HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-03-04TOW~ ~ETII:~G EA.RCH__~4 1929.
To either of the Constables cf the Town of Eorth Andover~
In the n~e of the Commonwealth of Ems~achusetts, you are
heresy directed to~ notify and warn the inhabitanms of ~orth Andover,
qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the
Engine House in voting precincm one, Eerrim~ck Portable Schoolhouse
in ~oting precinct two, the Union Schoolhouse in voting precinct
three and the Town ~ll in vo~ing precinct four,'in said ~or~h Ando~er,
on Eond~y the ~ourth day of Earch, 19~9, am ten o'clock in the forenoon,
then and there to act upon the following ~rticles~-
Article One.
To elect Eodcrator, Town Clerk,Town Treasurer, three
Selectmen, three members of the Board cf Public ~elfare for one year,
one Assessor of Taxes~, one member of School Committee.one member of
the Board of Health, one member of.the Board of Public ~orks, for
three ~ear~; a High~,~ay Surveyor, a Collector of Tax'es.', an Auditor,
a Tree ~arden , and five Constables for one year, and any and all
To~ officers required by law ~o be elected by ballot.
All to be voted for on one ba&lot. The polls shall be
opened at ten o'clock A. ~. and shall be closed at eignt.o"c!ock
After final action on the preceding article one, the said
meeting shall stand ad~ourned by virtue of Section 4, Articl~
the Town By-Laws, to Saturday'March 16,1929, at one thirty O'clock
P.'M., in the Town Hall, then aha there mo act upon the following
..Article Two.
To elect all othe~ officers not required by law to be
elected by ballot.
~Arti~le Three.
To see if the tow v~i!! vote to accept the r$port of the
receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen and Auditor.
Article Four.
To see what action the town will take as ~o its unexpended
Tcv~n I~cet.ing l~mrch
., .Arti_c.!e, ,~ive.
To see what action the town will take
of the Finance Co:m~it~eeo
To see if the
for outstanding bills
for outstanding bills
as to the recommendations
Article Six.
To'see if the tov~n ~zill vote'to authorize the Treasurer~ith
approval of the Selectmen, zo borrow money in anticipation of the
of the curren~ financial year.
A~'ticle Seven.
town will vo~e to raise and appropriate $171.78.,
for the maintenance of thc Town Building~ $?.00,
for the Contingent Fdnd; $£.~0; for outstanding
bills for the Assessors Dept~; $19.99, for o~tstanding bills for the
Board of P~biic Welfare; Petition of the Selectmen.
Article EightJ
To see if th~ to~n oill vote to authorize the Selectmen to
dispose of unused equipmen~.'Petition of the Selectmen.
A~.ticle Nine.
To see if the to~n will vo~e ~o raise and appropriate for the
use of ~he School Department, the sum of six hundred fifty-three
dollars and sixty-eight cents~ ~o pay 1928 bills no~ presented or
paid beDore ~anuary l, 1929. Petition of School Committee,
Article Ten.
To s~:e if the to~n will vo~ ~o have all Town Officers ~nd
Department Heads, eledted or appointed, render.an itemized account,
mo be printed in ~he annual report. Richard A. Roche and others.
..Ar..ticle Eleven.
To see if ~ne town will vote ~o raise and appropriate the
sum of tilrec hundred dollars for Fourth of ~61y celebration and appoint
~ co,m~ittee for ~e s'~nie. Petition of Frank Coppinger and others.
Article ~welve.
To see if the mown will vo~e ~o accept sections forty-~wo,
forty-tl~ee and fo~ty-four of chapter forty-eight of the General
I~ws, relativ~ to p!~cing the Fire Depan~ment. under ~he control of
a chief of the department. Petition of Henry D. Rockwell and others.
To%'ln Me eting~ 2~[ar ch & ,_1_9~9.
~tic.le Thmrteen.
To see if the town ~';ill vote to raise and appropriate m
per~nent fund with a minim~ of $1500.00, to provide compensation for
firemen injured in line oi' duty,, above fund Zo be in forbe until su~t-
able insurance or other permanent compensation is securedl Petition
of Santo 'A. Dimauro and etchers.
~tiole Fourteen.
