurrying to get to gym class Treasurer) ; Chess Club 3; Honor So- usually seen with Dick or Joe ciety 4. sure to make a great business admin- istrator. Basketball Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. KAREN MURPHY "Murph" What size ring did you say you " took . . loves art . wants to teach . . . a great cheerleader can usually be seen watching ball games. r Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3; Squire 3, 4 (Publishing Editor) ; Knight 4 (Literary Editor); Cheer- leader 4; Library Assistant 4. PATRICIA NEWMAN "Pat" Takes Band seriously? quiet, huh Pat! . . . loves French? . . . can usually be seen with Jo . . . very efficient f 1 seamstress. MAUREEN A. MORKESKI Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Librarian); Rus- "Morka" sian Club 2, 3, 4; Prep Club 4; Math Club 4. Loves tuna! "I don't want to hear it!" . loves the Red Sox (I wonder why?) . . . usually seen with ' Aiargo . . . best of luck in the future. , Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball In- tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Squire 3, 4. 14, . 39 LINDA SUSAN NIZIAK "Linda" Loves apples! . . . our peppiest smil- ing cheerleader . . . usually seen with Gale misses Mr. B. will SHARON NICE make a great teacher. "Sharon" Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 1; Field Loves to drive around . you talk Hockey 2, 3; Softball Intramurals 2, funny! . New Jersey's loss is 3, 4; Secretary Treasurer 2; Student .r" N.A.'s gain . . . one of Mr. Mac's Council 2; Squire 3, 4; Cheerleader secretaries . . . will make a groovy 4; Knight 4; Ski Club 4. airline stewardess. Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4• DENISE NICOSIA "Nick" A future fashion designer . . . en- joys English and dancing! , beautiful smile usually seen with a certain someone . . . good luck in the future. Pep Club 3, 4; Squire 3, 4; Student Council 3; Russian Club 3; Drama- tic Club 4; Knight 4. PAULA J. NIGRELLI A former Andover High girl . can really play softball and basketball and field hockey good luck in the future. Field Hockey 2; Basketball 2; Soft- KEVIN J. NOONE ball 2; Andover High; Field Hockey 3; Basketball 3, 4; Softball 4. "Kev" Avid baseball fan . . . usually seen with Joe or Lynchy . . . loves Eng- lish? . . . forever flipping coins with Dave . Salem State is his aim. Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 1, 2. 40 I LESLIE J. NUTTER KATHLEEN ANN OAKES "Leslie" Baby "huh Kathy" . . , loves orange "Really" just about lives at "I don't like that steady busi- ness" usually seen with Morka P.A. finds it hard to stop talk- will -make a great nurse. . . a smash in her mini outfit. will make a great secretary. Class Secretary Treasurer 1; Valentine ' 'PAW Band 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1. Queen Court 1; Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President); Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1; Student Coun- cil 4 (Secretary Treasurer); Squire 3, 4; Senior Class Representative; Prep Club 4; Knight 4; Ski Club 4; Foot- ball Queen 4. i r` SANDRA J. OLENIO "Sandy" � Love those freckles and that red hair "Oh really?" enjoys office practice??? will make a great nurse . good luck in the future. Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 3, 4; French Club 3; Knight 4 (Typing Editor); Prep Club 4, CHARLES OLPP "Charlie" ' ti Great runner . . . always seen with Jack or in his own car . Cookie- man to the rescue . . . Crunch t what's with the red hair . . . good ROBERT JOHN O'BRIEN luck. y Wrestling 1, 2; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, "Obie" 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; "Hey what??" . . a great politician Ski Club 4. . . . likes sailing and tennis . . . spends summers at Rye Harbor . . . how's English 4 been lately? Class Secretary-Treasurer 3, 4; Stu- dent Council 3, 4 (Vice-President); Prom Committee 3, 4 (Co-Chairman); Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Knight 4; Squire 4; French Club 4; Russian Club 4; Photography Club 4; Science 41 Club 4. i KENNETH PLOURDE CAROL MARIE 'PARAH "Ken" "Carol" The big brother type . . . very friend- ly guy . . . outstanding tackle on " 1 Busy Bee of the Senior Class!!! the football field . . . "Ya Right!" always in the hospital loves Pro- . good luck in the future. blems and basketball "What's Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, for lunch??" sure to succeed as 3; Baseball 1, 2. *AOW '" a business teacher. ;- Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4;Basketball 2 (Manager); Photography Club 4; Knight 4 (Busi- ness Editor). ti MARY ELIZABETH PENDAK "Mares" Love that little boy haircut fa- bulous cheerleader . . . has a strong attraction to the opposite sex wants to enter Emerson College. Pep Club 1, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball Intramurals 1, 2; dla Squire 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Library Assistant 4. a�q DAVID A. PERRONE "Dave" "Gene Krupa" No. II Great 'bus sense of humor . . . likes members of the opposite sex "I've got a crummy idea!" going into broad- MARIETTA POMERLEAU casting . . . great. Wrestling 1; Cafe Duty 3. "Chickie" Done any jigsaw puzzles lately? . . . very enthusiastic during gym . . . "Big thrill" . . hopes to go into secretarial work. Band 1, 2, 3 (Secretary); Chess Club 3. 42 RONALD P. PRESTON - "Ron" Loves a good discussion "Don't you see!!!" . . en joys banging on the piano??? . . . always has an {' opinion . . . sure to succeed at any- BONNIE S. PYBUS thing he does. "Bon" Pentucket Regional High; Orches- tra 1, 2, 3; Science Club 1; Photo- Love those golden curls . . . enjoys VKr graphy Club 2, 3 (Vice-President); sewing and English . . . usually seen Student Council 2, 3; Honor Society 4. with Sue and Linda, or walking down ' Main Street . . . best of luck as a secretary. { DONNA MARIE QUINLAN "Bazonk" Always up to something "It - must be the B—" . loves Hamp- ton Beach . . . member of the Magic � People . will be a great secretary. Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 3, 4; Russian Club 1, 3, 4; Lib- rary Club 2, 3, 4; Squire 3, 4. I .y NANCY RANFONE "Nan" Always has time to listen to your problems, and always has advice . . . "Come on huh!" . . . one of our fu- 4 RICHARD PRESTOSZ ture hairdressers . . . best of luck, "Weasel" Nan. Always playing the guitar . . . friends with practically everybody . future computer operator , loved World History? . . . headed for Andover Institute of Business. 43 KATHY SAMIA A great friend to have just adores those physics classes??? PAUL RITCHIE a real sport . . . sparkling "brown eyes" may the best be yours, Kathy. A good-natured kid "ah, cut Field Hockey 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2, it out!" likes boating and swim- 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball ming gonna really miss those Intramurals 2, 3; Basketball 4. history classes . . . success to you! Football 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 1, 2, 3. KENNETH G. ROKES �. „Ken" Always talking loves Speech II what's so interesting in Andover, Ken? . . . avid sports fan . . . wants to make his career in broadcasting sure to succeed. Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 4; Track 2, 3, 4. 2 GLORIA J. SALVETTI "Gloria" 1 The greatest president ever . . . a whiz in math, history etc . . . loves horseback riding . seen with the { group . . . personality plus . . . will succeed in g an thin she does. anything Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3, 4; Class President 3, 4; Prom Committee 3, MICHAEL SCHRUENDER 41; Squire (Business Editor) 3, 4; Knight (Advertising Editor) 4; Board "Mike" of Trade Award 2, 3; National Honor Oh, that long hair! . . . great on the Society 2, 3, 4; Latin Honor Society football field . loves physics! . 1, 2; Prep Club 4; Student Council usually seen with Mickey and Goose 3, 4. . success be yours! Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 1; Library Club 2; Intramu- ral Basketball 3, 4; Squire 4; Prep Club 4. 44 MARY ELIZABETH SHEA "Betsy" LINDA C. SLIPKOWSKY Shy and quiet, but fun to be with "Linda" loves French and sewing usually seen with Brenda sure Enjoys dances, sewing, and all sports to make a fabulous secretary. 11 are you serious?' . favorite Frecnh Club 3, 4; Library Club 3, 4; class is gym usually seen with Bonnie Best of luck with your Russian Club 3; Knight 4. nursing career. Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball Intra- murals 1, 2; Dramatic Club 1, 4; Basketball Intramurals 2, 3; Knight 4. r EARL C. SMITH "Smitty" s Favorite class is lunch "What's new?" . . . an asset to Glennie's Ice Cream Stand good luck in the Air Force. Football 1, 2, 3, 4. VICTOR SPAMPINATO -— "Vic" Love those cars . . . enjoys eating ,.,.,,......— in his spare time . shy and quiet ROBERT E. SHEPARD . . . usually seen driving a red Olds. "Bob" Always seen with Rog and Tony . "Who said!?" . favorite pastime is hunting . really knows about guns best of luck in everything! 45 DEBORAH LOUISE SULLIVAN "Debby" _ Lots of school spirit "Hi ya' sonny!" . . good of Newburyport and Andover, right? . . . always mana- ges a busy weekend . . . remember history classes?? . . . a really nice t kid. Vice-President 4; Student Council 1, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Rus- sian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey CHARLES SPEARS 1, 2; Squire 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2, 3; Homeroom. Represen- "Sam" tative 1; French Club 3, 4; Library aK Enjoys hunting and physics?? Club 3 (Secretary); Knight 4; Prom e "What not??" "Your guess is as Committee 4; Ski Club 4. good as mine" bound to succeed as an engineer. Cross Country (Manager); Track 4. 1 4 i yx ROBERT STACKELBECK "Stack" ' One of the original scooter boys . . . misses the class of "67" the most . partial to the opposite sex. Dramatic Club 2, 3; Football 1; Chess Club. I BARBARA E. STONE "Babs" Best girl athlete in the school loves French with Mr. Trombly . . . , usually seen with Bev or Judy 0. will make a swell gym teacher. Field Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); JOHN E. SULLIVAN Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Dramatic Club 1; Pep Club 1, 2; Stu- dent Council 2, 3; Squire 3, 4. Love that smile . . . enjoys English with Miss Matasso . . . can be found riding around town or playing his drums . . . sure to succeed as an electrical engineer. Science Club 1, 2; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross-Country 4; Wrestling 4. 46 MICHAEL E. T. SULLIVAN "Mike" Conscientious student always studying physics? . . . enjoys skiing great asset to the cross country DANA J. SUMMERS I and track teams may the best "Satch" be yours. Football 2; Cross Country 3, 4; Track Friendliest guy around "This 3, 4; Dramatic Club 3, 4; Knight 4; is true!" . . . loves to play the guitar il-fath Club 4. and sketch good luck in com- mercial art. Class President 1; Football 1, 2; Bas- ketball 1, 2; Dramatic Club 3; Cross Country 4 (Manager). RONALD C. SWASEY "Ronnie" Friends with everyone always it "hi" . a whiz on the basketball court and the track . destined for Springfield College and a career as a coach. P. Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Cap- tain); Basketball 2, 3, 4 (Captain) ; Track 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain). BEVERLY ANN TARDIFF "Bev" Misses summer and the beach Claire's other half . French lover? . . . usually seen driving her Ford ---- ' sure to succeed as a secretary. STEPHEN MICHAEL SULLIVAN Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club "Sully" 1, 4; Softball Intramurals 2; French Club 4. Former New Yorker . . . made French III really come alive?? . "How are you?" . . . weren't those school lunches great? . . . wants to be an F.B.I. man. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 3, 4. 47 SAMUEL L. TORRISI "Sam" A great asset to N.A.'s wrestling team . . . enjoys surfing and girls! JAMES THOMPSON . usually seen with Dave or Jack . . . best of luck in whatever you "Jim" undertake. Loves Speech . . . can usually be Football 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1; Wrest- found fooling with his ham radio . . ling 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3. would like to repair computers for a Photography Club 4. living best of luck. Photography Club 1; Dramatic Club ` 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Audio- Visual Club 4 (President). y.•�a � � �s.ter. a , JONATHAN T. TIMLIN "Timmie" ti,a _w One of the great trackmen and wrest- lers . . . famous for his motorcycle and Sprite (and red hair) . . really good in math and science success. Reading Memorial High: Gymnastics . 1; Student Council Representative 2; North Andover High: Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3; Cross Country 3, 4; Science Club 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer) ; Math Club 3, 4 (President) ; Band 2, 3, 4 (Vice- President). DENNIS TIMONY v "Den" ` Part of the Jack, Dave, Bill group French? one of those kids who always does homework success to you in all you do! Baseball 1; Wrestling 2; Basketball JANICE TROVATO Intramurals 3, 4; Photography Club 3, 4. "Jan" What a cute little smile . . . love those eyes . . . enjoys snowball fights and the beach . . . sure to be a success at whatever she does. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Squire 4; Knight 4. 48 CHRISTINE L. ULIANO "Chris" A bouncy cheerleader . loves those cartwheels! "Are you kidding?" . . . usually seen with Gloria . sure to succeed in the business field. HELENA WALSH Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Class "Helena" Vice-President 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; Always in Lawrence (I wonder why?) Photography Club 3, 4; Squire 4; can usually be seen with Susan Student Secretary 4. usually is quiet? "a bright smile" . good luck. Pep Club 1; Library Club 3; Drama- tic Club 4. who KENNETH WESTBROOK "Ken" 3 - Number one mischief maker . have fun this weekend?? get lost? . . . can be found with Kevin or Butchy. Football 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1. e, a 1' JEAN ELLEN WHITE "Jeannie" One of the taller ones misses the beach . . . usually seen with Linda or Bev . "Hey chickie!" -p . . . will soon be in the clouds as JAMES VERRECCHIA an airline stewardess. "Jimbo" Pep Club 1, 2. "Where do I go, what street?" likes the V.W.'s . . . how many pairs of glasses did you go through? scuba dives . . good luck! Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4. 49 a MARGARET R. WINDLE ..Peggy„ The quiet, studious type con- nections at Godin's-huh Peg! . . . WILLIAM WILLETT loves animals . . . sure to make a great medical secretary. "Bill" Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 1, Long hair (?) . cool-tempered 2; Basketball 3, 4; Softball Intra- "'+ quiet, right Bill? can be murals 1, 2, 3, 4. seen driving around town best of luck in the future. MARILYN E. WILLIS . "Mare" A great driver? . . . charter member of the Magic People . . . "How's the Magic Room???" . . future nurse J sure to succeed. Russian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Club 4. P BRENDA JOYCE WILSON "Brenda" A talented artist . . . what's up now with you, Debi and Bets? . . . "heavens to Betsey!" . . those sum- mers at York Beach?? . famed driver of a Cutlass convertible . . . KAREN Al. WOOD s luck! Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Russian Club "Jeri" 3, 4; Library Club 3; Dramatic Club Always working, never any money Squire 4; Knight 4. . . No, Judy, no!" . . . oh, about those lunch times, yes . . . to be a nurse . . . part of the original 5x . . . never forget "Crunch." Dramatic Club 1 ,2; Math Club 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Knight 3 (Junior Editor); 4 (Co-Editor); Russian Club 2, 3, 4; Prep Club 4. 50 # JOHN THOMAS WYLIE "Tom" „e Tall, dark, and handsome a new addition from Rutherford High . . . can be seen with "the guys" likes sports—and girls. Rutherford High School: Football 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Track 1; North Andover High School: Football 4; Baseball 4. i f I -7 J Through summer sunshine, winter rain, And then? Farewell, we shall meet again! H. VAN DYKE 51 CLASS �r Y w v � 4 MOST POPULAR Kathy Oakes Dave Minicucci I • a BEST LOOKING Margo Bryan Tom Wylie fi w WITTIEST BEST ATHLETES Cynthia McAvoy Barbara Stone Dave Minicucci Ronald Swasey r i � t DONE MOST FOR NAHS BEST DRESSED UIETEST Gloria Salvetti QU IETEST Susan Andruss Joan Griffiths Robert O'Brien John Costello Raymond Devan BEST STUDENTS I =` .: Susan Donahue Bruce Aspeslagh BEST PERSONALITY Kathy Oakes Earl Smith i POLL -' MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED I Gloria Salvetti Bruce Aspeslagh 1 MOST TALENTED Dana Summers e r J I - CLASS WOLF AND FLIRT FRIENDLIEST Jean Fraser Kathy Oakes Samuel Torrisi Earl Smith �°���s a _ mom " �� r..i�" R i - r BEST DANCER Barbara Stone MOST TALKATIVE CLASS LADY AND Robert Beaudoin Marilyn Willis GENTLEMAN Michael Beaudoin Patricia Elliott Charles Kaslow BEST SMILE Linda Niziak 4 ; .� John Costello MOST DEPENDABLE I Gloria Salvetti David Minicucci I r�7 t'h "Did you hear the latest?" "But I have hay fever!" „Yhf J r A� 5 f O - r The "dot" strikes again. "Do they really expect us to do that?" 54 i �e U f Ir V I or r� The model student. I I Future drivers of America! i i III. x Y - "But I did use Ban." "What? Did you say we had to eat this?" 55 IN 1 k s r F 9 i• g0 11f r4 Michael J. Robinson 1951 - 1966 "Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to the next world . . ." JEAN RICHTER 56 Everywhere I go there are poignant 4 y' memories D. • ' R.. �. Sam LU E LU E f or �! r w • { e. ff } I %y f JUNIOR t t � tN' 58 r :3 CLASS t k � 59 a 444 I� tot JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS Left to right: John Caffrey, Vice-President; Brian Guptill, President; Chrisinda More- schi, Secretary-Treasurer Under the leadership of the class officers, Brian Guptill, John Caffrey, and Chris Moreschi, the Junior Class continued to play an important part in the daily life of our school. Members participated in various student committees and in all clubs and athletic teams. Junior class members in the Honor Society include, Sandra Foley, Susan Haltmaier, Kathy Crawley, Chris Moreschi and Susan Delisle. In addition, mem- bers such as Chris Moreschi and Kathy Morin served as Junior Editors of the Knight; while Ginny Bates was Junior Editor of the Squire. Don Larochelle and Ann Corrigan played important roles in this .year's school play. In the field of athletics all varsity teams had members from the class of '69. Some of the outstanding ones included Jerry Minihan and Chris Rock (football) ; Peter Piantidosi and George Farkas (basketball) ; Louis Luciano and Steve Coates (wrestling) ; Peggy Breen and Nancy Guilmette (basketball) ; Kathy Crawley (field hockey) ; and Billy Dolan (track). 60 j I F E t { SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Left to right: Joe Lynch, Vice-President; Karen Evangelos, Secretary-Treasurer; George Labelle, President This year's Sophomore Class, led by President George Labelle, Vice-President Joseph Lynch, and Secretary-Treasurer Karen Evangelos, continued its fine record of service to the school. Joining the class officers on the Student Council were Linda Patterson, Thomas Robinson, and Cynthia Turner. Bob Burns, Lee Zagorski and Patti Zahoruiko are but a few examples of the many varsity athletes on this year's teams from the class of '70. Other members took active roles in a variety of clubs that make up the school's extra-curricular activities. During the year class dues were collected and a Sophomore Class Dance was held. This year's faculty advisors to the Sophomore Class were Miss Cole and Mr. Mitchell. 61 r tt yy<N, LU Cie clar" i �K l i 'ax �rt ' N i I tt Y ' A l I! t CLASS l N 1� a - � � P 63 _ ,ar y 4 h yy t r� Cie LLI LLM NIO � I 1 t 1x ti S$2$ v r� tt rt F 3 u a w ... ,� Y� /fie x 41 Y roc 1 FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Left to right Patty Oakes, Secretary-Treasurer; Scott Robinson, President; Patty Sullivan, Vice-President This year's Freshman Class lost no time in entering into the spirit of school activities, and proving themselves a welcome addition to our school community. In an election held in September the class chose as its leaders Scott Robinson, President; Patty Oakes, Vice-President; and Patricia Sullivan, Secretary-Treasurer. Also elected as class representatives on the Student Council were Paul Powers, Joe Sherlock, Evelyn Belle Isle and Marsha Johnson. During the year various class members joined school clubs and organizations, and the class was well represented at all school functions. The class officers have instituted a system of dues to defray senior expenses. Additional funds.were raised at the annual Freshman Class dance. Class advisors were Mrs. Brown and Mr. Buco. 66 i F X' Gunga Din "Another crack like that Sandy, and I'll bop you." it ,t w , "?I rf `C i d`� 1{ "You're all out. Simon didn't say to do that." Happiness is a freshman having her picture taken. 