HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-07-31 Town ~eeti - July- 1. 1929. Article A, continued. the location of gravel pits within the tovm which might be secured by the town to advantage and which would serve the town for many years; 'The committee reported that t~e cost of thio survey would not be more than $200o00. i Voted ~o raise and appropriate the sum of Two Eundred Dollars, the amoun~ mo be included in the ~ax levy of the current year. This appropriation ~o be opent under the supervision of the Committee on Roads; Voted that thio meeting express ~o ~. Poor, Highway Surveyor, its deep reg~e~ and sYmpathy for during his great suffering, as a result of explosion of teak containing hot tar. Adjourned Towz~ lleel;i .. Jul. 39 '1929,, Toz~n l!eel;i ~ 'JuI~ ~l 1929~' Esoez · ~onwealth of Igassachuse~ts~_ · o either of the Constables of ~orthAndover: · · Greeting: In the name of t~e Commonwealth, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabiman~s of ~orth Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet and assemble in the ~ourt Room, Tov.~ Buildir~, on ~onday July 29,1929, at 7~50 p. H~ then and there ~o act upon the. following business:. Article l~ To see if the town wlll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hund~red Dollars(S200;00), for election expenses. Also to meet and assemble £n the following appointed places, namely; the Engine Eouse in voting preciuct one, Merrimack Portable School in voting precinct two,the Union Schoolhouse in voting precinc~ three and the Town Eall in voting precinct four, in Said North Andover, on Wednesday $6 Tovm Meeting July 29~1929,. ~uly ~l, 1929o at i2 o'clock noon, for the purpose of electing m Eighway Surveyor, to fiji vacancy. Tie polls shall be open from 12 o'clock noon until 8 o'clock P. ~; And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinctJ Said copies to be posted not more than 'fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail no~ and m~ke due return of this warran% with your doings thereon, to the To~rn Clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover this eighth day of ~uly in ~he yes~ of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine~ Harry C..~oste=o ~oseph P. McDonough. Harry Ainswortho Selectmen of North Andove=. ~orthAndover, Mass;, July 15,1929. Officer's Return. I have motifie& the lnhabitamts of the Town of Eorth Andover, Qualified ~o vote in elections and ~own affiars,by posting true and a~es~ed copies of this warrant, a~ the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct; said copies having been posted no~ more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. ~redL. Sargent, Constmble. $? Tovm Eeeting July £9~ 1929. .Article i Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of two hundred dollars and that such amount be included in the tax levy for the current year. Town l[eetinE July 31~ 19£9, HiEhway Surveyor to fill vacancy. Total number of ballots 247? Candidates. P r 1 John H. M/lnes Mary E. Poor Blanks Totals e c i n ¢ t s .~otals. 2 S 4 563. 398 387 419 1567 284 276 140 180 880 7 7 3 3 20 654 681 530 602 2477 ,% t~rue COl~Y, Attes::