HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-03-05 TOWI{ ~fEETI~ ~JLRCH 5~ 1928.
To either of the Constables of the ToE of North ~dover:
In the n~e of the Commonwealth of ~csachusetts,you
are hereby directed to neti~ and warn the .inhabitants of
~dover, qualified' to vote in elections and tovm ~fairs, %o meet
in the Engine House in voting precinct one, Eerr~ck Portmble
Schoolhouse in vo~ing precinct two,the Union Schoolhouse in voting
preciuct three and the Tovm ~ll in voting precinct four, in said
North Andover, on Eondmy, %he Fifth day of Narch ~xt, at nine
o'clock in ~he forenoon, then and there to act upon ~he following
~.ticle One.
To elect ~ ~oderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer,
T~ee Selectmen, t~ee Nembers of the Board of ~blic Welfare for
.one yea~, one Assessor of T~xes, one Eember of the School Co~ittee,
one ~ember of the Board of HeAlth, one Nember of the Board of ~b!ic
Works. ~or t~ee years; a Highway S~veyor, a Collector of Taxes,
Audi~or,~ a Tree Warden ~d five Constables for one year, ~d any
and all %o~ officers required by law to be elected by b~lot.
~l to be voted fo~ on one ballot. The polls sh~l
be opened at nin~ o'clock A. ~. and shall be closed a~ seven o'clock
~te= fi~ action on the preceding ~ticle one, the
.amid meeting shall stud adjourned'by virtue of Section ~, ~ticle
1, of the To~ ~-Laws, to Sa%urdmy, E~ch'l?th mt one thirty o'clock
P. E. in the Tovm ~ll, then and there to act upon the following
~ticle Twq.
To elect ~l o~her officers net ~equired by law 'to'be
elected by ballot.
~ticle T~ee.
To'see if the to~ will vote to'accept the report of
the receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen and Auditor.
~ticle Four.
To see what ~%ion the tovm will take as ~o its
unexpended appropriations.
Article ~ive.
To see what action the tovn~ will take as to the
recommendations of the Finance Committee.
Article Six.
To see if the to%vn will vote to authorize the Treasurer,
with the mpproval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation
of the revenue of the current financial year.
Article Seven. '
To see if the t0vm will vote to raise and appropriate
$22~90 for the unpaid bills of the,Lawrence Gas Company, for the
Community Christmas Tree. Petition of the Selectmen.
,.Article Eight.
To see if the tov~n will vote to raise and. appropriate
or otherwise provide the sum of thirty-two thousand five hundred
($52,500.00)dollars, to build a municipal garage and sheds with police
station attached, as .recommended by the special committee on totem sheds.
Articl. e Nine.
To see if the tovm will vote to raise and appropriate
$~,97§.00, to purchase a tractor, with full crawlers, equipped with
V type snow plow, hauled grader scarifi&r, for the use of the. Highway
Recommended by the Highway Committee. Petition of the
,.A~.t, icle Ten.
Ts see if the to%,m will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $2§00.00, for acquiring five lots of land at the corner
of Baldwin and Gilbert Streets(Grogan,s Field)~containing
feet, now owned by the Village Land Company, by purchase or otherwise.
Petition of the Selectmen.
,,Article Eleven.
To see if the to~n will vote to consider the report of
the committee on highways and act upon its recommendations.
Petition of the Selectmen.
Article Twelve.
To see if the to~,m will vote to raise ~nd appropriate
thi~ty-five hundred($~500.00)doll~s, for the purpose of resurfaciug
and oiling Salem Street to Bo~ord Street, and on Bedford Street as
~ as the appropriation will permit. In accord~ce with the
reco~endations of the High~'~ay Co~ittee. Petition of th~ Selectmen,
~ticle Thirteen.
To see what ~tion the town will take in regard to
appointing,a con~ittee to care for the ~bllc ~ks. Petition of
Selectmen.. ~icle Fourteen.
To see if the toys will vote to accept Section forty-
eight(48) of C2~pter ~irty-one(51) of the Gener~ Laws, .in so far
as it applies to regu!a~ or per~nent force in the Police DepartmentJ
Petition of Frank H. Storey
To see if. the
and appoint a committee to
To see if the
and others.