67 i r � .................. And the race is on! "You're kidding! It's really Sat- urday?" a c f ti A line of darling damsels dancing. "Did I really win?" 06 M A ^f2�7�_r __ Y�,�1►,�y8�e�xa. i Y W" 'gip � I .lt Y s .lei"r Monday morning blues, "Hey, my, elbows aren't long enough!" 77 `.\: a a. 'Ml N Six of N A's swinging, singing sophomores. "Wake me up when the photo- ' grapher comes!" � a 70 "What's this? The Mafia??" k "There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward." Ufa J � J .• LU I V The Johnson Chapter of the National Honor So- ciety recognizes individuals of the student body who show a combination of scholarship, character, lead- ership, and service. Miss Margaret Donlan is advisor . ' to the group. The Society holds an annual Christmas dance, takes part in the Eastern Massachusetts Conference of Honor Societies, and awards a cash prize to the ' highest ranking senior in English. n2� I OFFICERS Left to right: Beverly Boynton, Secretary-Treasurer; Bruce Aspe- slagh, Vice-President; Mary Keisling, President. NATIONAL HONOR IETY soc *4 AN111\41-�,"", It 4A a' de —st First row, left to right: Janet Gallenstein, Patricia Elliott, Beverly Boynton, Mary Keisling, Bruce Aspeslagh, Chrisinda Moreschi. Second Row: Kathy Crawley, Gloria Salvetti, Susan Donahue, Susan Haltmaier, Sandra Foley, Joan Griffiths. Third row: Steven Morgano, Brian Curtin, Jonathon Timlin, James Day. 72 F e • The Student Council, under the direction of Mrs. ; Grossman, is the Student Government of our school. During the course of the year many meetings were ' held at which various problems were discussed. Led by President David Minicucci, Vice-President Robert O'Brien, and Secretary-Treasurer Kathy Oakes, the council was very active. Among other things they held their annual dance, participated in theSanta Claus parade, had a scholarship drive, . and started a student improvement committee. I OFFICERS Left to right: Kathy Oakes, Secretary-Treasurer; Robert O'Brien, Vice-President; David Minicucci, President. STUDENT COUNCIL A j 4, n 1 4, I WNW �� IL Front roue, 1. to r.: Barbara Davis, Gloria Salvetti, Kathy Oakes, David Minicucci, Robert O'Brien, Deborah Sullivan, Mary Keisling. 2nd rani: Patty Oakes, Evelyn BelleIsle, Patty Sullivan, Cynthia Turner, Peggy Breen, Chris Moreschi, Linda Patterson, Martha Johnson, Karen Evangelos. 3rd row: Scott Robinson, John Caffrey, George Labelle, Steven Larocheile, Jeremiah Minihan, Joseph Lynch, Joseph Sherlock, Paul Powers, Tom Robinson. 73 .I. Ct -,M-4� ;aF \? �-�t *'a4Vt ` THE KNIGHT , 105� The Knight, under the advisorship of Mr. John Minihan, has two primary purposes. The first is P Y P P to produce a yearbook that represents student life + ti at North Andover; the second is to give interested j seniors the opportunity and experience of writing and publishing their own book. This year's staff led by Karen Wood and Pat Elliott spent many hours preparing this edition and hope it will serve as an accurate record of the events and activities of North Andover High School for a 1968. h f KNIGHT EDITORS 74 Left to right: Kathy Morin, Junior Editor; Pat Elliott, Co-Editor Chris Moreschi, Junior Editor; Karen Wood, Co-Editor. ' s # t w +s rr Y J i 6� rl y i A�►d: I i ilLIAMMMU i 11 ._ oe. A 1 i 4w ,�y` 75 d ' \ THE SQUIRE The SQUIRE completed its fourth successful year with six publications and a special senior issue. The " purpose of this year's SQUIRE was to inform stu- dents and teachers of the events and talents within ` ! their school. Because of excellent student support, � 1 PPort the SQUIRE was able to satisfy a variety of inter- ests. There were articles dealing with school and club news, coming events, student literary works, and special features. - The editors of the SQUIRE for the 1967-1968 season were Susan Donahue, Editor-in-Chief; Vir- ginia Bates, Junior Editor; Mary Ellen Guererra, A, R ,„., News Editor; Janet Gallenstein and Brian Curtin, Sports Editors; Gloria Salvetti, Business Editor; John Bellorado, Art Editor; Margaret Berthel, Typing 1 Editor; Karen Murphy, Publicity Editor; John Cos- tello, Photography Editor. Special recognition must be given to Mrs. Burns, q faculty advisor, and Mr. Robinson's photography club, for their help in the publication of this year's SQUIRE. 76 J s s i PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The Photography Club is one of the most func- tional clubs in N.A.H.S. Under the direction of 'f their advisor, Mr. John Robinson, this organization films various athletic events, and takes pictures for school and town publications. 77 SCIENCE CLUB 4 \VF, pi pr 5 � E The aim of the Science Club is to give its members an opportunity to work in the fields in which they excell. This year's club was led by President David Garcia. During the year various club members participated in regional science fairs. SKI CLUB <. g �f. lar� w 1 '� / y The Ski Club is a new addition to the North Andover High's activities. With the co-operation of their advisors, Mr. Bennett, Miss Yanofsky, and Mr. Bevilacqua, the club was able to plan an exciting winter of skiing for its members. The officers for this year were as follows: Jack Bellorado, President; Jack Sullivan, Vice-President; Candace Cane, Secretary; Sandra MacNeill, treasurer. 78 The Math Club, under the supervision of Mr. Arthur Forgetta and Mr. Joseph Lynch, gives its members the opportunity to test themselves with higher mathematical problems. The club belongs to the Eastern Massachusetts R Mathematical League, and competes with other members monthly. The Math Club holds its annual dance every a autumn. The funds are used for league dues and for awards given "to the clubs' high scorer at the annual banquet." MATH CLUB OFFICERS Steven Morgano, Vice-President; Jonathon Timlin, President; Mary Keisling, Secretary-Treasurer. w _ M 7 1 A � 1 r ' 1 J f 79 , = i The Dramatic Club, under the leadership of Mr. James McDonald, is open to all students having an A interest in the theatre. Students are given the oppor- tunity to produce, perform, and handle various back- stage work such as lighting, scenery, construction, � costuming, and make-up. ' During December, the annual Christmas assembly provided entertainment for the students. On April 5th and 6th, the Dramatic Club presented The Court- ship of Eddie's Father. Stephen Larochelle and Don- ald Larochelle held the major roles. Gail Henshaw headed a large supporting cast consisting of: Susan Longo, Anne Corrigan, Samuel Torrisi, Hunter Clouse, Richard Coram, Susan Haltmaier, Catherine 14 Brucato Bruce As esla h Dana Summers Kenneth Rokes, and Jane Haltmaier. OFFICERS Steven Larochelle, President; Gail Henshaw, Vice-President; Stand- ing: Bruce Aspeslagh, Treasurer; Valerie Casale, Secretary. DRAMATIC �f 6 l so 00 t s �5 1. � P t� J � k V �S t R f� 41 # ` This year, under the enthusiastic leadership of ' Susan Donahue, the Russian Club strove to make its members more aware of the Soviets as a people. ram• , This was done through films and lectures and a trip to a Soviet education display at Boston College. Other activities included a ski-toboggan outing, a trip B t to the Boston Popsand the annual Russian Club P - Dance. k OFFICERS Left to right: Susan Donahue, President; Brenda Kelley, Vice Presi- dent; Louise Fiori, Secretary-Treasurer. RUSSIAN CLUB f. ., a r 82 This year's French Club, under the direction of all the French teachers, participated in numerous and varied activities. The members attended a French --° play and ate at a French restaurant. During the Christmas season the members sang Christmas carols - r at a local hospital. The club also held a Santa Claus dance in order to raise funds to promote club activ- ities. OFFICERS Left to right: Barbara Lyons, Vice-President; Janet Gallenstein, President; Ann Myers, Secretary-Treasurer. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS ell �l i h - � r i k I 8) CHESS CLUB =-1 , --I- ti` 1 fi The Chess Club is under the direction of Mr. Scott Mitchell. This year Tom Carney served as president of the club. LIBRARY CLUB JmuffR T f " > kl !P X! 1 yty� a E r 7 • t I 4 f The Library Club is under the direction of Mr. Louis Hull. Members learn general library techniques. With this knowledge they are able to assist in the library during 84 free periods. AUDIO -VISUAL CLUB E Zi A � 1 AL L The Audio-Visual Club, under the direction of Mr. John Robinson, serves the school by assisting in the setting up and running of Audio-Visual equipment. CHORUS t � K IT d [ j s � z r The North Andover High School Chorus is open to any student having an interest in music. Under the direction of Mrs. Kaminsky, the Chorus competed in the annual New England Festival of Music. 85 BAND The North Andover High School Band has had { another successful season of pepping up school activ- ities with its talented performers. The group, under the direction of Mr. Milton Kimmel, has added A extra school spirit to rallies, games, and other func- tions. The Band officers for this year were Glenn Annis, President; Jonathan Timlin, and Deborah Anderson, Vice-President; and Sharon Hennessy, Secretary. `' Director Milton J. Kimmel Z. + 117 ti c u t>a ti p f r r t I 4 f Y MAJORETTES 7 r. f w �r F V The majorettes, under the direction of Mr. Milton Kimmel, added pep and color to the band during the football season. Mary Keisling, as head majorette, led the group at games and parades. s"= sir.. 4 r r r Head Majorette Mary Keisling 87 i r d F pr ik Ab MOM MIWAPII .10 L► � L �g •c w 4W x / f }7 71 x e� tF Y _ To love the game beyond the prize . . . HENRY NEWBOLT K A • .�rya(s+>ter. �� ���w '� e:�c�. ^Y f D i r CHEERLEADERS FIGHT! SCORE! WIN! BASKETS! BASKETS! BASKETS! These are some of the cheers that our red and black clad cheerleaders echoed at the football and basketball games. The cheerleaders began the 1967-68 athletic season with a �E pep rally before the annual clash of the Scarlet Knights and the Lions. These bouncy, vivacious girls under the guidance Y� g - of Miss Mackey, stimulated the pep and spirit of the student body and gave the athletic teams their 100% support. Under the co-captainship of Margo Bryan and Gale Allen, the girls were successful in their unrelenting attempt to rally school spirit at every contest. Lo �co�r _ ems■ %" 0!r0,VP _� .> .�, • Via. . � First Row: Barbara Davis; Mary Pendak; Chris Uliano; Margo Bryan, Co-Captain; Gail Allen, Co-Captain; Cheryl Foutain; Karen Murphy; Dale Smith. Second Row: Peggy Berthel; Linda Niziak; Jean Fraser; Valerie Casale; Beth Dushame; Sharon Freeman; Marlene Manning. 90 YY y.�sF� rt1. 4 L x r� 1 ir Olt e r I � of I yr' M t I C�77�7 I Mlj�4 5;* 8 o-' '90 ^---22��95 18 Al } FOOTBALL ` The 1967 football season for North Andover turned out to be a successful one in many respects. After a slow start, losing their first three games, the Knights then reeled off five consecutive wins before losing to Andover in the final. Even though they lost most of their line from the 1966 team, the Knights filled each position with some promising . talent. For their outstanding play in competition Captain Mike Lynch and lineman Al Lanni were selected for Merri- mack Valley Conference All-Star berths. Captain Lynch, who was switched from lineman to fullback, carried most of the offensive punch and also directed the defense. M Coach Sullivan was delighted to have such a spirited team with lots of drive. He also was happy to announce the se- lection of next year's co-captains Jerry Minihan and Chris - . . Rock. 92 Coach Sullivan and Co-captain elect Jerry Minihan f x . �► _ a,. x� -`fix• - � �'' �. < -,�,; - L 1 _ JL OW 40 ♦--srXa�a+s?` M 93 SENIOR LETTERMEN i I Captain Mike Lynch Bill Buco 'Oka Al Lanni Bob Beaudoin Jim Guthrie ti7 O ems'' Tom Wylie Mike Angeloro 94 Ur t.Ln CIrt ltl 41 , Eric Korb Neil McCann Mickey Beaudoin a J a Mike Schruender Y George Beaumont k � i Steve Sullivan GAME SCORES North Andover 6 Chelmsford 21 Kenny Plourde North Andover 12 Wilmington 41 _ North Andover 8 Dracut . .... 22 North Andover 35 Burlington 8 North Andover 13 Methuen . 6 North Andover ... 12 Tewksbury 6 North Andover 15 Billerica 0 North Andover 27 Masconomet 6 4V North Andover 0 Andover 12 Earl Smith 95 BASKETBALL f The "Knights" coached by Mr. Licare, had another � highly successful basketball season. The team posted an outstanding record of eighteen wins and only two losses in regular season play and captured the Merrimack Val- ley Championship, as well as an invitation to the Tech Tourney. Offensive standouts on this year's championship team were Pete Piantidosi, Lee Zagorski, and George Farkas. Captain Ron Swasey, Rick Coram, and Mike Cotter led the Knight's defense, which allowed the least number of �t points among all the League teams. Also contributing heavily to the year's successful season were Jim Verrec- chia, Bob Burns, and Jim Holdsworth. With the return of most of this year's team, and the addition of some fine J.V. players the N.A.H.S. hoop- °a �? sters' future looks very bright. a s: I iR7 7 !P NORTH � e� NORTH 14O T� a AN 14138 TI URT4 TH NO I OV E ,NORTH � NORTH N OR ni it C 0 % sr A _'""'::'C� qx. Lj First Rou): Bob Burns, Jerry Minihan, Captain Ron Swasey, Bryan Guptill, Don Guthrie. Second Row: Neil McCann, Richard Coram, Chris Rock, Peter Piantidosi, Mike Cotter. Standing: Fred Spicer (manager), Dennis Ackroyd, Lee Zagorski, George Farkas, Jim Verrecchia, Jim Holdsworth, 96 Coach Licare. 5 4l 21 35, 11 � T 47 t = f 1�R 4 •M �° I� M 1 11 ,. 11 ! - _ wily Mill- ,. GAME SCORES North Andover ._ __ 65 Methuen 53 North Andover ... .. 55 Tewksbury 47 North Andover _ _.. 70 Burlington 47 North Andover .. 85 Amesbury ....... 46 North Andover ...... 52 Chelmsford .. 57 North Andover ...... 79 G.L. Regional 40 North Andover ...... 84 Billerica .......... 43 3 i� North Andover ...... 77 Wilmington ..... 67 31 North Andover ...... 61 Dracut ............ 60 � North Andover ____ 81 Andover .......... 50 a i } � u CHAMPS ANDOV µORTH 14� OQY a r � 1 ww INn�� 22 MOVER i 4 f North Andover 49 Methuen ......... 42 North Andover 51 Tewksbury 57 North Andover .. 