To see if ~he ~o,#n will vp~e %o raise ~nd c~ppropri~te a s~
of money sufficient ~o plant ~ permanent tree in Memorial Park, to be
used for Christmas decoration ~nd ~o be used interchmnageb!y with the
~ee on ~he Centre Co~on. Petition of Hez-bert E. McQuesten and others.
~ticle Fifteen.
To sec if the tov;n will raise and appropriate five hundred
doll,s for t.~e purpose of preserving and ex~ending the Town Forest,
and continue the' existing tov~n forest co~nittee. Petition of Roland
¥;. ~rris and others. ~ticle Sixteen.
To see if ~he town will raise and mppropriaZe
a s~ not in excess of nine hundred dollars, to supliment pa~ents
~da by mhe Red Cross and certain insurauce companies,for the p~pose
of continui~ the serviees~ of the bedside nurse employed by ~he
nursing co~i~ee o~~ mne Red Cross, the appropriation ~o be expended
by ~hc Board of Health as reco~ended by said co~ittea. Pe~tition of
Lucy .~..Stevens and,o%he?s. -
~ticle ~eventeen.
To see if the torah %¥ill vo~c ~o raise and appropriate the s~
of one thousand dollars for the purpose of prepari~ s~reet plane
~owing bounds and eng~e~ring data as collected in the deyelo~en:
of ~he assessors' plans. Petition of the Board of Assessors.
~ticle Eighte'en.
To see if ~he ~own will vote ~o accept sections mwenty-one
to twenty-five incluseive of chapter one hundred thirty-s~ of the
General Laws, relative ~o certain sports and g~es permit~ed on the
Lord's Day, and any other la~s ~he acceptance of which is necessary
~o pe~it g~ues and spor~s a~%horized by the Initiative Petitibn in
the.premises,mccopted by vote of the people at the S~a~e Electibn in
nineteen hundred twenty-eight. Petition el' the Sclectmen.
Town Meeti_nE E~rch 4t 1929.
To see if the to~'zn ;'~ill vo~e to r~ice and appropriate the
s~ oF one thousand dollars i'or. ~e purpose of employing a clerk for
the Board of' Assessors. Petition of the Board of Assessors.
· Y~ticle Twenty~
To see if ~he town will votu to raise ~nd ~ppropri~te or
otherwise previde the s~ of fifteen thousand dollars for ~he purpose
of purchasing ~nd installing a new p~ping ~it at ~he ~ping Station.
Petition of ~he Board oi~-Public ~orks.
~ticle Twenty-one.
To see if the town will vote to raise and ~ppropri~te
oth~rwise provide a sufficient s~ of money to build a municipal
g~age and sheds with police.station ~ttached, ms reco~ended by ~he
special cool,tee on town.sheds. Petiti6n of the Selectmen.
~tic!e Twenty-two..
To see if %he town. ~?ill vote to macad~ize ~ilroad Avenue,
· Beginning at the cemetery and going south to the Z~dover Line, and
raise and :appropriate the s=:~ of $5500.00. Petition of Edward W. Greene
~tic~e Twenty-t~ec.
To see if the town will vote to mac~d~ize Middlesex Street,
beginning at Green Street and going as far as 'Third Street, and raise and
appropri~Ze, the s~ of $4500.00. Petition of James %'/.Elliot~ & others.
· .Article Twenty-four.
To see if Dhe to~¢.n will vote to raise and appropriate the
s~' of five thousand dollars to n~c~d~ize Gr'eat Pond Road,beginning
where the. m~cmd~ now ~nds ne~ the residence of J. Fra~ Foster and
continuing ~s f~ as said appropriation will permit. Petition of Fred
~ticle Twenty-five.
To see if the. citizens oz' the town will vote ~o 'raise 'and
appropriate ~ s~ ~f money
~u,f~c~ent to macad~i~e H~rold Stz'eet,
beginning at Railroad Avenue ~nd continuing westerly. Petition of J.
Newton ~rye and
Tov~n Eeetin I~arch 4 1929.
Article Twenty-six.
To' see if the to',':n will vote to rai~e and appropriate, by
bond or otherwise, the sum of $5000.00, to macadamize Salem Street
fro~:~ ~he. present ending, Petition o~' Richard...'~. Roche and others.
