HomeMy WebLinkAboutInsurance Notice of Claim - Correspondence - 171 PLEASANT STREET 9/13/2018 Phone.- 978-632-2660 Fmv%- 978-632-2662, JAMES A. R EA Adju,stment Service hic. Pe 0.Box 7 Gai-dnet-,MA 01440 NotiCe of Casually.1olss of Building Under Massachusetts General Laws, Chap et-, 139, Section 3B September K 20,18 i i i Hdin g,Inspector 1.20 Main Street North Andover,,MA 0 1845 Roard of Realth 1 airy Street North Andover, MA 0 1,845 Fire Department Dept., of Records 1,24 Main Street N ortli Andover, MA 0 184 5 Insured: Joyce Cegellis Loss Location: 171,-173 Pleasant Strvet,,North Andover,MA 01845 Insurance Company: Pttefei-red Mutual 111sur-auce Co. Policy No.: PHOO�100513049 Date of Loss. Septeiti,ber 13,2018 File Ntunbei-: 18-16887 0 ClalRiNumbei. 18121097' Type of Loss: Fire Claim has been made involving loss, damage, or destritchon of the above captioned property, which niay eit,her exceed ILQOO.00 or cause"Mass., Gen. Laws, Chapter 143, Section 6" to be applicable. If any notice tmder�"Mass. ,4, Gen. Laws,,. Chapter 139, Section 3 i W s, appropriate please direct it to the writer and 1nclude a reference to the captioned insured, location, policy 1111mber, date of loss, and file or clai'111 1111inber. Galin has beei°t ma dle involving loss, damage oi- ("Iestrouction of the above-caption.eld proPet-ty, which inay exceed $5,0001. Ifany notice undet- Mass achusetts, General Laws, Chaptei- 175,Section 917A is appropiiate,, Rt, de ier-en.c the above-captioned, s inurlease direct it, to the atten"tioll of this W1,401e and I inclu a -efe o t location,policynmnibei-,date of loss and claim numbet-., Oji, this date,.,, I cause copies of this notice to be sent to the per son(s) named above at the address indicated by first class mall. Since rely, Robert P, Blalis, Claims AdjUster