80 Burlington ..... 35 North Andover ... 87 Chelmsford ...... 67 North Andover .. 69 G.L. Regional 45 ' 4 North Andover ., 63 Billerica ........ 40 + North Andover 70 Wilmington 52 North Andover .. 52 Dracut ....... ... 47 North Andover 76 Amesbury ........ 50 �t North Andover ... 72 Andover ........... 56 r FX � �► ANDo� #♦ X 4-� 1 99 L r� 4 • 1 63 i l t First Row: James Day, Robert DiCarlo, Jon Timlin, James Mistretta, Ron Swasey, Jack Bellorado, Charles Olpp, John Sullivan, Mike Sullivan. Second Row: Russ Hamel, Dana Summers, Ed Car- dello, Daniel Doyle, John Monteiro, Kevin McGregor, Robert Kelly, Harold Caruso, Robert Witzgall, Mike Caffrey, Coach John Strobel. CROSS COUNTRY This year has proved to be the best yet for the North Andover harriers. Coach John Strobel has again produced a fine running team with a season's record of 9-1-1. The team finished in second place in the Merrimack Valley r/^ . League Meet and captured 12th place overall in the State Cross-Country meet. " This year's team was led by co-captains Ron Swasey, and Jim Mistretta who ran exceedingly well throughout the season. Supporting these leaders were Brian Cardello, Bob Kelly, Jack Bellorado, Jack Sullivan, Charlie Olpp, Mike Sullivan, Dan Doyle, Jon Timlin, Bob DiCarlo, i Joe Czarnecki, Jim Day, Bob Witzgall, Russ Hamel, and f next year's co-captains Kevin Callahan, and Kevin McGregor. Coach Strobel with Mike Sullivan and Manager Dana Summers 100 I T �Y /F s 101 WRESTLING NA The wrestling team had a successful season this year compiling a 13-6 record under the coaching of Mr. Crozier. Captain Dave Castricone led the matmen with a 15-2-2 record. Coming close behind him were Micky Beaudoin and Jon Timlin. The highlights of the season were the Merrimack Valley Tournament where six men came in the top four f positions in their classes; the State Tournament where Jon Timlin took a fourth place; and the New England Tournament where Bill Dolan took a fourth place. Captain Castricone a F Front Row: Steven Robinson, Ronald Bevins, Louis Luciano, Steven Coates, Eric Harnish, Earl Camire, Paul Powers, Louis Napoli, Daniel Morgan. Second Row: William Buco, David Vallen- court, Samuel Messina, Jonathan Timlin, John Foley, David Castricone (captain), William Dolan, 102 Michael Beaudoin, Joseph Messina, Billy Caulder, Raymond Martineau. y fr ar i * K ' • ffi t, W4 I"■wl I'm Ap f { 4 0 Front Row: John Sullivan, Charles Olpp, Kenneth West- Mark Keller, Ken Rokes, William Carroll. Third Row: brook, Michael Angeloro, Captain Ronald Swasey, James David Vallencourt, James Clark, Richard Maker, Thomas Mistretta, Robert Mailhot, John Bellorado, Jonathan Timlin. Windle, John Foley, Louis Luciano, James Day, Joseph Guy, Second Row: Joseph Czarnecki, James Chepulis, Kevin Cal- Manager, Ronald Bevins. lahan, Robert Teichman, Michael Sullivan, William Dolan, TRACK This year's track team coached by Mr. Crozier and Mr. e Rozzi had another fine season. The successful record posted by the "Knights" is accredited to the leadership of s captains Ron Swasey and Ken Westbrook, and the desire and hard work of each individual in obtaining mastery of his event. Those seniors who contributed heavily to the team's suc- cess were Captains Swasey and Westbrook; Charlie Olpp, Jim Mistretta, and Mike Angeloro. They were assisted by many underclassmen who aided the team in various track and field events. Coach Crozier 104 } v y ow 6 + y Ak • �� uit domb- } s .-' a � 4e s � K i i 16 BASEBALL After thirty-three years of successful coaching and several championship teams, Mr. George Lee has re- tired from his baseball career at N.A.H.S. to assume his new position as Assistant Principal. Last year's team, under Coach Lee's direction, posted a fine rec- ord of thirteen wins against only three losses and cap- tured the Merrimack Valley Championship. As the new pilot of last year's championship team, Coach John Strobel continued in the tradition of Mr. Lee's successful seasons. This year's team was led by co-captains Al Lanni and Joe Faro. Adding to the offensive and defensive punch of the squad were Neal McCann, Steve Sulli- van, Lee Zagorski, Jerry Minihan, and pitchers Gary Morse and Chris Rock. Mock games, hours of practice and unyielding per- formances on the field all contributed to this year's baseball success. Coach Strobel F I � ` 4' 0 T/ r 1 0 rH _ � ��r� 1y� K A Ilk ` . . E to JER IER n f Front Row: John Lane, Richard Kelley, Kevin Tracy, John Richard Heenan, Coach Licare. Third Row: Kevin Corrigan, Faro, John Sullivan, Robert Kelly. Second Row: Coach Lee, John Armitage, Ronald Giaquinta, Lee Zagorski, Dennis Captain Joseph Faro, Captain Albert Lanni, Neal McCann, Ackroyd, Chris Rock, Jerry Minihan, Steven Marston. Glenn Annis, Steve Sullivan, Gary Morse, John Martin, ' 106 i .3 32 \ _ s�7 -. ti r � �_ 1. 3 "� 107 44 First Row: Linda Cyr, Cynthia McAvoy, Louise Fiori, Janet Gallenstein (co-captain), Barbara Stone (co-captain), Nancy Greenwood, Bev Beeley. Second Row: Nancy Korb, Ruth Donahue, Janet Andrews, Sandie McNeill, Marilyn Willis, Patti Zahoruiko, Elaine Garofoli, Nancy Guilmet, Kathy Crawley, Sandi Foley. FIELD HOCKEY Run . . . run . . . scoop . . . shoot . . . a goal! That's what it took to win the 1967 Girls' Merrimack Valley Field Hockey Championship this year. The girls, coached by Miss Nancy Yanofsky, had an out- standing season boasting a league record of six wins, no losses and one scoreless tie. The near perfect record was accredited to the long hours of practice and the team's ardent desire to win. The team's top goal-getters were Nancy Guilmet with eight goals, Co-Captain Janet Gallenstein with seven goals, and } Sandie Foley with five goals. The team also had an outstanding defense led by Co-Captain Barbara Stone - _ assisted by goalie Marilyn Willis, fullbacks Nancy Greenwood, Ruth Donahue, and Elaine Garofoli, and halfbacks Louise Fiori, Patti Zahoruiko, and Nancy Korb. Co-Captains for next year are: Sandi Foley and Kathy Crawley. 108 i Captain Janet Gallenstein Captain Barbara Stone Marilyn Willis SENIOR LETTER WINNERS SL ( R- f ' a Louise Fiori 4 Cynthia McAvoy Nancy Greenwood 109 P� t CHAMPS � I ' GAME SCORES North Andover ...... 1 Wakefield ... ..... 3 North Andover ...... 1 Stoneham .......... . 1 North Andover ...... 6 Wilmington 0 North Andover ...... 3 Andover 0 North Andover ...... 8 Haverhill .. 0 North Andover ...... 3 Billerica ...... 2 North Andover ...... 1 Tewksbury 0 North Andover ...... 2 Methuen ..... 0 North Andover 0 Chelmsford 0 North Andover ...... 4 Dracut ....... 