Attic .lc' Twenty-seven.
To see ii' %he to,,~:n will vote to raise and appropriate one
thousand dollars to straighten the curve in Rea Street. Petition
of F. Orris Rea and others.
A~'t icle Twenty-eight.
To see if the to~:~n will vote to appropriate the sum of five
hundred dollars to re-surface Salem Street from the corner of Box-
ford Street ~o the l~iddleton Line, :vith cinders,where mos~ needed.
Petition of William J. Bode and others.
Ar t ic.le Twenty. -nine.
To sec if the to~.~n will vote to raise and appropriate Or
otherwise provide the sum of five hundred dollars~ for placing
cinders and widening out Andover Street, beginning at Marbleridge
Ro~d and continuing as far. as. the appropriation will allow.
Petition of Clifton S. Berry ~'~nd others.'
. .Art i. cle Thirty~,
To see if the town ¥~ill vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of one thousand dollar~ for ~ho purpose of reshapzng and oiling
· ~ohnson Street,from ~he point where .the. macadam no;v ends, as faa. as
the appropriation will .allow.Petition of F. Orris Rea' and o~hers.
Ar ti. cle Thirty-one.
To see ii' the tov~n ':Jill vote to cinder Clark Stree~ and
appropriate a sum of money for the same. Petition cf A.Rohers & ot.~,ers.
Ar ticl. e Thirty-two.
'To see if ~e to;vn ~ill vote to r~i~e and approp~'iate the
sum of five hundred dollars to re'surfac~ Fores~ ',Ingal'ls and Lacy
Streets, with cinders in places where n=sded. Petition .of Frederick
A. Rabs and others.
.Article _T. hir ty-ttu, e e.
To see if %he to:vn will vote to raise and
of money suflic~ent to construct a surfa~.e drain
Road,from Rail:.oad Avenue
Chorlton an~ ..'
0 ~ers o
appropriate a sum
on Saitonstall '
zo Cabot Road. Petition of'Percy A.
Town Eeeting ~arch ~ 19~.
-~'t icle Thirty-four.
To see if ~]~e town ~,'~ill vote--~o construct a surface drain, on
Green Street,comm~encing on the easterly side of Railroad Avenue and
following do~n Green Street on thc northerly side to the Sha~'~sheen
River,and raise and appropriate ~he sum~ of tin'es thousand dollars
for the same. Petition of Benjamin F. Hayes and others.
~rticle Thi r ty-~"iv_e_
To see if ~he to~,~;n ~,'~i~ll vote ~o appropriate~ money to lay
surface pipe on Thorndike Road from Sutton Street to Perley Road.
Petition of J.H.Loontjens and others.
-~rtic!e Thirty-sLw.
To see if the to~a~ ~'~ill vote to construct a surfao, e drain in
Bunksrhill Street, from Pleasant ~treet to ,~,~ayne Street, ~.nd raise-
and appropriate ~oney for %he s"~ane.Petition of Stephen Barbett and
Article Thirty-s, even,
To see if r, he town will vote' to raise and appropriaZe the
s,~u of six hundred dollars to pay for damages to the property of
"~':ffilliam Crabtree at hauber ~32 l[iddlesex Street, caused by defective
surface drain. Petition of J~cs 2. Daw ghR others.
..,Article Thirty-eiEht.
TO see if the town will vote to extend the water main on
Massachuset'ts Avenue from -~ernwood Street to .Railroad Avenue and
will raise and appropri.,te a su~ ~,ufficient therefore° Petition
o~' the Board of Pubiic' ~forks.
A~'t icle Thirty~fine.
To see if.~he town wil~' vote to' extend ~he ,:/stet main on
Park Street from its pre~ent ~erminus near bhe Franklin School
.to ~in Str~et and ~ill raise ~r~a appropriate a s~ sufficien~
therefore.. Petition ~f ~he Board of ~blic ~/orks~
.~t ~le 'Fo~
· ' To see if the
,~-- vote to rai=e and app~'oprimte
sufficient money to ,lay ~ ~a~er main on 1.~orman Road,from Railroad
A~enue to Buskin 'h~m~ '
g Road.letmtaon of Leonard Firth and others.