Article Fifteen.
town gill vote to revise its By-Laws
do the work. Petition of J.&.Duncan &others~
term will raise and appropriate a s~u~ of
.money not in excess of nine hundred dollars, to supplement payments
by the Red Cross and the Insurance Companies, for the purpose of
continuing the s~rvices of the bedside nurse employed by the nursing
committee of the Red Cross; the appropriation to be expended as
required by the Board of Health, upon recommendation of said co,nitres,
Petition of Lucy A. Stevens and others.
Article Seventeen,
To see if the town will raise s,ud appropriate a sum of
money sufficient to put in catch basins in front of Saint Paul's
., church on ~ain Street. Petition of Arthur Higton and otherc.
..Article Eighteen.
To see if the to~,m will vote to have a fire.alarm box
placed at the junction of Turnpike and Boston Streets, and appropriate
a sum of money to cover cost of some. Petition of Arthur H. Farnham
and others~
T0~T ~m:TING ~J~RCH 5~ 192M.
V~APJ~A~Pr ~
Article Nineteen,
To see if the town will appropriate a sum of not more than
$3600.00, for the purchase of an ambulance and necessary equipment ,to
be in charge of-the Fire Department. Petition of Edward W. A. Holt
and others.
Article Twentieth.
To see if the town will vote to'install lights on Rail-
road Avenue,between Dana Street and l~assachusetts Avenue, and one
light at the Junction of Saltonstall Road and Cabot Road., and
appropriate a sum of money for the same.Petition ~f Leonard ~irth'~
and others.
...Article Twenty-one.
To see if the town will vote to install four(4)electric
lights on Marbleridge Road from Salem Street to ~ohnson Street, and
raise and appropriate money for same.Petition of Albert C. Fish and
· Article Twenty-two.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
a sum of money sufficient to repair siding on southwesterly side· ·
of main Street, from Park Way to 100 feet beyond residence of Perley
lock. Petition of W. B. Coates Jr, and others.
.Article. Twenty-three. ~
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a
sum of money sufficient to regrade and oil Belmont Street, Petition
of P. H. Finn and others.
Articlc Twenty-'four..
To see if the to~,~ will vote to raise
sum of ~ive hundred($§00.00)dollars to make repairs on Boston.Street,.
beginning at Turnpike Street and cont'inuing as far ac.this amount'
will allow. Petition of George Leo Kane and others.
...Article Twenty-fiv~.
To see if the to~n.will Vote to extend the cinders on
~orrest and Ingalls Streets so as to make same safe for travel,and
raise and appropriate the sum of five hundred($500.00)dollars,for
the same. Petition of Frederick Rab~ and others.
~Artiole Twenty-six.
To see if the town will vote for. the extension of
and appropriate the.
.on Salem Street between Boxford and Ingalls Streets, and rmise and
appropriate the sum of five hundred($500.00)dollars for this purpose.
Petition of Caroline Eoody Phillips and others.
Y~rticle Twenty-seven°
· To'see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
the' sum of five thousand ($5000.00)dollars, to macadamime Dale Street,
to begin where the macadam now ends and tc go as far as the appropri-
tion will allow.Petition of Sidne~ C. Rea and others.
Artic'le Twenty-eiEht.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
. a sum sufficient to m~cadamize Pleasant Street, from Davis Street to
0sgoo& Street.. Petition of Daniel J. Grogan and others.
Artic&e Twenty-nine.
To see if the citizens of the town will vote to raise
and appropriate a sum of money sufficient to macadamize 2arold Street.
' .Petition of J. Nev~on Frye ~nd others.
.. A~,~,icle ,Thirty.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
· enough money for a concrete sidewalk on the' southwesterly side of
.'Union Street, from Beverly Street to the en~ of $ohn Beattie's
residence. Cost to be about $100.5O.Pstition of Mrs. C. Lane & others.
Article Thirty-on~.
To see if the tov~n will vote to raise and appropriate
'..~ sum of money sufEicient to construct a surface drain on.Chadwick
· Street, from the residence cf Dennis 0'~eil to Brightwood Avenue.
~etition cf William Somerville and others.
Article Thirty-two,.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate,
the sum of five thousand ($5000.00)dollars,tc con=truct a surface dradn
on Elm Street, to take the place of the old stone
Hugh Stewart and others.
Article Thirty-thre~.
To see if the to~,m will,vote to
Petition of Samuel F. Rockwell and others.
Article Thirty-fou~.
To see
o.r otherwise provide,
drain. Petition of
accept Camden Street.
if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of four thousand($4000.00)dol!ars,for
~OW~ MEETING M.~RCH 5 192~.
the purpose of installing a new boiler at the Pumping Station.
· Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Article Thirty-five.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriat~
or otherwise provide, the sum ef eight thousand($8000~00)dollare,
for the purpose of building, ms an ~dditton to the Pumping Station,
a new work room and a larger coal bin of fireproof construction.
Petition of Boz~d of Public Works.
Article Thirty-six.
To see if the town will vote ts lay a water main in
Russell Street southwesterly from Pleasant Street, a distance of 500
fee~, and to ~aise and appropriate a~sum sufficient therefore.
Petition of the Board o~~ Public Works.
.Ar. ticle ~hi~ty-seveno
To see if the term will vote to construct a sewer in'
Russell Street,southwesterly f. rcm Pleasant Street, a distance cf §00
feet, and will authorize th, expenditure of fifteen hundred(S1500.00)
dollars,of the balance in the sewer ~epartment for this purpose.
Petition of the Bo~rd of Public Works.
Article Thirty-eight.
To see if the town w£11 vote to continue tha six-inch
water main on Middlesex .Street and to connect with the existing main
on Milton Street, and to raise and mppropriate sufficient money
therefore. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Article Thirty-nine.
To see if the town will ~ote to rmise and appropriate'
a sum sufficien~ to extend.its sewer along Lyman Road from Massa-
chusetts Avenue, a distance of one hundred fifty Feet(150).
Petition of James B. McComish and others.
Article Forty.
To see if the to~n will vote to extend the water main
on Beacon Hill Boulevard westerly from its present terminus a distance
· of three hundred fee~(300), and raise and appropriate sufficient .
money therefore. Petitiou.of Carleton M. Saville and others.
.TOW~ ~T~.TING MARCH 5, 1928.
.Ar. 3icle Forty-one.
To eeo if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
sufficient sum of money to extend its water system from its terminus
at the Junction of Turnpike and Berry Streets, along Berry Street,
to the residence of Dolphice Bourassa. Petition of Do!phice
Bourassa and others.
Article ~orty-t~o.
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate
Sufficient sum of money to cover the cost of constructing a water
main on Turnpike Street from its present ending to the Farnham
School. Petition of Herbert Smith and others.
.Ar. ticle Fort,-three.
To s~e if ~he to~,~ will vote to rmise ~nd ~ppropriate a
sum of money sufficient to install a water m~in on Lymph Road,
beginning ~t ~assmchusetts Avenue, a distance of one hundred and
fifty feet J Petition of James B. EcOomish and others.
A~.ticle Forty-four.
To act upon ~uy other business which may legally be
considered at this meeting.
An~'you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true~
and attested copies thereof at the Tov~n H~ll, and mt five or more
public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not
more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of
holding said meeting~
Hereof fmil not and make due return of this warrmnt with
your doings thereon, .to the Towm Clerk, mt the time and place of
holding°said meeting.
Given under ~our hands mt North An&over this ~0th day of
~anuary in the~ yemr of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
Harry C. Foster.
~oseph P. McDonough.
Harry Ainsworth.
Selectmen of North AndoVer, ~ass.
Officer,s 2e~ur~
Nor~hAndover, Feb. 25, 1928.
I have notified the inhabitants of the %own of
North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town '
affairo, by posting true a~d attested copies of thio warrant
a~ the Town Hall and a~ five or more public places in each
vo~ing precinct; said copies having been posted not more
than fifteen dayo nor less than ten days before the time
of holding said meezing.
February 1928.
Fred L. Sargent,
_.Precinct 0f£icers ~
Warden Albert Eitchell.
~lerk Clarence Nearing
William McCarthy
Francio Doran
Ballo~ ~lerks.
Raymond 2reil
_~l~e.%ipct Two.
Herbert McQueoten
Joseph W. Atkinoon
~ilfred Wilde
Ernest Wainwright
..Ballot Clerks.
E~ward Sullivan
Irving McLaughlin
~e~ln~_t Three.
Warden ~illiamH. Howarth
Clerk Fre& Clark
John Eorrissey
Jameo Hennessy
Ballot Clerks.
Miles Longbottom
Harold Sydall
Dep. ~arden ~illiam ~alsh..
" Ulerk John Donnelly
Raymond Hugheo
L.A. Grogan
DeD. ballot clerks.
James Doucette
Pep, ¥;arden. John B. Lewis
" ~terk H.~ichelmore.