0 r GIRLS' BASKETBALL This year's girls' basketball team had a highly success- ', ful season. With a regular season record of ten straight victories and no defeats, the girls copped the Merrimack Valley League Championship. Brilliantly coached by Miss Yanofsky and captained by _ + Barbara Stone and Janet Gallenstein, the team went on to the Billerica Tournament where they lost a heart- breaker by one point in the semi-finals. This year's offense was sparked by high scorers Patti Zahouriko, Peggy Breen, and Nancy Guilmet. Janet Gal- lenstein, Barbara Stone, and Stephanie Zahouriko were the team's defensive standouts. Others playing decisive roles in the team's success were Bev Beeley, Charlene Kennedy, Sandie MacNeill, Peggy Windle, and Kathy Sarnia. The girls' fine record was due to individual hustle and an enthusiastic team spirit. Congratulations and best wishes to next year's co-captains Stephie Zahouriko and Nancy Guilmet. Coach Nancy Yanofsky i . - First Row: Peggy Windle, Bev Beeley, Janet Gallenstein and Barbara Stone (co-captaina), Kathy Sarnia, Charlene Kennedy. Second Row: Coach Yanofsky, Elaine Garofoli, Joyce Tine, Nancy Guilmet, Sandi Foley, Linda Cyr. Third Row: Peggy Breen, Stephanie Zahoruiko, Sandie MacNeill, Patti Zahoruiko. 111 IYII 4u �r SOL jamb OIllrO1 M aft AC . x i * , L- #. y 1 l 1 •h 5; t 57 ,1 Captain Gallenstein CHAMPS 4 SCORES North Andover 51 Sacred Heart 16 North Andover 69 Dracut 18 North Andover 39 Andover 20 North Andover 33 Methuen 23 North Andover 28 Tewksbury 17 North Andover 32 Chelmsford 25 North Andover 45 Billerica 44 North Andover 31 Wilmington 26 North Andover 55 Wakefield 36 North Andover 47 North Reading 10 113 r FOOTBALL _ QUEEN 14 p COURT t Peggy Berthel, Linda Niziak, Kathy Oakes (queen), Bev Beeley, Peggy Windle. via � a VALENTINE _ x f K QUEEN - 6 COURT Gale Allen, Bonnie Pybus, Su- san Andruss (queen), Cynthia - Y� McAvoy, Marilyn Willis. _ r 114 ti _ , . Up, Up and Away! "I really didn't mean it." ,ram "Yikes!!! I forgot to say may I!" "And away we go!" , bog t "Oh, have I got an Excedrin headache!" Ring around the rosy . . . 115 g JP AMM � 1 "Hat, hat, in my hand, who's the greatest in the land?" t1 e Catch a falling star and . . . I bPP- R,. 1 i A \ti 4 I i f � Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 116 Ho, hum, basketball is so much fun. I F r .. L n' A :,,.1 VP IP �� t� SECRETARIAL STAFF Mrs. Klueber Principal's Office to Wow ay �\ Mrs. Zimney Principal's Office Mrs. Coughlin "" •.. / f Guidance Office 118 CAFETERIA STAFF Aim . :�. N - y � First Roza: Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Bastian, Mrs. Trovato, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Daly. Second Row: Mrs. Guerrera, Mrs. Kendrut, Mrs. Midgley, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Sullivan. CUSTODIAL STAFF I ' / 1 P t11 if First Row: Mr. White, Mr. Cushing, Mr. Gorton. Second Row: Mr. Subach, Mr. Rokes. 119 r "Is cousin Itt back in town?" "Anyone care to buy my membership in the Ski Club?" f Y 4 f 4 e c 120 Koko x y The Class of 1968 wishes to thank the following Advertisers Sponsors Patrons Compliments of . . . Godi ns * * * * Stevens® * * * * * * * :Fine Mrica * * * I 1813 — 1968 J. P. STEVENS & CO., INC. STEVENS' PLANT OSGOOD PLANT NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS fi o�o��oxoxaY x 121 ox� x V Best Wishes to the Class of 1968 i C § i North Andover High School § DRAMATIC CLUB 1968 Dramatic Club Play April 5-6, 1968 "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" Dramatic Club Officers Stephen A. LaRochelle ... ... .. ..... ....... President Gail N. Henshaw ............. .. .. .. . Vice-President Valiere J. Casale ... . . .... .............. ....... ... Secretary Bruce Aspeslagh . .. .. . .. . .... ... .... .. .. Treasurer . .... .... . .. . ... ... .... . . James W. McDonald .... . . ... ... . . .. .. . Advisor fi 2z y DAIRY QUEEN OF BOSTON INC. � - 4 ' 'k I Wishes the Graduating Class of 1968 Utmost Success in their Future Endeavors! Louis P. Minicucci-Pres. Treas. 522 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 688-2154 oxo��.oxo� x 123 x Success to the Class of 1968 THE MATH CLUB President ...... ...... ....... Jon Timlin Vice-President . .... ... ...... Mary Keisling Secretary-Treasurer Steve Morgano ' x x o►�o���a� x 124 Sincere ae,, Wishes .o 6 iM1e Class of 1968 ¢ FACTORY OUTLET FURNITURE OF LAWRENCE, INC. JOSEGH V. IPPOLIiO President 125 Congratulations From: CHEERLEADERS OF N • • • • i Gale Allen Co-Captains Margo Bryan Peggy Berthel Chris Uliano Linda Niziak Jean Fraser Cheryl Fountain Mary Pendak j Karen Murphy Sharon Freeman Beth Dushame Barb Davis Valerie Casale Dale Smith Marlene Manning oxo���oY x 126 moo: x V Tel. 688-6004 Annex 688-7252 688-6242 FIORI "S § MOTORS Annex Fiori's Car City Quality Used Cars SALESMEN Lou, Gus and Joe 444 Riverside Drive 15 Parker Street x Lawrence, Mass. So. Lawrence, Mass. f fi 127 j MAW - MBETTF. R W A D D D ,a w� 'D�'e�...�'tMww`-.:. .. .Ho T. O'Toole & Sons, one of the first printers in the nation to produce yearbooks by offset, bring to you progressive ideas tempered by experience and a reputation for pains-taking workmanship. Personal service to advise you on ■ Yearbook Production ■ Themes ■ Layout ■ Use of Color ■ Fitting Copy ■ Line Drawings ■ Advertising ■ Proof Reading ■ Photography ■ Produc- tion ■ Personal Service At All Times T.O'TOOLE 6 SONS, INC. KEELER AVENUE, SOUTH NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06856 AREA CODE CONNECTICUT 203 838-4761 | | | / ' | � 129 �o�oxv: x y Community Center "Barn" Congratulations Success to the Happiness Class of 1968 and Always Smooth Sailing 33 Johnson Street North Andover, Mass. Success and Happiness to the Class of 1968 from AUGUSTINE J. SALVETTI Realtor-Multiple Listing Service Insurance of Every Description 42 Amesbury Street Lawrence, Mass. Telephone 682-3467 ox.a►��aY x 130 o.o-o�o�000.o x Compliments of A FRIEND � VOGUE HAIR STYLES 743 MAIN STREET NO. ANDOVER MASS. 689-9282 6 o.o�aowi�oxo��o.o.o•<�� �a-o�x 131 GOOD at Worth Andover CLASS S LUCK ��_ - _- - OF „68„ r r L!• `� (c��l `��-� 'tom`'��'_• �; (! 'LES �� E Onroci3e Western Ve . ;ant on Route 125 CANTY'S KITCHEN "Home of Fine Sandwiches" Large Selection Take-Out Service Tel. 686-6991 127 Waverly Rd. No, Andover, Mass. oxo���oY x 132 BEST OF LUCK TO OUR CLASSMATES Cynthia Hay Peggy Berthel Gale Allen Gloria Salvetti § Chris Uliano Peggy Windle Nancy Greenwood § Mary Keisling Susan Donahue Judy Dunn Bonnie Pybus Cynthia McAvoy Brenda Kelley Beverly Beeley Linda Niziak Kathy Samia Barbara Stone § Kathy Oakes Karen Murphy FISIKELLI"S Home of DAIRY QUEEN TASTY TREATS 478 Chickering Road on Rte. 125 Opp. North Andover High School oxo�� oY x 133 �oxaxo- x y BEST WISHES ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK 108 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER § MASSACHUSETTS Serving Greater Lawrence Since 1834 BEST OF LUCK I To CLASS OF '68 Anthony's Beauty Salon 477 ESSEX STREET LAWRENCE, MASS. Telephone: 683-1607 t� oxa►�.oxo�� x 134 y The FURNITURE BARN Inc. k Featuring ETHAN ALLEN EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE Specialists In EARLY AMERICAN and COLONIAL FURNITURE DISTINCTIVE GIFTS OPEN TUES.-FRI. 8 A.M.-9 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. § CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY § § 419 ANDOVER ST., NO. ANDOVER Jct. Routes 114-125-133 682-8260 NEXT TO THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT § ACROSS THE STREET FROM MERRIMACK COLLEGE DAVIS & FURBER MACHINE COMPANY NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS o►oo.ox oy x 135 Compliments of WILMINGTON FORD Compliments of DANA S SPORT SHOP 62 MAIN STREET ANDOVER, MASS. oxo.