~ticle ~orty-one.
To see if the to~n ~'~ili vote to raise by bond issue or
· ,~' otherwise a suffici~n~ s~ of money to extend its w~cr system
'. from a point near ~Le residence of ~o~ O. Thompson to the
residence of ~Zil!i~m Ao
approxim~te!y O00 feet.
Meeting ~'ch 4, 1929,
Salois on Appleton Street,a distance of
Petition of ~illi~ A. Salois ~nd others.
Article Forty-two.
To see if ~hc ~own,will vote to raise and appropriate a
sufficient stm~ of money ~o install ~ ~r main f~om its prese~m
terminus on Tdrnpi~:e Streem,ms far as ~he 2arnmn SchoolJ Petition
of Herbert Smith ~n~ others.
Article Fo~ty-three.
TO see if the ~own'of ~orth Andover will vote to .lay water
mains on the following s~ree%s ~nd raise ,and appropriate money for
the 'same.to wit:
Autran Avenue,running westerly from Massachusetts Avenue,for
a distance of fifteen hundred feeZ.
Adams Avenue,runuing westerly fromM assachuse%ts Avenue for
a distance of fourteen hundred ,feet.
Martin Avenue, running w~sterly from Massachusetts Avenue for
a distance of twelve hundred feet.Petition of Fred Yardley and others,
,..Article Forty-four.
To see ii' the mown will vo~e ~o-eztend the sewer main cn
Pleasant Street from Burd:erhill Stz'eet. %o 0sgood Stre~m,and raise and
approp~imte sufficient money therefore. Petition of the Board of Pub.%'Jks.
~rticle Porty-f~ye.
To see if ~he ~own will vote ~o construct a sewer on. Upland'
Streem,'from its present tez-minus northerly, a distance of two hundred
and fifty feet and will raise and appropriate sufficient money thehefore.
Petition of Merle McArthur and others.
%~t~cle Forty-six.
To see if the town will vo~e to rais~ and appropriate suf!'icieht
money ~o install a sewer on Norm~nRoad,from Railroad Avenue to BuckingJ
ham. Road. Petition of Leonard Firth and others.
Article Forty-seven.
To see if ~e ~own ~;iil vo~e ~o raise aud appropriate,sufficient
money ~o pay l'or extcnding the sewer from ~he point ~here it.,now ends,
easterly 686 feet on Prescott Street. Petition of Gordon Curr~eT & others.'
To see if the to%mwilL vote to extend the sewer along Sutton
Street from number 320 Sutton Strea$, its present '~erminus, to the
residence of Fred F. Greene number 404 Sutton Street, and raise and
TO see
· system on the
.Tow___n. Eestinj~_E~:rch 4 1929.
V,'arr ant____~
appropriate money ;'or She soz~e. Petition of Fred F. Greene & others.
Article Forty-nine.
To see if %he tov~n ¥~ill vote to accept the following streets:-
Autran Avenue,running westerly from l~assachusetts Avenue, a distance
of 1795 feet, m6re or less.
Adams Avenue, running westerly from 5~ssachusetts Avenue, a distance
.of'1580 feet, more or less.
l,~arti, n Avenue,running westerl~ from ~ass~chusetts Avenue, distance of
1~45 feet,more or less,
Bacon Avenue, running westerly from Eassachusetts Avenue,a distance
of ~04 feet, moro or less.Petition of Fred Yardley ~nd others.
Article Fifty...
To sec ii' ~he tov~n will appropriate money to construct a tar
sidewalk on the west.er!y side of Thorndike Road from the corner of
Sutton Street to Perley Road.Petition of Ralph Pratt and others.
Article__ Fifty-one.
if She term wil.1 vote to extend its street lighting
Salem Turnpike,from Wilson'e Corner as far as Boston
.Street and r.,~ke provision for the pay~:~ent of the same. Pet[tioh of
Clarence ¥~. Farnum and others.
Article Fifty-two.