· Geo.Leecock
~ep. ballot cIerk~
Ralph Pratt -
Georg~ E.Fo!e~
Pep. Narde~ Harold Holt
" Clerk Wm. F. Parker
George Greenwood
Pep. ballot clerks.
Lewis Greenwood
William Clements.
Precinct ~our.
Warden Charles H. Driver
Clerk James DeAdder
Sidney C. Rea
James J. Dillon
Ballot C!erk~
Robert J. Eeade
George A. Rea
Dep. Warden Rzymond I~eil
" Clerk George R.Barker
~illiam F. Lawlor
Dep. ballot clerks.
Harlan D. Knightly
Fred D. 1Nhittier
Article 0n~.
At a'!egal meeting of the inhabitants of the town
of North~Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town kffairs,
convened in the Engine House in precinct, one, the Herr!mack Portable
.Schoolhouse iu precinct two, the Union School in precinct three and
the Town Hall in precinct four, agreeably to the requirements of the
foregoing warrmnt, business was transacted and votes for the officers
n~aed on. the ~allot were as
Whole number of
Arthur P. Chickering
Town Clerk
~oseph A. Duncan
TOWn Treasurer.
Gordon Currier
Harry Ainsworth
Arthur O. Duhamel
Harry C. Ecs%er
James P. Hainsworth
~cseph P. McDonough-
follows :-
ballots cast
P r e c i n c
t s Totals,
406 1817
· 166 886
462 2104
110 599
449 518 444'
274 249 197
528 604 510
195 i6~ 151
542 626 478
181 141 163
454 488 588
280 561 190
323 458 324
302 243 590
388 328 227
442 423 404
· 472 2118
i00 585
392 1702
175 1006
590 1495
190 1125
300 1243
269 1538
Highway Surveyor
John H. Milnes
Wil!ard H. Poor
,School Committee
Margaret J. Kane
Charles T. Wilde
A. ssessor of T~xes.
Patrick P. Daw
J~es W. Ei!iott
Board ~blic V~orks.
Article One
P r e c
5,,. 1928.
i n c t s
3 4
351 295 520 287
562 460 314 279
10 14 7 6
280 250 204 177
363 455 365 334
80 62 72 61
525 540 424 412
200 227 217 160
518 569 431 417
205 198 210 155
Bernard F. Hughes 400 198 163 !11
Richard A. Roche 106 144 188 167
William Somerville 187 383 236 261
Blanks 30 42 54 33
Qqll~ctor o4 Taxes.
John J. Coste!lo 398 492 357 381
James S. ~vtin 302 245 251 169
Blanks 23 30 33 22
Board Pub. Welfare.
W~rry Ainsworth 429 486 388 389
Arthur 0. Du~mel 282 355 192
Harry C. ~oster 323 458 316 381
James P. Hainsworth 296 240 383 188
Joseph P. McDonough 386 327 225 285
Blanks 453 435 419 292
Five Constables.
John H. Fenton
Fred L. Sargent
Wallace E. Towne
· John J. Wilcox
Maurice J. casey
Ra~ond Hughes
Tree ~arden.
John J. Connote
Albert Schofield
William L. Smith
Board o~ Hea~t.~
George B. Brightman
~!T~I.I~G M~RCH 5_,~ 1928,
.~rt ic le .0.n.e..
P r. e......~. 1 n c t e .
1 2 3.. 4
577 398 388 520 1483
583 428 314 400 1525
407 460 328 329 1524
2443 2541 2175 1802 8961
333 336 225 215 1109
221 172 268 119 780
12B 204 108 193 631
43 ~5 40 45 183
503 565 445 419 1932
220 202 196 153 771
After a ca~efu! canvass of the count made by the precinct
the Board of Registrars find that the following persons
received the hi~hest
'Town Clerk
Town Treas.urer
~ighway Surveyor
School Committe~.
Tax Collector
number of'votes and were therefore declared
Arthur P~ Chickering
Joseph A. Duncan
Gordon Currier
Harry Ainsworth
Joseph'P. ~cDonough
Harry C. Foster
Willard H. Poor
Charles T. Wilde
Patrick P. Daw
James W. Elliott
William Somerville
John J. Costello
Da%e. when swo.rn.
Marck 10,1928.
March 5,1928;
March 5,1928.
March 5,1928.
March 5,1928.
April 20,1928.
March 9, 1928.
March 5,1928.
March 8,1928.
March 6,1928.