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· Town Meeting July 51, 1930,
To either of the ~onstab!es of North Andover:
In the name. of the Uo~monwealth o£ Haesachusetts,
you are hareby required, to notify and warn the inhabitants
of North And. over, who are qualiz'ied to vot.e in Town Affairs,
to meet and assemble in the Town Hall, on Thursday July 51,
19~0, at eight o'clock P. ~,, then and %mere %o ac~ upon
the ~ollowing business:
Article 1.
To see if the tov~n will indemnify the Oommonwealth
of ~assachusetms against any and .all claims for lan~ grade and
· d~ainage damages v~ichm~y be caused~by or result from the laying
ou~ and cons%ructio~ of State Highway from a point at oi~.nea~
Stevens Corner, so called, mo Zhe junction of ~ndover and Peters
S.tree~, ~n North Andove=~ or any section or relocation thereof,
and wi!~ authorize ~he Board of Selectmen to sign an indemui~y
agreement therefor, or take any other action with respect thereto,
Article 2.
To see i* the tovm will vote to discontinue the way
known as Appleton Street, running ever the railroad bridge,
£ro~ a point near the residence of ~Mr. Phelps, on Salem
Stress,to Dale Street.
To act upon any o~ner business which may legally be
considere.d a~ this meeming,
. And y~u are directed to serve this warrant by posting
true and atmcs~ed copies thereof a~ the To~ Hall and at five or more
public places in each vo~ing precinct: said copies to be posted
not more ~than fifteen days nor !ess than ten days beforc the time
of holding said meeting,
Hereof fall no~ and make due re~urn oi' this warran~
with your doing~ thereon at ~he time and place of holding said
Given 'under our hands at North Andover this fourteenth
day~ July A._~j one thousand nine hundred and thirty.
Ho.try ~oster- ~oseph EcDonough .... James P. Hainsworth Sele~ ~ Andover
~' 0 V~ N ~E E T I N ~; ~'ul. 31 1930..
,Ar,ticle ,, ,2.
5o see if the town will. provide,either by taxation
or' transfer, a sum not in excess of seven hundred[S700.00)
dollars to be used by the Highway'Surveyor, dollar for dollar
with money which may be received from the Boston and Maine
Railroad, to dismantle the bridge in Dale Street over the old
Essex Railroad in the Marbleridge district and to reconstruct
Dale Street at that location.
0ffi.c.~r ' s Return
North Andov. er, july. -19, '~950.
Ih ave notified the inhabitants of North Andove~,
· qualified ~o vote in town aff~irs,~by postir~ true and atte'sted
c~pies of this warrant, at the~TcwnHall and at five or more
public places in each voting.precinct;said copies, having
been posted no~ more than ~ifteen days nor less them ten
days before the time of holding sail meeming.
~red L. Sargent~
Under said warran~ action was :taken as.follows ~
Art~ql, e, 1.
The moderator called upon Roland ~. Earris, 'chairman
of the committee 'on roads t~ speak on this article.
Harris' told. of the various conferences he had had with,
~he State Board of Public W6rks in regard to carAng
for future f~raf~c~problems which is bound ~o occur
in North Andover due to more direct'routes from~os~on
~o points north. Eeveral of the citizens through whose land
the proposed relocation would run m~de vigorous opposition
but the project was s'tron~ly supported by those who, could
see a benefit to town at la'ge.
After a great deal of discussion a motion to strike
from the warrant was made. A vote ~taken by show of hands
Town Meeti ~ul 31
on striking from the warrant resulted in 102 voting for and
150 against taking out of the warrant and the article remained
in the warrant.
The following motion made by Mr. Harris was adopted
1~. the town
Voted~ That the Tov~ of North Andoverwill indemnify the
Commonwealth of M~ssachusetts. to the extent of fifteen
thousand dollars, agminst any and all claims for land,
grade and drainage damages which ms~ be caused by-or result
from the laying out, alteration, construction or reconstruction
of the.State Highway from Stevens Corner to the junction of
Andover and Peters Streets in said Town, or any section or
relocation thereof, and the Board of Selectmen be authorized
to sign an .indemnity agreemen~ therefor in behalf .of the ~own
· indemnifying the Commonwealth as aforesaid to said exten~
The m~uner of voting was by yes and no ballot~ 167 voted
in'the affirmative and-ll5 voted in the negative and there
were 2 blanks~
Voted to strike this article from the warrant
and that the 'Selectms, n andElghway Surveyor see that the
road is properly marked as a dangerous road,for travel.
.,,Ar. tiole 3~
Voted to raise the sum of seven hundred dollars,'
and appropriate so much thereof as may be required for
the removalof the bridge in Dale Street over the location
'of the Railroad at.Marbleridge, on condition tha~ t~e
Boston and Maine Railroad shall pay to 'the town for tha~
purpose a sum equal'to one 2~alf o~ the expense incurred
in said ~roJect: said apprcDriation.and ~ayment. to be spent
under the dire~tion of the ~urveyor of Highways.
Arti.c. le 4.
'Total number voting at meeting 282.
A true color,
Town~ Clerk.