To see iii' the tov~n ~ill vote to discontinue as to:';n %;~ys or
priv. ate to¥~n ways, under chapter eighty-two of the General La~s,all
or any or any of the fellowing sections or streets or ways i~ th~
town ,n~mety; (1) Chestnut StFeet,from the residence of Robert Hedge
to Stiles St~-cet;(2)3;illov~ Street from Turnpike S2reet to HillSide Rd.';
· (3).Rea Street from Johnson Street to Sunm~er Street;(4) Appleton Street
from the residence of Willi~m~ A. Salois to South Bradford Street;
(5) South Bradford Street from Dale Street to Salem Street; aHd.(6)
Forest Stz'eet from Liber. ty St'~'eet to the Boxford town line; of as an
. alternative, to see if .the .to:',.'n will vote to instruct the .S'el[ect~en
as officers having ch~rge of Zhe laying out of highways,in conjunction
with the Conu'~i~tee on Roads,to petition the County Commissioners,
under Chapter 289, of %he ~%cts of 1924,for relief from the obligation
of keeping all or any p,~rt of said ~;ays. in repair. On petition of the
Committee on Roads.
Article Fifty-three.
.To ~ct upon any otl~er business ¥;hich may legally be considered
Town I[eetin~. March &.~ 1929.
at this meeting.
And you are directed to serve this warz'ant by posting true
and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall,and at five or more
public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not
more than fifteen d~yc nor less. than ten ~ays before the time of holding
said meeting.
Hereof fail nob and ms~e due re~wrn of this warrant with
your doings .thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the tL-~e and place of
holding said meeting.
Given und2r our hands at ~o~'th Andover this thirty-first
day of .January in the year of our Lord one .thousand nine .hundred and
Harry C. Foster.
Joseph P. EcDonough.
P~rry Ainsv~rth.
~'e!ectmen of l~orth Andover.
"..Precinct Officers.
¥;arden Albert ~itchetl.
Clerk. Lloyd Nearing
Inspec. John E&Donald
Inspec. ~illia~EcCarthy
Bal.Clk.Timothy Healey
Bal.Otk. James Smith
.~recinct One.
Dep. W~rden.
" Clerk
I, ~nspec.
Pre~inct Two__
~arden. Herbert E.EcQuest-~ Dep. '#arden
.Clerk. Harry Hichelmore " Clerk
Inspec. Ernes% ,a~nwrzght ~ " Inspec~
. Inspec.
~al.Clk~Edw~rd Sullivan '~ ~al.Clk.
Precinct Three.
~arden. Uilliam Dep.
Clerk. Fred ~. Clark " Clerk
~nspec~ John A.~orrissey " I~spec.
Inspec. ~mes Hennessy " Inspec.
Ba!.O!k.Ohris~opher Flanagan " Bal.Clk..
Bal.Clk.Lewis Broad,cad. " Bal.Clk.
Precinct Four.
'~arden. Charles H.Driver Dep. Warden
Clerk. Jam~os DeAdder " Clerk
Inspec. Sidney C.Rea ~' Inspec.
Inspec. Same~%J. Dillon " Inspec.
Bal.Clk.Herbert j. Meade '" Bai.~lk.
Bal.Clk.George A.Rea " Bal.Clk.
John Donne!ly
Ra~ond Hughes
Lawrence. A.Grogan
Huber~ Wilcox
Edward McCar.thy
John B. Lewis
Frank McEvoy
~iiliam Roberts.
George Leacock.
Ralph Pratt
James Taylor
Harold Holt
William p. Parker
Rennie Bo~omley
George Greenwood
John B. '~rnite
RaYmond ~eil
George R.Barker
Vim. Donahue
'#m. F. Lawlor
Fred D.Vrni~tier
~oym MeetinE ~[~rch 4~ 1929.
Warrant ..
Officer's Return.
North Mas.~., Feb. 1929.
I have notified the inhJ, bitants of the town of North
~dover, qualified to vote in electiom~ and town affairs, by posting
true and attested copies of the warrant at the Town Ha~l and at five
or more public places in each voting precinct; s~id copies having
been posted not more th~ fifteen d~yu nor less than ten d~y~ before
the ~e of s~id meeting,
~ticle One.