�oY�oy x i 16 axo x V Compliments of ANDOVER COUNTRY CLUB Andover, Massachusetts Receptions - Business Meetings E. J. DONAHUE Telephone: 475-9712 Compliments of . . . § MESSINA'S MARKET § Best of Luck Class of 1968 156 SUTTON ST. NO. ANDOVER, MASS. DANIEL'S SHOES & SPORTSWEAR Featuring SPAULDING LOAFERS CLARK'S OF ENGLAND DESERT BOOTS — NINA SIBICCA FLATS Ladies Shoes to size 12 — Men's Shoes to size 14 Teen Accounts Invited The Curtain Shoppe, Inc. on the Den Rock Road Residential and Industrial Decorators 230 WINTHROP AVE. LAWRENCE, MASS. oxo�oxa x 137 Plumbing & Heating Supplies Elier Plumbing Supplies Visit Our Completely Equipped Showrooms NORTH ANDOVER SUPPLY INC. Large Parking Area 555 CHICKERING RD. NO. ANDOVER, MASS. 682-1081 LITTLE PROFESSIONALS Dancing School "ALL PHASES OF THE DANCE" From To Beginners Professionals Limited Classes For Individual Attention! The Longo's 13 MORRIS ST. NO. ANDOVER, MASS. Studio Phone 683-5027 GREAT POND INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. STEWART P. WILSON, Pres. ANTHONY J. GRILLO, Mgr. Telephone 686-3816 104 MAIN ST. NO. ANDOVER, MASS. 4 Orders To Take Out Telephone 682-2242 372-6311 BLOSSOM — Air Conditioned — Tops in Chinese Food Richard Yee 946 OSGOOD STREET (RT. 125) NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. o �4Ko x 138 x Homes and Business Properties BEDARD & MICHAUD INSURANCE-REAL ESTATE 151 HAMPSHIRE STREET LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS Telephone 688-8829 — 688-4106 y VAL.'S RESTAURANT § 91'/s Main Street Tel. 9-9397 North Andover, Mass. Compliments of LAWRENCE YMCA THE BUNGALOW INC. Joseph T. Giles, Sr. "The Quality Goes in Before The Food Goes Out" CORNER OF SALEM & UNION STREETS Phone 682-4811 LAWRENCE, MASS. fi oxokoYowoxoY x 139 OxO' X ERNEST D. STANSFIELD Compliments of . . . Insurance 42 AMESBURY ST. WEST ST. MOTORS LAWRENCE, MASS. Phone 683-8579 NORTH ANDOVER PHARMACY § Compliments of . . . § 180 Pleasant St. North Andover, Mass. T MCGUIRE S BARBER SHOP "Your Family Health Center" Tel. 683-3832 § t TAYLOR SCHOOL OF DANCE LAMEY-WELLEHAN AND BATON Class and Private Instructions 331 Essex Street in all Phases of Dance Instruction MRS. BEVERLY E. S. TAYLOR Lawrence, Mass. Instructor SHOES and HOSIERY 85 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. for Every Occasion Telephone 687-7424 MEADOW BROOK LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING R. COPPOLA FLOWERS One Call Floral Arrangements for All Occasions Professional Laundry And RUSS MOSCHETTO Dry Cleaning Manager Cash and Carry 1679 OSGOOD STREET Coin-op Laundry and Drycleaning NO. ANDOVER, MASS. Tel. 682-5211 r oxooY x 1.10 1` oNo x ROLF'S RESTAURANT i JOHN R HOSKING, INC. "A place where good friends meet!" Office & School Supplies 230 ESSEX STREET 39 MAIN STREET LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS NORTH ANDOVER OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES MICHAEL J. SULLIVAN, INC. § FOR HAPPINESS & SUCCESS Our 81st Year TO THE CLASS OF 1968 1887-1968 Over 40,000 square feet r� Displaying America's better Furniture & Rugs at Reasonable Prices Merrimack Valley's 226 ESSEX STREET Leading Department Store � LAWRENCE, Mass. LAWRENCE, MASS. Lanz John Meyer ROBERT'S HARDWARE THE YANKEE LADY Across from the North Andover Post Office 89 MAIN STREET ANDOVER NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. Boe Jest Crazy Horse Camping Outfitters Hiking Compliments of . l i TOTEM POLE INC. TAYLOR SHOP TURNPIKE STREET. RT 11 LAWRENCE ANDOVER MASS. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. oKo���.oY x 141 4x4 x ANDREW F. COFFIN CENTRAL SERVICE STATION Insurance Agency Inc. John Dolan, Prop. 71 MAIN STREET 9 Waverly Road North Andover NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Telephone 687-1717 Tel.: 688-4074 y Compliments of ANDOVER BOOK STORE THE HI-SPOT fi OLDE ANDOVER VILLAGE 7 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 4 GRECOE JEWELERS FINNERAN'S DRUG STORE Joseph M. Finnerman, Reg. Ph. Jewelers Opticians Certified Repair Service 139 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 46 MAIN STREET ANDOVER, MASS. Phone 682-0520 Reg. No. 13220 FRANK'S ATLANTIC SERVICE FRANK CASHMAN, Prop. CRANE HARDWARE CO. Gas - Oil - Batteries - Tires - Tubes Automotive Accessories 73 Main Street 4 MAIN STREET NO. ANDOVER, MASS. 01845 NO. ANDOVER, MASS. TEL. 687-7373 682-7681 oKoxoYoxoxoY x 142 Compliments of . . . ANDOVER OFFICE THE RUSSIAN CLUB EQUIPMENT CO. INC. 1967-1968 140 MAIN STREET Officers: NO. ANDOVER, MASS. Pres., Susan Donahue Machine Rentals - Portables Repaired Vice-Pres., Brenda Kelley Sec.-Treas., Louise Fiori Tel. 683-8902 Advisor, Arthur P. Hall i Tel. 685-0162 Alfred Caliri G. THOMAS CATALANO � Diamond Merchant - Silversmith Insurance Agency Antiques Bought and Sold 42 AMESBURY STREET 132 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. LAWRENCE, MASS. Phone 688-4667 Opposite Post Office TUNE TOWN RECORDS HI-WAY GROCERY Audio Components Cosmetics Ice Cream 41 AMESBURY STREET Grocery Medicine LAWRENCE, MASS. Tel. 688-8362 ELFRIEDE'S BEAUTY SHOP Bon Courage a la classe de Telephone 683.2279 200 OSGOOD ST. NORTH ANDOVER '68 SAMUEL OSGOOD President LE CERCLE FRANCAIS BILLINGS, INC. JEWELERS and OPTICIANS 36 MAIN STREET ANDOVER, MASS. Telephone 475-0742 r px4 Qx4xpY x 1•43 V TIP-TOP LIQUORS LEGARE'S MARKET 58 MAIN STREET 77 CHICKERING ROAD NORTH ANDOVER NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Best Wishes . . . FORGETTA'S FLOWERS 1210 OSGOOD STREET DeMOULA S SUPERMARKET NORTH ANDOVER Phone 682-3885 y ARSENAULT'S INC. § Compliments of § Cor. CHICKERING & PARK Sts. FILETTI'S BARBER SHOP 4 NO. ANDOVER, MASS. 01945 Compliments of ELITE PHARMACY § Joseph Campione, Reg. Ph. DR. M. P. CURREN Telephone 683-3979 — DENTIST — 200 MIDDLESEX ST. NORTH ANDOVER SPONSORS Edgewood Farms Dr. Eugene A. Beliveau Dehullu's Market Duke's Men & Boys Shop A FRIEND National Honor Society William J. Patterson, D.M.D. Dr. J. W. Scalora, Optometrist Stanley Ward, D.M.D. 14 oxo�� axoY x 144 i I f� I S p� p yy ... WWIFlrrA Now yam` li.:, � a s � R g & Owl 046 __ �� f 4 �1r Al f i f 1 y c� � f � �'��l'ri a4. 4.r.r.''a( .'Y^';:M'r` .,paiif":rr^a V." � .lF,.}'YY.•,(, .t! r, r f �y,4, v1 I.(r Zr,, ,.tl' it •,1.` '�•, .q h , Wl yri,A, t;- p' r ft' t`-e ., rt P' .b.-',. i1 �: is .'w FS t ;i A. j` ''�• r 1 ' �,, v4t. '1'�,!.•.S-. IS � ^u+,- _+..:.. ;*ati- ..I F�rtir ;'. 'p',y r,:. _ {; � +1, r, s. IS •�A,,. r•,s•�,a) J N.ir} , ,p. .Y Yi 4, , A + •a'i. / •M. •L' LI' • _ r ra! ""L JI. y,� °n"'r :,:YS, :;a•i 4r0J'✓^n.;a .�•,-',.{'iI S�':�a'l•'" 4 L0 S'° �M ri - fir i,f`. .n_:'. •.. ° - .. - •t• ,� v .1 ^ . . :1i r'f> •'.:•,.(���.;` 1£"" ,`.tf� ++;1'i +.t.•. r r i."jfa. `"r.'C.:a...,_: ".�' :t. '•},• .a; .d •>s ,t '1. 'c 'S , q t�' ,+ • ,,' 'y ..1✓`.4 ��...CJ.."•�.i. /!f .%•rf' -"f� f ♦�t,',.r.J.' 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