HomeMy WebLinkAbout- Permits #242-0178 - 78 VEST WAY 11/19/1982 u -idover By 1 n c- oN,,n -of North _M7 3 Sec--ion 3. 5 A & B _Ll�cll , ri, -r_ T , CITY/TOWN NORTH ANDOVER FILE NU14BER 242- 178 NAME Lacy Street Realty Trust ADDRESS 200 Lacy Street North Andover, MA —44- CERTIFIED MAIL NUMBER PROJECT LOCATION: Address Lot 46 Vest ,Way Recorded at Registry of North Essex 1600 Book Page 147 Certificate (if registered) REGARDING: October 12, 1982 Notice of Intent Dated and plans titled and dated see condition eleven Jll� THIS ORDER IS ISSUED ON (date) November 19, 1982 -------------------I---------------------------------- ----- --------------- -------- Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c. 131 , s. 40, the North Andover Conservation Commiss ion has reviewed your Notice of Intent anlans' idntifid ab ,�e3 Foras determined that the area on which the proposed dp work ise to bee doneo is, an significant to one or more of the interests listed in G.L. c.. 131, s. 40. Town of North Andover bylaws, Section 3. 5 A & B Wetlands Protection. The North Andover Conservation Commission hereby orders that the following condoms T are necessary to protect sai interests and all work shall be performed in d strict accordance with them and with the Notice of Intent and plans identified above-except_Vbeje_�uqt_pjans_are_modif ied-by-said-conditions . CONDITIONS 1 . Failure to comply -with all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures , shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this order. 2. This order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges ; it does not authorize any injury to priviate property or invasion of private rights. 3. This order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all other applicable federal , state or local statutes, ordinances , by-laws and/or regulations. 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within one (1) year from the date of this order unless it is for a maintenance dredging project :subject to Section 5(9) . This order may be extended by the issuing authority for one or more additional one-year �eriods uper application to the said issuing authority at least thirty 30) days prior to the expiration date of the order or its extension. f I I used in cf.) t1l th a S cc t sh,�,11 bc: C I CLn f i I 1'r n c] i i n r c,f 1.1 s c rubbish or dF,-,hris with out C�Int:3iTii Cl- no trash I i T-,s i t i n the generality of the for ,oing Im r bricksmbe , bcks Plaster, uL ire ,lath, paper, carboard, pipe, tires , ashes , refrigerators , motor vehicles or parts of any of the foregoing. 6. No work may be commenced until all appeal periods have elapsed from the order of the Conservation Commission or from a final order by the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering. 7. No work shall be undertaken until the final order, with respect to the proposed project, has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in which the land is located within the chain of title of the affected property. The Document number indicating such recording shall be submitted on the form at the end of this order to the issuer of this order prior to commencement of work. 8. A sign shall be displayed at the site not less that two square feet or more than three square feet bearing the works , "Massachuse Department of Environmental Quality Egnineering. Number .242- 9. Where the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering is .requested to make a determination and to issue a superseding order, the Conser- vation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and hearings before the Department. 10. Upon completion of the work described herein, the applicant shall forthwith request, in writing, that a Certificate of Compliance be issued stating that the work has been satisfactorily completed. 11 . The work shall conform to the following described plans and additional conditions: 1. Notice of Intent and Environmental Data Form Dated October 12, 1982/ prepared by Flynn Associates P.C./nine (9) pages . 2 . Plan titled "Plan Shying Dwelling Location and Proposed Site Alterallons , Location: Lot 46 Vest lklay,P 'NoTth ATidever" O,,,ner : Lacy Street Realty Trust, Daf_eCl 10/12/b2 , prepared by Flynn Associates , P.C. 12 . A rot, of staked hay bales shall be pla.ced between all construction ,areas and io7etlan(] areas . This row o-F t until all 6isturbod Li:eas ha.vc bec-n SII­I_a�)` 13. All disturbed areas shall be graded, loamed and seeded to provide restabilization of disturbed areas . After restabillzation, hay bales shall be removed and sedimentation shall be removed from areas of accumulation. ? 3.Z, All e-rosio-,ri protect1i,oii mL,,asures foui-id necessary dua--ilil- coll,S,.IUCti0n, by the North Andover CD Conservat'ion CommiLss-ion will be ilrIPICTtiented at th(e direction of the NACC or Highway Su.rveyor. 15 . Any changes in the submitted plans , Notice of Intent, or resulting from the aforementioned conditions must be sub- mitted to the NACC for approval prior to implementation. If the NACC finds , by majority vote, said changes to be significant and/or deviate from the original plans , Notice of Intent or this Order of Condit-ions to such an extent that the Interests of the 1%7etla-nds Protection Act c(a-nn. ot be protected by this Order of Conditions and would best be served by the issuance of additional conditions, then the NACC will call for another public hearing within 21 days, at the expense of the applicant, in order to take testimony from all interested parties. Within 21 days of the close of said public hearing, the NACC will issue an amended or new Order of Conditions . 16. Any errors found in the plans or information submitted by the applicant shall be considered as changes and procedures outlined for changes shall be followed. 17 . The provisions of this Order shall apply to and be binding upon the applicant, its eaq.)Ioyees, and all successors and assigns iT-1 i-oterest or control., 1-8 . Prior to the issuanc,,-:-, of a Certificate of Compliance, the applicant shall submit a letter to the Conservation Commission from a registered professional engineer certifying that the 11!()rl� is in comp1-1 ,,m..,7o 7.1..tl-1 tj)�. referenced �a` of e and the conditions stated above. 19. Members of the NACC shall have the right to enter upon and inspect L-he premises to evaluate compliance with this Order 0--F 1'--0-n,d i t.1.o n,n . 210. Accepted engineering and co ,) -1,si.-IrncLion standards and procedures shall be followed ill t1ic completion of the project. T'l E:I'M, c OT1 S I LIDat the Site or are.as will not be s-a'Djject to floodiyi,, storm damage, or any other form of damage due to wetness . T i o T r�nv d t "I i d c?T1 city or t( t!� of the n N,,hi c h s, ch 1 an c] s 1 o C t e are hr,reh c,d o f Qualittheir riryht to appeal t1ii S order' of t h c De p,,-).r n t of !,-,n v i can- mental 'y provided the request is made in writing and y Engineering, by certified mail to the Department within ten (10) days from the issuance of this' order. ISSUED BY NORTH ANDOVER CONSERVATION COMMISSION r Jr ry On this 19th dulof NovemberI 19 82 before me personally appeared Anthony vagna to me known to Be the person ae scri-bed in an wa o, executed, the foregoin instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. My Commission expires�-/-, DETACH ON DOTTED LINE AND SUBMIT TO THE . ISSUER OF THIS ORDER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. To NORTH ANDOVER CONSERVATION COtJMTSSTON (Issuing Authority) PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS FOR THE PROJECT AT FILE NUMBER 242- HAS BEEN RECORDED AT THE REGISTRY OF ON (DATE) If recorded land, the instrument number which identifies this transaction is if -i-(a—gistered land, t-Fe—document number which identifies this transaction is Signed AppTi—cant