At a legal meeting o'~' the i~abitants of ~he .tm~m of
North ~dove=, qu~ifi~d t0 vote in elections and town affairs,convened
in the E~ine House in precinct one,the Merr~ack Portable Schoolhouse
~ precinct two, the Union School in precinct t~ee ~d the Town ~ll
in precinct four, ~reeably ~o the requirements of the .foregoing w~rant,
business was transacted and votes for the
were as follower-
Whole number of ballots cast
Vote by'precinct.
officers named on the ballot
P r e c i n c t s . Totals.
,,1 3 4
Moderator for one year
Arthur P. Chickering .462
Bl~nks. 295
Town Clerk for one
Joseph A. Duncan 548
Blanks 210
To~n Treasurer for one year,
Gordo~ Currier 545
Selectme.___~n for ono
Harry Ainswor~h 365
Joseph V. ~lan~gan 323
I!~rry C. Foster 341
James P. H,ainsworth 355
Joseph.P. McDonough
Blanks 437
581 495. 455 1993
241 193 211 491
653 552 541 2294
169 136 125 640
645 531 '526 2247
177 157 140 68?
353 411 1594
255 196 1067
306 450 1610
444 303 1459
212 368 1466
514 270 1606
Town Meeting March
Article One.
Highway Surveyor for one year. 1 .2
John H, Milnes 371 334
~il!ard H. Poor 581 477
'Blanks 6 11
School Committee for three years.
Charles A. Appleton 2Z9 43?
Margaret J. ]~ane 242 14~
Albert E. Roberteon 224 19I
Blanks 63
Assessor for three yes_rs.
Edward E. Cur!ey 491 801
Blanks 267 22t
Audito~ for one ,year.
James ¥I. Elliot%
Blanks 21g 209
'Board Pub. Wk__s~ tkree years.
Bernard F. Hughes 49~
~obo% Stevens 227 458
Blanks 55 55
T~axColIectqr for one year.
$ohn J. Oostello 608 70~
Bla~ks 1§0 &17
~oard ,Pub. ~elfare for_one year.
., Harry J~Lnsworth 355 46~
,,. $~seph V. Flanaga~ 311
Harry C. Foster 334 504
.~ ~ 'James P. Hainsworth 348 350
. ~oseph P. McDonough 458 41~
Bla~s . ~88 &32.
Constables for ;one year.
~thur ~. Bo~agne= 307 527
~ ~ohn E. Fenton ~02
Fred L. S~gent ~5 521
' ~lace E. Torte 445 555
H~old W. Tyning 372 592
Au~st.ine ~. Wmlsh AS0 &10
Clyde Richburg
4, 1929.
190 .
43 ?
Tree Warden for
.Tow__n Meeti. ng Ma-~ch . 4~ 1929.
one year.
One. ..
P r e c i n c t ..s-'-- Totals..
i 2, 3 4
John J. Connors 576 657 546 493 2252
Blanks 182 185 142 173 '682
Board of Health f. or three years.
George Otis Eaton 340 290 330 220 1180
Fr~k ~. Frisbee 302 431 285 340 1358
Blanks 116 101 73 106 396
After a careful canvass of the count made by the
preczuct officers, the Board of Registz~az's find that the follov~ing
persons received the highest number of rot'es and were therefore
declared elected.
Town Clerk~
To,yrn Treasure~
HiEh~vay Surveyo~
School_Committee. ·
Assessor of Taxes.
Public ~orks.
Tax Collector
Public ~elfare
Tree War,den
Board of .~!ealth
Date when sworn.
Arthur P. Chic]:ering
Joseph A. Ouncan M~rch 11, 1929
Gordon Cu~rie~ March 4, 1929
tI~rry Ainsworth March 4~ 1929
it~rry C. Foster Ma~ch 5, 1929
Joseph P. McDonough March 9~ 1929~
Willard H. Poor March 1~, 1929
Ct~rles A. Appleton
Edward E. Curley
J~es ~. Elliott ~ch 8, 1929
Abbot Stevens ~arch 11, 1929
John J. Coztello March 4, 1929
H~ry Ainswort~ ~rch 4, 1929
H~ry C. Fo~er March ~, 1929
Joseph P. McDonough March 9, 1929
John H. Fenton March~ 4, 1929
Fred L. Sargent March 5, 1929
~allmce E..Towne March 4, 1929
~'old W. Tyning ~rch 7, 1929
Augustine J. W~l~h M~rch 5, 1929
~ohn J. Connors. M~ch 5~ 1929
Fr~. Frisbee M~ch 5, 1929
Town l~eet~_~
Recount Petitions.
$.e.l.ectmen and Board of Public Welfare.
l~o~%h Andovcr,Eass. County of E~sex,M~rch 5,1929.
To the Town C!erk,~orth Andover,Eass.
We the undersigned legal voter~ of the Town of Korth Andover,
~ass., do say that ,~;c have reason to believe and do b~lieve that recordz
made by Election Officers of Precinct one, two, three and four of the
Town of ~orth Andover, M~ss., at ~he .~nnual Town Election held
4, 1929,are erroneous in tn= following p~rticulars, that the result
of voting for ~he offices of Select~en and Board of Public Welfare
was erroneously determined and announced by said election officers
of said precincts one, ~wo t~ee and four, that vote~ cast for one
candidate for said offices haw been counted and allo~e& to other
candidates for said mentioned offices and that other vo~e~ %?hich
should have been allo~ed one or more candidates for s~id offices
have been counted mnd recorded as blank votes.
Therefore ~e hereby petition that a recoun~ be had of vomes
cast in precintc one, two tt~'ee and four a~ said election for the
offices of Selectmen and Board of Public Welfare, believing
aforesaid errors will effect the election of the candidates for said
Names." Residence April
Miles Longbottom 59 Mass. Ave.
~ohn S. Farre!l ~9 Eass. Ave.
Harold'Wood 48 Eaas. Ave.
Elizabeth R. Hains~ortk ll8 Union
Catherine L~nc 1£0 Union
.~lice M. Barrington 25 Bevcr!y
Eary ~arwick 9 Beverly
~D~ude Peel £2 Suffolk
Mary A. Dawe ~9 Marblehead
Ida E. Roesch 248 Eiddlesex
~Iorth ;~udover, March 5, 19~9.
Then appeared Elizabeth R. Hainsworth and ~de o~th ~o the
truth of %he ~ · ·
~ozegoang statement.
Joseph a. Duncan
Justice of the Peace.
Received Earch 5.,1929,at ~:Z0 P.E.
· oseph A. Duncan To~.~ Clerk.
We hereby certify that eleven of the foregoin~ signers are
legal voters. F. Orris Rea. ' Harry F. Cunningha~,Patrick C )n
c[ of
To~'~n ~[e et~ng ~arch 4 ~__1_929.
.R. ecount. Highway Surveyor_
l~or th Anaover
To the To:'~n Clerk ot' _ZTorth Andow-:r:
~oceph Cr~btree
Ethel Eary Timmons
Zewis A. Sanderson
Frank J. Ti~ons
~illiamL. Smith
Alfred Sanford Jr.
Fran~ Coppinger
Ilene ~arrcw
Edmund Farrow
Philip Donnelly
North Andover,
~'k~rch 6, !9~9.
of this petition ire
Joseph A. Duncan,
· ustice of the Peace.,
We hereby certify that ten of %he signers
legal voters in the tovm of North Andover.
F. Orris Rea
Harry F. Cunningham
Patrick C. Cronin
.Board of
· Voters.
Received Earch 6,1929,
at. 3 o'clock P.M.
Joseph A. Duncan,
Town Clerk.
W~, the undersigrzcd legal voters of the To~n of North
Annoyer, do say that ~;e h~ve reason to believe and do believe that
records made by election officers of precincts one, t~o three and four,
of the Town of North Andover,at %he Anzmal Town Election held Emrch
4, 19E9,~as erroneous in the following particulars, that the result
of voting for %ne office of Highway Surveyor was erronously deter-
mined and announced by the said election officers of said precints
one, two three ~nd four, that votes cast for one candidate for said
office have been counted and allowed to the other candiaate and
that other votes %.~hich should h~ve b~en allowed to one or the other
candidate, have been recorded as bl~nk votes.
~e therefore petition that a recount be held of votes
cast in precincts one, two, three and four at said election for the
office of Hig~y Surveyor,believing that aforesaid errors will
affect the election of c~ndidates for said office.
Residence April 1,19£8.
33£ Eiddlesex Street
475 Stevens Street
~6 Salem Street
475 Stevens Street
771 Salem Stree~
250 Sutton Street
157 Pleasant
S? Saunders Street
~? Saunders Street
14 ~ater Street.
Narch 6, 1929.
.Personally appeared Joseph C~abtree and m.'?de o~th to the
truth of the foregoing statement.
..Recount- Public
I~orth Andover,k[arch 5,1929.
To ~be Town Clerk of l[orth Andover:-
We, the undersigned legal voters of the Town of liorth Andover,
do say that we have reason to believe and do believe that the records
made by the election officers of precints one, ~wo three and four.of '
the Tovm of -~To~.'th Andover, aZ ~he Annual Town Election held Earch 4,
1929, are erroneous in the following particulars,that the result
of the voting /'or %he office of Board of Public ?;orks was erroneously
determined and announced by said election officers of precints one,
two, three and four, ~:%at vo%es ca~,t for one candida~e for said office
have been counted and allowed to the other candidate and them other
vozes v~hi'ch shoul~ have been allowed one or the other candidate 'l'or
said office have been counted and re~orded as blanks..
.~herefore, we. n6reby pe{ition thaz a recounz be had of vomes cks~
an precincts one, ~wo, three and four, a~ said election , on the offi'ce
of Board of Public %'lorks, believing that aforesaid .e~rors Will ~affect
the elec~ion oi' ~he candidates for said office. -
Alfred E. Garneau
John~E. Garvey
Francis L. Doran
Arthur J. Enaire
JohnH. Campbell
Corne!i~S ~. Hogarth'
· ill~m J. Dryden
· ose~h'E. Finneran
Santo Die.ufo
Louis E. EcAloon
Arthur Garneau
Dennis J, 0'Eeil
Eargare~ O'l~eil
John.F., O'NeiL
Harold ~. TyHing
Residence Apr~i
59 Railroad Avenue.
18~ ~iddi~sex Street.
~0 Hodges Streem
69 ~ater Street
Eain Street.
9 Cleveland Street
144 Eain Stree~
Railroad Avenue.
229 ~idd!esex Street
17 Third Stree~
59 R~iiroad Ave.
111 Chadwick Stree:.
111 Chadv;ick Street.
llt Chadwick Street.
9 Ashland Stree~
North Andover, rEarbh ?,19~9.
Personally appeared Harold %y. Tyning and m~de oath ~o ~he. ~ruth
of the foregoing petition.
Receive& ,k-~.ch 7,i929,
at 9.o'clock A.H. Jozeph A. Duncan,
Joseph A. Duncan Justice of the Peace.
.To,~-n Clerk. ~e hereby c~rtify that ~en or more of the foregoing
signers are legal voter of the Tovm of ~orth Andover.
F., Orris Rea. Harry F. Cunningham
Patrick C. Cronin
i of Rog of I,~orth love=.
Tov~n' ~{eeting l{arch .4,... 1929'._
Recount of Vo~es cast for Offices of Selectmen, Highway
Surveyor, Board of Public Works and Board of ~blic ;;'elfare.
S~z~urd~y ~rch 9.~ 1929,
We., the Board of Registrars of Voters of !Torth Andovc~, do
certify that the following is. the result of a recount of votes ~de
by ~his Board in ~he offices of Selectmen, Highway Surveyor,Board
of ~blic ~'~orks ~nd Board of ~blic ~elf~re.
Candid~t e s.
~arry Ainsworth '
Joseph' V. 2lanagan
H~rry C.
faJaee P. ~'insworth
· b~eph P. McDonough
~Mhway Surveyor.
~o~ H. Eilnes
Willed. H. Poor
~oard o~ lbtic ~orks.
Bernard F. Hughes
Abbo~ Stevens
Board o~ ~blic Vf~lfar~.
~rry ilnsworth
· oseph V. ~lanag~
Harry C% Foster
f~es P. ~insworth
· oseph P. McDonough
· priginal Count
H. F. Cunningham
P. C. Cronin
F. 0r~is Rea
Joseph A. Duncan
Board of
Registrars of